CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 17 Dec 1897, p. 6

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was tibapes art ehuns la amt &i monat the esubera Ou ai besrtbstoae lu mdraces, and i mars-et. tor lu sem- à eau ihll seethei terrfansd tht' acemes ef wbkuIVm'udreu- 0 g ades Clrîiamas a ewýt rntipa îtlesu I liivctileir joa fo - ays tw'fre Thielgortouis reail. on the' aM oheatmas muru heti sas Muocklug Id iattaol. twolu break througii. rmn> stackiag. glft tha raiet t baud. ,elou 1 theagit it .1ira-t fruaiWoaIelramid. CULaa hait bceUgbi IL nt uuycele& Mart' my gie 0et the' &ti-aiu; 'At there. 'mait aalug plut' treen gret'u. W. nambere t tres Led blthe usere a-e. adw folrs.ttue muklsg. "sd Cr#tsieastde ay Out' reéto IMMsébou tsebabys stacktag, 1~s Wtbls eue home ta-aght Saat>ugvolce'1. etuglur. ItesIlis slesi oronnoalIgth. Mi XP.Ildli top la sprtng. h' vî ialads ilrave Oee baby.. gerae 11>13850» plieies set'inlg, A1 LIE roeseat rpes Os masbe benr'st Xlu bade tht ilkil uy aoktug. 1ýM 11sIFg es but aient, hond t.,Yhdrstioas nhsiee; - -the clirea orthlie lau.! ta Uhlu or lu place: Naffgîtercego ungieo lef. u oit. Ad bande ho tassa Tht'. a-hale uolet us Venter vas tocstin- 17 te lve, sud every- vife, lied te mamage ansi conilytand sklmp ta get along.ý Plie uever hesi the haedllng o0f aun> - mont'>. Rien the' butter andi eg mon- mag er> f armer's vIte hlà fte swun, ail veut hto UDcle Jerrys 40 dIr bc 'vautesi a uew gown or a pair o' shoe-l hadn't 't i he vsnted 'em. but if tht' '*Îiî. sud thece va"t ne pessi- way for hlm te sie ot o' gt- n - Uuche Jerry aouI.! go te iWth ber sud boy 'cru and! pa> t a If &hcvas a chil.! or an IMcpabît' ' dewin' business ou Etse adn't ha.! tht' host dis- ,,t ert.!. the vouldo't sgent Jus.te. As It vas, It 'et on tom en 'abher'fearful. Tbougb ire t' o' tht' richest men lu Odelt 'a* been tht' vite o' tht' -Md 1int'r'bleno efur's an> oui- tioes gas consumned-or ln- ctbetr-ter sahe wonsaI- suvt d, ai!w'ut uothln' but yen mlght gay>. la>grt'rW...uns" wu",as nd. tovtrsis Christmtas he sot a ~8oatfer arlu' Ioeiselieu.. at Wsmiy devotion eue morale', t*e readia', that ho dlvulgated *pfté Hl inds tht' place la Ne- - elerutea! the' long chaptera * Iamter-ansi pots bis thuin' lu ,14, then, sre vin' on a long tact', ait Anat ets.> over hi*s pita. -1-Zir et s nation tht ibis g'"e business le ail foolsrta! xi. uath. sa§la lu the sîglit 0' -teg attuse mucb oeeday lu the' *dWat belleve h t Densaýr, te a, a' Ittons et curselvea lai netlinkful heurts; anud if ve ad se ou,.a-b> i't that b~ a,)our nat iter.' tbdm an't notilîdron coîan' -aie>met th-rt' with ber bsnde m ot exuctl> tbtnklu', but kinder -ah.! grievin'. And a-heu tht'> sa te pray abe kopt on olonder- evrer. She vonderesi at te h.thanliful for, snyany. * Ihau coul.! cenne hnme'"itîlen u *glter, ail tht' child tht'> ha.! ansi she rived os e r aa «mUlu't afferd te coin home *a ffldrt'-hliu'elle vas a *ugeor-but, oh,.lier ber mother ast ber! "*bat di!she cale s»d plum pudda' if Ellen r.. cold't est It with ht'rl j JIumlght s a wehllieput lu the ddn't cre." Bo she eW net'aut hardI> senl' the' eu«t te lier vork lu the' ktch. broellokUp. Ph.e didn't kna- b5ldle, 'lma she'.! been kiail- --aln'te lavt'Ellen and! tht' .rstas vas more tbau be - Tige va'u't sotiel' te ber, raeWight ga.y. "Dthîs vas Ir nt 'Île camel's hack. 'T ,uI t. olac, ah.eglve ont ansi ha. lied. Thtnext rmorlu' she q&. bat Unle Jerry dldn'tý ubout It spome.! sle'.l houp je vIte lest the saute, as if le IbOsets 0 egttn, up. liav -btuder tht' sun te b e ua do seinetih', se 9et t teler fret. sud t mastard plater to hmXia' Hep- EZ'-li*Aust Rets,> tsiAboe aoa Wýomauandi sbe'nga' ta dit' right off, "Where di.! ibis 'ère corne tram?' She sut there, Iliansit' herselfitnd thiuk- ('Lîîch as die da.