LA-KE UOIJNTY i'NDEPEDENTe' Vol. VI. No. 12. Dr. Charles GaIlloway. Offlceovor LovollI'sDrug Store noubà PROM i1?0 .1 AND f5105APlM. *Libertyville. -IinoIsý Dr. J. L. TAYLOR.» Office ovor TrIggs & Taylor'.. S to la . L 2 to 4anld 6toti [. m. * Keidence on Broadway opposite Park P..brtyvlle,,Illinois. Dr. A. L. TRAVIS. ReU TML L IA.Mà ITO i AND 7 TC iMP. M Speelala#.niofl peid tu the Bietuaeot Chroul c Ehouiatiom. R0ckefeller. - Illinois. Dr. H.0. B. YOUNG. Phymiclan and Surgeon. MUUIUNCU PPOB1TE LEXIMLN HOTEL »LIo. Gurnee.--- - - - ---li Dr. E. H. Smith, DENTisTr. Office over J. W. E$utiers b!dg Son,:Itoli.. su iW ~i n IAILY« Libertyville, . Dr. E. V. HARVlEY, DIEN~T&T.-- -OFFICE HOURS - stot2AM. itoafli7toOP. M. flrftvlake - Illnois. W. B. SCHAEFP E R'S via»ssad 5.511Frut. Mr 57pres o» salimat-ii to-k. 0 . F. Butterf ield M. D. C. VETIIARY SViuOEOli ANI) l>ENTIST. PAUL MacGUFFIN, torney sud connaellor ut LaLw. NOTARY PUBLIC 00b Spcattention givaîs cîîllectiona aud Coîveasfliiig. oprieu Wira LA>. CiN-Y ANS, Libertyville. Illinois. LISERTYVILLE JHOTEL absen' t aàidig. sst aaapIetd. DlnIUr@oiUServicerFirst chas. TILLOTSON i&VIJMNEV. P-01, i oýr. Mli- .tii , -fi SI - LIBERTYVILLIE. -ILLINOIS. W. H. MILLER, TONMiIIIAL AItTIST, When yon wit a ileon ,bave "r a go"d hair cut ral on *ll Neattior to W. C. IrigEs 811- t tre onmiue t. $hopop-n vtrY -48Y ,,U185 muiilului r inlgs. have von fo r sîiiiîi I i lira Bave S"Nt W t >'xol reai utate. Il yot wilîimll t.) uy, s- I ouaî r b=. Koro ec j)e; ais>, al kmh iiIijr I n iunraiice a myw-,iait,. - J. J. LONGABAUGM. Grayaake.Illnols. j CoId Weather G c ODS .. BLANKETS, FUR ROBES, FUROVERCOATS. You'Il Finti Thom here CHA%-S. KAISER, -LbertyVille, - - ni KE COUNTY BANK ..... right. Parkhurst & Co. LibertyvMle, Illinois. .,Jeues I nterest-Bearlng -~CqMtficates Payable ~Y on Demand. rrs Wanted. Ly highest R. WV. Sherman In blait vace ,iss;fue we noted the srlous ilinese utofa. W. ISherman, af typhoid pueumonla, sud our peasolial acdualtuaece sd appreclstion of bis sterling qualities eoupled vIt h ie o%- Procsrions ot deap coucaru ]est i idi- uiesà prove fatal, su goerally atteied, led rue ta express the hope Uhat are asother isue va couîlu] chrouicla the oigeourawglg inei of hi*couvale.- ceuicy. liovaver, Il vWs Dot ta bo, sud aie eutire comuuuity mourus the un- tlmely delutime 01 oue uhoin Uicy biiortorie sd respected, vhich aecurred utIlite homne locsted four miles north- weit of Libertyville, ut 9:30 Wocc ilatur'Isy nlght, bac. 2U. Deeaed use borie June 16, l1657, and vus the aidait note of William anîl Mar- goret Siherman. Hl iàà muarriai tot Miss bliniii! Plili1ei Feb. 22, 1885, witu witii a iu, Harry Gorden, 13 years of sge, survive bien. Five aisà- teresudue brother, beelîlce a large nunnir uofiiire distant relatives, iitouruti eir Jliesein he ileath. iS-eui yiure ugo lie nus couverted tot thie Methodit failtle, and bas lirait a <usîsteut chritireIlle. Haeus« a favoirite n-fth ail, ot à Jovial disposition, uit h earted sud thougitîtul. li imatai-rui of publie lîtereet, oWill, asih wu» fatiilarly kuowu, vas alwîlys iuterested, snd