CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 12 Nov 1897, p. 8

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We cail attention to the fàct, that being desirous of closlng out our lin. at Libertyville, we expect in the near future to hold at Libertyville ahd Wauconda, Public Auctions, selling to the highest bidder, the following goods: 1 Large assortment of double-bit handled axes, Hung and unhung chopping axes, Extra helves and handies, Hand-saws, Hand-axes. Saw-bucks, Crow-bars, Log chains, Grindstones, Wheel-barrows, Corn shellers, Mails, Beeties, Wedges, Barbed wire, Kegs of assorted nails, Large lot of Boots, Shoes, Gloves and Mitts, Feit boots and overs, Arctics, Rubbers, Rubber boots, Etc. Blankets, Robes, Harness and Whips, Suits, Overcoats, Pants, Hats and Caps, Bobs, Cutters, Farm wagons, Trucks, MiIk wagons, Carniages, ln short everything to be found-and many goods purchased specially-in our large and unsystematic line of Yankee Necessities. Vours truly. ..~..T. V. Slocum & Co. FALL SALE 0F ,FURNITURI3. Wauconda Furniture Store.i Around the County. WIS. CENT. R. R. TIldE Cl hl m Pu m <1820 m m15 i265 ô o Aptaisi, ffl49 86 24 Lettn .91h58c f;:t9 Gra m Lua Ilo 13ui M7 (Vi 'H' 51 10843(ai87 iii LaillaI .10îo24 3i0e7 1 001100 SOUTH( 'Dally ex(>-Pt Siiodai'. 5stop O.iiy on sglnai. am. am.i. 4p.j.m Laie Villa 7 it Rlollins 7 4el Gr AE 7577 s ho-rm 2~ îtn 41, TABLE. 4 305 ROCKEFELLER SOCIETIES. Ç ONGRRATINAL Church BundayÉr leics 10:0a. mu. anid 7:30 P. M. Prayer m.itln Wdne.dy e-eln~i.Y. P.8. C.E. met Snda' vonngM 69.Juniior C.E. ai 3 oelok. Dl IAMOND No. 41U. M. W. A. meet llrt Raiîl thiîîl satrîIayev,.nlng..of îaoh month. D. GRIFFITH. Y C. J0t. 0. F. No. 915,. mît 5., and fîîurth Thurslay.,, fàach imonh.. C En. A. (OT. Sti.y 0 . Gi. T. inî.t Thîîr.,lay v.-nlnw. of .ait Wek. LESTER B IIsia.C. 1'. ltaturdîîy nlght on or bef.rn f.111, 1. S., (;LEAuiOti. Coinir. 0 F E CH iILL, Adjt. Mail goînR souti ...... 8 a. in. 9:22 li..lm. Mail oing flirt là....... ..........o Mail ovrr land by tL~.g arriî - ut lo a. . o .qartu ut il a. ini. ROCK EFE LLE R. C. Gl (irliaiîii Oi ni î nM"" - Ld l'îyîouîd îil h iiggi- w ire îu t h leago weIoîsda.v Franîk R. 1,1101 aihuîîîed i a toa il î f o.---------------------------------------- -- 'i<giTuei.éynight. Soliti Oak Bed, Dresser aitîl 24x30 Gînos. ilre. E. H..liardi'u eîiteriaiiedîl ricilds anti Coimmode, Ouey ....... - . iu1 froraiChicago hast wcch. Bedateasis, Pull Ste..... . . .5 i) ie'hn>a...a..n<fl>ll 110 Ail-Steel Springs, any ize ...............1.50 > ,i o mas and scion fri' lii.iihîîy 1laudsome Itatian IRockers .... . . 21411i)i I.. iH.L.i telittll i ii yh I »lii , Bauid Oak Sewing Rockers.............. .150 W2iliburi flor thi is ek. ChîlI anid Sewiug Tables.......................,5pics Croquet Sets 4 ( hall)...... _.i5 .j t piis.Mlîîl mae tîratii Antique Finish Dresser ............... tîii. ,riiî, ade nani tourlîy ii en F u ll L in e o f U n d e rta k in g G o o d s,ifbl ( Ch 1ic Hir sit M t tla A Iways in Stock. i M9 Haws Beec, of Longuirog ,aiid First Class Hearse Service. were* the ge so Mr. untI Mrs. L. &J j~ ~Frank Kioigge ant i