of cosl tChicago; has been trams-M fertred to Montreao Candt. - w ce mnssi ags-A brightenoreraborealis, orD-orthern eia tOI" 0Klamincky » OM $ PW C^pATNS $END SE. What many an Amerlean farmer faibli OOUR RENCES DURING TH E lghts, display was visible at Mascoutah ACRSSTH WTER t d o 10 are tp Qut Hllnd.PA W g gfor several minutes the other evening. Mr. John R. Prontor, formerly atm er in Belgium easly doses ontwo acres, Ilesolutions have be-en adopted by the elgs fKnukhswitna nmlsuport a large fainly and Naval Reserve Asso.ciation of Illinois to article for the Century on "The Man. mi MmerofGvigorer s 1o lay by smething for IL rainy day. ne tate Billard of Arbaitration Would Pre- raise $1,000 to equip the Chicago ship motha Cave of Kenitucky." Mr. Proe-. a Matter et science-Messges can does it by making the most of every veint strikes -Coloreld Preacher Witt crew. for says: gin qaIt oat Night-Electric Lightsinch. by heavy manuring, allowing ne Fight for a White Wife-Gagned $7,. Gen. John McCionnell. tathler of Judge Passing southward through Kn.- tha alk wate lacs. is wo cre ar su- oo ha Hnk obbry.S. . Mconnsell of Chicago, (died at St. . tucky on the Louisville and Nashville rounded by a ditch Of runnIng water. John's haloptai lin Sprmngfield, aged 73 Railway, the observant traveler twill Sigulals of @fotaps. The typleal two-acre Belgum farmn seek. to Avert strikeaoie ln aotfot ilsto Of All the things tat wenlt down incontains a patch of wheat or rye and The Sate Board ofArtriohai- D.FanM.rioffEvnonw1 Lusvleheodclms udr a me Maisn, nothing was more vita, to another of barley; another fair portion suedt the folwnrireiular letter to, all!"reachs hi# tirit seri motas pator of the Hill, which ls the northern escarp- the nay than the gafe recovery' of the graows poittes. A rosi of cabbage Mayers of itic,, tons and vlne in Mettropiolitnan Church of Washington ment of an elevated Ilmestone plateau signal books from the captaliu's en1bin' grows ail around n,the sloping aidesg the Soate: ".a% importunt part of sihe- April 3. 1sloping gently to the soutit and vent, abould they have fallen hoto the hadis of the ditches waM >n row of entons work of the S$atelMoard lof Arbitration lte-sidlents of Ausotin are mnaking a gen-..Tera rvrssti lta o sere Jst nsdeleaingbae wlkig iso tahat of the t e iit"f otrove.resoral comiplaint thast the blasting tbehaitdonc about one hundred miles, and descende of the Spanin rdourecret nd twoles utinie.laig aewakn hio etwenemployer. and the-ir employes b y bythe contratorsoni the drainage canal•--m a southern escarpsment into the bain wead-b comonproert an a ebetween ltheauand the gran TecoclitonI it asbenflound thatthea.nt Sumnnit In cracking the walls of thei--fcntaTeese.nthsdtne Sen, elof Sp ganish spes. itin sorser-saetesrud h os r erintervention of the board is miuch more house" and vcausing the plagter to fall.-0- cnlythree sesecrosed-Notane sle cmdserey mmrasu mr-trees. Every rfoot of land ls made toeméeo eoethnatr tie r JnahnSen.wowa etncdt ree ndBren ie rs; an be- produce. He keeps pige and echickens. krkout ha. twen Inetuailly inautiguratedt. It lire impfris<mmssent in 18849, when hie aa1t la.tweentheservrn theenrsrf;ac e- We refer to this as illustrating the pos- is therefore very impoartant that the Ixoard yeairs aold, has been pardoned fromt the drae ige paierawa thntrug subtae- sibilities of land production. In Bel- be promptuly adviserd, ont only of all actuall Jolit t penitentiary by (Gov. Tanner. While dranepchanes, giving is t cri- glum 6,000,000 people, chiedy farmer, but of aill tratndstrikles and lockLouts drunk Skene killed Schioolmaster Mast-ous "snkhonle" ogigrphytewhich is lire on a piece of land the ase of the woithin the State. To ohi. end you are toriks nt Derindas. peular ,Ie to isregion. he cie State of Maryland. They furnish au requetstedt, in (,ase, any strike or llokouit Because shte was afraid to teilliher par-lradoa-hpe ersin r object lesson on successful 'farming.