CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 11 Feb 1898, p. 1

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LAKE COU NTY INDEPENDENT Vol. VI. No. 18.r Libertyville, Lake County, Illinois. Fridav. Februarv H.1898 r.1MA E~r e f vynnys Store, Coing out of business. Everything to sold'out at'first cost and many things f -w hat we can get. POSITIyELY GOINO TO QUIT. Gent's Furnishings. Underwear, 4 loves and Mittens, Ail Wool Blankets, Wool Stockings, aEtc.* Ail goods must Caps, AtWynn 's Cor (lenea4Se and Washington St., WAUKEGAN. Dr. Charles Galloway. TWO ARE BURNED. Office ovor LoveI'aDrug8toro Fire Near Rosecran. Ciaime J. Ki meu" vae 1tTO à t'lut'S6TO leRP. M. and lirs. Trumbeiliau Victime. Lbertyville. - Illinois; A tire ubicli oecurred Wedneed ...neof lent ueek about 1h: Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. r 0e es f the village of itosecrg Office over Trigge & Tayior's. proved te mont disastrous that Il -MOUIMe.r ccured lu tht vicinity and its fai 1tItL m 2to4anld. to ap. m. result make l thieuores ever knol OuBrmduaY Opposite Park kW have occurred It this couatY. T, Libertyville, Illinois. des~th of J. King, fater of wiAa, _______________________ uili occured Wednuday moriel, Dr. A. L. TRAVIS. r'" aîo' er e tre Znjdre as £ »Mea DL aLà.i. 1irao8 Awn170OàP, . M.r. KinlgvW"about eighty years oLs4 SPMW 1111111intospaet touthe sudwhitie flos entirely au in vielli w tleet of Cronie Bhemnatsmu. Ili a conditionsnoc htshliebas fDotlas Rooefeler - Illinois. dout for a nuhlber 'et yars and je _____ Ipropelledi himmeliabout by 1puabit ~ 8ebatrffront OITlain. Dr. H. 0. B. YOUNG, Hi& son, uho vas a shlort distanq Phy*IcIan and Surgeon. fou'en e -uhen hoe otîcea tl IflN5OPOIrt£LEENAN UO'ZL »LOO. 1 t, meiseybas ta'ued te the à Gurn»------- - - - llnois. iltalce of the Occupants realîzingIL _________________________ tldlcuJty the &qed peOPle uold ei - oenterin eacaping. Wlien h.reaci,> Dr. E. H. Smith, ts building une 0f be neiglibors il DEt4TIST. formed hi. thatîeliad beeun insid Office over J. W. ldutier'a bldg and star1eâ onItliinking tltut the oi - gentlemn u s tllowing her. Wbe, Soul:oi a.Lm. an 1ito a 1. ie. DAILY the emerged eh@ faild tu ne ia &m Libertyville, Ili. Clarence Amns analter neiglibor e- iaslened ln aud drsgged hbmenn Dr. E. V. HARVEYO burned nearly bejrond recogniion. MrKînga mtit,,lirn. Trumbeil DENTIST. was alto railler Poor tui health and ai -oFFicE louait - hat Urne vas lYlIng daun. As soon 8, toità.x. itosaui17toaP.I. thefirowuasoberved a search offlth b,>se Ialied te bring ber to liglit, the Ormysiake - Illinois. searcli *8as&bout lobeo given up vbei, ane ofthile neiglibors happened tb thIri W. B. SCHAEFFERS Ofafclosetsuear bier roona. Upon in. NURSERY. vestigation lie bOrnd lier liuddled upIl oOstmie soulli of Long Otuve P. . ~. Lake R corner sud retfused to coinus out. WIU Ce,. M. PrettbgMaaddrnauantalTrs. GrâPe- l'aine diMculty he maaaged to carry uhasaad@mnalFruts. ' .Vk bler vithout alouing lier go gel OU me prins on eSifl.Md soc. burueti. ALewuasonv@yed b the boit. _______________-of là aneiglibor and it vas flos thougl &bat the was Iu a dangerous condition. 