CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 24 Dec 1897, p. 4

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- m Md dekem" OU&lia, Dcvnasa 24, 1897. IWmeod as the iost-oUoe mliLiieft Yvilm HUiti. ai aeecasuolaas iatter. àbgvuuia iW.9a>.,,. s.xis ematON APPLI- Boter onc the Elgin huird Monday waateedy. abacas veak. Oif 411 tuba alhee Ouly 180 aald 1the ,rice hetng tic. Itwoek22e usas realiyaconîd Oswé ymr ago 20ceand2lIc. Senaiois Teler and iVoicottIled '0" aa vigarous light aun1the comina- >«« ot Chales Page l1uyan ui t. h )9- X#I*Ifhtor te China,Ithus nomnation #Okougb mad ontU, was bt seut te 1b.esale Exaelly why lIe Colorado U~koem jinéeis ightis laauertalu; swe mi tpt Br-vauhics neher the JWninsn maithe axperieuca *0 IDU euh a m important position. Brymusa Ulaonmlis credlted te Illiois but SientmilraCipoman d Mason, wlile nas oppociang hlm, are uni doiug anythlng $0 bplp hlm. Ai a pary man Who bits toliowad hie P&M toteser thai, lielias lad Il, Prooeal tMecKley indsa iruseeU ocstrciled wilh lame bard party nuts, -on. as lenat o whlch min a ccracked hter. Joanuaiy 511, wlen Congrem« rommeaulblos. Tbis nul relates te Ibm ciil service, and, consista ai a plain proaposition snbmtted go the Preaident by nmofaihimaleedJng repolamu Semalersanmd Eepreaeulatives, wblch May ho brieled as tlovs; WiII you 1h 1the exorcise of yonr unquetlioned aulhority, Issue ant ardeî aicuuliug ail esinuos oftheb civil service rulea mad. by your prodecessar, and sthue suve lt. purty lu Congresafront the Iaapendlng imalloual 11<111 There la Rottlea. ilgItesl doutthugtheb repulmticams in lice Hanse potpouod lMe dosasse ou the civil service section etathelb.lgldaive, execntivru-an ladialal appropriation blll umîli afler the holiday recemât slely for the purpase oa i gvlg 1the Preutdeaml au Opportumity lu taxe Sncti actionuns vold makethat ilebaicto îmmîecesay. Wnuwllheundimg Mi.NMeKlleiys dat-loofed declardton luhiâ annuel memage la lavair of preent civil service ooudltionamany ni bisparty oued hlm ta do vhat lias beeasaied of hlm; lhey My thug. when lie vraie blém fumage ho did ot realîre 1the exIest ofrepulîlian sentiment against lb. whole mextension of 11e civil servic e bsomude by tMi. Cleveland. Thme mWhoax Mr. McKinley in do tla., 1014 hlm ltaI If ho falaidt tudo no site 1<gh oaerci cvil service amng the. republicana lu hontI bumueesof Gocgreu wauld makre il impossible fSr lême party te Wiinluth1e Con- getusmal lettan mot iîl, manl * Voild peobebly resait inth ie ulpeal et 1the emutre civil servie lav, amthae demoorale lacaunons decided tit they w.eié vole uoidiy for ropeal, but *O oidt vote for amy bill propcing Ir0ueélcatians vhicb would oly rml - la wplclng deinocrats nov lu office, "v11republleamau. Reii-wbet Our miverllmers have te aMW te yeu ltieu weelt. Tisir Holiday Unalere boumd le imlrest y«u. DIGHTON. Fine slolgbing ut band. Mias Emma Sim l l te tlm- in th1e store agaf n. DaIxiel llros. are laî ing gool sulcess trapplng. Willy Brts. haeablouit conpleted thelr new berit. Our butter maker 3i. Fishier t. the champion rabblt hunier oi the towo Mrs. L. Lissk wVV Vi'ei>ln