CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 5 Nov 1897, p. 6

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tu b. be amura bW0 an& aihitpgbah iother enututy bas éo vii h Ma. have te «# or _thwe lhe liaIb swu et mla int- ~q.Btlb. udu. ei; nMals. Tieoe k wsbrie-caimO ove M4 aonise. titi bolas » aaWetb.u tie. b.b- g baltterliving 1lite1b mat Arm i thit ibue M agently up te lte borne r'as au it m ias- I.l vlethlm DmSeet Weam casa unit m bodUas. viici voeead- »MW 71lte eoitat aflp Irmepeetiveofet@ma SpM van re r horwei wmuai' v "iii uuuii. ýNos.. v as aittilu- acIer for boep«"V» koh. À iilug Vas iii ibsugttlasiraitfat th ltem ap -même eacm e decill talPualsitu py Il vas mtai ont titi ums. lu lhe sanier laye a eilem miacrrieL.The »s varaMln, otil nse m et men broit e bish Upped ia alomelte eat Bat@ pont- Revwu tien r-four boura te bave lb. ied)oti vbicitlua mplen- Wi rohuab tb lerlaptts adblsp afetlasoe he rsuliliacs taimaie us lb0t tb vlctlm ft et oa viersOumaslburmel - ~evidec m hi thalter voeeas 0, lIe lsv ai Ibm otats fer bla patmientt. e 0es10.- MW ibff t labos. TitisM«awa ta aavMgm& trou theto tvublp t-ales.1Mi Ibm raison for att.mptlag he dive Wule vert> vathat ho *mMWastbea ber- den upen te laxpaama et ibm hum- ddtp Attor the vblppla b.e fusaith accept turthsr ailun a u t qt ts,b et anotbs beatieg and bis UIMasie ualgbbeua contibutal te bis a--teatliM bewasanble teroterhle h. Bêla rqrapete, le b.a quietl lavçOnkl me and vas nover sommai oft ms A cas la MomennI-~baloQum grec nination m ioug thme irnulvw. lut ttiiaeca vas fia t lte -Mloh- et a vueu naucouat of aua propai' coiucL. Rer boba" esi diai a eur betore, anm wutavia hta eulilate a pieua et Poor laid amaue a living for butifa"it iIvamal ch&- dma. Sme vas thea suociste et ber mnnec Meigb rs, uhbr al«té"a lt.e coumtry e cI4 ,ami vemenbai éer breâlté or aI&OMsM b ber- sUé vas laken trom ber borneetaI 1l9M ni tbram ai viit a wbiplg le cW i Mi ot hava ltee Igbbrhai.Oa bu Pteeuaplodiai anva bar am lb. pain vamilndlgnty vbimýb- ie Villa Cape inteal ýtta lhiI. lla UN l boitait et lia White cap gsgabotls et tae coutp ltatIti va as Ut t muer ta tits outrage, anidtat oce of OU immbeaver. prouant. ba th'lbdUa vite bave appeal ed .r~ int lte Ibis tact as au aIlllaél auaefer te labaalig oethle urgitma.fer il illusrated that ap bie..onls ame. A KENTUCKV WOMAN Witat.mWoeuDle IMM*"ah Pli deat etame Unis ed @Umm mmes.Zapbime I. RouI, vit%.If .t vire elactml 1telta P*uiagi t Ibm .ameaufome-Ser 5bU. lan a tuehyver »Min aaai beau maumtiesa aa mIlMtir te Prueiuti lmemlumtioll M is. HanapfSus uaYpu-.boas met la Keutcip' sma a 0"Ci as la 0" etef l. a.intamiou" - lahMU" Nevas.. Hp hlai*dbia aui lebae aMi -bap (bma " '.aibaludw mBS hm b pIs WitU bu aaltivu "AuaWC oresa wàà bas. l s'q ba lim70 Whithe Mh rWO tis a vs et itas toulsat ses batore Napalms.wus.bori L1%0 lb k romibesi fteffly a besfl e bnvL Bar M&«te dualat M ami br mthar at M. Har brother. a mambar et IM bwgwatume.boa isiewai ape dMame, Nias rothors Came te AMMln ,Wba abs wu40 te " a Ive p yuma tu Om aliaamthon came hphUsil- pbg. wberie baa u iai avariai , - -6 Ia bg rsatiai u b t""aesp laIcor Ubii. a bs u mE tbe altalUsbaveag nsW ama " UNr.auuM OeL- sl. ats pagers .Me&nllp mi als a UBtuvi m a" ulsn e .l lui ama ummsawandem"B b uewla imu egghyel pa-m ,.V" et-W#Mtb'm a mOal WIIITICAPS AT THEIR COWAR»LY WOWL hy Tbop tock te reglaliug m Îib.tiim- babee.seiabanda t] Mt Tboy Peaiasi petiyà w tevictimetfvicevith tI bnrfty tbey -bad metel eut i MMg sud telafflgsimtulmas.v beei quszvesa.pty bale. andt *Mes vsr. mals thc sub- n file capplng mod poltilsc- b i M(l 'PR I pa te teoutrages. 