CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 10 Dec 1897, p. 1

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LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT. Vni. I. iNo. Ç9. Lîbertyville, Lake County, Illinois. Fridav. December 10. 1897. $1.50 a Year in Advanco. Dr. Charles Galloway. Offiasover Lovei'sDrug Store B50055 FEOM 1 TO 3 ANDir, TO iMP. E. Libertyville. -Illinois Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. Office over Triggs & Ta'yior's. 7 to i'tira. nir. 2 tri 4and fi. to ms p. r Iteideloce onuItrordway oîpposîite Park Libertyville, Illinois. Dr. A. L. TRAVIS. :0O111111 ILL 1 A. W t TO 'ANt, 1 TO il1,.M Bpecial attenttioni paîd te tht treitmenfl t <rouciriheumatiint. Rockefeller, - Illnois. Dr. H. 0. B. YOUNG. Physie ian and Surgeon. Gurnee- -- ----- lilnois. Dr. E. H. Smith, DENT IST. office over J. .w. Butiers b!dg LibertYVlle. I. D.E. V. HARV EY, DEN TUST. 'Graysiake - Illinois. W. B. SCHAEFFERS NURSERY y>rrrl ' ..ttrrÀ - O. F. Butterf ield M. D. C. VIETERItiARY,[I (ijON l'sA'NI)iltitn Lns tai yviIr . Ii. .ot PAUL MacGUFFIN, AtLerney anti u înreîr t Lu%,. N0TARY PUBLIC Mipet'hti atteitiirIa lsii iAl itr oiiFI n r rNili %cle tt iI L"r Lbertyville. Illinois. LIBERTrYVIL LE HOTEL Eiguftt iiiifl ng -1cespfted. 4.d ttnit srrtritEl i.nagb t. fLxigl-raom Sersvice Fîrit Cias. TILLOTSON' & PURNEY. P-a' LIBERTYVILLE, -ILLINOIS.J W. H. MILLER. ToNS(IU.1 AL ATfST, Wiheu VrW,t at .trt i Ianli r lr gonieti irr'irt ta ii A GOOD FULL. MEAL, Al ,r-r1 r r .rrar, r a.jnr F'OR25C:'. Kings Restaurant Oui t fr pr i r ' tll <,,GOODS ... BLANKETS, FUR ROBES, FUR OVERCOATS. Yo'Il Frad Theta bon- CHAS. KAISER, Libertyville, - l-it. LAKE q COUNTY BANK .... Wright, Parkhurst & Co. Libertyville, Illinois. -o- Issues lnterst-Beariflg Certificates Payable on Demand. Weil Digging.' preptured i t-1ti h l uiShor Lnotice. Vt t ite utIe fort tits îand tjOMER FELTONI ELECT OFFICERS. A CHILD SUICIDE. Forty-fifth Annfli Election of Agri- Forence Bock Taxes Poison anti cultural Society. Dieu From Effecta. l'heottrty-ilth aninuai electiln o 1 Last Fritiay night, about 6 o'cleck, oifmcro of tihe Lbke ('ounty Agriciti- Florence Bock, took poison coitaining titrai Society uceurred aitihe towfl iiirty grains of arsenic, and died hall, Liliertyviiit', Wedundrty after- Saturday morning ai 3 ociock despite fleuri. 17p to day ot election but Ulttle ail tirai medicai akili ceuiti do to interehti was apparent, but two tickets proictig ber lite. werî' Initire lld irowever and the The circumastances of ber death are taille Iîelew itidicates tireir respective peculiary aad. IL a fit ot petnlancy, strength. lt wooki seem, ta trighiten ber mother Uphîn meeting being called te rrder uho bati admnisiereti uhat alhe be- tliti- sitrttarys antd trpaaurer'si reportaIlieved to bcie dserved rebuke, she w'rîr readi and apprîrvîd. h was voted iook the potion that endird ber lite.1 te alîlrairiate $10 ftir a -lwrite uit" uf Tiere witf, ilt ix quite