CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 26 Nov 1897, p. 8

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- I ~~4~~~; WBU i ttofttlon to thé fact, that belng desirous of o*igut our lins at Libertyville, we expect in the Nqpuur to hold at Libertyville and Wauconda, ~WcAuctions, selllng to the highest bldcer, the 1Oil6wlng goode: IUtge assortment of double-bit hand led axes, Hung and unhung chopplng axes, Bxtra helves and hanies, Mand.4saws, Handraxea, Saw-bucks, Crow-bars," Leg chai na, Grindstones, Whoel-barrows, Corn ahellers, Mails, BSti.u, Wedges, Barbed wire, Kalis of assorted nails, Large lot of Boots,4 Shoos, Claves and M itts, Fait boots and overa, Arctica, Rubbei"s, Rubber boots, Etc. B3lankets, Robes, Harneas and Whips, Suite. Overcoats. Pants. Kats and Capg, Doba, Cutters, Farm wagona, Trucks, - Mllk wagons, Carrnages, In short everything to b. found-and many goods purchaaed speclally-in aur large and unsystematic line of Yankee Necesaltlea. Youra truly, T. V. Slocum& Co. FALL SALE 0F FUR NITUJ43 WM atlîffnda Fuilrnîire Store- 5011* Oak Eed.Dresser vjlb 2ix30 Ginas, a&cd cmmode, Oney .............. Bedsbeada, Plasue .................."SI~lg, &ase ............ Biane»ltan Bookers....... 9011 Ok sewiaag Rockers .......... I§ewlng Tables .......... Croquet Bts d4( bal) ..........1 Antique Finish Dresser ......... $16.1e< 2.00 up 1.50 2.(K) up2 1.60 .75 .65 6.00 Full Line of Undertakîng Goods, Always in Stock. First Class Hearse Service. M.-W. HUGHES, Wauconda, - - - - WC CARNY A CON PLETE STOCK OF (RAIN, FLOURd.f&q MILE STUFFS, SÉEDS, ETC. Lumber, Goal, Lime, and Cernent. WCSELL TME WBÀBR WAGON, WHEN YOU WANT CAU. ON WRIlGHT &SON, 'ULbertyville, - - - - - lilinois'i TleWEEKLY INTER OCEpisAlof News and the, best of Current Literatu ne, 18 la MoS&y lOSu, Mama a ramily laper in Withoul a Peer. ~th m eft h.a M apaiusa tu YosihDspaatustlatthe Il bedm tethihsfmlly lbNme .tahe &MmW.Wdi d airees bot "a siaidiueuldmonsuqusdOtio i b.dY. TbsiatuOc..ives sdapug of saadingmat.rseh vSsk ami bsg p@iusèsila Chrage la bsiioendapb the 0Iba s et ofthe people vsat ofthe 0Alleghany lt. *»a Mr Oum epolier. 01-00 PRICIE ONE DOLLAR A YEAR $1.00 of iea t1he inter Me &w 4an auper yest Strike -Quickl or YOU WANT The Weekly Inter Ocean Time, W. Can Fuarnish the Around the County. WIS. CENT. F.I. TIME ËTABLE. Wea MI 543 05 91 Api.klsle 99 45 bc. 24 91 lrlueVt 5n 2 SII 39:7 flOf 941 41i 9 &)1 2 92 4 6 49 9o511 maLkee13 12 92 567 92 2 38 Loie Villa 010 24 3 06 7 18 1'. 29 *lSallY ercelltBunday. a stol) OlY on signial. a.rn. a m. arn. p. in. a. Frt. I"aeVilla 7231 11294 432 1110 r8k 1077 51101449 1140 jiOe IOet8 1 3 1205 (M 157 A 9loi à11 195O 836 a820> 114d 1(8) o 1(1(9 1 10 6 30 ROCKEF'ELLER SOCIETI ES. Ç ONOREGATIONAL Churcis Sonday er vice& 10:âo a. . nud 7:10oap. m. Prayer meeting wednesday evenlnpco. Y. P.8. C. E. meet sunday evouloigs 51:43. JîaniorC. E. a 3 oclook. DIANOND camp No. '124- m.- mont». D. GRIFFITH. V C. J0. 