Bien. W«au nopportunnty for the l ~ FOR TMETenter and h. et to work to plan ot OM FOR THE agrat lu ary. Il bas takeabila fflgt YsaraBto de- I, baie thé rl* A11110 Ju il d&U tha trouble and monq Immese leutferSepue- IDe{be bas expendeti upon IL. la' Ium. Plet fo H.s.t.-gineersmedt telarge enterprisea ofthtie tas:nousta rousthe Quarts by îkind bavestallcd Acretllously. ome et El09 echeMaguetic AtttLc' of them bave spoken of t am, EdIlon'al New arn Operaion..hobby, adotbers as hA.sfelly. ome bave shown hi. on paper tît tDo ma- miui. L"et i m-upii. chinte coult ho coastrocteti powerful i,1!111 Mftsr bas producod a bot ef enongh toevcuah lve, six andi seven ton a uFo& bem penentratton of Intel- rocka, or If sncb a machine were cou- I~baaa oaervadon aticreful rt-a- structed it would never stand the jar '~~ iiiw haied he forces cfuna- and i arain exerteti upon ILt Ths par- ilIM ai matie thena the serva~nts oft tculur dtlculty MAr. Edison surmount- q1m. OS- bore titre la probably none ed no ceinpletely tht les@ than 100. gmai deservng of the. htgheut place horme pourer las reuireti to redûace rocks S«M la Tiiomaz A. Ediion. He has WeIgba; six anti seren tou te dOtta ~emorem than a score of inventions, limseacond trom the tinte they ame My pa et whiech would entA le hlm te tbrow It nte the crusblng machine. lHe % ilàWhaàt a place among thé fore- ta ernuhng rck anti dropplng the. re- Imag melan the scientifie world, and sultlng po-der past powerfnl electro- V*st Smpouen andi stri ves for more and manait&- The SaUdlas not attracted by eSffte cenques. The marieleus n- the magnetiant but passès tralght on, reenswth bwichbtas namne ta u othe. trou Ore Au attructedtu teon aide anti dabi bave nt been achiered iAnn adsy, talla lu à heap of lis own. This l. the bée aee the result of patient lotin. whle t the uctual demitele perseverazce and concentra. worklnt. ont At beeomez one, of the. amm et perpeae.. .-othiog h. bas n om atoti r tetens proceue. n thé laenore bas requireti se much ot is world. lA AW &fter aIl, ne smmmlimatter àfflMldaW attention, taxeti i nvea-tecrusthé very vitals eut or a moun- Ilve lofelty e fuiiy. or An the met,':tain andi then eztrmct ail et the or MUa coniamed isi vital powers more front the- millions of tons et anti. Ola bis tatest nccompishment. Th. la net ait a theory whicb Mr. MiAous cf tons of iron oe-elie scnt-iEdison ha. evolvetiand lettlte smne- b»Pw* the beMun tuae am" unesss ou la Umm mliliua vhlen tbwu eM eosveyorate ho eserIed tut the aea* ovama O.nem- ful out of the ovau t ie rei! for .ahpmmnt. Fait frishtt cars are at ha"dtu bini t away ta, the trnacse.. lIg e titm.thé ore i. bhwaitatiwttb Its, native rof loit of thse nothitainiude natAl:Atla loadai n thse fori et con- aneeLaly pure trou brquettes on tAhe cara At; la net toucheti by human banda. The never-endlng and nover-reattg atrem.n of material const£ltly circalates tlrongh the. varloubuildings. cruaheti lie the storeti mementum et gigantie relia, holatei skyxvarti by teax. puliId earthwiard hi gravity. tieecteti by maguetlmu., dried.. stttot. wegbeti. saugd. conveyeti, changei trou rock jntute ut.andi tro ustoito eeonpre- beeuAmMm mîet i tt a duse pro- portion of atihemive matertal; cburcei. haked, conatedl, and aent flying te thie fnrnace by fa trelpht; anti net once lan At.course la. Atarreted or jougetion- wyd by homan agency. Thse pocketm et uro frenwhich thse Unitedi States bam drawn tm chief sup- ply are rapily becomAng exhavati. Thes-. A..IAtmust b.unaderstutet, pentr of ro oe n hqCo 1 "Lt, 'lot hée mate. Steel ean only hé made frein ors.lanwblcb the per cent, et phon- phernu la very @mualEdison witla bis crutilng proum ba» entirely .11.1- mati the phosphore@ elemeat trou the or esa t tierefere rmain. Aevta- bis tbat thia unit ltlntately heceme the maly eriona metheti ef producins orus trou wicb steel 't-il hé matie. It r 84~~ ~LL Aui t!' rai tpm ibreugh lise rocks et tis e tatern OntecI e Seti tille îracthcnalusi-. n tise au 4býtauseslleghny Moeuntains. But s-llas-e et EdIsen, N. J.. lit ias estali-bel *,S gle arAmit-t! -Astise rock lu sic Ilslibes! a seselting plant os tise pruntiple an, 4Me pagtAcethtt conti Dot lie minetet bisg 1AsoDn thit AbathaRapraCticai w» the i.odnanry methotis.and m-titidenîonstratloî ef thse fi-nulblihiy etis oketi upon as ont'ofthtie thisary. Thie mt-tis by whîcht ie ore -- ataet nature. Tht- furnaces ta tht- ta extracto,! are atunîtcoihe amy otis-r' fti Zitvere compeltedta telook ton tht-lt-andti arute the litduret fbit avsenive aic MlW ot ilsh-s-t-de oe tt a fi-wLoot- genhus. Tht- c-betrlgg rock ta blastd tu b "4 t-esImporti-tiLalo uomldt-t-t uit tt-en laid os faot clxs Ot t-st-t~U.