CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 12 Nov 1897, p. 6

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h rt,. salie ~gti ~on is* ss Be ut ~cs* wm~ E oUi sime an. ut' ~sa b. slw t.patiy. Irsud.wltb£ 72 iséseetor; the. s-k __________ The yskstieeaibias a bjet ga s mmer,Loadou. 60; 'sir WillilaHeiscissi. or té0bielle,, and a racui dwsanefe r 48. L-ssil. Liverpool and Melbourne. 4e a La rIESCOPE WHICI'Ob eetiiheglace hein&.au siready statad, Inch. Paris, 47-ioda; CommuonBaliAnt, SI;b N COMPETED. thei larget ever made. Thse Clarke be".-Toulouse, 83.-Acisb; Marseille&, 31.5. and t SEI CO PLEaD. eMimlier glass in band, whicb, wiieu e- Harvard Colege. 21-iuch. The-euormoum t ited, whlie b.piaced n cou obervatory, wclgit et the mrrors of tise rellectint tel- t ton@*t« etLakeGenvaunder the drection of Harvard, on Mount escope la a serions objetion te tbefr us..a .,~~ooe et ,ek Oc Mllion, ln Reutiiev Californie. Amerca The.ttra relectors la Lord orne tel.- i Thi Mn'will tin. bave the. pcoud distinction of @Cape weigb the eooceven and the. ther t »gos-Tbs Deicate Operttuns possessint the two largeat telescope u t our tees, and the. dlMculty of casting in obed la GrindAng e Large Oies.e. the. worid. Even wtboflt these, bow- e homugeneus mess inch a qusntity oft ever, our cutylà.7 ste borow aglana iotal 1leascmitau obstacle te AUs cm-b J ~phraoe, "u the wim" s.tronomicaili, ai ploymcnt ln a telescope as tii. cent. Thero e Bsse Big Telescoties wel an evecy tiier way, for we posses bas receutiy beesi dtacoivéred, oweyer, - â toptic 11K' fnthe are ble at lu a larger nuaber ut great telescopes tien a metbod et coverng piste-glass witbmi-v Wu e th mçt ntabl clent intheSay ther ination lu the worid. The LAck ver no as ta gAve a perfect reflectien, suda Ur od nelerastronomy. for tAhe tele- Obervtary, ituated et Hamilton. Csl., Ift his proves succestali refllctlng mIroNs i7 s put in operuatinIs thc mot hba -inlch glass, net up Au 1887, the may yet play an Importsat part ln the. bis-t mi trument thatêutrai h as ever beeruu h Naval Obsrvatory at tory ef praetlcal ustronoeny.0 idI ta th heavens. The disinuguish- Washingtoni, bas a gnss et 26 Aches, put The principal makees of abject glaosi Imoilcan sstronomers wbe. tram lu position iu 18-41; McCormick's glase et arc the. ClarkeofotCambridge, Mame;1 -ttltutious, gathered ntt h.ebserv- the University ot Virginie As 26 nches, set Mers, Grubli, Oauchoix nad Fts, n Eu- rbcd su opprtanity acsna 5wl1s rope. Tii. Clarke bave su .stabliscd roffered te assîonoters beore. tfor.. rputation superbe te that et aux othert deriuus power of the 40-loch object manuufcturers, sud, tram the. excellencea . breught lto view detatila Ou the oftiiir worii gd thet .uçttes.wltb wJircb su ad pisaceta t a degree never equal- tiiey bave msnutsc*ured these bute obfet a," glani previoloaly ostructed. glaises, deere thse tame tiit bas corne i eles Oservatory, se called tront tetora.Neu il thse pest gîsase.ln mdc.las probby the tost pertectly this coutry are the work oftheii Clark. MWd observlug station la the world, tactory, sud, altliengh the glassas procur- lhr consldered wth re'gard to ils Ait- ed lu Paris, the. labor tealng t Ato pro- e, te .number ef ls instrusienta e hp a i indu nAei *1v dellcscy. The situationuin chus- - -prsaebsa endn uAela Ath retereneue a ulz n o nt ouI! a Few people bave an Ide o e i amnau; sky re trom dloau d suioke and of etlabor sud expeuse Avolved la thc man-1 *le ight butalo a ýot fee tainntactlire of a 36 or 40-ncb object gliss lie o tih buth. Tho intr cetam for a telescope. Iu the . Ont place, theinesei à os etothe arth.u 'liA.caerum tetplection et s proper dlek inaomtter of no a lu o e i eath eau-*ed bY a Pasaing ttle tume and lober. The. glase for ac 6a or train ,asy put thetît ont nt e<lnî- telescope rouit b. et p.rtectly liomegen-1 suad requiro a readjustmünit. The e ue texture tiiraugbout. Every onc bas1 rvaor laêaleda hicgo.