îiir hte MV. TW . H LUHES 'wcni tuChicago hla it a vei -.Mr. Rîjoder hla huen speinding i tî.w Wauconda, - - - lin-I. d5.iys 511h trient.,. aihýl rclativeý.. Henry lotis.'loi a Valuallihorse. reeenily, froim Iock.jaw. Mn. 1luse WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCKt OF blaigithe horseaitaI1. G(ititlhs anc- URAIN, FLOUR.,MMLL STUFFS Rec C' 5. .'9"kiolor,"me' gan, wli preacli at the Congregaitional SEEDS9 ETC. ' îtireb Suoday nmurnîn ud viin ai exchanige aithlithbcpa.tor. Ail aire MXrs. J. H. Croukhite leti licre W .d- Lumber, Coal, Lime, and Cernent. "8"Y'1 fotord Hiver, Midi., to ____________________ ani ailere also she ailîl le gretti le WE SELL ber grand dauglhter, 1,ira Tuesday. 14hv Geo. Buck will go to Waukegau T EWEBER ~WW M ON SaurtaY t10 romin ilire dning tie TfiE w rnzi< uiv, ibole f next aieek. -Neit Stunday Mr. Buck 'ouI aceupy ibe paillaiit ofthe WI4EN YOU WANT C ngregationial cîjurcli ut that civ. ts the reiiiaintier uf theiç aio,,r 165510 r ail.1 coiduet the serv ices î,f the Bi es or Agrluliu l l One n t 1 Y.M.C.A.. theaieek Iiiig a m i ÇALL ON pae fruia viihi .ahe 1 L %a0 1-- a &d%&aAi - ildSoeietv aili . servis a. S 1i Etîlgiatit WI1UH.UMU1 & buI'4 - - - - - hIinois-1 Libertyville, Th e e ter Oblcean Spploith esAlthe News and the best of 'Current Literature, fi la MOrallY Cdean, and m a Family Paper ja wthout a I'ei-r. tboe ofethUre oit magazines. e . flts o Othm'aDepartmen shthe it brlngs tuthe fsmlly the News et(he EstîrsWorld and clv. ..,t &and 4bhas, diausalOn Of ail îîuiestlori of 1h., diii'.lTse IsterOcceas gi.. tveWy etes of readlng mate»r ect hw-.k and tiig p.blshs la Chic.g, la better adaptse to the noeda o1 lie l,îil.wrt if01 h, ..Wi.hay M. than sur otler maer. $1.00 PRICE ONE DOLLAR A EAR $1.00 The Daily and Sunday Priee of 'yMail ...........u l..$4 Ir l. EMitions of the Inter IiY and sm, y t'y1Mai............ietrI Strike Quick! IF YOIJ WANT The Weekly Inter- Ocean umdent a nd Inter Ocean one year for $i.75Cash, Suppor ut tûi. chalAutiZ5elts per or 40 hlitt a couple, thîe .ieît bl, le u t is. lîpiing the site salis ..t Our village. Sluen ahI llie s.rved froum 75 tii7 511. A ashort priignayi %il11 l,, rsndu r'i ttor silppero. Ev-r.vls.tiy t'iiiid uitihave a g.I hfltilii,.. j WAUCONDA. i;,..%Vragg, 1of (lug,,'as Irs I uýiday. Dr. '.Illaxa a ciy vixît,.r lagi Satunday. lDavnid l ortbiîigtoo i sport li g a teu days iii this plac.. ('9il ou Il. W. Hughes 'olîî'nyoiiare n..aoîy tii boy fnnmiîiure. L. E. Golding 'oax a 's ll.araiso vîsitor the nrut of ithe 'eeh. Mr. A. Stevens, tif Mdlleury, alpeut bhe firsu 'of the wSscilun thîs plate. Miloa LJunSenisor lan uaking ber boulei. ut Evaiîtonuat present writing. Mnm. LE. Huîghes,aoflDijon, im vîsîl- inîg relatives anti fnuojits in thim pjlace. Jas. llurray an lison Fnank VOre Chicligi vitiora the lautonrlpant uo lat weeh. MomsanG<ilbert, Meadl aud siltopiln. ot -NIcHenry, 'ocre onou 'io alets laat Siitilay. Mrs. McCabe Vent tii tbî city lust Salurda> 'ohero miee'oill spent îa weeu, wibh relatives anti fienda. Il. H. Mlaimuan 'o bans pealdlng a fe'o daya wtb bis paronîs lu thi,. place retUtiseî to Waukcgan