CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 5 Nov 1897, p. 8

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âmut»otibauhome of lela b htho ea"iler swdmnes a"i pm- M -h bath owýi te u nei tates, <ho aeommhuty bave *with bq!h esebave <bu oua b~bm 'h-o aut qSn>I as uaisra <ho -YaMI. be. . wa tcaahl sl p0mfrw'cate ve, e t. rmol vitb syitllbes le dluaav e t <hboume * amU. lakiffg hlm un- & fftchlocai.iyte lit a* tls.lh dmi e- ialgibv ers a&. tiy e <heosotlav s toé ia siafltIaof un- b. A dttl-g vas bull bou$bt démirablo bat the demial <bal pouushment r1I vas metel eut vitia WMla theo ailaidaim salleinflhicaried. The Set mmu brokre loto bis puol hlm alneet te satb sr hoeurs10Wavethea i a<h vblcb lu mauy lu- Pa lutmi e fet. ta o W» vero usuale burme attempmtu J Ville cap,1 but Il vas 1'a W m ligutvlawse a .lh<jaitosate jqsW"b.: fotut bsPatient th e aiena Wl*bd et labor. Tisa mases uealoviag al trointhe township trultes.ami tbm îreasn tor'attainpllgth drie Wu te vork vas that hoUlmgm au be a km- den upon tho taxpayme ithe toe- 1 '344.Atet he vhlppiag ho ftule aclpt furtmer iiiou caun tura of liiother batIngandI bsimmalbt npîghbora ntrlbtltit al t he'vas able to returu te Wat. oisl reported <o bu a quiet imainve Clh- amand uwas nover acsi a d A ase lua on s amai» grest' Indignation amemg thoe oelai.lV- tng citlMenus vastfth Ie et a Mvoiis OSmaOD t fIOSI 1- propor conduet. lRer badeMi bMa ia a year beooesud abes utig Wte cuvate a pîseof perutam ib a livIng for hersif amid<o e bS- lrin. lia, vastho ausciab et 1ber ret a -f -r r miiw i the country churcia, a« nus. eba ever bff*thel a voui aogmt kber.r j to ,'etic aurpriedot ail km sbtisl vaswuttken troub bernmea t g%10 àud tireatemed lha a hlulg I9 he diI motloue.thoeuugbharhooi. Ou hW pltmm ipleadtflMY"caver kmka Ub 1peansud ludiguity vhbh Meo Wbts cap intondel te0 liel t la hssiilt behaif et tic White Cap ud@mIns t o ticheuuoty <bat 1< vamot tho nmovai lu tbis outrage.,a"ud <ba à..Oet Un membais vers preant b«eel » im vbo bave appealel fuwiit plalte <bis tact as an addltlsàal r a the dlsanmdlng et th<bu mueol. ter 1< illuatmtrata at ai be les. ha1Un naine. A ICENTUCKV WOMAN. Viat B@shou« Da Ir maga Prua damS et thc Unigate a*% Mms.Joamplaine IL. Ray, vhs. Of ibm v ers aleclt th eset<a q ii t be United Itates, veau ami hii o F insastinil e t ivet, hi pssilts. for univeselsurae~ a h . WuKauk bseiri beau mmutiosel se4aàaeiltomhi lie Prealiautisi uominatiusJa5e mamm aHumafortai mniy-.rsbas bac. po @umat la RKautc as a 0eh0mailam 1) t:la on bur h lauVer «.lst ~te, "0olà hnative et Novput , y Store. 816.0 LOO p 150 2.00 up 1.60 .75 .66 8.09 . .... .... Lyiln stock. i me' àm Service. - - -Illinois., JW * CtO@UPI.fETOCK 011 P LOU)IJ4 MLL STUFFS, ~èrCo.