- ghalil occur nt youir phare or it s winity, enits mshe hadlbeena disciplined in school.s ueosta nlcsterm 'R 1Wrdor in the eve-nt of threatenied trouble bc-' Helen HRagley. 15 years old, living in Chi- a npae h ie Cmas ra o.tweentans employer lisait employos. Io engo, took poison. Shte was eauqght In amost touch o ne another, and one can Good for the Coe. promiptly niotify this board lof the fart by stime by a teachler and a pyiinsc sometimes couant severailimundired! to The other day a bieycle rider found Mail -ortegrp.lys doings yout will reededol in restoring hier to conisciousnuess. the square mile. Through vente t the a rare chance for sport. Hiemwas near confer a favor tuobtis oard nditper- 1. 10. Wood. the creasmery mon of El.botinom of these isinks the surfate . the suburbs of Worcester. A ,farm hap. at thei-samer lime. avert or -ontrial- ;in, is visiting; Arthur Mi. Beaure, the ater passes downward inito caverne wagon appeared, with a cow trailing uile to the peac-eful set tlemeniýtt of a seriounsec-rtary of the United Statem legatior at and underground streamts, emptying beidptenl ubitnghrel oditiculty. 'almi .Mr od artie-titollethe abesnamed rivera through be led by a rope from the front seat. sne. for a White Wife. counttered smerious obsotacles ontheir way ace asna ae eeadi The beycle Idiot rode spito the cow At Mlasetthl. Iter. .J. C. Wýilliamns, ta to the interior of the country nditnarrow- places benelaith the surface of the riv- FLEaT aloNALS 019 FLAos. and began a seres of factice to annoy coored i tisi.t preacohe-r, has empo.verd i esalpolassassoination at the hamolus0 he ok ol aet er He punched her In the ribs, yell- 'anl a1 ttonyadpooe obgnmna er otmt.Tesraeriko hspaeu Neiok ol aet elsued In-epmurs procoged rud irûings t Iolompelistheclerk of Airs. (Gertie Molleshof Chicago wa$ The sucrbnce-rous fltisptoeawhlc and before every ship could b oiede1nh)er n dde ron e t.('!air CouintyIt, issue a marriagre li- drownerd in a well at lher homse. Suicide ___ _ --_- ---_._ -_t-___ - - she ur sever undrie fe- hik, and supplied anew with aother "keys.,'legs. recasionally lhe feltt back and eFnse forhi.it wnborearyMi whledmete s upoedtohveben TH POuALIAORdnw ad ae adltteefec.uo mssv, emraby oogneu menths of prk-eless time would be lost takaing hold of ber tall, attempte o Lavina Davi s a mmely younsg white Ilhe(-:lise. Mrso. Mshwas orecently ro.te.-isget hrcersl athtrc, ihn itreig stataof and our service severely crippled. Sig make her tow his bicycle. The coinob womatin. who attenids his chuirch. She ix leased ftromsthe detentiob hspta.and Rapid Dectinq of One of the Ugitetit.m.ehasintqrued new e aotteockhallr a ndo ne-connd itos ost nalig between sisis aas old as the jected and kicked viciouly. This only labiut l19years of ael da ppeafi tiitrs dreeply -she wenrt lout of athe house and, beriosn mias"~iehài Beasta on Earth.ot he@al o anuta--oni mn bille, amost; but only within recent amnused the rider, and lhe directed hi@ smitten wvilathoe olored divine. Williams eco, a >enroeh was madle, resoulting lin tinding Floidatorstsote ahar adanc tings to bn nt arnew -v X1meth of favorable fur the forma.ign of cav- th ldclais tht uner te eqallrghtilawsernbdyeiathewellp avnetrenting what 1% prlin.iedwhile have erne; consequently tis region con- yers has It become fthe selentitle ne attention to an annoyance falt wo . Cainsedbathe last Ilin olisl risltlaturelher oyi h v.In the price of