CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 31 Dec 1897, p. 2

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SU.werefuae 1w4 wu a* ** 4 thte'm i(usp fblêBhBMSt h mie #4"ta tp min po- bebueut. juaic& .awn a*be P te the. <3vercer lug Joeimgat Wtodvard 0. T.. fercem net « sntence viib.masT#.49 VIIIsSU ht sandb~sa narly a yearelle hy e i.gou hta~e tti cn 1=11111111m S to Tquple Houston, the sma or ontie»t i. lneLinn slMii lmanlion, o, nt pisiutet ofthe i. e« &eilus os bua au~.Aei ipublie t 1Ténsaet Wl*oitaKa%. 1o,e ort te o ie aebtoatà Fdrl~ et lirda ira fguityrte au n omsscourts vili aise be made. Men b uL CÂMP ,TÂKB1%. Wuotthe Bt. LouI andew-giri Wot PRY a fine etfj» and e ets tte e.Lneek t W @ 1011 proaeecutlon. Houston Olnt Zja. UMs.Gertrudea . ws 1 e i , casi inga la aloon ght lan Wodward unr- viose oronea te t ent, la attendlng UM VICTORY RZPORTED IN 1>W two yexmgio. Bd vas a son of Jude ig s selluInSt. Louis. Mo., as a paid CUBA. Jenningag, the Oat otthe tasuli>-te taitlsciolar. IEecetly site cioped i vthad ln front o Reuston'. gos, and the. tati- uiarrlod Samu rasier, a young medical Wasli -. er'adeath vas thse revoit otheii tend thoen student. Sh. rturned te sciteol ad iien poi lto Have Attroded GemTal dectarca. John, anther brother, was Principal Br>an tonni ah.vas marrled iet*V orattoam- imsurmots vonaffl lte fght, and lho and AI Jeu- lheorerdliher te loave lhe sticl, teillas nsj aItire.a ,& ffl-ge _Big nlngs-tite West Polt>tgraduate and lat- ber tint imarricai people euld net attend *W4 lmm"u Wthe atet Once- ent train rouber wbo dlstngunshed hlm- the publie c soel. ~a flalusa luh. Paout selfe by the.recont dayllght hold-up--are - ~~lft as avengers upon the trail of Houa- OvelilFcie> uga Miltery Kevements la Cue. ton. Houston la a iavyer et nputatlon Chariet W. Feikensa,' visemadl.lits os- ej LtedWg te Havana aunouncelente ad b eadoil Oklahoma'& ilver forces la cape trein a Les Angeles deput>- aheniff . * Upanlai mutUs omîea Upes et Chicago convention, ou a north-beund train near Fresne, Cal., ~ ndrtin >-(eu. Aguirre lu the ____la a nsesoetia wel-knowu tanker of Novw lMes ot Santa Caras have renuited iEE 1.Lge OF0*500,000. Haves, Coin. He was a rosi estate agent thIe expture et un insurgent camp, lu Lub Angeles aud ver>- popsiar in se- ply et thse eues.>-being killeil anid Pvnma laloEek a lt>.Asno tbrine ualt- ~sui tured. The $Palliai lengs wvi Cevean, 0., Ar Dasuageai. cratio quartera were inally tracod te h su W"ue flltande even wounded. Itila ire broke eut lu the buinesscontier ut and be was setenced te Oive years in tiereiorte aUat the spanisb troue Cleveland, 0., aud, tsuuod by a bîgi prison. g hot eugaged witi the Insurgent@ untiwsot ina, detroyed proporty worti aa ie aGtan inuica b> Naele'. u tsise-~more tia 58M,000. The Power block, lirg. Freda Schbiltz, agM d dcrlppied, î bsurgets are salid te have let sev- on Frankfrt tret, ewued b>- J. B. Per- was evercome b>- esuke andi died vithinmulle.sdteisilrd > kns lxaoesibsdmdetbicsewotetstt-ue-alre hch hn sua seon rmeI nivtesstinia- osumred aboe the second *tory-, broke eut lu thse bouse lu whlch shlelilveai tiat1 ilàan e11 ame riae surrt-ad tise rear et the brick Wilshlre htock, in N eYrk. Ever>- effort wu@ mrade te ie oe Advlces tronutanalie -six tonies bigi, owned b>- M. Penkines e ieb-be w agtrbt Heu *bpOia treupe bave lettthere to re- adtotn nSpru tet a ot aele ieb e w agtrbtHu a*he g4rison etflSanta Crus, wbchile anaThtiretart uerlertreetpvasober-their streaîgtis gave eut and ithey were nothn kttacaib>-the insurgent». A report ca.lTie irf entainin>-thoexlion et fored te abandon their mther, bu roi>-es- ei ugat bre t t tceson et Calixte Ia largoacashmetoenoine s &Conth e p-caping deatb tbenmseives. citen "~ dlod receeti>- trei ois dâr Power bloek. Windows were blown ontR John Anderson Mut Igang. salli *el airng the Insurent attack u su adererai empînyens escaped o tb du A eti. .Jh ud n~ aptel eu. heInurensbave dynsmited cuit>- 'e-thse lire escape and a bridge lead- convicted of the monrderut William Satin- dcvil NIoad bridge ut San Riatiol, betweee lng te the Wilsbire bock. dors, mate ot the schooue-r Olive Pocher, k0e. andi Campe Floride. Ceugres- Ps in-William H. King bas genle te Mtau- NW A UpES(. on the higb sons, là the (;th ot Augut bsdt lbSagua La Grande aud other tevus E S A BPPFSE. lait, sud coder the senitence ot the court Reeo 1 e-eieal motrnto ~ Dulesst bc baugeai on the lth day oet March ha. lisaseceaygnrlo h aea Lncur etlnfoponWeste.Ha extenîcs the Supreuse