CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 19 Nov 1897, p. 1

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CooK. COu-NTY INEPEN-DENT. -.Vl VI. No.6. Wheeling, Cook County, Illinois. Friday. November. 19 1897. ~ig.5O a Vear in Advancor.., ýDr. Chartes Gal loway. Officeover LovolrsDrugbtore Secam PROU 1 TO 1 AND) 6TO MP. 30. Uertyville. - Illinois Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. Office over Triggs & Taylor's. 1to 10 a. M. 2 t' 4 joI 8. ta sMjIDI-. amidence onuiBroadway OpposîKtf' Parkm Libertyville, Illinois. M ,Dr. A. L. TRAVIS. 50185 M" SBA. M. 1 ro 3 AND) 7 TO M P. M ope" s allnitoil paid 10 the tremlinflIof Cronle tbeomnatlsml. Rockefeller, -Illinois. Dr. H.0. B. YOUNG. -Physician andi Surgeon. augmnCbOPI'OhITK LEU MAN HOTZL BLOC. Gurnee - -- ----Illinois. D.E.H. Smith. office ovor J. W. Butler's b!dg BU,itsr BtD, 12 a. M.abOi t 'DI ýI t) lA l.Y Libertyvillle, lii. Dr. E. V. HAVEY, DIENTIST. -OFFICE HOUIIS Grayslake -Illinois. WB.SCHAEFFER'S NURSERY. un m1wi-'ul. "f ,tLui-c '. i0., . al. <o.. My r»o 0. F. Butterf ield M. D. C. 19 ETNIIN A H y MU 1.4) N SAN L) D 18IiT. . LIUuU.TS.L. - .- ILLINOIS PAUL MacGUFFIN. Atorley and cousimellor ut Law. t NOTARY PUBLIC 1 ï a udalateninveai ojliig. n Oupîcg WTH LARE <'0u NTY ItANx, Lbertyvilie. Illnois. LIBFRTYVILLE MOTEL Elifet 0Saýït. ,.at ump1frtd Ulag-rou Servce riraI Clss. Tra,'- 1r TILLOTUON & FURNEY, P01, C1.,r. iNulw . : î1..",r1.r LIBERTYVII-LE. - - ILLINOIS. W. H. MILLER, TtJNStIAL AL'.i 1h i Iliieli yi, wait a lii iî c ra gonibair eut -ail .'ut CHIC II'.dSOCii0Y lv Net lo,,r it I lue- i ,,'* Ist r on aDlagi' Ni st. '" v1-p evenlns and ivla rsilZ, WiIE.N 1 WAI ( GA 'it CAN 1.1 AGOOD FULL MEAL, IY iO v iai à la it i 'f dIv I W FOR 25 CENTS. Horse Thieves Agaîn. E.îniy lait sunosy eveîîlng ilalrick <raiiy, vioie farta inlo icated <>0 Milwauikeeitridad iiEdward 0Gib- bîons, iocated about miiimles smotb tif Mr. Grîid ys piai'. wîre vinit0il Iîyborsu. thilevse. Mr. raiY loiiellig a valuabie fourmie asudiMr. Giitbons a roa.l vagonu aui twto sets of<hamaru. 'llaîre bave beeu lu ail eleven botrnes tolen rumrîo Lake Couaty witbifa the sohorntliwe of oui- mOutb. T'iIs ould iiyiiii-i'tboi' ililcers tu ,xtraordinary1 î'Iirtqtu nsuive the tysterlouis problem.j ibhree miels agoi iat Suudsy nIant tbe big raàid vas made ln vlciity of Rond- ount, wlîeu farner@ Morala, Steele aud C'oleî lost lire valuatble steede. llhortly ater tbiree ver. riaed rom Ituaeil and ltau from theb. 1wu of Newport. These wtb Mr. Gradys auiraaai make cer'eu bornes t leu wtblu four weeks ,lotuiteîCof tiacm belîag recorered. Nitrerai thievem are at work ln titis coîty te capture (if vbuu vîli b. catetit oue mideinlthese parts for yearm, Tbî're uerer vas anytbuug of the klud oui o large a seule perpe- truteiil lu Ibis couty liefore, and Ibat no dc lu 1 t te Iicm reuntraces of tbiir lllght ecau be entabllsbied 1a. cer- taiiily a myuuf.cîy, tbe i.uurie oft îb maày bi iolirî'red ln the- ocar