0. F. No. 815, rmeet seeond and tourtis Thrsalays oftaach montl1. WILL'KstGOo. N ù. 0 zo. A. 0 STSeC Y. J0. G. T. meet Thureday evfinno o f eac» week. LUSTRE l10anîcg. C. T. J OHN G. RAGAN Post G. A. Bl. muet Baudynight on or betere full moon. 1. li. (ILLOON. COrn'dr. 0 E C HURCHILL, Adt. mai goba south ....98:04 a. m. 9:12 p. ns. Mal goluz forth .................10:92 a. in. Mail over land by otage arrives.saio5 a. m. departs at il a. im. ]ROCKEFELLER. John Evaus spout batutday- lit Kenosha. L. M. Liteblla.ld vasa n Chicago viitor Wednesday. Herma n Kublnuk madie a lyiug trip 10 Wauconda Tseay. - 3rs. Ueo. liardelVvte n aChiciago visiter une day huat vek. Mr. D. Lllcbfleld made a lîîîsiueRa qiplou Barringlun Hondity. W. L. lticis and lamiiy are 111v lastallod lunlisoir ua.v bous». C. M. (lorisam rotutned to bis busi- ness usattot,> lu Waukenan Mouday. lPof. Welsb, of Deerfleld, sponi Sun- day.wîit il. brother of Ibis plus.. Mt. E. E. Hoasis experts lu spcud Thsnksgtviug li Cicago vilS hie parents. Will setiveus is assistilg E. G. lPayne1 lu Chlicago Iu tise Christmas troc baîtineas. Miss Minule Meyer veul lu Chicago Tisursday te spend a tov day8 thete vilS friands sud relatives. Tise lecture given by Oscar A. Seley lb. ex-convieI oit Tîsesday evening vas veil attended aund enjoyed by al presleni. Mrs. J. H. Cronkbite bas relimiued trum Ford hiver, Micen., visereah8e has been visiling ber daugister Mns. F. Shaddle. tIrs. Croukiite amîles upon bar inonds lu quite a graudmotherly way. Tisera viilhbcpzeaching aI tise Congregational cisurci S lnday moru- lug by tise pasIer. Suhiacl -The Wheat audtisa Tares." The ovonlng services viii ha onder the auspices ut tise Missiousry commiteeofuthlie V. P. S. C. E. Thea anunai offeriug for tise Cougregationai churcis building sociely yl ba laken. Rov. C. E. Taloor, ot Chicago, wili preach. Ai are cordialli vtteaI. Ou Frlday evenlug Dec. 3, Ihere viii Sa a grand, trea litersry sud umusical enîerlaiument l is e ehapel ut Rocke- fller. Young and oid are eatuestly sud cordilly luvîted lu attend. Thora wiii Sca asharp asid lulerosling dehate ou -'The loyernmeul Ovnerhhip ut Raiiroad».' Thora viilalso be au excelltliterary program snd sume goed music. Everybody corne. A literary society vii bhoroganized at tise citas» ofthIe meeting. AIl youg aud ld aoulsi bc enroiled as active meuibers. A largo and cnlhusi.salic lhnung ahIlb» proseul. (umî- early. IVAN HOE. Ont nov marchant la hsviug a g<od rade. Mrs. Spauglen @pont part o! Iatst ueek lu Chicago. Weddiug halls are expocled bu ring ln tise near fturre. Mt. Le@ Ames slarted lot Valpamnso lu atlond acho6ol last Mondsy. Farmera ara ln a hurny te gel Ibeir ploving doune belote il frestea up. Hrs. J. Dykes bas beau nlb»h sick lisI the puti vu o ek vitis tousilitia. Tise cametery sociely met vilb Mns. Henry Grahha lait Tiusiday Nov. le. Misa Sarsah Joie bas been sayiug vibbh rs. E. Pruclor thie pasi ev veeéke. Mt. John Sirouimus ibas been cail- iug on bi@ old friands ltveek. Mis faim is tor tant on sala. Mt. Abert Ribla is selling the hay and corn etc., tisaI he raiaed Ibis year, ptepaiatoty te going eut. Lest Saiurday tisa Wondmen silgled Ibir 0ev building, il yuli mmonbh ready for oacupancy. Thse scisolars trom tise Svan scisool viso are attending schso] aI Rocke. fehier are very a>ucb pleasad viltisah teacber, Prof. Welcb. The