CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 24 Dec 1897, p. 9

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je 41LiMUTYVULLELOCAL .01 . Christmas. Hoait on moire Wood. 'The itnd la chi1Il. Ilit. k titwhistie.&sait if. Wi<'II l e .otîr iierri- Criatetas Pailli. Wale'r t4t'tt J.)t ow 4leo e "oui- î'yftu fie f,-i-t! ]Ait .'v"ry liait lie toy. aurtom itfh lvy leste lit f r-"t Anfd-vry î'oRt itfliholi W f4 For lit fie -hll'reni terywhAmir A joyous iwusses sti w m&ki'. W', liing<air pri-oiits utts to tbem. Y.ven for ttii" tlesr,!llld Iftqta' sakt'. -lbtficary. Blow. fînglea of hatten. te mar!"is f pemu! Fa&u. wet. aortlt ainditouth t It!eflontgtt itusitlStam'. Sîtta the sons'tf griat î.ty t hat iitîh ngel', begati. Silnte fltiiy t, tod and of iot] <sli 10 mnl. -Whiti.r. Agaln at Chruatmas dld w.u<save l'lie holly roundtthe iChrstmas hearili. For pastry us -«N :ý à oln nwp,ýwdto(ah fT.jg FLOtIR Wert and Clark Wrighit are bomne _' B DL< JoL - ---fi-uniBoloit for the Jiolidays. SOLO T Bor, tei Mr. aind Mn. Luw ilhanek, SOLO ATMouday mornlng, DSe. 20, a girl baby. The, W. C. 1. 1. ladies apeut an et)- T riggs & Taylor's LbryilII joyaiuîe afternot<nwittli Unr. Lurk last H. Il. Egersa delivery wagonl orana - -up remplendent lu tresh pait. 191 looks Weil. The Antîna ot Llbertyville will tcaat nt the honteof John Atîsitîx,, .1.. A M o d e rn Mri. and] Mra. A. 3. Autintîi pent Chritinis with àlie. Aisti'slparents in Chicago. agi IN 5~~<WVLibertyvîlle Lotige, No. 492, A. F. A S a n., a C « î s A.M., wiîllinlstal! tfilcers ud.t l>!odaY M lre. A. I. Mallary, o'f Cltlcagiî. ln He arrived at Sherman's Jewelry Store piede ig oias ifh ber par- via the electric road. Hiscar wilI be on lon fOfur ierehantt rport au excellent exhibition and running in Sherm's show christtuan traite; eue idorus us the' window on and after Monday night. "'1 v ers.wlile al« ti See it and then examine the fine con- "ITomy bave yoet ereamed alotui consigniment of pretty, dainty and use- 1-Yes. papa; and fi- waithow-leggei, fui presents that Santa Ieft for you and JuNt]lhe yon. your fiends At the Prebyterilaa chrch Snunday yourfrien s. Irornng 1ev. Retirer wiil apeuk in the imorntng on the ",Br Ila sud Chlkhood of jean&-" lu the evunnng ou --The Sherman, thie Jeweler. * :::L:1:th every chlld hana' Wght hi epeci a lierry Christmas. L ibertyville, - *A~niaJ m anfo ls toallke ig; dosen't deserve te bc eImed fther. The electric lights avaes given mut-h better satisfaction the pua t tva eeka, lu tact the serviS n auaithat «,,, bu dsslred. The lghtt are turned ou Xmas Presents. mle bnorewfhisae AT SM ITH 'S.1 tributs thoir finie and eaus lu the Libeifyvifle. Pafmunitiri theiti and Drop i n a nd exa m ine ou r il1iday evervtime y.Pla bave a delln X speli dont rush otffrd, Clîcagfo. This man is calllng for a plate of cakes "Our liore-grown Buckwheat." Try s Sock ând You'hI hâve no Other. M. B. Coiby &. Co. delîVer goods n s leigh, whpu, hures 560nw, whch TOI LET CASES,' ft i tsleIaif 1in nthing (nt of the lire. Mary Fisherif; vi.ititig r.,latiu'e SILK MUIFFLERS, ami as been fta4îily paltin tid lir. E. Wines