evident, no1 the asociationt andi tair grorundis in ai pnrp<se eof seit murder. She rapeatedi pamiphlet îlewsr'rptietî rot Libertyville, agaîn anti again ber sarrau for having rîaw lu hurîdri ef the prite.rsi, and thonridonc ubat sire diti, and ber ignorance tillrwed tire electiouietrrof t,,tire ut the slerloustres if e ber act. lier age Vrter r'i.t fliîg aUN tolleuni aud Inexperience malle ber offense rr1; Ir.1rnItrL'. leu heineus than it wouid lie In an tj;, "yit...r,,..... ider person. liers was une of thunte i-.rîrrt. rrnrrrî~r iervoux tempermentsi cauing ber tu t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i M.ierrir ~irether deblpondent or joyouls. andi trio ibis may ire'attributeti the set that'atirrCi ~,,crit ber)lite. SShe hadoci turmer occasions mized ..~,r ii AraSSait wtitb waler and decarlng tu ber j.i i 45 r, ~ lrrtirers ant ilrsters h was poison she jr~ irr.tti.,.rrrld drhinkit. Hlicre uben one ot nu Il. rit m r. is riia A st 2.1Ii-r Mi.r E. . Itrtri titirtý-ai repoiriter i M2 3ua :os rîrIi ai.ii i lotr flirta t rriiry O. h rrtrttirgltrti i rrtiratr fifirragir t. M.~5 .,.,.iirraii t. Si irari.irrrrirt Vrjffriigaii Mititrstti Si .nrr.rrtrrIa h' "'rit" r I t.rrr rtytiiii- s.'Cri2tatyit Aur ... r - n Tr.rrrsrarir i4.-'t r.- tr'.r! . IL r. i r'.: tract. nutd ,.iatratirr IL,..,' ta' rrti.t irttri!s -r arr.. ni,î ri-r.rtrr'iar r. r. rîtir.r nrrrrr.-' 'Jr'.' rit-. iri'iitt anri Sits r-. .4, ...ia t't iii trrriiarrarr-. i. ,~.. a.. . r tari r arr t. tir. r, t i.nrt'i iLrL-..,rr t r'- .rr,. t i arr.rir i S ira r' r. - r, t t'ri wS * i. .0 245: i. rit it i -t, *4 -r- 2~2 tir * r Ai. trtiir ,ii~, r., l'tbbens at AntIoch.a i irtîtnylgliriNos'. 30,r tour rttl.trrr. dli hr-iir.rtia tellows nhtiiitwenty f iit-sd tueuty imtî'-nyeariý ut 5BCn cnnrrL r he tarmne et jowaitn1icirnroe Aiitir)Cir.,irrr reslem al"itte wtb a mai nairird iAchetabachl. ihey tirrke tnt-o the hrrunrealte-r bsiitig fmura ibreugir tire rieur ant i wndos s. 'rie two tin erne setzêd andti indic trmn in thetr lid en- ii'itire mient rausacked thne hbot's,' irri tri their dtsallpituent oird lut fuir drllais Alter the hnrîrse usr tiirot.igbly scarctieti they bibrinîti tilt Crias boi' anti drîre tir Brisatolai, W ntrasti. t'rotrr trer theyt 5tlkedt tir tieaait lPrairie anîd itiardvdt a pasarurigi-r trm irtri, srneslar. i ridait urglit tirnts Liri-uier, lirrv li'tide'i',t ltrr Nlurelluiitie anti Lewss i'ar %r vere arrestîd ti a Kklhll onî aia rr Mlsrririi, st'ereoptu Mirrvhi'bi'ir turrîrîstate 's idieure andi -irîtti.rt.4r impllicat inrg thérèairese iauîd urîcîr . W aokegaîr rritrritirr mrt ni titi -rt saturîiay n's crît rg ami the ifiters trntk thre irai tracinfr rîrht'iitt. %Inre-iourir( r'rianisted te ago tir 44arîke- gair toir to uitihe rtirer tirerire rt-tiid tri. Irarrrc-trr l'y air1III it ti ti .,r. t iris i t-t-4i-rary ifur SIienuflti rtrst i gorti n iet., frr Teri uitinîn purm on Goii tLii rrrr S'tiotelti aundi reur ttiir'i iii- soi-rt tir MadisonttrW i., yr-trnnrg ui . niiri-I or hî bi rrsotir' Ne Jury This Term. i ltai-ts iii Ire tir)jury na'smttridai tfins terr i utie circuit crort nus in -.stit uit irtiegaur. 