~uite ('hciat circunt- 11 tai,'lent a-e hyper round an.! do Andiht' augheil audtsays: "'. made l' a-bata pouer, a-nak kind et a ther ecion. The (luureh of Ungtand silupleil bometIia'. an.! do it qulcli. Bat fotId.!out ' ont'et ofor hoit Plymouth Rockis; fah.evas, tit tht' tenrs colleildtera ber ctfi emsaI ocsiin a Ihaniulyt'nomljter. houter astep oser 'n' totch tht' doctor." la It goo>d?" cheeka. Thon, ail ai; once, ah.- heard a IbItritit- aIlis tiuni,'lbhei-osîîtrii-s et Eu- Uncle Jerry vas wlandertul tonie dovo. A wonderin'. qniveri' mailehoverei for noise qutaide. ripe blossi-yiu aruteolthebelgaI fronmtht' pop- Ail et a susiden lhe realise sst hieelalie a minute on te berpouer face: &he didn'i Tht' stage lha.! aleppeul. and' iher@ wals ulir >-car. sud in lunt-tadnit until i172 vas invaiooable tu biuis:olielt that he kaov a-hat temakle en't. But vhen heliete ound ' voic-a taîkin' aiand. abun'- waxasitie 2.iîh Oid Iareh aboifile as tho& coutlnot get dtong viihoui ber, nohor. Ingged lu the' jug o' vIne sud pouce.! eut an.!of etfet hurrylu mfi,) the lutte. Thi tin iîiniti b-fîs- u h'lete Hie vas as auxious te bave tht' dector esas h uitîbaîf atuiebler fut sund handedi t te tht' door oeuntd-no. h vras huIl open- Januior>'madle the t- siu-polit oethl. Mi' Hopknflint, 'asnd îold ber te hurry ber, ber syos tairl> l-tutk out cf ber hemod sud in troopesi a parcel o' children. and l Long ieeibis bnplsenî-di boa-asi-r, the' sud brlog hM. a-th sstonithment. hobinit 'Pm, net fierhohind it l e hebauds uta>' usas il-bratedilb>' tht- peuple utfltng- Po she vet-ht' lifreilnear by-aend she "Dinkj0- it; it'tl do jien guis!" oanys ho. tretcheil ont an.! the happy tearas treanu- Isusi nd it i-inu. hIfswax thse cotoîn says te hlms: l' dolen lhec pretty ta-e, caet ber daugli- fer tht' niensbu-r ut the bonnebold te as- "Doctor Crâss. no* ls yeur chance teter Eis-rueble un tecru-sint- of tI.laeiot etthe 'do a de..! ' bumanity. an.! put s spoke 'o etfer. il t' cilie nt uio'a one t au.! îauua Ut tt'e ret sirae of he la Unehe Jerry Fester', a-beel for & 'ohr itatthlrn oxstetit ngyt tirnt If ht"s t-t an>y beart sud teelin'a tience and vouldn't vaît no longer for titi' bur fr uvniinigthcamei-the a-boIt'Plein- youen finlhut easd us-on ete 'e» for their torrs!' Then Uncle Jerry came ta the ps>aoe ii atb-u iitag-s bts af.'s sake. h 'venlil ho cruel tu reakY ands s, beosixi laut-hin' asid'M,-bo-I ut bot trinu-. prepaîru-lit srlbmany brlog her back te lire. j'l ots y o Ibr. iéé,ciden! raugué" hestI -ansd drnnk tii the buulthuit al. 'T- semsethin' te mire that lite eniloorable. d"T! I'& m tres childr'nd i ees htl Simsatd Wiios týhail" 3uusr hbeuthI Don't, I heu ou ye, vaise ber upie t e uitetrIle ont tanor. sd .tekhir and the -cuîohotather.'foroe ustoilta int lu tht' sauteaoil skimupY miser'bIe va>! -tethe lounge w-be-e ehi-e outd la> andthe %%u-sait luuuil. nifs lf elleUtc a-mfit Better Jet ber dit' an.!ddoue aitbit." reut sud ftilî ho s-lb 'cm ail. Mihé poIle-il and tsI tu!o tîuuk tfin;taon itii u-n sud Tbh' diacusseil aud considereit oser tht' bm wnem eh'r ansi issod hmas inattéi fer a tea- minutes, thon 'vent te- orbispecoil: ituuult tu bis nu.ightuir. The tient nf gether te tht' bouse. "h oba..birtoyu e'. f. t- vtis.iii-,lhe und. cs atIt- ami Tht'> round!Aunt Betse> IaYiu'Jilsi the mslff- me tht' huppieut usuma u ie,- a-ilth-il[i tim ieshheinuua h- a-bute @âme ousslthe stoppe.! cryl'. The iloctor -- - ontt uuiiudyn.itlmii' hu' iuaa- examine.! ber andl diatgeruoseu ber ett-t lrrUuns-> sqîika b hing iko litbi.: as-e est'caihocoul.!, thon lhe motion.