future. Tùbi' men î usipected 'arcWeillitikw ai u re ail lilssilg. Water Works For Barrinuton. AI a meeting of lb. village boardi of l I;arriugtniiî Muuday, Nov, h, the e.uotliout fur the i'nectiou mf bolier and îîurnî houad., coal bouse and suioke stacel. revirvoîr, pniupiig plaîlI, steel ntaioît pipi aud tuidatiu,îiwas let t,, i. IL. latte'lafur $Ms70. Il vam, dixided lu isiue thebor tMî n il-out îaili ofsut$1,0i00i cacb liu bi lai t utlat the rate ut 12,91551 Per year aflir 134,o5, tbe saine t-) draw 6~ per iclt ut i-re.t. DIeath of John tKelly. mm Kelly. Wbo l«un a grt-al mtagy yi-ars ba" llred ou. a Iarm vest uf u'aisutldi'd Niu. t4. Mi. Kelly ias oneuit uthe ideut active tarmens lu tIii iiiit,;aîigeigbty-tbree years utf agi- He bah a gr-at uiauy frî,îîds tlruugbuîît the euuuty «bu are abie go rlate mauy lutereNtiug inicidenits lu teIh ud insu M lite. Iliei'dtciasedloaves-î-111Y au aged a îletu'de h- uiaîiy trîcuih and àiw lu iinîîlai wa, hi-W lait laturituy utiii Ciirsi u Dollar a Can. Mil 14 ivlinîg $IlINB a îiilaia(:b les- g.. R triuiliioî-lll lpr iliforins us tht inj t hi' u11iiiraai lrWle ailthua i-h ip pir.. w lauane gettrinig il lyninely -1t.. or ltmiîîîa d.ia aper cau bat i î1-î1- lut tiiiî olv biîi. 'l fi- 'i lo, miiitontàiiiaiilar ibc Ihuir lrlan-A,'gi'ttiig IL. Dedicled 10 Our SubCribers. ibius< dir t, mrluhiart i. thceuld viirt-r dofllar, ushen i-ome kind naîb- sî'rîlrrprgsit-ols il litu'itw; lbe Librty lit-i'ai thiuiit Dicile on colar, and ail thetîralige Ibiogi whicti u un sseenu s nua. liahe i- usiseipradiug i-agie, the' arm es by-it ilie tars îîand lb. vuda diihitetrauge tiîingK tb.y tel; the u'l o lîur aIlers. we are gladi huit ss-khoue il;,,l,r smunt tme or other la iii i-eo luriirbt adi.lithe sreadi- KIl'S R'estauralt eigieodslîlîr. the star sipaugled dollar.' th .Ibiid iiliver îulîiar ve ailloeo M fo.Uene.s- lSt. *WAUiEG5Pt, Weil. _____ une doornonih of P. 9). ML. Postal Banks in a Campalun. rn~u~ ~gg Vt ilio 1 Iaitheîdh I lliuois district a cam- I;w met for i )tuéea 1 ii--'i--i~ t l i ~for î'ugressinau la lu progrens Yeaue W.,î ~,wl. i i-I îi.'î- ..i,, titiithe Vai-auiry iau,d hy the deth aheap f ifhlo-- lir.ju,.,I uigr.oa <ooke. The. senti- * J. J. LoNoàGasUG. Lit f TipoWstlaaviugs batiks ia no Ceraysi ake. llînois. ,îîîu àauChiciago that bot Party ltliiroîs pledge the candidates 10j C o I d W e a h e r :rk f r em i elected. l C ol W e th r q Heuy 8. otiltorepubli- 8i1i411 A, ut h1h, jo-atsesson' shal provide fon lbe . e,f.tlibiiiilit ut poai saviug3 iBLANKETS, i,îuolosuid'r lbt'e uurlrutthe poil. iiîîii-e deparluacut, and a mneasure FU R ROBES, i.u'iciog lu thiisend vould bave rny IlýI'YI îî upport. lPosatal saringe boukos FUR OVERÇOATS. i.,'uc giren étatination to the people Voult FondThom ielairer tbey bave beela lnled. Thelir Voul Fnd hei lin, -tîi.teuceeau ail Parts ut the country la - oiîsali-ta .invitation lu trftI sud C HAS. KAISER, uofiuuny.guoaua lI.bertyvîlle. - 11.