CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 24 Dec 1897, p. 1

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LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT.ýý Vol. VI. No. IL. Dr.kCharles Calloway. Offlceover LoveIIl'a DrùgStore mou»ES mHI TàiAsi eTOR P. le Libertyville. -Illinois Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. Off ice over Trlggs & Tayloras. 1 to la a. m. 2 to 4 And 6. to Ar.m. Résidence on Biroadway opposite Park Libertyville. Illinois. br. A. L. TRAVIS. Bou UJ?LL BA. . I TO au!) lT Sp. m speela attentionl paid to the tvetment 01 Chronle Itheutaiau. Rockefeller. - Illinois. Dr. H.0. B. YOUNG. Physliin and Surgeon. Gurne.-- -- -----lilnois. Dr. E. H. Smith, office over J. W. autiera b!dg Uioow*:% n. a;l t u 6 v. n. DA LY- Libertyville, II. Dr. E. V. HARVEY, ilENT oisT D.edicatory Exorcises. ivaniroo Camp No. 1253 M9. W. A. held a speclal meeting liturday. Dec. 18.1 and perféeteit arrangémenté for a ban- quet and mualcal entertainutenitoebe given Tniesay eventflg, Dec. 2Hi. A. J. Kng, chirinanuof lte éntertaiumeflt commttée, avereni that thia event vouini éclipse auj heroif oe chronicled in thé social annuala of the camp. VOcal and instrumental munie andé anidresanm ) nome of thé bét %qumena tu tire County viii constitute a part ef the program; folloved by charades aud and farcea. An 0751er napper vili hé served aller thé prograun. Aasf vaniroe camp wili nedicte their név hall <ni ibis ccasion the éxercisea yiil ha nf a nature coflsitefli With an évent of ibat kind. An admission tee of 251 andl 34 cents villi ha hargent. Our Holiday Issue. This iasue of thue IDFPEIII>NT apeats for irself. If yen inni tirailn isa enommua whicb pleaxes yen our satu la aecompltAhéd' Prom veekteto eek va have endcavored to maete he l'OtSPSI4OET Sa vefeOMe visiter te your fileside, viih virai auccesa our éTat increaatug sub&ription liai la te us pleasing evîlenceý. Tr itlireaders, one and ail. waie uvini greetinge of thre seanbl Shines for Waukevann. Thue Waukeons aü S~ usi o! Tfinri- day, D)ec. 16, comea ta Oirr table Libertyvîlle, Lake County, Illinois. Friday. December 24. 1897. Obttuary. .lua lKane Badke Stré ubJéci0f tist sketch vas bora ln Pmuasia, Germany, Oct. 4, 18WO. ire vas toi au orphan St neveu years of age. In 1855sirecaMme ta Chicago t mate lier home vitti ber @iier. Wus United lb MArringe vîtir tire laie WfU. iiake tn Jouef1857. Thé foloving rear turyMcme to Late Contny wvirea aré ban rontlnued tu live uniii called home Déc. 16, 189, te bc e étéd vitir ber lovéd Ouea. ber irnband, and oldési son who have preceded ber, Early iluIlfe airecousécrated irerséif tn Christ by unnitng vitir tire cirrhof (ted. Sire ivéd a mont eariiést chriallan Illfe, lovéd ber bible déary during laie jesa cariug lutile to read anythirni lmé. lier Illfe vas very largeli spent in the sacred realm of home. On@ of ber cilef deigirta hinI to gatirer ber cirliren and grand cilidren %round lier. Neyer a birtirday or marrisgeà