CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 7 Jan 1898, p. 3

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iii nomcu i bonne *vil il. J Wroet Ceesefor &Iaivvs, 404 % Wur e t n iitis I a e s l l * i tebeautls iflagé liiie shl.. wi of ambonne lates',& A"me Wb$u sgCis t lie p - a boa o a beri p5am 5 De ppirà*me t »30Wet m hidoot.andt Cousie ere le DieA exotsmeailaide lith e . ier rmaigetritare la ismlt pt ti SI is laibuaiei lico, PMl li 4usArsajuste asvcWeilse UPiM ttiUPc Mari andm MrIa 'me et- lto thm amater.. ller lii not loup la 120laningt the doue, outil Ici or ZlIr. appeffl or Dant liii ld 0 Y aUig5ied tliai treetua fi « 4Mi wih bidiafféele e sit&#S ai q>tiey bailDotlbesslthe tvoort ti pvmsua iockluga, sat, 'Wlî. tri t ne? No. Tiet verS 'MO» &M oe alvais jreentabis. ntioauithe e mok5aais dalaîhai on 15h i to or' 05 tMu alviyniaa Os aur ldm va id, e ca et wvenu Dot le tb aIWel, ou. Tisi Uicw Open te y IrstChrist. TieY nu' «000d le eMasteri Cou, luasud bec sa* tt. iris au(nt came l Cmo ofr Mode isvh ina.nd aiau un et efu' viitera wonid tbrev saIRIthe Veiec 1W1 peoferiaiois bal WM0 &W thil valk trou lie <11 Il a &- polappellaer. lhc ltaIs. 1.1 5MaI tsIday vasa a rery Impu- eff ebet, and 1I am cetisI ate- 6 s me .t a te #gMW es'letbatrsem. MarIdmu i bl out ame losobaiafifa. '"0iswe j ualaso laiMailla coru dge fer '1damer la Btisasy. Msbeseem irm «mmktlai muhavesa dîrIsic0utle- cm Uhtol y«osâool stD it lova t Urami N-attisa- Ont S b Muuib, bard vorkiug, pua. yto 4 mmiwr, .er Inventive out 7 MW o audr oeiiovrlg memaiés 'LI est fCacisudi osieepi p5e Mr. s enof utcavaunisa, e se nagegd la deep qments t owt utsu bas» tMotle tattend t te 9 lune t lsaeleld eifare. il l it M ay llante parie vili Crist.or bd 10la teliteca lit voulut baie bu biel~l te e ad divllec the vofk, às bu lier e"wIlae divided thseop- te ory w1 laema ta-.issue.But Mi yte Mm sChiaItvilleMart"a ael- au orihe Ore. lvas Ia Te"yimportant th liai 11.7à«l sbolhavea goo die- te $tO1 day. chistai va imr. maiet g, net ttie bave a lutions enter- ru ÎWi Alineme, it the duly bai le-é-c I upun Mari, viat a repent timl 8 bare beemi But somîblt vernI a .lae tc Iei. Perbapa the lrem t'na barn, or lielrsd vouid mt in or Matheialmdeutber baud, or et il. w»s bovrdai k iaçliaiougilt i liWala ise. emaie brava, sai Mer. i belrtpitIéSuc, sai trgettlng tlisp et 9lie as, iocr11beeveat- la 0M, a, penImsm. vth pieher lu IC D ma Iogltu tlia her, aie y m m et tl itehcenu lis te pres- «it, l5tmtolg:"Lard, denitIens; gare otl w Jeter bath lti:me ta o aimear Cbrlat souidnet à word.a vue ÈmUcolt1s t mould rather bave taillis ilan mnybod l -les blesalas. I fo v*. nolhihug cerb. fHe kev Mer- i M4i a&lucel orked bernaifteludesthll O< Nu somethilsi lue @. sud se bc &, aVori t tenulemnsa mintl* ta- e age b as erons lu sy: 'My drt medo al ucr'.Let the diluer go.t cm hua o".ttoman beshde MM a jýyuuer uaimer. Itariba. MIrtia.d dnjri N esandamitroubleci abot muni L bu olune thiar la msmeedu.Y An I eb ru- open tht ktchen duor t b l adsec a great many householi &uttcm ami anaties. Mt éie e l the trial of acu-appreein- 0 Iaht le vhit moule Mania so mai e-MXur. Tic oumger ister haul nu 511» er oi luer ntter's fatigues. an ýI*i ohiereul ith the anaxietie ut *Weai office and &bop, or comtmg , -Stock Exchange, they »sy-when r get lame: "Oh, gon ociht vu b. La foetori a litttlc while! ion ougiltu t. maage egt or teit or tvenly tLaes, audthien youu onul kuow trble nt anaxicly, ar!" Oh, sîr. he aid the molier bas tn conduct orntie a Unversity, n clothlog t. a restaurant a laumiry, a b îls de in hem lth oMeler. Police I lut ber teuina!Shie muai du tblus, and do them veil, la -toisp hinga gétens:sootil, aud iras»amiber lerre. are taxed tu U ou«beeplslgCanna. ':wk 0iii ma t 1h. orl&, ht aithtie cires anaxietie. if Md anxiete ofthle boueblel 6008,upon younfor aeevcek, 700 et S for tiseinas asylum. The