~ Lme, &nd Cernent. ,rW -eWIiDBR WAUON, -i $~ t altytie Nisail Ou hoodal umaalloms 0<5 iluguisereoli veat a I m assIs ch tas paipla 'se, RepléOcalWeai lpugblahai fo » ii su hmotireporte oh Supplim Ail of the . Urrn t Literature, mwBut . Ii moi air tewalpi tra abuairfl "^R A YEAR #JOO .Temut en VAU la UM h llthl a ai a b Md 'Imotbaga, a" lahspcamwg hmi ba viii bar soatlves. «Auty' Crothers wusben au Illa17M W hllo te .b tsa vas et 1<5stonstA"i s Nitalsssba u WU OL bM Ckstbeas uiamly haeM s hfl s Haitherlied .fa"lbar lagiatara. bu reci a sripaedM Ntom rotiair caeu»te vhs. smo vas40. lis euval <vo hk Ouais sud thon camete O.M. Ph. vbasehab»asrul" ea tt N» m boasuke meny O us 10 tes.a fra ilimgr -,et i il 49 lu 1 14 ~~h. Mr W.. & mee M. y <. sud tour* i OM . T. A. B. meet usasa AN c Mr ca offaitila. MeIhot aliebovoe peoe, n- s-a p. a. ocae."a" m ca ýbhuta" Caaaar 1xM aâ R. 1 àfwelig eo a0tshlos a ahh ib eertmily vfethry e ll IVmiO4NaZl tukea, vaulu a Mr, .MGoîiaasn er lu 5e.mal Nia. bockSandam J. H. Or.iat ere lu Chiatgo Noaday. Dr.i. . . mlght boerilsi lias9:22 p. . rnor Cil oTuici» evsanug. us bseverel his cou- nmsélSo vilh 0. . Careil forîhe proe- Mr. Miaman, a rspieaenistiveo f lias A08010 »uisuer Co., Viulu Ialu i 1 àur4i«Ok vu bitumaIs enouga tab laicq b"se a au Pound «id goose te Oiea duy. ULMa. G e t o leSt eim ay aven. isOgqi'ý*W woo»veeti vber àï: 'Ma les&«» h ou s ar omple. lieul St beemes sm improvement on ont main thotoughlsoe. 1J. p. NvSoaniddaugntis Blanche aud Mar inIluve moistyack 10 spend lie vinter iu Cotisorais. VIE ggaibSuMrnae store la re- oeiving a ouelplawicla greatly imParové tkaapp@see Pires aleng lheiasrilroai are numer- oua nov a 4fya sud doublyincreiees lthe neo"ety of a gond rata. Nis schita, of Lako Zurich, apeul a fev laya ho riashepaseut e a the guait of Mary The paintcre bave liia"e hadlis oit on John Mellridma ivcllmng wvici grnIly aida 10 liasbeauty of lias b*uding. J. lcQuillan, forumea aoflias lee hgnace84IDismoni Lake, sîtonded lb. f» onra f Ni. Piper one of thc mscsg. ais of lth. Piper lai 0o., Tuesay. The Charade social at Ibo homa of Id. lzsntbaierlait Irlidoy îenlmg vas val alltended and a nest suan o! mnoney douuvol freintli.tfhe.ofrn Tisa <Wîday) evonlag liera viiha a meeting Au lbe ohapel for the porpos o1 orgamtilg a lilerary society. Ail luterestei are urged b bu pissent. SoBins of our loal ularoda left bers for a sojoura %mous lias several liae in the northeru part of the couuty. Valciafor somin hantimg yaîma nuit yack oi aller Ilasîr reluru. Presebîug et lhe Congregbtioual cburu e Saday moring by lb. paelor. Communion, ab lie close of lie service.Reportea he am udey Siool Convention viii be given iltlia. ov.nin»g services hi Ni. E. A. iHardis, Nims fAurs Jouas ani Mr. Buck. AIU are eoilially invitai. Mrs, Sam yGuadan left boesMan- iai .vmtog foi AnbamceIa. *horssho vii nets km future home . n mic M *r Nu"c slows viii "s>raaovs 10 masos, l is. DlovsloflTuiay ta bo lolovelby baihuebau mi soe se oe«aumrange bishbusess Wu rahoua Fox LAKE. A. Kirvin YVitai Ciigo lionday. Ni. M. L. Galiôr vas a Ciclago ileitor raoonty. Ni. M. L. Galiger visitai Autiocla on buanms.Tusais. The Galiote ohuiaia at AntAoch vas deiosbel BSnisy. Min »u»elaTveed la vling ber greaimolhet aGurim. Ni.J. Bovling ani Mai. Herriot Elmofal " ae Villa, voie maniai *uaday. Vo lbink limai are Improvins, if the numbe, of fot hoga halsg shlppei are aa IMmielo. ne. nMsV. prak Vilon, et t:21,aPeu hemP -muerale« ai WAUCONDA. S. haey»ald% 0 mo!mifer, vaou ouIr Meiee.. 