aBnuverr wva lioved ta pau vitir- ont ber notice, ibis van Une ais ofo tiré Snniversnry dayofaortov. The vête cirisird aud képtinb iovlng sacrêni memory. SOnij tirose vho mev Mia. Itndke ln ber home Illeeu! apprecinie fliy ber rmi Worthr or relîze just to vh&& éxtentthoelsof tmoirer viii hé fel nov thai aire has gone from them tn retu no more. Af er a short fu nermi service uthtie churcir kiud friends laid ber body tu SHERMERVILLE. Peter iýllert sponti Sunday ai Nilea conter.1 MoeaGeo. lairvolipsannid u Bleimehriof l)erftlid wanrber. Mun- day. Mro. John Match and danglîter, Franes viii spend <'lriannas t Han. teno, l11. Miss Luin Nicolai, of Maplearooni, fil., vilhé tire guéai of Mr. andi 1). A. Beaver Cirinim. Thre Gernian Liatéranu chm'cln viii irold tireir Chrristas enicrtadinimenr fritta évenlng Decemnirr 24. A cirriaime trse anld a gon)d prograin avatt ail vho attend. Tirere yl hé a dance ai Zimnuer- maa's hall aîurday eveini January to attend and enjoy ibis grandi Nw Years hall. Tickets 26 centa. Tira Charivri aitirhe wedding of lam. Macadié te mi"e Florence Haich vaaà decid.ed suecéa. Thre IboYa" vert, piéented vitir a ton dollar bill hy tire bride, vhicin van capennin-nitirearruen evoning. Thé Hope Union Chmurch ot Shermer- ville viii have a Chriaimas tree ani entértainint Monday oening Dec- embér 'J7. A véry nîce program bas beau arrangéd and éverybody ia cordjaily invitén te) attend and ibear the 11H11. foks. uns. Ecat Imue recelved thua véek, tramn ber daugietr. Lizzle, vin la vlsltlng ber graiadpmre an d other xéiaea ieti0f omtining somée kaadnme birtidaY oct*rda dstatlug ihat tie revtrer la eJinjng thre cimllae magtnes of Germay, and ln prépér- ing for a gond ou fashihueni Chriat- lm.' pi in pi ., pi av c; - OFFICE I.L.O.L' M- ' inttt'viu ie zn 'rpruu t oi, in ncheavauhatié oter "' As a aitablé pince for u i inuu uv. i12A. J. n t',a and 7 t Mh. r. tieons of Wantegan résidences, Street îovîng henni abhovéd thirl pprécia- justice and hrlngfing vro-dom sto Ial ~raslke llîois ~'eces tly ofliciais and encloeéd tien of tire aveet, genile file aire md irait, ibis place e luta becoming pop. w un rve alil aprpraIllinois.ileniamnt*e.n 'te rW . ThéehUm. la breehen Wauke- - frontitplece. Al iin &ail nl a Muet_____gael, Md even Chicago are scorned ai au W B.SCHAEFFERS céiledto n de rdtt h tationary for 'On. by vilj praciiiicsieaOfthtie 18vwbo crelibleodiinitand ue*crodt tethef r a beuntgbeloré olir court. NURSERY. pubiaiera aud Wanikegan. Tire Mstn Erery live,é buminessminu ei iii. cat e MWedncsday vhen a tose nd uue ntnof Loua <iror'P. Il.. aka unnier tire preseni management ts viliivant név at~ionery witir thé jouflg unafrom Evereti, Iacconpanleni a Frilqhianitrnifaistrna.