WÇOULETEstocK or IN LOUM MILL STUFPS, SEEDS, ETC ambter, Coal, Lime, and Cernent. WC SELL TUIE WEBER WAGON, WI4EN YOU WANT CALL CQN WRIGHT & SON, - - - - - saIaEas.,lo ElaTIop MAn! POLITICAL PIPER il TIR WEST: h haadsll Rpiilka, 5T<C~i0I< D'iDt l t cali always be relardon, ~ mdsldccthloB hat psty 1r isaramd besut reors of ail -e bgkIIIty adeM Ji"U m'~' otia ivcmcatsjij -rieWEMKLY iJUTER OCcN SUPPLIES a" L w lih.tUyhS sd as Fangly Paperils Withot à Peer. Ml 2'" Lmwooq w t a cfoin-MSlae oud m tauS et eI i etm-1. divea Su *0smd DWWU& .... NRINTER OENlsWSENNWPPR a" viit t otei wlTi!rws TEVORLD aid iias read la ila mu wi i d Uea si iaon s the i Vla n i ILa i wu ~et lai iOmand cS ftdaye l .1smah ~sms losasuaand -poluîtheétcVumiipuil.' $LOO-mIOE mI DOAmi FITMA-I erisof DaiIyby M@4.1 ... 00. rW Prim.of 5vuuil00pne75 Baily 00ta syb mipr y.r i *c.à% d Around the County. Wil. CENT. M. R. TIME TABLE. soi pilm am .8,eI la551 2 a 551yt PraieVlw 0 ^6 215> 1fi 9949 40112SO 177 120 M12.1jr 01si 4 a 904 [.aituVilla 810 263am 7 'M 1.20 GO150 SOUTH .Duiiy oxoapt ."ay. as top Ouiy on signal. &AOd.Li. 0. m. 0 0 .11. a. Frt. Lake Vlla 1 i i l w4 33 il 1lu 17 dé 440 1160 Ils 1.0'. .U Il21 à grklo i 64 . u10 'ral11 eV1ew136 10i0 l l > O ROCKEFELLER SOCI £Tirs. C tNGBRUEATIt>NAL Chmuon udai, &or Vhls& 10:3IL M. and 7:-W1. m 0. Pray.,r m,.ti ngWedu.luay.rvening.. Y. P.S. C. E. mee Su.ia evnino a 0:8.JuniorC. E. DI MON Iamp No. 4124. IM. W-A. - mont h. D. GRIaîrpLv. V C. 0. 0. P. No. 115. maet WsOsRd flîl rt Tlîursdiys ofracf. month. WiLLI.Kio. NO(. GE0. A. (OT, SîvY. 0. 0. T. rn.'t 'llîîrgdai eYcningso f mm werk. L319TRI BRî,oK. C. T. JOHN G (. RAOAN Post (G. A. Il. OI.1 état,îrday night on or bel'... 7full 080011 . OLK.OON. Conidr. 01343nURCUIL...Ad>!. liait going soîth ..... 84 a. m. :22 gp. m8 liait going norh................. 10:03 à,.11m Mal o... land hiy nta0'ý a,«rlv,. t péI.> 1m,0. dl.&.ail a1. M. ROCKEFELLER. Hurrah for Marei! Pin!. N. fi. Welch apaîît Situda> witb bilo lrother ut l)perfieid. Mr. J. F. Clark. of Lilertyville. boardaîl the train loe MondaY. Prof. N. H. Weich tout; bis rooni for a sleigh ride lagt Friday afterlîooii. Mrn. LI, of Chicago, ta vloting lier parenits Mr. and Mis. .Johnî Rotse. gr. Thiom. bMBride was lit Chicago bost Sîînday visitiug bis cousin, Mir. Rogers. Mesmra. Bon Shram anîd Nr. Luan, of Lake Villa, were lu towu edneaday. A birthday pajfy was given Bertie Harden hmaI Tuesdsy by the amalier cidiidraî. Mr@. Ed ititzenthaier and daughter Laurs wilI spand a week with friands aud relatives at Deerflid. The advertiser that sticks tu printarn FUMIkIft laft a 5U2ptIh M7lut , utg.A &»time vwu iM. Joyailb7lau. TieVas a.nIthm«saci"l given ln the W mduau a 04 Tbauriy evenifg. NMach3. Ptooced for tbe benoait ci the seiool libwr". A oomultteset01ladmes of the chutai have besu aputed 10 propare for a set le oand 514eutehainmeents, the proceeds of Uhic Vi vie b.uait le procure a fluas, for the daymsoool. lits. M. B. Ford, BnddIla ID., sîîlfeted foet elght yeat trom dyspepsie, and chronia constipation ani vaà linally cured by uain# DOWit'aLitéi. Barly Bises, the lamons 11111e pilla for ail stomaci and liver trouble. P. Bl. LovF.LL, Liberlyvifll. WAUCONDA. F, lloîgiîrty isîjomp again trom bis trip). à1. A. Sieldoîî returlîad tinl-illitley fflday. Btay Kimberley sus 0on ouristreets ]agt Frlday. C. E. Jeuka sos a impHî.