in r towr Shtuday. Micheal Krapp i. mîaklng prepara- lions bo move to the Ueo. simes faim. We underatauil Mr. Johinson ham returned 10 Chlcago aller spendinga years witb L. J. Lobdeli. Mr. Albert Willy la1the gnest of D. Granger sud daglater this week. Looke au If the north was golng to beat th1e South agaîn. Blot your scribe laDterrsed knowing tlimt D. eOran'gtie an danghter are bath mtnnn>'t airthe-rner8. WÏVOelh Appmeeimt. lu hie yonager days the0 late Mr. W. EL Smth wu# nannily present tu me. the morning papou. dlamtcised, mmd oe mornlng something ut une aof1the Offce hmd gone wiofl<, 0sahaut ticere W" gruet rlak aif tait paper mhpaing the trains. Mr. Smithl, emgnizing the dlffieulty, Ilireer off bisecmat, vaikeé away -nbard ai amy of hlm subrdlnaesi md bmd 1the wltb just tume ta catch lice trains. lie wuma atecrward laaing over cne af lice tablesreadiicg a papei, elhiinubla shirt, leoves, wheu une aif1the mmm miit"Ukn him tor a mate, gave hlm.a resunnding âmaek ou hie broad back, exclaimlng; "Well,. Jack, aid man, 5<0 gaI Ihat lo swey .nartly. " When..W. H." raiaed bfimselfth 1e mani rnshed away, terhlefi by hie llunder. On coliugoua duty et niglit the man neoelved a note addremid 10 hlm, whlch ho concluded coutiied lthe 1"aek,"1but tu bis surpirse it wu@ to inorm hlm that from teenmd nilithst eek h11 wanld- he a toremau.L"W.IL"'Ibad lMue emcugh *0 see that a mm uwbo wui no deiigbted t a ivng acompliled a difficuit taxk for hie employer& wui mode oth11erilghttuif. -Peausona Mima Aut-It's tunny about oui 014 cal. We can't k"eplheu awmsy froin tbe poker table. Mr. Ag.-Nothing arage about 111*. Ratuially abe's looklng aftthle "kilt-y. "-New York TribUne Spain han 22,966 eiometary ichoala, but only 4 J per cent aif1the cildren r.. celte even f11e rudiments of an eduam- tice. The teacicers receive ouiy $25 te *400 par ymmr, and mont of the r a M.- able to colleet that. Il ai al id aItil cou" 0 23. 82 an acr 1 iewheet in Mmssîcbastts. Christmas Ia aear at litnd anid you will n dolîbt buy S(m 1ifs NOTICE THiESE ARGAiNS; Vatebes frain $2.75 up t1085<.0. Mantle <Ineka $50 a $7.5o. " fl Une Ro ger Brgi' 184-, Si]. CoiietSal, 3 pieces, $2,100 ta $.215. vermre. Childs Set, RuiLa, Forb and Spi),on " good linaenilRings fioni $175 nI. "<rti, .50c, gaiimg at 25s. StLick Pias, etc. (16 Nul Pieks anti 1 vi rk>i >0 BiglaI Day C«Ineka $2 75 la $4.100. r, -, t ik i7c rYou Want Kr:a'dth ally wlth ber paroD4ia luMichigan. She Tc i4ake soine 1111e presenta thi l ltI berp laitWeduemday. Oîri stimas and wlaat te moro suit- W. mie gin tu nnole. thlias. C. aile fo y'or tboys or gentleman Wblitead lin uch improvein bidll fiends tîjau »cnue aofltme articles toand bide1dm air ta cnUtrmly recover. l'e f.und in our select line ai loth. Mr. aad 39s. BilesnSSherman vereslthe Ingan n ts fin'shinge. Forguceule oftbtelr parents, Mr. and Mis. n~ gent.or. 9. *Sheranm, noverai days lent week. cha u bys suit l4 lunt ltce thlug. Ily request ai Miss Mlinto we an- Au - fiaeyurgnlm n ance that a "Nevepaper' Social wili iriîeods a îwetty nechtor iumutler b li 1.