WAR SFIOULD COME.~ ------------e IIE ecntlterri.- cruisers.,nltif tiiem practIcali>' lni bie ocurretnce aplendilti glting tritit lie AIntratlti', ln thte harlior of Oquetado. Carlosa V., Infatta Maria 'Ter-' liutvana, wilch l, aitPneea (le.Atuis. tint!Vizcaya.1 resultet! ln tue 'tic lave tio diii icîseli-thet 'Newi dlestructionti of Yoîrk anti Brooklyn . l'or defeîsIave millionotf Fedu igîltig our lotir itou tors lare' uperlor t'ral proetey li tIo te lini'i' rittriticruliers wivhlî te $alute tif the 5'e îc ii ti>lai-k lu Catit li tontm i t h lea I t 1 e a8 i itp 1 ttti, bti. aiiîtilig iat titi'> are ont>' t Maineandcii!thet' (11111il t ti>lieid luti. u lu thatIcams tle.th tf itrtri'l e ntittes o etifi ontionslaut re tf 3010 s a i i ut1r a ,'i1ittitstrvI'tgt . sta lu'd a -rento t lui unthe tlie ni îr son bltal ~"- itii f s1ectilui iailisiittî. orihwitili wt ae v'four i U e tte real vlue tf our Davta'> utti!tiiabiet lirît' ilrstt-lu s îandiOt'as'c- ttà relative impotancie umtiug tt'titttllsviti tiittiSpaini lia oiyi «Varafuntuaotf tihi' orid. Itlia.isOnee u >tlIjtwe, ttirai-eluas Peitt>yt. ~I'Od fl thte discussion otf wlttt theiti' l'le ttri*îti' t if t,itiintors ani!ar , *01t of a aiar ttwai'i' ee Uniltoed lîtot taicruisers tic botît aldea lalprii 1%89« andi a foreig u itinwoul lie, I aîî tîltili. 'lii'atientotf Ittie- shIpsi, sfouir to anc lu 0cr faror, ant il lthe i' nid tf urmament t ltitells tll Q!/t t'( lu a ntaal bati'e. Su ttach for stri>'l tighllng chipa. 'ti have ten., lpbi a six. lu protectet! cruisera Spale lias-flot mîort- titan tif leedandi iii hae I tellalltable tic the Atlantic aal. Titi'ntimnt tif aur tell, uare- fui'alculatlîîn showa. la a9 littie motie - tut) îqiul Ioi thatiof Spain'$. fifleeni. 0f giitiltuttaSptanee'cus la oa e t> ait ivhaveit'ioutîtor ttan ta-l titi'Norilt Atlaittl' coli. el 'ania' on-haif tif Sîaleagu at.iisatîi to0Lardilitrasce>'. titi'gre'ut Eglaý l_ i tiiirit>'ar tintaits teamera front, é41 Gtal'tAll a~ AT "w ~ tut 34S ions" lu tietimater tf tnar- nîttreai chips, tite'comtmerce dtestrut>vers. uni i ttegitforairuni tht' lit n'a' ii- Spainlelias utasi glu t alage lutttît goua eoncerniuug achtit tters. tîz--ii' bera;ie liave a lîglttiradvtnttg l theor>' airti itidtlda tai ait' ltîia 10 trîengti. 'te coulî iti'eOur torpeo @Dore, uae for a a a'>' compîarttale'iitiouts; Stpu ain culutI gel liera tver -4W t te greit nuuilopa tif Etrinte lti'r. Ve coutl uae ouir miiiKati IleI elum ire bave for a standiîig tret'like anti aur Ilacîti uhmurlce buai;Sut 'thât of Great Brunien. Germntuut'blas titi atcit veïacia. Jienicoe or 1Buci; tie tanidtai t tùInte t'matter of chipa antd gtes, ae' ;.a.8' pet mb ce uniavy oulî bett'r - bav. Ieen expendet! le coasi defi'nse't; THE IîDEVIL OF ao&1lut1y t2itt opinion aviicit deianuls -.tkmg.ëu 4id sudnt@ce- aie abeeld ble lquliy powet'tul 10 an>' Dation On Il la Dow over hitî a centîr,.'nc 44W gua ufet tia ceuntry' were terni-i ~i Ar~.f C.nI titislong perlod 1-10 = a I cd~ver>'large tlite 0 ofArulee lîsens 10 te lrat ý Y*bUieor5O of reaaouing. The mît!- t 4 gampou"position lanitelti b> te canat -id tWcoriata. Tie>' ieleve tai -ý ýýW,» 0m conal defended Lt>'modm 1a01IfratoOiand udaila We!eau alm= > 4»bW t blies'avrDavyailogether. ,sth" dpart>' bellevea lete ai'desl " 14Mïb ip lal et'0 cr naval powver. JSIAQ~ATolqpIoo- "-M 'W Preenttlime te goic ountry ~-'~lh 'hle~-wm re ite!>' te hecemee '400&&nMutlI attife la Spain, anti as a'" t'%wtlhebSpaulih wouid bc largely J FV m eauore il la terefere of leterest '10 toàolir What tepobsibiies Of oub a war sîlgit be, - *0M .te Mime weet ldowvnnumer- Î. tffl repots bhave been apreati broa!- mt -«M tbt at Sple Ds ow cuperlor te ns A Whitehteat! torpedo ired f rom an ai -M. a MMIapowver and! mati>' Itrsons pedto la propeli'd t Itremeedona apeet I hmym prave fonrs as la thetc oe oîetf charge tf 150 pesouttetf gîtecote. 'T g efflet. Lel us sce. SileIS&a fThe torpedout cîtii areek te trongeat a W.aatitorizedth ie eonstrcuc rk e.v.ntey-aoaee ivar vessels, ai 'îite the lasof titi' Maine the United! *,M « 1U4439700.10. Sixteen of1States asa tdecitieti atvantage. Bat- "'ttl yela have not yet been coin- tleship't are tht e itaI coulnt lat real îti Th. eaMsla 1uitoîz tu aer ightitîg. But naval bâilles arc ntt 'MM a tle a Bale ly a I i-ncacy h ipa anti guna. Tht'>'are *@14 , O!fL.httIechîpa. eSeti-laccwon by mnen-raloroua ment. patriotli o@ piera 18; gunitoats. 