CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 24 Dec 1897, p. 12

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A t Most A ny -Price. OUR LINE 0F HOLIDAY 0001)5, AT POSITIsIELY YOUR OWN PRICE~ "r' -- Everything WiLL US ..,Sacifriced.. Thiea. OSi by Rockers 49<.< 73C Thelue Ceatera 28c. We do not want to have any Goods to carry over and therefore are wili- ing to let themn go at, or below cost price. Cmin in end Exainine Our Ooods! WILL KNIGGE, Rockefeller, Illinois. Saving Christmas Money! In the rush of the Christmias shopping, -careful people do not lose sight of values. They naturally -desire the',fulest return -for the expenditure. Especially noticeable are thé low prices ~Prevalng at our store during the month -of December. A strong effort to close out ail surplus ines-the highest quality -coupled with the lowest prices-gives zest to the buying. Yours respectfuhly, i il. W. HUGH1ES, r W£ CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK 0F GIRAIN, FLOURM MILL STUFFS, SEEDS, ETC ~- ALSO . Lumbe, Coal, Lime, and Cernent. WC 5ELL THE WEBER WAGtON, WS4EN VOU WANT * - or Aguiciturai hpeet CALL ON WRIGHT &SONO L.Ibertyville, - - - - -Illinois ail poîîîTHE a$1.0r The Weekly Inter Ocean Supplies Ail of the News and the best of Current Lterature, rIl iamtorally Cîcuansd se s a miy 1aper ila Wlthouula l<îer. jIts Lterary Colmna arc Equal 10 'tliose of thu Be-t Magazines. -r Il ,u-fu a taiI s în<i th , N eyea lic t'. s th'.'rl eh<l' i i-5 fit btce v umm o! n 'Ji l aoNCew ofer etcl ..-iîie hr,lu&,mnp ibtla il à, la i,kegt &abd lrultts uti ',,ac .u <r-I 1iii Ail'-gia'i M twlegsa of n , .ot li n g <uapu 'r. ýà,i Çjc ~«OPRCE ONE DOLLAR AYEAR$1.00. olilal iii<sal .. jsl Ir,as Around the County. WAUÇONDA. RUSSELL. ______________________ A. C. 8stemm wai a oSh«i vfll C laude Nouelsa qute ill. ROCK~FELHR. visitor Tui.dA. lma Dora Dixon la vimtng lu r~ A.CEFLLE. XwIn fol ake vielalteals- Ohloago. lira. Nicholas wua Chicago visitor tlQ h 1e Ud13Frank Neweeu was ln Kennsa a ttV tTleH s e Wednasday. .NyM. W. wtaia, of Libertyvllle, vas a Saturdât. Ke st ne 4DIUI s er E. E. Raehn will spend Chrstma ut plongent vWatar Suiuday. MrWnk. N. and Mlia C. E. Àowe are apeaîd- a d S r d o Oauk Park witA iet parents. Mr. eo. Hpertu lt Wne ng thie holldas ailuChijeago.ran h e &ý .. . WiII Scrveus sel attend the bohldas gaatheéffrloet tha eek. lmsLottle lMelville @peut sunday Hgs onan aeshyo tesal . with Wisconsin friands. __ jéline n Fidycf this waak itis ber parants 1Mr. anidlira. Win. H sscr n a uhyo h t Leatar Burdin va orking for the for onaeveaka vacation. Melville. prestentet John Aynaaa'. J. Going aud N. W. Hughes vore UNmIar y Neveuiv ho lat atteu<i.lig T eSeln n p e n he d li ra. Gertla Caria Ja enhtslnnga city visiteurs aImb ouday. iOiiool in Kenoaha la home for the T eSeln n p e n he d r ldy friand frontBrriato. uintmdantarvlu ,îaîtod onr hoildaya. Al»Ma1 Omnabey of the fiko. J. E. Holcomb latbaSa Tneaday wh m te ars of!the vaat. 1f. mJlelvile<rhartre evenlng for a vîsît lunichigan. Mfr. H3. Fouer vanlui the Cty on front Evauston aud expeeta to bagino Hummer Sulky Plows. Re" aaEngg'a ad. f9ls rodèansd businessths jut0f thie vcek. l inig itutheaapîug.' prIces r vrbyour oonuesal. . . Hrio lle uta Thes Oadale oemetery Society vIn Brabley's Xe Raya Sulky Plowd.