CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 4 Mar 1898, p. 1

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LAKE Vol. VI. No. 21. COUNTY INDEPENDENT. Libertyville, L.ake County, Illinois. Friday. March 4. 1898. $1.50 a Year in Pays Fine and Cosa.. C Oty ,arabal MCMdliIen. of (lrayilake, mas dote ndant and il. Mogg, filooi ARE -OSTSID" IPYSL s( Jaistice HHeath, of Waukegan. Tiiesday. 'it . AU'. I> s&1141IF.> I(f SMI .'. I~l.'ill A 'là" , casegros ei outan altercation r'Spring Overcoat, whielh took piace recently lu Thayersa Suit, Or A Pair siliio nt (rayalake. raa -«g laliÉ< titthe mrta 0f Trouser.s. klcked hlmi while ejeitiug bhlm tromt the plaee. l'fieMarbalsialdMbogg wais We go deeper into the question.; In th" habit of cîiuing tés town sund We wat you goodleavitg fils biorse standing oeit lu ail We wnt yur god .rth of weatimer, and thent ho had tolet togeTherMwit[ bientfi) r., for thei animal nmeverai OPINION toethr with m i' lh lmt Wfflligay,an lfu8:1 s)tixi'liinaouJiineord ta A business proverb says. "A satis- lget lattag nd ucsendor hlW f ied customer is the best advertise-la'r ait the door, wlîeun Mogg renlsted ment. I i*zlig the doer snd refsfnlst go ment.iîrlîr.'hinisrghal thon tQojk Goo gods, styishy mdeperectlmshand off bMogs collier and boive] Oood oWs, tylisly Mae, petec l :Iriàtlipronghthe dooer, gtvIng hlm a $15.00O lit, mocierate prices are thie Means we, --ift,"'as lie went.JutcHehd- useto hatend~di mars and fomtsudnd tue flue can paldt. $15-00 is a low pri c e for an overcoat or suit, but Soldiera' Monument. we can convince you that it is like buying gold Len Moiday imurnlnig Il. IL. Flsgg, Waîîkegan, rteJcved the design fir dollars. and-you select f rom the goods flot samples. sIc odicra' monument froun A. D). iirîlcay. ot Battis Creek, liiehîgait. c liox.' 'iriginal donign Ua s eicted, 0014'T MISTAKILTE IîE NAME 0V îrovlicd a fes changes coîîld lc meude. * - 'iîriouîtnfig the monument fle ILcolor SANBOR'N &COUP MIGHCLAS TALORSand ENT ' FU NISM RS.lsarer in bronze, înstesd t fthe (lut- 11101 CAS. TAIORSanc GE TS' URNSIIRS.d. îît 14Lberty. Oin tbe top corners Li berty ville, 111. and (,sithe-:idecornrs ofthew fi,,îr cannlonts art' carveilflu the stojie. WE ARE TH4E LEADERS IN TAILORING. 'ha ietepicplcaga u - -----eNigilWaâ acennpsnied imitâtcomploe Dr. hares G llo ay. î~'I ~ ~ i, fd uiplans candiecifatons for building. y Slieriimiai ionce. Office over Lovel'SDrug Store r,'p"iîfrî.'.iîut if >'ook Couîîfty. mous rax I'roa>i' e On ' > fîdfnt tI, io oié ii'f ii. bou, E. B.: Chriatlan Endeavor Union. Libertyville. - Illinois fiirîalu <raslaki.' Tulenday nmorts- ; 1r' lllcs etn u eta ___________________________irift 24a0'I; fl. I Lake o' 'inty Unin, of Chrietian - lii,','aechidt"u int, ,i".îruaf1 Eile.avcrrutiHait Day, Saturday. Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. Ni-ar', mcti îtÛîlu,ilî roufle sied lii, Mardi 12. Afternoonhseasion convenea office over Triggs & Tay lor's. î,iîa'lmif fîe,, aîîjý-ntiî'iîîi.dathuiigh uai1t34)sad ai 4:1) there ciii lie au -ouas---et waK, liii i's a s'j,fî-ik t, ttif,e ,,ear iuto-rmlasion naiili the evsnlng iesion 7 tIi . S. 2 i4suif l , , mf.I 1. i l-ar. Uei ionecsa :5.W. E.Klnoi, r Maidence on iBroadway opposite Pairk .11 . ti ,' . , II iiNcc u f(if ur,î,e, wUlfi end the singiug. Libertyvîlle. Illinois. IciJi ufîlv 22, in M, going t. Addremecs. papier%, dàisenitu, etc,, go --',lttU14)i, N. I., lii î>vc, cher.' fiet!a niake up a progrisiUhch wili 1 ý1,éJu, luti lKâ wgtii ie uni tl ntees ad eutertain ail endesvorers. Dr. A. L. T'RAVIS. rcujsgo ieif w",32 Iaiiltep.' r,, to Ijîtreinofferifliistconclusî,,n E0fi55 TILS 14 . M. 1 To àiNI 7 Tii '.M. IL Blt,iferi i III'>, rcafilîg at Northu- of aiternioon sesfsion. trentîimat01 , sffi li,. c ufe mcii, i >ryi nlien i Ucuti Fortuneln a flog. fOcK.feIIer, Ilnois.' Dr. H. 0. B. YOUNG. Physician and Surgeon. Gurnee - -- -----Illinois. Dr. E. H. Smith, DENTIST. Oftkço over J. W. Butlor,~b dg I ifxIstsille Ili. D.E. V. HARV DIEN TIST. W.j.;. >ClIAEFFE NURBS ERY. t., liti' n. tfî f hih >im., B. Sfieriiiaii ai At ithe.'vifflage utfl)îiglaa, 1K nox Gil rî n nk 'f lî,re ma iii' filmnu e î,,îîu uîy a h itle sialion thrcs milesl là. i' i Sé,iti iNf m. h'ieiî.i cSi iof ates Citîy.) ai aneîlon sale of i h he i Nousi.,'50i anditif t îitiigiteru 1r PîîluîîfChina hogs cEs li ell b. à. i~IinSli ofiis. lutSucI,îîrvilî', i'. Il. A #uî,c-nioeth lutere ut la the celsgbrsed lu, i O , i. Ifi-r yi ii' .: E.It . ier- iîîg . '1<icv'e sm iii,'friught $796~,1 il tiay'.faki'. .'Mrn..iieAli. I.1--e lf-,ii$7155 for ithe animal. This awmlIIi ,îî iftN I 'IJ J.Iflgl.'N, fîîîg cmas aifd at Springfield faui I i ni aS mri. Aîîgîuitihi neit' en for "IlNtand lrij Liii.I u~ iilii Iiiitili "iim'î 41xn îînîlîn .irîîugbt LIa owners ti4i I ,,irn'I ,iN a!lite iA ti îî '.sinaîf femafe, w.'lilig ftenu - fi5,,li>ou ,oiin, iroiîglit $280. Other 'Fýtét b'i; iSds ut Lin Siberia. rfl-iual's i i iîigltb A$34 itécîî'Iî.and clowun0 'lIi îýgiîan ci,. Aleici, Jr., whîî triivell, ti$4(l. îcî,îsn Aei ii, .iIîîî< à,.fc. liiitfîî'( f ~ iAi ,iîîiv i'rri ,iI1,<an regardlaîgl hE ' iblî-rl hi - I.r ju'ife ifiri'ar' liaili îîifiiifiî' pi-'ple î'vî'îî lu Mi, ii,;l,, .î 'irfîu f, lMr. Ai',,i - i , -ri ni"r'î ' t. Iî- fIl"llI l' , a"' illino s. Elirii;éii'i uîy. 'let-' i,î-îîîî ii>rlîi, tlut ti.n t i iiî'lirf<i' il .'f t tiî'mua art- ah, m'îiî f tii ut Nnt I rovince. - ~ -îî<în tim'tii 11-,',11. NMr. A1l'm Jiî-îiril îrtîi, ii.l-;,oiia I e ifAîa landiiif ii heti.'liiu 0. F. Butterfield M. D). C, PAUL MacCUFFIN, Atttoriey Eu iti isll rut Lacý NOTARY PUBLIC piîed. M.,f lVhi3~ i,bl. 25, fn!tl, Evi 1n i Lti L5iE%, - iglit- te of %llaun vi i>, iti it-N iii.inithin. Ailter a]lulil iesu 'ii ily i-e dii. liEa liail,'y t,,.',(laleii f îîîî111ihis i Il t i tue The Newest Enrater Cownm. W: ii h i' heIesf-I tEaier grawns i'ones a> sut. s,îliplte skirt chichi clings clone- fy arîîîaîî,tire hips