CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 25 Mar 1898, p. 2

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sas R* t u m iA guna em ta Zo Wms'mlu Boande 09Ptheos <oeê TIse SC. paershnrg Officia Measenger 131.115nes a nte sayig the HeurtsiaG1ow- UJ O& ernusseot hein hisrncein lsrepresent*tlve et Seoul, tihe capital ofr('ores, tes inforin thse Riperor u uoreoa tndlhie uiltelU ,4&IA8KA WIT, C RAF'u¶D 1T jhatif, i tiieir opiiio. (ores nonlonger ~ requires forelgn lp aodin tacapable e _____________Preaervilig, os 1h lier or, n resfoures. the luidepeuideeeor er iternaI administra- MUATIVES STILL PRACTICE THEIR l ion. Itussisa iliInut besitate ta recail the DARK ELIGOU ITE& lussiab fisoucial adeisor. The Itusalan PARK ELIOOU RTES. inlita rY oncfiers. arter leavng (the Coreiii arn.y, wsOuremain lenpoer-rily etthIe dis- .llveror Brud7r Males Hils Annel Pou] tf he Rumsan mission. in view of bca lii ussettîidsiste or the country. ffln of 1nspection tue Varlo.a Pit tI l iraîecilds: "Nolonger hounil by 40011 b. Cout-FPîrpe ot ron-t eoîîpousjijuity whch filie presence of IowaProortyla hiceu. he Rsesianinstructorsanod finaocial adl- lnahehtter cani now asanfut e Clin to ld Cstoue., ý.1tlyarticîipating In the affairanof Coi-ca, &sole pblieau nterstig leterfr i te sopliort of Itussin wli li e able ta nog alonsti ilîîni assistance oriler nt home obsevatons adeby ini hil on li iand preserve lber roul indepeuilence. «»Ua trp o insecton o th ýh idthereverse lbe the case. the Rus- relltisou he ous abardtheUnied ian(, verument will tale nuesnsures fer abats mlit Whelin. Secil atentontheprotection of the interess and rglts the ovenormaya abuldbc pid u vs- O Itlsasthie rent 9power wiicp inl sel sasviatig te Ykon th trM,-le"Coi-as îigtbor. ULItegret fiss.TheWheligaft-r EPIDEMIC (F SCUICIDES. à Pi'o Dya, clnCa he village-ndtthe essath f Cicao Ilan, caledIlolia. Fve e"%Repoî'teilt a .I oiOi Sereoneof te ladin me of hevillge-On. Day. bad eenamientaly illd b a cild6 Terewas an eeidenie of suicide in S. ymr ofage Th Isopl m-er akv.,_týiis heothler day. Alfredl heene. a ment o accientsand th Ilooah laorertoota poison easlewsou bel th vhlds mthe ad br pupl r ofvor. edildir vtlin asbouc. Frank ffluibl an delatded repratOnPedtzelke. a crpenler, funk pari-s green Whkhwasgive, abod of -'(i mn fler-IaKuse of desîioudency. lie ve-as founni alogly rme gong t a atie vlla ed i bis room. John Heimnas for oeu Kilisoeet risch lac ele cill'stsventy-eigtit yeara overseer aud benil gar- moter nd er eope blouedais] cu)-dener aSthI orne of the Frienille>-soin VeM fierata itrs lverman blnkcsRenton Park. shot imacîf througbhie tffks nd one. Te Gveror sevrctemple.-lHe Insuolive wunsrouind, bul IF amonmbe thenatvessiedtol thi ll ea00ufrer t.eing removed ta1theb oa- tbelr ndl costumne s otil not lie tolerats-il.[)il&]I.*lielhall tiers a suffecer froîn rheti- Froanctile oint the Wheelîng 1rocelde naism. Berilia Sirpke, aged 19i years. te Ykuta. Te Goerno ba coni-a employe t h ue Progres.ive l'apler Box «"Ieto Y aoutthepratic ofevidi-Company. îuuiîed trous tbe tliiîil-story ý:QIr.whih @erm taexst u aconideabI vindow o et: aestablialient jot esathe scbutle bleui for tlie 0000 liiir. She wra RX&M in ilen par of he cuntr. l t iiked l nscouacions. She tendl hem de- 111@1118Of Rmou ied ive offlu w se 8ondent for isevrral das, C harles Ar- lbem an lie fo bewtais a llti, O l-ol irheoqlbîghthe t»mple W. a&adaslie bail nolbiîîg tu ai, aied l'ut aewdrinks of waler, lie uns in a terri- SHOT BY A JE.ALOUS WOMAN. ble bytical condition. The nvrr qptsonne tiosse talkiog 10 liese BraîeMs. Doma Arunold cf Newv York Ataeka a" flter exîlainlng (lie Iowasof!teIb e IltAttorney flekbe. ts!tales bold (hem (t ien i the future hie, ILafayette I. Beekley, o lawyer con- ned lt deal leuieuîly silhlieubse sihai îetcd uitb (lie Knickerbocker Lonon'in. odpracticeil wicrsfl. lse Wbs'îliig las>. wsalin s fi0cr in flie V'Roder- reetnred to Sitka. lier croise. n ibe toit builtdig Newn York, %vansphot b> al igw#or. opinion. had donc sntg- onial n hse naminî girco as Duea Ar ta mnativ-c, as they dreoil a giioboalotil. The uonan vas acreateil. Bei- asi honan aything erîse. le Rayes h.' in e> s ihIl Udlion street liouîilal. The ovbinrdi hla (iie iul, ake the natives PbYsîiiiansaY-tient[lis wunosle un lt fatal. wgoronsl>- ln boud sied break ni,îliseur jMm. Arnoldili er cr11 l od hec slîry url"éemft, disililinga; of rom And maln u iiceut ri-erve, nhargng Býely uiti> *Detlring f beer, sud compel lbcm ltu cou_ iling a double lit.lobe decloredille bail hfutaîo unrIola ain al respects. roblird lier oru ber moneýy anda ber retuta. _________lions. ihe lias kelt a boariling baise for P0L1TICS 18 TUEIR AINL iine yers. aud oiie ber boarilecuivres - Launyrr Becklry. For nine yeanrh Iey 1 lt&U si Banplo>-esat StLents D»rins saun carteaollier ilaily. Tuso ilsys go Mrm. Ont a New tiagaalsatlon. Arnoîldil arngdtie(bt Berbiey baildliv-e Amorganisation kuowo as the Inilepen- secri-Ily marriesl for a year. Ail flieîciil- ietOrder of Railwas>lien bas been pet- oes fr of the wuomnw as arooseil snd late i St. Louis. Mo.. aud S. Louis lias mshe vient t0altcckley's office andl sbît at litsebosen as the lirailquarlere for the bien tuiceIi second abot ludging in bis Ioda# andi (le prrsideut elected lis1abdomen. a.ladstueof tethal il>. Itî inR APSOFI sd yone of tlie sileers of the neun or- CCAPOTFIE alsatlelu byatplitica yulilies ain OP. Daros CrInse of Thmee Men et B<one- onl byilelin lupouieseaucer borne, Mo.