Tnesday. lîrs. H. C. Paytîe anti talgliter. of lvaillilîî, sOot Saturtay anti Sunday witii '. uctida reatves anti frientls.1 Mrs. PIonna ant ison anti taugbter, of! lenoîsla, are the gtel of mn. anti Mus. Jais. Monahan ai proseut wrlting.1 Mrndt lra. Chas. Clark wIII beave the frst ofthie weeh for Northi Canolina aliere theY bave Purcliaseti a fartu. M errit 5ýlark anti A. Poster ant finily1 exPect to accompauy tbomn.1 E. L. Harrison lias been clerking lu the cash tone the pait feutisys1 turing the absence of U. WentVorthj Vbîi Vas calledt t Mcileomy by the1 illlneii of a brother ai ibai place. C. A. (1oluling leftt let Montiay fori Valpauaiao wbere hoe oxPocts ta taie a course in art. Mr. Golding la quite ami arliat sud we Vill 001 bo aurpriseti tu nets excellent resuits front bis 'oork. A meeting 'ouIlho helti an Prlday1 evoîîbog Nov. 19, in the achool builtiingk for the puupase af arganizing aj Literary snd Debaing Socety. AU Iniauaaad bu inhe watt sre iavilai ta comaeamd joua. A short piograin Vil be arrsuget for te ovenaa. Mowiedaake Gee im., u@ darrledvat2LaMr.GEle va, Is, 0es Chiag o. , MEerMon i affae, of Chgn.cegromisasy Gs dn in Ehs lgacTe groolsmlanyweUnoswin Iis l andlpp s an renda Ile Them abrideyaoneiprosEgin% lire mhabideia o ne aie wlgInos la thbis' Place sud lias a lost af freuds &Il Of whOm Join lu wlshiug ber much liappinesa uring lier voyage through lite. Mfr. and Mrs. Monahau VIliI nake Ilicir home in Chicago where Mr. monaban li a good poeitiou in a store. The INDEI'ENDENT extendo aongraluts. Eti Knowhes basa aran futl li.ris to eire tfor througb ilie 'iter. Mn. anti trs. MatI IRichmondi anti tiaugliter 'ocre Inî Chicago Friday. Mn,.. <Jujivlstd lier moîlier lu lilanionhi Laku o hîî ha Tory hIlMonîlay. Chah.. LYtle 114 biitreateti ln Chilcago fîîr au aheams in bis loft eyc. Misa 'ilîlle Baumgarten bas resumneti hon dtîies ut Mrs.Hastings ibis weeh. Mr. andt ibm..M. Hel,.e froni Fort Hill vistet wlbh Matt IIimotihls wetiesk- day. Mils Sopihial Harmonl ng. of IPIli Gruivi, vîsitoî-l aiiib Mns,.Histiiig,. aven Suintay. Mr. anti lIn. lletiny Itoper wVine guesîs îof Mr. atnd lins. Iiiehme over Sumiday. Jtîe Wllliams oîf the 01)'n .fartu bue taioiî îop bIs reidence ut NIrs. Forglers. 1ev. and iMra. I. mitli 'ocre gtîocts m of Mr. auîîl Mr,. Fre'u Smith Weutnesdiay. Misa Anna Kuntt lias reuirnpî tii Irving Park afîeru i'mjuyiig lion Vaca- tion et home. Iied t ai bis daughterm, mh.. Esclucubtîrai, Mr. Wbuîkihiagel, Satlîr- day, Nov. 6, 1897. Ira Frcy s'as ammiinî'dti bappeu liefore t1lie . S. Circuit curit as petit Jnror Tuestlay. Mr. Stramp aold bis huîîuse 10 tbe village boarti tan $345>). Mm. Heito purehasing the salue. Henry Boelimer presitient Of the Barrnitgton 'silage boarti tranaacted business bore rocentîy. DIeti, eldesi con of Mu. sut Mra Scboulough of mallgnaiit tiphtherlaé Saturday Nov, s, 1897. John Gainor. viii occupy the place thal Mn. Birn leave,, as lie lis rontet thea Leuarseu farm fon the camlng yoar. Manfred Benn ett, of Barringbon, puncliaseti Mn. Ahlgrlm's interest bu the mont market s'hicb nos' ho$rs the Damne o! Bennett & Lylle. Marrioti, ai Mn. Fret Haîtas Nov. 