CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 31 Dec 1897, p. 8

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t, Tailors Furnishers., - *ILLINOIS.i wc Oâpmy A commPLE TTocK 0F t*AIN, FLOUR9 MILL STUFFS, SEL0SO ETC *b,ÇéoaI,0 Lime, and Cernent. ~ WWMR WAG(ON, - - - - Illinois, TI4E $1.00 PY MNER OCEAN. ~4~g ~ggMsPàp Of atiseWest. iWUU U~wos'lmgRepubâSca.WsekIy publiabeti alyflbysh ellti dupon bor fait sud luonet repôrti. of d.w' Intee Ocean Supplies Ail of the 0 t* Ebeit of 'Current Literatu re, -î m~.a 00 à,isFaly PNper la Vithont a Peor. âge,& elea __ _ =latisfàsvsW # MEnom.WoeIiandti gleesth.- 1.-St ~Sê'Oh~ uoaioa c îe day. TSi it.rOc... gv.î '8sdldsMe~vek a sud eg poMisislaÇhkegoe dlothisnods ofthe eple veut or the Aleghauy Iis. ôý*,s DOLLAR A VEAR $1.00 BoumIia rd.4eohtlr y mail .....0...........$ y . - W~i5yb ..mail 2.00l'rme" MElii ia KHoniay 7m11a......... .-r re of MoTulaINTER OCEA'4 Chicago. 1aiihCor- ujsPY Nov Test. MIM LUOOPotter viaiteti the Icqgilb OuMe Aitlielianry hool one day IBt veek. lit. Hemy Raymnd. 0f 1gb, la y, p»quilè e kv visiung gia Mda atriends Mt Volo. MIL <e é ý'41mcha* Tbomepan spat '~'Mdastr. eorge iHumon sud VJz', ltlldhugsieeet Christmas atîbth MAIl Es Rymnondi who leaches hch olitisys viiis *s wr ieholla anti - - ~é~ê gm&. <leauu. of Moua- V o~IbAbnumwu IParentée pbl eVolo. &g Kotion Park. vWith bmt F eby hea tiAiu mOllr Kaiser Block, LE. - - Wàki Snommtied. W. 1.I.LWia 1 de gNuwaulee, hi touet im rOa Ifl OR tubidii tbo*ttaw aèovtooa;;a l»"dliun preles. Astîbo sînetiglesswbnl vie & h k o lins iaI io o= d6tiaery. Arouard theCouifr. WIS.! CENT. P. ni TIME TABLE.1 #on m 1 a i .9 or » a imrAss944 4 a a e"a 1013 mou la1 en le01a se W la $e 26 à e Ir la 102 1 *UmtI eoe0pt Sonder. 0 topeonu on iena. Gras e 1là 7 1 543, n aller 5Il Î1 11226 551 636le 1i1 ROCKEFELLER SOCICTIES. ÇoNOBEGATIONAL Chnreb Unudar as vlaees10:30&a.In. aud 1 .1 . ralyer meeting Wodnomday evoas. T. P.I 5.. mmeot unday o euig t 6:43. JefliO a. E nI a o'clock. IMO camp No. dix. IL W. A. mot month. 1. oumnryr.. 0. 0. P. NO. s816. esoud aud Iourth Tbursdays of oab moutb. ORO As. TSe WW neian. N . 0O. G. T. meet Tharodet ovenian o f aoh week. Lumis Buanica C. T. JOHN G. RAGAN ?out G. La . ment gaturdar algblt on or before full mono. I.S OssoOmdr. OB2(JHUBCUILL. à dit. Mailsoins ssoutb....6&:04 a. m. #:tg p. m. Maul soins forth ...............10:08 a. am Rail over land by stage arrives nt 10 a. m. departs at il . m. ROCKEFELLER. WI. Lllerghorn wvall ako Zurich T ueaiday. W. B. Mos. vas a Chicago Viatot Wednesday. Don't bgot the. vatch social at the clîspel Prldey oveang. Htenry and Mary Lisebàelti spent Sunday at Long Gîove. hearnetevieeJohn Evans @Peut Christnse vilb Miss LotUisMoBride vas a Gray>- laits viutor Wodunday. Boy a can of babing powderat Litah. leld's an4iget a conter table freo. John Bonne, Br., and vils sajoyeti th elr usuel Iartiy ronnion Christmas. Mr. andi Et.. J*~ Wilson, of Rock. tord, spont ChtIIUSBM Geo.. Har. dens. Miss Leurs Beas, of Long Grave, ap, nt a 1ev tiys bere ibis veek, visit- ,Dg relatives. (irandpa and Grandirn Myrick par- lo o obristmas Iurkey et B. B. Ritzentbalersa. Mr. anti Mn. A. J. King andti nly upent Cbristmas at Wauconda, the gueste of P. Hongbton. Mr. andi Mrs. DooittIe voeelu Waukegan laot Thurs4sy atonding the fnuerai <f their oncle. lMr. Berry. Fred Huney spent Ohrlsuneaeln Chicago and lu'turn.d te go te vEut fur Mr. Sullivan the rayglake bisai- smltb. Mis. Bpecb, accompanlati by Luella andi Cors lirsbborarl. au.s11 their bol ide7 vacation viti frierd" a Palatine. 