sud c idena gaifaffy tow41rîi thr 'edge, Uhicrc t lina s cicItfi pf etceeu lotir rand flic Narif. No tifiiig iati'rlai ls euiffloi ilfor tilils, tire Ides blwng tii get ail 'asy clirvi'. ti'ry oltiu,,lu Jîroîfîî'î tiiln efict, a nrefarate anid ralli'r claiîîîraite uferahîriti iiuu.h- cil 'hfi fod iiie wfiatii, fins the invillf'!ntnu îîtlîî,sliavolgue, sltjilili îuy ,'iatianîem have Is iglit liai' ci tIia >.il' u. phrairîu. Tleeven cîîitf îine Auri tc quit.' ilone- Illtii, g. 5111,a llght Ifnffnezs at tic tuf,. T'fe neî'k lyeuslrgs are lcsmvn-iiii ]hittud, tir.' dee'imatloui alîve tie bîigla iîfiar eivering onfy oîe-ihird fut Ai' îick. Amuug the coîlora; lent lîkeil are chamupagne, broUn, Mleî., piuk. liellurîipc, lrouze-grecu, îed, bfaî'k çeoral mnatter 11fcolurse, sud white, muatiImportant 'if al.-Niareh LaiA/e'lifop, . Journail. -- mret îmt1wif,'lcter lite e iymid. Deaictl A Novof Exposditfon. KiupwAnfml 8'f iii muglin -iml H.(l hm îi wcitîmitÀitby the-mi' rîîtaîre or a fluuii A portion ut the United StatsaGov- sud Cuuin.yauimnig. V1",'4(h luii e t umui '.int'r et'adornaient uxpedlition ta thueKlondike orrnW'i wl->î 1.Kk co ('0, Nl'y ANK, iuiiuys iîm,'î alit attlLay (r l inii iu11u- reglon of Aaska passed hraugh Rond. LibertyvUe. Illnois. iii' îtaivlclîity. liste sliewaskiiowia ont "ver theasi. Paul rsifUay abolit _______________________________la urge circle uit friediîs, olîf sud 8:9 Thur>nday narnuig. The expedi. whoîui. li néw lerouufy iiilove andciolofst New YorktCity Mondny niguit LIBSERTYVLILE MOTEL adiîiiire Altheleaîty, gî'niienessaial ur- 13' specinl Itrai nlever the Peunsyhvauis flusaast flaltdilg, 1 Il', litr ymiig li', the lilenamîry ,îf taiîrcf, e foute by rail ta Seattle, sied fri.huith ...iso.ii. clu-h i il! lie iniily efoit-hsd. via h c1hifflo, Mlwaukee sud lit. Dn-o s ervIce Flîmt lass. . aluh trîjutheî't'rtlily Ille J'est an P"l alaroadnsid the GrenaNotbcrn T:ui-i m. Uiuluiit)ril, thmire iib aupparentIt iu he tro nnsas<f tiue tounrîs W. 5DEOAN£, Psu. spirit mîtflier iIt.- îuîu-h tientigave iPromn- sleeping cars, icu eooklng sud eating .9Nlk.- i'. ulir--I <ht.. Ise ço? n lite nnhlî-li a ni,',ishîed Ibrigli. 'cars, ton linx cars loaded vltb pravia- glISeRtrYVILLC-. - -ILLINOIS. ic',>, îîuuul r',ler hefpfumhneatm andfc'n- jlsasnsdItweniy.uix carste otinlng ________________________________ olatimui toii iI ti whiom emniglat relnaeer. Thm' train Is belng muevit -Wla- usiciatemh, iîrttcîlarhY to tliose in Ado tctlurm w. H. MILLER. ciii wie e aaret tu her linLshe ond. 1There are 11:1 lu theupanty, iucluuting TC>NStiIl I .'~1lIlST ortlove iîîd atteettît, anud hos.' aurrmnn(i,îveritmenit uîlicrot guides sud Mur- Wihsflymu îei.tua îleaîî have Or a nîîc1, groâtest. IV'glati, Filin, sud Laplauider attend. 'i hm a4r i'iif caif un iti 'Nmvrttiles.q,.il. comîm îsm that thc anýIa T herre te 29 reinufeer lithe .mii ' usA ok i , c - ii-S. I.