~s-aAs a rli,-. Tiseftrerr itis a uitîmn slue-. t la tht-n eu- ot -~ia~JJmtod5andthie coat tfPt-itt- veyed ta tht-crîuiAung plant. Tise cars C bu tMe later bas-Ans-alaiot tiailied arc tun ln undet- ch i-nul ettise crusis-r Un gmgiitIey point, the traie lu hîgis- lng ral]A. TAie tnitys cnttaliag liseh - ed sefeLthe manufactueof et ts-1 rock atte 1ft-t! by Ibhe tratios te tiseh «ff mss-a eelgsan t shif t estatarti a-icin taiality ettht- Mui, mht-t-etiseb tr thé..usasu udlintMInesot. Atos nils iock làt dunicti luto ut tango square pl. MMtAe ai er. aliâultiesss and! nany t 'r-tafeet lutlot tht-etige cf t'e plIte-lic 5paaism-oho tielenti on te sut-ltns- svolve ImentseIron relti meus-hAns-ec %WmAuy fer a living tebe tht-att eut 1h00 toIs., Samploy'ueaA.Walktos- sons-tise Tise sut-tnte of thse.ti-rolelat-s .tu-ti- a andaihrt- Edison oeeday no e- tit-u h -t A-ttht, undth ie spatebetteen u iapile cf black band. He ieok tieti-4 Ists thon a fot -dt-, Neyer- t MMneet At home foriAvsiattion. dts îsxlt rc rpeltt i FliAmg an electro-mlas-net Seart- te psttilit--ttn rtce rotpdIs tn lithanr MOMs. b m-ai utprisedt lee i-e 15ttunseconds.l'oratdom-n len-ts tht-at-e à&* graIna leave tht- ht-patt io oc-crou ail santueruitIof tniailet tixe, but f B .,emmyati tom-ardthie muguet: nearer together, l-rcm thse beary rotA. 1 eng aats provei ta e h llAis grainéset atuovi the tou-k taitsIto Llsta bm-tr setm b«. s-e.On the balil. et ibium idhe anti l ctus-ted tuti muatller. Iltbas. s--s m -ev is f h amousaore-separatin - u tot Aitt-ltresuceilta teutces ties ize et ebas. Wheatise atos-enttilet-,!rt-u- a matS is ft. tad front the- loser seet amis eoatitten oethtieIrit rltait- In tht-rail tdrapt uhtitian-Avor or enleas e s I watmau Aronsht ta Mr. Edimon ut lit. cons-et- sshiclscarnies tht'pieu-es up ta *WAib cAs-t jears as-o ho n-me-tber- te top et atiother part ufthtie bulding- *à bis exarteace anith t-e snt, asti att! uuuputhint loto a shaftt AadAns- il « et tsue ArnmIe-a la uheexEat ibm-s tatht-et- more sets cf rils set t!- ofi e te a m nes n eemîHstreciiy beuteali ont' asoiher. As tise rock r *oid "dp" twnr th earh wen-pastes thretigh tht-se roas the-laiter are emoti dApt esttor tse -atli irses tunt! toe l iae ni-at-et-anti nearer es-aet wu-mabrous-ht ocr-a large de- toge-hi-r unit!'itisthditansIor tIrd net K - <Élcu. Wth tIbchi made a teur tetorlemoigI r e t-111 aiem et Nem- Jersey. To bla i ly Ivo roAl. cios tre t lem»mm hl nedletulened hatw bn t ocku-kîtlnatlAy paiuem «w ster pottionetoflit' sround os---tn-u-hu asltesrtuta ÉtaAnt. dbâ ho traveicti 'tan anderilta t itisbog tbs enrdcdI i '--aî deput e ru Af er tht' cushios- Astoct-sl tla car- t' Wt bisa mas-netie nseitAt. or. a.sho etted tthe p ettht> magne-Iboue -anti ~~ltbAu mas-etiei-je" hot,,etidumpet! uto spaiere t in!tma î ag bedy ut guelsa rock ex- tt-eoush mns iteet fvatinsmeais- siens- théeoatera ronsat etth esuandipatmany mugnet faces of UhiStes. frointLotset- Canda le rarlas- ttrent-i. At AI descenduthe i t gMoky Mountains et ,ortl, Qie As t!i-it'tut jge masnet nte à long0 - la fmat imene u-poAi etlt-npipe by A4lt-It iii.ties at! ta4~to ne i dime. n tse 3,000 i-s oAine-tisesround. Thsevalue te .antia Aulaimtmarrln itse s-lila-ee Et!e.aioe lnt- somait eitsit!t-tation. Il tla dà%W srroindng he illge f E-soi tte uilder anti contracter.s tae ô..thie are over 2n0,000.90 ouse.etoeil o prit-e, bhins-mot-e nuAabit for& bwgraitaore.. Intis einAitirdistrict their lutî-ioses titan at7 othet' obtaia- tbe are 16,90Q acres in 'tblnlî it' de- abAt. Tht- pure on- h. nom- alotedta t ai aproen-lenali-ly as large. Tise drap dotinard andtipose tiscous-isa -Mmliauiaioutpu fIrc l-n oe-edot-s tOOutt there lowsers rit! lt s ny duit l Mt aItue present tunte. rtai-Ai(10.000, Ihat iMay itavei-aeenrnpaOiet! ilon lit «0 te;rni;s that inItis polt-y tino iras-el. Atitr A-us-ms-tise lloiner groem, *dWsirmoauing thse v'iagse ef Edi.I-LAt s t-i-uty a st-ea-rnoutpure, inely-dA- .'p théI la ugsb ltos llise rock. rideg.1iron oetimhicS îdrops lmb con- hliselp t- m-hoe m-et-d stippiieti for ve>îrs antI ttmu-tl-d A to a torebonue- M. e r or thse- Cctt-i BInte» for tht-se sihlihoidit ',1«0otnsler@Att-tt'al y pes. seuvlte natural luvr-t-e,- t-sA Inipottaitlty et- ut esy pou oneu h bdan..Sîteca tacusutd aurtstrtt-nse uter coniti-orga te iAx- -Oesquare MileItsaof land tonu- . Cot l îtitlx. smeteti n tue éeshirnaotr oek)iludt'-is, ole, term ifet toit tit iwunIle matie spLoetifor mesentes-n jearsal ahInlo btiquttem, anditniiorder le do tm e oua'.., fer ail nsturaîl