CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 21 Jan 1898, p. 6

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w & T4yks ls8I8S.u We keep -the bestÔt ever) Md our prices are rgt Try -BigJo Plour. ibertyville, a s Illinois. PlCKDU;l.fRE AND THERE. LLocal îtoe of lrgetout to LIbertyvlI0 Readers. e,.&m.e . =fL M au enusaaueen.u vu ai eu 4:1 en mu M M mimi auam ~tz~ aT. pe - UDEDAT TEAIEL Train lb. 44~sa Ibm. laiel~ uit ou fron Ui1~I0t5tIfliqOg0. [asies Deeioid tee _______________________________________________ oeie... u1r.~L~a -~ laVa... eki.- Eyes tlade: Voung. Have Your eyes examnined and properly fitted with glasses. W. gyarantee satisfaction. Watches Clccks Jewelry Pianos Organe Musical Instruments. FieWatclî reparllng our speclalty. C. R. SHIERMAN., PiDERTYVILLEa - ILLINOIS.ý Tâ.1lluch Warm .sunsh'iny lce Cream Soda z,.,..WeathçrI DI>rlna October. November and December atid-tii. thoughts of men and boys hav'nt turnd s* earnestlyto buyin«Gloves, Mittens and Caps. SWO-MUSt Seli a lot of those good 2.3 plush caps at $L.oo and those 'ec-raheavy 6oc wool mittens at TtlIS SIIOULD SET YOU TO TINKING. A" f.w more overcoats Ieft'to close at coat. F. C. SMITH &SON, ar BI1dg. Libertyville. Illinois. 15' Cheaper titan any of'e .4 a a il4nship - ?u -Iity of onsidered. pec IIy pretty patters n s uitinfge. ts t fit you and your pursee Have ones Ieaned Up. Preaidet................ . AVII ohrh....... ............ - . a» bco- .R.L 3. Golbv NOM asistram .............. . L via nu ........................ LPreeuan liraEU&tta EUhparchasatiàadrlvfumg borne.of lira. Wn. Sherman. Jack Tb.nse sud William pry have rentedt b.e iey Peunimlm m. Eitor lialcon, 0 et b.Wskan Dss.ocv, ,vus le loy.wn ne ly. C. R. Ray, of HomIo, la,. le vulsing flObt. Ray sud other Uàbertyville relative.. MI&S Mlay Boyt la viaitlng vllh bhm aier, Mlirac. oJanleon, autItâab Valley, lte saute. Andrev Eedmond lius eutedti b. Imncater faim Duai ondout. roeeaty vecaffl by li.,Case>. H. J. Caler oiti hie titvlug berce., Jack lStar to E. H. Burke, a Uveryma., o! Chicago, for $1i0O hie vsoh. R..nHuvera lubjecl uest oSady~ meruiug viIl]lis "«Tlie Uchag Savlour." RveWaig aubjeet, -"A lmm Ater Goda Ove ust Ail ae Inviledti 10attend the tempersuCe lecture se etis>' aeven- lug 7:30 at blIt.Petsr'sansd Pal'aI churcb Uibertyville. The st«Mion ubich MlLaoghliu Brcs. bave huitibore1h. pet veok endeavor. Ieg t'Osti 0ta, astock compas>' o! famera vres aippidto i Rclmoi,* In., 'Pbureday. An pttempt ia madt 0organise a local lotigo, Mystie Worhnof o!h. Warldti n Lîbertyvîlle. Thle order la a gooti oue andi là managetilanan 6ecomicai. compilent anti busineus. lila masser. Rau. Ueo. Buck, o! Rockefeler, Vill uelelev. Romuer lu speciai services 10h. e ldti aI lb.Preslyêorin eurci Peb. 69h ta 131h, Inclusive. The neetinge VIII h. ln 1h, ature of a tevivai service. eding vti a generel commnionc service. TPh.eutrianm.ntte10ho given ut the Union chutol F0l. 4, promis" e le a' rare musical: and lileraf> tect. A number o! gentlemen tr,(» chicage VilI ami"t iosq talet la theprognain. anti àa vry eappeior enlerlalount la &mour" b y Il@ projectors. Look for tfuture notice. A ropree. va q et laugbliu Bron., o! Colunbus, 0., has beau endealorlug <o organise &setock