Court et the es wý t stcr eitn- esri et icgvol- ousaia Clax a. United States lu the nîcautime interposes. tiere e, t ii. e -- lioltli.Several permius wbo havecgone te Spo--___ OMAHA BANK SUit». hase, Wum.. troin Coltax declare that Huntera PartitInl Arksansas. tient uotwthstsudtng ail denalas lynciing où- A part>- et tour bouters were tourd - AtMtte Deolcatioa of th Ex- curneai there a tew aigits ago. it la au-trozen te death b>- the roadslde near . iata ?r«omaser. ertail that Chsadwick Marshsall andi John Dawes epli Ark., thc other nernlng. It bs Muuel te tehutmilonaora l eouatd, the alieged murderers et Or- lic hai millinesherago , a prominent citizen et ln beleved frein descriptions outhUe deai ~~a-u'5totTresurfreiarthe-,et be. esnthat taie>-were W. H. Hegisus, thlern>y Genenalbas binotFsnmlngteu, wero en ru tocet>-A. IL. Doiphîs. John W. Brigt aud Sam- -cù-~Oo0 reiicm aJall b>- s moi andi hanged te a tree searnecl Sevier, wbo outfittodu t Little Iteek Bank. The suit greva ont eft he towun. Accordlsg te thii stor>- a press two ivooks age.____ ___tiat tie Omahaarda tdan e cosersbip prevails, aud colsequoitly the ~ atapelo e aOtae urruttact& bave becs suipjressed. Emll>-Scoel Honor.. 10 dknealn te ase henicaratalApublic anctien et ichlbohuses Isa menst tv thrCît>- sd wNeatiseal APPEALO TO THE PPUE. oveit>- tlit will Ise wituoased iu western 1 ira pala b>- Bartie>-lho drev a William Wants Ratp te l aîKausas. State otliis derided tixat m tardaisdepoalted inluthe local uhBlNT'sebool bouesailedepopslatel districts, ~ mu vii umuntte tes te Tie BIÎI Thesugis, wiicb are out lnunue, usay beho sld te tise the espogibUty o barls Te . Louis Gloe-Denocrat's iRome bighest bidaier. There arec- erc than 100 tis repoaîbtit- e bahaapeelal maya: *Extraordinary pressure insoethtese buildings scattered oeo.tbc mi s.ii business wth officielsala present being exerciseil epon Pope Leuorieai ~etrarii beeme detauters. The by theekaiser te indece the Cathelie party . «t tic Attorney- Ceneral ls tisaI t support the emperors naval bil. Tie Daksota Baunk Clomed. ewhdrvng efthte tutouie was lu tie kaiser can't wis withnnt these vot-@. On The First Nationl Bank et Pembine. i5iet the sa Sertie>- perpe- the. other baud France and RIussia are N. D., ln closed aud in lu the band@ et 00 th Stato, and Ibat Uh saitkin, bth urglng the'loly tatlior not te yield te> United States Hank Examiner Aubelen. M" ta te iSOate for ltehensm. the kaisers rouenst. Thc pope bugel>- The bauls bad accenulated $20.000 lu val- - the Cheulical National la et eWujstise situation. It la aoubttut Iiflie celess secnritir-a. Preaideut L. E. Beeher and he Otton h Ntonllaee tviiilp William., is nov a fugitive treim justice. cour oneaet bauks lu the West. In__ PAENT OFFICE BUSH. West mdal Ianils Wsuted. To Atnica vrila Wheat. the immediatel>- open the reassenubllug ot Tic ma.ometh tranmp steamer Aigon ort M~ u4mber et Applications lites Cengresaenater Leâge utf Massachusetts siled trein Tacomaa itla tbe largpat cargo Spe -Knovn.. viii iako a vigorous effort te senure eari>- et grils ever loaded let a single ve-asel, Poli hUadre am aalseventy-llrc ppâ-action upen is ehonse te obtaîn legiota- carrylua 377,W09 busisets et vbent. val- tiil <terpafets wre receiroilet the Utre uthonll>- ton Use purcbase et the loi- liedl at$312000. Tise AIgus la bouilliton s-bl aelle et Washington, D. C., la suds et St. Thomas and St. Croix, whlch the nortiveat rosat et Atnica. este msmall>-tlse igbst os record are la the West Indien group andl belosg ad Qune daY in tise hister>- et th te Dennnarh. A yoar sile the Sonate pea. Pardoaad b>- Proldeut. aud 'IMe tat that te ses-îav requin, ed a reaotles requestiug the Stale De- Wiliam B. B9cm, Jr., ex-cashier ut tic won vho haroenmade applcatons partient te ascrtalu whetiser tise lai- St. Louis Natonal Baush. osus srving a ter tu artelut u file thelr applica- an"d5are in the markel t t bat figure sentence eft ive jeans aithtie Jeffersons tati esunte> vitisin mes monthi e>- vyere helli. sud viether ny>-other City- tate penîteallar>- tor the embezzlo- bho et the. applcationfo forelge country was *fter tiens. Tise repl>- bas ment et $20.000, bas Weunpardoned b>- se imuJa. 