CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 5 Nov 1897, p. 7

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a u 5ls . mm aa OWOW augutteadit grtheiecte VS.m m.althefr 1111«. but Uheu n-az ese tilug on n-bichthéy eoa mireatm., snd tb.t wse aute n-iik wou Mi.e ider. Ose cial tisy n-el dmIris up te Calweil's ceuntry boa la a bogg. «JeiS."enid fi.hekeitsere nm *ýp9c bave sln-sy u iseod that 1 e9 e eiderissa Fou., 'Tiale ail igiif.John». If yen ar pouagu- fac, Iam suppose Yom ope eh a t eus. " b n WIlbot a word Mr Miller dliate, freai tii buggy. dpced tihe gâte, au Mr. Cadw-ell drore triongl. And the be dld Dt stop, but wnet on te th boue.. learng 'M. Miller te folio, tlinengb the. dark sud mud se but I eeUld. Wheu, tiie bouse n-as refCacl tiie seilvrn-sa nped off Mr. Miller RD netilng more n-as cmid. He b.d pre tist et lI n-e i.yonIcrmaeftht tn-e.-8t. Louis tIlobo-Denocrat. <lit. Us e St. This lIotth. pruyer et the serronshn-ce. st siep eiL Lt thesas.uneHstet.c Sfeiaurk Btter. aud thele pi-sye n-ii b speedul assnsd, luemala le tihe prou. et I.dipationandsi srs-nasca. t-e camet aeaislmea s.@wucea eiedbly tO. ititter n-tbuoie. vaseishea msfsla,. enstl otia ilver complelul. Iteumtlems au thlli Wiloelleg sani theo laig. Au cuiDant italien Physicien, curiot to observa the.offetet ffatigue on ci clte. ncctly cxamiued twenty.-fou me.n-be b.d rdden tbinty-tn-o mile lai two bouc s uds qullter. and toile thât. n-tb rotereuce te thle bearing. lu neerly every lustâuc'Ž It wnas defeie. thongb It beeme normal agalua tter two or tbree heurs' i-et. Tii. Japacese languae%sl ald toecou- talin<(0»M»0word..every-«eec4 n-blets mquire a different symbi. It la qui te luspomalbie for one. mau te lear the. ea.- ti" huitanue. snd a n-el-edneatea tamillar wlth ply about 10.000 words. Catarrh ini the t Stfe,..WIehu itfefr FI,* Y« Neede Stsesponlla cul "I baid atari-liù au nybesi sut n-i If for lIse jeans. iin-us *iso W"-eiUs-cueee. ihawe taben Ho( imanis asud It eatleicured thi hlu p isy sysieus sud diail deul of go." . W. E. bMELLOI' îàiia. lilsouril. Il Hood'a Sarsapa lauIbo o-liu iflestUns Tf,. IliGa Ne»OPll 08 1 MOI&s.dee PRIMLUMBLE PUZ àAN le alt SVollends m. 1oland. la on.erthetii. Splaces la thé, n-ol14tiiet bave aever Id newla sbicycle, or, at iesf. It ncrer eb.d unt Il lately. Volleudans le a Uitie ie talag village. Tii. peppis nwbe lire Ibens are tiie eddeet. muet old-faubleo- ed tolits Imagnable. Thc men n-cnt La. magent.n-alatemta sud remrkable mtreusers, buttoned n-tb huge slver but' toisa that are belcious. lu VollendÉàss a --anenver Isebstosr1ntn i-o but If h baeusneode os prcisln eu ordered ail througb lb. villailsud mie on. resta nntilitiie button bas heis d leund and ceturued. id *Voiendamje ustbe quainteuillnage, en vîiters muy, f bey ecrel 5n.Tiiere aru be funay litfle pek-reefed bonae. n-lu ew the. nails paIated bnlght yeiiow n-ud bc covered n-Ifb old Delftt nare that the d people n-ilnet oeil. Tii. nomeun-esc d aprons et bnlgbt bIne. n-ti a piece at d the fop of the brigisteet possible plad. b. Tiie boeies ai-e oft chintz ot bclgbt yellen-, embroldered lu dIffeceat cot, and even the. sabota are grasst green et yellon-. S TIhe little girls drees exacfly Ike their mothere.asd se do tiie lttls boys, lu sBis sud mlH.ntil tbey are 7, n-len itley