iauSeeeri'arisestuatise 'Mc moaI bave lhe morane ns- et an IsTvcsle bhun. telice viiinet lgt; viaift dii net came; wvtIelIfte -nu mnater, sice muai -tee h lcrnmuaitisecaion .Wlust If udtr girmmte la It thieydo Dot kaov lhii M ~ t tey lave lest a liat or ,uti ereidu'. Tisa cm lava tle ldu ami tetiapa eofce. #h lan, but wbtil t te buitee tualsllcbie. or te groms Vifalierb. .n. Del t*is m be ml f*& or the ptbe lumatnt ba«t,*sr 19t w ae,11 Iaiw eo Fmvoeu lbave ta d lac i tapaI iaiee'4liaitu ,lu vii foui,&"asare av tîsao ua. tbe larer W laird« me lie os ril bu toit, MAl tis,@sic jse lIsS ola tie vil eas Baule tltIi ln l aveu the morseittrietiv mat TharmeVer lana esequemtty lise vlbe m eut onerlngfor ait ba m 11 oary maiesel rbea are nu renta te p& rua ils ovn loasm, a"i ba tlavs et In me glas tlaes l te badcior n me bas. tbe ov Mli r«4 t tlteI a 111be sv alr eat. but if pou bl *Pd tlet la 11.Vieul usae n maist a 3rema iMess mrlh Waal i bas, W4 tbe jus et la e Fm à"aitbave moimagte. ou- I -itse t. oiMati lrgers' fer awie-m, am mmaseka ce siot vi tir ton I Icinesa"atroule.Th haît et tI vauersof tle r kto luva"l. Tlicam bu mever blauan@else ou ider bumabo aSin ovarri avembir aie mai0 te tbe elle and, drivea i aid mis =y setin10 de ice b~ mwvi lingblng i ua de lic vork ouf lite v atitution. vIeilwbooun ragig for Mlx veels la mai"ai le aigbt es aiea fiatt le me oai. PoM te tic nervec lave bh. seme beriremest aI be in svevy moisofut le bu ctib la lb. garret enOu bu boss buëfIiet! la peuvide for lic viole Ki beiter ubu aieeaa for gronit. nov lie esiarc ion stay te icr Gai la liasWhovie re gomne, l1 brool hobishiocia. au on oier tic fluai i te I ving aile puta over the ï Tiere le notisiu but t relIgimon t Jeaim ClIu wosa a appIhi tironght lite. At direI lieue mal- . moyeuliaI viii oldo Tie Ma~rlse our bas, the.,Ppitieofm thlie btl lias alunai 17 tie Juyc a»d W the tact tisaI vi du net bavae'luilas i vitet lu t la lime tlusgo the buehioll. Istreal ut aniti ai wcpiiemâ of mertimsenl-'tblSlof lotea ageoliaicispsc cuiteris, lie jandiced cuits. Ih lea i ery bri tallu en thoeutimsud na or àsau mev bome. utatter uvule the roe, ami tien licele premareifer tbe table t] ed "«Cuuisry Taagit la vill amttesaeb, lie reut la num a andfnl cet tus, a spuot ut ofamnteiui sosasibligaveetemed w dimeuis or fayotté vii or baisd la cegw re ot lonestic aiann55.a ente cme dlvuitrois truita are piaIll f rus sul Il le.vis«ted .1 ot the kUngdoim miI Ovsureautbm. ntraL I ut ie ls vae perieedl e bos.e A mascaa IvewoW11014milies 1vrltlaront t flise ou 1tarela adluve oa ber 1tisam a taflt A Il e oy greait ae lic artffle f17et"« lima ovUturovi ssu tai aatistc gira57bd W jq IssaM ar.-ffi euw ua If la 'Winatal *1 ile't. UUedIWeiM ~iss Ou e tse- sal11. ul =2 1 esa i c~-- twm oli e v 7slicir bomm atfuep M à aOi 810U55i5Pi. ob, idclMl psJirJ a"- 1ver Mr&ia - b» - -" neWani ME*IM roamier pur maillit lovma ait"i t 2 * slirtable At »mO à ~msmi.r 1 0 "04esturC. liis-il8*flito epus 'la wII sobrton" tour 411 00r ve pu ,u ili i e ai t ta lle i i lisr.emait ma ««. WM.thé ft ta1he I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ie be15udt a"IOist I ave allie- jp gl baias mlerlipl atat s ail prnd isim itu sa iMis te laie l'40dêotfesr amsisov tihagsad. sua&giet tii. , btt etr vlo die pfflmee- U515,6woé- 00» dtiNpst e n exprestrain 1diot a. bc St dsel. am" pat tiai cni bumeleai.1 10""sont T5h Weels. This et lthev'DlW ena" iel l te mtrougb he w doh Peo, 111 lhe dinaalm. Wllls 1 vtiduMnW o0 eutils liteloa et mw l saioolusics, via hllla a mmstss iece for snaay jais.tapped m o he o ils ~ *Ow MuUi5 515 14dI&"DeWtt1 me. 700 i" iii luooil uOt St tle gma" t leurf 7OUi 103 nîr Pn t oitie Di, bmul!'