CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 15 Apr 1898, p. 1

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COOK CoUNTY INDEPEN DENT. Vol. I.V[No.27. Wheeling, Illinois. Friday. April 15. 1898. 1.50 a Year in Advi Which 's Cheaper? TO buy a suit of clothes costing fromn $8.00 to $12.00 which will wear about six months or a suit costing $18.O0 to $20.00 which wilI wear two years. Lots 0f Cheap, Clothing 19 Being Sold But It Is Very Expensive. OUR NEW SPRING COLORED DERBYS WILL BE IN THIS WEEK. For ail around reliable built cloth- Ing go SANBORN & 00., TAI LORS AND IIABERDASIIERS, Libertyville, Ill. We Have ilie BN L Iars t i ufue'auFroua 11l'lieut Dressed Menn lsTowni. Dr. Charles Galloway. Another Ploneer GOre. itL,,Anglus, Cal., Marcis 15, oc- OfficelovOr LovelI'aDrug Store uired lthe deutîs 01 uues P1. Norton. Nous ,oNi TI cril'Or. N Iaecamed tuaitarn in ay 9, 18M, on Libertyille. - Illinois tise '40rtOu ltri tlauetieI ___________________________________W %lit] bisl feally lhe ensd theal tisui v'lei5(~sad hsrililai.etfpPlumier Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. lMe sud issu erly inired 1tuisard Office aver TrlggS & Taylor's. vark. le eîaa in bis youtls leerued -Ilulm -Iclits a,il asaii try sald ecaîo isiy visici 1 ta 1e a. nM. 2s ta a4andl . ta av.lmlVLl(aJ..ea'eîrbaeltt kiadence on Broadway opposite l'as k hv rvi fiiacaebuttt hl aIn ara lai ibusSi l cartier. On thle Libertyville, Illinois. 251h.1 s-to §tl îliMr. Nürtau vas rarsalualn lis aarriage it, Miss Einme Dr. A. L. TRA VIS. haiYIaýua' diari MuY 21, 1895. Tisey u liu M L @ .N. TO $ Pru 7TOm r liadi t ar-ir da rig stera, LAda who died NOVs;= L5. B a. Maidtu the ANti O5 *M Sii15, 185.BiabLsuhu nvreidîng in Speeal atenton ald 0 tie î,as &iaglest alilaauiia;ItIrai. Grae treamen o! hranleitbesssaîtSfia ddleciaI Maruy . î,î,, islaa. riiurn Rcklefeller, - l ositji ti . So iaa -aiit ta. i iifornlia Ihu Dr. H. 0. B. YOUNG. % u'OhrClatlai lahiand Physiclan and Surgefl. liitil tilat iiarîiiig ut MarahIr,15 vien CournOOt - - - - - Il linlois. 1l'iiaaiaigaiia'tyuin .aia,isand l iagialie rua-eivud the Dr. E. H. Smith, i -,aiiîaa'l aid. i ranainud fmi 'ilti Ilia' a- at e ay i t te ty il se OENTIST.iiaîaaaîa's le t l astinagit. Ojffice over J. W. Butler's b! dg Ili, 1«« riarghit tu'iaiîhu èa,-s s r.'asaM . 1 1 tai ' . aa' . b I A t-, Mr-. Siia(Ii a 'ut laauaa lr here *'" aall, li n Alirl 1; ftaîjaral srviaus viere Casa- '5'rt"Va.e aiiata a lai i!ausaitu b liti' , taira lau '.rttry. Dr. E. V. HARVEY, DENTIST. Thal Pîotoosed Electric Road. W -OFFICE 11013151 -J'liait a i tria nd ual ualgreatly l taa ula A. ML il..'a5 laid ,îI i.r . .M. t-libanis- l- Ia ' ial la' af )îiaaputy bure- I Grysa. 11 o sbashoots,.11aalaaaaria atlaavt.risl z., nneW Grasaae - Ihlno .Cali gialisae. 'ltait v.a. veat i lais "il W. . S HAE FEarMiulrs cai'itiaia ia nîglît ar sy lai W. UB. SHEY. ' ta'aaacdeal the faara'ail a!tise enter. Une gn .- -..aa if.1 jasit (ii" 1. a.. La.