CooK CouNTY INDEPENDENT. Vol. VI. No. 19. Wheeling, Shermerville, Glenview. Illinois. Friday, February 18. 1898. $1.50 a Vear in Advance. Last chan ce. ...11SPNfTECRY Two-Hundred and Fifty- Eight Perish. Selling Out NIEEveryXSAVED IHavana Harbor Not Bellevedti o tU...! r ~U w ~be an Accident. Mning Dmi We wantýto get out of as possible. Everythi you to trade with Closinq Only a Fevw AtW Cor (ienessee and WAUK Dr. Charles Galloway. OfficeoverLovell'a DrugStore gOU» TROU 1 TO AMI, 1,'TO tMP. LibetYvile,- Illinois Dr. J. L.TAYLOR. ofice over TriggS IL Taylor's. Rsidence on Broadway ojpomîl,' Park t> W ~ J5 L.Watlîîtgtoo, lb. C., Feit. 1-laL spite lo w %wo -Le of officiae l iaelafinera thie opinion la raîiidly. galiug gronti bere ibat the destruction of the batiloohil, Maine lty ai, exlaloi i i Havanaharlter Tueslay fbusiness just as soon nigimiva ootai, acident. ng Aeordlng 0. the latentttîffielil igîres ig goes. I wilI pay bora the explosion of the Maine scri.] fieeti the li vea of toco ofilcers andi 253 "W ynn during his uien.'î lure were GOtuambers of the crew, injtred atn(i 18 ware rascueti aafly. ~Sale. lovery man ou the main deck lusîde waa killld .or injureil. The igbteen tmen Rvati mre on tha apar dock and o., ludedl marinmes, <onacorporel, andi WA~~ aeun rivatea <.1 marine, andt a feu, D aI y sV '-eli mria tr iuthe ofliceri' nres Captaîn Higabee early ln the day tale- graptld tbe liai of the saved mien and - theiatepauiîment iuad the full rosier 0f te ahîl., âse tbat thte desti and loijareti t'onld eaily be Identilleu, excepi tbat; the tirât liat telegraphed omnited in- itial, andi thora mre so nany dnpli. in n st'aies and imilarities ln the asmes as y t', croate confusion. Captai. Sigshee was therafore wiredto t% end the ful 1 Wvashington St., l narnas tf evan thea hmblesi amea. LE GAN. Anong navl oficn, mmes of Der Vlrclesof the administration ibere Kicke liv Hors. tlaonly oua opinion RA to the cause of .luawem Od,.of,!Beton. m&askirkad inthie horrible trsgedy la Havana harhor. ii'fteItY t l'tutlt tbl.eek. 'rlîey blieva that either wth or with- aund bit jaw lbote .Jîatte'reti; Irokîtu lb su',î'ral placcs,.l'hli! aeitut mas not a gret aurprimec a- tite'animai bam a bi ul reî,utatiolà. 1Il. monut palofol antd tuututt,,Im j urv a li cithelit, uafortttoate uagitreaceivetl wmstiti'fractutre 0f lih iusî'r j,,'. After us carefuUI evmin]a- tuttit tlta jaw maa fottinut 1,e Irogen lu lau, t laes, thý-ýt' t'tt uthavi ng Ittet al Libertyville, Il Ilnois. 'uru t. Tb.'ý lt,i'a tutu î'jtier alul, furuiI utt I uL tu littt uiremîtug Dr. A. L... TrR AVI/S. t i u ratirtei lt.'r fruuîtî e' elde tut 1909»5 ?IIL #tA M. i TO i ANIu 7 'ro tt P. m. fruuae tt trli, ' Itlt Hug l Slpe ial ot'itiIit F it tut , hi r,'tlt'i ILI ,'sI'r't ît' ui, ttat ueltt bresacIIent of Cbrtttilt' lhetimatittt. i. rf((iilg utu ur tthni ttt t 'tI tut il l luis R » . c l e f . I Ie r . - I l i n o i s . u jtI r î c e L I ] It u l u u u l l 1lu t u t, L- - - V(FI% u,r refa tuut,' tuittt, ' Ilithtte puni * tttitul ld r. t ute u ius atte'îuîl,'îl t, Physiclan and Su rgeonl. t uttrttus(tut - t u' iet frotut Gurnes, -- - - - Il linois. .lttt'tupiuuga i,0i id Iàiel "tut i t', t.a ~ ~IL. 1 ta a ait, iu'elt t to e rftrui ts tuaI tiit th' lu,'tttftrtttttatt' tutu Dr. E. H. Sml'ith, jtu ifl tit' te rrilt -tuliut. O ENTISl. 