î.ry vinitoi lut Monday. Lait lbulz la iîelpiîg .J. W. <ieibîîrt for a fait ol.ys. J. Stodfield, of Volo. îiaid Waueýoud(a s visit Tuasday. Jas. Gainer waut to tihe City ou bîîsinaso Tuaoqday. tir. Richardson, of Volo, aRon 111Ouri streets lust Saturday. John Hironjimua itnt to. Park IRidge the lirot 1of the teci. Thn. Williams, of Dîîîîdaa, was on Our Mtreete bltut eet. Chas. Vanatta bas mIoV.îl iîthlie stiluion Davis bonne. lira. Torrence, of Vîîlo. viqitait liera lest Friday anîd londay. Chas. Curtis. of ElgIsi, is spem'dlîîg a fait days ln titsviclîtity. Mrs. Cuîuistek retiirued tlatîîrday from lier visit lu Chicago. tirs. F. Davis, of Fort 11111, spent last Saturday lu Ibis place. Harry Baconi, of licHienry, s'as on uit streets Tbîîraday Fali. 24. Mra. H. Seip, of Lake Zurich. callad on friands liera lut Saturday. W. J. Ilaugo and C. E. Mead itaut to N und& Tbursday ofaInt wei. WiII Barris Usaà1on tue AtreetNofn Waiskegau uaeday batut eai. .. L. A. Povers, of Barrtngton, made a short VIAUlt l ii.place recantly. Mr. flouarth. of Barrlngtou, passaad fbrough this place lat Tuaday. Mir. Brownu, of Cary, itas a pleasaut coller liera liaturday of lhuIit eek. L. C. Price, Gi. W. Pratt snd J. E. Pratt vere Cary visitors Monday. Chas. Bell), of Palatine, paid Wan. couda a short viait lust Thursday. B. J. Shernman, of Nunda. spent Saturday amidunday ln tissplace. Misa Evelyn Davîtu apent a few daye witb friends in Barrungton recently. Geo. Harden, oi lRockefeller, was seau on Our atreea Friday of lust veek. -un- -gz jeU IgmI Ut ~ g t lus ii fudrae tllaug ltur ingle, of Brringlen made tO flm ihthe b. ide turnus. aucoidia short viit lest Thuraday. WilmingtLoren Baugs and Rtay Johuson voee LRMAKE AND MC HENRY COUNTIES. tir. Frantkiiinon vas ecte'> on the streaia ofticHeury iaii Frlday. delagate tla attend the bibi Shipper's H. Rn-ip and J. Forbea, of Lake ng oeastern Arkansas where health is Unlon lu Clicaigo Wednoaday. Zurich, vara on ouîr street ant a va. good nd su feril. i. Dr. Heidemau* of Elmniuirutand John (lnimoidliy sud famly, of li. Spach boîb@Isters o!ftirs. He;rsh- ltingwoo.l,vilulir.A mt (It<!To et us a home that will be our own. bertr are viàiingtrelativeshbore. Runday. dearhom inthelandof ienytira. Carr, of ltingwooil, vioitaslvîlIt __ hme i th lan ofpleny. lier grain delera, tir. Cronkite, bas R. Harrisoni aund fanîily haiurday andI m.c».....oing March ISth, 1898-..«&. taken lu a gobai msny tt during the Sindioy. peint leva Ceosa. Biting yanr grain tLntir. McCale, of Chilcago, viaiteu From 163 Washington St.. Chicago. be.H waspasmre ir. rltesmdfinl iaMsveiiy I liviugaYeliughbyOPlstastOmaka Win. Tdiaaireturuied home T o meet you there at 10 a. m. or tgtoleep may kili thblaii, Not givilig Weduesay after a fais days visit iln G o~inI have you joined the kickers. IL piten vil] lie vetyapi to kilIlb,the t itY'. 9 pare-ulse. 19 la difficiiit tu tell ient it Everett Neville, of (irayîsia, ealled uon z To be a Ist class move for you or oni' laidal. drlaie ieetn yorfinsadneighbors would (laon fLrbda loyeoiasle.ls not be so jealous. Mir. andu Mis. (lot). lteaniey ne- D)avis Ninli, ofElîgai, allant a feit B W here the, rich and level priaries turîiod§leist trday frottebt. Peint days of lent stick ii relatives li this ~~O fg r e. vera ti'. eanley fins lhse engage'>vielnity. pi & aeso good for Stock and dairyîng. ii, theeFai"]ehllimisiieslirin iaîie Lester irdic jet ,oult.