7, Mm. Maunacing, ai Long Grave, ho Miss Heideman, of Schaumbemg. A long lite anti happy oua in aur aiiali. Fou SALE-A lot Villi goot ielht1 roam bouse and barn on Plum (imîve1 Ave, opposite M. E. churcb. For particular a l on A. G. Smithl. ltev. F. A. Hardin 1). D. Pueniijng EIder Of blie Iochlord district vas bu Palatina anti occupiet the pulpil Mn. Taylor, of Wyoming,1 cousinoaiC. D. Taylor visîted lera over Sunday and entertained the con- gresalbon. aller ltae sermon hy ihe Pè8tor, viitan buerselb a 1 h hicb 'vus el dVery muait. IfALOF DAY htin apradictei thaltbermometers wIII b. loyer nazi montb. 1 Mies Laura 13prague bas employed a dremmaker trom Chicago. Um Linda Johnson la ai J. A. wells aasistlg wlth the bouse work. Mr@. Wblgsm vlsitedl relatives In Chicago several days lait week. Our churcli will soon giva a New England Suppor st the Town Hall. Mr. and àdrs. J. Ballard, of Liberty- villa, viaisad relatives haro Satnrday. Mr. sud Mrs. Henry Geset ara the proud parente of a bouniclng baby boy born Nov. 1. Mr. Churchill la buuuy irapping these days. Ha Boma ombeh getting a good deal of garie. MisesNellie Marvin, nof(Irayalake, viltod ber sîstar Mrs. F. B. Tripp tVa tinys lait week. The dance ai D. Spears Vas woil attendeti on Batnrday evening and al eujoyed a pleasant time. Mra. Olson lias louthebo mploy of W.t Stanellft. Ho ban soeured a lady from t Ch Icago as bousekooper.c Mr. aud Mr@. C. NichaIs, of Palatine. vIsitoct the latteras parents Mr. and Mrm. C. W. Sbaddle over Snnday.' Mfr. and Mr&. J. A. Mason took Inî thet bouse exhibition ai Chicago lust Veek and also viaited relativoes ati owuers Grove. Mrs. lBrown Vbo bas beau visitiug relatives andi frieuteisnluIbis vicinity bas relurnedte 1 ber home ai laoming. ton, 111. The weddlug helîmsesem tu ba hepi busy rlnging Iu our toVu. We heurn tbom commeucing to ebime for antîther Vodding soon. W. McLaugblin Vah acldentally hit lu the oye witb a corn stalh recoutly sud hurt qulte badly 'ile tu the employ of Mu. Ilaxter. (our achool hn proguossiug nlcely lncir thc management tir John Schroeder. Hc bas abut tiwenty-llve of six andi neveu jear old tuti. Miss James wbo lhasnleen lu the employ tof A. stanclih( lies glis 1 Michigan i<î live. Mr@. tStanolill gr. VIII aiay wihb ler son tbroîîgh the Vinier. 11ev. Giray wlll occnpy the pulpit as usuial eil Hunday îiornlng. 3lira. Giray will give a short taik to thie chlldren lu Bunday scbool. libe wil also apeaitluInbtheevening ai the Chnisihtan Endeavor meeting. EVERETT. .1.1,0'I il ley Velu to ChiviagoSI>. nîlay O ven ing. Misa Annie Yire visitei Chcagi)laut Saturday. IL. Lancaster ripent a portio.n(if 11,1, week in Chicago. Mina Kittie 'bore rciîîrîed i. Chica. go. Suntay evealng. Lawrence~ Masierson wéim a Chicago visitor lest Saturdaày. Huntiog Booms tobehoini irdir, but dncks and partritigem are rallier scance. Mima %Maggie McClory apeni Soutiay anti Monday oiit riend,.i n Chicago. Mfr. Jahe Anleaq, of Ieertielt Va,. notitcd linu ornrtreot,. liouday lasI week. Mr. andi Mua. Cbase andl tamily, tof LAKt ZURICH. Mn. Buiescliing Vas luniPalatine Mon- day. Chant Scip. ot Palatine wVR5ln toVu