CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 24 Dec 1897, p. 2

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*nWROÂTTLBFOUND) va taems sti.h mu-BiAaissale U». osesBoiit for the Maket-1 ikocei Gassi Woanh rire. LaLesi Catle Cosus 111W latet caIle ceuas shoveil tht the boivine population othte coutry bai un- &qlme. s sirnhage oru earis-2,000,000 b"sd It laslo veli kuow tiat a heyY Serntage f thal shinukage bas tahren Pace lu te -o-clled corn bet States, viii Ji better understood me Nebraik,1 Kaisas, Missouri, Iowa and Illios. The gelme cause o the slrinka"in bu eef cat- th vas.tic very loy figures for tue Mme ieli gtvo s-ars &go au.! only endilg gtheliebddle of tii, yean. Tb.en farta- mesatm.!feeders beaan ta askrmisifo pihgcttie to fred; to fini aometilg ta eomame tue bg crn ropa Of the. Put <v. era.Ever, inchior terrtri luti, angjutrs-and Caada va. ercici for the 7etnisitemisrends- 0o oungraus sud MM a afesvards;,prie, ocre rou up 10 the highest range kuovu lu the traies, and! j«e tonnfrervante.! more. Tie raoch- nmvwber. their vas- ta gel out of lic ýjgertae thes- bal met ou aceount of a destructive vonter and a dlappooting Uiiu< seeo;); their catule comlng him as emacate.! condition to meet a aconti sud! vate.! patorage; tie season for1 *Whoiu goig og ut rapili. go diat hep ver. unit te seni ta market for beevea.1 Napeclalis viii.these *e CO4tîono laa Che Baimlqeçrtiveaft, Mounsd1 Nsuq OlData Bowever. bs- eiihg tber1 eib Uta teKamnsud Nelrs-eha,080so ta th fesdmest the big distilleriesaofet Iiol.,ju dana aind Kentucky, realhing9 & st.ady deiet prie iaI aree le.'. but et tii.amrn ie doîug better has If lies lsd 'budertaken ta crovd thm en cethe baLrket a. iceves. ,MOTral GRAND FORKS BLAZIL nesmgimu Mes Aau ppear l Lie ?oruh l ity l. The bualens portion ot Grand Trorks, IN.-D., wuatireatenci by anetueire, whiaiwoal bave been more dici v e Gban tint of the day heorW vaeti MW ai»ahobeanad th. Merâti 9on poand mNasi Brother'b the tri foor o e iblgd tb buIldng vas lu a" mest luté die S bses aud die H. A. tu bWudusMpdjolubng.A vWtheti lra va susbine&! Cealte buifldig an stock Tro BURX COURT B Alavsmd-1>eativm nt oVri.i Theb people et BondihlicAleeter, 1. T., owe s-uoed ovri hat lieCUite.! State. meaW«* aofice belleves ta b. a plt et ilie Zafflans taecrcuivent lmpenihig les- bai" lu Cegsms lis-the detrutis. et awüq't lbeum es.adcourt recof thte noo Usd B Inteselu ndieod sterritors-. De- nn, siamlavlng certain la- dâm vi. are suspecte.!of et ing bu the trtlet ic-aresuspecei of havlug set * tt.-Uli utei States court hon.>. at As-àose, I. T, recenîls. and inlationgit *9eL isbunumng of tiLt building va. tue gemie ofthde plut. Clevelazui Peelroons RaIde.. lie police maie a raid on a bora, race geai gamnla Clveland, ,hich dis man- gl sai vas merels- a rsuci of dis ÇimtWu Teégraph Company of Allegheny, j%. Tb" -aleged tiat no lets ver. maie Ou 0eselanul, but vero telegraphei ta - 4bheuy. A police detetive diicovce.!d li te vires suppomed te connet widi Mlgheus- veut culs- au tam as tic second 811 mêms vldac cf the building. lAcemetive Roas Avay- A ruminas-engIn. en the Tole anLu Ohie Central flaLy iantram Shanoe tee RtmvilleOiilo tventy-five mles, t a mOs etforty-ive miles au hour, pasing bgeomal tva villae., Carringlon an.! I»Îakeo. but luJuri no ue. aund came tc a etadalhSullnAfs- tmlugesof iteLm wlhtuet * 7 inos-theticena-lue. By ose « uthle tqlegraph the track s-am kepi dlean lbefore tue machine. llîlkt sas& Traiter. - Mnister de Leme t Washington edaIms hat Col. Aranguren, the dashlug Cuban agerrMio lt. bren saauesa traiter IV. ils toliowers. Araugureu, Il wold mèu, bai promisci satets- te Ruiz. Whon BuIs vas eondemuuq. Aranguren protesl- *& "i tuhe .raids dihereupon took up *sengume's cernd miconiemuci hlm 10. Ragrthakae ta Virginie. Ulimaule diturbancea ver. teit tAsh- b»AiVa.,Mnm t fthereelults lai mal dec, frnaupper vhen lie eartiqnahe vgà toit Lampa svayed 10 aui fro sud g e ise amal i ldngs ver. crack- _q Th Pe movemnct vas ftmeat ta ýW« Sud"late.! fr tva or dire. secods. - o seeh va. toit l in uiebonitvenly mb s ies. _ 'Merer,TaesMorphine. 1ikMaCue, a isimbler, vho kilîie Waum A. Ailla Aug (tcmmtI..! su.- la lie Kt.Joseph, lo, cely Jaol 'talkhgmorphine. -MeCune iii t r.