are put lu bleraud the only wnay tbcy cmu b. told la by c littie dIac . the sixet a dollar embcoldered ou the 'bock oftbthir tiglit Uttie baby cap@. The people of Volleudm neyer tske np nen- tbingn. But a ten- daya ago us theren-sm a snsat ion lun Voleoda is r' aud It n-as ceuitsed by tbe arrvaI oft tno ýu Amenc-kn girls. Tbey n-ece bloomer c" girls., who came ovr efi-ensParis te sce d liolsud. On.etftheus n-se rom Chii- ca go and the. other trous s Souflera City. Tbel b.d be&rd fuat tbecp n-,re steange places lu Ieolland. sud tbey set eut telUnd oeeoftthens. Wben thege girle arrlved la Voliea- dam tbey wnet tu the bael 1anud tIer. prepsued to go forth; but n-heu tbey caine .uf tey- tonud a cron-d etVol- leedffl around the door. Askiug tmeu oanen-bat n-ste i.matter, tiicy neceiyed thse repiy: "Il le yeur birycie&." Vlilendin neyer sun- s bicycle be- Hea8d fer.. -- _ «'--_ Wben tbey ieurn.d that 'oliendam5 MM bu ii~t bdneyer betoe, m.n a n-be.. f ey n-. en. sateuliabed. Affer a little perses- I .«.,rd lsion tbey kindly couented te gis-e ex- i tilmml'cd hibitions et seme-sînuple touts. Their sd', %..-aumIli trIeka, thaf are kuown te every i ce aerns Ameriran girl n-ho rides san-beel, Iilet ie à gcest tlIe Volleuders itfh isonder. muid oue fAX. ý oet tien, more nenluresouse tlsis the leuaeulhee ct'st, asked te b. sllen-ed te it ouniii. sua addeOf courese abd le b. el briela tbere. md fIbis ouly lucreused ber n-eu- ad puis«a. der uithtIe pei-formnsuce of the Ameri- cena girls. S Wheu asked If tbey n-ouîd 1ke tû ZZLE. baye bicycles lutroduceti lu Voieudaru. ý fl A they lookd vîsiful. but aisook fieli beusiIeadsansd glauc.d furtirely aithtei men, bmss t"a se mach as te suy, -Tbey n-eul neyer allen- it..' I O.etftIse littie boys et Vollesdain cried n-heu lb. Auserican girls starici Jssssway. se tise Chicago girl good-nafur- et oly bnought bock ber n-beei and put lb.thelittie tellow n- oul. sloiong unstc rest bis big n-ooden abees ou Use ped aie. Thiaseodelgilci hlm f bat b. stned up sud lest bis balance sud tell over the bandie bans. epeluîcd to hie wovoden ahoes and langised. as muci a* te say thst bey n-es thc resson n-hy n-heeiu ver. Dot kuon-n lu Volendani -New-Toi-k Pes,. leu te rnosaAenioas ID If? Amendisare a teartnlly nervons People. .It takes lmspcoorcu;let cen tise average Ânerires.Inte s ner- nouas Peenstissa&Dsy ether permon on eartb. If tiser. tua unation n-blcii bonid TE gala let stimulant» siene are Use neftion. RIVetfosynothiilnof llqaor,sauto n-blch n-e are non-orme Ussu otiiers-ws- are ~t~Insatiable cotfe. drnukes.. Tee. aud tise l. practie helpeait11onesc hoptlea nd pen- ltentiale&a.Wby nef drop coffet- and dciuk Grain-t> Instend? Tise latter doe Detot-ticinelite neivee. n-bile Il dors nenrlsb. n-sim. sootie. cmi- andi bulld ail tie body. Il givsayeun-bat youi need nid dues uo burni. Prepsced fi-oui Puce grain. Try Il sud yen n-on't ge back te cotfe.. Th n-bol. taruly eau t -tbeu aleet nsiy. tueaIfyo groer drin leraInad li. toà Ifyou ie focsa package: 15c, or 25c. est-b. Amerlos supplies ]EO7pL w~ ên t~v The electrlc raillnay ln Caîro. Egypt. Mse. l abolit tn-enty miles long. More than oeW Mlles ot American lron end copper nwire bave been u oed for th i lIn .. anI teg vouflug rLeads te. Cmasuptîos. KeisaBeain nilf top f be cough nf