This man is calling for a plate of cakes l"Our Iiome-grown Buckwheat." Fry a Sack and Vîuli have no (jihen. For pastry ue-Ž ---ý ig Jo-- SOLD AT Triggs & Taylor's Libertyville, 111. Special Bargains DURING THE NEXT 30 DAYS Pianos -P rgansý Cal and Examine MY Stock C. R. SIERIIAN9 RED (1ROKER TAILOR ADRAPER. CLEANING REPAIRING. OVER BANK LIBERTYVILLE, IL. r GO TO LOVELL'S DRUG STORE FOR Il Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, " PERFUMERY, SOAPS, COM BS, SBrushes, Trusses, Supporters, Shoulder Baces, Fancy andb1 Toilet Articles, l3ooksit nd Stationery, Dye Stufs, Gluss, Puty,14 ci PAINTS, OILS,VARNISHES. pJ4 PATENTMEDICINES. Family Medicine& and Physicians' Prescriptions car.1U11 compounded at aUl houîri. 0 os arfuly elctd. nl tisBes. WHEI JIJST a, :N VOU'RE IN NEED 0F Note Heads Statements Envelopes Cards or Stationery of Any kind Caîl on WOODMN Village OffIcere. .C. H. A.rlli l............ ............ W. C. &aoborn Tramure .............. ....... M. B. ColbY P,,ie, Magl.trat- .............. W. E. Davis narbhal............ ........ M. Freshman L BEI VILLELODOE. No. 492F 'A M egalarClommuntionltfd ib Baturdara of each montS. Vstlns brothern oodalweicoDIed. IL. W. BuLKLRY. W.M. ACECAMP No 176, M. W. Of A.. eq ut W, Hall over wgr arwr ti.iVatlns n,,ighiors aways W-leorne. C. I.IRBA4 .C CHAS. KAiSEtR. Crk. ~ h~ Thankealvtng. No otir ,irid year ham. lown. spring. with ber green brolderem A nd tarike flowere, and leaflig tr..'.. I.i fui ff. fat" and unknoot. w 1,c.. tro,. la ummer'a opulent fue' Th.- o,',morf wrtoil, the slnglýg bir. Are z,:,aof thinga fot seen or hourdl Ir, Aittit 100 ebng. fUikering haut.. flot iately laahed Octobra tî,ll. oif bailing beauty 0011!urWSY. .Nw it. with ail tbhe mareh frout Maï. LiJ e iladsuiti hidden frout human gaz.. Bt White the sua lein thé-Bk)I M'1uory wilil till reelauzo the pat. Aînd awho shali leur f'h. .intry tiaitI Or aretle cold hti en eowlak.-s li The, larglesm of the humrnt n.ttîo The rick i umantY a arnered The thinathe f ara anid gaitiefi vI. Are ,,u". and tt-y ame gather.d In. Ha, trought ls gifla BO maioll Th. neaut y of th" Wood and wrd- Andfr dth ie thotght t hat ]Ife. l4 d. b t ous i-. hanks for av.rylhIi W ithin the swlfi rear s I)b antdfliow. Au lismonutt utet thir cold and onow. But ao th.. ".il ,",utea Jubilant ejriaz' JbEi. BENT. p olitt forget the bazaar at Towol Hall. h l. t',n' W'il lîims ias if) C h iago Monday. \maa prebeotg ai the Townf Hall Lec. 2d and 3d. A good lrogram will be rendered ait tbe Totwn Hall Fritiay oîgbt, 1)ec. 3d. joi'timisa t. W. C. T. 1'. ladies' will he ioterea4ted ili the.'W C. T. 1'. Cottnty Notett' found iii tire (lrayslaki. depaxtmeftt Of Ibis ittile. Were yonithaîîkf.l The mman whîî let 'fhurslay tescape iboot fling a few tharîkb, îecemtarily forfeited th-, resetetiltfhis.cofiacteflce. The It1ev. Dr. C. C. Nl&ndeville, pre- midling eider 01 the North Chicagot die- trii. h eld i Diatiret .1tarterly confier- enue on last Saturday and preacheti ti, mottt vîgorous sermionms Iunday ai the Methodiat chuirhi. 