tisree-year-eld boy ut J. A. Johnuson, of Lynn Cent-or, II.,la aubject tu attacks of croup. Ht. Joisuson say. hea i stisflad Ibat tisa limely une of Ciambatains Cougis B.medy, during a sevars attack, saved bis UtIle boy8 HIe. BMai luibadrug buainess, a mamber o! tise iro f Johnson Brun. cfibtat placa and lbay bandis a gresi many patent mediclues for tistoalsud long diseases..Ms buit ailhe ies cilsoso tromn, sud akilled pisysiciasrendygoleopod 1u0ieiscli, buti ulectod Ibis romedy for use lu bis ovo famiiy eta U lme vison Ms&ciilda 1f. vu lun danger, beaause iho knsv il to he suparlor teoany otiser, and tomons th. oonay over for liii uensof cmu~ Mr 41ai,>.Si . h m »" a h béat = - WAUCONDA. (7. B. Jeuks vas s Grsyslake yisitor Monday. AlberltReynldis, of Harvard vas bore Tuesday. Joe Ha"s vas a eolniy Beat viaitor st Monday, Mrs. J. Rt. Paille is visiting Iriendi at Barriugton. Jas. Wells, ot Barrington, vas a Wauconda caoerSunday. Mr. Bartlett, of Diamoud Lake, vas on ur streeta recently. Mrs. MoCabe reburned trom ber visit ln Chsicago Monday. Lutie Dizon and John Welcb vere Libartyviile visibor iinnday. Il vil! psy you 10 boy yoor furnitore ut M. W. Hugis. One prion tu aIL, Mrs. R. Harrison and son Earl vere Mdllenry caliers lise #M. of tise veek. Mrs. P. Bates returned trom ber visit ai Ivaniioe lise lirst of lise week. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Brooks and daugiser Jaunie ver» City visilors lasi week. Otto WVallti in very bîîsy lise day. lu preparing is bouat5 and i >er for vinter. L.* G. Baangs, 1of bouts Dakota, la visitiug relatives is Ibin place at proseul vriling. Mrs. L. C. Prie is enlertainiug blà motiser Mrs. Andrews sud sister L"cy of Diauuoud Lake. Tise Amet Maguiscope vii ha exhibiiad in Oaklansd Hall Friday sud Saturday of tbis vaek. Frank ltouay bad tise mialortona bc have a coop of docks stolon ouI of the market one nigisl ibis veek. WIlI Bascley returued froan Harvard a 1ev days since visere be expectad a job but ho vas dlsappoiuted. Mr&. John Neville returnad luit veek 10 ber hume neasr iidgetield, aller svnding two veeks luri tisi place sud vicinity. . MissniDella Hainsond relurued lani ,voek Irons Elgin. bce viii oüoom meuce taking lasons ou thse bike vbich mise brougisi vils ber. The Klondike social visics as given ut tisa home ut Mima Mary Glyncis vas quit. voîl attetded. Ilany valoabla dlaims veto sold dnring tise evoning. Married ut VEaokegao, Wedasesdsy of. lait veek Mr, Henry Nordmeyer gu Mima Rose Lailtus. They yul occupy rouans in tise building recenlly pur- chased of Aug. Hapke. On last Friday eveulug Mr. Enri Harrison gave a party tbsanumber ut bis friands. Games and other amuse- meula belped tise lime paso qnickly. An excellent supper vas served aI 10:30. At an eurly isour tise gueUla departed aller spending a very pleasant eveniug vils Pai. CILMVER. Will Bheelcr vas in Liiaertyvilie lat Tuesaday. Mima Elsia Assmeas ban retîîruad troin tise City. A. 0. bcbverman beok etlansiness trip lu Chicago Wedlnesday. Mrs. Mary Prie, uf Guruee, visited Miss Rallie Frice last voek. Dan Ritzenthaler sold a lino driving borse t1 Mt. Hason of Gage. Lake. Fred Amamus and Rerman Fishser escis iook a 1usd uofl>oultry to (Cbicago Tuesday. Emmelt iellly, viso has been vork- nluIntise actory bas relurued lu 1Waucouda. 