in--t muat le mAxe i-t h saine atîbeive ýi densai.due te tht- aeet!uiof suittaucei' iîchiîmlAi pt-tventIl froint populahle. Tisese acres disintegriatutgm-len brens-bt uadet tise th" aiupoji lie Unitedtinieof iith i-nice. To a eti. treslUnlaAI necesaury substeî-t Mr. Etil*on haît ta efr O "t-B msety yeRnom; 0000 experîment btfore hé Sot t et -h"bau n uch a conalMiacas ate hé &stlitt-.i LiNU1OIlSUIN »iDE R OR n-r~LINÔ, FAIYA-- FULLY RECORDEO. MeAi Atlacken Auset lit Maenuk - Tamps liemorelîsetitht Village- Dr. tandiai Win Gel lit.sOlat-y. Usu ilstheTee-ch fer îles-case. John De Biles, tl ie littiti m-e Aithie daity iaranelorAFrtz a Diierai Pnam. bas made. s fulA conftalAea ofItem- e ment tii te bat-n andi appliet! thet tt-h wtba the objettf et uains aiute i-h fferiag te tht- caIlle possible. Hfi. bjt-m'aul-i-s-uugt- for diears-. iy Dattier. Miner. aAlluekei by a àtoli. Tht- col mine lahor touible% tisai bai- extnte- t roughout tht' taaioita dis- ticI for tise kansitt-e mrntiss ntmiiait-al itn itet utthe Kutlh a-taieisneTht- as- seil a sitppmedttebe le tis îtcuascait dhe bittr teet-inig-existit fi-r m tîntii itgamatcertain ss-rkisa mlits i Tnauaiel- ia tise enaWioy et the- ci )-ny t!i.itg thc Mtike. The- mus iras liviuted halo Ittu genai, non of eeCvetil utt-it-.sot tii1It4tut. Wihi aboi ot et Ki t ht- au-bs," 1utc iiub pouacet Mth tis ret me~n ii t-oktut top clubhung tht-siiîîauenittlr AAîît-- tisîlutnew w'm-atise 'tiinjurnuil, lita htet!u"a bhtat-n iup in atîernuibl-eîiuuut-r anti he w'as iefttfor denti. mimpp lied Bat-met!. Word junt cornes frnt Ct't Ill,. tisaI tise sster Atti City tif St. Lotisii m-mm hurntetin the' Mhi*uuuiauit point, AIl cfditrt-wanti Asasst-igem-5t- C&petA uniuri lu shunt' mua4it îîtter tht it-t m-a diais-eetA. A ii tti ututof us uI-r on hoard exploett, ik-aai)ihtubnu 0wit-mt amt shatterins- 't .g inahs s utihuigttutu tie sore. TLhe mvt-t- iîland titi, iutit-ttt- la to-, Ti - tt- st-ifrtîîîî ulsi rut tien, State'. Amnuitiln But-us. Newsa front bltiiihtcti ja tt t xti tî poeet!te he cf ituienihinry otujrguuin atlil> deetroyedth ie cuunaîîuintary n'i Aiiit-iiuig butines et Camp Linroltn. Tht-e ,iiit iylieuse -ctaiMaeA30.11)ro. ls. titt- Sfonrme anti (M eociung ranigea,ail ouit -bth Inthe niet-iIi:uim a d-ut joàinns-probabhy 1,1)MO rutItîsf i-st- ritigen expilet. Thetutai tut. le titi u Atate ila otilmatet! nt about $13,54K). - -- - Tramp@ Tert-Afp a Villas-e. A duat-tit-t-imp, n.tume I t hi-iti titucu m-ih lubs anti t-t-ols-t-'adeterniiu-t-slI h as-e thiagu tht-ta' cmn m-y is Esaaousà recmt attet-non. A quasiiy of tris- ionts and! six os-et-t-ctae-eetai-ibthtyie tramap.. mho ti-re lt-vilîgt 1cmtu milt i bodlyettcititS, ht-udt-t! hJ. NA. B-té nsj. appeeret!, Thetrtaump« fit-t!,utas-ig thisr li-t n pety. Chiagoes-e Ua Ceamis Suicie. 1 ).(book tf Chitcagou. agi-tA25t >t-~tII. comiittet i sriule attht' Oliv-er- lAusu- ina Batitaba. NA-i.. hy sisotint hiuiWef n thei-rigisu temaptemid a t-t-oIs-tr,.tCook As-t a note stitre-swed Io10tht- coroîntr Ii-i reet6Dltat abig ta-naitlie cbirieut intht' - 'pottet-n itl! uns] tut îuitifj AR. N. Ne-tl.Ia em oft-t-egni-cal dti-tr. et tht' iutet. tst.i~ Sparest'hlie Red. ~~ M~%i.. Niltîîe E-ht-t-ni. the- athotul t 't-bu, tta ui-ti-tfvutilettith--iu i--f poaurt, t-eau tc lst tle I cti- h u Kt-yç Waaunt andtbasîtury beau-liiti hi-.. ug ont- 'tfbt-r Apultittn i,-ei-t>. tut sui- çttee sI li cunprtuii.i'tg ti- cms. lThe jetinu lady tit-otiiitl tut iti bete zlit- il ti. wouti at-e-mftrouatise proepect Ibat Bd- on m-AU bt-conte tise bond et a vait An- istt-y. ai great as tat brous-ht ite, eistence by tise Invention et lhise.u mndescenA light, anti An a moiant-a et-e Antpeuing. as At embracea tise prduction -et tisauAncommercial cAr- ou Au latter ail thet-nt vaAuabie motel en euti. An spite eft tAs, hem- vet-. the'imati visepiaautet iAt al dec. aIi front his tenteanor appear te have beon over-Amproaseil ith is lAmporl- Ince. Aire-tat-i a W iole Vouerai. At ha.nog bten tise cuitntmet tuns-rata thse vorule-e te praceeti lomAy; net se. hem-es-et-. vilsfunerali an tise oultalrts et Brocoklyn. Tise tiser day la that cAty a funerai waa apinnnsaloos- mhon use ht-at-sedriver careleusiy ran os-er a boy'. bAcycle anti rutieAt. Tise policeman. m-ho gave chase, oe-- saujet!tis eneaa, cimiteti p on tise box anti arrenletitise dire-ferbis eckienueu, "Anl yen people fouetw me!'thlie Po- lemntas miouteti te the'dtira o-, thtie cat-nagea An tise tumerati cet-tes-e. Tht-coupon ise lurnei tise bornes ovard tise police statiout anti startqtt ht-m ut a trot. Tiheaene driver m-as Antb wtb antonAisment. Ail