îît. Liek- ~-, T o be settled with men who have itîr,çptod, fokf era, aeviii duo i me ~fiO flgI push and energy. M.ui. is eii(od aresbs oîly cllo!To make much happiness, as well Chîiago, vioîi tirs, torion's parenstt Bamiey, of o 5 weîs Wa"eO"uu a s the narrow min ded one uneasy., (. iW. Myrici anud otiar nelatives the viNitAsirs lest iteei. GoinziTo show You where 2 Ibs. of butter latter part o! at weet, retiLrilng Set E. A. Gouldinîg itel O liuago iant , udingme! fmaned y istBha«" l pircoinaii(00y. ; flewhs can be made easier and cheaper uiîyuî.îurfniauiarli isthî eat 1 ireimae021e .f isln than 1 pound here. Gh-olî'. M trs. Elle Laupliereansd ier uitile aTo prove much that looks to you Mu, the avtàSîîng of Frt.ay, Marei 18,. girls of Elgiîî are slsitiîug relatives rjo ng un reasonable, or we pay you r tiie'uRocefeller oclinol wilI Rivea lereaia prauselut vniting. fair, which la very cheap. granîd entertiiinmelit. e4rhoea iii lia Fie Qrovenor reiilrued ta) Prairie _____________ ias Siiîtay after sulm-aiug a shoirt raeytliing tethat 08goas1 maall aitvacation iî,filiomue. 4 orne On! Corne Ont Free 'Fare ,'lss uiisrliiinaîî mdnu ua lioild tr.ant tins. il'thi faitr' miss il. Watch tute lamper forrtbrlasoletsiwtbhefuer 'lI4) ALIllEPu(IF 5Ne ACRtES. l.........,iiiu,îuueeuiao t. uotbser tira. H. H. Ituggbas. E. L. Harrion and Cheaster Snitiea tour Unsystematical And Sincere Friend. j IVAN H OE. fiht vgtgg e cHnytnSiidayatevieit g.el tai&aussa. tI. Jon lirnimiî, i. i'slli.g QuIte a nuilluer frotte this% plans Fraîîk Dopli usdnega niîiaiiuILL.-attanded t i enaîtertainieît et Guald'a e.ýF,.n.DoIphladoing rnaqhng b i oI ob 1lse ast Tuieaday avaning. aInolua sood imill. IThe direcet of thie Wauconda QUETIN COIO&RS.PRAIRIE VIE, Ybe M. W. A. tob lu a ne'w uentuber Taiephona tCo., met tiouday aften<on QUNt ifitr Ch O RMeIuERS.tuus. boilieGihyo aa 'ie t et atlilay ovaîllng. andi declarea ividend nof10 petrcent. Oura, la rahob'lî-t . wejek. tîivuir Oy. pant ofuake oresthi Lonis iis»bapuirchuiaed etdrivisîg 1Me 'oaIagals lsi e Batt ra ti1ý t ail wfth ieur ursiy otSna its. h ors. of Waiîtzel Dot.., ntu ie cbooat Itosevlle seudgona M) White- »Meso. antir. N.<l aa Michael W~oolf ia movîng o a hll, l' is., bete bar tatller in very OUtrYfactaty Fer v r ndMa h. ihlofPl-larmner place nean Letbhilî. sict. bocie b eveai. tille, spaut the fora part nithie seeateii Manly of the faruaret are auiug oate; A nuinler of Young people of Vola. Mui» MU7 axioumr. iimg, lPririea. aa, !LieVla.ou J nthe market aie tiey ste hringing a and> Fremotsattendod the meeting o! qeff fr ex bmie'. re. iser o LkeVila ad . .gooul prîce. 'thbadebatiuîg aociety tieat Friday Wm. Li«rabsm has gobie hart t,, ,ux Wels, o! Chicago, viaiteu friandsane TedreDcer cooPr'>aeveig Xfver $0 voilà for tie anemer. 