GAGES LAREB., Mdilégcée. oter Jogêiisofl. o!Wookegml, la CRAYSLAKE L.ocAL NEWS. à WOOMAR som"s.vsting at John jeffers. Mise BernieeAllen. 01 WauanfMS.U S UfMN LliUdtr 1897. ~~~~~~~~~~vialting at bar home bel.. t is brr 9SIhnmdorcefe uuitu u i1l' i-T em nf Miss Elle lismon came home ta olit he rmaglt la nthlaT&eode' o r ob suseipflsîîhîl, i îc t5015 apei a tew dffs laut veei. at tii. PCOt-ofm ise t Lit.etllie. Mine Maie Giert laIometrou a npi Herbert MauChetOr, Mlivalkee, GRAY*LAKE SOCIE1TIES. Ilis. IL J. it 1,.on llj)Ward or mur. AT5 UDEK'OW< 0< I'L5came home goapSd Chrsus«. _N.laA..Al.R.silL..i.I4Ie ethis eik. good spI RIONO PL-Misn Ailae beruan, <of »to l,braI~uUi <Bilad aturdliMr. and ils . . J. lloti 1ticl Wth the Bilent Christmas at ber houe belle- ave D.on or btr. uil moO an. oCln.sIojr k'1vt xt. CA¶¶0i. Mr. antil'W ILrriwiLEa. w.. othi$.Ios,ît Xa manufacture ant lia...o~.... o 3.a, J. *LoWoOf. filon ey, WiU Mer. c.i t 11-1 . ri i. attend the My.v iasailt jro'a lait eek. 0& mir, I.1 ilsirdeResd ter lI Ilce!.et n Whiii.China vouid îïiuniuIOJîî3 lilasElvis andts aiGlimote.o! rflet rO h r No. e 01<er Ester unaias l ccc I-e. . btnu t~~~~sfoee~pret* Chcgsen hîtaivt h ir .M IWas. E n.SeRIA r. and Mis. E. B. Sherman spent Xmaa e"Oh landui t late l eeaa iA . svu w . o With the klfttra sî#iter Mm. Rommlolal 0 gain ti.Miss Carne anti Lotile Chard have GRATUL&K Camp Nô. isili.0 -teefld30 gio M âé> apprent dstermintion O thetuturnedtoictagoalter a ishort viit .eeson andfourth tiatida entsor aRentd eioers tfl a! . .euhcagontoth Eva? L..c. Mms.Strôes lm theiaillent of liermomthar. Dopeau ovrat sdiîdet home. EuiT qvL.y .M.GIu fWaea.drn h afong tbemselvti hCO aMise .t<a- KînnoF. of Waukeganeuromos Bancs. Clol ia Gif.a Wuoa.duîite 20 & mý UPOU thibgA.ea s pnt Chrlimas viih Misa Ada OUTUPHOÇR o tlîsstanti ird hldY mSbi hatCiabsn elmlteManeboliter. CSamIlrdalysfaeMouth. Dr. Br,,,vi *wasuddenuhtcalloito lilchl5» V.&eIeeiai Ch nil;tau beThe funerai of William Sherman vas »lis. L. Bàaury. W.BI. fljIA.WC onaeuto!tisrIslleso bS 1 gîtât tcOlleauheran luntaIhaelti Tu Baday et the churcb and vas MMltir I.litody atte ha horqns, f Reailutiena f espect lit~el îenoi.o ss..Ame scn .~ ~Mt~u~t.Lavvunda echoîh D. (blees. lle andi two chldien. ot 10 6" vou Id heutoI" sees. 1 WHEEEÀs, hi bas pleastied 3,lt t Mr. Onthet, of Chicago, and Ulit lyRias W. H&aYaY. Umaciqua, pio . i. sare spendlng theholiday. wlth #pieiMcine biknittl.51 to Cousul o the univeroe ta reillitve roarits, o! Park Ridge, vere an amis- lima. aaMw. RlDr 1. ani ». Shafor. They vîllfil steyitll cia unci nerhome ihan our ruidât o nt eteomed incjgbitor W. dance et thoe fanerai etflir. Sberm~a n COMRE(IATIONALCureh Suday cat. New Yearia day. ie ha tui uibes blm iniI]the IL Shermen antid 'in.a vnuge.Y.P.SIL.E.mut Ald rV !lr.Eiad campILD 4.5th p«.t . las hl.'hat Week lookins dat lire. Noble'* imoublehetmlres iohntiergO. WHUUtAe lune house withayàvtebuyliIg o otieltl in lu same prices o!a rn fletiani orhynsgbor W. S. Welch le epending bie vaca- the spri as and makinqhrttmhmhr Pension Comhniolir Evauns doesuit and thie amtl7 a kinti ant inlving tlon ut home.OayaeViaeOfio. Frda atthmuotueabek 'ýixf M Ms.e ba lasecouundatlon for humbaniand father. iheretore h h Ater an ehteudedti p