(Irata" certninly proving a nepaprsiluperlor édveut ohftire near jéar. Wé Print vbyeafl iffilie viroeidn in Libér viens and Mmaii Fruit- nluovery respectKillya41411YIy ereto- jette, heada, noté béa"t, tatéemeut vil, 1igi d from Cod wnd I l OntMy ri onmIjmt- n,!k foe ubltsired lu Waukegan, and bonheds, nvelopés, businoua trds, sudtireir vay tovard tiré couri room OhfB - ngrainiate Btrother Stearus and hi inl faut every concelvale éklnd of Justice lice. Thé iour beiug early, F. uttrfeld M.D. . mIecora h asitana n té.un- commnecial %aiajuoery ncaily. arglaul- tirédispenser of!justie ad net jetd 0. F ButerfeldM. . C.aile crps ' slo'untKor'theartlved et iis ofltu.é mad atter a vcary s precedleuteni patronage andi faver ecsily Md ai rock botion pricea. (Jet watt of hall au irn, and à fév turna ygTEiltfARy SURGOtN ANI) rtENTIST. accorded i hfrom ils lucipténcj. My n &étiaeu, esilampiel. of onar ork as jtg dancing by tire attorney andb LIaariILL . . - inaaorl continule te "lhne' and rufel ta n orae u tmr ii nt Louap théblond cicuatg ably lu tire fute as in thé Paut tire Ane etn.tiré Judgs axttved, lightad iis flue, lite- enierprise aînd fuinrity o!fnmir cnty WnuiMeig iseéii brier, andni tfied tire gentie PAU L MacGUFFIN, *st tînri. Tire annueli meeting of thé Mliburu jMani i hotr court wian te5dij for bnia- Aitormé~ andConnsUOr aiLnwMtuel i ire fnaurance Compauy vili bel neau. Th ir iit case caliedwvanthatotfa Atore adCon»Ir tLà-Thé Wintér Fair. beid in Forstnr'ab Hall, Miibnu, Seyl va lovnéy. Mir. Seyi beiugI NOTAR PUUIIC onSaturday, Jan. 8, 189t10aii):39) a. in. svnirn, statei thai ire had gil'en mnid i. KOAYP BI atrday. Dec. IN, the Witer Far t réévétiéofiia 0. rs !tu l iovney, of Wankegau $10-50n il, Spéélal attention gîreri Cmnlt-i'.nnsied AnnnneMentCarniVnl npnedatithe management andastage of threcompanj. Febrnnrj' 8116te h foiven by him ta t axîn Cnîvnj'nninK.Chilcago. Cnîianeum. and IL inu a vay for Ithéeiectilon Ofo mlem, sud i&0conntytrenurrat Itaukegan. to P&y T revie. irennldinîer-tateindaurnt ttéind ta o III hrtbusinessthé inter- taxon on certain pnoporty helonging to n Orvînt Wnanî LAiK'ColNxTY ISANK, rvvsteén oe-saeldu u it of theé paa MaY démui. complainant; thainid B.G<. BIov'neY Librtvile. Illnos. ihiii~fiiu lke front. 'ihu'fair vili Thom lmeetînga havé proven very bad tlioîngiriIL unneeaaqary t a psy L',niiirntYninlMayl.'.Illinofis.thé tiré11,l ad Ih in ttalhéhoped ibère ixon, haiappr<prtetd tire mmney fort mii, î ue îrnun'trstama n, u ili lbe a ful attondace as everj mem- tier purlieols nfdirad never returneuf 1 LIBERTYVILLE HOTEL a tnniirnînennve vaY. auirti o e r ouigi0 JoiHN A. TnuAns-, Ser'y. for taxes, Andia greaini(le'Ofe"Pénse woOl ofthe12adng ndrntrin [1- Iý2 attacisd ta tire original amounn. S. EI.55M4W~ litC5put" Inm ittiei-dngnflnren i Hunrn. Dee.'14, 1>197. il2 . Oaibovny vamswaorn sud tateni that eau s.wmy isn'nmfshd irhb-.t. n1inuinre andilnnanaitnf-riig aria of ; tire détendânt vwn inebteni io hin maélég-roehaaservice rirai lass. tii.' greât iu-itrai mâte. 10 ibis en NORTH NORTI4FIELD. client lta raonntoftlf.misaiidasked îi'nm..i nuun . I«n.'