<et the echnîch lu Millburma Fr1 lm the. proper tiog. dla eyenlng. WIii Serman, of Gages Corners, lm very 111 wltm pneumtonie et promeut; but hie Bluter, tirs.Ilienry Edwards, rwe mre glaZ ta -eport, la conualeueiug W e W ant frratan attack nifltmesainoe lîea.l .lis- Mr. Blolherwlck, oi Rock Valley, yon ~ tg) Vme linmand get aeqnaluted Iowa, vihlfM iod th bis dialiglter, lire. and exmine illCmir stock. YoiÇ 5<1111WhIl Edwards, lent week. Whillcbore tind aur lîrîces rigbt, couioncs jh. accomyenied lira. Edwards la Lake right, oui stock complets, Every Villa 10 pend s day with lMA cousin, a atile n ew, edeanaenciup-to-datelMr. lRowland. în. saisiillmi nmoiieyrefnnýld. =111r. and lirs. Bois Hendee sud ilangh- Il ter, ai Sumner, Iowa, are visltlng rela- tives lu Oroysiake sud nolgbborlng e Places. They willl remaienautif alter G th 11014111111a7à, wban Hariey liendee n M e- H O U B 1-il]aocosnpany them ta 1110irhohule. Me fMr.MLU D, d, theJockey who drnv; 1.irayslake, and Waukegau, msbim Wh est summgborer Inulavoy là meuddenly ln Ubicago ILst week.Mr - White wili probaclly BonItheIerse ratiaer hanplace hlii iliihe iarc oi LITTLE MONEY IN MEAT. ianotheî man. Me ew «Us.1Popal.lea i.. r th*.u"* m et.1MMImaCw ..If aul reMiturn rWeo~ neof ahem. who hb eu %eU kmown ma the. owne of a armadway eitng Place tdr th lait ton ymus, I"oould ou- ly induce their cnatoneg bma" lem meat tbey flot oely would make mmr moeaey, buti tbev ulé I,. bit mi- lafacn aul roundla *9 fip lae% there la Utti. or Do mam" for the Fe- Mturant keepS in lu .lcq bc"l.or rouit meatu. Il ots tue mgéh *0 hindI. th.m and requIn S 10 xuah lime 10 pflJi them mnd sere the mai the7 aboulé h Ma l-,. m.y pouft fur the mma Who doeà it, "And la t.he second place lhe patrons order meats wbeac they wouid m"d presfer mometiini aMme.Thait a .foul ai the proprietor.Re armae hlm mm* wrong. The amammii tathbme opa and tb. cutieth and mIl lthe othr mmb I '* order' are pimced 100 oonapcumday me the b11 iof tareAmam'@ eye la bcind t0 Catalitbat lal faautwhethoe db. mm ulmits mes m ot or . eng lm~a huy, am 99 mm ouorai100 Are lu th.eowaliy, h. aiderg tie. frit altrative 4dà ho Bada,,and the. reaul la bé gelsa mme thing ho deam o cm sparticulmrly about and mometblng wbh b.therodai- rant man do. not care partlouialy &bout seflcng to hlm. *'Lut wnter th1e mmm wb ronalthe restaurant lunlice nad"oalboum et frep- rementtive. trimé au experiment Wh"a turned ont remrkably well. H.e4.1111 erately met to work ta lure bis patronsm samy frainc the 'lmeh anmd chope te or- der' column, mnd no lnitmmd et prlwlng il in bold blaak lestera lu the mulUle-cf the bill1 cd tar e etucked l away dèvm ln the lower right band mmrer and pisced etthtii lpai tieaadalbdmt 1e dimbos Ibat wee mom proftable *0 hlm.TheY Prove4 mot oely lobe mont profitable ta hlma, but meut mtlataalay ta bla customers, mmd inaud f caoung mlx laina aofmmta day, mai h l.