-Cuba., Ken., Vislled. objecta la vieun lieobîsincil. Thle Postoffie ispector lilce nt St.ILouis. Mm rganisationisanmadle up iargely of 1,10.,receiveil lelails of (lie rolibery of Lfmrmembers of the Switebmen's Mu- the Poaloffice at Boonaboro. Mo., by burg- tAid Association.,uhiel uent imb lai-s. uho blew opeo the %ae, look several Uq.lion in 1M1. There lai a paymei.4 bonîreildollars lu stamps and mey ner d ibaetfdealli ail s iisabilul> mekly t(len net fOre t the building. W. W. IMYMnl. Organizer, vilIliec tarted out ~~IN-Yte* Ilie postmnastec, barrI> escaped bli- etoum o ail sections of (lie Unie Satesa ms birned la deiesi(. Tliree trange men, »d Canada. otensibly stock lingera from ljlasgov, DiSASTE0U8 CHICAGO0 FiEE Mo., are suspecteil. A report uas receit' ed laler tintfilie postofilce ni Cuba, Kan., Uu'lg f(.Monroe ]Rsarn tampa andl mime> solen. Three suspects Place. Mass epl ai pr aebeen arresle(Iil I!npoe0 iies Fiew ae tartesl in the bsemetît ofya oefcizns the Monroe restauranit buiiling,.1812 Identified liy Tluir 'lrinkete. Masie sret. Chicago, t *6:45 'rlock ini Heur> Johunson, overss-er of a large cat- 1*e mornins. suept saay 200»K15(1 orth (he ranchîclirrWewoba. . 'r., reports ý« property, imperlîd scores ut *1rveas sai tient hilc digging saunrîl lie camue acrueas umelte-in leinjury ta iglît lersoîs. At the akeleoiorns of 10 onna believel to lkS eOie-story structure osas et riiiisshae been the lonîg-lasi lecenilauts of i ciell. N o lives uni-cefoat, lt thî'ce tîvo n"li sii<i faiiiilie-. Tlieodore Tayr- Vestemany nsrrow escalica aied the cou- liii, a Yepheun of Zachar>- 'Taylor, mariled 11341w8ton ill raîîk aînoug (lie wsitnn a MimeOctavia MaIcninut lit. .otius ton 6e rity's itory. I i ornathe thirîl great liar afler the civil svsr. The marriage @se la Cblcago's downtowvî district unlîin a againat the oshobe f fie yoiing mass@ a wee'k and, as liî the niber, the dames lparentls ad the couple lefitfar the South- aised thlieffcits of the firs'men uitil oealbib e hopi- ef naking their fortune. Ibo destroction w-s a sîmnt compete. The> ece lint he-aril of ni-ar F-ort &lb- Fan, . T., lun ovr'mler,110l;7. v ien, it0as Acensed br fila Chil. reporleil Ihat lîcy s-ce kil lis lîîIidiaus. Sevral weeks sigeMrs. John Coi ai li the dont t ore faîjî s icrilrings, a «mfuler chilren were- hirneil t0ailsalh neelacead a arge goel i îeîlal oiluhici Ive miles cent of '1exarkana, Ark. Iftz hliscriteicnuLatin thenmolton 'Noonee a reporteil as an occidetnt, iun whicdi unids me oili imîaîîiîy." benesîli Mm Coi bail fainted sud fallen irîlo the vhich n-sa tle la u- i ..)ctas iii lli-a.. deslac, wier Ib iitira el ire10 1tA ticket fotuil n oei heas- os n': '-'rom datblng as u îrîed ber îî. 'lh'- fiables Ted" The intisiechuistiii-cu etrtea tes Were supposeiltuia lave ilmii ignitic a the i îîîrioc I li'tintnii-uî nt Wfuminigtoîi cradle and burruîd the liai.Noun. su the aud onu libci-qfi-ri-il tu the relatives@ of , It of a #tory tolîl]lîy ait obidrrchild of aiy'Vlor sud bhi irfe. John Cox. the ouliýsîie sd rallier bas benl arri'strd andîl a i-anlin-il in joli chai- Frances Freali Demnande. ad witb the monder of the somat oand ber Fr-ce lias focmiilntl,li,.iulloing Ch.drîîîaîd: Tient China hall uînt celle anY, »YstrioljîDi"peurli ortion of tbe four lironlin-es, ivunsg The ernsu,; (elt I .caro. àTongho aîîg Si, Yalei Nai sud Kvsil pitilent bercsl't o 'f l. Ile. ri, aY.,Chain;(iait the railna> fi-ouiJTong (Chan btoaebeneu rautrofttheeSai-rFN ~Totng (on the iiirtbers fcostii-rîshal lie bsv he a îysî'r (olIa- Sn m-a- extenili'i vin I'sse, Sinusi ito the yon deo.le oas ëî'îaratî-îl treils bis daîgli- Naft provinîce. and tent a eoauliog station thear.IsABCroint asty.-eiiiotise rwdaI liegranteil ai Lei Cban Fuî in the lies letere t tas h- ic'ii hkan fr Pvsa- Chan ps-iiinula, .tof11:11,Nao. Thllg <o tke te trin a Ookaiii fia- P o r t i-nlla declines lu coiîly s. th any- ut ,dna. No cleun baslixe-n tuntav ieult Ihese demandas. lOmhieb aulilen dinaplunrascýe. Il la still ___ s question ohether he -met su-illfuil pjay Canada Bar.s 'Nurery Stock. or inecumbeil ta paralysis. fiaunhic-lilie The Canailia. milister of agriculture bau becs subJect firi-inue ie. lias ictroduelineu the Houne of Coummuns Marr ___a bill t0alrotet Canada truinfilîe ravages aR omins. analn. ut the San Jose scalp. T'e'b llI absilule- ceont Alexis hosanf of Koiilsk las ly probibils the Importation of ail ittds .$W been iarrird (o »Miss May Iicson of nursery stock from coointries bei-e W lau Francisco. The ennui j a young the lnscct pres-sila, sunal 11aîiîly si once, flensiswbo lans isneutin-uý,.tslIn ta(lie United Sates, Jupon sied Hawoaii. AU&a. He lias askl permissioîn of the By eea consent the bllI us put Wîer leparlmnt e) ai iiiluI a bollon filie (brongl i al lestst e soaiting andl 1 eeten t S. Micliels andilxi nul- la now . as. det et a favorable aisIer to bisl ienet. 