alligator material, and erxvated a demand lof antientIrely newtfain,& more and larger caves, in a given eemsity it isto4day. A sip withot induce her to continue kleking, menan. pa-- y i atIlni Ag .itit. I 'l, nTo-burglarx who give the names oof also ln the rawimaterial In life. Tfls yo.AdtitkraolShtasnteaetsuayéhrrgo ate somne means of distant signaling ls even while keeping out of reach of her leeos. han, th elriconse>nt f rs wiewanse o wrefllwd ro:07Waah v- s wngtote agederasanlhetmewhc asha o anfsti- ord I EmnsnContwhr wore il'thn adub mn ithutFinll th aima soppd ickngandprp .ss o lo soif he ha. to take the anle. Chicago by Willie Mcu ahn. 5 upply. DlminutIvelivealligators have ___ - - -- the celebrated Mammoth Cave Le loca- arms, for elhe la not only paitiabfly mute, appeared to become indifferent.BoSoubliter to the state suprenle Court in or- yenr old, wohosec homedihey badl plunder- advanced from 25 eents each to 50 ed, It la claimed that. there are as many be dangerouly so aàs well. It is sel- spectators dn a flsitig sltreet Car eh- der to get a licensle it o mrry. cod. The boy pointei lthemuoutintthree cents, and -larget'o14 n inproporton: tunSasfive hundred known caverne. FranlinIlak R1,hrd. policemen on an elevated trahin, and after somle Instances a greater lier cent. la A range of bille of uniform height, The goteBan ilak linu an robbedla striugle they were arrested. charged for thec full-grown reptiles, for running parallel witha the railway and of about $Î.100 in mlonley. The robbers At Chamspaign. the regular Btaff of the they are much scarcer than are thei, several miles distant, wUilhb observed effected un entrance to thie bank through Ilili"I the Uniiversity of Illinoi dca ayalgtr-to the sorths. On nearrInspeetion a window and blew open the valt and papier, took a place in the back-grounid and Tis la uecause of rthe sportsman and this will bie seen to e ia level plateau murae door. 'The robberv was the work of the youing women of the institution issued] his deadly gun, who shools the saurian rising ont of the limestone plin, and expert.. and it h< the suipp)iit ion tat the papr. Mien Emmas Rhoades ac'ted out of mere wastennessm and fidesire 18 hbeld up by a esppinig of mase sand- thtree men did the work. Aifter the rai--lis eitor. Ant interesting foature of the makle a record. The Remlole Inianssoe tisbnahte rtcino berry they ecaedon a hand (-ar lover the isslue lies in the contribution fromt thealso conduct a war of extermination this sandstone-cappedl plateau thaet the Jacksonvuàle andt St. Louis Ramilway to younirwomsen of the College of Phoyssetanitgainst the alligators, but as they kill larger caves are foend. Green River Jkonie.where it Iis thought they aond Surgeons, Chicago. 1 for revenue only they are, ln a measiure,hacttrogtispaanoadet boade aChcao nd ltn ran nd Nea Nbo o areentniht areigonexcusable. lohey alto trap the slomaller of about 3:h) feet; and as the sand- went souith. The imoney takien wax mosat- meeting was in progress In the se o one@, fo h iybb 0o 2ice tn ai bu 0fe hcw ilsmbills. houne, when Deptty gSherig %n alspon en. .,te iybbe1 r12Iciesaoecp!oabuV>rn icv teedwih wrrntfo te rrstofin length to the foungstee r ofetwfindlabont edM feet ef massive lime- Change in Monmouth's Progvrams. John Althiesen for asanuit. Althiesen three or four feet. atone exposedl above the drainage loi- A inew depasrture lin the order of acier- drew a revolver and commenced sootingr, The baby 'gators are boxed by the eiletu hv 3 et stepe ciss n omenemntda mMomoth and a panie resulted. Waliapon fell to the curie dealers and sold to taies»who eort limait Of the vertical extension of College wil be inaugurated this year. The tioor fatally