CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 31 Dec 1897, p. 6

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t*~IkU~e o totalis prm ti BLeW Va., Aretlimetail. 1 "tuu'xustlt' fCblcuso <ees- ii bisar' m>-bha tsassila gee.dori p.jý Yet a 11(1e turtlser loolise uli-1 cd" -incbhuabuailance of deari ksMo nI omsanufor miti>a:urs. imI 5é WlIi of Wiaeosiandilthriougioat no hegn Mchigan dean are se lduoai- It ibaitt(he sulirbhuntera hîi a î, id s igmebla "waiklag up*' gaine lu ety Plnce 0f rods. Wn@Cuwlu alusys bas beesu a geed 0 [ W cinlaabunilaut, tise 6e=i tisera la juil sucs a àbt t gat rttyas lie Soya'lovas for *- tieï.n. a ea waader cver bislle, - blues muamps or Ç) ooa armS à* atoni lésiotmire %%lint 1P as4be hylisee ists slm 11e ad Mte bb»ispsef. lie oee stItfja ima te naa a 30éoI, lis b la an>- partîcular p2neem CI mil rabitsu 10 ûsteutmgily amI- > hWé appa(ite. li unstroamabautl lit Mt Ver a rat 4$ml cf territor>-. bémle bauteroeai ansi ted Mtlieha s NOahelow4m tg pose hblaia cltiap mivatel ma il lstea. At bu tmadt wth hemil op as ~mm.~ets~qmPoint, ailIf oe i bi dwi nt -à mavemeat r mtes iIU hieltecteil. Ha 'h ientr>- era hlm wth tUirnaeis, mbi bir srp am i m b>- he tkisealg et a tulg haîlMi bguamist. *a day lastill the leer ia co- ~e .ep u o i a Lti s mitgun F.1 wlsçu lise wiad bleus b.e tetant blussealfln tise places be qw tegy eamjproahed b>- lmlélisethîcisetsanmai * tutil nigist. To kil) On à dywien lbe lu mot dif- 4,6 detise hunmer sassaI match e jaeuag andimnut possess a Wes5of patiance. Tise dais, ,.bF as« hnls, us- ,Ut i-ier h. os,. butesl uliiiûme auugalm 10 vu dbm, etarta >. RIb.risa ows olp lise hotua>-gel sisqlor IflisesUes straigis avra>-lieber- vituall>-ran afoul-of tbe dises- lina of hunters, Iait a dssin aiea huatlng Ils wlien, tii Ibis us>- are Ilisel>- te bag seneral ileer lna a aoralmg saIn. - SaveraI >-aafaamlo tIse markaetisunt- ara playail havoc itbstise dear lu (ha ucrthera awood. Tise>-mile t a busI- negs te hiantluam&Ilmasser ct ways ail rare se succacafili that It became ssac- amna'>- te make and enfonce Iaws for bise anial",VsProlectîcai. Àfavorlte metisoi of-lise uaa<et bualer ira, te "shne*" dean-at alglit. Tise deer. sac,- lug about fpeailla, roulillha atlracteil b>- a linge lamp. Ria curloslt>- wouîd tendsim ite coma aear anougis ta the lgiste l e aichil > tise atees gis. fired troai a couvenleut mbumis. Rounds droveaildiarrie th ileer no, muci tisaI il uafouailueeesary te prebibit tise chilg of ases- wtth ilegu. Unilar tise protection of smIalgent laue tise ioodsstiare beau mad te sbounil ultis dean. CLEANINO POSTAL&. Praceas te lieeseve Prlntiag fr-e Un- cacesailCarda. An ailvertlsameat Sas appearedIn l tomne of tise dm11> papers. lu wiicb a- cash jseyaieptbas beau effraI foru- eatsceffl tlatail postal carda. Thiss wms ail lat nurmastatai), andias l seau- ail le ha out e~tihageneal rua ot ail- vertlemàeutbi.aa cmi ram mada ou tise alveatiser te flad out ise oisject et Mba cEea.- lt éseau.tisat mmli>-busIness boumas baye occasion le bava a large nuaihar et postel carIa prlabeil te adyartlls noaie apeclal line of gooda or for Ihm use of aoaie travelling matn. Fan soima reanon or clisar the conditions amy chéange, se thal parisapa oui>- haIt!etftise carde are usaI. Baiagprnntedtise>- cananet hausail la an>- er a s>, ail tisa rasait lu ibat la aIne caes eut et Ian lise>-are consignad i 10thea uma basket, au tise Goveenuienî tas"net Iea- daam uucaacaledl postal cardeaà si; dos tampail envelopes.