CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 3 Dec 1897, p. 5

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* PCK D U H RE NDTHEE.qGeorge Washntn was à momber of îî P PICKE UP ERE ND.TH RE. 0 htis only a mattey of une Whou ibe Loal items of lnterest to Libertyville Readers. lecherry troe story will he pointed tu C .&ST. P. R. W. lIME TABLE. Walle Combe, of Chicago, vietteti A coffuI that coats aijoutVourteen P1)S i f i To CHICAGO. 'Lbertyville relatives laou veek. i dollars, and ail trlmmed ready for u.nI. a. -#:96 .6 1 .'II* Miss Blanche Ville la employodaiocpcliatt bt$20,sle Itusselli i e:8 ea5ou1 oferbb67 Wadavort 9:567 os the '-Far" turing ithe holidays. acrdlng touleaouthfrbbr Ourne Mis9Ln0.9els,528 . 6:11lf tat la ln the Undertakers bean aiet Prosperity is here, YýU:el VLLE 6:10-:16 1100.1: utto $150.141. Theres no dmairIL âr :5 i: chooî in Chicago, spent lSîînday une denylng that few of as eau afford ~ Nobody seems to know just where ,. Eeielt 5:60 <dle, is an expenà§ive habit and -111Sne&v"lrio 84 t569=64194r.00 6:M Wdnesday was the final pay day fortunatl vo onlY bave Aî one-. he came f rom, buit his baggage is DeerfIeid 4:0 86 01:44 5 :5 6 iS 4 ni pig fr e poenu h Chimnc <uln fr laeofcka rrîv HICAGO. g1ra0ve ~ utl pigf<r.înl.yes i.beblocking every f reight depot in the land Thi ma iscalingfora pat ofcaks POM IIIAGO gr PA singular illustration of the per. ~~3AO o ..~.Lv nPss.&3 m. '94i :20 55 18:34 Dont faI to give SAS> 01<0 the tailor astence vîtI vbieh thee Japanese ad- Sbrurville 8:2851e:11441 6:11 1-2.s9:1 a calI before buying anythlng you "O rI-om -gow l uc WIea.deelit :4 :47 17 17 21 Waat, from a nocktie tu a pair of boots. here to their fanily vocation la ee " O u reHtme - g r o w n 4.8w h 0t . V7:88 ilin an an nou nem e t found In a J ap _H e_ __ ___ __ __ __ ___ __ __ __ __ a.,deut 81 ti .J Mtoe nivfevsie ie volihave no0 LSSWmIvLE 10.48 au 7:10 9: aneoe nevapaper, taa a certain cote- Try a ack ad YoalfOtlutmon la &UMatiors brother, Lewis Lyon, advife, brateti dancing malter vas tW hûldiA dti euno rseiyi on adavrt.h 0ri &.2 il.., a service in honor of the i,oHlMth auni- Ruaellarive 9:5 6:42 100 The Lakeide Cemetery Association verarof the death of his anceston,to efetb eeyne or~delotet dally. a denotes SondaY OnY. ylmeet t lira. Egers Thuraday vbo vas Hie tlirai of the familye I' nastrv Whr~~~eptnmankplnaOd ie afternoon At 2:30 p. m., 1ec. tl. tk ptepoession.Weha alcon nfr rfis BUNDAT TRAINS. Max Koher lba put conaiterable tk ptepo esalalcm nfrpois FE LoR Lv L bertyvie. aap.m. Ar. ondont topn. nev a elv In ubi store to accom o- If religsonsaorgT waaniOna thofttar TRY ~LLbertrvle. :1 u .. IArCligios UL date bis lut ar B ig J bovibsupiesstistok o Hlidypendiug iheir efforts au freely to French Legion of Honor. No.aCrus naio 8 z . m. l a t gooW .vanquisit aId Santa Claus from Sun- SOLO AT Stop on sl<nal s iouova.