once. Go to yeur druggisî f-day sud get a s simle bottle tree. Sublu la25sud 50 çent botties. Go et oce; delaye are dan. qelous. _______ ___ ~as ~. ~r.U corcler-A tellow n-ho trois duty lm Ot bound to bread bis record, bis bicycle oras y.,a CrfOn' uiI-515i O5I .i 'nuiÈ, orjfbios-s nas .t f vsar. ." WG ~SPi -w Ma S. N. u. - Ne. 45 -91 4.0000peseugere n-eekiy. AN- OPEN LETTER Tro MOTMEftS. W MAMU iINOIV TU£COUIS Cliii IONT TO TM; rtrçum M oaI Z L '4II LPITCHER, eof Hyaula, Afauu*aoh,a - eh. 49a9w rof <'PITCHER'8 CASTORIA," 9h. sanie &Mr do to-a9au4 c anau*Mr Ofe^4 Z4. ~<Wppr. Pd# se mA.e 'Ifflsa4# PlTcHgR'SCASMfRA,'W" AmSch a s *uw .iS"0. hefl, #A nCh. .hratof stwurLc.for ~o.eririy #à». .00OK CAREFULLY 'ai duh. wp er ane th". S is 5a hi oi, have .Zwe&ltg bmf h0» o S -dba s. aCegi.atus a i j,5 wwraPs. 0&- .v ab u . ia .tthoeiEyfronimeo iacunMy Rame e.n-oPl e C.,uiae.rCOP.MpOeof Whiwh Chas. H. yUeher ia Do Not Be Deceived. no endu . die f. of yonr cilct by acceptng a chcap subsiute mou0 druggfet ay offer yen (becaume le makes a fen- more pennies i» 114lug iaente Of whlds etSn, fot know. ~1.KInd You Have Always Bought" 01*114 09 mHSnUy 0BOL ,votai Affmpest ««< MalaT& e eumbe te Aootal. Hery oefl e h.affite eofmWbie taz'. dw o ddeuîy nt 5 l elok Fmlday morane. le bis roxtéAtthe Valua S quare Rotel, NewYTork Cit y. Apepizy n-ast the cause.. Mr. Geurge made tour qpeeehts Tinreda igit l inshi*ampaigu a enodiai.for Mayor oftGrseter New York,Anid train vT-y faf igued n-heu bie retlred. lit le be» Iliev the suddetn atlzk that euded bis lite wnsabrouubt m iby ftie nustilly ne. vCre @train oeecssioiied by bis ,iieftb-inBk- fat. Henry George vns.the uayorslfy con- dûdte oft ihe a erly, unerna t fGreater New York. ,1lie b.d nis'le op te the ulgbit before flus îmf aned n-icb lie promiaed, If elected. t0 do bis hientt im eud ichoard C<roke e.' t he peni- tentiary. Te bis detnuaelalens of Croker h. added deioîaclatluns of Selnator Theis- sit C. Pieu. lHe bâti cuîered the ententes w-m iàes7t enruefnesý, and li«.. cumpaigt speehes Ibrougliotit were marked n lfh grent fervor and ournestnees. Hia ex- hanstive labors are Ibonglit to have led dIreetly le bis deti. Henr-y GeorgP n-ssbotu lis Philadelphie on Sept. 2, 18511. and au a boy n-eut ta Californise. He drifted jute ournaisisn ln Ban Franciece and ujtained nme celeb- clfy na a n-iter on ilticsui tiicores. lu 1879 liepublIisied Progrm ansd Peverty, n-lilcii squired a n-ord-n-de cepalatiosi. la it b. gave ch. esnlt xor liga Inrutiga- tousamsont the pon et the greet ces ind, i theoriesfurton eorin. About Use smne time h. tiret expressi lis pan of preperty ou a cingle rahie--tlat la. taxlng the lanuitlfe&tMuidnet the lin- pres-emeu th ereffn. This n-si the origin et ch. single tex doctrine. lIn Mh.ierevuovedto fNIen- York. Tii. tloinig yfleh.pnbiisbed ca voluns. on lreland nad Englami. 1Hia pulientions ef varions theorie. on politiessl econaeuy made lin oue outhlie be&t Inown n t.. thse country. la 18M0h.