-.liUn- rouldai. u nîtcit' tap thi- bacnc;out]set 'Vn- uuyaeab- rît' Jerry out linto the other ruer n a-nl iit dowit )seunhebahy cuiter snd laulît-eut tudl Ilh, eleingit the' deor hoitinilbini. %~AP utL. vita-uthise elSottluiehvienîsout' calmuer. And titi- cieuiutfsuu It seema tht' iocter tfflk thintaurtel Anci o 'tien hu- felI ouiil hb i'e5 soitthankedl iN- wYi-:i'o ti--hut- oun-tloapanse(] solluin an.! in deuil ernent, andl soya hà, 'sJin Jackson's oldent traite a-une (o everentîly te- howin' bien betoehfrbe <cmiii uihuu' l uthu r iitd sisti-s firci- te bot-lu aith: yeusve heur.! toelon." (lie'd a haitruie han.piniiia aus.andi huis, i -os il, i uliu .us îrit- e sere iîîîercbîng- "ULncîsa Jerry. do yeunset bit-h val> on Wh> -b>'. hsbaudt" sIte rbiapereut. tu get fuior hinimi-tt b>'bemieusin' i'mosuncui. your wiltts lite?' "4dhd't it cenit an aiful it-ht o' muut'yf' ' uers.-New -York 'riune.Ilui Ibia couuntry thon.- la litîleoit the' ansi "Ri1ghi alI>' on nu> rlte's lire?" Baye OuI> $3 s gallon.'"hbc atîsa-trout. tryi' utof tiiiiluu îoilitiiiteu limîin or i-oen Uncle Jerry, reil in tht' face. -'0fcorse te mssnile, but butkin' rather t-bacul'. sise THE GLAO NEW YEAR. tueiuur ,,uni iîîîty tt soirsa i. Ifa-ca 1 deva-. What yen taîttu' abiut?' sîppedIl sluow, eysat' hbies-cc thet oi) o'thse lrIiaiiuiii. -1ial vinîluNi- oroik, I a-as bere a-hou you fetches iber home the tumbler aushle doue mu: but ipreti>' Old-TlussCeleliatouofIton BintIt sud sut-e i-uisturoly iuliaîiurs are' said tu a bride, I remoubor Lui-v hatîd»ome ashe soousellsont hi m suad siote saii. Souein utems of To-Day. hire uuigiru;tiuh t. in ewa-id ili.- or.ut the- Iaa; ptump as a pa'tridge. trente as n sa-fui me&chin'. sud 'pentil', ber lips lIF brst of JiantNu-us lt-Yan iuînîuîu vili frie'tiul douaer, au.!asu laughiu' sud chipper s girl tremblin' as i ie t'asa uuig lu er>'. uic, tasl iiitt'auiiu -ei lu.iusu uemuu h as 1 'bout egrcset'. Chant-t-l. tecctbl> 'I'm aorry te pu oi i tia s u uch ex- - C, îîîl e ioo it It-uliuîrcoIossr Iiu.yîieiid or . nt changoil, Aln't she?' turnin'tlu i'ncîe Jer- pensé, husbaed, I'm ttraid-t'ni straui thIe norl.l a doubniu ]i-tx-t niutl it -i ,t Liiitînd im-ior ry sud feel' in bis pociet fer bis han'- it alu'î a-n -nhile!" - ugnili-am -e I rtc i-i tii-s îl ai-il]lîlaîtu iantriî'Ius snt L'cblftatefripe awa> thet ars. "Il dues Ht' gt uitan.! bIna-e.!bis nose 'ith ail iarl- flic cuitl -i u(luit ii niu.Nlir nu-ru- Illliesi un- lieti8aIl oa- hes change.," says hoe. bis mit-ht and. main. 'n ftdv, o i. oogou er "Change.!!" says UnceeJerry. il et a '"ISant yen te Cet 'veil, Betat>. î1vaut iunsi- tetItilj I,-ttt- ur -ua ur floster. "et course ues ebangesit lhy, >eî teut-et a-elt" ho manage.! te say. - tiu ltie ts'î-lieîs Of tislut t1iauuti' essaui t nuan>vi vt"ve heen marrie.! soin' on 25 Year! Yen iTht'eîagetexpression comse In,. ber i - tl toti cheikkinil.îîl]fouîlîît bah-,utruîhuu-b th, - face >otu evease lu ian>'creature's. Then, off iue. a a mi- !uukchirk'slturtuuk htutiuir hu-irtu' jaa if trtaek b>' t-meth' in bis look%, %lie Stone lîu nature'a ']'bis i-uston uîi apr il ila uer -st-e.! butagel a diniée that ie osas dit- itur otuix uîruut huiîlitlî-t-'ntciiriu - j te ~rcent, unit she trie.! te makle ont boa- t - îîîî' lan iih lat- ut n uitli-tritil r.tltiliaut fo- us ti' ir-otiui« wan-subut conul. tand,. hein' tua tireil sud iliîi'htulig hi -5i uuîîOflot iuit tînu- uif %vNuthO ii'3-tir - eak te thiukrmuîels. abc jettslet bi kes i. îiiuuh. nj 1ýýg1ugii gio ll uth, iuiuur No iics--ui hihu-r oyei anud tire Il itl uip. ostuî.izîumes tuîifun i u; r int o-ýdJtho. ir - - That iîtht Uneho Jerry harnesseit the a fuiturcein Iu li-h psulnl iielIifty bouil.i uni-s'hilt ,.tt ;iTiiul suit iî ciati îti til initIe andl a-cut osermuet lt-it Marusitknoit-si ut- sli-titi- u'fouto ,I -, 0 ltli' in Cl tiel " us>usll uina ii. o i-i bt ci-k o ui uîîi-muiu. 