9. and L. Onsa, o1 Chicago, spaut Suuday in thisaplac. Mr. Mainl Morse, of ilimer, Wa4 a Waboonda halbi IL L. 8arison and L. B. Golding vaut 1o »urigbou Suaday. H. Golding, E. J Pliaipaad E. John- am on tomthe le otyTuenday. Mît. P. Vtekvlin relurusi b ber home lu OtSM llait Saturday. 1 lmiero0fyoumg people from Me- EeMry voie on oui streeta Sumday. Mi. ?&a l oGumiu, of, Libertyvifle, peu Vanouonda a visit Thursday 0f lest Ni. and Mmra.S. Green, of Chiago, visiti E. Green aud farmily a few days là"t vsek. lloween wuacelebialed lu the usel mnmer luit Batniday aud Sua. "aY nigib., Super viser 00k veut t10 Sangatuck tu superlulemi the bnulding0! a bridge at lt place. P i HrrIon.of Chicago, @peut Satur- day und Suuday vlit bhis parents Mr. aNan r. B. Harlaon. Mr. and Nia. John Lenor, of Euanis- ton, ayant Satidand Suaday villa E. Lensa and anly. G. W. Pratt and Ni. Brown, of Cary, lett lasl;veek for norlhea Wisconsin wharf Ihey vilI spnal1ew daya biaml. lug dasi. Fifleen tals have beau drsving gravai on tliatreesatlia.lait fevdais. Waucond i viiimon ahave as fine striai. as gay City liasheCoUnty. Aug. népète ba soMaouIbig saloon to Nar. Nulmelur, of Pramout. Ha vill move vigahliefamlly 10 Wankegan. The nsv proprietor totk poaaesioý NKonday. PALATIN E. Charles TalIon wuvas uBarrînglon Thuraday. John Vulf and family moved -o10 Palatiue Tuaidsy. lira. Is ra i yla vlaAiug srelatives luc Coli Vater, Micia. 0. S. CuWag, ef Austin, vas haie ou business Tursday.ý ilss Nyrtle Smitha la ,vlsitiig lu Woodatoat aI promeut. CharlesaKeym hbasbesu uuing a1 boaiéo toohebpait veet.1 Vin. Oitani biether vislted Irlande la Diainoni Leke sunday.9 Cahuert Richmnd ani Mr. Meyer visitai 51etOprair Late Tauay. lira.George Voeansd Oblireu &ee vlalliug ralalihueboraeti;piaent. ldiais hicknsae lriined lady rinonde frons Chicago ovor Suaday. Niýa Saldî, loin Prairie VIev, la lhe guesa et Ni. sudlira. Ciaas Nicola. John Galnui viiitaie Up ii1 résidence lu Palatise lu lie miar f uturs. ias Iehella RHut,'of Elgin, hlaa Ilnéat of Mr. and Nia. Aipiail pissant A. G. Similihmae a triplon Richmond ani visiteai friands aud relativea liaturday. Ni. VW@sal youmg boy fell frein a bai e#curso deandibrots bis arm lii veek. J l Se cer, of Elgin, ieturnsd ho.. uua ater a veseviait vilia NiasslUtry a Ernestlua Danlalsen aMi NMouleVillams vesBarrngln vialtors 199niay. UmssLan» arma enterlalusi a numbai of Palatine Young peuple Sninday eveniag. Nr. ama Nia. IrnuFiat, of Bouanao, Nisia., vers Luéâissofi. sud Mis. Arps over lutI Sundsy. The AdUi< Nleionary soclety yl miel vilia lra,.limai Robertson noîl Vieday aflernoon. Misselth Md iVerisiSalmon andi Margarete Berg ma viitil friands lu leiringlon Tuuaday. lu Jefferson