CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 11 Feb 1898, p. 6

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aI vbre va led met. Ms vicai eys at me. Ble Nu-bs.laP-at bol ~ t Iusanis. -w ilt" criai Iî kg forgatf il eour darl. wIue jiI our uvu malehiteaart, -~ elîka the ret-àS.i Vvlaaes 'e been aeticbsot! ~.ayes!aish.e itIla faim; s ytsar hem dsîf haIr. t vus taris;ig noiouses, MoUs@ bl oues, sud sh Ie e." Ss. end, but icat tolshuir. te uMr1bassItheacr rene. DwairIf rasdam!" r.îWUua dosra be clair. ~Jsm i lavepain - ~Be5L uyelpst, Itla nul trot; 0 haibb vomie 1 deeply rus. Int ifesele lste ipiie lALveoInrigue? metcaranulI. but Vllsigu ,âerbambla 1'alenîiua. ESEVLETINE., BO EGas anhy oof thlb."bande" lu dia gret tsctory ot Wtsver &Co.. sud a'llh about the aima ibaity nu lthenîîcbinarr te perfa-n iséIl lu diafaclory lidtsar givan " mncb au a sympadhoietgance; te r.c vieal, thdi ntorutmaciuery, uiraetlug hum ut meriât balle sud bg cf eplilea sdo uat encourage smm IF* sud beuiseMsg aas quiet, aven Il m ber companiane, atter tht firul »I ansd Iben a hsll curios, bslf MI Inspection, pai no attention In id Fa Meeg'."troubla" bai beau a poe; a sort of à flovar vîlcI boome - i ~5 ansd gseetilam as lu dia cou- *-Une a Il Mes huas about ber crit- S 1tU, ai iret lu a charitable lu Sfte r a. the chore girl > as bonn. cwie ilvraym melai of mmmuclity,; sud stIli lar a. s ette ýplace, beoSusa Il vas F5.-s.- t er afler barlong, bard b usI nt Ils factury, vhere esle lai qu~poYmnet thalm eaaof 15. b" bai beaue- unaeutal oua. ý%,U IgaMetut, bar "ecioolug" bev- *Wubs.sasd by asixu moulI.' ~a iar Sebool l thenobab- Su Asvlierwicb "aincatlousi su- zée b1.4 toilai for ti.terma jmaboss nutil ber basidi tegSve vay enier Ibae train, ju. as.sbody, lad la ltsepaut mnbk abSuetri. blad ent a guWlou lom iod loving Ibroagb us, vi ain a entruletieh.elad ~te MssUeaW vomia.,bath la pit &M . s e aba a.Prenid iath «WY gfela ber povet t resi sud 111110amlng of eucb cbasp books MW I er way, sud *one, bavlug Je otissdeliver a ltter arns vu " w s eled vllb a vishl 1" màfvbat 5km tupaie ta ne- 00 racti1 msosedy-just ta se. frame »a.tu uaer. »U"aya reMeavd a ltter and li avefines laie tanipoint, wmderet aie yIL ailcama jabout 1iylu ail tethoamtni. vhlch las big cty,-tba bs cIIy vs. 2Veei-ha a eai vlther sie liv- ýà ~ aslttliagel,.Whovws.a» li sais,.biedlooked ap l 0" ui vilabat tre-fasari vhlcI Ob Iisa ef rualeasudM vbicb bas lu 10 abattsY,. e eynessence cr Oâle W peiar.d a llny luter of @ buerbaud. 09 f1ie diss aut on, ta-day as les- m.te'arrov as e-day, outil oe Wu o versiept herft, by tome e alClulation vîlel di nit cou- M» a thîe liaIt t dollars sud canta li lurIcoue . sud she veut ta hem p~lote.Tbceslsidi wva . a Ilt vhes.s hourder happenai e~at bastùt aui, au bacama faUeeaflta position, aIle maie au Set IlIilakW n uMaei part su at- uètite t uaguithe ycaeur e.l jI«f Waaver & Ca. bail beau lts si mue mre tîsu direa or tour M55l l. laudiair neyer quite torgut bA laia one rime beau ber will- and auy daneliction o-a ber part r -use avori of indapeudanos vas 4,111b te lilghtly pesauver. MMIB irnuguestbion, the tand- MfaI Ie Mage isurprie, givtai ber Miqe auuuansd lber gnlu ucuth wu vtI omnelhlug a-bld mlght, kW farorable conditione, bave beau à"e for a suillc, bat vbich bai bai A IMMT CLriTgsI OPVIOLCTs. Uk ritica Ibat il u MY aotcesi- 0 iWM à grimmce. as eh. laid bar te Sber seat 51 ths tableansddieu pro- i-t6 fats-adore ber te i uev hourder lai JMe psualdàmeud'sboard in ail- lgoebm.vhed e I ntroduction, sud rb lamilady lad Umont uIvaulured Wb at les vIe--vis, sud dimeed le VWwa t a ljouasMu, ilhas Mai comiplexion sud a pair ef heowu î Wb" mal bera frankly, snd @gans- *b losk rigîl dovu lt. toolWehl Sbeart. sud séter diahea s teas esa &e-ad ib. bai sllsntly iyl. 0-9 wvata, for her meg mii. op i' t evas W«diffarentfot tramlIe M - ea oustastirmet hanasîllIai sai Va denlabêr 'uce." W paeg iman, vbosa naus vas AI- .-JiNcî. Thomsa Atvood," as Wb la sdsd-wan dimpsuacte ha veL nt u tng hebreakfsit. M , as the OUne oata i tbch.maturalily aIled ta ber »mskwlegs-mi at bIs a as oo f lime train.svîlie rohl- the fiaty a. lIe iran mraebc- a i ra«ralvai IRue, sud tbsl eu etauslaru ctr. Bit Me &W ah. sl o icgai to di 4" bêurs breakfast ru memvay vail acqualut m ohéplansi ber veili iov stabu.11111ebat, lIoq »0 -Yeu ~ gails. ABRAHAM L1N~( OSiOOISISUSUIIZSISSIISSSISSSIIISUSISE on the ltm t Vbruary, lho thoLu l. ilssum M. la'i " 0-r'Leey. vue bumon ocf the tittsud gventent mant h51at mlikuimm -A_____ ther vas a poor fermer. endIlu th rude lite of thé b~ekb e e aU,. seal hlua imS aIn a year. but Whlls «1 ehoco havieDowai sea sai opta". but mmsspusiuh urlfa hie hatai of ernly-hle sariste ompeitisa hgtg I et aIma le1. ssset are on lbe bacha othe . apturai twplme.3»HB vase m,. elothenda a eoonoskiu cap, snd hie tuss vn ekesl wah*~ 1hHtdyh va tbla uaulmum utoftet lchas aluss a .s M l a"*a ta. sho Hi. eset atteudauce et seiool vas u Uita s bvelm yeu.dbut s~e IDma St ha reai sverythng reaieble vitbin ie r«eutand esaga uss m eeeca h sapaclalir attraetsif lua. Hi@ie îl Ikovila aiettha e , a w. leatenauisb.