titat lae wu for 8eersi years a iireetor utfsaool disl- trict Ni. 2 sodlaltely ippointeit toil vacuancy an roait eomiiissiuieridi- cies. the ronfideuca imposi tlu bilm by lîeigbIerg suit citizeusi. Hi- usa îîa înesber (ot Luertyville LotIge, No. 4U2, A. F. -AtM.,aisot o Ain Camup, No. île, M. W. A., ot Libcrt>-viiii-, wltîch mugis, vîthuadele- galion of ,rayu.iuke Masons, boad clisrgc ut tWl -eaîii ue t the graive. hi-v.jBuk, of iLieiefeller, preached tliî sermoioi t Bages corîlers ehlureh, pas3iuîg higli tribîîtw iitu the eaeed; itîtermaent Ipineîg u Lakasîde ceiuetlry ut Iii-rty> ili- I iîeiluy atternooli. Thousantis of 5h..». Las& litndaym Chicago throulil ba e Lts toviug tii iyed Li ake Couiîty's ii-lieut fariner, itubert Dady, a hiistarle cliaracter lu Laie couuity, ln about t'O retire hein thte sbeep rslstug ludustry aud dispose ut hie many acres on the outakirls ot Wasfiks. Hlinl a pioncer <f tveniy- tite lears exparienee iii theabuiness and îthie cinaient (if the uualy uanimuisle hese Ireparing ta udilp vili proisliy lie the luet. Mr. Dady suys Jet- wilil ay "ie li ti--roui ut the sbli-,ierul, ibang up bis beront] brimmeit lult lii the grret aujdhut ubject il bis îuigiîicîrm rufer te, hint a.4 s capîtaliat. Fuel ujuuIIpiîlled toi lie shàeep tlîîiiîgii-cal iopiets vihiii conitaini s-rsîsiuigu .,tfvieut, corti. lamelaunit liane-> -[lhe 10,1,4111i animalis ow oui Iîîîrîlcuinsunti- otany toue a day. Titis ii u--iutuesuexpeuditure ut lIlas aîcry tteeutt-fuur t onrut by Mr. I>udy. Ha is Ylut wiîried tiver titis drain on biesueoie He u.ivey theasituation lilîil.uopllcily sud declures that te miore they ent thei lutter titey willlgai sud liiie iiggvr îirict-s Lie vili receive for titu. -"'i is iiiirnos, iimure profitable thais ruimiiig ecttie fer WsuIvng grain," maîd Mr. Duuiy tu a reporter for the Chronilei- Tie bleatiug sulmali niien thcy have beuproperly fatteucd are uueght by rclireslnattvee of every Ilig paekiug boînne iu thaeuuntry. Ih in nuit a goui ttsltemie for young people tiiacqualted vth tae trials oethtie indiîutry tu start ii uIt.1 i gîe tii surIa, tiecaueI1have heard tlit a great mauy Younug Ieobie bia beau attructeit by turies ui fortune made lu tiie-business." Committeti SuliIde. ÇiiunIie William liarringtou. a brtiîlî-r ii -ThontesHerrngtou, ut Lbirlyvilie, nue founit ieat idiay ,uoout. Dec. 24,t lis huma ou Mlvaukea Ave., sou-n muiles siutit of Whaellng. Decaucitvuax aiacialor. thitty-rélne yu-sri oftae. Hlias s tarmer lu god î-îcunuhaîuas uwlug hie turmn, stock ail tols, Iîurlug conidaratile reasy vami. Froni lIha peut murtem examina- tion îîîîteritanca brougitt forth at Cornnrs inîluest Montuy, tae ouîy euircluslouî luis tat lhacommtteit tuiiuue by lîîiing parla greeu nitn mtehavie ieen itasitwtuaor titrea day. viiendiscovereul by uegitbuta, viose sîuepîr-ouîs uvre aroniiid by the tun,!sbeitcondition et bis bhrea ndîe ituit lis alone asue bis tutaer death ira ycars age. The Hirriugtot'is vere oui setliers u intis luî-sliiy. lic loft no mîiessage anîl nu reason ln kîuîîwu îfor bhs atcl olcueJI; May ha attrtlii-tol(iliuesomc