tise car- luages dutituAy trundieti nIons- behinti. Imas-gie tise amtoitiisent efthtie cAti- teesi et Brooklyn upon met-Ang a m-iole tumerat precession trottAng- tom-art-thie eockup. Tise ueisappy occ-upants et tise -atagea. knowing netising etflthe t-ia- tes for tise change An th-Ar ttnt-naay. tien- tuAi cf Indignsation. Tht- songeant rettimeu te entertaia tise charge- agaleat lteheaenne drus-et-,anti lie al s-ned tht- bey te s-et a warrant for thé driver If he tiahet! te prose-eut. latt. Thereupon tise fumerai procession resatet isAt.jaunty tom-at-t!tise ere-e ery. ________ A Great AethorAty on ]E-omatAoa. Tisere le a sketcis et "A Great NaIn- malnt," liselasie Etiwat-î DrInher Cope, An tb. Century. il laossrLttten by Hent-y irfielti Gaborit. Pt-et. OmboronBaya: Alla pliner exploration came eariy An tise as-tetofDarviniant, iseanttnaing nts, flot oedy An tise humas aaceatry, but An the grenIer chaîn etfisiekisonet aimals, m-es-etathAie llisest prentios. Thun h. m-mafortunute larecertilas-th, iAsory lanno-thm-etern New- Mexico et hi for tise olticat quadrupeti. knom-u, irn lndfins- amtaîg tise.tbe meutts-on- omable moakey, la descrAbins- te thse voit humiretuetf anS-lu tat., ile ebaAas-of doseai:ntbetween lthe mont ancienit qnidrnpedi anti m-at m-e pAna. te eail the bAs-ber types, uspecial- Iy thse horses. camela. tapits, do-e anti cati. Delaubored iguuccesafuily te con- neelthlie reptileuswith lise ampiblans, anth latlter wltth lse s, atidm-s àà quici as a flash te tietect tantise p. per et ausetier author tise os-trus-ht ot soea ons--sous-hI lok tiicish. head heetawaltin-. ThunAIn AesA s-ln t lm -s bavelotour abAest anti meut ticern-ing crltle. No ose tans matie nucis profuse anti oserm-belit-mng dimonst'atAo.î et tb. actnel isito-Acai vetking et the lam-s of evoiullon, hi. popular reputa- tAen perbapa ret'mIlg ment wlAeAy upon bis pn-sctical sud apectiulive studion ln evciation. Werks lBttiiWmys gh-i-If Il m-asnt for tiseetti bachterat there m-eeiti h. no flirt. li.-Atft tuant for tise flite tu.i n- lie ce, aid bachel«&a unulersulontliaid tht-cutt -tls. ilupisiHeo-ta.NeI,AIt-l (ints. Tannter btial-ltthuuilt ti a ti' bomrd netrnstr-i tf iu -iletthta- pisan. tiluin:t' . 9;. tut-rîîî m-t o Wixns oti fhllnenui-t-e-ils Il. t titt-,s utlE. A. ltti.îuguIItu f I -i tigit NVMltPuy tDr. tastSt.,s Att$1,10 Tht- suit -ut Ar. J. tV. N. Bttttiih astaitst t.uiitinul ttivtt-ti>t)a ai ii-huig fuit- dutt >il i laIis tuutu-it-> t r-sithit u An 1M)a wassii. iltisldi intil-i-tuait Cut. the unis et-si t> ut nt-i- ,, tsiiii> uii 3lt 8tât ewscm-trinBt-el. AI Nluilýtui iAitinilu>-lui- ait-t 1-lu s tanitnger-, ithot t-suctu-luit -I-. Itiu- dit-tinituat tlt'tsutcl. A. C. Bote,, for ftus ci-euîsssui cf 'rttttitei 'Tuttii îî,tuu.s- tskjlu-d it Prinieton s iy a railuhtai n. A aftai hatti la.,ii ut ir1tttii- ilmage- huitae.sin Use til-ilu t ofut tîti ut ta u--îîuu a Olin iC. Ait-aiin ,f LaiilAii ntutuI Aoi- ei-t C.lDas-auviis tof iulias t- bu-artilt peuiatt-i] t-îi-Tnlt th - t ' oit uittuuittan> Fit-t ut iaCity ('i i-troui titi- Co.- 9 tetritil i tel, .11 . t aitht-ns lu st- r>- u it. 1 iMe,.('harit-les u-u uila ttii hu, -tti lo iiliait 'ta> &*lgne-ten> stirte lutte>, C1,apiL, ailin is-utîa A, . I. anittar:i,-t ts Ai-tutu too in Ilittiu, luit at-ivetul t>ut-. tttitflint uil by bu, vatit-. 'rTwt mensahbot 2-,.- t n-t tufrutige sititful Kinitiuniy, I t-ga utntiti hitlu-t u utl la-lIitP -l ii ui t ut-s! ul uic- ttut itt e talu- iuy ie t 'hui-agt A areiiu- t,, S pa.n>-oui tht- îu-u,îsrt> it lia s - h-s ftn -rhe-engageraituiis of Nlueu Lynn F-'r nalîl tftCluiu'sttitanti Ft-hliti- t Igiesus> of Eihhert tothlie s-it.ofthf la luit t-o. . Pulîlman tas-t- ti b utokt-t. Stock itaitisd nt $30s,09Xsiwaxdu-at-o> cu An a lire aI tht- ss-rkstîouantuttI îunxouuu et oftht' Chisutao(Aionie Compilany. Iluntttct aI WaLtt av îeueitu miAIBut Jn.eîahliilgera tîlias <'harles ue. aliiîî JonsOro-..tuler penittin> sentence for highssay t-tbAitr>-, andI Jamcsaxluttatl iitdt- i ndi-tttiit fuît-roblier- antutu!saut tias-et tht'ir wsits; ul ibertyithrugh the 3.steeltitra o et biCotok Ctty jail, e Frank A. Pierce, a Cicago utltildling cotracter, 's-as liutta.nitly kilîldh Ai>flhiîig trouneisfuturtis @tory et a nem- buitiit nttifedMu-CormickIlirveuiiag 3Mae-lisît ie Wot-ks. àWiliam E. Storkhart tindAtii-, ssht ltdisappeureil trottaShe-hy-Alte, Ieas-iag ai te Aadebtetiie-,tof $9,000, havtebtestlot-ais-t 1.aI Casse],. titsty, 'thi-ret- ity bepe tî d »e the dt-iiideateda. Ait!. PAcIhe kith-t! hi* aisti-foot-bi ori'inanett' olo tht- Chicagot city hall tnt!d trou m-hth a ungtgby pett but it a-as met by a scAliA etaIer tanti tnciqut-tahle e-titi of ridsicule- and! batîghte- Si-ont, -.47te i Mr. WarrnaBt-tkmidh. duîîgbat-nc Boises-t T. Liitcoin, batiruetteMut ,ePk-a.anl. Iowsa, m-btt-e ase jeitiehel qe Get. Charte. EF. Iltsey, necftde ou tise inormal nc ise l!titlu Ihi tuotu anti about thse it-atpt-t-ident rd lilb R-Illinos unormtalI stol aI Normtal,îdit-si A mWashintgton, 1). C,.lie m-at 70 jearae en Mont-et Brodhera anti the Chicag( Hardware Comapany lit iaitkesai '-ir prosecutati by tht- Staite tctet-y Ansplitu foem spioying îhjItreut witbosît aflda-: te asttei-Atsmte. 