CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 26 Nov 1897, p. 1

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LAKE COUNTI INDEPENxDENT., Libertyville, Lake County, tIlinois. Fridav, November 26. 1897. - i r Dr. Chfarles Ualloway. Office over LoveI'sDrug Store NOUAB PROU 1 TO t3tANI)1 O I M ( . R Libertyville. - Illinois Dr: J. L. TAYLOR. Office over Trlgge & Taylorls. Iteaidence on Broadway o)pposit.lPark Libertyville, Illinois. SDr. A. L. TRA VIS. ROIEMLL 8 A. M. 1 TOeJ3tAND 7i1TO i;P. M speCWaiattenutou pstid tu t trelment of ChronJc lthenmatiun. Rockefeller. -Illinois. Dr. H. 0. B. YOUNG. Physiclan and Surgeon. kaaiaaica PP<iiiit LHMAW iOTEY.Lli.I. Gurne, -- --------lillois. Dr. E. H. Smith, Def4TIST.. Office over IL. W. Butler's b!dgN li-jrw it, l a. UM. &1 1 fi, 1. .t LlbertyviIle-I.1. Dr. E. V. HARVEY, DENTIST. Grayalake - Illinois. W. B. SCHAEFFER-S NURSERY. Q. F. Butterfield M. D. C. VETEBINABY SUICRON AND. DENTIST. LIUBRTTYILLE - . i LIANIS 1 PAUL MacCUFFIN, Attorney and Co)unftilor ut Law. NOTARV PUBLIC 8pecial attention givîxi (t,'lt-tvorîM and Ci veyaning. OPIaenWrru L,%aa (Ot TT BAN, Libertyville. Illinois. LIBERTYVILLE MOTEL lniIald th.anngbont. Diq)ng.roonî Service PIrst Claîs. Htatlýiiarl.ra f.or ùY.i-.r-iti dC«Mnt.' r 1tn TILLOTION & FURN EV, .a. (.,r. 1111W. A1i. Ct: .. LIBERTYVILLE. -. ILLINOIS. W. H. MILLER, TUNSOHIAL ABTIST, When yon wsrnt aB ean sitavt. r a San trrt.W. tC. ilT, . ýSI>' , o,. on g'gsî' S Shît pi, t'-r> 'la> eveniut it .1. l mlt>ig WHEN N.1' 15 l } Ch\n AIN(fiE'T A OOOD FULI. MEAL, FOR 25 CENT.S. King's Re sta ura nt: DoeN. st.- f W*UKEGAN, Une do,,, n i1,l 1' iILL. howtntfri.î I in n a . 1111- ,5 CoId Weather S.GOODS... BLANKETS, FUR ROBES, FUR OVERCOATS. Vouli Finti Them hare CHAS. KAISER, Libertyville. MIi. LAKE B> COUNX .... Wright, Parkhurst & Co. Libertyvile, Illinois. -- Issues lnýerest-Bear!ng Certificates Payable on Demand. J.F.CA RLE, ,...AUCTION EER.. LI, ý 'bave hqn a great deal of experience Mâucllôneerlng duriujg the past twenty imd ieng nov iooaled a t Rock- One Reform et a Time. Th le soite iaject îof il1bill for the o'tiiaii'i -f a postai savings batik tiyxtt'ii touit lx-atuhoprovide aun abat> luttlly sale' dilîpoail.ry for the itavingh ourt ii of atitinlianis. There are itiul! thingh tlici l te gtveritiguen î.ugItt udio, asud there are many wanta of flt peuiple wiciought tW ltansup. lîlitîlt. But the attempt oughl flot to li Ijile tit.taiitpily otlttr waitat5luthe fliesuure t'reattting a pitaal ittlingt haut my..tew. Thle itt'îpi it lumany jparti orflthe i'iauntry iiu ia5i taer credit fitie. Auiyttiiig tabietheti gov.-riîmtnîit pro- pariy t'ait dui tui i.niuie tit litjiàs ta Mitelire oiia u t tnter rataNit îkaiutilt doi. Blut at .îe ( iita tstu> itterruigi- ii ng whatii4 p lwir ini tii i iî*greut difiireut',t-! of oliiî,,ipii i8 niatijfi-ted. (Pi lthe ,ques'tiotn 0f privitiug tsale îde- lttail4urii'it for aittail tmvlinga, ltiwever, opinio lti laa ary geieralIly iigTeed Cotn- gichai ilai i îtrolaabiîtY îîîîli' 4-iuced tu litta ut an early dat a Ittil privlii- ig aiiiiply forîtiaife depiîitarlea tud iaing toiti> iti a,,rt'aîtttnt Itor tuVatt- ittîtit tor flinil,, as. litIet'eiSâary lit the tîctiî ilaliti'i tf ltai iuîîrpoaie. it in yery doubîîil,llomver, ifl igrns woul a ,tn.a 1-tata a .ingh banik III cout e Mittîi liwivbt'mas ,a proîiaîtlon ftîr tîtitli itg titi zeuhItII iltetti t,! nouey Lai WCturi. ltinafrin ti..gtveritiî*nt. 