'niese ct'Asi'itare tri Iii î-rrlîebreaftttr te tire Iurcir r&irrit ttoiîcr ternis. Stittilt tuy rit i .i-ut ritrii a itriiuiail'aiw e uire 'a leratîg duritrg t e irtii, tintretore, lit- Ittitîilr-r lleitrigiity ortsarivi triliiy itry'. ber isters toiti the motirer "Florence riranit poisoU"n 0n particnlar attention watt given the'rnatier outil sire le- Came atck, uben la dactor usti Bitta- mîrneti, but te late ta avail, andi sie died nrtwithistrirrdirg tire clets tu bier bliait. At tire reecnt revryrri taetitîgsir elti at the Metirediéi cîrîreir she exirestiet a tietermminatirr tri be knuuwn herice- fotnirasa telower ut Christ, accepting Hirur as lien avirir, andt here isna doubi ai t tirtie nerîigeîins 01itber pttrposéc. Mîr. antIdia. Peter Bocýk anti vouiti bave beerr ltteen years ot age Tues' Lay, D)ec. 7. Foirerai services con. ducieti by 11ev. Heuver were irelti at ire Unionen htum'ir un<lay atiernoon, Interment being in Lakesitie cemnetcny. Crushod to Oaath. A terrible accident oeurred ai itrndtuut esniy Wednesday morltîg, wbcreby Deii Pitiver, a itrakeman tor ire Si. lPaul roati lest bis lia. Puiver siteppeti beimeeni two treiglit cars 'rjnipped witir patent couplera, atter iraving raina-t tir eive'r te uake a ceuîtiing. lie wancaugbit asi beiween tire r'nîîîlcrs, wîrich wcre raupiati trigetîrer itavîtag almo8t severing iris t'iiver warr iwenty-six years et age. île wàà hem ai Wadavrtl b,, s cunty, atni liver i aiMiivaokee.Hle iavemaa wite andti tue hiltirei, tîne' a babe rot tor rWeekrr. i ti SH ERM ER VILLE. AlIirtriWuitf usa) tricitagor we'r- ileKday. Paul Fehd bas quite a cnrri8ty in tire shape ut an aiglt iegge lsve. A.ik b lm about it. Christ. Enel bas iieen suftering witir aitattack of Iniiamrnatory riret' iatiam durlng the psitt tew days. Tbe Aiip Brick Ca. bave shut down titeir plant for tire winterr anti tirite a tew 0! thre ampiayees are leî,king frîr a winters job. Misa Beedy, accoinparsied by a tew trienda vire have beerri vsiting ber tie Pesttweeh, went lte cuicagri wen- riesday mernlîrg. r Cards are oui a4erriig titi rMar- niage uf J&a. McAdiq te Miss Fitrrenre Hatch, tu lake pia= ai tira hornoth ie Val zimmerman nd a tew triendn. went up to Bondon aird Everett Titeit- day ou ra brutîexpi-diiori. Val1 generaiiy returns With enrrugb gamni tur tire ubule town, andils salte tirs"y we shiaii dinie on rubibt Stnday. Tie xeesas on laSIP Tr C4ilyttirla) large increaste in tire herse sir<îrrrg business. Sa Irruc i r, ru tact, tirat Henry Lorenz sud bis amîisaits aere 'ca7rieltas work uititlir-tr mîrlrigirt Tuesday. Tire uriter recevetil a letter fromt Suas Shrermran, daitî@dElira, Nebrraka, sia&ting that iehadTi ear-iedtitaiplate anti vuniti tay tiiere utîtîl tire wiurl ceuseti blowitrg. Ai, ttat terne as about ten inthes orarrt'luit tire ueatber was not caiti. WhiLie trylog ta