- t y i.4'i of lt ier Ile bmave cuistitutil sti,, k val sp i I yet tii~ :; ~:u'vcr la n, oiioe utcoori e Fruialh uvc'mtLe colnmtry. corne ami> m'mi ,vermiîu. îa ,uispiratimo to ords <ut praise for Chamberliain'% andai ispraio t 1Cough tteredy. ilure lit a ample hit u k,'m i igliet and noblent lun 1 etter froin Mn. C. Sbep, a! Little litr..n1Rock, Ark. -I Ual sufferntfrous s w ha t -... t'îuii'ral services were field ai AIe ver-! noeur@ cal, hdUleftu1Iteo f Abs .iiîteil by S. H. (lray, tanaser o!fAbse Charnherlale's Coule RemedY. 1 con. bilimes li 'Iuau4)igrsgsMotua lmuratoi, assistei by a iudedtugîvée a ral and acoording- îievp $fl iai le iiui:g.4148 hom jue tlu nti }l:fl)sy lmryville, . lyc r:theat hosdile. ft gave me Ifyole, ciiflii ý,buié', s.ifl hinfu, , Thelif. ninaitime Uer.' laid tii testinluth.Ipromipt relief, asud 1 bave the boa" I p -oe4emelery. FusIon for eonifsudimgst ewj# gl ,>.aerMw a".' li.'; s'al%.. ft4 uila rîtfhl'a r IV 1Tf'ie payenis suif nelsAives are gpale. j viob 1 do viii phowng,"Fj i aMd 4mparneeà a seciliy. fui forthue kiud axw«niUa sud W. P. eLoyasaUbor - I. Louuesaii d2Ê.sý «6004 e 0 !!o' o u Whele r-Tow ne.r On Wedunsuay ,Mare-h 2d1 about ftfty relatives sud friendm "nssmlIfsd Et the homne uf Mr. E. W. lluttertitld lu Liberirvill.'. ta wines,, îLe niarriage of Misa Edill t'iiownir ut this pisce and Mr. Wiliu Wheeler, uf of (iliuîer. At high noiîn lith. Mildred Pîoole, of Chilcago, plsyed ihe wedding march by Ulicli they camue lu aud took ti' Sarriage VoU uu'fsr an arcli îof carnations, rosesansiîîlalax. Tliey wore attended b lmssrss.' ToUner hinlter of the bride aud Mr Fred Wsu- ban, of Labo Forest, and Miss Mary Mason aud Mr'. Jay Morne. The tîrid e was attired lu a fiaudsome costume of creumsaibatrous Ultia rîblon suif lace trimmîngsansd orange , fl ossoui; carry- ing a bouquet ut roses sud miî,udeu liairtferu. MIss Mamon cors a sulit of îîink and white Ulti, a huiuinet of rosesa sud carnatiouns. Minss (race Tociier Uas ciîstomed ini a gown oft eain wilî cusationoi ard roses. Mis Towuer ila agranî-l ufaghter of Mr. sud Mnr. J. B. Aliaz»usof ibiAls pilace sud lin ccli knowîîsud i,,ved f y a large circle of frieuds fiers and eIA.'. Uhcre. Mr. Wheeler is a sou of Mr. sud Mrs Daniel Wheoier, of Liberty- ville, sud blived aud f ien kel ucîu faseeince ,ihlibolio. Afier ihe ceremony ut wUJihlto11v. John Lee offlcated the guesta wih. drew toitle diniug roon, where Alîîy partook 0f h.goodthlngs mît lite, lu clunlugtrîîii, coufectlousry, ice eream. sud the more substantial tîjinga wehl help to make a Uetddug tost. Among the guemts frou a alril w,'ri Mns. C. Welm'an sd faiily and Mrm. Wandiass, of Lake Forent, Mr. sudIM r.. Auson Wlieeler sud Grâce Wheeler, of 0limer; Mr. Royal Towner, of Iowa; Charles To*ner, brother o! ths bride, ot Diamond Lake'; Mr. Wilil Coon sud Inter Janie, Mr. andl Mn,. Jay AllEn- son sud tamily, Mr. sud Mn,. D. Griffith sud Gertrude GriMfth, of Leltliton; Mr. sud )ira. Gsrwood sud Mr. sud If s. Lottus, ol OGrayalsase, sud many others. The