0. F. Butterfleld M. D. C. Bouever the exposure ta the coldan YUTbIUAX SUt<iON ND DNTiII.ezcItement provedt to nttoi for lie TRVU ARY#UREUN ND ENTHT.arndd she lullY stccumlaed Priday. . .. Lumoî She vas about eigbty years otage. PAUL MacCUFFIN, A @adi Accideont. Aeaq Mmd Conuaselior at Law. Oià Muuday Jan. S st, a sied accident NOTAAY PUBLIC occurred lu Chicago reaufltng in tbe dealli ot Jobu E. Peterson, liuabaud of Speew Aumttnton given Collections Holen Poterson aee Lui. lit. Peterson and vas a D'aa knuwn and re,.pectebd iu amnmWMuL.szsCocUNry BÂN, Lake couualy haviug lived In Wads. Librtyville. Illinois. Worth a nainiber ot years, being in the euaPlOY Ot the Mt. Paul rafiroad. He thon In Comapany viith his vils noved USMO"YILLE HOTEL 9- Chicago, uhere tbey bave since ý-«&- resitled, lie vas then pOmoted to road **n, ffy hvsaaoai tbrmsaisi. master wlilcb Position lie filleda gig.gmServic. Firt çGiss. number of iears. lir. peteraonus nt!aldq4i'ter* tor Cre.llts sued Commrne'Aa]I kuowuas a mian of sterling qualities, - Travelers. hbewva aloling bliband In Whoni W. A. ORANE, PROF*. gooduesa predominabed, Ilwlys bing Cor. MliluA.v. andl Cioreh At.. faitiful tanliis dtty, having been lu LUMFTV$4iU. - ILLINOIS. Ibe ratiroad emplay tbirty ysara. At t he time o! bis dealli lie vas employed by the C. a NJB. Balroad an vhieh W. H. MILLER, hie')at hbis]lite, being strnc.k by a TONSUItIAL ABi'IST, W. C. engine whitle averseeing Whi ou an le a dlean 'liave or a soute uork. He vas thrown tliirty <004d haitcut caeio"(en i."tees, bteaking hi@ atm snd leg and . ÇNOCE B AND ? CIGARS. receivIug luterual trilogies. He livedl , itar etaW. ILC.- Trigsa Sho. Store fi ve liaurs aler the accident, realiîing et iOP, aen ev"ry dAT alito the end, tl ng faitlui and On mlSndai mornns. ultli<fl devoted WHOtethat ail voulal soou lhe -over. BeO.ank 1 lits eterrial rest se peacetully as the dyiug blun. Ou ~ Tuesday the Illiqueit vau belid, the jury bave yon fier esalA clieaip returning a verdict 1h51 the cause of ,_*MM ta sail? death vas accidental eaued by waSlsas. Ml IIM 0t anu0o1 goori reai estate. liens of thebeBali'asd Ca.o. eramaina ubis ta îîymeilbau re. talion ta Wdworth Wedueaulay Waeme; aise il kinals of Papera marnInlg tabla vife'a mothe1% lir. A. ulasraflee a spsciuity.j Lui. The Forngten. akiug charge, J. il. LouoeAsueia.jliuerali strru wt abelid aà lb. 7 rylk.llnlluîur hrhTumaFI.Ud colti eter the glId Ming Mien Ihbg. lu from the a be very he acre lit and. B--l--".ains eheisa bvda.<n,. lu Ui« b7ft t$1.0 - :bl.biJ a Year ln A<W, Oatman Brothera Fail. Tlie receut laiu re of Oalman Brothers, of Dunidee, uho operated eighleen creamzerles, to innortherri Illinois anteilub&mlaWiseonin, ls oomplete. Parmars uho teck miik ta th. Gatinan factorisa viii invaria lly lun. at lessl $M00andlanUme fumae.noe. over 1V00- The..amomâtSdue fermer» for mtil a tbuted ai @bout 1000 Liabilites are einat.g ai about $181,000 ulit saanft s ceadss'ly le".. Th. creameries operansnt affeiemy, Dundee and (Genou, Wshington. liapi, Park, apriug Prairie, ltingvcod, Bristol, Wilmcl, Salem, prankilu, fig rotePerris, Pikovillls oitit Relra., Virgil and Pimgree prove veto operateti by tis Oam. fsarly aIl cf t haem uer. doiug a fair "ieu, Wiy wuseWaster noa ha. John Becker tim ls th" MWv girl in aUIl riglit. lit. J. N. Ades vas viu$iug lu boun gaturday. A. Wm. Bnntaiu ililed ., ald's le baume Ibis ueek.. P. J. Clark bast a V-tablie cou by diplithera laI eek. Auton Browit of buil Grave. paidx hie parentsa ariit lio1 A. 0. iBordier mye b in slarush.t