etteet arr ettratrît tir iis home, Chaules Schidiittiaits 8rî,t snd gigtiy tjured iy iis wtt,'. Tie andi gianced, leavlng cnly a seul,) wund. Tire shootiing was tir, resuit ot a tamiiy row, anti prlsttly ne lîgai actien viiilie taketi. "Jît'm cClinsty, tire chiampiionrrrttick wbeelerot the Alsip yard, bas lî-ti unr compaUy ta taLke Up bis surKit,'ir) aU- ailler chine atnd anrong rew trî'odnt. Sotue tolois ay isîcudylte and ibi goiti tever have lured lirriawray, trut agaiti hisaaotbenticaliy statel that Prairie' du Chien ciainis hlm as a reen'it. mtumor iras n that ihere s ia'itng tormet lnt aur mruaiiy quieît trt-rn a White Cap organization. Atnrijotlgiiig trum ti"sdiguatihtp family ijiarrel wbiciriouk place Tuenday tveîrhng, it rigbt posibi! he tire r1îîckeet sari Ie-sti riearns orît bniithing trri r ridai tirai wlicir ias beceme alurea8t a publtc nuisance. Talle warning ye isba havi' ibrust &Asaial rigtity ic t'ottiiig gimiri citin' lit a iaw attilIng vtrmmunuty. NORTH NORTHFIELD. NheORitTH Evngeicl hurchhel thiir îjuarteriy meeting Sunday. lIra. Geti. Weslilngsuncie, Courait minier sasa out trom tihe city lut i eek. Wii Piagge vas engageti last yack cutting vooti vith bis circle aw. He alita providit ire urrutifor Mary Oit- man, John Wesalîng drove bis spry htile horse ta the cily lasi ueek. is roati- ster bas traveled ibis route nuo oten, tirati hcoild intithe way siene. lienry Meutzer wili probabiy lie app<tinted roand commisalanar UtrinI tire uneipireti terni rcu John Stryker, resigneti. Ha la a capable mani, uho willi give satisation te everybody. lire ciiltiren are very busy 00w iearning pieces and suangs for Christ- niait. Boys and grils practice 'tili yorr are able to rentier a gooti declamattou; tur you viii regret h -raite tay, it yîmu are negleettial. Hienry Mentzer rm i, r enterPrisirig tarmer and asu keepa a good dairy. Atirotgir be makes cansiderable butter avery saeek, tire snppiy ins ou equai te tire demîrotianti irecoitlti dispose et orucir mure ifl ire batih. 1irit Lorenzer, tire music teacher trom Arington lieights, ubu need» on itrirductiion te tire pdullc, bma ddeti arrther pupilite ber fliaiun the persan of Misseiiarmann. h ln certaily a cotamendabie trait o! character ta cri- deavar a4imlprove thonse talents witir whbt eut are endowedtu t a greatar or lt-sa degree. Lite ut what ut' make it. Let rît înrtke tire best ot it. WESI NORTHFIELD. %V4 hue Warri died tant Friday. Matry i-taack vs'il Iat (rienview Tieitday. Tîreadore Strrrk rettirneil Irnie Thurstiay. Misslinnie Menizer andi F. ('lavey vimlted i miii liaack Fritiay. Tire I2rDEt'EtDL'IT takeg tire cake for a newspaper anti don't you target IL, The spoarts of! ii vivinity are arixiotisy waiing fer tire \ra.s hcli- laya. I;ertha Drawlrt'irn wil resume vork at The, t.reve. 1r. S. fi.l.its gone tii sec lier. M.i8saMiunie Stiaîklihatreturni tir MIr. Appleyardls alter Ia tht,',-weekrn in the Cty. Hello' Wbere rs oui negular cor. respontdent ibis week' WVe want tire nessa trîtu hit ianti everybody every- wbert,. We rreci-iveil a loiitirfitems this week w bih we do not flot puhuîsh because thnrv taikeri aasignature. Correspon- S uaertaser fHeathi icciat, hecc rac A grand wl terrg andti baIil wlitic - y .o. .