9 >gmnocaU I uanad touent dppI nd ul mitte le tee-i $@Omble. la atili more casesi rty et tae vicîtta vaws con-1 I taeit pesucurs. The or-1 Ibecame Ia andi sdmlIttd ivWouel Il le trenkt tiet qd&,, Men lt ivondmtitrees , *4 hte Csp tort on titeir Rgut ni lb. parent organisa- il-lsaitcharte&r tit crimas menmuoft Ieht tbal ne W *t t celaIe au bw tte petit: lova .The s«Os coma te the front, aw4 lixf tas àorlaiel alter. ilaqif onet tliterile. ut- thtteguity mon ma mot izarai ravivai Bnivbah, l admgaihcaoing mue%' -- w cSiacie. a ter. la mmtimula fates of ou Ibuat et lia ~cl5aitaI theoro»mn- VIe &"ha p 'nelabi VI resakai hita esuagi la s existence.. Tb@e wue esevm uraiam à" etsowgir. evideace gitait tie fton tha bl.cala- r;liasi«be ale th Prolma ths receut outragea bave by exeeptiamu bru- -tte villas bave eMt- mamue bain# huev - ers ianà pealUe le tboerlites, la Breu -mia voufl ,il -a latter were tahea oui et taoit cutin. tit tair lit aui temasives ly vitit tbrentue ai, la abotber nly a Manuvau a physicin tas itapsalis Ber fater vau Capt. Baul William- son. a sicamboal Mun luelb layaet the biotiag palaces oet lie OhI ni Mlississippi. Bler tather liaie ab d was veryYoung, but ber ustitar kom*a atter lte chilsud tascaraul tintéem wua given a liberal ni a gonldaluca- lion. TitI cild evinced a aganl 0- et-n for munic, ald site la ta-day laus et-n 'say a capable musicis As a pool hMesHenr baule n godsue- -e»'. Bier verses bave te li. ring asnd bave been vtlelY usPIeSlula0li ne's-pnpera ufthb.couetry. iiPrAosm ut Pate" tIn eapeciallyiyl kuotaL. er butabond, CapI. william Hem. w»as n oat-r lu the Coutlemte amy ai servet i ttdistnin en uthe aide et the n ua M eNPi . magamy louI ber oelpso. Titia ~i«M, a1 glom @Pm erultofeUbwanh Ua te Ilgitea b ber wte5k t iu ' -a-. Met de. net dleam a e t bu -i- ai - l'.ieleel, but bar thi aitoulb. nie Jmt aà vig me m ta"s bad some lhope aI »Ms.dlasla tBe future of belag tseamnU ia amm- Islu'te Miay-l tender vitp Cwi eh lp represeutt-i as a Iabyl jact-probaly ho cats U Mi tusets vitb au iely dIs. b lg t& %n tustuttcient amouat et wtig - pereL mammatbi Udamamwg. mma1,F* J. Cusse. Bd W"fts., ile. bas s itydrs«M pm eUa geaiom ta hft cevrsu &%me*nt uM $%Vf etet spi basMW- '» 1 oias «4i*"l8S.l. - i tivilllein ltn lte lucranai liii aeng son venîthiar yeumg people fer eemlry livingniulte branler aui more titeomo Ittreats ateulas suam maitn existence. Tteuty-live yerai » - ve ftailabie peoul mrIpif star. quillel *0 grouve la viticittbey &a1 »eol.TWi etra es@- lt wtthlit 10vlits e aablevu- @W» efront Ilu valsa. the amller m&W hms mura-fer ecollalNlewport. sm mm*. olier vrnls g pàlalu mr o' lte tou perulny Amrea ashai lom eoritnding logeibur ia lb. grei itels ai Variens rameoes tht lay. Thet eh ystugs.enet ltaIgem eatglis. Smai thiepleasaras u laua tag ami hnag, ftati ivag M 'ea i-aveu as or asetrleu nu" liin lT.e eomparatively reeul lev*Iepman et viabsai ete b. an