CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 17 Dec 1897, p. 1

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'c JNTY IýNDEPIINDENT. Vol. VI. No. 10. Shermerville, Cook County, Illinois. Friday. Decemnber 17. 1897. $1.50 a Year in Advî O r. Chartes Galloway. Office«over Lovli'*Drugtore Ubortyville. - 1illinols vem r Trigga & Traylors. th . . .m. Càeld 4. 10 a p. m sluNsda. au Broadway oppoalie Park iLbertyvlle, Illinois. kDr. A. L. TRAVIS. »ewhIatieston p..d te, lb tiomeai of Obroulo Hbumatim. RoGkf.IIr, -Illinois. Dr. H.0. B. YOUNG. pbhifelcian and Surgeon. CU fOlPPOSInt ENawT OTEL ML»O. ournee- -- -- ---Illinois. Dr. E. H.Smth k DCNTIST. r fieover J. W. iutler's bldg aous:to 12m. anàto a ..niDAL LibertYville. Ili. Dr. E. V. HARVEYI DENTIST. -OFFICE HOV MS- etciIA.m. îîolndlOs]P.m. Oraysiake - Ilîlinois. .W. S. SCHAEFF'ERS NURSERY. Oas mile .outt of Lona Grove P. 0., Lake 00e IL 1adsàbandOrnnaftlTl'". Orn-- à M. sd Omoui a., OMraipion ssoélmated ,to... 0. F. Butterf leld M. D. C. VDTEIAIBY SURGEON4AND DZ!<TIST. .. nLE . . -.-.LLIBOis PAUL MacOUFFIN. Atormq ammd CoulisUlor at Lau. NOTARY PUBLIC ,,P@"h atteuion given Collections an oveyaulig. OUPicEWrru Lats Corr Bàwa, Libertyville, Illinois. ISERTYVILLE MOTEL awm amws. te-t Mo»«mmiff.,lhMi -MuS--t: Dhhg-r.offlService Firast Casa. Hhsdiquartrb for CyciWt and coimî'r'niaI TILTOI URNEY.éPéOF.* Coàr. Mil«. Av.. and Churh Kt.. UUEUTVILLE - -ILLINOIS. W. H. MILLER, a TONSORIAL ARTIST, kWheu yoUuvantia cien ate or a gool bair cu# Cali on "Al. calWN "DRIS 0r CIOAJIS. esot do«t 10 W.C. 'Muse S Aoe Store jBWléSI. p jwîn ev.riday ud uday moringe. bave Yon for nall ebeap homesSn oi'l? Bave IÎM U)1 Insuon good reai ctate. If yogi vhieb to boy, sei)llutior 1berousme me, ail")a&H kinde (if Paeot Ad Imnrance a speclalty. J. J. Lonouaacu Orayalake. Illinois, CoId Weather I.GOODS sucE fAs ~jBLANKETS, __FUR ROBES, ! FUR OVERCOATS., Youil IFind Thom here ' CHAS. KAISER, e.rtyvIl le. - - II tburcI T ÇANK .... tht, Parkhurmt & Go. Libutyvile, Ilinoils. u»8 Interest-Bearlng *rtlflcates Payable on Demand. curs Wanted. ÂmitI pay highest bprice for ail ôf utFurs. D.ath of C"..H. Chard. George Hfarris Chard vu bora lu Englan Auguit 12, 1827, sud dABed a& hie houe at Gages Lake, Dec. 11, 1997, beiug ilxtp-aino peare 0o! age. Father Chard came tou Eglsud about 36 yearî go. Re vas for some lime a member of thé Congregaiondil Churo t si vanhoo, botl imir helped ln otgaulzlug the Gagea LaMe M. E. churcb sud Il la upon land donated by hlm tbat tbe preut cburch "dmo stands. Thé Gagesà LaMe people mournthé Ions o! a man o!fntauy excellent trait. or characier. He énjoyed Ibo confidence aud highest eleom cof ait ullb vhom ho camelau ount. It la pleanl ludeed 10 heur oeeapokenorftuan scbaunqualAfléi tairte o! pralmé aud good vill. He bai bauaféebie for sntée inthi aud had ouiy recenlly heen lroublod vitb piunimy but bai beau up s number ol days befote hAn deatis sud Sunally on thé 111h of Déc. vltbout varnlugpaedpescefnllyaas. Truly Ilea caz hdeclared o! hilm, .