-sit-uoticed n looklug threugb theclass of a1 ,vu ieta cille r aChctgocne awindaw thst ber sud tiiece wil appeari euint As i therr t fuellcc ndstaorAons of abjects wthout, tbc cause bstyfv ie s heheo luk Go.AlenabeAag Auqualities n thc glass or dîffer- styoflg Aet am Cdrcae. adlarge cceslunitasubstance. Inanauordiusry at inohud watst pure hoed noidwlndow glass, a dstortion outUis kindlasi llntei edaevleuiY et the a motter of no cousoeuence. but lu thc Mot. The.lueater lod rc nabject glassetfa teleecape, ifthtei.mateclal n. tore uresst a wiroadtra Clos- t one point in a trifle denser than et an- et two ilhses dsant, m ilesl. clos-other, or, if n eoolng, tbe glass became rletlcouights sTe c rectmies. The -barder or stter st dAfferct flaces, Uic tr ient caneslbut he rolctcd tofveaitwll lib.fatal te s correct observa- tlcl dstubanes.buttheabiingot CUAULES T. YERKEIL tion. lit As said tisat nesrly facty dska geetrie ligt Au the siy la a source ut us mbrrassrneîît it he obuerving un u 88; tbhe bservatory ut Princeton werc tesfted betore a selectian wsa finally animer, trsa brigblt illumination close bas a 23-incb glass, put in position la made of one to b.oused tac the Teck.. lajd nullîfies the power of bis itru- 1883; the telescope ofthIe University ot telescolie. The testing of' U idsksA ns kt whea observing the alrs. Thus t Chicaga, set up n 18;4, which dld service incterout mathcmaticasJaccuracY, the glace be seenn pins bave been %pareil te b9tace thc Yeckca instrument. bad au ta b.eued becAui placed ina aionidark- set ait the conditions favorable te the aperture et 18.5 nches: lua1880 a tel.- oued. save toc a gmail it aithti othet' mnemer aud th. great fortune wblcb scopie et 16 nch". was huang lu the War- end, then caretul instrumets are emploY- boss .apended Lan tting eut the. ob- ner Oservatory In Rochester, N. Y.; lu cd ta test .évMr quarter Inh of Uie en' M»" bas mad it penhsps thc mont 1871) a te.c.ofu 15.5 iluche. wss placed tire surface. Sametmes there ie a super- boit en the planet. n position antrMadison, Wi., in Uic Wash- ficiAl flsw. wbicii disappetre n tise grnd- Kd san uld-ne i 3Ofeet lan Icnth um Observatry; as eacy as 1M43a tel.- iug. but iAthtie detect Ae Au the lateyAor et isea ti eue City block, wble the &colle, wtlîa glassa get! î e% -Man 711the. dlsk, that placoetfglass i. wotle.s la are eech 100 teet. Tii. dame, lu nccs n diameter. waa put iu operatian for astrentomAcal purpO8oesand in set aside ehi thi e attelescope A. iecated, is t at¶Camhridge, Mass.. hi Harvard Univer- at once. tortiler etremlty et thc main build- sity: n 1&56 the Litchfield Observatary Ater the seleetion et s perfeet dink villüe t the.end@ et Uic IA are smalA- et Hamilton College at Clinten. N. Y.. thc grnagbogies. lIt s cadiotages Mffe for tclescapee aof legs power aud won provided with a 13.5-Auci glase. ad macinery May b. employed te ceduce the e lustrumeuts. Tie buildingn wbich about Uic saine tIme Clumbia College, dlsk tean appreXlmatelY correct form, but ~rn: te detl becote the. WC twent] tise già and t withl strumi roustit ber@,a weeks wlth et-ce the. b operst ianp on toi and ri Att poar pnd p do n< would cd wi boxes are ti ait s'q and tA every sentà rAngm the il glass Inter chan uatko work thesi At sta t ti Kobi watel Lt 1magi the 1 the il sud1 objec tcalil mou deta leges Ine mc pect mile baw the. i oft ahla crui par Ina, te ledj ope col OId doc tAui bel ta, tee clil gir. ______________ --and TEi~ YMKE ODEi(AT YOF THE UNIvEitiTY 0F CHIICAGO AT WILLIM'IA.WS greait equatoniailA s snuded la8co- Neo rt. pravided t ihaît ith e 13-n hatter lthe course grindiag la finiuiied aIlt eh «M wi tii an ico dame 90 fol lun diamne- oujectgisna. There are glaties ut simiirthcU es eut rthelabonromuet b. donu. hy ta, s&" 6 teet in helgit. The tube eor e ah Allegheny, l'a., snd Albasny, N. baud, s an ut ofgreat lcugth sud inex- A t"e te-escope hbîa c eigti et more lias Y..vitile othcrs et 12 luches and lenSaare precibi! tedieus. Tic abjet glasso e letic 40 cA, sud Is bang upon supportasarbose lu pousition nosummli>places la tbe Usitoti Verkes telescopie requlceul neiti w, etb fnindcstiona of seid graite ink deep State.s hah leo gi-e a list ot thcm voulti years aud a hiait of constant til>' hbor aIl Jot. tic caurti. The iouie As placcuh upon bie tediona. ton tt completian, sud Uic cent vss $70.