tespouiteuay. Fuserul servicue act e l at W est Nrtliileiit chîrcit Wculnaday flar- uuuîi, ot vishch Ibhe 1. i. F. o! wlich utiter lie waxses nteitiir, bait charge, andi tue romaine c-eijîterre-ilut itukwood vîemtery. A Department Store. <lsOuad autler Januiary lst. Il. 1). Wyuuî, ioneioutWstîkagans hntllug îîuîînuîte viii ou-îîtb iebiîg Stoire miuîilur totiie i-latge departimant stes oîr (iougi>. Nurebate or coupou carde unre lu tu- e iul nun uucraulut ot sul kin<i. Alil gods tekeis on upproval îmt lia peut fuir uui môeay viii ha refuIni i-ilif nutMUtit4fgtory. ter iteariug norne fi pasn Chftnil l continu- Arreffsi Scw Murder. eLsit Sund"y albi John Aàisess r rruesstadlu Me P oltab afseiéiuont 5nt 1Wsahburu Spingi (Wsukegsu) by tFred Broun, brateohof ai Srl! Broun, of thM city, Whbaiubeau s memnier of th#-. Soult Clicogo police.force for The arrest af Aises vas upou sus- picion et beiug implaîati vAtéMile Miller ln traugling *Iold Katharne" iBolitz lu deMbi. Miller iîad deuied thc charge, and told itouheosMd Aimez hid %peutthUce reulug of laut Thundsj. The police axpeeled iuieresting admis- aions troin Aiaz, but upon heing questiouaul ity Interprater Huntisnd Captaiti Fyfe they were dtappuinted. Suspende Publioation. lu lant veek luanes editor Brad- bury, ut the Lake ComaaipPutrief annunuem liaI oviug to poor heslih hoe wili suspend publication of the Patriot. Thte Patriot sa been publisait by mambers orthtie Bradbury tauily mince 1866 sud usa lte only Democratia paper ln Laie Couuty. Mr. Brsdbury in a free aurair democrat sud his paper bas bot reeelved tbe support et laie years torneri! aocorded It. The united support of Laie Cnunty damnrais wu in laal pro-9 bability have miade it -passible for hlm to have eotilnued ttiepaper. Thare in moule talk of suotiier deuo- cralie piper bein utated, but wbether or uot il vilii uaterialize la s question. rhey're PassslnaAwsy. An Item in galug lte round of aur exchaugai talte afecet ibat te Poe ef lte 0. A. lR. as Rîburu, Kn o unty mter su existence of ivelve Yomr. hms beeu diamolveti. The membeishlp bas decresaed by desth sud reniorsi iront thirty doua to six. Ilt ells the *tory-tha paising cfte "boys in bluc," ulia put dowu the great rebai-r liount of 1 .The remuant out hata Grand Amy la fant passiug suay and il wilii babut a tew 7yem Witen ter. will be no 0. A. R. boys l tollow a comradei romains lu bie la" restins place. no guiud ta tira à tareweilivol- lay over his grave. Honor the od soutier viîle ha lii.. lu jaur midet. Treat hlm kIadiy, ba's uorthy of leur )ove anti respect. Had a Gond TIme. l'.sniioe Camp, ?40. 1253, M. W. A. gave. a banquet, muieailsud liierary ctertilumeul lu their ueu hall Tues- day evaulug. Heversi Woodme ansd titeir wves f romn LibertyhIlle sud adîuuniîg campi halpedt tamaie np an attcîuiiscs- ut about M0. ita aloet eujoîabla o-essalen, just snch ai Iranitue Camp alvsye fnrnlsb. sud nattait a very interial iium fot the Woinieîî - To Our Subicribes. Mauy ut ont suiserîbers have erasdy itaudad un their renevals fot the com- lug yesr. To tie ent a ail "tsuk loti, sund promise ta give ta. nfui value lu a