- rama suinaut. wvie hma seuila the etatats e ailJlie@, -*bug l W» s uantbe, end hao bta4ped e tolarabla huowiadgs of gramne,. "ais.ema baussuai baskstudfle by the lot ut berulng seinelu coeest.stelbaBti.sIa m- g Mt lM1 4ho a vseelaaitth luse Latem.4-vus tIras thme rsats-aadit0 to prhthe alUaies uaei eiptgll, taaith l.e e iSh a . cta e egoi. vte. h. e Oak, hols extadfe ot alvr sd l 04 a ecgta lsa a I sby4 e sbleapry Ilotrauddt ofai pah, talo lai lu the bPoudiaste seNa e ie th Uate, etthe Don. Astaeliloftaerion;eu*hee ha thecian ai thl ibevustr oheasacae. tts u a 01 t U ~ u ai Anti o Mets lova stary begsul, sud à- a chw. Tiee litua beauanendtivIt tle tinte lfia ay Il Vas.apparent ta the gai cxi ai et ah . hP jar pon ber l everybody tIatale. as graving abso- lpe, eh.e spramg te uae-uet Tom, but ltaîr pretty-bsppluem . hiîng mach a strangar, ami b haai .d 1 su tuee power la dile ifrectlou-and dial tIa lima et poor, Mae&sd sau.bow aeaknav vac approachint a-heu the boudest y700ug wbeu h. abai" er. asvaleçue cotain, h hrahamau and hersait vooid ceassata ha lut s a ttr-is, flruet lter-dihat somde-d loyers sud becumde bucbaiud v ite. tling bld bsallcu bar lovar, sud sha fait t Iudeéd, lIer bail talladi ilailU ver, sud ber a-ey bebte tIlsMetlsparier sud vidi Meg bai toli Tom tbat aeabaai avai abhiug lande te»es lltter open sud $100 trou ber meager salani. sund Tata lol opll et utune outants, it vM e bat toutaei ltaIat bfore lahuit kuoVa ,uaîloug, but va vri t by Dr. -1 of e bar ha bellispent ail bis sarainge, but the cospansuy'simaUaantilil staflet l ita elucde that rima le lai bagu taput by Thomas Alvoeai a brakemanu, lai falicu b a liltie, sud nov hli 30, sud diat ha betwesn tIls ca itelaouhie regularmru tarant te sorl bard soidgtla àpromotion, sud lad bo.u m bsdij ljureidisl at et as diat Ibar coli nme lima hava a ba" di ehastiJyf tadr balug hrenght ta 1hoe of thetr ova," etc., jua asa humble, the boapit BeLode lie ilaîhlehadai happy loyers always hava doueansd ai- a.hati for pa" m palier soi bai a-rit- h waare ill do, sud then dier deci dat lIer voli pal the $100 aud the *M00ta- a gadiar, aud, as. Iat vas dia lst cf Peb- ruary, diervouli gat marvliedFeh. 14- à PvalentiJo a-eting." SiTom eaud, sud dieu, shen as au "the neyer bail bai a valsutue," te lausbgîsout0or f sebasaa Just bubbllog user vitsestues, suddi love, und merimaul, andt ld ber "ha 1 wouli-ba ber vaitutineansd aide vualt be - - hi," ani thea ha klsed han, anti Mag was lu sudh a tate of deligît Ihat the torgot ablleaven bai beau louair, sud ahe ,donlindt bave cîsugati place, wta-lbssi__ qasan, aveu If tlttaler bai luialeaup- -i on l.a As thettre, ires utar ton the a-edding h Met bada plrettt- nav drese matie sud, oneahat soflaneti hy the lova affair -f whhb ai toua torarn ilreclly ander r ber cupervhsion. lita iandlady bai maie I prearallonc for s saiuing supper ws-blc« wasi tantta sur previons effort of the hinti lu the nelgihorhoci. Indeetielte ASt), AT ]LAiT, dma LET Ulm00. bali reanîvai that for once the -oudha tan the nlcoaad, ami reealéd 1118 Il be extravauantids@ce tIout savarai au- seut ta Btu prenadi&r«&s" e rient receipta, hîch termi basiai "*Bride's Mat droppedtheIls ater, aud vitI the Cake," sand set lua-aork basting es sud calimusofot ue blasfaut baldi of de- a-igblng conur in a a-ay which madetitlie spaîr aide reai Tom'. lent message vich, kîlciten ecuition l to eiae, la a cunfidan- a-llb mauy breas uami amosti llegibe tini manuer, lu die a rbaga mani, thal tracery, rau a. toliowna "Daar girl: 1-P "Minusas'pparedti ta haa iltechedinlubava maie euy ist-resandi-lava ge tleb bar ttpper abr.," andi gava au bar matucoS ay too-by-kesp a t11e hou oen thed ton hem conclusion that "bbc vas s-mah- bu-s, sud vltI-loye foeer snd avar, I lu' caketlu hast sIit-." I nu-four vaWieua. A fe ay ifs bfure tae lime set for lbe TIot vas ail:ouiy th. tary outw tva waiuing tht saatiuer, shich tuhol ean Ilu bmble lover., and to-day Met ea again f Ibul condition kuiownnac tuutttf." lamadInlutde tactory, But, a.1Isai, bock out cod, and viten 'lotu camae aroondta ilbuber %arttgray ays e sao»m.thlug wsîlel Meg coud-by bafore going uut ou bis ru la toc sui for epeét-teostdaep for lieurs, l for thethaIt lime itafona e rlaidber sud I il ligo vila 1er ait ber days, anti as hie brida, ha bai a puvier u ous Oit-eu uv?