'lie f iro! th a m itee . eutertaîumeeî tiîs Ceek Tueaday tirs. H. T. Ladd vtent tn Waiategan 0»a 0 ot Younug mea erna to mallixer'Theffet-btart anksra uovii r, oaseniug tu the Goiild tIlitriet. lest Batutday. Il la rapotteul thai site »M f dive ner Hll RY atey. ibI maire ishoma as mn,o, , ;is j ev. tir. 1Re1d supplied tis pubpit of viii maie ibat ciiy her home tu the PMr aiteundvife lisse retuirned liieslth ii i portait.:thie Congragationai chutai lust Sunday near future. t a sIe menti's visain 10Wisconsin. H. Lemier apenoul o mntmairket t.. Ihle ediication etfaIl present. tirs. Geo. Wragg, ot Chilcago, la 5se. Baero, o! Frament, mnade a lu, the Engiebery bulding the irstnof tira. Augusý Wirlz vwu called duovil apeuding a fait days at Farnnood fari ~ksa cli ai te Corners luft Mon- the monli, sud us raady ne serve Ilm@ to Libartyvilbo ia Fridsy to see ber st presait witiiig. tir. Wragg vas =a.-06patrons. ln ire"at.iastyle. moilier ltirs. Brîxon trio la very ici. ber@ Rnnday. 1%.6Stocii eul dH. -L. lstoiman Luniler la bilg iauled front tîiîs Lait vesi Wednesday ovening lie On tiouday arenlng a numbat ai .-.-W lun Chicago tat Fridliîsounboisi. plac-e tathe Clements eais, îoruerîy yeung people gave MiàseClI-a Doles a young peopleeoft1h1 p lace galheîed at - OUs tnusu as the Psttaraon tari. tM, surprise party. Ail report a vary the boue of tMr, sud Mrs. E. W, Breci #L.îSergioravili huila i ii es larre :Cieuaîîis intends lu lmp tovelia enjoyabbo evenlug. vhere a surprise liaitbeen pisuned for usli fav ilon i Ie l.ltictoyLi udrode Item heir dingher Jeunie. Thics. vho 08 fl M khwn mi te N. 11ocka b remisesUA so aa s thewvaither vili tiMsHenryLean hlr fo 111111s1e. peiritl. rayçle ansd lita. J. lijes and atonded, report s very pluasut lUme. tie. B. Knigge aud fauily viii move A great change ban taien place in dsula5or vlalled et lins. Hlenry liarried, atthle noue af tleb. bnde' f» eutCorners. iavbug r-,iited FtRlitt' ntlJtile village Ibis seek, lir. Siaddbq HWe3M*nar Libertyvilia lut asI- moteir tira. H. H tgglos, WedneO plaseivg uaved lutote eWehrenberg RY day eovenlug lob,237 Miss FioeuMad bouse tMr.Weironbarg lmIa tue'The Mymîle Worlaers met lest T ins-bisflae. sud lFanro eeuret &JS tu ilrm bas on.e earload of Rzutonplace. and Oea. Gtidley t l'day evuining. Tveuly-flv. mnaes h5pae e.Cak !tcln touiber On the grotiil f('r lis nait te bisrerquarterss on the j . voes audea fn or ebeslp Atienttenuplial kmotThe many bo1 or, it. tStak,FPbesant Ridgeo.,y, ominilee vas cuentu me t ieîds ef Mr. sud Mt. Green vii ru eger hIoVaeli tuu Chicago "Aller lte <dora gave ap O., boygoa, lbenifra nerauen o$em a bon voyage lireugb lue. a. s.He go-* iit. utaillânt dia, 1 aved hlm front croup îy uing lia heid un the nees future. Nov ls the lime tle bave yonr aeinag buminess. One Minute Cougla Cure." hIla h A fie tlvanhooa tfair daugbiters ictures Isien. luaeider le Introducal Mmlried, tir. Dti,îei t., ,e i uso iphisuikeat andI mont certain ramedyfrlaiahned amIbes..ma ofuatrimony. the a.launum-or dui saisibphotos. h5U5fldr. lii rîutînîî,,,eoughi. cdids andi aIl titoat and un isSaelsbns o îpil ram t h 5 taMatch I26,the price Allusion vrtiuiiho:s..F. B. LovELL, Lilt, vi.i. aiiarid ta tir. Joha hiepherd Wo y lit dat0 e t <ame fo e iet.0 Y. lnitlau Iîîrns. N.Il 1visi &hem a sucesaîni voyage It;,gi terthaae lh nuvi .3- V. KaigIlle.i ligifu oî,si clansl I rk .gguassndedorr moue Noclabsisasu de a nabl nt ; aLiièaoer1-0 loenCoIspoada1 refunded. Ail aises of eaael Ilili 198muaay, vlgitbîig trienu. APTAKISIC. rphotos. WaicndaRStudio. J. SurmJr soî i'îuldiy ,uuI t. e . ettal iejoyed Itheeuelli îarty ut M iesEva Dykeas peul s les daya i J. ian anîr slaind i,,uuîI.i ailJat N. 1i51li'li 0Siiiirday. î.rayslabe lust Ceai. -l cre Rayone thing fot Ciainher. OMQe t .i t o (irli. f..