1ev Fater Meehau, tof Chicago, fornterly of McHenry, siteneeds Faiher Ktar1îey as pastor tof the Ctholic lurc ari thia place. Fatiter Meehai conducted saea utatlie church here lasI Stinday and services will bc held every Sunday morning at Iti oclock herealter. The Evangeli.'al srvices et the Metotiit church loseti mai Fîiday nigbl. Memsr. Foukaîl and Stuart madc a mot t excellent Impression. Ttey toare thoîonghiy davted and ini- tensely ltereatat lunteoir latore. A nomber of converiions are ieported ai the direct roaint of titeir mteetings. Thie îîany lriends of Miss HRia Bren- ton tili lie pleasedt otbeai aho le im- pros'lug, aftcr iiany toteks o! cevere sufaulug wih paritonille of thie opine and nervea. The atteuding physîcian, Dr. Wells, elates that Vitit mseeient Care as aba bas hartcawiII h>0 op in a shotLUlma, anti toc Iope t- gse.ber st bomne again soou. 1ev. D.. 1. Coon, tof Chicago Univer- sity, delivaiedt Io excellant sermons at the Presbyterian uiturch laIson- day, ini tht. absence of the pattr, Hcv. G. 1). Heuver, Who preacted t ipull- ma. Mu. Cîstu gained a Warinî place In the besîta of tht. people tiurlng bic effcient laltorit bore lait snmmer, anti lhey were rlelightlett to wîctîme hiuî back again. Thte Village Boardi mal MondaY nlght te examine bond of Win. A. Dean, Who le negtiating for the pur- cliue0fci te Lîbertytîlle Hotel aud bar. Thte proposition to transfer TII. bis8on & Fuirney's licensee 10Mr. Dean met Vitit tigorone opposition from Tute« Rein and HoYt. Afler-mre diacuamion the board adJonmned untiR mzt londay nighl, whelo tbey will take 1i aton la th. matter. secret asolelie a ad cbnrelles litli tli.m reali' hbusintess geiî'rally, un, tbeir annual lertitofi .officerg. 'Ire jtl'kiîg tilt und liete xpeets t..ntto INDEPE!. iNT wlll han k tîhe nreordîx19iiig ieros Iiike' ' o nf tYtitlsf.'rm ite omelers of thte varions societies il LDcy lîtar future. will furnish us wltlî the uinmes ,f tellb.' udee itCi onces letel oo ate te ar- Letutgert, t e wf otee i ofilersclt~tedas oon tte thesar- .go bas recels ed lorty lettera front ou8 elecllOn as Posaib)le, aht wt('enteit females miltce Die hait lits trial and thet lu putîlinil fîl lista andit ligl' it lle.t* jury disagieed. offrIng tu marryhbit. Thurnday was a gondi day to recount They *seem to tltink &lee l dead, but the national mercies of the past; to Leutgerl stdaia lis wlfe la alive remember te heroic figuresa lit give and will loin up norne day and that lie tu our republiete htietevidence Of In no% yei tlutht. market for inatrimooy. tbý fruitflnem of democracy, 10 recal [If ltenexi trial acqjuits hlm il ViIlie Wahington, Franklinl, Jefiermion, Ham- on lte grount1h51 site lte alive and if ilion, Lincoin, Grant and a great cloud cur.vlcted ite ViII io bang and noue of other splendid wltuemes to tht. ofltes., goalug femalea will get a power of national l leinluits nobtt's chance tu ho boiled op in hie sausage incarnations. factory. We do flot know