eLOtf? MILL STUFFS, SEOS, ETC11 smber, Coal, LUie, and Cernent. TME WE3BER WAGON, WI4EN.YQU WANT WRIGHT &SON, Libertyville, - - - - - Illnois» nmà 111 _] n oemmI CIICUMIGI0F AI NMT euL AFIl TI Ibe Si ~E~'agcaauius4~uti booe m ofau Po-' VugrwAukmO UEUUEtYU Umm *~N a a àTUN idUWW'a& .'U to Elastern Arkansas! The land where heaith is good and 8011 fertile. lMuated as in this state lu tic central and aoutiern portion or the gemat Mississippi valley, and froux tla' climats, sonl, minerais, iim- ber and ualer, il nrny vel bo debdgnated thc gardon andi ranary îe- goa outh-west. A hlan over 3 million acres more lnd than lj#È the Ntate of N. Y. The claIe haa 2SM mlles rilrosd. and 2756 uiZOW 0 navigable rivers. IVs geiigrtphical position, aures the 'béeat condition of temperature and of rvanall. tlia b.lug shoun by the abscence of entenne bcd.cold and &anal rainfal.. Accurateoboh nervations uxtendlng over 20i yOss gle an average of 76 rater days lu thoyear. The atale luconiparali vely re. fron alormsand cyclo)nea. Pifly lhonsand people go there every year, and are curod by boa bealth giving waters and thîe ellect 0f tie spleuded climats. SBUll @ore eu aitotthe counry migbb ont oS b hy. The 8tItlatc of 4be U. K. Medical departrnent show th. mortiy rate aIetitle Rlock tehlesn thon auy other poat ln the oountry. Bbonutaiam, cou- .uptl9u. catarrh, -blood poison and ail lloncblal trouble are olusys relleved and geueraly ourod. Tan monhe of sommer ulîli- ont one torrid day and luvsriably cool uights, ullh cool ani refreai-' log breezes, ulîli ouly 2 monîha <of ululer, ubore a mmanco uork out of doora every day lu the year, uitb les expens. lu doctor bille, clohIng, foond u loualng, areome of theI lucojuente 1h18 country offera 10 thons that arc unt veil bore , or are lu sesrch of a goci home of their own. de tiiere February i5th, by ail means and lookl Ood PraIrie land ai $8 and $10 pot acre on long UIme. Boy nowu asilli oon all*8o. Tiiere van goid ut landyke anduInluthe. Oaforan amouclains long before il vas discovered, &oa trial trip 10 Arkansasa on Fob. lot may reveal unexpected pieaaure., mand a home lu tb. land of heallia and plenty, tibal you may aluays bi tliankfol for. Why ont go noul We uil be ulth yon. Ire.tefax.&10 abyer». Adireua once, Touir Unsyséte ad binait. Friend T. V. Socum, RONDOUT. - a» JsnoHonei, Who lits bceu -'iumaer th lieucthcr' tr the lasI six moDUith 71'yeiurneifrtînî t'htt.go tIs ueok, Whitier h lbad Soie for iteil ta.- x ifmuCe. Het i uaîch lmprovci lu Lest, sîrayed or .ituleui, roiniMie eM. 0f Miles Latîciater, a yellou bid, viesa yellow dresK ansd green bat. A iosgerdniwii lie poi for the re- Bs ftàofthe '-kid," citiien deai or ailvo. ,10 NoqUeeloits askt.d. PM F e h Iltouc-kp yaar corne- Oqua4MIen froni lIis place bas beun 0000041lu, but ne.slved 10 try, uli *0 mW aoi f '-Old Bol,"' b. saboyai bs uay t. e tie poat oMeic. n ortior Ihat your WAUCONDA, ILL.1 temiei. The bouime vas eroudei, large croudea alcIing fron i LbertyvIlle, Chicago andI veratt.Racb gSuant played bard sadMae ammptnoualy ai thMie na spper serve atier the cari conte" vas oveir. Everylioiy soemod bo enje3 tienaovos. Bien mi"se l uas Mioa nedmi ing tbsb a yeilou bld uoffl ble given for theboatesIuni- ber of gansewon, vorked làard mai uon Ivo gans. she