Âs R!s5klt? misaEthel Uliban, vho le attend- day achool entertainmientsAanti lrom su oilli;Guue1i8 r ng achool ai Lake Forest, visitedti ul cemnapfeh yILe enrtil Fn 1:3; ndot 1:5; Everetl hmnsfteyugrgnrto we nLibertyville, Ili 1CM brrKtlbb 12:Marrives nC at <5lber moibor t tâtasplace sevenal days vculd vork eqllally persistent tofroc Trlr' ain.U a .nltey nfonlest veek. home o! the oltier mintis of hulmulai Tri NO"iasIsegs eyDu o fo Deor0ol to l've$ Olia 1:00 J. -À. Gage started Tnesday on bis mythe anti togmaa. the barauleas oid There are now 1,500 million people a.rve em. o.n aes1216 . mei.nuibanatll m ne-mnvoU ieImgnto fin the world; 140 million Protestants, 11:2)1I M.est oethîe clotbiug bouse for wvilelh e îemerry youngsion, vouîltitake cane n commercial drummer. of blmself ail righi. 90 million Greek Catholics, Village offlOra. "A Lesson front ils Barbarianm' will Tewrddsr 1aPpe hw2 5mlinR m nC tois AroAifl.~~~~ ,I'r.i.l.Iî:t~~~~................... C. IL AvertiltbetheRenv. John Les subject ai the Jf,~jS5>îappeuov05mlin R anCto cs Ba z i sTboh. Kern. L J. Hoi.eioîibueSnta ounafeailand.Aoubrlte Trum'l-s-. ..Jamnes Noregor. .tL.DuBols. Mtoda hu0 Sna mri g, le J1jjangpand t bi t h es8 million Jews, 175 million i lt..................... W. C. f14) rae ht a oe.'W o aotik Punch anti Judy DURING TH E, NEXT 30 D Y Treiturer.................... X. B. Prayor ttesehat liasne w oh m dasan 70mllo Noija«al......... ......... reaLmaÇi N. rtof Libe Foreth. yl gve latigh, betimes, andi btimeavwe veeP, -et ns ................... J. Fesm»a lecture ai île Preabyterian ciiorcl an tten vo woep aglu. There lna et ns TILLE LODOE. No. 492 -r ~ ueslay evenlng, Dec. 14, conîmene- sbontage o! amlea, asufeit 0f igla. We cannot expect to supply ail of thelv 5stnrtiaav IIea ng ai 4 olook, enlient being bis Thon the curtain la rang dovu; the btw r unsigalto epe P ia n o s AN O rg a n s L :~WRWB".L Becher. Admnission 2c. îeareult awaYin a bo. Sc le&O rsoki o pee A Îtrai and 18ù-d a o! au f0 il' auithli l ii ak&u fur you for ouly 1 Iepilnhoi ~t)n.. VliUng neighbors Ï-"ays velco 1.514.ý constantly adding new and desirable Cils.EaiaaCr.. SazaUAu. y. C. The regniax montl'y buusness meet-1 rackiug bis brain for some urnme tu Ca_________________________ing anti social of île Y. P. S. C. E. viii devs a tvagest goods. Empty gtockinge. le held ti atîe homeofo! Mr. ant i M. bit aillgun il ea o eno, W ael'aseevd e lto (j m.t4r In hoes Othit are hppy, E. J. Madole tis iiaday oevening. ý Ideai o t bando ehv utreevdanwlto he,eroi ildron are dresmlnK ira w iii tale place. Almembers abould i ca mo ht;treigbanltat »d Rugs. They are beauties and cheap. 4 et t ie nerriost day la the er.. endavor tulie preneni. mo lnch oreta h lf ht A - ion gaîber vour darllngs srenld y,..,î1bocomea tireti. If lo au devine In Overcoats we have a "corker" for Ad telthons the story .1 id." C. N. Drant andi famiIy returned tin a omeneemeo give people ambition $0 / r eln oso hm ilteinber the hnIos tînt are'drearv' iheir home lu Chicago tant Bnnday. nn t ire out ileir right l'anti1.W resligloso h lIt.cnbO-r th huerts tuai am co01.1 And unkngte levtbhalsadevýýmîhiî They expect tuomale Lbertyville tbeir once in a vhile they viiihal e det Corne in and let us fit you out W itli ailthai lanticre*t andi issi, permanent homo luI tI 1er uurMate a living, il thibmlefi la idie ail 4.ivu froiy. Chtaf rom your al)u1dan->- hovever, ant i vi ocnnpy the cottage th. ilmo. with wnat you want. hoe'bure buttie ife..oay te