bow maur William Winktean, 15 yeai old son oifmlsteeaei h oi until ail lte retoros are iu, bal we do of Fred Winklem*ii, a (jerman farmer: living a few fromn Marengo, i know titere ara f only. dead front blondi poisoiiig. Thte CR. Sheinians Irientis areciult yonng man racalved a sllght eut on ing a ptîlion for siguainrea, recozo- lte tand from a corn stalk receuîly, mend.lug andi tndoising lmn as s At the lime little was ltongl concert,- candidate for potmaaster. If igus- lng ii,bot instead of healig, te loies will aecure himlte office, we. înîary grew more serions, fluaIly are lnclined 10 the bellef hie chances iesulting fatally. Tht family ia a fo appointmeit arc gond. However. pioinant one amoiîq the (icumans 0f Mn. Hetite supporters aver McHcnry ciîuuly. that Congressmnu Fos sil favor- Thte eutertalmnlelt given for the aille to Heath* Mr. Parkhîînal la out honafli of te "Christmass f nnd" o! the of the race, hoe and lis frienda 8sup- Mthodiat Bnnday.scllool anti parti- Iorting Sherman. While the efforts cîpaied inl by local talant asasieti by of te ShermtanlcontingenIt are a liltie noma friende rotu Chicago, at the M.: lardi' their endeav"r to sec tire for hini E. chnnch Tuesday nighi was intieed aliepnilnîe i'ls vgto.A lienary anti musical treat. Tihe ytouugChaoplerrcuy anuct ladies arc x)b e cougiatnlated npou Heth& ppolntnîeni, but it i laimed titepreautlio ofmuct a Ions t he anuotnuceoteut was prenliatone. theproenttio ofauc amerit10I Tîje iglît la certîiîtly a wsrm onte. pîogram mand their efforts vere certain- ly worthy a macch Isîger attendauce ilowever the auim nalted, about $12 Gooti Temfflar Meeting. and the evldent apprecialion of t'le Lait .aturday nighl the Lake coiiinty audience should encourage thit.1 Good Templarm helti a meeting ai favor oun utizens with future enter- Hlgltwood titat wae well ati'uded. talumienis o! a like nature. A aupper tons servei andi a ;leaslng progiam presenteti. Besîdes the Higti. Dont ignore the faut thal Liberty- wood lotige, a large delegation wert. villeimarchants have during lte Ptt preseul fuom Lake BIuIT sud Liberty- Veaar ontrihuted largely tu the. OuPlOil ville. Those front Lake Blufft were. of oni school. citurches and locsl Messre. Horion. AlIuJg snd larllng. organizaiione. They bave been aaked Mrs. Taylor sud Miss lamnes. The during thte year to contrbute lu tibis Libertyvill'- delegition toas composcd litIand lte other Vtrthy charity or of Misseas Isabelle Clark. Jenuie Kerji, oblect-anti bava îespouded llberally. FMiay lityt, Essie Triggs, lBlaniche' fTheir bolldsy gondis sie noto being Vuilie, Nora Btitrtield, Liilu lRay, orticîed aceordiflg b> ihelir ItsMlre. Maii.lle iaîtli. Messrs. Citas. tjndgmenl andi past experlence iî Sîumser. las. Clark, Albtert Lyotn. ('las. v accomniodaio thte demand oft iarsti- Lyont. Atîdrew Mt'Carti.'y. talai communuiy. Ilefore you go to --, tîicaesgo and leste ytnî dollars just Reading Crcie Meets. consider tohethier tir not our home"IT enltri idisvisionuiotrI llinois