Amerlea eW sure clons bas bal unîeuitteiby a grenu duel te dle tlth.ebshuffl latic tnp et living and ltlta« ameng lia fau loable pugelr met, bot euemunitum uMasnertab»thse Iba lmluet tOu doe eporsa vitci tmpottel a or~l traum aglaul, ba u ltfha lasI leca W» mmsiaila the bealthy Amagle-r psaMlliioset ont racenu" pi-oluce a mpi admi vgo 0-usgrovei th e i tac t B hvbeitare appasM anlultse ph aimai develepueml et thé mpegmagu à ChIem "SPembeihmm AUaf lt.e swupesem et ItheS ans NaSes. ton MosMM beat em tu wia liB oum met: "ual lit Irase neduse Mxi UN*I. as aum lisIesb~pmerBt asgUm me -Mm tti WaON 0, M& a »M" e p Isci 1 bdoa et &OM Moh. aettintI ai -- b u tg thde 7«88 th I hi lie vi mal ss- ibi Uw «L@.h0 e Ut.cUas b i w v longe sqirel ite" o u a, bua Mem"auti e ihmg theas. vs ellmg moeoom&a 1 -'v e sa? Grat l laiti Who >ie. nsptay 1" "ne caimaha la su Amesecas1 spd. sereher: but wvitatimlgh 1 1 kme Dt--P% Neyer punlsit chilîren by atI tita on lte h«& .Tien re u k le ful. la to ethe lt. Ig Pi vWu rmadulslaiullugla pitcel t ilt> lte bon-toe. Thte b r.wSm or- is a pse age'.and vas le be aa eit-aupniitVorganistion entlrstly. As moen as aauaiaat u as psrtehd taya and meanustcre cnnvassd by whist fonda could be mu ifoS natteasa Instruments. Ilt as decedd to gîve a concert, whiet> pievel a g&" isuccesa flcalty, Kt hkb the baud msde Il@ lest appoarante Iusgoill. nie audimee mll entbtused oser teit 'playir-lt tas$e muet> - tltsUa vaeezpeeld. Tht e iies' Band aius a moments. Theu vhs. ttie e l-eIle ampaigu epene they Were at once lei domanit. The Ladiest kaud bit-ami tie tasiionnan s candidate ever titougiti et matLug a speech lu titeir neigh' laniteol tlitoulat -avingseicureai their sers-tces ne an attraction. Tier poput- blV lai tisa late citute cilei. pienica. etc.. unW no* ltey ares famouts trufiteut lte stire.Norbveat. UNCILE &AMI& F181 COMMISSION Iaaes-tgi rsuéet the Oovesuaeal e Wieitlte Public Knowslttie. Theto rt of lt.e United litate. Fiah csrnaislou ta panhapa as bllte uniter- afee b7 lte people ut the country lgen- Maur s an bemnch Ot the gavera- met Wblls il la Dot a divial01ofutaity mes et thesaine gent dspairtmenis, itla «intel ty lte Preudeat Pt lte United U lails oacar. are appeitled by rima" nthe e rt liia accompiiahing la «t grat Importance ta noveralIindus- t"lofethfe country. lua ore tea upply tn theuseaifor toseuh aitculture muet bc rcaorted la In «Mary hlkly-peplstel country, for titi tic ulmoet protection ltse dmand le aivwa ' pmeltia mrthebM mPPipau- lma»tue la sided ia ils production ot Sai. Benjamin jtaajms a mI other preulueulAmarosas vere atrong ad- vacalss et fiai culture nul pneltiemd gbe Ut*alstlu etfi9a utiti cloatag pestaet tla sI ceulury. but Ai vis am tuml lahelurr'10@ 1hat mucit at- tsntion vas glvaatlte matt ilathe U~miaI ftea- -At aboult Iislime ltse àamtiSc meaneorlte couthly%sgan te Invatlgate lie American utreaauansd thep tare moi long inallecoverIug ibat lis voe befmg rspily cleared oui. TbWay aprecuel grave tenrsta tIthb sisI valers mlgt lasebecotas dec!