, . . ý 1 là !.: '.. , - 1- ý , , , . ý ý . l - ý . 1 1 ý ý 1 1 . ý .. 1 . . ý _. 1 - el'-, 1. ý . 1 - . , . ,,r,,, î -1 ý ý Il 1 ý . ý - - - - ý ý - - - , - Il- ý ', _, ! 1 " - ommemonnouý - - . . . - - . - - ___ , __ - " - - - . . -, - ' ý 1" ýk üi; la ý ý . tbe QoILath et perdition loto attirent thissi ý . 1 1 ,tonal, sousonds, exprississand. were ilobted by . . ý crash of hisq braisoin armor like au explo- THE SUNDAY ý 1 13 an mutations cash. ý . . .. .- sion et Hell Gate. Abrahans lied et 1 1 11, CE] . - - Tom met ber silence rallier sadly, but . RM ournaud agrerd te .OTifie hi. mon . ,ýýrýý' i won obliger] te fallu envol, frossait if and eon- to - w . G il ed'a I, ,sur, Boit file, saint- G.4 jl'ilt in time huit eentrate hitu attention ,in a wolnut and 1 * ', . 'I'm INTERESTING AND INSTRUCTIVE ý i 1 tir,- nuterackers, with wbieb lie âmight te . . tý"ý pr,,vle.iýl a rare of the thivket a. a sel, LESSON. ý - 'i _ý ýý 1 - '. .... ,allure. bat t1i're ix floothi., 1,- bo'tiel 1 1 Z, 1 - .l-,-tIly hissumi -_ ' . - fi) fi,,. aitar, and ni, littrel nrr- t- ille ý Il ý .. "Alla site tell. Me," purâmed Jïi6e, *'tbat ..-"- . - - - ___ -1 . ý . yeti have forbiaden lier the bouse . - - . ýharjr i-ligi, of inverati- ,toit il&-fitli, . altil , IPflPýcti..o, of mors, Kleati.gcbaractm -ý , . ý .. sudden crack ', ille liiI,.,ý. ý'i'I- 0",l quaki, a, Wh.lo.0-ý Food for Tbo«ht- 1 1 , . Tom gave bis walnut a ,ver, mwillill(.d ,lit (if Iht-ir I.,ti,,t rallot. , xoils aloi groq't, lit lie- 1'..rrl,. à f, 1 « ý ý f vthit-il rvduPod if ta a JellY. and, tbmw- , I -ý ý - ! 1 and liveil ou troat net fit fle a .big. '11 fi.., AH gý-d illeo have fl'r i...,it,,,i,ý ".'t Studying the Scriptural Leo»M lut- - ilIg il amide, ho tenir enother. . boa jaws fra't'irell &titi eyex extingliixl,-,l tryin4r t., tell ýlli,111 thix mIJI,ýtJtILIi' ý%ax telliiiently and Elrofitably. , ý1. 1 She forcer] me ta it," lie maid. 9 and limita Khot away. 'I*hý,Ii.ýIii,1. or tils'm like, ait,[ ,vxiry ,unipariseil, taispireil ariti lowly. , l ; ..Îler bohavior lins boen mcuiidalouc; no - 1ý, - ii, - 1 ý ý 1. ira for w ater lxx thry lay (in iliq- fit-Ili the - ýin'pýred. evalaix-li'ti. . 1,,l,1,1,i-li,-, i.1,ý>s- ý . (1 'x Y. ý one corail put op with it.', Y, ý ý ight aftor thl. li rie and glt il iot. Thé-Y t.Il:(. :11el banian. fitIls ,hi ri fl, i .11 1>t 1 Le.... fa, Aforil Il. 1 . '*11,ally!" nitereil Jolie. a little n'il .Pot 1 viere h-iiic.iiýk" and reroiell ,,,, no-sair- ,- x lit.. Cre.t t*I,!,k... Aill'Iii; "Ilx x f'l... 4;.ý,,ý1,, i - ,l. . 'N%-, 1,,-hI,1,1 hi@ gloryo. 'l" il ý,j_ coming joie vithxr ,heek and lier eYes z:ý,ry a, ,,y flic ouly battait. \x 4 il,-- V , 1î,ý growing. brighter. 1, ýý h-., John 1: 14. ýý "Il.w«.," froin thoir lo,,x] .il,,. Tioy dieli lit barloi. 1 ,I, (,Il, ,r. lý,,-.iimI- lie t aine dir,.-t1ý fr,,iI, . ' 1" glýýr,, 0- t 1ý1 - in IlIWh- . in i]Lt('I.i'., titi' t,,,,.,.:Irll., l'f thl, q.t.1; N.,h il t3p, ,f Chrixt. 1.Iý,ý;Ii,,,- lie 'l'Ili 1. - , f-.r thiý teck t-Niatt. 