CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 17 Dec 1897, p. 5

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This man la caliing for a plate of cakes "Ou r Home-growfl Buckwheat." Try a Sack sud You'Il have no Other. For pastry e- Big 0= SOLD Ai Triggs & Taylor's. LibertYville, 111_ d~i.-4Christmas Cornes But Once a Veari T ""nn!n jemm ý, & ý PiLUIRTYVUMLELOCAL i-0 ^n Old Time Chrtmas. aeon more voo'll Theii.nd la chl'! But lt sitwhlstle as it viil Wel l eep Our Chriamar" atl. xaieh m .bdemned the. nevioru YCr The. ltt»et Umne for fentlai01100r. AndWeilE Our Cblatiliaires <01 <'d L<,ved viien the. raselitecourseliaitcî,lle, And brougbt biltha (brstmaseffaci egain Wltb al hfi. boaptabla train. 1liomeatie and reflgons rite Gave honor ta the hou l ngbt. on ctblliu oe tih balla gare ruoue. on Christmnas ove the. mas sq an . Thet unir albt lmailU tête Yaa Bas the. tolod priat the. ballan reine The. damiel donfld etbr kitiae uiL The hbali as dresd vitb boily i,9.fl Forth tntthe vend difi mon go Toegtier la theMW aie. Thon o.paned vide the barons& hall To vassal, tenant, serf and ai. Power laid bis rod of raie oide. And ceemaoDy ldolfrdi isw1 de. Tii. hir. vlth rogsa Dbis siioeg That nlgt uiiglt viId paruier ebooel The lord. uanderogatlnt. ebar The. vulgar gamen of «poi and pair.- Ail ballei. vltb uneontrolletl dolitt And i enerel voie.e; the haîqy iulbt Thot to th. cttage. aq the.Gravi]. Brought ttiding otelilvation dovn. Sir Walter Seofi . J. lioyt ia confined loithe lbou.e, tbongh flot serfoul! slck. A. W. Wsldu pt au electric burglar alatm lu bis bouse thia yack. * Wm. Scott in qunit, sick at the*home of bis daugitior, Mrs. Orville Haven. Drop iD and exagaine amboru (k Cos. -$8 trousers, reduced to $5,. The Lake County Board of Super- visore in lu session tue vweek ai Wan- hmn. FINE DECORATED LAMPS p Allîtitaiti Baskets Boakut fiai pglele Candiem carte Chairs cacer jars Crunti t aya Cups, gauere Dcli carigatS Doll heatis Doils To.,.tint tenue FINEDECO-TEDl;' t N Io cts. - lii- tlandsomne ian. dinies from mc. tO $1.73- Ir From 25C. Up 0F ALL IOYS DESCRIPTION A private dance at the Iovw ail -'Fot balle A M o d ü rii Thuxidzy nlght vas Weil attendedenTy uitr a fine Umne enjoyed. ae Hlenry Blahervick, o1 Rock NValey, Gloveboxes Wa, vialted vltb bis daughttai, Mes. lidir haies S a tia u !Fed C:o:er. lut SUnda!. T npeA clausI ~Sanbai'u & Ch. have a lIf in. neof eecas suiabe Xasprasseuts for gentlemen 1911- Jardinuiers sucb ai liii mafiers, goes adkr ' vnlé YI)F Hie arrived at Sherman's Jewelry Store chloeeandtilen.«W Lap Smilth (à %on have rc edalr e ,,,-. Medallioni- via the electric road. His car wilI be on conigumnint of Xnias goodi, andl have 1 qw Money IBaIks exhibition and running in Sherm's show nom.xetSi agîm.Eaie he u Wadobvemdearageifli1j~Neekties casea window on and after Monday night.j PJ. Loveli, tm. ilatiette aud A. «1a perfumes Glass Water Sets EIab- Dinner and Tea sets mn six different de- See it and then examine the fine con- trasplant saimaille ireus on torXmna carda O rately decorated in slgns. We are making especlally low reapeclive pofropety, dI.ntPiand use-fancy designs. A fine prices for the Holiday Trade. conig met f pety.dantyan ue- John irîxan recenti! tuaded bis 0- Plaes fu pesnt tatSatalet oryo ad prety, corner Milwaukhee Ave. and @10-Toy stoves prese nt. f ulpresntsthatSant let fo youand o ital&%est ,a Horace.Bulkley for .