13e Met bis bride in Seattle,. fitisl Columnhîs Mnersl Output. Thli 1 talrport ofthle ileparîmnent of Mineslibu en rpresiëteil tuthe sosîkng Canal sale t. Lecal. turf t Victoria, B. C. It showos tent the l'h. Ohio Suiîrtme Courtt hlias dî'idpd ttfil ontu o rf s icuiig ol M A BKETLVJOTATION&. rClilcago-Catle. commun ta prIme, $3.00 ta $5.75; lbogs, sîlpplng grades, $3.00 ta $4.25; mbeep, fair ta ehoice, $2.50 ta $Sd(l; wlieat, No. 2 roI, $1.05 ta 11.07; cors, No. 2, 28c (o '!De; 08(5. No. 2, 24e (o '26e; rre, No. 2, 48C tu 50c; lutter, choice ci-camery, 17e ba 111 eggg, Ircal. Dc ta 10c; potatues. comuntu( choice, 55c 10 70c per btusliei. é Idiansapolii-Cattle, shlpplng, $3.00 to 1550 ohg, doice liglit. $3.00 ho $4.1à; tsîceli, coummun to chlie, $3.00 to $5.00; unhest, No. 2, 04e toa(S6c; corn, No. 2 whilte, Sic ho 32c; oabs, No, 2 white, 291e tu Sic. St. Louis-Cattie. 1$3.00 ho 1M.75; bugs, $3.00 tu $4.25, sbeep, 13.00 ho $4.M5; vlieat, No.'2, Dta ho9'Je:coi-n, Nu. 2 >ciiosi, 26ce t0 28c,;ruats, No. *2, 261e ta 28c; 1,rYe. No. 2. 40c to 50c, 1- Cinciussti-Caîîie, $2.51 ho $5.25; hoga, 1 3.00 ta $4.25-; sleep, $2,50 bu $4.75; os-brut, No. 2 rei-ci, tu (o7c; coi-n. No, 2 MIy it viii noss t, iclst. tosi, $2.6'42.261l. W'aest Koltenay pro- to 30c; rye, No. 2, 52e ta 54c. 4lurd mins'rala tn the vaue of $4l,7(5,t)00. etroit-Catic, $250 ho $550; bugs, Fatal Mine $lison 3.00 10 $425; sbeep, 12.50 ta $5,00; As expluosiuo ulurorent'îl a N wiouaou-miaa Rebadeer Are Skotd. vibraI, No. 2, lige to 98,c; cors, No. 2 mine, nî'ar Mdou(iiuitii(-!ity. la. pu Tuso 1ev. Sheldon Jaekao-n, acting oui lcait >cloo-.21k, to S0c; oats, No. 2 white, 29e are knovialutuai-l--o lae l ise utofthe l'air Ieprhmin , hls oid 2t)> to 31; î:rrc. rioetu 52c. lre, adfrian tut4-i-r) au yts i ut>lcare heilait the reinalei- ei-i (t o-swa ur- 'oa-l-N"lieat, No. 2 iel, 98e te li to be stîlli - ain tentieuu... utau nu-ilfon the Yukonu iele! cxpedibiouu lu 99e; corn, No. 2 mixcd. 30e 10 Sic: oate. Is Fonil Oilli. ivuste paries. lb i5 tidi-issul u h. No. 2 wihile, 2WtIn2Mc: iye, No. 2, 50e to Ex-Casher 1osFoulaisaGeut rcccivî-ilabosut $140 pei-r l:dvisei.$7 o1.5 *la tbe UnitedlStatl- aîart nu('ovungton, ui. h îuciacssr-cP. C. Itia-ta 5c;ilovar kee-W$.aî. o.2 pitu 7 Xy. Ise ury n hi dîm sutblirisi e i-lon, nu Aisikail niai air nd îîî t ua tr; corn, Nu. 3, 29c 10 31c: osîsl, No. »Umt«. aglaisitThlois. B. Yuutza.t-- .A, troolinian ,*sbaus. auaeîteruî saila ,oît,2e( 9;rr o a4et O- fler ut oftheli-tNationcal IBank o! lunkttauriaoruutiuum coiliauny. 2 whie' , 28e10 -tSc; ok, L. s50, Jgsvpot .>, chai-mil oih nisailiruipi-ia.eN, ,1, ue; es - ~lb.bae fudafuind be lettuint Detlihiof B. K. Bruce. $9.75 bu $10.25. ou tb bairy nm ndltheacK.ltma-ernisr- u fuemet. luffnis-Cattle. 1P.00 10 $5.541: lots. Ï ntitcut.ii% ietaiW'ahingitoni. M'r. itri-a- $3.10 tu $4,50;-alireja. tu $0 5.00; Ou 0614olifres 0"S a 'te, d. atuhh lad been ellti-eilfur snernia i i nbat, No. 2 reil, 97e 1 ta9;corca-, No. i flslmiàt f bulion unici was Ile u ifeied frui a counlilicab.a i au Ïunu2 yehow, 3Me to 34e; cotem.No. 2 su-ite. ' e thie vater oethOe ocean Cas nitutroubles., He sus laialiu i'nine, a3lc te 32c. «,, Il velkbed ictit-to u$3.00o1084 0, sbeep, 13.00 te 15.25; Uuvarme etre.ted hi (ha Eletro- R. usasa Eeview ef Trude. unest, No Ï rea, 01.04 te $1.00; cern, No. saeile i»:"Nelîber peare nor sîsi-rce- 34c; butter, f.sliiCte 20c; ew. ~-: - - 'brt&ashv.ebaned the ouivard cntrent o! Western. lta>& b eb@m oriem q MMli mIU»bp M #g O Ou mura"e Imame bloba ed MW &M tt iacd strleey tu effs e umo, ,anil treasslry eepoftabonutW- 100.000 a day hae kest liclcét qnestloa about thie em'rency, wsl-.e< of products have contonoed et a rate CU- ,giderbly inereased, andl tle demaumilftes products or the gmet Industries thoovu steail> expansion. Prompt action b> (lie Senale sadIl lonae lis.removed il alfear ef embarrassmenit tlirougb conlictlag pur- pense. ai Washington'. The Goverutocot in making real> unlîlsut aur osatiet the, wublie frankly assurlng everybeil> tbat lbloos for s pedeeful settlieet andl bnps that lit prepaftitions may prove ou- necestary. 'Ibe baclibone of (lie situation la tlie excesa of merchandise exporte, mare (ban $41000000 lu February, with au in- crease ot $2200,000 lu micellancous pro- ducta, $2100000 lu provisions. 4500,000 ln cotton andl $700000 lin hi-sadtuifs compared i osibIenst rear, sud $15,100,000 lu il products, In twoo oeeks or Mardi exporta have been 16 per cent larger (han lest year, sud Importa have gaînel but 87 per cent. The oubgo of cotton sur- passes il expectations. WoOIol hene change in quotations. bhougb Easternl markets are extremely duîl, and thelinl- iifference of manufacturera has madle transactions uly $200,3W poands. sgainal1081,0 foi- the corresponding ueek last reai-. Lileî encouragemenit np- pearis in the imarket fori cotton goonds. Res- semer pigsudnlgi-sy forge are botli sightly si-nuger at Pittsburg1 (lie proposed coin- biîîatin of Vailey furuaces belplug, but pig is sot ebsogedinii îrice elseonhere. nof are inisheil lroducta nt any point except- ing oi-e nails. Foilures for (the week have licen 208 lu the U7nitedl States, agaitant 216 ist 3ear, andl*-n in Canada, agsint 5W lat yer" ROfiRERS' ItICli IAUL. Stase fBsnk cf Nlekerson, Kan. Loted for $75,000. The Shahe tiaiib of Niekernon, l'lai., oas bionpenîî-aanal roblw'althe uller niglit. 'i'lcee aitthe meni, oith ls îs aou Ibeir facs, entereil tbe Luilîing, a-faîui-hh oas ëttiincsl ni the coi-iiner otise st-et as giiaid. Afler diggiug imb the vauît ilynil mitîe osas llaceid i in'e aliand the osal sras blosn on u iiccea. The exploinut iter thenutlesr Wall 4d dOnt iuake souci noise, liat u en the burgiarsunudeitoob lia gel openi the Inaîr of thcesafe the> fiel with a greate'i reistailce andl seneal charges cece îmade (o break the dmur. The noise of tlîe explosion arouîsci soone persota wholived iieir the bok. 