- et tirtlt.x ubeels, encb a y-ard n diameter, Thc principal tereiga retractiar tree 000. Atter thichciucal grniinglas lac &" a mmoyed uin>' ydesiceul directito b>' copes are thome loatet lit Pouikova. i cempîcei, Abte veekusen beglu withiestr>'aim mcsnrw>Jle tien. As a movabAc fluor Humasia, 30 ,loches; nt Nice, ofîthAe sanie puwi]er anti lenthler padi. and hî a slow ti "ilci. h ey elerer ueebaaulsus.aeau bdianeter; lie Ocouvwici htLnuadon bas irr,îiar motion graduehh>' work clown the taide te ise or talA au that no mather at a gluiasetf24 loche,. hctheuyal Observa- surface et tic glans tle i. cqnircti di- ~ y'àt angle thi e Aloe m i'bel et etory ah l'ars iai s a2-é-ichglass, n'Aille mensons. Tic tedionsuesa ut grindingt tt obser cati, taiid on tlie flor te do is tic1mî. 1s Obsrvatory nt Vitsuna la uow aca isk oftotugh glass b>' lewly mnr- soi ooi or @st liluaelf n a chair. lifting 161e, îc t ti atees of tesaume lpower; ing one's handea ver its surtac'e inmore pic tb urfottamtite te time-as me>-lie nec- the University- ut Cambridge, Englanul. exasperatiug than tic hardet Ibr. Day cî( eseal>. has a Z25 mci len% in Uic teAescîiPe; the alter day, vot atter veek. month after wc Tie saliiate s shulti unuestani] that observatonies nt 'Milonand st Sraburg monthh, li meebuanir. a sihleil mecianue c -Wiesa atelemeape Ain ses upen a star tie bsve ech h8-incb glasees; the lHuggins aht that, speude is ime Au cublug tuhel katrgurttieca ottkee-Ithlie ci n lu t- eus moeetbnna aminulhe. nîiitr-ra cpecilu provision le modec for itviug thc elearoîte hi vitu Uic apparent motonofettAe star.lAie b Mtar suolir stands alilAI. utat hle mioof utIed tie rti upun Ils axis in sntalitl> lIRe- a hW tue teAscople ent tf forais, sudti. lt--- tire, meules havese l ieci y b> ilciru tbc telescope ca b. moved at a rate equal Io thaI of the apparent notion outhIe slan. » tbat vieui the objett A lmîrie iàtenus 5 andthetii. ock vrt ss-ich muve Uie c tre- o adupele As turtet. thinîsrument nili fol- li - 1e the star tram tlark uttil diwn, tluus b SilvIngample ltie ton observations utfail>' leoghi..As l in iut ftievouderfaî meir- sisuismuuscd lu tic von Ca large telescipe i -o net cash nieovet.thie saîr teulieobserv- n .1 it lanIrstocateti At' lmens of te "land- or," a mach onialler ilebetew. anothe otïoa lnuthie ierveu uofthec utjet bcn- kg cedaittei.lie great telescuipe la wmed aceecding le tht'meet a gratini- simd crs-ele platct jnst ienesîi suid an «art îoeunsla obhainess. The Vertes icAc- aeq*OatOAsfttII'eItuilpet priit u cry o>duera inventien ti, nulytbfor ihttt-rviîig. tbat aIse for recordirî thle tt-. Phhot 'ota- grillc antispectroscoieic ppsrstunsmu>' be enecltd %st-IAihlicelt'seope iA ueui tàn ora>' aute inake. svi ticheaid oetbAhs Iu- - supent.Aie muaIt eieute recrdarsl tthe f Oppmfene efthUic estial ligita anud as- 6 eseftaAs Aer composiiotn. Wbat mnl lb. experteulfronm lie new in- trbmt Ae ladienhed iy tic Informaî.tion gsAied on tic brsI crening t f bservation. Tic eIstument wsas Inaston thc moan && tic netret. sud, lu mani respecta, tic solou interestiug ut otan telstiil neigi- bions. Conslderable extitement bas icen amsaed Au attranottuiral cireles b>' reptscî trouPl'isthat ticetobserver there de- t.eted, or. tiaught tir>' tcoci. aluluar- seces ins ti. muon, idicatîg tihe1raeocc et oraies'and regetatien. Th i acupis-nI tiser>'le hat Uic mutin Asa adeuid vuhd. beviag De stmoppiebre. sati if thece la an>' weter, li aa retirerA lu tiîhet'sir et eut telesAlal eonin. Tie oiaervahiuii tinug e eerkes teleruulu confiraiibis TRE YERKES ThtLiiSOtE. taniobeervvd t-soe li-vien. îae indicatios ye oeeve îtsîosubre ster or i.ciîeL ui ,ennin15 Iries, waille srfceutUc.l.t.hi a m ecthat .gtieno. 1tinAs stu)iiîtllaIt-oer>' nt 'oulkovu, in addition le Uic 30-lochAe a m. an>'.yprogrestra m meuh lu leeetlns Ieitit ts-ii lic rnade 'taiti giîî inalsua o14-luth, glasea t unhi; lbfor nithîn a e tw seekm atter he gadte ac. -noea]vîce n- tle- staîtia'r iac hueng lo-attul et ubsenvetudosias btegun UIcgass appears ashiïgbtly .e Iulonbet'ufolit db> uarespond- la Paris. Lirluen. hruamels andthBucieulitt; pa1,lie spsile, but the akilleui cye et of kns e towîculge Nwvihregard tt giase. tut13-inch andl les s ae eumcuuius Uciprnhe]ecti delecItichediffen- ~~~~sgsMeplanet. udthi.publcl-jl Ecîi ut ss in lerica, ence b.we e Ui ize.t polilattaiua Iiaong e t isveries tI o0 l acltien for astronomie bev- i u an>' dcgt-e below tial. It la tant sud ise tacItonesut tien v., as ie mst otier respects., leed the aul>, hovever, loir Uic sato et thb o pils bu ett ls Y j u-ecld. tthe l. vrkroealabom fote .glsant îeW" heTicgmetet nIeug t.