-h"fda'l s b lie calar and IbsI strauga, inleaseibable -lu nu moe -Ieu ud ae y hnt hegs r sueli ot colti ou bis cothing mhih niaitdeaiotmle ul I n d; Btmlaore . sglamng7.f Mat îanaggle ap lu hlm d dSay ahde cas D-UlcinGlob teed ti heblia orry ha bai ta go ont linte cati.' muid _ ________Globe.__ lIen, ns the klasedtl ita luthat moîharir vuy Ibal camdes natural ta o un ahon WIIERE ABE PRACTIORD LAW. tbey lova, adeagkshd hlm ta "bc veef cutra- fund ant tcbbis fooing a ce ta rsrases dCcurthoeee ai ldmeals1li4 Base the topa of dis cars, viticit vre suc ane10 Comeecia. ytltIc Mastyr. Q ha illppery hersusa ufthedisuas," ani, ut TIec ety oet im5c Lu, lin 11cotaisr lent, aie ltbhi go. onu. building lu vhielAbraamsin leoiu lit. Vaicullue'. mura davuai eear anti uratlced lav oves ibt Itirs,.au. Il hrlgbt, slioagb eaddowlur lihe bteached l intovnutaadithe IvàWie uart boane,t lilnna-barever s îesvY tenu un au aarly sItboogb Ibat wlhl w" ba. eg su0 ah-t padlestriso bai not mureaitlspartI, sud momhad he iaPramuul ch rMat &ros lbi 0f basai anti liaIt ocfotout Tba drai c eun t ab fLogas Conly ta male the final praparaîlone for ber vas Pouvlie, Midlsthe Osuat boa,.,, union sidih e man aie Iovedde ha bd shiehl iietaila te la. vester, part ut tld ttc foraman on dia previls aveaing Lincoln, vasalee.-la-mens&cI rus. 85 lIaI abse vould nul return ta the taçlorr, ta 1848. la the latter yeur the courte sud IbalhIdrelîug ut men, a-ho conaderai vers raeuvtaivtelve mils. sEelate bumaaulty of ber kbud as maraiy adjunce Mount PalelsIl. vilvlages vs. the a monaf getlug. baidignai lu mayluncalimut l eh 118.At absent avary au ltrioeulory tsahou: "Golug ta gît tarda of court tram the lime atih flmargu mura-lad, bey?" Meg di nul anaver, bat kabe toit sncb deigt et leasing tdia bac Jbuilding, vhare tea ad beau marelyasa p s plece ofthde maeblnary, ttîsIIt eaemsd ata be he all banoyer Inovu freadoduansd ,tvaguair souderadiIf Il realîf vere site- Meg-wbo vaiked ou air sud vsmeasobhp- t- py diat nu ns-sd tlleu teacaght aI ber à heurt lest It abmlbout a loai. 0 No. B20T, vbicl va.Tom@ train. vouiti ha l inu t 3:20 o'cloch, aud eaI 6, lu the ae praaauce of onr osear Ivo or the boardi- r esud dia laudlady, dia carsuoay vas te à ha parformei. MeaV adtt heildidck, r 1- bu-vbsnthl bandepointea e4'.Oahe e- concludeidiat tlac train aasu anor laIe ai.ptvs, euos. Lt and site vouli ote iapretty gavu noas s la e halahi nady vlan Tom camas. Oh@ smil- lstloaof lb. ieMly s s a as-stelocal, te edai Stbar image nlue la as ufor te district sOdni*I ils uelstioa for the e t*uutfrth tbtIe h bool etim th4seting prfsUel.y M. tmsios m out tha l' sirt aud thes rae batilly doura te saa< laorauns ain OgSmA"ami lIaIhe vaë s nu "e a i tae dock. It vsai 5o'loek nov, favorite vii tbf gaule.1 the conut3fle kt and atiliiTom ltsda l otrmeansd a&J1ai vlisuceaIW > *M ut tb efiy bhsurt m once ffouatblhing -e wa Mc ouilliigraspei hie nam.e. Rh u dde Ufl t ISpato Meis heurt sud the tremblai as oua vith lu, emvvlg ow" ll it as.e m *Ise tàs.oGle ansd àamto Eaivsd wae balit lafeugI the cpuâtr it did bot Pau throcabhthe nBCV 00017cent, Mont PuIseki, Car ths old ou of Postlil., but It dld lissa viln a mile of the latter tovu. At thie poiut a new tovu Vwu tondeand sud ardilnhonor of Mr. Lin. colo, vho V55 Vas a friand who vers île toanders At the asie of lota lu the nev towu ou Âug. 20, 1853, Mr. Lincoln Vie present and expreeaed hie regretset ai uing uo mener with whlch te buy smouer the tottu loti. However, two lobe opposite the block set solde se the court bous square were tires te hlm by Messr. Gil. let, Hickox sud Letham se au attoruey ter for ervilca lltsework 0framurlng the charter snd deede for the IICV clty. TheeIotaslMr. Lincoln oVad util hie death aud Ver. n0t sold by bis heir n. tlà about »seveyarus âa. LINCOLN AS A LABORER, Ha Dld Parss Work la Ilausa for 25 cestes aDay. Br tdi. Ume Abrahamn had heeome au Important member of the famili. HaeVwu remarkahly atroug for hie retro, sud tha work hac ould do luaà day wus a dsclded sdvautage te Thomas Lincoln, maye Mc- Clora'& Magasine. Theazax hleh l#ad beau Put ltbhie baud te belp lu making the tirat cleariug bad ucver been alloed te drop; lndead, s haeaye bimieit. "trom, that till vithin bit 23d lent ha vwu ai- mont conetantly bandllug that montue- fui Iustrument." Besidea, ho drove the