~ Ratties friends f orty acres of lantd ou BulkIey Road Rs. ockingborses yornear John Oua place. Rubber balle Telle the littie foks into Lovels. Ruge o d o g t no iIb e The dspay of Xinasgonds ylde- Sied&ia .a.'I ow wil b rl- Shermnan, the J eweler. ligbt thier. Tiie appellation --Santa ilmokersnessere Aml rasemems whnappledtn Lovells place. Tollet sets Ail kinds of Decor- ber that ali these goods are, dis- Libertyville, M. Mrly republfluus. vhille onetijiap hopig tjiat Iteprencintative l)lngley le; Tayà ated China at ailpay d o se ndf or atrue propinet viien lie asye thie"e wu Taies prices. ly do se ndf or be 4 surplus of tona million dollars Wagons het. next fiscil ye&r. bave tbeir ~ Water ets toulbtIl abot It.I ' wiearov I'TlàiN)F.PENDFlT viilîtriateel .~ Writing dpiii. M . B . C o lb y & C o ., X rr L ls Il'lee n t FltFlay rin g ulul ica Xinas Pre en s.ruuroda! niglît. We arce zzwee pnlblitilinfg nmore count! neya titan QP- LIBERTY VILLE. ILL. AT SM _-i yiotlerif aie eounty papal. and tt, AT SM TH'S.ditthis uelxgait>q rs ueplithlng aiedey late?. Drop in and examine our Holiday Fifeei nnc&CCt lcrelgt S to c k o f p.ut n Fai ,su l e ti y ar tobp t athe buildings Supt. App ey M . B. olb iovei lis b usholil of-' CHOOLq NOTES. e mach pleaitio, o > pei n h frt nohsu Iitlne eie - Il teforta os il pnd heF IN E d TOIL T CA ES, >Ii aveboena toutr of uilil a- ýOn (ookAve.thithe, olidays at ubeir varions homes ILK U FF ERS eno uaitd ni) little danger. << scbnool viii close on Thursdaty aiter- 7 C h în a 1Col'! A CI.'large Iilay ad ttinooly, ver. 22, aud the Chre tniaavaca- (5I P' IL. W. Bulhie! put i lu alà lbr areinesthie enterpria ieoftiiettirai. litou vi laut outil tieti lret Manday / GAMES, overFsnbaflk-MOrse COA.g5OhiliuNote the Ibargains îliey aller. thNvYer oriineonbisfata,ài ek.Thie prograinlait FrldaY vauexcup -T a ' enle uIiIarntii ves. The -Fair' ail wii iliterelit Y11 M-tional! gooti aud very long, lu nrdaiw a e --o A ND IN FACT ,rui luie astop," and Ralpb eau grintiý Koliner îetaiolIY bas a uine mtixek of ta fi ite busines the meeting vwu feed, eut vood and puimp vater lu theu \mas goatis, aind bis ad ii. a vrtueil sdjourned unýIl niue o'clock Mondsy maiOR S OF X ASnot pl,,oved lashian. Wben It imllettu of bargaitta. moruing. Monda! morning the. of- Makes Splendid Proea ta e tadaniaamit hiîs ipttnsille condition If ýuoteI, sfowa: Preeldeut, Clara Appreclated b>' Evcry I "strctl li Itho rade s Ntolie deplîîeed jlt lit a Boles: Vice Presideuit, Roay Herrick; l'ho 1 beGaad Tenînflar s of Lake Conty t! bnreeat r nevrn ertrMu hee;sren- Cani~ues n u s ie-nhte q).nD.T ajt ips fterhldyg(i Arma, Loule Shermani; Crîtic, Me. We have an elegant assortment of importli vibtetg helcu.EDtt a~(ipae~ îerlolîa Oll. Stoopo. in the Iatest and daintlest paterna; buy r taILite Mti"todise for their 1 Re(iG D. Heuver wili preaChiat the At six sessilons sithuti the pont eigbt thevrcswibe2 prcnth he fa kind assistanice sud donations to thte Preàbytcri - ' elnrela et usuel hautre days tiare have been llfty pails tepie iib e ethge We have some bargains that