*e,55&a $~Suot b. cmm 4o be tealid- j etnneoane dellg Caietâtneplay semA thse paugYsês Abat bhg&,bbea L l six ta bnenOi5thethe ipfgr au perceptible, la elgiteeu Monthe. voIt le fur advanced, et tise end of ty-tour mt" ofetstedy vubbing, Iast la appvocèiiug eoup»toe. Hoire there, bowever, larnvite of Un .car* wblii tise 'rbbing bas beeA donc, cre Aucqualities detected by the. in- nents, If mot hy the. eye, sud tiiese remedled by a lîtie ctra rubblng ýa Uttl. leus there. FAncaly, au s con- îg operatien, tic warkman @pend@ te rubblag the surface of tUi lai bIs haroebond; ma, reducAng sui- ce, Do esnery, flot even thecliuest snd ut pawdem, vilI answer Uic purpos.; are baud clouretmust comploe theii tiomi. Wicu otfoe vork- la bereft: ofthe akin, another taies ce, and the have-baud mubblng gos r weeks and months. FAnally the. .meate deteet nt'a rcer InequalA- bhe tived balidseofthUicwerkmeu veut egt'ew thse cutiele that ha. beeu lost e 918-I@plilAd, the werksbop At As marntedI naà terri- a7 tube, tien taisca dowa, snd, Af samyl retoucb.d at different points packed lt a sbpment. Seventy-tiiou- Mollar abject glasses for telesepe. lt travel latrelght cars; thc JultAng id main tireur forever. Tbcy arc pack- Atb dense layer. at cotton battAng. lu m especially mide for the purpose, trsnsported lansott-spriuged ýeblcles, Swslk, te Uic neameat callroad station, lieu rAde ln a palace car ta ticir des- Ai. The box laset on edge, and ait ry fcw miles a turned go as ta pre- suaother edge et Uic glass ta Uic jar- unotAou cf tUictrain, lest, on a ceunt of glrsat welgit. te .substance oethUi a.bould b. ciinnged lu texture by Uic t'ai straîn. A force et .killed me- les aecompany Uic glass ta Itsdesti- ion; noa o» neAliawld te, touch At but te men. wiie theroselve. attend ta, Uic -k ofadjustAng Atlu ic Ahe Acacacpe sud et ofmounting Uic Instrument, Erc tarts ou il& jeurncy 1h As Iusured for full value sgaiust accident, and Uic boas' tu Uic Tower et London hinet b.di laore ciosely thon the objeet glais àtelescope. ttle by little Uic wondecu ef Uic beav- &re disclased ta anc view. but b.e who Laines tuat the reveiations made by great telescopen are-witiiout labor vws noUiing o et Intelligent effort, unmumevable caleulatlis, thc patient 1iang-coutinued tui epcescuted iy the cet glas. of a teicicepe. ' LOST MINE IN ARIZONA. s Property, Gnmcded by Crnsbliius Breetwoshs. 7e etovy et the dlscevcry ot an aid, ,otten tain. lu an untreqticnted io> Iy la the foothulls et the. lisnal utaius, embelllshcd wltb remantiA tis sncb as usually sccompany 'de of lest mine.i, emeted sailvelj rest about Uic public resorts ln obe. , IL Gobée, R. Quae atndH. 8. «llsno Auguat 17, wbule proe. eting in Ah. toothîlis clgit aor mine le scsztb et Globe and thvee andI a If milles ta the Acf t oetAh. toil rond, weyered an nidI sbaft. aud nean by on ebilai abore thie nains et b.-eastworks, lech b.d cvtdeotly beeu erccteal for feseagaînat IndiAss. Tii.evidenceii great age observable lu th. decayc4 at aimait flled with debris. Sud the .mbilng breastworks. excAted the -ty's curioslty, audthey atoppesi te vestigate. The aid shaft tnas tounÈ have been *uznk on a veli-delicet dgo. troua whlAeia they teo" proasA.sAO ecialcis of os-c whlch tcâteul wetl Ir >per and gatdi. >wAng te the nsate condition et thi i shaft, atter hovlng remo-vcd tvae o ree feet4*f the debria. tbcy abat actA Il, aud hâvtng madIe their Ic on@, they stanted a new Aunce shaf Plow the nid avorks. Frou the sur ice dowe thcy bail a twelve ta, four men Inch atreal: ef suipharet ore cul ug tram 15 te 561 per cent. la <tuppe (A Weil la goltA. one aisay glvlag $4 er tee. The Incline As nov dowu Ai run feet acnd the are haus vldeuedt xc.e feet, A vcl-pr.erved keleten, wlth a bu et bol. hhrough tic skull, or bearti ber evideuce ot toui play, la a desi tde, If Dot aun..sseal exhibit oftec ry sncb dlscevery. uan »this wv acklng, ]Mr. Goble lndirouaiy s peoUt te supply t.he deticAeney. a hough An justAce te, aur