1 Misses Louisuand IBertha Bees are vlsiting a 1ev veeks vils Iheir brolistuinChicago. Au assoriment utflied sud borse blaukets sud fur tubs nov on baud at A. G. Scbverman & Co's. LAKE ZURICH. bSsîw storm last Huuday. Mr. Diaznond vas bore Snnduy. Tise brasa bond wyul soun reorganize. J. T . htîîey asippeel a aýârluéd of hogm Friday. Mr. Daaaiel8uîs welit tý' larningsan r uuday. . W. H. Knigge visiteul bis parents lasi 1 Ssnday. John Meyer drova- uver to, Batnsng- 1ton Bunday. John Blae asad Phllp Moaîrse vers ber» ëinsday. Henry Kero, ut Libertyville, was Ini luvu Munday, Miss Mary Schaeter bas returned B rons Chicago. f Henry Drews, cf Barriaigoat,val isere Monduy. M. MeDowelli s workiug in tise ( il- mer ceueary. tOn»e<o1 our youug mon bas tise Ne-braska lever. Henry Tonne la lbe busiegt mou in etown now-u-slays. cJohn Willuer velehrataîi Iii> 33rd hirllîday tuât veek Messrsa. luesching and Willuer veul te Barringlon batîîrduy. Mr. Fulay lias a gang ot ans-sni v ont cleuing tisa ire bouse. k Sert beip visited frieuds In Wau- couda Sunday and Munday. Mr. Willer, ut HaplevoosI, vas outs u a bluuling trip laat veek. Lavoreuce Hausan veut te Barriug- ton te sec bis uncie lasg Suuiday. rJohnia itckler, sof Chicago, visited Frauk Brus, a lrw daye this veek. lItr. Dawson, ut Wanconda, made Lake Zurich a business cul] Suuslay. H. Hillusaî, E. Fieke and H. Brand- Iug vent te Chicaguou busi ness mon- day. Chas. Ole8o aaî I nakiog preparalions lu go te Dawson City. Alska, lu a 1ew days. Emil Frank, accumpanied by Ella Seip, visuled Barrngtloi une day lasi veek. Misses Emmna Meyer sud Gusta Elcis. mnuhave goase 10 Chicago lu apend th isevie. HALF DAY Mima Clara Muson ls vlsiîiug at Deertii.d. Mrs. P. R. Triîîp bas purcisaed a nov organ. Remember tisis la Tbsnltgiviiag veek and dont f orget 10 ire Ihaka. U.Hiram Gleaaon la home troan Hinaseolt«or astev dsys risit. Ur. and Mr@. A. Richards, ut Lake Villa reoently risiied relative@ isere. Ur. Bazier has beeu Tory seck tise past veek. Mrs. Baxter bam also beau sick. Ht. sud tIrs. S. L. Tripp visited relatives in Chicsgo saveral days lasI veek. Novs lsft aItishe postollce vilI neceiro prompt attention. Do nol leare iterti latter lisa Monday. Thse lecture aI&lise cisorcis lasi Wednsnday by a prisouar vas vory Iutereating. He gave a clear Iusigisl of prison lite. Tise parties viso polsoued Mr. J. Richards litti. padug may tisink "their nasE viii uninSd lem ont" but tisoy are veli knoov. A person lIaI vould do socis a mesu tliig as 10 poison su Innocent pet doma 001 desre the respsct of tise ueigisborisood sud ougits 1bcha tn oui ofleo. Quito au exciing conflagratIon occurrsd lu oui uitile lown lt uday evening. Tise harn beiunglng to H. Gleason vas botned 10 tise gronsd. But lor tue timsly help of tise people J. M. Footes bain wuouhd asmo burned, lb. siinglos isaviog caugisi tite eVera] limes. Tise cause o! tise tire la unknovui. DIAMOND LAKE. Tise lovu reports a hudt rinuwsy Suuday eveuing. Mr@. Win. Etusai druve te Wauke. gan