- A proee isbebeau élaoyverei b>- wriîc ail efthtie prialail mater ma>- ha ramovei troutis e card. lemlag Iltul ties mrnecondIton as uhea bouillt ai lise poeloSco. A charge of 3% cent Per cardlaI md for luis wirn, or la otiser werds, a man sonda 300 carats te ha 5sasda .yer.a - ý le aima kho Sematise 114 THE WOODS OP NORTIIERN WISCONi go jar beore se step., sud morS charges *2.50 for his services. i We bueq""a" ns mi cl>- haan these utomer @aveu $2.50, as tise I by Co bSIer ulit a kcrwi- prntad carils rare cf ne use le hisi. is i*sy iS rlia-. Tise proceàsab>- miicis uis irsk la me- I rU$s far aboetffiL BShosl compilbe lo net patentait. us tisaIa-v j s *»$iser rtbtta i @'e nter la farful ibat atter tise lagra- i Muvr anstep on a tntlie diantu hacome aoacr, ceae oaaIe. le r * ,b aU«»&- adoem Bot May- change theai aneugiste escapeauanr ulpeJs r aebit W,-uatirue- lssfrlngement, but ai tise saine lima Ob-v '*-aie Wcait>-1ta Wsiciste tala tiseUm rt-mut. Tisasolutlion lav bfl g Ua).1b . II&Uov!sg made aI nigisl, afer bise tactor>- banda r, Mid aglupjIet busMh.bayavesse homle, aud la gIven thea tisea thqes0 cet Ma Vis- naxt day le use. Ties cisemeanasbeau Wm off e* mi 10ruli, for ha la eperatîca fer six moutie on)>, bal WW*%wu te tahu aveuaOili] the inventer bae lttera fres a .lparts 09W Ma i, mut oftise country troua prominfn( huai- CWI *t v14 britS#1111 POM liseus boumes, tisaI have akie a avantagee M lItd$*bout qmau ald cf (hlm citer te aave 50 cents on tisadl-t àW SI.bé beint t h. tel, cf lar, nd ha fae s ue ise hum gel a bushl- emlar luasalue littIe (blekaI. nesa that, mtler Il busnbecme Sucra. Xç . Wfis urbt l- prove a geaI pylag lietmeu.- 06iCtèr Mutl SaOw bis Bouton Transcnîpt. t is it.hla orngalbae. -_ ___ -tllb Sutearms aofb LESSON ON PALMISTRY. Pts nbiis tee on theb net t ettaon a Tise Lime of lMes ludicema Decem, abat " trsbte anyPoiladailTact, tis vciat>. Tsa The linaetfMarc, -bIch tise drawhug9 «tOffle,»ta tinto ladicates lu a semembut ixaggaratauti 4yomm * blrtei he u in y a blacki ts-tpe, ls nt feundIn la jot. 1M, OLau lbande,,lu tact, a. dela-opaI te a cou-i br ~-a 1d er able exteilî assittissln Wril.fil i- le a sert et ater ~e-$l~ute I lna te tiselinset ot-« sil tuse lcng. itlenles - - tiselInaetflte usa- of Adm ie eryal>- ybetiveen tise À bfl or i -u*-tisumanmud forain- b4i"àOm&»WA#ger andl elars serons tise MecnaI the 4utgfl dr- lAa. ef Venus, rarel>- ex- dosan qen h. toMIUlImmretisahaIt tisa distance. - wtu -bowstnI %iu i la lllatea dacaît, polcy ad 0bonnc, ontl Of à ismp tact. Socet>- favorites usuali>- bave ullfanr b. eeaum tise MWa, ad Ileablen theis ts smooth tise mmml saela oM$ttMand mite alraym aveu ta'dnile. tW<hU lae& eya t"a*t>-WSeu -tala fuil- lesa tise pet-aa ~s . But ha la la no la trIeS>. but 12915511>-daca4vas tis a pr- g 19tise ds ieustigil, ecue daalvd lote bellavlag (bat aven>-- s_* t and q«eiocf hurttbsg Io aU i bit. li*St ftier. ara amY due ua eas&Ciàe fr»A ~>lavltity lh. nU gel bisu sM b.Sed erl ri i- orofth lU. I hotises tise timo or If "Ma w er ea e tiseanrs et tise ha a"b lus Ue eai> Tise>-weanNU H earile tlsrotectth m 0mre.isAI aiu eyavenatauulrnee ra autae Wlle eurItrot Tison he muet thrnt ail face, but seap lise upper Upq la 1. Iatilar athl tchebaeoin e uisila la atrulli cake ih t ins tis oui lacflaansits ael rmnblt gC» a l uatlaesoanWatisa beno ma eyt a lashmos- bgti ,tvte polarntea r ee nd tirie fce atoaemoenIvorepa tlié ». a #Md gun et spectaclas on bis aoee?' oreth* e wim &. d~ctIamarsi.aMoul Mais.te ias lm* 11MO ebis euI*ve beabmIS Ou, Nbýi' essa et ther Jaob W. Mmisl,9*fermer, lving OCCURRlENCE$ DURINS THE1 eoat 01» Salles m* rtbfChanleton. PAST WUI. bon L Thse dealis et ç1aerge M. Pullmnan as brought te ligiItithe tact that Mfr. s muse>- was at one limre assocatail ieIs lNarrow Xscape frouÉ Deatis- kc th the palace Car magnate. Crnet.. PaFrera' Wasered in a hog ed lalu p Mr0N. maaey twama model- Peu.. atal Flght at AIîou-Yomg WlC lker lu Chicago. Ha furnishail tise Bar KliesIb>- Electric Cars.G mèeismaical