17: 1-11111s , o' ý t "Ilow'!" liero Sir Thomas raixed bis h 1 oulv fitteliflaillm i'n tio-Ir deli"ý""I Ins ovli faloily frour (Il.ltjg4.: 1 -, ,ý ý vj- a littie. -By alway. dodzing etol ý , >,ý,n,,n,,,irý.. es 1 -, , e - ', . ý>f "l'ne 'I'ran&tigtimtlwo&L." ý- tépying albout in flic mont imProPPr sud 1 wha knoxvIt evvirv 1 Til, ir,.Iili-, , ý,f .1,-ý,i,ý' Rufferin '51 ri _ fi . ,t, .s.- but the infilot, C si. ý *%1,1,-h,>l,1,ýl- , t>li- -f Christ. 1,,ý,-.,,., ho :io ;I,,ý-Illit endý ., impertinent manner." tlI-,uatI.Itli Part of fil.- length aloi firradili type ot 1 *1Iri.-t. 1,,-I-,Iiie he .Il. . .'t oot 1 'l'a iinged th, _ - .1 , 1 Il ýý . 1 .fixing, L-m)%%m the tell , liait lie tr--,kýdeýý ,r or %tii-iýý.ýe,)r; .1,,ý ili tir 11wl ii - lipomties bute, d& ý 1 l' , ,ýr . *'Io there a il d,ý heiZlit of angtiisli of the hy, bis lorethren; Nliýmoý a i:Ile il Christ, 1 je.-tiloi and tulxiet'. Soeh an overtur»- ý1ý 1 > " Infiltra Juste, lier ei ý any ressison. sud ý 'a 1 ;- , - c si veh-o growing collier as ber tomper Waied U:ýrsbo ,,Ili ' Il 1- ' ing of :lit their ult-as - te the Mets" ý,ý lad ý,,tithtýrn battlefield.. WhY lwcauxe lie wam a rit, iverer rmi, ,,,,, 1 _lUla nntl[rllliy ilikt. fý oi t Peu e _ :ý 'l teinturier, -wby mile aboula Dot came US) q .1 , ýV, - ý ý diti thexio laitiers louve their cisildren and nirc; joghils a type tir Ch'ilit. be, il n o h in Sm , .;"ýM ndý-. Il (annot bc il b" ; . lIiýý,ti a t'j', ou ... 11, lier ?- MR& R .." ý 1 go te flic front, and why did thrse yoling ho Wroé a (-etitiiii-riýrr;; ýýliiii%ý,il a ly .Ir 1 sied in their titi . Net the louait reaffln," answered Tom, - . [lien. lmwAti),>Fling the illorrhure (Lay. .sert Christ, breauwe of bis mirength tri miny the that fi) Jesms hiiji-tlf thero came inereal, , 1 . . _.. vrarroly. "if Khe rame up In a etraightfor- _ _ ont joli) flic probabilities of never coming lions and carry off the iroii .-atem (if i Miz -lit as the hIrk future bee@nN> -4 ward manner sa a with sonne hominem te x ni HE radical theurY of Cýbristianity in bark' For a principlo they died, lÀfe pn*xibility; Solomon a tylw ,,f Christi II file i t tenter il, han. Ili., as weil as tbet. ýý ' ýý1 - --- __ _ _ came about; but, when if was oral te dot met forth by Dit. T&Jmage in Ibis dis- for lire! Bloud fer blond! Siiimtittition! affluéner et bis domii)*w"n; Jouah a Iý lie ,if ý ileded surir xiiiouragement alla inspim- 1 ber minoterie footat" and play the spis, 1 T course, and renuarkable instances of But vie soleil out go si) fer. Whât la dont Chrint, briýaIaU- ,If the xturni) sels in t'l'Il us "Ils to ,y the mysterioulb ,ý (,iiAi,,rpit xx.-t(7,,iitiiiii..il.b il Il 1 pleins with bis port. Cam- filiale ils: won bigh timo fer ber ta be, toid sel '. i Il, lot lh, Dý.'il.1tair, 1.11. 1 -1 Il il hotigh Joue hali piendoil fatigue. elle 1 1.1ollinait. bunu won labur and *nrrow; tbat illie-si got the wrong person te de f-accrifice are bronght ont fer IIIII-tra- monument lit the vontotry? Il lx fi) the whirh lie tlin-w him.%(-If flir titi- re-le l'f - dia Dot go fi) hx-qi, bat, bAving hall liq sielling au necomplistiment nu more ta lie w si 1 tien. The toit lx lielbrw% lx.. V. -With- iI.Mlr. who reil in tire southern epi(leiiiim others. but put together Adain and Noah E. plnnot.ry. ý 1 maid, ai inantered thon the piano. »otjunewould ith." out abeddinc or Noua in ni) remissiotl.'