'T'h* lit-nas pIe-udtAsnet nce et tue lam. AU bOlonecaseas-ai M seh b um-ara imAqaal ud t îeim-es-e lv.i t» J"t 4e1m 0O anti ts H. B. LAttAe in mAMAng froint hiahomela Bêlidere. j M. C. Wmgner ef gannetul wtl Prett- ahiy tie f roni a ballet weuaid Anfiipa'd y John Emmeilna. The wAll et Joanna Bis. of Worcester ]Puesa5,000t) tthe' National Christiant A»ae4-4alion of Chicago. Mi» Tille Moehr et Mscttetah eioAtt'd te Belleville sith JulilnIl . telier, and the' two, were marrieti. (lov. Tanner ha. îîppointt'd hi.snoim.Coi. J. Mat-k Tianne-r, assistant itdjtttairt gMi- i-rai of the' Seonitîlbrigade. The trustees ef the' Kankak" labinet b.anapitîl have is gml-e,tliîtticaily to dropt the Hmilowpen diatîîrboutre. At Motvenqit. iithe ,iie ofMartin A. Briîeksiirte, agm 'a 3. wis Arokien An dre. p:ares An a retnway and iesdit-t!. An thse Circuit Couirt nt 'mutele. Judne Co-ht-an overrtîletithe namotion foi s few trial Ant thé Apieton mutrdu-r caut. PtýiiY Moie. or Sltîhittiier. wiie hunt- liitt. týit-ttttallv îUw titd hieclin, tise biai cutering hi. rheI, killing lmAnn- etantl>. At IElgin, Dlitnhea otmi. gé-t!58,t elt',A Ge-i-hart ALa iid ehr, ag-tA(ItIfor $51.- t»t) Air brent-it ut lromisi-. The' verdict Dr. W. At.At. King dit-t!nt Jsckson- ville, front pîtrîlyuis. Hie uad beeti for luis> 3t'nts Stîrgeon of the PA'sevai Me- iitrial liospitnl. LomnbardA lnlvtrmtly at Galesbtnrg la sui bit Dr. .J. V. N. ittandiab. ex-piresl- tienbt -f theti ni, ert-.,fier s balance or 111.5(m)t btînt'n his et 1 lie fliordstown City Cini) lhan i site ti-t tht- -oittruait for a 1i4-wt atet Aîri-lgi- i irtis Ilie-A liiîixsrivetr,.to rt-place Ntbteriiîary 1ttîrgs-sin P. K. (edtti n- iN-riath(Iiiieti rtti-'.if etneav diseuse aintni iîtes i-injIeffermyîtl ((>ts y wb tth geam itttt -x te-tir -t-hrii. t. 1. Siroll hat et lit-ir trc-t grtiwii iti lis Yarni lit ltztiilgtt-v tieti tns t ni't tIo i-rtijiaoft,! trithlia i t'a r, s, bi-hthavetritî- ti hlti.the - i.Wli»ti.iý- Zet-iýt .Iitii.-,ntetsf thet' eitit lat ndl 't ettiîlesail, tz4nli tif Anx itit t ibty, dit-t! atih!-sttg tigel M) ca. lie wm-tr 1IItliitaltilit the' finit couart tiVîrk b h a "ta nietd ai thet' $pring- lieli rtiltngtiiils*. Titi-> Aad lt-emit- sisi-t'Mtay-, iNAi. Thte fierv1taont larn.e nus Yet. laitt -ill Aeie radatîill>in-nanwd un wiîrk Apr«tsp«. Tht' itisitwga baela of Mowiveilqu have itotiglit tw.î t-t-jfine' bloot.t!onda te %fin, 111ws-t Heîttto autit thit-vttti. Min> minuit ton n iscnt ralIilinîoaîis n cm- il John A'isrsot. engireer tb< the' Veitde btret- t-olA, Chit-tit. h-t-aine ttudbI.'nly iii tii Rsait aitttr tissA dit',!aftî-r beng retiti b l i ii honte. AHt-utt dinetate, At ta ti.lght, 'tias the' -tas-e ot hi.ieathe. Michaîtel WVagnter. a m.-uIiîy aoio-k fat-ni- e,- fnîîîtir ltît t.w.. ihot aitifatal- li v'tindîîlî-tAiiithe' Aatevtatoue Snt Kan- kaki-e. Ai> Jîtin FAtmtt.a.iie tftht pt- ;trrit. iaitng ttc a iitrel avuteraa sie@tif Tht-et'tieitthi idete fliitîly ta one- dey in t hi' tintîitiviti,rtaiityrt-i-ti at Free' tiir. t 'hirit'- Arnîtîki anîd sm ifi- itdîtil.-t titn- Atia agrown n -iiltil fru4itii tirai t i i Aitf-ri n iat 'teainiA sts- Aitti titi. -Y sjith- ii i- e ttg-ta, nttît>r tir. Niiltitîtt.Aîty. 'tho t--t--nily ttrfoiinii-il s itoi-tct fia t-t t 't fî tiisthte Itts. ADr.Fran îk ttîi- i sfrontt Aeîmuittg a sripiiîifo- lifi-. «a3«sthai bis watiet-ti. adla,- tîîîl- t.irtutaI.,ii hilaao 'tia Th fi-stsstî-ka it hirhnt(1i" t11.u tht- larfit t.ossîf abtht i'îiîi nrt--hitt-tîî i-(. baittis iia In-el twitia t--i. fat ig n.ttits,-lit 'ît tiitiîg ti-ne tisitaus -r $Itt.aî.Aulileait aitiîig îît î-ritiitiiîit t::titt tiftht'e liiiu-trust ht(-hi( a itt ni-tti t liit-kfittil ttndti d- i-il.t-t oii bt- tti. -iti-i l pltnt for ibv s.-i-k. it u-ri-iiiirt. rliu-,-iîuiuît--ient ita-rutirtuis ,a iIrisutiitut- tîthîî.t tiuu- ith r i ttît- îii tît- t b i i trtti-3 is. îîîîtî tsIg(lo til C.uiuititi ii e>ttr-tth i lîriiiià- -tise al Atttitst tit i iinly cii- i -il. eitier gs itiiz t rusîgzali etiti- r-iit, til -iiatt i titiitih ('r(-l t Colerti. Tm ens li ly u iit-il tatd $2tt(tt .