tesm, eut dowu the elm sud llndeu bruih wltb wblch te stock wae oflen ted. lenru- ai tu bondis tie oui ihovel plriv, te vleld tbe slckle, te lbruash diewbeat vltb s laui, tu fan sud dean it wlth a sheal, te go la miii sd ud ru the bard-easinedgiet loto gour; in short, bc elaurnc ail the traie. thae ettler's bey muetkhumand vell euough no that when hie fatherid Dlot lieed hlm os could hire hlm te 1h. uelghbere. Thomas Lincoln aise taught hlm the rudiments ut carpeutry aoi cahi- uetmakiug, sni kept hlm boesy ore of tbe lime ae hie assistantlu hie traite. There are houss gill ssuaning lu aud utear Geutryville ou wbich l tl sald ho vorli. The tfaIlles. et L&aa,Joues, Caawfori, Geutry,"Turubau sud Rich- ardsou ail daim diae houa, etfiavlsgena- pluyed hlm oupon tbekX cabine. Au ha prew older hb.hobe onor thdiaatroug- est and iut popoiar "Ibauds" lu tb. vi- oriulty, aud ach ot bis lime a ie 150sa a "hirai boy" ou émousiaghbar's tares. F'or 25 csnt@ a day-psld t0 hie father'- la Vie boudier, plowiusu, Vood chopper and rarpeoter, baaides e eing the voue. wth lte "chorce." For them,.se mi tha lagande, ha vrairesu 1te carry Vater, unke the Ore, aveu teud ths baby. No woniar that s laborer Vbo never refusai oe de auytblg ogskaied, fIloc, vho coidd 'strike witha s usllt henvier biowe" ani 'slsh au az deepar hâteltheVaoi" than eaybedy aelu lnthe coummuty, sud vho et the sma lima Vu gaussai help for the veo, aer Isaka sJob ln Gaatryvlle. htAKINQ LINCOLN PRESIENTABLE Eue Ligcola "Pistil Up" th eu"- dent-elect t. e mnsteaa l«tàou lu narrstiug "When Lincolu .Wàe F1,51 lnaugratéd,lu lae Ladbwe'Hom. jour. tal, Itephe. Plàea ritaes lnteraetloly of th. messorabia journel trois Spriugfield, Il, t. Ile.ntional capital, and telle ut lire. Liscolu'acefotste h ave bar bue- band loak preaotahle wbeu raceivig a deeatlaim a Ve ogrand dieu upon 'cacblng New Yack City. "'lhe train etopped," Vita Mr. Flahe, "sud through tha vludove immeuse crovia coul h. eaue -,tha chearlng drowva- ed tbe biuving off stesu 0fr dia locomo- tiv. Then lMre.Liacold opanai harbaud bag sud eald: 'Abraham. 1 muet ta yen op s bit for tiese 0117olhs.' "Mr. Ibacola gentlylifted ber upen ths mcet before hlm; shs parted, comhad sud brushai hie bair sud arraugai hie black nachrie. '.Do 1 look ulca now, mother? ha of- !aclloustely askai. *"Weil, you'll do, Abraham,' raitli Lincoln crlllaaliy. Bo ha kisseai ber and lifted ber down frum the sent, aud lornai te meat Mayor Wood, coortly sud suave, sud to hava hie band sbakeu by tbe other New York officiais." Love Lottery Day. One of dia mont charming and et tha same lima plausible versious of the rais- hio uthe modern valeullue Ides, te Ibat iievoted Christian martyr, St. Valeutine, ls the tolloVlng: The early Chrietian faîbere, lu thaîr at- temple te coucîllala dhiu pagan compat- riote, with moart commandabla tact sud ioeigbl utllized mao e i popular forme 0t mYthological calebralloos te commemo- rats Christian ayante. Oue oft1he festivals, iee.r te the heart et evevy Roman. vas the fes of Luper- eallâ, vbeu tbey did bouor te their gode Pian sud Juno, neot ouly wllb dia ban- quet, douce and drame, but wlth s peca- lser ceramour wblch provldad a billet box listo vbicb vers dropped saips of 1i5- par inscrihai vlth tha ladies' uames. The bacitelore drew ont dises slip.suad the la- dis Vbos aemee vers ou Iheir papers ver. heucetorth iustaUaed as their mi- treses for Iveive mouthe ta command ihem s» beet suitl thIeir eveel vilis, Titis festival uaaaliy occurrai lu February, aud ws therefore msade une 0f by the Christins te commamorata the blrtb- day OftIhe martyr. St. Vaeetina. la lima il cama te be cslled Valaullua Day sud relained thb. iv-lottery au te espaclal fteature. MoiNeeS Abe nd lhe BaIl. Croeelug asfiald oue dey, the lota Preai- dent Lincoln. lt te sai, vas pursea by au sugry bulL Ha made for the feue. but soon discoverad that .the buil wu overtaking hlm. Ha dieu begau te rua round s huyetacklaib hee ld, aud lahoul pureued blu; but, lu makiug lb.he»hort efrelee rounidiathestck, Lincoln trac the tenter, sud, Inateni of 1he hall cateblng hlm, ha caught dia bull sud grsbhed biln by the tatil.It was à lirm, trip sud s coutmulling one. Ha begau 10 kick dis bull, suddiahebail beliowad vita agouy snd iste acroaetdisfield, Lincoln bang 'te hise lan sd kking hm in tcvary jqmp, sud, au diey 1ev &long, Liucoln aboutai at thbhal, 'lSang yon. who begalatie ligbtl", tester tlgbt mitb asphltuim. carryinut Ibm one piaisenger? D liee liaI putail tht ane of flie and ut scontinue eternily un-t der obligation ira @site deteniai ber bellp-1 Iesi brother tramt