- huel of tlair Iaay Inhablants. Sheps vase very seen laiton I-y taedifférant lIstes lapeuvent auch a catastrophe; la 1M05Massnchustts appoitied lhe I lâSat ommunion; tln1808New York ap~oeated $1.000 for titicme pur- pess. Oaulually lte ther States bave tolisted suit until now almosi every eue baslilsBait commission. and stuc. tu am Itappropriationt Net Yort biau apeul over 08M,000 for this object. lIn 1M70Prof. Batidtien ot the lSmith- modnt Instituttei, lied Up asation at Woodis' Hallon lte southerut coast et Mssachustacts. at bis own expenue, sud mailalned It ftue cayeara. mut- tas many valuabie demonstraiouta ot viat could b. doue witb a batcbery. The malter of a national bah commis- sion vas brought ta uthe attention ut Congrusnul fie Preahdeat many tàue. butors syfatmg vas don, about i i, but te Febnur, 1871. Cengreas Pas'ed a joint resehulion thici tuhori'.ed the nypotalmnent ot a commiWaotututf ils% ani laiteries. Prot. Baird vas ap- polalel andI entered at once upon lbis Infue, ni bis siceunt service von for 11.55flteteftiet irs liait cultur- jet la the torl&lt nd placed lte Amer- jeanlatheries ta lte front ot aillothens. At the preseat lime lter, sa-e'.stations locateal i oaci te country. Théte tnluarlers ofthlitscommîssior la at Washington;It occupies lte oi asie-beaum arsenal lu tint part ut tht' mail wvebicn a eztgnated an Arnuoni squarenul la n plain tlu brick buid t.g vithoul n muggtstiou et exierior or mamealalion. Thetasasmentfloue là MW fiil it aquaria lnt viib la rutunu t aer and groving plantsand inalub lIaI iltail tind oft laites: lte test pan -t fldm ila Iisied lite a desî grolle and theshnging vinesa ni k»mes. ver the glass cases, le thici Ir Kt- ot it là. e- bil r *L te Sais.are svituinlg. mate the Iliu- alu perteout Il oflea bappons ibat lte om a ldeilcitnaituefor propagation ane seulta lte hasations over ltae country pie séadileg s.tie aide tracta oser theu igt a"lu ml bu Ibis la e oitleavery lastîUng 1 selte minuelu vhlcb est Smais naecar-iel trom place le Ti. otrament evas tI te aneru, fe Abstrue s ul fhe Iisht Ravi, vu*et ia MW 1up maguec.tly fer *0m puPene.'aU witieb amreUAaI-x glaivaIpfer hep M. ex1fbraIona. lhTbey a a" tit us. et inevu Wes it alnm«et. ho bave ellel imaemly th set lie velle kueagé cethlie Initabtant. of the lTe ponus for fiait culture ai Wasb- tugtou are net r froin te Wassilg- Ion menument oun te mail. and they ste nosneoflils mont attractive finturen. Bere iecimens o e iatare broughl and canetal axpatiments aremde te accli- mâtetofeanud bers. ieo, are talteet vuil quanuliie. utflte egga utftaheg of commence, thicit are sent lelite varions stations ail oser te country. Hypmtiing by Toeyone. Tb@e v»alerseoflits llepitene neyer «n&s. The latetbrougiti lu te atlen tisai, t te Net Yrt lecrilcal En- &le @ h bu paneiag 09 nyo»ng boy through the medium of the tele- phone at Houaton, Telss. It la ascii- less to surmiste, adula the Engtncer, that the subject was a pronouneed cataiep- tic; but thte tact brougbt f0 1181w would seein to indicate more atrongly thoan ever the necessty for a strinfl ati sw alrainst the promiscuolua priactice of hypuutising. The Engineer do" nfot Imagine tiait many persona could 1w ln- finenced iîypnoticaliy cuver the tel@- phono, yet It beilevés It wll tue jutina weii lu guard agaitat uch practices hy prompt and effective legioaUat.-San Francisco Chroulie. RAILROAD ISEO ON SPRINOS. 1Witt Lenau theiWear and Terno Techeanduj RolillStooek. 