Park vas rsconlly boru b Mn. sud MNia. in. ilmamna aboy. Ccugratnballonb ore sîtendel. Nia. Mergier oulerteinae a umbei of lady friands il NMa. Foiglsia Sitar. day sud ajoyed thaniacives vsiy inuoh. Boy. V. lisAgial.formeru presslîng eider of til district lIed lu Chiago sud Intermeut otk place Saluidiy Bolvilesa. Nia. Tinu Decn la visltlng witia lra. Vmulioru ani uuraing her daugbleî Lauma vo haheau vsry 111, but vs rejoloe le loert he la eouvalescing. The young Lauisa Miaionary aoclely vii umi vill MsSHelle Taylor usîl Tuaiday evenlmg. Al youmg poopta are filitdte attend. Carrnage. v1i bcaeallie M. H. ubuiciaetI7:30 ooci. Mis. W. H. Dioctvay clehiaffl lie maluveraary of hou birthdsy Velues. day Cel. 27, a.tinhsi 0of relatives wvais houeansd anaég tienvus Mia. John Mtelases, o et mud Mr. Vimg, el Cicago, agent foru on1 Company 4spatabou up bis railleuse houe vili th* Inantion Of suppliing lias ommnnny vIi thehast cf01 ci ani lovait possble prince. à suprse vàs' iemed Mslm Ia Blai ie byhaa"uoloulnls, UmssAnale abatig ieh id in ember oai «e Ms, Norliyui amid seTheisa vere ouI ri Mg~,auiay aves aifnagaam4 lmuet t hect. Pr. oleot vas asIes1el.1 albo siii fuoieeminqthy ara sbovly rasoer. Mr. H3e ota efarier livng lia Plun Grov Uqion buess Wasid, oesd vis ausaiby bi au nbebaifigilenlOSa bicycle. Dr. D. Ha. Viior4 atlondel tin. Auietief sale aille. Fareras vie ucuiemplale' bavlug auctiont &houli«oeiluon usforprilais for bfIs. Ve priati liauselly sud Vith liapauli ar uimilAsre the levs.Paaigant "egsa bil pelqui aIfbl mae vil reasivoemu satundsy, Nov. 13, vincoecur bus lis district convention -of Christian Enmica »deo"ciaof thliasuty. The seon VIII M oalimus ailday and evustng mni*vii1»be bll lu lie Christin ahoeeh.. A goal prograla VMI ho givea aMidal assurai ot a plaisatlAd luulve meeting. Lutst iu euvemiag Mr. andIn. Berry Gîsasen vire agraably sur- priai bitl onu gpeople of Gorues aMd ieInAy oemmg b iMeir home and apecdtag Me eveneins lu a soecihat sud astamig hesrty congratulations buth liiale ,miroom. As l*ày"vie tiob ,"ve Dr.. ang on lias 10 g nted Mis. <liason 'vlbba poopîs a bien 0f the appreciatt of ber friemdablp enjoyel iuring bubeieif sojounu amoos thenu. Ticy il recids lu Lîberlyvilie lu the future. VOLO. Mi.sud Unr. Vili Huson ver. Mceery cillera ou Sunday. . Nru.Riheard Compton viatal ber dasgbtei, lir. Ba en aAuaa aItMena. ville lait vas>.. Vernie Terreuse amd ini Roiug commensal ichool eaI nctenry ou Nonday Nov. 1. lumor smya va ara 10 have au eeetc oralîroal lunlthe nuaifuture. Gool, latIti coma.- Ni. and lira. A. Esugiat raîunel lroin Vutoffgatauiday viacre tbey atlended Sodaisabool convection. Nis. M. D. Smilth raturuai lroin Elgin atladey aller apending a vaut Vsry piua&ally vila relatives and franda. ie. Louis artiris, 0f Moulpaller, Vermont. la viiling ber s151er Un. bail Padok ami olier relative@ dm friande Ilaur vicimty. Dr. Bomiaaehai oui mev piajyslau oceupiet the Cmaptcu bouse on main alisl. Dr. Joespb Ahi of McHNouy vin &aMocbave