con. pan>' of laruqénlocalel ln the viclciy et IAýeI7vPie 10 vhieb.. ompany JlsL*ughil Bro. proposait 1 a»Il a gveh coasallon. IRovever tbe em iuyi not nabori sandi huma.a ai jed Dot lis perretedt. at 4netiibed a elgai Sunda>'1 afutm ~ahome. "a he trfiageo ou *à» e-~ on' vhich le wae1 esI.taly ep l. Boti bntned1 lcieel-tbd oshhua" oi p, so titi1 hlm ela. ao SteDbars determineti- inftu b oupe voeui bave &IBO1 wse& 8 m auffegale. abonst ffluab4ýý unmomsa nic-nacie.1 W.IIIesMeat a mctei-dom'l %aue. Urt. anti lir. P. Prottue entertwnedi a feuv ofthoieufriende aI theit hbome sat Fnida>' esuluir. À shot -nueicai progra. hadbeau arragel for tlb. eneabament 0f 810fr guele, and iItC pleseet h., géboring Ileuey Tbien llVel asialgainientf olmeli, aftIr Vhiela aIl rotedmtu10h. tiang rcom viege a repuat vu laid -lit for a lklng."» *AU &gr*"et tatXir. Pralina dmt barnlSpieuti, 4uid bai liB>'la etalirnart *"Mdlltti h. esunuda-1 ame of ailu. eoamsles vua aUI dg1fltul eue, les sopleaaImem imwab*.my 4u0omdm stouwet hmm nIh.-W'Rouits TPhe LluAbeyviR. ileure Club vii Liv* & sffleuerade hallat the towe hal i wgal. C.- F. Wrlght .Uflered £ailgItatack et apuadl.lULM isweek, living cou- fiued #0 hi. houe. meveralday. John Dallard. Ueb. Grumrnitt, J. Bl. AiiaUao, B. W. Éarkhurtsu ad Byron OclbYMddJuam«in uthe Connty Cm» M lWà« sh Me ek. %t»fettBouse, tormSliy of Bocke- 1el10i, wu M«0on 05 0117 bWaSThutii- day. wt. Roua, hau ilved lu >lovida $bé pue$ iVo years, and hi. appearanee wodid ndicale Chat eoantry egrees The Ladie> Aid uith1e M. E- chercb VIl) glVs a Oob Veb Social.,Fr1day eveRUS Jais. 28, 5M the home of lira. licOregor. Everybody cordially tu- v18.1. Cake andiroae e erved, 10 munts. 14.3 lit. and Mlra. Henry liera expert M) nove intotheir nov housesclmmtt Match lut. Th.y have ronted their preesul abode te parties Vho vill con- due% a botol. We are unable 1<. ascer- tain Vlio tbe parties are, liowver. [lb.the ondont conrespomidene viii ha found an accotant o! the card party bsld à4 hie home 0f Jolhe Lancaster, ender auspice. o! the ladies o!fls. Peter and Pala chitîclà, Tnosay niglit. TPhe ladies viilhuldtheir neit party utb lMr. and lir». Mai LoBeati Wesedawy svsnlug, Jan.,926. TIare inom, agitation foi a district bigla acaol for LibttyvlIeO. W. have boumrequseti te publiali articles on the mbjeil. This vo VIII do. Ail alliai.. muaIbe signeti by vîlters, Ilshe lnlumeasireti, and muât not ho over a hll! columu lu length. Com- munications ahoulti be hauded le not ater than Tunday of each peek. Litt l ildrsd Poole, o! Chicago, wliqn may Llbertyvilie people ailii tenember, ah.oliavlng viaiee lth IL W. 'Bttertiellfamily laet snomer sud elict.d mucl praise by ber musical talent fron alil ubeard ber, sont a proninent part In a concert et tbe Auditorium, Chicago, lest flday .lht. 8b.wVIIfavor Libertyvîlle Vilh aV"e»alasectione at the Union oburch Feb. 4,and none ahould fai l t aval)thomeolves et tb. opporlnnlty 10 humrber. Satoeday eveaing tbe Royal Nelgh. bora et Amri« gave a reoetion atI Wooduuan HaWlin the M. W. A. A1 goodly amfb.t of Wodmnuasd their1 vival VU'. proment. The Royal MSegh- bore fed "her guosta bontifuiiy sud a .0.1 eiaJoyabs evenlng vas @peut.1 Ail versentSOrIWnet vitli nome verY1 lins Iualid ieslections, vbich entbced 9 nonesimg hé merry dapee, atter Vhtch ail tepairedt t thoir homea vol- leg th. Neighbors -,royal" lu all that vord lmpUles.t OCHOOL NOTES. lionday Clayton Staplea iavored lth. General HIBler>' clame ViII an emsy on Jullua Caoar. 