tht perils auaatic, rep-c 3' illatut uni rtevenons' Site Itfwus flit boîîglthailt ceniarfualtabund i bt mIiotiter logetiter, su thua i e vvas renrei lu S ' lie lte deili-trer Ot bis stationi. sîtn obbar- %vilnt, if snrti nt ail fratathe ruabseof lieht iiia liaeteouli have bac:,u sy one mo-utre outflic lidafylig piiîraoha; for Prcince%Themmutie t thftflebatbing bougea wouîli have Inlitritedth Ie crottin of Egypt, aind as she bai no chili ut bier ovu tfil - aLdçtai chili would have came tu corans- - tinte. Rad ihare beetiauo iriaintuhere wotîli have liéen nu Moite. Whut a gar- land fer fafulai sterhuol! l'or boit, N Nfille serinsorfDr. Talmage themnnof a lutgivrranti low utaur sa ro character et A Wiîse. sYlulmthetiecaanali ote ny a iallverer ndouiens'maur self-donit>lg #Inele c et forth as fi n nsalut are the mirli und tht chîîrcb lit- exsempla. autheistury li nest hutîdretis etielaionwatlitul, k.vlttg, tuithful, uni-t of tutuIlu liankiug cuter oaidftnie#; te . l1> ster? Comea i)tont of the tarfi- Exous Il., 4, -And il csîiter &oab a outis tuae. corne ltp ouit fhe lucousecoas off ta tilt ehi a til c doue luablt." boîult, comeutp froint tetikouaaithe Prlstss Thermuti, àitiguîttar ot l'ha- Hliton anti Petînlauýt- onti tha Savannah raidi, lothng out tltroutth the lattie ofntii tht' Moblile anti the Mississippi ant i al ber bathlng bouse. un tadiehofthIe ftic otiîtr Nilestif Attrita. sand let nas eet Nilena eenuits huou nthe river. If )-ou. the Micjanoilta mmatcbad sud pro- bai nether caufer rlt-ltt. ani tbey teouldti ecteti the tuilers lu mmvantimetilcîna hase heen asclies anyh,'w. There mae anti nerchandilet aniart andtiagriculture unIr one passengu'rsuant nt a batîr boy. and nuot-nirtand ireligiotn! If I1eoiii But the Maylower, tut hriit ltht pli-salii ysc-atis and ti torneys anti ner- gritrefaleri ta arrîciu-i not csi chants anldtilslî'rs utfreigion unidaîic- preciotisa fondti. 'T'he hon aImum oude utcetstilut-n ut ailîpruofesions uni traditu tie broai le-a ma or ptsîyriuw. ligbleiieçi ta- ivio are indebtedta luou eider aleter for galber hl bltm.-n. bîtitts mvre sctttinssgondinlututces anui ilnîîafor aun ailta- mad ie bsit aittrial. ti.mue let-rn tritutu or a poprcins;stort olt i t be Pliuy snd pletii'titandtii 'liuttîltrnstus. finammu .dritiilreîba mmntli -i y. Gai "Kiff natt te lîer-meltciltîe rc tin," Itll ktitt shu.w mourout(,nr (lreeh lexicous batat 'hnraoha tort-r. 'Jo envi-lier bon,."atti bymutbutfnue sehoolinga tare Jocheiiai. lie ttîbar utfhit llttos's. bai pu id (tir b oaner fiitîwotliotharvîme put fti lifint uieir botttan sd latincitil hliantoe for tht repleetlsbiug utfaLcia-b bien. 11e im iti-r Mirjim tototiun te 1ter's e arirobti. Willttht brother salît-il buuk teateiit that preelotus crufi. Sie off fttor aagtundiiug hera. tht siatert was (fir enoigltoffit ttiti dcsw atte'ntion a-atcltd hlm tront tbabauheout eslt-de-r lu the totl iteur eîoîtghî ta offi-r pro- niai. tection. 'lhcrp site iandtn uthe batik- The ElIder 81teir'a Ouiiua Rend. Miriamu the poecns. iiuutte qttick Militn aas thtechiet ut the failly. aittedi, hlîriaut!lhe talthfla. ttogb sery Musets und Aaronu, barbrotberm. vers humait, for iluefftrluetîtbche daon- Youuger. Oh, tht potier of the eideraile-a sialai Il. tta elhip dacîde the ltrother's chararter Minnt u a s iepndid I nter, but bai for usafuluae suad for heaveul Lb. eau bar ail thaercetofutna. lins ep orfrout ber brothler mure asile thon carafullilesha -teed the bout cotainingt Micîcucunfibaia irivan hach vater ber bmther! A sîmung alutîl igbt uapet tua-I tr trocodiue traiu the ark of bal-e fi. Thea i,îttaluas oftéeu tnd théeamiht r.iclits. TIheaioderar etr decida, ltae il- lu s sudien itinuge out hiret siol It. Souterettion lu whic-h the craille boatlashaitail. mreaotîm Outer towi migitt svuOP snd 'If gentlenemm, by goudtieneua, by Chris- plck hiseyees ont vith irtin bruih. Monte tiun principle abse an ur tami tovari ths crocodile or hippopota me rmw4iilg pialace. net of a wichad i harah. bol of throogb the rushes guigbt cruncit the babe', a boir Cod. aud a brighter prîncesea tbanc Miimuiuche]ad nivilbet ntif l'n'u- Titarmulleshouli llft hlm ouintfpari, i ceet Tbermutm,. a maien un eaeh side ut aven religion, vuse vnys are a vyo0cf ber holding Pnlsalouvesier bar hesi fi> pleasanlituansd ail ber petite are pestra. obelaer bar froua the eau, ramaetioso cutiTheeacdar nser, boinmrelbts.hevoria enteri ber balhiug bouse. Whau tront Owen hart Mura vhile yrathIe taulli voua, thebattr t,1rhe sso inboat a. sacorderedinlalimitaed evumstaucaa, abs led ta bldt t hroughl, sud a-heu lhe leave. vere