littormaut. us ih was Uic hope of uncoverli reasune more than ta mairen groi ;ome a flud. which promptcd hlm taie La®re a ason et atone. lotAged i n cevAe Au the rocks near the breil o®rka. Afhet cemaoving about tbî fet ot rock aud lbaves Gobie stcuck i Aick loto what provcd ta be the e3 scket of a buinan skuîl. whlcb eau, Arn to înoîucctarlly shrlck witb born but ,,urnmoning up courage b.e proce( d vAth the work, anti soon uncavel acomnpActe skeetenuto a man. Ne ho clght band lay a dagger cahen ni rual, a large ehunk of squartz sean %lth course gaiti. anti a hantie *peclmep et onyx. Wluat wai Ah. ti ot the humnbelng wlioqe houe. lI xec thus ruîtely disturbed? Undt been murdcred by the Implaceable tec lue white mac, the blooti-thît Apache, or liatile pcaceftily laid do ite's burtien andA been tecticriy ci nîltted ta the grave by tmlectily bai, rherc la norte luanswer, sudtithe in tery inu-aIrrmaIn unsolved.--G lobe, T., Silver Beit. Osman Digine a Scot. Osman Digma. who toc years been gtlng the British trouble an Upper Nile. la, uccordlng ta the1 Mail Gazette, reullY a Scotchr named George Nîshet. H. vas b lu Rauneof a Glasgow father. i 1848 emilgrateid ta Egypt. where dict Hî-lado- married a 'I Oms Game ?rennm ithI ?w sep-e. . Vaeor Supe. tlndoubteu or thtae bust methiodi ot k.eptng streets cdodu la that ot ire- quent gflug nawltb vch.c, sepeclally wicu tie sewer outieta aMe90 Plauned as te permîtail taie saliti refuse ta b.e vashad out tbroegh theni aloug -with Uic water. la manY cases, howcven, h suppiy ot clty water doe net per- mît tic llîbmvl 0w ncceesary tac a cborough fitaohiug. go that thii.luxurY cau b. permitteul only viien an ecces et wratcr Alan handA. The citY of Olden- burgl, nent Lubeck . bas provided an lu- depeudent water suppy for the en- peclal purpose et keepiug tice treets vasbed, this hein£ onceofthtic umef- ou% saaitary improvements wblcb have resultei troro the.choiera cpidemlcet 1802iu>cbe ssrth scanports. luIntier ta av010 thc cost ef Pew buildings the jpumplng plant As placed Au oeeof the electria stations wliere space vas aval .lable, the water beAng taken direct tram tic Rver Hunte, tbe pumps be- lng drives by heit trant turbines. A systcm or lilgh-servîce tailsas ite getier distinct trous the reglar water auppiy Is connectet i wth this pumplag plant, anti a pressure et slxtY-Ilve feet iiead la malntalned hy an automatic regulsar, permîttîeg the excoas valer te be rturned te lie river wbeucvec the tIemand te reduceti. Thls bigli- service pumplng ffystetasuAplies thblm ty-sevcn flusblng bydtials placcuh at sncb points of levahAun as to permit tic sAeti la be cleareu bY the shape. Tic hydrants are so arrangeA bat thelr ondlnary tilacharge lsatlarougb apenlegs ln the eurb ai lie gutter Ilne, but thcy cau aise h. mmedatey con- verted Adto line plugs for hose attaci- ment, eithcc for treet sprlnklilg on tan lire englue etiplui. $Ince Uic river va- ter at Oldenburg Asa ult for launsehoiti se. Uic plant above deacrîbed l8 aval- cbieaLLY ton tAie spet-fl ipurposes toc whlch t vas planacti. but the expeca. >of tins naiug a local i eupîlîof bracktah water for punîlases Ot mreet washAIng andt ice service Asaen moderale that the tmetiod Ie vos-tu of eaualdertio louA etier localilles. The cntlrececot Of the Oldenburg Plant Ivan les thu 97,000-that le, le"s han 11200 Per by- drant-wblle tiihe eOuOmY lu streel ceanl nions- vosld-4eo-rcpa i tu raf 1er vilc i le copt or uperatlel weuld he much Ae tansubyay oticu' methati, net ta mention the suPert sulitary adrantsges.-Electrltcai En- glecer. To MARKCET BY TROLLEY. F EICgliasi Tvschers fSeve Tbrir Au Englisi trolley %'., Plylng lue Ivocu Bestibtaok and Newry. thlrnugi e a rubf:rmnitg distrilct, maies e sitb lng tarawagons aven Ia Ues ttacb- c d te the moles' ccc. la the place et the Imnler. whilbla gscetim" ea s.,Ini rda'ssr te kecp lb. wagons Osa the Irack a i em pl ii hlaid luside the .