15; bachot liue-on boardi the chipa. Our atipa totsiémm, at.one; monittirs, six;, dlna- are itanneal by sellen nineý-lentiaof Mitéi crula.', oee: lrpetio hoats, '21;wloieare Auterîcan seamen. Span- **banarie lOrPedO boat, one; traininug lards., tf caurse, man gpain'a chips. 'e ta or cadets, trio; dlspatch boat, There >ou are as le men; Americana on 1- f. oese Ian.! Spauuartaon te other. Of !the aixteen chipa ofwax'arnow tue' Neet! more hi' sait!? S4st'eooautlton. te Secrelary et the Sironger titan ait> renssa yel givent " Y>' sa tmates Ihat &a il vlîhcrom- a ta titi'riatit tif a filitI helaien us L, j1tdduriez te preset yeîrex"îttin! Spati in mte one ta hededucet! il>' et waruilps to ujet the d.mdir te- pedo ltalt a"d lte torpedo-boet capi- ble of aubucergieg ItsoIf wboJIY Or ln pari. Inventera ai over tbe wot'Id are aiorklng open thte submarlne îot'pedo- hoala ans! rama, and, wile the>' have net attie thte aucceqsg Of Joie" 't erue's taucy, Il la helievedthaltIif lthe> have net atreatiy couves! the tarai- lcm Il tga Amotter of a short time tIl riageos, 91212ea mIoiaMs ad IL11 aubmarlne mines ojerated tram ivs mlnlng casemates. Mot,of the work of a defense bas been done by thte offlcers aithte Unitedi stateas school of Etagnecra atiWet'a Pont, New York itarbor. Twenty-threQ ofilcers and! 3M enlstet! men are sis, tloned at Willet's Paýpt, and their work ls mosti>' wth torpedaes andtiht ,NTI) sTATEss TE1EL PROTECTED CRUPSiER COL UMBIA. sae csalhave a bonItiattable et su!> unecglng isaeîf for a tinte aufficeel f0 dûo terrible ticunage la ;ite langeaI bat- tehip aud tallii ot l na iglît dtinug the' engagement. Tritiis la oi apeakinti of th'e elablsh- et! iiacticabili>ti f te aunken torpesie tir mare ta 1w ua'ti ln Ianors antiddis- ehairgeu h>' eectricit>' tram a tilcani'e. These ast can he îtilllzea for coaca de- fense anti are ver>' effective. The>' rouît! dealmai'an>' cruiser anehioreti or sailingtuer tent. buttarc ont>' uceful untier thocd clrctimtaace8. rTe aiar tiepartmeflitIlba glardei wi'hh absolute aecrcrth ie plana for ail us cenaltiefenses. Il la sean-el>' kmPLoa' phanies! anti explodet!, Just ait lnsregu- lar aiarfare. 'esceta are cent ouI 10 try andI comec ivthout beilng see, anti it2imlc aiar haltia fui! awa>'. But iNew York in not tee l>' it>' wiein wla i l dedeti. Utuale Site nia>'be slow 10 mahue var. kilt e han heen preparitiz for IL. Big rifles! gune, on llfttaans! dippearlng carrlageg, itiin thte ast tre, years have heen phtiat te ftiloaaing places: Portlandi Headi, Portlandi, Me. (ireat DiamndtlIsland, PotltandMe. Fort Constitution. IPattantoutit. fKLH. <irovt'r'a clS, Bouton harbon. Mass. Pss!toc'a iclanti, Boston barbon, Mass. W THE SEA"-HOW THE TORPEDO DESTROYS. reieati tube and ti lpmognemsttroeg thlie waaer. Ou atrlkinglte valet lte ton- a>' lis iaiit egine. tel te fonvard portion cf lite turpedo las csrried an explosive T'he mass ha explouictiLt>'a percussioun fuse filtlesoI teoth te zeofthlie teaput. shlp affoat. lis oue of thte MostI sîongl>' defendet teivus lente aaorld. No ve8l caciti gci ailîhin tSîleen mles of te baller>' avtolit meeting a ivonse te titan taI vitcit hefe h ie Maine. 'Te entîre barbon la thorongh!y mîneti adtti a-res rue 10 underground casemates iviere te operators vert. Tht'harbor In. tiedto iesections anti squares cach otfsa-itîieh sknoavn b>' a lellerotr figure. For salnce, lecatte et ivar, If a Spanics an vessel ivere sigitteti, word wouiti he îeegraphed frote one oif titi' cnnlng levers te the officer le charge et one of te under- ground casemates near Saed>' Hook. The mesage aiould he reail cometing tlke thiI: "Vlzcaya x op 23, 14 8. E." Titi oulti mesn taite Vîzcaya cas titen paslIng aven a certain sec- thon ofthlie habor le ahi'ilhu as le. cales! a mine or a lorpetlo. The opera- tom ai'aultiImmedlatel>' toucit a bulton, ate explosion witicit folowed wottld Long Ialandi ieati, Boatan arber, lIas Dtcciisteuut!.Narauaeita>.R.t Great Gel! isiant! eatern entrance, Laong Island Round,. N. Y Plume haant!, easlernn nrrLn taad Round!, N. Y. Fort Haeeeck. New York hacher. Finuus point, approaci tol Philadeipiha. Nertht point, appruaci tet Baltiemore. Hawkins point. approaceitoleBaltimore.. Northt Washington anti Sheridan Point, alaproac t luWashtingttin. ' - ai î'mplte.y wnt'ca te ariu aîu mil arault doutbleas kil! atI on board. W 'Te ai'rt aofjrepareg iluese mines ~ liait een doce aemy secret!