1inl se- set been mande public lu Its entiret>-. but President McKinley.T -$ ieretfoe la- t huovu tiat Use Danisi (loverument si mU er t Ws etruSh.lietere timateai tiat tic slauds vere ton sale A Chicago Fire..te à paht le t s>- Im oeviti- and that tisere had been preisisary tnoge- Ts-enty-siso persons were mlureil and ai et paentleseailu oregntiatlens te liI ai lU th te Eurepean $225,000 s-rth et propent>' destroyei ir a s fet -Goreruments. Tise are suppose-I te ho ire ai 104 and 106 Miadison treet,- Ch'i- eelle fo thle Tour. Great Enitais anal Germas>-. Tie figure cage. The bIsze was sturtesi b> su expIe- thb tàdeMana vigation returu aked for Uic ts-e Islandls b>- Donumrh sien et naturel las lu Tosttisa restau- s-I tw be e t Ottawa,. Ont., telilhbas set icen made public. The text ot rast. ____bus »Wta Importe enterod fer cou- lise repi>- bas been transmîttoil b> the s 4ho U.204,021, as agalut tato Doisrtmosl teathe Sonate Commit- Lo» ofet To* eCattle. - et pOaUS,lSOUthe preecdlng tee os Foreign Relations, but for dp - Tic sict terni that reetly prevailei t'O' ma I. mU celtoctda moanlad le matie reaseus Il bas beu ieid ton tZe lu Texas bas preveal te ie ver>- disastrous ant SU a ai"t $202190807, a prset sas confidentel. L Scrutor Lodge lu ils effecta on thc tock intercala ofthetics~ 4 l,40 Epets asuute in l sanguine et sccunlng an appropriation s-est sud nertisseat pentienai oet tat State. 15i am n tucrofet$17.581,- tisaI vili enable tbe Ilasesais t hotrains- u e__ __ott' te tise Unitedltenreai te tise Jurladiction ofthUe Surs andi Qulnc>-'s Pluraity 4,097. ceu aummâL- pEq o cla i te .vlue et Stips.Complte anai revlsed retenus frein 191 ne gW-- gslhaltflt,4W4281.votiug precints et Boston show tisat May-- £b rm te Unitedi States Fer Baire ef thse GocdiaiIges.. or Josisi Quincy. liemecrat, vas nu, elect- *NPIRW, te lie valne oet$%. The aras> pack trais et thc depmrtineuit e-i b> a pluralit>- et 4,079 votes. snlouase e 01 M023ernfethle Platto stationed et Cheenne, W je., <Ansac n euts oethle jean bus detiarleai torAlaska. Thc trais la le Mundecer Perdoneai. change et Chiot Parber Tom Mooney. It William Pool, s-ho vas@seut te tic Ar- consistaeftetonexpert pachers and iglit>-kausas penteutiar>- la 18912 ftn ty- ba*i vé a ie tnd.traiscdand asi nlleai pack mutls. Tic des- eue >-ean ton the nerden et Jobn Eyaisa, ffia loIlu a Nev York bus- tinatien ut the park traisnlin)ye-. At lias beeu pardoned. Sei ofet uai yonain l- Nov York, tise Red D tenmshîp Curacoat___ ~ oIL RL111000là deigNior. bas been seld te go lto lie Alaska trade. N- York Solielrm' Monumsent. s ensthetabiolt f tierais. The perrhiasens ar nsli te be Pacifie Tbe Rlaieras and al slir'ons umeeent te hite e hs oume lstoxleted comt emdentSsud tise price pali$180,-ho erecteai b>-the rit>- of New-York will h ec ibe 15 tefO.HL>-000. Tise Cunscoas-as mut b>- thse b led100fe ri h ob r be,.'iemuraslon - CrampsetfPhiladelphiea. Tic tient esacis- b usci ,0 ettu i oie ele euinturnod, afler tqI requlred wsas a minimum drunit ,ee. Grant. à, xIs t tggle si4elonndaitsellia maximum cargo capacit>-, OO'i50 te Legacy fer a ee, bbvil à; . h-risasuiltUe tactthal the vessel iras lntcsded te Josepsh Leonard, s anrner roidlug suar ~ t * ieqtta. LBSls, visa savgate lie ahalînnuaes-sIe futLake Man- Zaneaville, O., b>- tic aeast fanunucle lu -$h wy~Ouiad, va ret &raill.on Ousecout et ber igit draugit Greenliore, N. C., lubents$50,000. '0 Uboitil-ait. Uoeioy iud large cargo capacît>- the la a raluable .*l1tsiha b"e 01era additions te tae ieeco et ves.els novr pl>-lng F.51 Undes a Train. 0" 4w alI rtmlg ta1 l.-belvon u itFrancisco, Seattle, St. Mi. lins. Leurs Carpe otfÂsts-cnp, O.. slip- >lau.~efge d lu niva. ciaeis andi ther pointa atour Use roSst et pesios tise ire sud tel under a trai ul Upvam camau. Ala&sha.Oe bas gene te Batimore, Md., Cecili, 0.,and d aleafrein tiheaeheL. 4é<uinUmena,_ t. e outltonerthe long voyage arousil Cape __SI____ ta en..ostise ship vaut Bom.Jamnes C. Ollard et Tacoma, îtOTl05 ~ee anbe, heWaasi,, bas losiei s centract ton thrce e ba. o atenhCa.- lvlucro mtcaniers tor use ou Lake Tes- d 8.8,a put Dm ar-ho Uanalte tisOlekoon river trade. Tise Cilcug&e-Catile, ecmoneste Prime, h o pote lt Itise hoteare expoteI te nake sîxtees hnts *8-00 te I*8.75; isoga. alaiIno grades.l 'an beur. 3.00 te $3.75; sep. fi tain ehciee. $2.1JI0 a-- slam . te tes o h$,4a a.;; vis, Ne. 2 ros, Me te MP; V use - tnefmub auar ightainuPardoo. coin, No. 2. 2@e te 27c; ato, Ne. 2, 2le t 7«4, fflt etenit Gar.Lcedy lts panilee C. E. Wight. te 2ie; rye. Ço. 2% tue tus 47t; butter,ï = Wu" 'c tW Mtisnes.m».,thse Tribune,.IKan., bbuersent te eboice cneams.ny, 20e te 22c.e: es, tie".b aetiseaus vons the pWenttnlry tonrisavlsg recelveil de- 1et 1; vpltaSct l !q,4u-Rmuon-pouis seos tise bah;kas la au bisolvent busiel, - - - emilesu d aise tor nssappnoprlatlng tndisnapoile-Cattle. shippiar. *3.00 .teI MU» peml. te fade o deositfor emnl un. *.25; bog4 eciseliiabt, $.09 te $3.75, i tisetund ou cl t penesatnus. shop comuneste abiese..