'l #tu tuter. ut atu uguiA atîoi <nil lttuuII Offtce over J. W. Butier's b!dg uu'uftitu' tuutu'.t t.'rîli, rtîtr t uny Huuutt' Wtt ti-k< i'- k ' l j lÎet. 1îi 111-11M r. Cuilu'1, lie i'ar' Lbertyville. 11. uuîui uangt.giîr. Sevurum i ytarscgt. site Dr. E. V. HARVEY, a'iit" tlti'triu, ututi' î hc ' lts'.Stalle <t'<ole wato ragi'tial:ilot OENTIST. 1te ult'th bfth ie hîutac slieri rtbntuing - tailui lt.îtu'- eay, ttr-eakingOcer li rglt. Cola <ur' 1u2i.A. < i is1.M. ' Ivredt tti'an itimaSot uut ai l fftt'r tsu ut il .t. u are p ut trouuuuitt s beed ti1 ~. Grayalake - Illinois.t.sttiuî'tltguuuu bserltî 'arutut'r atlibheu'ýruiu' l'tttaiti 15 Wurtt W. b. ,i(;FIAEr.FFERS u'b'itloeure g t asiuit, îttîtu NU tSERY. uî~ u,î' .,utt 'i .'utê tr'~ '. u tti.' Toc Fariera' Instituta. viac ant t4aii u u lu' ' ut utu uue i t.the e itatry tufAgi-i liet e y tri-us tto ut I'" ' tu' 1 "' tltu < ir, tt lio tatu' ut iil ut' leuali 1t ________________________________________tioe luuli' tf the 'ltiucr>ilt f Miinois, Select a Destgn. Last Frîday tIhe Cle,'utIve romtuultt'c of the soldiers Monuiment Assoiitioti met et Waukegan. a1l oxcept Mr. Cootk, uf Wtucntda, beal preseut, hnela'îî'g prevetfet from reaclîing tlit,,, ity tihe ltUtd moais. Ater a fewbotîrs sesitonia lesigtt wut nelerteil fr00.the' large uumîter alimttei, lty ballot, the. demigit of .. 1). lrd way, o!fliattIëe Creek, MW i'-, liaving tb. prefereue. It waa aroitunl mbaff, standilng on a base 1t2ý fret square the total beiglit being 53 feet. Bronze paoeltt in the base reprc'.4etit the four branches of the servlu'p. lu the design a figure of l'eare sur- mnoitnt <i'haht. Tia iguire will n doutt le chaugati for a ligure col a color hearar anti the etutumIttee havi' since conaulted with Mr. 11'tlaîY relative to nome minor chanuges. SHERMERVILLE. Mouday wax Mt. Vaitutitut, amilay. Mra. K. M. Schmidt x ac a Chicago visitor ilatnrday. Vaientineo1)ay kept titi' l)estacer and sterekeepersiliny. Jos. Zimtnermnan madl. a luisuesn trip to Chicago Mondav. lira. E. A. Lange, of Clilcago, vinItasl relatives bore a few tiaye re'eiitiy. Grus, the barber, aya hia horst cati make àstoile inid . h lnt n,'verthelesA vo doubi fi. Fred Welgand spent a ftw days In Chîcago vltb friands, retutrning beome Monday ovening. Wbsi's the matter vith Bert? Wa see hlm go about town vitit a acur look on bi@ face. Mra. Walter G. Votz, of Chicaugo, viaited ber parents, Mir. andi Mrm. Jacob Rient, the pt voek. ont ortara attme Spanah officer WVe are gladtu t bear <bat the brick apnnîug a mine orr ici off a torpedo yards wIl resurmo operationa ut ana tînter the Maine antsi aght, andi sent soon ai the veathor allows. lier tu the ltottomn. Meeisa Caleb and John Bach from rîuey glant titat it lam«unlhorrile an