"ae m f ath riAN AMBITIOUS GIRL .essa.h. à.SfI=,s e.p,._c's lad la*I tbody la oul t itia a reccntly rcieiifra ": lbUBttera. Dot hl vio- lionthatteuyear'li dangbfrr of Mr. ri gg ii oegy ant ui nigeuteesi of a eere ilineass.'rtbe sai-aem e tth, bile loto ls [rop,'r itste. cd mre tisitiat ordisuary ue nicue . agip.doannla. andiàaltis-. te l foutivi5tynet te viîsne. &tecon-quently a apecial repreaentnts' w en Sth lutera.Thse ltylxltt are weIi.t-tsb-d frmeora liv- »igUint Plitb aa O. ingabouit lwo mile., mouilleront of lHarts- vUle.Whote os reporter cailetI %Ir. and Ibe followltug lu vouehled for by P. Iit yboIt rond tieir dasahier ire ques'- lilat. who lires In Ls.flsre County, lion, Isu.e were nt honteaimé, tise utiser Mt, eair CanWlake Mr.NIaokett ttrere eiiiiress. ýi-sin i la iet. Site ai i^ u. ngsbasi Ieenglisigtu stississi fsr for "S'on. pt et afewnsonintss go >~a ouîi wae fortnerly !lits'ry ces,1 hsatit. fOut ;teby place flt ha tl driesi out ofi St- for thse P05 esttC nor musre abcs' hum iWeil Il. $àt ft the cotinttted dry we,,ttler 10 A er ais tise prels-st winter it'tisa Ib iabit, snisit hile dlgging wltb a best.d o a t sos h'sus 'sss Nlb boa. to0lts.gTent surpriste, aiitendtieLa aaeersaisasd, butt lwax finillv sesided baullug fiahit, ihe dug nfine ini that il uwltinfront, s>,', stsss1. IlLionasi- ât wighe thosée oisndio, an upo la tisbe ic tuittinofufisIc o ein- ct eiefas asoots as.possibe. fur Aile titriation le foutti t1ist litte mutiirwast anis su1graduait, fro thetitrn-tt S100 yards nrosand ilsre watt a tireat Mou biornn'lie* esteiy. andt teneter a rottefs* ¶ty fr. ut hiepersis andsofuniewhssit lier pareille peossita.s'atis Mblof Ilite dodosst tfon ow. lnitestd sor Il,,.,. msny ,hilirest Lv diligent tsdy glaïf boit. lit- goss ot v.ry oniosinc to s-his'se titsir &tniitiýs u.are injtrin;-t FdUx a uilase of fine baséss. TiseUit ti ipis-leh. Ilms mlissth iîcesé. Thse Mo Vadrr tiesu trfils'stabout tels incisets. lis,, thse nigoCits, and i tai n tiese aet MesphItîtComner clatApîssti. ansidoirs.titsnifber te'ts'ierundi ofra&l tiéeehtsi b> h,'r aptuss'v., andi rapi New Route to Health. lsrssg ýL1tlé foairatt, altorle ahpta ina r 55015s5*finie léonine e eIitt'ittissS'tlAn 1 Lîtlefr~rî,t.postoie ntets s. aitîdsroaoitsssol. es,-is site s,,iinult otie ilty enaieltoseii issa. jont risult for kî,n n t'i) lir tars',tit, for fear ihey woulid event pocet tir tise issty'. fourme. Os bave fssr rousiafront ,tîi li. fluri-ss ose tablets are réasîsled let ters, -C. achse s-soîs tss':tsne annssstte id wax lC." Cattr'retss, (sti> y Caltile. , s'il d 'y iler ttehI'r. Sitsh l ' y tii,. goe ill cany ad th litle ailer tLime grownssIste undiserais.1 te ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~Ot IRdad ts h sieiitro se.ay %lise lccrisssn nlny sa, k nt i noce pnrrifies anud rasar.tis %e i t. assol, r.otid wax ta ks's ss stotie ranai. Il ds'trç> s siseilm. e rn,,,For,,r evyrai s. etko ettciferesl front a i thse muottt anti throsst. ,îsos sriig , f fever, audth ie 1,11> ,sisIitssold tit rail). iidlgestesl fés.sl il, tise , t sish tise.r,, l r. A ceitthls.,r tseu i thons,,, )tsry Pr. te liver. sssa is ses ansitresigthihes s !e i's'iitt ' 'it lII.' s fr l'ai] I', ssi' pw la. osa 1.1 sa t t sssat heslttily ea]s , i itn. 1 i - i.,> h>' i gi is ,.iis's dr u- *itrally. 