- - bsti eheould cer be trie.! for nd i &e, umcase vwu 1 b.called VîCIoIME 11k Bli. MW ihg .lh lu Forest park paddock la ltweu w.u vskilkl..The. animal lsd " t oprrmifor safety, Il vas bragt C=les. At Liocoln Park it goe M bled vo men, an.! in th- fa[ of 189 e- *fl H lens-s-Nelson. keeper of tue htcià Park paddock. Mi.iomny Taads -hor!. MW Amerman lisaionary ssomacation, la lie ts--Ot annueil reljm ont.s hat leib e t. an.t e, motin iudreul. f *&uabavi- bei-o tui a-.wuas- trom lie ubàlb ferwu of utfuild. Veuzt Mr. rowvg te AppeL.. %0e las- contewtn. et the Cenarega- M"i b isci t Sas Fnsemealisde- AWi O tew he l1ev. Dr. C. . Brovu. IvX et ChiScgu, tu eppear ef or. Il ou the W.W Iomead in u Jiuaryta show rea- ehW' fir iMs ieoratluu ulac-od standing CW alleteuauenostAyries, tappiug 51t tOfemde coofevence. te ) ag Bet as...w 111011eeu-roi t Jdfeensonllie aýéomvuan ad a ltile <tlebossa ala WVü&m A RU Lv. VIr m ux19.00 IMM» -0».il" Die. WiiUlmeIltlag a &mre'lu tii. Ivm4toq b"dc buiug. lmSMaikttrent Pilla ddphlo rMnuemme erge G., etengin. esMPUÀW No. 4 Win truch hî a liv. Wire sAd ft fi-anc the. thirdoor landins et the à»s eUmepe te the grounai.sutaiig Feflaii Robrt Wllmey of compsay No. 1 vs Aimeetsreck by a live vire, but Twu net mmrindsy fjred. John Connors cf engin. empany No. 20 as hurt by um»fut hè epoal alde fllig brick. The. los ou the building oceipled by P. W. Kîiger la 0100,00- àinaured. . H hes. aged 35 Years. w8s knoeked dovii hy au englue on Its vuY te the ire sud vas e badly inJured that ic la net expeted te 1v. Another engine struck aid hadly ln.jured Valentno Hof- a&e, aged 39 ami Homeman John MecCuen. aged 29, va. ilirovu from a home cart sud nererely brulse.. TOO IlUCliCOTON. Panter@ Are Tryling te Devise a Bi..!ey Againt Cieap Pricm. Soiltbern cottou planters are ve" bIoc nowadays.. Aie trouble la due to the. fact tht tee mucb cotton, la uow ralsed. Thii. ha. cossequentls- lowered the, vaitie of the. plant. When the. Soutiiern Cotton' Growers convention met At Atlanta ail sortm et plans eve. uggested as a remedy --te pool cottes, ta reduce the acreage, te hla. the prodact back-but each of theme vs. rejected lu tara. The ane gret dfIM- culty le tiiat viieu the people have tiir crop lu hand! tbe arc lu debt and muet WU. Ses Frsenclsn Woau Ila Billet viii a Ramisar. 6au Francisco bas anati, murder mys- ters-. Nue, Mars- C. Cli.tBî asassanîte! aud mardcred lu a iat aI 803 Guere- êtreet. he vas a wealtiy remudent of Wataenvbile. Mm. 'Mats rented ticefOat anis- lia day befure. A tew houre later the people lu the adjoluing OnI ieai-i acrez=@,andau ouni airs. Clu te deai, vih ici heAi cmash.d in. apparantis- viii a biam -A carpeiîter ha.! been vonkiag tu lie Ont, and! he va. sea teleare bar- simili, by n aide allcy ai lie timc of tb. Vent Soath A,Zêicau Trade. Au expedtin l a . esent te Bouth = Mce s- VOi2,.!States manufacturer$ n.tApil lu a haîtered vessai, lhe "Bau vos-age." Tie Itinerrs- thlesve menthe' cralse et tis desoting expeiticu et samples or American gouda, lncluMai aimet everythlng, frem uxiuf buttent ta plows, iba t ht een Iseda. The enter- piing salemon viii traval icvn tram tbe Gualseta Buenos Aire,. itepplng at dbe large ectU..ofet el haie and galug Os Jnutldtacas l isral te maite einctive otrt marchant@ Ibere. Geergetawn, 7anrart bo, Cay-enne, Rioe Janeiro, Balla $p dacent citiez are numberei amena ue.. leued ta bear thc broken Bpan- wLfli ils- Yankee "drummer." Tacts PemSfoth lu the Itiuerary w chiMmes ta oue vieoha. not r.c5nl Sondi Amerinan geagrapby. Soins aoile otalu cuormaus popola- Jhietlr, 00,00; Buenos As-ru, ltaietonsttiumon tic 11,- eta em ailmas b le,. t rarava wi can ~~ub fer eu.!pler hai almvaet u llesmaee iltie 1 mauatciai. leavvay casad IuieclIit. Te puspos, cf lia vigu a t for 1. .»mu fr ur Aernbgei, tuaI tis- mas-liter mefl t te ma lu aonai va- l doe stepre. We o hwepat si o r an cuomto uraecftiez~ uthasaasIal4 Mttaillrue IKUheit. Ar ucsa.Pltires tde Insurgnute eva arndt tuelloefeciaITre prsrtv.eaalul coubtt vîflt, dBalsbftr o a, asreis vilàe, tunits-te a ur.ucte TomasteGareda. rcutisan.tanomitcoamiesetnGmn,an tu trmai. Plylivadonsetprenant.roui bope ap plantt@esmo r au «tin or forui arrange.!ot have a disethl etJ Feande loos. etrla inlug hlm to tichepiretalluleen. lu lie ii n hpot, wb.dSnoInardomatl lnfurlae ilatre, adliutally i u. h dheae.!iln eion uaf coinan ta Ha- vana ytelasle maer t he .Garcia.n ce fridnde inaitic punblabmodnt eutie effaic reuile rrange.tmureef. s lmahiner.Tap a roase Pl Fîrreta ietakh. ter theineiai-ltae, deeroGns-, iccort hnematd h or., I. otl cand arg Ie vuttoesvemuuyal of Buan trupcme, ate ing 1.500 th o p ii. l ire lthe to mI 1h. mpthe mt iown.ethiest.A. e d uCnapay the IIgman i tl ed.lSlmercf 040,00l, viti 01,000bisuraenioncfe. i lue oali cour te haste atebetimal".Bln Ta"drais Bh. a ai.eto h Ph.Pitura- sPpesdltrhi esrl Pre aidt eRinlte