-FUngt:'ncks ant islgltly higlier. rlTi. levas at elither ed o et IiUne 'ecearebath market towns. and the linc n-sns drctly ta tIhe buaincuta u-nt,-ris i ere liae wagon. are tirswc aside atd 41 raua lt&a their pian-e% by a liait dozrel ig in le ir a- ft ltnrdy mcd, W b& une itald a tn'w pe-nce 4 etici b>'the eoc0trtylliauu tor 1h15 mr- o vIce.I lit, tieretors-. pos8iialifor s tarner te bs'Angils ArOduret-. emnarket eSt anti dispose oait vîtbhut ltht' aid et bis s herses. It la cal an nuromisuol i uigîeh and I clays a rtiler anuilsng eun. tari se' &a hinberlu>'far m a ffats louther rb wftia ha>'or prrirltcc AIl 2aîeuiglui-- hic t hela. m otor car on Ils wtva Io t e ,s r ket. Tic tartuers Ituke llnully lte A achemo. ns 1h Ili au rvlttg ort hunty as veil ais lorseflealu. A CltractlasAEndeaver. Tl vas tbm vo-Atoet Dr. A. E. (':rl,, hE andi vas aurt-ittui. :aith11e n-nuI-r wil hi see. Thîe tieton was lu a ralîrv aitr ft iu luita.and lu enother îouîîartînelt S( vere set-cra1lrivate soillu-ri. The fl stery 1la tolîl b>' Ds-Ion Uli;rk laIthe Golden IRule: L Thie alilc ccerftgtiiing th"tul-a ditime f et In-",'i>' .axiltigttia tir rcmptirtiOt t-vu-r>' Ator, m:ingy uiltog wiAft-bil e>-cotultiIndu, t-e hani ia r, hiesun wAAlu a t-hlmtC tabonor a îîlcuu- ui breail. Tht-c, ssIen thle îlîg gît wst iin shrlking tîstanor. wlll a Iur-ay tuai-Lu-y stick hie>' WOU,,iti utbiul witli a eiAIu-r Il lht avec the baril; or lAt-,-. t1itw tlut ubreak lth ait etofeue îioorcluog. ntdIlAe h-g etfuîîolluel' tiut ivInI!f eryldg sitli a mnia it i l e t~t LIii 1 noth iouglît It avas h-llse t0 Inier- afore, alni a-s tew people Irtuvel In titAs ? p rt o t Ind îs xcept g vern ne ul f i- cIbls acnd mîlîtar>' officori-, I kîew Ilal ..Tommny Attîns" noulti lakte me toc oeeocflils aupeclon ffcilesr. Se. puet- sng my>' iarl lto tIihe olIupatment vluocc tic tour hamac brutes vene scuitesi, I suidt 0hiam: le-yeu arc tIi. mont cruel nti cowarul- 'i ]y men l'y. ever accu lunta>'lite, ho heit thie pool' doge n thls vay. If I no onwf yeun doiug aaything marcet tuIi.iso»t on thilt jaurne>, 1 vîli report . you te the geuers.i lu commanida SAgra." e, 1hlas netilesa ta BOY that theat' par- ,.tîctriar ,Tommies" ver. cowantiy as vr ell as brutal. Tic>' saitA not a vunct, t but elunt jut a canner of tiecocmpart- [L meut, anti 1 card nO mor e ylPlug he DBleds Egge. I- Next ta tha± etftic Brtish maseus Pt tic iacgesl collection ot hlrtist eggs le ed tiat helunging teaS iavyer named Nelr 1-Kora. AnnItrauuschweig, German'. lie lutetidison ta Issueo a cataloguec cf bls collection, wvîhi ifty echancd plates île- plcting thic mare vtiiiabie apecî mena. et-ormanuy oft viclineolten sacupie la La knowsi to exlst. Let Fasionable IluiAn PaiIs. lx- Tietaienîbic Ink lenlParis ilaTviolet ticr colon. Sanie mcentule s golden mAt. Il it s s favorite tplan lu use sirveri inka ut varAcd inca lu writAng one lelter. This As Ihongiat te atid te lhe appell- suce efthtle note, .ag- à ts ail velenengi toc s man anti te vite te pull tegetier, but ligy miioud 0maw taie Uffnelt bhk-PUIhig ae State det IusmutAy amend No oee icuillar wt is hastory vas surpriseil ta icara tiat Edvsrd Lang- trY, ,z-hughaud ofthti Jersey Lily. bail diec inA a Cheter, - -4., mat-bouse. Tic troubles betveen him sud Mca. Langtry andi whlcb Adrectly led ta his deati ado of long standing. Lîke no mauy matrimonial ale the Lcng- trJa' troubles began trivially. Atter the Quaker Iélsman-tor Mr. Lang- try vas tiieion at a BlAait lriicd)0'1 Quakcr--ad marvieti LIly, tey hock:a up thiatr abode lu a London suburtb. On. ulgit Mn. Lsuq;tr>r met abarouet, Juet tbe va>' youug bushands are ai- vays dolug lu novels. H!s name wuasI Sr George-Sir George Cietwynd, J, Baroud t fGreution Hall. It vas luit a câlinai sort cf ,meeting, but 1h ciangad& the whole course cf tho young IrishaV Quaker'. lite.. Ho avîte theticbacout ta bis iotea.,sd thc latter and Mmi. Laagtry becamo muhual admirera. I Tic baronet Insisted that tic Langtnyse siauld accampan>' hlm te bis coutryil place. -TIse>' eul. sud ton vots a bd an enjayable tAme.. ouhem netarta home Mrs. Langtry hecamo tiusatis- lied with ber surraunding». lie vaut-à cd a cil>' bouse,,sud une vas foutau lor hem lu Belgnave square.1 For a voman as young, bemutiftland charmîng as Mc,. Langlry. il vas uat diflelult ta enter tiec carmed Belgrave square circe, .and as ber dianer wvere dcilghtul, hemribouse aupcnb utMN ler hubulnud agreeabiy ItilndI. t vas net long before @sic enjoyedthetidtistînctloli et thie monttaiked-ot voman lu tint part ofthle Engliîi