better peper titan ever be- fora. Tuera ara, itouever, s goodly number uha are tîlIlunarreirs, sud va visi tot urge upon titai prompt paymenl. Va seldoin -dun," sud va spesi of this malter nov ouly becanie va lika ta tarI off tae uau ycsr uit ai clean books au possible, sud lte se- counie ara due. Tiiose of aur patrons living outside ut the coaty are espac- ially requaated ta 1ook ta titeir se- counts. Every subsoriher may and lte date ta vicih Me suitscriptioîî le pald prînleit ou lteadstiras.labl every week. Farmers for Postal Banks. -Muaitbas beau boarit about te itanniofetrgauizeit labor for ltae esaliblslmenl cf s pestai eiving bank aystem. Organiait farinersarse ne lae mphatic lu aig te goreru- Ment lu prorîda sata taposotrlaifor pereous et emuli means. Fariners ste net s0 wall orginizei th ie vorklng. men oathelite il ansd do flot corne togetitar ln conventionsansuitassocia- tionise troqeqnily, but viten lhay do postaisaings banis Js generally une et lte subjeats tiscussei. Ai s meeting ofthUe Michigsn ClaIe Asocistion of Patnera Cubseta Lasisng roeatly s itteng deuusui use mada for the estalibhment oftae postalsainga bani .yaleui, te uibit ail thie delegales praueni gave lteoir approval. On ltae day prevlaus lte tate grsuge hsd takaI s alilar action. A deanuitvîci te uorklingmeandui fariner% nuile lu maiig ua oua 10 whîit congres abonld gir. eaite. It pays. Te edverliaiug patronage accordait9 the I.NDEI'EDBNT là grasier titan ltaI o! suy cuber vaekly publhitedInluLake Couuty. uilaloun, advertieing paya, sud reaitzing lte tact advertlsers ara plcig beir business uhare lte gresteat rturnas msy hiattalieai. (Out subeription liatinlaopen id inspection; vere proui ut il sud lieue il itoi tî ater baving lurestlgat sand itatermîneit tisa merluof cur lsims ut s supetior medium ta sny luntte1 eOauty, the IxDUai'aw»uT gls lte1 business. Place yeur advertlslug Stpays. WANEiai-A yvuag Mou 16 1o 21 yeurs aid %0 emalte blimailt sud borne- eheelag trsde. Thoroug It nstructions. Appl ta A. G- Hercher. Whaaliag. Ilii. 12-14 whie vreaetilug vit isbrother lielinutounlIse barn fluor Sunuiay evaahug Ernaîsl Uowah epralueit bis rigitt foot su badiY is tihe touri round SlitIh lied ho ccarria t lu boit. lie ln impr!pviug howver. iielinntii lhilus ha la championlion-. Philp suitd Werner Spangler have- ratnrnad trîuîiliahir luihana viil hringîng a lot ut gamndsuta larg. Naufoundlsnui tog. Their brother Loulis inteut lurelit bis tarin ther, sud mova bacn bu ioils, viiereliei likenitilbatler. Witt Paotesuit John BCliexbail ilîite à rsbbcit ase aronud thaelhuîrcit sui ichool yard. Wiliishot au.1t uissee hlm aud sitol sgain lu thesaime place sud iilled hlm. They sli aay the rabhlt wuse scrci Co deatit as there vara ne shot itoles lu hlm. Fred hall gava s blrtitday tiiiiuer Christmas at bisihume oauhe laf. It. tarin. A number o e nlgiitrs vere laviteti sud aIl hait s plaisant lima' but the lboit dsy nome witeeltng bums csame up vllh tue poules ut heer sud mada suait hogs of titaelvem ltai ltai lied te hacajîrteithome lu Kaiser'e Cali wagon. Your raportor calat u lte cremary ltae