wolofinMenderiezAh uero hencouramiotic meuiliers e 1. T.,am Gamnt O., nta stion sInc andien luni ilcamLouis einet,1.5la bcsu4 aiesr vlngonti. s-chua Ceoutorec od. T3,heaiOre»enu tram hImpiedy mthPnedetthe.As.maK linerhomanyi, cdsteen acient m of00at 0,000em junph15000Leae.Tahe losBride. eot bwoumCIs-Amot a, va me-ed. t Trls ailinm asosaf las-e Tl Thein teu s N. Y. taion s-sas-sao h. elgeMcne y, Mmr. Maine.le, Ab-o s-cag Meas, mand thler hbsi ofbthe pariet ntsa umdbecaoumrendsheu oore 1vfordlCanton,0. et Wshicngtoh n, tc .W"emst .liairedLuis reputd a Ih. v oeri mllions.ntetre e atn A0.lmgrpbeder sctm rUeoebiCaod, Thmetwluidt w«klium al, ds-uge tt pe- Maities îlaetvoheuattervahersu J. the , klg t,' via, ecbLen- so Bcha-iand e ownea luetoell D*sn ity, nii casmdiarit faitscateais, maauetumu alne al- Tlitc feuerai aI Beren the cnfegbretlon. M. LNueie vaeurct aiun vic-rionct. beond, esbuet amui vePareéodetdchoaresetINe pou Drn a lulCubadi. ACiris" Mbeerrr s Jser moi, vant- mfor ieb&&MatneretM. Ple prme.r bare!l ie, aRomm an ge. Aordues ia fIl-ew eure satea ii o NeL eau, au nhus a . lui..rk U ti ti p 0 Chlcgo-Cattle, commun te prime, 8.00 ta $5.75, liogs, ahppins grades, 1&.00 ta 88-75t sieep, fair te choie., 02.00 ta $045; ybeat, No. 2 rai. fSOc ta 01.00; coru, No. 2, 25e ta 27c; oata, No. 2, 21c te 23c; nse, No. 2, 4k5e t 47,-~ butter, choIe. cresmers-. 11e te 23c; egga, fresb, 19c e ta.Pc;n'ypotntoes, Soc te 60e pet busiiel, InuauIapoli.-CattUe, .hlppfsg. 0.00 ta 05.25; boa-e. choe. liglt, $3.00 te 03.50; ihe.p, common te cmIce., 1&00 ta 04.50; vient, No. 2, Sic te 93c; coi-n.N. 2 white 27e te 28e; oats, No. 2 vite, 23e ta 25c. Bi. Lonîs--Ottle, 03.00 toe05.50; he $L00 te 83.75; aiecp, $Loo te 04. ; vheaij No. 2, 99e te $1.01; cern, Ne. 2 selov, 25e te 27c; catas- Ne. 2 vitee, Zi ta 28e; ryc, No. 2 45e e 1048e Clcnnat-eattie, $2ta0 te 0".5;oegs 8&.00 te $&75; slieep, 02.50 ta 04.75, vIent, N. 2, M2e te 94e; coirn, No. 2 mixai, 27e te 26c; aas, No. 2 muxed, 24e ta 25e; i-se, No. % 4&e te 48e. Detit--Cattle, $2,50 te $5.25;. hags, 03.00 ta 03.75; iiccp,'82ZO te $425; wheai, Ne. 2,.92e tae9ne; con, No. 2 Yellev, 2@c ta 30e; Oto4 No. 2 vhite, 24e Os 28c; ms-, 4.6e te 47e. TOlei-Whent, No. 2 ici, 94 tae M; aorn. N. 2 mIs-ci, 20e te 28c; ome, N. 2 vlbltË, 21e te 23e; rs-e, N. 2. 45c te 47c; lovfrr ef.!, 03.15 teo$0. Mlwuke-Wîcst, No. 2 spiIa, SMc to-Se; crn, No. 8, 20e to 27e; Gae., NO: 4 whille, 23e1e lu25c; ris, N. 2, 46e te 47c; harley, No,.2, 38e te 41c; prk, mesa, $7.25 te 07.75. Buffaio-Cattie, $3.00 te $5,25; bats, 03110 te $4.00; mieep, 0.00 te $5.00; vbheat, No. 2 re.,96e te 98e; cura, Nu. 2 seloc, Sicta 32e; omis, No. 2 white, 27et 2c. Neot Xor-Cattle, 03.00 ta 05.25; hogs 2300te0.- aeu 0.0ne-, - .5; cess.,te Ceoudw me*0BU88*S e jê i,0«41 eoe et 0; ou ustdm et mth.e . I O eo,.n leVgdpomWàu aMd Gag vin eugaed, b"timauetber 'me lihm ans. lbu liar paretsW.04 net cenesut te Ibo marrlsge. Ber pareau s lsd.lum fay- ared 3. GLaanIWeou. a vealiipyes« man et Lafayette County. 1'liy lisimimi upc. thiemardiage vis. 1fr. Webb aheti for Mi". Cordes band, Lsai lielly m4 consented a" the . eddlns day vei cet. Bouh famille, are lasgels- commetei snd a houseful of guesttamin relatives ceine te the. veddtng. It vas to have been a cîmborat, affair. As the. hour for the. ceremons- approached Mise Corder be- canne hysterleal. Bbc decise t t thei could net forget Wail. Ten a'cleck cmMe and thewedding mupper va. seret vitli- rat t11i premeuce of the bride or groom, and it vas linally announced that Mime Corder eould net leave lier rom and tii mariame ceremons- vould h. pertormefi there. So, lu th. pressa.or fuïrilà«ie parents and the moet Immediate relative. of both. 1Mr. Web ad Mien, Corder vere marled i9 ber ruom. TOIL FOR 25 CItNT A DAT. japaneme Workere Threaemeed by Cbeap Lab>o.r rnsCorsa. It lea acuriouz factt laI vile JILPaUId maklng an effort te in.! outiet for hmr surplus labo.