-Asle.p lu jeans oh hou uveet ta lie for sm-la s sininher méet.' ai*s vIe, tbreé %ons. and Ave daughiérs survive hlm sund go thèe bereavod one&a siursaceof hésttfelt aympalby are éxiended. The luerai sevies eré béld iu thé uagen Lake M. E. cbureh tiouday Dec. A, con- ducted by the pator, 1ev. W. M. Runyan msited by Mir. Ed. Harvey, Chicago. The Autiocb sud Ltberty- ville chnireaiaded by theîr appropriale songe. Thé lulerrmnenutvse at lhe LaMoalié cenielery, LibertyvAllé. Thé memory c! thé lité of!$i@Is -just man," $hie ltîer l A n ialull héa blesseai trcaaure. Christmas Day. Everybodp kuova that Chrirlsnt Day faie on lb. 251h dey of Décember. O! course! Sa IL duns nov. But IL dld nol alvepo do su. lu tisée ealy centuries o! Cltrmiedaullp thé feait uaé kopt up Kt varions dates lu thé mouibi o! Jnunary, Aprîl sud tMap. For more ihan libres hundred pearis, Jannarp élt uaa ChtristnmsDmp lu the Eastern Charcit. Thé Abysalolaus caliediJuné 21&9 Chrstmas Dmp; white amoug thé Aruonlanu Christmas Dmpyliasiaa bee Jnuiy 01, ad a s> u.The easct da"e in quit.unukuovu. Thé emotou of deckIug our boumes sud clutchen ultAi iolly aaîd smstletoé on thîs day lé su excoedingly anclént one, and liseré éseeelAthé doubt ibat I lasa remuant of thé religionas olsrv. auem ofthé Druide. Another Appeal. IL uouild sécut necessarp for us tu béeéceh and Anmpore o! our corneapon- dents btu d tbeir communleallona lu early to Inure ibeAt reaLhing ua belote thé lent moment possible fin lure thier publication. Witla thé extra antonul of businessa colucident vith thé Holiday rush sud our tanrdy cerré- spondeunt. te conend itll, vé uéces- aily expérience maeb dtflt nil --gettiug out ou turne." If during the Liivto or tbre vekso or repre- enattes yull make an espécial ef- fort te contplp vlth ibis --appeal.' ve'II hé grahéfuli accordluglp. Epworth Leagu. Convention. Thé Conivention of tue Nortbérn Epuorîls Leffegu liai, trict vue béid n Libertyvilllé Satnrday alteruoon. Ou account o! the tery lseavy ruais ibère vête only a feu, delegatés n atteudauce, but tuo, B. G. Thouipson, premldent o! Vauikegan Northérs Suh- District, and W. G. Lanison, reprenant- lug thé Simpson Chaptér, Waukékan, beng able te réacb Libertyville. Tisé dlégales vête etertalued su tisé parlors of thé M. E. churchi. At 2.30 p. m. . O. Tompot opénei the convention. There vas a 15 minuetés Song servAce. Iu thé abobunce o! Bey. H. Lenard, o! ~dîreas, W. G. Lamâon spoké ou the ieeds of the young Cristiau hélug borouglp ln urestin s th building o! ChrIst kingdontiminlg 2 Tin. 3-16, 17; as thé beasao! bis rentants. Mir. A. Dîxon, of Chicago, PrésIdent o! thé Nortbern Epuoruli League Dis- trict, preaéniéd a constiution visicli bal been préparéd bp the Dsrict Cainént. This constitution vue sdopted hILprovida lortwtvaconven- tions a péar, sud lb oflcerei hyP lrési- dent and Secrelary. This Sub- District laste hc knoovuas tbe Wsnukégan Northénu Snb-Distril. sud Acluiem Aullocil, East Deten, Gage. Labé, LaMe Villa, Lîhértyvîlle Méachais, North Chicago, Waukégan, York Houae. W. G. Liamon, o! thé Simpson Ciatphr. Vaukegan, vue elécted Presl- dont, sud Miss Lydia S. Smith, o! the LbartyvAj)S Chapler, eseSecretary sud Treaurter. Thé cabîneut comprisea the Présttenta o! émtheb chpter, and thé Président and Sécretary o! thé Bii-Ditrt. At thé coe o! thé buaiunesa meeting Mir. Dixona l n a véry profiable con-, ffe5ratn séicé. Mal DaY Social Club. Tisat Dance. Vil! giveaiuc iteHl a D6uI forgel th. 4aS etaI een club boume Saluriay evonag De., 5. RKul, Prablr ie Vhv.N.v TestsBye. » Mua is b. furIl ebp Pro«. »ee.