other dsy ta sea theinminufuacture, ltae uev style af Frencht eheese. Two men mter hsviug rollati ont s large cake utfvwhite curit vale biocilug il out vith biscuit cutterantom carl viteeli oeeInchit iick sud titrea luchas ln dismeter. Titasa lhey laid unI ou ralan racks lu dry. Tite roat prica et titis article viii vary accrdlag tgi qnsllty froin 7 ta 25 cents a ponud. Titey ara vary walcittul ovar ltaeit secret sund tequirea ah risilore ta gel a ticket Kt lite ollice betore giiulug admission 10 ltaeit suculnî. JOhn liBin ls greal joker butIlie seoîad his greatest eucu-ýeas luet hon- day uhen hoastuffait s rabbtl sifu vith cnuu sud set l ont lu bies Numur gar- dan. Titan it lid ie son Alîtîîîwîuo akippeuit tltit bis guis suit laizet sus>'. lHarusadin lu itihbic lnupity lu great juîyl hluklng tiha h ai killait s abbîl ut lrcI bot. Thudieaul uiiiI yeas saunplaced back faganditnue- c"eesrly toolad C. F. litas. Prof. GuIz, Fred Selp asuI rring Fliechar euuh uit uhious hock the lasîgiau] metupthie drinks toe aunea cruîyt. Dont ha pensauteti lt)iîîyhutg liniments ulîbosîl repnttlouî or martt -Chtamberlan% Paui Ilm conheauIbo atone, and »s niarlte have beau provaîl hi a test cf zny yaus. Sncb lattera ai lte followiug train L. O. Iiugiey. Cal., are eunitautly baing ececiveti: --Tite bail remedy for palani baya ever usl ai iChamaberlain'e Painu Bmand si 1 My ilo ater itarlng busa t Itiniay Simili for seveasl yeêrn." h cures rbitmailaaa ime book, sprslus sud owiNais. For sale by Y. iM. LorELt, eh- ~ I1J. ILSUBUAN uOruea, leooo!eWer. SHERMERVILLE. Rste Zîtumermnui.peni Christmasa et J Puillman. Albert freaeesed vite. of Chicagso, speut Citristasai tit relatives here. Mrs. M. Tierney. if (Chicagosaet Itellert. Mr. sud lIre. Ed licekcudurt, utf<Chi- cua, @peut Christînxam îi sniiiuy C l ut JohnixiLorenu'.CA Mr. îuîd Mns. E. iioffmaî, <if mil- miette, were gueste ut Jîîln Mais- ehai.itS unday. Several ut our lOuuspoopie atteijitai mut Dtai ttha ucu Laheaide ch utais. n vhi e w lte tint service haIt lu theOur ehurcli, viieh avery Iieuutifîili struîcturie. lire. John Bcott sui i-hldran, of Ciii- c.agu, epeut Citristînsa ut Mrts. Knoci- t<-umnu. -baverai preuelîts came vîh tem but notue su velcome ahs the tiirae e! (iraudma Xuotkeuurîusa. Thera vas a very plasant party et Nortili hall Batuîrduy eveuing, Dec. 1,giveîilbY s tew yatuîg peopleaout hin viilnity. hoeho srrangod the &f- lair ara. Chai. Horauberger, John itaggia, Ezra Frai anti P. R. Webbar. Mlusic wvus fîîruighaulby tie Roireu- berger Orcheatra. Ererybody eîî- oycd themeailves sud left vitit the re- mari: -It vws guai t ta hathere.- AbouIt s mile est oft Iis place tera e§ lueata stock yard wnhicb voulit put P. 1). Armoètr undt ail lthe titar large pacitars ta shaue. A speclal cor- repouicul ani artiat ot the INDE- EBND£N r etaut vîllinluthc near future usie a trip tu tiiPlace aud eniteavor to huit up tu thse public gaze sun lu- (iuetry chiahit l, ta eay te least, dia- ;ustlng. Wc voulti atvise the <ipeator of titis buain-eau ta bnry the carcass NORTH NORTHFIELD. Mise Menteur vais iinthe- City luit yack. ira Bihiu-rl