wounded, with twor butllets affect gireat interest lilth ugly thligs these caves. The evidence te conclu- tediousa program ofu orat'oams and essayl lin hi. body, and a moment later Mtrio. for pets. As the'gate - only liveaenair nive thaet the»e cave& have ben eut 1 UR ~will bie suipplanted boy antadstresshby ex- Jacksontfell, lightly wouinded. AlthIe- and muddy vater and an oeccasionalcdown te correspond wtith the deepen- affp Co392 AND T"E N1n9A9"EMA3oE., Vice-President Adliit E. Stevenso",n. Tii., 18up0K"en started for the door and the offBeer chunk of meut every tharee or four days,Atnn. An wnv.ngothcanecubyGenRer InagseAs "r-Ao". the iauguration of 'e l4tetelK.Teman ump nbis bone red adnthey are not troublesom. The lodians, self, l aone wIleh in bound te makle It- In the region Immediately along the R. Lyon., wiil cotitute ain important bsýae knowing of the scaretty of alligators la self neutvely known, and whicha the line of the railway. where the sand- dfflp"sibe, evei n tilmes of peaice, at serve,however, thaetsellh ad turned event in the hiktory of the institution . all of the Florida stresams, have fimi- new*lpaper proprietcor la eoming to ree- ostone capping and the upper limaestone 6«a la bail a pudding vessel by speech, hier head so as to keep an eye on her The body of aged I o ver Irwin, an Ilh-. tated the pairface curio dealer and ognile aâ absolutely emtial fer im h ave been removed byir rosion, the 8 aillities of war to do no would be persecutor. It took her a few minutes Drave Her Lover Insane. noix veteran of the civil war woho lia.carg more for their 'gators, te take a ccounsat of. caverne have leus vertical extension, prietialy denied by thme conditiona of to get the range, and meanwhile the News "f a sensýational suicide comses eared from lhithomte in heton t h ayalgtrwientvh n orsodt the loweurvnge Serette. Sonne sure and accurate mensbicycle Idiot grew bold adrcke t rom Maissac Counlty. According to re- night of Sllunday, Marchsi, wax sadun. ablefr lthiatsmallhie,m ar ledFrcnhetdies.nd ofresMamotthendother cavenuto et visual tommunication must serve encourage y her quiet behavlor. Sud- mr e, as 4tlenrx bttpi mrn wr nays ekatetr eyngof thait tow . bythe hundreds and mounted. Somte The abanonmetof the Froebel sylo- the north. Doubleons large caverns, b«aéd; and with unsvoe have reecourse denly the animal darted forward, so oppo e te arriage of the to.in a lit There were li n mrkm of violence ont the serve as thermomneters-the tube run. tem' la the governmlerrt schools In l'aria corresponding to those now remaining m ellor, formi and sound. At present as to get a slack ln the rope, stopped of despondency the youing lady took poi- remtiainsg, and it ia feared by his friends ning up the back. Ancother curio ls a 1 sm an intere«sltmi dmationial annxoune-. beneath the sandstone plateau, exist- We bave nO less than eight umea-ns Of short and let both heels dy. lHer atmm son adiedi,. When theyoung maon learn. that lhe drowned himiself whitee despon- baby alligator standing upon his hind, ment. The Parascorrespondent of the edl here before the alppier member of afgpmUnte;and, paradoxical as It mayiwais sure this timie, and the bicycle went oed of it lhe-becamne a raving maiac. dent. Mor. trinawasnil1years old and feet and piaying a vion with Iits fore. New York Elvening Puât Imakes this the limestone was eroded frcm this eemw4ie ar eot in the dark by day-leut from under the Idiot's feet. The hadecmedepressed in mind loisaccount feet. Other" are arrayed as waiters comment uplon the 4change: **xp)eri- areas. ght, for then toe must (depend for street car spectators raised a ahout, Cyclone at Mond. lof impaired heailth. When hie lant left hi" offerlitn