braillé" for Men who bai -asy rlght Ideas, but not the sisili to axa -Dodue@ a Terribs le Deil. tf. te theux. Through the channels of William lattmaua. a Ceaui smer esté. cal ueum Masse>- bereme acqumtiatei plo>-ed at Hortama'n mine, Belleville,A lth the manager cf tisa Pullman car: leckçd demthslintise face oee ls> reeutl>-, ton acianîcai <lepartait, a aman ameilbut raplid thlaking ail actlonansd super- ea, ,ngatreet and attarirard wlth Pull- hantat treagth liermitteil hlmit o dige t he thse griai destroyer. Lattaun wau werk- ing about the top of thaeafi, wlch le a MO0 fret dleep. He lotit bis balance aad lien Pluagei laItiste pît heai fri. Hie éblou. dler strucs agalualtishe aide waid ail bonaces! hlm agaînait thý wirl cahe bang- les:la thse Middle of tis@mhaàt. HRIs cal-I e louseil banda cleseilavarisai the wire, and irl althsagu h.hecontact -burneil groat foi- roes in his palme, b.lietlgitened is lmgrllp ail topped ivitiia.a tswfeet cf tise nid top. Brmclng hia feet la the branles mat cf la the aide wmll i aitesl until hie braia die hall cemmeil ta wiid.and thaa sbsouted . lissti-fer !tellp. Hlm pspsions wise lui hail sean hlm dive iato lthe pi, aad n-ara roc kpicturing bilm a erused l ail lifaleume bit vn-il ef humant>- the bottons et tisaallait, respoaded ierbly - ~ FrdForumer la Musilercd. la FrdTalatad, a Yoîiag farmier 35 leurs00 élit, residîng tu-o talls siuitis et Creston, 1 Waa mardecei*y el. Browna ahireil aman 10 formariy la hiseeitîioýy, wuts uhosan habail tO hail trouble and dimliiîargeil. Tmlsted was En JOB W. IAOS5EY. &Io"ene athe place iheu the a rder oc- 1 _________________________ urreil. Wheîî blm hireil aman returniesi f n hîmmeif. Hie tiret work wltb tise tress a churcs service bci tsid tise beodybel :Murnaupeoplle ira the davlslug cf à la a bon Pen,Coltand i cgidi he evideat cer 1,il mpriug teélé,lt ailbol laplace tha baviog beali demi everai[heurs. I)ozeaî ertba in a aleeper. Tisis wasu about of hogs Iwere ruotingalaot tise ileeding tl. a tlue ism tis costrctIo eftis cerpse. Brown îî nt tealRocheei fter na hi me hatthecontrutio ofthesheotlug bis former eamployer liati gave E. lng car iras worrylag the ralîrcailhi eiup. Ha w-ax. brriesi te Oregosi ae taopIe. 1 aid)plutîs in iithae oitnty juil. Brownis Oaae day Massanai Longatreat weat clams lie sshot hismélun elt-defeasMO'u »tise Yards, ail Massa>-setchei a t ir la tise outifits. or okeleton. Tisea Fatal Flgbt in Usuper, Aiosu. t le en te work en the modal. It teoir la Up!ier Aiton.'tleorge McClisytsin mer. a atmthewhoe etamr, nd bll th tlu>-wonaded Je*, Parks by msiontins. I.Or -h» hla progrer, mail whîoftise. Twoe arm uaoa(Jlm.tca waissojourning la oMr wma pmreum isuara h i carl-Califartila witlih h,'lftr fadthe coupleli ru otaattaceilwhee tsalia- crteula Inuitb Parèis éo fially persuaded C. sas balai coastructeil. A rule cf tise theo irminteleave ber hemisand ail de- f PuIent oMice stili lu force proisibitE tisaeIPart with hlm. Tise other day ParksandmaIl >u-lng of a mollet more than twelve bismuta caie te Upper Altea toest dia- becles lu leaglis. but lu tissutance luer Iultstise ioman frathier. In thse oI secial permission was obtaînesi front aveniag tisey decided te go to 3McClaytfen ri te commlonar te miai . amodlletandl aois fer lseageoisbeieging tte iat s-eut>-lic&euIo@&, >-t, witb ths wamn. Wblnea ies amet afi eht Cacie orneai antaga, tise car was er> msd. MceCluyton étrarrlîlereu te tise lu»- ________________________ fie, bat wirasreIes sed êou- is oeuarerg- li' aisance.ti llsîherla Prophecy YulOuled. ai ,&t NMameetais. George Heniry Wasiig- ta ton. 71 years of mga, the aveir,-dlteil leailar t et eloresl secet>- la Mt. Clair Ceont-. rua parrie! te Magnle Wade. 212 yearm old. en ýAt a iiicaic aluteen