cdaims tha& the other "des bai mol gotten aven thulr lealouny, no playad it. f. tili ahe's hippy lit beluE lie only one 10 get a *ri eveunàe '>yllou ,id." Prises for Ls.greatest mumber et gumes uon ver. capturai by J. Connors, of Liber- tYvîlla, nadmlra. John Devine; ton the let numbu Miss BRate fHomen and tilles anstr AJA.x WIS. CENT . IETONUE. n e au 010111 Boa a u9 010 ta t In0910 * - ella Blau SU lC le «oin nouva a Stop nu? it o jsai. &... m.u p.m. VOI, e "ila 01 leCU U laIA 1BO 10408 187 20 il. caNaRD 1000 110 :91 NOCKEPELLKA SOCIET89S. CONGRUGATIONAL Churcb Sonai s vie"s00: m n Md 7:» P. M. Prayr *etsW daa evsufis. T. P. LO. E dies Ondar evoalege ai :4L. Junior 0. IL moth. fD. GanfUM 0. J0. 0. Y N. wa. met seoud and fourtb Thuiadyaof eacmonth. WILL K'41003. N 0. Omo. A. 00T. liery. J0. 0. T.' muct Tih uraday eveiuo m o ab wee. Liv a Dicax. O.T. JOHN 0. IAGAN Pont 0. A. al. meet Batirdsy ibI on or beforu fîmil miof. J. S, OLac.B&<jN. Cdr. OI B1h1C5h4.EIL, A.lît. Mail foina n5u0 ..... :4*. e . .: 22 p. M. liail coluit forti!................ 10:0a. M. Kalil over land b1y taue arrive. la. a. l.10,rth ut Il a. m. ROCKEFELLER. E. Proctar vas ln Chicago Weduca- dey. George Harden lu oui thu slck liaI, thua veel. dia Laura Jonua .entertaiuiug a f riend front Chicago this ueeit. Mir. Bor lok the trai for Chicago tlu week ta vixltil nnda a je,* deys.. R. P. lionne and Chas, Ltuait sbpped a earload 4of tock ledlieslayv entai. J.J.Rouace, Who bas lie> sltck for the paat two vepea1 la m ta bhe Rabout again. Allbent ltübfield la at is iéhome Ibis week fronti Libertyville ieing slk and nahle la uork. Fred Alrlgbt entertained bisi brother Henry tram Evanglon for a feu days allie ucut. SExtra mon vere emplobed ou the rsllroeld 10 aboyai auou and keep the pasaage cie.., inring the recentatorms. Mir. Jackson wus her. lent Wednes- day and ovganized a mllk shippera' unioolliciers uer. elecled and the mààorit! boinedithe.union hoplag IMat lb may b. a gVent benetil tafarmie. Tiers, viilb. no iemay ontertein- memnt one yack fnom Friay uigbl. tir. Wlcb'sà roon are prepsrtug for aL grand enlrllunent Ibat ulil b. givon nomse in itMe Bmisfture. Fntbmr noticewulil bc glven on tu the date. 1 FOXLAKE. Joue Meade l inulI v.ny ick. Mrm. A. Tvwed vislbed fienis aI Rollns Saniay. Blanche Culver la much botter aI th. ie of vrltlng. Watr AtuelI uil move bies tmmly tu Avon couler teMiet alof Mardié. Mir. and lira. Boll& Shullis are the happy parenls of a bouuoing baby boy. Several o! the Fox Labo people ittended the party aoflMr. Bhopariaoo'a Friay evant»«. Buffe ad Sion alger and aime Charly Ru« obisla lace are uork. tilt on %ié fole.ai Foi LaMe. Mater Fraidie Galger amda ler Oracle visiaitifriandesi tRollinasaMi aigu viaiei lbe scbool as Rollins on Tbnreiay. Our seboil omne.ion MoniaY inorning. lilam Aun. isMCrei boving beau binai 10tueach thc remainedor 0f Ibe tenu. lira. atark.Plausant lige, O., s-ms -«Àfler ivo aoeragve up my boy to die, 1 savei hlm roui croup by Uaing one Minute Congi Cur. It te tum il ulkest andmnitain r.naody for couegte, colis adail threat andluneg troubes. F. B. LovELI., Liberbyville. BUFFAL0O ROVE. Aubon Welduer is ou the slck lisI. J. G. Waldnon, Jr, founi bis mray dog. John Oator vlitei relatives at Fremàont Center lait week. A. Y'. Weiduer bas employai a nov lady clerk. Sho 1laail ighl - A. P. Widnor nov bas the Ounest general store lu the ountry. The people of Ibia parlsh have de- ciiedIo0bild a nov Caîbolie chureh. lir..