îy <jr i riîî iesemployes i Mrli. Henry Grabbiebas beau liing lains eColla, Choiera and Dissbues oe.Qen"""s', aiiuîîand> î,îw ss.g'. ont iîuîoff a large quîsntity îtoausthe pist lem.dy; andtI (at la liai il oxceis ~tii.wolsk. * ny proprietary madiclue 1 bave 11001n 1 tvlt th tspinî1-havn vltb la thg j.iepîIr. ilia. il ht i'imta hugI at îa caî .mH. LOm) in. Ili ts.E Anu le qa ilag a litsd cuei lisagvsqil l re es dNys 1- a.farIl,> se l Ïsary- - a jou bars.anry ales i amedIladsy. LlenlyvliJ.eM.Jcso, . D . r nsa, prdotshv. t etatYle'tF . Lov I ThMe.iay .Poin e dn wad b m*Lte . .Lcrnl al UcelP¶ltuk bumi vIî la . aubegan on JonBaa g, of MUifrr, vws la ony élràaOoi businsselBstarda".. M~. T. 0. French veut te Chieago Mousy morcng tb vMISifriendi. M. 1. Joues réeed &su uoded a conignaisut cf lamber iat vek. The C. B. busines s eting vueieid last Tuesday evenpîg as Dr. Young@. H. W. Orubyis rering niceiy froja bis receal accident lu the voode. Cati Lamb, 0t Chicago, camie home for a short vieilbel Suaday moang. John Malade espucis la mate a trip ta Euglaud soon uith a nnSber of fine boIses. Tbere vUiibli au eiterttment ai the churc bohre thii. ieet iatîîrday aveuiEt. LaMOnt Odett cama up frtot Chics. go Batuwday avenIng for a lief viait wth friends hare. Heury lest sud faanly have movad frora the Johnson bonse ta the Slchmnidt faan eth 0f aux village. A aeigbing party tram Ibis place att.uded lbe revivali mestingg lu Waukegaa lest Priday eveuing. lits, 0. J. Otmsby viii entertain th8e W. C. T. V1. society oei;Thursday. The content for getliîig 0ev mamtwru ends on liaI date. Iustssd otfanoving Iuto oar town (I. Ji. Steiford lise bo up bis abode in Waukogaa for the ftutre. We viab bum acces In thatever busiupss ha engages. Mary Gleasnu d iife viii remove ta LiliortyvtUo Ibis iteci, lira. Giisoen viii blia epcialy missdasa ahe, bas beau prominant ini ail social circias hare for nearly 1,0 yearu. WARRENTON GROVE. tirs%. Thos. Bdd lit qîite ioli. aiso sorde of the chiidtan. Hermannahumacher la uuoving loto tha new bouse ha recentiy built. Prof. Wm. Keunedy, af Chicago, la viaiting relatives bore Ibis week. Wui. Byan, 01 Chicao, umade a short viait itt bis brothers one day lest vaek. MinesEdlth Harris. ai Mlibnu, spent a leur days boe t ts wves i tb bar sister. lir@. Frod Giligu. John Chevalier wbo nad lits foot saveraiy Injnred by cotting it witb an ai la able a tolieont again. A saigb tend of young people frou Ibis vicitlty teuded tbe play ai 0 ayoilaka Thuraday ulgit. Among ont viaitara ta Chicago Ibis iteek veoeMise Aunie Guera, tMr, sud Mrs. Everoîl liassb, Mesars. Ahuri, Colby and Wydotto. Misses Mary, Maggieansd Kittie Byau gave a Party ta some of their young rinonda Batntday evening wih wu&awyoD stteauted. Dancing, munie sud gamea vote amoug lte oveningas amnsements sitar vhicb rafreshmantsi v eres ervad. À 1 mm The Prairie CitySeer~ The Keystone Disc Pulverizer. Steel Frame Lever Harrows. ' Keyston e Corn Plantera. Bradley's Force t. Drop Corn Plantera. Hummer Sulky Piows. 2 Brableyas X Rays Sulky Plowýs. Bradley's and Deere's Walklng P lows. BUGGIES - WAGONS - TRUCKS. Lumber -,-cCoal. : SALT, CEMENT and TILE, Rope, Twine. Etc. a. H.ft SCHA NCK. ~LIBERTYE LLOIS PALATINE. day b 'visit ber busband<. 