blessed. in eourse o! er(îiton for Mr. D uranti ou oiu. .eruu thelstockin<a ha"s elJIty. MlaueAve., vl'en tinlabet.ler samriontcehtap uu An il-or hknlo ftetmss 14naughtlut nin, R. . Coo, rep emntingîthe Norh- poared in su exehange: Mrrled ai Il. B. Co by Co Cali and Examine my Stock t, ýksol s h"ta 1me western National Insurance Com- 1FiJnîstone, by Bey. Mn. Vindatone, Mrn. o e..Js,îl pany, wsxst ailai Day liouday anti NelemiOl' Sandatone anti Misa Wilhhei- Dealers in Everything, I;prvvll Oiytrce see m fil] Chinîmas. paidti tis. (ileanon île fu amount mina Whitestoue, botb of Limotone,' C R.SNotice- the îargaieîa ofYtreti îy olîr of injarauce due ber for ber barn u ngtigmgt rcyat IE T VL E LIO unlotîs ativontisera. hlch burued ai that piaco lest veol. therens boliliti&o b. a biaa*tlig o! these__________________________________ alusa oifte<l ntiJl. ipr The Norilivesteru people are prompt. -otouyp hearts before many -'pebbies' f Chicaigo, spent 8unntiay itl IBen SA'<FOso vili imake ynuî a veî'y ne appoar oîn île connubiai beach. The I utterllel<i o! ihis place. suit for $20 to l.1. grintistolie o! domeatin lnfellclty viii siiarpeu the axe o! jealonsy anti diacorti, S atC l u Presî orhwser atonlBar anti soonor or later one or the other o! <hnd nxiSudau.M<rnlug tiieme, for teNnlase ainllni-thia pair wiii rosi beneat a tolnbstoue. H SA RVDA un 1,i] teviv&a."ls. u the ovenulg -Th.e auco Company lhave been tunneti oven Thon look out for Iniinstone. H SA RV DA ...c11l'IlT Uu ~ll)uFîremai. Foîey bah, removed fnom Smith lantioing a nice lusurance C LE RIN GVinaiirvic: uitPhe O~lakiThe Mfluinageîies d ooe ind! HLofA l Sale Begins Saturdal, Dec. 4, and Continues 1 F. Protines boum- ou Orclarti Ave., bustier along thai lino. gvruetsse fsvn ak 1eet vclt b o.Seîe. Thuelue un Bulers Lake luas affonded ]IChicago rocentlv. Mns. Margaret Y.,1 M'm. A. Dean, o!HllI Day, vîli ample opponîuiity for ilo:so vbn are Keegan, becoming siraiti o! present WITM AN IMMENSE ASSORTMENT 0F SOne vveei- OnIyIassume 'charge' o! the Libertyvlle fuondio! skating te, indulge l.ilat htanîLing instituion, lad appropniatiet Hoiel, laving punchse th îe furnîture beeilhful andi pleasuini sport tle pnau ad srel in ber homo for ber $:.uuSif .....î225andi goot i viiitrom Furney. veek. The tocelua-snooih as gas"saving receptacle. itit abe lad 2 ..... 211fFor tbe preseni île above Ilnm viii andi u unuîually large numnler bave' tovoti avay $8,000f. Thleves broke lu 2 25 '.... 2.041 couduet île saloon themnelves. talon ativantage of île tbrai "reezo ati tole île entire savinga. It vas, 2.4W Flý.r,ýliai, ..... 0 1.76The INEPEII')EnTirecelvlngman p'dtiriîug île afiernonud nid -~ no doubi, a terrible bs toilhe ovuer, T Y, a d u ld y G <42 ~tlun of tle serial siory, entitleti "Wifo Have you accu the pants YOii can île mouoy oui of circulation turingO RLNE0 - -. ....x....onso!aprov2 oryisuetc-ina luit anotfer lad5featun0,OURsloopin :.9 an43.9i aeOnIy- the tirti ialalment boyaiSsFthi orîe tme it vas aeenmlating. :1.101 ......274 o! vîlel appearain thisissue. Rendi this Ladies o! île Aid aoeieiy feol grate- M O T DG AS1N HN W R 2,0o ...... 