'iihAIi,'v'r uii puulal litksabotuld tuile in fîtvainîg l,-!it iy kiid tif lil 1l'tai t'taitgrî.ain îay it-c .àv iAîttu ipatta litaiinty, tt'uathNb it'tîîltt or whlii ta t, prov'id,'a aîif,. It i, tof depliti foir J.a'r,,itfta ,(ital Itt'al'tlie matin iaii rpxtt.t tilt,'prîtovis i jretaltoi ttt thi- faiiiiî,i andîtîtuiitu lt biv mtfigaur 'iapalrtluenî a rata of iiîtenî'aj i litiwl t'iialie hiit i ît ho tuaki! a mali i n- hi raMi paymnetil itu deltoi,ra. hal- î'vi r tint' govannînnu iniglnt ee lit lai lo, if aîîytiilg, 1 'tu lale fahaaterh uitî IN a Ni-pahltt lrobieîtt,utaittiitýd wat aittidiMiî'îilieit, tu lac aarktd ot bvttaf ant iii nui W y ieti Up il tite Purem uli i mtient tui provie see pîBSeta tf d-Itiit lfor tbotaa vii(, tithttre tu gave. WyWe're Late. ire at Hall Day. The quiet village of Hat Day wua viiteti by tire lait Sunday nlght about 7 o'clocit anti oniy for thes vigoroua anti determinet effort of the citizens lte conflagation voulti have proven à diiatrona one. Au it1huva abarn anti lia contente of hay beionging tu, r». Josephine Gleason, vas to<aily dployed. John Pooles bar, vas repeatediy lguited by burniug embers froin tae laaon itrn, but a bucee brigade. kapiuthe building dreniiltat and it vasaavtd. The barn bumnet vus intreti for $110j n lte North-. western linhnal Company. Il in thnglit a tramp set il on lire, probably by smoking a pipe. C. H. Snith, local agent, la lu re- cipt of a communication fromi hei. quartera ho te efect Ihal ihair adjus- ier wiii arrive liondayt10adjuat -the tlaim. Quarterly-Conference. Therc vilii bit a conferance ô!fltha Lake Cotinty Woman'a Ciistian Temprance Unions, in taechurcit as (lurne, Thiuraday Dec. 2, befflnnlng as Jit a. ut. sud eonéianing Ibrough $lho lay anti evenlug. Ladies are asked to bring lunch, tea andi coffea yl ha serveti by lte uroe union., lira. Louise S. Rounds, Stage Preal- dent ofte W. C. T. [U. sud uaeof te inesi speakers lu the nation vil] ha premeut ail1 day and dlivelr an atidrais lu the.avaniug. Whithe ibinon vonnan are aspeclally rail neated W10attend snd the pubale lauttordlally inviéeti. .%its. LouisE gBIEPHBRD, Pras. Mas. V. Bl. Buaî.g, Set. Now's the Time. Wheu yull your holiday goodu ar- rive? Its just ai itaure an preachinge ltaugtae mrchant wto vigoronaly and judiciously ativerlisea his tiholidoy goods- vill do the business. Interest your patron. by qýtUing taoi, atten. lion to te tact yod iuiend 10 arrya itaomplete lina" turing lte hofflays. Commence early, before they rme plana hO purchaae lu Chicago lte «aMa articles yon enu ant i viisen] ai chaap or cheapan t home. Nowla thna accaptati lIme. By yonr ativertia- lng tiemutrara tinat pou propose 10 make Il10 ta heInterest of patronas10 ta u j gel your psper one day latt!1ade atie borne Iis yaaLr.. We bave litas aaak. Int tittorsa and pitnnters some unique anti catchy Ideai aloug teaud ituttirk.