yearsagis tis e lent fil bride, tises a chilîl, witis ber mottser and e' ,father. iwas thrown into tise wsler b>' tiseTA tailziag ot a boat. Hency Wshington,. ii lube of thsannaessof tise pieul,-, mciii-. adi aItiste lai- nI the riok cf hi. c re It n 1 and mai-ai the Ilirse. lu lier feeling tif kc gratitlde mrs. Winlde hall jskiigly told ,c f- ihlitait sce-lai hc s.bulu d dlit,- fo - Gai- ns eminCa lisT'noria. Tiie'St. Lsji.lesris andsINîc ber,, liasné, alges)nê,.,wisersiy il set., iires nr,, toc Il te Ilesrin ever tise te-rminailof t ihe l'i-,,rîit and ilsimi. Flh,- 1,-. nfr a ys-ir iuly, Il - b>' ha e hI- i liii, t li -1 i , llwh> -xpts iThe tracrk n s,,,,,- hlaid iei,rly to s Pii,. un kt mile. ,hi.-ltnni. The %vsies i l] sh sr--,ý , tise Illis ri ere v- -t iîr înt ily--ria or M,-- in ley ('113. il) B.o, Kiiad hy ElacriCe Cara. a llarr),r in,, . 15 i sui , ld,l. ns-rai,,) boy for IIiw-i& Ford. , lriiiî-rsno j - a~nKravîýPnstst aW ,,-,evî-n,iîi- t i C cage. , ,Pis-rit.ht4j t tss h-at), iii il vhhns, i btues-, s-hs-<-i ris- vs-ctsu\S-rth i,tteand in IadianP,1,-tr-,e. Thei- s-arne i-r( - riled lit Jacksonville Wania N. Park. el AiN A aje-cial i-hi,ti- o n an hsliit ji,-kn-îs, -v ____________________________________________ ville t o nt1,i wi, , l. qqoatichl i P' li-vylsit îî dimiautîve, and requirei tisa Most del- , 1),tm ,,îh-~is o ,si-asî, le and Intrîcate isoris. Atar three aus ke,-îi,ig& a pibl,-ic isrk. The- sssr w montsa cf patient tablir Mammse>-sent wn ii lf-asî t>a teo-f 1,15)to, (9". d bis Mindel teWmsingten. Ha aaym it James Brown Cuîitured. a wam aspretty a llee etf ir s a ny 'v Iî isî,i as iiîîcî h,-h ever sabailttai te tise commîssionter of Quisîî,,li- elndiik-e t-., KiiinasCity, satenta. Tise car waa perfect la avec>- n vihi-r(,-lis-e % Miiirhied for thei riirtler cf respect.'Thse semIs, four toe acistable, i-îry l'ras-ilititIsait ityin j,,Arill. îN;.C rare upisolmlereil, tise donns rare isuna llrief Statc _HajpCn5ngs vils sîilver-julatesi hingea, tise istchen, At Shi-lbyill-e,-eorge-lChî-îîs-t bis rith is 15range, chalvea. amis, cellar, Ihr,nt asîd di).i etc., wam Irisa te lita. Job W. lmas.>- Ait ('irlyle hirsM. ligîs Essiiigtsîsi died i won the prime ail George M. Pulluman au ddt-nly -f pri n-l. gi-si 62. reapei tisa fruités tisereot. - I-,,',î,y~iiîei htas "Atter tti ra la 1871 Mr. Mussa>- lefI AtI taî,siî>n sîjiîWshite lsîi>rr botlln- Cicago, wea1t te Celast Cosunt>-and ahrieBlt %li tagiP i(el eagagail lis farmlag. Ha la a man ofit bl. 1_ ilr e slirz esiîn,îiîgnl-st, Ci- line Iatellect ad poîliseil maufera. cai FREAK 140081ER TREES. Alfre-d is>n sOu-)1,M. one osf tise aid est iisîi the iL,- Xiii,-.îlî-n t hb isoe F lue isaps.. (tietAre Uniteil in Reg- lin çtîo, sare iimem Twills Seolic. A. Il. Xhs-rrall. for fî,uc yeurs pus- - A 'fremis" 0hio tree or trees bac toc cf ithe Cetral Consigitiissl Choc-b 1 aroumei tisa prida of lulhanlans. ai) of (inlecbtîrîî. iliit-ndîsîg iers-li ,f 'Prtiser Martineville. lad., eteps to tisa fora@ha siii-s.t i la ato le4ne uits the claita t elmisebac tise grait- ias rtil Ci,rl. C:,, ,tîiî -a est eue of Itiamese twîns et thse loreut ntCre.edigwon1 on record. Tise pictura e,, s aows sa c he-.-isii. n t a A iaig est tNi- hbIs Hooer treails looksa use. Tise treaTeke S.rC..ttiu-t -Iiyi-A liaianeriniitew whicis ara sas pecullarl Yorkl racf," vsiirylllt5iy j tli,,r si sugar mapsles ail are about 12 ladies lu iltheis,ue". 11,- r ts-ssiuNI1r. î'et,-rsnî,a disuseter. Tiseyoare ful>-20 feetiipart. -cutis-t. ias lo ir-î-s is,- îî,tîi. b-liii..Isa- As can ha meen, tise lisaitétronssoes- rea îiiiat-slzirl iiwiy. M.