lowa art' itaying with frii'udAanad &ei te charge agaiflit any civilizeti relatives bers for a short tima. nation or poople, but iin. la keeping The Hope T'inîtn church expeet to mii ny thî'r horribtle ulteda that begin iheir revival meetings Sainday, hbave iteen commtied by Spaniardm, in Feb. 291, andi continne for somne lie. ('tuba minca tItis var hegan. N' r or oLaa<t<oatle Souira wbtt vouiti glory in capttur' deare 0f <batnoei vofilathe it vas ing btsîtatl and maurdering <ho et rtâ oe ilnkt vi o îtatiî'îias, ilu o tultl machete poor drowned -w'hite playing onth ie ltanks par'ltiet.aatudi oman andi citliren, olf<lie Wuîlab." wouuld n,t lit,tate te met off torpedoes Sorne of OUr abieelatto ara, talkiug uttuer ut rar allp loadeti vith sleeping of1trganizitug a cilit. As va bave ,uabîtutsutel Iliarinea rhtiii ihey ne. nany fatridera tti'ndartaking willt gitl'ieda.tieitilea. 1< mutld te per- Matal,'irtiuly prove .tueertftl. ruttstut keeltIiua ith tij, asrfari' . Mucrs. 'I Iirtuti, Ward anti Bet- Nîpaihas aged inluCuba. jamitu. realdîenta t fIiaehtoo, took<t'e llutt olum l tis torrible' uîicmiiu trait. bere Montiey nîernlng for <'li àgutîrtt Sîtaui citîdlers to e iiveriliaul cage, re'turlttg inth îae uening. utr Iiurt'ti awsv? It ia tiotîifîi if il Mrs. red Il. Kilt"t musat lic gttitug aie ' att ie leared utp, tînlesapîta-fliart. Mite aikeallhe<ha ay frout ttg',ltc-'t- aturepotrt aonetittg tlaliîite auclt*,ioulu 3lnday. and then wmaut ot ii luth itu lasd bis tttipiciiot. Siuirnerviîli'etue " 8:391 a. m. the, Hutsalat, <'ci. tO-l'as8engerg o<utfle ,anle tlev. R'.'amstltifi Cty 0t Wasbîngtou iew <lue A ns e'. ivery ttî towu. Otto Ftiluite t'ajîluu.ttttoitntte Maine atd l iu'arai rauseat. tieiverung toal mtti a v bcd htut et9t 25 last niglit. ft mîght hava l.errnw. Monst certaînîy lue mas bis t',,efîtot anysabere .After a tu ow heirge, la there sny mioney in it, et' ttiettrval <bey felt the City ofttf . W'ashingtton jintup aian «waw e tuiauut nn te epl h en oCi tii tire. andi <lowera of Iîertiîai, bodies, cato at w<lc îelîlereuhttr.'îttde Clii iren, andtigant). The explosiont raiaed cgtia cksee is thesa <litugatop audtbe<ai the Maitne Gatu. B',mit, Mrs. (iao. Eleqt. F. W' pîtutugeti tiagonaily te <ha bottent. fi Alirans. lMr. andi ire. B. Itesiur anti et'titi'ulutiy 'rteolht aue uitcouaMiaus Mablibeaver. wit titi'crues ufi menti agouy. "Ottsi Mater E. Lac ielt witt i. Chicagot luip us' (.îd luailluit' Relp'Itllp'lait Ft'bdty. 1 lt thuutîglt lie walt lut tva,'.ahireketi front lu tîi ri'ul tf thlru at,, te Iltuy a 't eattitutu te senti te lus tl was vtry dark. Liefiete. 'Ibarowmîstt anlytuiîug gttuui Atterthtilrat i aot titi'passengaru of entîtgh t ella in uShartners'ille. thue City ttf Wahington hiau tinte to goî Nrn. LicitA. Walter was sert' it lt ptiea i tur'hie gri-at ex- anxittlt to have' a mlcîgh ridle, sttoe I itiotu ttetîrrati. cvanitug file 'teck eridie tuta utile lithar isittiessaesmlii, are itutkiîg baud sic.lai em litti Frenuchipony t Iiuîtaign Fat,. 