1.74 . u.ory anti our vord for i yon iii pro- funl W C. R. Shermanl for îhele an o! a P SCHOOL NOTES. I P R E L S N HN W RE 175-...... ...51J4 un ce h Ofrsit clams, piano for thib bazaar. Hovever, voý h monthly testa are tuikiug place Consists of the Choicest Designs of lîi.4u4u i..... .-...... ... --7.511 We are in recolpt o! ivo ample belleve île instrument 1la a~'standing thAs wyod.Fech G r an nd a a es ...u... lioxosof candy, marleti ..compiments adi" for Sherman anti thiollelk ir iasEhlGibmon van a ple»aatFrnh em ad Jp es 6.o... ...... 5.110 o!île Ladies' Aid.' We've testeti sholilt bc grateful for îleiptr cîhr lu~t WedneoaY. Manufacturers: m gii SI-t-o <amil \ .-*t.i. .... ..... 600anti pou'Il mien iî il youfail B: iunlt3' offeredtu indenonstnaie t'Othe Henry Vaille, Walter Bond anti John 4.11.... 30 procure smre at île lazaar tonigli. Publie th. excellent .1uaity o! lusnal- Lynch commenceti nchool Monday. Cups and Saucers, Plates in endless varie î'et î.t< - - - - -- .. (l ia mor île gooti, pare. home-made monta carried bly hiuî. Hoons are Slo ,ee odymrigV ssi ef n oooD sgs -----------------------t ,e c n C iabiout even. Sobo-ul .....K. t, .tnda mriui 1.riýtvDot toc weet. vo; not sor, -'Ihv îu - a u mbr n ttndnc..ass.n.elt ndRooc---ine Butler BIdg. Libertyville, Illinois. and in veli Worthi ibe nominal snom the ladien' propose 1to Ievy for It. John isedam, Wrn. Davison, and Ben Butterboeltiaucompaniod by Allau liutterfleld and John MeYer, of Chica- go, betook themeelves to the woods last Iiunday in quest of any old thing thai mîgbt happen tu corne vithiu gun -hot. ix insignificant rabbia 501 in the vay andi the bold hbunters returned wth ibeir game asId a leunexAlteti o)pinion of their respective ablitY as nimnods iban when they tarted ont. Dont forget the Bazaar andi Caruival tu be beld at the Town RailBatnrdaY I fterflool andi evening, Dec. il, under the atsiobces of Lake CountY 1. O. G. T. tefresbments servei in the booths l.y reprementatl veof o the differeni nations. Articles soîtable for holiday gifta vill be on sale. A fine progra wili b. rendered lu the evening O menoing at 8 oclock. Everyboti] eordlly invieu. A gentlenman representilg igafret o Chicago contractors coulerred i wth the village dada as their meeting Mon- day niglit relative to putting ina vater vorks ayaiem lu Libertyville, and wvas autborîzeti to submit tfgues as to prOlialle cost of a plant suitable for this place ut iheir next meeting- -,fIe sygtein as contempiated vili conalt of a sttand-pipe, supplieti froxl tuibulaLr oileh y menani of steam pumpB i t in proposedtu toPut tn an -Inn] onMiwaukee Ave. from Palr stréé tu Park Ave. andi about a Mlle of 4-mol' pipe dilstributed on it. ~velng aide streefts, attiret. The at-pipe, Weil, engin. hous", pumi and voer MaisOU& l oaooorumding tI te xpert'. off-band euimate aboni linelug for overcoatu', suis anti ponts Tie tiebaieofo a veel a&o0'"19 a Tovu mi SANFORD'I'. Or Country Life Preferalle" vas very The supreme court las elaugeoi îhe veilidianuaed, belug decîdedtu lu aver ruile governîng tle qualificatiomn aund o!