$3.00 te $4.5t): I acorlânlie ueaet RatobmnuCarturegaBirIDaret. vheat, Ne. & 2a Gote OW-. cors, Ne. 2a *i4 4aOjma lt et At C»&», çonn.. tour bunglam of a white.27« e29c;ets, No. 2 white, 24e IlaSl, sspoled te lam ng e lrs te cptrel by Martha te 21le i m *Is ual it 551=lUe ta jeaérss& Eglatousstor. St . l-Cattlc, 83.00 te *5.50;basn.v Xe..l ied en tise mm sed vundea Perey-$8.00 te $8.75; sieepý $3.00 te $475;: Q t. Claigr, J. 0. Davis. 'tomsmy MoGraw wvieat, Ne. 2 0e te $1.01. cana. Ne. 211 »0 veut% elst. Sud Yo pWhite. yelevw, 2Me te 27e; ents, Ne. 2 viite, 21e0 . . . . .t..2.-e; i e - Na.-« - -C T- 7e I 1IMITATION 0F. 11PARTICIPA.t ThON IN AFFAIRS BeaI rsilu thea Logitature UUI louDse b>-Leaders, but lTia us Net Put e top ho itudiasaCan-g ing.9 Abouot tise ClonE DRonna, ugerceerspod*amee: M OST mao et - Coentse inh tiat lie>- know t Pretti s-cl s-bat s-enld he isenot ~pelle>- toe hokl -- Y las-ca b>-their Part>-. la tise Son- a st e necogulsoal leadenhlpdes sot gons erneasIt aines lu the Bouse, and - - bere ecrimas -- eels tbat lie ls en. - ~ tille-Ite ho.e, ad be la, conusllesi couscrge t r hol- ies-ed b>-is part>-. te House leadlership coulits for ever- ag, maid,s-bile ever>- nenhon mu>- eel ho leaboulai ho consullesi, ver>- tofe s anc. Mont oethtie bussinessaoethse use is dose b> a tes- mes, sud lîttie or ssng la acconspliuiiod olîbout lie sher's consent. To a gacator on leas unt Ibis bas heen tiecagsse ende aill lulastratiosa urnr uas>- jeanso, sci ieudisg osa tiechcaras-ter et tie mas in, -chair, but tbe pow-er et leadership ha@ eliî,sd ver>- nenssrkhall> during tic t es- yesa. Periasnuese oenehbve lishe powe-r liat is exentesi h> Speaker e. It e-s>-bhothat is pus-en Iste us a test hotore the close et this Cou- sff aîsb ais it has nover hlthre, husbit -ce is ver>- IittilIs pant cseiuel courage tic bnp.- of s.11czeaIsi tmtigo- sm et hlm b> sue-bers oet is esn part>-, Oosgree. he a essalidate fer Mpag$e, .w tahMhaa is viibtlule Heuse aI a«à. Il hu been Iltmlaitisai bosuight rali trans thc eus. jat l*aeend oiet1hlathei. Ont et thin poahbMi ygrove anotiser meu i elan-room osucue. bMenn onts « aci>- leaders ar eflug l AR finds. The possible candidates fer lie speaiermhlpo et liPtty-slxli Cougai are *'mlxinc" and al aing ilpisof t hs talents. Who'% le coeeck, anal "inv I e rasbcet service' are subjecta et discus- sien. Thc omit>-. sposkersibip candidate pauses tien gnenpte guoup, suai laInter- aetedlu ail UsaIIntoreils bie celleaguca. This sort ef apoculatîve aud anticipa- tory costultation la partlislai y active on tise Democratte saie. Tisere, thoy Seing inh lbai nt-ud halrlng lI«t o teli sll prest leglelatien, napplug eut s, pro- grainfothlie future snd a prosent polie>- reîatiug entirel>- te the future la tise ouI>- profitableo ling te bc donc. Tic>- have le dent s-ith an abstract propouition. The- bave uothssg te masare but Iluemselvot. It la a struggle te relais on te gain a lei- enbhip for thle prospect ltina>- bolai eut lu tihetfuture. Conultations are constant assa active, enidential, nîjaterlous. Bach uslnlrisu tatesnau la conatantl>- molug auasîngig telloes-es, tu holai tiemnUnlie, le Inspire tien s-ils confidence sud te hecis lbie aient agulusat the devieseorthi tollowers et a rival. Hait a dozen lîttie eusesaare hein>- iseld ever- boum iu tise shuaS neont, nnoeni thtifineplacea la Use hall nus inlutIsebod>-ofethIe Houme. COLISEUM IN RUINS Chicago,*sTet iStructure QuiekI>- Wiped Out by FIne. At Chicago i'niday - ilgbt. lira ilcatroyeal the- Ceiseusu bbuilding.,e in-hîlte Dens- oi-nstic nationial cossuenstion i u sheld antas yer. Tic lir% a- uëisc ue ft tI- uuschst cvrn, 'bI-iei. Iitisin tseut>- n'imiste-s aaten its sunigus, o lis-i mas ecassa s'a b>- lie cains ofu t li suelectnie isarIt. brics-ansd tuv-Istel trois. Thie buiildinsglisait been tdfrr ýletc a e ooîlt uassufa-hîsrena' cîlususitisin sandutua-msilla-s tunend toend s-iti bootisa, ail et whicb THtE COLIBEIYM AS ORIGI'VALLY PLAN'<EII id-thie antîgosisse et lise minnt>-, of s-ere itestroyed, o itI lia-iîrr ioitints. The, anse, cousIston urbut 11111e. ire originateiî lu a licuuli sish ,saaissu-iil n apite et the tact et ail monlierset on oran exlshitaaniaut X riIs. tlshe bo.t eHuse feeling tiat lie>- Seows a thiu-lif eiu>- usîssueil y M. J. Meorles- soii WVsc. to, antonisigly foue-en rgo tte s bilon. Tîs Iss ue-isues-s-i-xaniuiisg paker te adrise wlth ime-about part>- shi- tscug-illsaisilue su t-o lii'>sus-i- )l>- or ny-qsuestions et munieimportanice siartli M'iss b- iîusiui I.