[.l n l.._" i ýil l. iig'îgî tori<ni nhalla mllîinret aa n demu frtanuonuni, iih Irs . -[et i,1fluorsa fi&%'nlmen evnt'd 'lue linuir vent uuî tire nity isu e m. u adgéfie d iaieya h eed 'i LLOTSON & FU miazvE. P-0- s t. . ,OnîtlB im itable hie the diaptay Of Misainma Anteun afier vlaitirig her eut did not appear. Itlalmaaid at tsmater in tice ilY for a fevw wenkfi Ioiainlugjudgeinenta, nr iocatifig elvC- 'r A-i.Ain.. I clunelu . S.. varea Of vantosisr)t. Thèse ilmotirareturueni homle lnas'inemsy. itrielgiaithns home town, Attýrnnev LIBERTY ViLLE. - -ILLINOIS. juave iien arrangei nou tiret' idesof Mr. Adam Weber andt iamity npent' Galovay Imanuartist. ___________________________thie'enormunna grounui loor et tlie svernildays in the eîty linst yckI W, H. MILLER, Crnieum. A aspie 1411x250 nfet lu th irévîirfriénfs and retinmueni Sainraiaj. NOT FE W.H.MreE . nter uOf tirenmain itoor b en T he ciarcir of tire Evag= cal O T FED T<)SItiAL AItTfST, rovred viitih tinellt njnaliy of rockltasnocation celehnted ié qartrly 31r. Fred Siehertin alaowly reciîa'rhiig Wlirenî yoîn vuiit a cleain m.iaOrnî a maplle andtiliiie haicl fnr a n eumeeting linst Suay, tre.idng Eider f rom a coutraceu'd lIes,. gonobseteas al nueiu nta fiig. îira. (Otao Freene viaitent iiilier gon hat m ,~ii n liicycle akating rint, tue irai un! ts ltev. lit. Frey irotirer-in-lav tbu dangtér'a Mr,. E. M. appuiniu aa cHn(i. ItiÂS l0 F tCOAIis. kind lu the voriri. Tie management Mr. Iiaiug made a viait ta bisla tany' F.vsstou réceutly. Plat ulus l ., W. C. I'irom gh04 -ni mbeaitatédn ome ilue bfore expeuding frienda in Wheelng. , rbfeld andl lt m ce lf o twid on * saum lt. u.. Vvîii"r)','dur ihadkailtwe.M. m ee etfrEmo ,ivntnacnau un'i ,uîniitn $,ll>friIsuon.uitréatv ihad aivé.Neb.. Taeaday wvirelire expecta tun1 _______________________ eneafo! tic vogue fortrohesatinge lMr. F. lonter au acqualutancéhfront mate au éxiendet vinmi a isi.brotherm. renwalof he ogu fo reierAkaingRev. F. Ricirrtsa former' place of labor Sauta Clan. has forsanme <ays ieen -. ilichira neeuinig tir eu'nltry, il, boe on a viai. Hé vonld iocate iu delvering présensmta nme hoîmes. W na ..~ i,'ciniéd ibme hate-4 if ui.chemne. lfit ubl uigluborhiron nna (fillaIfsa con- He céniaiia l viinet blie hint time. nilini uiiuul iîtîîhi,' norti end (if theilu unding wiii be veulent andi auilabie place counin lie niai taatr ri, h atge ou ,inuf. Auginsi iebi gav.' a party ai bis hnas~-ifinesrisxtinn rîe te1ftiue f tof o!Norihâldeitict.rchea vili fatiérs place ilutSaturdaj evenulnug. Have Wwl it..o Oigna nnintîe igiriaelýuig. ftore areca0tedti he celebrate iheir Xinai, exercise& ou Fri- M&nj Of tire yoilug peifle aere ff yonni an, i, an-e i.uloue r rifle ranîge, mennigerie, congres. O! day evening. Thia alîhongirunrie nvited. iatnn -,,- u.n ultuakiunn'oftaivpu b ieauiy. bowling aliey, iilardi bail. duioitdiy more convenient, jet inot Anong the visitons t inneiiagnn care a~i-.inî1yain.ithei- enoiaun atgondolast. Over sanueirabie becalne th irevsting lirt. lBernhardt sun nanigirer, Mrnn. Mami on te eu aie ofthe'trutureandfrieudsansd mnmberm o! eltier