>', anti ne one BUKENMOETAB P t'a T'I11so aEW V to5K oituicde tf tase le charge of te bar- - ltom defenses tuoseaa viere tht'> are. Fort Cacaveil. Whttinglot, N. C. r Ttii?.GUN TIIAT (lUAltitS IIAVtANA IlAEBttil. Tht'Saulieu casemates, 10u, have heen Font Mouetie. Charleston, S. C. a bol vthu ilcaution, andtir itm ctnlon Tliee Isat!, Savanntah, Ga. 4M. fle bttlletihijc i. us lîll ciit-rou frat thetýiti' tiiotf iattii f tat . Thelue . ntoawuter. 'The neeetucil..'for Fot'unIlrat, Mobile, Aie. eh!>'nt be reati>'far seviie untilIti'ter ai 1itithtuti'place'lit tatu! itotuidtitis casuthon la apparetî 'aîeît lm vi- l'ont SPoit .ew OrleTe.La Jitrpari of thec contit;.ea. Il i1. CuhoÙ. XVi' 1Ne uotd get tottietîcily andcnt i'tnîtemed tuai ais>'interfcreuce was-lîb Bllast point, San Diego. Cai. Ilberetere, Obvioni ttiat te Unîtt ul tt oi tl. ls ti'e iiitteI'ltte aiire, b>'te euhiect of colute for- .imbe l'oii n iuge, San Francisco ban- Subi sln net sa powesa -i-uptîhtuIlit'lbtuunr tasii-h if nttti retIiltutItlet.eiganatolang int u tcai-rt c erti. quisa aineiwoutlutai- ilîtcdemtotia. nto uh liomidur andi'lot ilii'th agtazines'uitîlt t hat none of 1hheîmins eoult ho tteal. tntStevees, moult utf Coltumbia river, Dcnlng te liatiie turs ter' tave titthlî" tl iaul:tsl itti>'a. Titi' Anter greait meauna of tiefense la n IWttultiIutln. bteau expendes! ycami>' oit u.etcotifir ae al ti',sIiituloe Ittc matas hipumi tisa.big titauppeanlusgura, aibichu cort Morrucalane point sat! Admiral>t est!. tillcalons andtirm aitetsait, ant l ut-utibulinul te gon. Sptain uac If tise>'have humauItel-iIgenc'e. NO Vhile te United Stateshais no Place tSneubmarinecmines andttlorplae titi'-0 'it11.tuson tIIlul ie Outhtii'.tttlo- fort lc nececear>' for tîtese gults. The nsoi rongi'fortifIes! as Cronstadt, yel «M. et $40,000,000; Our principal se--lc.t1tii %cu e 'ta htl coti Ilittn glnnema are atteohutel>'protectes! b>'a enoe(>tic hoult beleve tat te coast »Wt teavîtebave ttus huecu Ptlutncoý etetiu'lite. îig lparaptet. 't1'ien te gun lt ai et, cillec are absolutlt>'deteneelea. For- 41ILoa a o tiat, ivît the aid t!et_________________________ mai>, the canntry' ceeta easily reiasi (Oie Serions Diastrantage.1 MW attiet otasn> one of tLie great naval In a naval c'avit Spain ave aoulit ~.oemo te vonthbave te dumadvantage tif a timeten- Tberela ne doun e thit et ite douc coltlint', cat, olîthtanti s ist, 10 *» naions, Spannoru the Uinited deten!. MWe caulti do 1111e daîuage lu IRUimeýla te trnegem'fron a natval Sptin'a commînercee u.îuie itelitas - iitot ln e hianul armnamttca*oiuîccatviyi>autsti inoii iritthtt, cili' - 'ew. havre b>'ta er pes u r uni>, cmoue tif lietrsecnd., tirdtriun ttht-nute Whflie Spain tas mcone mca lu iter nas",huats. aihile tet-hing aiva> frotnt our ws eulanumber bhri'lutshipit. aIthoitgh Icruisers, coul Iouislis thtosi-t'ha ahle Inudes sane spenîiticruerc lt hle taiatga. The pwer ofthlie icot!- bar lIi, LIte us. le la at!îhng la ber c'ru shiit' gitci enales thitu l 1ui mv>'. replacing te boots stuc Join n Iheir tiglittleg ai eamparalivi'll' lang k IM Site la obliges! le have thula doute, ranîge.'lTe deadlilesa of tes, erus bâwever, abroati. suc %tc lac et ship- la grn'n oîtgliu cuder tituse clit,îu laade o ber cen. lier litltted redi ttnces. am Chitna sed Japan tutuai ta>- .,-.---..-. bâtu kep bock tlts wovrt, and Il la et titir tat Via(iereula-olllif '-"-' - ' -" " -- *-- - -. - ilithe IsIthe laoela owImitier wa'y everal Spacetali anti Uniteti Statest bat- tUNITED) STATES STZEL PROTECTED CRUISER CHICAGO. vouhib. cumpleteti even te "roslit" tieitipui tet ile doser quamers ma>' cas- --- 'osé., etore Ive yeassfront now. Ily' bce magines!, and!lil ha no cxaggema- u, tee, la concénlet! bebledtIhe parapet, elge v ris oula receive e verte Ilbe.. , lb.theclasification& îumae la lion toay an>' l'le citauces tavor te,- 'itere Itle la otet!,When fixngegh- w eine ram an>' eta. A ver *11e tables tarrSpain, plcchug boat% estuctofetarsmy evenyoue engag- camtes necs'issary peameracs machIner> ' vtt,piu'av undettitet'renaIt llb t eont! clau et iuutite-iips et!. ralaec te bg cannnasuthat il& moult laou-f Inrluapte ofthlie groat balses -vb#eb, alîhougit eavIer tan trien sle otdern guneer>' antd armeîr-etathtg pointe over te parapet. la thrtycecC- avlictmghtl ensute 0our ece, e 99OMBiIt aPftetu oft lat clans, conu! hava tept sncb tepa tagetter th&t tua ondi lte gunnera bave Irinet te eau- le. or tevus durlng its prograite mu t oie evit Ill. sautiner bas a plate been Inveeted wshicit non propet'h>. anti an enereoila projec- We t'outuuber Spain le lbth On potier Spain baa about te sante aveulitretaltte mutepleneunuttng Ille insentfliying len miles aven teetreglans!equlpieeat of Our nav>' *Mhsret of arsiltip aveitlale fanrîproectile orthIbMuCime titan a gunwasaamea. Wae tinte veacel lil t tkmAr- aS:lb' re1t avuli be te dnn' de- ..4WMeg as tite Unite States baseaun speetîl!