-lilfisitii-ns sun tie tate et sosie littie local bilIlunsait sisse lunule>- saus n lare t ofti-ires-- ici tichemenr imseît la alose inter-bilule alsiati. .Crissas-ileh-slcre 11>lit usIres ld. There are scancel>-more tihis.liait ussisis ss,îneoevar Ilse- axhibit are thoisglt loscîs suiti su-li e c peasherciasIts. 1te have usasitii-thilausua-,. The>- 51finalt ai ver>- tour bc>-onai that 'iumber suho unleiltua)ususut1er thea lira-, but hetoeetic>- nId vetture te udv6estihlm abs-seteaun --svun-s o star adsul s-th the fine ia et o poi;-. Tisere la vory littie conlauui»prundal lraglsusut tiec asture li,,otl. About ion wiith tiec rest masof lie musn- ;300sîp-eople usireluin thebuilding uat lie nr s-ho fteau thcCogurca. tinuste flh ireliudait lite firsI slarni Assena taie Meaubers. tlii-e wuas a rush fer saftî-y. Fontuenlo- To nake up fton Ibithero la mus-h con- 1>- tise ilea sure uside esuivis>- tu the nilallo aud discussion ausnuug ssmleea a-omaativî-Iy lauI nurnur otfriepie iu beaevea. The Bouse la lu a constant tic busilding -there susalitie siflOs-nl>- le urus or group et rasicuses. Ali phattes eas-blur tiesieurs. 6 fpolities anal polie>- are constanl>- hoiîg Vitin tous Minutes utier the tire i herse icuasci. Leglatiou is augresteai ansi ticrouf wo-s blate- sait lus a ver>- short he suggestions are analyzeal anal crillilisd tio uteto lie iiuaiap-ared on tic tels iti carnneusaandsidolae. Menhens uufthe bnillergsone ut tIse large arches us>- about siilstle eseer>- et iusecte tiat spaunesitie bildaing-gaue os>- us 1h vhose nature Iliteb ssit idkoep in sue- a treeseusiduuareliort, aussItleu susotier, in. Hesad% are pet togelier aud fit nsunitautîer, oas-i suce guis> diass issh or brougit dos-s epon pains lis aes- Ilca laauîîduelit~ -Icietot ofa sacauo.'lie asM te rive emphisateuseigbty argu-biislsuf qisu> sukiSy satrIi cuits andi nattersamar eooteot anal sos- tiretal rs-i us i-i lussustii- ssa-ittusas tue ,urres inla Uat mugit chaunge tie obole amont for tise airs- ilIat te ut ass ai alms- s urgcetofgovenuent. Teetofnil tui aptsisou. l ehuuteu lvn> iue utinliélaevei- heard beyonsi th i 111e cm. to ukca nIîpileerataus suttiseIbuildingr. Tieolsaisusc lbuildlinsganal contents ix saisi tas ho$478,.tlL O. f titis amsisuis $37010suin. thIshise et tise buildin- *anal $128 . (at tIsai esltateil s-t osuthle t exîsixhiitand iunuorisul lus thle a-xpüitioik te preagrc'ss sus ths- builiung. Iiiusaiueto - ~~theanaussusst ut $1211.0W aiiss-uirrieu us Stlse Culseui.'istt of lui-s uétamant $li), 0(X) suill go uite siholalara f ut uuiitanéîlingi - usndéi lu psy tiuiumesobligatuionsin suslel. Thse suSu lessf theui-olulding îîiii gel but $2uJ,tJtSXusot oftiseis issurasas-a- SUPIIOIlST O ïM À e-LiAis BOOM nAU7tT5. ci@ witis o-is-hIle discussion os-cuira and s-bore thie plans arc laid. Tise piulicy adopted hb>-tise leaders la ual rissugei ornsourit tu bc chaageai, if. ln- deesi, it lu kuosun on lasqîireit loto; cor doa &>- legislon or motion tousairais lcg lsaalon folies-. Sometimes n groasp ot mnemners ofthlis.musIrit>-aide oasthti liouse, iavlag agrecil amosr Usemnelves that Usai have aîeuck a pretty geed idea, "I! srn.tten themmelveamntgtise mcm- bonson Use aisort> aide le af ow ie-tise Ides o-ilSe recelveal tbare. Ifif Il ncs wlth tarer thore uilho mutuel courraI- nietlons aud fellcltatios, anal lie rance- [Dg s-il1 Iseeane more active andi rompre- iseise. It viii apresdai voc hoti aides et tise Houe ansi hâtiste clesk roonas. Fothapo thc aune muijeel vilI occuîs> tiseaifor a day on tvo. Majenit>- inci sn s-li go over te the minen>rit loS ren. snd ninori>- members s-l vlait lie eloah neoaorethte mojorit>-. Tlere viii ho murai my-ale-ions visuserno. An air et importanqe vili corne over ticeasoembli'. Groupaes-Ii bce olanger anai more con- mlngllug. Leaders andsamuilesaienss-wl aplug tealise front sud emissanies s-Il vert inandasioet tromt salle tenisie saId iron eue claie te taie otiser. Atten, ail bas b@ensaIi suandoae that coulai ho sithout actu@I>- dolng qpmethlsr lic natter s-11i quloti>- suiegide. Thse najri>- anal mIner- Il>- negettlns yll ruine lita aclose. Tie contereneos vii eatter said lie racaunes alivide sp laite analler groups iicussin>- alier mubjecta or trylu>- teaenigunte otier plans tornosmie eter iaroj(eet. Meaus-ile se on, h»s augreateal lie lulel>- aglîstea prejeelteatise Speaker. Ticheneufthi dixuauiou bas sot rearcal luis car. Tic agitation hiansot nasale a mution on tise surface eft telegiative nmil pond. Tic>- haro btec sinpty bleus-lu> tiltloleî arrostise water ansi calliug it comsmerce. The renS kreem caucua bas eudaeal lucloaS rocuslegtatin Dacliel b>- theLendonu Dl>- aflenils>-gos on tus "enalm e lt- ,ftll. efpartlpahioslit affaire, shIle Tltsed Frencinsun Sili tuBDe Gu-Yet Tressonaialo-Trunatos Coi. Esls-rls usn3, thes iusish, ifl igwa0.5 t lu ii s-ni calpuluius his irhussuslus-iru u- avtion liserushli 1 htlus i is-u.v fus ia nuir asufit lite hupicsuisi uthu-eseil's I a iuse ý o lu-Iasiutie ouitheisAsus- trian CeleS.Eât.