'lh.' instituteil n gearcb as lii the casse of (the trouble snd sscie met (a> the outille goard, osho caaîsîîollat-al hem to go sud mit lown ono the sdewalk. The felliauna on tbe insile diua ar! ljaisocf laosing np the safe douc, an the> tlea s a-t of thue iuoîicmone> lii lin-cea. L. C. Brouie. lreuident of tlîe lanb. sayu thaI une- $75000 Oas taben. iecludînig the amount (bat ivas llowu n h ieces, shinb casuiot te enimatn's. LOCATES TEIE TREOtSURE. Iboaci cf a Murderesi Man Burlel la an Olil Orchard. John Q. Yule of Lama, 0., omtes tu Mayaor-McMui-ray or IDenver, Coho.. ce- îjaesing hinu (n locohe Mr. William 'rhompsnn. Yszer sayssle bas locisel bbe farme- - oshose orchard thse $30,M0 nas luiu-i Os ari-Ashernian aler liemoi-- ici-cil Wiliam Tiuomîîson iîu California in 181,4. lHe' ays the confession rof Asbr-- mail au bld by bis father after retnrning trous lis mons ieatlibel in A rizaiii, agren'a in lebuil sihbhe(letry (olI to Yazle b> the min osho helpedfiAnhermaiu hhry Thompson's goil ln an orebaril. Yazle seeks Mi-., Thompson in (lie hope ofr t- ceivisg s reuaril for locating the moue>. The police la Denver have been seareli- lng for lier sInce Asberman's confession was firet publisheil. WUIlantlc Joins lbe Trust., J. E. Lawtonofe Manchester, Englanil, vice-chalrman of île Rugliali meung cot- tonu corporation, sol John Rt. Dos Pasisos, the New York counsel of the American Tîreail Company, have completeil (le final arrangements foi- the transfer ut the %illmantic Thread Compaur's plant ai Hartfordl, Cono.. lu bbc trust. Laoslon fsruished $3f100.000 and Dos Pasu.s $2.- 400.0W0, $6,000,000 teîîg tbbcsoim restuir- cil lu compiete the ileal. Span'. Proposnt Rejece.l Spain han propoîral thst the Unitedl States join in effecting a settlement of bbc Cubas question îîpoîî the basin of coin- pee autonobor of h' Cînailian pttern,- under Spaîîish zoverîignty anîd (lie pi-o- pomaslias teen rejecteil. Bth nations ire nus ticiugg adi ulier uiî a contrat of nerne. It is leleved liaI bbc Premidentsa ti-i stand il cause Spaîin inchbyb>inîch to yield t0 the juevitnble sitbout re- course 10 uar. Gemmaux Ont of Crete. At Cue, Islandi of Ci-et,', the CGermen flsg n-as lauleil mvii sud bbe Germen marines uho bave lices dinngduty asbore cuitai-bd on board the Germean battleship Oldlenburg. Mine Explosion Kilt. Sx. Au cu.inloii occurraieii in lie L of the Teununese('oui, Iroîî sud Itaiilway Com- pianymuinîe t Piatt City, Alo. Six negro convicts isere billa'd. Vetoe. the GolCot-etcBill. The Ilosernoar uf Kentucky bas retord the bill inainig innalial coltricta up>yable n golil. OotlincMiii Showing the Varions Departmenté as They Ar m Now Cquatltutcd. The Important>i ut he De partsoent of the Gulf 1 ay Be Iteadil y Seen. besîn c-i-iaiealune et Key We'st lu guand laîetl Wsiln ous."re bbc glf andabclienluredineusa ltu mabe a t oIlbu' seiaI braitghtaut tlh -nonti-y aîd t ilcnuntratiîau agailîs t avana, andl an- lbe- oark itcîlisluîeî wil folloîr. 'l'e alther ai faiutbu Roada to guai-ilthe age rî'qircdleia 18 bu Mr >ars: bthelia> Northi Atlantic ruent, sod serve in case ragres fruota 18 Ver aîoîth to $). rut emergeni- una suppoalort ta the GîUlfT he fnlioioing nlasses o! mes are desir- a il. B, 'sIali-nsaitdefnse vesels livee rî: Se'aîueu, ardisar>sbranment chia-f ma- V bu-ciidisliosi-il at 'thei principual harburs. chiis. ahtisaIrl-la machisiate s Bsri. leet congis(if au!tstbellsiîî. dubtle- scai uus.A i lilîca u(-Rts îtoast pagea al trýrî-tu-imniit i-,aOrurornu enlisa--ao, R501i îîlulu-îlexamiuîa îîuu. 'The drpa rîinsut in 8 boats. torlaedii boutsland oei teitdi-- WVsligtoata-î-iîatn o enlisimnis. A p. P sti-oyes. Spini bas aisn dividesi lier lialigmloai-e referri-iltoabthe fnllisg i-e ava ilable ahi s inIa i inuudruns. Due Oill ruiîlîag sathioins: Haimiti, hBrooklyn New lv d&f-rend(Iavnau, othu-r usiII graîri home Yaork, Icague Island al eu>-yard, îWssl i iles, nuitsatîird ssilI 1011 i4lîîf lit i-Cii- iîgt.în. 1..tC., usvy yardl, Unitedl Statea tieas ta. îrnca-u-i uliirevu-r ulreatnd. 'Ti. teamer Michigan nb Eri-, l'a.-. Newn Or- t-ffecb Ibis arroagemntelleah.' ai lhiiierseuis,'Mare Isilan n> yari, Norfolkb t torîu.-do boat loiliia lit the CaiilarY l-I01aI. cary yard sud Glour'sei-, Mas.I and i-taiiuel the seco-ndîire,-t abouît il, sauit i_____________ from Cadiz. Spa si elitlY inhi-nis il' THURSTON FOR INTERVENTION.p have a "fi luit îindri" uu lutoliue msuer-_____ ver oppartiiiaity oaccire. ltle, the scoator Sais, the Oni> s'e-t N'euela Made Resdy for Wsr. il en cf the Caben lroubl. At Leagus- mIsLaud. Key West and citlhr "Ifbtheuieitfor tbe intervention of bbc points al a sis have lbren coaled tua UtnidStates in the' affairs 0f Cuba am tîot (heur fuîi catiorit smail bore bretu souîîlinaallier-rmos. it uîa' a- lr ocam,"salîl Setle- i oibh a fui uouta of ail kinîulsoutamnuaîîîiloi- Tîtirstai tla nr-eporter. Tlhe Sejuatur r (Ion. Thie Mungmery bas been ovîr- mays that tbe' au1>' solutionuoruthIe trouble haîîied smirce ler retuira front i[srisno, ana lxis îu-il i-ro entinl oess the peuple or Il tlie gubosis lHelenas and Bancrouft ali, tl- a' teid States Iai-c- illiîag to looik on ?l Preparnîlous lave taiamaie oith blie a an e- 'the uork oait sarvaolba lreudy o