-e lite candi- dste of the laberiug lessent tor Mayon et Nen- York, but n-as detetted l'y Abram a. lIen-ut by 22,000 votes. îHe led Theo- domRIoosevelt. the Iteptililcaunoai e. hy 8.000 vote,. Es-cc aince fb-ru Mn. George bas bren moe or less ldeutiietl n-lUs politicai usoremente. WORI< FOR THE! GOVERNOR- Weahingtesu le tt. Taeasr Ar- rasesusa sBig lob for tMe Executîva. Gon. iRogers 0f Washingt on bas lin' cllaiedIea intention et lnveadgatins Mtate Treasucen Young@a cwonts. He bas aununned f bat e.. La compaay n-lUs on. ofthUs upreme Court ludges,, nIl conttail the mumiey La theb. inery. la onder that thse (ovennor m.y lisre a3 muci enîu> menit as possible ont et i, A LAROM iou. eif-piiited joli, MT. Young lns clsang- ed every phie.o! uld nd11mIpaper ec- rent-y l i teaangkry lu ils equis-aleot iu silver cartn-bMeldollati. This n-il tnble' the sci-enom anîd bis assistant te ltend Lheir lisek aff hii Ieir n-iots sud con- sume n good deat et valuiable time lis countiisg l1W tons et sils-es-dollars. Mitre- ever. Treactrer Toung il Itot permit eltiier !lie (insemne r he idue te enter Use tcoauny nitiseut gisiig bousis. The 4e___s91 Bianco Sere b nill ensd ltheCabannar le ecveu menthe. WPyîcc n-ast gelag to de It ln six. Amoeg receut incorporations in Nev Torkinla"Tni Motbcliood Comspany, Lin- ited." Very. Notnihstandmng the.reporta front Lons- don, Salsbury proiiably n-lu neitiser Te- aigu uer bIen- eut the fgue. ITer. I a ramor abaot Iiat Itie Terbes teleseope in Use ineet Oeue in th.vei; selentitaeought fa loklttathot. "Tii. e st Fly et Banuer" la tii. lite et &*lmoeu prtetc reeos ntyl a Malmue paper. 1: la s very atuecteelar prondue- tien. Theit.niler ofn articleIa acoarrent ce- rien- n-oe ys ubat "Usere la ne excite- mient la asodeen miltary lte" evldontiy baed ct hoadreecstiy trom Fort Uheri- dan. A yenag wonssn la Brnswnick. N. J., bas Jutftalles beîr te *2(ff.000. TIse diapaielio do tnet tate n-dutber she la beantiful or net, bot cise certaWoy has a megni.ust figure. W. anageetchat Gcn. We,-'s bauid bagie lueseercbed betieeà. )aves Calas. Voles.I§pelu adopta tbaî precau- tien b. vOl proboily tabe hsatones troislsa-aney ft tai l eI.d. Luicigenimyu "lb.e upena. n-se terri- bis." Ti, sulipense migt bave bees n-ors.. Of course a gmet msny famailles hsve ukeletons in tIse losete. bat comparat ive- Iy tews-hamve @moiods lu a vat. It hi ta10 h iped thut darnug ail ibis exteuded inretigatien luto bottes, cien-. Ical, und moeaity tIse Leutgert jurai-yn-I net overloo# the miner Isue: la the de- fendant çulty et monde,? Tii. ms4leni professionliseait ahonid tu"i susin .mm a s . f- M fa ml NASi4VIL.LI XPOSVON END&. aimglnu Belle sud auCeusa @us"i the Adieu. Thie Tennssee, CentennillEzpaslM" elosed Baturldar nluhf. lise eent tbMiS iieralded by the. rlging of edilue..the hlowlng of n-Msties. the. boomlag 0f eC55 Dunanid th inedlng of borne la thé bande of yeung sud oid. Thene nr. maey tiiommand.of persansuon ithe geounda thse attendantce duelug fthe entîre day he*lag bpeenlarge. The évents eoftthe cioaing dey lncludad concertfs l in té atiernoon ut the Woueas Building sad"lunfthe Audtnlu, largse adiences bela qi-eent. At niglit late- estlns exerciés e e bell la the .%udio- Haut. The. buildng ivas packed. altiengli thse exercîses dld îlot belu n til 10 'dlock, aad n-er oacluded oaly a id"- nlght. Addreos ere delvered iiy Bon- Tolly Bren-n . I.l. Bahet, INeeor (isseral Lewis. bin.. Kirk.nan, premideut of thbe nomm board, aud ProsMdeut Thomaes. 