1 A raliroad bed on springs a bas en reccntly patn*-uth the lIonu et les- senging the wc.rgïd teares nuerracks 1and%iling stock. Tine tie consiste ot a body and a top section and Sn the top of the body of lbe tie, near eecb end, are groupedt four boles or receusa.loto gwhltb enter corregslpondiagis .flapo§ta on the under face of te top section. a speing bcng coiied &round eacb lutg or pont. and bearlng upon tbe upper face. àirl WoSaî eiin face hocwitn of the op cto. h ip hsart wtthmll ornpeoi h oflhd 11k.t ktew. 8h. lfa nver rraintogto npa yond ibaa s givee ne tboughi. S] turgetsibtal, unleie".llglon ta outht beart .tIlla ot nu valua.-Site basneftvë understood tatilla eut t e l prsper, Deue i ordy prayer thi- makam nu Impression on <lad, but li Il la tleji. lcere cepfronthe soul si peangte Hlm le vhlch Rlie ie Te religions Obam ema uuataly giy peu a lescripin ot ail the cealunI vota by ier seCt! ut citutc. Site es tel yeofelte amaouf tmoney put1 bp ni e ufleras tb. Platlatapam aleug.i. Stegoee ta churci tat observ lte outai. visible igu. and neveu,1 &Dy WUI lies a emesî about the il tard, aprtlutai grce." ait. but Net Killoti by a CannmouBal A unique distinction belougs lu a Robet 11ll'vinsun. K~. C. B.-Utat ot i, Ing the only sabliter wuho bas bec tnoctei oui tltemaudo by a canzac hall vithoul bing kll.d. Tht- uert cal torty-iwo-poOnd %hot la preacrvu by Lady Ratiliaun as un interestiv relic. At the Crimea*Sin Robeort wu ridutxg wtl a gruup of utiltw'y officer theut h announce is h'.Intentiont lurnlng bacin. Ai tit moment a ai trou the RumaaUtlnos came wviizt alunginla ront of itu, cuting lt eli anudpommel utfte saddle. and wtoi tng a teel puise tit irrilllcton agalual the r1der'a tlp-boe. V id by ftenres ai litcieli. lOBER OR STARTLING. FAITIt. iMm Mary Dvis. 82 years oid, dWs FULLY RECOREDdelutChiaglb.ritesteebeu letinoisoDnta D)r. C. H.Helnu bas beetu otected priait- Mletrottnits Girl Murderled lin Dnv'er sowiety. -Mysterlon.. A..a.tion at Fr«.- Clinipî)pîî". mine nt Couûi City wil re- port-l'liu in rt i I»àkIng Bioy r lacet-'%unie, paying the locale. Abolit 400mlner flirti hie Fut Io Proinerse lts Lite, go to tt!h.. - T. F. Kelly ot Chicugro hoballbin appoint. Wife Mlltrlrrnd for Mboner. Pd captîmini of thle olaborercorps,Ililinois .loseii.cS elheu, ra c - 1 yenr. or Nu Ueîual Ourd. agî-. rt :sied miitui -lllnd h'. 19- Washhbu.n & Myricloof Chicago su-re yersr-aeid wlfc lule Denver. Violet. Nih un uuirdcýd tite -ontrnet ta Comupete Cham- two nîlnt.t frts ie ,"hall durte aen ihe t'.'.Pign'as 10.tJiJO ener. pluîcul îsoulier rent-ms. Tho t' ntWd-r rlm et Conrad Munia, propriefoer of titi F.ait- fîititive ftrous Jnatt-Ce. 1b :n wante.l rit bury semblerni and eider works. watt srt- PernIll. N.Lfor artipttttins;to lntt hi% ...nsy inJured by a Wabusb traite. ewtnIlh.-'ut, h iltos Virsoi-tiaOtero e la Chtyes, on Jint,- 9 lvlot. Iliroi ifo su-itThe Ememanuiel tGermon Luttera liasJeuliie wsîeun ut hle~iu. li.. ~Chave enferutthtorost e'186siciPUB au orphtn reînd a beeîutifol gir. Site wtt'. izltioiite 4Rtoti' bas adecdto dia- Weeleffl 4aao 1iebmari bi~î se yitb I411ciiez uie Aug. =. Tho tfillt.1mw l, hoet $elle chi-z Mrs. John hlcfonoîtgh of leiranstoisalli lie ait u.iont nstîientîîîlvî-progwressesfier iin- tu everely burneil lit. the' eipioqiout of a tlcing irl'. 