Friday. Ed. Birulce matie a trip 10 Joliet Friday. Barean Prehm made. a trip 1 (Chi- cago Monilay. Thora will lie a ilance at FIcees hall Thankafflving. IBr. to Mn. andi Mrs. Lewis Todd Nov. 9 s dangliler. Messrs Frank anti Wlliîîr eisilted Ilarringion Monuday. Win. Pepper andi H. laphe tmade tienosliti Cary a viil Tiuraday. FredîSait)1ansontmErvin, of Wheel- ing, vhated ut H. Selpa s sintrday andi Stiuday. Henry Hilîman'a Store anîd market l9 for roui. This buildilng litioearly new 'and h lel rouI la reasonalîy to tbe rlglit party. The bridge near the' cneamery bas beeli etlargeil for mlie couveileice of the Ice Company, who 'olîl biuild auî,tben largo tce bouse soon. A lîuniing party conslstlng of Emil Fiene, Henry Brnding andl tientis ftmArlington Hieghti auîdChicago vent ta Fox Laie Monhlay tu, alionîla few daym. l-iuntlng and ilsbing co.ntinuse Tory goond onthie lake, Chasi. Stehlens% caught a picherel whicb 'oeighed eigbi andi one hall ponîîds. A large ntinluer of tîncka an mnutilion have been idbot durnig the Veeh. Mr. Henry Soif) atiendeil an auction near hure Tsîesday anti acted as sales. Mau. Everytbing soIt Voîl. Mr. Seîp bas a gîîaod roputation as s saiemman and ln called ilipon allen la atteund sales ln neigbboriug tawusi. The Satiballi chool Vas VweIl attend. ed lasi Sunday. Bey. Hagormatu. of llarrington,. Va. oi presont andi Mn. Brown conduîcledthile service. There yl lie pnechlng in the to'on hall oeil Suntiay evening ai 7.311 ooclork. Eveny. body corne. QUENTINS CORNERS. 1'. Bockelniauo f Lilmirtyvilîli, vliiteI ibis pîlace Suiiiiay. itt ucidîers anechclin ug ont of tloi r sport on teuic lietý. WiVn. Lilobie, uf Haitf Day. Culs a caîler bore Sunday. Fred FulletI, baismurutedh.1.F.iîic, farm for a terni uof i-iis. Henry Bergîiorn fia,.s olîli hlr $:11)4 of lairy Ipn)tkioLs tiisyear. ThieElIa Fie ni'liuance ('il. hiltsaad- justed Fritz Firkels tlus, ut $1.452. Clias. Sturni,. of P'rairie Vîem, made a ple&anut culi aitheiiiCorners on- day. Thîe Iiung Grhne tneainiiry haîl their 1lse nct dom-Il t' Missouri l'y il,.- tako. 'Xii. J l(I il.huig lotas i nre8,.,iI in a buggy. -No,îs girls,lait qn yoiur Isot limite. Kulzyk Bros, have molil ont andl goîle1 tulich b Chicago tb livi. Thiiy Vere' on the Keller tarui. Tîiero ila a giiosi prospect for thie ai ii iiug belîs te, ring rult tar trou,, thle Cor- tiers, accor.Iing 14) lasI re'ports. The teleplî.iîi (110(1 h iavi' added taio more aiirets, nomhi akîog forteeiiVinesi in ail, ail.] put the fil lisiling t. .îchies 1 ioui. PAL.ATIN E. Wle rýjiice totipe the Misses <<rep home agatu. Missl Blanche ScliIerdlng sîient Wcdni'sday lu Chicago. Football game was won tuy Palatine team tiliaIregimonts 6 10 (o. Dr. sud Mrs.* E. Wood entertaincîl frienda front Oak lPark recently. * Iucs wMat ,. affl i unln l List ,jour property with me and 1 wilI find you a, untomer reasonmable rates. 'soe ' Among nonor(aus choice bargains I liava tlîc following: Lake County Ferme For Sale. Oravelake. Four faro., lu Vernon Townshlp. F010 SÀLE-A Choire lot 65 by 171 140 ace, mproveil farm aaîli.