- rieaTelaa' -ly ae f Co.. 111 liap sed raaa, alrrsaiY -a W nai apeute vin-s ana sl iai a a's as a-.a lie foluar aad rvi a . i Oa¶ iS lu-etraa aadrarialar ~ara- ialiabIli. peuplt.a aIlnal uaa'Usbaiueu. _________________________________________ I t s heiri îrrîla -ita a, îatrrrah e 114ilrsti llslrrada w(a11 wal allarted.; O. F. Butterfi ld M. D. C. -t 'ajallj tioiru hie 'sis moaderra cars9 1Ura anulaýd oaral"UVY itruksansui isatur VETiIAI 8'lIO Ai JSfiT. u ilat y l yaleatriit'. lire cars - - i,,iîl ara'<0 la surira laau sn ewli rase MEANS WAR. At Time of 00usD to Proe War Soom@ Inevitable. Congre«a bu aoted. Wednsday tise ,Bonse in the space of a les, hour$ pauaed a joint resoiutiou providlng for imkmedlate armed Intervention to secore an Independent goveruent for Cnbe, by thse overviseliiing vote of 32'2 ta 19. Thse Senate uxpecto go reacis a vote by Friday nlgist. Thse Senate resli- thoua, viichs are mueS stronger and listter wrltten tisaitsce passed by tise flouse Wedîîeaday wiii proisabi! bu passed lua thse Senate, liumediateil aecepted by the Hionsse, asnd becomeé tihe prictical declerstion of war 'un ili Plresadent, Mçliniey viii bavse The Instltutrn 'c be Snsday tSciool Inâtitute iseld et Llbertyvtiie Wednesday vas a succeas go fafr as aranaing a llvely In- terest isinew metisods of Sonda! scisool vouS and thse reVISIOn Of 6ld, but tise attendance v&as mal dnring tise day seauiona, altisougis Libserty- ville teachers ver. ont in force. Wed- rîeaday vas e ihreating day, wviic aecounted for ties mail atiendance. ThiInsitut. vas conducted by lMr. W. C. Pearce, Siate Field Workter, asslsted by Mr. T. C. lisebur, Inter- national Field Worker for Japan. Bath gentlemen gave interesiing and4 instructive eddresses in tise evening. M . ikeisara speakiisg of tise wva nli Jepân ansd outllnîng hie intended plan - ut ors. u.Pearce spaise very1 eernestly long tiseline of "-Persoual Hiidrence of Cirisians", and bies li evidenced bis earnestness and made a niosi favorable Impression on hiei audience. A liberal collection vas reccived for sate titindsy achool work.j Tise instiiote proved a greai ielp tao liinday chool vorisers, viso more tisais aH Chersusappreciste iii hbeneitc- tl influnce and lois for maiertai resuits. Tlîey viii long sud gratefnlly remeuber Brother, Pearce anmd Ise- harn. Aibrocht-KroPEi. Tisuréiday evening, Merci sta ai eigisi o'cluak ut tise haine o! Mua. ulergaret Aibrea-iI. Prairie View, luI., iccored tise mamisge of ber dauàgiserg ta,îîbla C'iarloatte la Mr. Henry Kropp. lise briade vas attired ln a pretiy and becomiag govu at rue colored seursetta trhmmed vIls satin ribison anal briai veaihi. Mia minnte (iaaplîsoanalMIss Enma Brookmiali acter)MA bridesmaido vile tise groom sas attendeal by Mr. Fred liropp andl Mr. Ilermen Albrecist Munihe als 'arruishîed duriiig the uvening hy tise Els Carnet Baud wici added tu thie ,isjoyiiaest or tise accession. A mont bountifui riapasi vas spread ta viîc auI didal mple justice and dancing vas Tise bride vas tise recîpreni of rneny ianioase sd nue! ul preslente and tise rueay guests fîom, Palatine, Lake Zulrich. JPiauionsd Lake eand utier pîlaces weru profuse ln tir earnesi acishes isspplly expressed for a long, hîîapy analtîiosperouajosruey tirough lite far