'iii,'>sire ,s iéandsi t sds'y a ssitc, a oI 'y cg iic tmi'litsnîd tsr u sertlaoes.linutise e rý, b utItir( s.' t' ot s-r- . , ii -o ,f lt(-ise is& . it% 0 l-ciirt. 1 saetant for 4'stssartm to ssrs sdrft- *Wsty-oifia-wii.'5 ltcs i iru.-. smaisi V 'nîId yet fpiitive sstists. w' broutit-te, s ro.IltYissst. -lilutsit 'aussim i1i slt -acaret sosvs'rîrît eser$rstsc' sisîs trie'». iis %s' rs'r.sseres i iîl su s,t,,bé its ttc r. hei. "tVarecommnsstd lve)'ot t, siiossr V plutists , l'is I , r lal '.tl.Sito, jadera.n itars rfs's hlthiistu *ay, nssi ile tu re- ~Ibaipadgravce f Ev,'lxIssmiitt'il stIts%-isosrs i i.ihe ilis.n i r f atl Iy ovec 4,iti) ilkriis in eoit àyt'r. 1t 1tise djuttsre gwstIthassssiustir%, stedi- pta lie xi'en ai J,'slla I, lis a res'set cr e, t.,aîi s isses at'e t,,,ne,. nY wexests- otlde tiseetYwalls.Thrit ons l1>'.,5)iatve- t sss il, seglasi lur,rtistttetil ibits long andst12 wisle. "lie Amis .tbetts to 5>élitse wiris,,i ik,.andslicn l»- ytihetti Il an csae sin- Itertaina a ltlls'f tisit rve waxth ie jressti51 61llat Wonsants lsstevs'r lvssi. lDr. Wjissasst,Pinl'î ille for l'ale Pe>s pe, . io. ilsa tort,,u.-s us, ait tis Ihmlas . r sss, .Iarrt, n ltsa- érelsis ut t s,ýý e t.tt es*' yto girl' .v- ifesusd 008 t.ti.ats tcihr Fiss a ipt t,tetior.ran'd rseist'sot,, isc tI I sotlr,"tl,re Iisa t.-r- ottl 1-9l.t c f -tas I 950 ss . o i t, e 1 sl urv. . "t--pis,,arc' ssist l si entille. For a gc.tttit ,s'stdotom pr- >deniers. or nh s, ,.,-nt fut pa lits ,0re essorer!I il a1 I iot l't'-c.ot,,t t _ei'llti e1 p trio'. :lo -t ,,assbts. tr s, ix s reedm. ansd i csssss in sittt oeccui s for $.ttI tli-y a r, sîs tr ai,l s,,isîlilk r a i te t'At.tru.s tsycth.119t) itssssrs.tsteDr t.~~~~" Chea& ' l"~i. 11,1otistss," otiî sl on. Arhiteeturs' ansii ulding sru> o lstt isnltors'noni' nariseti. .takkeil. aR s' lsstn'.tet, 55sen ,,,.tssos surss.]t Iss-' i., tsisi ts(,ren t iias55i:lut a ttls, ti ars icet on ils,- .iss ani ssssa. s. In srl s tssrai' slsus 'au t ori l ise sft-o rr,,,n. <ouirnis = or (o ast> s l- .il'sît> t, e ssc. tiodi 0e remstantui s 's'-trondt h-t si r i o iadeu elotis i l si tntt »,dil5 O5sre,.o ,i th s lbainss s y (dsr'.. Thle s'a 1r o i .t t lit..E's &UtO.. Toisdon O s'5aisI ty lîsngigtst.. 7'-'hoglist 10 îv~e~certain itss'licifial Mien aofihumer sre, tisorste si-'grs'. man of gs'ssus. 55510 are' rars-iy s, ln i IsiFard Kiiinc ha-ss., ih5ý-tsite of «saongsa a[t itisn gent"tils tv oea io las -t osoiî-.f is it, i- S *,îîî, bitr -fslx uvl.'fthtis,'Saras ah istleoi% titlle. ossd it a strringf tis'e cf h. i,i-nti ils Ilhé- ris iis Wbet, you la onctiati'rt it1ili w m[ie't> .ttsrte s li",sli'( ,er go nt de Ilsr d-rads'dvssl st r etit 50 tel iiirs',i t s. ssrée-,'t- a ter do i, ter go des'rii.'it na.> sth'e (.tiof tie ycotr. h. st 'o's-tsmîn'ts'a t'ts-Ivs' ,nlr sas' urio- si 1,5. Tise Thu,.'.la a Coqus orPeople i 'rnsîssstsis's 'ssrrly , usenInrs ire re'sg- :Whso are i..L-red L>th.enoir ofsofe..Re. Issitil ,n., aths,,e i'nistandi mi,,èt eit- ,eatly ibaeeas iseen sacetinsu iiitise gSo- IV eoansîso"f Ilis.,i%rts ifr t. <cer7 stores a9Urss' prcîaratisn eaiied il îoî t tr..'