1 Mri. Fisher wiii lînilêl a uîîw liiiru upali bis feruai uthe »Puer futurl. The Young Ladies' C. Clul, i,îtA vill i"ise tbierdiîig Weîýiîîekoliy. lira. Tliursiou liam returried f roi C~hicago, viiere xeosh. o ,eà iî boni îg bier cbilulren'. Mira. (ioawillar aliMilas1.1,lo ">f Long tirova. vere at tirs. Hastinîgs' lest Saturday. MtilSs mith, o9 thea JeiferNon I11gb Kchoal, speut lier lest iteets Vacation ai lioneiu Palatinie,1lothe, îiîllglat c>isaiL ber inids. I Quille a Hîumbeir uf mir leir~sîe loy..1 ing youg 1l.ple th.illIle lirei party leld ii inteI, ilrrjigt *tî ,i oi roonis tiîîday. If anyone i inià alit or a hsoi., l fr of tiuliel lan.d for W-11olr Pastuire, go ta A. L. Smith,. lie lîmx .lîfor sala ai oàlorguili. lir@. J. H. lchierding aîiîb i.à,gbter Blanche have raturnied froin ,tijeir viait snîong frieots in Liake Forest,i Evasuslansd Chi.agi. Mir. and tirs. Fishr are guesta of! Mir. aud lira. John G ainer. Tliey r.. tnrned receanly frî,nîa î doIt wifl friands lu Winueusui. - - 5057'. . t.I 1. flIiU lhr- d'Oi5 t RUSSELL. Disiu.îud Lita ai presenut. Sse i vislit friendil i n tHeoil.ir andîi thar Mrs. Frank Croplay, of Kenosha, Ila places bafora raturniuîg lià,iàt. very lit.The Ladies tisionary 8.sitt fumet tir. Wiil Cropbay i aultaring froîn ai the porsonaga Weinas.bsy *îif1.r- ent ffont. itoon aud the .yîîuug bauiesnime.t aIMiss lits. E. j. .itigbey lm vsitiiig at Blanche Rîi.rlu P'i rliîy afler- Grayalake. licou. lir. aud lira.L. Rtarr axpertt >o s,. lOur 4ditor ,,f the Palaui, uj<.ri. , ta Rosacrana soon. li a a eu, xil~>patlià. Ilà, a va efen Mir. L. M. Edoiy'is ale iwax s'ell 5iiig itod ilu, Il il- . i.yuN'yard attelidaitlait Friday. htaturolay. This t-,, va, ,,,î.... pid tiraud tirs. IM. KSiîiiitniis bate frotatbh.- d>i returnad trom Fbordis. Newt styles luiilsaaiîigijoe r- tir. andtirs. E. Meadu visiteillà isi~ rivéd t trs. listitig..%jl h biltt fMrui àail thingN cbauge. vlciuity ane day lut wvaf. (Cill andtses. f , vIlrne'lvas ,seiîug in tir. Brown, o ut m@@iua, vas aaîi baliiving, aind lîs.kt tlroîîgià tih. gias bar@ lionday buying rutile tu slip. ,îf iailou. Mir. Cravtord. at Grand Islandl, Neli., i'roupanty t4mies qitc-teht ti, the mas Is visiting blaaianghter tMr%. J. Taylor. wihoseliter ilmlu gnodugeoditioî,. The qnartarly meeting nI thaetM. E. llaWtt's Litlei Early Itisers are faious churcl vas isebl st Hickory lest Littlea pub for constipation, biiliiusflass, iund&Y. indigeationi aid &Il siammudiani liter Thore vilii ie an oystaraulb.r autiihe troules, P. B. LcvP.. Lil'rtYVille Daptiat chureh nait Frlday oesanhig, Haenry limiter, iof iLake Z.irwi. slillf- M arei 11h. euttàng leimoî,îthie Lake l,îui huenjias tir. Werner lhi& bean lu ,ur village. fartillie t0 stop. loto, Ie maler aui &gain. ie lla bale and bearty siad enjoys itild have ,iroiwfni uila, it ulb, a jolie as mach as avar. for the tilay afil of lits friaî,îls aLi. The Osidala cenutery soceey umet PI& il u ' h ad at the rasidenucofoh0. A. Hivar laidt Reducotu Frelght Rates for Setlie.! Tiursday and wvas Ccli aitendad. uInie, tsienicourage tfele îuut. Iinginig sabool sil ineat nazI Kator ment of satiersand and muidlyers fromu day at 2, oebock, sud theaCovnoant lîlinluls.Wisclui, iiu aloi the' meetingaet:3 O'cioci at the BaPtiat cisierul stales t> u Wsteru. Minneso.ita, Roue of Our 'people have beautW Chilcago, tiulsaiiaLee .1lKt.,iPauil L V < Waukegau 10 attend tue sarylees a t the. lia very iutariaily reuiiiced il,, car. tabernacle and b report eia lioîd ratas fuir a*àaiiunae, a. meetingsi. that farnras ii.,bove iirdýImmde.l lands> tirsq. Gali)oitandami taiglitera have lu Western Minnesuota, Iliolli Dakota reitued tu t lir home lu gRiiebnygan,' "'Id Norther.