-eh, ye," I1 epuec 'I vas bot- TP m bem or lo. Ibouet httise l ibblib ieella Myaet« e oaUI be te oenliftaIa" i isi.' l a il:it a 15 ars ,Bmen ou Uldthe. viole sen ame liaite mme. Tiser vbi, yOs ladbalai ay tiauaimea. e -tes as iei. at o.ellts n etter ."det0ftich e , m% oatuct 11m ail. ses uSticie gues err t oomc bc. At one end et wt a~~~~h l ie ttctable?, mi filisi. ultI asa-ie tial Obi iicrnesfa ace e lscutnue iva ean 1 Seng te maile kliinlu ils o. itvas sau Bdé ri. vert [e la tleia su-tl-out tic male et l"cSWO1 baut fîng ger tlere, an initncourage a" et cir"m anhope .vit, ne authte nul- AIti theeter e-iuofIletable via a beau- g4 gmeitM lo it lutiful, icUWIgnill, ar-vorius. aeutd clle tiiey neyer Obrieliiaua eeefflemy mother. llei andthe air in vasvest Un& 1Ias Sied eh@ as ce A msayboiî veil goot a plaite te rest lW.-Bleuse!iretise pied ml; evey ume dela woviael1,P. thc Tord. Tiaey reet cd, tl 1 masaha .utroulmathdr luISiS. mitiif okaldo inu Ml , h»M 10,fo foluv tii.." vau lete ei u m Ceejrilght. 15.besi eridinsnthisa ter grst a &lmge loc. l ermo& li le baii et the Soctty 0"paligalul_-Rsiglo la for and asthi Fm h1e a aa. M»ia te ocl. BOUC"itla etll] are valliel viiifor Gad ieKodess't MneecIl- We n nu suat a abIkcloo t add to or bsact ft the ut lu eq*WlMI gMO& GO&It ta ulider tisa tise ioularae. ai WUSele umrVir -gel. T. B. Gregorty, WflUlaa, T War idyb" ilci nl. t du aicept lia Ima ii u» pllanmti0o.-MUm fan tir -d atuilai toimfor tuileric 09 the s vri. Tuon masbi., mes aresla te gisat a ilte tu giii lea v imili thirogl cciu andasi tlle ampta- sl W lu tireeuBatfor tiemate get Imti betwsnt factive bus- rec Fie ac fulI., ose- Imu ierf,-fr. W. C. limoni'Sap- tan le iai »are es tauBctm ies. j mia"n lise via A Kiuiiip vith i vialy.-it la the me' a pain. Mar cu-mes u pltoptr htted inaiderabie, aI Dt orain eplttuinte ti t - ed- 1 slip mirer milesntYt naPilaap05 ma- bime tie cte. vlatage OCtis Miilvt i dvlity 73 loeh et nigt M imeutupun IsalumurtillBat-re.Ths îhr racket. Bul. o, Unis hl m ta tieCchatS Of 55ti1 hait-g.bat iti vornut con- -Dr. Ker B. Tupper, Baptla1t, Cilca- rig couhbabaean oIILMli ailS bouseisuli, ski pissa as tice dsyi Theasupreume. Belglon.-The Vnto- fol Nrialis iiomes vajtihnge iu lite bilg oui'tiie rellg- 1) msa siatterel ib, louesemesteomn. Tie religion tilt cn m. left iemoatloo taies recognitinioft tua tact vOl ai- ouse aud net tise vays i. the mup1reme religion, ani the use the occupant churci that demonairates tint religion c a siomber wvieh tetheni. or i vli b tic supreune tr ýl. Oi, aie coli chq«b.-Rev. Lyman Wsri, UnlYSSImI' ut wsup a 5et deullot N2ew York(iîy. ut l gond Tbough Slgit.-TbO mJ«Ioru aîre ahurI- cm sa t&lis cars ut agted. Wt, mies jiti beyund our cdm- in msotltaillie to cmacrbed horion. Our vision source Ci ne ving elle pots tfts untalde tihe cireis of unr tieeda. 98 houae; t tier aIn onifequenelvs Incline lu us unr- dci la the grava. rvwandi seLimm. F.v mteeclesiy. 1ev- theeldfa"moder sec tulty.-Bey. . K. Montgomer, c. Shic trial et boue Premiyterau, Cincnnati, .010. F-c a romnance or Biblicai Knowledge.-TbO prachical Kt for a substtuts. restais ut Bible knovieige tre mut- in s aut passiei an pIylog. W. are fortifisul by Bibil îebuid are mure docirUîai. By the Bibis, if lie unly ne- 11 el' ît a ithef celralt lu tutth. va pre reproici and the question ns tae Oida u i U?155aitUS.W lTihe mimbape utfare tastructed In inlgteuuane.S. tdo ofbelng a utitter brtag forth voria meet tor reputantie Wion, are a imiter an il v ibecotue at liel complet. tu h.- rof ireai taruel lng and charclctr.