- III , 1-f tagetiiies fîr tb. reeepîloîî ________________of îtht' smalle t dîepouita voild be n COUNTY BANK. - Wright, Parkhurst & Co-d Libeilyville, Illinois. Iguues Interest-Bearing Certificates Payable on Demand. J. F. CARLE, SAUCTIONEER.. WY bshail 1s grial t iuitf.Xpu-ri.1elu- ei5S.lionei.rin9ur lunig mii-iait t linlil aud biig iuiuw lecaAiutd i-ti-k' ;i.auïî prepuiri'tot iiiik' a., in L ind adjaccil eiuiti.My ruite. of aai t ir.i-elIafs FELL FOUR STORIES. Frank A. prion, Moes à Terrible Death. i1 vWas vllh feelings 0f deep regret Ihat intelligenlce o! Frank à. Price's Iragic deabla lu Chicagewva received by nia many Lakàe counly relatives and frienîinlutlaI onday aiteruoou. Ar. '2rce vas superlutending tb. placluL of j oli on tbe ltb slory of s building ln cour.. of0 etlon for the McCrmick iteaper Works, vhen be lu nome unaccounlable mauner feui rom the ourtbtiloor dowu a veil or open saat to10thae baieenu. The inu working above sud about hlm did uob sec' hlm liii. but the supposition in b. ourelemaly backed Imb Ihe openlng. Dath wvainlstantaneous. Decemad vas s Lake counly boy, bavlng spent bis boybood day. ou tbe old Prics estate eoutb of Liberbyvlie aud liter foiiuved bis occupation of architect, bariug designed many of tb. buildings at pressen uLibertyvîfle.fRe vas thirty-on. jedre o! age. ut a quiet, retlring disposition, h.ioved sud reipected by aiu. A vife, tbree brotlers- William, Melville sud Fred sud one isister, Ars. C. F. Wright survive hlm. Funeral services vere beld at the.hubornl Jiefferson Park Wedueedsy, the romains hing brought tu Libertyville for int.ermê'nt Thursday. Halp Themn. 1t,sideuts of tovuî represeuled lu tbe claiMUs Of lbe INDEENDENT allould endeavor tu f orai correspon- dlent»i fruin tbeir respective com. munities vltb items of nevs, persoui, te. If your tonlas not, represelted write tousn<or ternis or recoiireiid soain, ellable person Wbo viii make su efficent correspondentl. The luiras- i'ENiJENT la jour paper. We are every week publibbing more *,county neya" iban suy otber Lake couinty publi- cation. Heip the correapondents Ihat they MAY more readily glesa items of lurterainom our ovu cornmuuity. We are desiroua of receilg corniunica- liona rom every towo sud bamlet lu Lake counny. la your tovu repreanetd? If not it la Oniy becanie v. bave been uuable 10 aecure a correspondent. Wili you ams usnisd beuelt your conmirnty by furnisblng items jour. su I or iuformiug us of nmre ou. vbo Tabernace zo lusErated. lier. Wlliiams, ofut AlantaUs.vilii bîîld uuo gospel meetingsinl Wauke- gan înrlug te moulb o! February. A Large tabernacle vllh a netlng capaclly of two lhonaand vîli b. erect- .d and excellentl mustc arraog.d for. A c(iyutlee repr.eîaxtiug severs] Wankfgau chujrches bas the mater lu Notice 10 MOIkShippera. A meeinlg of the Mik ahîppers Ot Ercrett, )eertleld and Ohermervil.e viliib. heid at the lovu bal, Deentield Satiarsay, Norember 24), ai 245 p. M. The aaâsembly vili b. sddreiaed by Mr. Hill oris a"iltaut eretary o! the Miik shippers Uion. Everybody Il cordlaliy lurited 10 b. present and heiplu <uftrber the lutereat ofthtie lil shippers of lb. above uamd i'lolty. Mr. George Fry Dead. 