'T'he- lroi-n ttii nou uu uîrl13-h~-- ih hti uitiu shno Iili-ru- uo il i iituu Du, lio.uicluuuuî-. f Narys an excellenîtoeu.! baclnd i issu-s ttesul r11tli o oý. .r o dn. -Ala-ays reail>' Ii t eunit dea- fer thecnelgli andilretrugru-Asuii-- -ïoniru-u-uicutinoi i i uTht-> l-fi fuir iti ti iorfthlilc-,utn hors. Shes a prime nomua d suitLuuekeep-iglutLt' iriliiitintiiiriug if foi-tIi. )et uslinnu hhiy(a lu-si n-unbI-,teniint-g utuu n C, adit stugso-ndt cînpa n>. uin-etthe uua'uuare iîutuun t urn tlu-r liai-ksoiuu t he ulîv i-i. lîiiu t iust ilii-roui 13'huaii I inil ' personotiluchec Autit-tue>' fil.thiu Lits offornrt fna-r îî, atdmet îlelu-ract-s tlle it iliiuy m s ietil uofutci-ut>,~) youukuoso-.Wallit tcouic atuîîugthe dy ts ndu n v a li Il»t itlite. itnuîtî>Nia- Yu-:i c' Ersh-ngtt, t Ii.' nn n.'-nfore ('-iiittiiic .sudnilA tut Itetutluis-y l'itis10oll Niiiutu n uilius cf Rhtune- r ttho>Ltitt( i-nuia hiber uasolouuun haek itl her eamu> hair lunlbt-ebeerful ait- 'r iiil iule -ti-V-r lingluist n li sîu-îu-iit-ra-for ci tu-w uns-lit luitiikeouitthe lits' ruai. A îui-ner foilî trlaIe faitlslowi- a tni' l u ni îuuît lus!suth, -lu i us i u it- hantsl, ruffi'c-oI N-frhliuini a tutul Lhuir>- in-ay ira tiiit ohdneileiiiita'shelf; a craî-kliiu' tfi lii-xl outbititi aut iîîtîi, in uoaî of to l lu, t t'tus-o t ieulmo- oui bosl. At timsea ii-v uas tiuruiu' ,iu tîLe ulett irepulae. a net Jouilingtheporrucîca ii.uumuajt]tl e-tiftwas-the ibfshîîu al nte a ruetoril in tht' oIdt Ihby eau lay- tefure it oi t thcuir, (if it-tt-. T'hio Jnîausas abs uî>'sa reluru- Ile uuuîsh-r ut celle. 'iTii-u, fronto eirl> purril' for aolhstht' aat uh-a erfect seotitul %usUat-,uufniieý o, ifoa oippli uilsnoriions<ttiimiduigbî, ratie-rs aoutlusaik, iUXCLI.aJglURY SET PAL£.AS A S ,TATU'. lîltur' ot conenît. St it iruectiounus, tif ti guurutht-paint anid rm, rife, ring udosur helîs. iury in susi Th'e duor wos oo ilto flte kitcesn, sud natu i lin- fuîtune. Front iletutdayso it uittt-u.. il l ii n flic t'st flumiur, lu-avt- caut exisect tass-man teu ts>- 18 ail lber she coul.! ec Mary tepplu' round abouit Non&,. '!,6(W)3t'irlé agi.oui-tu balsnuîc t i leisit nuiciasodit ugtLt i-er>'- lire!*' lier wock. tottin' resil>'for tuItuunrer. i-itoi-t. i one'su î, ic erother. tu uih-ei-se wir i-n ti'r oaki-. 1 k-oir hattarmrs'vire t-cir ildShe coudnsll the lit.-suthîn' fthîe lui-k.->, the ireot ilay utthe y>1-li. ofoit,], li Ituiut.. u -Ututibs leiRa->.Isdcia prett> rot aua agiu'trai îhiuîg: break dour n ututhe plunu îuidîîn' bassin"lie the iuren hI li>' u is ii ri nltu tht' ginsouitdosao. i-s. Lumui ne >earsa utsio,a-lienhLu- i-t' e]î 1young, ilo't lbcy? But. tUnele Jerry," $ihe kni-a- here %nusxa bul]lh-f ful' Sacurificeoruiewutn-uriusd ms-aIta-ire nmades lier, n Il le hi-l mor deor lknotteort b-i squarîn' round ounlns ulidohîl> sud lIouk- îies lu the iacc>-eitr e ý'cm ye9eruls,-ahluui. t'tastiiig ansd tajety a-r, uni- hotuse. o mmait basketus-a lieungt-tere- in' hhlm lu tht' cye. "t asut tlui s:- yeî ho-six mince.aoir pukiu. thre alephil,-An'*r-rui. lusets worro iuterchaugiu, peu- et-ve the carde of tte be udgthirail. compare >-ur oite'a hoocksa ith the look, thre e cab'ry tiort. S5 h.- Ihtit wnat Iluit-sitteul utraloi-morena tut! raemeten h n eunt tittthte nlî> us-sa net "a ot other vomenon e ge is-elutoson. auo tuoi) > nYtemalle ai once; tsid ucenteil ahurît-I i !iu'hiiig oft btir buiness anea-, homwo cr nttier fihnt th'idten vet'out haudaoner. ne hesîthier thai.