-- Cries-i. M-is. haïs grown ever ail unîteil wltis tisa tisi- siofXtsciigi-ld il ths sitage-. H-r triant of the otisar. Tisa 1mb la naiet rairils me.,,sf ilhe-ls-i.ling îliy.i-iaaa ort equi lia iameter Ite sabod>-of etier Ipisgh-lL15-ersu, ii i-l-lMInSACrasis- t'5 ii ets 15511>t 1,11, b- tt1iiis. wsii-i la ie aiss.t insiiîrtiit sPal ri fi,-tissii <of lte ye-ar. .eilois f 3Miesn ciîs-s gens) Isok, andsi a-i-smitdxt ,l1. e aîlidohaîve- lx-eu let tbis-iottons of thiersîll- ii1 Issu -Ie-irrLowv i- ils t liés"Isne lié Dicettar. Haeaî.rreas au sacaiuser u Cusî,Iîsy C in tise Tîveaty-tisird Ohio Voiti-cerg., MeKlaieya c(-i-glms-t.* W'arrenCosuty- la Iltersli>- warmlua Mb raihits. Driv.. are la fashlce. Waaisegau CeunIty Sopervisoe offer a mnt>- of 4 cassas a bemil ena <tous. At Harmon, BeuJamia Broois wmu bcel b>- a herse adlintauti>- kileil. Wlliam H. Plaisertpa bas beau aippelin-1 1a foarts-ciaspotatlr ut Sran- 1ev. Tanner ba lmpacteaithls nmu rIlmibuildings et Plaia. -'Tsie alaas mil untanable adil lihave tle ava- À joint conférence of lsiniersanmailera- sr iu tise COandlA district wmli ha hall Vîrden te arrange a waga *cliete fer easîing leur. Weri ismu ien begîts on tiseIllinois lîdiins at tise Irana-Mi»alasippi empomi- an. Thsis building ii occups>-a $puce f1310 b>- 105 feat. HluberItisahe2->-ear-old sou et W. F. ens of Charleaton. rau agait a bot soeothiai troa la the band of a servant tr ail put out au eye. la Cisicago, Franisie Ulenier, 4 years d, white plm>-lag set ire te tise clotblag be hmîuster Mary, Il ycars onid. Mac>- id frein tise barns receivaul. Joba flogau, amnfateetftise Dongting lstitutiea c ommittediscide la tise bath ooai oif lie ard b>- cuttiag bis Ibrout it> ltheraggel edge et a dussîpan. Tna lioline Furaltara Company bas anfaamad fudgaiaat foc $10,74&.10. Other abilillen brlag tise total up ta neanl>- $18;- 00. Tisa mîsta4 are ab>oust 20,000. Mca. John R. Wbiteiey ot Chsuterfieldl »Id Norton Hossgsoof,,tliuvlaw cllait nhli heira of tise big Hodigéo fortune in iglaui, n-bics asogints te t505.t> Phililp Be-nard, s i-eli-isnuasillent ,fElin, n-liccame taChicago ft, i li- org, Ballon, ln tS52. miss)tire yesrs later emoveil taElBgitin j.desuil. aged 618 yeers. Johna T. C,,rbeltausIHauiS ftadier. as e .turocu hoiler nonke muid as ladîvisi- als, moigiau u slgsigieut la favor oft94. ;, Shieîardion. Tiselialuilibien are eati- antesi ut *1,t> This grocer>' store of WhVitiinsre, Leffel- ana & lial et Metisîsîa woai seedlu> e sharlif. Tise, firme liilities wii neflant ta ever $411011, andi tise setas ara omparatîrai>'»atoll. Ateornaey Gengeral Aki bue fIllesi a bill tebsucer> la tise Saigamon Cossai> ,outi asiag that a ret-lys-r bc appoîntesi r tiseIllineis Prustective, Loa ansi iiilisg Associations. In Cicagotise ni-uv $*30,00 building >- btse Woodlawn Simili Unitedl Presbyte- -an Cisurciswonm ieii<-tId. Tisa uer cuiciure siccapies tise milse- sera tise se- at>' iret ivorssipain lua lent ln 180)5. National thandis ofChsicago have lpeti- loed tisa Sassrler tCourt fisc au nules- an re-tralnitig tise Souths Towun coilectsr id coCst>- trnsusrc troustellectitig cr- iii. taxes againot everal oft tiema insti- ttion«a. Rtichaerd D. ls'eetofBansns frigisi- ie) le ieatis. Wisile blg dasugister wus rer bine finor ansi ss-tfiigilt01u tr-. MN. ee wos m s atiedi t ie cfajîsteandari -ild lnaashort lime. JouiiesMurray.un miton-y-oft oua, sesv. came- te ClIgiand gniai),- isii.eif Iliownatu bingbretises, 4,, ndstIs A.- -ce'. And thaen' -tuneb i-ji-l ~~~, ~ I OJsieis)b&1ournasl as deuil Trustvs-isof Knoex Cssll,-gs-. n-erg il s'. -tîig luthéb Uninit-ilges- '111b, Is il-s o. eli-nisîltise tsllsiiisgtssullre .th,-en, s hor: 11ev. 1- L %Vitsrou, 1). iD.. is-ert l«. Llîas-oliî ans inti- sIL Eeks or Chu-, go Iii) FP. C. liùi-sîfalsbr Mr. andslMrsm. NW. A. l %,k-rcus il assîtn cs-sidisîîisof 1<kfscl,hlisera inîîrris) sbire 1fity ssirs lige. îssîlis s-i ii the iii, saineboomi-si-r siii4. -, i-hî-Irjit4i- is-Ir goldelsn ieding ansi s- s-cateîsl-ns- irl-e)tsis ut tbic o s--n)dt îîgri-gaional lhu rb. ()riiis- ii-art îls-an- n-ax toila,) lva Ilillige ulii jur iiry- tilias- caijedi 'siiiiiglon li-sitiga h-auh. %Ir. Ilss ngli 1ihy-sician wni nusstsuitfliY tise iîr,- s-r fsîr ½ssnii, g us i-st h .rtiihcute uils- îîtmlhy iglsl$aslt ofth'.s,-casa- ifili-utis." 