uMonday. Mt. Henry Cet imade a luesstrip 10 Chicago on Friday. lire. Duddles bas solol ber place 10 parties lu Liberlyville. Mr. Bant Wilcoxi ook bis departure fot Seatle on Mouday. Mt. Willis Arnold called oaaîfa mouds ai DesPlaines ou Suuday. litre.George 0n1 bas returaîed lu lise Ciy fur apruats5eah 915119. Tise Mtisodial yull bold tiaioîbor lu theoriear future. Misa Maurine ln vlstlug bier sisterin Chicago Ibis veek. Mr. Dockery bas retirued tu Leitfitou 1u lake the place ut Mr. Gasacue Jr. Mrs. 1H. N. Haubans la visiting her brotiser'sfamiiy ili Evauston Ibis veek. Diamond Lake lino as good rndeans tise most lavorod country districts lu tise cealnly. Ht. C. F. Nuita bas rolurued trom bis tour lu the sentis but lskos lus- modlatelebave of bis friendN for a laeller post ou the Wabaab. Hie friends cungralolate hbi. PALATINE. Mrs. V. Vincontsa son viseti her Ibis week. D. S. Wood in ahi. 10 walk arouud vils tise aid of a cane. Tise liremen bidlisaitr piclures taken lu unilorm lest Suhsdsy. Henry Coffea Itoan Chicago vas a guest of Dr. Aiversons ibunday. MIrs. Lemket, o! Gimer, vas a gusts o! 1,er sisler, Mts. Ch"a. Veise tis veek. Herman Harmening Iront Dundee vas uver te s»Ce the fouel baIl gaine Satoiday. Nason Bros. have l a number of hogs lately vils a diseuse visici bas aflictad Lise enlire drove. Miss Augusta Wliîies left for Chies- go teceutiy haviug compleled ber appreulicestrip vitltIrs. Kummel. Palatine vou ils ltiflb couseculive gaine o! foue ll aturday sud bas scored ninty points agalust twelve Ibis sseon. Roishie Mix' sciool trienda sutptlsedl tli 111e tellov vutisteir prenonce Wednesday aveulng and oujoyedtirien- selves royally. Marriod, Tisursday Nov. 251h, Ht. Droagismuller, son ut tise pastot ut tise Lutberu cisurcis, 10 Mima EmasCrufl, bots ot Palatine. Tisere viii hae a baket sociable beld lu tise hal ai Highsland Grove con. ducteal by Misa Schsultz ut Palatine Monday evenlug, Nov. llst. Tise Ladies' Aid Society met vitb tIrs. Bnlciset Tuesday alteruou if complote arrangements for the Sazaar lu ho held Dec. 2nd ansd Ird. J. i. bears assislefi by bis pupiis iu Palatine viii give a IluIs rocital fut this seanonunItIMrs. Martisa blodea, tislnrday aflernuen ait 4:15 ociuck. Mt. sud Mr&. H. J. Sciierdiug sud datightet Blaucis spoulthlentsal Io veeks vils their broîber sud sister Dr. ui Mrs. Wadisams lu Chicago retuned homne Mouday evening. Tise cbariiy bail given b! lbe ladies' Concordia Society of St Paul cbureis yl le ueid in Batermanus bhal Wednesday eveulng Nov. 24. Bopper wilI Se served sud suammîlncipate a good old lime. ARLINGTON HEIONTS. Mr. IB. A. Noyces, of Chicago; risited bis parents Ht. udMlra. D. Noyas. Tisom"a Scoî sud Robert Sveltzer. ut Chicago speni Sunday vils friands. J. N. Bush sad danghtser, o! Aptakilic vere visiling friands bore, Ciii &gaim, Mt. J. H. Marris ls rusbed vits or- dors votking day sud nigisi 101111 sumo. Ht,. John Zimmer, o! Long Grove, visiled ber daugisier, Mrs. P. Weiduer, viso ls quiet sick. Tise Chicago Telepisone Co. are erectlug a private line tromr Dr. J. E. Bestls nov tesidence 10 tise tel! station. Ht. P. Weidner sud C. Fitzpatrick attended