pull- andtiaieactra ut ber youuger broîbaus. i ai bocktramin ha e ceouthîe chili aud Andl If tIers lu unything fitexcites uYa the boy lochai ap h.e crIiedalati, for haie ympatîhrit in a littir girl lagiung round va.buîga- su fnttatd ud -on agreai ftichîlsi end gettlug bearusbox-t not aven t the princesfate hlm. Thtei b,«,,,ttea h cauot h.eVbim quiet. By Infatsnl ouldraîber star btugry filan the tintaeh. alc estlunsu otuanhot acluovittigeanam of t he court asuniotb- %ahainla iueasd n onut and bar aîrse- er. Nove Mira. thea itter, Incognitoi. tieaeaa bas beau merîfliedou dia alter Do nune cupectint ber ralation lu the chili. ut eleler iielity, and %she in couslgtedt leape tromth îe batik anti rushes dontn anti to ratibacy, and sotltr talla bar by anuna-t affae tu gel a nurse lu parify the chili. fair came. but iu ht'aveu ther calI ber C Consent la glvean sd abc bringa Jocha- Mriu nlumueI famillestheeaonuet bed. the bcby'c moter. Incognito, noua stesirabie pItî ni- uthe record ut birtls0 ut itacotrl uomnt halsheVhSthe are rit an sd the let-the lirsI ha mother. anti mm-hn Juethélieiarrisai taqne i c.-in a-aruntutvltb the rares of e child siappai eryiug, (or ils tcigbt tics huma flist cennol affri ta hics bell. i, n calmai sud I* bouger uplîaast-dl. Yttuthealent herause she lespollilai a apet. mar admira Jochebt il. the motter, anti Amont tht granieaI equipuges ibat seep1 ail the agest moy admire Mtî-s bt 1 bhrongb heliteect utlitenveia viiihaethosa cp ur bsuds ln appiatîse et the behavior ou-euuîied b inteisirs vho uacriiciititrai- of Miriam, the tsiîhful, brilliaul andtisevec for brthes. Tbay viii hava lb. stagic iter. fineat out<ha Apoculyptie wbite bergs, À Nouench lu Rtetory. aud Mailly wsho un eari Ioouflaidevuap-i *'Go huma," noma ana migbt hsve saiti ountem teil bave tao bru cultelet laIeta ta Miriamu. "Wby riek roursaîf aut ibera pose. tieechariotear rrylng: "Clear the aioue ou dis baohs ut the Nuse. braathiug vur! A quetu le roualut!" the informesud lu danger utfbt'tng it- tachai cf viii beaum or ruffian? Go Blsasiag or Car«e. hume!" No. Miriam. the @iter, mura Lat ismers ual begmaite ths limeansd luvingir wached sud brsveiy detenlil rare betowa u a brother. It sn bard ta Muses. the brother. Inle haworlby lter bllera thint suy buyt-inat yeulnie, ov1 careqiuti courage? Oh, t-es; the clir ycci- veill as oue brother cotan e av ceu ott taries of tht a-iahishctany have tiaver satithing verr aaetaB. MWll, lh ay et o bai no mîach luvulvet inuflite arrivai ut kbna Mouses. Thera e ntnly One outflitI auj ahlp nt sur part as in tht Iuntintg out ndnet-ici for liOWJyears. Bat 1 tel finit pupyrus boit caihed mith bitumeî'! yea vhal yaar brotller ail he-elther a Ic& oua passeuterwsae lueha snotsnch in bileut or a tiar" es u oclety sud s can- historr luwyec. stateaman, polilîcianu let- Iditiste ton hoppinems or wretchedueas. He Icicior, organiser, conqasmur. tieliv'aner. vi ileageostahave the ebtilce bewven Ha bidsncb rtmarhabla beauly lu thil- rutie sud living vtuaisanti yuurIlue nce huad iltet, Jasephamsuat-s, ahen halie is - mlliiravaumachlduwith his eisiion. currieti ataug the rani people stîippt-dta liea mu ay el «*,lihaMse athe daliverar« gaze lit hlm univorhmenu otîi asse outanation, blttiehamay. alter four fulhar their mmrk ta admira bita. Wbeu <heaund motter cre Kouiehebadelirerer ut kin plyfuly utbi. crownulnîon Ibis a hiuceholt]. Whîit Ibotaauds uthumes king lat-flîr8pt luday are pIlotai lir brothers! Thece are boy, lhe lbrav it off indignautly andtiplporasno ainvialudyîîg hie tant o fpou e I tm fo iba sipttaîrt and istarm su Tht king. taaring fnthIm mitht lie nan frte»apotsfitr n aigu thuit tht chili might yeatIaeîumvn 'olutter -brother iu&caais the alier broth- bis rown appied nothar test. Accord- er roue ta the le-ade'rahip tramin he day the bis cr050.Oppitraituer lut- îiamn iu die. Whtevar Yon lut ta the Jamish legeti. lte king omilenciofrytr rteswl cm akt ta-n bomms ta bc put bittura titechili. oneagdu forfiliu mt hcs au1 coma ach ta fou coulainlux rmbits uni thealiter bîurni-tig itgtmt,uu Icy.u sel idt su exempluif tan- tuais, aud if lha lock tht touae iseha muta l,arittuc-onuuitte ipIlvi lise ani If hi och tht rtbiea he es t rcoi itonenilfrotl is tm-n irrilatetandl dle. For nome rassoit thtilid ttuaitune deaioiii-inature. Ift-on. bY Patieuce vltb1 at~~~~~~~~~~ thfui niptIll i <tt is inirmities antI hy nobiîity outehrne- lfthebi lta a-nd putrfcin blistotuh sia tam, tival ti-it bita lu the tas rears ut flin tue linre 11 as a, lougatilbuta- i our tonpanionshilt, yon ahIl' ave four tarflicetavge afler.c wuindtncaof tuit- counseis