'The Piper Ice Co. began operattons tIbis week andti viibave .verytlîin 1I readinesby Doi eek 10 beVia'liug the bouse. Wm. Dresapn, of Waupacs, Win., and agent for the Wl.. Cent. Lino at that Place, @Pont Urisinisa itb bis Par- ents bore. - Mr. anmi Mrs. Parnaworth, aller1 spending a fev day. horo, retarued1 borne 10 Cblcado Wednostiay, accolai.I pauleti by Mra. E. B. Harden. J. B. iiolcomb teturnod bos Travera Cty, Micb.. lust Tabuday, wveo ho Wa" oiled 10 attendlbthe norai of & coouein. Mr. Soheomb b atd tapon his rettun ibat thoro vastht.. tost of suov lu Traveus clty.,1 Taere vilii te presebing as dm . obrci ltte nuuebure S.mday. The imosn. Ing aubjeol viii bu Cornmest rBelote the Lord." la thé evening lt.heator viii speai on lhe tut. -The Ml and the Beaom." Everybody Macr dlaily Invîledté I.and. - Tie hbriamea etertaimrent et the Cblel vm4 a grand steoff. The. Ir hs!um ilheoir lyraneti, ajmod Uc prout baslb ho a amimu iig testai Un. lb. ciam" ami i raa t tb. bulte fouleamrebiageguhido sud lbey matie thse OiaeleOund once audtiu ganvii«=skkglu. A eitave""l~ Misoi, Osaroporletion lie alok P. -& uMamuan, fWanken, leben. 4&A.a.elart etaouérenvedu rntoa1 '39M 0. L. Prait relunne trousathe AMlier Povez vus a Nuada vialto on.ea di MMveent.P A, W. Beyuoldu of R*rvari, vwu bar' M Selurdsy. - Al utl Paddock, of Fort Hi, wv-ou aut ubM sMonday. Jota H.ocf Laike Zurich, vas on Our mine" "bisvéek. a fevdffl la this place. Mr, ailira. Wrn. Manhie voe Grày**to cause onday. ' iesM. Shav in viltlug relatives lu liseplace a preomut. vias Allie estoey, 0 Chilcago, ia home for a lev dqs visil. W. Lmpiare vus on the streets of Nuoa thle tirot cf lhe veek. Mr.m. an Ur#. Wallace Wood are vlsilIag relatives lu Elgin. Fred Wynkoop, of Blin, les peuding #he holidaywoveat borne. mii oransd Early Harrison voee1 Laie ZuarIch visitors Tuestiay.1 . lla Myrtie Dîzon, oh Belylloere. spent Christmas vltb ber parente. J. Wsish, of Avondele, spent a f ov day. viii riends lu Ibis place rocenily. Mrt. ant Mi la Perry Johnson, of Nunde epentm t lesda vtb relatives bers.. UmIesronositoney, of Cbicago, le uistug 'hem parente Ur. antiMns. J. H. Hende. sud dangblor, o! Grays- lake, viateti relatives lu ibis place lutI suntiey.11 UMssTyrrIll. of Chicago, lin he guat .of àls dtilim. J. Goldilng ai promunti vriilg. lla loGluly, of Cbicago, la lie gnu 0f miesM. E. Glyncb, at preoneu Mir. antiMEt. E. NevIlle, of Grayalake, w~gete of Et. sud lin. Carr lesI lir. Polie r.Iurnod ilut veek from. a dev va"*a visit viib finondseta J. Malien bas tanitid bis skating rtliLst Monday ovenlng vas the openins amie. B. A. Eldicg turulahed costîumes fora a seratie hail ai Nona ai moud"ayevaniug. lir. sud lits. Wanwortb andi lire. B. pull«ezpUfl Chitmas day vitb relatives ilulicHenry. Uns. C.BE. Mead*' relurneti Moîîday