î Dakotia eau tatae ait of Wia., attar vtt>g ber parents tir. thaîr l.eliiigiugs withiiî ii,, ti i aud lits. E. F. IW. iEddy. niait bouIes ai omaîl d'paise, ilh aiviesutthe Baptint eburci i ndicament upodutha part -dfthei, Serviceshieago, Miiwauke .18t. ll'oîit y. io-:ýo8,neloci Runday marning; subject vîli no dotiltbc, agreatiy alipreal viii Lha 'îBapiiam** evaniug aervices ai by thune viiiarc thîls ieiieliteib. 7:30 ocock, aubJeet *,Ruse Foîindation." For fioiarriu!orniatioui apply li aîiy Mir. A. Murri., af Waukegan, vîsiteul agent <if tha Chicagui, tilibstuki.1 0 ai lir. A. Moote'& Satnrday andI Paul hy., or tii .1. H. lilblatii, ie .ra attendod tbe Bsiptist ciuîreh hunday Fratglit*Agent, o>1,1 <,loîîy lliildiiig, morqing.tir, aud ltire..Murria bava Chicago, 111. 21-:1 tacelby maved ta Taukegan aud ara mlaed ini Ibis neighborhood whi're - lbey bave ilvoît nolong. n i e < o The Exelsiot Literary soclaty Reve.. 3Slaughter, electqitofficera 1mai Tiursday avaning OFWM IC IA aitoits: Preaideut, L. Jesumanna; iecetary, Elle Fart; Tmeanrat. lRoy Write. ofthîe ofife ceived From Or. Levin; Marsial, B. Guuderaon; Janitor. Mue eteali, nervi.. R. Levin. A large aleigi load of yonng people trout Hickory wera preefil. Au excellent prograu isl wrran*d for naît Thunrsday evenifig. AUCTION SALES. The nndenaIgned vii ll Lal;public auolilsu uliont seserve ou tue John "oipsiaer tImmuoee sud oud-haif muiles ý'vst of Warseton station ou .thee li plank rond, lionday tiarcb 7. lm0, commencing at 10 oclock a.n. Sb@ *ololgpnopenlyto-vit: iM Jersey ouvs, 3 vili calves liy h.3i.vy aptlngors, halance givlng wMi; full blond Jersy iufl, full blond - iltellyboer«, tesa vorkherses, black mati. 17 chippla asn, large black hogme 5 yrs old, =i hors. 4 yes old, set double hanes., bey racka, mull Iounk, new;lilght vagen, moiter, cutter. R.I MILU' I Pettouive Nenvino la pulvenizer, feed calter, 2 Diamond partwluariy adautod 1t th resterla- Souti cullivalersLabeo, wagon, set îlot of beaih buoken dosa by barlâ drà&s, 50 chienam, 7 lanieys, and mental vonk. Mev. W. M. stangiter of Now mauy other articles ba numeols goenaalson, W.va.. itesat--j anersi viii ex. "fillon. ireme nenvouselles. disals. dauniasd neIm- Taus or SLY.-Ali sus o! $10 andI voixahssacie. sd osiepiemnacs.iy heurt nuder mmi. Onsuma aven $10a credit caeetlgm, a hr tbreati of one Jeas vîlllie.givenon ougond anduffered Machd isukakie notes being sdix par ceil a n lMy j eft aide. Interesit. No propely reuoved nulil me and physi- setiled tor. gv en o JaomRcgIUuAaahî. Prou. 1poue r W. Hl. APPLEY. Autctiener. etaiv Fur anme lime, 1 bave suifered ovtihaud Naer aid rionmaliem sud leisa ery ime asber IWad1m remedy, vitheail effes. tir. F.0. B. ivno varda ofrcoe Wolla advlsed me te lry Cimimber- ll4.dSil onOtrong. balsa in Palm, ile iagme liaI i llduuameii ndonuêd eo- lied @usd mmey cases0f long tadlîg lut aei bisPPmsiu.mY heurt trouble.nié I*ea. sie. 1 have »s" tour beilles 5»Umme sd 1 .l Parftectîtou."l- sud fsel uno laImsmoto botlle viii De. liium emias ar amnmlily alildeuil- ; Moka My «Vre omple._A. p. Routs, aglai ndsta positIv isanteS llst botl. Obare.. An. sl, lq F. B. Levuai, b asitu or 550007 toftui4ui. IBoek ce Uiislyvffl, J. IL, DaUaa, NOunae, Bassbsi Xervssent iresbah avplcaate CLAIENCE-N. OIJRANO. Au*y. Baà AWi stock Cclc. IOTA.TÉO OP10d tu. COUSIS OF La.. li.I A, N.sr,, 'h1lormd Mira ,l.se a. ex(orr.J.o Ik'.miis Mo.