CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 3 Dec 1897, p. 8

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________________________ I o .1 attentlon to the fact, that belng desirous of Out our Une at Lbertyville, weexpect in the ý%fture to hold at LIbertyville and Wauconda, IcAMotions, selling to the highest bidder, the *911OWlng goods: lAag assortment of double-bit handled axes, Ihing and unhung chopping axes, Extra helves and handies, Hand-saws, Hand-axes, Saw-bucks, Crow-bars, Log chaîns, Grindstones, Wheel-barrows, Corn shellers, Mails, Beetles, Wedges, Barbed wire, Kegi of assorted nalîs, Large lot of Boots, Shoes, Gloves and Mitts, Foît boots and overs, Arctics, Rubbers, Rubber boots, Etc. Blankets, Robes. Harness and Whips, Suits, Overcoats, Pants, Hats and Caps, Bobs, Cutters, Ê~ari wagons, Trucks. Mllk wagons, Carrnages, In short everything to be found-and many goods purchgsed sp.clally-in our large and unsystematlc uine of %Yankee Necessities. Vours truly, *T. V. Slocum &Co. IPALL SALE 0F * URNITUJ3 aT THE Wauconda Furniture Store. SoUd Oak Bcd, Dresser v1tlo 24z30Obunsa, sud Commode, Ouey............. . Bedateade, Pull Bise ............... .... Ail-Sisal Springs, suy aise ............. Bandmome Battan Rockers...... ....... Solid Oak Sevlug Rockerso............ Bevlng Tables................. Croquet Sets 4<( hall)................... Antique Finish Dresser............... ... $16.001 2.00 Up 1.60 2.00 Up 1.60 '75 .65 GAN)1 Fuit Line cf Undertaking Goods, Always in Stock. First Class Hearse Service. M. W. HuGHES, Wauconda, - - - - Illinuis.1 WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK O0F (1RAIN, FLOUR MILL STUPFS, SEEDSe ETC. Lumber, Coal, Lime, and Cernent. WIE SELL THE13WE3BER WAGON, WIIEN YOU WANT or ApiculiImpinets, GALL ON WIGHT & SON, tibertyville, - - - - Illinois" T.Weekly Inter OcelisAlofh News and the best of Current Literature, I leh Moraly Closansd as a PFmly Paper la Witbout a Feer. tissas et tise ne" Magoduna. I ts Youtisa lDepatasto th ie d ilisLtbes fmilthe Nu» cif . tl»Ere Wom ansd nives the brai alaissusions DÉ al questions of the day. 1T» luieOum s ives Il va Pseso! rendin, uatiar oass vasisand bg paWisd 5.inChiag. IabsoMsiauted tu theneeda utthe people Vent of the Alleghany lits. tisas sy other paper. 81.00 PRICE ONE DOLLAR A YEAR $1.00 21» Daily and Sunday Pricesof Dmerb mail.............iSPer Year Proosnybymail .........Mo r luition. of the Inter Dafly and SOUD y y mail......4PrY.s trr '~Srkind........... Addreaa THE INTER OCEANI Chicao. Strike QuickIl IF YOU WANT .The Weekly Inter Ocean a Short Time, We Can Furnish the a~W~1~ Ip#~ osaitbothoa Arou nd th e Cou nty. WIS., CENT. R. R. TIME OOXNO NORTE a m Pm ni Chîcago *9035 1 259ot Wbeellnag mota4 O17 Aptskiaic 5se 49 Se 24 Friris Vlnv MS2 au00 itoaefeller 11ie08s2 Moô duo SIS 18 sa 008 7 10 Lake Villa £0024 000 7010 .Dally esoniot Sunday. 8 Stop only on ciguai. ILa.m. ae. ot. p Lake Vlla 7.41 I129 4 3 Rolins 7 430 4 892 GrakLke 7 57 1140 à445 Itokeeier 01 100 4 54 *Ptmajlc 8 Ti 5il W sae0i820 Oiug ilf ot i10u:a8s TABLE. sem Frt. 8 20 508 p. .. Fit. 11 10 1 140 .1252 1 2 " 12 67 1 Id ROCKÉFELLER SOCIETIES. Ç ONGREGATIONAL Church Sunday @or vlaeo 10:30a. m. snd 7:30 p. m. Frayer meeting Wednegday oveni nus. Y. P..0. E. moent unday eveuingo at 0:42. Jiunior C.E. at a oc0lock. D IAMOND Camp No. 4124. M. W. A. m,,et first and thi d Sturday evecings of each moth. D. 0GRIFFITB. V C. 0. 