>' uevlaed or an explosive discal'- titanbac no et 'eiemimade arong te t l o'meee or annexatton et -'1W AtlantcecoasaI.eliniuatîng tonhuu.to- ena-t avicit necegsilaleu te Inveurtion istong t testant!daalit te abat ires! Cua. ide, vitiet enu Operate. b>'ilite uia- ot a plate oe taIl!!grcaten reuiutlng front these enantete anuchinea. eý IM bînhlga. OtiFln oluitue waters, paner. Thisegante ba goeeonOuntil At preaut'l le tunem barbon et New Te prevent accidenta tram persoa bwqt1 ab aout te ahipa titemct'li'aam th, Motdern aitp lhsa sggantie loatig York la guarded b>' lave12-Inui.t, ires tshing loto cevaler or mine aitaflsae basnont>' one irst-cîasbatlle- i ulk, te propulsion etf a-iiclu tirougitloini ad ie 8'lnm diaappearhng veven netlaisibuan ncachtide of tite the tcPelayo; ve bave ln thatc al iaîî nd' eewe walera lit no easy gamin, aa ael s hIi-tSt 2 hcgailtcosnet Partîiin&ata Iova, and Massachutets. îacii, îuous>' Othlug etfls manage- uitns. e areail comp!led ad shunt distances lc catchth ie failng per- mricti>' bas no batleshipa et the mcii. heavy sens ar turIng an en- pult peetOn. 7 Wort la poil gelng en aenJ ptite; w. have onl>' one now, ga ie' t vitre napi action ut neees' fer tier diuastilingzgana iîctaIi astercip praical>'etfte cah'ab.finielaêitis 'enr. The sathera To tîgitI lie ire lu a &lave ai an>' de- bas one lise and 15t' Bl eet eath.tc Ihngi vsible latht teani a eruotrance. 10 lte barber .lred tInte an obserbent coller la set et Pd IsJaCenda:Ire have I letc modern crusenrsnmaet conlend are more futiy> proteeted tatit el.tuer te top of au Inclnait surface, te b. W;=I giterIntb.la te probielee t abmarlue warfare, iha' tue lI. gae '1l8a Mgameet ef 1utet! and rolîcti andonrtelr-o K OM The Invetion ut Urtttsos bua e.n lm- 21 19-lnch M U M Ntfmll M ebb a" Wh mt lu motion b>' t.e clt "él0-0.b*a rlrlb.theabil- 9 S-ncb fplý OU I foo- - Educnil tirkeutiaii, cutu uit s trmer lit- ilîî nuer hiilit. aWB@s iittemu lt'a .1-'x aoulet'liaitu' li Ntvetahuir. Ontectl uht i-. luteul udtlitl'ii esanBti i lotuik tru' nit u tbîtît!hittu and tke'ap bilet fr-nîtutjuin iîîg Iiîtîîlf suit! tthers. he wa-su takia lt ('hieago ta te ltsttur Inititti'. '[hi' tIt i. laaili altat'anti tas*I! apîusu'5t ttt tauus. Hec Dog tcause to lie' Pace nAI Ititiet lsant! à trmeatîat-kel.1Tulli Clark, 17 yt-crs oduit.l-ardnu a hu' atas returuinir fnttua scittitl anti demadait ucîtea'. Oc liter n-fusai lte ried uiher send trealene ta lu ii bs-, aieut a 1-t.Iter- liard!duoit weed bLthe tcfamei>' cpnaue uit- un hihutu t,!lue inotf te itheI, frou hinm.'rTe poic art un lihe man'» t ril. Fatl sU rre- a Wiadsuili. Augîtat Buat>, a tarte bantd, L.1 ieur» of cge, antid.ît oiduaa ftratrýeandl I uti' lflattilhta coutaiei t of I 'itfit'lti avitelai the IaîP iifa wiuttiuill miling atmarepaIra, wa" aruik i'thtie el sand ttrtusttta te trouva]t. a tilttamuitofIluin- tlis-ft'f iel..t'n'a inj uirea tuitei Ireatutet!in hii enhîas ev hîturIter. faief tte liappeftîzgâ' Fie ti-triyec h.tii' utirittlanpaus nI the Rut-k Isicntîtileiltete pa-itanti. Titi' oru urtîli tf .Adarat ont futj1iren u'aiiu'>' motiiiuid lu t.ttti u.iela, heîcll 'il. Titi're'c eitlhan seuinttlthe Sîtiati the nominuationuîouitW. E. 11nil tii 1w iciat- caclernet i'euriia. Coutgnt.smaui .Audreai J. Itanîcer. utf Paris, tas uéiî'cllî'I lareitire' frue n idili iltiiî'tl tien f hi-t lreeuît terni. a rare aigitt. s iu'uua tuugtitiittcu'uh ata c- nit a Itîecreildi inut>k. ii t-tu itt iaa Nusm u ainiii cîth fiUt)ii'u th . on. ii'ou ti s î'nich serin, uit 'nitil soit u iancii scerai lurighl rt-il statttx. A. 1'. P-rosut.t, t Irc inu 'utle-iciufîur t Cluleago tr>- gin tir iit. -tuiàiitt'i cuividil ai t hi' Baraua in ltehî'n lt S. Luî l b>-tek lutt cait' ut 1ofupoio. île teft tai utt-iti Ont' asit tt xd at i ltth unîuîîî'r anth(l utiter lu ihi% hîttha'r. iW. IL trota, l'i)ta Buîiling, NesiYork t iy. t'îrmu,r Jtust' Benu'tîre lins buigîuîta tut againtua tte cailtt tf Muacon tlutinlaru gardit uas one otflthe mnt imporltumatna tuant slatitied i hat coîtl in u meat >'earg. Il luvutives a uleciclionuun a set- liait ofthe oaaliltealtaI thasn eear lice paccetitîuon. 