Cfiitigti f f% A &A= c certainly meite mettion. ttc a ýv.tea etT esav CHRI STMAS SERVICES How the Varfous Sundlay SC11oo!s WMI Observe Christmas. I W. Ilirmai, alo lte abutthtt- Thttriday niglit, Dec. V, Ex<-tfsior Tite >,eltlari tif tht- M-thta(Iief Suit-i AND IN FACT iw.Semn iolvsantte camp, It. N. of A. electted oficiri for ifay feitoliave bIeen tiligentffy 1 i ils nrthwett f Lbetyvile tfnthee uunigyear. t olttloits: trat-le, pravtfieiug for f hristemti a n teî ALL SORTS 0F XMAS G0 D ._,M _- efing wtUb ai evere attack of Ms ui iyat -rre Nispormt t edrdlttevjrl typoidfevr.Risowltio i crticl.Clara MiJJer; Recorder, lire M3ary Friday evening to'night iAi vetr- ile mauy friiSidtis mii learu of liA Staples; Iteceiver, Mlrm.E.llff Eger; f'tiy (tg justiAce t lte t-a.i J s~-eriotîs ilinens witli incere regret. ChancelJor,Mrs Eiily Clark; Marufiafl, Recittiotte, readinltge solositatntuclas Cand es and I<uts. iW.- opoe for n tt enconraglng re'ports 3îIrN. ele Wteîi);îlier Sentîîttl, tirsg. expeisex î'(orîîufe in ak etea por uniie tr <susk -faite Iarbotur; - i>ttcr 14<titi itel. 11VA i<t-t- apîtropriat.- andil litiftr<-'ti îg. 'rite auuw Iaxt Nntldiiy nglt Rave Carnie G(ilinniil. 1'fymielaît, TJ.. L. bretirufa iay fe t>kti fi echt-'il W'e have sorne bargains that must be seen to tlue t OPopntaity Ot the aeeiii for Taylor; Manager, i-'.. Filfi lsIf' Friilay afft'ritoia it< tîî e i. ueniter ride sud 3<onday hib ut The Menel-ey triti ere git-ettil iy frîhute l iiittel-rr-ttng Aitt f<-sî,îi be appreciated.rthetectiters, of uvery rray nifar cîzeitandAtuces if tfîeTtw isî allt dlseenlption. The merry tAge< at FrAday and 14sf rday niliti anîd ut _____________________________ sulg bele wat auevet îî<-eutt ani te M E.t'itirthAeitId.ay E.g t. ht-r Stîti i'faiiiwIl li' u th- Iri-tiit.- jIheuing soitindt loud'y. slngfng wu@ good adîtîî isn Silitli'. lai iit btrîdi Friîiîy iligltt, to-nigitti O nly ne day left, and fhese goods must go Trhat,,pet('b"of rositbetween '. J. recitationti ttre etîcoret i unaîeuier A fir<grain t'e)ttstiig tif 25 ittînîtwre A EL W C S .W'Ih'i,!a'uad theeltlley t'uuniimitithat Idet st )esý1thettl ttitl] ett. aloi pjartlciplafed ini frgely by tii: Il tltseioiiitiNauy thîng ini thîs "ueck of "mite" atihth oiti atii-tlay cteittîg C hrlstnias fret- trifiltt-itat ttîî ovi * * odg', tulien J c este muddy romute. was besltle linlmeitwifh joy <s iiith gAffes, ilvit l î'tttittef' Witfît' t! F. C . SM IT H & SO N Y ~~~~~If Ant i, liwregrette t litithe rosdit tepiilcaus. D)emocrats anid Po.putte ir-àFia ftrio ov(i Butier BIdg. Lîbertyville, Illinois. t'oiitf :uot baveut een graveJedti his were matie the rlit'i' f o ritAiitiltî fPhre'ctefrpeeiafttiitt uii Buter idg LieryvileIllnoi. tîmel cndit At ertslnly ehoid be tuèetfile ttf aft-liy muait'. L't'-yfsiily ittg. A ttîî't'ifetttr,' li ft.