trou Valparsiso vberoe he bas bieen1 the peut hsv veois. Mies Ntte Murray vbo is aitendlng ichool la Chicago la spendiug the holidaya vith ber parente. Fra"i Wynkoop, o! Cbicago, open& Sunday sud lionday vltb bie parents lit, anti lir. N. Wynkoop. Franka Norton, of Elgn, le vislting1 relatvesudanti bnds in tiislce anti vielitly aI prosont vrlting., Dr. ant irMi. L. E. Hughes rohurneti su tbeir home Tustay alter spending à fev day. viti relatives bore. lin, anti Ensi. SRleynolds asti daugistar, ait Mcfenry, speni Christmnas day viti F. Caraud !amily. -Tie! ChitIuapanty uhiclu vas iro n luOsiliit hall la.i Frlday evoning va atendoti by asity couple.- Frsak antiPblllp ('onrtney, oh Nebraska, are speutitng a hew tisys viii their parent.i. anti his. 1P. Conrtuey. Go to Wauconda furniture store vian lu noed o!f frniture. The stock mut bc reducadti o nake i-nom for sprlng gonds. Otto Wellli bad the the misfornun su cul bis fingera ver! tusdly vilh a kalis. The lile tiuger vas sei-yod to lie boue. Miss Luey sud Willio Spencer andi Uri. anti Mr». Cbas. irvîn, of Avonie , MSolChristus vithIbeir parente Mry. ant lits. J. spencer. The Christmas troc lu the M. E. cbarch wus quit, analtraction for the UttIle ol1r lest Frlday eveunug. The propu lbougb short vas very gondi. Clydie Goldiing who attendlng âchool1 Bt Valpamnelso c eins orne selturkey1 vitb hisemente Mi. sud ie. H. Golding. ro returuedti o Val parainco smàday.ý litand lErs. H. C. Werden anti K,1 V. Werden veutt b Waukega lest Fr1. daoy andti tonet Mou day. Wbite uhff reY iyvers guosaso!flUt. endi lre. 'W. Wfnleu. FOX LA KE.1 Éëert WUlIy. of Dlghton. vms a Clhi- cage visitotrocently.0 A. Kirveis anti sler, vîsiteti Wan- couda friends BSnntay. 0. Hock. of Rollins, puachaeot stock lu vIi Ily Montiay. lir. audlre. William Nelson visihti w» i Mga Moore on Sunday. la.arat, of Auîloeb visitetilit IebrecA. Twoed recenily. imles pli u oitasvisilt tu Ohlego iene ia ashort limie. Valut 4WO Manti vie of ihi@ place vote Lelir istion - hnrsday.t sto cmtO itesa 1M sA. 1 19d qMent Christmnas vllb .Am ertIy.1W. Hamilton aI Rollins. *Vmtel cCi tS Young people of FOX emiffl Odeurci ai Lake Villa on Oi ranger, of Chicago, wva ,l#on bis country rientis A&Mai y fro0, the vlcimuty o1!t iresIab.lsithe Christmna toeat Mg. odtarie. lcan sd amily. of Binai be amaiinou ith tl TheIb s *oit, In Mhistneb Rldou lwmpedlsn vone Who. Lie usste ils usebis TIm.mbsèe ving grealdeyportg Thelnoy kIeti ahouta iosemkeon Idtay. dy a ele acm SVon h eti t heeoyscmrions.hInis tret, dvcas r parielln. Mr.leni, Ontpo;tiatrs o fhb bud i ireo b o*Uvesrc rrIvNgeech tday tor i lanrrb ontiig br. The Christmas cvaIW.erniatend- on. aThedybvas calleia uccoasl. wuvarl ob ti. bys crtyoeIn of tuigydns, 200kaoraîlneslit. ler 0.1 ot tires oati vitu t hll. auesave slhta Nofadander lanisb dsiutar. gth hür AU ie CutaeIre stilad ve.50attend. ei. Te mclSauol boesva; lllt v lysa Wava rtynne Ibm b extaiaianiyusueyl.e bso InixeDnuis, ofi> ragle., 3) apes Hvotdy s wn vuins vetl sPpiieVieb. aides over lbîymala ! and ati renusdtribuleti rn udhinen.m AIl bll vMr.a Msud.12.50 nnplmut rvrnint oParkt. ymonig Day. tpor vs'pand va anenfoel Emest Lernaopensnt. iuza e