-- roan u Lilirtyvilie &ie ite reltiai NirthfIeid baIl Ssttîrday eset-iena oldlwysi teTDm, innînest trronuberîce iirey ucre later ingeLice. il. Tire hall lis rntu under net necessarily ton publication, buttas set te Miwaukee. the management of Cit. Honiel, a rerge o! giieti aith. whb rrccently purcirasestitire place (f Gary invites Dscusion. Esereti Ciavey, anti bas reunodoet anti GLENVIEW. pleènastiutre lera apre cmmen greatiy improveit i. On thIs graond Mr. F. N. Hofforan la bavirig a rau pensurî'hewommedatincommn t pening rilgirieverything wil ile,>lbarur erecteti. tanbis iarrtet ostiovngfobatiks gratis. Everyberly ta cordaiiy iii- Mn.fil. Appleyard la iraving bit, estblihmet o potalsavngeban s itedttecrime anti partiCiliaWe ei t bnirise repairîl. lire expectittatuyaov anti Invites tuther discussion ut tire royal god titre, free et charge'. As into fi sourn. mojet.--f estoapter-grbouaslias been prevtrrsay chronielt'rin th Ie Mis. GM. Bryanit, ut Chicago, togetiter," tr rrEthe"ENT, -gnel«YMr. Hutanelibacs put vi.utr'rt relatives berelaoi's'eek. "-tire rgitplain caolie devised. andîtie a plaintr tiunirs irgs ton tht. tîrat ta wirat tire courtn'y uatts." hbouse, andt he plîace- ta irateil tirrougîr- 'I be ruser ts nt rir orzeir ovin andi fi haenDt (>tten tirai a callinr't elicer îot by Kteao. iProt. OCoîtîrr, tr- trh- young peuple are trrking advantaga maniftesta sîîch a disposition te leara tatnoos inusirjatii, tl Cicago, lias tuei if the- beautiil ice. tbe dsr-ie oethtie peuple ronimatteta tf nt ge te frislirthte rmusic, atrîl t The weddinig heuR iare titty iuging legisiatirrtr nctreited with tht, us neetileas te say thîît ail tirire dtisr-un nîrîr teuri. We hisear tirent cbluing dev.lomeitohiseprtneii ost ig tti tp eibiIglirfartatit ns il i tuiefrst litr e i'ctng aooti. mjaster Gei-teral Garys rernesitfor a tint' music ut tire liiropekitat. A Iluch i Thi' Juniotr Lengue Mission Soc'iali side8preail iroimlat expresion oftuil be éainscil ail theri' îits, atrîl bt-hi ai tire home ot J. A. iutcliitgs opunonotinrtire subjeci siroulti tut Yhn lctiaYi)enpet hýwmasieesfnnilY witin hearty response onritht' part utferngnt ira y mi ctiiete ir Irashe adîceas ild mnc tthebory.o tire people. The newspapers have natnete)t.ît~gniitm tt ~Tie itti i e itr rm n aitr'y erirln'i tir.y IntheMrs. Mary Nealey huit Tirurstiay iec. toatter. Laber urganizatimns.teo u, Tanchera' Rdinu irce. 2iirt. iA ery enjoyalile day watt speot. have veny generaaiiy givîti conidera- 'lire iexi meetung titire cenrai Tue lofant Bountif Mn. anti Mra. A. C. tens tii the sabjeci audti hiaimtist divisiroutf Ilinous Tî'acbera ieadig Strayer bias been very tick. We are uuniirtotis voire baveasîketi ton pestal Ciree willibe helti ai Libetyviiie