0. P. No. sis. meet seffond and fourth Thursdl8oe fh nmentît. WILLKNiGoO. N G. 090. A. 08T. SeCY. 0. G. T. mccl Thureday evenîngs of pach week. LESTER liuRnîcs. C. T. J OHN 0. RAGAN Foot G. A. R. nient Baturday nlght on or belore full muon. 1. 8. GLEÂBoit. Comdr. 0 E CRUIRILL. Adjt. Maul goiuz South ......:04 a. M. 9:22 p. nm. liail golug forth ................ 10:03 a. M. ]aW] over land hi tage arrive8 et 10 a. ni. departa ut il a. nm. ROCKEFELLER. Attend the debate to-uglol. Mr. Lindeman vas bere Tueslay. The factory wiil be uied as a dvelliug thio veek by a Chicago family. Mr. snd Isr. Fargo sud fsmlly spent a few dayo in Chicago this veek. Thou. McBride, John Poiteous and L. H. Lltelifeld were Chicago violloro Tueoday. Mro. DeWaIt )(ramer, of Chicago, spent Thsiokogiving lbere vîthlioer parents. J. F. Carie le! I Tnosday moruîug for Monroe, Win., to attend to nomne legal business. A few of our yonng folio atteuded the hop at Hall Day Thankagflving eveung. Mia. Baioo Bees aud daughter, of Long Grove. spetit Mondsy ut Peter Lilehfield'a. W m. Feddler vho bas been on the slck lsi8 for tho past week la rmuchi lmproved lu bealtlo. Mr@. Samuel iKramer spelît Thauko- giving with hier dauglioer, Mrs. Frank Kaigge et Waoconda. Mr. aud Mis. Ld. Rlîzenthaler anîl famly tpent Thankogivîng at Deeîlleid the guesta of Dalvd Fritsch and larnily. A gentleman fîom Chicago vas lorre Wedneoday iookiug the townoOvni. Hie i ontemplating 1coln e WAUCONDA. Mien Mary Conitney la ^vlslting in thoe City. (iso. Glysoclo vas a Wankegau viaitor laut yack. H. Fuller vas in the clty the firat of the veek. Water Eoney took a bath in tbe lakte oue day luit yack. Chai. Vantia and !imlly vere Wso. kegan viaitors laut Saioirday. The lake la frozen over snd the. boys and girls aie getllng ready 10 skate. Mi. Wentworlio, of Mdflenry, vlslled relatives ln tis place the ltit o! tha week. Orton Holobard and E. L. Harrison were Evanoton and Chicago visilors Iat veal. N. Md. Howard la on the sick list. Mr, Hammoud Io 00w worklng lu bis place lu the market. M. W. Hughies bas Juat recelved s fine lino o! Chrbitmas rockers. Cali sud sec hlm. On aucount of the veatiier the Thankaglvlng party vas flot very largey sttended. Mr. Dreves, o! Barriugtooo, expecta lu organize s dancing sehoil lu tibl place titis veek. Ni. aud Misa. G. H. Osmejotf N unda. were guests of Mr. sud Mis. Il. Harri- son unuday and Monday. Mr. sud Mis. 8. A. Ford, (f Chicago, are spendlng s ev daya wlth their son, M. 8. Ford, sud fsmlly. Miss Nettie Murray, o! Chinago, spent a ew days wltb ber parenots, àMi. sud Mis. Jan. Murray, îeceutly. Mr. sud Misé. Leonard, of lisrring. ton. vlsted tha latters parents', Mr. snd is. J. Taooipsoo, leat lday., Mra. Hulobard, wbo bai been speud- lng a number of veeka bere, et for1 Ripon, Win., vbere shée viii say foi a lima. Mr. sud Mis. Chai. Lampheioý, of Xclieury, vlotnd Mr. sud Mrs. Whé. Lampbere and Mr. sud Mis. Fuller lait Bundsy. Union services Win ha jxld, ln lbe M. Ë. chuîcb