liA-pasl the doSor. i 1 »Op Iter.a 0.G.Printeha.u anocer neovt hrn. lHe in gettug ha quit.U for hie neilihbors. lev. G. mede ought a ine Cutter @4 Wheeliig Fridy. W he ai Other . ai Consuls r. i> sy Bours tram 6:30) P. la. ta 2 a. in. FEmi GaSclias otutit two frienas of hi@ Friday, tryiig to buy a beavy horge. We are Inormed il - iUle B yer iii ham arried to m ise Alice La scle tlie 17th Mt. The ,auerae &t Columbia Bote, uw " e l a t e ud e t i & s u d Ba i l àn i d t le y b .d a& A i0 e 8 1 1 n e . l i n t e u s a u r n i sh e t i by Prof. Goiz, piao; Otto Ladaer, lai Viellai; Erneal Goocli, liartone. Tb.Y er. stli dacilg at 6a. im. mil Gaeb anti Ailirt Lau Ieuabrger sli h o00 a land of young people ta Win. Gerk6ema. af "BlaclaHill" Bauday evreuing, the boys taklng their brams h'orus ithli it..They il bliaiajlly god imme, departig at 2 ocick. oit the aY haie Abert ueeded in ,.mWill Clom SHOE3ING The FamiIy~ is one of th iemns that the headl of the house KLONDIKE LETTEN Marshall Bond Wrltes of theC Poisso. Wth the permission of relatives he publiah a continuation of a lot wrilten by Marsaal Boitd, son Jutige B. 0. Bond, of BarulsCh Cal., urillen 10 his mother. be otit liha broîlier Louis aitti compauioaia are prospectiitg lit for muni taiketi of Alaak a fiis and tLe eommunicatiori 001m troaneuausi knavm lit Libertyv and vtinity, uliete lie lias1 viited, furniiies lnteratiug ruldi The uritet ila ariephev of 8. C. aitd btond, of Libertyville. We lorii tfuture teues Publiait ctier letterasIf Iliese gentlemen, descriptive ofi "gold ileldi" mas tley Anti thein,a utaucli deluite lrilornation may derived tram ILeir communications their investigations continue. b e CONrINUurjraon @ ax As btores tated tbe extilerai ion dert troua aur taitp ornath" Kiondîke vanti wuenwu returned ta the B'og Ranch"' vs ensued aur iolgngaundapproprist .ruougb. Twenty of us eouked. loatAd el atater pises aud Loupe nîthaut avenuai Ibini. Proiraedog tood and occupied ae avdliabie foutorfLi" abAn thmastulât.1 dWgostdut on usn o gt mse spir oaoved. (rckinug oathesansd extraordim adjetctives nauped villa the Baviour'.aim Aterlarded lthe archange oaide a sentiments. Siamber autigli sattiseidali on tli utacatttcruu, ad &fter mn renlolsrness etdînapufamd oomtel suaoYed bewien ltcler and *oa MouruboeInterrittetar mmusidgs on k curànslttlonal e&Rae thaL ail mn uare bt j '- s.Tia.,neat aomiungat il ye ne ers ýI olng &aud linAg our sieds. A telk frnt Merd. (alîorula. nhobasai, ej DurFxâtai me bis mn u ad nul m'ach beid roui to. sud our rations sud dom Io belng.eaientp, àiwuse lad tau dIl0 neo.--souri, Lüzroesd top Bunker Ciela Ana a feu days. Honever. as, tbey bave strak gaod par un thb., daldjolulng bis. baptu dbIld grod wrlla. bila &ai day unr trip atisar,,. îee Il sas durât uben W" staatpd outala au us lrilnuonua brisât trot W"ne nariy reaci bu Dwsonhidayligiat. imaknug the tnt Miles n Ivo bours sund ten minaute ÎLai Tbouitb foti' diares blon zero uarrn, un usa mth perapination. sud uadë a 'lie nîli a pot Or tes sud aineesoi-ns Lu ha aïk iet trois breakfast so. Is"ail stan for El Doradoato-inolTon nu, Dontldur antu mhou the vor las trogrssti lie thaeeasd tu laits a panlogaî tut) sud son t ibtugs ot Foi*s lias are ueeflded ai tbe min LuouAs la &galain luiut Boles to-nigi ai sud bii report 0f rossa beet sud pie bhi Irs made., iiaaaleansd me