must be seen t<i Bazuar, Dect il, and &Ino to the next Sonda!. Hie marning aubjeet preetin theloiUrtb rtu. Witi ait present stock la gone, as the new Tu Preebyterlan society for Insu of organ il bc ,I*Iiasapected poonililities.' enraiemenit of fftY-tvo titis ta cet-Biicraeth duy rm 20t su t M Hnr Apl! ho éitdI!ly hueein,"ie vrgeMn taiui a gooti shoviug. The tante in il.cesste uyfo 0t be appreciated.antaU.HnyApe1in "ng ThAvreMn" crovtiut ta its utmost capact!. Wers per cent. asslateTRi nelu nue ales. tE.CRIRTABl. h The ffllaer ta special macet- more piipils adritt.dl the grade 01 Tit l>m'uesticposinibas l te îg lsiMondakynigbt voteti ta pay von vwould nousrl! bh Theenciai luAlabmâaro tefuet I1.Pp o.$01fr ln u lovered. For tidireaunte board Our Line of Cups and Saucers In ail site nomit , petb, i lb ma euet >p .120frpa t n onn i hnuceisar! ta burt Bay itres shapes, ranglngr In priaisfrom 5 to V all vt ellse ve t h su ce de ii e ec llati o for a ater vorks systulit app ca nef onut te co u t y. W houn ve Preeitent MeKiuley's appointe"i. lu and plat of thetovu. Tblseomflntces tale luto couaidtiration theitact bhat worthy your special attention. Buter Bid . ib rty îh elilno s. the, eyus o! the ntlheru Dumocrat t oo kîlikuhbuines. the ilrthree roontsare funil sud that there let more eloqueflos sud more On Nev, leuLrs eve the GaOd a! buptils perceptibly, ubere eau bu no nPaeweanSo Yuso ev authorit! in the. moitie af a gon than Templates viii give a' pautoine social, donit tisi tiee.wlU bo plet! O! nPae ecnSo O M lu a preeidetisi ediCt. lu Lie parlorff-of the Presbyterias u ail 'w n exmt year ta 1111 lise rooma. Pretty thlngs In Bread and Butteri,,ý 0a stateti comulnicatiait o! Liber- clirci. Coitesansd cake or tee creaut thoua ae b lftb room? and Cake Plates, Oatmeal and 5e tyville Lodge No 492, A. F. aud A. M., snd cake, viii bu served, eitet'for COUNCIL. PROCEEDINGS. Dishes, Salado Fruit and Nut Dlid helli Der. 11, tue foloivg oficiers 10 cents@. Everyolto oordlally invite-I. LîeBSTyvIbtai, Dit. 13, 18917. Berry Sets, Oatmeai Sets. and à ui vera elactitti: R. W. Buklej, W. M.; I. W. D. Pratt, o! Laite Forest, gave a Village board met. lu special sossion. the Pretty and Cheap Englilsh Sa C ro k r -- ,S- oleason, 8. W.; C. H. Kaiser, W.; W. ta1k oubiis -Peroutent euuignicces Preiideni Averiu sud Trustee DuBola E. Miller, Tros.; J. G. Lea. lSec'.; J. oifleury warti Beucltet at tbe PresbY- vere aisent. S..* M. Gillova! vas Porcelain Ware. B.Alianson, ali;G . md hB.a irOtm B. Cliapaii . Bontd,a.terisanchutrcit let Tueuday niglit. wuva moveai . jy Moregor aud D.; M. pester, J. D.; J. Austin. Jr., 8S. B., riaVta lk vs. lnterestiiig andîi etter- Sherman 1hst B. 1. Pop's lot-on Scitoal C. P. Fisher, J.- B., E. W. Dutinehry. Waing. Titi inclenuelie! *,f the. treet bu purchâo4d by village for $456 C e pe h n T'1e. eatuier îept iuaveawy, hîît nias. $M00down sud balane to be paiti le *~lr Is C e p r t a 7O! Mach. Aye&Meregor aud T ii. Menele! trio, co uSsiting Of sMi" viho ventureti out feit vul etiutt. Sherman. Nayd-.ilO t and Ren. -C Jenule Menle!, Mies luta B. Smih H. J. Caler hais !uruisbedils n vtit a Galla! YvOteduaDbeuy-lt and C.W oeohwl ieoeo lntyrpr fteSa- oard 01 Moved b! BSherman sud Meregor an of** u C .Maul!,vl gs neoeut!reoto!ee"tbi thttPope urnialsplanesud epeclllca- thuir *Wq~s prohibition musical anti Agriculture. pertainiitg ta the recent tionesudn plat n! village for a con- we have In ail Styles, ShaPes and Deo elocdiiiY eterbinfient aiiii.fatstock shiow, vbichIRlAilusubetance, iderlion o! $0D. frm8t O pee h atrm tovu bêtIl, Fritia! sud Satnrday nights, tha fi~Cl5tltC) i!va ie ment ta th motion tbat matter ho. ett îatest 1 897 effects, entirely dilnerew*ê Der. 17 sud 18. Tii.! are excellant oye the, bour eair delIcil viiIhao utIl nuit raggtaeetIng. Motion fromn anything you have seen In fo rlngars. gooti proliublbioniiela sud holai about t7Otltl. Iheiti0O ie$5llosumeudeai as put vltb foiiovlng * m n ipdîi meetings. Mise Smlt eata bc palsIuy tegnaanut<lre. The resuit. Ayeei-MnCCegor sud BSherman. years. WorkmanshiePi.(lllwavoe Ano!aiyof* 1 iexcellence au an aloruauitt.ColiseOtO compati! ove the 1Itard nay. mo3tosudiot. slv!oti ni efie ebvencght atdttIalleie îî1îînnîîlis. t one dit.ui gf u Th ntertaiuat iq frftau.anmedisussin tiîe original F.yuýb dollars, motion vasluat, vitut !ollovlng vote: For Jour bestgi bhé-, Çs onsidered.Thc.ESoitli nevrg Ayes Hoyt aud Rein. Nae-Mc- out of ur preti! Celluioid Dollsand T1%p G oLIBERTYVILL~E MARKET. TiG.E bce!t adav re rgor anti Sherman. tlalloway vfted Olave or Handiercluief i t seti bx 0 elthllgta heaye Moio carie. oue in t flo ectl, 0 or ipm , lInq CoffrectAl it ythe M.rhit@ avoey Thesli. Orpliaiie Home ei Laie lilliff.- Auay (lumotion tor Kerui anti IIerogCBxsfotBc$.l;fr , tO Btttercily retypttrn i 2 6Ii bd dNi liu ffilen bi 9WW. C. SANtiOhN, <lerk. Suapeutn < o uO nsd Col- UI~ tivrcas t ft yu ad yurpure. aveRes, endote .......... ...... ii vwiiipiroistt6atl sli Box. therctstofile uand u fo r e ol a ve uit -n hîah.i ......afiesh4igomore blemeetta give hau ta refclve. Wail gecommendled. one Wod~dY.ilWord.......1 Anythlng la itehue tfcîiiet .B eio!Milwatuke, bai the ld oes ceane up or te Hoi UOIn-19ardl. e ton ....... l . 0*W c thilng, or gaimets tthateanu e made isoent asre pevtive for abat- oi Is-lf.per ton ........... aowi sd us t tnsaiened Coc, l-r îîsiel alîl2"I. 1* i over fan the little aiues, etc., viii bucinl oeat oei u ett es r ovst.. Oata. ulel............. .... 7tcetlI nigratefuli! ne- biat h5fvor aebif enhalstIls- ____ (iroliuid F&.-................. 0(dt roivet. iaMsses tielinlge, Rernn sd u tfobgsdeîkncilef Bran. eeton ....... .......S9toi( 0MMCe yaeeemite us usg eal lu Lma.rblek ote the akt.uî Y R _____ ddinue..lper ton...........I9900 Iotutibe mabier Iu charge. Please unîfy At the Count! Faim, vuere lb bas be mu ~Corns Nia, fer ton ............... *2l U(j Ce T r inemntoi tvn utu o îc om nbt akt n on., par Ntl...........t s ( 81 ibthc i 00n Wcontribute. thorooglu!tteti, tbieare liamb lu Il» oui..iussdnaeoniiI.î.y paWs-.Aâh the.superititendeitt viat le r4 ttIe~oeme Abs. 5 1, ~ lhe thItus o!ftbes onaierfui dbssner.Lbeyv , '.u - 4 Ill 9 1tt tmtmo« Su ....... is* IR' I J làIi1 COLBY & CO. have the largest lot of Christmas presen ts ever exhibited by them, so large in fact that they occupy nearly ail their second floor. salesroom. Corne in and see their magnificent «Il«M goy" iL. display- mll-

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