uckt gSumndsy eveulug. Rev's. Hocblng sud Smith viii deliver short addîeases on tempurance. lteed Burreli, of Colorada, visited relatives sud triendsinlu Iis place lait veek. fie bai been ou a pîospectiig tour thiougb South Amnailca sud stopped bere ou bis vay borne.fie bas located sa claino sud expacta 10 feri oa comp..ny sud returu lu the sprtug sud dig gold. GU RN EE. The C. E. Society in arrangioog forta scial lu the ns? future. J. R. Bsce ansd H. P. lu Chicago on business Tuesday. Mis. M. B. Nottingham vislted lier daughter, is. Lake, lait Suuday. Norman Browu sud ItalploDady visited frienda lu Chicago recently. 1 (ino. Daîziel vent Ici Chicago Satur- dooy vltb frieude vlîo bave bren vîsît-1 iug hlm.1 Il la repoited thal J. Vintcent viii have a sale sud move frouî the faim tl)u oui lovu.1 A W. C. T. '. cotference wss held et Gorne churclo Thtîîiday afternoon sud eveuiug. Aradi Chandler sud Fred Wortho vere lu the City Wednesdoy ou business concerrulg the dairy. Ail tirgugh trains frono tbe uorth1 bave been late for several days ou se- countlo! coid and stoimy veather. BUFFALO GROVE. Abiout slxty tclolars iluthe parochial1 vo 11h a dring toeshol TIýe i"lor)e peacinget heýscMi suad Mis. Geo. Weidnier vliie(d Ther vil luepracbiu aI Je . Giodens Snundsy. Congregatiotnai churclo Sunday mornu The C. 0. F. No. 183 lnotalîrd oigbl iug snd rveniug by liastor. Norulug 0ev manohars lu tbr"Ir Court Saturdsy subjeet, 'Condîtional Inherltauce.' Nov. 20, Af lteoal rrresbmnuwe Evauîng theme, ',A GO-I Ready hoarved loy. Pardon." Ail aie c<rilally Imvitdt Qiea ubr u10ln pol ttend.atleded thIe tance et Arlinigton iottIotl.Higbîs Tlosnksgivlug evtmoimg given TheIod riotlliin' ocboool"' andl elso by Mr. Ernalt Bruîmkborsh. Tloey ther wiitimog stoolx, are thlugs o! the report a goodtlima. puit. Yirs ogo litheoitspelaer vas Mr. Ueo. Spoarlein ailhonorale dilscarto'tl as a taxi book for eveulug member o! Cour No. 1803 died Nov. q, gatheings andand vas hurleol Nov. 12, uder the gatbnimgtosudye long baireot auspices O! the C. 0). F. No. 18L Aler "ýparfessar' viosionlied lt'e "tillai- s Requiem hign mass on the Si. hlarys eandies andt amglit lion folk& the art oh cameiy. chiîogreploy bas pased avay. Good Tuesday Nov. 16, St. Marys cbîrch old limes Ihoose, ud mores the pilty, vas the sceur 0f a pretîy veddiug, il iieiug the mariage ouf Mi. Wm. P . thet ilu base degeorrate olsy@, no Weider snd Mies Mary Scbmlt. At vrltiug our speiliug chOOl exista 10:30 a. in. ltie bridai couple atteoideol wlere, duoroog the long vinlers loy Mr. Ciernens 1'. Weidner sud eveuinigs Otur Young toîke migbit Josepho Weidneî tond Misses Lillile Bchmit anti Celes Widuar slow- cougiagah'. enod iustructlvriy spend îy atvanced to the sitar vbaîe thar an boeur or two. Thase ara tna vain met loy lev. Atoiplo, of Chicago, sentiments vhli latly sniged Ilorouglo sud Father Royer who parformedtIhe tbe bralu of N. Hl. Welch, oui schoooî ceramony the Inopressîve nuptiai 10gb Ormais belng unord. Aller that a joy!ul principal, anîd beou e Youg man o!eddiug fouth vos daIt etJ. G. eneigyanti anxlous te do ail lu bis Waldner's resitence. Thea bridegroono paver for the people oh oui village, h lesa son ut Mi. J. G. Weiduer