- adMuilra. liMo Brans are the hippy parente af a bonciag baby boy7. Pater Wuiuer audi ulf, of Arling- ton, HeïKht. a>mt.d lits m-ntsOSUD- ut atîlilahsud Ajasu inLOD. dey. mg vîiiona 14>Ounr oun durng P MOyaEni eDay.l CI Theoboys tilk Ihero mueb have oclk venu: Hon. M. J. Devine, P.Balyapn un l hcg.beecunsu arîlquake bure aong Baturday Ilaruey of Chicago, mid famlly, tirs. M. Rolger uamt 10ohicago one nlgbt. 0. dcoreogo nd maiîuy, Jas. day lut ve.ek. A.. Woinuer capturad irI prise ïied il, sthrtg Aaster Mrnmr. M. H. Redmoni spent fo lyo-'ck ite hcg tâtfaret Devine, o! Chcago; N-Suuday ethobce. ir acesShow. e and vite and jai. Convay, o! gin; 4. j'Moore, o! Bîburmie, 111. Um KittIe Tore opeul Buuday et WiliIWlduer mosi Veeli. lit go hia ast ueb aIethome. neu homo. uhere hé luteuda b prosper key Dlnk, one of1<Onr City fatheriaemigon uk&oBly upltes thc cretioma o! a large Mr. X.M.Meloiy bas lieeu q ule scx n iînn. od uk ih Datory ou tbe corner of drove vo are lai teuaoo hlm OnI gmln. J. A. VerMIne, o! Aullqully,O.,.wun bd Main streot. Hitokay la an ex. Mn. a. Darlley, of Mnnesota, la for tiyy yenu .oseml torturai by à thîs bucineAs, baving éBervaiviiung ieais ad reatives of Ibis unysqcien e h cur of ecémg . ei al he Ilie ldlngdelistmot e aaSe.î. Hasch Slvcl i byaamous esng aid & Morelîsi, Chicago. No, bie "uv b aiehfu qo vo do uns vaut s feu chairs. J., Sholftzbas ralurnd fromulmve for pUesans kmiiaemses. F. B. Fou this ai fret. itmll psy for B3eO". Ill., ho la cbopplng voci LovzLi., Lluelyvllâ. xt. ai gisnlngaI n. Fllos. 1 Tbe young people bud a Oune aleigi- 1l tvo ui.kii alir youug fOlka No doubt the roadere 0fo bth~e . ln-in upety lut Bgudy aigistfron ber sjoyed the '-white weauer' PEuoENv Iink lbthe sidenta of oun ta Long Orave. but it uamratmgo nioe.on teecm, and Ithe merry jingle of Utile burg are dei, but inch le nol their raeura, uhes 1the al.igb lippai .lgb bela,, ani louglter aid t e. m-over in a e s an b t E451 Ooo ma ai &h M i M1lueiOr 1lads oui A iumber froni her. atuddothele uc.ti. ia .P mdo mui eonl beaoii oui Ourret a tgrand baillgivon at KmelysHall jan.ek Min Mary Lclst amek un"'l nearly iaybrmak. Il by thc W. C. 0. 1F. Ail eport ba b u a hr&Maid ami ilsLiliy Schmidt U"flmg palaWluy,ummoriy evury gond lIm, aroin, ber M te& Dr. <haiesusau *vrm ideet. liai Uic pleOSwnt ia Ah.Huhs NnobV. a mmomei -met L111ehmok lmibe. 01lclg gParty. fing Ibis UmAlelHoeNrflV.wuR na lam 0 boansd does bis ork le seainusgmblrcn.t mIlesara frlgitftly burmodo012 heoae and neuh. gond saq.pe. mye &aIlinljured Geo Roluaai'a. snnualuIOMIIr.liev eili1'à îl rcoer Ali e ele,.eseu. Witelh Hassi salv, ubioi ioaid te ijnry. Te aseggSD.Goe «t oliehopuar cri parties tlbjn" iny lIboleaving a&bar. It la togo i .. ou Ibm *0psxî leig au ~ ieiofSi&. Peter anad Mietfmouspile reny. F.B. LovELL, ride, no thqwIi »M btuha ma bau Spsace lb.hrosi. lbenyvils. : , ine. MM51Satur.iy- ___ ' q«14 um euli a. I '. J. Raymond, el volo, vas bure Mr. Ebsln,'cf lieBmry, vas hore MomiAy. - Geo. Broughlon u a a arringlon laller 8nu&a.1 Eohey à Veorbes lUd their te house Tueey. H I isae, of larringlon Pm aon Ou AV4gsuHai, 0f Waukoga, tehber. a% Pr M t riling. y. Grmcaeoffpl iAt Barringlon ic gral of1Bbthe sk, E. A. GoUMgwus on the otr»et4 of ÇhIl à"oles ek. lir. 1. Daily, et Cary vislled rois.