-Rey. B. L. Lft.. 4uw, the sluiiy Meibodilt. CiDninnii bo. .i or messly la-Me-_______ ght sunlight tisaI I tsematelora- BIG MONEY IN SALVAGE. e roemance] otl- Emormels Sous Are Obtaimed fer An- la aonnetbing tueb. mairiste Vic. lsat lie book Seil- Ovins ltuDte higli sauvage uoney oh- aTwve lssns" tatned Iby rendem'1njasistanice te a dis- ,elpt for maklug lu ableut sbit aels. many teamer»a-id 4a n.ap et that and unng vessls carry un an Irregular esg lse- lu la ne sert ot "vreeklng buminesa" lu alvîys ritit ordlaary con- bulng ou tie aient for trandedai bps.f tb ordinnry liavora s am teamr that coutld brns: ae ens. I lastbe louàÀf a e aud Il the ingredi- "tgrsaItniantlc liner Itito port luaa aheaven, ani the disabil e~oulttiofl votld realile saune et the tres. utlite moayt ian is owuen ouliimalle la ati the aev vine a tnp acruaith3e 5%m ltb a faicargoe. it la bakodlta tue tan1M2 tii. City t Rîchuion vas Sloumon vente ot tlavaI mb Hialifax barbeora ecot fiHe bal a vrelcb- lber ovuers $6W000lu SavIgo 11moueY. nulmtic happy it i n the amne wlc.ete .Cty ut Boston 000o, aui ehl. buemayataimsadbe wnr aexperlence, "nct- ~ braatatns u e'oun ch. -viere loie taestre -coUmjs10oalu a a blu fr Itle- baitrsultieweiti." Dii -gi tier *Id, t $050.Wisn as0cte. lhe Atantic linon Paribruie lown OR > rfponsltailtims tih, triai cout aI.lu190,ph.e iratoveli Imman inihge jute port ai an expveaoft $3,00. s~ Iupc, a king 8u ibis are thuse priss tlt tise plis. A dWbaidlii- «a skinag ompaMlU trequentlY Cl 1.00<>M" send rilel novtfale gi sesJiut ter a aie, ça* et /1>ou qJ.*jflu IsSie i f llsasvalrsacs. If 0««sM t ois Aa sum? u , icieral da". overdus the _es~sVby luge mai1go ondreutfmils, onf tic thmy illi, ssiud n hismeae tic otapafllS *e~latsloe.hi extal tbrir lalors lae n.v tiaids- - ritt pnaatlcln$ rmkilg op t 1i il ÎÏ,W n w & l di s si . Imlluvet IoiOut Wisin esfit AtlnIRO limer 2New s". et spsille. i y ýeAnsi oy»ge bos tb i. OFULLY RECOROZO. giar Va" c Ddiy Trelt ixbyoh moi Wemeu - pira at Cuire - lngs Womain Commita suicidenut 0"a-Nîinze iman»u la Vebruary. Entilesi vth a rgier. rs. Andrew iShcmucvk o ut nny blii ere baisle citb ma burgior. Whu At- ted te osib lier honme.. Avakeued by e, Mm',. lhcrnethk Inimifci ont 6ft led thiaitthue tamailymtmure ctfMortel ltme eumcty stove. llnrctly bncs iloh lci ftr -the store vhc-u the beuiroom amwos brukea la iy a nmasked mon. tolletsber ta the tflr vitb a mini- li. BSieck irecoverei comcimine- ta ladith&ebusrglar atitirnuaceking buoeais drvers for valuables. Using ol an n Club, elie aitcked the burg- tai afuer a lierre blise suceeied ta mig hlm dointnlrn. Quickly fo- ag abc turne-d outhetcelectrin iighu, . eliing a lnatroic. .c4e trmek lbe wlar a henry hlov ftuî in tie face jus! lie vas Itrerlu tarelmcvthe conlilcit cman telslise a lg, and, belevini won dead. tMr@. Schermmeck taicteul. Cotre Baily Scomcied. lul ufthlie muont d"ctmuciive lires Can seeu lu gent cc'trredtion a reeen' t, uni by- caylight #70)»X) w orth or ert7 lu Coirs u'siium-tî a ter bac -In ck-triu>ec. The lrc- smartelsin1cmtht 'ment ofthtbm'Euruan mHotel lbuilding mch 'mcommcîaett'ly gutîrd. le eCli tiommmlBtmiklubuillugdcathe South, iog 0aldIuý-r dotunro, wite the tan loive )ra ut the building Wcre liaudeu vit! m-r. Tht' top fluorrmcf the' Mobile an, ou bldllinmgnijoimimmîtun the norti eburueci off, ant he tqlover fluor re ismagedi ly wmtmr. l h ab rnijotwung Ibis Woodtt & Benmmett' clesmile gmoc-Y stock wpn hcavily dion 14 icy %votner. Notiaz Lefite LIrAe For. woumai,, 45 3-cnrs ctf age, sllghtly cris i.l fatrt- rouisoking uni veil ireu regmmereti It th ',liotn Depot Ho!. reoria ns Mre. Marah. Curcage. Sbi aasclinet a ruomum imd mothlag hein *rd trou ber agis. the rcom wris el rcl tbrongh a wtniuw a tev boni s. Sue Was lyliag on thecsbed dem. 4 beside ber au euupty sotide, Whlc Li nontalued pIrusmie ani. Sicleft e requestlnr that ber hody iebori th, OU Peoria cemetery. gtata Deparimsmi Dresi a Renord. The receiptil ofthecdeportmeit utfuta SSpingfield for lie muntit receut sed vere sI$521038. For Demeh 0l5, tic ammout vas 10,flOl.lS. F triaIt qua- rtlm 10the recelictas S1,186. sassgidues $2i1,540 for h] et quarter ut HOU. The total amion elfei dlu Ibis dttartment duras iIl ti yesr viii approxinsate $60., a, I Ste largest ln the hlatory ut lhe dePal mormiered fonr mi@ Nacy. T~he dcii body ut Juhn George Doerir gl ean; old, vswon i andt Belleville. hi lrat van eut