- tty tf next Won --b~if t"dl L . eif - o lut-I X n i \ioii xetî falit-cienintrioit lt-ci.A Nirs. E. C. Pultotile m egouating foi- 1 hellt'f they le.serr.;d Af. %3 <-<k îîgo îi-eath as ias glveia fbtox ~~~ ,g f~~ii lic ue t-liseof tflicinlding Jocateti Hu iiithîs ' ' e ucxirfd w( % taitrion lîte itlts ittiti Fi a ndtî tit ui ffenDIl. C. Paditock'a properiy, ithieth1peglected tf.mntion tht- Ciuod 11ttai-ieliwt txcs auili ît' iizhatiiti- waeui)rfgiially ntetîtet sesahome for 1TompJarn Bazaarin Atat e tk' .4nei Cttî s, sî-l ttAssaot îîh ti ithé li'.NSE t. in Kalaed 1lis an enîgmia. Stifflce ft Ray tit-y hl ittiti o hc u hhmamnlo lira. P eîtoîî Wi-til itve thie'tfratc- one,sud barring impasiblle' ronds.'. iftîf Ite staetifttt .'iy. [ie arlli f bietoler propurty <tiiOrelartt wua s uceusse. Tieare miny tho o tsknhrtfr ielb 1 tIiarï ~ ~~~~~~~t i t t ifuuîs a ahall for the Oood cotetuplated afteudlrtg muttVte rt. su-atStitya-o C h ea mlcr tl JE n :jTem: trsînd foîr getieral babi Pur- unable to reaeh liere oiing lii the o@s.mnddy roads, but even nto, thte ihlttl C tT-i-t rapachuit. They soit ldtii lu-<tty Sti'lyeeîîgttr tIIt i 1The% card party given fîy the ladies nlck-uauuka and Chùrieftnîîs r'ene ttetanuu -tisititng iof Chit. a ily o f 'e m 0 0 0 of* nitàm iCatholit chnrch andt hld aithe tii. tgoay h rgai a iecr1 n aportt xri boreo Rrs. lfobt Sconti vas sgrand .ait-rganfeosithe uiylrtgan t-titiS a rt it înd aJtirttj<t-titi- î-Xtte succees. The ady's prime vas woiî hy a nerlgetatic eoinetyvihtst gî' (-ternu!tt'iiis, L thr h. ii-iy tt- Mrs F J Kine o Mllaake aTh tet igt h t madth blt- lodge Je r tntfit-ri fittily i,,iiit "".W orkm anship r gnthe eprizu msson bprime.Ire n a sceti -as iAs characterit' ii fteir attiresei.f i wilhli- ait i-îtertaitiintt i sd thecosoltIn rizs erewîn nergefîc urder. lit.-veriywtay tphrttfrittth ie meantinr lîy Mirs. J. Brmadley andI Mr. C. Daltoni. lkoV.TYeesto- vradfth Tîtenexi pariy vîlIlhe ,Jan. 5. eaf s-. ak fC". itr'a fi iittiti-aî 'ttî'cIst ii htft-mti .,týAnd Q uality of Jolit utgiiy'aguate adtiti itititai- (f thett iCh ~i-titersit-tmodotttffi.-tci-vng ,întti. tago celty <'tînltil. lý viii- I i i tttr'li t(îrn1aU, ti tf e Ve-rket; whu Ain itisc f ua iieiitutt ttii it't f agt' i t in t ttiil In t elit It !".Goods Considered.b i L IBE RTYV ILL E M A RKET. itîrcitbzens nîay ltook tir lift kink.softi < t lf iaty t1-ir.- ft attettu. -- Jvutalle franchtsegrtuhs. Outr ~s~ciI"prtyoiruet.udlit thtliurtantttoeiirTitiri4çfity. 1 --- -..-.-- BSome epçcialy p-etty patterns in suitings. uttr-reainery .......Sn 11itu rtet prtn i lorclu elRcmed tI tO ani or use laeEgs. ier dos n ..........-----i - *24 >co'sîls of Peoiple tightlý. 0fffy a, 4tuoîredI ureipre fti--ctvtu for abtir- Overcats to fit you and your purse. Have po0tuatoem .pr tuhe..- --- 'ta,- eisSuha hranl re oldto ncwKadhre. n ei the old ones cleaned Up for the Hoidays. Woalad -yr to ... ... l50 e .50gdoins lai cha I Mirit ici-hts tit.i t o uoiedaithr-etitartîuy 'iuul-t3oft. per -ton ......... .4 no cei .5 mi 'iouliti ike to luîtlrtî tulteri- $fht-riuai tetttnt rforltg antI <hîckm'i chîolira if 1t lttimifne. If le the t- tf isit- Cor er huithesh-iof-d .... 