1110 îîîîrrlîîge, nuitthen nftnr gasolîne stove th&at lah. un lu a terlo heuliiy hissailring t bir ires. te, mntier tontrre. tht'm. piiilltl oi ilei'îeitt. lis li'. The Tweuty-flrost IRefiaent, Ilinois li att.-niîît lie 'istuiiilly faites! lieIIIhi'ii otenu. I,-(srtnt'% eltît reiaient. met at milva. ilt -lîhiînce thitt ihi-r entî-rîd Salemu. rbirty-tbree -of lthe utternes steve bis reîl, seanttii-et iir il uth ii".litelie tproeuet. Ilinulansillet thzIt kibdh'.suife, Thel .eu SmnC lUitdMtora . youtîIg oi- w;t- .taîenWordî. lliîte it fthe l'risnlinitmsed chargeV filet. rokeibirle,'Maiuchbez'a aut he. Chicago bronuet rthe >drugt".pb- totii> iti-.- t Ihe-ntt-e.Tht- lgttrnnne l fi onu the-iorî iiîgleîpiitt. i fie Mme. A. L. llintub. sife ut a feru&" tobther îand 'îltirenKitiriL living ui'ur Mhomhueit. wax'. egunti#tittd l'.fter Enîti. wio, - el.ttît.ngrit,try ut tii-uty-fnuur boure.autier bavleg beu>Pro- A urns, iiin arnio.t - part let the' iity. ntunserd deuid. ]euîri-tielle.'alors-ni' iet l el lhont i'. '5 i At Wloî-hî.stec, thvT0uetm or outloillon: bii is u't. IliI'lerotet lilarrpal--ttutiX~ iii'lt>- tty tiarn anystoîn ufil Watt-r works te rtit-rm liat hrlurly ltîtel- wtu-~.stl,iitiI u lt a sllecial ection and lied eu ,lî- tde hetht tie s. . - enfrouttî'. t-îultet l i fin or or w~ate'Trosiss.. by nite uit-tal tthi lu i lo t-r-hulier. l ie.lThe luarge grain ulevuler of Yuonates-t fîue n>- î-i'ttiitîî-î uteiMlm,'. effie", il.- Pre..lit hiacoun. hîîrun. About 30.000 ctîrlitito ,,liartn tint tii'. nl),i ,,rs iiii ui. luiît'.Int'l. tcornt wui. btined. anoit iis. with eor lî it leii' tikîî,sit tiituI-yrî i i ing. B thblullins, mâle"e'.lite tusi 1,000, Part- suaonti elleikt ti-brutlelîlut trîî.k the- IY inouril. tlik'r ofthetiirtî nhiigbwn.iîuîî'isti otit î-îMiss Ethel hMay Stafford, databter of tuthedlb.-'.uîtnu otdl. D't iii ti.ct'Tr. 1). N. Ltnrffnrel. tautor e01liste chel tlîîtt'd, fleur hlliioit taitît' î'olae'the lb" ltPeoria. 'wasxntrriedtielu Thé-odoit' iouuin or l't'î-oru rii,. a. î-iteir It'ai h ni- Iiwigh t I'crîieî an attorney ut New York muite nitntltî. litî'rylilratîu dliut 1thie und mson Of ex-l-'nied lState'.Socialiser Fer- i . euidlie- tiwociloiidonl,- doit. les" on.tottkillooit aum.îThe' id euh'rol- ie'.. TereaDaivis t fChieir. wrs ni lier. 'su,Î. a 'treiiiut-rtu Aletrar. wastsetimer snd isiauttly lkîîled by as sîturhac si-uler ld leidttl ( fret ii bt. Thet' pesseuiger traianorthe t. Lbmu»b MIii a Lehrrteiar,gÉter te shnflila. urslid Mihlgan l4ot.ntern lRtl?'d. Mri. lD'. te tlb'.' ator Jaeïiuii[ts. t.hit a mile via mens croasiug lie strect, leadina ber FIfrintireti' nieouetif ithe tr'.gedy. whî're lhe bicycle. P etîie a iîu rnud buggy. Tlhe b'.rse u, nd 1,ion'. t'3aîî-e ti-ri' ftunnd ult itvarlut. sevin A tire brutse ont lenIte frelcbi boitte uf otuiles sway it,,in revoluî'r'. iing on Ihe the KIllnois Central llailway et Chatioon a, bugiy refentsud very uuarly destroyed ibe buflditg. Vieîtuut n Asasin. A greaort quanity ut valiîablie records s$bd a ViCtM of n AumaWU. kaybille upe.deatroyi'd. The lusos tras Ir lilehodylr>litJiîset-bench ayuans: mon ossiy perdth eedoitbY ieurtn'. e f neiot ioirt- ls, eliaituthisbfatsein Tht- latnai daveoonents la in h fualsiter frot e lh rososdevseeof istratsse. ut fthe sbaorptluui the b.United Sitatima huit »ýleonîiýtiîgh the, shidmio illéubSuur Refinery in Wauteasn by the- new a l-nalibeir re'volvr'. iitthewlhl promdise- A e.. lat.Cmsynet h Ingaat.t-t-testnt iiat. The ).)on fatctoi'y tii libenlargemotte tofib,é.imes lts mas îîsunu utoas ti îî alire nt il :111 '-io'.kprsetmetndb uoptinOoraon tht- ri. ot'.r r-ti ta ii -usthi-ttl ptsn as ttib onOunueteale liu. tvol)î n e i h.