t-ijtiye a vucathin lite Mr. Jsîiuu ttrykir n-as a pIcuisut '-llîr icel yack. il'lic girls ouit lîîuiity ire uafl tu- iy wnJiug Çfr tilerctunîî uot Hugo frtr Milwaukee. Freil ifoeiim aundîl Juuhsiniliit went ont hiîîtlîîg luit Suîntiay unit Zut Ivo ratibilsu. Mr. unit Mit,. '-,lz,n-Aliue Kiesit attendaitserviceis ut thie E. A. i!hiirnlij SiHia unitu4uurî iig. Fred Kumen is ibtsus lu suy Ihal; Otto Itobeaki matie a iIshaitandsuitig a veil inseauofu a celiar undar hie J obi t ealiug vaut lu Chicago luit veai lu try sud swel lte eruti ellîoviiig eaucitothar oithe sîree ttin lu the store. litsuitMe. J. C. Wetuliug gave s Cbitamaedinuer lu wviiciRer. Mr. suit Mréï. Messuar, Heanry Wesailng unit tsmily, 0. tugers antillysanti Sinton Sieuger (va sure Dol informait vithar Ht. Stanger hied bis tamily-> vere lurvited. It lis vititout qluestion 1h11smiltae gaetsenjoyet a pleaint lime, but wv ancumul eear lu Ibis beauise lu orderttîu gire a legel teatiinony une imuet ha au cye vituem The partion uho seul lu lt.> ilnry lu lte Wliealung nna uoftlait yack l ba gneverati by lte Norhiîhiaiti correspondent appears lu be gulity bath et a ustsiemaul andi mâcon- cepîlun ut the furmer because iu contradiction t0oise deccirston tuera In exaclly o uunenInu Itae INDE- PENWDENT On enrneel]y; oftha latter tircause altoug ie ha mgit itsve sorma grounilponisbly for hraiding Il ait îuîcouupiete, yet va do ual ballera Ibal hae <mun finit suy legîlmnate data for ditairg ittehoba nul&i-inaàiartl." Bot afNorthiillis ehuraitas cala breteit their Xmas Frldsy aeuunng. The U. E. citurjaiiait isu uol tsehlouad' Chitemas aulerianuiaut. the main teuture utfvitici vastae inuy aud diverseabakeit paternis ait figurai viticasotîtedtht rou. The ladieîs einceti conideabl skilîl lu lte ntursineas ut many figuiree. The prugrain bath musical sud iiterary use vaîl reuitereit, but Oht my, whitt praicul' A erouit front ihlandiu Park attendai thie exorcisos. Thte E. A. citurcitasune dt radl lu te tf la tha prîîgrai effarait audcsriaitont. Roiteetlona, teelamualloas, dialoguai, selea, dualîs sud quarleiles avalleel lte prograin. lome et tbe Speakers lnbovcd:gocd taleai t wictmertli cultivatlou. Titi trei vara bauti., fnlly dmeorte4 s»i the preie .vue, tartrou boini hb 1l »-wb $1.60 a Year In Acha itrgains at WY"' LADIES JACKETS $1.95. $3.95 $4.95 and 05.0% LL AND CET THE. BEST 13ARÇ VER OFFERED IN LADIES JACO' Ai C~ Sdiet WILL COMMENCE TUESEDAyi ING AT 8 OCLOCK A. M. EVERI OES AT CUT PRICES, 25C.500 AND $1 BUYS THE'BEST UNDtIÈM EVER OFFEREE AT THE P SAME AS CHICAGO PRICIES, At Wynn.siý Cor. Qlenesce and Washington Sts.9 WAUKBOAN. WHIELING. wS.Meta la ounlIse dci lieI. JeBel moton. ltif girl l ati alciek Xaena Maben la Véry sîci ulîl ehibeken Pol. Dotii terget ltse New Years hall at Jotan sitmia. MmssMabletgr4*lavit-I fouit ut ler nle REddi bbithi" druin. Dr-. KRat9hé denllîl, vs ,lîu-rc Mondai sud kept qflte IîUcy. Missnlxzzle Bsaer Bunl d Huiîeu vissuidl Mra. Bebin Nanday. Maillumira are nlieu hny getting voodt for lte comIngyeur. Ohaulie Buhu viiin nheabcle tii pracice uiib the bond &gain. Johnu Mothllng vu ln love