'i lîrway uairiug ai 8:311 occirred the dealb of Ucorge Fry, o! bngts dusease. aitlbhe hme of bia sOu, Jubîî Fry, vhs> resades ou tbe nid Harrîs tari n nrtlî ut LIIîertyvilî& Deceased vas abo)ut 78 years ut âge, comuiug 10 Ibis eouuty lire years ago. irom Soner' setaine, Englaiid. Be leares a daugla- tpr, irs. Oliver Blond, sud tour Bous, Thîîmas, Fred, William and John. Since the dath of bis vit, slnae lvi, yeurs ago lie bas reaided vitb is son John. He. vas au inunatrlous; sud en- ergetic man, and eujuyed lbe respect ot te c.mmuulty lu vhic bchi-lired. -Neat as Wax." The Wceukegaîê Daîl~ U Sid, vel printed ou good stock, vitb taslily arranged ada, sud excellentI general mal. up comes reglary 10 our exehange able. 1Ils veil edîted courum anad exceptional neat appear- auce bepemk for il lthe support of gau paople viii uot b. slow to reealize Ils mienit sud tlitinlascredil 10 lbe City. -lait as'i'urdaiasre with te pinciple- shieb hiid elaraterlz, ailcOr Dance at Half Day. Iegsiai.u îameythe Protection Of There viilb. a Thanbsglviug Dance the suakest. If vi- proteet th. tpi Day Club Houes, Thuraday eiakeal. ai' pruîîet ail. ' igbî, Nov. 25. Music for the occa- op Fine Insurance Assesment. alon vîli ha furnilhed byProf. timitha '1 liiurei'hiiriiofitIhe Mllbiitru ialual Chicatigo orchestra. A. goodUime a%- lusaurauieC t'uipiiiy have leridun an ured. Supper vii b.eeved, and lu a'uisîeul n fur 1897ouit lire. dollars taict erery arrangement possible tend- alnd il 1 Weii-i-nts ($3.15) onu each one ing 10 mabe te dance a @ucces lu lhoiuxaiîuidollars suII> )lnsured to payerery vay bas been aolicipated. husi-es aîuîuutiîag t seren tbonsaud Plan 10 attend. Ibji iiiîdnel thirteeti dollars and Wsnt Woodi. uuitY i-i-lts ($7,313i.80) Ibat have i oivu s orsbcîîo i urred dîîring te year. Said 55flin- Ifas Yd i v. ato od, andbr.ibei men-îît ilIlie duie an~d elled for lbirty avoouiSBlevaut omore. anihageyonz (30iiâY uauitti'dautet. leae be prompt. voîs o r, et. ve reezoemor. Bigyu ia liayaog treasirer wibeja calied ou. Wodefe rez I JOHNi A. THIN irs ec'y. Farmn for Rent or Sale. 7utîîluinîî Nov 3, 827 5- 80Ilacre farm 1n tovu o!f iremonsl. Good building, plety valez. Will For RenI. sell cheup ou long lime tb rlgbl party My arn gt igltýou--a.râ, itati or yl ranI for a tarin o! yeszs. aiyPrare iut Lei ~o.zac, s1. iAddedAddremai INIDEPESDENT Libertyvlli., 9t E.ail VicvO , wLaGo, 11L A 6.2 î.2t M- M, N&y iraI annuibhail sud blrtiudayé Party viii coin, off ut the Coltmiioa Hôtel. Whoellug. Satnrday uiglât, Novr. 2. Everybodiy uviled. tDance and supper Ires. C. F. Uetz, i'roprlelnr. Ed Ban sd Ed Witt bad tooc ,aryt a ioad for Ihuir carl hust OSalurday( u1lbt and ver. dnmped lu the ditcb bear Notblleld cburcla. Tiaey pattbed1 up te rl o an lch eoîld gel backL bumerne Ile Witt bad lu valtbe rest u i hwvay 1u Wheeliiig. wiu. Nlebuihr vaibte