'l'h speakers revien-ed the bis- tory eft Ihe exposition, aud cougratalafad thbe people of Tennesee upon the suce«*s sttendins tlb. mt sh aows. Tii.speaklag n-e, tollowed by a sainte ot.sialea gmm& lu bonne f etti rgt sixtien States ofthfle Union. At mldailgit tb. chimns rani. tht n-blti«ewie-.the.borna ounded aud the exposit ion n-es clooed. The total sttleunie ut the exposition mince the oppuiug on ihe benrt day of last Mey Isefftimated et .-50,000. President Thomas o1ficlslly snuoîînced f bat fhce e- position nil psy ent dollar for dollar, aud this pronîptly. The. largeat dsy et the exposition w-as Président J. W. Thonmas dey, Oct. 28. The attendance n-as 94,- 493; tbis iW nîarly 30,M)141more thua the aI teudutce st Alanta ou ibelr ced leter dsy. The atteudance by tiie ehIefoth Ie bureau of promotion and pub- llclly n-as 2,000,000. and bilirmit n-ould have brou aurely resched but tor thse senueles. yellon- lever meure. Net s silà- gle cesuali y occurced set the exposition durlus the six motiisof lIfsexistence. The order antsiucd at fthe exposition n-u* magulieul. Dr. Charles W. Dabuey. présideut of tii. Governutelut comuission. con behaif et ail the. Gorerament ometcaIs sent a long communicafien te fhebe eeentive ninjit' tee. la whilh le paid hlgli prsime te Pre,- Mdent Thea..Dîrecter Genori Lewnis snd CbIef etr'Pesantiin uni Publictfy "anie Jus". for tiie grest n-on per- f oenied by thm n sdlie tbasklag fiien for thein uniforma kindacas te everynsie dinuecled n'ith bis depantmeut. MIAS IT COM! AT LAST? IsYhto Cauittorua nTrentueuf the Long- Loeked -For Con.umpilons Cure? Sixte. conuuptiv-e patients, n-ho b.d bren hesird by 'Dr. Joseph 0. Ilirseli- feders lyntph. cafleduxytuberculiue, n-ere exnus:nî'd Iet n-eek ut Cooper Med- Irai f,Âlege, lSn Fraucisco, and a coun- cil of the. best physiciens derlded thet su eve.ycy -a. iurked nuprovemeut b.d oc- ciîrced, sud tist lu some. a cure was sub- sluntsslly effetted. Ou.etrtthe worst casees nus ihat "f lboulase H. WIlim", a a ealtby yotiag horfeussu, 1tan-hein nss allon-ed six mositba only ot lite by Chi- Q9go expert». He wamsno ranchireducod -heu hbcl'egnn chat he pauted et the. leàst effort. Non- h.emau naik ire jul.s wIt came or cuis up stais. Dr. Lev-i C. Leue. fonuden ut Cooper Cele. *Mdeb i esa eHlhfeider's oce: -I sam absentely certain that Dr. Hiraclifelder hba s mde eue eoftthe great- est dîsceveries ot moderntdames. His eosaumption cure la mrelouely effective. At a meeting etfIts. facult y et Cooper MedicsICollaee, 1uppolntfd s cosusittr( te lurestigete tihe cure. The. coiittes tenlagted etfuerly aJl the membes of the. tacuslty. or .. HimsclfeldrsPa- tiente were exsoulned. Thei orsl siate- mmntu Wne .takem..Soue off hem n-ee atrippafi and etaiminate pbyMai es- aanatiena n-ere made. Tourte.. nere tond cumplet ely cured. aud the. otiier tn-o sisoned mrkcd improveent. **This làthe %.-t detafltInquiry as lt the. cure chat los been mode by a coin- -dortons, but n-heu Dr. ifrieh teïder snuu.nced is discory lest Apnil f0 ch. Statu Ht-dit-si Society, torty pet, sounoni bme had hffl trentlug wltb bis cure os Itufhe hall ton titre. heurs sud uot ou. ofthtin mcogbed durins ail cha( dime. tbougl h 'e lied bad consomption in~ th ise nt, second aud third stages, lie' Ifore treatasent began. Bouse oetche Pa tien lu nho wece cun.d camne trom long disftaiies to i. f ieic evidence ta tii, couunlttee on at-cousit of their gratitude Tiiey are frein 21 lu 35 yens-a nid, sad l!uong theni are women nsn-cii asu mens. Il bad bcc.n detnontrsted nith the micro sOupe lu euthc cou. bt tiieY -cc. infect. ed -itii germe of consmpftion betore treatinent began. I itfn-es hown tiiet .