- tivus bhm lmsI yak. Mmis. JDatly vi. hua been Try 111 la repoéed ou tbe gain. Jas. ShumroftAlgonquin, speut luit sundsy viii, bis parents. lira. . S.Reynolds r.Inrnei fr0nt Chicago lasI vcok Frlday. Mia. Avis Coo# viatel roistivina at Vole auriay Manimd"ia. D. .Hsuting"i, 0f lake Zurich, unA a Waueooda caller TUesdy. N. B. fluor oa ago driverlas gotug full beoOt of th@ llui rosis. Ililue.NoliaCOY. of Cary. la &pend- lng a feu day llaseplace. Mrà. Rauson, of Wankegan, ia visil. ing M. and lire. L. H. Todi. Phiiip aud liermau Maiman vent tu tb. city ou butineis Tuesiay. isa Mary Raymond, of Vaon, usea Wancouida Palier lat tbslnrdaY. T. V. Siocumu rolurned the. Oral Of th1e ueek fromn bis sonîhern trip. Mir. sud lirs. Je@. licReil, 0f FOI Lake, viitedl lra. Kiruin SuniaY. The tearlier~s hmetliug un fot Tory iargely attended u account Of lie rouds. lira. Nicluols, of Rockefeller, vistoi frieuds bIn hie place t4àe Sirat of lthe ueek. Aug. Selariber, Or. of National Homo, Wisemiln, le vieting relatives lu stbis vellnlty. chus. lorey, ai Woaialoek, ln speun- iug a riew <ays lu Ibis place And vlciily. ï1r. and tirs. Wentuorth. of Me- lieury. vlsited relatives lla luis place Buudsty. j. Bennett, vifl 04 soAi >Loun e re gueeta O! lin. anîl irs. IR. Harrisonu Tuesday. Mr. and tMr». Perry Joiinuaou, of Nnuda, are sitsilngthie imtera patrente Mir. andtirMs .: . heville at proeut urltiug. PkoLos! IPJPI! oa leil ai the Waucouda ludio. Wateh for aniapecal announemeni. Chas. Lamliere alnd vife, o! Me- Henry, visici relatives lu Ibis Place thUire Orlof the ueek. lira. Kng, 0f1iRockefeller, sipeut lait Suuday wli ber pareta lir. and Mir@. P. L. lioughbon. Prof. il. C. Kent, of Chicago, calci ou relativea and frîsuda ln Ibis place luit Balorday aBd Suuday. A number of younig people froua Ibis place and Volo atteuici churcb ai Grayalaku lluI Sunday evoulng. ise. Fit returoci 10 ber homo lu Iowa laiue.k aller ayendlng a feu "sYs lu Ibis plaue and i vcllty. F. Rol tand famnly attendand the uerai of a relative ali Cary tant Sun. day. The decosaedunkilled by the cars. The romains of M« Once Reynolds,ý of Chicago, uer. blaid 10 rostinluthe Waueouda cemetery Friay of luat week. Misa EdthB llackunureturnedin ber home l inc iîfy afler spend.lng a feu day. ultb àeishlves in. Ibis Place snd vlclully. A young lady came ithIe home of Mir. and lins. Fred Buulîl a fou Étaya @ince vith theientcion of making ber home thers,. Mr&s. E. A. Engilaud sud chilîdren are vlaisug relatives &and f riaudsa&a Somo»un. They expect la returu emre lime in Marcb. The mili lluery busnlaeiforu>ery ounai by Florenice Eugglea IUl lu carridon luibmthenghcs building next door ho the poastlie.. A s101gb Joad of yonng folka uent 10 Volo lmsatulrday evening 1 Atend the enwetainmo-c given by the pupils of ai"as a esry's msonso. Mus Kteon, of Barrlngton, basnlicou $AÏgosal ut fisa. poile tao psauVeu. Mr. Kilson came Suuday aidlir@. Bltao eurned home ulîh hlm. Otto Wael our uabeb maer and shoe maker lis making arrangement« to movo into the C. L. Pratt building uhîcbhehobas remetd. The rolu vacaled liy Mr. Waelli wulîl buo ted np sud usai n a milluoery aitoru. Anothur old oler sade glai lait ueek. Mn. Alonso Wobsteiý eceived a check for uearly IWO m'sa Pensimu ad book psy. lir. Webeter eau u lbe mouoy a n&Mskng the alhance of bla jouruuy tbrougbhf.temncb essier sud not ling obliged go diau bis living by manul fibor. Let the good work go on. MILLBURN. Grabel itoyer la home fagaîn. jamie Dater bus reiurned [roma Waukegau. Oewart Tbompmon,. 