CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 24 Dec 1897, p. 6

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SITPLEMENT V) Tif E NDEIIEN DENT. FMIAT. DEM.ÛLIER M189137.' lie Christmas bele, Tour glsd sud hapy tori'! gou. with peaus of holy mrth. TorSong tu an thes lltenlug earth i Nov far and vide your eciroosDing. And wak. o«eh la18W'dheart to Sing Hoancatote, ttira 11m il- The Lord et Lte an Glory! oh. iveet the. souud ut Chritmsa belle. And weet the moie uf their sweiis, Which tell tIbs happy tori' Gode vwoudrous glft t unosle this Dear Bale. so pure sud holy! Long years ago, ou Bethlehem'$ plains. 'The shepherds heard angeiic airains. Proclairnins Jemos Christ was born: Their blessed song la ours thîs morn, Hioanna to the lttle Chid- The Lord ef Lite and Glory! Oh. aveet the Sound ot Christmas belle, And iveel, the mui ot their swells. Whicb tell thîs happy' story! -Hanuab Coddlugton. ln Golden Day. -OLP ME up, onle. very bigbh up. 1 ca't se.. sud, oh. tbey are se beauti- 7 fuI! You vere a darling to brng me, S but wbat tn tbe use of my being hors if I c't sec?" Uncle Dlck,wbo vas 40 aud handmome sud talt, obedieli' lifled up Buntie, wbo vas four sud an autocrat. and ver' lîke agolden- bstred dolhebelf in lb. latest thiug in for- lrirnmed plises and bewitching baby bon nets. Tire Abert ball crowded, aed, glttering witir lbousands of toyu,'seemied a very fmry-land te Bonte, whome beart vs. wruug witb louging for thre delle, despte lbe tact that s large tarnly, ver pale witb rnuch kietug. lept peacefulti' in ber gay' nurseryIn luBerkeley square. "But, Bunte. Ibm.e are for ittle girl who have no dollio." "Doe.n't Sata Clans corne lu tbem, then? 1 Iiek he muâI b. s naugbly old in if be ouI' cornes te me sud 1 bave lots sud loti of tilg." "Don't yon ses, Buulic. lirere are kind ladies who rernember the other lttie girls, sud Ilicydresa ail thesedollies sud send thern te Santa Clasmin case bis oupply rua short."- "I would like to send them neu of mine," said Buntie. "It muitre nou drefful te bave noue on Ciriatma." Unle Pick had no ver' ccar notion of the lutter desolation Ibis terrible ides împlied ,te Baby Bucie-Buntie. wbo voke raptur- 'osl on the monat magical of al moruinge, wtb fuît trust ie the anul miracle that was tbe ecurest certaiuty of ber little creed. Then nt only lb. tiuy tocking wold bce brimful of delight, but al the nrser' turned int a niovel woeder-world of joy- fui surprises. But éometiug in the sweet spontanouna lpity of the child ttoucbed blm, and ire put hii band into bis pocket witb a senne of compontion Ibt the bard fate of those forgotteu by Sata Claus bad neyer been brougt home te bîm. 11 thiuk 1 au show you the way. Take tbis. datiîng." Buntie proudly dropped as sinmicg coin mb lbth chariot of s ver captivating fairy quaca, aud gased about ber from ber lofty coagu of vantige with rosefluibed cheeks sud oye. 1k stars.. Tley !Cd tol moug the dolis in fsccy drame., sueoon Pa. Dick Marasion foucd, as niol Ibat taking Botte ouI pleaaoring mest amusement. The girl-audd e. vert mnerous eccugti-wbo bad tried te mary Dick Marasion would nol bave knwn Ihat impnetrabe gentleman in lire guise of Butie'a willieg slave. once upon a lime, belon. tire dealir of 1)ics godfatber aud the comlfortable Ivu tbousand a y est that bad coma te him aller tbat evont, ho bad bacc rnadly te love. For 1'ie p " AT THE DOLL BHOW, oee seaucu Sylvia Berwick, tire uweel daugb ter cf thie moet outraeusli' vulger man thal evr mode snd be afabulons fortune, had qneuad il over acety sud Ptck'e bhaut. But ofl rwick wauted a ti1e and mor, for tbe d@qffter. vombebaty b. ratod aI ils taI commerialvin". sylvia's luis b.d Mlo availed tb keop the Young lovar.