-nt to Thîrd 1151) ra o he(raI vnTwn Lake. Liberal termit. ee&cooarNlAvnT u rieur Orayslak,,. A splendid fariu 120 a..n,. aýlia,nt b SnalIJfarm une llnorth fam~k Taylor lae. Iiivî,stguathLis rare Iargal n. auaitl UI.îlfl*wfî.inw.san.î 10g : 7 roue bous., harn 30165 fi. good wi, Wanted lSeveral farma (o r.*ît. Apeily wilh us. thl hlt-rn: ruMing orefba,«îed term»a sou artloî,la mt.,Il. C. addou k fruIt.rIlh ,.l Rteal Es(tteAgent. I 6M.liil. liatl ImprovedFarm. Chîîlî,iDargain. limaires LibertyvIlle City Propderty« adjacent toafle. Central fi. IL. Station. al Halflacem lot wltlî rlght rioo modernhli montreannat),- trmn.go'l îw.41, law-rn. sado nd fruit tr, 10 ie, Improyed farm on bankaq of Gagea î,husp for oshl. or on roleonable term. long Ui ut îow rt ÏtretiJ~t. hli. ii q,.nwulllg290le h.0 150 sures on Mllweukee rond. bouse, large Chou,.ta 010 ftx elup-t jefrom 82$»0t,, barn@. gooîl fenues. ai goj oI Wi,ih.ood I , e.eah tOIrO.20aarestimtube. Prlh.e "ôlpur pe.lart WANT To TRAans-l'ol,xoa..ýnourno.,kg I.É.balaom n Lie ato pr osn. Lliertyvlll. tor aa mant liîrv-d tfai t4e 48 we farni wlthln thrffl mlle Of thîe H.i. 1. ssr#.srarlýihrtyvîll,. or ]Mllwaiàkomqa stations under hlgh ult, of coltivatlon. Wl jYahlfrn,- thoroubly tldLarge. new 4. rooju hou. I aya. tlîr ilo lngsCren>--Y l pstor,' wlth -o.- three fiw ruasonat; le,. The J. M. PrIi ( arm. m w iroosn Subscription News Agel ton acres on each aide f rnhi1 and u9) a.,. tilwr aur,ua 1h..river.W il aeîî wîîoîo.'r LIFE INSURANCE AGENT, I f Yîo waut 1. Iluy,Slell. lIent orTrado leai Ea IlW I alYm ' H. Ce PADDOCK, .' LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINO 4Keystone Corn Husker and Shredder... Husks corn and makes hay of the staiks. g2 Thé' Sterling Snapper and Shre.dder, A lso maires bey of the etalk.. 4 Hummner Sulky Plows. 44 Brabley's X Rays Sulky Piows. & Bradley's and Deere's Walking Plows. * BUGGIES - WAGONS - TRUCKS. Lumber S ALT, CEMEb Rope, Tv G.H.Schar 'LIBERTYVILLE, cago vioions IbIs week. A. C. Stiayer anti lamlly, ot (;Ien- vies' shint Sîîtiday wh Mrs. Strayenas parents. . Mra. Tboiui C.îrlett, oh Libertyville, viiitet i anong trientls anti relatIves bore the itrat ofthteî weea. lînier Pet'tim, tGeorge 8tryher ant'C G. Muhhre 'ocre nmotig (chicg vîsîlura tn'.m this place NWcdriemday. The new addition t,î the Lutheran churcb wlilcbla te ho uset foîr a licbool liouse 'olîl bc(inimhevl andtireatiy for occupaney durlog the coming 'olnier. J. Shirley is worhlng lu thie tîîaien ai Itontont d.îniug the abîsenceo .f Joe Spechuer. Jerry lihia itie place, but la sorry tlh be compelledt ta quit hie board autibit ut Deenllell. hierbent otlt, 'ho loftIbore lant Sunday to bave a alight operatitîn por- formmdeti t. Josephli' ospîtal, Clii. cago la ropotedto ahave survivedth ie Onîlemandsitwill ho able tb neturn bhrme in abjout ten days. Butter au the Elgin boardl Monday 'oaa activt.; offerings, 4im tubs, or 248 tubls lutre than faut week; sales 3o5 tuba at 23c, the o'onens of 100 tubs motumlng bliati gure. Butter lait vieek soIt ton 23c; one, yoar ago l8btelqe. The dwlllîîg Just campleted by Geo. ltoekenhuaeb on bis pnopely opposite filie tiepot liOne oftihe mont matiern sut pretty bounes lu towu. Wo are Infounietfint