'tlithithe let a er th County Botiard ot Siipervi*orx han ru'fiaeý lu silos'lte tillastif tht'ecormiter faîr eigl inqueats. holdingltaI tthe entâtesa of th deauipersansavwent' ute to liau'ylthe fe aeuountita $011 ile cet aee. Bt-foi tiat the Cptnty Board! hanais! for a lnesta itiot quîeslian, No metite witat the deciaien iilies-d" ur, lthei-si avili go t0elite Suprenue Court. Fine tiamageti the' Trnillock tai Gaie Itecg. luelite exteel t't,$4,000. E. t Basittontianti C. A. l'cetroe arc ieavie, losera. William OGrat>'s s utie son waacoaslin on tIigiaat!aveue, Ehlin. Hi.aies! ni lu fronltiof ae electie car, aud lte boy e ceiveti a binlua ulte ieadti lt icreshe bis aititl, At lte lirceMethoiait teleistenisi met ig et the' Fox anti Rock Rtiver district,1 EIgle. resoluticua aiene adepte! pletgir stuppoart te lte American Bi1ble Socit anudlhi favor ufthlie use oftttiti'ble au idhl-hitiutin lthe publicescitoula. Mms. Calebt C. Chitrc i tiet aI i fier laee oahsanti uas once hîi ta'linius btuaineass luChticago., Hic paterelgrau fiGuêierlasaluttu, have aivuet ltheai t wivitti lthe famonsa uitcharter utai t cit autdihic materna! grnutafatlitr. Cotl. N'.4ila aitrtt, cia i te otue aitutluI! idti'etutu n in lthe oktIrc. Seut ilirea vere acuffeti oui untîtl 1temoiti nt' ae crinual>' ljuret! aatîa'u umuuulmuuafillel il ith pleaaalre tttekers ai i rockt b>'the Newv Yort exptreussnt t 'iýÇest't-tiaveue enossing utflthe Ina 'Irituk Balinonti lit Blestlant!. 'jute client vac suit! Lt>'speclaîcra lte due " k tuf rassaeht an0lte pnt clthe- 0 It p b p ILLINOIS STATE NEWS OCCURRENCES DURING TH4E PAST WEEK. Soit of the Etatc Pronouneed î1uitable for Regar Beet Culture - Minera Finally Agree on n ccale - Illopeu s -ith Anoher Man'eMWIf-Fatal Fait. sugar iteeta ln Illinows 'h(te iirtt 1aîîir Ietitonvntiontoliit itl(tf Stu te Nvns heîltathe IUnivetrsity' of Ili- nois. nt thmtiiî.livinlg lîrc'ailî'iloa'r b>' l'rot. iEuxenîe llaiit)t. i il itotf thei i'o1lltgc or îgrieulltrt liIt flic' iiiver.il>. P'rof. Davîetîîtîrt lias.liatnlitaktg tclotse inv-estigationita ithe'a ri indusiti-k 1 t > h e l t i t w t io t i lh . a n d i c ona t t a 1 t1Z. conclusion tîtat the' be4s acua- 1'tit 'eccfitiiy anti troitaltîr raieed byIlti linisii farinetrx. More, tiliatîU'it I) 'rmîili. Itoat of thym l hrge taiidiu-ti'rg lit i illTrîîti parlti f Illliois, attcee tihi convent'ltionl. Freilrk Ilopke of Nelrankhal(o'tf thet atithoritit'. on auga r'ltiet raiting tiliett'cii' k thle etilleforiaittîpn itiinc te înctlh- oda etcîlitye'ilnlathe cultîvallul of the 1 het't. Ili 1801, lie clîhe taruiei'!1.21K)v acet f liceta, tand sie,' iheithla rtîit tlenl exleniavîly. He-lia.laadtîie a caret iii examnatliti iorIlinisa cil. att.! asuiret th~cepru'ai'îilth t b'ts a titlie' ralcia!mcit a cemafclvlit ln ini. The afl'rîitofl wu@ devotti i) a li'cutti tif tht' factor>' to ie, tiat'ilandtiletu e r'i u ti.i'tettithte mauifactuîre'racdtiltîefariner. Eltipea with a (trocer'. ife. Dr. Wiilia et C. J ,hnsîailotf thete lutaplrîtiilett'iit it -it iii tf (CnlrtIl- liiol.«.tmti Ii' wal tlti'at litan itl tthe vtont- nîiiPty ini vhit'li lii lit-i. hua .Iîa.llit Mmlr. t. E. Claytiîî. titi wift' tif il gritrîr.f Ilia wii!'antdIt wtt tarri'ti ilîttili iliart'i agit thî' Ma rtliiug il etiltim'nît awua% nmode tîttthe t' oatr liîidt'la se lf i.liten'a etaat' itt'rî'tsaict i goîttiithe' londtiiiki'. Ili lalai'e, itt'era I farni. t hei' 'ttw l,~ cra hiîitat'and cî'aeral biui's liltili mé'ri'ilcut o~ ftatti lie lî'ft fîîr l'h'i with tte peact',.tof tht'cIt.al.titît $75,0W). Mma.('iatouiiitpri'suînaitty iîlî eti hlm lenChicagoî. taca. Miner. Are Agreed. 