-y snd eraubernv aautx lite lin,, of montey aarnlng ada. Wak. andi saret. laukfinl, very titanuin.' up nov, andti vih tite INDEPENDEIIT lloaaîn.r, itanit itlonnille tt hmi'endeavon ho luterent bupern ite tlltlikltil, lut nd utipubliaîn a paper lte siiliiy andti etrmination of home anme day, titi am teINDEPNrn'aNtT ierihaints ho aupply titeir vanta. ~'îra. tity"I lanagînngandotier Marrieti aI Waukegan. iiiiio et-rtg occrcd ýuàJLaotued (.1 titdedy morniug St. Josep':*m ntente eway for ianka gî'.iîig, and If mie l in melhlng noire I ia taîiti'r a t.are titiik fîifor it ta tti, knoiîldge thai yî.i> a ithoui 'tüii.ttidh- (.' I iflier atlîaIh-aigree it lii Ilàit t il wax u ti lte îruî.-a' A Season et Recreation. 'i iiaukagiving day han long (aven a j îtriud o ula ~>'Iinbapuiiet, andi ane i'îta.t lau iinote lthe decded heu. reatitîn aléli. iil of tltiiatforma nof t.tlyiit.niet art Mitîtale anti le'sirabli. lP.'rlijia. ttheideiiiT.a iakaglving îiay 'ia tfat lti ai tail autht attlaltie tif mati tthe tiiialia'-tutal, tht. tmaral, the tilaiit- anal ait(l iit iiîirtuiana. Abouit Leuai Notices Adiutttîtîtraliir a, Execîitîîr'a anti ntii'aft tadse..tription imay aplueur ilt any liapami iehiglàatet l'y thne itcdîiiui.4lratr tir axi-ettr. Tiney tit.essitaaiy Itâve' ..te plîubl llîcia raqi îrt'i I lîyi>w atdt aintpttioa S lit 'a îînînty îapîîr pîiltliiie4tht-ta. Il i . t i ît ime are ettlled lijon to1 iith,ixtheiti ttiy aierk viii Rend lhiîîtho ttty pitîe r yoîn nîiay deiagitate Il Lat lai,'Uttiity. and ttie, ýI nENDENT prînîata the lutave filetsi Oitly with a ilesiru' (If aeiiiig igttimate bumiuet lier titi. JNtiuvittlt paisoially p-t-ner tii givi- your homtie paper, but1 a ilt guit,>e'Iuuwhtre iiîrougn your1 itt'giigane .tii tmaaeknan tlat par- I.', 'li,.'i'salili pyolO' finyirs. if.j Their Money Cone. Sa'vt'nîti îuruîîîîiiit citizeus tif Ltber- lyNitle wniantoch.,iolders lunlte Loan and iIuvehitniettt aiition lu Chsicago 4 llicilts goîte into th1e bands Of a receiver. Titi' tggregate amount or ,tlaek hield by Lihentyvilliaus la sixty sharî.a, ail paiti up fîtiffuil, or abolit '13.t,caut euultiug Intareai. Ih la es.tiiiti tinay viii receive:il pen cent. ofll thetoliiiatoittlgh nolhing certain i, kîtitwit as tutanlittpruoportion 0f tite usiyPAlid lu tineY viii recaive. Thne Iataa 41iîailkoti. - it rions onie 1ilttany - Notice. ]il! nagilittr annuai meeting o! the L:mlte {'otiuty Agricuiturai Society yuli i.- biîîtitiithie town hall, Libantyvlla, Ili., Waetiîsday, Dacemban t, 1897, f&~ tile hiilrposatif aecting otffcena for lte eîîsnîiîîg pear andti raumellng any olter bn-Sineas viiatMay >noperly coite bafone tîle meeting. àa. , 0«4a,.s'r- - very pnetty vetiig, il baiug lte mnarriluge Of ]lils Auna Sîhuaeman, oft Not Chicago, anti Mr. Franik Erhart, o! inamont township. 1 Ah 9:30 o'clockthtiesbridai couple, I aitiied bY Misses Cannae Fradricits, hitîle Sehueneman ant iliaar. J. Krlslan andi F. Fnedntck8, alovly adivancedte, hoie altelhe e ttaey péere at by Bey, latter Vaîhalen, vito perfermedtheltaceremouy, lte impreaslve nuptial igit Masa liuig uset. Te bride was charmingiy attireti lu a hrovu traveling drean wllh trtnmmlngs of cremn lace. Misa Fretitkm vas gowuet in ltcIneanti Misa Scbîînemau In grey. huit car- ried citrysaaltenmK Mr. anti lra. Enhatanilafti midate- ly itîr Freîiout, witera tiîep ailrestitît. WAR REN. 1Fred PotIer veut tii Waukesina tn I ittianesfaut Tuesuiay. %%'alter Dtnlap vito insu beau ,11 tîn Kick liatinta mucli mprovati