secrec> suud asigumeuts 1 bthe une (cetit ai lvr as-1,canpe -u-iThe'rbcrcoîlcelu- the otlier bave be.'n carrieil u go goardeil- Irtuitjs ort- alusauîteîy uitliiub hope. andlau ly (bat lit la imposible (o Sol out jîil*t utIls.' deablia uyn lai-t ofthte isanî i where an> nessni is ging tobrte rosud ai-cde-r i init 001beramue' c lna-0 unlen bbc iraIoblot in fired. The ne-v t. lrial.,for sarvationolui oui-k ualin i gu P acqîiiresl Ri-zilian cruise-r, Amazoanas. u-lez ouil der coaao> of the Sau Francrisco, ouIli i-- Ali taI the i-ci'uncnrados con îalie do, - ri-litna res, da> s ahi al> for service. suitI their houles sud lpilemeiits dcsti-oy-u lier@inber sîîiîî nili te broultht seronsathie cd h> tire, Ibiir litîle taronsilevastated 0 Atlantiuc o thuu in o eebs anil completel anud grilg lioeels, tbliur stock uli-i si lnuan Aîusricuard s-i. Seversi other vms- offto10fîji-tllfooad for the Spaniah sil- Il sels s-ut aue it u blthieantilie-hen Puir- liersansditbemselves eîîusclated andldis- chased anud adîd 1 ui- ravailable suar- essedin intaromain j inteii- pennxsoitb a alias.~loo! quiet despiir aîîd talle the lttIe e Suosîlîcate is the situation thato oui- O-food (bat Ibe> caui gel, sent b> bhe' ebarit> a pralîuinet -auillit osit for gis olbe manu- of the United States. 41L la peifectlp- true, facturel I. nu- oo-n sboîus, but la par- says the Senator. tht tir Iusurgentm chaisg blieusin Eland andiL (ermasu>. pîaiclsI>have tle obolefisiaîd. Ali These guaeeisg of a calilier differeul that the Spauishî bîldin iHlavaus, sud eeu trotte ours, ammtitiolî bas 10 te purchus- snle île cogregional psr(> osas tbere e itl bitraeit. Batteries are movlug fi-oui tbei-eo-ast Sgbting lu the esuebrlsof (bat the West to the Atlautic sud Gulf collet rity. cities. sud large îtuiiniies of amttoint- Sciitoir Tbîîrstrun oas asked o-bat effect tionanil suplies art' bcbg foi-sai-led iii intervention u ld lave in ucreasiiig the advaîsce of their arrivai. A bill5as ilu- volsume o!f(lie insuîrgent movemeut. Hie troduicealin Congrcsprosling for bbc sail thot it wooli bavenme effect lu (bat iuressc of the reftisr afin> te 104,0010 directiontoi- lien the Cubaus gesersl> men; anotler for the biuilding oft (lree bat.- onii riman id dclare tbeiseires. Ilexhips ovtb en amendient iîîcrenaang (hem (in toelve, andl for the construcetion FORTS WELL MANNED. cf msxtorpedo bolfisansuix torpeilo boat ____ destroyers. Capital Ct's Defensen Are st Lent, Sbepa have i-.n taben b> tbe Nie>- De- Proarially Conmpielled. par(imcnb te re-enforce the slIps lu service. The îîreîaration for te defense o! the The board on aîxiîiiry cruisers has exeat- nationual capitlluh as been practical> colo- eldlie Aueritail liner St. 1,luis andslvtaeei, Nu fer os isapproacli b> îa(er ln meaamred her for armement. The osvuir-scoiuieriuci. of tlie tiet uhicl comîpriaes blils vessaI 'The bnttery ot Sberiau'a Point on the andl bbc 8t. 'atil, Newu York suit Paii, Potnomac, jîîn alaise Mount NVeruuuas, is iil, lba siî, lot Inrilt on thie prirchase uo%%v cumpfitel> mauneil. sudtwillI prove a1 of Ilurse vrssnlsb> bbce('uveruuuleu( a. ittîooertîîî aoxiîiury to the mainu latter> a a rigbt 10 do in Oie eveol oft heir- Oitlat Fort Washlington, on the oppos.ite sore1 îîressment, lut unil Versitthle Gaen- or the river, neuarci-tIse cil>. A ganri-son 1 ment 10 charter liella. The bannîi us-ilsmas extaliîsbed at (-'nit amiiugtoti Rev- Isspect thec Tîrd line basts, sud li&o crut acinîotheago. lit consista of a dpetach- luokiuug at teel yachts aîud at run anîl ument of the FourbI artiiiery frion Naab ste'elcuulotlilgs. Inîformation recciveil b> iugto aii urracba, lunier commait of Cap- tle tlovernment shaoasbliat blere osene Ilait) Itoune. g'ZI resiiela o ail tytpca availitile for lin- l'he'sork of biuilinigthe emplîacemenst@ pressmet ai lits si-ivice. lans are ient.1 nuitl iaouting th.' gnonaant SheridanisPoint couspietion faut' utiiiziîig as mintau as lnss- is eîs cIRîs1lted oui> s ailoîrt Misle go, atud hic aif these n conuection sitl bIhelnavet ulaestablishmentb as a Vogt suas accoro- mlitii. iiicil oll> îti(bn the peut teun laya, lis bue desire ho have lu the Norh At - sui.baller> Klofuth(le louith artillery latc aqîmladrn coas( a (eet silierlor to arrirclei-i.' efront, Uort 3Monroe snd vient an> Sain îigbî sentilto Cubeiatbbcnaval jinocaump. autheribles ordereil the firt-lata batîs' ship Oregon ta procel witb ail diapatols The Culfleeor of Internai Revenue et frott San Pranclaco te Key Wet. lir way Louisville bas reseliveil a payemnttfrae of Cape liorns. Psoteetloa le (he PacIie uukuown parties o! 824W0 b. golil, reire- eoast affordeilhy lb. Charsoa, PIl- sentlag taLxes ouwîtshy ne oub ille telphIIansd UMotu« le emasbien o- ovemm.t wasi i.ttei.ilxs»M 1 P R VI L M . UlN i g 5Idâm MANY LIVE& LOST UNAN APPAL- LING CHICAGO O F 1 ____________ed on thi Newali arrk, tu pdPhîla' - ielphitand O hlef o<rut~Eeliheri fisOêoeuem Pv~.dfort tkWorat aounreil the oter dsp lisat tlie vusela tlwtMay «M.woul ald leerai for service on Mal 1I& OTHERS MAY REOOGNIZE CUBA. Boutheru fopublco sndoi tai. Wouîd CÀ#R I T AJY EIERGENCY Tliere bsbenmc iauin la Washinugton dnrlng the enat ifeudeys on ______________the question ofbbc atitude of forelgu powers la the event nr the recognition et The War and Navy Departmonte Have thli luepenileuce ef Cuba b> Use Unitedl Not Bee IdIe.States. The President has been bld (ths