'Te tat,'etiii'ra' t-,iventitie anii!the jontt convent'iontof uinti'. and1mine i)-t eratira, fli ecamiiitSpingfi'l. -0.1 jiiîrni'il aftl'r aettltîigr tillait a salat'fotr titi entire State tua gaiolttat ffecti Altil 1.'T'e queîttitiof day laaîr il ail kindîîla ittan- terridta tîthe joinitictt'e, whilh ni'tt l 'inlinnhum. Ohioi. lThe' iniî'l n tif lciiîiir aloi! cuppîie%'cwac alaitri'fri'ilit to Colubtus. It wu.ai alati cgr i' lai fîtr ail urritw wttrk tir î'rdatrî ait milvantte situilti lie jtaid le propoartîtî io te aid' vaue nci ltmiiug ratî'. Fariner Ébat sad Ilnbhed. Williain String, a rît-h Liîi'lilli'i tart- fr, waasiauith lit-a usd i!ritauIdlîy nmaktl en ttî I ihi boul'. lie was. -reit- Ps! toa t'elargeummona if mitey biuirîî't ti hhi. îtrimtwhith tht ' iîira a-urd't. T ht'> tîft t î'ir vlî't t uror etiait, an dI he flac fo intît l i sl ui'iita h>' a iigih ttr.. %Vht'tîli' uî',t'e hé, tule.iflit lie kitta hi. at finîaitatrtftiu- lu, give nudque.i.tus InaîBIe 0cr. Tanner bac assiguued Captailale. tOLW REVENUE LAW. ~ .I 8 . S w if t , U . 8 . A . . t e th e g e n e r a i l a t é F W o m r f I l e u e t i p asc suitent Inapetor tgierai, Initiéthlie DlfSmcrye 0 at no O ' ranit et colontel. Provint*"a Marci thOe Kensinlgton portuullce ailil Thes new revenue law, which vac pas"tt bc~ abuIlla itetidt!ctrriersaion P'ulmant b> te Leglnature outIlinoiuol pon th. aili tliier niai!]letiullnt Kensington tant day oftihe apecial aenaion, viii go laits aliii W~est Pulleman. effeci July 1 next. 'The meastire la proie- Iltving fitiihad Ils touer 0f inspection of ticaill>'auenecire reaiiîî tf te revenuet thei C'hîicago river aied fharttur. the conîgres' code. Fiifloavlng la a sumutar>' ut lieIa n éttiltctitittti ittiriversancutihsrbira lporitnt proTir.iouia. hua retttrved tu Wiashitigton. In ceintii'c eot tnetiaîoai'nsip orgen- 'Theclothiîîg ctore cf 1Scitw.zer & isatiîW lItee Coitt>Tîcasqurer abt]li e es- Wittily ct Chcicîaisin ha.nlae plact! ed tifilci Couoni>' Auuct'or. Ttec ouai? te btantdeofta raceiver, I'The stock snd allit b lc dlaldetl mb t'eulveeieal asstius ixturca are to e lc eb ut. cue ment dîistrvics iaiita diptîl>' ascenseur ap- poar!frectil itari'i. le couatieu ,o "curtirtoucanîl tticiel» ofcf rn re tnder towtnshipiiorgaîtizationtof lens titan sttl ail'Isreucee the other (l oirfr $1.130, 125,(Mo iîulabilaîîciste Cucul>'Tresaur- tir aI 2814 cietts per htichî'ithliteihgnetaler atalleléex'aglto t'io llrvicor ot Accnta- pire ipetti tliere lui t'i'i' aura. meutlnlubis oultt, lunail coueniies con- Street tar service litielvidere anti Kau- liiî 2.00o ur uîabiaaabers" kttkee %tuc lied utelîr leae! ittîcah>' La createt! s biardl af atcasuca, coesiatitg t iti' t i'et sorne antI ragmay trains c-ire ofivreplercutit. 'rhe irt htardt faaem- lutra ia'tiud ime ail tirer lte Stale, qrs shilahllue ele'c'reti aI the regular ecaal> At Ari'uta, an ltututuai watt fouet! eleclion ln thet' îînît >eiui. Titeir larme tyinig seroth ie ilitois ('cuItrai îraî'k iîy et ure. chall comtmîee Jan. 1., 1S9- the' tralunueulîtf au eaerî>' seitlh-bict!The>' shah hittld rite ltta for lavo yeat'a. traiente othair moriliug. lic tDame la nul lave for foter>ect'c. a ntI tînt' for six yeala kutian, Titeir sîi'ceecatîrc uhtil Iofufrce for six L)utIng thé year endlcg Jan. 15, 11B i >'earat une or tuti, ancthit"sait mn>' ho, i. etimalti ltitn t 7if0O potendaof ilaitbc i ete t ur> tlé,it ara. EscitAew- cire tautî inlathe vicluil> ty or 'art!c ae"orahall ra'ceia-e a taler>' ut $3,1(M0 pr ltuuu. "lite velue urthlie liatla salu tlu bc animal. aout'ii<, te BoartintfAcceccora cthah have pov- tiîîur lnit, anhiltrma. aa ied en lta appoint as a ni. allah e trsone lieny Fitza mlorau. u& ill au ln Iheir Jutignieut cri' necesaan'te set cati ltu paisceugesn alîetei'tI'iecacr wavdP audeputis . auljcî-t uu the spîrovai ail iiiîjîît.tiie a vu'îîttuîuîntithe Achîitti ave' te hboard of et aiî'î its lte autter andi nue î'rocsicg ut thé. Grand Truek Irall' limeet srvéit-e. 'let trmnenaion of de>- ii il> lnC'hic'ago. dtete ilatix-'1,y hetii'board! italilnet Foiirlpee divicil> tît!ents of Lombard excea'tl $5 a tic>. .411 propenl>' la lâles ('îliegi' nt î;aîa'ctrg lah ave euîse 'et!'it- ste sealliebîîlîju'ît i lu ateameni cSu et] It> tîreaidtiitNauh forîr aludleirer taitatici unpa ictaid.t'ul Ithle gituuiral N'v.- seioir t(-la%colori%. 