-luuzY- Iia ssthen swu% s- French us ussu. rii- s-etiare-sgsiis- bis luion.huit ahl nuit lus-tisilze bise. ouîig Fata-rbazy o-ag lut>- e-sl-atesudtiaibis is-bib 1s poitii sFroise si-satieluestI He, estercul tihe nsu>- uu -au, usîuaidi> lironioete'iI. lisstas i'duis essi ilsa a ver dslb-euile9g1u-t ii, auYsîras-hsié ruons et l'us-l. Tie coltioelreceutiUy ne- olucisel il easb i asissssit is-i5ustiu>, seluI la @aie]ut the s-x1ausahîailkusis-tin>- lis usacî suiti ue tDrey fus iaffain lie is von>- ta,, si-nil e qusre buils. 1lilas mlsuusaens ans igi asti bis hiîhistnpiiss tas-e. ausuk- eu ceck* ant i igi s-ebobses give île uail lise atmut a sIss-buhocoaxide just subit Captaisi Dreyfus sas eliangedl ustis lie su-o placest gsitie netired i lIaIa tes moulu.e age. Tic action s-as mcml unes. luestIm. 'lhe preteit tuas i1i beulti. but lise <-louel Oas never Sîson te romplale. lu atrt. e ilepotfecty s-Il. ,Thene la ne deub iltiat Se s-as i-1e bonse et lie bak luln h i vadeParlnaut. Col. Catenisazy a tes- eans ugoesan» puerlnase. -D o lle rv b bouet t reet Naionalllutien ne" Set ea leoiaur. ôn» et lis. grealsl mtandai uatie et thoe er Wvas epr n uphuad"sIa 'butaty> meu hu isetise CbasInt Uael Naienal nuevsa".orw I&WilSo M.ý Olugaty, opineten eotthUe PWIadl- = apt u i a ldant dcost s Isdosa., wans u a ais uspendea b>- lie ChantntStreet Trust sud Saviug Fund COeushssnY, vileb vis alieal vitb the beui sudl ecoupieoathéaine building. Riuofhet bbash'a shah>-cndaition bave botu lu circulation for a meali. Dur- Sitg liaI perled lteheaot berculesu offerts have been made, b>- Fruient Olugeni>- said hWs trienai.te save lie institutIon front isanrpte-, but tbcy vere futile, National Bank Examiner Wilam M. Hardt i arlucharge o et iaok andi StaSe Censaiaiener et Danklngilheseas le la diarieofethtie trust compan-. The eue explauatleu tor the fallute, vich Mri. Sîngei>- himocît taffirme, la made. 1»-no enssau authori-tissuhonsp- troller Echîla. The cluslîg et taie tank lu primanly dise te shrnkage la value et bonds anal soles oft c:ierlly -Pulp said Paper MlilcloIettElktos. Md. The llabillios s-will excecal *3,000,000, but un- tIi the lauS examnlier makes iesreport lie actuel value et tise asoiriewll sot ho made public. Thse lent officiel statement et tise tankh placeu tise resourcea efthle batuk ut $3,S(18,0l7.58 an d oet ho trust company nt$ Sut.I.3.Bethinlatitu- tlonsissccip lie aunelbusilinanlsdase nder the auaie manaigemnt. TERROR AT A BIlG PIRE. Explesion Fuites-s s Blaze In a Chiesâ- gos Iasemant iSsu>-Hurt. Tes miustes atter saiitsai-su et lire isai Isen gi-en a tse Tusetti restauîrant, 10. anuitiIM aiicusnsIîres-. Chicago. Thuns- iii>-afttrnuos. a ternîir cîeplosion eccor- rest tus-cusîts thse sitieusaiS lis front et lbe bisreiuig building. St ruc-tusreas-ere sisaken t .fr a luetoci rossei ansdiwisdoss ere siatten-r .-d as t iiexpslossion etdynamite. 1Scires outmsuiis-si sl suiuueus0-ere, hurle-I te 1the grou.sit. nalatnzuza-ir mure seere ln- juredI 1, tlying glana. l-lremnso sen scorcies inlea utsii-lwind etf dane. andl tossea u ia-heair 11k,-se -onu>- ylestes in s s-lîidalemin, sudl meversl policemen s-er stnicken toe seaath ea if o-ils a club. WlId exciieenut prevalesiltor scierai mInuteýs. ansio ha-n lie unsltilauces said aoIera bartiiixheul iheir worh et more>- the liat oui njur-d %ts uroundi te neibor cersil>-tîsirty. A drop of , isnr,jol from n u vonbet- ed hais-int escisui- làs salit!s., Isave rcard lise lire subichI.tini-aicteai(l viti destruction the euîtire oiflt ails sof Madison atreet letvs-tii Clrk nasm ia-ambornstreets. Tii.s tarsîsI a liane tiat coulai sot ho con- troilldsandI sehii atoutiinitha-explosion et a dru s utsofsuu iasidu-r theaisies-alk, the exisiosivi lIgnitisonsof a nauel gas mat is s ilie lu e si-t su sufetthe building. Thlbs s-oves 2it.iu SPAIN SEES A CHANCE May- As A.mnics te Represa Active of ru.ilsstssi îrobssuion