-t'iît.kiri« nf ths ilo it. Osloi tu tbe prevalence ot suartlteiler Ail.ltIL,2,*I.lll-es asso1 l urta uelei'Bu utb lie Gi'îtvvllo. te Ifard Orî,tI llthbhas reaulri.- t-trl atsi>bol htil. itout dii lutli'eul tht- publile gscbîîns. hayon i>emîorlii or1t', uîIl. ijt rend' uîîî tti-ouîît %ali 1oln'. ii'.,.lias lssi a 1procaa-ntion unuerlîg ail hî'uîl l i ui-l liii,î .1'..' ~ 1ris, î-lolrn nuer 14 Fensr lutoge'ioffthe Joie., ; t uoe , ti. Th tailla'. titi,, er". nu.mi. iteraPotîice have lutok-ut Ap- elle. , molsîî:rî , i rfi- oil ai llaeuitil rîîî- l'.îlt te) I> -itîri'i' bi. rer'rs. tutta. ii.,. î,t sIrrlî lt lîtgltn 1 n%..,lol-iy' etng onu tuitsituei-î t a titi tloi r. rt The ,r. ii-tb,-u .,f il,..- tend. Cockney l> ortoblo iol bîî t' coti fli ci r s-rr tt., lb- It. sl-îrrî,. pfla -its»i tli (n.l. ltrîrtetn1ti'is tlt t'iit nitl.. in b , t-..hvis fie fthttiiit,,iii iriot îu-b l'rit t-ntitly it nta tit'th(. r e sillo r. sel tu ies n ti.. ud tiiiil à n a tb u e 'tht -ut i -tai o - 'I u î,îîtebtrendtle t..i iii tol. ton lii'. uI .anFoule f-rgile.t.ife. Imlii. as nlu-iîe t îiipit i-o i MlueîSi onu-ru lii!1, i lit ilent tireillilloisetIi,' i. tuf jiiî'n tlîîreîa tra1-'. n Il.->t-l llt.î.rîtf13 rîîuecK~-, IIî-u01 tetildiI.': o.. Tnneir tri loterk ie ie iosi crtgu-itrr-itt.îi-tcitlisait, d 1.y d li kinio. and solil, ..... it Vît littoleîtr lntiiiteg. e Srtt ritiri trrtk .iitb tr'.frit titiit 'li,l'.. Nor'l '. tifr l,, ie-r t' fotr su icih lie z.î' a lfrîrt i la. tele i-t.'. iu.e wlii'nii s. cîrîutli. su 10-ii l "liia il'. . nij t l ti -t),. lesii. r Theii lx ii'tte hrnaii l i nuin r ura liii iai tire- t1t-j" itrît bh-Y ey usurii' . t ta is elt41 i - l' ac i r tnt .%qtre I t n'lltm stu., i s, t ir, ait,. iîtut la 4t1ilia, a. 'Tit i uh t h, el->.'viuluitùj2 iteib' ity nuliîu. es urui tr-t -unît-r i le ,î-- luiibr es uIr, une lîlr-kitir ut.ol tele ieli-sutlka inifrotiitt àuete u iiie> I.renai, irat ii. tIritas iou.their îIîulc tt eu.ifessuit @aire Itoardl. ioeit u itti iiti e ti;%%soturlLir-. uit-tt stalrge di-.tlaîy'. eot nii-rî-baiiuýa otal t ' litli! .w ientt i tti- t ra i n-,. lin t L kîtd.. îti tizîtibttht- udru itkstu.'I t la ,uuî ia mi u'.,iiiii lit t soje h ir--sugulet4iln ste ndot-tiolang out tbir 's-ar". 10 lut .î-ssl f ut'.fa1r us y ftrilenitht'leIrai-k ai'. tep ttuîivlnglarge diattîs> u e ut-lt day ont it 1- Iaal,.lii. len.g i-e -rit.habie tîw eloff lfronttofttht-le alunres. thesa' mî-hatt hbavi' e- jtt .ti-, l e tatri,,. l itg vieil suttit on'.' n oteill e , toi".' uviiî p le - ~ oi t uiakir th t lh-s oirvig. As s ru' ltedt uer'.lelt tîî-rrhiiulmne et evt'ry desriptiîiti bai; I' o ne lknoweueln - l-en i ilt] ienpon tl it'. u lîlest.. î'nding ve -rt'ht-td teulln romitenitt tre-t-ta ut)i-lieinbtn t t i-e u tient it altaieli er-mie ýd rts A tItiru tilt 1 mrt lin)eet,eniil t"-esry for tied"enriatta tu tutoe tu the O et 'tu iJoliesre-iîritai.etîjîbri-ha .m-t u n ereu'r tee Im. id ,et errr i s