-ishat sIe no str'troge. Sue sit-helsud ]milber bit l'Fritshfili tfîbentury thie ils>'bas bail "reeelng." N'o longer do the'flair onei a-a--whon you macriesi ber, usild tell nie if iack-. mb theonid look on lber tact'. Site uîiuntd iteit oientirue, lui-lut- ut1edgoaxiî usteiher luanticipationcf tht' liront yen tbink Iberes a différenuce. -a,w. a-as ibinkin' or Eh-en sud tLe chituren. troyn lxt otete b>' the oetn Cathollo cat}om', tale hlm ou-or usheu bhlas gaeue, they're differeunt froua yoîr vite. sied o ____fornemor,_entir_______- th ahyr 1Iosaiyou fair ansi candld, ab> i le 200. A fer cli! mu-tu stU go the abonIil't te look as happy, ho au happy r \l mI,., ounds, btnthie> are the lent lettrxes on anal nake au t-ond a 'pearauco osery was' y \ ,.~ ,thé' troc ansi vilI soon draup sîtegeber. as them wvomon? And a-hy ai ithat sabc »u~a' ~ ~AIthoush the tiahbion la goune, ibhe spirit ba loo tk taer erho!nlutht' primie o' lie '~~*whleL tronuptedIt hi tll exitet. Nowa- ita latsabout the' aav l a itIs ber.* Z i o» to tthhe an.!st dca-n bt'side is vite sud lcetd i lier. She a-as ssleep, sud Mie' Hlopkins behoho inOsi '5'u ceallie, oa- Pitîtul ah. ookoîl for tht Seen hlm dra- bis bandse aront i. eya ta-e or threetilmes en tht' slj - imeby he tut np unida-eut eut te Mis' Hlopkius. tai., sas-alit: "Wbst asatht' docter's orders. lVbat eau hile te belp ye*!" "H.u'e ordereit nourlabin' teod, sud vînt', au.! se ce," ahetanys, "sud I gnus tht' tut tWtut- You oea> LI a cicken, If Yeu'r, minter, sud gît It rady fer tht' broth; thon go ever ta Jim Jarlisos au.!d bu> a quiart or se et that ldent grape vine ' i'n. SheIllibe a-akt'b> tbe time yeu t-et hackwith hit,1guets." Uncle Jerry did't seunturb as vinli at mt'ntion cf tht' chilkn, but a-heu the aPOIee0' thtea-ia. e offlian.!and :natter o' cenese lie drawe, lu bis brath once or ta-ice kinder spassno.!icky. but h. ntvt'r opeae ie s les.. Wben tht' broth a-as resu> Uncit Jer- rY ashiei If he mit-ht take tIn. lu; eMts Hepkinus Ile.! nos f the chu> liovis that a-sa Aut Betse>'s anses aundset lbtilaa Plate vitli à cracer or ta-o, saitlife .k 'sm almag. TicebrOti vas Sugl a-lan t'gs 5ma a-ba t AalBettmet> taneti 92àedo hebsi barn ebei t'ai ,*.uOI% ,,i aieq are given. Thne ouater foks tal-, lay cardsaund itsnt; tise youîos peple dune ami rontp 1111 mldîlght. Thon eaeh une vie,, iswit altht' ethers lu W"Inget. *"A ltutppy New- Yesr." BellheaWflng, a-Is- ties bîev, and iuns hoicAih MIt4heïr mmr te volceine tht' newbm r b a n e, Tht' more scrous-mudt'd patin ha ie chute-ies nd a.!atdh the ld yeaz out a-lb ae.rvict's ot soU -ansi prayer, Butines. men bave figure, up their gainsanlad loses a unov wPlans are rendy fer tht' Yeur te cotne. Tht' day tift la giron np te family renuniou., tht' club, akatlug or' sirivint-, & visit te thie thetur, or a booki ansi a ptpe' ut home. The nea-ahojuna"t not forgotten. Th'> dt'liver te îlîetr eus- tomera, apocini 'auditenss" luagay coe-r,, prepar,.! fer thonsb> the ut'vaeiaers,4fr a-hidi the lihlte tellca-s rt'ctle mnuntaý, varylng a-lb dthe generosity of the' uta-r, T'an peetaan,« teo e sremnierei vltb a ghft for bts talthfnineoe. braugl tAie yetr. The' enatosu efgivlng prese in hi ls country. bossa-er, ls for tAi. anoat part conlune.!te Chrlatas. lunRugIt,. N ev Ymr'. Day mi.s tthe gmret, dt,- suce lu the matter-ttf tif%& The Frem,eh ton. nuke prtstntsdint-mt uvaesily on,, thetm eta 0<the e. Gloven, Viev-u eir, .a"si svetmtu ae n mentlte » - -a" Me Agoniai Eiet. Tht e eetary of the TY«reaeuJe hmi tauni reporttsent ta Contrgroa aya that tige Dlngley art "bas net been la force. lous enough to determi,,. fuI!