* Wly go? Werr there nul etiough Fick ta ami %lelchixellec ont] Joseph and .Nlloive hair briothed, dixrnimmed lier *'Olm!" uttered Juste. "And if @lie came Aliser s;X -1;,Yý:" ,fini te. a wook Inter. uaitt-a ri,) te give Tom a lecture .11.1 ta have aluiled with f.ud tuleration over his hy my wimh»!,, John G. Whittier, the ]ami or the grent bo attendra in tli#ýf- northeru latitudes? and Joshust -.%ira Salomon alla ý-IomoIi 1 "il h ,4,IUIl!-ýIe lay, I.-iig six. Luke sale ý r " schora or Americau pocts flint made the Oh. yoix; fini thé atteler plus ri few modial Jonah, eut] the,,, woulil ilot ilinkf- a fralz- t " iii-quaint him with ber wi.hý fur the fil lapimen in gratiner and .poiling If lifix lot- "NN'ell, thxn *' rimald Tom, looking up and - ' "Ilbulit e;glst -1:I3,ý." Tio- statoments de ,ý 1 il ni. n. boa Orsay liait the rilgbt rint-if ho ' land quarter of fille century brilliant. .ka b il 1 bi lisé». .ont] some vial« of med- ment et a Christ. a quarter of 1 * 1 1 te meeting lier tire. with a istendinexis, lequel one mýrn- i',ýi,.,es se la va « he mjlli.xfljxlpýivj !,,,ýtIrally diiKreý le-th are apl)rolimate. ý,'ý lie enfile juta the ruent lu bis satura boa maid ho miziwd ber and wacted ber ta lier own, "the sonner we come ta an ed me in the White motintainst nd ]olives hýs patients herp in t'bc the balf of a Christ or t lx choi" ýif file nien tu he made par- ýý Pherry. rallier boixterons niainier. bissels. Unfortunately fur ber ladyst ing after prayers, in whieh 1 haut]. or l'fixer Ihvmiriatim sud taires the of a Christ. faites -if this %ision i, Io le. noticest Pe- . hip*s; Perbaps lot: out COIT perm fainou. hymn a----- rail train. ltefi.ri--h.ý gIitý- Ut the infecterl inent ' *'%Vljat! soit in boa, lutte ()Ilfý'!" bel laid- frame of mind, lie Devoir biuted allythint tinderntaiiding the botter. ý From the Top of (.surir. ter. .filmes alla .lutin, the muet prend ý ý- 'il thoussirt Yeti werc tired." will tell me vibrât you milappet me of, and fountain filled with bloýl," -I)o you nelly 1 rearionts he, 1*msl-ý (-rjwd*xl rail smille, reg- He formulai; a throire atiti sat ;bvin on of lhe tw.ýl,,-, "x-n- the .Illy Unes whom j Of the sert; un the euntrRry- ho lmyrp%"d why you think if nocessâtry to net a apy belleve there la à literal appliKtion of the niar , takiIkg the flying alla tir- bis uns, fýtxtool, lie came frin file -Nu,- rolurraid .hijie millier coldtY. on ber lisait mise wax on no accourit What- .pou nie. Heaven knowx you muet have r rie, an;I,,ý,.xI' ri .1(-ýtis thonglit il le-st tu t.ik-e with hissé. î dinfiden4ed noir filet eeer fi, hum [mark, but te %top and ert blond of Christ te the %xitil'!" MY Dogütive III(ý ,xiý,xf,, m. lie arrive% in ri iitY top of glory ta the boisson, ,f batililiation -A hiKil mimiltain nl)art:" ment prob*WY _ý -littu " -rx mort. ,bougea. or therc soumit be momething very roply lisent là my negative reply Dow. The ,,ver ývILieh U Z-nt Illirror le t)mýding. 114' and changea a circtiiiitiýrt-tà,-Ii si raphie ,.U flair vi-,t.m lad arrivil situe beroire lie hermoif, Everythiug ut haine eam going ý - a f the i,,-ik. of Niolint liermon, in the allie. -[ . ant'd tu . Peak te you.'