22d, 23,1 anud '24tli.aet the M alei'siuy tlay lrai ca' fiamenas O. F. Butte rfi et d M. D . C.i tt a, te att nqut aituet lug ftuthelt'11111tu0i14 sitoiteuiBtutuse tieî iglah frein <lue i ariltte' ' iKtitllt('. couter uoftt'a hîli. Than came the ax- VETKEItIMAI&Y l titt. Ai t ' 0 lite ,rogretut fur tlit' grt'at mteeting piiju aiutucter aitt lîterval mtîficielat tu r Lausir1~fl.tA . . t t u',uaa e -te trtttgett flai mus 'ver preitaret i aa 'iy lutt Mnesthei I t r sut' la mettiinttg itil i te stte of utilt ilittitutu. Ittîil ',utsbsttufif igbt Alagrtýe luit<hi' Mailie uicraia,'t PAUL- MacOUFFIN, u,".ttott'u tut ttr emnlint aclotaitttot homatir andti hou rni Atorney anti Counselor i Law. uutrvt t fu ferituera cill le tibctîsset partlly te llecas. I NOTARY PUBLIC luith. < fl t$'a iltle uttttlatthoratîve lrtas pipe, atgle trtu, etc., fellilitta1 - .,3tukfs. iiuuarnor'l'auînar, effIllinois, tabotmr on <ha <tecks of<ha Cty 0fm spercial atteniioim guvetu Culiu'tti tluu;ovi'ttttr litutt, of tndianatu aît Ex- Weashington, aoinlttring tmi boata tht and Ct)lvyatt'tttg. ' tuuvctur Lttee, aut! Mbligan, miii h lit u mhen lovarati tney more useles. The OFvtCE WtTtt laiE "i uu IIANE, iat'ultîeatuul tilclit uuactiva part in City of Waciagton ay at utaluor 3(9) Libertyville, Illinois. tstittitt. 'The prutgraa presenta feeýt Frr,mthe Maine. ____________________________________ Iutuarray tutftpies anduta aombanatio o f- tlutnt andtievperietuîe wich a Thesvre Ptahers. LIBERTYVLILE MOTEL il if eIvter beau metrpae'.ed ti n 8a SotIîr & Cr., nuutelant talions of1 Elùtu.i Bln, issi oîupafti. t t. Liturtyville, have engageti fer unue1 sud usn erl aalte ttugluamt. veuir <le aivertiflig space novc- DlaIng.rotI Service lirai Clast. Thetu Obboct. t'u;ieti iy I. D. Wyîîn, of Watkegan. hî.aulutt.r Iu'î'uu',' ttlt'dsuu" tt Nitt't l. suus scetît'li<hut aàlir. Wyuatt us ehosiuug OntbisgI)tsinegi. iras iii'. tyttaitu sttructure mas tu t tu erectoti and iSanittru ,&'('at. mire 00< ibm tu W. A. DEANE, .'. mbithiu le 'ire iilitlt" in iti îkeguuo taireativantageof0 the prafarreti pont-a c'tr. Méile. A- u. tl 'utt'tS.. ceit thotuglu a tcntporttry bulinug, in loti lefi vacant bY Wynà's mifldraval. LIBERTYVILLE. - ILLINOIS. %viht Revivaliat 'uihiejuA rîped Tlîey Jîokve the goudoa on lan t o mar.1 ________________________________ tu lituit imeetinugs, tcrtdu illîdividnuale rîut anîrgetil i' ating anti arca ilrîn itmetiat<eiy .,thjevtt.u,' anth#-I lcomn- tPiietrsila j utilciotua oomaîaperj W. H. M ILLER, ntlittt'tu îavilug <lue',tuteter itu charge uttv,rtisiuug. Liuok for their adi naxi jlt)NMLtIAL ARISTi lOi havea eneotîeretl ai) '.eIehiat." As nuek anti weekiy thtreater, as tbay1 '«,b outYtttat lta ûelitushutiy' urCa*it'vt'ry precattibon gtutt'tlng aguinsi ire blea tojlü i utrestllug facta tuo"spring"i igooti ar t'utt t',ilut 11 .",.ta«tlie olitiarvetl andtiamaitoulia kept relctbs'î' totlabr large stock of sîitlng% 1 ' IIuu r u utSo uOt ttt (1t11ttugttard tlay atudi tiglit, ih sLau lite trtuuserig'. anti mvrcoatituga. 