Titoa. Clapitai anti John Almonti waens Chicago viisitons ricently. Tiiankaglving vaak in vitliuns again with ls iany faiuily reunlons. Tîteker sud Clone bavea sippeti sev- aral loada of stock 10 lte cIp lagtely. Mrs. Wmn. Dave, o! Milvaukee wasq talling ton friands la thin iocaliiy tite Il rat 0f ltae veet. Reny Shepart i;li out ateudiug 10 ita farci affaira, tavlng ueaily recover. eti from bigsesvane accident. G. T. Voie la buay aitredtiing anti liuking hao lange crop ef coin. Ray & loage are useiugtelr machine. Fiant Ford Who han beau vorkiug for G. P. Rose lte past paIrhms beau taking lita vacation vtsiting fieutsinl Wis. lins. 0. Il. Witmore entaîtaluedth ie W. 0. B. lestI eet Weduesday. Thain nazi meeting vill bc vitit lis. Chtarles Tucker Dac. I. H. J. Rtay bas beau doiug te pro- per titîîng tia faîl by tsviug tiling doue vhena il la naedeti on bisiafarin. Peter Wilson doue lte vont. Wilson te au expert at the business. Mir. anti lra. Nahumu Lamb expadi le autentain lira. Mimner anti ter daugh. ter, Fay, o! Grand Crossing. Chicago, ltae esat 3 daya of thii eek. lins. Mimuer is principal of lte Madison Ave. scitooi. Chticago. The lecture givan by Prof. Carnes, lte noteti loculloniat. aItlte Christian chuînci, Gurnee lait Fiday eveuîug noter the auspicas of lte Gumnea camp M. W. A., wap a markad auccea. Eveiything considereti hieaseleciions vane aIl val nndaiei anti val me- celveti. Owing totta lnclamency of the vas- lter the meeing at the Grange Hall lait abbat ves nol vamp veli attenti. ati. Osca A. oeey gave a WaI. ou prison lifs anti his vont aiagent for lte AinemicanHome Piutiiug Assoia.- lion, viticit va. veny Instructive anti inteiesting. PMIL . .M. liaurc, cf WantagSà. h»se 1riseiss a e neise"--Mai SHEAMERtVIL4E. 9 Tu-ela vag pay-day at Alhîpa 1 Mra. Clara Dreva, of llarrtnglon, ja a Ipentiing te Week at Fred Melerboflas C. Hn*MBt'e family sud houaehold gooda arrivait bore Tinrutiay. They are nov confOrt.bly lnstaiied lu their new home. The heurt&aicf Mr. sud liraHabar- kamP vere. soude happy by thea arrivai Of a bonncing baby boy one day titis Thte INDtpEsoamtta làithermeryillea only locafle. When anything hap. iPens vhIich il iiprove o! intereast sut an acon of!Il Io yonr, HOME PAPERB The train lesvlng lte Union tiepo t Chicago a 8:45 P. se. formeriy teimis- ating a& Morton nov ruae up to Desr- fildit thuaà giviugShemîervlle patrons one more avenlag train. JS Zimnmrma, bas jmai complalati tnProvemanta lualthe dancing hall aboya hi$ Plaue 01 buainea.. The walia anti oelling have been rapapereti anti lte vootivorit paed maklng lthe place one o!f tae pieséAnteat dancing rootua @rond Skis setion c01the conntry. The dance antiracIe at Zimmarmna Thnraday eveniug, daupte the bmai veaiher vhtb n evaleti, wvaSvy1 vel allendeti.&adi&avoey planat limec enJoyeti hy a&U Prseni. Thea mualcc vau gooti anti th.aaflipart or lte pro- gramn f rrnitiheti 1idamusement. WHERLING. Mir. Hipp la a verp lnduitrtoua marahsal. B. Grols took linlte blrlhalay party ut C. F. [Jaîz. Mr. Sitytir andi familY have Inoveti tu, Deertielti. It seema Mr. W. Uotcitalk la l it e trading business. Our houmwavv are about througit wilh bouse claanug. lira. duRfal entesIaineti four Pala- tina friands Tueaday. Mise Baner la nOW visiting iriendsata