> ilsn nuits, bat It ila coatld.atIY holievesi that wbi. In fuiePeration It wlll îîfford ample r.,.- Due for tIbo erdinar> îieeda of the Go,' ernmeut."' He. however, ln bis entimaten for the Boscal yeur 1808, placet the' total tarete et 4100,0:expeuidituren at $40%,. OMM)00,or a doilcit et $28.6W0,000. For 1891) the' revenues are esUJmutesiat *14182,000.000 aud appropriatleua q304,- 00000 a delicit ot *21,ttlJO0. For thie fiscal Year ended JInue 130 liia, the' reipts were fffl.0110,000); expeusosz, 1448,000,- a defit e Sof 000O The 8Secrptar> se>'. th'enmormons depre- elatien la the eocnznîîerî*lal salue ut sîlver, ta cnîpared with gold, ban getl>lu- croftaed thet' lnniiciiii reaýpoasthilitl«emto the' tiOverniment In ila dt'nd llabllitise and the logical cosIî or the tait sigauld hi'boldly taced. "'nhe Trensur>' 1>pirtment lu aillits OPeratiotia hboa trented -guld and salîer coins, and the' palier eepret'entative. of each, na(is ut al îtdigult>' as lu value," lie liaya. tIl ha% opersted btt'îelu ncon- eCiirent ircuflation on terme of oquality the two klnda 'if moînllie mot'>', notwlth- standing thie nover venning dlaprity be- twet'n the' agurai or iun,înereilivalue' cf eue a ompared with the'aotter. Neyer- theleus Il must b.. reüteînlzedl that lAits undt-taking lnvoly-canalarge llnanclal re- splonalbillly and lrequirea prolper andt aile quate leglaoilve i)roviaiffla for Ias con- tinued 'O'lu. "The' condition ot the' trpasur> ln Its relation te demnand obligations rt'qnlres that uneorut two stelia le taken. Tht' eue nia>' h a large re-eîiforc-onent ot the pet-, Suaneut gold retterve; thie 'ther inay ho sn inilirtant reîloiijn lit the' ebjctidonable forni oif llabilities. Tht' lutter la in in> opiilon the more deairabîre.' Tht' Soccetar>' tbejnrecioments gthe t's- tablahuient ut an issue and redemption dirWa0dcqiirtment tu, wtich $125.000,. (0 in guld aa&11 be sot oves tealic usesi for redemption purposa. sud that the sil- ver dollars sud iulliun lie passe.! tn the stain tscuai; thîsithie S'20.000,000 ureounbscealie îiilleetî-d and pllaluthis divinlsin goho di8buàrsd therefrom oi>7 ln ettehange fîîr irld. lie aloi, remnnmenda the lIssue of honde hearîng 2% pj iein' payable i latoitle ftr ton >eacs, ai the pîîtaureof tthe' tvern- Meut, to ltkotht' Plae if tht' outatansi- lng ltus. alîh senaajsui' fuir difference ln irteri-at. There vert' s number ofet oIk- et reummedatkn.. ODD WAY TO PREACM. germaine New a Fai witb Bagage Gothaus Frechers Religion snd religin methoda aem ta ho taillas on ia uev fiîrt silbtheth'op- prosehtîîg blrth ut lîcenter New York. Doctrines et hert'ay. Politiial discqasbons and agther niattees fur fcium tht' old-tash- ioni'dpeiuth ut l.sstiirn, seeruli t iehothe' ol> qnestions nov iliaiiised in thetbohies of waiihp. Andl tht' brettaay tron t te orthodîîx has affecte-d churches ofet et' denîîîinationî. The ei'îiteu-iiîu-yi auxedlit'the' reporte.! pnsslbîlitY u-f laitier Iiîi'ey Wtnigdisci- plinetilfi,c .-uîîriî'iniîghis aplrovai of se- rcliltiei-rnuiplea bas given w«y lto ilk aroiiîselb>' the- aritour.f lier. Dr. Douai- son ot tlîî- <tîru-lî ofthi. e msuit Landi, aho bu.tlloiwig Ihe eaui ofeutht' lot@ Drc. Stuîîrg.iîiutLiuiof î.n u, t reqiuently poiîr.i!id a lîtu ipi rnis iu enilîtianirîng ho. rîniarka i uitt'î.- iflîtited ýlsermon. lit ixiromiîi- uttîlleiu, itîechîîreh. 'Tie ls-îiisî re wi, -l t.> I te poustur te nmagie i leur ibi' îiî-atiiia u of bi. bjs-ct les. son ueroui. I'me ri&-anrsthat lke,-r t-mon dowgi.. '%NIr. Ii-îixinil-uis aut tat uianY niunrueIs-)ti e-clan,.i euigts in the. aniclît lintilehver sut uîîy lut-ter. Tht' a lgbtt huit ketiî îb'îiî lut ,, he explaiued. iatasa nî irtfs,îîlciffst. 