ractila ofa pleaaaut surprise tluuday ereuiug.j ilissou and dangitter came up <nom iiesPialue i vtb titre, loade of frîcoda to tiugly celelrate bis birtbday. lie vai the recpleut of soin. useful preseuth. J. A. Beclmicke mutslb. brancbiuag out, W. bear be Ibluls of goiug IUW 1 the funr Irade and maade a succestul begluulug by trappiug a lin. minI. He itiost also luteud 10 funusb lte apple trade rom lb. sîîppIlehi-loîgbl iiu tbe City llînday. DEERFIELD). Mrs. Trueidell is spendiug the veek lu Chicago. Dont ail tu rad lb. notice 10 mik shippers on lb. irst page. Ars. John LeClear and irs. R. B. Chas, ver. amoug the Chicago risîtors rom titis plate Wetliesday. C. W. Pettis la 10 vlld the gravel ut the &uotion al. ai Richard Laucastersa oue mile eau 0of Everett uexl Monday. Ber. Ar. Beeley spole agaiu lu the Preabytertan ebnrcla lait Sslîirday erenlug on "Li<e lu tbe Peiteutlary." Tbe alleladauce vaas mut grali<ylug tu tbe lecîlirer. Eider 0. Tufli Jr., of Chicago, leclured lu the Presbyterlan cburch lait Friday eveing on the subject of --Litei ind&." Ar. Tufttivas for some limne a misilouary le the country of vhlci he spobe sud bis addrema vas tberet or. <nl of personai experlencea vbicb made il douibly luteresting. The large audience and lhe close attention vbicb vas given lb. speaker sboved tbe appreclalion of the lecture. Mouday eveuing Novnber 15, <ieudisud relatIves 10 the nuber of i tîy gtbered at Ihe hume o!fAMr. and ira. Leiard Vetter go celebrate tbe lvuty-lirt5 birtbdsy o! Ibeir sou John. Despite the iuclemeial veather Ibat prevalled Ihsbist of0 frienda tuned ont and belped to niaI, nerry the il importsat birlbday o! erery Young min's lite. Gaines ver. played sud a royal good time ejoyed by ail untllte lteneas of the tour varned the gîleata Ibat lbey mnuilt depart vhicb tiaey did vitit the hope Ibal the youlb jus& enterlingia mbmanbood would ever be happy and proaperous. Auction Sale Bille. Farmens vbo coulemplale harlug siîclioîîs should cali on us ton pniesà for bills. W. print thei n eatly sud vlt diapateit and our pices are te ovweel. Persona bavlug a&noontilas prioled uI Ibis office viU reelve Iree mention o sale sud a liaI of articles sud properi! viJI bu publilsed lu the columna of bihe INIIEPENIDENT, vhicb bai a targfer circulation among farmers ib aujoyaober Lake Ooiinty pubica- SHERMERVILLE. ltad th. noubice f1 mllk shipperw 011 the lIrKt page. Neyer Kuisen abipped part of a car- Joad of hors. radlsh Wadneaday. Turkey rallie sud ail kinda of gains Lb, Zim's ail day and evenlog Ibauks- giving. B. H. Slherman tarted Mouday for bie Nebraska viait sud expecle to lie gone about tbree weeke. MatI ilapp has raised over 17,0<10 cabhagen timide al olber lues01 gardeuî truck lu hlint Ivo years. The youug ladies sewti4g achool meetl; aIM»r. Dellert's every Taiesday sud work aIl day nuder a gond instructor. Zlmonrmau's Bah is beiug u.viy papered sud decorated for th. grand Tbanksgiving Bal 10 bie given Tburs. day, Nov. 26. Geo. Broderson