@b. bad ohosfa; and ah. had aio iother to plead for unb ite r.ic du l..Tht.tin a adoble m 'forb the Ihàt hb is fotlà ob isli, 4" Nffltt sylviaabqroluteinahetn .woed. Soctyjrwu atmaw ti oobaywilb its tIlconcerna tb enimb e of a ata daY. Dick luad bemet afiW e n d angri', Ilion qcrdal. ovr hls own pamlup. Il@ orpe plaRYedChrlasmu bymas, 1h bYsuas 111.1,whetbe »w vlor o, tw i b«4 nd«rdu ah btlie gie. Evei bmchekostcsxelm lateper lb.> b.d a touch of freab sgaeieac uoelb... pi memorialà of good wtI aud kladftme, not towards mmu, but tovards the ïchldau. 10 wbom tbe pitilm sberitage of the Iis eof lb. fathers cornes wttb snb cruel force. Suddenly Dick'. oeye w.. rivetad by a pair of immense dolle, snd bisheurt beal au it bad co boton for 150 yaaz. Bosdm b.d »~ne rieu tb@t4 ate.r 4. Ha tl o f thei briglilmonot helb.cod of naers pgrImraromnd lb.heetty betuum Rot opq o ut hêiltan . etthél. mmn ba hmr hou, of Iribuliffton cme. Or vas Ithb.. caUse ube b.d alfomtolen hlm? I.- pomil. The d% dostred st hlm as ub doila do tare.. Th. jaunty colone, with everywbng comple;t.;el. dtI'dammel in delilo unse-blueu bocwle. wtlbber ItlS ta ber bond. Heomdark, ah no fuir, JiMua- lbay bad beam. "Oh, the dear little mon. C9, lt me khlm him, tJucle Pick." Forced back to tact, sud Nantie growiea romtlea, be took a suddec rasolutton. "Have you bad enougli, Butie? Would you lik 10 go wbere cakte tn?" «Aretherecbocolatm Ibhero, loo?" quertod Ihal $mami poison. "Everytbing." aid ber unole. "Than let' go. Good-by, denr dollie.; 'e *Dom "mBerwick 1UV* b.t.? "TYesdv, butaelà. aot et home." - *bt le uafotnnte, for 1 wuted tfasse bei gartkcims'1y." "Ym," muid ick. nntrntbinly. 'te, lt lsse, mirIwu to mskyo fawatt. MW L wlk ;fil be . ludirgl." "--Se W faexpsclgMWrneother fellow oni bumiâe.? Walbassr loughl Pi", mabo followad the girl apafain stacàalittho =ompaticaly pretby wt thelbpretU.- nas l ntatflPovart>. Ris quertion amue o 1 1for lb.. wu a typewrlter by lb. wtadow pilod vîtir blotty manuscript. On the matitoioe, what? A pbotourapb -biteovu. No; after all, t wanot apbo. tograph. buta4 porrait eut fromtbeOrapble aller that astsir te the lundi. Paue Ihat the lied n admade sncb s fue over. cm ve er. footepe on the statrm, sud tire door opened. Il wasi early dark, but th. fireltgbt sbowed hum that it vas ind.ed ~*h ~utomSS He tokbar15?in bs am M sd answo&d pusaonatelv; "My darâing, I»er IÈknW untW to""y ltyon wated m; tt'wu the Tb h mn is.wu a waiy complesaa elqetslneb 1 at le: led u *lhcab.e ntb loi YOD can'l Umeu iluelmi n Ib ml l.daya of the dalie of Muosh.What Weia yomu oiktfa11e lbet bai the bai Crltma 0p1en m il. thon1 dtdn't d.eaervIL. ood old SUifa Clans Dot forgotten me Wheun"ahaona e lbth lady iu bloe witlbhl.lies lutaberbad" " 1 daro say itlm 'e iIIy md stimatal of me to dreme lb.? dolia 1k ousulves, but sonWmee. iek. when 1 mt ber. workiiW et thesa 1 could bear thb. sni-tbat walts, 'Souviens lo4,' ad so the Pink lhghte JuI es thy ware on the bappiest nighl of aIl