Not Ben Ids. uany, If not sil, the Sothern republici wonl recogolse the Inilepeuileuce of Cuba a slmultaneousi> osllh the Unitedl States, Bots @palns nd lbe Unîite btillons Have andil lbofugn officiel declaration, as faf made preparstîons înîîciatima 8: as cuî ie ascerbaineil, las >et comle frioit ]Probasble Confllt-ghiaIpsDisposai. Great Britain on (bat point theie aineot ilesire of thab country 10 avert svar bç. as lo e M More Adventageous-Con'- tuveenthéli Unied Sates andl Spain wIfl, graine Isportnn.d 10 Incoreoase the It la beiieved, Iniluce ber t0 promptly foi. Regutar Arsuy - Purebhasa of War low an> action libm i diecion unhicli na> Vesseto Gobns and Auonuitlon bc lîken by tbis country-. Abrod CntiueýAppreciabing, as tey do, Ihat sncb joint Abrei Cntines.action wonllbc onie ofth(e ostrongeat gour- auteea agalunt osar, tbe administration Washngtn coresondere:officiaI. are usturîli> suilous (bat other Tshelnitoaeor-uSptatespare frtiâ.coutries tshoulil follow our course lu rec- Il* magnlficenb (eet of'figlilg ahips l gizishenwreulc liIng uithIîn stribing distance et Havana. CHARGINO WAR RATES. ka( Posât chtien andl ussnssare ttrongîr for- tîfleil and gusaldelb> coast defense ves- euacening Guahpne cnlo s cels foily equippeil for business. It lias Insurance compamles carrying rîmbi on immense suipplie» or animunition andl Amerirso breadstuifs for exprt are store. disîrîbuied oshere t(l ie>olî h.cs- charging osar rates. This apples te ail il> arailable. lui regard to lanil forces, Ilb hipmneqts trom the Atlantic aod Golf of Msexico ports. - lias the army> ueparimeuta rcorganited, One of (lie largest exportlng firma lu St. resllleered. aod ils L15,000 regolaorasno dis-- Louis ban been cudruvoring t0escore an triboteil as teb li nhiu cailio! su> poinb expression froni'bthe big Inourance cent- tlîren'aled l the euemy. Fu'rhermore, pallies Ihat iîssîre experts, but vas net h lins tlhe Nationual Gurdsieo of 115,000X stieesafuoutîili Monula>, osheu Ilunsa ieau> for an>- emergrucy. os-ireiltbâ a sr rites n-ire in effect. This Spaine, toi),.isprepareal for hboitilities. an one-qîlartîr of 1 per ieut sîlalcîlte the Site bas iintao. ful> 80,000 men thie regular i-te fcorerittsg lois trous ail riî situ> ibi-re bus îug ràtcitt> licen re-cu- iusory ianses. Oit lai-eu-Ishlpuî'nts Ibis la fnria-e. She lias ralleil oui her rfferes, aislvaîice (if 50 lici- cent. Thbe reglîr anda made isiary preparation te eniai rani cargoiati-a' afiseegbths of 1 iîer cent tufle-ca. Shc hliauite s formidable t(cet fi-on Atlantiic andul ti-i-equaurlîrs ait 1pet ut ibagno, auîl, 10 supiport the sanie. cent frauni gnlf ports. 'The cause for the quit.- a sîtinler rt srarslîwa. uistrîbuel -adottisin oofsai- ratés i i ule t-Ie evet. at thr pinltts in thlîe s't Iodien. She oftitaulilties ai.> shila carryiigithe Amuer. bas ciseil a uaililoteansd la fast loup, co fiag osouid netb licostfefrentattan'k plyiug ber uavy saId army i> oiieci-y- -b> a Spanliotusar remel. tbing that i.eov'eosry butheir efflcieîîcv. Spainu ueuls 1toi fgît if slie's givî-u baît MEN WANTED FOR THE NAVY. a chanîce. lier <luaerumcib lai-e uîat ado ollierunise, ie civil lsîrife break out andti-Poters Callaz for Mecruîts Ar.ela- the i' îaîareluy blie orrroIui. auedut Washington. In ocilr tua le foll repaccIl for uhul - le sitit-ul for the Viiteil States ever inus>corne, a fusmher aixposîtînnor jotlias.o-arge Isaters uith flinuing beaul- thie waraislig ou the Atlanticcùasnt basl Li- a n&amagnilýcenb lportraitsaorut(Oibat.- been made. 'l'.-iapouerful ficela have iîî'shipm or-e Issuse,]fron the Nar> lDe- REDISTRICTED DEPARTIlENTS OF THE ARMY. t t t t u b ti c fi ti T tl P, eý a cg R y ti 0 a] Avenues of Esespe Cnt 0f sd ViatI Lep frontWindows or Ars Hurilal the Rlus nof saIa'Storr truatare on Webssh Avenue. . Terrible lSao.s Wltnissad. Wia( osas ps'obably tie mont appaliîng Chicago lire silice the euId storave Isolo- canat et (he World's l'air, liroke ont lb the Conover iano builing, 215 la 221 Wabisb avenue, at 14 o'ciock Weduesilay torenoon. 'T'le desîli list may reacdli f' teen andl bbc nuumber utfiangleil aud osouuded la tunice (bal. Wbtlin haîf an linur aller the siseel o! lire aliiotfttra thse top (unr oruthe c ix-stoIry building, (he contîre structure uns os apped lnludames, aud the crash of the bage vall as (bei tumlaleil donnvsus berilfour bibcks arrunul Th~le Conîîrer Pianuo Coampany occupîi Iliree duors Ofthebmbuildinag, iociuding btie groutualor. 'l'île re'uainlng tenants o! the buiuldinug on-ei-e t'NatioalsiMugic r'ompais>. thé' l're-hsliyt-riau Boarl of Pub. licatuuas'îuuîlSîect, Wallasc- & Co.. pbo- logi-spir ic attîiies. The lire startel on the fiuoi - îcs-îaîleil lu> the phoîtograpie asppuy Ci-itiaauit. 'rheu lior osas aloi-ci unith cleiu-usî-lxaD thebbcdry, lunier-like maîteria.. s enuîiîuyed iinuiitinfscturing pho- iograulic supplies. It oaa amollir (hua Inflamîmabule aliulf 1ha the fire starîrd. The. dasme.aqiuiiluly prendl luthe flor lie- acaîli, vhî-re the Nainl Mule Comn- pany hall mains aif son-- shepts packcilda>a Elevauuis bu-a uge îînervlclile, clair- sayas il'd ss tIi atilliuîg moite sud ail exit*S ave la'yba-essiuilaows s ore cut off. rhr- wCre îînr 4001 persions la tlhe buiîling, aîîliineos indons lb,'> ruiieil On ever> oume au!flithetapelr Mflos. The> crssuled ont on the comuicsaidîdourn the lre ua-- lite Mies. '1'by pooreil out of the exils ot-r one anotlici. Men aud wounen ]espr-iltfront athe Wiindliows. Somne acre cataglit ln bbc arms. or hystanders sud la tulasake i., es-ping with their bies. Otîbers feli l, d-ah. The Ist-ct oas packcal vIi hpeople. The flamnes ru-ahdie a store of sarnaihandi 'hei'uis aontuthe thirilliner. 