thus populan Yorung couple, lis a hics theIi.lsDEaICNET cardially il ii tem. Would Interesi Visa. Owiiag to itts lata ars-ival a large aa for Wiu. Jraiigge, rof tockefeller, is of neessaity caîutted this veek. Il iaife's soine matrtlisg ia.rgalis andlour recaler, cll lsd by callng on Mr. Ksalgge tisatitbs furniture sud bicycle business is isaing, bene@ bis extroarairary laav prces for good goosis. Cail andl@se. iaî, anal nezi ek lotk faris ad. DIAMOND LAKE. aratiriiiii bIsor sdjoinalrg a-outicé. Ours. iBrtlett vas onithoutise faniaon ______ as atise practituaility of the lime Wadnenday. g PAUL MaCGUFFIN, la'ei ar 1aslaa. suaght-aif-way Mis'oDs Soteuin livîeIl tiga s s-eireal sud tise roai lat, througis Mre. He)mi Osts. Atorniey and Carunuellar at Laui.. trualss iilil i rus frantaaivaga ta Mu. sud ise. Chas. Billnski apent NOTARY PUBLIC î.ibertyvaîle ta, craunet iitis thu Essieu ai Crystal Lake..d Specal ttetio gien ollctin.,eleetria-ais sud ('bacagoasi eaget MiesiAlle BilînsSi visiteal relativesM sud caîiirvyaur'jrig. tai thllkas aîaickandeh'ker tha Mu. ana lire. Hary Kuhi vlited etM OFFICE W 115 LACE COVNTY BANK, ut îres,'rt. Winter .sports andra trai- ut M. Mitchel'& Bunday. 01 1î oi.titans cilire arrarsged ah --tise lakes" Wm. Arnolda nd HI. Cooper vielteal Lîbertyville. Ilio sadinlufait a compssy aof eaîrgetic ah Tîurner Joinction Bnnday. bursinecss mun sa ialreaiy citr'mpiciisg lMus. Celle Dudales, ut Chicaga, t LIBERTNVVLLE MOTEL ira'.estiaag a large uaioasihtaif mouey vilted etai Hrams Bariietta SoBnday. f Elsaut CUpIi5da clih àsiewav la araîtîug pîessrîre ls is reported thtisitise Piper lae Co. Ebget BI;ý91 ugtrýMIetd, týet-r tothelaks drin th witerhasnalalont 10 tise Knickserbocker s &"d swiia l.anild his iirught. îaaîaalis.Lait Illie raad corsa..Il vili e C.l Service First Class. îîuug air-w îalîîa'na ha o ou towu. lie tise The Diamond Lakse base balll nine e 0,ýaQtirt,., fr ad Canu--ris u ieen orgaisize a nd promises an Ba.aiiiarau tarC a'lsrs na I'airra'.ainr-as ofa,t a.a-riiag excellent train înteuesîîng cempaigis. 'l' siite andl is fatt gaveai a npetars to M. andl Mus. Fred Have sud Mr.a Wa.MIA. 0A. îdClir-lala., luatinasi irteresis geneuaily that no ana lMrs. thaniey Bison viaîted etb LIBERTYVILLE. -I LLINOIS. tachaaiy ca)ulIda. In uveisi af a femnBnkun nd Isi-ter train service' rrini cnago, aJ*ieui, vas c bltisaasurprise party Siia..,-a,,,aiaa. ..aataMr. ana litre. Lomkers on Batnrday Libertyvilee oua y evenlrag. A very pleasant tise vase W. H. MILLER, brcaauaaua popular euiser reaut, a emioyed.1 TONSOiIIAL AiITIST, trrat cass iglis sibrol wîIl become a on mrnaay nigbt John Iarleti WiisrsYarîi vaut saleusaar iie îar a raler-eiy sud lu fait Lîbertyvilie proved tasaltise boys iat Itenu he gootiatsr art -slar'l ( .'a',, aî jImtauss te lsliatey-rl7Aatiaui a doise aveu elgity rode away, by shoot- the liiaoliat o u i zri tsing a large lbau mesering aven auIinulur talaRANDOF ai'P a'aasai,îeirf rctzn.Isfour font tram up t10 p, whislîiho te Naxi l -tiai oW. a. T, str' i Ia sl liaig ssand iainl r i'ieve grîisg ira have moisiteal. -rua liauli iaarst.