0f Englaud,é ls vlsui léisamt Mis. Heury ltcee.1a lias B. arria as reîurued froma Chicago. The alugiug clams ulîl give a concert lu liarch. WaisuoriL aisngers bave ,iuvited Prof. Sirual tr1leaclias singlug OumaseaIthel& village. Ueo. Kennedy. of Hickory, ,ul*r. tiînidmembera of the Checkerlmo the 41ai. Th. tuerai servi o0f John Peiesoi lir. BlaiWrghihe ameuie, ieou h. J. StaUi.atWk i arr en u Mucll. Hui t Ske iu Sam sToumg aiavted ta move but wu tles .lk sid la porlei 1o bave lypioSl ever. Tb@ ft r bigiebave oved 10 Obair mwubone, Sb"y ullIhlemtom bhmeMaslésr are r8oo4 lgbboms agéodeai oc hlmfor hlavoui Mise. PVicRotyEaislal rmoveriug trou bo u o Ulm. Tb*e suare club uvil hoeneertâaumi mcl aluriay evnng by lMr.aid Mis John 19oOauiok. li r raulophard uho bas bemu ouai edlae h omos ail meBbc 109o November la .11 it pour ebail. linsclar rbeumaUla h sati le e i dieu»s..Ai tines &hmofqulle belpicea.4 lima.Mary 3. Vose bau rcturnai frtrai a uneka vingt uilh Doctor Bacons fuamlyt le umi, Wlaosiln. The Dr. la la "rPur se biiavlng sufforei frrbrigbte dis"«e fr a longsaiMe. lievogalysa go h. wu a resideul cf Wakmgsa mai0f Warren. The GuruceAmauerbraou bond ulli givre auMetimenî at Grange Hall, flray oenug lob. Ilii. Adoledou 16mi 5 ens.Warreàpeqelohouli attendithis coocertlu agooily nuinibers as &boy are Try muoh lltereatai la the sucoeus0f th. bond boy@ . and eujoy leicnsugtbem play. OU RN EE. C. a. ltbeard vun lit Milwunkee on huainesela"t ueek. 0. H. fitaffor4 vun ili Chcago On lîuiumlait Srtorday. "laph Cbimdu unas l haso au busineussllut ueSTuassy. We. osae and uif@ viellai trienis at Itondout friisy and Saturday. Joe Sylvester la moviug ou Mie 'W. D. Wnbnarafarim. lir. Washhnrau ulil Muve t0Our village. C. Md. Broun almpped stock tramn Wadsworth one. îglit last-eek sud froni Ibis point Monudy moruing. Lon Pbllips,ot Alieu, formerly a remetdent of Ibis uilborbood, lîsa licen vislting nod frieui ber@ tbe pmou tut, uceke. The "uioenlortalumeul uanwucli atteimicisadivu a asucas tn eveqry particulaer. Over thirly dollars vas recelived aI Ithe douer. tirs. Stevens wulî wonu have bul ton ber faim uest o! Ounucoa nuubarn 3ht40. W. D. Wasbbturn bas Mie ou-ý tract and IB. E. Jounssupplies@lthe luneber. WARRENTON CROVE. lin. and lira. Tho@ budenterlained frieuda from lbhe City Bunay. Herman Hutbibnson aid tmily moeinto the Bobn resideuce. UmeNeie Marris. of Mlillburm. la viaiting ber sialer lira. F. Olîlings. Win. mudorn. c f Wankegan, traoaacied hbuiness lu 'Ieis vialty Bunniay. UMa dith Haris aidCharley Wailace, cf Waukegan, tpeul Buoday bore ulit lira. Fred Ollimaga. ÀAlei.gb goni et younugpeuple troin tlis viciaity atieuiei the dance.t the Orange Hall lioniay evcang. John Waibe, of Bock Falls, la speffl- gag a feu eue. br. sas Mie gieet 0f bis siater lia. Wax. Rubebumon. égomneof our young peuple attaded the enttertainneut ai O.rnoe Frlday uvenleg aidreport it a grand succes. The maimy frieni. 