Chai. Muhke, G.slayt.............e.fce.torcman atm huit orlth iriffiu's e touaksit this papier. Resled, tbat lie the Neigihorg o!ft î.. rcturuedti ra.Peiet.............R .Spmna hl1vOkn tGM' 0 og '~' o lb. nion cue Cmp - . C.Wlbur0. B ou Welne' Dr. Ubaffor ebo set fi ,rirs lialining0' he enion-Ifallit cts Cmp o. 76 . . A, eten Jonoadman, of Chicago, speni Tusee, VF..Basi Y"wi à tt e ii ra n Y twl ealn I«IpWn#e. lie yull have a biu lo the bereai relatives andi frieuds lchristitis here with relatives. 0. Rchardison. le. F. Harve.r. Une 6:gi iun veli. tmeWiIg theretore litrodoceilanour deep aud bearifei sylnpathy, and E. S. Ilînhike ant ilie euiertinedl Troaurer ...................... B. Neville leS Boue Simdbt bOOandwl osb tfute lthe Muhîko faIiy Christmuas. aoile.Magistrats................C. Morse M. and] Mrs. lMrten Sith, of Sciit. Wl.., * i*masn eme o hadtcahvecomiama tdt a ophavethsR rsol- (Ioi. datsretc<îd stua!y td esaemr....................A. .mIfUree nrneddt-,aean dasthsaud lutaeebwil iM * 11w *jheoeisno asouable lions ha spread onîthe records ofthie wiliiremain bero turIng the vinler. jClark ................... ..Dr Fl Shaffer. thoîr [toncnt. Ur. andilM@. Johu Morrfl. camp*ist aun terili tesor vn ife, anti ba it further 1 hoa.noianinid them te their home Mondai. Crayslake, 4à t ,M*vybody uap kuov Jouil pesolved. ht tour charter ha traped 1 maon.itiMhome.o lasi Trs Chist-Kim@eornuins whitieh reenlisfild ai -ay vi l Iei nihbrloo ae umornngîîrîgthe neit thîrty UisColm.ti ' rcciici,-hoîaSMizial. Camp R. N. of A. beli thelmelection dsavng ensonSant be uoc ihy dpa.JAS . M. WODIA, lrs. C. Hot lofti Fiday for Eaveus. ravn e. F4 nb. eoie nht ve (. . vî-. odahr teviiapu. heh U r. Doualas spent Xtins its tlois son andi follows: Mm.Melon Wheelok. Orsle; lir@. 0'.1 . B. eit. tyW anti hon goat Wilm dtei bitea- fami luinMerose Pr. Austin. V. O., Mrs. Mary MorriIl. Roc.. Ms.. ______ te______________________ta_ tend the weddng o1 Mise Rdith Hali Mn W. . igey lsitd lat wek wth Aile Brooks. Chan.; li. Ethel Edw rdi..ol admis" Wt hav' er otirlns ui !Mr.;lira. Anna Heutive. 1. S.:; Mr. Kah Wadswortofbd" lehuriwel.' O. S.; George Kapple. Manasur. -esssdo~alg asame le ave LIBERTYVILLE MARKET. Ai the home ot Mr. andlire. Leonard Eue Wiluton. of!-Fort Sheridan IntalltviiaboeeTuI m Yjaf.ib ha m' IlpsVetter a pleasant taflhliy entiieti vasspet Chritmas vlthbbis iparnts here. cojunction vi motâ rysiska Cnîil ot ta wh l We have barge -Corelted b! the Mli<lantio ov.'miiThurslar. huitiChristmisi. Evetymmfia o!ibhe Cryns Couvers vîstet is i..n5liMminlstuil the saune evenlu. esods tofc na obm W eseIz-21hayEtrcomry....t1 t ttmily, lsou, dang hiers and grand- Austin l1. ur Gaea-r Jmams De" .Yt.Z-1*YluttercbaiCSDotimm,......... 146 t 15 bildren, aisembledt t participate luin ___________________________________ ,j, 21 the happy e__et They are monte 1%elle Sud preu.sseai t otu- ttegs. pr ohe..........65.4 24th1,pp e8n.5 ab10i-ss Mape-Pttc. tmtts!........~lr ant iMre. Philip Rommel enter- *âe mU oino o ée evad fWood-dry. perm «ord .........0 « t teain embes o! their tauily Christ-_sinvestigation.~ *àUMAOOme .by lie Bering BSes Cula Mard. Item ton.. .... 