édame before. ho ns ouly one and a hait and upplied the mine-imber of gueuts.a' New York Pres Pewd.ed Cubm ia Mdelme. A Rumiami jonumi tat bai remtiy corne lder aur notice cela attmntion to lia. tact tiaat for mone 20 yemrepeit th» luhabitants of a a mai Ikolilly lu thce go-erument ai arbov bave u"e powdeed crabe wltb irest nomm lu the cm eoaifoyers.The powdor la pie- parecflu 1the tfolowlug way; LIve crabe are poured over wltia th. ordlumry whisky uni l bey geltaidees>Tb0' are then putlou a bmd pmmina hot oven, tborcngily drled and puiveriaed and th1e powdoeie d Mtbough a fine de,.. Que dom% àateaipouful. la gmnermly vmMaient 10 acrm the intermitlmîtevot lac vey obitinate ams a second dame la r.quired. Bach dame ila lumrably pré- aeded byma gl&u oafmicebrandyam a purgative. The powde laumedluntba lcallly lu preferena. 10 quia"ne.go myl 1the Journal. W. wfl flos vouch for lt-New York Ledger. Rev.W. M. Mmaher, Writem ef tas ieemoutma - - ved j. lTh, Ladies' AId Soilty sl'emit 9 pýIé**tnaitirnon witb lirs. dGeorge Thomson làtes ak lVî'dncîlay. On accoant oet1the holidayt>i beffg a)hîcaî Ihere vili fnut la.anallier meeting un- tiI tour veeks tromîîthaI ti , Jan. 12, wbea ltwrlI bli the1boule"mcofi lra. Evètetl Raévilie. mir. mid Mis. Johnm Murrie andi temily went te Waukegan lest Tuieray la ialp celebrme thea llttetb nn- versary of 1the msrrlage ni thelr par- enta, md Vis. Marrne, oi that clty. It wu a tory doelgltul eveut, and t11> age4 couple are atlli luIignod healtb mné apîrta. (Jrayalake Court ai Honni nit lest ,tnrday and elected offrairs for1the ao aang year, an tallîîws: E. B. Shter- manu, Chan.; 0. E. Lester, lb-e Chan., B. V. Hiarvey, Rffl.; lvifii holttle, Treas.; C'. Y. Simater, Plyitoiai; Caffa- mini, Doollil,, Con. The Installatcin wili take place Wednp.aday. 9. l aAt th1e lest meeting ni Bornais Clmmîî- ter, O. E. 8,, held .lest Tuesday aven- ing th1e tallowig nilficers wore i'Iecledl Mînnie 14hefinan, W. M.; Raîpli Mal- den, W. P-; Cane Higley, A. M.. Amy White, Bic.; Cornmelia Mrrili, Treas.; Jennia Dombskl, Con.; RarIon Xueb- ker, A. Con.; Louise Itieli, Ailal; Sarahi Langmt*ugh, Runth,; Nettljo Lafiue Esthier; Emma Harvey, Marha; Shui. Whitehead, Electa: Mary (imîdînter, War.; Abet Raughît, hem.; Adlia; Brown, Mar.; Menu, Foîvor, Cha., Installatmon Will i ) fh1144d "hlîrlkdaV evoung, Der, 30, lu respon.-À' t" in à. vitatlan train Rlalmîg snu 10 îîstuill withtlacmer Lodge, us fieà-h-lete4if lie iollawiug oailereut thi faut lmeting. Rabet Matiden, W. M.; Jeusie Mead, B. W.; 1. A. Feulion, J. W.: J. J. Loîlga- bangb, Sec,, E. B. She>rmanî. Tien..; E. F. ShaKfer, S. D.; linîîy Wfeeloi-k, J. D.; Chas. Whitehead, Hl. M.; Hcenry Dombekl, J. S.; Leo Feuloii, Tyler. AUl menibois of lliaing Sui> Lodge andI sorasus <'aptar, wlth t ibar otbeî halvas, ara iuvlted 10 lx- preacut un that eve-ing and partiipatc ii thie.4-l joyments noflime occasi. Dont ha persuaded juta huying liniments unthout reputation or menit -Chamberlain% Pain BIlîn ts fia more, aud Ism merita hive-beeu proveu by agtet o!may years-. Suctla ttera as th1e iollowlng tram L. <6. Rugby, Cid., are consteatly hotng ieeelved: «The best remedy toi pain 1 Imve ever ned la Cbemberiia' Pain Balm, anda 1 My n mter havlug ued Itlnl my famly for seyeraI years." It cures a'laumatlsm, lame back. sprains and swellings. For sale by F. il. LorL Libertyvîlle, J. R. Buucnum>, Gnee, L. H. LîucKmD. Rn iockefeller. Anything you want. If not in stock will get it within 24 hours.1 Am- AT ý E. B. Shermans, ,OGRAYSLAKE, Sanborn & c Leading Tailoi >mGents. Furnisi Kaiser Block, ILLINOIS.1 Furniture, Undertaki ng, Palnts, d%21 1 The manufactures of stoneware had a war on pricesý and we took on a good supply at prices below cost of manufacture. We offer you accordingly 30 gallon Meat Jars each $2.50 20 6&I6 6 i66. 