î nnil itt t.s-Mil, .liit î iin- cieiîtl ttt tiiî A ti-,(.,, ritt-in okhiti-gratftingtz.,a.i trtil I > lir. Wti. W tiiof Ptiî. Tht- rttrie h>i «v: i-ahie *ti n tuVtiei s-t i-rîti-ei uiv..Aitie.iiz itibrinijturita, sisi;t-tthe ikîi 'taitboittfrîtîi, titi-ik tifetlai, t-unit lîtîtît. 'rul tsrergi-tak - --rait csfrnîttitl,, k tfit litil-i sttt. si-b s tr ipîitli-,ti ii t11w- vmimIîî atdtl igliti> btiiiits. ii liitNi-i- illii i-ni. unî,,,t u itil e unutii h- uilciu -oi fair teIi.ittii- itti al îli tititii t Glttii- i il . W riti -if 1,,%%aandîtiAijiitiiîtt-î-t ----t ýrIf i iîtîts i-iiiiti1ianîttqiity ait IAloi-k Islands -iî-rniug thet- rstiiit- ntiFultonilttiithe Siig t tif Atux. 13 lest. st len an liniati-lcena- fttl atit-tnlît 'tas ronde -te rt-ntovt- the rt- ororrkutf hMi tît11e-it tiVoinen frnîni Fît- let» iilttck i ihati. nti eton hit-h aîuî- sitis il is aIt-geIth ie li-te.of titi Lytiti. lits-v, i llitiatt- ee itrght i mto I iintilt I, in iitIlit ititiittltlitiîig <'ItiatrisitofItoc-k 1 a amîîi. Att abîtuditîri- tif esiAenîîe wmt îîifî-rt'tiAttsuppiort tif the itiieatiîiîe. At sax ahsotisttsit tht- Lyint. Iowaitirets m-t-rt'broilat thi 0Fitaîe is a nus--n-tAwag- -t, ait ndtht-eisî-ltîîaidiing th-ns tabli IîkIslanittru tht'> sie-th(i- proixertv iof le owa. Evidi.nnt tiaxustiinittes t;t-a). Wrnight maid laechble ur! tnongta. bcJohn Kloipeehtîrir. agît! 37jeat. soi etorAuinet KIoîtPetILbirg. a Wfitisy Aati 0e1la Deem te cema-nAus tit Sabimt Are ameelymi, he oRcAmi report o e b orrepoe lan regard te thie bhAetiie proemlu et tAie United Stalles monetary conmAueAa ge te the 0o1at-nut et Great BrAlain. bam gether witia tie report et lte prioceedina et the confenenoeof et iBritish presmler,P these aeretary et titte for Janis, the fiast a lord or lbe treaanry andthIe chancelier et 0 di. ezehequer, mAstite IFrench muha.- a aor anti ont conamsloaers, bas reus- t et illeA country. it tuiy confirma the 0 report. cahieti te Anerlau et. 2-1 anti 2.a Tise negotiations feu throngh, netwitb- J standieg thse expreisei willaguest of td i French Govenmnent la open tàmimntu, owvins-te the rejection up the' Britishs Gos--y riment erthtie proposition te again opent thse Indien minAi te tise tree ceinage et 1A-a ver. Non.eoetishe otiser propositions et-e t repliledtet, becana. ht toaei tise moat t Important cencession req eted et Greatv Britain, coulti net h. acce ite. t The Governuent et Great BrtAlia.u hi maalng ber anismer, tieterreti te tise wAi i of thse Governent ot Jadin, teamhii!b the e proposAl wamm retetreti, anti tiserePlY Oet die Govemmnt oret nli., dierefore, 1Anth* moiut important communAcation la tht' cor- tI respoatience. Atl l a iengrtiy documnent. J An m-birt-btie adatages pro andi con te & ladinasre atguet miands- et-y stronjcase train their stautipoint Am matie eut LU falotr et tise rejectitîn or tht' proposai. t Tise titurbanceetfsvalues Anln ][a,c wit tise attendant Aarut jia etofrmie-. et1 le-ast teinporariiy, tise ttlletfsUse: fince. i n ladina. coticurreatl ith -the dIeAroest ot s-oit!price. n Europe antiAmeitt-. etc., are mtivictt but thse meust polent tl reamon argeti as-inaItishe prepositimela.1 that tise hunien of teAlure,i furaoe I ahouîlcorne fron ttie elpemeat for tise re-estah4shmeust of himnetoiltsnt hj France andthie Unitedti tatea, muet An- ertably faieot Indus. itotis the Unied ttA ite, anti France, tise reply urges. 't lbdir suppty of golti couldte a gret-stur or le.. exti-at ptitt thenîe-ve if tht' experaimn-t diii netet- cet-t. ln other words, tise Iadien tcs-- et-ieet, ai a pri'imnat-y proposition. de-a clne t-et!t i t couid net r"aktise sucfe ofe > tise itetet'Ii icanst-'..J This tiefilite anti abtoite rejettien oet tht' proposai m-as tul set forth n the cm-t -hie report. cf the correspondeni-e, but the- tiocumient couteas a reservation m-icis m-cuI senti tea nilate tdat If tht' scope of the prepouet! etpetiment m-et-e suMfietilY broatieneti Indla mis-ht hélie iing tuote-- conssiter her refusai. 