oMéa bours es the rsildance oh John Eoeiug lie lirat ami thiri Veimaalaofysce e bmonla troin Mr. amidMUa. A. liughl, lins. B. L. Ruaisnandamilr. M. D. Smith atanded »Msa diligiathul E siloveen se a »* -ieedcma 0f Mr. aMUa. Id obérosan aI Grayliai. Uauiiayaven- ti sigven $b thé mumsbers of $mos by roct sud icalss, li hou hqlagpreilily leaprabaifor ' lha gaâm m wrspls#l, ise a oveb xmmrvelaê vhae cacia onu founi et lie seindiet wb amte Hitle sonveair as A tuewremmbranéoe f *e ocurecea. Deliekous nfrasame vers seavel aMi nias l i pep la le bld us11c8 no Bangvabe oui tmi Si for ft licmesl ejojabla aiovoa u bai emai~speu. RUSSELL. Mr, Bmucama moisi b o geraTait Tueay. J e érand aile vIsitaedonesbas lumdar Oevsmn. lin. Sherean, of ShermeilIle, viait.i ai E. J. Hlgly on Sonday. iNlt,. -Sebml amI"daugiatar, of Nllmke,6vui aselenouSMly. Tm aUéhW tasd Ray15M", Of Liat your property with me eMd I viiil imdYa eaustomer st Vam. Buacig wua in Paltine Tien- day., Cha".Kohl visitoi Chicago lust week. n. H. Blp returuai fromnt tbé oty Rtarder. Nr. alte,. mnevbousnlneteill com)lild. John Verbestansclel bualuestu Palatino lusIy. H. ErsuisMdamilavie esBarrlng. tou viattora s uray. jack Esym ),d, of Volo, vwuà plongent coller Bnday. Frank Banal, of Vaucouda, abipped hoga 10eltcéut! Nonday. Chms, âà5, 01 Palaov, cillai on freeisns u owisNeniey, Bd KniggeMd i VilDaverain, of POiitîeftell ovnanudol. Medie. Lamy Eraislantehimaon vone plaisat sellra nlay. George porcu mi G eorge Vagu ve.ilu ova ou businessTua*jr. Nia. Neyer whe bas bea nvlitng lu the c re4t recihome tii. Webk. 0.11 ounE.L rank foubutbailt@"a$ lu lOva 84 the Lake Zurich barber, @bop. The village bull met sud tras- «Mot.d busines NondaW y evul. They have eomeinded 10 raine the marasm-f. The Isalgtme of the unssont ilOak Park bit puirosit vo attenaiet by a large rovi. The manIidme vsalihs aingle me. 09, " .villagle ployait a uine luifigaqi vbis sasaimore amusementami4a" bue b. My geinsever bollbers.-Thé single fln voie dafested, am LavIs Seip pitcil for marnidmen allai the Dliii lnning. Theamountà0fmilk reeai a P. R. Havîsy's ftorSy aveiagied naly 11,000 Ibn laAly iin« October. The patrons of lias faclory appraciale the advanflsp atod it hm by Nr. Havler sud h sgv aunla mîlai- tion toai anoeermed. The pies of ,nilk per humiliaI pâlitby hlm durin théie bsacabs béni aboie lias aveae. pald bp neighbcrlngcerauierymen sud lias LekZurich bottar sud caueme are No. 1 on tleiasrktI. GURN EE. Carl lanb, of Obluago, spsut Sundal vith bis paient. Chas. Viliur was In Chicago on busiess lait laturiay. Mil m aou 11ht lanapeuding a 1ev tiaya vîlie br parents at Houey Crack, Win. Mr. sud Mrs. T. 2. Gray, of Vauke. gin, apent Sumlsy alia T. C. Frencha anul fiily. NIlm Irans McClure, of Chicago, apent luuday at home vitb firiauda lu liais viclnity. David Young Ihepopular blackamilia at Laanb'a Clbrner van ln Cilcago on busines aturday. Seveal iCicago hunIers vers lu Ibis viclnaty lait. oofaind i ucc.eded in gatlng sonsgeins. irday evening Nov. 12. lbe M. W. A. aouiely viii given lm entoriainineu aitIhe cbuimb. Tuey have ecurai liahe talentedl Prof. Vornes, of Chicago, wbo bau been bers before sud vIl plisne all Who her film. Thc barn on the Persons fari was burned lait Fiiday avening about 9 ooelock vilhbabe, grain and nomes firnlng lmplementé. Thebas ui"a beivily on Mead Bron. mi tbey lad but 11111e luaniance.. 