6 w < 6masgaotha»hosev pertook o! lhe LEEt e Ethe H olidayEIiWà M .caumln in larroth le Conf. rbiwmta...........e «0 tlic)c b nsd enjoyet other good thlugs Coru heII4 >5c". <naithis fesial board lvea;lit. and -feor lgolllhseaseing Yhin GOu-d eerusu.......... ... tic" 1.cIiMms. E. B. Shermlan, o! Gtayisyke; (o d l s e S I.jI Brs o ligdllga eln u mneton ..e.. . ....... 9 a(,,- li essrs. klonry, Louis, and Charles GHere Is e S ld lobg "04 woSaibe nid: --Th er ton.......... 9 a i lucc jAllard, o! Chicago. e l '<vSb cOccaslion for surrisle lu il. Corn Maier ton.......... .... 1-cMrIe Deerfielti Borne andi Catile Pro- ein gSaudy a. You canni rgwjenl Cleveand bavlug olDuly anI ls. ver ls lo ....s.. . : c',cc '. teetive AssaclatiloImet at the tovsaSt.every atrcle Jn.or u a1 c d eilii 02500 vs ajul id fn. a Pe r13 is ..... 2 768 3'bt 1î'ectei Offices for te lb. euiug jm!. .'sokwl ufracti vrboug *%«*lesam fb patit in lu ement Bs.taioie 0 ti 21 63HThe vpr.Scpal changeis itu olicia .tockwbar.. a! agoatiieve * tsseeldih sd having appohutelt .ccoo.doseic Ic..îing: For tesmnror, Bit Frange; andt price of at least 35 perttazsile an là* AmueIcaul comnaissîner tu e~ ossctiri W. Il. Wilmot, vere cent.xi ardigot ajuleae ie aim a per>~ MrS. Kate Etter T h. Christmas teniergainuteute verelle Blaca or Milton or lernei (,Vherbol-ga 'a .mveMial trIet ucntbru .OF MImeOURI. 'ail sîsccaltil ant isesant affairs. The otfamrlsaIet$.vl.2Ibtip 4-~~1 y9eeiIaitelatr itiI of~urt i. b Dr. îoludr 1Lstberan anti the Evangilca lcorchea ijo2 Ilia. b o')li dwuaxy oniend for an aaii!ds ofto s codctt terexercises frlisy t» Im Écnt"AtDo eveuig anîd the Presbaierlan ehurch Blac1k lBine for tiîay ail wvoil itsnv1lecutg :4l. assr uonat" A 500 i atuxstay eveulîîg. Eaeh orch hal- formerty mifld iS7.50l gt) et th.. c4 lbn. .good PF ,,Il1 04pre»»smbka tg vili hacasieti il niccty trepated ptogtam, wiich vas .sale for ... . 4 ,fili ieau goot i 4r* reidenit ta appropriais the rendered lit a redîtabie way ta the tlistetsIllack Iristhlîrit-«.n ail %scaîl Anti for the cI àloolimy o p liese aims.s'osr îheaht. The 11111eo005gamnccal Ir)wl sî Iî 1.bars SOap.. c ~ -ls vire wll emembereti vib presaetsîîîrly i. onwei i. lo.dng pj lori- saBtin atn fr~ oni Sautta Clans, anti fecbo! the thteo cel 'i t$ ote aal Close trienda o! tbe Presidet saY -'<ntx. wsre - oi il @ .long te- .' ItLters Plie-k Shtltand Woritieti no W~ ~lhitle bdoea ni entorse ail o!f 'II( unit emd. oIr ali liDeti. Fcminerly sol etai-1.îîe au hIro< '»egréfflGage.bc vii stnd b ble î li Canut beExceled.Boy' t)versoutiot ornerly sold aiet'lenFlti g~w~lry(lue, o vii tan hyhlmFrôla tise Fulton legste <!D e$7em- msale pr ore................2 cf i ur, o! quvr elicans e t en bol hr 141, the o .hiloig article t tadken.Aitmlsta agresi. , ilélié a er tepublictty a ge u -'hitpapier lias repeaeeiî leu u lit -veraàlis ............. .1 ~ Suil. (u he ilir Suti, Hîi. of heuMyditsti beaaci the F. m ielle. Clef teethe -,dbglee Mysibeaukr the C . AIil eis'ry Puftitn guiaanteomil of lb.esilver tepubilean titr mlaesFutan instiuilon, foundtd ' untoi rip............ k ~5.~uorsayibt hayabt y tel1Ibysttiutaualdps*Ieiligfeatntes , r rîgiispprmi.yo nîtm New Store. thattheystood by t er Ll~~~~~Uiai urexcel afly uthet organisationiarn isppirvltfyi au :4 1',- lu iaticon vrtia.y lit beture the po go hbas M g.«t'isand p1.110e. Ever<'fhoig m.