î, r tire ,t Itl isr ('s GURAIN-O, madetof ipure grana. tittîi.eso o maspsiss' ofirs (Lé. ti, ialer n-ut ýtaise te plae sf e.ff. Thse mont deli- on psiatss.Aéý,i'ivo. mie athouac ris recsati tiut tittreas, 'l'îE Yt>lTICS CiOIPANl(tN, 'a"d btfew con sdi il front eafee. it 207 C('sIshisA'. ltot Moia. ds mot rosat over rste-fsrtb au tuncht.1 Ohildeen snsy drink i sibti rent benefit. A srri'ttiic xjo'stiliott bts .gsaîsefrsont 21ie and i25c uer package. AssttrailintsltIsel Iis adsisv. _- (M mises, narti of F-iji. to test I:tvi" Thesa nsstlx'r of .siec'isla thets'world 18i ifeor>' tiroi orti ce,'i',arc' sontit,tIt5't' udt teo aroufstitOr..MsMt or, rn.iulsti sking Islands. Tises'x- 0Of tiseniutitN'r letwilsen ns' tlisrsi andl w',l il .i ii ti.,' seel ts.riiîg'. mur on-haît are l-levesi to lo'- tterinoss. tise re'cfo. Congttiu Iea tato Conannsoroptlan. 1 Lanta basait> ý1e4Ioolt- f Kemsp. it.issu <nutop tise concist Ni.-, tih' t'..el. ."uses tisy, lunos-er ancee. (istirto usr drocil té, diseandul ce tél. -blit ts t.e'.t. r ka pespt i lc t I'frox. Sil i n 25 e i 50 fn ,ssiT ,t ih ' % r Irond kifssi ' . urer Cent bst les. Gé,, at once; delaya are dur-n - sesiéscise I'rire25 i. si d e [gerssup. _A___mar t i agts':>,k. aus ,vs i,ttt 1- De r's,,ss ts,,sIi't g I 'r rtisuret! i s'gto'ise vit s hs. c i eb.r 1,0w fouol.: lq raln s>- ,.vs'sin e dy religion sie' u. 111' at'rsus.TO CiRE A CtttLD 't"l . agla sotata ic.. f. id i 5 - . asisi * TheiL' I iIo>le0.15 , lisc us0111 : 55lv s * ,N. UilsNu. 49 I 7 Cats sssri. n<l uit 55s o atrauIe/l. WIIAT MAN DUES NOT LOVE BEAVTY? stiie. l isa.,m Comitiale'Young Wivea to Kefflp Thoir Attractiven«&a A Letter From a Young Wle.. Sevet-eigithm of the men ba tiis world saarryasonn , baem e ni1àvaiû on What a diappoint- > ent thenW e to ecte firyouug s. ueo beauty fading aray hefore nù.vear posies vechier heai t ifeot aa if 1 would like ,.~. ta y to every young wornanf 1/, ý e' 'wois about tehaiemarriesi so-Stengthafl yonrif in adi- " -lvane. no that you witt not b"u" down oumier ltae new uteals> au.ycour powe "Keep yousr beavty,- ît je &«'prLaous pctaaession I Yourhu5band loves :your boitsty, haeIla prouti bchseen in publie With! yout; try W okaep It for hi.,saire, and your The asplaebecks, the dark shidowa s n'er tbe eyes. the gemernt dt'nopiig of the yonng wiela locrm, Wb et do they mesn? Tbey mettai Cber neeves ara, faling, that bier trenglit bm gosng andi that aoinethsng tbe doua to hlp bier titcough the comhng trials of materuity. Budldlia roup t oncea %y a course of noe tonde vwth speiiic powerao. Sueh ai la B. Plnkbsam's Vegetabla Compound. You can get it at any druggist's. 'Iiollowing wa publlahl by rarquait a ltter f romn a young vvife--of bier own a lirsl slle addrae it tW he" I mferlng aiters," and while from msoda.ty alie lokat owthhold lier matime, slle givea hiec initiais und street frnualier in c~amberaburg, Pa_. soellaarean"aly Ile found persomally or by lietter: "But 700 stere ehiltire-tthets, sud It rai Danges filons mnpo (çpcrhaps ail cblidisis foli." Tise lansp la sache a neceaaarY artlfle eu%&~TIIDE~U " vl an notbittg ofthtie kInt." saisi lie ln tise home that it lm 8tasga Ilt ottld iseiress. angrily. i remenisber weli tisat, he mglecteti as ofien as It la. 1It ce- wisenI vinsa tresented, .ms ioiller- aitiquiniosbut a few minutes' entre s'nis Bnn'Psted t te Wudeva irwllm to une, 'Pitiliptu. >5<0 arc omre ta Uc very day to keep lit in orsier, yet ftast short Power or Hood'a garpaUIMu muers titeied:iset remmnbrr. 