preoeut. Uerc beantitul sud useo- funi as wsif as numeroîts. The happy couple loit smid a shower ut rice sud nid shoes sud good wislies, drivlug ta (irsyslake aud taktug fthe train for Chicago. Mr. sud Mrm. Wlieeier will bcu t home ta ibeir msny frleudsatter Mareh f 5tha a thelr home lu GUser. NVe extilud t,' theu na'aîYgîaii iihet,, andf a long fle ~tiigetiîer. BUFFALO GROVE. Hlenry Rune sud Ueo. Voiz. ut Ar- llngtan, psssed here uiheir way tii visîtt isr lady trî,'uîdn ut Long Arove tastBudacy. There wilIllis a grand fhall ut Arllîîg- ton Heighis ounEssIer Miinday for bon. eflt o! Sit. Marysa<'aiholle ihurcli at Bufflaloî Grove. The poputarity of ltev. lratheri toyer wlth bis parisloinf shown lîy the tactj iliat lie alrsadY hai taî, nsub<rlb- .'itoard theersetiiin ofia nec chtireh suit parsonageuandafabey expect tii make f4 320,1510 licore the î'lî,îrch la fltushed. Frrank wclîlucr IXlIiglt limnelt riel ui M lke (ianhîon's sale Miînday. >umoîig thue bargains hi> ta.ik fhome wus a large yonng horne, tiarnacli. Wgon sud other uisetuf articles. lie wbnilj not havie kuocu âhouî tthîs and mauy uther sales had h.' pot rend it in the' tNDr- PENDENT,. l al'.îîuhs hsu, sale tapsy for thle faper for lccuty. Ilve years lu advauce. Wil! Kolîs, driver. euth 3111ke hstler fîîr ,'onluetor gave I uecoup1le îa sleigh ride tii Arlingtoiî Heiglits Saturday iight. The Yoîug ftîlko Usme pslred off as jtoilowm l'aLui Weiduer, Auna Hi usberger; Erneai llruukhorst, t'lara Hînaberger; Nlck Hnierger, Anus Dittrich: John Niikul, Agues Welduer;9 Bast Kestier, Eve Dttricli. Tliey en-. joyed a auccesafnil tilîîover lu a anus.- drift wlth seve.ral iud,'r the. box, fini nu accident or dlamacge. Tlaey cen t oni agaîn Sîînday aight boit the ernwd thwartsd the drivers melisme this tlnle. Wc expee-t ti chrtolîlele Ilve we.ldîngN lu the fture. DEERF'ldLU. L. P. Todd lm nîlfermng citi, n>'îil miss Elima Seiiil., of(hî vlsitlug boe. Bouleenunelu towu la poisouing dogs. Look ont for your cblî'keus. Mesdames. Wlimnt suif%'auce ci'ît ta Wsuikegsu one dsy lust weesk. Harry Pansons says the nleihupg la beEtitul betUesq iVre sud Bouton. Edna Frantz sud Floreces Mîhllte are on the alck ht4 eoinplaît, echickeln- lioms of the Younig people had a card psrty ut the home ot Mr. I'ettis lust Saturdsy eveniug. Tii.'Chrstianî Endeavur Society wIl) gîve au ojaster sapper next Frldsy îight st Chas. Parsons'. Mr@. J. C. Adams was called to Onys- Ishe luti Saturday ou account or the Illsas o! ber aged tather. A jolly sieighloa<4 of reailvssud1 triîinds m0>u Peerlieil snrpmised Mrs. Auto-, ,of Nîrtillecf, un lier biIrtbday, Feb. 2M.f Mr. lotsonue 'if our milicirs, butcliered qiîite a nîîmfer ot hoga lut Mouday. Boume 'ne s"toio ut thefu sud nmre cbicheus. J.' A. Perkîns, ut Aîtiquity, o., cas for thlrty yeara noedlealy toturcd lay phystiiau for the cure o!fezema. Res wus uickly oured by nuang DeWtt'a WIcb Razel Salve the tainous feallng "ive for pisud siîn difaes. P.. LovaLs., bryville. le