11flà N. H. C. PADDOCKS LIBERTY VILLE, ILLINOIS Hùsks corn and make hay of the staika. IThe Sterling Snapper.and Shredder,' Al» mI mehsby i of t e.k Hummer Sulky Plows. I Brabley's X Rays Sulky Plows. Bradley's a.nd De.r.'s Walklng Plows. IBUGGIES - WAGONS - TRUCKS. Lumber Ans, Coal. SALT,. CEM ENT and TILE, Rope, Twine. Etc. I .H.Schar ~LIBERI"YVILLE, nck &Son. KseUUUUmmrnemeeege44444444444444~< ~ AUCTION SALESB. The tiaieeyea-Wod boy e1 J. A. Johnson' ef LynaContai, Ili., las aubject te afttacha of croup. Mr. Johuson mys be la Dai liitsliai tiinly ma of h sabrlains& Cougia Samedi, dunlug a savaiss atoct, iel bis ltîs boy'% lits. Halatei lbe rug business, a mambai of the ira 0of Johnason Bron. of Ihal place amd liey bondie a gramt many pet mineus for thiot ami long diaseae. He bai ail thonse 1chaoae fronc, aand dli physicies îoedy 10 rospoal 1tebis ciii, but slesiel Ibis ramady for use lu hie ovu faaily et a lime viaan hie child'a Ille vas ludanger, beaese ha tnev Il se ha auperior lo auy oliar, sud lamons lhu country over for ie curas of coum Mr. Johnson mye flaisllie bailnsiM. ing eougia medica $bey bondis, sud ebis it giron splendId satisacstion lu Ail esm. Sold byIr. B. LovIEz, Lbberlyville, J. a. BeêcUax, Guinea, L. H LiTCHPILD, Rockefaeler. JacobRescieuvild bis decl ai 10 quit mgainnd culyl osali ai publie auctien vllboul isrve as bis realdenco, hall mulle norlh-Wast of the depotlal Highlnd Park, Ili., on Thuis. dîy, Noiemhei 11, 189, commni8lg aI 1 o'cloet P.. M . he1Illvg duscihal prepaity vis: Tvo goed vert boiesu, lait by colt, 4 Immn 011, brotan single and double-, tumber vagon, top buggy, double bmauess, single harosna. mover, monder, hairow, plov, bey rats, culivator, bobsleigh, fond culier, bey irok, lump board@, bey fort ami rope, grimi atone, 160 buashbiOeta, nomstock a1 atrav, la sogoal Iinaelhy ey, 10 loua uplani hiy. 10 tous prairie bey, Tzami oi SALE--AU ara«»iof $10 and unuerocah. Ali aums ovar $10 a arsdil 01 ouaYsear VIII ha givan ou geai bankabla noies beaiing 6 Pouarmin. 2 pen cent discount for cesh ona a nme ovi 810. No piopsrty ieznoved outil eettUel for. JACOBîRacviUvsLii, rop. W. B. WaLxMOT, Auctionsar. mortaage Sae. Norigsge ails ou piopariy titan ou ferscaure ofrcablai inorlege giron by Abert Groacho aMi Lâm& Uiooaia to Gerge auairnaabail*, on las Kouch Norse faros là mâles West of Haimeavile, fflday November il.,1897. oommencîmg as 12 oO0lc M. lias hiou, L,,tIlpe Vntisuk po, mnare, le yr;;ri brooia-vs. 60 eblutan. SuIIsailse10 Ibcfor casihâbau. U1MIoîoîBAUNNsoMr, NOrigagas. Moreim age al. 01 propez t ton oufrcaloauie 0f ObAlîla