the place la ton sale or ront sut are of the opinion bliat lb yuli not ho difficult for Mu. loehenbalich to disupose of ih very qnlckly. Mn. Seeley, the ex-convict teeturor, atidresseti a large audience lu the Preshyterlan churcb Tuestay evenIug. Mn. Seeloy provedteto h a very Inter. esilug speaker and iTldly partrayet i the Illfe of pensons lu the penitentiary. The voluntary contribution s'es liberal sud showoti the appreclation oîf tîhe Auction SalaBille.. Farmers Whoa contemplate livng auctIons shoulti cali an us for prîces ton bille. We print iliol neatly anti Villi dispaicli anti our prices are the Iau.ast. Persoas lising anciion bills printed at Ibis office 55111 recelve irec mentionaofalde anti a'liaI of articles aud praperty wil lie publishet bu the columus ai thae P<DBPBNDENT, Vhich lia a larger circulation amoug farmers tita any olter Lahe CJunty publics. tian. sif rADCoal. NT and TILE, vine, Etc. rick & Son.jý ILLINOIS.1 Traut on the Enocli Morne fi imile. Veat .f klaineaifle, w November 12,. '17,Ccumenclng mu. tie foîlowlng ebd Pr< vî r ows. yeariîmgbeife, due 10 caive soon, lhofer eI cîesblak hor e yl aes black mare, 12years aid; broya b 7 jeans;:> turkeya, : docks, 3 p air tri oh e w ag on , m lilk w ago u . cart, 2 Pr. drags, sulky eultv walklng cîiltivatojr, pair alleighs,5 rolier, pulverizer, seedar, Cam 1 oiower, 2 slsé work harmeu, tharneas, Caîdtron kettle, 4 mllk TERum O0 13ALE-AIll %Mmm 018 1under esb. Allaumau)ver $lOaou 01 eighi monilis yul be given on~ bankathl. fuIest bearlng 6 perg tintero,.t. No proJ)erty reoovd Seuîle for. Gt. M. TîtAitT, Morgg W. H. PLEV, Auctioneer, vice presitient, Mime L. Fdwarla; S. P. Leegb, having tecidedti t secuetary, lia. Jeoale hiruiry; treasuror, taamiug, VIII sen ai Ipublc anel lins. C. Dt'ollttle. Six metmhersî ant i@bi resîdonceaou the Green Bay il o g i e n v i s i t o s V e lr e cý e l t . N e t m ie1u l o S a d P i e b l g proceculs Vere se Park, Ill., commenclng ai on.e W on u 01Mouday, Nov. 15. 1SI, lollowing property ta Vit oltel GAGES LAKE. bey diraftbhanses wiglit 3m50 Hq lMn. Franh c Ian hagg. it', th,, spaui bay tirait hanses welgittg»,; ohl Ilîmtîsls. jane span gray trait bornei weighl, Mr.andMrs Sntie w-rf ('àj(ago Ibe, one mspan bay draft bhasul visitons laxt weeh. 24>0 Ibo. one span beay draftl 1'oeigbt 24() Is; 4ia Mr. Walbeis inovedtioli<hMrs. Ben- lumber Vagon; 1 «1:fitih2i a'inctart Moniay.5 sets heavy eam h. «: us;Ib Mus. Jobn Manchestern iil M lonitay I iarneaes, ne cow anti calîf; night, alter a long illuess. i slgbs; 5 pair boanse hbisahei; 14 Mbne Mao Brownî, of Lakillsîîa. w aby rake; bey rack; Vaod r« the guesi of lilas Viols Etiîc lest wceh. rach; coai box; shovel ploV: PIo~ IM. Chas. Tlisyer anti fan.llIy of tivator; harnow; one beatlagusi waukýga, ment uiila galber 'oih othon articles Dl Wauegan apnt uiîav i Ins b Jatnes. Txxs or S îLE: Ajil umi a! Misses May (tilîmnore anîd Eiith tes cail.ot Itial larger sli Withiirnwcnt to Clîlcagu. 1 tieday for of one year will lie gva0. a few tiaju visit. banhable notea bearing 6 peru_ Messers Orson ant iHerb)enrt.lancese. interetin tir icount of 2 p« ton Vere callet bomne I)y the lllne8s for cashi. S. P. Launaca, u andi deaili of thoîr mollier ibis weeh. W. H. WIt.6OT Aoctlouen. M uflmNmvu Pg.araiaCuusHEU"I- &I. 