'buTi tht' pastor ri-tea cul a toc halluiil h a pairuit handiu- iffuttatîitît h inhi ahKriiz. (Of euurse thei tînls luoi hai t Oi iitliieît caluacit>' lu Itill tî, i-tua-i ' unrsNu alt'the weight, mil i iti- i1lu,rniti.uii ugs- platileut. Ili-, nriiî i ti1i leiiiad the' hati.n ioni thlie -nd if a t shinky hi eanute î-aii'.i- iat kq)tîîî t î,ii n n. 'i luittrate thliî t ilt h îiri- liý lcl ia a,rersiu1onbo- 1l oN. 3ti îîa iir tul ia itin caui illeil ivithî dit. A loiic i-niamisgrsfaiteue.l te a bitlîooui r-îce*-îîteitsharj-toinguet liir1 uîîîns liii n- utc-i-îîiîiiily iutting loto pe-r-1 Thei,-î>ngirgi--uii.ns niw dlvited. Ont' l toi lhink. 1hlînn tiuu ies lîanauex- rlfIu!one. iitîî le i-thaca ileilarP t ha i lis tiii va, niahnioult ti-jr iiihîllige-Pt. tint the ha iait - -l i" n' sd ses- ecii i-.i iiti.s--u are prooîiau-d in iîaîy ofthei-iliirl-i GAGE'S ESTIMATES. No enter animal la round inl the Weg thau the coyote. The coyote lst teb plaiamten vhat a fox le te anuEaategR farmer, ouly the' coyote la more la «Il- donC. Forest and Stream telle about a dot that basi lb. principal sport ehae,- log and otherwlae wcrrylng coyote.% and! mi led Into antbuahbyb>onù coyote susi then set uPon b> seversi db., 0of the prairie volves aund aiment douetet death. "About o'eleck ene nlght," the pa- per says. "ont' of tht' coyotçs cate 1 the' kîtchen door and! boaled agUra- vatingly at the dot, wblch lhereupoîs set atter tht' coyote full tilt. Theo coy- ete lied around.the bouse, dewn te the corral taed uroun.! the' hluckiinltllmgitan. ty, the' dog yelpleg ut ter. Behîl lb.h sulant> 'vert' ether coyotes, six or teren et thein, tnd ait ot them muade for the dog le a way that madei e ftel lonet>. The ranchinan heard the lIglît andi the dog's bovîs ot pale, and, grasplng il ride. started that Wl> on the Inn, yelh- Ing as h. vont. Tht' coyotes each toolt a tarewell nlp and! lied, teavleg a soe dog behind. Slace then the' dog bais net bien no much Intereateil as go for- mer occaions le coyotes. h fellowa single coyotes vlgoreusly, bot the' ap- pearance ot another sonda It back ai tat as Il cau mn.' Tihe coyote lîkea basiger fiesh very mucb, but ont' coyote lta lot eqIjal te al btdgt'r tn a fighb; couaequently, tIie coyote, wheu Il meets a builger, hait te reacIt te strategei tilt aid arrives. The maniier ln whlch It does thîs, accordlog te the' sportsaxte paper, la lnteres. lng. "A few wePLkn ugio," tht' vrlter nays, "as 1 a-as rldiug aloug 1 saw a coyote aud s badgt'r. The coyote su'empd to bc' playlng uvlîh tht' bolgor. lt' voul rirance &round It. fOrat as If te bite It, thon ruae off a ltie waya. tht' badge, tollowing, os-ldeeîly vt'cy aegr. Whea tht' btdger miv me It ran loto lie boie, vhtlt' the' coyote vent off torty-ot' hfty yards aed la> dowe. evîdenti> knovlug 1 ha.! no gun wlth me. Tht' coyotesa devîce vas evldently Inteaeit, andsus lieep tht' bedger Interestes itlIanother coyote haptieneti along., ahen tht'ha.- ger woulsi have been kllled."-New York tun. BICYCLE STAND FOR TIIEMAL. Device Gi,.. au Article ut Hoasahoid Yavaiture 0,cr the Whs.l. The yeung persons *lio turu the ba. menti et thoîr dvellings loto bicycle r'palr %hop@ vîlI ho pleciesi te leara of n nev devîe vhlch vîlI gise an article of boeat'hcld furnîture ever tu the vbeel. It la a hall bicycle stand ansi It conîsi bc eonstItictosi b>un Ilegosnaman. Iteneatti a mlsîl-If hb heuuugh le admit tIi.' el a-ti- iffltle t' i-tln lai-cul. "Te sniîhe -îan'îlu>14 tieniut n bout bratsa coulanjld suint- iatuglngq. Tbe tp uftheicstanî lttlel us-lîaelvea, boisakaand i tnuiruu. mu i lsâtIt may terenu-m asa liall liairat-k tic.!table. Ttne IBulawnayo Reîtroaui, lu tht Traninsoan. lias bs-tu 