14itVE FAITH AN WEATH-ERS r Depffosa lev e i.Wili make Gooti Their Lommue. John Il. Weathem. presitiet fthe ail- Pd! bandis at ILaveom-erth, hMarenigo andti InglAah. mnd.. m-ho has bte n bdins lnx Louisvile, Ky., adNew Albay, limd.. m-ating fur the' excitentent canae-di y tise1 hak tmUures te die out, aeturbest te Cory-i tienati matie a zstteet an~t tise tmil-t uOres te the- committe.etfdepiosr.who@ field a meeting at Corydon te devine nens1 fora s ettientent. The- statement of Mr. Weathbere lante fisAs efecl: %Vitle at Corydop reeentiy ntte-lnta tl his lam- praclice àrr. Wcathera reeeiriss at ttelthone message froint iave-senwotth te crnmistht-t-t'et octt. a. tht,. m-asefmis- tiîing m-tont aid tise hbrdk.lie imme- diats-ty lsft Cory>don ais] 'tînt te Leatvi- wtn, ht-reis easti]Nuou aBurîtit. te colger ut thteivitinattbatlik. issani ne-iltheislntlititn batks tntA foai tisaI lie futad. of te saine- m-re- nt a uts- i-bit. It wsa. it-uIu. by tht-ni ttlitait- tAit tht-et-iaks nttînt-e. Pt-t-ideut NWî-ath- et-.s wasadtiuat'uA y trie-tits tult-aveIsle tom-n îîniil thi- stnaation aaiaeit. ihirh lhe dis]. lie, isn'etî-r,tught lhe miclit Yet bridge overntiiitt-t-5.andtiati..s oise co-u hterai m-i-lbhini. tul tî-rtdelibetiton lie teid-ted il 't nîtîtlie betterta iirit-lenttht-1 saineanid Jus-t- un autti- sîtpoint-I. lit- therpupon metaageitet-itiIStigiceit,1 stIlst. C. Arntoldi otLeaveui'trtl asasa, signet. bisr. NNrathera ilti tetther that ail bie trmntetims a rt-asotiable siifilititt for hi% wi-ie satiI t-ilt! 'éthe seset tiîsuien iitsu la pi-tii-e-, ant Iltisa e ttîîild sîI tidnt' yt-iir stititîttt -tj,Pe~iltin to fat-iltat' littrm, tu tht-e edt t dollar tut- dollar bit-tiais]. Mn.m. Wiiiiti. wite et thseimi.sig casýh 1er, us alitisît pn.n! ns t-utwihIl t t'liit a Oitt! t3ii5. as hait bt-a e-nt-ti-T he fi pt-isptc if tis vliuiu, rotitnittt-n in us-it-h tht- tanlis lire étAIsait-,lice mot-hrt- lit-veAantiexres-isa cîuntileni-t-in WeVt- et-s' ahîl il> lo e ttîleiiitisaiter in as*tit istnifr !niaii t-. Tishehseitaut if tipi nt in stUsaI vabe wmas the victitaiif ttatitertiVilt-ti. n'îii.inti-A'f iiiio-eî t of atiy wn tit- ilinx. Netiîing ban bt-en ht--util tram 'Villett. Ti-it-titît>hir ivi-sfnom Etgliat, nti., artth te efffett huit Mt.iliet-t akinfoik lire -us-julitg ta tîite stnit bis gt-nitntiilîtr)i tae tufliîct fusln uetr hi. short- âge, litos-idu-tibisprit' ca Aieàxt -tl tt IV oftn int it-tltinl w'tnttdîing antî m-il n-tt-i. Ilisg-t-S Isiltithit-ss iiltniit- rd,0.tJa tnt] tllet-ri-atisi-* hvb itselittAm-i theas-ivstfor $7î5,ffl1 tiitiîoai. tssh- iltrittirork of tht'P litintinglturg bsnk. il Je saiil.bas p1tied ht immîtIf lsand by bath Weiiihers andîtilltitt Tht-et Armt-est t Lansing. Tht-et-arri-stA m-srt- muttin tht' defonct pecple, a BingilîgaBlnks rase aI Lansing. Mu-..d mot-t-lare pnoiniitd by tht- lit-c ect-tngItoillriuy.Tht'petson, irai ait- pt-î-itlendi at-t: chale-iI-. A.Oshist, laie cail-noet Itisbatik, ansd Christian Bt-tla-h anti Chant-s Bren, directonu. Os- bandi lx chatrted-il ith minking tire taise tht' bocks etfdit- batik w'titn. lent to e ie -sbnnk officer, th ie officil, cf the' Sitlle ankint dt'partut land! lu tietra ui tise liansd lils itpogiirs.. The tawm itiaires tisut eccA diret-tcr shail om-n ten aates tof the- stock et tht-batik la his own Daime anti inîledtisd in auj say. 1iretors rn ils adiBreitidi are chat-get! -ith buts-lz scribet! te thia eath at a tinme suit- ail lte aloci-An Iheir nams-s oni tht booha tof tht- banh 'tas p hitit e odi- et- batiks as colinteral. Banokers, Accaimd ofetPe-jet-y. 1.A. lVinirtnSiAey anti C. J. lFrederit-k, I t--ulle-t anti casher,.reapectively, oft lb. dfnl eW__ ibmn (Anti>l Beakiag se" orthte utemirier Baaajumem ' Secr.tary o e It lb. blet-lot BIla As 1 ateantatreport, oubliait% estimaationasggu guAtna $fi1O2,419 fer mppropriatoaa by Congreen fer tde fiat-ai yemr eadlang joe. l)Aseusstns- pçnaioiss, ise naya 200,00 Pension cnAdmil are cm-alinas adjudication tat AtoA estinmalet! that 40 or 150 per ent - if diseftm-lI ht'finlaly udmitteti. If they ire rapidiy adjudiceti tht'! -lsilaeuthie pe'nsion roll f romt $5,~ot)000 te 87,000,- 000. Wbt'n, so'tevisr, tht-se ctines are itadtc'ietnt!an thse tirst pityme-ata matie t'reos, tise atuouiit of the' pension roll ciii li-crrtn's-et-ey rapitily, ponubly ta $12i,000,AJtJti or $130,000i,000 tise BraI -t-ar. liocretary Blas saj m-hite tise opentasi if lbe Wicuhita resers-suion un Okitabom o m-bite settît-ment tîtuttigreatij promulte Aie des-eioenîof that ceuntry, jet, la vlem- et the' aaaetîle cendtioneofetthe Questionsasffe-ting ihe rigsaf et bclu- Alane.out ti-r-in fut-then leglaslatAoti, ie Alea net at-t- lîw it t-nulie toie vithout Caaig s-ret-S ijury anti tistrca.. To tuat agralntIbis t-etomotmtlatAon ta madi-tient the- Dam-is ctemAisinAum e aun- therirt-tito luivi-tigate queusosanmateru- it-t eecommendittiiis fer spi-t-ij ati jit AtetîrringtoteIlle m-etk of the' Daw-es 'eitisasos. Il lut annuîinse ttisItue An- vei-itlgiuiofîthtcrigclilu et uppAicanta for citlzt'nstàip in thet- iti- nations bas bieti uractieauly iteît-t h ie commxission bain junt-aildIl-leth-rnlltut iîlaienobip tf tht' ses-etlttrili-itanti bas negotiateti h-ie- ligrel-t-tîu-îu. Thtiat.mlIs botle the Itiot-tams.astIi iikiixam-a otAprit M.t A8A11. lat bt-fuît-t' us-iiýaund! ha. bteu t-at- lied hy tAssais rites. Thiat matie vitb the On--ekit StAtt. 