dlsgunted. Boutei aid asus.not tu apureiste ns. ut tht lbo à» uAaa- nodouba. sud us are flhled wv .grau'-as* la-ns unabi,.uotsapreciue' h suodlgisai. Lista4i t ne nataouea Word., 01a Lez, the coda Aaithtitidanhoe e boulug akentiby ina tu partake of aM l" be Ont 1wIsP CILa iebu @ aalY Made. Like tW a% f unfry daills ve affeted a stolaiiwue t not fou. u aitinsour eyes gluesi on i tctie int îohn, Dougla Goda" unuaitpris!,an, in- th-.b.r aibAlîy of gettlng ouse 0f lb, tad made, us tom anay. and non to-nigiat wuL ln. ebava- the appetite btu tty Moat fora-l l Ounr apparsrLiation o ai eson, wve are ad lerebuffes!. Plues booka us for everr possibl ld dinner «eflstemnta srubere and avery n sbore bacon sud beau. are nol api ta ie oa mi bt. menu. Beueetaortb. tlve tu est, muk rflea ton convinues lmus a th absbgitest &a ootuam". Iboin, ubo deWdîçte their lUta-st( t, ambition sud 1!buk tW Insertion their naai n the book of faale. lnetters of g"Is!l makling a million, are but botiers lu ssat ltsud bave, develotsd but a ou degre t 1niunaa. ould bauid pyramide ni 111 porter bouses, osieika utof yrsrands le succulentsaies evialenoes te mate"taaime Le otr ypaetry. every arrofld of wbLbshould Il ls, uotiaied wlta joie. DCRSR6 an Lk i1 bave laren tu busy tu fIish IbisDiot 1- now. Foie sifair rerired a«Outdl diailof la rusoting ata CeLt uto ra"Dng tarder . but1 bo" at,Asotb,.r tortnigbî tu snes Ibmlai satlstaclorr shape. Lent Digitl Caoule Asai Louis uri me ot tuo dlier. it wusea goréfe, We tadt mosn le tiet, a msiwuloent toistbain.a.u-otasb. kt msebed aomi.cs. sesstomato.. aos asbroud,. butter sud ies, sur 1.amince pie. 1 bonoreatloir bout by numerous dILLbrîr nassd copiAons ronuaisiion ofbts or aleiicous food1. - TheCaaîi mail bas not Yat arr ve> bta sapt bo auoiday. Ths es.tberhbas modersord. J'roua forty deffrees below IA mumrnaad tp ta fweiity degnoeesbelow over ualgttIssu ulukAY rose lu ten tisan bu zero. snd AI onwna-Ave abovr,, to sin fiaIs era r t auita-arua. a i1am offto Elorarîoagait lanthem nornolng. un My raturn 1 ubaîl go ut, Bunker tb se Foia aroaety. nse tbey sbofsld reu'hlied rockta, ahi. titae. Bunker iCreek inAsmua-t falksd of boesDfou, and theaa-mont tavorabio- p redetîaus are mades. rLouAs, fur robe I&susp.rrb one. being mua-A usrmr aeîbbuours. thougia ne dousalt initer et ail. fto noed have lao, wurriment about the tood rquestion, unise.1i rlitr Inter. bt wii l ot lie neary to sentiunala,. BalAey sud Joe Moore are prespecal ne grolind t tey lacateat on Skookum C'raek. Ail titreas of the hors bave sei talasu a elaim on Opirek. Viaknan basledo teady and toddng alite t te aProspeetor. lie lckste bonyauî boiefuluea, of that clame.,Has skedIlietasalioved ta returfi home. i voniti not aoseutta toi b.i remainesi, se ho Aslo oubonnet Ira do lur- thing u ntaîr. 1trialbila s jobusih Fax sas t uaseunvithg ttu ake.,charge of Foi's lii'rests vithout a man nbom 1 lmplla-îly triustesi vas alusys therir. Hs ets î adollar sudsahaun an lian d puats Au igurt hourn- Th mirAot hsarffla-.,ut refieut. Affectionaap.y pours MARRsAI»iti Midl-Wlnter Plonie. Te Lake Couuty Praibitiontata yull hald their tltird snuailMISd Witer Picuic at Grange Ball Tuesday Feburary 22. Tlie pienie continus. Chlldreu's Shoes froma S. K. Newonb, B«] No 2Misss an bos-intile Y. izes run front No.2 No 2Mises ad bye-mthedifferent uidths. . Alil are Strong Values