île affirmative. time o! tudy ta le applieti ta candi- A veel ago laîti Wetineseay îhe dates for admission to île bar. flore- acholara vore auxions ta lave a tofone onlp ivo poara vas re.iuired, ý-geograpby match," no Prof. hR. >. vhlch las beon raisedta btlroe. A litoops pleltiedti b im vishes anti commission las been appointeti vlo the mach tank place. vitI George viii compose îhe board o! exajination. Lusk ai beati o! one division anti ho addition to a tbrougl luevletige of (leve 1rlce o! île otber division. ht îhele avîle applicatalimuei possean vas not inhleotifor vaut of iMme,n educational quslilications. thesanme as content nemaineti a tirav. If le vere goita b balacliool. This Fnev uhe viii raine tle standard o! np- COUINCIL PROCEEDINGS. rplcants anti lave a iendency bu dmr- LiBxStvyYILLE, Nov. 29, 1897. -tail the niumiier. ,Village board met n adjourneti special meeting Montiay nigli. Full t rdmfae board preselit. Nays Pooiae Matter e! W. A. Deanas bond van The matter of irana!erring Tillotan>u tincusset andi motion matie by GaIll- &Furnepa lenennoto Wm. A. Dean, o! ay, second by Keru ilat It le laid on table. Ayes, Gallovay, Hoyt, Nomn Hlal Day, vas brougli np ai îlae anti licoregor. Napa, DuBols anti yboard meeting Montiay nîghi anti after Sherman. consierable discussion It vas voieci Subject o!fvuter vomIs for Liberty- 4 ta --iay On île talle," vîlel Asvile ,asdiduseipro anti con. on motion o!flinyt anti Sherman là equivtlant ta a refusai ou the pari o!fîmeeting adljoumneul. L- île board ta grant île roqunt. Phono, W. (C. SAciiOlu, Clrk. a votlng-"uap"&siege ilat Investigationi co! Dean's pat record intiuenced l ir 1 :s acîlon,btatingtht evurauiuditernonts 1 IBRY L MA KT , Dad -iry )(1 n I protinceti a letton fr001 a Fort Sherîda gg. uicr dozon-------------u.. t19 a -2 il aeuîuaintance o! his and vbo clalumot atoeâs. im ,.uI4l--------- ou4 f.t W luof o!Deau's reputation ai that [Wood-dry.prgo-rdnu- --- ----400(- 3i50 ih place, vhlcI vas autling lut flatter- Col-liard. In'r tonî........... 610 (a 45o< Ir ing,wvIlle Alderman Hapi produceti Cern. rt er on .oc .1.. .....- no A<& (x le copies o!f ive ludtomeuts. siOme Oaia. gpr tînbel---------------1. 8 19 er- unsaeti, againat Dean. A motion Grount Foeci--------------.... 1a0 à@eta table île malter carrned, four to Brui ,porin--------- 00044 Po two. IdiMddUneam.Ir ton----------3_3i 0 0 10 & a tv .C orn lialpe r to n .............. -(A l2 Hegs. Der »0 Ibol..............- 00 330 Notice. ftrkaidusaseperillao.... 4260 tee Le LoaZ wich. Aagion elgbta anti buta!, ma r la I o ...... i2.10 s i - too lte foif T« lMiUh*, M1851lb....a Bread and Milk Sets, Etc. V/e have Dressed and Undressed, in Bisque, Kid Bodies, China, Rub- ber and FeIt. Toy Dishes, Games, Wagons, Carts, Sie Doîl Buggies, Juvenile Books, Photo.. graph Albums in Celluloid and Plush. TAKE A LOOK AT OUR NOVELTIES IN SILVERV/ARE.5' Pin Cushions, Photo Frames, Pin Ttr Mrrors, Smoking Sets, Etc. Admire our CelluIoid Glove, Handkerchief, 0 Neckte, Photograph, Cuff and Collar Boxs4Ï Don't forget ou.r Mufflers, Handk*r.?qý chiefs, Silk and WooI Mitts and ICI 1001 other Useful and Or- ý't namental Things kept at eee~:, >nflv' T iMMLM J F.C. SMITH & SON, FED CUOER, TAILOR ANI) DRAPER. CLEANING REPAI RING. OVER BANK' LIOERTYVILLEIII.e

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