- i s emgration, ah, la belng threateu.d at home with a competitiOiaef even cheaper labor. lHorace Aleu, Unit- et Ptate conmul general Lt $ent ha. sent te the. State Dcpartment St W-asiigtoc mn extract tram a native pape?. ehovig that tie Corean laborer, are much prised lu Japen, ami tuat conslderable numbers nf thein are b.lng taken lier. te vorh lu the. coal mises. et vhlch vork theY are meperlor ta the. Jap.nese lumaouy respecte. It ha. alun been found that ln vork opon the. Seoul-Cheuinlpo ellroai, nov beimil coaumfrueted by Amerirans, theorsemnt are supenlor te thc Cihineseesud JInvsemts as laborers on earti verks. and the. enci- neer lu charge reiported tiat theY ver. quite au good a. the labor lu Amerien, though tics- are pnld only 251 cents gold per day ami feed tiuemselvez. PIRE L088 O01 ,000,000. Sotai sud Twe -Wioleal. Bioue. I@aram aiet and! Tories, t. E. Tir. caumed a le et nearis- a million dollars et Grand Forks. N. D., the other morulog. Tii. Roteî Dakotah, alag flve-story structure that cent 025,000 was completey demtroyed, au ver. tiie tva large viioemalestorsadjowont et Nash Bros. and the, Grand Fonks Mer- cajil Company. Na"i Bras. vere glo- eMmd fruit snd cigar viiolemalre, sud the Mercmntile CJomnpany demIt in gro- c.rem. Bath concerne occupied a brick building about oueiiandred f ,. sqarve and four or Ove storl.m high. Bloody Affair lu Ark*usam. lu Van Burs. County, ix mile. train Olluton. Ark., en vhat sa kuovu a. Cul' peptuer mountain, tke. fmlly et Fermer Patteremowava t the, uppea- table wvhen tva men heavly ma.ked tlrew open tie front dour of the biouse, preeented rifie. and commande.! tiose nt ti. 'able te r.- main perfectly quiet under pain of death. Oue of tiie robiers fired point blank Lt ti.he ai of the famlly, lthe ball euterlng bis mouuii. Patterson and hii tiire son. retunned tii. Ire. Tiie robbers kept up a fuaillade outil their ammunnition va. gme, viien tii.y drev hovie kidve.. eut- tins lhe aid mana's tiroat f rom e.r te car, knockbng seusekces tva of Idhmon id mortally vouudlng the, tird son anduis vit.. Pattermon iad aeted a. au Informi- er on »everai occasion«, glving the antiior- ities informatofi tiat led te the areu andi demtrnctiou of nunuerous illilcit dis- tillerie, in the. county. Millions Gems t ae. Carroll D. Wright, commimmiaserof la. liar, has, aetthe regneet of tiie Seuils el Wa.klagtoa. maie an estimate ef the mav- lng tiai voal.! have ocnrred i the.coin- pliatien of theikmlestcui, hai the. ceinu. offie L@1tbat lime been uer civil service ruiez. Accorius te Mfr. Wright, tii* vork could iiave lue. doue for $5»14.25&, ln.tead of $15.«7'.524. Tins a savhng of uearlî $10.000,000 could have bees effect- original George Harris Die<L Levis George Clark, 86 years old, the original George HarrismofIffalianet Beecu- er Stoee. remoum norel, "Uncle Tom'. Gabin," died atLt exington, Kir. la Norwas- ter Deindeer. An agent or the United litas Govern- ment neme.! Kjetberg ha. arrlred nt Christiania. Norvay, te boy reindM rf or tiie KIondike relier expeittlons. To Be Trkd by ,Court-Martial. Lbeut lm Faveur etftthe guoboat Wheel- lng la teo h. ied by court martial at Mare ladan.! Jan. 80. Hie la chas-ged viti b. lag lutaicat..! vhlle on duty. Vîwlilai. Cari lmage&! William Cea-, tii he .! murderer, vaa bang eLt tiie Clay Coanty court bouse Lt lhberty. M o. Carr kilI..! hls 3-year-old chili last October. Kansa, Men Frote@mte Death. J. H. Mas-tlodale of Scantosi Kaun, va. fourndinl a posture fleur tiLttLova trozen te destii. ___ Prenth Noveillm Dend. Alpha... Daudet, the, famous Lotior. died vile Lt dinner lu Pari. thie othen dey. Junoie Ju eaENulNA. Noalte te b. AimelaJmutiemof lhe Unild mi se s pte out Company. Fer seversi yoavs h. va. promlnaco as à lavyen sud bosiema mai lu lncoi. lie became a director ln tic Americumu Exchange National Bank of Lincoln, vice-presioent ofthle lncain Paekîng Company- an.! luteretci ilinself lu mais- other enterpyIseslu the Nebraska capital. He in aiso luterentcul i ga»planta hi Akron, O., and! La Ciosae, Wis. bM. Daveas oantive of Oulo and le 32 s-cars aid. Helathesnon of Gen. R.lR. Dawe. vho vam one ut the commandera of lie ni ran brigade of Wisconsin. Joseph McRenna. vha ha. heen nomal- natai ta b. asoiaIte justice efth. Unit- cil Site. Supreme Court, vas inhon frnm Philadelphie, ta Califorale l is-e parents vhen h. wom hut 12 esrs ohd, ami h. lime grava ap vîithlicecountry. He von hil iret pramînence lu B rabrosi speech <ven- ts-tv.s-ar. aso-hlas lrut national ps-ami- nonce, for he hai hbea notable man lu hie ovn State for nome liane. leieras district attorney- or Solano Counots t 22, and atterve-d erve.!for one ternu bu lie State Le-giMlilure b.for. runuina- ton Con- gress. He hehi lie office of Congreau for four tes-meand i.! ir theglenlaton. h. va. maie juin, oftb.eUite.! Stlen Circuit Court liy Praident Harrison. Bis mort important declabons bave been inu e- gar-i ta rakirue.! legeslettlon. Judge Me- Renua la tal and! thin manaular, r.n< île bain le auburn and a ilttle arai. Hlm ese. are hlm- mot remai-kabi. feature- somethuna- beveen hame amui gras- ami .ev oemp«oie f flueCrriey._ remmrkabls- deep amui ciar. Be bas.a raoant, pleant volas. PLAN A GREAT