'WZAKBUCKB. At dumait& l. iI.B, 0 AUCTION SALES.a The tbuee-yoar-îuld boy of ,J. A. aa.saasjaaa, Johnson, of Lynu Cetîter, III., lam sulijeci to attacks of îcroup. Mr,. n e ta i t. Johnson soashe a leatiiifiedt iat the Romaty, turing as evere ibaek, saveti paints bis little boy's lite. He lm in the tinug business, a member i the brin o! flSt~ Johnson lInos. of thai plae anti thoy liantle a great many patent meticinea for Ibroal anti Iuug di8oaaec. He hati althe»e taoboose fImmr, and t kill et Varnis nes, physiciens ready ta respond ta bis calli, ief was bu danger, beeauso lie knew It i ta ie superior tlaay allier, anti famous. IUttV, the country aveornies cures of croup Mr. Johnsonsasys Ibisla ,the bestseWI Et iug cougli netilcino tboy landle, sudCo Ibat it gives splendIdstisfaction lu ail casas. Soit by F. B. LavilL, CIOtO. Mortuago Sale. fisAAc HEATrH & Sg Momîgage sale on puoperty tukon otin Libertyville, lhilin foreclosureo0f chatte] mortagî given by Allient Grosche anti Lena Groseher 10 Gcorge Baueruschmt, on th. AIj Enocb Morse iarm i miles 'oest ut' VV ll i r Halnesvllle, Fritay Novemlier 12, 189>7,1 Mj commeuclng aI 12 o'cloch in l. the j1 aviig Iltyenepr4 iolloibng property viz: Doering IleIl adggig bsinesr.0 blutder, Litle Yankee sulky plos', bay the l ign uiog mare, 10 jus; 5 brooti sowaj. 604 chicens. 1 Sait sale ta ho for cash lunliant. propared to do this work oný GilOsOR BAUxasîscHUîrm, Mortgags'e. notice. Write me for r&4~ Morta eeSale.etmte. 01 praperty taken ou barceloanre a, M MR~L ekaoi- u0 an (froset$0 . MI Libertvleu Mrs. F. 6. Ells'oortb. 1. S. Tupper, of Glenvieai, atîd Walter Tolboy, oIf Edgebrook, speut FOU RTH LAKE. Bunday buntlng arounti bore andti tstb 1 vere (fhuite ciuccenssil lu tbe partrldge iCtorn lbnaablng baIl the rag.. ariiîiud Ilieo. i otir nelghbbot. Some 0fthie larmers atheudetl 1r. 1M. McCrfle entertaîneilu a oiiier Moun% sectioa lest Tlhursdsy. 'Mr.o! gueiti act yeek. Mau bavlug colt isIc aryn will 1non1Mn. Druýlry ilaliettor Aîîîl alt,lit.go move teothe home of hic sol iln 1 lw, ft^rIbbcmail agiait. Vbare lie inteudetis mpsemd the George Sheldon lias a iiew Wo.Il. remainder of bis lfte, linyder tidthebwirk. John F. Honeubonger anti Thom. Heniry Wlimlgtioîî frîînî llarrf-ville Itedmouti took ativautageo f the atidi- apeut Snnday ut liollmuat. tlonal passeuger accommodation-thei extension of theminiglit Ieerhtid Mn. anti Mrs. C. l>ii,littlo. Mn. anul traiîî-to attend a Chicago show. W0 Mme. 0. Bl. Drury spent Stiudav ut suppose l was the borne show as they Henry Wedge's. baTe conaitierable talk abolt the Muar. C. Hucher sul iss Viîlt,în pedigrees of certain animaisceeu> oit apent s part of lait w,ek % lu.tiig lu thue journey. Chicago aud Wauhegaio. The Ald loleiy li»t Tbnnu.tlay met at DEERFIELO. Mus. Wiltnand utpenî a very Iîleasani aftarnoon. The muow 'itltcer4 electeti Mu. anti Mna. John Selig Veme Clii- 'ocre premident. Mrs. W. M. Wilt<un; 'q 1 1 1 .

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