mi' lite. T'here wua nothiug left bot mi' dear puet. Nolbing cosld take that froum." u Where shall 1 hang niy stocking up," sold ittle Dottie Lee; "Some folks ore awful mean, 1 think; they've left no room fot me." "Tire ver' bout of al. in mi' opinion." goodby ail. I boire the poor litte girls viii tv. adsnring apecatore cear hum yene love you ver> muc." saylng. "' A colonel in the dsi's of the dukie il vas baf-pat Ibre. snd a suci' De- il Marlorough' sud 's lady uftIhe mame casabar aflernoon. Buntie guI ber cboco- pertod,' drased un-oh, give me mY Ite-Ivice os mani' ai vera good for ber- glsssMi$ Suvis Berwick, il Teck-fer- bafore she vas handed bock 1tetel ber nurse î ace, West Kensington.' There ie ony one of the wonders of tbe Abart bal. fauIt, perbape. ilol ladies carry bouquets "I1 dore s ma"r a fool, but 1 meau 10 do iit dc days!" i," aaid Pick to himself as ire came out ut Not lu dense days, perbapa. bifIt ertaili' bis sigter's bouse sud hailad e baniorn. te the day wbec in Il Cuvent Gardenu there "Eleven Teck-tenrace; and, look bers, seem.d no liie. o the vali' treshb enough stop firalat Ibat big londatree floriat'a." for Capt. Marazion 10 secd tu Miss Berwick There yene not mani' huies, sud lb.> ver. for Lady Huratlmocceux's fance bai-the duar, but be bougit evri' oue. The inter- bail wbere sho btd figured as a lady of the minable cab drive vas ilte s dream dominu court of Quecu Aune. and heas Ou. Of aled b> tbe twu greal dolia. He couId col Marlborough'% colonels. lhirrk cosecutiveli'. The old ache, the od Bow welI ha ramembered il! Some benev longing, had core ne cistently bock. The oMent girl had told hlm vbal Sylvi wusto cabman ot bis way Ivice lu a desert of wear, and bu lied chnsec bis owp drm .ati- mesu bouses wilb emptv "art" pots on tbe cordingli'. They bad been rnucb commenled amutti' ledges, sud pallid yellow muslil upon us the e ccesseo the night, sud in the curtaius a breadlh too narrow. At laut be patines of a Waldleufel walîzhbâtadlold ber .lopped ai a quiet. uuprepoumseulg row. i ht ho loved ber. and .be-sbh, for the kima No. Il at lesml bad le stops, sud as dean burriedy excbacged lu tb. coueratori' servant opeced tde.door. Sylvia wbocame in. Not Ihe Sylviof ther days, souradiantnou grllsh, se fresh te ber daiety druoses-b.yesrs are cot no 1ind- buta s weet, serions wornan in plain black, wilh the old masses of golden hair showùng under ber littie bonnet. Dick, wtb a suddeu itrauge sensation of shynes hat vus ver' like fear. drew bock until lus vas alrnot iddeu hi'a scsreen,nou that mie did flot see hum. But the roorn was fuil of a fragrance ber heart knew lu s moment. Be had laid tire hules upon a table, sud she look thein op witb s litlaseft exclamation of pleasure. He saw how tender won tire face that bot over the flowers. a tare no longer youg, but witb a eew lovelines alal its own. Then ho came torward witbout a word. She kuew bim tnstautly. The flush of rosi' color, the igbt in ber eyes, the joy sire muId mot alitle aller al thos. bungry draggiug yesrq of lonelines con>ured bock ail, and mure than al. Ibhe glamour of their yonth. "Dick-Capt. Maraice.wbat iru brougbl you ber!" "Taire the future instead. uow, dearest. And, Sylvia, when Buntie saw that dashing colonel, she wanted to kisa the dear litile man.