i,. su îl i ttà,l li.,t ,sIti l-r-.ertil î irtt ,,> uiiî,etIi-teielhi,, Thjev-t-iinlieei thti,.'pretfe'. rtf the ty ri tir Tire- h.rrtsaitluleil ite ltr. G r teleitel Chure-buon )k l'erât and St.iine iî.utesi-eikt ti'..tathysta-luit. cautrrled a wtiy itei iver ati'.r trn in. ui-,m ianlit lit10e34) tuti, tir.. , ui lIlai , titii ei tl iî'iîî ord niait sAlîtle piate. Th'e liinngazy oe tht-îe st. rIr.' l iii s tl ttîrîhnoce-t a s u n" oîitti t tt- n ' nsd 7 'cliX-t sucr('us tilait t sit trI ifl( il-, t.elIte înrnuug. Iter. Atnerson. lteet-oc- liter.foetaitthe-s-iîriî doue, aititre Fisil Elul <intMillens. oi leefnîaî iglît (it oetluaiutthe r"ar of te Eil rtr ha n e eît er ut, untitxapet c tlu tiri-li.qlIIt setnIl int ut1he'interior a t-.MoeEstmaiK iarqi a-e ettielsilo asomelt ias oînît itîîd lt-eu titnrotgbiy reu- n Itrlkit ,Irit î taitsielilt î cros entai natttct. Tht-millie-mtettion sera-icei'ti th t i leu- r tle-i et-lt trt iî tl,-t-filitu'-- u 'rnl dîîznn lei-et-'aîd hti-eîmision, sud h.ira.eif hi-t n I-r nleit7 r -.S a--fleu.r lira'ns aîi'tl- k'..tly pince]l hi Iltuttitit- uirît z le- lti - 1 o'a r lietii ii the' .,ugrrî-guti.n tear tht-e iîî-auîîyeîfieaigni atltr l, iiaiter-5t'f' lte eu uad finisu- e-t-,' ikoî'i lu îte. 'The pmnp- rlhaenîîfîri .ty riea i' lee-,s iat 01 ht' lacr utiuvtl tiur entrunce w'sseh- tht- ltii erti . Ilo-tzir - u It'. . >1111. Ita l 1de y tht' noint'stfet jituy. ut tige',tit,illei-i'ing la btingsa nifeuoteit mong BIh -e ieusiu elut tim iîîîe'tîar'.tnif coottiauln 1) sud1lut Au- 'lt ir Ititu:lttel-r ia buts lm>ttsriýei,a iiren-airi su-h n lt tht- li' u-unNainal lua't h, ;i,e'ilu t ut.tiirii. ieht-tiue ttii), subîn-là la duei'tht-ni T[he' iePuiirtelelti-. t 'lîtîri b rt fier tir(. tier.- t b'.-vet-enndoroiîrgtht - rlerilti t' ii t i al.siýv- taine -tsoposntutnt Spinglufield nlat i-iitlauta v--lut>n-i- it a-vl-'. li-hI lbitst on a tel-liitalitY. Adiitfnt <':aet îi ttit f uimentt 35>-rra enet-tl ltn'u.n'.rnfui( e t o otht- oft- whit litiiiitu ieurwattkillil ens oftlite reginîclît tbe extra pay tbey ssiîlieatiaa'tt-euie-hr-sitet h utniln'dchuitafor lie ofth ctrvice, and for tient Je-une.i tirl t l ariiniu-erirf h- tîu. rt-uutt te ettire armemnit dufite-e'.aned .laulai îVilf uîfutrtîu-r ît trctafi ic. i'îiotldien malite la boirot abt-ti. The esse- ][livtusu. lotiasifi-. ssîiti-uis olnttim ie ilininuImen anec lamornig egut. botok Ionie svilltit, fiotu Ilnvilit-. for their Muitey, sud the- caiptakua are ('tirewu- e terieuin i u-îii'tott. T'i'hbatulin u bont-nime ptîclfYieg thonsu. The th Cily Iuîtîîîî il olins punt-urt titiitsl'.tiie pro- total amusnut due the to Aurova tcm. te ititiîunthildrn'ote lsta tîtan fitteiln >1-atrspualsnalotielnreoi-r $1.0001. The other ror frotte nstikiiiguit. tht-»'trett'. fter 8 et-glint'. ut tht- Blutedîlldnul claissiftexta ,Bd o'u-ini e-t ru tlitîinlthelb.' ultter and 9 p utyfor their oIc-en a.utd etceived twer t-bl o'cn-iuk destîins;ileth- siniîr. nmont-y Immediately., ]ai 3i'.'. Estoile, Itînsenit tlthrie". lbodiy fou-. Tanner bas iaaued a proclamation y-. wui'tit ttiondtiIbtht'rlis. off (lrac'tlnid ns-e-permittîni Coutle frotTeenesee sud Ar- ia. nuebCiao. Mbiseawo n t-e dainghî-r oftltans@s torth ut tht- GoveenwM tqusesu' -i-

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