tGNT a»~ Iýmatya MM Nowo thons my u«A«, po SOI WHEELING. L. l'imher ls agalu nip sud around. Joli. Kilian ln s grass Uldower flow. H. Kaiser hian a n.'w patent wfc.l fsrriU. Outir iiarniai in bury ishoveling auoU. Pcter Schliîhi, of Chicago, caslu iowu SSimday. Henry (Irons, of Deiplaluca, wsn l uoil ,agaîn Snnduy. Mias Lillie efcl, if Chic'ago, lm vf.itlug friends hoe. Mdax LeBeau, of Libertyvil le, watt lu town oun f iniesla Suuday. Mfise L. Mors visfted aut Arlington l eights une day last week. A fileîî'Yoîug lady arriveil at the hontue of Mr. and MrA. W,,. lBrandt. Frank Habea shlppped a carioad of fille millet seed t, Chilcago tansi wesk. John lBsker, of Quîî,1tîî'a Corners, viited Wfîe.lilig one day béast eek. Why b,îild a cliimney Uhen a sAuve pille ilirougli thc riii,f cifI aiiawio the piirpie. Th h'Young licoflil,'f tîjis place Ladl a sfeigfilng Party tii in,'f,'Boi>bnSuit- day niglit. George Lpa f('iaiand lFred Lîlpa, of .Arliugtuîî Helglîts, took lit tIie toUil annday. Wm. Itauman bleIit lils once more aud lis n0W worklng foîr .John,,Bakcr i Queîitun's Corner,'. If McKinley dleclarsi, car Wfîeeling U iiI tutu ut itA iifullfiforceand wl Il slî<îc chat it tifiadcof, gît aud go. court Vernon, i. 1). F. hasn muved frontm "Camp 29l" to the Chicago Hliis Hall Uhich they have eîîu ipped for lodge purpoitcs. There cas nà new girl lu toUli Son- day nlgbt. She Jieadiquartered ait the Colunîbis saif created quite a sensation. Woînder wlîo came oîut alicail The Wisconsin Central Nias ver y busy lasi week drawing Ice frrnt Lake Villa ta Chicago snd kepi aur agent up neyerai nights toassmitli keeping the nlany trains muvlug. While John Bioehm wa@ dra'wiug wood hast week lie tipped over a load Of flg. ie jamped to get sway sud apraiued bis ankle, no ebe lîl be limsille tan.t.'rt for Kloadyke Mar. lt. The deiLe party at J. Belin'. was largely attendel. There were tweniy- fouîr playlug. Mr. Heine secured the tiret prîze andl MIn Florecec Metz the second. Misa Lille Thuflel front, Chilcsgo and Willie itrcon giît the foolîy prizes. 'l'ho gilt edge correspondu ent ofthtei. "Ileobachler' fn certaiuly very alert and witty, but flila fîghly coin- plinientary sentiment lu the hit veek's imsueof thte '-IBeoliachiler' litiregard tii Our public achool î'utertaitnmeut is siuuply marveloiî, and shows a lack of faith lu thie protectilon to honte Indnatry sud aAunsemeut. filsaiagina. lioslite very Weak tu rellabilit.. Fverybody rsad the INDEPEINDENT and get gooif remb aîîd retilîii f uws. Juined ln Wediack. 'Tli weddung of Mise Mary Arnoîldl and Mr, Eh (Oit toik place Pcb. 17, 1898 t>a 6 'cluck p. m. The î'eremuny cas pertormed lîy ilsliop J. J. Esclier, ot C'hicago, anadf c n citn.'sncd by thlrty-six gnesis. 