0fUmssAnle Shem*an ittlho .griewrmitu loa sbe is.dafgmroîaaly I. Littliehope. are enleiianei for ber necovery. Suuday being Fred Kruger& Or., bierflhay a large number oftfbloniaand relatives galberei aI bis bomne ta belp oelebraic the occasion. The atternoon aidavcning vere plesanly epeul uith ining. garnieMd munie. lMr. Kiruger reivi-mny ueileul Lad vulnable proenns. LaIe lu the evenlog the guesta deparici, &ali ulahlg bis birtbimys uouii oeur ofiener. FOURTH LAKE. Joe Wilmlugtom la on the alck liaI. Ueo Shelion la sttilI uorklug on the lue.. A. C. Dr ury ourlerx collector in kepl buey. Fred Rocker sptent lait Tuesday lu tbe City. W. M. Cremin Ouled bis Jce bonne Uhit ueek. George lieCredie tlled big Ice bo,îse lI"tTbnrsay. Cbailey Weldhoff vlaited friends at mouaville latueuk. Mr. J. Onyer liuriud onu of bis cblîdren lait tionday. Cliford Neison aid d lBrowni ere aeen on our alireeta lutt Buuday. Jl. Cook ispmnt a feu days thîs vweek uitb hi& daugbierlira.Drnry. Beruey Trieger vent la GrassLake lait Tburaday releurauog Ftlday. lira. O. Drurl la lmprovlugunudur icu skillfll roalmient of Dr. Broun.. A cou cttag basbec, erccted near Prospect Bluff Ratel. Moredie sud Dop ige iithe uork. We uuderaani the.* bleni building anoîher in the Dntr future. 1 hoeuago for the faiher renervabiug Compmny bas beeu ecen on our streete. Agil lIaIbave lbailb.! r teiller renmverva enm 10 ho eli satillfi ulithMte vonk. The AvoniteuCemebary Asocia- lio met uIlhlir. 1L. Edurds lu, ~I~~aiay stharmukopl a number frontatbeningthe unes lIaI uer. thora sauovy.d a igooilme, LLI~RTYvILLE, ~4Q4444444444444WQ...4.......4......4 ILLINOIS, lI AUCTION $ALES. The undcrlgied, belug about tu quit I&rmlog uillilUaEtpublic anotion ou lhe Samnel Ciluguman tari n ue mil Il@ sn.)Ueaslo! Loug Gnose sud about Iuo mil«s soulb-vent of Prairie V feu, MomaFibrmimry 14, listes, coin- moncing a& 10 a. ni. tbe following proely to-uit: 2 uork hommes,8 yrs. aid, uei»t le<5; cous coming lu soute, W0 obicina, 2 linber usgus, apInug uagon, 2 bay rock@, I2 uood lmc.ks,, batabu rocki, boise rake, Tigor mouor, moCormick nelf limier, Viying Duhela- man sulky plau, ualking plou, dnag, 2 ualklng cultivators, sulky cultlvm10r, bffg cutter, pot*"o igger, seeder, horse hon, aura planter,. boleigh, bay fortkWutte ropo ani puhleys. corn aheller, grindatone. set double hampeau. 1oi) grainesClie, moi 1bu. clesmi sBeai ou"s, le bu. @oei cormalie hîmialebs rye, lIeu buishels corn lu cr11i,, m houa.tiniotby bay ilu mou, 2 stacke if citîven lboy, 4 slacks of con> salks, Imirbanjka 1(55 lb. seils, wule men nii l'trer articles toou numenona tg)Mentiomn. Taasss op SAL-Al i mmuof $lie and ndr cash. Ou sumoa over $li a crodit cf onc jear uili lie given on gooti biakahle naies lig 6O î.r cent lut.rest. No propertyresuoved outil settldior 'u. JoR, Huas. Aucionper. The untirigucd illiiiliat public auction, vithoot reserve, i, the Wzu. Ellia fart, 2 folles uest of Libertyville and 1 molle somallient of Hcudee-sm mlk plitform, Batunday, Fei). 