ome article for sale or hldi. ence has19Proved the wi-loMU of the old There La no means of estimating the. thegreter part upon the doubtful fnut- the motorman rang a chime with his, A cyclone struck the littile ltw of house lhe told hain friendst they would final Ing a lamp to light visitors to a tank saying, 'Work whien you wvork, and etn ftecvrsadsberna 9eing et our liage, and the questions- gong and the farmer and his boy whip.M oflgunds The wid blwayfuriusyn- h boye.adth odnga1-oto 8-otlv ara. 1play iwhen you play.' A gamue forced' setreas onthcivs agionEvryoneaof Me iloterpretation of color and formn1ped up the horse. The Impanssve cow nd agfigtc a The four heciro of the tlaT'Pui Hawley Alligators three or filmr feet In length, the toeachers say, is no longer agame: the Innumerable depreesons or etink- whib dstncean reracio tet nlywigle he erslndiav anim th tac. W. R. lit ncaotelkeeperou of Oswegro arc very much concerned t(-, mounted serve as grotesque advertse and while the children are amue apt tholes--save where the vents have beeon aneat confuse. At night, backed by aginary fly on her side a triumphant was seerl injured by a tiying window rte eu1l onyCurt. Huden et nMpertobrs aua"frtte onwayo roblsi-coetusfrigpnscmui Mhe dteep setting of glcoomit laen easy slap with her tall. The wheel wansui, salash. Muchdonaage was done in the Hniý,,y (died aseverio weekas agiobe left no;thalt the stranger Ls frequently La doubt t-ructivre 'Mothler play. The authori-caewt.anudrondhnelr twisted thnat; the rider hadl to walk adjoining farming country- w-il]lskand au estate vallued at $150,000. A cave, and the aggregate lenigth of suceh home as hielplessly as the cow was b- HavrM. ao,11llie divorced wife survived hima. No alluner channels has been estimatred at malny Ing led. He will not sue thle owner of At llar irEdmod Burke -uyears was Hlawley dead tanhis ioueepr thotrsands of miles. Nor can sie forin the cow.-Worcester (Mamss3 Gazette. aldoi..Mmlittedl suicide lby taklins _arhi a Norwe'gian rwoman. ms t)pA Clisaimtat anyr estimate of the number and extent aId e lived lahout ooix hours. 1lli. rash shile was htis woife. Ne'tveýrthless the hepirs of large cavrerns yet undiscovered. THE AMERICAN GIRL. actid. hugti b uetth lqo nored lher completely nnd petitioned h Htfr h oinlaseiyasml -n AcotfeIru ist hv aN airurt to appoint ant adminmstrator, which Stream cuitting through the roof of One rtit Dclaes tat her laNo . _ _he id n th pesonof udgeIIolenackMammth Cave the present entrante Distinct American Face. Brisief Staste HIappenins. of Aurora. Niro. Oleson at once emiployed would nout have been broken open, and Recently the New York Herald invit. Albert Ecker has lancu appooin)ted fourth- vone iol petitioned for the remtoval of e hs h raeto aemgthv edtsaeveral distinguished artists to draw ca otmsent soth. ilollenbac(k. reinted eunkntson.caveral ogt heo sketches showing the conception of At Carliniville. Witliam Clark of Si. Adrigan atily uce uianhelrest abnd ms beatflceo eacha of the distinctive type of Ameri-. louis was rtui over and killedl by a train- lempt dt-o nrobthei bank of Braeeville woan nti einhv enfudb c ean young woman. The accompanying Cyrus Il. McCormnick hall boughit the made at anl early hour athe other Irnnglent.Hgidn ra eneusdoubtls pleture la Mr. W. T. Smedley's idea. Owins buiildiing.atienrourn andi Athum Ili il kown thaiat a itI ox containing 25 yet remain entombed beneaith the ex- But It la nt offered as a istinctive etree(ts, Chirngo, fromis!.nm%\\ Strong 1beIýlonging tol-avid l .oyd w.a. eue tenstive uplands reaiching ont on bolth type. beause Mr. Smedley declares for,$500,04Im n about $lis m change of the b.ank . 