* 'tir *witnraingly. 'l'lie font was alwayx wrong with yioir mina. belote lois con Bible statemient agrees with ait iIlivnirialix 1 goes froin couch fi, ,out-h, feeling tho piller for a Cinllinifq-retWe distillait% On,11 Nuitý , t , have crime te wtoop te terris a thing." . xirenie iiýý,tlI.ý,iI part of Galilee. in the "sl»-ak :I,,:,y. mir dear " «&id Tom. 1 about littie Tom. over whom be invertis- sTo lie Positionna.) and ail pbysiologima and ail scientists in and sttitiyii4 syisil)ti)niý soit lert-scril)ittg od on by gagels, nuiv his:,a nt hý% titi- .Ii-ighbortiý,i.il of Caemarxu Ilbilippi. A with %relia st.,iia hernie. . plantint hià ' bly %%nxpd repturous. - __ __ __ - _- saying filet the blend in the lite, n!lIl in 1 i10,3ý after disy, nisrht after Digits, until a gands. Front afar and histh titi lie valite -He NI:xý irzI,,.tiý,Iir--,I:'* Ili. appearanil ý braisa lack agilinst flic nlal)tel-*belf and 1 During this vLait *ho releived a 9-1 THE CHOICIEST COMPLIMENT. the Christian religion it monne saralay 1 fi ' Ilv 1,1,ypÀI,:ai, .aýx: "Doc-tor, yeti had dcwn, past ineteurs. swifter thilo Ilo-y; ,a, changtl: il ix ai, i,,Iiti,,ite word. ý thost Christ,@ lire wax gicn for loir life. hette-r gr, borne a titi nýt. You look existera- hy etarry thrancs, himWr more liiýtr,,iix, ,hib lx ,naii, Inor, sl)Iýýifie 1,,ý therrhy ,InqI,.tgitg file blo, sud ribbon i dent of attention frous Lady Dangerfirld, lice in k men ,vise BBY the bie.- But il,. ,Isnnot rest while ma many past largr worids Io %Deller woridm, down by the worde ý wilh ,ýl.ii-tI il -x &:.rt.ixho-ii. . wboin .lie boa Drill kiý..l xlightly in the Assathrir of --Little We-enl- IRecei,,, He £Il th tel Of lilas fI,11i,,,. Ili, fat-,- gi.wed, and Me il -i ttiiijk.,, si Joue, -jt wax fusil 1 mosane. Ind"d, maxime degree of frirait- It tirettes, max Indignant Girl. Bible story of blood i. disgii-tintz. and art, muffering, 9>11 and on, until genre staim of firmaments ami front r-loud to garments bý,ano- i]it..IiI.g white-outient, ,ý that tbey dou't tirant wbat theY 'ail a morroing findx film in a liPlirilim, in wb" ,!oud and throsigh treetop. aloi joie the _iýý, or int'almillerale of 3oq te soir AgIrom ta xhip apratig op between theux, ais Do watts- One day a very plpakant-faced lady .Nl.,k.., ( lia rn(-ttriti(-àilly vivid tentât: ,< 1 ý'elaugbter bouse religirm," üUlY %howm bc- titi of hoine uni] filon risex and laye enissi @tell, te thru.t hi. xhoulder initier ",,x(-ýý.-diig ,,bite. mi as lit) trahir on mrth .tay to-night, and, if .he Lad huit accent ; an coula moite hersolf more arreseable palme In and arkM for sometblng "very tbeir incapacity Or unvillingn(»sx ta look' hi- rituel go and look arter thoise patients. our bordera; un.] take the [aile,-, ,If Ilnia ,>air W ý montrer%, she -oilil out have accepte', , wheu mise chose thau Lady Dangel-fold, Dice and iiew" te rend, maya a writer in hitil tiIt,.." Evidently a oupernat- Il your tixiiati,ýn, n. 1 Ilia toit second il." June wax (.içý-ditigly amenable te 1 through the figure of .1..,ý-il toward the Ili, lit told fi, lit- donti. loit lie fights bis tbrnugh hi. vitais. liait wraplied hiniself tiral .,Iiiiif.,ýt:tliIn; juin il. plantation ou fiuc(.