deaiers cannot silply youî Vants. aceslteariîg Cireebel ibei Cive thent, a trial. B us uail ua eting ai lbh' scîtotli onse lii thînge. Their cailmmtuoy oor patronil- Libertyvil'le bâtit Saiorday. Tht. prot- yale certaiuly nient a fair considera- grain as advertis6td ons carrietl oni anti lion. the mueeing ssaa a pautlt'olatrly We are in r'etpt of the jubîle.e interetiiug one. iThe papers by . - Mesrs.W.,0M.tli iW. H. welcb andl pubîsiheti ai Tacoma, Waih. I le prof. Stoolîs tocr' exceptionally goi " 1. embellislieti witlî iall.îoue reprotic_- The question ibox tous alty odie tions of Tacoma, also of Alseka andi hy Mir- Alhoti. Next ineetIîg silli Iti lte golti fields; lu lad a greal portiton hrld liet. 1". of the aditîin legivelini) tu 0tige AHome Day. Klonaike and tributaiy trrii.îry. "akgvn a oe:a.' The foliowing cling Of poeiry day fI,rth e heaut and Ule atfections. A appears lu a promineut position and ls ay o iedem u h.iel t indicative of the puise of Tacoma youth sud msiden. Il Vas a day for peoplei relative 1tte Alaskaii gold youtit away front bonete Ireshen titeir feld. Dopes andi kîîîrle aîîew teir aspira- Goidl gold! goll! gold! ils Brght and yellow. hard antId l. oa Mlton. craven. autmered andIrII Heay o e nd hîittobhol, I COUNCIL PROCLEDINGS. Hloue. brred. offâandIsoin. i LiERTYVILbE, NOV. 22, 189,7. StoM, borowil.auandered. doletI: 8purneti lin the yoanj. butibu6eed h il.' oit village board met lu speciai session. rte very verge or t¶ie iburelter1il.t,I, Full board presient. ri'eeaof many a rinuIUftol; toved hy c(illotoay and DuBole 1Goldl gold! goltil gold! ltaI bond rtf W-- A. Dean hi' refffrred The ladies' O! the M. E. cburch "'iii îo licenar' c,,inmittee ftor approval. Sold a bazaar lu the Towîî Hall boîh (.'aiitd. ailenoo au evningDecmbe id Liceusie crmmltter'aftei uonsiderinig amd id. '0and eVeiI be enbeti2dîî matter reportil ti hat ihey ivere- and3d.lio wil b enble t.ignorant as to the reepousiblitlY itf purchaNe naefîîi articles as Weil as li. Dean a bodntiuen anti as 10 litst ornasmental, aitable for Chrlatmnag moral character andi asklng the actionî sud ot!. ome atieof tite full board on the malter. gifl for yoîîîîg ado Hm ae Aller couidarable dlssuosirn lutoas candy by box andi pounti VilI heonO mo'red hy (ialoway and Hoyl thai sale. Readag ice creani will be aerved meeting adjouin outil Pouday nighi at 1) cents a lisil; alwo coffee and iaaud- Nov. 29. .%oi(in carrled. wichs fr 1ets MUM bOh eon-W. C. SÀANtoO. Clark. lngs. A piogram tout be renderedth ie lait eveniug. A codial invitation le LIBERTYVILLE MARKET. exteuided al. The 1fo0lloig 1lethie Corr,'t.ol iby the' Mreltntt'.""-r Tittrsat piogyam tobeho iederod EFrIday nigitî, Butt,-('r,&Mry ....... .- f 2 (4 i. commelciilg Et 8:31)o'clock: Buter-Cb'.l.'t' Dairy- ..... -) t el Eugg. pr dozen ....... .. w'l MUSIC.................. ...... OCETRaA Potatoca e iî,t.ttshl.... . 65114 -. RECITATION ....... . ..FANK (;cn aWo.d-,iry fier.'ori... . t00 (4. 50 IIECITATION.