CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 7 Jan 1898, p. 7

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- t ie0MIle toue b ete ime"% Wi. Il ia ohlug but tmia ?noe lu the grenue, sud 0g*tesis "Devirs cor- wras bon sby propectera, «Uidlng'slent and u- eUe liaditie teuerty ta lte storp ecils.Cat sur. lla few yeara ugo wbeu a bpilt . ihlui gthat oW.> toffl 1la tbedeplhm of lb. beaIn, made the deacent. Oa mue aldbegan Weno.k ~, progresalaufot wortli te- hBzUrtPet-rife, a youug mm ua tha41 e l. ie!1 Wlaua, aeeking bis fortune lu alome battessilitlut a bUdt*g&i wen-euta 0sec te tet Pio- tien. piusia4~gg eleb" itoeg tUl)4s and bt took a vlew or thie you ho..a4mmuiugle lieus aybig cverra. The place Impreasol FrelyiiQ * l b ltr moipiha uhen 5favonably as a location for a X oYe Stuema mit«'et a baprtcS& ýt1Dk ftrn or fruit teri that le Ml' mm olr -i for Rila one- Ite uuluor'mClla)te10theoblisaswoek'm Ilje and, us wttbout doute the De O a"l. gfb*Pusi Ob fie urkel-Jei Misse O-uer 0 ~ n-laI lne us lm#olfi a it»e e -00maIe a arve>' O! tho Place Handul> ed Coobe. lPMeappIl WW that lucre -et-e 4W2itm te 10the Eniin Mgufmteturug o., 614 liMlie ta norked. Ilu uPte of the fi trent. <uiuc, lIII.,a a toIogit glr- et his 'frfendssliebegai f helok a nn a M s fu i lptIes. mn>' lie obtlued. ibetormlng Ih lulo a productive lTeor ore amale lu&Ulamses.. This wam no ensy loi. B>' a desl of bard n-criclie marel nom. Tmoa se la m. le nt lon th rok>'tiecen, a lu ail the Hunopeait arasit> %ave flat sa on snIhepst-ky mutinaiscol-a of Brtaiu catinelIntellgence la en>- LTo do tbe work uecsaarY ployeI lu the toe of aplat, meseaigeru ls the Corral I'errlne bal Wa bave snd is te the nouned. Thse Italien w4. scrapers, hart-ons, paira. sauielu the Alpse are aln-ays -cOn- r and dynamite sud these bal tu panîrd by doge! the. »ulcb found thon> reffl n-tb ropes on>-fa- rpen lu Acheon latalule lu prevetlngtbe w lavsal Ibout 700 fot lun butchery of seutilela by stelty rose; tTiere acre 10o tier thînga the IHumions employel thea nomre prct amiimals couldul Curry sud extrait lu tiseir lait war n-it Tut-ko>; beil ta ho let dowu lu tbe saut e Frulbaend beiiTsia or. qut ite mont lîffcuit tank or sud Altiers, aud the Autrinua utilIze us the bulintg of a .oed op t bea luth e detectlon of uiubumc.doa ,egt of mlicelaeons precipîce. The datweinmployel b> lte Humionsa are Iiser lind some îhe of utv.>- n-oIt sud sleep doge, al a sPeCeîesOf 0 wii the usàlsaS eto!a trat etDBerard.,sud euiUIppel ntht Pack- ofdênsanissund pon-der sueeel- asesald bandages arcoual feir necka , . a~rtlng a wladiug roulway. alitefha zotmp or brandy, are One luuanti ont, bock and otn-h, taugât tW Bad the bIllon Woundel, bmiaftiy ecIffln litaIecent. aller thoni restotativez, tir e alieai, #rlulalulie labor the botton land aaid atterward If neceamr>, ta lt-un @sâred snd the sol bus provesi ta thonon 111e baud CarteIa Wtthe o.a- r>' productive. Amnt ou oer pital. Thte Germons use pointera, la gniga ,the l art. re b,00 Scotch Coles Pomeraulano sud short- ýtre. 