chou-s b>-the Aonio(.sss lur>ne- t large aItichesavage rseilsdif ut 5 rfare - i-l lu>-GCon. homes lIn tise natter et'ise i, asiistiton et Lienut. (Cil. Ituin. a 'Musaid rrespisudent ss>-s l it-s the iscst autort- for stsisg tIsaItiiheSpassisi tsvu-rnueut tish ie momnt srsspiiossfonrisîsî.macbiss liaI ef Wsington uss auss îlng the laitonrte Use aIl msansposisile te nepress rfvelu- tieusar-sos-ois lutiseCUlitei States s-bish are givsug active ssistance tu GO- Ailtise Spaniai Goverunent asks, la tise application ofsthlisraieelaid dos isb>- Pnes- lient Grant as lise dut>-etorune friend>- nation tousr ansuoiher. If that la aispîle tic Govenissent eoiasidera Ilie termnaties ofet i ncvolstuuîs -su 0ecen olein a short tisse. Thi ndignsatlion vsa tw.Ice as grel oies the cossa roî-icidMadml'l tiat Reu ofls nol ovels ps-nistted a soldions desti, bel o-as isugesl. 810 PIRE AT CLEVELAND. Loestei Business Firme Plares et Near- u,-a >l Ilou Dollars Fine inohe outinsutise businss conter or iClevelandi, 0., ut 5 ociock Thunsaa-- teonso sadtuinnesi b>- a iigli norîbveat i issil, batrnuys-si iroplrty oorth nearly ThetiOttO.'iii-lwen lsloch os Frank- rfort street, eussu-i b>-J. 14. Icrklua, six a tonies luth ansi sodse sutbricS, s-as con- isussed l sisve the sucosul aun>- aad ts 1rear ot tIse biru Wilsliiý iiock. six sto- 1ries igi., wnesl ais,) lu>-%Mn. l'emhla, ans -ftinsg sun issup-riuur strict. s-as bund. 1Tic tire atar-tds>- tic explosion et s lairge 5vantla-f-lis-luthie litbognapblus testsilto-su t fJosuln & Co., lu the Pes- er bisoc-h Windsows s-ehies-n eut ans a. seve -eply s ced n IthdificUtý b te tie esapesad a blidgc cudiug tu thedermaulat re srlrk. Chuicago iulrusen sboslalbo s-ulling 1 pauy tIse publi- icsr tise rivilege et heldîni thein jolis.-Biiffisbe Expea. Proclucnity lusa atraseh Chicago au sages anrelus>- usp te tient tic bandl. Ti Chsicago sIuloeen sat suit raillthe os-s salaries trous $3 a s-eeS te $1,500 year.-oeî Bu-o. Tic moelet ailvauscl tron $3 a s-eek $1,5M0 a ycan ens-i voteai thenseires 1 tic Chicasgo alulenoen muat set ho usde stuood au ira tIse nure ut a linit te t] aildermanis- lss-me-Cisclnnatl Consue csal-Tribuuie. Vise gaa>-oetgentcs-i iigbsiaymen lu Il Chîrago City- Cesil aave basateu ail N oral, ton imnaculste gali. Il in deubîts hos-over, it es-en Chirngo public sentIne wiii couctenasco csueda unexasspied rai iser>.-Miiuos polis Tribune. Tise Cicago aldermen have ixed Usa salails je t $1,500--a figure scancel>- bu enough te inguro hisest verk. Itlai pi subIe, bos-even. liaIt the ver>- iigest P, wouid net serve te keep bers bondi( tien isoosihin- St. Louis Foat-DÎmPat4 Penisapa ils vorat fCoature la that gives example suit encourageent coturclîmen Iu otier eltîca. snoetfWh( woulai nut hure Ihuuight of sncb a devi ton personal esuolomeat. s-bile etsa woulai sot bave ta-en brave enouri adopl il liaditli net been for tic action licir Chirageoree-peens.-PhIlsdelpl Lealger. Cbicagos aitermen lhave sevn ti lie>- possesu ua propen umounit ot selt- teein b>- rialu>- Ieinmalanies f rom *3 1 ovenn>- te $1,500 per jean, sud tlia, t vitieul the excuse ut donslîar ria Intel>- se tasiionablo lu Cleveland'* co clmnltelces-Cleveland Plin Dea Tise presilnt Consilet OfCbicnge, vis la pretab>-aUs nfit lana l tIle truatel *nýy cher bodyain- utUe ceunIt>Ofet l -e tmbas iststein Oflel Tt& *-is101 Tic Government oethésaUnited. os-slntbs cIl>- et Wsington 1,0 volumes ef literiature. Oft tiese abot hait, or 707,715, are lu the ce librar-. Tbe remaluder are a thMrugi lh. varions ex"tiîve meute. VTe dal>-number o etndue@ the congrmsliisl librar- averagot O,8 About 700 pernoas. lseludlsg then, bers oft h o nnses mnd labaefisnsc lise Gorernmnt, are entilate tu s beoksanai tallo tien as-a-front lthelI. loi, anal thc avermge nusuhrleea s$. linc aurs a ->-la 1,4-4C. Tt ila s tverite' comnentar>- open tic iousest>-su anere s ur pubie mes that derne a PerWole tbirty jean the nrimaier ut bookas0t-a,4 set relisnnai sas oui>- rive lu a thOuisei4,' L.arge snors .of petiliona. sepponlaê b>- mans>-sgustumes sai usioitn lu iig îiremente-l te us$5 Bouseetorliepresetutves. Tise>-as* passage outaaees utlas-s te prott t Z- moraiseofthess pubtie-. For xamPle. l1» prohlaatgsuîîalug insatoc-ke, produce. 