-si. e A1181e»u seforbail. SMbM-hl éeom - »f. rtobs. SHERMERVIL.LE. News Item& are aiuays velcomé. Rtobert Funke made a trip 10 Wauké- gan Weduesday. lias Kltie Zimmeruien spent Tueà- day sud W.eidmyayA Chicago. LuIn Maisehaidor returued tiondap front a vAosgit vUtber aunitimrs. Aremmél, of Chicago. Thero viii hé a grand ball at Zîmmrmans Nev Tour év- Docember il. Carrousa orcheutra, of Chicago, vîll Iurniah thse music. Evérybody cordially lIviedt 10attend. Hermon WuIft vho ilvea ou thé ticierbai frm vouuidod sud caplured au eagle Sunday atornoon. 1% As a fie sp«lemofaIthe huge bird sud tir. Wulff ia cf theocpinion thaï;itie uouud Wii aos prove fatal. Nias Clara il. Dreues an acoom. pllshéd hanisomo young lady front :arl.rin -ueben thé guéaI o! Mi«s AgnésMl:roofthepant ibre weka. Shé As a jolUy soul full of mlrth sud mneancduSkeeps éverpbody lvély vlth innocent sport. 'Tbe grand opeulug sud dance given .9 Nottlileli bail lait Sauriay proved to hé a véry plesauant&Hir. Thé veather bélug tory dîsagreéshie sud the ronds alionstimpensable the attendancé von nos large but ail uho veuiuréd Out 10 pmtlclpate in thé évent vêe véiel pald for se dolng. AT WYNP# BIG CROCKERY p. Pancy * Lamp IDCrool, A FI Stuk'of Holiday Goc Wea. Ux*ut acaiWaukegan. The folioulag extraci trou a Chicago epaper cf liut priday, viiioeal!tuteh mauads of older readonta of Lake Conniy a Mont remarkable trial, and 1on.eo!9h. oly ivo esentions takiug 1place ln tilacOnlfty: 1 Atter grieving tventy.throe e pra over lh. exécution of ber son, Obria MUerty, desih yenerday kludl olcued the eyeà of Boue Eafterty.dgty.tuO yens liaiet.ehome of th. 1.1111. Siltet. o!ft.ePour, lthe refuge ah. and ber lhuand uought 1he dey thefr boy vas beaug". The abond, nov bout aud feeble «Mliisurvirae.. iThe deatb brings a 0md bhta tragedy and a vouan long "cue fur- Chriaeafelrty kleid John Who bad attompled t'O arrea on lmas a billard rouem ai Thirt-Bfl àu Haisled steeta. Se.vau then but tv.uty.eigbt peau cf1 âgeaMd wua reganded au a tairly peecoble oiiilf excepi vhen nixiated. A bard fghi a made tom,, hi@ lie, but aller Ivo diafgr.euenis hobea ue aily convlcted snd hangod. The extreme penalty of the lau vas Infllted upon Chel.topher lRaf-1 tonyyAu Waukeganat moyen minutes bel or. 1 o'clock, Frlday atenoon, Peb. Witt, 1874. Bmfforly ai thai tAm. Wàà tueuty.siz yiers of age. ne wua boni lu Chicago and osrly devoloçaod into a "tougb." On 1he 4tb 09f Auguet, 1872 h. shot Officer O om,.,o uho vs trying 10 errent bham, mud comati. Ho wumcaptured the fol. lowlng day et Wilauw Spring. ilsfterty uit th.. ilmea tbled muid con vleiéd, sud it ln laid nover beforei iu the bistory of crIminal inria prudence bail a prisoner recelved Ubre. triaùa and been ftually executed. Rie1 vue tried in Cook couuty aud1 nueieed 10 be hanged, but àa supersode a e granted and ho obtiiued( ssecond trial snd change of venu f1 1LMe CouLnty. A second suepersode wu obtained and h. came up for trial anain. This trial reaut.d as had