ui4iviERsslTy. Cougfracm Takse up Lie Quesation of a Z4 LiemusO Sai. Tii. bllteeta= b"l thdisUnivesityl-of th. Unted Blaues«as galu istrodacai la bohoum ofss tConre.. Tuesday. T'he bAl lu gemn erme n pravi.m for an astitatiotl et lie hliet possile Is-p, for dhe radue et ofacredite.! colbae.» sud unlverstiée.ouly. vtb peclal rrfta-- mure te the vos-h et original researai sund luteuligatie luail iImportant fie"u1 l> inqukys. Thé governae teelaetailuaa board of rafteanau aunversty coun- cil. iN hori f et eneu sembue. lie Preldot o e bUnited! ttesj dis chef juet1ce cf the United! Staiete eb ommi, situier-of iducta tee ettars-of the OmllboinuInstitution, lic prciduof e te National Academys et ceecis, lie pamciemm of lbe National Bducationl As- aeaaIs, tlb presmt o e lb inverslty &a isedier erena mutc e h. pioled lis Lie Priamst. bhisami vidthlisdvle and! omat oetlb Rouste, no lv. of viiom 51.11 h. t oudthesaine state, -neunul- verslty counedl la te bave Immeiate chafl rgetelb ork of Instruction, r.- uesi nv n-estig-ationa. Ilconsisa f tue rogeniaad tvelve tier members. ta h. appolintdbs tisai tram amena- oui- n.ut edunltors, viti Lalike Impartial dis- trhhutlon. Ail coaues and offrers of Iu- mruction are ta he deteniahue.! ly tue euabilaime ail reguilaow goveraing tic internai manmennt et tic Institution. Neltier seataer poillical prafe-- etminesurs-tos aretta h. aloi, vliether l inte appoiaUentnorlahi s ta *6 . .-se êt e li hmsfutibi &»--A Mn bisbe &»d wasamleuseà sthe pillment etWsaman 4he Mma*e. wVts a hal ndstabe*hâim i%*ht a. va.o shO e daiftii sag î-1t h Mr. Tenb sua carrled loto dtieeter and docos ver. sumuedtrom ihe Charlng ounm ptal, but ho dimi vti- DAWU8 AIPOINI O COMPIROL- LER OF THIE OURUIIOY. Atamsmy Geseai laime te Supseme Eaueb - 4A~ev Prtvisa tabimi ta DMI â-Pu eh V-iter I"d Presidentias Apgutentsi. àaug a number et appelutimentas mot by, m"dt iMcKinley te 1h. Benate Thpsday for confirmation vwer. thome of Giaglos Oates Dawes et Uvaustom, IIi., mia Ceuipteoller o e Caomuryta O- un i amme H. Deid, anmi Jaepi Me- xmnu et Californie, t present Attorney Gam"ethe Uni.iutedI tateoe a . e - ciate Justice of tii. Bupreme cdtzal plan et Justice Fiel.!, vho recently re- tirel The nomInation ofr1Mr. Dawes va. con- irsueidr., heurs later, vîtiant ablec- ti . mbei uhat or Jaige McKenua va. nt Lau upc. tiLt day. Mn. lhairved i Washington the ait prevlous, retuling tram the West, a"d at onecerried hlm reaignation 10 ithe Wite Boume. 1Mr. ecela yul reminlu W".iOton long euongl toasasist 1Mr. Dawes Iu plekiug np the dta, of iii. oece. He viii tien go taChcaot se- ceM i isât akposton. Mr,.Dayes figure.! lu national poMle, m theIl11nois inember of lthe executive commutte, or ticeltepubtian national euiluttee iurlug tie lest canpalgu. The homaetfMr. Dave e le vanstan. lHe remove.! ta Illinois tire. yeas-t ago tram LAuInoouNel.. ta liecome tie prewkmidt of tie Nortuvezteru CGa Llgt adCoke faiuy viien lie vas mcl,..! wth a gudes "mtuco<i. Physicisns were summone.!, but h. died alniomt lmmcilately. Aphonse Daudet vam born Lt Nimes of poor parents May 13, 1840. In 1857, viti hie brther Ernet, he vent tu Pari, tu try te galnaà livellhoo by llterary pur- suite. His first publicatioii WL, a volume of porino.entitie.! "L«s Amoureuses," whlch appered ini 18M8. and won for limi a reputalon tiiat led to his euiiloyinent on severa newsfplirs. It va. wile wrlt- ln& under the, n4me of "Bgtptl..tet." or un- der bie real name, novels, tales Lsd uew.- paper articles that hc achieve.! i rosi popularty. FOR FOREIGN MISSIONS. Recelpte of Ame.ricau Board lachef a Total of 8642,78 1. Tne sonnai report of the. American Board of Foreign Missiou*mshows total recelptm from al sources of II(42,781. of which New Huginni contvlbote.! 0380, 484; Minutel, 08M,015; Wisconsin, 0$9,249; Michigan, $18,736; Iowa, $13,13(l, andInl- diens, $1,351. The. report deain at lent with Turk- lsb masacesea". says tintwvile mauy Christuna vere kied! or ied. the, number or profeslng Christians exceeds tint pre- baos ta the. outrages. Tii. vounim lett by maammehavTe beeii slovly healing, thongh lu scierai laces the .suffertug ha. been qolte se grflet sein the.prevlous yeur. The. for lnkdemntY for lusss. iturred t ilarpoot ansdMarneli, aunting la ail to $100,000, bave h..o prueed, as.à-et vithout rewule. The chsnged couditiduil et Contantinople mand the arrivai oi Dr. Autell. tiie nev tlnlted States minster, may reusouably h. es- pected tumcure early ani atimaetery action ln regard ti ts dafim a thet iiiLteiLlquestionstissute abetweneiiti United States and Tunkey. Wiy doemn't tie Anstraui relcerath enfurce tiie usuel football raies tori.