cirnrcb lira. fScisefer. lira. Henry' Trier andn J. J. Lor4QnSStiGAS, on tirefru't ii sidano!R tue. sirnaPeterSchmidt <rayalaié. Illnoia. nireciiy lu tt'e rar nifnnetif tire iboind are dlért rî liignéaoie.H, éé md __________________________staunîs are piaedtihie art gaiierj, There inatooin for improvénnent ibre. Mr. Ang. ofelier andisls Atnnia Tt aryKiMr. Micta ifautvek Melirtens veemarrnedn t h tir'bu wauelwhinl cotaI. sevéral hnndréd vas prononceti iîy evrjbady a lit, have gone taO Gicnnoe c rete Ooîa v eatn16 er rîiiuc famolapaintiuugin xiibiteni ni deiidéd saccesa. tIer Iifty guonia expecitaemaethiritre ore tihe WVrid's l-air;nsmnking roonu and vête préent andi ail mad Jamo@u h een ud odino h -~~~~~~~~ enjojairle tme. guch social galber -. h aetmdynuuii htr G 0O D ~> Freiuch Cale. l Whoun onneainms ifirétd vithun irir légilmate ronde iraskopi yonag mnen ny vasir- a s O [) aî.mieLing muote santuiailunthe bounda are a befleit ta auj neigibor- Ing buggies ster rdingotnt ailir ibir wayilS Ai wllhoac modte i bn ilithé nitiuvate st. luuonte case utirasmproven a vinyo! vanni avii haacronmmited u e .noe j ccouvenlenuce iy tînt-girl noinug thre BLANKETS, tii.,iiingronoîîî whielàciu innocatéd lu M. W. Piaggé han béé appomateld asinîg. i ,î. soiîtlîemt urnr f the building. nitret ýom dso!)ér ta LUI tliré vacancy FUR ROBES, t in n n nuegievv arryTir hy John Srjiér resigueri. Tic recei test girmîn a iwenuity.ivo % is i)nelng àlr il ar h oard oifantiirs madie the calibépr revolver inithe iuu lliage liast FUR OVERCOATS. in,' lbirnt tnnth ii'aleynitdayn o! thre appointienut asuwdo innbnet Ibut poven fileat veapins oftht cailber are tiilcay.iu Anreareloatedi maîîy of virai M. Piagge viii f111 hie Office tu entltéty incapable otmf ifctive vork You'Il Fnad Thomli,oMe y flier are ctiî bi~ iis ovu crédit andth ie satisfaction of sud caution sionldlieb itl ion t lue O ti ing atatostf ie 1Y ilacominiltY. éqnippedeitir noietlulngnmonnre,'iale ilmrîngiflare. LABllié iadla, tic 31r.Moetrof hrurvilie, as liefor Inatalle a Krupp giinle. CHAS.* KAISER, uprncipal n(lancer nif the Streets o!fvas retnring horne front Wlueiig ThBfrin O!fct.. Kilgeiin%- Son, (ut Libertyville, - - jjt îrî, four ycars ago, viti reneavpset hi@ vagomn ified i viii lod bta lit. Louln, Mi, have nrinng tire muai ________ uîtî,iiieucnu citii lir mini admirera. t.editeh. Saine sny ihvasdute tun vecir elîvered theui ee nrgaru par- ILi nmiut geueraly lininutira itenairei lona batnnnuofippruugtaitltune. Ohaend<lhy tne Lutheran ,'hurei. 'l'ie LAKE In Is'tnu.- nîlis, andni hut lier dance, Hown.ver r nu<r iras it tiratilit vusorguean n.asi autlfil$1241 tipie in:,eai of oin of ileeaum41 y aronuuioni lu theériperinsrument Aixteen fent un g b y iiu - COU NTV i IN of I nnîîy uevoîlonîiI îcry Ieecaivse of a5toitcopions infusion etRdsDdiaonrem yws K igfirani.unnilof nome Inflamumable nsubstance fieldf Sunday mornîlmng hy P'ro.t.Stanger, BAN....... îran'înr. 