ise1 lue former, and the 901h of Docember1 wu ot for the oxoution. Prépara- dions for tiséoveut vers nearly cou- 3 ploled uhen a ieleg ram snnounood1 tâtât another supersedeasù"ledaen granted by the Buprome Court. The sée vue afgued botoro $te Buprome Court January 22, but aller a caroful beming the hench declec tho verdict mmsu d Friday, FebruArY 27th, wvas set for the oxecution.1 On thé day of ozecution evryhIng . paséed off suooly. The gailos1 es% erected at the. ontranceor0fth. court room. Thé jury, coupooed oft1 W. B. Werdeu, A. L. Rende, J. A. tison, Geo. Vovler, Dr. P. lioeach, Dr. J. Etter, Levi Perrin, J. C Soutbvick, Thon.. Odbody, L. D).1 Warren, H. Heluhoîz and Johna Murphy; the surgeons, Dr. 0. P. Maxaon sud Dr. C. W. Boni, and a feu ulînoese.ere given places n lte court roont. Rafferty vue se-. oompanied by the Ofilere sud liAs spiritual adylsors, Faihéru (lavin sud Donovan. The warrant vue read; the condemnéd uman shook bauds sud badé good-bye to thoe about hlm; Fatiier (avin oflered a btri prayer. At the close of ubicli Ibère vas a alîglit rattie as thie rope rau over the pulley, and Chritepher ltafferty wax iaunced imb eternity. DEERFIEL.D. Mira. lred ffltch lareported as iiei,îg very ili. M. iorenbergér vas in Chicago Wednesday. tira. J. C. Adama vietted ber parent. at Grayslake the firit of thé veek. tirs. E. 8. Adami, of Wadauortla vislted aI .J. C. Adents lent Prlday. Sevéral of Deerfield's sporisaallénded the cock flght On thé liludérburgér farta lent ueek. tirs. John Fritch, tirs. Chia.(. Mubîke sud Mur. Aug Landau vêe Chicago visitoe Wednésday. Thére vill bé noohool fldsy December 24. Thé board grauled a pelition fron thte school t0 give that day mu a holiday. About elgbi or jeu o! Our young bloods 100k in --Chicago vlth the Ud off" Baturday nlghl. Some returued Suuday sud others are stili slraggllug Iu. Jacob Sella. of Rlcbfield, Iowa, vas bars lait ueok vtitDUq bie parents andt sbakIng banda vitib ianods. tir. Slg 500804 naturel andseenis tu bave laréd Wal lunbis uev choseu home. Thé funnral cf Win. Norgorsen ubo1 died Satnrday December 11, vas helda Tuesiay. Tho deceiaed vas flfty-one yearm of âge, had béen a reident of Ibis placé for a çood usuy years. A vite and anc daugbter Survive hlm. (lut.te 4 ,ecltlng runavay book1 Place borelutmi Sturd&y eveuing, A ieam ouned by Gaoo. Hubor theé Hilghland Park pop sud gingér aie1 vonder bruiks avsy from, a bllching pool ai E. Bleioihs sud rtnpari vay boue. No damage wae doue except, a severe maklng up o! bottiea. Thé lbru of Horen berger & Antes bas dlsolved. Thé senior member of the firu asumlug te.buainoee uile Mir. Antes itae. lisee arohoumo busines vhlch hue hereslore been operated lu contention ulth the store. Both mon1 are veli kuowu Ibrougisoul "1d loclilty and viii prohably recelfe a4 large patronage la thoir respective1 WH LELI NO. Frauksumis la nov houé. The stores have their Xmeo dimplaya out. tir. Meuible wu t lathe teacberla meeting rldoy. Louloa sud Carnie ooké apeut a feu day. lu chiniage la"imvok. W. uai ail lis, neous very veek. Les,. lema et the pooioffico. Mir. nlie en d am mIrving wvelan lb. clip Saturiay ani Sundap. De prepèes for the nov ystem vblch boglus ou