$iaa a .nI "-' i aaaa. rigauieî. wo lalcycleus vere ouituons Chicago - sînînas su-i Surraat riaaiilrirsaMonday vihispeaksa veli o! ougood Faim For Scie. rondoi wiich amy commaiity mîgisi have If tisey took tise cure althulislisai; w~~l7 1,6aaîsacte i mtion 3'1, tarasa a! our men do; aur rouaseisving been clical osil, koisnwu as theeMry Aiusisaraped three tises this spring. hiaves, i-rn i saaiii l rI aaglatlao aran. (lioul lbuildinugs, Compare tisai vils tise rnsaltisibas boueac aiaii" al eil si1 ad Ivo rauaaaarsg piliga. mt seen c scraper for ihueo yeare. Have »H 4) ti aal iao ngaaa al 1 IiitailForaternas. iîîaire tIi-. L. Beach, If 700 wîaîsîai t uyis' uîîîaaîo~rauisaii lirai. Neltie iih, Vola; or, HAVE ARRIVED. Blinthugtmnu, aalmissltretaar. Lais. -: borrov Ose. ne; &Ws ail Sinslsof Papers IZurich' Oct. 1. A earauiad of choie Dakota poieloos. r ad basuraîsce a speeialty.65 prbcelao ri. a. J ..Lonaaaavew. .= Tàransoa, Librtyvilie, or lu- -~~ -~~ F Pat a sano usoîs wth Dr. IMmlles n PM& ls quireo0f L. S. IMAKI, Lib.tviUio.-M WHEELING. Dr. Beuz and Wins. Metz deufilucri futer aldermanie horiers--pa" aslism mund. Tisé Wbeeling sehool boys viii play a match game o! bail wth a nise fat Alingion Heighta. Gen. Sander and Mia Rose Burke vere married Tlaurxday téveiiig. Perticulars udht week. H. Williaisalbas reisted thse John Brentilld place and rumor wasyv lit ani Misa TuIIey are to hbc merrled s00o. Tis eclbeci club isilIlsold their final Pariy ai John ilis Satnrday nigisi and close tSe@season îtis-a <dance aa A peiios la laelng euluated ta meure boiter raliroad accommuodations and tise postinaster proposes to have ivo matisa day soon. Scisool election Saturday evenlng. Thse ladleas cau vote ai this election se vela tise men. Show yqur intereat lis tise achool by a large inria -utantsid vote. Village elecion uext Tnesdey. Tise candidates ire: J. P. Huusam, for Presideni; Itev. W. B. Muisolenke, for clerk; L.awrence Koebeliu. Wnr. Brandi, John Forise and Ben Stryker, for trustee«; Louis Fischser for Police Magirate. If on. more of tise truatees vii i viidrav ail tise otiser Dsominae« meauhave anu015.. vithout excitmneni or expeisse for ireating. Tise contractor is russiing vork on tise new cemmery. Tise building la -aiready up and encloeed. Wheu tise farmers taise h mnto ltiseir heada to nutte, tise, ca bave tisinga ilseir owu vay. Nov tisey are snbacrlbiug stock for a cannisng factory ansd ilf ta eleciric railroud don't corne aiong aoon. iisey may conclude ta isnild anîd equip &tiiton and change Wiseellng ista a isouy mari. LONG GROVE. Our publie achool la doing good vans under tise able tutorsisip of IL. L. 4ireua. Thse Lutiseran cisorcis of Long Orove oelebrateed Passion week is a verY befiting masser. j. Rmekuiveller ettendea thse evening servies 0f tise E. A. cisurcis ai Noth lormifeld lest Sunday. Mn@. P. itienihaier and Um M. ilzentbaler ver. vlslting severel deys vIltisehir son and lilroihur et Saper. ville. E. Bilizentisaler, aentist vis ba been aitendiîng thie Chicîago Deutal College and Miss C. itzentheler hiss sisier are visitlng Lonag (rois. frienda. andl iutenal ta returis ta their home is W isconstin ahortiy.