1 cosssids'r Ui sd"I b b iu lok'(I-' ave tasen Hooda SaraparNe 111 - s'èJ oss engasued lisNorman. Your lot sn lire U .se ni-e t bJ'umit, >'L4 anou.eli atarrita ra nocihial troubtle and s%,stttl; ion are ta Le Ladly îsrleigtt ut es-s. An Iii Žp nm 'sadagrou. os- srrses] at ifa wousjrttal suqAtêM Bee, Lgro -: oh, sont, tiser,'bcis." - ss clsasstssi l oti't illmt> rlets5 t10 nie> te of tise exîiioelions of obostti. ii it titie complantes, anti leartlly011S lié) C AP1'Elt VIL. tppear iîtiisistt evrj'7 t 'istise nt - onisensiIuosnS saa asl src t s * lowsh ie blueu is! At tise soitsn if perq, isigiattoc tsr'd lu eoressts"'t A t Al N Can Mii.Wgoda hi', footteps 'a erimosons tloss oueinie lnb uarlng forlise lasopîs. No vsin iter fie-e, aligieastie ln thes'depis uti ler iaN,11 ilt, wtirevefssre sf lie'r fasiil> > ntHood's Sarsaparimia ep/leis.idi d s-k eyes: tiese Ci lipse treisi heurt <vi i lifuuly negiet t is ýviry 19tise Ietl tchmOnTn tlo mO 'jt hiesi]. Site Irsie sl iu li s iger',les-st e. I p ra t s. Th-d n e falw gtitid tbst ticit betrsay ber aouil s litiistit e-vl 'rs ase fais oodoe Pilla art eaiiy. ssitetlray. 111à 5e bs. lmg iîilr'ii sr een st -artri'.-sgrowv -utp - o r dl A r l e i g -i a n n o u r e u l a o e v u a n t a i e ous î t lu i ia us l te Lt ts s io f uîi t ' i i the dor. I LVE 2 Toi[l. ittsîsly. sel-posse ti. sitte .,set forseard to cru-sI tro7 . ite bed out bhir I(isiv'-stssallis 'sstirc (rr fsasDi onemore io'. tise foss- ilis., .i l so Il. iPiunsleid Kens.t giattu. Nov ,,t lc5 u .0<s ilasete Oe staS. j9ýfl ledalatevrwer slet i iltsdthe vttitsir, lsie f oifl 17Kia,* et elfitw *dnead s . L r ,tdr. 1rste-ted tt inilt u"IiiTeIlîesig asaaîrdtagsuedt'efO ofrontstasasu olySie q 1s i uill-ic 's'tul sikîr t t ' eman urtnd ssl -ii-i . fle nt1sliis'si t h ave uts, ils-ici n ile ",«- " 'll -iIi> l, Mondeisschs'ge. < if i e t r .e landielei sîc ttssrenstnsalr-sst n hu'suis On th,, day aftr Pr.r,- -e. uit ite tsyti -ruisli is teseao nw " lee f ie rlc td * e t> i ut ui etsr ,'- is'i ts er i pna asrsti î,81-11.01 ileettii sule tTHi', rRE ED s-sre1ýi s uis. t o 8mi itleil s t clifte ril r r îo si e smso1,s r the itg e handisI he de ý;I l:ig- rpotc ý,g n i i<t1 tus fu stiii si v e ni, is l ut' iisi. Tii, île gs'rte i e; anu slipti outI aurni icii ls 50 < i ru-. 1 satisi. itus-. ffrtisr iE1ver istuie,, l îurîî Ilncîi sbsrl se to* rsh rs s v tis l m a % su uI us ci or ls si i.i h t e of ý . l l c er .x e a d d * l (qll 3,i ,i , . yFR PI b ien. toit ;et u t tu ti-r l .. t i, s iile uitt îsni'foruj s,,. , îs m o r iu, s it s tr s lxi nu' Sti i ui.t h aeilisi>ie wa. i] Y"l A zsud tffrtîne isecoti onguf ne coonik. foi- I Ill nO Su - -- - t-Wr If ier iilsi <s isu 1 iii i,,-5,ssssfiii <'i vr, osss siv iiie'S b ti issus)l-s i i em a r s ai nLni. n in v, O li e 1,c r dcI c o trald il c 1 , (f h iy t .i u xl re.t t b i s'() ne siin a to , ..' tas u t e aes tte . I sat> s-i s <u Is-u , mM tierc,0 esu t oisu ks' -r lis-rO.T Ils-rafat ilt'r. Lsrd Il%% oad ir ion î iats fe n tu insolu O se 0> SY lie~~~ 1s > 0sts'tiscet.t i s l', isren ch.' bit, 1, toit l silivrlet moisr a le oii. hig rsud liaisglos'-o "N a 1ct 5 11, nrs se tit u t ur0e ti ,5v nr te-u vissc trit elie i lle l0 sst i as i <5 <The aie i telhun tr. a d t e oo Iit srie4- dcartiu's'l.tuc<e I rl,. s us tîsds r ieisn - sstr i"' te, muithr , "I a ls ors ressgie c t iou , o rn file gles',hi d -ee te,' i r.'