Jsu. 1, lu the grocery ilotes. Philip sud Waruer Upangler are en- joyln a wo usekea viilt t a brother Bdiperchin aproportag 10 s"art for Kianiphe lu lbe .pring. Be bhalaI reaiy bcugbt a hoavy oat. The Whoeliig AUd Soccty met ai lin. Robert PerIoIalgJsMl Thursday Dec. 9. The ailoudafise. u large. A grand hall wilib. given -tl Union Banl saturday evenaag, Jan 1, 1828. Ali gueula lnvioed. Jou ituam, Prop. John ehu sud sou bave gone 10 Milwukee for a .1.11. John expect. tu gel np a party 10 go 10 Elondyke nBi sprng. Leters remaiuing uncalled for ati tise Wbeeting potolo. Dec. 1, 1897:, Orville DasolIt, larrp Bememan, Minsa H. Elolienaem. The marihal bue bean lnslrucied 10 spot thestray cnine.. Owuers uho vh ab tsaetheir doe sbétier utaké haste 10 ltesont aBons.. Heury and Fred Beipp vore bnpy calcbing rabbIS, luit Snndap sud sucooed t u golling io, uoghlug tblrly pounds toute fl dqiutetr. Mir. Champion aur depol agentinl quite a oorneli. Neoamye ho bas played so. b. usa ianyearsoadu hem iravoeaiuih a cirou n u hicbhé played tut.., a day. Thore le suother fermer near taun. neola golugl linlvélInlthe bouse ibai John Meyer laloly oocuplod noxl 10 Galeters. Be hadquite a gond deal of furniture and implonsntslev heur hoi hadl tue canlcuds. Ho came bore fr on Indiana. The mercbant. of WhaolUug sud1 fial Day are p.rlectiug plana 10 do( busoineon oua cash boule aller Jan. i.1 Aplukialc and Loag Orovo are vol) .allsfed vih te nev systent alter s ymes experisuce, sid il ia hoped Long Grove stSeu viii leconjalu lu, as« itl a botter for both morchanta and patrons. Our creamery han elteo u x port to manufacture fa* Trenceh coesud vii boei urninc ont the novw produci asesoonsas te oxtra machinerpiAs tady. It la claimed UsaitiMr. Doehju.e gels bii Idea front a localdemaU for heofchafel cheemé accidentaly diaucvered bp It. being belng sl forth at a free lunch st thé grand opeulug given bp Fred Sdlimidi thé nov proprietor of the Chicago Blousé. The lloving lunes vêe r ceived 10 laie for liai veek s ue, dedicaiedtu10 tir. and tMrs. J. C. Wsllug on thelr Suenty-flfth ueddlug suulversarp aud1 sigîsed -*Oz." Alter ail théres nothing betier Thon true love in human Ufu, Thé regard of noble hbusbandJ For a good dévotéd wfn. Thé self sacr5ilngsplri 0f amother for ber chikI Aud théefIlle) dévotion1 liant trascmende ail passion. viId. AudC th aanol rdor To thé front and frglt thhtle. 0>1 bis ceunry'é ueai or uoe. Yes true love la évér balte. For vithout I it ie uould hé oniy=drery astsd désert. Aud1h0 orid a sailles s eu Fleed then.O0mreliter brolér, This by Ziod Impasaé iaé Thot the tiow of rour alT.tloU". May remain tbrougb liteéthé sameý: Thot lhe future tlsrougb thé présent 1 May hé liuked vlth thé pest. And tour lite. Aupléasaut places. »Y lové'$ baud mar tiii hé cast. 1 Thon vili aIU uho kuow you Siomîus This divine éffulgeul se).- Thot thé greatest of earth!