'TLe bride core e goc'n tfewhite ciltan îverwUfitte ilfk rinmed wih puaris snd earri,îd whilte'carnuatiîng. Bbc casattend,'d ly ber mstset Miss Lilfie Arnol whm, cure a bine orgaîîdie uîveý lulie ciAL rilbîîu erimmîngs. Mm. Biiî. Otti.u(euneeo, brother of thte groom aeated as tiesi mnu The bride cas preseiitid tii the griom fty Misa Lena AruIol, cliiiwiîr. a creas organdIs over chite. If n. 0. Brand, ut Highland Park, cousnuo<f theî groom playsd the. mardi. l'he cerumnny cas tulowed Aîy saelatîirate supi'r. Mr. sud Mm,. Ott iclif speîd pari of Alueir hontymotîn ln G.'niseo visiing trlends aucl rehativesmîn trus there thuy wclîfgio lui Topeka andf other western cttes, To Whom Ih May, Concern. lly wi!s. Katie M. Schmidt, oft Sherinervilfe, living teit My lied sud1 board, I anuotnuce thet It dli nut beJ respouible tor any delta ah.'may1 tIacur lunuy nase or Ia the name of! K. M. Sch midi or Katîs M. Schmnidt.1 C'HARLE>,SSCHIDTî.1 NORTH'4NORTHFIELD. fi la rs$lrted tAEAA. Wefb'r as îî,ite ~lt. Mima M. Fraure returmedf li the clty tantiweek. Gi. Mentzer la gettiug hie cage ru'udy for a bird to occupy lu the Ocam fuîtur.. J. Weslliig"'aud fsmily sud ifMs@ telfvinlted ut G.i.<intzlf-' Sattirufay1 evolug. Fred, Wessllamg cmaxioui fri,îtheiîî'ty lest Ueek vinitiuîg hîs brotiier, J. C. Wesliug. J. Bush andf cite allent Munday a!er- UÇýt'io. Ec kensitelnu. as anyoue elae Aere? Miome of the Northi Notlmieid peuple haie sttended h. protsstod meetIngs ai Shermorvilte. Miss Lau,. Weaning wUSiSIta 11gh- laisi Prk lut Week Tbursday, where eu tpa4!iba ta vfIIla àSOU laye. Sornething new for us'. but W* always changing for the iletW We believe that we cani make it pay and at th same time save you f rom the high prices you biti here tofore been obliiged to give. à Wait For Our Opening. Date l'a B.ý Atinonnîee Later, NeitWeek We WIU ghy WIN As For 'New Styles. Shapes Trimmings, é* you can be sure of that, for we have nothlng in that Une now and we'I 1 buy only what i s newest and best. Ail you have to do is to decide ab~out hoi much you want to pay. Miss I3miIy WY17n7wifiI have -,a-~ flOUSE ESTABLISH 90 NOV. 25, 1 3. WAUKEGAN Gieneral Hardware, Builders' Hardwa MILK CANS., CROSS CUT SA' And in fact a complet. lino G o hardware can always be found. LIBERlYVILLE, ILL. 'lhî' 'Y. P. A. mot the E. A. churcli Las piirebased liew Germait soiig Isioks. Progresa lii their wie'k. .1. C'. Wt'asling anîd famly speiit Tîii'nclay eveiiug uf hast week ai H. Wemaalig'ti, and -u }'iulay eveîîlng the viit ca>,returîîed. Mr. Stacks andaîd s oslf ,'uîrn staika dho îot seeniliMIlie abile iMi Egree v.'ry wefI, fîîr whlc Le tmled to keeli them on te 1uad iley Uer.' determined to 1ivIý thueir uc11cay; and sno tiey did. Tfhc Farniers'i'UnionîiL4nactivsly su- gage'îi sîîiî'itlug ahares tor a nec î-reauIjIry ut Wheeliîig sit hbave imet witlî uîexpi'eted sui'eess. AUf thatInl floc reîlnired tmi etore proNperlAy lu the IjnîitmI Statsare Postalsf Svlugs luanko anud a tnec lactcimy ai Wbeeling. It P1 rmored that Jacobi Hoolc las et tant î,umcdîate pmuslîecut' fgettiug1 a c uts, frtomnmîe said to ii u re-i c.'nify. "Jake, 1 donît carei> f yîîu1 îîarry uny laugier, but you have t)a c-ait ummtif sîîe la ut sgt>" (tlirc'syears.