'lei ther,' viii ieaiioginni îoeroie intbéEtinhunat, fil., wvi>alan acici as BANK . ... i Cu altnng no prpery o th igitileorgnlt. mlu the a!ternotnnu i,,uncert WrTt arh rt& o unrkiir, Ciiunnae. Japanesie, Cuba, kuwi.vo given, aome ecelet rheta Wrgt.P rhus L o ruet, Armnuian andi ottuer vilages, selectiona sud songa lneiuîg playent iy LibartYville, Illinois. taitun mu xintn'aàiionaintnal iloueter, K. S. Buckr Deadl. téfie-r)gunuut fftluemieh snginng ny titi rlnr,,avîn il)ifor goonnilluteîr. Théré K. S. Btuck, acuretarj of thé i.ake n'loii. a re' ntrer excellent îî.tractioîna to [bilCouutY HolidaY fachool union, ant i li lB ou Ie 'Issues lnterest-.Bearing fnd nîuîiithei'galry. Tite manage. kuovu tuernmglin.uîtt ii. coiuty aIýn Certificates Payable Me,nlinasn iiuiuite eto niasmble ceriain ardnt uittitirelems waorter lu churci Tire Amiun IRtoai Cyt'liug Ammoia- on Demand. iliys tt an eeka fuot certain atit'iuuuansd Snuday sehtnol circlea, nien t ia ieln has nffereni a gmiI modal t., the antni ogalzatirina. nt aalîilî éton oine lu Waniknganm aaut nruisy ridelr vin matles theni n eutury apît»-ial rograuîua vii ire arrangéni. morulng, uîh pnaumnmia. lu bis eathIn lu189)8. Cold witmilaand supperj Pit~ie ' iienî StateaslBondi vii f1AtAe ('cnntuy ina amauu o! dîcéi. veaiher are flot goinug inn)îrevni a aft,i'iluîoiî anti eveniug conceotiiousi ebriatiait Worth, Who wa raatnggle forilu. Tiose wcv ii ii omi. Prfs vanLeu. 1 *rn theiire l - Dotus ors interedaitly. Ieruapitmore titan pete forthisnellai lan to tari Newaî viii IN. openulit 910 :1là.in. and i alil e'is, OY iler lmrrines mnu iEne cnuîty, Yenns eve on thirurhunrdred ile irive l10:3oulp. n. Admniaaloli tnto ui l critianwvorkt. Jthrough thé coud, taeîpace tiré id jear linunîtlîg ailimlui e ,(et%. ----r---da-ont anitire ewyearn l. Atipating I wil pay highest After h tlng anme fI d ontinu-itiis auxiely, theéolicialeibave anrngedl eh price for i For Baie. lltj pnaiug Chamlierbans CoIterides for tire pedat pnuahermn. Ail miait i coiegratden-vus, tan. yeans ChoIera sud Dlarirooeafleiudy, Ctirla tari ai thé Chicago iavenue watéu >', d of F rs. 'n u eems brednltunregrateteui Flock. of Anaheim, -Califorcia, Pnr- vomis. Aitlire !oilovmnmg pointau bée A . . Avi'tr', llieriyviiiee. iaed a botie o! IL for his ovu tne munitiirav irai, tien regbster: OIak sud la nov aK n énuaicetieover tus IjVOndMri vot Kusa auone eau lhe. <lien, Wbéilug and Wankegan, gutîni - j éadwiut «r édvé,tom lire vte u The ta d W icent allui, ferien aébj 6" ffretnuig. viii hou tîeir Clrimimîa ezerei.ea Friulay aficrunoon. 'ltny lhave lbmenu pnatielug udr Ranugsandni umninii for thé pai veet andi ve ailexpéri inn heur îomeuiungfUnie. The.rrovnlng feattité o! ail, bovrr. viiiliehoa Cîisimas irecu vibrihubaindrnergnn fîuite s n-angé milice fi attiven itaitht' ,a'booi. Ai tne isal uîeu'iinug -,uit tbriîis fualgi, No. $1, A. F. & .t'Alu., bul Ien. 4. '9n7. tIhe funlowirng nernmul Ilotin-irs wae elécteni aand aplaluini: .. P Jiuanu), W.. lM; Jiscoi Melnviigel, M. W.; F. J. Miler. J. W.; C. C. Mille'r, Treasnirr;I. J. Fiinmn't, Sucréinry; Adam Mlzer, S. D.; A. iîneli, J.1D.; IL. Fiunke, M. Si.; J. He-rnusunu, .J. Si.; anti t'. Weifin. Tyler. Tué installa- iion nu! tii, unffiera dvitviiionn' sattntdiîy eveniug, Jan. Ml, 18%). Henry Lamte anti Min* Lbzzie Hiafebut vête marri éd at thée Lntierou n'iurcb. Arîlugtiun Ifigiis aiit 1o'clack Stnday Der'. 