1ta&' Juif lieds andsiehr ferma sut lspeulalua tW by telcinhl. te a paîbllutIse tranmmfll et stock qiiotailons faen specialatîve put-- ponses, said tisetrainuslin lu tise M&ua et nes-spapera coutislîing pictunes On du- icrîpîlous of prise 1tite a, eProh1îit bej exhibition et ksuetu-uiw e npredurtfoi . prise ligits sud suthèir brîtalislug 8mpOtaÇ ries, maid te anoillsil thi- tnsponttli5B troin Sîsse ta Stase ut nsteriuls tonrs"Ch exhibition&. Tic ladies et tie cabInet lare decidealti pull ent by tlie catis-tlian t onade thile Nes- Vear'. ne<eptios iald the dinlliff- UsaI sucre 1taiimecel anal toit"i. Tb"'; do soltsa" as-ni-ocasion for il. Tise Pies. lient did net saSi or oves augrest aL sak pension er social afYsirs. lie tl t bu muambera et bia colunet lie ahonli ldCose th* WitI Huifor tuhurt>ly . mi theegli bu ddlua ntishink il suas sec-sean>-for tien te tolsusu lais exampie. but vitsont cou- sultirur Ilim usia&ý, ili a-, reed le do iss The buabanda bau-c milice isad anunhabpif - limie, anduthlie Wasliuglou msocial votai lias ,,ffened ileulineo s> uisats>. e The opposaition ua lie notificationethe 1 tîausuiils ra-alulinssiinsera-i ( alaa- usaI entiral) tu lis. augun trust. lie Ioulà. Issus glatternsduul l,.lss-t mot mugar nanjutactureril. 'lieno aresa tes Senatosa us bu eps,,- lisetrecty aos prinelpl,4ej: tic>- beei e Iliuaîîcula--t ton tise Uldt Si-ses te assume tse rosiioeaibill>- ofge erignsuy dealtas-iosi tertuy, maid seisoti sue tise Deissua-atir sidea bave joîaed tie ooJsition i icu-use e ay na-garai annexa- Btaon as a Itopiuliausi a ure. 9<Chiinann Lsul eu thaie Hoîuse Commit. r te sslen tltu sihabr -auorking aielag tlthe neceas sustihenreport sof lies-sammitlee u n tenod bill. sialdbaisprsct"1al>- e-n e iletei It. lie baeieves sliathe Me19Mara IL îli offect s laving ofet Itl-ast $0hOO laanîsuslly siald will wie Sout the ~e1100100- i-defis-it Ihal controntsasiche 'tsfie D. anataientl eve>- jean. Mn. L.oud belbilaen tbe blil luinnuci sa trnaîgcn tuasmesion lin lent, sud, s-hile net atusolutelY olin, e unIs Itll is 555h>-cunrry. y Tise agents outhle Cubas juta la, ilWnasingtoln jutify thie asalunation et ilCis. Ituiz as isecessi-> te intimiate tise- caus-ai-dl>- anal s-su-pI lues in heinranha; -ie hoare likel>- te ho allureI Late meiles. tonna vwils lie Spaliisi ssritites olthol? througi tfar or brilacy. Tic>- a>- h51, heneatternone tpasinb agent vîli dmre 4q. pnsuaclias Insurgent camp, andalt i tvWU lie dungerous torny>-sîrungen te do go. The alitresanlua -sullioft itsLell Rtet.-, ici-I tha,%casas-sta shioc taleren uma f. tnicudsand acqiiltances lu Wasbuugs. .t .iSic s-vs a yaong wenman utfi b" lytful cianelter roee.amiable andlgsi I- enaui. ir aitsagenenallY beluvedamianlM& isineai. l'ose s-be hîscuslierntient betleévé -that lier suis-lide wsduc e tear tlilah lemiglt hob a penmanent cnipsule. id Tie5session ra etîis-ste ntftlise taL J. l{oith et Vins-auaa.sun.. wvîli h e a h .-d , b e a s s a c tic e iu u ld ha n u a n -t r m gs ticeIuuîreau tat lie dorcsnel cosden rU - soIt longer eciîicle a apension, blé ad bility- larlur dinappearcil, andi ban tisaI is nine 1-luais-ppesi train taie tu Tîsere ls oral>-uose cher aucis rase ose- orsi. Sceretar Wilson in greul loIte - luiii isilation ftonle PcaaiMbrnu postal saving a nhs ierause ie b tise>-are eceffla->tte cprespontg à tic tannons. Ti 5 metimes an ail8, jÎjob., be gays. ton a tanner te go teu lesn ivre tihescaeatot bask lid iu s-bile tiere ina postorire lu ove>- ta Tic copyright dopantascul la e at nt portant branci et tic Govensment ledicatsi al n oninus cese lu mil aud musical compositions said la - s.l s-hicis are susceptIble le copyrlgail eIr 1870 lte sumbon ef copyyright@ s s-ns 5,021: lan108, 20.080; lunl189% 758; lun1896. 72.4701. - -r- she -m-- i, ent 'b- .lr âgi >os- a>- nes be. tIt lem lie .nrs t ai os- lieni aun- Iir Mk tiec <'rreur>- alos-s tint theam borakaetftise Unitedl States are no reslineal te tis nuntheusîm er tion* contrysm>. Noarl>- Sa)per cent ert "ý Lvr et tankseanal &Moun t fdepIW represeeteai b>- Nes Yor-k snd Nos landi. Tise commlltee atppeinleai b>-the Re of tise Arn>-oettUc Tennessee t0l tie orertion et a mnenst te1 George B. licClelsu ut Waslslnglisi SIai Ita Oit meeting andl lee Gles. Buggies nhiarmu. a lnh erasers areDst mlos-aila ý Wan or lie NavY DoPrtmeta dem tic dinrtli e citetba »ne e saltos-eailg 15 i u* els-ial record book witieut e:plai and ospreas Permission. -- Dr. Sheldusa Jackson, the Aa pert, sYs UsaI thore la se muoh Alaka tisaI persensa visego h yeans bauc.s-hI share asa god a tiese s-be go neit srsinn, - poalmaster Getu-eral Gary ,i tor>- Gage have Prealsatte - lng tise corner gt e 0ets builing lu Chcageo u i jl>- . 9 a aJo Jftore la a "a"-yf- shmâ ýg 1 ly le ig It le Lil re fit h.

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