§ blessag t lm love s 1e Illv.d day kiy day.1 (Prom another Correspondéttj Albert Laufeuberger las bléssed vltb Mir. and tirs. Forké visltftf thoir dlaughterlMra. t. 0. Fritschbtibis veek. tir. J. Fritsch, Chue. Weudé sud1 mother attended thé Probale Court1 taat uéék. tirs. Helen Louer bas gone to Jefferson 10 spent the holiday. ulth ber daughler. tir. Robi Fritsch bas been bavlug ai vacation for thé paut uéek but basi képt vérp buap nurslng lumbago. Little Frankie Bartmaw bue been ont of achool for thé past fév vueka ulth'« the mumps but la nov able to b. ont.i tir. GrandI ven&to tahe cty lest uuek vltb a large load of carrot.. Thé largest losi Ibat ever veut ont of titis part of the country. Ou o!ftMr. FrtAtch's pige learlug ltait he vonld hé aiUled lot Christasue tbongbt hé woud ave Mr. Fritsch thé trouble bp commttlug suicide. tirs. Frank Bartmau vbounudervént su operation at thé Sit. Elizabeth hogpltali.oirapiliprecovorlng sud Itlai Iloped ltaI site vIl!sononbc borne again wltb ber family. tir. WiII Winters las oruamenting bisf kitchén vitbs a bard vood floor and uai soau se AIt tefluisbed heo ltendi glvlugc a douce 10 vbich vé ail hope 10 o Ivted. Wé éxpeot 10 ber Ibose veddlng belle rluging soon ad a man ou horne back déokod vltb rlbbous and leathors sud vllb ite dollar biim lu bis bal uas soee ridlng tbrough thé country. We uish la congratulaté thé bappy co uple. Ou Sunday évouiug Decémber 12,e tir. Fritt.chsud lamllp vête surprisedc la Sund %bat thop uero beinzb5erenadedc by the Wheeling Concordisa ni. Thet boys playod several place by thé lght of thé moon and thoén wvoté ivitedno thé boua. vbqre a mnte enjoyable Ivéning vas %pontlinang. iug sud playiug by marmhera o! lbe Heating and Cook Stoves thi can't be beat for, Price ah4, LIBIERTYVILLE. ILL. Ch ristmas Presents f ,for old and young. i Our stock of Holiday Goods is biggp better and nicer than ever. 0~ you can find large assormenta 1 Toys. Doils, fancy Cups and 84M cers, Vases, Lamps, Aibuns Handkerchiefs. Mufflers - - - - 25c to, $2.0 Fascinators - - - - 25c to ILI G loves - - - - -50e to, 1. Sllverware, single pieces or in sets 25e to, Candy of ail kinda. Mixed Nuts. Oranges. Orders talken for Chrlstmias trw from W. B. Schaeffer's nursery,,' Leave orders early. iWe realze the fact that every sale weM4 whether large or smal lIs an advertlsem.nt-'fo," store. A good advertisemnent If the customý-! pleased. a harmful advertlsemnent if the OO~PoQ la the case. We Always Trry To PIe09 V. Sauer & Bro.. NO RT HFIELD. tir. Snduelir hu e en baving nomie bey bejled. They mp that lMr. Tnlpp As a hustier. 1ev. Murdiseuke fllld thé pulit o! thé church o! the Evangelicai Assoca- tion Suuday éveniug. John Rémper contemplates goiasg ta Iowa about Chistema te visAItbis tvo so nud ether relatives.. Bet. Y. Richént lasslîl contlnuing li protrected meetings mt Long Otove. They have beau quité a succée héretolore. tin. Scbnebelé vue ont fron thlb cty several dapa recently tialling ber mny inondsansd relatives uround Northlleld. The party et Jas. Bocks -as upl t- léudod by thé boys, bol thé girls véré consziclous by their absence. Névér in , beys, you cau plap thée ame trick when pou gét a cisance. We supposed Ibat aIl readérs o! Use INDzPzN»Eai'carelullypeprumod Prost- dent ticKilepa mésuage te Congrso. Il certaiuily lnas maiterful production and mérita thé tborough scrutAny o! cvery Aneteau citizen. TrHE GROVE. Ueo. sud Watt are sIil uailing for a jobb t tu nup. The IioeP»uDENT la pour papor. Do pou labo At? tirs. Mary