at Weak Prieesomw" 25c, 36c and 50c, Some for 65c, 75o end4 »and go up to $2.00 for the bigest and lb ~5. kid shoe. mlous £STA@UUsmc WAUKEGAN General Hardware, PuiIders' H-rdvw CROSS CAN si ýAdinfctcRoSpCUte hardware can aways be fouii LIBERTYVOLLE. IILL. M ockTey. taqeaetea gadarmera by bovin« Ilium melsu ad ut, jet' msqnrade~saa ganddisos griculutal lapins, eapecl. aucceuas îsusal-ali kînd01ofufoufrlly dairyinhubs adsoe0 lied evryb-1y Ilei products, protect theuievea rond A. G. Batslier lis stailed islborne agalmat fraudas, etc. Evary fermner ai enu- cllpplg machine, Cab lia and Umm Wh"eIgugad vlcirniiy abould hae a hoMe oks member of this uion aud help paé t à Ernest Goah inuet lieQattentpiaing il sieng. uta agoo ti ig. 'Ler malrlmouy. Tatinslg la ltso and style for a farmer. r NORTH NORTHFIELD. bea Four Chicago halles iMnt dovu ta lMilM. Aro iiiiai B. Bubert's Ave te river tua sul but fgund the te.eAuuday. toukIIthîcit aid valet tac oold. ll d eaigvsdllta Ray DesPîines bluffera botter »"Y e from school several days lutsinela uahome. Whoelimg boys 8am uat go tlrough ilineas. orealy bluffeti, espaialby net A. G. lire. B. BubertIhll the pleasro f a liog carrle lirffat Vauset home ounMiday visit troin ber brother Mr. Eltrinla meviiting lier mother and aselier tron Marrngtou Mouday. V gautmother Who bas bienu quille aida Lv eh i B n Prs se. m u a t lie g a u l as im p ar- a , lattantI l m ail m alter, for hli e ll e a t he ý a John eà la vatcbing thie veather North Narthlfa-a pont office quitse leh anti eîpects b tar Lt iseKbRi ykl a afx lspedition asenouaanasho auitnavigate thlie U'Plaiu.rtveg as IA asU.IjvAIk Oscar AItrk seller h~kli l of Boyr et«reedy for a grand charivari.qîtIseulwfi tel Wuenlie liasDacior liaMayAniiat ar anti Tom litehed up, but yet liecent ;d tMih. mary nol a nd e Clan e s Olt b r e tn a patner. Neyer ntind, Oscar, bis ln Whoeeing ncxl Wsdunday evenlng, al e neb m y Id Fsb. II.Bev. lMr. lieuarer wusecalled tb Elgin am tb lh. sunual meeting of the (e Johnu Behm buaslaid soide one cake transaof the U. E. churcl aJueewok Ar aofIte hich bo Inteuda takir i villi .G Pageacetd h In im on Lis iliaudyke tour tb keep hie y .Pagescpe b te.t coî extaiahtp for atller yeur. .Yn CeliratM rk Lsool.Ile ooira Becanse or a vteck aitnlte W iscoitin on Cris Buk bls tkenthecenralCentral lait ueek Baturday the mal c uutcord Wood for B. iguait, and vstrysvril3r.Ttsi o elggelJo. KiUlisn tbhell i wtaLthte Inde"da %ad accurencesln cominaulties .. undertaiig. Eacl gels pay for vbat vhih are o very fortlunate? as to get A'va acl. their mail anc. avaly day. of Ustz' circus verit ou a grand parade The E. A. oitçch closet iel meetings of lutaI nday. Fred Pleider vas dreeti laut Vlek luesdayevening beosuasof id op for a covit, Uetz vus inginéater the tuclemeut veather Th.etmeetintgs re ad prof. Guis toit der Deuil ch uble ln geuera ver. qute aucceaul, Goti Id lveried foolman. mauifesîibgisaitflot only ta Miartin hinîttel lielped ie Lt aîer-iri. malbrsbut a"aolu aàdlug a number *lau unload a car tond of lituber lion- bl 1h. churci. I of day. They opexueti a iteg of natis at TLcoa-mttee lppoiuled by thie1 lbotsuds ai the route. ferinera somne tînt. ago tb draft a le Dr. Ray, the dentist, Made bis asuel constitution for the purpase of foriting Il it ait t b ligMl Hy I& neXt a falmrsunioni met Ilut veela Bator. P 