'ieî iisiertalsir -n a a sî -î-îsiîrî-d fot maiilig thes- 1yol> lefiici-the- laque-nt vasl hi-hI. Tjrebons oe i, esîisrsîtiî-ile ut tile Dui int lsî,usis- It. n,. Itelris-italPops ija. tllet t- iua. Xli,-gîttt hel,- sdi-issi lci-lt. cecsrirl îî ,th- if s-cb,,iieus-ili a)d xl-allsînid tiseco-tets-îî t.. 1> lit io,, îîsîîîsîl litaI>-. As. Ilo an.lit- usa ni)futs Pc,-sideutt lits-îl osrîlcreîite l ise mîî-isîis of the 1w,, tni ,-însofiithe siansi, ,-:I Tsi-ru- Wstroubl-te ,tise Aucuns -ut>- auibit!tei issoi tl,,si)ilsli-ahi-cafis sith n-uihinC-nibssîirdiisne,-ceie1sii ang tissai te PuY a lîii fi-s-of $5. Tisa aihksssen have forissu- s,,,alliance. iiffec. siv- anuit di-failve. ali.)are iglitinug (k- .rîliinaiee hiis ie cf - i-lati-e p,.ruuttiîr, thei- n o oti- f hut oîî,. issii n Ilc-si i-, i. o-il sssihk wi-tissst 1,yiiîg tise licemce. A mîrsîîue nmnrihan lceii r-qsîieitl si-t-l onîtheiistrees, if Beille-rih-uiu, -jtoighiis. %b o,- aitIsii i ,)1r t,, il inite tuit bn s ineî. The-sunkisii tah orueil-si utî loisg-lhiiisilkaifs- andîlliai ,lov-crai lis-sesîpus saîd n-intisi ,isigstî-rs l'lie otisar evesing fluth-leP-ter Biaisa iîirnsi-d foric svs-c,îI locis., use stcagei rs-lieniedsly irikisig ut hiesniistlîte mur der,,,,, IcokisLiie. 'TIas-lad fial>- s- ,.a lid. but bu- lia) sult lii-,s-ail. 'T'es-polie( s-lie-tist tht-y Lave- a dangt-roua Issis tic- tl îlicol nitis. At Rosbisonsu.naa dsilo f (centy-sev i., fi-et. rihsbimsitjig roci-kjaa n-il.i bruni-aee as fsssaîî. Tht- image ru-) ci-ai-ttisuanxgel 5sv-risat iit one bonad tli hnsu-iof iriatinjesiappoisil te havi- bai casihmieik. lliste cuber bisin leanh Tise image raonsîuaiosbtaslly jiabesddi-ili tise rock. Ia tisa urne viciait- tiiere bai liees a saîsbe e ntasnutcamet ofhaii pilees <if petrllied n-oi. 'Tie csupseisii in (batce-turies ugo Itîs- clu) vule>- of th, WVabsamshriver n-ma inhabited bylu>'anarts tic and) Intelligent race of peoplea. uoi ucaceulina isa Americrn Indu,,,. Bonace S. Barry,.san clii sabier ansi si tirail buaineaa man of Wmukegan, liai ageil 81 yeaaL.Hie wet te Wmuisagwi, 1845. uber e hadai)nlsce liveil, except fi A Ueffboe dli é «m 3 » e nt IBO&a a âmv. ths e wu* met 'wiat w. «à p y.rtai m aurime lu the world.luww estern folk couat rtling T1sey eau becomeauasdelcàsas they 11k.; thay eau enter <iovesisment service, ba- comenmrhants. lawyers, anythilg they plas. But catela a relwgons and oWdalsltinction. wbhla sait- snpportlng, al-entalned. A Eramlau la alwraya a Braisman, aven If hé ho a servant. I remeaiber one casa wbare thea rajah of a RHil eate 91m.lw8&sa laamed te tise servant of a frIand Of mina. Tise servant waa of a migier pc, itlen la the ruler cft thelaend lu wblch h.oerved."1 -'Tien a member of tise iowest coste, or partais, bas no chance of rlmlagT' "Noue as a Hind. ;f b. becomes a Moha.mmedan-whlch only requiras a repetition cf tiser creail befoe swit- nams@-ise taises bls position amuiNhim uaw corellglonlats. Of course, te Uta- doe sho romuains t4bu, as ail Mohasme- dans ara, evea ot the hlghest ranit. The, oretically. ihe would ha. But Dnttlau mar- niage. Ho woulil finil great dldlcuttY la gettiag a wlfe of godcdams, ne mat- ter how rlch ho mlgist ha; fer moee and position count for ltti. laula. Thse pooreat and lcwllemt lntiirmlari7 wlth the rlghemt, if tbey are of gocil caste. 