-." l. issuit 1 ten t f iigu i sl nil Niis ec. iO tfs' l baviis'J"te. go 'nistvi tis , t lti i t o ue tssn,ca ptif - e C Islsusats nuito b er r sy p rishe. truu. td a nigs t ile.ta i e. ot a a l e yon u 111 . i ' 3istilt î,eî'î isîs1siurd. ts'tuiifit(tt cla i re obs 'tse , iswisi is "T te y t i int ana s c , o m n " 1 7 LA E A E N E I'I A ie l ris, 'hals-s t sît îrîs' ut <i s'hild-l ie ou s'i ut ia tii,- h sse-rfs1'l. 'I h p , Ia î Iletrof et~~~~~' ,e"h- bcl, 5 tsengta'nrooatd ualoi fl i al i -trii'ili sIsis --- s sS f i sl's5scsroethestAneor of iev',s-l. Liay I ait lng-r, **Iforf ei t rsaiigs,au-O N W A o'li- ass us-lîuîus -lis ,t,,u ir , 1,,- sut i,!r-tih',al l .u it th1t' lis>, lIe fiur -thîts.uc fin s n lr, b ue tMyst aii la ini 1, bo< sr îu.ursi e 'i 55. ttleOilsit tss 5ivit . a id i ii li a fret imatien Pt o t istiit bils oc pu e D a ac f o e , Pic .F u A U tc) tlo e 1fuir lie rtu-i I , ,. usr , , ! , ý s.,,., vî'î. Ilfin ral l ii Lrdt Eusj. aîîtsî an t. eet-c my ni va e to n v at c to u tbe a ia d S rie )C ssa in tf,-. -:s' %su,'u si u-r, tii- use iiji lssyistrsfî y'si brn hpsu. monta. ivesnthies-o. lie .i ri taeaillgs. ttd. \R it.OR P I5'LT SIN R IA O> dr s .. au reiis s îs i S t'- li r sîask- I -rini er vi ii'rsa,sstin l Vefrtune ul t is'1t-1 v: lte bls ie." o e'se' ros 'bf uttende estisI s'. A l ur - ns hs-n u ' ui <aF re aiguizet' tisîs manist l nt ai 7 .< l * . uti l vs ir lu.N gi ,.usLutdlse lutn r-i Etii . l'iu itsoit U r iit uîlt "heLadyi eitrie tibtis he b uen el to' e a il SRL .Pesi nooke viluiie. <is'tiisu su o iiss sssius] s tissu vhs- uit ber btuss e arlegoin5 oheconElînneti OSP TA L 555., su ouil. ,-'s n -l1 list îssi 5lu' rs-at si apr ici u e . f iii tinicitts'tstgh emiled srtilit mosntent '1-%lie notu ) erlne 'llusîi srssIns' c ^e CuAEA t ThTPIS na r.ouuw wa or 55'i0 siiIf iuio is-lu vstissmordI; besl. n Auifiî-nsiodss unlite. sidas utstia;. Tse1a od a ? 1 7 L K A E U ,C IA O no i los. Is uo Ii sss as - u <ses 55 t lus' tu- linsrv. thiir s c I usre sie nt Mus tie r uad e a Ianst is ady ltci s , as188B u a & asssse tttIisl soi s .:ukusrs -, r iss s J oin s is ulitr tiise tsîd,îr e it r eats . t. o f. ai u s asli n i,iisi ai - izv ', Ili' c ii i sus't'5 ieîl1S eslr'stîs vfsi sI i le tis, n ars .1be1. arei l oni nto rs n luu' i srs. ueîsu si î'i ,-icsîîsî tistii' the~ic weliI'est lrseusat caseni bstsf ii i eya 1one lad- bd mial Ptîsed %; alosl es .I iie u iuis u u t uiil .fnssi iro f tlis d l'a itt al).( tris.B isasea f a s t n Ples F st laEt .) ruat is>iss tu-stfr l,' s e r u..e l maun lis,'ics- isutuit e ote tnonlirent enornpt t rempins atieWwn b>' in tis sr ierIý, ou>s ildssso sit :stt î,t uhe ihilsla lits' tsandtr<heus- sossar andv minote',wiof aux tins-e exeiteoatise actIve aCaseonesu'" idetsiîy ise nitir luesIleolag ise iar es-s m. it ct oraces-s, sn cousins atber- oftision urnde f ruesciao r ek satP r , D I OU . N t d u a ta-otis vs'.i ui h ng 1 r f irs t u t ermî a l ier<tiouct er ns Lte a starter saf ofIr@. nters. alle . o r CE T a m t ien tiss li r flsotes'ni ussiic aiest.s ia iso Sinai'c il : v er ntait-annRoyalsthiers c a e i l i attn g îe(lwarulait'. A r ý1 LI F Sb g,, I s, ie n u ir t ll,.s.,Hu*t,,stie i i-I lis, t ank e>i.. '-,iista cL'Eustrnto t, c s llns ell>aiepfint In s isa pfa"sotesîsan- W aItes' Bif.ker * Cois Lmiduud. goetend ieoit ire Is -stirossi1bis nec-k, suth,'i. 