ýs. A copy of ~Little Wonlen' thlng signified. The blo.d thzt eu the attéiiltintn until Il.- folie bak and lx wPnk- lit ail the agonie« whit-Il vit- dé-xx-r- for t profitable **Il vrailli have lookeil kinder if Y frit ne... lied junt come la, and 1 boa Il "D'Ugly darkest Friday the worid ever saw 00zed or alla weaker niul dit, fur People with our toisaloings and stoud on the mplittilig te enter. If aboula bc moi however. boit.*, elIý.Pm Iront. bhintly. "And 1 ý ard, 1. froux taitural ,saxes if je nool i They m.-t ut a biwheun party whore tuked under my erre, roady te &end or trickled or poutred strom the brevir, and -biais h.- bai] ni, Liwhip and for, away dtks of a foumIering vesxxil ourla th thât ihere ."il. to lie no fotindation for , 1 don*t ,selle iiI, filet iller, o, ally ri' - 1 [)aile@ won &leu 1, xuelt, and Lady Pan- Il out. 1 hked thig women very lunch; the aide, and the bande, and the licol of the front bis oitI fainily aloi sa hénstilY Put drevsrhing toirf of the ses and restait] void- th" sity for Iý-,ýtri.IIy lýtvIýn ~Union aloi ý U,,§,iil nt mer pr.p.med tirait thcY aboutit file -1ý,illatiIiI a,-,asionally homard, 1 triefIl.." ' ,lit a dinuer sud play togetber, and there won Romething about ber whIvh illustrions sufferer bock of Jertisaiens in away in a etr.qiiger's teint), and only the nights oit the moutitains ail wild [atouts et ibis lion, jêsll. dy w A haississil 'y thh; ' bo as , "I'riI,,ýIl*r' to-hue. June. ber liplu bottin- 1 utrongly ta me, ud 1 a few heure coagulated end dried op and firth Part of a rI,,,,,,Iei»-r line sella un of or prey and st(xW nt the point where ail front air oriiiiiary humais body tees ettiste 1 Id ta othpr meetings of a assimiler nature. flisPoRled TM a lorever ditappeared, and if man liait de- bis merifict--hi. name just monti.ned eartbly and infernal bostiIhioý eharged on illt,.,.,,, lote between lisait and bis po*- doir't ibiel, filer, lx ,Pr) much f.rîond.h'P , lie wal, net a littie puzzled, and canotier] 1 go 1 took the little voldme fronts Damier pendedon the applicati montre( b evente f th* oint fi, quiver nuit lier eye. tu bistre. -l ý Dît want iu.arLably une of the Party. won moved te Irive lier the best 1 lied. en of the fiteral arnout ûv,. Yt lit- ha, touebed the bila, et once with their keen Fabers-oUr -tion hody. Ail t e 0 î aimait il. Vou knu,% site ýne in love with ý hi% . perplexity tu bis friend Mrs. Trovan- ml arnis and handed It te lier. telling blond o Christ there would net have textile farthest beight of miblimity in thint three substittite! Priroximt Week Pontradict ibis. ý - a seul ni for the laist eightimon Cen- weekm of humànitarian Isservier. lie gars Wben did attorney ever endure sa muets "'Iliere appeured Utile them:" sonne bavé 1 you -for ail 1 know, .lie id in love with i ion. - lier fluet if was the entretient and niceint turies. atraight as air arrow te thi- homons of bien for a pauper elieui ar phyxicfan for the thonght th*- appearasire won in il -1 ý, yeti .fil]; and ail