'Plieop.ning oxeîîiseeanow t-ouais! ot readieu ron lie book outitieti "A lias ithOnt a Conrtry," lvy E. E. Hale. Prof. stoopé reund c peper il)Ithe Literaturs Clame Tuestis> morelng oir Sydiney'Carton, oee o! theoblhe! char- actera ie Dichens » -Tale of Two Cities-" TPhe prugrain Iaat Fridi>' vas oeil rendered. Thle eleellon reenlteci c feilove; Pres., Worden Wells; V. P., John Lyncli: Sec., Edilli Wigner;sgt at Arme, Clar,. Itimbal; Reporter, Zarl Dyneoid. Tuesay morning tic bell rope broke andi the bell could ncolibe rîîîag. As a consequonce many Mmie late. B>' roceas the jenitor lied secureti anti placeti a ev rope ian position, sBoioy aIl le veil. The mitutoli, iluarteLte of Lake Forest University aed e gentleman moloiet freim Chlcago, viii assis thie @choc] In tIhe entertainnient toelie given Feb. 22. 'we caida eure you thal Ibis vîlIlibs hie mont enjoyable entertlimeel gî-en Ilim vieter. liore detalied iInformation regertiing lb. progm i iieh.giveji next yod - Be snre anti rend IL. Thle toedendy of yeung mou in the counIry' te ombark lu a Icarned ipria-1 foulion viti nu apecial aptitude1 for anything elcept at-olding miales labor, la constauti>' on the incroace. It la grestly te lie deploreti, for te sncb, fallut. la the leevitabie reanît. Thes trouble vIlI lb.,. youeg tmen ic liaI the>' do netuneestandthelb.dignîl>' oi -manal laber. Tue>'do not realîze Iha honora andi fortune me>lh. norte readill tealizeti ontaidetheas no caileti1 isarueti professionseMIhn uIlem, anti Ihat lla jeal as honorabls 10 swing a hammer or 10 oitida piov as le la te mie a speech lu court or amputate e 11mb.à Lakce Counly Reprosenteti. ThIe epenlug of tb. eléventh annunal convention o! supesercla anti canDI>' oletiks occurreti Tueuta>lu Rock la-s leand anti offcets ver. slecteti.1 Recorder Ras", Clerk Rende. abil liupirvisora Tiffany', Thomaanti1 Lame>', of 1115 connty, ars la atten-a tince.. A tenture et lbe meeting Turne- day vuaua adtiresa b>' B. G. Reove 1 c aloomlnglon, onu "Shah a nevirate oousttbU h.lieatiopler He vas1 emphaaur ly avon 0f à MWv l, "geiaming aa go la t1h. pevew 60 tlou w m5o» epeil -Oum oqa A Uile moretRady uhile e Mau llves and 1101 eo mncb epitaffy u'hen lbela deadin l the admonition of a Kauaaa mnister coneereleg an oft-dlsunseeml theme. Luelgerte andi Merrya aeeo tblieon the leetease. Soînething aliould lie donc 10 put a stop 10 vîfe merder as a paatlme. Itl a bard on the vive. sud borrlbly expenaive for the clate. An old saylng la that the veather of the tvoIre days folloulU C(inatmas governa that o! the Ivolve moelle of lbe year. Il that la tbe case 1898 viii ha a pbeuomenally bhaatiflf i earase far as weather la co)nerneti. The depaitment o! agriculture hbn notlied members of congreme that their allolmnents of eedas for fr00 distribution are uov ready for tbem. Fermer@ vbo voult ikIt try them mnay avail them- selves of lthe governmonla's geeeroaly by maklng inumodinte application 10 tuor rep reentati te. RONDOUT. lte reporteti an gooti anlhority Iliet in