2814ut 10 e 'ie got bis fraint'lii', andtMttf thi ettrit tl itîto to s î<îîtht- tarkeut. uo er lusbei t ' liie conaitturs ocinti NOViIt , ' trtiplefi2uAtheflie tî,ty Fari. ite it Iblasbecu W W - F~~ut-!C Ie Ff, L.t itat goid'ptsted star amîple and tsitlmîieltt thorougliy testeti, tlîey tire lhi tititfs R i # I1 ~~~~~JftLlaMiddins.vr ton ....... ..s-Ji e'.4t10ro lu lienut afau*lchist'. andtihotetîît rle e h titilietîui-ttt i-en Mua, lier toit. .... .. @ itt 0 goui cigare it vot iiiti tut gtle tîtih.tffi tîttifi te'vi liogm. peafer 1 l D is <Ct....... :1oo 4 1 0 liiibrotiter aleriiett "Al'i t<" fF PorkM m dp ritollis .... - 4 ' t0 4 do lc cattlpJe olis-.....2 7 (4 1 loNI ke a huge tîoille. a""t0"'xi.t 1 Ve&al osives. dressedeer lb.. .. el* taif0 kfluw. Oa n Big Reductions Holiday Goods. W'e wil sacrifice our profit h order to close out the balanoi of our Holiday Goods. Corne aud get Bargains at The Fair, Libertyville, s&iîIIItîî&t Co. bave.. a fli ne iof Merry Ohriatinss la due h*Siq hlitalîle \mam proet4 ofer ffi'tlemenl Drop ln and examine Banbea i suiîl as eilk nîtfitr, gloveit. hantikOr- $N4 trousers. reduoed to Sb. viii1<fs and tic-. Fred Croker la enIeiabnluq Mis. 1. C. Sttrong. of Laske Bituff. brother John Croker and vâq îtok.' t the Ch-flristian Endeavor at the Baraboo, Win.., dung the b4 1ri-slyterin ethlirchltsîinfay î'veîîiîg seanoit. î-garding tiie-wtrk beîng (loue lîy the ,The Saior'eb Birfth" viii » Irplian's oine te iLake Bluff. Hf-rr11evy John Le.'.su«bigel tditret4tî wN v.-ry interesting anîd At la Methfdbat Episcoyel h"-m~U bopeêd thttsi.ot'e ucded ln eroîîalng mrig.H4eenn h Mé -fîlldreit w o are- gathered froni theT heSvor'%Xmo. ,hini of Ufitragît and cared for ut thits A Watt-h N igit servie vii b. t-iititoo.I i liletanEnea o n PFi'tay night D...mhg 83 ,4tciety wtîl tit senti thela i aNew thIe M,'thodis picgm <tare Itox andi earîî.stly lttvlted the t'ommeucitg &t 1;Ssu mU co-ttf.ratioo t ailt itis iovemuwet. tnatithe Newt Yen la ushoeu The e .-blidretî tespec<ially ttian aait fiyNOa meidiug tihe tuys and I ook s hîi Te netreea t, hev litve put tetide fur uneues wict hi xe ne pL (auta Clati gave then Chflstmaa fT'e artiein t'ait fe left ut lMr@. Kern'a 6h.lMd MSl.u W % à ifier.- thetpaekliug will bu <doit. , 8116 til Io b *Mg K Ewàl AOKI.À%tdnt. omieh. ns ~4 Christmas Cornes But Once a Vear! COLBY & CO. have the largest lot of Christmas presents ever exhibited by them, so large in fact that they occupy nearly ail their second floor salesrbom. Corne in and see their magnificent ý 7 :.display tZFINE DECORATED LAMIPSp Berryst. fC( Box laper EI Candie ChalIrs 3- C bIttava -.11oo From 25C. up craeker jaHmtlnionm e Jar- Crnmb trays OF eALr m o. 'roy ftitîtr-i ;afiloleslîx- Hdkf lboxesj Trimit. S Jevel t-a5tu Jardliniers JiiLanii &)s SMedailloii, Money banhe Nocktl en cases "..Perfumes Glass Water Sets EIab- ] Photo trames eydcrt i Dinner and Tea sets In six different de- \mu cards oratey dcrtd m signs. We are making especially Iow Picturem fancy designs. A fine prices for the Holiday Trade. SToy store'. present. stiiers mt.I Toy e sets served until Xmas. Remnem- Topstei Alkns fDcr ber that aIl these goods are dis- VTosu prChia t i played on second floor. Wagons ab-- M. B. Colby & Co., LIBERTY VILLE, ILL. Stock (of t t T w

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