12. After thé céremtnj a large gatherfur of frieudas oémbied iat tie home o! tire bride's parents on itue Welfitu faim vent o! Wheeling viierf, ail vent uerrj vlth mluîsb. sud dancing 'III annrise Houday mornlntg. Tire ihappy conple vilii ettle tintait i. life or) a furia uieur Arlingion leiguuta vieré thé INDRPziDNuiT W ilhea ithli mîucb counublai htus. Wil jour Northtilld i'orteapondent pieuse explain viratinluhis optinnu, b..Matér'ful'u M.McNi<lney'amassage ta çougresa. Tie opinio o ou tintofmi Our citbzenua Inn wieéling,iiu that héoiran santohhnîg ou théeurrôencj question, vhinain aone o!fté"le tnetcsssx $qu'a anibsitlou tiu y700valuablo C "pe; but vthout tbe urno y lipv *1.5.0 a Year i". Advance. A T ___' BIG CROCKERY Si Fancy Lawps AIDUrkey A MFlidv Holiay ~ood& WHEELING. J. lit. Hogan la on the atoll lit. Mite Keatier in able to work agaii. John Weibeler la back from tie riiy. Mr. Andt, of Chic'ago'. la viRitin9g lends bore. MisBertha 1Miller bas onigit i era iliar-zither. Sveet Maria w.a sel on oir streott, h. other day. Our Margasin il by kceping thir ommibga dlean.1 Minn Julia Arnold ha, reaigned twr; An'e i ntakPark. Adam Hf. Weber in thé- happyftir )fi ncv datnghier. J. Fritsch ta on the Airk liai, înoilng orionn, only a cold. Wni. (Gottschalk took aa une loaniof, .g ta the City Mornday. John Iloeima club viii hoe readY tu, ,rt for Kiondyke Marei, 1,1. .1.s. lirman tn atarting the bhntin.r ,s1ilnemm at Wheeling itatinin. Theina mrket prh'cfor norakrat.4 ldos lit tilts iown ln 25 cents,. The aveetest utile piga Toni (ver aw' Wboe? At !.ir. l'Inbnlitz. Mlisa 1D. Butler vii Rpefld thé rlidays lat ber home in OJak Park. Mrâ. John lehm and muon Leo tununt m the aiglitm of Chicago Satnrday. Frank Datuer, of New lrli, Minn., 1.4 Iising frienda andi relative.ic bre. The (oneornila Band aereîîaded Wrii. rerkeu suit Wiîn. Win'kynanu Suinnay cveuiug. Mis Etunia liansnnnmu bil a ver'! articular frie'ni viiig lier Stnnay evening. Frank Miller aînd is Ii. ter Cinara ae gonrg to a1n.nîd Vtini (iiri4tmaa In icago. 1hi1 Wogîner maya lien la rcajly to tava for h lon'lyke, if Rhe la. If flot why not. Jonn ihm, SranotlisiNon John arrived home tionniay fr.;m tudrilmit no Miwaukee. Emil Goslch vhoha-ien numruering away fromn home haan now returned far wioter quâtrters. Eni. Habeu hadi a very liaul mlabap, îurting his haud white bhntecring Bon <irait'n pigg. IE. 0. Fritci weni to Chicago Tquca-( lay witir a léni of farm produce to suppiy iea custorners. Miae Lizzle Bauer wiii stay irntil the iolidays are over. Bile vantii to tati nu thé New Tear*g bâti beforc mile goesa home. chriat iinrk