09 idles of Green River ROCKET AND sEABCULtGHT. Af nmnn.imtiatleau oney. That thet-burglatr did not secure .. n thlat: there la no distinct American face. jury has finllyW4 eechst, ;ltDry the a mc agrsmi u otefc htIn crossing the southern upland we 'TheerAmerfeanhgfrrmheesaid, "essAmes- lf JocMat elær.]: ed lwith kimu telwr creiwy eoeopeig come upon oval-shaped limestone val- atertofas frmiesou esagslean mainly In general get-up-in man- "" Me ih-'z," their work. Tlhey gainedl entrance to) the leys, surrouinded on aillmiides by a with accuracy and quickness and be ner, blearing and dires@. nWere you to . butaivl i ii inoIildfing frm the reair. They went to sandstone rim, with no out.let Bave sare of their proper reading. For day dress a number of menroirioen of I rry Gardine ntcdWillogr mowrks .,nlthet-afe andsucceded moinirhog et n h otm hs as-sttngaid tatpoylo ite-different nationalities exatly alixe you a" u"u' e ulig tIuak i h utrdo.They thens went to work --- valleys are somertimes hundreds of nattenal flag code common to aillmari- eould not, I1beieve, easily pick out the r 1 Õ · pl on the insid..e abc door. and haducel edin -areinxtt, nd repoby Mme nations--we have the service fla, ersnaie foefoCheohr aead 10. ut formocreuul a rudgerillingas:ilhole throngh that when they formsIed ytetfalngein of teniv eneth wg-agorsigl-fagcoeI've seen Russians who looked like Un- iogainst hi, cmpu n tookathiswre rdaay-hte the thing is alive" or not, and , averns, the debris. disentegrated by familiar to nearly every modern stchool- ele Sami and Americna who lookedl like mean o -f aegn t o.Tanner has rapproved the ation of mnake a detour la order to be on the the elements being carried awayl boy, the semnaphore code, an elabora- Russisans, and l'ce known any number The specal ommitteeapoitd ailhete State lBoard of Charities in reistrict- aesd throuigh the subterranean cannels. iqui of the railway signals, and the oftsimilar Instances. Similarly In a na- Dmcai n itbin eta osing the $ltaite houdistric-ts from whieb Vaeryabfew ooe epeaesces h fc hteitn ae ne h wistle code to be used either day or o-- mitteeox electa a isiioii l nthInsýaIne are-sent to the, hospitals. Tb- ulncahngarealatr.T rehlsurodn hsevlysav alght la foggy weather. The use of the which tolholthe comlp in iate s- canewas made necessxary (on1acco1unt Ii 1Iiof lglrg liaor.Teebeens froud ithrouh entr ances inhe speed code, holsted on the yard arin to tions as rrvIedits fiorue h inadthe erection of the new vhospita liat Rock seemns to be a mutual distrust and anti- sies of omed hofthienvaes In tn- gOve the .gradation of conceri-d speed, aan lresuilt ahe conilvitiýis %%l]1l e heb l Mant .whlis il, econ idleted A prilI1. pathy on both aides. While the alliga- sodcas.of nehatth maly aveoben th. «» hardly bie called a rode. A.Ide in' thet expositionm lblding ou thete The neupportioniment is based on the :orilm no*.always looking for adlght, but dcto htti a aebe h &om the dang code, consisting essaen- fair grouinds at:riiild pre-sidenitial vote lof 1MMi. The ioresen t leaires to be let aloane, hie will fight a condition. IlloiC oat tlartee elenintâ orilags ep- Th crrdiore ofthe ilflliotltiiii capac ity oofhthelittateoilinsanesPhospitals daris ondarky" . sonanught.iesAs soonk Naesheaspiess ally of threnmerlmets ram9ta n kagrTedito o hdefun th iay5.95, as follows: Elgin, 1,100; Kanlka- q negro he wlli dive and rise at about BPkNte l ibs Oreerepeaters--substituted 1in place of deemmu m inregard to the ao etof lc1, ,05 : art o t,12k0.slAnd ounty, lwe oeplce ndawdthina rreallediI-taswealtypeope, otfeent car dhqeation, and the semaphore cover- the legal contiroverýy witha th nodsmen t.50 The commiisslioners have created a i1 l atweiypolececnrech. og the same numierais and all the let. . of the lt( treasur,.r of llios Te istrict for Watertowni by transferring 1utan. NTsnthe caiatrwlse of white SUBSTITUTE FO EL nan. atrhv hsnt oca otO Me of the alphabet, the two remainaing have won om.e and have en eeae fromt the Elgin district the county of a unten. The lgtrwswm a way.dan te of their money in the family Bible a wig-wag and the whistle are ~~~~~~~~twice. The laM qstist cameseaIr b"1m9 alWhitesides land from theicJacksonville di.