175 As il 66 i6 1.25 10 66 66 i46 Si6.65 We shall also continue ta, seli at same -prices as quoted last week- in this paper. Graysiak e, <~~ý{hri'stmas UnIload g Sale!V~ FINE SUITS AND OVERCOATS. Wîth the Holidays 90 near at- hand, we recognize the fact, tlfat- we must somýe gigantic selling to get our immense stock down to the lowest li, before Invoice, The surest and swiftest way to attain this object is to shat the prices rljht now, ln the midst of ai the holiday buying. During this si we wlI give you more velue for your money than Sou ever got before. Coi here today, tomorrow and every day, and see how heavily we srrike the "Sledge- Ham mer- Blow to Prices." 2Nm 1i ameat Olasmi(-fti> siil" iip. rIltW,,rsteoll. S-"îilà Cliv'vt'îtm,iiput. ClJaY Waistoda naili' meid tliitueri as "n iv co' I , ttîcua inîak.'thjn>. Stl, lai iii Ibt Ab toro'> nCund oiî wtIll fnilt'lieni le>H>'il- l I, $17 and' s i 14 ilk title rakly duiiîg aur suj'al hildîcymul e, y'.î,play fbit .................Si o.9S 1iwolNolm 1-6tt id bihý ,..,-'k Pîîîî i îî'w r-A t iral'lsii .i-t'iuigfi,; ,IotilipIe I reaited that mif I endf il ;i $11, 12 anil i14 oUndlg' >',. l e.. iý,ut , l.rî.'u- Ece~toîîI~c 'a.l ("Vt,"ii.I, os s>Iiiiiv ral.- $6, $8 Holiday Overcoats and i sters. Ail ut ao wiuii.rfilsavinîg. tiMi so..ik i-(k andI bla, i'rcu-,v ,'.r.-' m ai e wltt 1k .eip vi'lve-clliars, la.lirtma leIî' iii, ueuvtco'ablcgarmentri., i.iriy i il i->'>i il $140 a e. imre ni ami r holtdiky sutn i 'ly------------------------ - 48 Fine<lveicîiatia Moeiqnmre~,atk B-a. r. s ad Melta)ii-tMiré la-t gumnîiiitu thaîl alkiflike.a iiras -an ua.i fa'.higli '-lems jg.imxlx Mat uifncuclnnîtit urh uug.- va. $18 tri$U,, flair. %We nitei pî m appo)rtumilly t1i secîreits e legani 'o o'r- vont iMat y')> il lamttRul1>1 I ifiiinuiy Ptore itour' v tii-Ye >-ira i noer Il .Pi $24)>olm 'aly ... ......511-49 Mecismil-woolI lie, '.- i IoderatuI54in. long.lade stfi denpe d'ui ni ous. nîni ali did tCIe i mt, un ..e tlia,>goa 'evt-eiIi>n ist.'i ia Wtniralif irioi oh ilymunI,' c.. -von lfou TI....----------------------- ..-$3-.48 n L a MfIerrv Christmnas i v TO THE BOYS. ï W>. inv are dîsl' i lCrti iti iitiiis department. vPucp, ii anc tlîim I I ,wtr tian 0'8pluwierr. Ioy , 11 '> .>nglî rRI)rstelI) ilt aptnîl vaille $215> wiwiyl l mi t ut 98C. 4 Boys, al Vl <'Chviotsand amsimpe>sine -and> A îlitllo reaited suinte whlel hl 1' Pa* 4 >>ige i.] fîuro iig tu uIe2.98. A great reduction in Rubber Goods. We have a full line of the heavy Snag- Proof Rubber Boots and Feit Overs, as good as there is made. And we seil at aprice wherealilcan buy them. Wej do not make our customers PAY FOR A TRADE-MARK. Do flot allow any whining merchant to impose upon you by Saylng our Rubbers are inferior. WE GUARRANTEE EVERY PAIR. ln Our Clothlng Dep't. We bavea îl]]ine <,i Men, 4 ýIIthb* Anai i tmr.