this prot-ildod Affection 1 »,f ,an't mule lisait Lady aist,- hf mnid- t)ook we boa, and filet 1 wax glosa te lie lois. ý. for III, bar a- .DlY assuinu-d mixai the oh The Red Word. Who énifil, il won sick, and ye visitexil mp." patient in the Lazaretto or mortier fer the But, if mo, me Inclus: asâign a ratber Poe ni . ,,ý jet-t or Irettilig influence river you end - 1 -For the Lent six mouilla allie ha* eut nie aille ta give if ta ber. $lie sortis; If from In order tu understand filin red %mord of Lire fur lire! lilood for 1):iýi! Substitu- child in inseurabrissufflus croup as Christ for lier meaising te the word vision, - tend, &,lit fflw .hein eterything triait' m my hand, looked il oTer for a moment, my sent we ouly have bo exorcise, ne mueb tien! ne and Chrimist fur lait and Christ for fil three ý.iw aud heurt] the same fillette; &" mettant )on againist me.- . ý :-ivil ami de4htful. What in elle UP IL0 lu religion as we do in A Story of Steward. Shali noir man or wattman or child in ibis sceurding ta Lukp, the disciples wem -Vor .honte!-' utterts Tom. "I did Dot then somali If carel~ly down, «Ying: commun 84-mite, ,i ihini, my urire wns capable ,if lueb poitry 1 3.1r.. Trevailion amiled. "I've tloien short I)Pfore." everythif« else. Poust for pang, hanter In the iffll profession 1 taxe the norme audience who bas ever suffered for anoth- juitt r.ti.il.g them.elves frime droweineft ' ftýlit.g. N'I'bat bon the Pour girl done te 1 --I have my suspiciuuo," @bis anomirrred. "Iffnt if Joint beauttrul", 1 ex(-Wmed. fer bunger, fatigue for fatigue, tour for principle of suelf-sacrificie. In 1846 Williams ter End il bard ta underatand tbie Christly wlo-n they nom, the forts, figniremis vil J& ý --%Vhet am they ? Du tell aie'!" lie rvIed ý bat my Pollinisations would fi.. r, blond for blond. lire fur lire. ,Ire mule Freetosn. a pouporired and Idiotie negro ' DuiffTing fer us :thall the" wh ose m Il )oit? If %lie did Ilk, -ci Io that a fatal 1 yin- one. How dia they know Momtent and Z& . Il in yoUr .-yen? Do 1 bé-grudge auy I, 'y. in 1 thinking Il -*pense. Judge every day illustrated. The art of nolisai- wn.é et Atiburn, X. Y.. on trhd for tour- pathiez have fieen wning In bohalf of the j . h? If le .tàgge.tpd that tbey bal »" - ý ', net pr.ud sud -el 'a outil wlth the Douai re der, He huit &loin the enstire Van Nous: UDfOTtUnate bave no approcistion of lisait demorriptions or the patriarche and prophatte 1ý ' l likinc flou? Aux 1 «I ýd '71 ý-orI know flint lit la any havre station in ffl novelty. allsbough 1 bear men the( ..V(ýy one *boula admire and think , my teillas, yun. Wbon you loft off yon, of my dissaimpointriselit and surprise! talk as though the blocs of Christie suffer- farajiy. The fournirait wrath of the roissit mie moment wbieh was liftsil ont. of al] of Israel in the national literaturse; or tb« 1 - ý - al of leu? And, taricatine there in ju.t 1 attentions tu ber ladysbip, if wax fi(- 1 **It*a a tend enough thing, 1 dore ing substituteil for our ssuffering wore sonaity cueilli Le kept Ofr him naly hy the ail of eteruity as mont cooopicumie, Manies mal bave appenred with »me 87», li @lit- Pression- in the world who saisie k.