'lhey Ndlaî>rtulnlu NN'. t."lg' Mt't <t'-,Ilotict thtjttbicters vili acujttituscî'utImihaet<ho guo8ta t tsanîples, <he nBot S. ii tt tutu' ru 'uit .<uktiti' ýttliernutchiV' ay nîmerialize. iargauts t lu inLak tutt t11Y, cxeajti' .ýýIüé- m 8;Lh.eLter tuutrtiiatbote Ila te tuffect <at iog tltutoftuetalatkegaît <iInn.. ;iuuobstiacles huave liacîtremovty nditt Guard Agtinat Mati Doua. sutrk.,tututli' Itil.ii ti leprigreslIug 'lu' allaite atitlioritib-a lave l Iliu- titily. liit ait, ai <Lime îttgttiuug ti u loreedt liailHtogs rtîtutuiil t ilarge bueta -lui'v t t'uutli î tu't a lstiiilîc.lit <lit village tinàniiti shall be Iliuvu' $t0;t0tt u,l..tutu gui arut 'àt'. Information Wanîeci. I aot, mlcationuvamas taken oing <o IFif t tu Oi'.l ý tut t>,'li litutorutC lut uttienistrtiror tuf<le ittate of the faci iluat mat ingaliaNe iteen seon l.sîrniuv s '.'atu; ahsîual ittisoftut]ters John tiHorf, tîcîessmeet, lsiresîinfo'ma îth <lai îllty. lime tarder Ita tu And t asiu tha vbîlreabouis <if Frilerîrk "ma"nIlit force tîntil April 2211t1- A J. J. LosnADauCut. luima or eean of film vas i <lue of Oraylake, illi1nols. fileueildîinlg of <hea Wisotituia Centrai s loi of chichetassd biti evrsi hopa, eaitiwy 'tiuroug Lutte ciunniy. in- aat -mas luter kille In la MoleuRy fagsâsu ..Jaa<1 .,e ddruss 10eoutsite a iwus tit seVar i dogM ahiatiandtI tppeti hî'r it titi làt'îbut tue hlarm vas titne.i (liing tîttu te îduttîtrîse uotfte river titrig the <hait of letst wek, the leîîoery cf Mr. lians mast lu greai (an- ger of liing amepi amey by ttte matar, anti Nir. liatus, mitlî tlii.asistanecetft aoeera othiar mon, ttîo1 tinte in trausporttutg thelîilette tuteir'aui irtuit thoraby pri'ventuttg Cfieagoatie frein aelng tha lienus cutl k art tîtîututhtte Chicago river. Titom cf Otur tiaritug Ytuutug tuenu who1 conteniplst, anItnvuasionî tfttha goulu ield4tis t lotttiykm', atnti ittuaitnet avare o! <ha hartsieîpq thay wmlii have to euttre, botter takie uttvaîtagi' tf tae uOm me have utudi lreltre <liit-à selves fuor a igiti inowbail ullt, as1 mid ptieiing anti nowliallis tuuîîtbse the tmenu tia )wsotnCity. The tluum tf ]lmit vehi qotatttue siracitu, whicl ilso animer the purposa ,)f ideaake, tue beconue very nitiy; having a tentietcy <c con vince mome ot! tiîe eroîtic kiceas miiare oppumte< luut.îrporatiiîn <o acknowlatige iluat in- cor'poration sla migrantinutg, sahen tiuay foutdti teîîîalvef ntîvlgatlag iii mmd knea tdaep. Wluy, theitidea tof a <cvn i lii Shrmerubhle thut has sncb brbghit prospecta nettteuig lueor. porateti js prapestertuisasid la i'ugh to otale a itarcOn thiunk we, aret pro. greaatug lacimart ii îtauu t!ftursartl. To Our Customens. Clituberlustute %Cîtugh Iiteumtcdy ile b beat ecuItgll u ytîie hava ivar tîseti1 oursaives or Ini uur faiiies. W. H. Klug, IsasaeP. King and many thors la <bit, vlclniiy. have ai pronotuuicat h <hae<est. Al me mini a ftr petuple <o try 1< andt iey vii li e convineeti. Upon lionor, hrt la an better <bai va bave ever triati, anti va have nati uany kinds.