'are are two hoatiful. hairel sportng doge, wn-hd are tramine am t>r sud these bave lbe.. ta mareb llently, . icattaig atrangers Ser Irritation puapose. I l î- b>' a Point Or a lew growl, ta carry me wtber Ia machiwarnor tthon messageasnoute mles. to- obey men lu s plainea miove. tbe Gomman unîformnud tW hait ail _______ thers. U««e la au electrical tmagazine, lu n-e eUesose ao umrtise probabiltiea oft bath by mam gcalari ues cmos becaine 1, ti etleeut-tet. saM idtaho uiet one Catirent Cure.JC£g T110. ,gimel t the top of one of te uiensgo aeutta.kua y.J.Caemy e pooka lu a storni and ldlgbt- for lb. blm th reum às. ssiiue. bImapefat ýpfl brogl bi bdyia n be- moabwlen&Wb" fussetasnetwm sa"iama- pos.thruglubisbol> 0au c- rtai me te camryout »Y obligapstoiaule b, MBoient to ma ke a land. cruckllng ': xnMoeaseu a.ttu.1iiiqO AMI ta piodue lot ýbine ostreatusaW m a av . K i~xul ssieis. Wbeiss0e teks froanh. lgers, withouî any 1>ÇlLa<e,1 la tersaty seins tapen t he boy oter thata bforce d Imopusr t,. ie 1,1.01and mnu.s mudmcuta bu descend williamtdola>', lomr symss .-lelssu tts. rc Ia. ,lu» plie. 10.010 Poners Nlu. ]ned.snt Jomraaiîîsus, U4ien Sf51 ns t Blue 1HM11obser-ve- lere lea agond lesl of "inger" ln Minso.,attaluelsal titude of 10- -Çefouaillul jouenallaut. The St. N«i *bve the level o! thé smon- ohn ,iouTelegrmutrecently reterretil f 'est abOTe tIhe immmi Of lie bll. te alitor eofflic t. John's Hiralidunu oWth lne hul nwaxmadie. ThiIs "a pallel bvtat"nsai--àanervona para- &prein 01PIUrecorde. lyf le," wheenpou tbe latter printesl lhe Ls*m lO ue Dy amd W.m foa]n-I*inldtment of bis halol ri- 0Ib etoummp cure tlfor ht hlaelàsoakol n-th tmmn. à a ,d Bocjon.. Ask for Allen. Thaliho le aln-iym dmnk n-heu a * liu.a on-dortaf0ie sako. -loto criais arive. *O At ail dauggtstansd sso Tat lie n-ale hususoîf oly Inice a M, Z 8imple set VIIEFK Ad- year. Allen P. Oluioste. LeRo>. N. Y. That ls laîn-mys placel luntesh'î,u Amter Niasmefor IL. boln-heu travellug. peremsiiraare Ilî-tîmel," salithi TItat tise boets lecline tW rerce- udb t the frlrolous hoarder; "you bu> as a tuent. M»reaeuber thaltbere lis a ime Tat bis moere presence lu a Mtltu Wu yble. standing pt-cet thal the public bealtha àe. replled the bourder,"andu1la I.ualproperl>' ateuled ta. W- ita le lihe turne;but I nover 11,1 Elgby-slzadiles bst at 1'Nn-Or- 15Citui~ Irons. 10»z uiesshorteet te- lot-a 1*643 Iaa 0 oasmUmption. <.05eu aud Crmenet Roule (rom Cincin- es nim w lll sop tbe coughet nasti. _________ fi gola rour drusisitu-day sud gen A Parodie Ibr Spos-mess. Impie lauffle troc. Bl la 25 andI 50 Black lucha are no bol« at Parker' 9 houpas. Goalt once; dotera are don- 1 led, MaIne, thalt they dy diretel>'lai lin « omsone o! My Bloleme ~wnaanare taI you »,. Yeu; I have three-by te- dme halas W jsckmouviile. 21 Chs3idatL Qucen sud Ceea- front Of bermsand fm-ightea thon. ToCRAOeLD l oxx DAT. 1W. Isuaise i.s gU»metLAl u nhmm Wldon-leiathlog poeero by the man n-ho eer argues n-It a noman. Non- une te Taupa vit Quers aud Creea eet Bouttram Ciaduantl, 34 bout-, hroug i allnj. mWa O F MotpHifNE. rta ot. wre 4oud ne * e hifor f.a. ba ber tbr l'or gtour .Cd sdé £equmd4 kW» e1bte .0 fahrN mosphi» Itmibets, wfth vmwy- ~tegw&be r otUb womt Elbe wMIWsp berr alht &m#1abé .l». PbymmIahad esa cm t toin&mrgo ..ianle.3 dsB~ l.wes*to lml biaysobot3eof fli, LydbILE.PIukbamosVU*W1Ih CmsOmw4. %.Yoïwllbqm to bd botlter with bo7be U" botile. lie S ith ae beretiaiS.wqbubula"e.Erlbrw ; l ede ndDb ou of * 6«b