capital. Tien camie Ahe crowuing glor>', acnd, IncA- deutally, thc stert ofthle lunce Iliat1 kiet-Langtry, Sue met tAhe PrInce1 of Wnies. le lui accu a portrait tfler hy %lillis,.laitadired lie calot, ftue pose. tie slmpllcity of chara, aend b otigit t. Millais calelîc It tAhe Jersey Lil,1y, andte icArnce' atuouncedthiat i' i ioulti h. gracAensîy picused te mccl ItAie original Jersey L.Ily. Frein Ilat amoment hegan Ur%. Langtry's fece. rpecloul of hobnohhîeg viti coyaity. lion xDtWAZD LANTtavm."i -rryihAgina. the' oftu'mi t ailem, retumed t0 rcr-gîulre lier, andutiau. d ecl>' nm es t-ut lier. lt l at sold e ra aduirernce,h,- rtine auillusl antinu ciA lier andilSAr h itumbd tu Mari- 5 ,rugit Ilue. B 'l'ie nyl>'uio on tlue I.llys hoizown l ln tras lier luiihandi5 lnsrite, or 'il, ite -m iiLsat of Ilt. A tthle I i bit ahi 11, ai1 m't Il w as quille Lmlsrnailt o nnkeOout tAs mccl. Iluan cr1luitur aie l-st lit Priceu-rf Wales. li er celttr. . ha itte 11)e îîîîîy lit-r iitiani l Iaîl20.- as4 muon lapett. suri tht' tasliutaialti. om n Beigrave squae hatu el.I t-en up. (Oise by one 1the comt>-gowtus cvi nd al ti r et'. n t te tAie p lu i b ll r k nt g îuilautaroLtats nlniacu the hast - îe bAd gene anti alarvatiot i ndiîati n ,ne p atutuUy as t uigarhi tausîllar ý« lot-or caînt',ic Il n-as tiîcoîîg Ahe sAfcetofLaIton- a i'e m ta .h e s ir u a ll m . Ni e a l u e L a d g o 7euainu'd lyal id her tcLeutLshlp. ndi li uOe beggusl lier ll atushat tedomane- , ulcg ta relleve Ah. Laagtrys' dealurale d 1 tutiorn. "ise ean't von. aiec cani write, lus t cine i'de?- askt'tlhA,ha.- p l'ut lier on the qtuiaAtilis lte, i 'ita acapItal îes"exu-lalmmeuli n! er huslanuil. Sise 'tttnat any mare tan it e clir-n wrît,,but aile slues uitI_ li futi antdllas 4uroateti a grent tii-il oetgr ,-iundlouli gufsrleil ae w li lusuke a v Lit.' 1)i Antid lsuiIew-us vîglut. NI ra. .aîugtry dititi te- l it. 81w- touAi no ae cI. but ah. trîi uu-suiriiiIyilti Ltully P andilv ltls-tetr st-us 5s-lilig t- laîiliig. ai. )u triu iti' ilrst Iist-I t andtiti t I h: prince-u- liîLiy ftryt ser bs- cotui, eu w-ltinous hi-r crtorcuiansie. %Viilt lis- -i-t uru etf lirr ,Ii-ltu l y iî t heliii- iuî tîtl 3 tue acruritsbail cenuuîru ae tîr lui-r lts-uhuuînil. Shi- Ilscarit'u i lm I t-.iandui Slut-rt., anit ncie thon lit-r uîîly layr-i lu hlssaham hbi en ogesi tdis uenniîîii1A ual. Atter îinady s-Iterts lrt. iaiug îa c>' sutceeti-I aht Meay lu secturing st divorce id Calîternia.TAîls tA i A - 1 IAunt idi ct recegnIze. WhiAe tor suii scoreofetyeora lic never duet bis;ssltc Aie i tili cetusod ta agree. ha ea'gl sellara- - tIen. I3eat lias ueuv, hoever.r, et 1 bell, free.1 Etivard Langtr> w-as not et a typeie tu tue emulatesi. lic ict lits young nd iueautiu ifte laber ove t-les wlien tue>' bail licoumarrie] only tva years. Wilctse n-asxn-irlltig lu thi.vertex1 et Landau soit-iI. lie ax couteulerhi>' yachting anti tArukng arotindtheii eanal. He vas as intiliferent ho er as ale vau tAo hlm. Tic principal Iing liat eau be alisl la iAstarrla liat ie satcnistly IgnoreA tic oppotuulhy pcescnled tu liA t ah e ntactet oh ec career et taklug a certain position id soclet>' as tic humbanti of tic Jersey Lily. Focrem yeama bck Etvacti Lauglcy had dAsplayed unmismtakable signa& f taie life or diasipatîan Ill had led. Oniglual>' b. vas good-loaklg anti geutAcmaniy, but lutter>' i. vas bloated aAmcst b.yond ecogniton and lie bridge oet lis nosc hthou ien raken b>' talllng vicenuntier tie Influence of iquor. ________ cane vitliae Huston. Major M. 3,. Clatheler, et Wlaatcorn. Wash., ias a hickory cane, euh at PlynsatifRuet, lis., lu 16121, by Na- tianlel Plerce. vie ccre aven idthe LMayflwer. Tic cane ias bon piss- t rd donn te the elticat sou or douglîler t oc ciani gerseralainsanti caine ta Major Clothicer ; rom hiAsgcsndmalliec, SarahMaguon, vliarmadtie c1.à00- ponîlid cheoso vAui vas giron te Pre.- tuent Jefferston. jTheie bss vomi a man does tie niont heotmes eolier peopl. lit-bouses, tram a îicare5i point riw, alwayi Iulleate breautes [t-I Ahlîlut tnt Cholly liansaone- gon liAs minti. 1'ulIy-iflue bas, i. b hégoorl ai bala netng.