- ý.. . . .MIPESTER Ora-Harl. fier ton ........... 6 15U14 6 N IIECITATION ........ ...... . .'.Àin a REY Ce1-mort. fier t.ii ........... 4 t>1-115 (0t mugie .......... .................Con .renbuosh,' .. 28 L« Mi RECITATION .............. 'd'li MRYv is Oale. Iuer bushet.. ............. ii«4 ", .- READIN .. . - MsSALLIE noosia (Iround Fsd ..... ... .. ....... 5 (4 DUETT.... ....... Mita*gLEWIS ANI't8391THUlrawper o..... ......... ..90(114 Io0w k MU IC ......... . .. .......M lddiings. pr totn...... ... .. 80(0l-4 1095 IIECITATION ............. ARTUR RCLILEx Coin Ment,* toi ton ........ 012 0I SOLO ................... MIL HARET jAyco Houa. per lue 4 3:1 iPork.idrennedper loolba .4254 4 0 cae UUM-Boef, caise pr ne0 Itn...... 70 I oa..l.Verni saVes. dresseiper lb.... 013 08t i k -el a1 tC) 205 million Roman Catholics, 8 million Jews, 175 million Moharnedans and 870 million H eathen s. We cannot expect to supply ail of themï- but we are furnishing a lot of people. Our stock is complete, and we ara constantly adding new and desirable goods. We have just received a new lot of Rugs. They are beauties and cheap. In Overcoats we have a "corker" for $10. We are selling lots of them. Corne in and let us fit you out with wnat you want. I. B. Colby & Co., Dealers in Everything, LIBERTY VILLE, - - - LNQ$ Guetting cold eh?,,. We have a few dozen Overcoatt which we must seil before Jan'y. Il, 1898. Corne quick and get a bar- gain while they last. Don't let the other fellow get ahead of you. Have you tried a sack of If not, why not? We always carry the best grade of Grocerieé- Corne in and be convinced. F. C. SMITH & SONO Butler Bldg. Libertyville, Illinois. Just Receivedi BIG BARGAINS IN Men 's and Boys' Sweater Men's Dark Red Sweaters, with Sallor Collars. 80 per cent wool at .............. 9 Boys Sweaters lîke above at..................................... 7 Boys Extra-heavy Ail Wool Sweater s Turtle-neck, Dark Gray worth $1.25 at .... 7 Bed Blankets per pair........5SOC and $1,0O. EXTRA GOOD VALUES. WAIT F011 Our loy and Hiday MOy It wiII be ready about December let. Théear Libertyville, Libertyville, Ill. Asociation willl ei eiFrda 4 PCKE UPHE E A D T ERE pafternoon wth Mrs. Ida Hardle A P PICKE UP ERE ND T ERE.large atteRdanela tiesirell Local items of Interest to Lîbertyville Readers. Dr. Taylor bas removed bis of. e lu th rgs& Taylor block fr Jeil ~A 4444444444*44*4444*4é4**4444 crne auteto adjoinlng rooma on 11.ttý Mr. ad Mi. W.W. Bukleyare orhwhere De bas§ neaily for i ie G. M. & Sir. P. R. R. Time TAULc. To IMrAG. vlatnd ClilagoWfnenda ud yrelatvesP O S II V E - HCG.vntn hcgofinsadrltvsand commouîlone quartera. .Im. .11. m. U.. .m. thiis week. Attîje Methodint Eplacopal cIirrcb WadAWo»rttl iffl 5:20 &06 I~lon Mable Dymonîl vlioied Liberty On Sunday mornnng the ltîv. Jh (jurmut teO 6:2m W811 ville relatives and friendi;TnKdyLees aubject will lwe-Tht Faithfl Poprtli ee LîamaiTTv1LLE 6:80 tru 12:w6 4:8 and Wednesday o bli. week. Disciple.