front esr to uca nd ci( aek ta the, vertebrnc-. Hiskimi on t schés aide ras crueilcompletel- lu a sm u'eiput out. vhiteoai he left aidle 1 nui wan baily fraccîreci. The amotr r the Mamncer vms 51uiestly roltbery. ut-rinig wu% reputeoltlx-beWorth COUt uble moue!. ____ Ningie la HEnzFeh. il. Juigu' Çrvtgbton outhet Slangamont mit Commrt overrulcd thtemottiton fmcr a im ial la the came ut Jan.;. Mingie, whc noter sentence of dealli for thet'mIm, If he 15-momthw-oild Chili] ut Mary B ,oe. The motion fur n nev trial wax ueci, and alter civcrruli tIlJut reightoa mc-temcc-c Mingle tu die ou galoits Frida>-, Fc-h. Il. Bniof Staa tiapp eningai. ling chcltic'h as killc'd *211 hmmgmo, i, by Pinto fermera. At Anrora John Scharfc'. ac-cl 80,.1 struck hy a switch Cougitoc', receivimg fi ijures. Mujuyr Chammbers ur Arcola lino Imm nm orcier 1rohibitimg uhe mimoctuL': of gmmact andtitet rides in the CIity limuit t. Mary's Catholie Churci ut G(l reelvetil$20.000as a it-quest troinà Catharine Hoffmmin, amm actogenarin At 9trentur. the vire ut O. S. 0ic wm fatai>- btîrmc-clhy the breaking t lghtec lulmp. She clint in tumr houra. The eniploym-s mftail threecoftihe baillisataiEast ttmcriu, cttnai1t.abi>- 1 bion a lunire, mtruicl-ftcr u n daama 10 c-c-mts pe-r ton. Wcilliam Cluggctt'a hctiae ai Iv-xiiar a lirued, the fîmmaîiy maarrtwiy m ia wlub their lires. [oasx,50:i muce, $2.200. Smîpio-tl tu lbe ltmcdi A hiaelmmmt iccatnc- icculet in the thi if Nettie iii. tht' 4-yeur-old doa of Adam PIelpmia. Scîîdlh îcao, ant fore it cvmldil bcextrnct-vhthe' thilul c ed ta ieath. The wedlimgut Misa Miammie Bigh4 rongresmm o ula mlmiis iauWarer tact at Chaiton. &mi$Bicêoht abasie-mi number ut ycara prinitciautofthe CI! higb sehot. A lige cntaninttwax @hot andl i uc-ar Bellev ie hmg the' Mc-yer brothe that clly. Thet' al 'muts ginn tu vi the menu ant iIl îuok tour telof ut bci ho klit il. It velabet lift>- itimis. MuecciInlereat in hc-ing maniftei he proposai ut a Oaieahcurg comupai renent that Cilty and Monmouith t, electnin car liue. The diatauie lain s miien.Twu rouîtes are bebg nBarr rii Ift h otus mtgree the Une v natrucct at ait early date. C'harles Gibson nt Davc-uport, was arrested i tQdmimcy for nîtemîtti kilt hia brother. lnrry Gibson, i hume la lu Daeveiiiiort but wbo ut ina, beemi fanmug lacar Qmiiacy. The rel amuse white butta brothera vere 1 icateul. Miem uaisA. ll of t hockturd killedci aIhlb. raintc uf the chiens Nortiwestcn i ilwny ah Auatin. Hi, WhuovW» 70 gc-sms miii.bai boa Lai Buif bas At ktso.cMr. andmms.Henry Grise cealebral 11.1wï golden wemiing. CUMerec . Siet las bee n appoint- id potmaut et Garden Prairie. Samuelaintge, s huatfr. trom SmaleM. was toundad n tie woogbi .outh mof 4Naubtillo.1 At Lýoulerille, ('harles. t-year-od ldu~ or Illi" Erwin, vas tatally lmjut'ed wcitt irecrackers. 1At Syremnore, W. Joncesacc'iclemtalIy lippeci a bolier of .csldinsgrwmter over two boys. oue la dent]. At Arcole, (George 'onleY, n fermer- Or- derec a lnch la a retarant and wan waltlng te lhe serrdwheu lbe teil!demi. At Newman. Wb"s Fra-e Wells tried to rmuat suicide vtlmstrychnine heail lier employer fouamd tault wlth ber cool- lngg. The groeery business Of Mens gilelda of Aura vaon etO-ed ity the aller- if on judament notresbell i Tiýsai& 1Plain of Aurore. The ripeclsl election held in Mittôoon the proposition toe etalilaht a city coort igave the contitntlonal two-ttmrds Vote wlth 8'2 votes tu lipare. The explosion ut a ga10o111n1P tore lu the seutit barn ut the 'oekfurdCl<ity RaIilwft Company atarted a lire whlch dentroyéd the structure. J.. $12,000. 