0f course, caste la assntlallY Motio but lu thse Punjais, whlcis 1a largsily Mobammadan, the exclusives feeling cf caste entendls te the latter. 1 remember. foc Instance, a Mobalame- dan nobleinan cf tisebigist ranis, essor- moualy weaitisy, fiaulng tise grmtest ilSlulty la securtag a wlte la wisat 1 may colt his das, beaume bilmnoliser bail fot bean cf a reputable caos. It would net bave beanno 0dlMcult a tanks la Englmnd. Brlefly, tisan. an Ouat- thougis thîs lu a mimacaer. mince the ucaveagers or parlai neyer beoageil to an>- catet a al-b>- cianglng bis oc- cupatlon-tisat le, ceanlng te b. a acm,- enger ail tcucblng unclean thlng- and beccailng a Moisammeila, cou rime, au we count rlmlng. la tise werlil. But. vîrtuali>-, ha remins tbe ama ha wam WORICED UV WEI4HT8. Chureh byhiun Iageai- oualy Coatructei A ppuritus, Few people who admire tise musical chuc cocn realize isow niuch labor La expeniled In produce tise rhsythmi tise- admire. Whea chureh chiîmea are rung b>- isandi t needa tise tubor of two or tîtree mien for sai-eralishours dm11>- te work the windases. It la quite time thut ingeanuhty gsaould hure su-t tu orck te arrange un aluparatun b> uSuels tie irismes cau be rmusg Ith]s strouble; sel tisaIllustration shows sucS nia- chIner>- for lise chisnscmest ulul bise touer etflSt. Garmain lAuxerroeis. lu Pari.Tisa r,-at ,aIng cf usiri a-lll ha nealîzeai r leu Itla ail tisaI tis ciime cs-uiras oui>-oeaama te *pend bou minutes a ws-ciste wn d up tisa welgiss uounectet mils tte auinsait part oet(he cisises. 01<1 Mailsaor (SideusTurnes. WSat 1wcanai-of tisa numurlesigen- ilercueun lu the elgbteeuhh century? Tisera mare ma>'. Scie ai- samüce>- und i) lraIalona. mith bisa brevetrcuti cf mîstrea,. Bouse bal noue. ans ivlees tor tise most part ultis the slIet-s brother. Es-an bltibéougist et wosk- lng toc tisair lvellheed t-as a deagiaua- tion unsseaisnble; in tmct. tise>'SI) n-srk. but lh mas the bousebelsi irn. Sucis a rotasnI la ecrbesl b>-Groe, mrltiug la 179,8. Ha gays: W'%han -n waayouing aiatiserae e- 151-I lne i-familîles of ment uuar-- Iel mets or wltlowers of île rnk et gentlemen. cieueta lunbise ceunir>-, a certain anUujuated fensule, eiLher maimîea onrululer, comaical>'ana assi or cousin. Her dri-au I iave noîv Isetura aie; Il coasiatailoetaa diffstu rceatcati ail isce, .a ltle boep, a s-icis ilir dami- aS gemn, nitis large Itowrr. k4 il lamaI on an l-or>--bemi)ed crutcb-eaaa, aldmatoloea,)b>-a fat, uisflCk>- deg oethIe pug Slnd, irise eamea>- reposer! ou a euslsloii aldenjoyed W prlvîlege oft maullg at tiesa et anta, accalenail>- litintsleur sic i loi- punit>-. B>'tise aida cf tiis gonl aid lady jingleti a buncet ofscys, securiag. la iiereal clemeta and cerner culi- bonrds, ail sorts et cordial waters, cbherry and rastsbesrry brandy, . rsheï for lise complexion, Datfy* ElIxir, a rlch seeakie, a nuaihar of pets of curraut jel>- andi raspbes-ry jasa. ii-tli a s-aga cf galllpots and phials cantalîs. Lag s»lves, electuanhea, jalape, and purges for thi- useoethtie poor nelgis- bors. Tise dm11>- business eft biss god lady iras le cold the maldîs, colleict agga, feei tise Iarke>m, ail asslat aI ait lhisenteresting availli Ibat bappeued uîtisin tisa parish. Mier Beginas. TosRw do you lise tisaI noelai1 brougist you yesterda>-1 Allce--Oi, 1 doiit lIk Il at &IL 1 doa't cas le iis il. Tom-Hfou mucis have yan reamI 9 Alice-Osse chapter. tTom-TsaiS >-e al>-haven't got eloto bise @tory. Theise ftc aptar'u maral>- a ort Of an Introduction. Alica-Bul tise fret cisapter Im't lbe o"0 'y. reami, ail tise ereine lies! No. you aiay taise l bacS. Casaler. q suppose'salitisa campaiga wonig. en, -isat Yen am ogoing 1tevota tia era4gisIticket?', "Ne 'mais ha usrvlug partmmu, Tisa TwcCo am," e Min& la ttIug eut mn 'ietorical or byserlclr - use Jurasm. Militar>- Complimet.