- anless t on satceadte ishr oadrta rlnigdr hr thsbe icvrdb -sedapon the familiar telegrade codes knockout blowo, but aifter a week of satd y trielt(lthecotunties of Bureau. Hienry, it willi erawl out on shore and use its Ing thle ageso of 8 and even M, as the chfance long after their decease. et dot» and dashles. The semnaphore in the mlajority of the- dep.. otrs have roin' lKnox, Warren, lIendersoon. Miercer and huge tait as a battering rami. One Froebel klndergartens do, the associa- A young nobleman, woi was la chudedi to remnain lin athe rio and k.ýT IRock land. The remnoval of these pa. %trokte will knock a man senseless- dinancial difliulties uome tiiem ince Soir service ean hardly bme counted upion hammei(ring atwn'ylat the Cieuct9c tiniancial ients fromt Jacksonville ncsiae the The searcity of the alligator crop lm tion of amusement and Instruction, hiadt occasion to refer té the family a tim of wr, fr theNew Yrk i the iantsunti the upreu Cout ofh- transfer fram the Kankakveedistrict to now aIlive Issue, and as tiis one of makestecidlcigi plcto Bible for a date there recorded. In oc adj y ssl so fitted, and the rest of the noix coin art :as re-ferre. The case proh~, the Jacksonville district (iffthe counties Florida's attractions it is urged that n ead iwihl lal doing he came across a number of @Np* are practically unpracticed in ably wilirl eteiupfor :a nwtrial at the ,f DeWitt, Alan, %Itawoin and I'latt. something be done to stoplathis whole. provedl by the fact fithatlthechildren BakfEnadnoemutngc, sendig it In he Bitis sericethe Maytermof te ClntonCouny CicuitThe caoty: of Shelby is taken fromt the sale slaughter. Itls possible tat the whleetekndraenat7g lectively to a considerable gism which ammphore In one of the most tried day- Court. Fromt there it wil[ be taken i u Knakee district and added to thet Anna next Legislature will come to the res- into the second and third grade of the more than met his liabilitie. 'lhen hi time methods of signaling; and thec ri- the Appellate ('ourt andtoi uwr- i it.reo the renls algaos primary schools, knowing reading, writ-realdhsmtr'dyn wod gMity and accuracy with whicha they One of the mtost successoofl art xhl- one hqundred quarrymen emlployed by Ing, addition, substraction, the geogra-ltht ' 'help might ue found In thi me dipatchmessges l truy woner- ions acksovill has nownwas hld mthe Wesotern Stone Company in lquarry NOTED BRITISH dOURNALIST. phy of France and the multiplication Bbewhnaloeroucsald' !With our blue-jackets they look teYa.t . ulig Iheeaese o 1, a mile north of Lemiont. refuse to table up to seven. go w'hile there are rtlele adaol edt h n ifol it as somethIng akin to marine imieno in oil, water color nditpastl, nd work for the corporation longer ,anliezsJ1 C. Harmeworth's Great Newalspaper stilil occasonal crdlent devotees to this Eth a adsalhe otei gainepal ags o ourday cde, uppl- I"a"A Te exeutiv comitteeof te Illnoishas robaby neertben a an wo amaenfrin th stadpoit of layand rferrd to Rixon. keeping Dixon. fet she 4 Californ lune The" tinus, 1 tearth a tainng1 figorous there ar that stol snd invi Lake Freneh referen rech Dwig t Never eesai Ulms lesm 0 table paini Life anome ment eve 1 BE