'lbere uns &là explonsionî, and thle froint Wai w55 Mo luu toituaî. latelglass*isindown sau'ros lue aura-el mver.. slasîîcred Sgenre' s-crs auuruîldanaltmai>mare unene .rsrckbyb the tîying alu-ui. Thet irouîg ili the strertbtecamé seiscil siOl a pamate. 'Tlic pIduil tarqtei 1 rnl &lonvg thrim limgifuii-e. M ien and viomi-l ielI 'Itue> n-ieetrntluaîled lupaun. lu a mollit niaisthe crus. ai uuslil on. litige tlîuruîiug a taconlalruapVeulou Ibeir beails. 'coma froant ltie- ci-oaa ali-ec pngeallito he' xiggling nias.. .Neither baurses sor mCaa.ii-aalaa .Soine nf (lic lorses re'sr- -il aloai-au-k nuit. oouuning men sud unn-iia inillunse-9 sucre ralleil ont frount &il s.tuains n thet-yin0rare for the deed andINluîndcai The Susumuiall usai iitez -ci-l l<M, i RUSH TO THE FROZEN NORTH. bisai Klondike Proapectors Rlterh the PacIfec toast. Oner 5,000 Pi-niecuurabave tiasseil np he Sîruiîa ite fGetorgius amin e eseasson opt-ned. bouiuil for Alasbsn ports, accoraI- ing tua a ]citer front ('amuli SuMi. ,rcelsv. -il at %Wsshîegtou. Mr.Smitb uinIe: TIme aansee ahiIsitalof the amyn>ofpros- ue-iaiboanil for te Klondike gaul ais ua. sri- rd -ilosttc 1Iel'ca-rin. andlla evea larges rce- bin s«.a.a.lIpetud su sari> ln lime yer-Aiueait fur-aftis ai-eAmuerl. Clna. thught mlir eone front Englanil andl alu fca,u iinsanitlalicolonie.That saure tsi-c t&igobe la due tu tic iau'k of rouai uns theii# tAiis attougt 1ler. ai-s' t caor un> . teanrs ansuChonersCostiantl and swaleiy raipla>rilusesr-isg men.s. o.ib bor>i-s. dagas.asudprovision% lit, taui the am r Martoeg.n iut th$ thit. 3itIaet 51bSe éanc fi-outhé,Roundi. and. iuiiii-5i- o the sllerai-aIi thue waters et umiaîvaC il auasn- t l> sarsandssi.-i 1iu Iy agthe ataru àsuatipem.A tisijuil îîîliilîet siîa sat liiitfaîi-t- sa steamers stuil sciai> fouir msu i tmg cu-i-ulsi-e sai-e uagi isit a lai arai la t u-u ls t ulantsii l. ports. i-au ne (i. ut othe Alisaksu Ouai-u Alauil im.-t Vii iatusa (De ir wo uîilî tu uaiiaan (su ti.i5lh ct.ten', fromt as aute3ta irJ a sail alle itue trip, wtîiue-i lu ca cri h loua ecta loiait t litîr sever.i Allinak- le«,,uieisIrs- lul ien Io ls>- iShîua ah tits liaI thave--hi-e die tair e ara tasteruu-auiei-tiiiiied. li- us ru-il, eiito ,pu-atsauit lreusit hi et5mc- % I--. Doit'.1au&rg'- lidea il, uer a eîî. s. uailty.As a uuatuurai réunit., lui-tas îatý pnasge lo..1arrai>liceh- 211-,s r.lier euot. liOaitri r-uiil>r-ra- mailinug the u iaa>eln i mur timlamcs. Tuauaîîî'.la w111i lme ite tuîuct 'i-î .lea-iie S-ai-calla si il ieu ac it nuantia. unslc.lileril. turtbrag liui-esoi-a as thefau>a liglien Tir ang. -s uothea. 'uul. ahirai> aiusmlelsait lic knoo ulte ti l a oseita heu sntiail ilkel> 1 eunýtre en an inelependetesulineill hudu donoi lliuer lime tegirs tua ttc friasen Nlorth. in uaa orua-uae0ftthaauiemuesIn-u -ress in mie u-ouuauleg traite. pilota.taave ho ci eu.sIanl> -ipiayed «to ara'Dot tf. Mtilla i-st IlI, uaua' -f.tsudaSrouk. of lime of.iiiî'auaufllaunaistti-iugb tlh Ib te thanei ta, Alaska ieucsandl siradyIwo1 etmsmeishas b-en wrrcted. and>rh pi-os ui .1ui.uot otutilaI.oa, Buit asillng a. thre" ai-c chers reCffIcul Ilke blth oiiuaun aduli-caslta sresident of anuveir. (i- tihare suruckIt hienctmandu ankuiosuscree cuensthe borater'laAuassia acrer hetnre serTi h in. nsut the cilaes ofth1e i-u-bslauinisoe dyaphi-cl utp f$3000 ina r-e goild. (cli îsu- husisesa.or- gin. !t on>, alimaIcore qiuk st tenmesa long vinitthe ci-oeilgo unrtliregardless a! muse, lcr, alarmaini-or w"e. The oultittiag t-aile la the scelle ot der"e tst,>elitsii salns: the itferpni a-lItes af thc Cou ei. itlihn gilaiew utctua s ailn i-suej att nie-lprausperil>. .act as (liey tare sot ksowu to- >cars. Telegspbic Brevilea., Calbfornlaa peti-olenîn (iaile in beomlng. Tbirt>'-too ieun Wells have been aouk mince Msi-cl 1. Reporta troi saiuus pointa lu Newr Englnil show tuat thr Cutton mill tnike viii soon eil. The conventiou o! cattie raiser, at Fort Worthi. Tex.. raîseil a auliscription for a monumetnt (ou(lie ieail ofthOe battlcsbiiîî Maine. At Iloli> Sprints, Misa., littie May' Briggs, the 4-year-ol dsughter ut James, Bniggs, sunallouneila (autton and lciobeil to deatlî lu a tco minmutes. nasin bas tailen nhioudantly &Il oven Kansas,. and stock osater, orbicl vas aCance, in noon pleutltul.suimmpatures andl vîrat ai-c much benefibeul. A centractwos let b> bbc Board of Pub- lic Affaire tnrlgbtlng the city o! Fort Sr( , Ai-koIIIeeeriît.The con- On %'edaesdiy tbc posboilce appropria. lionsblI. vihorsstec1hnicaliy the soli - leet before the Hause, uas aimenttlait truck etflu hue iebate. The Culisu-Spa- l question, wbi bail beeu lept la the backgroundil eretofore. fui-ged te lhe fi-ont. Mr. Cuctiran (D)em., Mo.) brongilit thie questions mb d lanthe course outhbec iebale Ihat toîloveil Mi- Gruavenor of Ohio Itok ccsion le ilcai enilltcallY the tonries sIboat te the et- fect Ibist the P ii-dieuit ilcareil an cari auljouiriumnelii o! Cuuiîî in uorder Iliat ho miglit effecb a setlîemerut vîthout cn gru'maslooslInlerterencc. 'T'le sihjeet of IitAmollsu aiuaexaluîu alto came lni fer attenion. Mr. i'uillinius <Denî. Misn.). 