Musiday. Hlios itappy aines ha guI marriail. Auna Marla Brune, motter ut lire. Henry Wsrriah, use bîtiet bu-re Ciii- dey. 4. Lauffeuburger le prsclaing on ltae fiditue hase long ereuinge. Time veli "put. BobI. Puni sud vIte, ut Siteripr- rvile, voe guesles ai Union RotaI recenuiy. Neus items are alwayé velcume btin uendtthein a esly plaise, whlc itaihe are frasit. Thea pitrons of thte Chicago Honse bar ulibt litinaitXmae vwas unt a Yser avay. Oyster wuitdav vas btaentrer of the day anttieCiago lîe Chrlslruas. No need of bavlag i W. C. B. again. The Coneot-dis band fille bbc bill. mast givi tienx a liia. liri. Frank Barinau la sîil unt St. Elizabelt h bepital, buti yul btic nîl ber tautil naiebot tue yacks. C. J. lieracbergr, ur poliular ralicait agant ulU hi ou itnty aI 'ha station igaintieut Tsday. Albert lafftenurger doenut l lut strsuge doge atoanal h place vary long. H io ieslofv tIe iiiely. John (Untalar ubo canlamplateit goingla Klondike tast, tait viii stay vlit Ft-ami DatUsn. TIsa i uli mae is ixit year utlite saina place. STOý Cal i and Examine before Buying. MI. =.-MG LIBERTYV.LLI;, ILL.' GRAND CLUB 4, For a short time, we wili iso Weékly- Intr' BOTH ONE YEAR, For Only $1-.5Caih1s,*- G LEN VIE W. Thc susli tamliy spent Citristinai st the point. lire. M. J. An'îaein cpu-ut ltae veei li Chicago>. ltulpiî lruudwuy sesnt Tiursutsyi bils lnclesluina lu the Cilty. For elîlakone, rahiiiie suit eunuea pige appî'y luichu>,Capants, -tua, Clava1 1ussdliug a Dev builli. tuîg tolHenry Applayarte place. Kd iedasrau-vairtma aChristmias glu bis uchi job, jauller ut tiec ciurch. MIt. Jus--pliKinitu asu iie arM vieil- tug liIova. Thiey vilI raturs bomne liait Tuasday. Jus. Loug apent Citrlstis ulth friands lis-thee City. Hope ha vili ex- rive hsiuute afely. Wni. Warit andt tamily tauk imlui wihiîJohntuWart i bristmuandsaithh Mn. Cre te *alîowing day. Pitlhti)fatan ratiauted Irsmn Win. ucîkua sarliarthtitan uual Suudsy aeu-. tua. Wiat'i the malter, Philli ChriNtnai exercices at the Ccngrega. tionlsichureit vare hait aunnaai i mus iiunnsly large attseniincu,. A. C. Strayat ant ifte are penuig th.e raationyack autte hogue ucf Ms. Strayere parents lu l>eerllsld. The anusualmeing ut the Conagiea. tiousaIchancit urgignétastuon aeun a the ahureit Thuisitaiqyeruua. . A lira. Ana. Clsvey f'tmmie *4 Iuieunt Welàneldsa ~~ oeoeried s bom4t»s A nov eobwibi à added ta the GWuW sehoolulh 9h. e ami. e. W. m8. lips »sued the W eduit suag fuai sehm h rmuéQt. Mr. h d . va. ~ datm. 3bp1. ' Libertyville, Lake County. Illinois. Friday. December 31. 1897. or more bsk imb bbhevWood». Tria Citm eut artalumeut ut the Hope Unionî churcli Mouday areuing vas une thal eclilpsea li former avanie ut ieâ kinti. Every scholar o! the huit- day scitoul vas preiauted witit a bag ut chocauÀàdy sud uun, sud tisa uttle unes vare Mad a hppy l inte axtranie. The progrsm vas uiceîy ranîlereit, al takiug part doing cr-dit lo thea,ielvi-a sud taescesrs. Miss Lin llaolai munug s u auo Idica liait forth pruise iroîn Uic enti-e sudieuce, un <it alsui s duit by Miii , Nicolui snd George Witlter. ýi m -q NEW ST-,OCK