-îItS Clolblug, Rata andCaCtis, whlcli va>% n1 iii sota. 'ou- i. the ioweâtl We have beom fom-unate in ae-îlr>ng:iin asoii,im ai th1e muet iaebio>îahile Ladie-s',2tishe'u and Ciiil>lre'o Cloekn et'mîich holow casi prieanme v'intend in give ooia cmtonafi th1e iîcmellt ai Ibis finitinate iî~ao île gliaranteua esavmmg ta y'ouîofairtu»$2 t1<S.-, 'ai> vvery Cloak yooi buy of ns Ciomba tor $1.510> tnlwaulecoat vai elsewlicî-,o' $3101 i$- Cloaba froin $4 ta $6Imastiworl'h rosi yoii clsewberoo $8 *0 $10. Menu Mired Wool Peut. .7; - Kentucky Jeans -.. .......-5 Cildien'a Woolem lludarwear Na.21i .... .. .0> Lot Uena gIrts woîth 1.36 ta 1.75 -..... . .75 AmricnBIne Primt par yd... . .. ....ji4 Discaif 12 por cent on <lotes and MitI-ons. In Our Footwear Dep't We have a complote line oi Mena. Wai'N anul Childiens Bbces vi are selllng aI -Live andl LetIilvc' prila.. Haie are a iaw ospecial pruces ou Ladiesafiue aboes. An opporlîîmlty -whicb ynn caumî,.t allandtu to Pau. Brooks Bras'. Ladies $3 SO)alunas i .... .....$1 98 5. 0 . ....1 49 225 -,1 25 R. lfILW auïïïto ealvisma,Ia il - Il 1 5 - ~0~ ,JDmtlcumrIi adpeelte a. roeesa "T Theaboya articles are cualy eia t "heatwom do" bu à" ~ p Ladien'Loy Oveaane value 719c. 0 6Y mental vert. B, . iueusee. Vrushes, Lmdim' Arclles, Wooanncket.... Rave, . w . ilmlesu@insantvtm - iBaya FPeIt Rubber treoize bmamdaiepiaenMyheamestWOmn's Aleskus. CBnde Omss otrlies Mg me,! vum bot of bimtl P .mdmes"* jmach uty in arnlti pimpi-We know that if yo 1 pSurd Dr.of others, thaty to Butit isto Your VerPo.rMs a CaliandE hers m sert- etecm ISAAC HEATH & SONS i »% blume Libertyvîlle, Illinai s. gemàudea Pitive gcsne, ambeatu Wa wiliIdo cuslom gnindlmt ! i IL .LorIN O » W& :do tm n ob, nd Tnea y.-,! DDIL m EDICALCO.Ni8.x..l,ê îî O H5cu.'rcx* sos N-e -y heiow cosl. .. .. .70 In Our Grocery Depi> Here is a big Snap in Groceri You cannot fail to realize the truth our assertion. Cheaper than y ever bought them before. 2 boirs ai g(oodi'oi o ' ............ i I>ax tHardhies ... ....... .. i I aille giood L elcmmiiE ...1 ...... .. .. I hoîtle 'gnoi Vanîlî E,\ ..... 2 11) hti'>1e lrî'îard llmttral--------------...... i I) voau i oi ikimig Iomv-it ..... .. . é; li. gond Prne s......... :ir Ii, Aîîfmokle Ctit',' . ..... i eau gond Corn-- And fr ia le ciil-oiIIr, .f gai a>>'-o il' 15 bais S>nîî.......... ..... Bou 1. C~atui ......-.... Onionf..................... ...... :1l.>cn inok 'lu ..... ....... 3 ' on ]'t ri Iee ,. . . . . . . 'roft hlîot . .. . . . ln Our Crockery Dep t WC have a com,îîloe i Smintirc l ..t puttf <inassyne anîlti ti Ua.l '!w10 1maI 'I i t iia>- latent and miiitiidate., rfiolets Oc' ombldel ùcoue, large aamnu t i f Ilg-y S>-im o li nt liîm' -1-- - Illinois. ou wilI compare our Goods and Pi-* ces with' pou wiII immediately recognize the fact th advantage to make your purchase-s here. examine, it is- no trouble to show. goods. F. H. KUEBKER, 4- IL 1. E.

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