Crovéli éxpeeut 10vieil ditp frienda s"on. TaIt about mud. BWet l roze up the maid wus omthlug auful. tir. and tira. John Euigelkiug are happypaprent. o! s brlght baby girl. Léave témsntsa the poolofle sud lhép vili ho prolnptly lorvaried. A numuber o! girls bereabot. spent a mont énjopable atternoon vitit trs. Gottschalk t at Suuday. Chas. Sauniers hem been ntalg gond progrens tovard metrlmoup ainos hé dremsci up lu thal fiué nov suit and map beat hlm brotér pet. Henrp Déhue Jr., mype hé eau break Frank Wébrs prizé kiokér or suy otiser horne no Utey viii drive 10 a carriage, suiyvheré. Como George, »Safy our curioslly. Wé are aIl rendy for a grand charivari. Wé eau bardlp usata mouth. Thé reporter sapa hé vil) do tisé sfair up broun. SAgn pour naine to sîl thé corn- muUjoatloDSsent thée1'coEPENDENT for publicalien. Wlé ue donol ulm ta publish aime o! vlter, tlll Itlia Impérative that vé know Who the correspondent la. BACHTOWN. MÀCAD!E-II1ATCIi. Marrléd, at thh omeé oIthe bride'&~ parents, Bmch Towu, eaI o'clock p. m., Déc. 1, Misa Florence Isabelle Halcit to James ilacedié. Thé bridé usàatalenddhp ber cousin, Mie Jéssie IAIoing. o!ftianieno, 111. The bride vas attiredinl a beautifulnIon- turne of white salin villa pearl trAm. mlugs sud alipperti. The bridemuai voeoa lovely dréas aI vhite orgsudie oter pik siik. Thé bride vote white caruatiounsud thé brldeumaid plut. Thé tooms voeebeautifully deerat.d ullh carnations, tos@ansd sSnlmx. Aboutl liftyrelativen sud friend e eo preseut. Amoug thon tou Chicago vête:tir, sud tir. Faulkuer. tir, sud tirs. Richards,.tirs. Fosler, MI"se. man; froint tueno. are. G. W. Hatch sud daugbter, tiesn Esle; froin iiradép, 111,: Mésure. sud Mesdames E. Nagrudar sud I. Mtiter. Aller thé ceremony ve performed bp the Bey. Méaner thé bappp couple recéltéd the congratulations o! their !rlende. Thoy ait sal dovu in a bountif nI su ppet the lables belng lomded ullb ail the good Ihiuge of thé @cason. They recelvéd manp beauti. fui snuneun preent.. The evnin~ vas happllyp pmed vllb munie ang conversation. Oue o! thé beat hings o! lb. evenlng belug a speech iront tir. Faulkner s lrlend o! th, groom. At 1 oclock the compauy dlspretsd véry vélI mliéfled but ulablng thaï; such enjoyablé évent. vould occur chi3ner In Ibis toun. How to iprvent Pneumonie. At tais lime o!flte péar a cold je vérp esasly contracted, sud if Jet run île course vîishoni the aid e! sou. réliable congh medicîne is hable 10 resoi in tIsai dreai dseuse pneumouie. Vo kuov of no bélier romedy ta cure a congh -or cold than Chamborlainls Oough Bemeip. Vé bave usadi h quit. exlensively and It bas aluppm give éntire selisaeolon.-Ooiagbi, in. Ter. Chief. Tis in thé only remedy Ihal As kuicun 10 be a certain preventive of pneumonia. Among Use man, thon. sandaWho bave usai1Ilfor ooldeansd la grippe ve bave neyer yei lemruad of a singl, cmehavl=grul"inl lunmbauvts.asou tao *e v*" - - îLE Toys for the chlldreli. Useful Beautiful preslnts for, ad A FINE UINE 0F RARE Pgfl* TOILET ARTICLES, ETC. LONG GROVE, - - - At. Wynn,'s, Cor. Oenesce and Washington Sts., WAUKEGAN. NEW STOCK STOVES ýl i 1 Cali and Examine before Buyi ng.

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