- MatiRlsathlê, ! <01GroTve, lclnily o! Dlamoud. Lakelaentllunday. meu vitb lira. Arcli Hiver, Tlinrday Bradley's and D.ere's -Wasing PlIo'Wg 1 gbiea&imiglt thrZ rs oiuong DAC. 30. 1897. Everyone 1 . bey araalluhabrte paM r . . .naynoldssvent ta thie City iaerestert lath le cemetery are- Cutealev ! lwryongfIks Monday ta sec tlta11ute1) who la very requestid to iii.prement. BUGGIES* - WAGONS .- TRUCKS. niijyed a Slelghlng party Tueaday M.LntleBannt, of Chicag«o, W eevr ul hokdli i'veuing. B uaday to hear of the deatA of K. 8. ",D Wo n o ' eltiled n frianda I lutIs place l1nti Bock, of Waukegan. The people of Lurnber %".C oa Fruuk lirown moved a Inudtcf 0. M-linnday. IRussell 9imerhmb li an erbium a lousehbold gonds ta Wanke- Pperad eliernf, f raat iar htavuah ie coelli gaiTnestay. lima epradShem" fpean tottwsi ovninSALT, CEMENT. and' TILE, lluryCaerth gula cnsala ak's Conent;vere clty vsiter« the ait Saptamber sud thuge who atteudaid frotte Libertyvillo wai seau lu tis .tirat of tha veut. teWnealcnvnInvi loRope. Twine. Etc. locaity uesdy. r. L. E. Hughes, ai Dizon. INvilsât- rematuber hlm. The itnnduy sehflol loculty naady. ng lier parants Mlr. aud lira. Ir. Wellsa aU ovar the couuty vîlI miea hie Ered lrabbe accompaunied by Emmua at preaent vritîug. aarnaat ]llbor. Gralbeanud Emma Condrey vers lu Tha N. W. A. bave pouîpoii0d li OERN G E .n * anck & % ]l Ch Icugo Tueaday. dateofittlrply.eA otic viiibe l Mrha. FaeihmeCronkbtasu Lla tbla spapar vilen tihedate liq met. lr. 1aîhTyorl- qie«« t* LJBER rYVI LLE, 1 LLI N018. e ra cm orafom Bb lmEerbord aud W.Lamplie.w Pr i>.aift wrllng. colloge to apend tlie holidsya at borna. Manda vith a toad of houseliolli gooda! mrs.j. A. ltoimal «pet a be lyas 4 4 ~~e *4 4 4 4 4 4 S Preachlîîg et the caual bours naz o y SemnTada.l llag a ek Biuucty mornlng and avenîng by tha o r hra una.I hcg en ek pester. NMornlng subject -The Grlavold and Garland îli bolet a Dri. Yonug lias becu slîk ferila tew - Message of Christmas." Evanlng turkey shreoot sud raflIe u et' l bot laya, but Ila out agalu ai ««nual. axîlject "At the Kingu Table as ona of bouma durlug the Aoildays. ltr Jamea Oliver, who haa been ialck th iii llg'm Sous." Ail are cordtally lila Rogers «ho liai ben spendlng for souma tlime lnalovly lmprovlîîg. ivited. a ev <aya vilhl las Della liaoîmond 31r. John A. Iloffman la husy collect- 1ev. Mr. Hodgea. 01 Chicago, raîurued to lier homo the fir't of lira ing for th(- Mllliuris lim<anue Com- Occupled the pulpît of the Cougrega- weeli. pauy. P . . . . tiouaI churchli tut uday mornlug B. A. Sithîlli bII ave'niit&fiction!I Son<î'tof «r go<.îlpeople bave- thei e ial c.s'ate anu uR enting A gent uîîdev ning and preschad tvo excellant sale Meducsduy of Ilila veek. Mir. KI<ndyke revoir. Il muay taie orne of sernmona. 