the.neft bdiatant fntnre vo are tu have e barber #hop. Hope thila ueo ble .tath. Conte,, ve ot an cd vili vol- corne you. TPhe.formera of this section are son- templating lb. pnrchacieg of s large wagon acalefor the accommtodtiion ct &Il. Whio soya there's no puai 10 the people of Rondout? Ttlila reported on good authority Iliet F. Hathaveay as about te dispose o! nme o! hie gamo pirds, of whieb h. lice c fine acrement. Mr. Hathaway la a great admirer sud geod jutîge o! thec,, birde. Oui eew bltàekemiti cliop 1iscn. pleleti andth le genill oniti', lMr. Beckmau, te doîng a goud lbusineas, Judgtng froC, the contant ring of lhe antil. lir. Beekmnîcta athorougli mechanie andtihe peopleofo! Rndont ars ver>' forttntee in livingg mclia Man emoug them. Among the ane'viait,,rs la ont love during the wi-tk au. Marchai Frealiman, of Libertyviil-. uhonte, , tiiendinte arnoat c-.'vcrmatiou wtth Hon. Miles Conwey, oui aimyîr. il'é reportoti thal the reacon for thla la Ihet can ordincece cîîginveil by Hitike>' Dinhandi Bath livie John Paseti comn,, ime smince liaNîiFt ret-elveti the lieyîr'c signature. lty this ont eloter love. Libertyvile.. sal bieome part o!fItondut. l e olti le veil for ont mayor en conciier theapliication of Mri. Freelimen for imarchiai o! (ireater Itondoul. Anollior card party givîn 1»' Ilhe ladies of Ste. Peter andi Paul's -hurdi l.sîk place et the- liîaîofu -ohn Lan- caster, o! this pluie, 'liieau evening. Nonc toooinut-ipruise cai le givon lu the ladies for Ilîcir able commtionu o! Iliese iflairs. Lsrge crowilm attend ail oftIhoan, but en Mis. Lancaster ven loft th. hoor of mahlîîg the century mark. (lier one lindreti people attoded Ibis. Vhich sboyasleuvliat respect lUr. Lancaster sud ha@ giod vi!,, are belti lu 1h. comnenit>' in vhict-ihle>'live. Ail cf Roudot l as tiore. Even iceble oli lira. Miles Lancaster peiti ber respecta 10 lier cousins ced te rotnru Cook ava>' lth lier the tiret prie for ladies. leu roporlet tanu>'o! the yonuger mnoen are ver>' jeelona o! the man>' conquflta madie b>' litre. Lan- conter l in olliaffaira f o!ueansd sciene lo! card picylng. Everybody> enjoyeti theniselves. Ail voeehintily andi gondi eatnred. A more joilua friendly ernytiwvasmeldom tuf eer orse beforeiluour town. Lunch vue srl-u At the tvel>'-l1t- tables, lmmecilately aller gaines vote piaged, aed ail veut home qftr haviug apont a ver>' ple4 ont night. Who ViI ll smpt 10 lover the lautele of lire. Lancaster? A 1ae delegalSal fioin Libertyvlle atai=et tbe padr, a nunhar from, Chicago vWe preseut andi the tovu o! Eibiîru 've aIetpreuteti. Rev. Pallier liehs "'ve hi& aanction lu Ihoeopleamàt partie.b>' hie presse.Dr. lit-trOgo Palpe ail the VS>'from 0Chleag tla lkm* ailler the phyu«Ical ets If Ibm. preuet. Taks» as ac-wbole. aIl Who 'W5e thoraas> - ith oee accord,,'*IWa 1h. best v. ever sav." Priee Sot andi Daniel 0é [To on Winr .1 A puper Vas rat à# t" êA0ê Ut t vauhoo, Jan. S ~ Ip~dm and many suthueiaai 1e*p Vil prInted*Ti.h. foliovjq Vt*5 ut th gocti sud lhelful tïiqb pUt. 