- Hie evenilîg thtuie will be N bd em o nwjs hr liondout &38 7:111 12:86 8:119 6:21 'uenHlaa ereid 84 tI 124 5:48068:6: Fireit Cannibal-Wbat made yoiir -î Deorerie 648l'0 644 :80 0:38 : i4wfe scold you no Thankoglvlng day: . ..Allaron's't hildreîî and grantd- C11ih0arrve) 4:40tM 1*30 :846:6 10 eodCnl:-lwslaet 86 hlrnaesmld i oeRi he carne from, but his baggage is ChcaOteriv CHICAGO.8:6 :4 486 ecoand thCanna-I waa ai 1 d- hld pren iaeml d nai is ho FIa BOAO eadteiaoni actd ,rii M. u nanareil.t blocking every f reight depot in the lan Lv.Un.aA%.M Lm7:30 . utis. .. S The Gond Tomplare of Lake C njoyad thankeigivlng dtnradm Lv. Kînale Kt. .30:88 4:3086 general good lime Thuirsday. Mr. and fieierle 8:8f61: 1 6 4:11 7:28 gs.14VIII bold a bazaua and carnival aIucle.Aasoae elhsiadie b s r iv ! =erfed 8:34lem 6 :47 817 727 8Mr1.Town Hll Deare11. (reai prpand Everet :4216:6 86 &20 7:83 9921 Tw alDq l ra rpr-H a a rv d Rondout 8:6 Imm &OS ie8de :40 Ir:38 tions are being made. See ail lu hontees andtieeanalahrigs___________________ a y 10.2 Z 76 :11 9.1 lié pID5Theare mont plenuabte events. orh r0 0Ail viitos are weîl iiinpreased wib o aasn . tepsoil'wt And this return of prosperity is going daili. eà denotem u ds u ly aprcitelts nts bluut ad te v ilweighed sied If more stsmîts to be feit by everyone. ,mtl Bunday. ealthy location. Lete vie with each Vere reî1ulred to purchasei. tend nIcrepois SCINDA! TRAINS. other i ahowing our lovely lîttle city ptitmon te envelope. W heu tbeVesh alifo Lv LibertYvile. :1151i.M.Ar. Bondont &oop.m.t. 10etrangers and deiraitle prospective boy retur ned he RaidlDe bai lt> boy 1Aes Mak Ta i samindforprthe s Lv.Chcago @:eua.m.Ar.lbertyvllie#8:ULf'm i. tant. Evert.baoelioaal influence. anoter etamp, u ntre t ai LsLiaylelot .iiM. Ar..iaao1852mut it in room po it right ou tp (if the. <thif French Legion of Honor. Lv.Clao84vm.rLbeulivilie5-'86Pne: Unei, ibl tc Ni,. 3Q rume Sona, enr.goin. south lOA toi 'il nsi«"naie folloJ:-At uSelll12:07 Paul MacOunEapent Thiakaglving l..îtlsk'atrillt1faitrt [i, . Wadovth 12:17; Gurae12:27-. Warre- H. C. bis pdentallutChcago. Mai'5 to 23;Rnoui 1*88; Evreti2:4î beerfiid wt i arnsiîhcao fvsf liî-s rouilrtîtArligti lieghis '"' P ecape l it. 12:6; ihennervile 12:021. errivea in Chicago ai 4à-bose appetite accompanied bilm. r.v *1:5 P. M. sud we wili guaimiltee MothericUffln ,titis *seek ti Woodtl touoiy W in., aier.' Train No.tu bae b"eaulaleir ut on froudat a ISuh ae tr utheY purltamsîd Itrlîj, and retiîruel MDeield LeObCag. Leaves Brileld :06 devmaiated Soutit Wateî etreflictb10 a. m Shrmervile@é0; arrivas iOblao7:50 obtain te wberewltb neceseary 1 tu sabgl'1laa'wiîucia-There are now 1,500 million people a. u. No. u6 leaves Chiceago 1:s86 pea h rvig fLl)ryJl. .1galles. Everybiely tbo onlce visit h arrv"ea Sermerville 12:13 a. u. D~fea pes iecaig i îetvleai h ol 10mlinPoetns i:8a. Mi. rîsîng young attorney. c'ounîtry dlaimi it ia the l.tpIlace I. 'r i h o ;10mlinPoetns _________________________a uoo itan 0 .~ta hnteoliti tn. 90 million Greek Catholics, 1 1 1 1