1Hiemornlug tharne vas Smithi vii malle lita future lbone InVutmaway lIn e sriîîg. "ýTbe Signlhlcance of Obadtleuce ta Elginl. ira. John Tuttle ila vialtlug sît b ler List yotir property with me aud 1 vill fini] y«it a 'i-tmattmer at Heuvenly Visions.' fHi, evenlugý Prof. K elley wbo orgau i zd a dancing liareulstoi, r. mantri Mra. R. fi. Aue. We sul<ect "ýConscIence.' sehool lu th1e l. W. A. hall receeutly1 are pleasad te bave lier dii use rgain. roasouable rates. ThsFriduy evenlng theeHoliday give ,asocalIParty Wcdnesday The "Peak Staors' (alled te pttlu lcmol vîlI give a Chrstmas autertalu veîg ftii eat u appaarauce et thie lime advertlaed, Amuomg numnerous clice bitrgaîns 1 bave thre fuîIhîwiîg: tuent lu the Chapel. Thea programma 'but vîlI coma aome lime lu 1e riteur iq under the direction of lira. E. A. LAKEi ZURICH. fuiture vheu tirerondsaund wether Lakte Count.y Farme For Buie. Gravaaike. Hiarden. evrytlug la belug douats ti ra. Wrsenberger la on lh ime ae are more favorable. Dire ' nût.e cill Su aasI 'ri, ii'iiii.FcbL- i<i'.Ad~ î 7 mare thl oua of tAie mont, enjoyable iatIu lni n -o»Fuie îvn.P ice 3150 osai lt0;,,. l" oecings ever hsld lu onr ahureb. Henry ilihinian nus liei irrlig1tou Thea home Forum of Ihis place bail Pie 110111 mprov."I ftaraiîa ,Itir.. ii aeai1II. r. uiAvon T.îwn«N Sl ii ieb reaerved for tire raclolars lionday. su oystar aupî'r ltat aven- LaI.'. Li),'ral tertis. 1'rOs, k. o! tireSnuday ehool.Abert FIcke viltsîl IrTl1gtou -4ag-Euh i..f h.....ïuu<u A s retirerl' fan l. sur.. t-ijflîltv-,n-nt t, ai. nrii'i Iryla The naît meetiug of the.Rockefeler i uviled «ne o«li emiesn. Theeven- Tuilalut.-. lv I igtil-.itr'.ri.. wn.iiail tlied. s.'w a'î.' ndl 1.1,1lm Lllerary Sociatywill be iseld Iu thie iouday. roceug e lra2imt. nem1 Chapl Fidayeveing anury 7 IM J.Boiey AbîppeCIla <arluail of liogreiga sdIIeu ywith sînglng, Waziiî.'ii il.rl ai ,l. tr'iiL. Apple, ly îî oil hU...lievr u ooui al à Chapl FrdayeenlnJanary , 188. <~ ireultatlonsandsitreadîngs, sud the par- "rens arid prIilLra.U, Il. C. i<Io'.fruitdii aol . I.i'ilitl ,loio There vîi lie no deaae but a grand Tuesdsy. takiug <f au excellentl aupper. 'Thle RealE£brue Ai&P-nt. ma«i'<i.'uuIa. lhîrary sud musical entertaiumeut "A bot lIme lu teOti<i >. 'oi'Newvorder vill give a publie ««hIersorne- îrrv'îFr.<lo 'laiîî ta-u. Llbartyvilia City Property. wil 1be given sud tharevlill " ban iYomraove. i inme dîriug the ululer. adaentto a Win. <.ttrai IL. 1. tarilai1 Hll a"e .lo ut aigtroamdr open petitement. TAie openi paltatuit J. IB. PFoneu@ as <il'asînî visiteir - uoi riasoualî- ternes. gt'!ccl.'.i.u <lal u wilI au luterestlug feasuon and viii aturday. VOLO. li a.r- lmiiirîi.sfliter su., o ýg'a lwp for ncash. iru onabiuli contain a sharp smuslng, lutere&tMflg Courtuay Bros. shîlppad catlhi'from Mirry Chistalas hi.ail. Lak. .Prie-- WOse <.'r , ir -si aa-'For ,ai'.n.W îîlilin ?, -.7i aud Instructive psrllamentarl dril hi uady . WII iefLlrt'lh' long tînt., ai joierate,, of liil..ti. .cash.D The youug peoplaeftentitaevbolebieTea.,r iiW itryil- a nie country aide yl l ake part. Amoug Nrs. cbatefer asud iauglilem '.iaitodrt a vole catier Suunday. IBO ar.iiop ilwu'ai J.11h.rond, 1tujo. I Ciii I-, ,1. 