tise Caîisollc Forreates meel. lug aI Buffalo Grovo last Salurday svenlog, Mt. sud lits. Matbev Loonard sud Mr. and Mis. J. Roffman, ut Indiana, are vistiug uur citizent, J. A. Farrell, and fanily. Ounr geucral marchsants, Wilkeniog &Gersienkoon alippad Ivo Ions ut poultry 10 Chicago Mouday. Farmers briug your pouiîry 10 bisea. Tbey psy cash. Ouirfirsymen, Max Loreuzan, vile bowving vood lot Mr. U. esse trom Clyborne Park, had tiss miafortone o- baving bis tace Injured by a piece of cord vood. acoodently. Wish you bo.- ter luck next lima, Max. Tise veU kuovu dairy and oreamiery suppiy ira., Bray & Kates are blild. ing a large brick tactory. Soiulenhorg Meyer sud Beoger Bros. are doing tise worM. Promt 50 tu70 moen viR hasur. ploya- tiser. a&l the ysr aronnd. Want Wood. Re nte rs-ý---Tks N I'Can Show You where You Can Buy For what You now Pay for Why make a slave of'Yourself and family for years, and have nothing Ieft, in your old age. 1 can Introduce you ta someth ing surer than Kiondykie. Call and See H. C. PADDOCK, Real Estate and Renting Ager LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. 4TH 4 Keystone Corn Husker and Shredder... Husks corn and makes hay of the staika. The Sterling Snapper and Shredder, Ai" makes bey of the stalika. Hummer Sulky Plows. 4 Brabley's X Raya Sulky Plows. 4Bradley's and Deere'a Walking Plowas. SBUGGIES - WAGONS - TRUCKS. a Lumber A-o Coal. SALT, CEMENT and TILE, 4 Rope,,Twine. Etc. iG.H.Schanck & Son. LU BERTYVI LLE, ILLINOIS.' GAGES LAKE. AUCTION BAL£. ilsanMai, Gilîmore in vlsltînigfrea2hi9 The underaigned viii "11 etp tu Chicagoý auctlun ons th.c J. Ji. peumaa Witt Kayla-r bhmgone t, wi.cuassil, kuovu a» tise Schauck tara. j1m to 8penîl the vinler. vest of LIberlyvîlle and I aal.e MisaAlice Suyder spentlaàt 24>9-k ~ltRockefeller, Saturday, Dom Wauega viitIg fiens.1897. Coanmenciasg as 1 0 'loe Waukegu visling frendi.ths folowing dencribed prope MUs. Phinena AShermlan spent a fa-v 22 Chiie COwU, à springers, 6mev dayn lu Chicago Isal veek. balance gIilag milk; 5 *piai i Orson sud Bert Mancheste~r apent vork teamt. vI. 2441; 3 wokbm Sunday at, iheir borne te. yearing colis, à brood novas, Sv.p Misae(Irpia Jones, of Lake Forent. >, old colt, 5 fat bogia, 13 ehoota, Sov thse guesi ut MisstAda Maucbeater titis 7 pligu. 40> tons tante bay loiaa weei mail stacks vild hsy, giacjk c. Tise Epvortb Leugue wyul gîve au seed, 3 stacka ont strav, 6 staek& oyster supper lus lbe ciurcs Tlsurnda &SI".kM)9<bho.oats, 16 milk ae. evening, i>ec. 2. y u.coru In cris. Otter, miu Misti Beatrice Withan> han returiied pair bod sleda, 2 Iamber aos Champion selIf bluder.cCq front Chicago, visere sisehblaen vialt- movar, Bnckeye seeder, 2 aOk ing relatives for soutie iane. vators, va.king cultivator, hy The quarterly meeting services wiii Gale sulky plov, 2 valkig ploe ha held Sunday eveuing, îasslead ot rack, buggy, 2 neltliarrows,sa moruiug, ma Uated tlIat eeks issue. liarrovs, double barneas. Miss Adaé Sherman returned Tuesday TEus op' SALE-Ail sUaOf 5i.fl. to ber dattes u is e Saivation ArlIy. ndter cash. On sumaâ over $1SI Sue viii lie sat.i4oued ut E nstoit usr- ciredil of une yesr viii be giv iog tise winter. good batikable notes beaina o, Mrs. Engisertson sud tIr,>. ieigart inierest. 