0 Jndge James Il. Stewart utfiMonmouth it med 7M, une et tihe ollest attorneys Ir Ifthe State, died e atnin, Fia., where hg hl dbien vlsltlug bis idnughter. A. match shoot uof tty bidrds tor a por of $100) hetweea E. E. Baker utfKew te ned i ctor Studiey ut NeMset wvi rir won by the forner. Score, 45 to 37. :h The Economic Fraternîl Les"ge0 Id Vandai& bas flIed ant application wmt the State amperltendent uf Insorance t ~trottice a fraternel insurance butines lu ibis litate. sGeorge Wendell. a Democratie memit cot the flouse ut the XXXIXth Geners Aamembly and a large land uvuer. die at bis bomle near New Hoiland. fHe v Paged 52 yeais. r, The tiùaranturs' Finance Company el phladelphua, Pa.. hate lied wlth the @ni e eetsencfet uf inourance au applicutit lu t transact an lnusrnc butiness unde n-the lava utof lnols. ru Rocitord bas pagnied an orinaiscei] d, ggagil tonçisulire lucurnce coupm eh 1 per cent -on ther osi reclts lau i Il Cty, the money te go to tiie matenirc ed of the rire iepartment. An Important educatlonal Coulerent ofthle United Preshyterlan Chb4 Bo0rti AMorica conveaed inbitonreont te rive Collages and two tleologi s tl7 nares are eprogented. ~Te iii of John Duan. former mer , tary of P re ie t t yv esat F i ab OIlu ira inoua-Central, vas sied for probita .lKankaice. Tiie Prooseda o1tw tvu" at lum poiez for $6.000 ech are le lie Iree Dan, iopWs daugiter oft] Bd decedent. A third ponicy for a si-il, autsnant lapaoed tire. doreahein-re Dunu dled. The vlduv inla ct 1,1C with 1,700 acres of Mississippi land, s g te b worth tttie, anaslbrar" valued lis. 60 er 8. 9. Tanner ut Minier. preident oft te Illinois Grain Deniers, Association, I kd thers ufthte association charge th&t the bin are incompetent velatijuastarslu Cont ie ut affairaein Chicago, ami that the cri as deaiers are untablle te ascertain the »iB id- of the men thus employed. Hie sys ther signature on the grain receiplti semble a scroil and cannot lie decîpher 'rTbe conimittee viii demand an expli tigen, ait, the removai ut the alleaedi lew acrupuloun parties. ,der ick and deqpoudent, Mma. Ernest r%-derson ut Chicaguosentlber husbsnd as ar- tu bis work the other mornlng Witt dige cbeery "good-b>i" and, iocking the d the attier hlm, tocrd un ail tiie bu-er bier gaz cooktng tore sud veut bick bed ta dl. vtth bier two littie àteP-dan teroa. Edltii and Myrtie, 8 and E6 yearit cru- Ail day the li-mellingI gas hisael throt the jets without attretinpg attention rt the ulelgbbors. and when Andersont t u t oî edl boum eat tgbt lhe fou Dd tbis ta n atai cordl dnb Mr.Saa T. Crtusa committedl nui aird t er n ler body vn ound lu s trtrinwbteb therc won uniy atfo< ta uter. The littie cblld ot ber daurh teae Mia. ltobrt 0. Caumpbell, died in gi Ura. acumay a tew mmnlls agu and the mol lit. won emimot craaed wvitb grief. fier1 aona band tffuk lber tu Chicagu, and une el tr ai mmb caultetia sensation by jumping f Ilm e eonI1mtory wtudow ut the Onil co!itutel. where tbcy vere topping. %l'lrs .vaoui ncrioungly lnj-mred aud returue of utloria abouit a week ago. lier me lmroded over thesle titgsansd the oi cltou W-1 8 the rm'cut. -cap- n mon a kitled santieleven1 jor n tb tree raiirond accidents that ar.cirred ucar Chicago vîthin eigbteen roireccitly. At Sit Creek, a Ch rtilamnmnd amd Wcctern train tomm rter tronm a bridge Ilointhe vaterasudilx Li b e a r e c e i v e d m u r e o r j e a n s r i o nsmm m i ii i bho i- A t ltalos 9 Painga9, lad., a W aba sh ac'nger train won vrcked oei l ive p to vere burt. Among the victime van rrd atur Iuilmph ey. The can nmulabail" 1 for sl rau tutu the rcar of aaammiurbat trn uto ovrturned eeter2 agigc er cent ited Erie rond. was killed in the Clj rI fur yar ès by a swltciiing englue. kiiut The <lnarduer-Wllmiimton C('al1 palmy, operating mines et Gardner,. te bave aatisfact-mIIY solved tbe1 over leu, ot capital and labor as it apliet i iy tu cula-fields. For a littie over tWu nt by an ti(ey bave bien runninu their Gi ixteen mine ou the coopertve princilile. ryed, Comipany turniahesl the land, rouci 7 hlllbe u engineera. lrenaco, 1111 boas and eintendeal. and abieo attends te th( lova, posai o1thtie cooi. For tht. t recelv ing te cents per ton for ailCeoalitalien fret wboemine. The 4.otai Dumont recelved lijte the algeater ibis 25 cents lier to qiar- the nipeuses ot operattris dle fl intox- sn dlvlded nmong thc minera in In tion tul theii.amunt ut coau mind hi j vas j. IRoy famguett, àastudeut atb ro nd western. inlroducd bie vite ta bi THOUCGNYa WOR114Y or ire Lesson1 s0d vIe. 5lit au ound-A Lerni d Ciea rv uofthtesaSMue. Leasua for Jan. n. G'odeni Tex-For lu that eh linspi batbtsufferei heing tempteul, bheilabale ta sucur thora that are temsped."