- ding atugging and maes ploam? An Ohio phymicen hsm beeu arrested for grave robhlns. If h.a kg gllty the. lau, ahoul take its courue; a doctor'. work' shouhliend viien hieesa patient Into the grave. It ia pra<tcaIly certain -that Martin Thiorn cosvicte. hîmef by talklng*too mach. But, of course, hecoukh't hep tuaI, belng a barber. A JîltedI Lover' Club has been ornu- lied i New York. Why doeu't Rteformer Charlotte Smitii avoop dowu upon tuni orgaulnadlmi and poit out the. vay te dis- baud It? A t. 1*018man bas .ecured the. s.ent et A PeMm* mpmtrief i fifteeu minute«. Thi. morderer vas mezed by omre of the. hystanden andmiii u en Ioto the cutody of the police. He gave hiW n«ainea.Archer, als îppo.ed te, haie beeu a super at the Adephi The.- ater everal yearm go. No motive for' the. murder va. mmertaned. 1fr. Terri,. mad b..» playlng a leédlug part tu the. Engllmh version of William Gilliettes American druiuu, "Secret Ber- vice." H. resciied the. tiiener at hi, cutomat'y our, drlvlng there alone rm bis lodginge. lHe tepped from the. cab to the g*vement near tthe atge outrance and vas maklng hi, wLy tiirough the nusu! cruwd that throngmt the pot st the time, viien a men darted toward hlm t rom lie- hlm..He couceale.! a long daggev ibe- iie&th a cloak that eovered his holders. Lsd vw» thus enahled to hie hi& purpoe trom the bystanders. It vas onlY vheu Mfr. Terrine fell that the. crowd reellmed tbat a crime liai been committe.. "Mr Godl Hem@ tahbed mel" Terren mhoted as h. fel. *Doc't let hlm es- esper' 1fr. Terriens, a are-lioh~lat and up the. stage tarway as furras the tinrt là;nding. vhere h. va. laid on the. floor. Hie ded siirrouoded hy the. mem- bers of thie compauy aud the. theater staff. A large auieoce huit slready asembled i tih teater, to whom tiie manager an- nounced f rom tiie footlights that Mfr. Ter- ri« ha.!met iii mau ccident tint pre- veuted glvlng a performance. As the. au- dienee dkeperm.d the neweboys ver, cry- lng speel ai edtloas of tiie cvenins papers. Lsd ithe tact that 1Mr. Terris. lid heen murdere.! becîme qulckly knovu. It eau$- e.! a rmamrkable mene along the. Strand, expressions of horror sund indignation b.- ing hear.! on eve-y .aide. ALPHONSE DAUDET DEAO. Suifden Eudlug of Lite of the French Wriier Lt Parie. Alplhe Daudet explred ln Paris Thur ynighi. lie was dlun< v ith hie SIMêTE AN D 110HOM! WORK OF u 011 NATIONAL LAW. A Woeute Peoceeme, bla Uealiamieet CoeugmesIpetant Ummetre Doio- auNs.d sudAe. l ippu-A inulies UliRsnme et theae .u.. The National 80oloi.. ,We4nmiy's preceedlugs lu the Senste vere enllvened iy au lIteresthng debate upn the ilîl prete.! ly the Foreign Rtelations Commtte. provldlug for tie prohibition of peîsglc seallng by Ameri- ceux. 'lh. provisions outhtei.meamure vers elplued hylinr. Davis. Mfr. Pettigie (S. D.) chsrply antagonizei'the mensure, SAylug iett ibs country bidalreudY sut- fer..! more than cnougii humiliation on llceoIit oftiihe seul business. sud liai lie. favore.! lic settiemeut of tiie question Ils- killlng 4s1 outhle selas ti bcy app.nred ett lhe r9ok.nîles oftih. Prybilof Islands, if1 lis tie Irit of Jetne nexi Great Eniais aimo hud oet agreci ta lhe prohibition oet pclagice ealiig. lie offere.! an ameudmient1 In tint effect. but It wos defented. Tii.à blli vas passe. by a vole of 37 te 14. Min.1 MeBride of Oreiton erî.lenvored in ecune1 flic adoption of bis remolutloîî dlréctlnx th leSecretitrs- of WIVîn lupîply relief ta1 the suffelogir uners lu the Klondike te-j rion sud appnoîîrlnling #0'0.tlI for tbatx pnrpoge. Tiie nesoluflon vus ameuded te tbat the supplie% lmiglît lie traunorted byi1 menus of rnelu.n.r. MeBnide con-4 sent,.! finally fintt the résolullon abouti lie vecomimîtîi thîe lilîlilurs- Affairs Commtîce, aillithelic derstanding flint It %vouli b.e promptis- ncporîc-i. Tic ses- sion close.! iith a glpirle!d cvli service di-lute open tl illi îiesentêd lis-tle Ceusus Commttîee provîdinit for lie ap- pointinet ur a dîner-ton of lt.e ensus and tlîity-two employez tîho siould forte lh. akeleton of an office force for lie Iveiftt amntu. lu tlionnue theic igatîiv.. ex- ecutive. and! judicial appropriation blli vas diacusoel, but oly une ameudment ofimporBuce wu%, adotld. It redue..! the. clerical force ut the pension office nnîeIy-fire. ln tie louse on Tlhons-day a blli paime.! ippnoprlatlng $175,000i for relief ut peo- ple aiho are liu Yukonu river countîry, and aisoebi li asse!mis- lthe Meoute the dur We fore te probibit pe-imgie s-ullng