1rogniar date a# Union Bolatl vill bc day and blanded lu lhetr report. The r lauay Feli. 21. Titose vtshing Consitution uss sigited by a goodlà Identiotry aliaulti bear tête lni mmd. tuany farmers. More particOiaral later.C a Wili C. Mmba, of Aaubarit à Co. ilunor bas il litaI Ed. Bach Intends Tellurs, Libertyville, III., yl hoa ut tefun for congreasu net tI.ils B Il Wlieeling, Mldy contmeucîug Feb. voulal bave taken tâtastsep belore but II a2t, every alternats liouday vlth a full sud net wisb bo leave Lie fauily lIons. t r ne of spring sud esoumer clotes. itavever rina-e an uirease Aunlhie N Heatiquartr ai Chicago Baume. tIII faitily lie fels Portecl ate Ilu t The achool eiitertalumenl la bilîsalte lavIghisefaIliylAnthe cure Iaf 1Mr. n coule og t 51Union Bal Sgtrday niglit, Bach, Jr. hi il 19Ii. They yull preseul a fiue pro- lits reparleal Ilit J. Mia-l tipped over C, igratn ocalstiug o!fIlie grand ,Oratorlo and sot snta tIres limes uti l a bauM of Quelu Esther, dialogues, recita- o!ra-rn uhie soiug frointLis limeaIrsi tions, declamins, souge, etc. Gultar,l toiermervible We congratuliséhi. '" violit and other imusio. Prceeda for on is succeas. let vo voulti aise di rscbol library, apperl etc. adinonishit la by alî that il ls a AI t There vas a oy lu Wlieeling ulia dauserons thlug lu particular for a ce *came up ta Norton Knpper and ael young man ta geltuto the habit otfa- bhlm fatrlii entter, and w ulinlie got il capailng, aincesIl ntight bappen nome su he theai oit the girls brother vitit iuuday eveuing uben flot at ailtaf àhJit no lbe coulal SetbtIbrailler»a desirable. "i slster and tien lie book i irai ta Ilie uuday SIoolAnsociatjliu0!1I Des Plaines, then ta Kuchets anti Nortihii towitship parsuant ta &cui ilien ta Glenvisu. On bis hoineumrd aofis. eore ld onie of Il» ntestiugs journey htweet Kutchers anal Glen* la the U. E. dhurci of Northuieldtisa visu lie brokre the calter and nohtiliai taa aal Aihog c a r r y t h e g i rllho m eu gt l tu a b e l t t i ng te p r e s s u l tio n t o iThe village board hebd tllir regullar the meestiug vas a igbby a eauî G ionthly M el et lth conucili M me one. The township ficersan seuelans Mla glil and basidies IL. usoal the afticers of the difflerenl Aunday nf routine bIIIsas ralhalbieuses la acliqola prisent gave thIrreports. on ttresloon-keepers. ivo cf1uvotaliMeurs. G. Kiest and 0. Atanger vers &filer filns thoir applicatons and elocled l bdi] the offices of Preatalsu t o payln ltsequarlerlyftee Madie a and Sacralr rspedl ansd Ilo viserona %tek for a robais; but tlie aucceetIllicies. G. A. Walter ad Win.sui board &fier palientliy lMiaiug ta the Plagge hcae IIm af office hait cl@ Iklekera malulainetitheirtISIgnis udi expirait. J. ai. Huston, aofliiody'sa axeetierma ai ihu ""alntry rais. litIte au i Btart Muirhessu, Cook hol J. P. Bally, Preaudent o! thq Cok Co. liionary, elgv eclenti coul y Oyling Asoiaion î Madavee Iîs L t applicmtion fat a permitt tabri titei r addrees. W amnai rond race tram WheeIutat he QOI aOUiibeccolaioitDay,lMay 30, 'W. Information Wanted. ml Is.ouuxu.teomh.ring ths «e- The adDUiahtat of tseastate o! maniy conduct sad goti drJh o ,dsgb oore nflt a maintaine ilait year eadJîy grianted 'Chn h««,bqept. of desre iittr faori 4" . p etiti cr. s eM , i obsict e s ti a i DcvN TlE àvztu. ituou en 02 hlm vas as Ume adC à 'Robt. Frilsub tagI ta deut bon« %».o *"i~li GLENVIEW.