'itre(' of te cîudtiaî Duri' avilrexu'upt alerte ltraîturty ne MYu' auclielteti are îînt'acitersé. hla' uu t in tutit grut'rsi tata fte t as- Jcmî'a Mé-Naitara. fîîrnerIy tif Spitit' al li".' field!, antdl ClartaSchlileif Nlaoetltib AIînproi'rl tiîij'Ir-t Ii taaioncmitait hu t'erraftl ettthe 'tîItiatf 1litel. St. listeré]uiand uai tth'pliaceit' uiin te e Lotis., 1tlItthî'ir ttsuct. ttttii 'V iiinskiitt'l larie tiiirtil l'y la c. iaititref'ri'uee tu cîîiciîî u ithati rty' ailtin fort>- elgitî tu oaaai-îu'ciiîî c tnetoh ient iId,aai letc,ar buotina. tite final day if(.tIiil li heu"r for auitli'b 'lte gitat' ha tutti>ruemiliet'tliiiving te ico.ls' t> i rî-tîuunî'd tut t'listet!. io- Illinoîicsltcttaat'-rcM. F. iWalsh,, hiar ciiidittiail itit I.rltiiruihc.ct! tiouthe# varti. W. Il. Shatw,('aton:tt.M. A. lnuOe dey.' îu'î,lekalh it:u. Maît, fava; 3. -il ti t ruip-ruibelli le hér e'"cf? l"orntf, Stni-clor, cîtd J. Bnîeumi'. ('hlI! fîturtit yî'r ta'grieuitlaivile18lm. lia'cti liotr.a ls elu'ttt tlitr i'lraItida> tf Apnîl and lit-oliti'.the' firnalday of loue ne tu rleait ienveting Ex-Jtige Elliottt ihiony lied at i yen!, IlItaI js a.aaie iilIe tianner aIlI home liei vatictt)it. Ilit' huit! hl"intlu tact! n'ai pnîperty iihlit i#hall hecame itixable heclt sevrvt'nI ear anitIwaattiiitîsh>' litantI aile Inlaottocaue ilii. ganeral aaem- "tverai weeka befîîr, hiialaht. 54r. Au- ruent aed aisée niakt'ti-eiliurea ait ihn wtîu%acOt.ut flite gititu'! 5w> ira cf aliua- air adiluiulilng«. ltnîltureté. or Illinoisa. otheîr improvt'uuî'ita îtf at>- kiti, te value Protf. 'titintoftiiiarcaa i' ha, nette tifrahidi ititiîl tt ii ait'ha"n u revnencsy tuait> i alit' adîiiîîî c t ,titie titilaut'ailti t'a Orlii n îchideî a inte valuation et a'it1lii tit 1utra hiotituildin. iYiha'titht' tract Ortilut oit aihicit uchi mperoe- the ai tntla ct' etînula't'tht'é'-clc tiof meutit. lisit teben Petcldr n ireacet. in- Illti', birb ai w lue te tmont tmuitlt'tei' t the tracttir lot allure iiikh salt ututi tîî kitow. iulni'uî ha.s ia'téi eret'i'hs 0?o . ; i-.u,nme utfte lm-.ctt-iomin PIBt'i tti't* ti if imlrtretamin. andthit rilirusî lame ilietuhat si"tiit ul ih as a. lleriii% ihiihi. inihic Ogtlniuu. ha eeft îa'un cîînuuî"îîîî i'îîithte tIlîlcnois 'eitîrai a,d et',ict- le trat- r laItlby tae reelmuas éiei su, ud wasass a irtuti Iueenthî,-tîf . til, o tiu'tf tIeeti' uciiono, retîitraitur ithe Wt,î'tiirt't st I"re-uon Orlujun> lu> tine', ltat,t'cyclonte. saote aort lteacre tf 72 yr"tir ituhî'rai- t. unremîtritf any stic' FUltec .ii' i tit lun-tOfE t invaiées andttut! . Ofait>'k ici, tir oftit-t'desatrucion Fît ti t'îsii hae lta-i cti'vei hi' or tir i.uj tr>tt nia.tiil.mtir.uorament- iuitat'l usi.h ave îi i ii Inaltr.. ti-r gîa 'thu eltieufravhlî'h theFied Ml.cli. (le irir ab&at!l iàait' -titnciuuihal tttrit>' former l'ie cotllte'cî tion pricti 5éltl0 pîcieurta.v îalîtii ii ratîrltunvthlt siedinui th iraltrut-at tdaif tth io-the'ra ic rli Ontîlcthej in ite *tmt'ta ('tllge haiu-i a tti ni'- ti ttc ét'It e e t li uth aal u-l t in e ccitt- in a daviaitutliei taotm ii i I . ou'r ii-, .antud!mi tie nt ntihuari'atf. On llsr% uirtitita. éorattît awaiuta tii1"ac tr tttîre tht'le is'tin aOf Jotur liei rct ('ututrys !'nitiht" 4i.titidt!ltttittt't are t'nr t hî'ntaitte yt'ar tif tetlgleurelln won uy A . >(Ili'a'n, i lt ilt,'k uc*V t asi'u,tultié- hav't.u allîtriirnite tiî-alîtioOf 1tiu.-a- 'tht'e atutu i,iin h 'c ttutfta ufs>'change 'le it îratt'ra iluitht'. lititc.ittuiery iiilitht' a ahi tiif cuittrait tir lot tif land. if t>' juil have taugt th ie tor teai-r.'fhit'> au>'tauchangettit'haItlin plac'e andi le ,rgagiltzel a t'iita uat>.î'lî'cîinug Jothni lir- ut n t -cid i -t t-ret'ie ithé' astein.euee aselein iilashlaî'ent the fouoitiir tut tnt Wbittlta.aîînii!t . t "ýr li'ttlfrotmlte eas- gram t u GO. u. -Wri, thte1niti'asentiuet a i-cii nlugl>. liîratîual iruper ta t-anai>' jailtrne. tluuuhr tir c4rviiti'5stlila' scu-îsi cnnai!>' tuethe'tirnt ta te Stantiit-rec'tt f éus!. %Wrart' cilt day et Ajrut. T'ri te ceai r r'uired tum iiaitig tu [alenAratit'?om.-fumitilut tuer r>' tria-fl' iuîr a pîitu'- *.Ai-it amni ii ' e, hbandé,t tf asunt et! )Iiàîk ar-ht'uitt. auhit lainti la' hlled, ram n rn iIhe Ca pill-s .1lthîial lnu till etiltaratt'int otf ttitertuesi ;trop- (t. V. l'ankiauîa'a tIr> gîtai.cttore ait('es> erly utardttib>' auit c'rsouta. 'ltî' pi- Insuit. A atwe-itiré-tru' nitlt'-d. 'Tlue ecc iseleithali taek'nuaietlu ta'etiorriet- iiil lit-w laal dir.a-siunactlnltng len".a tf lteeaulteahut'. aittrttttt'.'ii lotlini. sit!duriinxIi te Iou a Incututituhi lit a Boairdl of at- the oti.'iîair.aendi atreitiittiti- illtîti'u rs il 'tai I'îtitityt ttc "lcrd chah tacet ovtielitpiure csrei'. Tht' Iota L t> aer itîhe it' iriMtîutay tf Jourint'le 'it ear andtiteit'tutthe' <intia iex hî'avî'r tan" rtt!tht'- tttnttttai' ittrevlii i' ea- lth lo utantht'.lbuildiug. ni 'iiitifr nýi-aI îtoîc'rty.,a ut! tilthlIta'tiird Thettriali au t'aciiiii lit' uttf<'c lit -F..'