lis Amer- Inun ctizens. Formeîr bill encouuoîered .pmcticalis- no foppogitioli. Blil laepro- hîhit pelagie seilîog wvruily nnaigmi by Mrn. Johnuson of Nrhi la 1, aUr. [oui ut California, lin. lefbuindl. oiens. lunIthe Seil. rîsolutioîî direct- Ing the Secretnrs- ot War 10 tend mofplies ta Amerand o nher suffenr, sln Kion- dite ni-gion iased. kin. Pritchiard out Nurthi CAroliuiu, -lîmiinosu utofcivil service1 Invcstigatiug conniîniltce e. !tirped liief1 speech upun exa-cillon of ciil service.i law as devefopie.! ly lris cummillé. e. i aie pated-il liidirectlix slerreîury ot TIrensuiy 10 piirr-Iiae or constnîlct suit&- bie vesel for revenue entiler te,- re u nj Yukon river. Alaplk,, tu oultflotilueceed. $40,M)t. Mn. Alliffin ut appropriation îoumittee reporte.! fuvorulply louse joint res-luton pn'îvidine for reema or Congrens f nom D"Ie. lte 10Jan. 5.1 ]M91. Adoffle.!. Mn. itutles- %f Mlitary Affair, ('ommilîce reptnî,re"outiln of Mfr. lécltnide of Oreon rrelef of Amenic-in mnets sud ohe, sufer..-, ln Yukon coiley. Alaska. Comnm!tîee slruck mit ail but ellactînit clause and! amenadi lis approprialing $250,(u)(), vhich in tuoli oue.! by Secrelmny ut War for lurhas. of subimitence aund uppie« snd for lhit- trnnpontation sud .iulrilîutlon. Adopte.. In the Sénate ou Friulas a Joint vesu- lotion 1acceltinx thinvuitatioin ut Nonvas- te participateIn u uunlnernational ftiee cummision u ur-at >î-mn ta l..One iiundrc-d aud tIiny-c-ight priatle pension bill* vert- pa«se. . lolistiî,ns ou the desli of William S Ble Ilulitauî. le ep- rescuative f ront Iîuljîînî. w,-ep nken op. Triliotes tu bhsmeuieuicrs- aii-.îaid lunci- qocot culogicu by sici-,ieni 01-.n. 'The resolutions we-rt- puse.,n eni..! sfrthen mark ut rienta-ct lie Itenrîtefilt:1)p. ni. adjourneil uîil Sturdîiy. lu lic louse aîimmit tendo u l- igilailîr, executi-ve aud judiciâl ppnîpiînioiriibilwl-rt-sdopt- M.. 'Tie Ilona" r-fis.!ie . ,iî-î--uî itle Sen. aite a îneiiltiwneul lthebil for ltie relief uf lininers i hl piier Yukopî. Ou Salurnlu>liallilioise4 ufCungreas ndjuîro-d outil Inno. :. The Klondiuike relief bil i ti uts t11llrouigh lis final stage. hi-furea iljouîniînî-nt. Shap a of EEtgm. Tii. egg:. of tiie-owi faîiili-aran lnîut sîîlerical. und ! l iirashm vily liwîî-î by the parent blui n be itr dt-ire lu se- cure an elual îunount of wurmti te ecil. Atsu ti-snet, lua hol-. llî-eela no feun w-lalee--r ofrgaof utlienrluti-h nolling away and livîing xunînxhe-al. On thei- atbc-n laiui the.-gilllemiot,. vilc uietri. on ratio-r îaymi. li-nr-gga on fint, bart-!nro-k%. Iinligli. exposeanatiudies, laysa asingle egg m., eliniai-lnd u-!c nounais- slape-îlthat wlieu nr-tii bs-a violenit gustofiivinru t lihinlsandui- deu fligli. It l ou-a nI roull wîî aInlls-spins arnd ti poni1li; ou-» axis ilke a top. inlithee"of plov-irt, smolesand otliur lirda lit ay it-four large eggg. the . g snanrow to rallis towtandthe tiialler end flit four of IiMnt lnoani-t liraî-iically fortu a squaore-. tlIg eilin theii-bird l tocuver lhi ntle mont efferucallyAci-ordlug te lDn. Nlcoluks-. lthe-varlet-ln 1»shape lu eggs l6 (tue iuliffls- lufleii ffectii uf tl-lw uf gravits-. Erery ei-gg nhidila flot s-et trti-d ilia uuulld ahi-l de- a-lat-s fron thelii piiencl lorniland lengtlieus lis-the ei-etIi toftheiii-lineuro listh liIdes of lihe-ovany. Anae Hathiaway's Descendant. Io Aune Hatiawiiy's cttage nt itiot- ters- live ttat of the line lu heur ber istorie mume. Thisu nlneteenth century Anne Hathaw-ay la the grand- inugliten ot Mars-Tuaylor' Baker. kina- -orn of Misîneas William Shiako- penr ndu. cuatodînau ut ber fumous home. For s-ca ra . Baker owned lteeuot- lion ..fa hroMndien n - ntutull Il W«s ne expected that tie Wuculinomnale Atterney-Gers Keima for the. Supreme Court cntil <lie Pacliç Ba1mre, sai er. m liewS v ent10Canton, but h inh. (imgeof New Jersey vili h. abie t» after th irllrond forecicaura wtt %ral and abfhty, aeui tint penliap volin.! beu well te have a ne, me. bl ai. t ti time. The costroveres- tyeet he Attornuey (Cteriend the W represelitiveni of the rallwsy cuq ha& hecome rallier hem te..Bathi are atnibornly fixe.!tet lin preseut tion. So9eluOdy montt>1.1.! before arrangement eau lic coîicluicd, sud belleved lint <ior. h-legs eau maies ter ternie lhen Attorney- (eneuil. Kentia. Tic Centlral Pacifie lias lbeà litical luttie ou tLe Pacifiei-unît for . years and.! cu-rybsals-lu talitunla mitte.! te On ngalusita intenesl. I fore lie Presuali-ut lliouglit it vonli bti-tnhii a iiiehody frntthle Hast couli ulnet zeeMdutftreindîce or i ercuce shoot.! unda-nlake tie .oesOi- Of its affairsaviii the tlorertiment. By tic lait cenaus ut tihexecutive partaudaîts lit Washinigtoi n t ers I persona over 70 yen nsit f axeenaployet? cienkas- c he lievernieuil. sand itlapa ahie liai the numuluenbas neus-r-icy &Ince thu ie. 