-lt. A. blake & Somn, Gaseral Mrchants, Bit Tunnel, Va. Mciii hy FIB. LOVEYVL, Liberiyville, J. 0, acUa unea, L. Bl. L icurtxa.1 WI-EELING. llorrah' 1é1ciîng once more. %V liai'.,the attractl.inat "Black Il ill ally way boys, Mrm. Launtijuuiger lest ta'u, towm wttil garget rpeeeti.v. Chlas. NUnte bal a finelei'W Spring wagonu tmade nt Esanmton. -ilauinea," u ntuturioum grit tut il-r t, agein aijet t ta a e'vecse pl. Mvia'. Ettîma I1ateIki la leaniug the art oif dreaanuaktng et l-4I'aliue%. John Bublliti iîad tel) toua eJ hay premmeti by Gi ln. , *f A rhn gt.un Hieiglitai, Mouuiay. C. Wenîl e îti unt attend the meeting caleiltbiy lMr. Ileeruer Fei). M, a I.. as baîl ing I. ga andtI .t ettou.r timém. .NnsaMary (ierkeo t'. a gorut paîletrian, vslklog front u iletu iew to Hill-'ma 'éuo nîie.In. twe heurs Satnrday. Emma Laintfeohoirg.'r anti Emma lianuii are vemy biisay uekig qîtilta haivlng made mixteen andti telve realpectively, tl,îa a itter. The new fermnera' orgauizatitun, Uited Farmîr'. of lîlininl, field a meeting ait Chilcago liml.,e Hall 'Tbura- day a. M., and abottut tif ty Iprions atteudeti. The followlng itiicarersr electeti, Adam Weber, Preaudent; George Stanger, tlacretary; Fred Andees, Trearurer. Boardi of Directora, Henry Waaaling, J. W. Hogan, Ernest (loil. It wama l e ameeting, many quelationn being asked andi discnaed. G LEN VIE W. mrs. Nelson la viatiog lber &Jeter ai Rtogers lPark. C'. Ragen nota buatbe fluait general atore lit tlue country. Mrs. Chas. ('arpenter lita been on mlck lut bot lam motne bettt'r ai presant wrting. Mur. C. Guizyer wbo bas been havlng a aeriona finie aitb rhenmatiam la mmdil liproueti. John Linnamaîit liaitithe miaftrtitne of leing eof tutshIe arritage b<raea one day hait week. Itutac,'Hrter.,uof lRocthelle, I., bam ie'en apanduîîg a fer ticys usiu t'la- tivtea lure and in tChitagot. Mr. utd Mrm. J. Wt. Hittt'ltlîgt, tf Milwauîkee, ipetit leat Stînîlay wlth lus tarettaM r. att I r-..itîlthiltitchingat. Ill l ,uther ee'~tuI iltaiiti thutie tborn'. l'le Lauits Aiui Society of tht' M. E. uitic uritiiet at the hiteof'ts r. C ham. 'ctdl' )iîti rm(iuy ,of th itwe,'k. A vin' î.ltî'tuqaian d eîjuyae i iuy waa cient. Mrs. Adilitu Hurer atndlyu)ttnges4t amon re'turnedte ttt <lu orntae lamllasMoiie.., loilu, Ihut W etlttt'u.duty ailter cîcui ii tg 1t. feu days reluit i',, tuund trieouishiu thi'. viuitity. Al are it viiel ti) attcttdI a i'utriotilc socible Flai. 221111, iteitiut the hote tf Mr. anti lre. Dr. hettulu-otte aâ îrograit a i la' renud,re i lytfiiei mholut tu ' tîet t'c'unuttry' undtiteive landt. 'iTie L'y. Dr. C. E. latuiu'u ii1,', lireslulituglu(lertf ti' Northu Clicagtt Ili~Nti.'!, uut'u'tmîîithe lu,'lt in the Mf. E. ,iuutl uut Saluluttittvejutg.ý Ladies' Shoes. Mlere's where we're more than conw f ident.t We represent three of the best makers Wn in the United States, of fine k ids hoest; E. P..'ý Reed & Co. of Rochestere, N. Y.; Thomas G. Plant & Co. of Boston, Mass.; A. F. Smithy- of Lynn, Prices range from $2.50, $2-85, $3-00 to $3.50. WE ALSO HAVE A VERY POPULAR, "SPECIAIL"- FOR 52.00 PER PAIR. Then odd sizes and short fines we offer at $#.oo, $1.55, $1.35, $1.40o and $à.6o per pair. ýýW CAN FIT YOIJR FEET AN'D YOUR PtJRSE.