àee gevin. n-cri'absent heforr* tceaupent ras euded sud afiern-urd.' Dr. Hiruebti 'dc irepures bis lytapi 'roen veal lun biî,h tuberculine je inject- ed, sud bc appt-ara ta bave solvd t. prob.aas n-it-h K-h attempted te sels-e. lie bas @peut $30,ti(X Inlutbr..yeer. on bis axperiaits. SOUTMIERN TÇRADE P1fOSTRATEO gr the YTalion- Teser Degaboo la many of the Sietea. A-F aealeg ai~e bit affaira existe ta the Statesof AlabMe..Miasissippi s&d aIM iana on account ef tihe yellow - ter @&Rom. Thea. Statcs have quarautinsa segainaascii tht.r. tiçamaree ha. been ehucot cnutiredy abznlisdaInch. annîberué 1118Mtothese Statea and the. railîroedsavea pUUIIeically eu.ed cunniug. Tiie plague asuiiog ut thse beglnaing et the coftte Msarketing sesson n-iI n-ot an lujry chat à% wiii ptobabiy requirs erci-ai yeucs la repsIr. Tii. panic thint follown t h. anunce- meut Of a casentf Y&-low lever lu a Sonth.' ern townn csnot h. imsgfucd elsen-hece. Thie-diseuse i-. the Soutisern bugabo. It la a inYsterlous maiad* that travels ai. moot entlrciy by niglit, and tii. phyal' ciains.bave ueer learned igue abont it. Thse di" a u ecepidse la e diie,-- eut l insReuaaitestatioum frfmnWb" ,t n-se la peeceding epidealies that tbaýpby- siins are almoet Invariably niisddlu diagnoslag the. ni-t cases thet sipea. enid ini ai 1 ~NDEPENDENT. te K. Mer___________ ad -riday, November. 12 1897. 15aYarnA qiien;WHEELING. knowPii ~iS lifre-il Metz n-as lioiiie Stiuay. e lier bIil dog." Theinu Lotuse iBelo is0itth icRtk Ila-u____________ 1ritluratbieî mita Eletnî,ratiH-z n-as lorne. mia fe:~ u fîidiyg. Special prces given to reduce stock tois efi. Min$ Louise Fockc ienteaie,î lait roomn for Crockery dsplay for Christm lu timcnh Frlulny evenîtg. Jacob» 0f id-o Bleîî lan, Ixîiglit a piny.U iîy, it- te r.p li- r i e o e o .C i]Idre îî-, 1ýiîI S io e , s p in g 1 le ed, szes ,, 7 a n td . t a Minule Stryker la i-njityittg a tn-o pair ......1... .. .... Tii.Aj rite iikmvat-atiion utbomne. Boy's Coin 1'î<-Ltesltoe sugEff Wf]. Peioila n agood abit, lui tlit 'We11lititgiitlefrecs, a pair ...... nen- cd a ut ralîlîstm 'IdienthseY art- lly ten Mel'. XVor-.sli-. tiene. as uvBy. litîî-kle, tC to "-, a pair . .. . .. ae .u Wieeing itint teau-il O le iîeping. Lije's Fie Sl-5h....... , mereiy dWakî- up, ever>-Islylishe n-oriil $1.7; Lae anilafpair îiî.t.i-ise,.a..a. . niovem, Ladies ask to se. our ncw Shoe for ull, N. ipes. Fbh Airs. J. Gi. l-bisielder n-cnt tii tise ý , 'e- clty monday tirsa weeb,vîsit smong en îîs Box Calf he hi ellier ebilîdren.iio-~rft yenr b. iii. (tt Tise question of bilding a ien- wlsst iii' chusol bouse la agititlag Oui- people. He-- weIt W ynn'syet n-se ail 'Ed Stchnieder came oui fronu tise cty Wniisn qurea Cor. (ienesee and Washlngton Sts., The INDEPI'xD"T Ilitasgcon-lng W UE A bore. 1 t la the beat local nen-iaepr A K G N n-e i-vr la, obeap at $1.50 a jear. --- F,,.rFa orke la proudof the iromnen's sv drees unforra.Be n-oc. one to es Stndy for exblito.N ES TC "'feeling friend, H eatijn 1~' ~'-and COÏ LOU. U';.. a-omm~o w dy la Is ebtsm=.Ss."AujF.m'l'y.ea (IN EbhWsd CaIoadar FroetoNw40 ~ #p fbsM caàtwu I e r uh. glj T Tta* e opoen d eageu »É eut e. 1.4 Mà *10le 04aa.etn baug--. ai berjwd---- (âeuig~0k*m h >m .st < a speu - Ir. < tae i-. ~TEM YOUTH's COMPANION, moI ColmbuaAn-o, fi une 9 v 0 0 ww ww Nlndlig Outaide. Netla.. Parente, It seeme te me froeinusy lin- Ifed but later.sted obseration ef theju, genecally brIug np their childceu, moi-- aly. accoedlng to eue et tn-e théories. one ls te conataniiy point eut a cIild's tanita and detectu, and pauiht b.- cause Il posseemes theni. Tii.e tier la le coustanily held Dit an Idcal, and pu- laib the cblld n-bce'ii talla short of It. l'oc Instance, the mother et eue et the mont sfscceeefoi sud charmîng familles 1 kunw told ai. aie neyer entorei obédience.. "tintil a cisld ha. learned te oisey." she said, "Il puniah ber for dleebedlence. and then let the. Matier drop. ued to bave siégea that n-oea eut boitbadee vitis my aelf-n-illad Ile daubter te mako ber obéiy me lu oven tnithlug things. **One day, atter a pactlcularly lengtiy battle, she fnaliy «Id: 'I'us mludlng yo. mausua. becanse you'r. blgger than I1sus. But I1n-ant yen te kuon- tbat l'us not uindlng eue bit lusld,.' Tbe persenel elémsent, the. coniet b.- tweeu ber n-lu sud mine. n-s alal tisut ber chlldlii i-easoalng bad graaped. And f bat n-asn't ut aln-bat I1n-anied. "Afttr that i pot ebedience betore ber as wbat n-as igut. disebedjIcace as n-bat n-as nrong. and mnade ber teei fintbai dîbetuiene n-sa jromptiy pan- 'sed. n-hile DUli appînes luy ln tise iatb etobédience anid rigisi. Little4by Ittle bei- gmonlag Instinct -upean iglut ted n-cons. bec dergippeti tenne et ners.i repeshblity. made ber alil-ys -'boose te ebey. ishe bad leerDed more bau slusply fie bopeieeeneee of hold- ;Dg oui agaInat semnebody biggcr tb.n toerseit. And mesn-sile aise hadi't osf confidence lunlierseif trois helng -ouststly moude to etel naughty."- flacper's Bazar. »nr thtissata tur Catuarh fbsI 'neuy -il _ny detruytioss.e eta t sm Ldul,1m w5 ii. nbol tosfm 9i. 1fe-lg thI Musaau suc. ,-tll niuJ« bsiud nover be usil axeepi ou elsuptlena tran rallutable physilsmuutIls igotw woli dlufrasteno. lel' btli -.Il. -at&su DO nouetouiy. s a ultokn Inter- 1ty. acfting dIreiy upon the btlood sud aigu- a, tiietees09ethfIs systeas. In lisylse itIis mmclri Curs b. surs ynu sel;t fle gaul. ISlSl îien iatscnsuly.msdmMusd InsT d, Ohio. b y J. clucaey a Ce. TstIimenls freus c"tuild by Druiaftz. 76c. par boluso. Tihe Qocen et Englend ewnn a dre%-, nsnuitactureti entirely et spiders' n-cii. t wa. a promeut frous the lat. Empreas ,t frasil, n-lieb.d Il spoclly pro- tared te ber palace by twemty àative -.lIl-worker&u Bear in Mind that "tThe, GoiW Those Who HeIp Themnselives.", HeIp Should Teach You to U Vila dsmimlg b modid R ipa» a bai.m ash fldassu o nemtplyd by he lab1shdna Ci 5t et e im daI ma- cdsea s.rla -My privai. pouIs nh.ise.ots tl wag u lbeulisa assai, sd fn-oetU. e *moan-smte idd te bave bon a " e ' vary M"c Ist.eaotom akOe rcas., ---lsme vudsa mlt 4«m n-ich a doctes-inansemmcslam ia ce Ueuthi oes.auiy. 1 6aoly iemIbl they b au ail iii. elrculse liate11bsi ie bsutly limon tien. The fteesasilusum oit ee obuqu isaImmte sdd m ed"ctleseestiat nm gen n-Ui go mach esi'tuy." .M.V im

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