- Los-r-B&turday Mercis 26, on tise road beveen Long Grove, Viamonal Lake asnd Libertyville a large auar isorne blaniset vut aded yellov and green siripes. Finder cull please notify tiseaviser, Hl. C. Paddock. We have secnred a good correspon- dent viso vin dus ni> uhe neye every veeis for Long Grave and vicisity. Leave your items ai tie potomlieandl they viii bc promptly forvereal. A NUW iSAND. DEEHFIELLD. Mue. Jisunis la on the sick liait. lira. Fluber ls on ties ieSlbst. Mua. Le Clear vas a Chicago vimîtor Monday. Misa Onste Ioon spent Srinday iitis heu parents. Mus. linyt la entertaing an nId acquainance fron tise eust. Ed. Sheumen, of (lrayetaise, was Is towrs Weuesday of lest veeli. Born, ta Mu. and Mus Winters a big baby boy lust Thnreday nigisi. Lonle Aisudt, o! Cisicago is visitlng huis doter, lius. Rommel recently. Mus. Zocisier, o! Wauikegan,vas tise gaeat af ber dangister, Mus. Bleimeisi, lut veek. NORTH NORTHFIELD. Il.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ hg Mete at îr'lli a g ast week donday. liss Sisaler f ront Pautiav bi.', heela elsutlng et H>. P. Buh)ert*». J. C. Wessliusg vent to Chicago Mou- day ta serve on tise jury. .. .weusllngwvihoahlerson jusry lus Chsicagoi for moine lime returisedl home lasi veuis. Bath of Nortis Nortisilelal ciurcises cetebrated (lood Friday lu a very befltting imanner. C. Mohtilise wiso died et tseerlleId lest weuis vas interred listise Nortis Nortlalleld cemetery. Mins Mesaner tramn Norihwestern Unilversity in athuhme et present enjaaylng a short vacation. Meurs,.tù. Scisuebeuead M. Wessing ver. out tram Cicago ltnt Suday vlaiiing tiseir numeraus frluuads and relatives. Bey. ltichert attesaded tise annel couference of tbe Evangell association wiclaconvenà teneseo Thuusdey April l4tls. Mr. Delle vas oui froni Chicago last week. Bince bis v'le ln very 111 tisey vili îlot bc able to leave lise csly; accordingly lbe Intendi ta seil bis elfecte. In tise absence of Reis. Messner, Mr. John Frey occupied tise aulpît is tise U. E. churcis Sandsy mornlng. Tise services for tise eveniug vere sus- pended._ j. IBachs bas plauted is lis gaiden sorne currant ansd gooseberry bsh« and also, etrevberry plants. Undoubi- edly Joe intends tu start ae nnrsry alter aàvisile. G. Wesaling isad hie mules cllpped. Hie did not bave mocis trouble drrng tise operatian fouItis te cars vere reacsedwvien tise mules becaue rînoasY for tisey consîder their ears privai. property. on MercislOtis et 9 o'clocs a. ns. tise suis accordiisg ta commnon parlance croesed tise lune or ln more aclentiflc yards it vashtiseure for tise vernal Eqoinaz. We do not 500v vio drev tise lin. fnor viso vas tier, snd iimed tise sois vion it croaed; but ve taise I for granted tisai tise airanarners isssa visai tieY are t&Wung about, visOn iisey mais ucb etaieentss. A word ta tise via. la soU11cient iheY s"y and ve vontd advise tise Young men of Long Grove ta taise varnlng 0f tise fellov viso took bie girl tu visit nome frieisds aad wviîle they vere lis tise bouse suome rogues excisanged the buggy visels, thugsacOmpeliig