glai te krioulha us now curivaieitcing. batiks.itremaitns nons ton otirer Batursy Dec 18,comtaancîng ai ue Mr. Ciras. lteed baaruiteanrrxteusnve bodiles, especitiliy tirase nepreseriting o'clock. Ail iurteresieti in uonk etfniik route. Glenview was mucir tu tire commtacical interestftire counitry teacherm are ercialy inviteti. Tire reed ot a mlkmari. We nulle lu sisir- ta give their approval ta tire agitation, tuîîoinug prograinn ias been prepaned:i mît uni unliirteti srccess. in entier ibat congres tmay ha assureti lchoul Becrecationg anti Dities--Cbap. Mr. C. Hugeri ias builti s niruadîli- tiat tire sentiment o! ail classes in tire 11 Miss Simapson, chap. iir, Mies t ion te iris store sud ba& equippeti the natiaon Ja vitoaily unitOi luntaver ot McAtbur; Lessous lu Zuulogv bIutter- bîildig wuhb teata bcating pires. tire ealy establishrment o! these maich tiy, dragýuliY, grasKboppar, Heny E. C'anlia Je an enterptittinî bustlier. 1riectet inIstitutionst for the satc-k ep- Barrn; ' squashbiug, ecrada, hIiacký George anti Lanie liutchigs arr- ying ut tire savirige ot versons ut auimtaerx,, R. W. Chrchil; tire happy owners uttuo newv 'yciait, âniederate mearia.i taay lie truie tirat mudwasp, paperwasp, irîney bee, wiicb their tather porebaiseti ton ltire commercial andi boiness classes itatie Hale; tirai attt eeft'arit ti tireur ibi' city lasi ueek. We expeci eto the couuntry have not sucir an Verilce; disctuatiiiti i'îily (i. E. in tire near fture auir town wiii lhe tmmediate persanalInitenest In tic Churchili. troteti tan lia; century idens. estalihment e! Postal savinga habkaMr.. tA. Ilurtcinnus anti Mns. Dr. AT WYNN'S BIG CROCKERY SALE!' Pancy Lawps glu rokerye A Full Stock'of Holiday Goods. At Wynn 's, Cor. Genesee andWaahington Sts.,,- WAU KEGAN. NEW STOCK STOVES., CailI and Examine before Buying. H eating and Cook ,Stoves that can't be beat for Price and 1- -3: . rnl, ____ E.Stout's Patent SNAG -W Rubber Bootst-!±vers. OnIy one Quallty THE BEST. If you are dissatisf ied with the wear- ing quai ities of the Rubber Boots and Feit Boot Overs you have been usinig. your troubles in that Une may b. ended by wearing "Snag Proofs." We are the sole Agents for Long Grove for the above. We also carry a full line of 'Wales- Goodyear Rubber Goods,. and the Celebraied Mishawaka ail-wool Knit Boot.- jOur Stock of Horse Blankets, Duck Coats, Caps, loves and 4 »î ittensis complete. Ail Goods Mr.MKrlyBsoaPvn, as have tire wsge.earners. bat the How to prevant Pneumof.lia. leniotan' - u tredls "ia 1ire wife ofthtii'Preident ban git'eurcommricai poton o! the communitY Aitiis time ofthtirayear a coli s S'en frKetKnss, . te epc o g eol otrd speiitî'ai permiîssion ute John Phtllp cannot aford ta mnanieasI iriference courhely cantteaittoi uo t li u e pdtes, Kanas wberthelpiit lnaigdep~ otau lr -- i îru-à ig," od d et u h el i g anticonteuiment et cougir mediclue ha lhabla tii resuit lici tuiiy. W e ulsb tbem a M rrry ' iii loir ht-rieW tcotmpoitttiontPl taitie