in building a ncw lionme and afier Itt lal itihen iebINigoing to give a "1biow onlt." We hope we viii ait hoc invitei. CirriitNechir latu te best ahot In town, -aber nit", but .ill pot iwo rabbltA. One was blinn aundthe oibcr couldn't asce. If the oid hachelora vonîidtaité the Young ladies ont riding imiteani of thelr maanmas îiîy wonidé moon Inn happy huabanda. A. G. Heorcher waa ont rabinit lîii- Ing the other nlay ani wam, icnky enongh to alnooi ail]iitheraluhit8 lie maîw, but ho didî'an' eeain. John Keobelin am on thre trait of aoinetbing ho, ibongbit wam a hear aud ai lant fonndlisa trait golîng loto a aix inch title, ao he Iiialiy gave il11) npa ]fiitientr. l'he nuembera of the 'Wlîeeling tire nlepartment are going to iake lu ti]. New Yeara dance ai Arlingion Méigbta- given for thre benetit of tire tire nlepartmeut of ihai place. O tto Laner got bot over thre loaa ofil hi, rhir'kenp i d irnckevithatlpe t mink t ie miles. mnroiathé river. througb the au nodg. tii) ih f<.tnd him- golf ou a rainli lunt atJohn Itelnnus I aaloon. Anybody wiabtng aonefine duckm for Chrisimas vonuîn do weli to cat on Frarnk Bartunan. 1He maya ihattihéY wcigh 61I~ ba. eaeb. 1He nnlppeni a loi of hem to the clty ami rley vere wboppers. Annong thoae vira vere lu thre eliy tant week were: H. Kaiser, Johiif inder. E. Slgwaii. bos. Behnore andi A. 0. Horn'her, vbo gayjvaikinq vas gooni front tire atation to thre village alter dark.9 W, aiînn uyone vin doe, not knov bow ta îplay l'iilow De% to cali on John Schmlnke. H1e vIIi give You fulil particulara. Ifisl a charming game foi vinier, un before you sart to pilay taté off your <'ollar or yon will be ont the price, 0f a waah. If yon wiab to bear amue goond mnie f would anivisé you to walk pasi ilhe home. of Mesars. Oonneh and nib hlitz. At oid ay hurof heday you eau proud to tnowibnit wc have aue'b elitiniatir' musictang amoug i. LIBERTYVILLE,,ILL. Christmas Presents f for old and young. f Our stock of Holiday Goods is bigge better .and nicer than ever.HI you can find large a$iormente i Toys. Doîls, fancy Cups and Sm cers, Vases, Lamnps, Aibuns ail Handkerchiefs. Mufflers - - - - 25c to$2-e Fascinators - - - - 25e to l Gloves - - - - -50C to 14 Silverware, single pieces or in sets 25c to 2.1 Candy of ail kinds. Mixed Nuts. Oranges. Orders taken for Christmas tme from W. B. Schaeffer's nursery. Leave orders, early. We realize the fact that every sale we fllPo whether large or small is an advertlsement for,,Q store. A good advertisemnent If the cust*Rbee, pleased, a harmnful advertisemnent If the «Opp" is the case. We Always Try To PIciO ýl V. Sauer & Bgqo. LONG GROVIE,-- - - I SANTA CLAUSHud '-.a...AT LOVELS-ibw Toys for the children. Un'" Beautif ul preâents1 A FINE LINE OF RARE. TOILET ARTICLES, .ETC. CANDIE,5S T e ww.. ... .- ... At Cor. E Cal 1 and ..xam jr before', 3uy in4 Heating and Cook Stoves that can't b. beat for Price andi Dura bIlity. y y ig NEI

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