ý-Loudon Truth. Shine, StarsTo4'llght. Shine. stars, to-nIgbt! Oim. clear and brightl Malte earth and heaven to glow; Shin. a you dld that Christmas night Long centuries ago. Llght hIh and valley as the dawn, Malte ail the darltuesa brIght. For Christ. the Savlour. ha. been born And la with us to-nlght. -Firank H. Swe-et, in Detroit Free Premi. The Pesstmlst's Christmas. "How, did yonr Christmnas presents suit jyo?" sked the optimisl of the pessimist. 1 "Weil," ws the reply of the mad one, 9I didn't receive the things 1 expected to gel; Lbut thin 1 had no hope« of gettieg ther."- Pittsburgh Chrocicle Telegrapli. w bue'a ht ieavtoit? i aint bulî thatta-way Ido«Vfrr,01kc. lorttîs orlporedoDano l'rb an't or nabot yo haovelteothyl' AdThert a y ws aimebut a ri10belOhMI 1hav, tbItn.ta-& 1,eCla Str ed; o eadbrà othferwhn. And boI ok. adwtare alo tyts l os ferp br ohanton. And tbs o yr amut tbra Chrlftmi An lsa-hmmt eegrscm 3>48 mo' ac mudome D rme FhersgtI wbo wuuld issathe CSrl-- tsbLîU Bu&fecaulse ther'.but.autail as 'Jbe Thermai' t sm. btmih'gm &in't but that-a-waY. -Nizan Waterman. lu L. A. W. Bulletin. ACTING IN TIME. Jouea--Wby have you givec up smoking. lloit-Well, you soc it i. riur Cbnsatmas, aud 1 vas afrsud my wife migbt boy me à box ot ergars of lber own choice.-l>etroit Free Press. BROTl1ER JIM. The Boy " tad a MeotaI" Blilger'n a 58lloon.", "Ilere's th.' regsler Chrisasa box freri brother Jînt,' sud Yarmer tiîey, exoulant- ],as bie drop1jed the heavy package tu the tour in front of tbc fraIe. "Neyer kuowerd Jim ter fait yul. Thot boys goI a heart bigger'n a t'aloue." bBy"lroke in lire. Gatliy, wbo atrsaYs b.d s siege ot wiliing lier glasse olien Uibox camne. "Why. M i'sm, hem s "old as yoo i4." '1h'sa fac,' me an' Jims twinm, but 1 kin never thrnk of him 'ceirt as th' ituje skeezix Ibat used toc w'aliop me viien 'a. was Lido. Cocous iow boy bumeit0. l'airnoster situa aay that Jiu Oaa 100abrf*' lem, ter ln e, sudrine thi' oie juani gai w mai ire sund lie guessed hle'd juIt buy Jînt a ititte an' turu hum iotfur ter iîunt bo; ow.î lester. J.u, sattd lie ddnut tare fur no fiddle, litIlhe goraaed lic cootdfitax 'round for hiséeif. su' be di." "Yen, hes doue remarksbte Bot it dont accru quit rgbt for un to take nu mue1. from hum wbcu we give hîutmu Irtte' "1Xrî't you v.orrv a minute'bout Jim. If yoo didul scu' hum uutliun' rut s big op- pie for Clîrisimnru e'd fet a dom sighî bettrun if you'd tri' ter put ou friloaend- l' hum suthin' you couldu't afiord. 1 kuow Jîm. lie', liekted 'mont tor deth wheu hes gettie' Ibis box ready ter tend. 1 in jimî hear humt teltin' bis foika m' att thesu servant@ bow Ibis thing is for Sbuter Ruth, au' thisu ffur ie Bill, an' thimu four Tom, au' tbis'u for littie Bll', su' seou rigbt tbrougb. You km bet Jin neyer forgets uobody. He boate ail. Neyer had a dueker witb Juin in myi' ue lhe ddu't kuoek th' spots rîgbt offen me. Wbylire corne dog- foc. near gillîn' your fruin me, Rtuth." Then bie topped drawuug nails long enougli b takse s bear bug sud hise.tbe bluaing Rutir-Detroit Free Pre.-~ ANOTiIfR ALTEREO hefLL. Ij.n$41pî7j 1\ff Lilîe le -Mam amYs ah. in't goicg lu give yooaythiýg for Cbriutnam tbis year. Pp. sMaiden Siter-Oh, ah. ia't. oh? Wby uot' Ittle Alico-Cansa th. prmet a.g y00 last yosr vas vorlI L tu asmahm what you givo ui.-Cleveland Lader. il ý 0 1 ý 1 1'l - l'W test.

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