2 parcentl dioonaat and sou Chatlou rotuned Yriday lu on au sains over $100. NOpaq Belitafer pedu gas a,-k wth'M r 1removedutil setied for. Beuitanlmilyîg î. ANDnEv RESSEAN, J. Rn. Pxm 4J<uyanl tauiIy.W . H.APPLRY. Auctioneier. r Mrs. Johin Manchester died ut ber home Monday uigistN Ov. 14h, aller a long illnesa canaod by a eancer. Mrs. Manabester camne to ttisacounty vith lier isusband lnl 1848, locating ln thei lovu ut Avoas. In 1855 tlsey auoved 10 Gaoges Corners, viseze they resided u- til 1873, visu tisey m>ade liseir isomenel Waukegau. lu 1891 tisey reanoved tu tue old isomestead, visere they have gluce reaided. Mrs. Mauciserter pus- sessed a noble cbristian cbarscter andI vas slvays active lu churaýh vork. Wile living bere se proved hersait a moat cbsrming voman, one viso made many friands aud nu enemies. lu the immediale tarnily s@ho louves besides ber isuaband le mouru bier loues, tisyce ciIdyu, ait grovu, Ada, Bort aud Orson J. Tise deceased vill long ho rememhered as oue of Lake county'm brigitstaland bhat voaen. RE5OLIO2S 0F EO.SE(>T. WnaEaEAs, Ih bas pleased our i- venly Faliser I.. tuke home. Mris. Johsn Mancheaster liserefore ho Il, Resoleed, That its tise <eatisof t iis our dem' ssatrrva bave otuanionored aud faitistul member of ont Ladies' Aid Society, a patient. loving sud loyal Christian. Tisa sociely ia thankful for ber earnest Christian Ille, aud Ibere is nu doubit tisaItisis uni, second member viso hms guue un before us, bais beau called t0 une of tise xany mansions." Wa bonor ber meusory sud sympatiie vils lier tsmilyiy h is tiseir greal sorrov. Reaoieed,. TisaI lsese r esolutions ho spread upon tisa minutes of tise asso- ciation and a copy of tise mine ba sent bo ber family. M. L. DaucE, Pres., A. ALLEN, Vice Pres., MARY E. PATTON. SaC. Gages Lake, Nov. 12, 1897. --Myhaos vas trouhled vutiste mange sud vorms, >ilaing hMm uselet s for vutk o! any kInd.' Tisus spoke one of my a3quiances tise otiser day. But n0w ihe ls infilrst-class condition aud ail owing to California (Iresent Food for sale by E. Bliemebi, Deerliold, Ili. t WeII DIIggIZlg. Having had years experience in the Well Digging busineass, I amn prepared to do tbis work on. short notise. Write me for rates ad Execulor'& Notice. Pluic .Nulle. la haîrby a.bgveipi b w!,rlh.r. Executor of tise lant WIIs meut -f Jîs.piî Uei. deegend& i tisa CvaUnty court o1 L aeConut>'5i Ibereo.ft.t, b' ho ien "0 lne u o Waukaeaan. I aiuCunon 01 th- day cf iUary ex 1rsw aumad ail ,raaoniahaiv .~Msaglsso tEesaee 0 i Inortf n U ta Elftutor etthe1i 0 0liaTsa saiS decasd. 1 n a Wsnkeffan, N-1,,v mi. 19 GLARENCE N. INIRAND, A',, a.j A& Luock. Cbksgs. NOTICE 0F PUBLICATION. STÂTE 0F ILLINoms. COUNTT OF AK11 Ja in thse Coult of Lake Couat JusY Tenu. A. csatse of Beujanil . 0.~des Care . e rse 1l1e H ames-O 11"lî. .Icever, Henry Morse..g 8;uonm.rfteld. ! a MrAinS lle . Mrsedeflda namoed having been OIeS lu tise 7 Clark of tise <ouatiCutc éIJ Furniture, Undertaki r Paints', Oils, Varnishes, Glass, Putty, -V

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