-Hieb, 2: 18. Jeans Temptd ta the' nubjent treted in hita lessna, tise toit mnt vhich ls fou"u la Math. 15: 1-11. The teston la so enthte ly familiertInls main fat-ta that nfflriy tie vhule atteton uaay lie give ta 0ls luterpreiatlon; and ius diflicutiues are no grces thet tic- techer Who undentkes ta teach Il couselientlouaiy umgit ta do a ghioui mai ut thlnklng biturehand. 'flic uUcutae, to, are ot a mort ibat sug- gent tieuselvez evea tw ongai ds; no tint boys or girls ut m dosen geatsaeau ask questions which are Incapable Ot a complote anaver. The pnt obviounsdit- fcnltiem are, fiow reuid .ieacîs b. lempt- cc? liov vsn bis leruplattun likeounr temptations, seena t ho b had neyler staneul, andcinoubai no sînful dispostion, vhirb in tihe chief lemeut imm ont temp- talions? la vhaît owonvasbc tempteut? Won th. e ephallua external or internai? Di Jeasanéec vthbils eges the rempter? If su, boy, vas the teumptition rea-vbî di bc nul ai once tunu in horror tramn Satan if Satan mppmcrect isthe canyon- #m t . I _ m .La L.t i n vaatm - lmg" fore L lA clisseet .1 tici, M"b e gel. Tec0 lie puttiag'm Itau elevales earielovr 1807. The tutal Snota dutiug th lovesi lailj ployes in hil higlea Po.& Tic amuani lugtishe y..r £Mount pile Te repust lapector ai po t I a narrative. ontemunit suive lieua for hlm- bV ave mn sufbtnoeogjgestions hbearini onlthe teyu 1 problemu May b. ufferei. nome ut tient excesa oves fairly veul etablimhai by the. text; othera cars. Our hsrdly more thon opnions. 148.913,050 arplanatery. shipmeamlso ut the daim We muet remesuberfireut fa» ibat Ibis erem. er narrative inu Mattisev ami Luise almont 434 buahi nerainly gives tic eitort iy hicevanle. ranrecel list ut au accoat given by Jess in0 bs ormo ua a' dscpls; thon paming tirouag liepa-e- tng an iner m bigmade Illigible t l naIs nul g b vey leurneut aur muai il-uctl inrospee- toen. Since, by tic viole traeu th ie narrative, tiser v» as mnaavitas prosent, vs mta msm e t aI coes~mtC suimoquest limse Jeansatfanai lu neoNUnr" ho uniuci ibis àsecr retutie loWeani , leu1 tu isemore liniste ftlrjýI 1W Thei r- shrang,alry ofthie experlaucle la tiche~ vileruesa. Ilt la terestimi, thall er- msli hapa npt veri profitable, lu veasi. o1111 visa ic may bave doune s.Wemlelt 0045 Imagine, on tii. une band, ilut lunes rtea irai year outie blaollsry, wv is lspel- taty wvgent la Galilen.a" the alie _0#0 ctples naturally simesi te sum xsa ia popuiareisses to mdèle Ja««iaaaeueiw Ualwwuà ing. b10 may have bellevel ual the mm et~M way ho correct Ibis eror va. s te ma tmme* ufthie soItary alrougiitouil utidlmwwb eonqueres ttua. temptatioconce, le ldMW eIU Du viai un pua-pose to gu tii@lsiithe li08M la5l airain. or, pon lb. otier bandc lie 00*'ou la u Os t ua nmay have been mck laier. oag*t ied b u1 Uh imclo thle mlmistry, vie evle lIi he8 neemed iark, ani Jesu.'dislesinfia-a l4ss1W W &quently expresued theiha- voder tuet ie ct » cdi not &alaîn eek the popnlarty viciturc,' De kihe conli su easly-wi;le emslv ri e slcunce t Uem, manntthel.nsme limae--BoutMa wbo kiosv?