-SoLiOmvIlle mal. ;w tlat I bave rat My iny lu," tie relleveulfaruier. "I thIu t ti -i woltilhb.groallibeller tan a sian-er." aber-Whah dues youn Pain de tor a jg? Nahbe-il a a aulntllttba- Clalber-A pugilist? NabiJer-Nu; rtaker. LA tf. 'Sgt Seailee lle-But îow cau]FeU crtainti uI >u 0ar0 bis tilat love? cnd SetsAu. Bell.-- Well, 1hP onl davu hec. last clglitt-Sket4h. he-I know pti-roasnt tîmes. John-, If i lsad tî,y lire tu lAve avecgrain, oulît uacry you iuit ltie same. ie-- s-e liy doulîtag about Ilial, mY deatr. 'iputi-N', ,01,howv ticyou lita clouA IlAf. Ethel iU-tliuxllhUitiCliY) s* mitnipAy dî-littul. Vevc ecuel rtcui a ss,-îk, uni] harve liand eAgh t rretsandalitrItgIllbutst ot lit ever>' NbAn Fratîlîlo. I love YOu!t"Ianta pecunlus terttal Yettliasit a ia- ýgbail. "E i- se t - yondor ilnus y î1 n s x m a n g e r." cu- li d l le' Y o u g lpolilgwlihbem t;î o tabem lir. iara- Ilo titnller Ie qunodid Eitia pP o ta tuarry Mn. Awkwarui' Dors le nus Ite l'iale Ot lier let at .vîry Usiî t ateniue-u, sat Ai1 pregini1 h. T r Ie d h i ,l u ii k e- t, lu il i n utiîn v a t lu g hauce wilh ler. vew(nd-r. salit a yîuUI..glad>- '. "v mwec Am alwlys relezrcsett5dliîs 1arr>- a torc-li!" 'ii wllliilanau ad hache- mneerlugly rts.ui isî l Oîeu u ntles nt lie alwutîitiak111es It varua torpeu- v ho uiarry." ýVGîncn surlov gel ovi'd cAîAlîlisi tonsIliat îî,c t-ver oîtgruw. Stuita nu elbrato the. ucîîlvt-raary ofete-ri hluai ans lî,t gas îlîey lIre. svble m en abhe anonthi i.ll isl Custoin ai- lti as seoaiasthey graw ni. "Wat (Id lier fthuc as>'ashen yu Id him that yen valitetu A, îarry bt% ugbhtr. ivers?" Wcll Itanîks, ho uat shsmolutely refuse,, Auiliec1111u100- s vry si-rions conitionti.. a s Il?.Ac l"lie liiuI, ulflt e.'me ageul first." ls Fellow l~sln ht.tnLii~ ook li"r",11,.t, ~fiP04laut i bt avhlt Yunseif leIn orrde an I li1kl- sonie Wi-e llitai 1 tI uîl ioI1itli :rry? r. >-etu g cisý-aI,-id I uîaluîw- le Ca ý-ry îî Cou A. asi t' i- a 7a,t Il.- Chiia g,. lotîariiel 1 011t i ot,-r' i i ui li'ttitOI 1 ,g g li a s lu - u h i ; îr 0 11îu l t s :ji, e ( ji u rn t , :I A tiîi,-t - - 1 i sp n - ir w% btu ll i-it -'luuNui-In Thât 4'u i l -e I l v u , t ., . A t n -r l t l ;ti t i s : 1it e s [le aStO lA ,u1itl iîtiuilî llniuiàg ien, [e elginlu a aîilie. 3Ir-i. lie l'In:u. 1i i snfltt'i. sic. t bat ., jilojjjI ,,li . te u iiu d giutir. iihy. biile hu;;s uiiv jti li-ft lioring ltAaa i, YIu liai,- îlot k hou àI itr a -t-k! iîiiig lin -u-it.lta. l n; lit I tti v u ' i n o n ru y u iit t s o uta t i I u it , a n t i -v t'tiiî)ýy s oan rtAatglîlir tais Tht- Loon,îtsr_ unr usiversal 1ur,-vvd- gi ia,,skc ic seo large- hat a all Ky lias bui-lu klîuew o ltigruW tAie Sait le houglitlntti- ru-ar oetItAie rid. avlulle valklt tiIluesI ru-et ilar. TA it' (llS- uic nliaI.! W.-A -i.v got,t Itîart huent u--ars lig li C h i-go Iliii tihe'fluour- Ukuca - 111 av; e l es lt ls.- - lanneAl us . IiàtI111ah -iAui.salij a yvuuila ,1Y ta ber ai At .11lItti-1. 't,"~.r "t.lltslr lu-s t(tiiu. ul- ut t t a tI-i-e. 3I..> Ago. Iu1llui. 'tuu lisv i a t i t r j i u dt- i l e n i d t a l I l . uii-,-u 3 ,îîua re -u AV. ..e yOuuen- bu-l> ttIf tut ltl-t 1l ui.- 1 i ah hue t t the tli-it - ,.g.tlti.- liu~îîliii.-' i.11ti.a sitril parA?" -iul t lîl luit tiig i; i-ri t t hei ,lt al,t s:,,uiii i lii e alor.s t iud 111Pil t u iil u. Whio t ut Isui)( P11 V lt-ut l,11 Mre. 1ru Ais-1it lui uiii tir- it ithe gen' e-tl tliiit tîîist-% I 11,îl îiîn.rsa -.., i iiîuîelî. 1i i- u l tei u ierta lia t lii- uisii;liai iii. su a-Sînîîvîng a nIjailI ruruiu- Auiutst nt Itii. ilutofethIe trubtle; atuti tit yoiî rtudlisotahe iîitle. iuit-.-o u it elti-u e h. bas <tfltUitti. 'ttu, îuir luîiiuI,' pro- îi-sle' i Ile --lIt 1rang cuy belli iviieui I wiu - i It tt u,blok a a ', anti 1h 0 pamI ticattenutionti t L'-Icoil JoUr- NFov spurgeeti iesict a Stoke. It aui s-Dvu-r hiu-n îatitA yel boy anu, w-ia i. I-turgteIià lemmueul te mokJIe. Il sva4 wAule lue v, amil nabOt lu s beys' selluclnt CatmbrcAige, and becauto tAie passer aI tIl 1111IaPtlt chaptel ohnt aterbeîîci. hie nati edata SUL wltb une ot the iîtns tram Satuttia> ta Mectndn. A,(I-Irng h estcclvtl' 1.1. liA hbo t un 1o - 1si is CIa>' p ipe Net e~in troubig Young do nul .1)0 on, Il land 1I Thc -chier aine eFt -andl s -dectu Hc PRi

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