tise icauple tu ride home althtie vay rip hbill. Hov isuiillating i muet i uiake a tellov feel underasnc iucunsanea. Rognes viso pIay sueistrickssonla be oetuacized ta Klondike visere if they cen fiud no soec enrts) tisa-v srrely cen ltnd dallera. Tise surprise party on Mr. sud Mus. Franks Fietlalst cccli Thursday evening vas a complote anciesa. Music vas rendered, jolhy gameis vere played and To kw esaufroua tni rmplyn To eusmsi t es y Wlc keat s ua ere red. W e do n t vs-utaimpoe upnis îreduliily of tise peoplenr ta surprise tisenu visen w, ay tisaive had a mole tu tise bouse wiscisai!orded tise young folks any amaunniaIfios. Everyone presest vent home haiselg hal a good tinte and isiig for soute more surprise parties. BUFFALO GROVE. Aiays itaupp bas begun building his nev bais. Henry Weidaaeu bas îecoveued trains blis ieS sped1. Misses Anise andl Clara Kreutzer cme over frons Honiley to spend REster vush their aster, Mus. Franks Weidner. Tisey reiuuned home Tues- day, afier "aDig lis tisedance ai tise Helgis. rs Seamue tCisgaae - ekinuldgalag Ire reured o Cicgo lte vsitngnev larm resîdence. Wm Meyer does lus. Bleimisi. tise musais vou and Hemu Meyer & Mu. L. 0. Brocisvay and family 0I Comipany tise îerpentimg. Tise able Wankegen vliated relatives bure a dcy mecianics funsArington Heiglt, )r ivo leit veek. insure a fliue jais tiongisout. jas. M. Woodmau viso laioui bis way Wthe aumny sats, caileal ho bidis GRAHAMSVILLE CORNERS. tolis good bye Saturday. Mu. and Mus. A. C. Cluisey entertaineal The nigisi operatar, Irvey Topper ai dinner llunday evening. %hot tva wild geele ilut StUnday Misses Anisa arnaiLouise Ciivî-y aorning. Keep et it, Taîpper the spent the Eeter istlidaYs wulhtisIei arly bird catches thse vorsu. parents o01(Jlenvieiv. MIassJouie Woadinan, cf La Grange, Mu. and Us. Wî. Willage ver, ater mailing ealong viei i vusbeu presenheal vus s briglat laoruîclug brotiseu et Libertiwîle anti motiser ut baby gilEssieu mnriig. 'Dertlelal, returTn#qd leut Btnrday. Thse Laies Aid af tise Cauguegationai Mu. Mulke's funeral vau tise laues hsouci l muetut tuse hanse 0f Roi. ver iseld is ibis place, tise procession Andsorn nehi Tisursday afternoon. was aone mie long sud early hall of AIl visitors eue caudiaiiy inviteal. the people could usai gel in the cisurcis. Saîme o! tise Younsg people of Glen- Tise ladies' éociety of tise (ersas vie speisi c veuy pleasami evenîng et Lutiseun churcs gave an enturiun- t a social gîvela by mura. p'. mompler ment ai tise (teunniasaachlasabIouge. ai heu home 0o utalSatuulay eveulig, Rtreaismente vere serirea andal al isad Mre. Win. Witiselm Ibeilug tise happay a Jolly goasitins.. A quilh va douasicai oÉesnor of a quili ratiled ai sans.. of hie MsýShwab as he ne1 k Be. ui.nd Mua». Andeison bilent a few viniser. ____ -days vliisfrinds in Ciicagareiuring Card of Tharuks. home un tins. ha officiate aethtie Essieu W. dmnire ta thank tis echair, services given stet b.