the artistic paloter. hm ernbeliabed the NortbilekI Hal vitb Ihree new aigus. The job Io vell doue aud shows for itaelt. Geo. R. Smitb sud iamily aue rejoicing aver lb. advent nf a cbarm. lng daughter vbo arrlvedi Nov. 9, aud claiuved s home wltb tbem. Henry Brrenscheen the ovner of tbe Zînmeimmu Place vas ont rom tbe cily Ibis ve.k sud arranged to f1h 4 p tsepromises, lg. bonae, etc. distance, sbouid top lu, vb.n pasaIng lte store sud teail bis eyes ut, short range. Tbere uiiy be Ivo heart& luaI voulul boat as one ou clouer siluity. jas. htacadlc vbo receutîy tartedà for Calilornia, aconi repeuled bis rashb ideuan sd viâely clnciaded there vas more bappinema for hfim bore. lie bis returued su bis old hulules, a velîjoie viitor sud 'lis veil 'couatdering the aumber of qtilliug bees of laIe. Tbe Alsip brick yards bers la said W0 b. the beet equipped plant for lte manufacture ut brick lu tie vorid. Tbey bave a capaclly for making xtgo,o<) brick per day. FolIr boys, Jue Aicluakey, John Oooksy. lieury Therrin sud B" Oubiddlel remove air lte brick rom th.e edlema bell sud pile tber no lte viteelbsrrows for vbicb they receive four cents per 1000 brick Ibey eacb baudie. Lal Salur- day tbey dlaim tu ladre earned $1.75 aplece. liachtovi ln cosmopolitan vilîge of iserenleenjanulies i o lire ln poace and barmony, uot requirleg auy mayor, aldermen, police magitrale uor euiîtable. Ttc' &bey bave no achool bouse, citurch, pommofieor saloon, lhey are happy and Intelligent1 nearly ail subecribe for nevapapers aud magazines. Theiteluabilante are quiet, sud tndustnious; mont of îbem ovuing Iheir bornes; aitl Uv. veli and eujoy lhemaeives. On tbe biwsekiy psy days. tbe aoitary business bon»e, agenieral store, coalis checks aggregablng $301 0 tu $60 sud al aceounits are prompsi! 5.111.0. Tite atreets are ulcely graveled sudlilued vat idewalka aud 5bade lrees. For RenI. i viii rent my fan tu rellable panly. couitiug 0frl68 acres vitit exceleut improvernls, located one sud one- bail!miles soutb 0of Dlmond Lake.1 Addrema il. P. Waacox, Diaanond Laske, Ili. 6-2 AT- WYNN'S FRIDAY and SATURDAY of this week. MONDAY TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY of next week. NOT A CHEÂP Gx11I I TIM JAe7I ' Anl TrhisY . . and MlWool. WHEELING. Mi" (arrie Morne viitiýd frieudia lu the City laut veek. Pluil Wagner viii go toii Iiuîenî4a iu tbe spulng. Misis Carrne Foîke lias golue tii Barringloon oua riait. Geo. Mpoerlin. tOr. vau burled rom the (.atbolieChcurchitat Friday. Win. Poeasad arnly mourii tbe nntlrnely death otan Infant boy. Tbeo Kilîle la the hippy laîber Of a bonning baby boy, boraNo,. 1l. Mima Edna liausmin -nedSun- day Irom a viait auuong e# friends. John Koebelin bas roslign.dhm City job snd la ejoyingvactio ntaIhorne. Wrn. P. Weidner sud MIi Mary fichiidt vere marrled aithe Cathoile cburcb Tuesday. Mimaglianer 1i4 viitlug blà?nurnerona relations, prior to reîuruing to ber bomerne Grand itpidi, Niait. Mien Edna HausamAl a Mlb.ereclp- tout of a gold vatch mai a PFMsnIt rom ber isîber on ber îigbleenb birtbday. Mr. and Ars. Pouike .vee Jennie Miller departed WediieidA'6for N Y. vbere they expecîtto uhakhêair future borne. The llrm 01 (G. C. Snyd.