'axlro' fi <.1 Tr'. sette)Ii Ibosa oun th. program ai probatbe g la ve.Thara vilIlieu a turkeyboiltsud t.rul).)Ma,,tînher. lr'.,W5r< "".in MA T.To 'A ia-'iil.armnier li wrlllug are: tMr. J. F. Grovenor, liermian ral t et bInlarringteil railla ai 'ViloeFriday lDe-. '24. casih. btaacon lgnea'neru 1 1r .0,îanillapoudartl Luela ilracbergr, ilceSh n ubusineu Mouday. Fine vinter veather but not -failte &Ii.r. fern ttbhi.n Ilesof i' .I.s a-'.aiarl.itd qyviI- or J00wauksal Glertrude Morse, Auna lMa Croukihta, H. 8. Hals, of Paatine lu .vorkiug liti snîiw nougli feor gond mleîghiiug. eticlions. tender bush star@- of euliion.tlII Cors Herachbargar, Ruth Bay, W. B. tbe Lake Zurich crearmery. ltire. Wiîl ilimatireliit irs. .J. lFrontîthoriuglhlr uil1lage. n-w -rioni <iibonne'sh'li"r-î"' lisece,, JmeN.cB. eUW Mr. Chas. Sotiesud vile, of Palatinie i ritad In liîuurv lfeit l<elaediîy, hr i fo uîg ruat..rin '.'o i' Everybody corne sud heur the moscd ereSbcito esAe hpeasklg sudtAie attl o! tise gisut lira. A. B. Mitchell asud largter 1 church ila caliing aiiig bigItih a,ýýA. %ii- )tko à»r Nn eeehr iiigis liariotinatleto- caee. i tetilo iuaie , ruau nd gei.ihîr s' i'.-e» iparllametry drill. Free. vea bieviwtlg iiu vek.loura51 'oo tîî etk.iieselNcan 5.'iiaie .f asdsu aia'r.' CTAGNT -___________1_Dont las Ie <dance glrcu by 1the The Caîblin olîc « 'iiîM«ilhaves a 1t'.«imin s 'lle "r e î,w. ir-rie. IVANHOE. ti remedýn tAiir new hall Nov Veassve. <Jrlamtas lreie :il tiiir tiiiîinne V-o. i'a' .«lu.îî. TieSa otn at ae A. B. Frank i '-sited friands aud Saliirdat êveiiiiig, ftir i,- ,i.îldren. îîiiy, be1.ll. Rieui'uT'raite Ilial s hes vsa o a t ture vorelatives lu Chicago Stnnday anidlion- The pit cai k A. ..It.u*à molltisete . . .rî.)-<, 1-..., wceks vaatIon.lay. a business trip te i,,, -ta sud Southi Threlu ea hrslaAroeIe Nr. Frank Neyer la inov employed Dkots. tMr. Itavuiiiiu , "ioîi sîry vole Clt a d e by Johnu Kohl durlug 1the SaBsieeonI zaro veather lure N. Avertit left Tueaday evenlug for C. W. Kohli. tirs. 1'. Tîîwer aller makiug 5air- a nvisilta ohie bomerne ta ilblphn. Henry Standing sud nephe Wille extendeil vi4iîl nmong relis an <d H C > O ?à r, sud lir. Michael Woof rturnead Stelyan veut 10 Chicago on a bumnslms friemidn l1i1'ieto and vicinity rélimrnud H e A D O K !rî,m tir veddlig trip lui vak. tpWduas.tii ler home 1in<Chicagou Timsda3'. James Vamplev Jr. rtnrnad homme tiNWeasm ris Bumlg Ca. li. .lsmh1l opsllg iLIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. Truenday ftm hait for a short Steltin sud Ruth Clifford vere In Cary very lame lack. Atînt Elîza (loodeil vacation, ou à riait OSmday. igs beau quite pooriy <f leu, anet one tir. «VilI Wiîîa, o! Libeiytvils vas Meusrs Fred sud Ed Faddlerarnid of Bl. Rilga chiîif u i<n 1 o te Ni ri a pleasant callar aetlir. Dykes test asar Auna attandedait a ddlng utua $slurday. Alînglon Heighâts 1a laturday. Tbe Busy lies cl give aun «y «er IDr. Gilert White, of Chicago, lias C. W. Kobl tarte o 10Nebrk,. ..aae I ert bailts 2urdvaler.ts _______________________________ secîrad qulta a number cf Patient." Tuesday ta 10k up a location for a<. noua sudrev fIelu. A.hiýtir(i . <'<-utsSLES bise.and lu adjoinlng places. store. Ha Intauda ta make Nebiraska tsudiebdenltt ns. IlFr, <irinA!AUTIN ALS 1î-îvited- --10e alAttrenmil.uit1"'m ig Quitea anumber frotte his place hlm future home. Ii iaihmsoca t'n bott utiru ir ie1 a atlended the Lterary sud Daliahe at lu lis itdertaklug. FOX LA KE. nndarsgned vIillHas publie, auctlon manufaturer nt Rlockefeller lait Frlday evenîug. on the Sîlas Wright imacA ocateit 0UN NMONES ile as ggie J<irwn tgnotiuîprovIiig. &boat 3J miles tiorth-weaét of Libearty- MmEmma Redire and lier tirther tiNIN O NES ra. William Ieter la nîeportcil viry villa, 1Auraday l>ecemler :391, ]W.