3i-. Adams (liter,-.l's.)andilMi-. Berri IlcsKy.), ail meinlera uftIhe Foreign Affaira Caummillcc, tuile sîeece.aen the suubjt'ct, Itle truitr in suuîpoitionandailthe tissulatter le tuvoi- uitthe proposition. Busîinesluithleigoltvî' session et bbc Ss'iaic tes caslUitaa-d lu bbc lesagsetfa teis bilia. htai-iI>out uluirai character. The untionlquaraliie bll %a sutceus- sidered. On Thtirsath le sewson o!tbbthe ose wua t u ah" uritly petahlime uslulie op- taiton iaolli. sshili 550. aken np for no uuîiiuienit utrr thelie ve-mînule ruile. Tii'he uo iusîîla-I ontrseu îhe major lui-tion of ilieme lii nla ted ulthelballow- suite torvi-luilire a nt alffn'sandl ts ru i-e tntri-.- u-iii- r> - 'l. Honte inct'caa- ual thie lasaurfui-rucal free delîsci'> fraîî iu.uN t.Sito &W aîldftateil lie îautuoîanfuriýr easd clerk hir. Aiaig lue bill. îuasîîlintuIhe Sutute was 91ii -a ai ,1uaa t héli- gru-it la Il-s li a e tIbe llac- afit l (uhi Ssissip Nii -bugan. sui and,(sei.,-vis fe iarmatuent, 1mb Io exces'd $~,0.Adjourued titI Mon- loy. O9, Friautitu-U is Penî s zot he-ils>a on IltîauaIta-'iremcaar bin iuî.ll uibt ildp~a i t ai1 ,fol> tir,,Jluires uif th. blaI. INI ualo ailIa.' aloi', aîest. i .l oraudu-t.b ,taiu-ta--safiu ile A ia nuutuihmli, beimail nu- ruil.uN. îuira-t. Iusud mlii Plu liaiaa"j h- aulvasata:lt> .1i 5uliiui- ilit hc cinz aaiuot Ai. effort bai uiiaiaiutamui iîîî-îîa aa'autlrauidmugtirtha aSiiiai- î isj..ti,hentitienMaila sc-leiiag 5 P-a.taiuItuaaiiriuie the icoca t-noaaî il au- e juri .,i'.a h, s l-i s fuir uiîatii ii.t ara.iruaa i li ushi-bhbal ladr iruaol h le i f stmuî,- de. issuetr., unuîsaaraîu r fmail» an ai9171t mmb55i t r Suauis I failtue, bic liai-i taSuis 'ia ndîîaN ew Oleuanus ail $ f5ifac iatiial fau-ilii-tr,,n ra visas CitvlauSu-sitoui. Ka. 's. ' ý ilui sasu mu aol> iu ia ah îu-,uai-8osof slt'untest. 'riis crt, .odtaiiili aaadiais'lu'ul bu.le-m inise Al!. i , ffa rt t,,a ruith e apprit- pirauatio fr ariouiiaaulictasportation oalg- al>- tfaie.,nud l..Ii-.,ule'onSouthertu n'ail siuial> îî as 7; ti «axaaimiol slrib- uuai ui lbtiy 1-ult liia iilîlta ir malles. 5uriuat tie "fu auur-rthie saiud> ore Iaiesiîhal(nis u-iait li-i-ut sale on s uîi-tiîîiîtua i-i-a auinit lh utiimtructtione. 'rît' Niaiti- nlut I-ill tu-l unall .t-nautu- loiii t-a lui-f fiue a fini uf th,' Iscui i-rla-adai uu isaa it J.ahîu tas- oîî,îîîahî tTua$..ti.l 18-a- iîi. linirtis iii ,fiaa a , a id etl a> lb.- gu iiah igh ai iaaa . cail. Ilii%%ua liti- vli-l hl. iiI a -i.tik 5 i.-. masilmus a.k. Tlb i- iim.- u -a» at-. hiMm. lr a ita- 1iii M ar-it.B a là uitrauIiu-i- liii- sf iil-liniiu 14anIsitsl iii th.- t1 an id Sual.-.. 'lu- uîu'aln- ruiiaauhaut u.. ii'aii ia4 vill naît iii ufu i uaiiil ia-alislauor! nuns-tiuin .illl hi aicuatuuul l tscqualifical , ,ta0 if Ili, ilii auaal t iaiat lu s r.f turuuîatui-la ta>ti Mr-.u. lleum nutrei tll lit nimn5OC îf i llinugripoul tit-u Setu-u-aru i liai- liata iia-furirmumfria- thýliiiatot(,i l](ii uiiitiilaar ait ali-lasses ut the pbnsion -ll . A itiular of his of îucîrîaaitiaua bil ,ai hua -ulurut ,luiarnmil bal liait tast iia.a li itlst -al luciau aen. a'lac. h, , caE.u-fr,auîî li.' faîuurtmi. Naegillia a- a nbs-1m1u)andi ul-uîu ul îtil4 uu L ,au-b. s ilm. iiug tua lb.-iblini-ns ut NI . I(i- aif Ktiitîîr,, osho %%ri, lau huaa- qn1uaa (i-authe lia,- ttînîaîî. bthe qauaraauiaa tbill au"is. fîi-hlîa-r ul'taei. NMr. ('ai-r tri- <-! lia i 'aauimiti.'un TlericturleN nu;l il tit tiin ui- tni ialai a i ncvii 50v- Sî-îîta mI.lit eigih litî,m ut. NMr. <ialliigen, ushuac tit r raa iaii fia 1 iutrhiip. toColin, O uuuhiaii hi-a i Iluit lia - 1iu :11ha iiieti> sulîresla rim- S-titi Iuoal-rvutluoualut Cuba. NI. c.lathe-riii-îil -I u-red(,-itlats o! bis oalleiiem. Mr. luuu. for bbc terma aM nie hlt-l atc s-antair oovcriug ix >eîns trott Nirai 4. 1SIMO.'Te credsa- ltialu-nu ca-rtnd aud iii aruIuca-l imd. Ainiong tlt-i.' t Weoa-iill aa ii. T aine thelie of protim~ i- t Oi-luintulite District et Coluîrnhaîa ndal bth -i-itiui'is'ntoiS ycars. Tolt llt a Fe- Linee. Onu-r 7i4t l'auttia acattflelfroem (b lIi-k plauir i aîalaInmili, dnrng itti-luàritlIai- aali iilsconven(tion St Fiant Wuinib. i-. tuark tirle value et chaittt.lJ n-lsîger] hî a. t S-,nuii-it tt' Nuroegisi panlis. nita-tt huis n--auuiuiauiermai suffrage 7satiiutn nr flauct- IqCigeO.5 o-( puu nntîuîu-of tmlu- la i ila oieqe cruisers tuais lucuit liiill !Ilthe(iiilsStates are Okîn iuuna u ieil-t>bsiiiiih iiulci-eted il, n ilvuaaahus i ii asu011 Lariid st (bis si-alaii ait thle 111-ai cit tCoaurt. The suit lah c a uuuil'lu>'Mi. Siain Bigsqnake* os-hua s jutaia lIe-pI rat iuaumfi-ami Creu Iliiauau ( I ilt tiuu . lis s Tle ahel art fulI iialoedli'iiifirliiis. WailIlu ui 'aVili(ras uetild uit at Austia. Tt-%. vii:tthe Ia-lluîuitonîaiaid Te-xês (es. brItmral La!lni ,iattni fuir $2,500 damc. agei. u.leging t ilt li- eiuu'* a irat-clae tIcket butt uns toreul b bc he odauo tu ride lunsasusober, ivas ahssseil hith* coul ucter. anIdiarigel wi(lh liqlg drnpsy - vhea. tg tact,lie wu@ nlou> lmhall vblêh".is sggRsi'at if #,' It her un dêei yl 'brai Il 1 aga hlm pas bap e'ud lsas Toi hlai rl brs tlier fuir r-1i . lu }aec J h wl th . an ii Iii dus La- tua .t in Ir mIr L 1 i-n jui fa iii Iii A N ta lu Il >- ai il. 't Il (t Il ai la * lu v e bu il il b * b a il il -i -- i il t a--

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