1Il 1,coin- menclimg aI 10 o'Clo)ck a. lu. tile flll,, ing property, to-uit:*ts CLaoice cous, 17 neu nilliers, 18 sprlngers; black Norman gelIiug, 7 yeurs ohd, velght 1IW0; bey mare 'J years aid, uelgbl 1100;bruanumare 6 yns. aid. ut. il s0; Noman colt 2 yns old, bey bora.eiby Pareig,2 years old; 7 lroc oiemra 10 pig Aepýnl, im.4lirooti sous vitIa pigs 4 ueeks aId; 17 shioote, 2 d,,xen bens, 30 ton a lme bsy luahbarn, 7(m) bu. white fente, atack a&&MW, top buggy lumber wagon, cutter, lei cutter mund bell, pumping equipmont forveilî, hors corn cutter, boy loader, ueariy ueu; steel lank heuton. met double liarmom.sinagle hsrueua, 3 buis. cier 3 mille;paila and patent mtraller i6~ shippimig camas, 15 setters, 15 eider tsar. rela, noir; 10 gallon bbll. churu, hooton, uood or coal; 2 cook %tovles. TEumNe op SaLa--AIl suins or *li.la and union, cash. on suins ,îver $Io s credil of one year wulîlie gîvern oia gond liankable notes bqarimg 6 per ceut Interent. No property reinoved uill mareuitb fosll0yn.. ohd; Cliam old; 21 choiae. ialry ova, Bs»W" calvus liy aide, balanse apringiga »m tankers., mely grade laPas; àUlu.. oud boitera uitb calf;3 aslg ef%~ Jersey bull, lb montias-akl, 4 ocemu sous; flult blod PoisaiC mlsrhinq, - I lynoutb rock floeus; plsîfor. s pIa buggy; alilgle buggy; lnmher umpas, 3 spning lîglit Wagon; bolislde.ie;ff.. ler; 2 scen double bernone; Plane MUW or, lieu; Chanmpion moyen; PrOdse W&iy teler. iur; olrtm u l.ob ila. Ian; uslkilng cuiltîrsor; ualkmug ploev horse rak,; »Sldrmgs: pulveriser; tlus, niu mli; 52 slipplugca; S4eOMIF cam; set 3 iborne whig. trou; le toms > famne bey iu barn. 2 laigmesiseknamer mIalMa; stock stnau; 5M0bu. om tlu «Ab bay rack; hay fork, note mimd puis«; Iàs stocka corn; niant@; erow-bes; abovclm, piteb forêts. audmi& amy other artichcs km>~ nuierc)osid, inmluu TEUIiII. AU soiof 841a d .Wde cash. 0àouilsn"ver $10 a credil t afc year Wlil îe,> (45on5fgod i bnkabl. itdes bearlmîg sil per cenulaIturedI. 140 PruPemrty remavedunutil aebcd for. Tuo per coul dicont for cash. J. lîiui.%, Prop. F. Il. MWILsON, AOCUMner. The audorsiguci, baviimg re oledbS farte for s terai of yen"srs, adà a"il ee of orange Rl, iboum of W-,i ilîl $ali at public auctiont utIUm-I serve. Wedueudy, Felrmay 1Atlm , oommcneing aitlu ocloek I a. gtM& louing property tu-uit: 5mos o gtl mili; botter 2 yra. ahi; steer à2 016. I ; bull 2 yra. obi; à boifera 1 yr. 1;sa 1 yr. tîi; blle horse t yrs. oa id: mi 5 yr. ohd, uurk boise; 2sieais; 1l- oma tante hay Ilubarn; tlnuaiM pai qJUAniy corn;' Cbamplioo * mi- tivator; hay rab.; neu Dami pbcu; n. on vltb tuo sel t*boha audalqwla. rosi carl; bobsleigh; cutter. Aese pal- verts«r; "O-bo eep poser- Imsem 0 hmrrous; double barneas and a.orI C- Clone baud sooder; griadcieeVi box, ecn-cut Mu; mllk ougis 0"d OlheT famiibl;beivsnnfs Boyington foldiug bei;ubv;cai; bedfaim&aidothar jm»oeai aIlla 100 onimeosAu 10mention. Tenma: AUil sof 01810esd muni.m,osi On snumaoaver 10 ea credilt or nesyur uiili e given ou gond liskable mots l«ioalg six par couitesla.No prop..1 erty rem0oi nutilisettlei for. Tr"pr cent aff for coait. I.A. à W. M. Pasî>x, Prova. W. Hl. APPLFY. Amlloneer m-ebîtleit-or. "21percen'ffra W. H. APPLEY, me. HELE. AN44.5,Profi. A CTO1E R W. fi. Ai-PLET, Auctlonoesr. . *IO E R 0% The iuderaguci belmag about tu Libertyville, Illinois. mnove 10 Michigan taoengage lu fruitl H avlng bai matcb «eprleacm Ame fermlng ulil et aIpublic amction ounp1Iio»naerngla the past usvemn eFou. 1.:J. P.