Highlandi Park anti Ulentcoa. Marahai Kipp vas atlpresent t tita raising o! M. lianama sidevaît. lira. ici'e houm, n la inaheti andi la quite an improvenl to lte 10vn. We vant aillte nefa. Baud lu pour Items, or leave 11a aith pogtoile*, Albert liocheaheci t tIregeese wiîh his new ridle. Qunite a spirt, Albetr. The pupila o!fmini achool necenîly hadti tir pictura. taken iy lir. Miorse. The next adliton of Parmalea's er- culatllg iibrary vili neacin lown January lat. Mr. Scinincealitonenciosed i hs jxncitforltae wiîitear andi prepanes tu keep Warin. lira. Bauman bongitt nome lumben vith viicitsite intenta 10 Improve har place by repaining l. lira. Fliher, lirs. Schneidear anti lira. Pariolai vare viaiting lat 'eek St thair son8 iu Ciicago. Mir. Lasina, tlivarvlav, wlîo formeriy neidati haie, vatt lu tîwn Sunday avaning for a astort imi9. Lewis Mlerkitine in now bttck again frotalte optai, vietre ashiiibitai cointed. viitàa brîîken leg. iThe Calliolie Forestra i uBLiilaltu tirtve bat insiitallation lat Baturtiay and t(iok in eight new nemberN. The lecture ua hlie Presbylerian churcit van waillatlteti anti vas certainly lniteraatîng ant i nstructive. The INDEPt'ENittT iut oOMlng liers, ait ai ail olter jioltst. Tite paper viii grow itetter vitît iach sacceeding Dr. RuiaIhelît' islt, viliibis hre Nov. 29, andl îveny tvo veets lfiitre- afler, oit Moiidays. Mia office ls et the' Unîion ibote]. Joîhn Behin Ian euherpriaing citizen. He bas covera is ti prenises vilt trait gravel andi ait out a nav lot tif forent irises for ahade. The yoîîng pteopie vito are away t-t collage are Itioking forward t te Xîuas iolidapai, wvinilliiagalu lue t"home, aveet home." The vtltiunteer tire iieparlmail ail tumneal ont lu their new itîtittinn anti vitit a new bransa bondt atteudeti Chief Uatz' birltitty party. soute boys, lu or out o! towu, ut ust bave imagluad t w as Halloween, or ease J. lianasys s alvatsuddeniy acqnlned legs as it vas Out of 11>nuaia place Suinday mornlng. Max Muffat killeti a nainiit recantiy by accitantally teppiug on la ieati an Il lay sleeping lualtae gratin. Titis la certainip a rare occurance as the îabbili bava become veny amy. Wa nearhy itad anothar lu 10wn Mr. Brandti ld Mr. Piohen Ihat nome smote vas issuing fron untier lin. Horchra blaokamilh stop. Mr.Flschan looteti unier lte stop annd 55w tt a pont hati beau bnnniug. They aItoce axlingulaha I L Chie! Uahza birthtiay vas coebrated viihgiesa pomp anti canemony by tte celebmaltid WhseUng Pire Departidenh 140v. i. il veasln ltaenature of a nleur- pis" atlita 1bop5 wo. Sar.iluful NORTH NORTHFIELD. 11ev. F. licheri la holding prolraciei meetings at Long Gravetiais e ek. Hia fami]y accompaled i hm Monday. lira. Kimbel, of Oaneseo, vho for- mner1y lived ia nChicago and in veil- knovn 10 Norihlel itiponeera, dleti recenlly. ine SBusan Frauzer vent 10 Chicago lent veek, vitile ier atmer, lir. John Pray, ramtainedti lier motter, vito la couvaliscing. 