'Ph.piispr va.s theoft~iSh Uç*eie»' h Nias May e .MaoollUtsh.09c**oit~, "4 là was a ver atile aMd haliifui mbUIez- t'haeied the foot hat" lb. moflaig bu14 the timeo for devotios. sMd la a ion <a.. Moulfn! manner toli eoma tntii lb.Veon b.'lpfui ta ai Chrliim Sadeftiorere. hib saId, ln faut. thal our aca" se l smonu. lta hour and ouir = I= 111LST. he souroof a eritue slrou*hla sois- muelon wth Christ: Il ehoxuê5e 40 ir ruPtti. Ifve vould have h. m or c <iodsvole auid ail tbe vorUldbobiele v muet corns 10 knov the Ihabitat wvhiaWo! Hlm lovins accent@.. hea otbsr ablaiS ae hushed aud the noise of!theow" li rAiout0. W... we realize the proeacaet0" ot. MMa Moautivollit ln God. and Goti lu meu aysr vHiibe but a commun convestion. eu. pressingounr ne-de.., ur thaublulase for Paut merci" anoeluer deure of constant fl- iovsblP vllh the Spirit. We obriaUeae is alp forget bow often our hasterl Blma.If eut &port b prar. Where there la rnuch of prayer thore Wi hu rnucb of Spirit. and whi-re there la muni o! the ilîtrit therf wili ho over inceaelng reyer. Thon tu the qelî-t bour wu turn "«to me. ourseivesama othere 0.-e us." andi do ava, wlth ailtlImperfections. building oun Iilves Hâte auto Christs sud cesse tu Nie for car- note, aMoue. but et-or miediel of tho.. who ar flot ile b. ld. AiU efforts are important, but îber" in.&mre. thing beyond effort. and tOut la tif"; mon- tieg b.y-oîî,l ",i,ieg ý.red that l blt TIv, mure wu, ..thi e moros sret am e w driven be-k tý,,th. cour-e of &a irght action, for W. Ilid thet loing'-ejneot long b,, kupt of) vitb 1.-nuil,.- arnq,-tiieqs unie" ,Il lm tthe .,xliresmi,,n of wi<eiiln.-tl. Chirist oîîr Loi lteilies us the way. lHe wue never ause 5u 1.-1 wlth bealing the it-k and raisste 4-li that lie forgot the 0oure ,of il!,. N ii ,. the la mme the quiet (ietheeeeec. lier., -',mem thet deep Phllosopby oftheii,, uiet Hlie,. Thoe char. acter le found; tht-r, w,,bet-oine, od-illio,; there lit being alone wilb G(bu 1. trength obtained fo.r lte deîs doing. je je PIC UPS PJe . If yon ateal e hem ln IKlondike Il moeau death t et b end o! a rope, but tb eteai $20,1M In legold dcctlile petly iarceny. . . . For good bread use Washburn's Su per- lative flour make more, bread an'~ every loaf good. REMEMBER ,WE. 11 AVIE LARGI3ST ST 0 SELECT FROWlift LAK E COeN1V Libertyville,- GrandvalueS For littie 40e Lineti Lfeaih o 10........... ......... .......... 15e Chlldreraie Wool itill.......... .......... mO $1.00 Chenille Table Covers ......... .................... 380 Ven'. Ail Woo Glovea ............................... j 50e lMon%. Fleeceti Uneti Under Shirts3........ .. ............ 33j W 59)c Obildren'e Cape, Bonnet» andi Wooi Tau O'Sauler 5» 25e Boye'Percale andi Fianellette Waais ..................... là 35 an c41MlioUnderehirte ........... ................... la $1.50 Fait Lined Shoes (aie. andl 4 ouly) .......... 84ý 11.125 Ladieo* Heavy buttaS Shos..I.........................1 W. shah i jithe futurè keep onIy EW12 Schwo , Cohoes and will close out ali #her v and below cost. We are maklkig Wg ,tlors on the pî'Ice of LaSI as4 Underwear, WooMi., "IÔsery, ill* Rubbers, Diuck, Coat*. 9~ Cloaku andi othM Wjiter Ooodeý. - Th Fair Libertyville, - - GA ND -CL UB, OI For a short time, we wift si Tli-.he We.kly, 'e~ Bo5ih it is to dlsp e ourrem ter goods the next 30 For Iest bargain4 once. Ask to 9«c our $3.01W Shoes now $ ý j 1 1 Have' you tried our celebrated Buckwheat.

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