r'l etted batk aîn yeou tmaday terace verefft. lavig cme a tuit-by isnplonittr of hehavior in cama criaic hiuai i, hayapnt pn ita pduenmar i lt-hrt lie teituld hava tallai bat for fan. te let 2,5WIu)pruc,ud lee ie.d e Puatî-,lbnIfmuani) b lmn. )ut't tiepreelie hic tae lalme 0,tlof bs auds leete Anti ha Put itiliity. Dun't 1,1k discouragingir about thtpaaisofbisituts tgeharlapraer bis future. iîunt jet Miriam gel dommu anti thtelIeiSes edosi ou a tranga- off tua booh ut tht Nîle anti sait ouI and lutetibhast. ntusat thetaurk of balruehec. I>o't tease BouloI of Mloses. hii. Brothmers ant i alters udo net consiier Hlm lite no nnatteabiy graînd, bis hurlai It a uriarta femmeus. That cpirit abruai mat iehaou tht camae seule. Oeil mvoulî in utht futulila snuitouttht ameransd naitaer men nom saint nom archangal hava moit I ivililh. Titeain a ieaelng flhil anything to do mih meviu«r for hlmt a pienurabla anti la onIy saibter faim (cf sbroud or diggiug for bita a grae. Tht nocît uIlaery. balut e hich provoktes omnipotent Gai lettIie titrone lu beuven u"ni irrîtates aili akea Ibaeee lash s-It oue day, sud If the quebtionu a-se alangar le ta ha relirehautiti. Il soutidha "Whther le the King oftihe Univamme go- last blintaaorlhy ta folle a bucbut lag?" thea suaet mess, 41 am goins downt-n llîîî and oui m flhemntcroae yoar %iner'@ ta bory Moss." And the Lord loch thiti cheaklouta ta laka s hit. ;ad drav its ulgbtitst of men ta tht top of a hbih, uni sharp, cita acroas rour brother'a bondti 11 the day a-as clear. uni Moues rau bis tht boospurmtan tr iltt touli damage sys avec the mugnîlicaut range of coun- unir tht boit-, but leasn inl tht thoru oal try. Here dia vallar of Meiraelou, is-tare the kliiteseraîcting aud Iacerating dia lte final- battis cf ail ilativr n le tbchadisposition andthIbansuf. Ilinthe curie fouglht, uni roudar tha Mountains Hem- ut Innumeabla houseboafit theIabrot- mon and Lebanon and Geaia ni bbecara lassathtinsîteasanid fia elaers lha bibis of Judien, sud the village oft iethie- brutera. BSamatîmas Iflej the enfor of bem tbere, anad the clîf of Jerlebo yonder, theafinir. or the abape ofthebatenturs or sn unid h vaut etreteb ut lanisapa Ihat aI- affair ot the heurt. SoMetîmes iflal by moneck tae diaId lswglvar's breslim avay- reveailt s secret or hy a suggestive bool as he oIoulaei II And Ihen vîthoul s or n gaffas or an "Ahamt" Tasse! Texte! pan un 1 Ilaiuru troundiahastateut tâtat Tesse! Teste! For merc'nsuithe, quit l. tle era ef Moacawa-aiundihutusiasd isChrit mya,"Ha Iba butedihbie brailler nlural force finabalis a oca el otrer." Nov, lan rua, by tene- grant iuwglver'seeesud tbcy edosai, andiflur, muhe yoar brother or aleler hale, 7011 bis Iunelus ni tey ceassansd bis heurt tuaurit, iuor bar loto a murderar or maur- audfil stoppai, ahi emmaudd, aying: deresa. to aitor stanLd.TtIlasa tlou. Tour hrotbaer's sacoo IR your succre"! Hie vieillvI t-aur victorien. l"or wbila Kàft brothler li] the voenimuie aftar the.tiss lutq of the feR e ..Miriamthei ~sf wlth two sheels oftshiing ibras pU aud glittering lunlthe «un, led the Inetrui intul nuisir, elopping tbe CYMbRlat tS lhe ax ulfrilbtenei uelgJt of pureulttg 1ca alry borue twu@ smolhered lu lbe "Te snd thet lit Egyptluti beignet weut milder. ' How aIron t aline agaytulf h.t ail tht' lsters nitîl lrotiiera stand togetlier andi wlnt ail awul wrack wheu thay dia. ild'gruéte, qitarrellus about a faîher'a vii anidMailing lthe aisrroigle-'u cilce barri- hie with the-iir ngle! Better, whau roi& lvera little chilirei lu îhinursery, thst e ltlî yur piaybouse tuallete you had asO* deulally killed parti otîter ligbllug seroat >otir craie blian that, havîn Coam te the Dire "tftaturitfandi bavi in luger0 veina utnti rteries the' blonod fltheauMO father uni muther. you llgbl e«Ch cht uCrosi the parental grave lu the cematery. Do Your Part. If t-ou onîr kîiew il, your luteresti ste ltlentlcel. 0f ail the famille@ of lbé. ail thaI ever iluot ogtier perbape ttheuMont cositapîcuns le the tamll ut the Rotbe. chîltie. AsuhMeyer Anselm Rothschild vie about lu die, lu 1812, hae gathered his chu.- dren abolthlm-Aueellu,"aois. Na1' tIbm, Chartes nn James-aud mudtiathi promise liail hey wouid slwasalha united u 'Change. Obelîng (bat injuictiot, libe has'e been the"migbtlent couimercial poV. er ou eàrth. andi ut the raisins or loV.tIDg ut thPir stepter nations bave rieru or fait' en. Tîtat llluoîrât-s bon, manch. ou a large @c-ale ani forPlfliâlîlà urî,oaes, sa uitai fnl ina aileve. lBut suoseoaathast luslt'ad of a utagnittisde ut dollars ae lbe Ocît tIl blielng goýo und mailigs»W tury iîiîirt-nlon cti r.aiin thiesouane worltl, hu' mach moriera nuiugi Slae. you do yoler part uanti rtber vili do hie part. Ift %iârient wM ll îvingly Walcbthe htîat on ltho Nil.'