9 Mr. Kailervaun. traveling agent for .the hoapital ai Morton Orove, was lu 1tnt vicinly lait week coiletîlug -for ad lufflution. P. Wolf itas been repairing and improvlng hie residane.Re laites pride lIn keeplng iea eautif ni place lu filîs-clais order. The Evangeicai churcit of Ibla place vill oelebrale lia annukal mlsaionary day nazi Bnuday. Ai are heartily Invîtet 1bchapresaut. Mr. and Mlra. ieuer vent 10 Chica- go lant Baturday 10 speudth ie day vlth thoir dangiter. vlno attends the nrtiwtvsernuniverty. Bhshop Karr, of the Evangelical As so0ciation, vOll fil lthe puiltrof lthe Norltielticlnurcitnext Wemadtay or Tituaday mornlug. Everybody la iiordialiy lnvilad. Northfeltisa nlerprislng carpenlera, P*. IL Plagg, eo. lMant.eranti Ueo. Bay-i, have beau busy aIl summer in spite 0f lte tard timest;wviiclitact aarlaily atteste the merit o! titeir work. Mr. liovua, engineer for Mieuare. Rledlng à Pipas threahing machine, lesires 10 go 10 Klondike If lh a cn scare up a partner. We have no an- itentic information, but suppose lie Intenda le non a steamer ont there. <Prom &hoher Covespondnlj MisaIl--a AnIsviaiteti at Deer- Rid a 1ev day. Ibiswveat. Wllle Leser. oui tachetor friand, bai beau alck, but ia somevit ibalter. Mlis Edua Antes, of Deerflld,visllai aI ber grantipareuts' a fev days lait week. Quite a numbar of our yonng people attendadth ie danceast Whseling Batur. day evening. clao. Ne~ erbas vorn t' aPair of buggy springs vbila niling out. Wailking vonld hotecheapar, thonghIt I laRlhable tbchabard on ahons. Dsîsy. Mri. anti lra. Ueo. Gutzler vent 10 Chicago Tueaday for a ahoen vieil. W. R. Lautivehr vaul 10 Chicago Sunday avanlng 10 attend 10 usuai Sunday evenlng dtias. Hov about the Misses Anonymous? Thte Mesue. Shermerville voulti ho gladt 10 erfront yen. FMusut Joe Hermnn.Who rsitie neai Whellng Station, taîka o! renttug John Styker's house; ha bai not fnufy dacideti. Mlisa Barbara lilcitarriveti home last Saurday. Han brotitar-lu.lav anti ister, liranti lra. Haim, o! Wii- mette, accompanteti har. Adolpit Bernhardt furniahedth ie moulc for te ban t Whaailng Balur- day evaning.lMr. Bennhardt playeti Dit viîlin, accompaniati by piano. Qulte a numbar o!flte vong people from inere t atentiedtheltatirs& annal bail aI l'I. Titepalai aapleasant time anti graatly rallahadthelitaouer. traut and vienar-vurst, wvicit auf- tieti for auppan. A iirltday party vai givan at lte home o! Mr. anti lra. Chitsian Bie lu honor of ltaeir daugliter, Miss Amalla, Wedneaday evening. AIllite Young people of lte vlcinlly attendeti. WEST NORTHFIELD. Water Croveil Inteuda 10 o t foi vork in thea dtp. John Dearlove bas ,guu ho bau] mukto 0Evansion.f Annasa Kenlcotis busy iunlte Ilfe insuranca business. Geo. Bandera Intenda 10 manty soon. He han nanti the Croveil farm for oeil yaar. Ranson Kenulcoît andti anily, o! Carbondala, hava come hore tg spanti lte Winter. Frank Clark anti TaI Kennicott ax- Pect 10 go itu4tlng acoon, oplng 10 get nome gaine. Joitunle Allison gel s punch lunltha face anti hat ie srîIa taitan avay frose hlm by Mr. Cranua. Henry SuBlastit tgot is otR huaketi pet. Hie hati boller hurry up Mir. andi Mr&. Henry Staak have In- increasedtheiir famnly vltb anotter 11111e girl. Hurrah, boys! Anotitar girl In 10Wn. Evrylhlng brouiiz goond pnioeata lte auction on the Flentye faim. Cows soit frour $30 10 $52 aplee, anti iorses froin $610 8$M. John Aflison 10ok a lb.d of bucit. vioteal 0 lhe mul to bave Il grouni lmt ilour. viticithaoviiihava reaiy for saie aboutlte luit 0f lte veoi. Goid for Unae John. Quai EteIroe 0oS ý ou IIv Cali and Examine before Buying. Heating , can't b. beat for Price and LIUERTYVILLE, ILL. DEERFIELD. lira. Truestiall han riturnuat froinia vîil l u Chicago. .