àtimtac. kQmof c Ieo-knovn vlshesa!sof. e ha 1làh ne sud litsmanagmuut tory or mooc- r«tundeti. *pjîîî ote t ouir consunist& to la ,..9 tealongtueIlu.,o!f, conservative RO. ATE TTE ounes bsinslaiitn rgaisabon A Pull F1, M èà glet hast PresietM sM, lu Marh ln. ToistoilcieffpûlY. "i.a ranatoim . **xUiaisw wsa go4 eraint rient of jeari ago 1Iw»s .verely trouhied ti bt atheda anenrunc tacîsei0 ccci, H l '~ I"bm eà*IN M and MNiaI tbedeclaration vitb my tomachla nd d kdes.anti s grat îoe tn b s ly i ae 0 h aMcl o unucrved me Unitaizy coliditlin eth so! the insuretl and makiug hGasîk ndVlukgn 4 awbet et lntrtifionsi bimtcuo hme aarmin. The teiaîraph brugt ossble fur every heaiibi mai ta curry G asaeadW u ea .i joi MilebmoMma twau stusumt ncuntor the bouaf.1o!bisfan-. vas a vromilesttphysicien ia a consutationil _____________________il;____loi____lifting______a__nul__ oialitth" a th le face whleh tsuited ineohenefit. t vent te fa! baue o elInaevthout sud hnrble îthace lu the business ni allvecta oamhmmy Feor 1< ibis ltisrsvmna eOtapael h ittmite of lo &4nseî>sc li te .iierwaC goy êMs bl asstsed and ii ad n.urseisuc]work«Ketdbnd ti filrveoe 'movogt hei.ue faIhnihri fil " a ai toi fouflites plt deneltieai y mou sudwt he tiret grInéit s eot bthie boltlkeepers or oilié-rs bal aut nte-noueIy fmblet at the rim "d, *m mu p iés poîatio ued em.>~161 lsinc oieyt ooa tisa neituhie prosperity o! the place. o! hie bat. meanwhule gazing loto Po bol ruratoivi srame sutithat M eci a u"lta@Wl laieudsiest e, thuit auIDbtitisurier yen du c aetode1eue h Mmrr»f ftenr n moyols wIlha tont- Alwayf Tbe Umihnoeconserv- hboît. 1began taki.9te flthaetad io. tli smetrsot onhenrt-ness thut tho heautiful girl conflitinot »fe prm 1rplg . saisce tand Nerytuealster- taifincoinehFIt rom il. lu caso e atveuite ospeut a few 'eceka vaisitting istake. * uopei ivs]assrn:aaepatatlaemeor* u bscgr huh pesk, bat tlhe woxssthat ho ought ta - sud lie liver Dr.MSlls ac n1amlere cl y swein ln fIîlolie.ta wtbdtali ou-twetl.bvsacse yereduthtur"ntrol a ore nitefi suf b. canes fa O b uasnuder a positive ruaranteo.à ý bibisplc ecilsilmoer 111 be vii lelem re issoti or me!riefnnded. Booli:an Heurt dsbit esso ii1.aont~"'l u tdthe air liare fullio! Ozone, wua clclated tuta111bis heurt vith Dua IServés sautre. ta &Il, apPlicanus. the pou inei tepd. lli DR.MILIIEICA co. Eiuhno.led Agan llemlber reacbes theair. Ycu'U ieep lite a log. Before yoti blowholee ~~a! lis satifleation o! S5.î aiu ofsevanty yeano vilst ecive ha"e heen be a week yot i viigain Vth smc hrat h toil thse amonni oa1Ibis. eiiaaie inIinstall- fupansOr I mileMy gus, aitdfbonut fhicboekong sot louig and i ~qUesumUm «e avliCLMW4UN U OIRAN. AUV.. 1Ashiand MentS. P 5ilIly llght. 1'Wôtideing why ho hesitateti. m bwteà a wmar eek cbkfl.Nor les is ail. If any memberlinses 'l do't donbtit , Iltopliet the rail- Onile ah.avW»almost împo-ttatuleP ..tilW'> NOTICE 0F PUBLICATION. ttofthile &Mouni t ie benteli ver- *aus ery rilda."prnp lm0qNaveI inwb ing. 151k 1 l . Chucaga. sfot on ah aut aancealve ufaiugae Iauo h onal thlm bacimtailthe pint aitel]c him lm *inlgSAEo iLmI.iiicisl ahat alnea eii Tsbouhets tha record," sit tua boy ho feu abouti, adt ia h g! lie icbbpl ry or "sa.f uî menabet losesbth hands. boom«,' siigbtly dauset.bat recover- alija aol o gattvtot Y U Vi -",10 a* subuafflt 94*1& In tics County Court bolifoltet or bth oyes, bo recielvcud uttko tfrgatdýthe O I aie Co ~ t JaînafrTermi. A. Di.. lms. one haltl! 