-svrengticndieia uu spirt la the C0 againatt naitous doubi, hy rehlaingilshe aiS b et5101ofuthtilretIand great tii.ttim.ntieS Jeas w as "Ici np outhIe upltit laie lietoc, 1110 w ilmernesa lu bc lempteccofuthelie i." tic 0"ai Hie kuev that the apititwvus leading imbia Sal"mIn but dii heiiiov tint he vas te, b. tempt: ..tate catu ccl? The essence of eacbh emaptattun, au fiov lu -Ma>- enslliyb.cseen, ta tic suggemstitai the(Irebi ,y Jeans usebils divine power aid oMee fur ducis," F ft unnvrthy punpoaes. lu the Orit, a p .. Wumul ,r ical vaut is tic aubjent outhie Iu'a-Bryant,1 Iftion; lu tise second, an Intelielcai-i Btter M uO curolhy ho know jonst boyfatarle Falir 5em 'M. vould protecttheicSun trum tasa u iilultuila d.thind. a apirittimi, lie loarlag for lsho u-u hloyal service of mca, the engen deieslu b hegîn thie kigomu. Butoe as y pouder TA these lemplatiuns a long ime and nut ex-WUA ly bansl the mobIle eductivesemuoft tic. wl-t Wiat bsrm colIlh do if Jesus satisfleu m !e bis ovu bouger by mairaculoitsly provîdeul Tic for 9- foui, ai; hc did lter for iounsaim ur t ut- State Te i9 er taonary sue? lu vs.not Mereiy Ihat- offeni lt M, su far an ce know-be seldont or neyer field. vit nl Une" Mîraulona puwer for hie uwn grat- alles. . -r iicmtitn or asistanre*. nol merely that lu pi5side ae turot tic lu e nes tmt breai voulit bave sIled 2an1 t been ta uhey Satan-for if te teuptatama Olier44 km iras au iniernai une. lhe very qnestia on vaB d at issue viîuld ho: lmc tbs troa the eril **"8<0 ic nt-? Etier tie cvilin hoIis sutgentiomi M. Inghi tu I l mdicted b>- the repi>- ut Jeans; il vas inatructil cr simm for him tho turci amide trom bis lreai ami WbY le struggic. un wviecishe fet depenieul mach aiglas ut bis future career, perhapa tie very oh- AbolitIl ru' jettIf bts viole mission, tu satilfy a seouuil W_ bodil> ueut. This would have bccn a lie m Ira uiordination ut the flgea lu tle lover. toxi bon g, The' aecoud teaiptation in la essence a mù c-ci temnptatlon lu presumption. RSnstg'tse ieb 'r- tic moment ibal lie form Lu wiiclm Inla Luilso1* e. cioth ini a ig ure, a viiou, ratier lim a a laln e Oi s- lIterai tact. Jeans feit tint igbmlgif 1*"5 IR cmn be chose, du amy sud tartlUgs ad Sumen-_Thé, a- national mhirensaual t mniiass, »ma i% thus gain lu a rmntu, notounly fuit&a-1@110tsu ait suance ut hfuaisowun uloril>-, butthe o p- (S 09i tes. pianneseund fnor oftie peupla. But e l th the this vouli b. a testlng ("tenîpnt » sassas I h go te lent) ut bis VFilier. the Lord lOed. l *Mthe wouli show dubt and ilstemttapa- Wii 15W» tiece. Il vuoitshow bts qunilues toS Tic tahbe mision vbiecbahbesm eutrted f daIe Shlm. Brava the uecllg ltawTi lin ns...-.ic. it m mitailc i Tb * "a ! giTem rsilnzf ete oin, i viciete a i deys ver. a periol Ofutrtule. tuOnsa- 1 ing la te Ibree trials lc.criei, R.ecO- querecl ia thai trugils b MIîMallan ils talh lu 0.1, cllieneella ils uh=m lallur quiotali o e eptare. ilaahm latt the record ef liaI-O.tiab for um la orser tatvcuiiblstb* Ivbarmecltm îlheut ut ms mn fIPM lte bvcit temptatonsa" aneeacoueel et te û hmablesl mai ouriui If tIcjctolio lisa i e pi.MoM aselis et the tem>- liuesi peh. mureeally for smatuvp lu"mni am oe, tiaa feorso-. or li lNe' umm entetins un u»Y ort f public lté. luaui or luroesa llOu Po a 5 oeau le ilu tatte reelit7 0utb*. tIti teuplalien. Thli al#oclet la ail lire. templahiona, whiic le appbla- r M.e te cvctyboiy, laD"CbooueY* t&lWday via. ye wiliiserve." lçext Lemuo-"'BegiSlo fthte MIa& ltri ut Jeasa.'l-MatI. 4: 17-Mi. Tic Centw un Msgeoa- If I have fateicd sace ou lem la -7 grealtas tank mpet i.; - Ir 1 hava muirai aatiây iraset " d smbuw n na lorlona um r i m*c , If leasa trou iopprbuma» «M'J Have more! me not. ltmotmes mes.p Bouis, sud mw tooci am41 eltipsr saa . Kuceut un Myrtaleli heu 1% g5et.i1 Lord, li Mmaplta Iç15e Ai»rslh mo'sirt relfl oh, lr& i lobolwet Cbo, hua. betoistiM B*tW*t-'» . er isn -te Yffl unIPa la tsa ,Mr islm i di. Tua satr rai u I 3 X uses daesth IçULte Mè barr lut, F. C. Jol al Lite c, I Ptisest.a* Motbolaba1 4. Dualash at ob"lu adI. u4 iklagR8ïlii toas'09s Nse te r0  sa B5â ho patio an pel 1 e. osa ^il 1 ý: ielLLIUýciiiLt,=.e - 1 ,a- 1

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