- ~ WAUKEGAN - - ILLINOI Gieneral Hardware, Builders' Hardwam'g MJLK CAN&S.M. CROSS CUT SA And in fact a complete ine hardware can aways be found mi» M. =-t t'mot LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. arc viKiting at Mra. Fratize-n'i, lra. nuttbrsiteier. heu. lMr. lioeachar isa ,il'ter Iiith le Nebasaka cîtu andtri utîiatientietitht' anmal meueting tut the botardi e! truetees of Nortltaastcrtu Coliege, Nupervillo, Ill., tu1 ulticli hl14a amemutar. Ha likavise cueth e < ip1it of <lie E. A. chtîrt'h [le telius trî'ti t.tiltue tt'ruuu tfitu'utgouelittut Sii nueyajron' u vattu tlittuite'. u t a1a t NO RT HFIE LD. 'luhit Stry<t'r 4'ît'tt Muttltiy w Nurth Nurthliclul. sontie uotftîur N trtittuelul ,u1tu urt' -) itn a uhuumlest l'rifflcy u'uuiig., ltuttuurm Lire <lat llctury Metlt/t'rj gttttg intuhtii'fieltd fotut utti tutY hughway c<tinisiuttr. Anyiuttty luokîtg ifur t itarguittY the litua tuf a etuter tittu l st" .1aic iaiatruihý ieHt'itas tutu t' i Ii lui' a saili v'ry clcau. NORTH NORTHFIELD). fiH. t' autlut'k vams tu'tîutmi rtiffle ast weak. ltu. M r. M esstu'r wut',tui tiItf t] uity lest waik. 1< malien a pîtratîn 'ai ralliutr sudk get Kluck ili uut so' iutk, (lutiil ut Mir. slck? MieseM. Fratuztuus lut une tuti re. Doeschor. lira. Debit la reîuurtt.udttlic vary andtihopea tf lier eonsiest'ati Uft i tertaiuueil. 1ev. F. <ielert tttendteti1 lrcrera' ututintg tf tt-eI 'hile, Ditrict aatul uio ttIt. ua tri p Naperville ret'aîtly. Tt la runuoetura <iaMr. tG. Me'lul of Northt Nurtluitidandt MsaStuuîk, Nortitilel il ovhienter <lue rt'alu t-otu ttllel bliasostiuetlu,î etStIui lttaMceuer etticyt-tiaefut (i vacationfoitttnu ler ardu.rituts uiutîem sttudîtt at Nurthv,'ýs<eri iutvarm andt tok adîtutagîu tf 1<it ly t"il bar lparents tt Northî Notflllî't. D)urhuug 8e'rv icîs ast Stîtu iuty ntt Ifichîet ite dattiffuier 'ister. fi Chicago. 1ev. tliurttuti fat] met t,<ha puty huttîtiittuft-riàtî Weaxtend tietr cttiltc t> bereavati. Rev. 14r. aSuitlMr$. ittusclur Math rase, ila thel ft bir<hdays cama but once a A"_ received qulta a nnuber of poeeserný whiclî nl lie a momnenwtos 0iuli ber eftfier thlrieeath lilrtbday fS'; meîty yeau'a o coma. WARREN. Yea wa lîeard dem balle. lira. Frice bas bar %notion thée week. l'lutreporter faemt fia dnty to Allen Dieksiîî as a ouralee viita tutalie nuentiotu of tueeeturprise party lut MOiutiaY. uugistu iinî lis lotor la.t mî'k Thttraday C'has. Tueker gbipppd anollie, Mr 'evekinug atudi hoesc thie net i n oruier lon'tItf stock luti yack <o Clloago. tottjei bittura tile publitc ltat because J. ~'Chspham and Cha. WJ.ubux vI at in Chictago on buatineas lant 1Momily. lue fcela it dueti' theI credit of those The W. C. T. V. mat i v itil Io bWo ho mulcesaftiily manageti tha xh as lt Thnra. Thiebin "a4 uuk air' i fie pt'ttple gaihereti at <he tha roll rilbon couteati» laiou»4", btoultutf ies. 1F. tichart and îiîan it anti help <ha thia8 alma& t't