alos coucludat that tha proyer thing lu o mrember o! the Bt. Joseph Court No. 183 sud as mamber of tbe Y. M. P. vonid hlu oinstituts a ooclety, vbara band. Ouor hast vishes sud good lock oit sud Young rnIgbt ment sud enjoy to the nev couple. literary efforts o!fiae members. The ramllas tOt Frltsy eveuîug Dec. 3, QUENTINS CORNERS. you shall hear the bail o! the Chapei Mr. Win. Erbotiig, Br., le tovu Bock ring eI 7:30, lu vain you o! thn fact et piasent. that a flua fiee, iteiai3' sud musical Miss Aima Knlggn han gona 10 lPark enueralument, &att& ail vbo wviiiErving 10 voik. forsake Ibei irasida foi an boni ai Oba o! oui Young gentleman la busy Ivo, sud mingla vlth tha multitude. g.tting the cage lu trim. Thera la nmre tebk af a Christmso We «sy multitude bccaus» e va apect troseat the school bouse. evnrybody ta corne. Not ouly ieclla. B. Baigboru tostsmre 50 linge sud lions, resdings, solos sud musl ic ii pige vithbubg cobeira, raoently. ha reuteint, but s debate &aatslbe Miss Emma Kulgga vas ont frorn audience. The question Racirai Chicago tu ses, tb. folks et home, re- '-That the Rilîroada uf the Unted ceutly. States Sbould hae Owuad, Controibsd. Oui chase actoîy pai&v a dîvltaud sud peitetby b. ovoiumul, o!194 conte per cyt. a! mus four Oct. is uutonbtetly s goot une, and viii Mi. F. Youg la oili very bnsy at certaiuly prove inteiestiug. The the painting trade. Ha claîmno Iblo hua affirmnative aide of the question viii bie bantier year. haudled by N . Wlch sud Theodure Mr. Fred Kîneger bad no succeai Docker; the nagative hy W. 8. Weicb vili his lubuisi sali vork. Tbay gava sud ovad Bech.Th peaers il up as abat job. and owar Beah. Te spaker are Miss Witt Br , of Beringlon insopend- ail capable o! prodîoclug orne gndlng s 1ev yacks vith ber daughter, arguments sud yoiîu yullehasonry if you Mis. H. L. Bodalmoin. dont attend. At tbe close of the Mr. Fritz Viober sud vIte aspect lu meeting au effort vili bacmade lu make an estended visît lu Wis. lueame organizea slilersry suciety to boidthIeidaughter, Bertha. îagulsr umeatings duriug tbe vluîeî. Cash Slgvsltlieba tntbular veil Evniybody tome, halp la avall the made. Ni. Falmner o! Bairinglon dld cravti and lant s baud lu laioucb tbe the voîk. Mr. John Frceiich in also uev organization. boving oue pot In by tha saine parly. APTAKISIC. A friand saad to melbae other day-"l canuot uuterataud vby my cava aie The torkaye ara gonea bt vIli va doiug su poorly Ibis vînter, Ibeir miik bave foi Christmas, pro-inclug quabîtias »sein la hava lat A. Iticbmu, H. Frilîman sud N. Volz lbam.' Muet every fermer axperieuces vira Chicago visiter@ Tuesday. thîs trouble vltb his berd as u t&ai WIII Bchlay carne home lu a huiiY mmcb lia sureat sud qulekeat rellaf viii la raturu to bis job aI, pullman, Ili. lha ta leet Californie Cramoaint Food. Bert Wiikeiabain's birlhday vas cal- For price and funil particulais address1 ebroled by blalîlrenda, lu acîci Party or t'al u E. Bliamebi, Decifieît. et! lait Tuesday ove. For ARnet (bau. Weldner @oant a fav daym lu 1 vili ient My Imm ta raliable Pss*W Chicago lait yack ieoaring j« m~~u~_fl DEERFIELD. Mis. E. BleimebI speut Weduesday ln Chicago. 1. 