. Nli >tida> tOf .-le-'cof etcth tar fî,r the par- litili>. ui ahtt utkuiialMaiirhIl'i 1ttat tf rent'ig tt'é- astitle'L e t' - !rs o tf Bu t hec 11l. 1 te folitliillry stîtalI ntîn,.Tilt' etuici' tf t ha'Boati swa% a'itee n évttiu>hlitr tii'îl'ttiitt tif AKse'soascc ailiela' catiahlite yest' i"Frank l'u lohauti ttler. l'criy Nt'iee,' uianui -iui'ii hutr,. Banr, T. 1P. licIter. SotuthiPlmyre> n: A. 'Iliiigeîuî'nai c auttitllahait liietulîi- tI laiu'prierl vtt'l'-t' ut-a rd e!ut titeleuteaI er iiil tee 'O'aut>' lte Ginnu: .unu'u S>tri'hituiati :ilt. .nroKt,.f piiubiatin luiut 'i-asth"ite f e utNlaiiiVaiiil-ttu Vuin i.%t:;. e cttu n latie. lit Cookt ('ttlithe' s.' dohuin ra ît uututniit. iim.l.di. 5'.,iiit atul u1,e liliKhrdInt lipamphlet te i lit-kIt', Barr: Sattitti Wa tu Ituilt-> - fontle ht-t-t uîîu Icila-t lin tiof neWs- Ilîitîl.l lipitjiti îputliin.a îuuîî> îf thé, pampit' li luth,' lîil mi. îî-.t ['ii t îlarioI.,lailutrt- iltt'vtny taxpi yer. 'L'ita Sîittuliîlih >iît ic .tii t ruî'> S îîiha t'iu in lutlue ritalaI'ea.sect,uent andi j cuita uurauîu i tt.i'tui'ra t uht letI ti tu i i itraiiiat itnilttrty tamiaiet ltntro u i - i. àK iý tir l ail l.. uitiésh.,ti aunttIy. t-aielduh' aititlt î titienî utt i tciutuer towai thip organhta- tinu 1 thtvet-t11 te tu itorvvthe js,-.îsu l- ti.f l ieliehuît122.,.(A)o litabitauts te tic prvied eyell aititristla. % h c lint tif ti' ('.ltuiti>'t utut. te'hairtean. tut s filue tif lt Is ta lt$.)(Nt Ic Or more'tha ut 0if lie tîstutut> Boa rdt antiti me cltileci $2tiT."he îetuututi rt'-'l'h-tt ccîî iiti tt'etittuty., tu b- appoinelci . lien.ta' ( iiiettstuuîux îî.nly.lBltack Ili-jug itoua1"Joe1 tutîti 'ti iutii! "u' 'ni lii t> tilti' hiingu L>-liii' itî11ttt> juli i iiiitue J itlî t'ia Miuiuta it "u't tît ii li'te ! 'a-l0 îri saîtl tonailitut àboanrd et ni Et ('oel tuie.ant T'tttttil>.tt- *,nlu' Su rthe. ts i i t-ai-tht-e s'uut'l ai .f Wettiiet tiott>«Silelut-rviaAlmn. ut ,iraa, ru'tmeett)s. la'îîalu'irltirstandttut ihtîinit'sHort, iet , i tht'rigr fAntseie aIn 'uict-a ii i iîi'c lowtichui;i 0l'gslil- juicin OU in'gCuculuti> e tiitalie(-Bntl tif ('outtîu>'Cta utiloners a iVuotaithe t('tiiti ( l- u'Sa utmute shuil eit stit utt't hi' oardi of revieai. k-Sprintgft't t'ii'riiieedt('ici M iiittg iuîîn tua itiritait iil.00ii'oat!aIoits i. Comam n and cthetii'Cîtittul Citi l'oîuîpuy. eutrc)nyeecineteY 8 t' The State Butant! tf A'git-aitre buhFec a- OfrinCuatee.clonilit ferere-II conne tîontl aitht a p1iti -ti -hrt altouite nn.lie tuboardcv, o iuailinofitrleeer ('en hutegî t hutiut' t luttas tlitiftllt titic ltfuore teatcond liotuda>' in Ju>' t abuiltt'eiul'iît litt a chai r. JoitîA. in a'îct>-'ur. Thie ijottut>' Cirk shal 1- Luitaît stud! ,lttph Luiter tnar ul> c geat" anti. il deterniue ta' rate per eenij c- citicicel ed nthisarepot. 'The diluitl i îatter lut.. iroîte ecitatioti of lte properW7 >i cordingle utht' ignt'tt îffu'nîd I h>' tue hc n athe rnt'ai(tii'd 15e., toainships, dIa - a-cc t3,70tt.0-4. 'nu' boartu ve 'cte ce- ttt tuhinctrponaled cilles, lntesamin uti part, bhsa.ctîpted rltu totlect lte gItan-viltuin le ir Mcitetîhltivil! pro- ie sut', cit! adda thal îueraîtuull eîîîc'uuhchave duce- w-thin te proper divisions et sneki -t! lret'timotde tu tht' guaraîîtarc fur the' coîttîta nul leste tietnlte net amteataoft it Piite'y. If titele fail t itIailîi ee tuîred tce eal unaisenchah hie reqired b>' 1h. ie againaltu-ery n nan utu lntti the ltitawihtCotiluts'Board un certifledta tent accord- n, Mn. laciher fîîruiched.'lthe hboardts la g a1 lti. e forth lietit ldenuaîuted titi'gîlaratl -frute n lu entes containing 125i,0or onmorts lu Mn. logan aller the sahoaw tpeti, hlet 1hii.ualt nuct evtcu a tr wia. tuhd Lt>'bieltaiill a teinteitanda -o tky, il, twnhi, cat ldistrict Det se of 'Mn. ' Leiter, aiho valetue Sisiielal otiter-î'etpal corporation @all !besIi chairteuofuthelite Iltes' cummittet'. lu zd b ecosi aihiiil n'mae. e- The preent officent tif te UniediMine o ore'pqupoese shah et huemeeter cma B. WeOrker ut Illinois, focrte irtaile lea ee!2t pet cet onitle aassetied vait .1 llhistu!>' utfte organisationi. have ofenetthe 1laxahle rt>tiee. L- etected t>'acclstaation, aiti et neca Inleatu> iincpli> r lgdistrict ugfiHuIneirsemeel ofthlie donnrsu ofet- a>'.cuuly tvonconinties ,coatialngsa, th 1 .ýd Unry r ho Wibe "'hile 'Ai ~'do dc~ ait Sci