(leiviev Con- neigihora sd anal oa ny kiuad tulends gregaiousal usures. A very puetty for ibeir floral iibotes, consolation programmlie vas gîveu n lis iîcia and extrense kiîdiss dîuîiag tise greals'u part arthtie Bunday sebrual sicisneesandaaitise burisl 4af aur classes bok part. Tise usns vàas hisabenailand tailer. aiaborately decorrateal vitis ciergneene Kmiuas. G. Musum Axv aiF Ami&z ad LLovera. House Cleaning TiM4 A timne of many wants. It may be a carpet want. A rug want or a lace curtain want. Ail of your wants in household furnishings we can fill at prices below other stores. SOME SPECIALS..U Nottin gham Lace Curtains, 36 I n wide 21 yds long taped edges... .50c a 50 an wide 3 yds long, overlock corded edges.............................11.25 60 in wlde Si yds long overlock corded5 edges ......................... $ .0 - And Many Othu'm Japanese Matting Per yd .................................. l2c to a Ingrain Carpets 36 in wide, per yd ...................... 25c tooi andl cryOPM 0"V Z_ G R. Lyon&( of MOUSE ESTABLISH ED NOV. 26, 163. WAUKEGAN - 1LN Lisk flanufacturlng Co. Canandaigua, N. Y. March 28,1 iàbortyville, 11. Wu desire ta eaupisaize ta ou inatasierathe ta*" #cSA goudas manufactured by thia compaisy are warromied not ta ruai. Vs10 ibis gisaat..gaod by replscing free ot charge, aisy aticle. vbi*ý iroughit baci ta you in a rusty condition, or prove athervis. daft@Ve aesy sucis be fonpd, our agent viii taise pleanure lis aiieadiisg te t visessise ssaisea bis nit tat. Very trily yous, Twm Lîsi Us. Co., Lea, The above speaks"- for isehfjg. and see this antl-rust tinwaft Mi. M. =rmlm LIBERTYVILLE, IL.L. Good Harnes& FOR Spuring Work. Single Buggy Harness ickl. trim......4 :: :: bavis Rubber trùm.. 8 I-andmade Davis Bubber trim.. ti dé " Fancy da* I Now is the time to order your team and,1 harness for spring work, whlch Ul and will guarantel as to workma*W and quality, to be No. 1. Pure Neats Foot 011, Globe and Hloward 011, Baum's Stock Food Always On CHAS. KAISER, LIBERTY VILLE, - - I Tise lteprublcu Senatarial COn. venhisan of itie Elgsta eluahanIal Diistrict, composealo! Lake, McHeisry snd Boone Counnues viii be helsi a% the Court Hanse lus Waadstoci Jue 4th, ai Il o'cioei a. ns. for tise purpom of piactmg tu nomination candida fur the Legislature of tise états, Of Iliunois. Tise conutes mesiionei art emtltled tadelegateaufollava: Lake, 20; Mciienuy, 20; Boone 13. We hve fed c G Ptivithpi 4 borrower. W. lu banm on farusat laq No lumu.oa~ aminaglo aba g gages. wUinTi yà Om uV - - .9 1 Amîlican Navy. Cuba and Hiawall. A portfolio, lus ton part, sixteen puliemo vîeva in eacb pari, of tise *est hall testen.. taise pictures of tise Ameican Navy, . cuba andl Havaï hmtuast een immas 1 à by a Ciicag pusilishing houa.. Tise IiMa Chicago, Milwaukeiet 8. Pauli Bil- 1fsP vay bs made arrangement, for a opectl itiion for 1the bmeniet 1 i 4ndt5lp patrons sud a specimeis oopy cen be seem ai tise ticket office in Mie d«oa.4..Ez Single parts may bc hail lmto.aft. eacis, tise fusil set, one bunftdexaal eixty pictrtre«, coul butg usdollar. Bubcription for tise set Msy be Wab witb the agent. la i viv!cfbe guK ont exciiomment r=grdat eg Vus. VI. lvu. a 1. t t r 1 ip fl JE 1 b di 01 lxea b 1q31 t

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