f ttbl: a hi mamemsal;w neklai t p0amron Ii s , couý i o do* 9 wb 4 *0b &wdeeg Uema109omoi ,lt " eil ïiimom i4l 0 oK ir. TolaiE lsnU muam1 Vry oteu gwe Mai eubst # e eb lurelaid,alnd ut-A0parratsanaredeeelved ln lb. e My=lm apO hwme t ta utte t Havsa Otbr Omt ef birUp rn h tr e li le, SU'7prnrsm'Wbb leaty, azd Il mweiled my bead *hr- O . s M I oil I wfeaaote uoell ulee cglm~fe 0L *r pu couwmrbly tomite My bow before ao tadIse a m~IuIIIi Wber u ýtIl e r l inSea utily e *Ballales lel Mto «mmfo -a ond ..1 'Pied wltl ber dolleanad ber pets,.la Ille ume t bw feuve toed i oud M ubject n-a lidgt'and,.uer asaesofte hre te losl mi »Ull -the child la wavlflg romane« e ljutir-pie, ails. but lai 0he-lama claoly tr18011:ltli B làu wbch nmie callow youth le tb. ce.- reM" «eà 11*4'thefi.prinulpe et wbie lcblewu MY PurpOSO 1ttu nou somte lgltb ectlon towerm a haai« à"ba1W' tWPige, a dacber byl e brelyon-1 buem i. el e. i-tàbu lisa orlied fini Just 10 show aMy versaaity îo Be"lc.I Vi U -goml with uber boyaessd is llaen lxv-llâters &bd mmtof science for rnay send the peope boute uayiug liit îtvile ou use Ila ri, 1tUU Wm 001but l it dbigtee!baules dyg le, rolngYouug iMau 1I n-s. i bzl oble lutoreat. Ametiiti la CW u t thle lahlm oeture ca reer o! te -l -Tb* but as the ls t.d tks y taked about IOve minutes n-bon t no- awy raI Itatt bilIL ~ lendpla fture r tbynofacInow -i IN*e a war ireftel ef the moot aggres- ticel sine o! thefole oun te front ment utn guze luPirate'$eaaors IlS waymauug rofession Me l. te;ber teel prow leftg ttong uoddin i yan -uwing. Tbree mintes ametrical outlilura"s gurnI a erbl oealo -euamr mo»Pta iite he idmes of suy or- tl-tothore was only a person bort- iBd The beautiful memerd eta fl the lit lu terribflrtatlon nwIt henalsr-l niore cro$p, and very 111.Iy flietot tere n-home eyos met ml y ovundsti.atMonument ta lte 1tudenta. Ihlum s et 9ttmser, ra in it tescgapde 587 iaf-eeei. lma perauce the ltoi the eund of ten miuutes oeery sount î~ Cubaul. stlendlug the Umisfly sbewm f00 orlal ner scapdearo shape.!d ffl a buonciter or torpedo. lu ,lite rauge of my vision appeared l of as i-ambo lst~.ti how$lI la plc el. te erto leprln grdualr 0 mller nOsudbe slep.Bouil o auseIbet t t plmb rule OB the loia&"!s"mI aveWe kuow --case lun -hcb a boy of pgmemthg ta the water a surface lu stck to ruy sub3ect, 1 shotteti att te hall sti-tj-suuy clUb. Q0ue bght Sf 5 vascharged witb a crime. and inla- whieigthIe reeiotance la practlcsily r-toprf m lealtby lange: 'I1tiOt cil o rOe years £mg a Party etligo e ou. mdbms!glt.Temr Puce.!to tsotbini. te mun«1, extngulsi thle moon. oblitî-r luclît1.Ie l ryolutlontlta. bnff'*o7 Jprime snd agony of bi% mother were $hl fei. st loug -i feet vlie sudr aie tbe stars-, wlthth Ie foolimhpatriotte enthdasu bearlrondlug. "ltcnut be," was ber feet G0Inelies lagh, sud la bulît on o "'And Ilooutmlthe gats,' cetIa f ut uîiaellizubedthe remeêfl foe eCI, '"ielasa little boy. Wby. be la My tintl aiereti the tombl et a deeA ea: ba1,.. Every uighl ho puis is arme ta in geai-raIn-ho, In hie tisse, hâla e *I rouml my eck snd Mags me. Il le .l'rînia Ia'towurd the estive Popel a i tpossible." tien. The deel n-as a foilsipesiki a fthe boy actually been a boblle u troîery punlmbble h Y f0puM : the cradle the mother