27 ltt wssi.rejet lameut ignaslisiîîisivlu>- tht' Cnek counchilanti ibu-ru- s in îutl- pt-îtrl it o as#Dyfutitiet nug,~nt-nt ts ii tht, Tt- Cherokees bilt r t-r tutti ii tehi- aisirt-ena nd"s iicguitlstiiîtia t hthi-nittav-e lire-s abua- iluttuil for t lu mttit-tu-i ait. T1,1w t 'i-ttir- ii>s tilt- rivt rîhes have îîîîuîbî-iî u:aît iin uîaîay 'tayathe' uipit-it ut tht-t r icnuio- it,'-ith t'e Uniteti 4titx i-i iitlit s-it-ta lltat erritery launom- Ast-lId atnd ttti-lnutit mhile lhe dors not anyr husitil au>liinh gotis-tt-itintat-tien the- t<t--fu-titty i-iltisb- attention et the l'retii-uiîittandi tutagr-ante Iithuhotte Condîitionof a ff t t tutihe tAitAoty. No gox-t-liit-tt fit tti-eiIndient-rtot-ym-lA Aie siaiusfai.ttr- oil <uuitrpo alAipro- vide for îth. -st.ibiahiet ceutaa&init-e nil- tanin sstunifur tht' î'tite AIndienterri- tnt-y. Aiti-nîsittils in smati t (th e pe.- t-lutt fut-tht- îîlittiitt-t of landea te tbeUm- pai-ire Indaiîts t« iti t dtidiîsit uciime be>oniitAtîrîti 1 lmt s.ntCongresabolit The t- o f SIL2AtI.htInAinom- Ain th* Irt-siry tii tht- ct-edit cf tht- Ute-s' fend, rtiltiiig frti sth i sii-of the' Coloratio landsandatIt n saditin tht-r s ts! jeh natl f riontthe alc t-t- r V..(»,000 te reluibu-lti- t, itîtt-ntttis e ,i-e5t't tt.,o tufebisrt-mos-ai. and itAie S1.25.000 net solde trumaIthetîtitlit Mauraej as a 1i]y at-titrisi:i t-itpr P-u- l -ms. lion fuit-tht - .oiliqtcte-ift i-ntas s etr-- et!, Itih ut of lt ihalin tAhe tualttwo tut t lart-- tiu-t- t-5 jirâioài n lis la t aiuiititti of ant ieut nu--enitvsotufnnuy n-titriithle mt uty uto-f îîtc'Ibul îk out he reports. ltt--ui-tartY Bis rit-unantraa tius t the pttlland - u-ti- i tet!taAlaska; utat theuis ttiur tut hts utrm-ay tor t-siîlruaîiî. t i*rrrt iii siindt!-jIone- in«' an titi tIiuo a -uutttitf rontis sot!traite t- uli--iiit¶ttttta-A tlîat provslien la- nuit, fuit-lt- i uii.ttlttrataon e ofmneA- liili i. i u i i in fie t-uhi- holding ef elet'- tuitns s ,-ýt t lu t i î - u-ai *aid pulitit-al sit tu tut tir.oui uit t .)utàtioIn. m-hics is in I-iht. Ieu iit-tlîut. ttat cotaltiterri- tut-hti gs,,vri-niituu-»-î a-utburizeanso! ts- ltiaai-l tt t ht --tts-tal in C(b.- %%it o it il- i,- Nuct-uiia ratil u ahili tîtta-u,- l tt il, i uîomupsaut, rep-tu a it- lities -tit-tt ig-flte atluuîrîtasîltitu sîtuîr tht- t-ttii . ttsiitht- toispuiy of ottStltttf 1 îtin .anti sut .aceedingl $11K rts la: luuisu-ut rut,îl sTinc un*5ttit) filititttrc iA tutti s. atdIlt-2,121)at utt- clai ittui -rue-ultuisliqutidattion. lthe i-uuitsuitsttit.spris-iliges, frait- ulis-.tlt-.,d butiu.tait stusplsant, uutluu-r înîî intu utttîrtAîîîurica An- t tuuduîuc tIt i tti lubt-tuteu thse lake antid PREACHER'S STRONG LANGUAGE J Tht- CaltaisQuetttion Ms-st Ate PettAtitl Iuy Tii Ad tii.ttr.tloa, Alun iTluoit s Dix uta tf Ntw Yotk muade s suit-rinx tti-.iltutu im'iti ifof iatet-fetence by thtis vu-uuîtrni> u tt- Ctasutrtvoluiic. tit utu- A. ttult-uty ut MNausile, that Cily, thse -Ilt osinttut 1gut-r. he i- saluA. 'thei cunttuit tu oftilt t ueUnitedA'a- lui- Ilhltit-nuibti, tury of tht- bntcht'ry long m il:m tsi îartutianrIy hy ant ie-sur ast' y îuuîil-iîc. styttig soit heutliagthde tifftiiàiui îtînu.s ftnsua ur i,re? Tm-o tiilitntuf utthaitts -bu-en sten I e in th -hgambiients. iti-tidit-naantI huckatera titti a m't t 4ýir u e haI tuwe-h. tAtam-eil il-ilttrey hulhîîtitibt-t. The- questin muitifi- iteti-ti lu> tiiadministration or Q. il ill h eaitt<it- tntitti- peisope iunome nte - cuti ni s ttttie Xiîa nu-t election. Af; 'lhornttIl. Ruuli-cotinutethrot-ttie the - ili uof tc pt-uiole tarit bt-tr trotta tdia muid Il ms iilut-e a hlongh lime bt-ft-e bt-m-ili buts-t- atîîlcuhace te pretilidens-citAhe AIootî tuf Uturetti. -"rbe friglaiful aluni-. etthe- isntcerAaq dt t-t- tiaiiy runuItt't! ini Cuba are eîantîgb tonirnahi ttpeeise An mighty m-rîth. Y-t sic las-c stooti hy antduae ail dhis nuit oîiy secn isal tis, bat speatý $,lii101tu assinsp"S u inladolag At Thse hiocti uittht- Cohen martyrs and 1d tik-lîloi-rit- oft thtie lnoensive noma. combuttants at-t-Ea litAinutof léouner a lhé record ot Anaericst Told du aYem-Liss. A minl delt-oyt-d eigist telate. aer Nihoiasihll, Ky., andi maruidthii. ep ct-m te quit. îles-. Geot-ge H. leus-Att., palier de tise Chut-ch efthtie TraaiAguatloa, &blilas kunmwn as tise "Little Cisures Artumi lia 114 - mw,._e- zý"ke-7ff -