. Mostsai ll hcIpbar whau lelirous di>usters atrike. Wbheu tutha-r nnumtler are gonte-and theY coou aili ha, if lbey bava nul ai- ready maie exiltte i;cterly ani'tratet- ual bond wmii hatht only ligamenttdtit sili hou (ha gaay t«&*tbf. "De, Maur messons for your deeahd un utsterug af- fection for es-li other! itacked lunlthe saine credie: lient user by lhe satte uotb- erly laniarnens; tuileil for by tdiause teueu wary srin sud acâlog hiv;e wllh cuommon luherllancee of ail the fsufly secrets aud u-ih uDames given you by par- eute wbu starad yru xitb the hlbst ho"e for four happlupssasd prcaparlty, 1 charge fou lie lovlng sud kind aud for- gîsn. If the sister tee that the broîhet neYer vantes asympathiser, lha brother viii se Ibat thae siter neyer asasuae@- Cort. Oh, if the sigears ut a bouasiol huew' lbrougI vbat terrnîiesud dausait# temîîtallcns their brother Sors lu Ctli ts, they vould hardiy iiesp ulghie lu asielty for his salsllo! And if fou v.ald noaka s boir coueplrary of hlud vords sud gez- - tic attention& andi areeft prayara, tlaal t vould ss l ie moui trous deastisud bie s multitude et otns. Bat kt 1h. eter dagb off lu oua direction lu dlecpieelp of the vurli, andi the brother lieejoff la as- odier ireion aud dissipatio, sud ltvifii nol ha loug bat or. liber vii usaI a ai the Iron gala ut deepoir Iheir bhoerai taet lu the bot aubees uts cosuumsd lte- limne. Aiae, Ihal brother.s aids"en ihough living tugaîher fer ysurs verr, otten do not knov Caceb ather. sud tiat tey steeunir the imaiperfactionanad nous ut the hirtue Kuosa ?ly Brother. Gleneral Baner ut the Ibusaiscavalry hat in euriî lite vandered off vitb the ar- ur, and the tsmiiy sappoled lha va.dead. Atter lh a gîle a tartans hae aucaupei oue day inu liasu bis native plaçra.nd matis s banquai, sud arnong the great Mllitary men vho vare lu dînase i nvitai i plaiunMiller sud bis vifs vbo rl soier hy aud vho. sffrlgbted tuame, tearing sima ebarmn vouli ha dune them. The Mniller aud bis vifs ver. placai que au sscb aida ufthe sgeneral et the tabie. The generai iehed the tailler sabout hie gas-, iiy, sud thetauiller sali tilet bh bitvo brothers and s sinear. "No other brota. er?"'My youngar brohervaut off vidi the arur msuy yenre ago sud nu dautit vite long ago kilieti." Theu the grsri muid, "Slitrs.Iamtu iis maus yoager brother, whom lha diught vas de&&"' And bus baindasolthe cber aud low warumesonihe etubrace! Brother sud sîster. u neai as mach of an Iutroductiounlt esch aller as tler did. Yu do nul huos ecch oiher. Tuthitk four brother is grounî sud croman ad quser. andtieha hinks voa are efa.h sud prond anti unlovely. Botb voonu. That brother yull hca aprince lungoMe vomanes efes. anîd thal 5151er a qaça.iluthe aall- motion of souse man. Thot brother lnas mugnlllcaultafllav, sud ihat $ister leas morultinluJauli. Came Iet me intsoduce yoîi: "Moues. Ibis le Miriam. mlrila thie in Muses." Adi 75 par cent te your praseult tpprtcistion ut escb othar snd whan yfu i segond moruing do uat stick up yoîtr coldcckeh valt rou Ibhe remet; wamhing, s ihungh yon butai 1ta tucl eacb uther's lipa lu albectlonste rare«. Let il have ail the toudues suad cordlallby ut a Ioviug slattr's kis.. To Part No Mora. Malle yonrselt as ugreeable sud baiptul to eaîb other as possil, rsmamberiug i thal cocu rua part. The tsw ysarg or beyhooi uni alrlhood mviii nouaslip tiy, ani ru a li go nut lu homes utf our owu sud lîtto the battis wlt tIhe worid sud umiti ever cbangiug vicisiudes sud an peille crossai with gravas sud up eteepe bard lu cîimb uni lhruugh ebadovy ria- vines. But O my God sud Sarlaur, May the terminus of the jourueyle ha di ana au the start-namely. aI lbe tathare@ aud modiar's huas, If Ihey bave mautla the kînginu. Then, a uinberkiais 9d girlbood dar,Wé ruchai lu after tb. dara abasencewitb mauch ttaell or0f azt- ing stiveuturs, sud father uni motaI . u jurai the reital se mach asne aWhomais Il, en vo aboli on the bailleaet boaven g. bearea h mail the sCells ai Our e"l. iy expedîtion, suddiahy saoli veomle se home, s e sy, "Faîbar aud moiar. ve hava coule sud broogbt aur ebldron, .rilb un." The aid revilbriusdaaàlh- adit Iwltb giorloue repetiliou: Brotheresuad tister@ Ihare viii mnet Brothers aud sInters Ibare viii Meut Brothersanssudaeare there viii met WiII maat ta part na more. copyright M& t ,tory. mn luke di Boh tern« - acem 00"1 du man, pi -It 't

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