ý ir M.James Lg hb lah repoglti 51.1 lMr. . isouth mcalii.Wbars Jas. We vauli adyt.. x ieks 0t los. courage amiser une irea ampl as ha basu eI la Il possible ihatSo 0rielgihborsdo net kMOv Ihat Watd las ismLig sebee Park. DaisY limierhlaiaseMM laour Midas. Tsec Ibsthel liaijetam» reeoverimg. lira. Mtrayer, cf Glanvisu, hla l~ Ler paraulabers. T-o sieigiat leedao!fyemg s bai a surprimepwa.yon ]M, W palo hua 171hb irihdayoW en a * a- lob. 7th. u Reamet lias i Qetgsliais.~ oflen sem « ita. ,q.2Iheq' Ville. Beyjh it Gem"g. W. hadas» elmg lmam âud of leh. mlb""e twg~ £mma Neigonsi, tbe ~mh~j~ BaWaRnu. Tbey reeele ooaly preasutg, HALF DAY lit, antili. .mm *u ln am i n t lit, m U m B. £&04001-& amelyet laya tii.musaet. Otto Jobasonà"athe1 Mut bis foui quisie badl dt veoit ubile e 4 ,ag ee 1 -The masquenade ms é ratveai GlMdaiv~ lit. ma iRm J. T. »a Rev. etay ati vil #Atheita i Vin toomd*l Md>4 4h N(lu-rLJL-IL-1 - .1 1 1 1 1 linas Calpurnia (tutîber took dinner ai ber aisters aI BbSermervilia Isl Bunday. Mie Louise Freese lian rsturted home froiu lier extendeti visit St Evanston. Ail ubo attende theIls iasquerade held at Pelgs alaiut Wlaeslu. re. port a gond tinte. lit. sndlirs. Fred Holale are the happy parents of a baby daugliler. Congrabulations are ln order. The matrisge aot mis" Alma BorcItardt to Mir. Hermon Ebetialit took place on uaiuday 1aI a& Il p. m. at te Evangeical Lutheran ohurcli a& Nortbield. Csremony vas performed by K1ey. B. Streblou. ilie groama. men anda brîdesmatids vers: lir. Bain- hart Bora-harsit vitl i ls a effker, of Chicasgo, anti lr. Berman Bugen niith lias AniseBalise.The bride vote an eiquaile govu of vhite1kMatid srrieit hules; the brldesaidu ver. dresseil lu vhtead vote white rases flter tLe oeremouy the gite pro. ee ta bthe Lame of the bride, ubere Launublai fealivities ver. lieli. lit. tl lir@. Eberlein ulli masse their îlts ehante ut the 01,1 Soeffiter home- ead near the churcli. Congratula- aons anda best ulahes are exiendeti. PRAIRIE VIEW Chas. Stuarmnliasreenfy puroliasti entter of Wiil Bock. Mr&. Fiabher, af Laite Villa, apeol al v tiys outlant vsk ulili li*. J. ai. )rtdiey. Chas. Sturmn atisnded tsevodting1 l is brallier Daa ît Queutîna Cornea a 1mai Weduesday. A feu more timys of varm veather ili lsave the rondes about Impassable Dr either viteela or muanira. The fariner. are patting lu a large b uppiy a! feeti anticipesn tela lmancy ai the veslber an md ramis. Mis Emma BlanchE visiteaihWa 'me the tlaupart of lait vsek ati teiided the damce at tb.Club Bcuso. C. W. Shoidle bs reriteti A. titrenlierger's bouse ant i yll save %ir halongitagi Ihere the lgtas o! Thle Oratton Mtaek friO0. la nling hacher froa aId@splace ta irtbar lb.improvements oun&ibai i LmomgUite 2±*ubo teck *iký t" .1àýÉý The -M l'fi The second arnirsM meeting at Cicago HOU"e Saurday, eb. thl, use vel atteuded. Adain Weber preaded. A consttution va red a» d dis es & n iftflaly d ig iétiby ealy ail preent. Au the meeting us ot calld taorder untUil M t.ey a&U adjourn d befare O aos oond le td . T he ne v org ai n,. lon vil! ha kitau seMthe Ftss Union Of llinoi." The objeet i. ta suppose YOu corne in and have a chat WU&j this. We're aiways ready to talk mimE best Child's. shoe builder In the Unie SuPPlies us wlth bis cholcest styles.

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