ï Co. bai boeendiolved and F. D. tSchmidt oucceedi ai sole propriétor of tb% Chicago Houa.. wm. Galser, gir. and famiij sud bis brothers amily shLpped Ibeir gooda and rnoved froin Wbeellug lait veek to Auburn, Mich. John N. (.alter bai rested Frank Rupperta farta fr live yeus sud viii move oexl Mareth. AMr. Rapport viii more t0 Palatine. our mrchants bave agreed to do a sîrîcti! cash business aller Jan. 1, '98t, and -liii bus b. able 10 gir. their cua10niera lire or six per cent discount rom former prices. Ed Schneider arng other tropbies brougbt home a tveLity lb. Conti aud returued 10 tbe clly Friday vel pieaaed vlt bisbulbuting expedition in tbe vîldea about Wbeelug. A lecture eutitled "-Lite Bebind the Priion Bars or rom tb. Pentetlary 10 the Pnlplt" vwill be delilvured boe Salairday evetug, Nov. 20. EverYone lnvited. Cati1 and Examine before Buying. Heating and Cook Stoves that 'can't be beat for Price and Durability. ~- ~- ~o-~ LIMIERTYVILLE. ILL. NORTH NORTHFIELD. lectur erKonday ""Ma me a ta be rgrpetledil "bisaUe-J 1ev. Memner veut 10 Elgin Mondai. Inclemenullather absa 00 J. C. Wesliug vent to the city lait audience gmemi hm. ia Ml Saturday. bie conviction ibough ---B The INDEPEISONNT bas lenly- experieumcea Jolil, bis il two subacribers 81; Nortliield P. 0. and premsa vork to apreoad 8g04,811u0 severai more are going tu gel IL. among prlaooai s al»ime Se 01wo Mima Esther Bubert becarne Ili very plac.n 'vies dehW suddeulvBunday bul medical aid exomdinWluinstinga0"aI bu111 retored ber again lu a few bourB. ly doservas l th hearly senUpM NorthlBeld tla aristocratie for ils chrinaianpeople. enterprising posîmailter ban been trusted by state olIlcisa vigh handlilg Wei Rooommsmis0& a million dollars. W. B. LeWis, 0f1IW~W Themaoriy f te arieri l tisdlacovered a surrvmvm Thernaoriy < te <rmra n Iislion la oovs and bhres viciuity are tbroughbhuaking and are, Ibal bu vonderfUl oV plowlng. Thts vaa juil tb. réalla ectaiilfor "iani Md k~ required to make good ploving. tansad ta me. fA Ss Sbo1 fectant teriok roomauIs Dnring tb. severe vind siorrn lant AIsteCoinî aty 1% . wboeWM vweek Mir. Menîzer ad one oftai fine thotoUly154.h7 hogi killed by a aling trec. Wi pi AkUt us u~ qtu3er breaks old mother nature wiie qk o tl Kick Up oacasionally. hualiuesa course in the cIy bi vinler but b)ecaua bis services are required aI borne be bas postponed We have una uwrra.squl ve are eabl. #à0411WIm Iter Ocus A sdlouuuwg$M golug 1tte clly for a yean. for $1.75, Ma"abne lu afUe ëTHAavRraOs SToi.Ei-I White pigs otter appUe@S 60 li uh scard avsy by dogs Nov. 10. Fîndez &y arrearaà«« sudsa yen la yl bea ultaitly revszded ongivlng inu.