dA. a hoio alaysJ.Wthelsene HaunrgoyaDary fgeayul, orindsa 1evon tiayeiiirenti aiarVov. Jâb: u Ayrs ie tidagterd rIetuneF onadche Mapoudlt rous vllbanMr-. an lr. C.olnBem t Itvng ark THenryiTonne li it Xuuel f5.11 prents.Crame.Wlae niWI vltb thi wvivtenting chii io Chicago ver prsu. fornane 10aylremsenl h rets Am.nG.hastenprament bro. abtl Llso ensud MofAbelison Hf roma Fresealp vr uas i ov n dyu abe o b t k. g a MoryCas.out îoftChia, vti e hram ihbsparents. Ti. e B. Knlge,0f ir Vîe,î vDulngeere'vstn eaie oe H. ol vfai tl "endth lînaînus u forace lt tis. , lql e Av.G.toessetXiswt fno ais elt Wair cdua hme.ath vasavilt, Sndy Vliles Fluer ilvo tai i.ofWuud aChristas inbiepreÏte . Gie Tnd alugo tlainad aboicati oui illgeJan. nrday ate Mieus thennie loitimentfrotheu Profnd4., are elin g nlie s iere. liono Bt he frans Iin ni- aro( Thesluoa la vorait. eopli nena tec god ar o a] Ellest Fone ad houilyoaWn ophda mone brempouingr thMui.dnerwi anti .sl n famlly. Dot.-org.edane u.t141h ou vt at oWutain.e euortetaluîneit fol- Pro. .1.Hde Is spvaenliug, ii a etioi nabviteond b ani rua i WBuond t Mro.n .snea dgtbe X,, nent.nmuî as JochnaBila overrspect. a ta Clans Toinne bare sputiing the bolimaye it paretGbre.s Honbaslaeonwrdor 1Ecg on l, Cbate.eantesinsmIly Mr J ienee anti faully ntriin. La W. Deekroh Chicago vepoat Xmas Mr.tandhi.trp u a.Wn icky. agh ften mli Bairrnable andoom yr r hoeufont1he ivrsiyf, tbene, fnde eetuiglbsoita. lilas Grace Henry l loly rteaovei- mogruber rt ec «ynl eeignema. Mpu isa Domabier ltieeanmlei a The Ailihsoe lb yu give a bsl thi MrfaoratihoensHayeareu The Otiti elv ilIntitea . Real Estate andRenting Aq List yotor property witb me and 1 wiIl fini] you a cuetoi reasonable rates. Among numrerous choiee bargaine I1lhave flite folloWluý Lake County Fesrme ForàSale. 1Cravalaîs. Four fanas la Vernon Tawtushl,. FOU$SLXE-A Chliîtelot 85 Prlu tIPicmsh. 14eam mo iroved far. a.hieaiu in T ', tv-riîhi.-foslu Avot Lak.Lbersl leruis. .M A sîilendil ietlf tii Imjail u taie ,-' nil orthoh GWi Taylorlie. fiotgu,4irui .igin- ansail 1T.4 lt,' - 5iee amt Wantod lieverai formosti -nt. Aîu iih .rlll 'i2-re y.îa o1isW ternus auj partliàlor t.I.E.IalI.'.fruit u . à w. rinddk fteaI Datate Ae.uî.anuluni x. .0 nolVa-.Chul..- Ilargalti. to t' adisent tosts.Central IL.1h.L btiiloP. au Mnost reamonebb- terni. 100 mare Improvrîl fat. on banks oh (fiîs. Lake . i- Mo'lie îr '-. r iit 'ai.t,ajsîî.:, lon n e au I WloytieOf let-.. IN)a-ie w oS n Mllvauk,.e mai. hîîa.larg Iaros. 6.oo. fi-nues. 2 uuffl Weil.,o.l"- t-rN. i g..ttiMier. Pi. i i- r- ir &J acre - ane, vithin lirea mlew 01ohea h. . stations 00,1er h hisht.ofoh eltjsa±haî. thOoingl iilesi. lare.. 11ev -ruioni huw. tnover fail ngeiol. silend,-,1l a"'î tn, l ti,e lowlnegSprings; tonne tS.seonelle. The 3. .M. Prieo frm. m.,e#asne »_I waukee Ave., î1% miles Southu oh Lhbirtyvllie: i00te ues on caLtI aide oh rond udois-n-. .roin eua the river. Wilii viol., r tIbr 8 uit l-uiichiiior. l'ri.i,'lI"w.1-ru,. Libertyvîlle City Propb SEl iii-.' l*If Iil a1àId roomi sa" wgod -11, "i. ltin,. had" a"d ft 'r ; ns'il,.e il t.: a'xu ..iut frontS Lil-rI y vIIi.