> This iàt-arly eîqiaeln te Jai'olî otBile1 Wricuul adviseu Mesnrs. W. Trier, J. anid P. Mick ii ilnure their lives tîîr tli.y have amoîmacd the Urath, of thie (rove achoîxl teachers. One day unit wsek ftveraI boys ai the school hîîuse tOOk e Iltih on Mlvg'ms leigh itendlng tii ride tu the corner ai Nortbfisld. 'lh. above natucd gunitA- men i ctnhd to lie geucron. sud Uhun tLe curuer cas resslied perauaded tiefs boys 1ýbY holding tbem> ltu ride te Wlietliug bridge. It wUalrecesasdieu thie boys got back taejichool. GLEN VI EW. Louuîa Debune cci.ont steigli riding Sundsy. John Liuuemnaniî and non traped tbrcescrocs. Boti,, tu Mr. sud blIt. C. D. iugen s bouîncing baby girl. John Knoll sud Louis Uatsaak bsd a seeol drink ai Uitz'sasi Ueek. liernan Eberlien ilf more lu lits usw home sud be rosdy tor a charivari. Henry F. Duline, Jr. buichered s 0oW whIch lie Baya wclii Uigh six hflndrod. Uncis Bob took bis dsughter Ida ahI Mrs. Gotabsik ta Deapiainsa depotl M ceek. Laura A. DBa NOSU*y wu abon,la Cook 0OUaO, DL. Mari , vu K i j 1.10-0 ai Gfenvlow, fos'y-four Yeua, eIueV mouihsansd Aefliy.evsu day. el& i. S- wua smember 0othLà l*d u 'ef %)AM - M. E. cliurch of Ulonvi.w "& gs charger fuemubeo f ihe Epwuflhi>gm. ufth Abmnna. 8h, wusa alj give salielpiug lisnd aA* Ie i Word (if syupaihy b aMy m» i. trouble, farrow or.gsiknagboRa & devoied loviug Uile and maibïW. a true !riend sud gond ndgboo aIs Ual esteemed, lov.d sud Tespeolai i ail UiAL chonate ali e n laUeOltà lier childhiood was opnt la Wg Northtield. She unlted Vil& M» cliurch of the Blesed fHope a&t tbg #p If sixisen Jeams, ank qsflY -nM faiihfudly eudeavorod te viii1% e footatePs utflier He.vsuly Lçut i'4 Manter. She leit ail Abat vuanm* dearent, lîrlghleaA and bM oaShie u' earili, ber tco ioviug tous, bot 4mu« melt the pantner o! ber ab, b«Il broAher.sud siaters Mud ubooy isave hana ail contntoud5 g a 1Sà homel sud ebove tu be t.UniMd WM hoved ones Uho bave preoWoio ç. A riatuphaut rodeuod oplirqjsio go th heA. sA bouteder a»o"' si Jesass aylug. iiWolldoue <001 ma failiful servant %hou bus bootah. tuito toly trust ousoartit e«1« thos- ia thue oy of Aby Lord." BIer, un loved. ssemp sud iath, r@01t Lar dowu Ahed upo ayS&IfrMvb," Wi' 10ýhd thse UsIl. but Jeau lova ttiabu d (Gond nistht. sod sight. JUûtil Un meesA ain luote " ItbAra..ý Cfathod lu Abs spoi..s rob tgogielUg>voi U ntil ie sknow oves 5» Us m s kasu. Gonud niglt. gond muclu. RONDOUT. Ouar layors face pat» »a muai Lie alraid he fviikm' ft election. Dot't worry, me% 1os, # a sure AbIng. '~V Well, Ubere in Ajax? le ahoo n0 bas ho gons go fig4t Spaw you are itililivingm e wo.mi her froinayou. Bath Houa. John bu as à0&à position s a derusaet d l dont biarne yu. 0be maie more moaey tSsa». hi. burg. If the gentloeman Who àlaS ni Mny place i lu oou dosa fot catiu Tuie.da. March 8% ald. JOsaW. Mor teue li i $1.50 a Year in Mill

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