< formation thal leada b Ibheir recovery. Herman k105.00w, ovuer. For Slâeor freOU. Lait veeka vwedding on the outlkirta I bave aO»us 60 Shmuffl of Nortblleld sud t10 vcba number vhicb t1viMi sà or Aisig*9 o! île reidents veze invited. % ve C< on or 5ddrm 5W. 351W. 14 coulder but tue begiunlug o! Ibis ville, IIM year's cannubial erelats. Who be the liluiema cada are out auuonunns d Ibat Ui. Norman Stryker sou of John A Sîryker and s former resideul borse101 v bas becomse partuer in a ",&riviag 1 businem blrut la Chicago. W. cou. IT gralulale hMnsud wiah hlm abundaulvh Air. Beeley s&àer.ooavilça»e Log. V a. 1,1W. %J. week sud tried onttheb.fat. lie vili selthe oAlil l It"melf50tcent&as bottle. I% ix valuable for medicinal purposesi. chas. Schitlt the tbresber, and Jo. Leverney two crack sboIs vent up in Wisconsin buntlng and spent a veek vîthout <etcblng borne a featiter. bamme muât be scarce. U-eo. A. KUent ban reaigued lbe office of school truitwe on accounî of the law whlcb debas achool ofilcers <romn dealluglu scbooi auppiles. He prefers businaesst'O a thankies cilce. The directors have covered the Clay achool yard wllh Ivelve car loada 01 cinders. Tbey got lb. job doue cbmap the lesastier haullug sud spreadig smrnefor only ton esuls à yard. liobI Fu»IL*astishe aR7asiue où. Have you lried IU? Once jon um rnil, jua Win une no oter. It conta mors but il 5ivma te best ight sud ta cbespeet 1l "alcsg rais. Jo. Zlmmermili, Peler liracblendor< sud Fred Bloomis returned leit Thurs- day <romà their hunf.Ug expedtton. They veut for ducks but ilding &hein too wlld, bad 10 b. satislked vith other gaine. Tbey brought hume fIlteen ralubils, elgbl aquirrelàand ail lbe mudheus %bey couid carry, John iluel Is goiug into lb. berry business on a large seule sud vii doubtessi make mouey at It He vii set out one acre eacb or stravberl'iesi, raspberrles, biacLkberin, guoseberries and eutranits besîide ail otber bAnda of fruit sud garden trucb. Mr. Mau vuuld hardiy kuow bis old place If h.e hould risit il a yissr or wo lience@. liAVHlTOWN. A nice baby daugbiter carnelauit Sunday niigit 10 glsdden the bonie of Audrew Anderson. gupt. John Balcb bias the respect of ail vno kuov hilm. Ail the employeesl npeak of hlm lu bigh regard. The Alalp Co. viii pay oif Batnrdsy. Mr. Halch viii go the cîty and brlug out the checks lu the aflernoon. Dame rurnor sais there la llkeiy 10 be auolller tony veddtng lu about a moul.b. We are auzloiaily awattlLg the. job of prlullng lte cardâ. Thte Alslp brick yardsill close dowvu as soon s§tbey gel the sbeds <ni], protuabi! lu about Ivo veeks. Tbey nad tu lay offthre. days Ibis vek tu vait for lbe brick to dry. $10.00OGarments for .............05.00 15.00 Garments fo............... 7.50 18.00 Garments for ............. 9.00 And Best of Ail 35 Ladies' Coats Worth On« Week Ago $7.60, $8.00 and $8.50 Vour Chle$3 9 our Cholce. 37 Pairs ChiId's Fine Kid Shoes IB and C Iast; 6, 6j and7 Regular 1.50O Shoe duriîîg ths gae, a pair.... 1 At Wynn 's, Cor. Oenesqee and Washington Sts., WAUKEGAN. NEW STOCK STOVE t 1 IL 1 . t ri 1

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