-fo,-a on.411I miwoVed fi *leare . ") ou.tll. r Nlvei Subscrurtion News1 1,1F E:lN 8U RA NCE AGI Ifyý',.. vanit to luyn v ell. lient or Tiadc ao Cail and See H. C. PADDOCK, LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. liq Eih indeImtbonif- fr F . BA I R ST e Chrlstma.spameed .,tivery rîiuî«-tly Éli'ueciit0 tljis vl.'inity. Watt & C'levelandi have rentetiltii, Marbi, upper mroone ofthe Welli, Ilbop anti arg propareti to do tiret cisas a tietie imint-» lng. Bring on yolr ecutters boys au.l give tbe nov firm a cban,-e 10 show yu < vhat they mau 1o. M4. B. Huson le maklng a vlgoroîîe 1 clajafor damnages againat tbe Wih. Mn OU lS Central Ry. Co. for abrinkage ou a oar-C oati of evine tual vas ot delivereti CEM* prornptly by the compauy. As M. IL. declares he "vas born of the valet butWO eot of the spiril" lie yul undtiîbiodly tegiete, a nuigbiy mra s quartoreq. Onr Llterary le a greaisuecees nder the. proent leadiership 0f Mr. Lord. VR The. program la geling botter every sudt atihe. tebatis a ar anny con.-E8E tse.Our borne talent vîlU put ua roariug farce *cou. As ve bave à go=t stage sudftiret clasa talent no ue yul corrompe« tue iasapointei io May corne. 'A friendly sparlng rnatcbh taono novety 01 taîkoti of lu the noar future. '[hobc Oeffi question for Saturtiay nlgbi ie Re- solved tuaI mouey is more lnfieîîtial tbsi mnorale. RUSS ELL. W ID Mr@. G. iliver in entertining lier mon W i fhom Wisconsin. Mr. Colo bua roturneti£rom Me w-o, Haing hiad years accounpanled by bis biLle. the WeIl I)igging b Bwjne.ý lire Wm. Ferry of Hollanti, Micb., 1réprd to do this work.o la visiting ber motLer, Mrs. A. ott. ntc. Vie efr The Royal Nolgbbors bave decideti estirnates. 10 boltheur meetings ln Hiver'm ha.-. Et. andPdtrs.0Glzer anti ra. Thayer HOMER FEITC agtentio the b# iptlcbrcb Snqndsy Libertyville, notnüng. MUa. Thayorccorne from Miclulgan 10-t -ivo ~ '-- d untthe bolitisym vitb ber d.iligot, 'en Glagler. I Vie Chrisîmas exorcises ah hIL Bâp-' tlst churcb wua enjoyeti by everjono. tler t o orange suad oandy voie dis.. ibutt, Mr. Glesonrendi anoriginal mooit e tbougbt of vhlch beiug thal ubudren are tangbtt iomi,î*h about hata Claus anti not ouoough of h 'uns tho true Hanta Claus. How to prevent Pneumonie. A At tllisime of the yoara cold la very eaiiy contracleti, ant ilf]et nl is corse vithout the sid 0 om seeliablo 0oeigb medicine le liateo lurecuit in thet dreati diseuse Pnenumonie- WE' i knov of n0 botter iemetiy htg) e 5 a congh or coldti lan Chuambeorlains ongb Bounedy. We bave 0dtig quil. extennively and Itil 1is Slwayà f ive entire saisfacion.-OfuLgh, .it. Toi. Chief. Tbis tg the onlY reuedy thast 1s knovu 10go a cerisin prevepUiveo0f A riepq ceblti I pneurnonia. Among tlie aamny thon. Ii0b1ll4%t4 uasho bave u sot for cla fbu wm la grippe vo bave nv9 71 hè,2 01e a ingle qMas, l-iezr lb Keystoine Corn Husk«y4 and Shiecidr. 0 H uslç$ corn and MWakes hay of the stig The Sterling Snapper and Shr*d M» a"es bey ad ti s faka Hk.ammer Sulky Plows. Brabley's X Rays Sulky Plows.. Bradley's, and Deorela Walkind Pli~ BUGGIES -WAGONS- TRUCW Lumber Ar4o Coal. SALT, CEMENT and TILE, j 'Rope, Twine. Etc. GOHe Schanck &S ERTW LLE 1 LI e,. 'as- ---- - ---- -

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