ýt.au,'>,j.1,n 8a heur,- a III IOIiOUTO0,14 ..0V 1154.1 ariL lalîIIII:Nitsiot u1-b ivguit ttby tir. .tî.,or a deesrtal .,rder 'if lsâi'>Cou saitCourt ..o7,,r,ý.lii 1.. boo,. tita'> nous" on lm. 2f'> daur of MtIsa A. t). 1l te.nn.is- clami'. N. i>urau.l A4intrator O!Im, estat'o W, tnjaiu1'. ors1"2%aa1% ui11i aIo -'-! e o lu ath-- ,iterIioî nSear Aîîil 0.1A. ). aSifl. -amidorcte cubrt ll,,oe lu ili. COt ty .aiW«so 1counîy utf i..at'and> .dat,. .oh il1ilnoisgoS tai,e or Iiliti.r, for ms ai t 1iaiâ Lit k, sud lii.rsoî wiaidi.lthîlé sid 8lu i. M relaud Mt!'1.0 t2ai. ufutbtan ltg PIltu"qd lu &kLut ,oldyIlàite-iis; Tuantpart of tuI.nortil-esmt, sale 0 Xo 5 .1l' (oel gir.ti.r, d ,1 o eiamoui-le", .î,iart.r O loo I,1 f -lîiont iIItI-foot soit U Wenshjso burt y-ioorul 0,a i auaà 110 et co . 19,rtii.I ttlrdî I ard, lbel ptien i t.îiaîing I ' "' Ienaa aMa Bld infa., coz ua ,,O1t»o.tu id mtoa iai a gallaiialles l u. tltaat c t te, norx l ink ist 0f othemwaat ensima .00ih, .al sud ixtyu-erliseaboftstlo thelo,, fi.of i luur tbe lb.qua~t ",n l,to g quater0fta5li 'as!~ ~ y-t wu ssiou tithe -fqis rq, C u. ,r iiiMoi'>aQu0lthe.îusrta linot lie n>e,,.of d t,5 seaii0su oa.>» Àuu,. o tui . 1 .s lgo le. 09.;ry 5,-o!' -sailt o' lrl ia lvat.a aîî, î,icbafrois.Dth i. irt uariel l ueti 70cr lai .,f si> -oust uneCiole ra Aitlns . 7111 ari1 n7~Il1ota50, Il Sdt tia -ose ,n.- fl as ei ob.ta go, a oint lv ,baiin. urfty-r oh .t l5.nk0liuts,, -h no r.iuino ini. lu .î Ion b . so ateum 00.1- si nl W i t .t"III D'gin lin.Dg a >s uind l rO,,tii lia,, Ils., Sais, a 1 IUtu ort 01 ee>, t Ion* er.(siau it. 010v suîaa,, aforl ,, t-à bd e f la.lians sa t ai,,, 011, I 1 Mu 0lias fe tos qurtr 0 th ori u.9 »Md 0 ta < rams,,esaih 08 i.:, s ne M» of10 ii5 s, N,-ixî.ourtt fi, '%battu». isaolos d lot -ou . than.woath in- sal erva. tbf1 me., toîasffi n'. i,ru 1fliv. actermale fIduu itce1aouthonth .*1lin of idUIsa iaieil . 18 th. la o! laen.Lev eoed tlovrw41lo t ff,. o Une - ,i<k>au olio ow un it a aio, , th a"Ma i si a e. pesintl sali mmt Iina th"l us .1om ofliiîrnieaofth<ne ta. il iàmu. se> %,iof sarta.rnl »ngthnat. sams asialîrI nt. out 1 lIs' . s!01&d aMeller -Isl l~î our h imnsof su lais, atise autis lutflio tant, t -i t: O 0 4po nt ou theU n ib... . ,. t ,% ,ei quolff n. , livailenà andl li aise. links î.ri.li, t 9a«t1«la.,of lid uite !:àti ( , 707h. is e aioaQ IN~aidue10Mi 1 ai Wa,kon gea. i.. Ihi terd «M .Nîirai, ..le ita . U u eo maal m-12i aIi" th lî,raob l'no ad rsio r ajuBA I staoka. gaisl Marlîla -I skiIlla- I te ler lown n t. laad t ,ukC4EMIl..tirey r Illa h a. 1)Olm CJ.eia-eýN. araadAd i -W&IF.BAIRSTOW. AdmInimaratorlm Notice. Il.. bli.nti-. b herel.y gitn thlat 1emi Seirloam.wili at.nthe ,ouatv at tii. Cour* , musIli alîkeij aud w.111 i- lrit, iî,on 0 £h~ Inter Oceein and lq m 111 yeer for *0gIiT-Mô "k Libertyville, <*0 1 L