'îîuileted snd the tutus-eofthIis natine ligtebittlu'elemirle lIt-lits. The rreet-il>' conuilnute-d &hop@ ef tîje ReingIltCarViLee-I Comptany, tt Iteaitu. Pai.. enillu>' ole-trîr power excluIs-ely anti art ligtLed b> electrle laouîus. lu anuer X-ray tuhie tht' anode, wh-icleI Ilable ta bu-tome heated. la coflutcucted of a bolier iîlntlmwm dlnc. uvhtch ha cooleil b> the circulation la It et s strenun et aoer ocater. Tht' London leatttutiou et ElectrIcal Engîneers comprises '22762 mt'ubere ma-de up ot eue honoraty niembet', 174 toreigu inembers, 619 imembera, 1,7M associâtes undi 237 stldentU. Motor cars wece one of the' featutusa cf the. lord maycc'n parade recentlyn bel.! lu Londlon. An accumulatorcai'. rMage ceprenentesi tht' progreés oc fli toUlo'vug the' ramnsu"Racket" an- gluetcf 1837. St. George's churcli, lu Berlin, Iola.t bu hîgited w wh beleetrlcity, tnd an or- tan-bowlng mecha-nrianta te buactai- atted b> a tve and! a hiait horse poveSi maeor. A motor of ten horst' poWuu- l aise te ha laid dca-n for riglng the belle. A rt'cent decialon et grt'6t Import o mata> xistiug etre't raîlays bais $6 hein hande..!dow li tht' Ntw Tori Court et Appeala. scerdleg te whleli It la »it permlselWt' fer a strt'tt rail- va> compute> te use an> portion of th* tracks of another tint. eitiier b> lu»e ~ or otiter agretement.- The latent textension of the trlit frelght strvice la for, the ahlpusI oeif, eattle, a ca-st'bt'lng rq*.rted froin MeS. sou Citii.!d Cleer la"e fecie rond!. The. road la nsttagil« andi ptam wtilua hrilita M.>of tlss bet fare lsa 1.v, At' Maso.OCit Ie tiocli la tratheee -rtuatralua fez tIse tstag TW@ Ue vilm=oa lit t*nie4 la Oum efarmian àllwet - Appronpriatlins fuir thet'eiemce of the Fiscall 'ear Indînig .10, 191). s-urctr, Gaguit-i tîrtîuuummîîu-d lt' on- tr-mi's liti' ithuatc'uoft appîripriatiios ro- miri Putnc ili- ci-itl-.'if hlix'isa-aI >eac t'uuul hm- 1 ne u:W , Ibîti. afurn ihd hy Uice m,-i-rnii i ocruil s elca rhimi ta. Tteu lita i niuuuuînt i-ai heufîur lu>-thle cti- nîstus o iS~4î.7t-~s u lunh rb i bount ,w412fOtj(M)<atii Ou--fsuouit h le appiîroplria- tion% fuir lt-i8, lîinlutit-tiýÈcis-ucicsandl miao-lliiueuui., ad ashunt $41.000,(X)h moure îlîauî thé.- u-uîiîtsfor 18111. 'The r..I'-uuutjtiu.u iýnf ,uîilliit l-sby ililes la as tuhlis.gci-nia ouuiht i-il .eglslaht' eati ......iiui - 4465M2 Exnc-utire O'tihlliaieunt-.... X..048 Jîutal eil.uabi.nt------------.117.020 Fur'ign ItIce-umrut'----------....IlO,42S iliîhr>' OtuîtIiuu.ýnwt--------- 24.t20t.0t- Naval at ...........------29-1J.13 luiu saira----------------..... s t'en.tlui.-------------------...... .T Pr'llri ric.------------------73.tti-.t1.1 Mlscellanuicou..s.-..-..--.-----..--35.18.402 P~emanentanasl apphuril- uons----------------------....... 22 Grand total--------------..54i12.47.885 These alintunts InelIîiîW tetinAîtes for river, an.! barbiiru, $48,72KNtO),sud for fortliiations aud et berwusf et ienso $13,378,571, the detils etfsvich jreoady have ltten publisheul. Thet otal postal sers-ice ielicîecy >In es- ilunated t $6,8048,112. Tht' Secretary cf the Interier aska for $110,000 to ni.! lu the.protetiIon eftitnubei ou public la-n.!,, an.! $75,000 for tht' cure, etc., et toetst rellerres 'The, New?'1 The Cleveland Pln Dealer mas that e ot tht' men a-ho bave imade.records an higb bridse Jumpers ha.ltu tvives. TlWst ttllov eridenti> dotcn't linca--va-I le. Ittet tattempta te lntroduee peutua-. aimtaslfoot-bel 14o Meure have toit.. lu fallur-e. Those unalopblstltiee fos-ti- est viii have oothiug lm. rmluet h.. à bul Sit. A drug clerli et gromepost ULLi aeara hé Ma- Iwoa 4toftv- la 110 'l

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