#7, ManIi1c Ln sar panding tebo va ithL otso! drled aplsnov for aie. Re.commeaclug a& 12:31) ocloek p n.1 b tiroir lroîbar Den lu Chicago. su Frank Dartler retuuued home a-n Oh, tue21400; 3ray wili ««< lie sein . tir aI 11 smelIe;tIls illa PyuIl vmy ont lu Idahmo. luanied for a uew bouse. vilt20? lxios 2mruea expecled home Friday ta apeud br Dot sauerkraut tt it iy sella l«ti r. Wiliam Slnyder 's fruttiug« a yelughiea '2voym i vacationi. sîmpîr out o! sîgll. newC lipper wlndmiii foîr J. Jî'rroCt. - h 9fs'ra, 7 sîtug caiesand nring sy Peler lMeyer statea lImaI ho retindtirt. John Votre anuuNoirît otr, 1TdirTe changeIithe vouthier tInîîîgîîy chiAikeî, lduerwn, ien ud le lng M 0fi uàM e ovar 100 bushrels o! vheat ou ibre ansd business ai Palatine receiily.apîreçiated alt1er the mud and.î rati er einlmrrier14ichag o . e ugy. one-hallf acres Ibis yeair. Farming Hentsry hropp suys lie dcttlotie]iîi bave experieuî'ed recently. double vork barnus, sulky cultîvator. 'M T paéia.PelremPay aplnnn t r toTere are hilas iti hiye bolm-of Engene sud imn G(almgar vsiled hay ru e, Dlamond toltte culivalor, 'MT Mm. ete Pane it laningte iei Thee oe bleslietir botomof heir brotimer }rank at Li<iiltiLuake seedoir, set draga, set (lump bounrdan, W lier soin Ivant a% icltr etnot lu Jackson. the 'sea. l'en ther'lire hmîîhî-s ihere for wîmîre lie i4, wirkmuîg, MSaiîiihay i'. .ýrîng 10 b lîshi ,-.rn lu cri,25 litisbctis ville. fîha leies Friday montng sud 1you sunitfîr me. i -f tend;t «ic-k. m eed cora, .îuaity corn fodilar, 5o of ixpecîs te relut iii. lI frrit of naît Win. lokemoeyer s ihited-el i îariîîig- W, 'ar'. Iuw iiaviliug lii' î,asî'îîî,'lauîîbuilitla pb<itlet; imdnany ,îher, M ce I. ,ton recently. He Rayer thuteee'tric' tuail service tliaI kFox Lake liasnîver artît-les ton îmîumeromtin ametion. 'EY ' lira. Wn. ladke dted lait Tlurmay Iligtits o! that plaie are t<oc bight. liedl. The' iiornlug mail arrives lu Tauq r a eaa.i-AlI sema o! $1911sud I mîriîng and lier neilabs wî're lI telt Henry Itavermuan Dov veara a smeep lIrme for the nilinî'îmiiit takre linie under cash. On anmas over$10 a credit , DSRPI rest tiîth1e Ivanhoc'cemalery8atrlahnlsy skîn apnreoier is kulcker-bockers INIll' tient r. lien te Iba 've Itis lai-tory o! one ycar vîi lie givan <inigooil DSRP îfterton. $hc vas a lady baIeoved b! * hule at wiîrlti irhe <heesoe rooni. and titi- evetiuig maîil arrives ut 5:30, bankablie notas beamnng 6 lier cent il nib,.knew lier. '4>ave" nîw keisatle - u,M,11. iti tl i lige Sbonday uIîIruiîii,ç mail. intereat.2 lier cent <ilcouit frtcash.. taraio<<s Th * lysii<Workera eiectad tuai' packed clownuî owarda lBarrligtoi. 