wrkuîrg population ofthie couintry. tirai dreati tiseassepueutaculs. We bv t" ndaaapy ewerr liiitltied. rî and Irwuiill ia' calledýThür-'ieLetitea do wbat îhey caîr ta promote know Ot nO better remedy tri cure a V . tims ad Hapy& Bulea. Laniy uit tireWhite Hoae." Mr&. goifeiga leasi by giving conu-cngb or col thiaon Chamheriauu's Ladies ut the Glanview Aid t3ociety ILN MltKiniey forurdetirrpemis o eltingat t rpstoslk hitnCougirBmdjy ehave used it uil havesa Bazaar ai the m. E. chtîrcb LONG GROVE, - - - - - ILN ast weî'k trutire eilton o! Thre Lardies' t btbaitqie estbihet0xota Rig uretie tl antion it ba alssTusaivnne.iii.Spe _______________________________ inre .Jurnintt. iviietiwiii puitherd. tira banka, the only abJectt fubicii t la t . Tn. iel.w11bc8re yomte. A Strusa ()ur)itiointrti cunplete ln is n This ls tire oniy remcciy tînat iii pregramn will Ire raenee cotumencirrî netdo somtbing for tha peohple, irbose knawn ta aacronpeetv ta E .o.1 otuu r aesI 'hssrn istragaiui'lias alorteceied u-b canPOveti (fat73.miae wa tu meaS trik e Q u iCK II r inteteata are îîniy toc rarely the Si-priaumonia. Amoog tIre many thou eo iajt ildy ran uY ï.n tir" stiio.i iurber -au ew andrilarge! jet ofit nieîîîgenî consiaraîleur îy sanda vira bave uned It tan cuIda antihldypdsu ot prtrtit tuf is. MciKiney, takeni a tew'ý law naîtra, la grippe va bave navet yet learuratisucetheani or aisten or mothrn itat IF YOU WANT au' r lrun tIhe Whitec101eta' crî- ____a ssingla case iraviiig resulteti tut ireatt taour Bazan. Everybedy is rrr i'-in .iis tIre second phieto- pusumouis. Personrsvira have ueak cordîaîîy nviteri. .Y. New Postmaaters. iringu or bava reasoi tota ear an attack h ee l ntrO e ailîruîrI tîn ie talion wiiiin teo years, tained tre!rllowing tilspatcb tram ai banti. The 25 anti 60 cents alites ton Afien bearig some tziends continu- tir,- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h sia trtt akr thnsnasle ry F. il. LovELit, Libsertyviie, sllY Prtàaiti Chambenliatus Colic, Wasbngtn. Contrasniti art irs J. R. B]tACHER, Oirnue, LU Lnnîti- ChoIera antidiatoatm ,Cri 187havtng as oet ais eommendedthe tb ppit FED Rceele.Flecît. o! Anaheim, Caliornisl, pur. 1857e nouistu gone te ubished t n'mnrc p eta !oîîouîW.n.gait ur, Rceei.cirasei a bati filaf! hio s unea Rusrr~~ .Isrrî bcrîulseii nmneo oiar:W .Hsianti la now as euthuaifflti. venria For a Short Tîme, We Can Purnlsh -b h . usa lasi Qtoher oumber cauing tha ieivie Danil A. Willaums, Notice. wondeal wi ork ua sayon c.n b. antire editian oethtia issue ta haAtioch; , o. A. Bivar. lRussell.- We vilI do cutata grinding et aIl Tira 25 anti 50 cent sUes for sale by exhaustei.I kinda af grain cornuandcob, Tuesdays, F. B. LovELti, L1B uKL, .H ndependënt and WeekIy Inter Ocean..M " - D~~. ~ ~~ ~ Thrnstys aud Saturtisys. BRAcatlh, (iurnee, L. M. LIrcHFIEInO, Frol r ttT r M âeP& if (. 14. Scii&arcit1,t SauR. oefellter. F ro l . Vui. V à. à lu. z-ýOF 1 -0-

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