'atsi,ltvrs i5st el $cs inris.t"' ion itei iisoto aise ANiras playing, htutPb odâ i am ans iuvs'ei 'sIiîs ht sesIslu tn "uct alunhi> Sae okberndacmoe. gaie T ecotne an elerer.iir ite. ste ,! ud in L e gst it nts tsrcaats o-nantî<L(~ hohiîs. oc .iu.M mss tssttinqu tt. u it- sf1vles, tisstit fi s rr n-vs ls, ,nreofiseu ig esat.lo e vilta na a m n ias e taiîrl vrige thesliefrssii .ltnsssl .ssf-itris tsilsa siet'tes CRUus <'lust ainayHAmatsIof.bon-orIRErougis ail aie Englans! taisect.l is' I fi i 11wsierii ,ci. ai%:s. ..sI i t nd rs; ausi ie w r ie ul- bad Prnce hes t e ncsois Va o4i, (unrllvs bsn.. issutsiit-isu mus oausis'rftlotul est tilà(i'oh ipiidd'iOO tut s t s. i, iman oerasi, t*.W altrbacisclar.r & lia le, 'tia Ilsi se bv i t h s. e :ha tu-si t tsable:hI i , ands.se ilic ts-n -Acualea aus n ics a pn s nw st l u - il i Iîs s, - ld oeil 'e 'N tus' int iii - i andsv is, . -t>- osut i,(,t e geilemas nsat ln in ndo nu s besiti.u <t "Ibusuor pa i o. ,, Il t..tu-t-totli.t. notss (es t . -o i tiýrn'yitsstei i t 50 luns i ase > o fg ladyofsiss o caiwarnea. I theut f ny one eint;friseitef'ar vseliaite in thsvs'iî,'resisini lisoe uu lacy.tecosespeinsnoarin br thesau-rar.akfasts'sd- f . i si < r is - e I. o ic ton- t. m fin . ol' Manvt ni InsHyde Pr.as iss I banc sen s av e t tise sactivee jotes! tîseo r Aill se ouk'lsIl-r lis, in teus c î, lth a>s r ing% uilbrti s igertsiangt e irl of tait orInto on b tes olins e se n ow j six-S N t a N siss îi issu urs -suu vus s o ii',lu Iftl n it . bssr' aiy styes,uas ,tir sou ia."er op;it ioste rl gî fît ul to i t neir 1 h g hir l . us i seiol i '-vril urn s ilusok' lookt'iil4îs otiilîsfsem'is rendsa. remouli Uo t u t 'ie rsalne t isasld x a 1,151 ithspckg bsscor r"U r idrag se. i, I .,éi. i e -Iii- i i Il snIis' i -s vu> il, l laid isl bi ooknu-r 300 niesa r ha a he s fe er h a t g l,, fleus' t i l. ýe. u' t pai-i tients f r. Tiheker -I l s-s v i tcrte i cl t fi aIl' ieflis te lliss-r iss at, vs psîisnlu the bti oflimtlsn ts- andiwi, 5iiiiC Iiito I fe in~t 'O te ilvs.l i frhiise]w s H w l l flotebad sf s he to it' i.nl sclr 'îe aues a i nionnen- ino,î lveii. au I>ri-tus slipsîsuîîi . i ai let- s-r l"i ra Ii i-yss stlsnsvoln ei~ ther>tsi ot aaseste bpai n St-ltare tis msu in e a tiiis i t e s ti s ui-jzl tthî iii - li îs' . <se i l i ni itmlascolinIs, lttr ts isu t >' n ft ar anr tf ibisstatlik gl lie.Y<5frotte 'il ii ges-l tu Lon-se i O,5 un -'tu it ia lo lu ti> sites le s n h sg be sas th r t(e alitgalrsstss an .srs dots h r el si'î oi-I l tîs s is eliu-i ttr ii -i-si.n l- f inie ,55it LI l et ls îl oiey Its' ss'ctIstif ugluo. Ast Lt s' oi>-. taih. I.- i hIsiliuî il he ne ils-tgh. -Ih.tissu' tu l ssul v iidii thei> ii<iSil inoesI s,tîti s e ad theral î cus-iîî of er oe.. irIs' ulsut Ii tou rutrîii ueng, 1Assi -n n erd idy bahlr i <re b eîs li i i e bafts-., i îl itte. s bal[ ui is e teoui liein,ýi I 's'sr, us can lse st ls i't'cd l tno mn r ibst satsss, rs'a rer îsa, i lr plani.s lus i -si ,,IiL.-1 -Y our at - icu> tYa illnts< t hesu a tsgetnttlesmanti> ue ts sus-q)01iaius-Orslulirk su -i ' <ittes. 1 l us- "ct<ssii tuit s rugeu bien)if b u ngi- disiiseui.'ce lt us IItnsii.t i mIs i. - )Iruus nm ilu -i,;i tn a uit. Irenîi Ir li (,ir a .,.