n-oulti have been soCue muet> penalty. But t" P@kb no more aaionlalied. il la a fltion S loyalists, lihe-weothy slip %espoirs et pieaing f0 the parents' heurs flit ilt:tvniîa-tuic Catalaum, as fth" are their chldren are but hblîdren. too lie,- Young ale-eaade fa ate-~ ta know or daonof auy evîl poil in loyally lie taught. An Invealiga- more belnunatItan chIldisb peccadil- tom. But Il la a fiction traught nltb grave perîls. Every utother ouglilta ka.w If b3r boy amokes. Yet we cau goint Wo a haît-dozen boys-ho puf along the et reeUs, n-ore mothera OfrmlY belleve thon> to be augels o!flgbl sud - woull lie ludiguautiy lucroduloua If toN the tacts. TUE RADDATZ BOAT. TasidsaJzdlt h lnie Deepil e . araluga ett tho.mwho bave heavy framework of angle Irons, site!ret-nose old patiarcli nho lretellsdd 7br stespt u9rd, sRttgl h plates losely fitlel over one'anothel-. tu an-ake w1tl a anort. Klondike regiat. tboumaduse ofsdtefltut-os Her welght li 31 tons, snd ber con- ',Mielt ettied Il. The meeting brok--, Amerleaart mecdlumg thel, Way thîthei- pressure of thse naer at the deptbs lu lighât and n-as lu the bardware busine3s - eb BIttera. wlilch n-arme end sousyl the i w-llch %becn-tII t tiffies be subinerged a year betore 1 knen- Ibat ml piî-taîer o.. eateme, and preventa mollie, rbeumstkum, le perfect. Oncesln the wster, If for ]lad bought every ticket andi put ni the i iadlI.dseieCld ehbasioi a mmface trip, there la lIilo te be uren. Job."-I)etroit Free Press. oltd» uothlig, ln tact, save the tn-o tutrets somethis AnfuI. projmctlng above the n-ster. and aS Whou lie Cron- 011 «I loul kuon- wby Il la," al youug Ihear are only t l b e thUe spae. One of tlb.tirat surprises tlIsaIpeop!u Peflotlelgli "but I amn alnaya duitl aud tacle l e tganggetvé o! the greut lu- have astise>'y begln to realîze tbstt lb>y - tupl n-heu I bave a coîlu la mylicad.* tercet filet la belon-. are leaviug lte record of a goodlyi> îw- You have nxy aympalhy," replIes! Coder tbe att tut-net ilte engîlneer, ber ut yeurs bebîn ttleul, is Ibot peu- ~IMIsla buttlig. '*A chroule cold muet be th. inlie u io otar urneshw pIe thînk the>' are ouu. CasunI remarlis a-~ n an-fuiaIfictIon." lng uM for- amI o! the lurrel. Tise propetier staI tus torw-n-sta the air englue, andi noar Ibis englue are the atonae battecr;clla lu lIse mldes o! the boit. On te under aide ofthte boaI tom-at-i of tlm- propeler lnau long snd IraIhesen dner radIer. Oue ofthemuost iaileftetimlg tb!ngs 10 utenof science l'a te uethoil bynbh ih heboaI 1» Ion-cm- ed sud raimeti, and this anee ofthlie se- crtelwn-Ich the Invenfor lu Dot yet aeady 'te mabe hiown. Certain Itl le that a methol n-hidi utîglt n-ltI pr-oit b. employel b>' elevatur companles. 10 taI effect made before the on -re us a dIstinel sbock. The spirit dopa no, gron- old; il Is merel>' hanipereti Iy pîyili - lcui iltles, sud mort- Iarticsa isrly public opinion. People are mule olti; tIey gis-e tp youthfut practîcea bei-anse People fiîk1 tise>' hol, Ihougi t ba ns mtore fIn tlhe paItton lulth- presa-ut. TItiru'1,, no doibIttal people. women part,,-,a- tut-I>' losaI macla of tîti-r îaisiaaIforc bei-anse as tbe>' gren- older It wax prpr" for them tol gis-c up titis and stedon.Non-that grandt-I THE;S TUDEST.' UOZS'MEXT. lion n-as Ield