pruct'ilei ttuthe ituine of Gog o] The scribe lainieregtsd on the, gel a8 Ahbuuglihe osware ad Georg e h.ri bbouaide, go loin <liat aide a&" via.' tue tuad bcdanti<ho Ve are glati to report thi e Ml1 wt'aàth'r îttpleagait yet a godly <fia locality nme lietier. Mmra.W. T. uit iutîttt*'r waa praetunt anti a tueait hute ailhabai asai ou the j»l Ia 'oit enjoyaiti in te mas cliet. The for nome time sea g o lhso «M s illi reptorter etnmacoda iatinmoud me uaderaad. The. isk* t'xî'mui eurtla iuvietOunee, Mr. Tbomm MaCais mal's tg,. alil tu tutt' le gali. k.lloy are aiao ome better. oconcert given hy the. QnVM A itltant sorîtrice 'I'a'. layed u p< mhich eatied vltb the SUemW 'Iti Mty r. anudlire. Mecaier liai week atingthe Oraffr" w.. gbff Iutî'stay aveiog. The folks gatbered eaig thran e coites at H ilbars soreatit Btbutf putie ro..ade not a very fult hotus, b@4 al ti,'evetu itarclîttietunlassa to the bîghîy appreciative audience ve t paratoage. Vitualt,, gro,.eriaa anti aitentiance. t promaouîa 1ouriud Itnandi aven ive Anoibor One of Wsrreîi'a tlut to<'k mall proanieti. Storles mare daugbtaru obanged ber Dmhe toi, frni-r xperiances rehemreed Mi18ajeasie Beek maunItel itu utul ftrîu'rto lMr. Laroy Olibeitof AUe= ,'tîit cuti.t. Frey tc'cassion&lly tlirew In lMr. Gilbert la a pomeg ý tre. soeto f bis "achuitz" s lietai <ho duatriona young masm Mav evatutng pliutctiail liai <00 soon anti for <ha hippy couaffa il, the gutttsrepaîret homle rejolcing They viilihoetaihomne t frienda on lira. Price's faiM 1 ara utuer thea atccees tof iheir antior<aking.ailear future. Marriati folkse mutatlieaboye ar ~for Fred Potier anti Elel <lue oniy aili mare invitati. Youngpteople, Lýake Villa, aiarted for ae listalle reveugît ipon<is llgbt by Fort Scott lutitard" ena tug iii gttting tuarrîati. andibaias« tndpc t. Ma7erlnteading tu »"ya p Monay -VeingFei. 7h bingFred ltitende <o a347 Moutuuyt'unin i"lî Tt baug o bave a gond i rit vitu zur, Misa Allai Nesllng's thîrteenth anal. relatives anti frîsada inita tif0 vî'rsary lier achoolmatos gaihereti ai anti ahomit kiasd fortune f* tt rbonfo ie e suprser ahill vhilo ihere lain theW"yg buuî' tugiv br aanlt*sa 'i business oppontuahty ne tth.m kapt inth ie kitcbaîî tiuring the persmietietoay longer. utys i'vt'tiig and i cuile ieatedat ithe tabla friands wisii <hema any sas mtterkisitgexapîce tle yiinng foik& pleasare aisu lesa la win t sity eted tIti botuseth lrottgiu the front may undertake. iltg douir andti al gatbart'ti iituhe alttiag lMr. F. C. Hegblg, roonai whîtîn dtenly itue kitchen inedorargglat of Lyuuhburg. in, ®rn- was illttug open and ail yelied aie <ho imatismof 0oros tirs, top cf their voico i"suIrrie." 1< mas lona boitde ocuabsa rroim ladeeti a surprisa itu Ada. As sous as TuS îiiii Umm . ar $W S iljy ortir wax resaret i mitie suas renderet i, delbiimiii"'h ,oli. gantus mi're playoti andti iuuîrefresh w mliii î faitw . thec mentisera erveti. Aller ail Jolulus LovaýLa, Llbertyvtlhý in xlighng famlar achouil aouge the. Otinaes. ace Youug fotîks vent boiute 50517 Iat m