> ia e urn g ise niisl se ati .1 m i l, iisii'uIolisu.. ,st u (.i: triiii w ii l.i> uit a-il Iboud'1 o, it tli n I h vetieansoe pagile o te eitttt- t1 a on> . le il, <s ns li',.i -r mo l- c 1iliw ii (If i l< u s sîs-si ien ts i l r fi lon> the5. b l un n o h t m gh a e be n a j I m le. 1i lii. l, , areis ]issu s i<ie un i . us havei hallssu l s.ssilsf,bct< n i uî,.. ie n-osistis e i tîful taeflu iti' I.nnuiot gruls. lil. is ii l ", - iitsu i, i tit taile luit ai , . î,î,] r lh'I'i oud Un otn le st ths- morrieu O-otsa lsi'in iy estil. Ie n tsysu it h ý s u virl ui , a ni"t,% te'I, h u, tie sivi. Iu ru i' ot eil crs- isus aisI isad sui u is e. l eint ibs, at to'rtise as-ddlnt. ls-ri vs- ets- 1- vii et su- t li ,sr-lu v'usiu i-le < l iion i ,ssîu iscessii ie eoes te fsu-r> n or "H sult ist t i o e 1 is- i vs' s d ît Ii ifs-sail suist . The r lt suii> Thlsr ,', u tise but ou ts.- ssirs a eeapi- lul rseetats-sitIsee 'e ptii tis sttaresthof boitî',ise st 55su--rilt Iii itte d issriait-i ri --. lit -i- 'ieeli,t 55tisuliu. id.esuts, tisug ra ofitt h pe s!on i îlsji'yA. ay. -anda sT btl.b va oaeio i iay t v w uTh euis n ;ts-. ,îîseus -pî-snîus, ir i e isus lo iissiy' isssil-e s,rls uti 'e b i îl n e wIri s rot r ing front Lit e retd odto. A stdltai ~a stt yva icaiy m S 'te n ".eul e'li le.. I i .Iris tisc r suui. g rugti ssîi i(ft ssd <' flea e . a a ri ai Ti so g I ,,an linm s dl y oladlo nt s s ,l .t5 m t a tt lo l gV S co al ln t -u fillel o vi il.e I lley ou if b bssd <.isî- 1 lngly bard, as tha cosamme la n o zo aird ti 05e. I WA s ta n atilady .. à.sittsoe td lhy b ",bite heorntsu usslnlvbîats eelicffr I potîa iupoe pdpi anl. onlg atdfma Tts m întln Ile e.îstitise > u i a-or '. tl er-ilit vain si1r an)-. cl i ti îeti o englîe ivres ttis e gsîI at a ns eu l a ssof ir surx.tada rsi y m jn a nps. b bemse 'r e eI-,r 'su I ri sl ls h ii ts-Ii isg îulsucgss ti,,' lisLady avd.:ee o t e s he b ris e edehat t a ie rt esuitntild o, o jjfc ltftm t ino prt m snd u u bm v ts.m l te oit,î llsseountnvui l usî l .urd Nlýf1 ouitsita;i suc grss i sses snd lis't ttootesssi u- îvtîe etrnt-'the iuse te u .i u brnw y yheda t um se ?cU . IO ia d5d alitnsps, ! iii le tis > i re s i il] t is ittre st r ig t s>ebe is e 'Yes. I s.toevi. i - c1 înîsncli g nit ~ e.t1sir, nius rnberu,îi> su o o-rany u sîDrnc then itc ioss!t ihe 'gantlemasrno atbs 'ecltaB aldt b a tla. 'bn I asa h 1o e vctuok ns' îsr ' Ils' ei -nei nas Is gung: is e nii Rt t sa boi is>- h tc. ste sSi> fufftaes a l-Lny don eli m lo c il m a y.s !n,!i î e u U tI a fronlt It. sl e t a i. il iets a -ie sg h b is l ib mast it. lte ftva>ri s e tsu ii tg or > iiaticru - gssa, ii oca Ig.dy sdlm u iua a Lisela It i ln' ssr. N> tion go li ta elleot h iIss flaifr uant bi, ankver main-. inis.Tce. "i to lnfartnved arine twefatla vt sa t tatflatssvelsaus b ev a Mi csibu." cssîfutsh, 55 eb,,vecnltie- ans i ' ev is u] saitu e*i'to> l ht oriateroli n the usccietlivraetat-irhssa , s sv s I eire d. 1, tiSant ist "sb e i e I ln s Psie Te olor te oa-d id n îi e s ae v f or ts -Ito ft o ll intor. e so hal my pour opriessîfl. lsssiettissal.as ie iisgvit>jh ' . Livlng utbaild. 'ou ýtie an-a>,n lased og ailqu la As a r e a pi asa t - a- o q- h oueIli% ere ain b i,,ti e ut sterl nsMutber irpass' i eke i hiu. 