- "God eveusng. Miss. Toq reglaseut et rosebui)e tu- genase Biattan. "TIse>- sa> ail tisa netiem - ara ver>- seur lu the BlondI ai. ait. leu, lm ce cbeap lise>- It aivu"-'-'uck. l'hotogruaiisr-"Now, ta'>-tp youraeif.. iNtlug tise ait ar, b-ai ; tny tloiok iks . à elge."-Ha-lexîi Lite. joiseu>-"I-ffpsu, ,isat Ila a Pnpa-Ilb lm a taPi unedl le 11mb sectionetfIsle Part>- te w le net Ibelng"-PucS. 1 Pnleai) "*Tlialssammasto e haa able fat," ltiu-letita-"I muas' bisai Impression oun iris doetau't lire lu lt."-PncIi Euihi-5i>-Cosquette (senti "Yes. myieur NIr. AassmM-. iternsui Assiuemrr iglit, liercelve' llesg-aIe Blattot, *'Exiserit-ui(e," ait Uncle r g ale t tis senrh isti e il s at o tacl wif.lsiil osuIsl-fmada& Execuuîre- !'l idi mon usa t aile'w tout gnoran ag" Ilv-e fordie.' is-a-- > put: tIse sch-l, es Yl -a ork* D1(W ues ii> î-îtllag ult *"Oh. ccl lu the- icatt. l'w vu55ie icg susîn ululstie. l'us a col tiliner>- bouse.' Tonkars 19 A Long Isal lS-duoas sls-lking BIls-sey n-ar bis bat tlsef" " For tsurs-ha cant get lie takslb ofl.-Ciavelassi Deais'r. .iutreas -Itnîsgat. su'. thii (et-s fur me tiia meuralusgT' E "Oal>- tire poell cardan, bu«t îutlslsget Iuuprlac la thns gi-nde Blatter. A Dîlatumu. "NwalI, George, a-bat deo>-o blhi of ai- uw **I Wisu 1 ke-ti" "Kuer *"%*isat i maio lsei te thluL"-~ landli,f la lasr. I-oirlblia>IB s--" e l are nis,.ai) wlîabsuit. on. ia>--- plogau cuisubr' i6gui-sa tbat's 4 WVhist Is ueoa-inas bicycle le u tia,is juggi-rast . l'ui-k. -Ili -s r . ' s a i li t ii- z e p isy r , " t h " n~ ~ ~~vm a5h- st 'nu nnrse mlat luon Ii-li.- hel)l.iarui. * rasq lie ihoskitigouni ttise"-i'd)uw>-- ms, luiglit u sia -a-nd ul vlili s,)it a nd gliaisiy-nl lieut." G'Irl. -is a lt->--But the 094 lm," mhiId t lus. -iihrs Im hi- Smala thuauitleaialakes montausI0c hua ils- iîii i i li* 'rinir.-Mal t ra. s -W11:huit l-i > nissu du rils î,in es-a - ci ,tNishing.' Un irais- *.uiiii Seion ' TraX disu Iu a- ),115 uT--Tlt-BItu.ý I liisliui 'Nrlis. ti-auiaup qid TIi- hitus- ls ii, irs- Yuamare r. lis- l th oit isud 4 iueter,99 b'Irt litlaer l-Duselyou liai grant s-eli-ft tushav'e tise chiIdr#at schiol sgale ?' M-souaui otie--1 I t ivistli lu-If tht->- uidut tla&m sials>'us,-w qiJtini uneleank."-'t-i.l do-ns Wb siyen ocrer ope" NIc. Outtres-lili àsssouuia.bbal11 mure lis'lmau î l isai) dla tIha nom ci-n lg hCithitleaiomasuQ (u-s) nl-ssi.1Ihavea rnmun tel li--t uitha our 111shi~laas Is diIrting nhu,-nsýV-rnlat-aye.'"-Great has" 11>- ljumImiîlal h8 nieiahaaii.-lEM rua, s- Wl-ucPcîl-tor.----Gueut- I*'ti:)s n,-siu saui -liebat-a ai , à soa sii- I n ip iii>'lie. isio'I par- f4 Wbirsthie proprietorr' Wml ol-'uet at ivueli. sr." Philadel' s-îs-le aitsaextreinel>- desui lie taika cf goslsg te tIse Klieu4t. sus'y naSe**e."ll-arlC-"WeIl, tisaI gIn' 3-ssIitwi- asi"s. lie slgbrt-s I)a, i-kntît a fortune er ha aIlgbi -osais-bau-k ai iii.' Puek.1 Unieissosi -îe'anmean, 11,1 Icug thihng Bel-Ws-' ss -l tol) uI I u (llînt kaoiv ubetis go te tise ulera or tise play-, andIhai r r as eh) enongis tuehiseaefor myi r-Pblladlophli Aaierlcaa. Nîr. lW'ggie*-"Tba ( rue fadta , visaei-ueetlist--' lMre. WISgE; terrnpthnigi-"Jembua, diIIyen. kucu an>- acts tîsat rerelut M And) se ni-rer searut tiesaet story.-Soaserville .Jaurnal. " Illie l-Loea!Tisea.-Mrs. Ma 1' neyersauna bey me fend cf Hobby lg." Mcm. Wailaca--"Ua -Mca. Merry--"Yez; bas wern Otton 5 as) tire putse la tiseMCs -moatbs."-Ge.lsIea Duya. -- .Majah, sIliyo etlt <-vula tise bousfa sId ] la tisa ldlStale 'otbhi y? Cunnei. I III, (banS yo'Wisai cue (ha>-muat bave bail t i a sais "-Oitesaati Muquirar.- Sue Brette-51 neyer unms4 audiencetua ailite." Peetae "Dldu*t tisa>- rclna i dbtm',

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