8. Tupper bai realgned l bs posi- tion na i ugbl oarator st tb. depot. Hearbert Todd la maklug bis home aI Majvood viti W. H.Enut an sd !sinly. W. B. Wlmo took ln the Woodmeu'a jubiles at WaukegauBSaturday even. lug. Mima Eva and Neli Petts @pet Tbsuksglvlug day br. vltb Ibeir parents. Our towu oSfcars biadtbtter speud the lovu mouey lu giavellug roadi luatesd uof lavsulla. What la tbe malter vîîh tha Daerlleld lllerary soclety. Let ail lend a balp- lng bsud sud bave il atarted agalu. Wm. Murray vho acted ai agent dnîiug tha absence of Mr. Pariions returued 10 Wad8wotb Sunday aveu. tug. Wm. Bartmus, filmer Petts, George Ptister sud G. C. Snyder ver. among the Chicago visitora frontbere Wednesday. Baverai o! our people attended s meeting of mllk shipperu lu Chicago Mouday sudunsed their effoits tu ellect su organisation o! the shippeis of Ibis vlcinlty. Deerteld la becomlug quit. pros- lierons. The C. M. à St. P. raiîoad bai IL t1he terminai for suother train arrlvlug at 6:36 p. rm. andIreturing leaves ut 6:50 P. M. George Parsous ieturned from bis Wlsconslu tnrp Moudiy moînlng aud reatiued] bisdulieo aI the station. Mis. Faisons îemalqed sud vili speud the veek vitb friands aud relatives. Th@ IUD"ttRJOIORIo efl sids ast local paper. Eveiybudy saakiug the happenings of &bis locallty readi l, for the reason liaI it centaine tbe neyrs. Whou suytbiug happons wbteb you wonid like publlsbed @end lilt teIhe publiabers or leave uit the pootufilce. George Adamosvbo aimbeen runnnng a iailioad camp for Mr. iHauser durlng the pait yeai vas bere one day lut veek vlaituog bis parents and then took bis departura for Davis Jonction, Ill., whian be vif beo loated feirsnome- lime vibh a camp. EVERETT. F. to. Ellsworth and famlly bava e Iurned to Chicago for the vinter. W. B. Corcuran opent sevaral nîglots recently as t'nlgbt mua"'aI Wairentou. Joe La Cosi bas got veîy comfoit- sbly etled in lis nev ItiarterK at Everett. Mr@. Doyle, o! Chicago, sansecoruil our Iown Monday, gettlng e loosd of tiers tu take lu Chilcago. Mr. sud Mis. 1). E. Gibbonsmos e, caled lu Chicago onue day lait veek loy tbe siekuros of Mi.,. Johu B. Lillis, daughtero'f Mi. Gibbons. Ve aro.glood te knov abo la nov couvalesciug. Another case o! heart tellure la te- ported lu our towu. Wbile J ohn Buins vas vorklng vith bis teaun lait IMou day oue o! bis boises dropped dead. The -village physiriano' pronouoceol il ,heurt fallure.- Among Ibose vho visited Chicago the peuaIyack vain Messre. John sud Frank Tulley, J. Caralan, B. Lancas- tei, E. K<och, D. E. Gibbons sud Jas. Lyon», Mesdames. F. H. Zerwer. Martin Mlody aud D. E. Gibbons, Misées Auna, Tessa,*[amie sud hîttie Yore. Christ- mas muet ooiely ba coming soon. Ou Friday, Nov. 26, there vas held et Everetî a meeting of ail the milk shippera aroutolwîo for lbhe purpose. o! obtainiug membars for lion Milk Blipperaâ Union of Chicagot. i Jacksofo, o! Chicago, gave the shîppers! s vary good talk, sattlng forth the rea- Bons0 why al milk shipparo sbonld lie- long te the "U1nion." The muan rea- sou given vas tu lbe able ho obtaijo fron the lunion as ,oateuîent sootug the "rahiug' o! ail milk buyers et Chi- eago, sud If these bîynro are nol pro- peîty boîtiers they caunol baudie inilk, tbereby barrilng tout al Hue pour