'rhenc are sixty tupe nuisi,.!icrkm lu Ithe Trcnmury Dp ment alounesud moint out hemi are na hie ut penformiuig sîy iaiporlt dm Boni. oftheîu are Ira wiîug mlarieu bih ne$S m a 0 syear; otiieni 01200, M0 s-ni $1,1'M0. Tter. la îîopefflea for civil servic employez. lu the af si carys- a n lleretirea un hait or 5 thirds puy vIe» h.e reachez tii. aue 0f9 SecretAry Gauge lia. been studylog question veny erfully, nuldliesdel tint It ls oils- iufa i e the G ul tintri-ents o-ho are lnnaiaeitaled byi shoul.! rer-i-Ie mis- a eorrso aniouîit of li,-ir san>r. 11.-ore lesue.!aun ondin seduci-igthle ixts erni liu lineliansei,.! aie- score The tlvi,-cnittîeem on Indien ad ar-e woni.lug lruit-ien lu the. pne;elyrm of n hill to cirr" out ticrthe renai ut gecî-etany liim viii regard lu a à foutu ut goaernuotu l inte ludinute lors-. Tht-y are utîaniiuoîinlutle opla tint promipt îund nadic-al acti-osonl.-% tnkcn tau ilîsetheb. Iibe.. aboi lsi eaimiîig Iniul g,,vemnhius and jplacet inliabihtasofthîe s-verai tevi-LIIC ulsiitle mul oi.tnig ans lie ctizeiii CAher ieî-niiorL-s. witli equl rlgita. il.-i.esaunIprolecilou. 'enie s t Z lie tuÂt-n vili he ic oaiîlruatl uandiài miofutInmierriîuny tutu the Ua ei Suites. lthe iiîqoioliientn f nagte' a acrelars-. judlres and o tiar ifilcila Il comnpo.. lb.eurdiiary ltrritoriailunrm@ ston. Ti'eu a ci-nus ofthle lernltury i b. laies mndin.! iii -ilitioo uhred fa eghanetii fi-ame a c-ude of lava. Serretins- Iilim a lm rougraing h slf liat i e «, ii e n-il-vu-ulotf a spoiOiillllityi cotnecrn titi thei0 puitmenut ethIle Offiiaia tulake the 39 ceamui,. The t ptilr sovu >y Co"g ou thiisuuji-cIlae niiuiificuiul. li nont prmoos-e.! 0 îlow iiie civil send commuirstîuu tu have unusthinc tetodov lhe spltnuw.vhlci are lemporU aud.mIII i lst fin 1hz-s-aor tour Yscrim btii it vis origiuully luniulseteu umakte St-cetars- etftle luie-ion the appont power. Mn. Blaiis iirediately objoc The.-. 'ii h.-ereu-uli housail persan lie staff, au.mie itua u-,trouble enouuh a Therefor. the stia-lwiben rut ftie M s vie aIlwMilcd auii distrihuleetg The hIsttle- cf 45 -epan-old vhisks-vhi Major ilnrnr-,k %». Thoina gave tlu M lticisndhsun aut leiîinlou.<Ky., lu seudl the. s-cretan>-t at iseiltze ti ainteai Kenucky- ha. hi-eu iutaiiy consume..I wonas aenr,îlsitv- of lie lestadnnm tien, and Wva. purînken ot iy PrenUdî Clevelandt Searelans- Ohm-y, Hoke aiu« J. Steritng orton. Attoney -0n Ilanuion. Poemtmuiîen tterai Wilsob tb. tnltiiful Thurbter. Secr-tnry Cel an.! seru-av nLamormt ver. nitA u Thc former tiota flot drink, sud CoM.I maont uLelains train îîr.creoct-. Tii-r. arc bis Ltfore tiihe ointe Pubîlie Builiuis anîd Ireunu.!. fo erectton o of utum houss and riosta lu more thun 210 il"e.ruthIe u Statsanu.!for th.eetion or culai meut ut eximingax iiuidiuisin.fifts t citle.. 1)iing lte laItii-re.or yen"e, wahile li-r. lins hi-en a deliit le,~ Inen*uns-. Congres nasas..! m-dvcry snchb bis, brut tii-r. asguinit t» ie a tt-aihd effort Ibis Pensionii îPOui tice ut r.pnasîentutiri- Who ni-ail uifldings tiiels-district% saccre autlunlly tfs-r erectioii. CommLssîoni-r ItowrlniInde tbatd lug tic s-ri-Bn 0680.0109ofthetic l graîîts arivinit in the Unit..! States vd illiterate, and! 10 lpen cent ofthtem from Iais-. Anatn .Hunars-. Hissa i Poiandî, 6 per ci-ut came frim as Norw-as-, Sueeu, (ermany and thei e-. Kigdom. In 1897, 42,154 Miîte arrlreil, ut vhicb 90M5 per cent fi-om th rii pToIIf coinine rls a unid16.55 pier ci-nt froinuthe. gtolup named. Speaker Ite,.! Ji Leeoumlng qite k) cicîs- man. i- in@a iiîuu-ri nt al l , tant social funÊtdon lins far, S,04, been pafrticîlar!nsupicluou t tlsq cvrn)- lght. viierýe lh.ha. occupi!a A- ne tiche ut orfbis fric».!, Ieprsuô slmkins Of Masachusetts. HOLES IN THE SUN. etrauge Phenoeaua Plh1e9 Sinohel Glane. Wihth.tu protection or a pîcce et ed glos g-eut dork spots ave nOv. tintarlthecsen crf the aunus et Tics- ainpReas greait lOfrice mi's duak. lititrvn i ee Mtia enfuil ebL-seutie lis- er.ýveahe L holes lu tic sun'a surface tiau miles In areai sud daisth. Wleu- troacope lJs us-e.! les. gri evi seen tu be recîhins MAse. cof rompt 'Jo the es-e miate.! bf-Mp>ked - oui -or larou .,a rê vIsIble, but telWsope, )u addtiton ta turme eu tie, ceva] sinniler ou., cen Bnaci 01fIli elareally n èene

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