'o uoe tiso fo sthe Iis a neapo ,afat ortion or de- sanste n sahlMrellaunifimaetevkep diela % toi . o ,111irth. lri oimeb sst aiLt nt sre ,iten e i iel. ssa wo i li rb o ita fcsonaidsnttprton.te onin nttudent________ Of______________________________CE__ of eint? (o tl;, iple ia i,,10 da i " - a iribts sît oti>- of sti i tee r t he iss u rtuinstep utlis! o.lit. .Js ro e h lsn Mdaim 1w StndI i t o . isedi. si aisuil-" tretue ticl the vs-r- illsio; usîoihavcaca wiod eoqaigT o ti aunIr mmi»' e oel atiad asti se nl ar.Mtec l lnM -1els M tu buoc. "f I ios it r tus, 5s, it e bc i hn'.unii stt t nisbcait e t ' isti l ise. te tis e Yd e al se >' fr ils'entteaîr san t orýb hýxdipp. N Ii - uluarl:e usr su eal" to-esai. lp iel s teuraofthe i teter lit l etssradau arola ml surtt'ts-tian cas.s. y nuu@e I w 'b tit o urrse, bf orIîy o uudakl geen ns s lbux mo dt flcmy ad. i >' aLmetUmmi s igti nal>'aa adales Sm 1 0tw"am O ais Is cies tse 'a-i. n n aooy ofcf nt a-I iwîe ue sa o tie ofb - ortheubît' 10 atataethsb'ielng ocan- brigt a y f inliis iettre. il ertocn. 1se aisnithît la onuiati Pen t- uodarte legtb Tuse tn-lucni bth pIntae o rnrala. ýi AYsab1stooi ottae isi1usss' tsrlnbamsli(lata - ay I -l bts tiu n animsas! iaaîr s4eemanotaame nat oui>' (salI ai rute Mr. woctias s,osslvtuissterile soue rn- fale n. 'Ctu 1>, ilipp el a'ise saîti. ssrh-lychn.Ate ny eon m1wuiWd oM It roula. I ett I ttre a ve tti t ed ant 'm o In;lt i e 0 a oti t i et stifgo i tu tise pitisiand'. but an Mini>Mdiy' anti bld the mos ni br: sous] n>Mynu asier l'lsaorust @l itl lajte, i s-1 oiyle, agi o: ok nde ra esace. I t d ia prers ani r at-tlos, o t m Whlb.r t" fro ea hmn ied ud ale sansne u is e raslsaof ie 0 tisi I ewetat p nesseust i, ee. cf tis te at-curer.a'-new ettaencasetti.n alue uv 3 tsMy c .l i sruiito dit ers. u eng li lregr id P tes lstu e ai nsxiooî>' i ite t ,a dt a i m ealatn% rs fecorsbute fc-*I%%livesWi fiisc<t 55iiifTe, lstaims rgots-d anugeeta- 'Ps"" AraVery Quiet sud weut t oas-. Myintendaasasdatthehi rn>' «oo onti ordAs-lgit.c wusihe, fTritsabrlitinirreus forg as.>? a siIItM g bs o gs,, b, te itaiti (rom tirs sa.te s> tstets,,ri'ii" 1sabt i b yas No its e. "îl ue-'Ut le! îas!wan ofiseatla aXdeereasa y. lied » nu ty or it s' ellsehin m isâsns."ar, i epid Yt il eqie reue sI aieprso tecniet 'rite eretur< ui l b uisot uai,vsl at dthea erilatloveyiof a ose i tssthn 1wbai asu n teamlliet pig forBut Mi sasaAaSaOeumutosWag t Nosirt ef i,. vv's a,rd ri th e yasg cari fslt ts a ti ence a e made tui ue ua ni te: v'Ios t Maylv e n ills u d tbspraefinB B DO B E ssfs loirk. 1 l1sa sisser, bo iokiIs i icueiad ittc bot ut svu *1sauititrtoialays eonde'- of tise mavrtet,"p i r a er> quie s l i ut ,y teu l'sivi l, Is bifsleu oce l. ad sitn oui. *rpie: et c oteno lWls h irbOKI d n eruslbiau ns0 1, h a py N , uc h u t, en -a., to t eat.'alu e . H e la tâ;o'ep ay of lisa1 ft h e l - le en I0 'h sii, sstuell is. h u-ueiror tbuusall h w > 'holingo?"tsra in y Ia.a My , I der sient I., ro'gd e a l vute ae sle" M-"omen - e ti îlîssoif, dbtsesucari,rtrintaui ses' ofsohus " il nsubs's yosbc iss s eis î,asîy .s.n. formidable intite nrl era i st ricsof ___a____________ oisI.atisss-,il-il-e.l ssl'actd hs,'It-isbîeusite a<nta n wget'ady Peuttinos-trtlinut. TLire aten- ehbalugtsa ~NIN APTLISla e t tI«conticlu t. ous-ts dMless1s' tisss nbierlisl, aibtittg 05th t'vies'ta , oh llie trisl uit tsf acsor tta aeco ou -iban sa ~~ ~tIW 'T T .O 11 AssuaS obu Cottage1,. Lut ise rt rid nutt asen us to' y. e Hi e oott ' lin n d 't-h e we iRete us ta me trdAvaa1UO lIman tapi