îDoca BlaematIgavea a lnkey ahoot TitankagIving. lira. J. C. Adams a svîslting han daîîgtten st Evauston. lir. anti Mrs. L. P. Todal &pent Tliantsglivlng lu Chicago. TheINDu PENDENi~TruoW litasn ealy iltY Subacribersa aI leertteiui sud the liaI la groa'lng. Win. Murray, of Watiswortit la acting agent aItlte statton durtng the absence o! Mr. Parsons. A live peu olti bornse ovuetby Pblp Mole bas tha iock.jav anti relief seama limpossible. Thon. Dnffp anti familp itave moveti back 10 the total anti have renti tem nresidenca b G. C. Bnyder vbo bas mnoveti here froin Witeelng«. Amoug the persona vliliung Chticago WednestiaY vere: Ueo. Bocitenuhi, V. W, Pette, C. B. Esalon, Eh Fiati, MImer Pail, Geo. Bîmpter, M. Horen- berger, Tlies. Duffy anti Mr. anti lra. lienure. McKap andi Hunier, o! Chtica. ge, veme here Tueatiay iooklng over te t0vn andti lyiug »1finut a suitabla place ta locale a itome. The aboya usinai gentleman are inienestet u intae Bàursenysaoct business. Mn. and Mia. Ueo - Parms etati Tuesday 10 cal Tbautagivmng lurkey viitt reliatives at MerrilI, Win. George viii neturu Batuirtay 10 raliava bla mihattuta, Win. Murray, viila Mrs. Parsons vîlI prcee1teWest Saiem, fon a two veeka' viait vitlierhanpur. enta anti uld actoolmatesi. VOLO. Mn. NiaitSmithi, one of Chicgs efficient justices, van a Volo cahie Bunday. Ira. Cenlie sinnons, of Elgin, apani Suiay viit hen parents, lin, anti lra. Compton. Unr. Lizzile Dove anti chiltiren, of Mclienry, vlsialdrelative& anti friands In Vole, Sunday. Quite a number frotu Waucontia ai- tentiedth ie servicesan it.eM. E. citurah 81mnda aenoon. Na» t]Lgs anti 0710itSrboxée for citeap ai J. itichardit e scr v pou are invitedti l attend lte a eultertsibmnul given by ounecf. Volo neitients, frea of charge. Dieti, in Elg in, Nov. 114 lir. Hoc" agetuarly 1S1 peais !crlerip a lm den o! nlenm. ~aY y lIra. Hoyard imidati for a tim-f Volo anti vas vWOU tuovitlu lts tty. Han huabanti, Dr. JR ug vive, ber, .1 isotre.o thds A. Ji. ChUruiMdsudlr. E o! £Wgu. Elh. tatibeenauargg Illnoiasmince 1831, ona 0f jusa pionoens. GURNER. P. W. Stevart vas lu Culai businessMondiy. UmeC"laStaffordi le apeaiS fav demys ln Citicago. lira. Singr, of Ciie*, «% l Bainida.y wth G. E a for Our,âmarchanteeioga i busDin ulte glove"ati&ui thia faeu. Ch«ta. Lavacun ovae Wa laut vasa vitere ha bau aseugà Ploputant a ieuse kbo m B. E Joues ha. reeii teusive lumben sheodu is p " s aam u d ntiairaclive o ing. A large crovd vau prm . i church t slSnaoy eVoue lng 10boear a leeture by an prison couviol, bus th" veu appoiniedth enamo.ea bava beau maie foir o ii laIai nem a, ibva.1 itt M oà4 Usualiut in g mona. Wall Noommeaaded. W. B. Lewis. o!f tvu~ tiaoverati a aura poevextisve lion ta cova an ti ere, 4amu ltat ham vonderful meri * feotatifiot qam.elieklil uSalanUime. l leaS. facianiteoriok rmme mou Ai te Cony Paru, vbMu tioroughly usiai.1h07#My praise. Ast Sb* ha titraie ts tUisveld ~moe Vol. VI. No. 7. $1.50 a Year in AIMÉ UNPRECEOEtITEG 8àIu kà& WYNN'S ON Capes.... Jackets! At Wynn's, Cor. Oenemo and Wa8hlngton Ste., WAUKEGAN. NEW STOVE- --i 402

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