sud non-respousible N lue of the alippers thoumght it vas a gooi thiugsd appoiuled Peter Davsou as Piesidet alis place snd Jas. O'Coto- uer Becretary sud Treasorer. By ap- plyiug lu aither o! Ihese ofliciais lu- formnationnehaobtalued lu regard ho the nIaes sud regolationn o! thelUnionu. DIAMONO LAKE. bilas Telle Bouse spent Tbartka- glvIug at home. Mr. sud Mis. George Mitchell Iook s surprise dînner vltb Mr. sud Mrs. Hariy Kubi Tburoday. Mine Allie Blilnski enteitalued a fev friands Saturday avenlug. A very pleasant aveuing vas enjoyed. Misa. Gisce Towuer and ber biothar, Charles, speut Tl0nkogivlng et tbeir grandpareuta, Mr. sud ir. Allisan. Mr. Bau Davis ieturnad la Chicago Tuesday morilg, aller spendlng Tbsukoogiviug vîti bis aister, Mis. Darby. A unmbar attended the shoting match Tbnrsday, arnong the iucky Ounsbalng Mi. Heury Ost, Ivo tuikeya. a rocstar sud adock; Mesue Budolpb Lofrance, Day GrifiStb, WIU Bouse, Will Markham, Chai. Whitney. Win. luasman, aud Mr. licQuellan. HALF' DAY Dont for t et Ia urade bail et Hall DyClbBusTuraday aven. iug, Dec. 9g (ood munie lu altendanca. It vili lia the avant of lbe season. Dont misanl. See bille. Henry Englsbeiry bas the job, o! RLenters ! ~T 1 Can Show You where You Can Buy For what You now Pay for Why make a slave ofiYourseIf and family for years, and have nothing Ieft in your old age. 1 can Introduce you to something surer than Kiondyke. Cali and See HO. PADDOCK, Real Estate ýnd Renting Agen4 LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. Keystone Corn Husker and Shredder ...... H usk» corn .and -makes hay of the stalks. The Sterling Snapper and Shredder-, AI». nekas ay of ths taiki. 4 Hummer Sulky Plows. 4 Brabley's X Rays Sulky Plows. Ah Bradley's and Deere's Walking Plows. a4___ 4BUGGIES - WAGONS - TRUCKS. C Lumber,%AMP Coal. S ALT, CEMENT and TILE, Rope, Twine. Etc. G.H.Schanck & Soli. SLIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS* WAUKEGAN. AUCTION SALE. If la îumored Ibal su organ lzation The uundersigned yUl agiI aipal la being !ormed 10 constinet su alec- anction on th,. J. 19. Fanmeag trieolina fron iIbis City to Nenoshia.kuow n as th0e >chauck fari lé M West o! Liiierlyvila sund Imil.@as The reports ara vagua but Kenosha Rockefelle'r, Baturday, Deols« seemo lu ha c<uuideraloly sgiIttett ver I1477. Comuoeuciug as 10 ooc i the malter. tbe folluving dascrlbcd pîcpffly, 22 chie cuva, 5 opriioger., 6 nov M C. T. Hnydecker bas beau apiuoluled balance glvinig mik; 5lmsa Grand Leclurer lu the Modern Wood- vork teano, wt. 2410; 3 qworks hom mati of Ameiicio, wilelo vii conopel yearling collte, 2 brood soya, t9v.. hlmn lo t avaI 'joie a bit, bul it in the aid colt, 5 fat hogm, 13 sboota, @"o1 7 pige. 400 tons lame bey jlubh pleasaostest kind otf woik. lI a veek omail stickis wild bay, Stock ci~v or satlha wil startfor Ohiott ebgin soed, 3 iasokaon0t 5ev, 5 Bais» bis uav vooîk. SWLolk, Me 0bu. onta, jM milk ouls, bu. corn lu crilo, Catter, mii w Arrsugemeîols are unoier may vheie- pair bodtsledio, à lumber waNs, 40. by 1ev. H. G. Leonard bopes ho lu- Champion self bindIi.Mcoom duce P'rof. Litlela1.u tiliver ton le,- mover, liuckeye meeder, 2 sulky el tures lu Waukagau. Mr.