*Norton arm aItBocket0elOr, t an prepared le attend am slu MI 2j iles west o iet lTnesday pat rt fLaM,» ami aig o«U o' dock a. m. lb. fallaulug pncperty am«iL lve me a CeI. la-uit: 341 hoicoouâ, 7 uîtb emîves by aide, b7 apringers, balance givlng milI, bey horse, 6 years oh uwelghl 13W0 lb.; grey mare, 7 yeura oh uclight 1360 lb.; cbstutmare, S yeara old weighl 1300Ib.; black mare, 7 yeara oldF BIhT W velgbb 1300 bb;'@ brcod soa, due taFs A RS jV plg soon; Chester white boer, 1manuofaclurof e 7 shoate, 40 chickene, mllk wagonu, lumber uagon, llgbt pair bobs, cutter, 2 bey racks, liuckuye seeden, Sulky emlitvatar, pulvonmzcr, lun 14-incb plowa, Sulky ploie. minneatla uovon, Iantd boy ledder, Ml can cooiug lajîS, 26 tans lamne hay lu barn,et double berne«,. quautlty coru faider, 40 milk cens, aut Gigot con>gninden, 300 bu. cura lin crib, uork bencb ouind iany olluen!on u re atsI. articles 1t0ut)nuenniue t, mention. * Everytbing wvii beiesold ultholmt- CM TB ruslerve. FXCEa TENrus 0F SAm.-AiI eums o! $10 aud W R indcr cash. Oh stua vern Ibm enI , O of an@ ycar ulîl be givetaon good o baukable notes beariug f, par ceulno lutereai. No pnapenty rernoived titl EVERY E. B. IIITZP.NTRALEI1, Prop. . DEC Po W. Hl. Ai-PLET, Auctlomaeer. DU-P11 The utideined eilng about 10 quit cormepoudeue, larmnug wull oeil at public unemclou 01td uihoul reserveonouthbuProctor Pulinan tain ono-halt Mlle Soutli-ucut ofmaeneIt" Gurime on. lilwvaukee roai Pnldny l February 18, 1590, coummenclug aI 10 o' dock a. m. the followlng property -~ te-uit: 15 cous, I prjungrs. 761ging tali, 20 tuo yoan aId grade Jeipay ballera vith cal!, 2 stock bulla, colting 2 yearsod; 9 yearlinugs, 60 shoota. 3 bruni ous, 08lead borses, drostt ai drivers; corn Planter, nurlY DOW». 2 mi lever draps, mover, uearly nov; sprlug tbath cultivabor, nearly ucas; truc][ wagon, sel bob sleighs, 19 sblpplug ocas. large quanîlty conai u lodder, quamtty corn lu Stock antid msny otlicn articles toa numerous 10t ; Mention. Otber loslstalIlureceut 9-9 Tnmus on BAL-Al sumao!f810 iad uudcrcah. On u me Oaci $10 o crudil of onu year wiîlI begîven u o d liakable notes beariug 6 per cent Na. iu, -- loberait. No properîy removed untl ---l settlei for. JOHN MEADE, Pnop. le w. M. APPLtr, Aucîioneer. --lttrtre éia Raviug dcclded la quit fsrmtng, the l'ahH, nfl'tl~ic., heneby gvelbaI umderaguci ll mil at publiecicti Sitrdece. ,ilaten ô without reserve ou the George Thorn of LàkeCou ut. aterni t el farma<ocated Si miles north-voat of et lte Court Hims mnl Wauk ournsee ait lmiles et" of! Milîbou, fi honadwe rs ii miouhaf nondai, Fcbrusry si, 180,comuue-in st sit]etail ie au a à leg aI 10ocbock a. u. the tollovlug tce e*nt the iRame oto ?~icourt praperty to-it Ba«rrai hors, 7 yra. cht. 8 n A mu~ 014. vt. 1400; serrai berne. 9 yns. oh, uk,ou.47 th. L ' j , 138; ay baisa'?7yin. CI& W%.- 1001 -ýoaaIr-uoli Wl. 1169. baimd ihsele al kitm .4< Au. ~ lhh~C bisai WauM lilal ecein 'lv., lie- Keystonî"corn I'usker and Shroddr0,5 Huske corn and màkft hay of the stalks. ý The Sterling. Snapper and Shredder, Ai» ma«nlyiBi iIu Hummer Sulky Plows. Brabley'u X Rays Sulky Plows. .Bradley'* and Deres Walklng Plows. BUGGIES- WAGONS - TRUCKSC Lumber a,. Coa. SALT, CEMENT and TILE, Rope, Twine, Etc. O1i.Schanck & Son. LLISERirYVILLE,