'fîo<F,)xLisk..C t-it!r mm(-ain No înîîprty renioved tl mtidfr ioliuTmash 'burauay evenlug. Thcy "-Hoopiety, Doo (cmi, Don (hen I)o. tIe ii r.N.J aeo hre .J ,n;tlr 't u là g . :le..ii, thon thair lime <f Away tetliait Day we do go." <if ant %««<i-k. elle acc'i'ii elitheI tIhe Il.«'Luconer.-M (. hauca ilieeahlng «iiilIm te second sud !orirtli Tha aioveo sng vas saing recenllv liaitrrluire liei. attenc'îiucva Pt T r'IioLuidoraiguadii avlng hosI i - mi-Kn-a iTliniaditys 11trieli montlitrlnsead of the ane !c ryumt e»uii utlarge.. Tire aiiely cil inet wyueo u on aewe iniilbte Ife sud decIdeu ta quit isrmlng vil] iraI sud thtird. tient iirg (iltrle -flan ishehi. ltsr. Ilorac',' Cull <r *'hi.riday Dec. 30i, seli at publile onction «I bis reaildauce 'T'e Ladies' Cemnelery Aasocsshiout_________ u inte i- îîriîîg dmuuer cilbe survcd. «uc-lai!Mlle aeut of Hai! Day on port 'Fair and oyster supper IhLat vatt iM ILLBU RN. i,,iai everyl..dy an<dbave ie enioyable Sbbanldaaurond, Tuenday Decembe 8 i dvertîsed for lent Friday aen i liii- I lie uaI i 1897. 18947, commencîng ai 10? a. m. tAie e D Mfb postpouedountil Nev Yurs ove. j terchatt an<eport ei gond <?îi,tinit,' -folIui Dg propert! ta-vit: 2 cours la ilîl hava ihaîr Fa&r sud chîcisen pie tritue. PA LATINE. Calvo sonoallier glning MIDI, pair Haviîg lad -lycars experîe supper Nev Yeas ave a% tAie home of Levoya f.'<dii îmiii et g iVuie M-.,iîlbert lti-niictt i.î i'ry çl-k. vont borsieagond age, doubla vork v-î:ign uu'mik I Mir. lHenry Vampuav. upper tvauty- hlîsidus . ,-- niî lii.M. 1'. usiuiri-iî :'i.iilîiy bannauit, duiîbilglit bernenssi angj le eiîII gbuies t' ive Cents. Comeansd vateh the 0< Msniadrituriiuii-I fr.-uîi i.viuiug dnivin altg lm sin gle buiggy.'liimur 1 prcpari'cdtii dothi-, non, ou year ont sud the nov year lu, aIIIyo Edgebrook. l ir, ad M s. r( i.etvagdoi, sett b obseih, n s ot e rt 1efrrt yoîîng people. lDavidIWhite go s l ll<i .<ot Iif bIubs uiîglh',rc'î-e-uîy. 50 enicam, uoinltc islycsia< - aI e si<eacim. Dor,,nteli .ilermmmn andIi rs, Il. %V. cultîvator, ingla cllîrator, valkiugl - UMe. isare. Pollnek, tWarti ali<eyer, a sou, l'u<sday. plov, set harrova. borne hlePraIrieHOMER FELTON, leterd STayo pecls aau Crisnt mng iitdtlî1toIalw' mentl Ara. Fleii ttbvisiti'il City souliar, tvo-li<rseaalt dummî;p rake, 1Libertyville,îIlli tuts ad minay olovlg aa!fruni The tllîlinru astoc irt ruîbas rucived ru-misiii îluii'ui it]my. ouae-bouse raite, lîy rack, grlud tone, hiere. ~ ~ ]sta tiret e < ibi lkes li<rs<- fur stock Jîii' iuiepl1ii2uS-aiiuiili busoels arcru, quatltycoram fod4er,! JamtesFarrellI veut ta Chicago ialpurposas. «1iJ, nidliuyi'vaiiîMill ici'. 2. ut ! oualol fuutnîlanimn Friday uightitvth s carte** of fine -The Christian Eudaavîîr <.îîîeIv wilIlir, te -IL'kaund «oui aitdotuo f o brarucetoidnnmlroieand màihîts shoop. give au aulertalumentat tiî ores t ,ors aesl( 1ltloo )t"atcetouerinoeljj MisaPeai liitA la lvlg lir Hll Nc Vara ve.Dundee, vimiiî relativîe hi-n e iji.t' TEtuittuorF AT.-AII nmn, or $Ilianti. - acbolitra ut Orange Hall a ton, daysiTcauîy-ieven fermera uoriuiîîga . e ls.îdur'ab (nsumov $iairdî vactIo. hva îarhasd aFracOl-_ li.ors1IThAe Miseslickiatse tiiomrtiiiied o! nue yeuxrviliilie girciiti gond

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