sud tic effae waîs chat-goal lucertai tiu nieals. Nieue knen- If Ibe>' nere gasit-v, but the 0.1*-I Lns lusisted Ibat tIli e m or.TIc> salai tbe offense n-an an se9t ImaGe. Tiîey caled apon 1theosPtalu immoral to Infilet te denth penalty. Ug@alMzd titough the executiro et lte la n-as bis mind revolted igalMOI th evesi- 13. The Catalans n-OMl ha,. l.Tise T">' Out-O> Tu>' Grals-Ol Amit yout- grocer lo-lcy tf, slow yon a package of GRAIN-O. the âa- fond. drink fIhat tahes the place of cotfes. Tiso cisLdLrsu uay drink Itnltltout lIury n-cIlu as tue adulf. -AIU nbe lry 1t Bite Il. GRAIN-O bansltait-iesI lcon-n of tiocha or Java but It ie mide tran pure graina, and the mntel ll ente etoutacI recelves Il nltbout dIs- trous. % lb. price (o! cofse. l5c. culd25M pet- package. Sol by sil gromers. la the Wildase fArine-aL. Ooroer-NWbal n-as the cause ot DIa- moud Joe' deatb? Broucho Pete-leort diease. Coroner-Are you sure ot that? Brouclio Pee-gartiu-Tte heart n-s au scecsud lie bal Il up bisa leeve. Whic acid i Thoelsands who in Sùfferers mi t i Havç fetno sy* 0f Rheomid&4ui Takisw HÙWê H.E. SM#~ 1Hg Do Voa Dance To-Nit? Phake lai yourat-saAllen'. Foot- Base, a pan-der for lise feot. Ilnmbtes IgbtI or Nen- Shoes foot Ram'. Curem Coa, Bunittus, CpillWi&ln rut-Bltele. and 8wetingpwL t. AIaildruggistisud @boa stores. 23c. Sample ont FRED. Aldreu Allen .Olmotaed,Le flUy,N.Y. Yeu canuot tllB b>'tise lengtli o! a ammie face n-bat le wil do lai a borse trade. Teo bottes of Plèooa Cure for Consump- tien eutel me o! a bol long trouble.-Mrs. J Nîchols, Princeton, luI.. Mar. 211, 'U& liad-Tut. pecailarit>' ot another pet-- nor. Non- Orleans liutedo, Qucen and Ut-es- centiRoule. OuI>' 24 bousifromu luclu- mati te te GuIt. -~ -w- rnaen~j - I INVENTOR RADDATZS8 foriathUe siktig, aud.rtaialg agaî, asa n-es In ail lise tlaings lu tlu n-aCer. nett t2slgiIesI sibock La Obt serrable. Eviry motion lis maIe n-t tIe mnot perfect euer and grace. anul thus tirty-oue--ton minu-cf-n-ar dîsorl Ilsoîf las theldeepas nturail'as as por- puise. The lutet-lo' of te boul eau be made ne litas ne sIred. A nIre loop rua froni the dynamo, on n-blet are tht-es ,Incandescent ligitIa. Theo boat con bo ralsel andlIon-en-I at te rale o!f t-re fot a aocond, sud he dies la thte n-ater as rocd[Il'asu a dock lu respous. tu anuaioat Imlperceptible pt-emure b>' tise piot. As rxperlieltdwnlIh oi 1 date îlebhat les beeu rua sta a rat.eto fourtosa mlesauan out- on the suitface et the'n-aer. n-hIle an approimote aseed off eu miles asa. tan ataluel. uttder te nater, but fer ail ordintr, tripe MIe buc boots ru at a rate of frosi tetu 1 ie alc5 pet-bout. Tihe lu. vmelr andfIt.e membera of ftho s>'l- cale expresesletelve. as satite&, n-hi file apeel as Ielngngsflcistt c&U praetîcal p.m-peoeuntaItoast ai pros- sit. Tise problem, o! thse air ln the oj n-as a vital ont, la the fu sense ofthtet Hore agaa eue oncountorsaa carefaslt>'gut-led secret ne tu the funl detalus, lut I ha knowna thfle air la alud u ot lie boni "mnxel" ling the tore ouployed b>' Mrt. RBdaaIsnda et -usamnuatut-el."Il tla Itept pure b>' fie Cltýoia genert-eCon of origen anti ft.e cr1>anie ssdIgas lu te air lu tha bottas aluorbel b>' camle potamb. caette nomalssd lme.1 A 1PU-osble Pallure. *,Wbeun-wsa 611 onougli , tkettma ot la business," tells a ctizen n-ho attaîn- ,eI ,proiluéace yeaa'augo., Bon-uey n-miflt ue teogo lotspartnerahip n-it bi. ahbd15114UP a bth arIn-are fraIs SIJBMARI'(d BOAT ON ITB TRIAL TRIP. changel sautenbaf. sholton ott. Itis n-a nomeime of AUnmost unyoue csp remember, ai; a n-ar. It n-se lu accordance n-lth Caa- child, wnoulring hon-Jit would scout to lan poile>' 10 uppreis ad punlah iilg- ho ver>' olI-lu lise cbild's estimastion, orousl> te aigblenl yaptoma of e- 20, W0, even 40) yearu. Tbeun-tien:tehe vol on tlae pst-t of lite native popula- 20, 30, even 40 yenra bave panaed. the lion. To the memot->'oft Ieme students cîtili, n-ho bas becoine a n-oman, lookat the massive monueun- an reard. Il bock aud thinka litI me teela uitIle stands to-day us mleut evlence o! older nuniaut-priaingi>' uttle n-lset ttaon leep-ueAted anlagonusut een Cata- hat cbld.-Non- York Times. liinuln Caban. LESSON IN PALMISTRY. A diaal tra BerhluW i bîu Thio .of te eat lit pronouaced Tribune.,sya liat tise thiue-lockel Iicatenr loas Feelings. vaulti of fte Spanlau fortresuin-ero ThehUe of thoe rf begînu at tise opene a feu laya agV for the ainual aileor o!be baud neer the baseoroftise e-Zoanuation b>' t e &cretar> et tise exteuls seonth0 ie TregoSIat - 50that lte IO O00lu biaud ton-art-IlIe gol, n-blcb the Reichstag veflu. la 257 lunger. Il smre- as a funI for Oruf expesn a hfe oz es tonniluales great-t-à, n-su aU irgIt .Baronvon ite Mount or Thielmoita selectda a tn- baguaitrau- iter ut the bac. dom, coutel th goidlaIn tus.,ounel 'the foreflugor, fthe numher e!fIbagaseaiul iegiftei etimea endm , ho.nbl amount. - Somesdaose set n-apk- :-esntise ral and uen wn-e.oecuped fo er a bos hurg S lIe lugead a thle groeseque mollacymi funollon. titansen" on l'h. sua est. up 8POOGOGO literngi Ms ouait et lat- yeat-I>._________ at base ofthtie W»s a Deslmable iur. le luger. Tise Mercat-HoLve you led au>' exp.- - lroal the rience lucin an-iare? . est mhownsth. giferaI Appllaai-Tars of ut, ai. euil.. *tlie liueet t eaoantonsie Merhaat-What lo yeunhe m you ie band., Wbë e lie la sarong Il break a valueite pireso? lndllctes stroUg t-DS& llg. !il li e Appleam-Wel-er-1 ai setil tronger thon lbe boildUe Jil hon-s foget , er aagîndalpull'nitem sonne hat the laIIvldual cabsbuledtel1'tise customer n-hi bocb It over. feUelns ruttler thaonb>' reten. Wlîeu erhant-YOU o.-TId-flt&. Il la aIrong sud ln accoupauled b>' tht> e apr atr& grdle o! Venus ssiI a n-euh Itad tIno A lie-lprM sa Il shows a petson whbe n-uI tead a réCk- Ainilî emplorIez IfI>' aet la non- leas lite,.n-ho will ho ardeen > aS, engage.!ln airiesh paper troni the sionate aud n-tI go te extreulea lu mat- bagasse gr augot- cone refure, n-bl lera of ulove. n-sa once îltueloat nuimeaetathe agor gron-er. MluIaoaa' ille.Tiers, la rueonfor evyboul> la Ibis Au IU09buls oasalielartotel a1Bible 1bign-ct-l, but wn-ecn't ail hava front VIII fn- wwlru set lusitesio oi n-îlt as'-mer n- ouoa.! amIlet pep"r 00tu4lde Ï Ort»,PiW us>' It la uia flibra udma& .Ma te »tw i ge ' ntauxu t s palmeS11à Trhey etp ujeeUl m t n irains ant it mai -M et tuc 25e 50ce Walter Baker Breakfast Q Pure, Ddme. ?w N "Brevity Is thé eü1,1u1 Good Wife, Y SA: . U t. 1 1

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