îLittle lnaors, vsliog c'itivatoi, hay i the ldet sd uostaloluet Gaie sulky piov, 2 waliting piomu, one o! h letad oteoletrack, buggy, 2 et harrowi, esti speakers lu Atuerica, sudit i tetires harrova, double berne"a. vould bha srare mentaoltreat. jTERUNOS ALE-Ali oms of $10.091 Oite ucsh ln bma ovai $».$ An article lu the Rteordl Haturday ecredit icon 000e year vilii bagiv rnorning manuotncedt ilot plans are good bankablo, notes bearlugô a peu diug vbereloy Vandrbilt lulerenta fulereit. 2 per cent dîount ae lu the soitî cotai districts of the cent on ail sunos over $10.00. No pro" remnovoqbuntili ettled for. sud veaqtmay leoacured. Itbsplanned ANouRE1 RELOmAp, J. R. Piso lu huild a direct lina of îaliroad froni W. H. AmPFLg, Aucîlonoer. P Went lVirgînla 10 Milwaukoe, haklug luin ail the lake ports, the route of vbicb Ruacutora Notice. vouid uecesssrlly corne through Wau- FtloNootiS 1.r,-mby givenîkal serîbor E ontt ftht I" tWii a kegan. Leticourne Mi. Vanderilit. ,u'tîi..J.,,ýî tooi lraa u thfu coaty cOotn0ufL*ko Coua. aï. Aboottlfoir ociock Bliudsy afler- tieofouf t)u, iloudon 5et te Comï(a o norethe fotrteen yeer oIt sou .oîto IlSali ieutlO olYn îihe outil. A. Douiltîle, &hot the foie lugor ai p-sonahvguamaanot tataeai, totiloo sud raouoeted te Pm of bis lefI baud iutn iipiitero.le 'the estoc Vo salol Court fo ddEst- - vas piaylug at bis home ou Lincolun xn _ 0 h sdtr avenue sud out sa loaded revolver Safitd deaiod. vhlch ha eagarly, ai boys viii do, Wakgn u.tti.ool grabbad villo enlhusaam. Il vas CLAReNCE N. DUItAND, AU'ly, 5~5 only a few mitnutes unti Ihe accident Block, ChikUg. occuireol. The bullett veut tbrough bis linger splititng il entirely lu tva NOTICE OF PUBLICATION. sud ueceusotstlng amputatiomn. Dm, n LL70s Kniglol sud Foley dit the vork. The COtUnTT OF LAKE. t eCog litIle feluv is doiug as weli as coîit OtLake Couatin, antarPyJC ou tiC lueexpacled, but lien s mark b,, wiii CJ'ntu(n N. , utI dadmintiamet escatm ot Btuoauuin t.Monsd.s Canin mbr.LmýýE. orli.l,, 0.50..îi Don't be persoadet bno b oying liniments vithont reputatioto or neit -Chaimberlain% Pain BsIm conlten mors, sud Its mentIs bava beau pravan hy s test o! many yeara. Bucu i ettars a the folloviug froux L. 0. Bsgiay, Cal., ara canatautly belng recelved: "The boat namety for pain 1 bave aven usd a BChamberlain's@FPain Bau, sud 1 say au alter havlngoused t lnlumy hamily foi several yeaas." It cures îbanmaîiam, lame hack. sîuraimos nd ovallunga. For sais by F. B4. Lovabu, LIbeilyvilie, J. lB. B.AscHiz Guiee, L. H. LITcUyrEnt, IRockefeller. "Ny hoise vas lioubled vitb lia mange sud vorma, maklug bim naines, fur voîk oh suy klnd." Thus spoke nus of my aujuaiutancas the other day. But nov b. là ln first-cîsascondition sud ail owing lu Californie, Crasent Foot for sae by E. Bliemabi, Deailleit, Ili. Otf POLAND CHINA HOGS Our Clubbîns LIaI. Note aur clubbing litinanothar coluon. Von can sva mouey by clubbiug'tIsa Iw»MNDuoonxr iti any 0! th* payers, 1menioed lu lb. Uit; enid la st ", IW putabs ;!er H Ynrrm' thé non residenop elie H. Momse deii lOd-en filn.d lu Ibe Ounty Court ut Là V7 Klvto the . Furniture, Undertaking, Paints, Olis, Varn ishes, Glass, - -Putty, wk m

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