1the @molut ofe!lhuaotel. ing bluseif ptoinptiy, tbongh l'va the Dsuil forumality. But ber maiten )~OSIO( a asuhe umal n Mrse dAeam osats al i iebln e Itt. inavun iscsalalIequel tW fi."l madesty ruas hnaroîellion. aidthibosaiti mi asei .MosehCares In i hal'se aitaUncmes ierate of "Te," lejinedthbie othor, 'eight to.hen: bogatleMebsn E. e ver. snmy OMors ni JOhn sagement la retocat ln proportion tu e pmds. 1 welghed myself on a nickel "Na.If lbe i totimigi, to ac soarly A 11' . el co esdnl Cri .thse anount o! cas a apeulnmade. l h siaoi machine uh the ralway a- tony0tse vrdail'atlm heas' An ~ythi'n g J 0f ii. no dou. o.!Cain E.. tanool ai iweuY.fonr lb.hass49& o iSwen 1 lauded biota, anti the lin, irnse th if vote 0tivegng - BiO~~1o edellindaut ahovoterutforus fa Cilla iS0 d n th, office o! the ment te elghty cents ou a cafflodicte dlcatur pontait te 157. Au haut ister vp, ourt akte iiCarne ,0for 0 [fig- If sOMiholding a 01er11,111-It&Ped otuhie camne kinti o! machine TIMspeakiug ajout aie@ait r ise U}Btore nabsje cte fdor 8$2.000 losei a n&baud or ht ise4"b t heboleand the figure tw 166. "Well.Fgood ulght, lit. lansomb. .... ---00M eton arts Il eti0laofoilIt reelve 180 lu cah6a0sminustra, ao! assesment lteesafet haoi ifp idsyou me ogoeng. m t sil1. tAp ote baustea!01eigily soutla..Ilf t bo d huiit; esten a bite. Haul "W'ell. gond uighbi," lie nId. IMM SLaa tal~le 01 ISAi pus, adeor fel, lie oil tecelveu ayhins but breaihe ibis vende!r- gnyll I muât ha goin" !B.*it.1i100 enetenesa f $13~(0 at ba aseuu ri ai air. Nover uav ssi'fhimn lue il. --W,11, gooneighIl " c -1- pi. Asas antd im-aunted %Y UtrdMei. oG yl bc eedtlE tny en$&, andi as Marveonsclimats, ar-simply marve],; holding the dom- open fer hlm . RA S meo 4theusontr-ctornerîhile tenth ieilstihy viii jreeiva lieo U& And alil h cccime vas 10 oenls. Well, goatinigtis"ie Mid. panlng jG A S anti unnin balnceo! his erllca%.,m th0 le eue -Touti'.. COIimubiia. cllruhte.tb ve a nos tOi O Out t elil, theVestibule Uichie"0se hul thse tom-vithia bang sud 54 s ~ 80 veusebvailve lte he aapmet me FO"ntu. »Énatea ovu thpua ils sisrvaand bured tjars* facturera of stoneware had ices' and we took on a y at prices below cost of e. We offer .you accord- leat Jars each 66 66 6 à 66 6 sil 1.75 1.25 .65, ilso continue to seil at ýas quoted last week in - - - - Ilinois., learing Sale. jinsto, offer you in goods that muid earing sale after the Holiday rush. ey savers. as you wll agree upor Our Grocery Dep't 3a big snap in Croceries. iot faim to realize the truth of rtion. Cheaper than you ght them before. d Toalet Saap......... 4 Leinon Ex........ .......... .... V'anilia Ex ......4e repere 34Muatard......... ..N XI Baking powgier ..... .. e Crote 1 1) . . . . . . . . ok 'iront .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . li H. KU EBKER, Graysiake, llinot and Complete LiFn --OF :iock, Jeweiry, re, Diamonds es on hand. -ing of ail kinds neatly- :Iy done. LL FIND MY PRICES R101 )u want. If not in stock wili within 24 hours. E. B. Sherman's, E, k;E:2 Lire, aking, f=- hes, Havig b"sI the WOU P"h