anor4lagises by Albert Grseehe sud. Le meGromeataeb0. M. Tîsul on s lu nchaNoise terni i milesiwvns of etomiale. Mb ilai NovambarIil., 89, aommencing ut 12 M, .j tf oloiiâg dWasrbeqlproporty *tg; -- cove, yeerlig baltai, hoUair dol be salve moum, balte, sait,44 ohiotemi, bisai bors, Il yeara 011; bleot maret 129Xyenid; brova borse, 7 yuar;l 8taies, Slista, à goe poirumk wuhagon, milt wagon, vaij cars, 2 pi. dose, aulty uubIvitor. valkIug cuitivaloi, Pair i81gblatnd roi, pubveisa, msubi, Oalple foyer, 2 seis voit haminls ingle haumasa, Calinon ktIle, 4mut os. Tenus or SA-Aiunam 09810 aMi uniai ac5. Alaumiovar 810a eredl cf lgial înalbavil bu e f se gSi. henkablo notas boarlg ,S p« «Me iutaee. Noprîstro rablA salais for. G. M esMeggc V. a. ArorMl, Aitua The undaraîgmad i vi »m- publi anictien nthe 0. W. asidb e m tvo miles ot-voit01oflHerDay ou Diasmon ImLe erosd. Sslorday ne«. 6, 189, sommneing M1 ocet *p. the ollwingdembai propesty lu. vit: 10 aboico sova, miltera Md apiagera, tesetsvoit bornsi.20 tam.a geai bey, quity cs.& quaiy ms,- tva IfuI blood Berkshire aov., leur grade sovs, fortliva uking 1Sm miii vagen, double ligst bernIs Maarly mev; impleine uat nesaa~ ou 70 mre faim ami amyeb, articles t100 uuieio.s 1te amlu. TaMme s Ssn:-AIi auna of 8il#se undarce. LAUlsumo a orilea ardu ot osyen vwili ha gien cong"04 beanabla notas beilng S6 par eset interest. 9 pur ceqt disoonat for euh on al ancina ovai $le. no pia"I remoyeai unil stliilfoi. C. W. BEAIDL54, P. living duciiel 10moe.tu *0 etty, John iStryker viisil ilyehJé auclion vilbeu s e t y" mai lc OMa etetaaa attaroon i , eom ad WI C1 eeS" ol mas b ugy bre, 4o soe sbfoe, O=la M0014bul.3 lioni teIll, lueruls Kg bugy ernns oM auIta2 otor itiela s nul eiWoed haonhabett noabtId im laator a i ahumil IL V. O». Vmo, $mte aer on yur tU," reu Panablents, Gltmo rass, EtY, Go to Âinqng numerone oholi bagainq 1 hava the foilowing: Laxe Courity -Parme F"r "le. Grave"*k. Pour ferms lu Vernon Tovnship. Fou SÀL-A choies lot a8 by1 aa tmeed tom Midsaent to Thir em uAo o 8==a lmelnAvn.o enpadltr u ce dist< Sautfinom ikinorth 0 lir acehuasowe duo«.sclv Vàu<ud loverI ferste ryn<.A ' Îtb b alm"i, iOuam lear=dae I Olabe ~Lîberlîvîlle City Preparp SadNl! are lot vitia ailabt mcm moleru mcmireaouala aris.Roud wvaS. ltir. aadeansfu t Un ac1~inCproved faim on blac f Oileecesp for cash, or on recionrentr long, il.. * rt cah. "bus- Forsale. nMW building ia lest, ale 105 éras ou aElîauhsrond. housre [1=1 olce Iota toine leftetaif rom gue barns. sc ea good v on ella.g toci li-sc. cas. aieasoutaset 4aPer cent. Libertyvîfllo rsa sali Imavove i tum mefana subiewhaamiles 09 te L .M *rs)1 n~ratrvîie or Nlvaukad Ag o" td of aenlvtio. WVl pe cshdlfereuce. là"e 1&Wd.S #-r~4 ou tirelD Agsa. le ins -- Tasione 0 ir0 i e .,r a*r &Subscrlpton:News AI "er arose êriver »L.LIFE INSURANCE AGEN rat t0 suit purebaier. rs. 1nvut< luy, 8611. leut or Trado Btai1 1$ Viti parYeu tu<o onsik

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