ý i-au" you lied lotion in love witb Lady 1 sav," won the Indiffrirent reply. gomething abnormal. something d,ýntre@z- armed constablets. Who ,Toula voluntemr when Christ gathered Op ail the oins of 1.1 such as th, book 01 the Issu, sud loi- 1 #.,M..qhilIac of me aïol .h.W. sonne plents, , Jan, .. 1 That was tee much for tue. nuit ' ingly odd, soniething wildly ecesenistrie, a ta Io. hi. ,nointel? No attorney wanted te tho" ta ho redixemed tinder bis es,, or, joli with bis peculiar dreàs or bis ý1 1 1 ý uni in mis, complussny, you tarit round end 1 "Yoit lnquiringLy. "Woli'!" 1 spraing tu the defonse of the book. For solitary epimode in the world'it bimory, sacrifice bis popqilarity by sirris au titi- and aIl thpir eorrows tinitý bis other am chariot. livre rifloirs speculation hall M- r 11, are ji-alons soit relié tu ber. and mirant In ý "%%*Pli, aller filet *lie saxos leu mi mail l IL WOUder-1 have never been quille mule when 1 coula taire you out loto finis city grateful tank. Ail mero gilent save one. a and naid: *'l will atone for theme limier Ce mairrimi ta work on. The appela- .J put ber ont of (Il,- huit-. Peur thug' , in the %o(-iOy of anothpr lady, oh' un'y bon, Il happersod; 1 think Il muet have and befo . ire a . undown Point Yeu to 54)0 ce" young lawyer with ft-t-ble voire, flint coula mit right arin and will lilial ail those titi- Il ' riatenesm of the vision in obvious; Moom , , 'à What box %ho gris lu roinparison with ý think that by anai.tilg tu bring y." Ir,- , of substitution " voluutarY sufferiug Of hardly lie brava outsîde the bar, pale and (ter my lests: am. Strike me with ail thy th, founder of the legal ny*t@ID. majoh, ý , boxent beý aU"e tire editor wisthed ta gét one yeti'! She attire ,,il yioir I-hild, and site gether taxe la reveuging liermelf on lardy f in behalf of souiller. thin and awkward. if won Wilibuo il. offittering ,alerte. oh, eternal jiigti(ý! Itoll Il great prophet Who was regarded un 1 -% )'"Ir IluslIaIi'l' %%Ili' tu b'.r own celle- ý iali,." ý fila o the peroistent 9('iloulgirl Who wa.4 At 2 o'clIýk tomorrow afternoon go rîeward, who staw that the prismorrier wax over me with IdI thy ýirgý. ye orrans of te iiink#aIr,] thut'e a 1.ý.ri.1 t.ffI.,.sý' 1 thought ý 1,ady Nevil wax going bai L brime il. the !1 bothevIng him te much an extent-I huit among the places of humilie« or toil. If idiotie and irremponsible and ought ta ho s"nou." Ami the thuriderboltis îetriiek t lit- * forertinner ,if thx- Mellafilsh. IA" -' - ' en :t Il yeti viers. a l'il ý.I.",ý fi'.. tarie spires, sauf ý bout (if spirite. W giveu the book ta revie-w for a will ho no difficuit thing for yau te find put in an noyions rather thau put ta death. him train above, anta the sous of trouble hi . thut thoy were tiIIL * jus; vrilla Jeq« et 1 1 She wax lýkirig forward 1 en x Iilrffleiiing droits. . jeNIonýit. of miros, .onoýI,- i.inciI-elY fi, sitreilIg Tew sud lux ll,.ir; 1 liestors palwr--giid 1 arts afraid, in my men Who by their looks show YOU filet the hernie couaitel ultering these belli rolled ut) frans bersi hurrivane rifler %%*bat :tri appasontly stupid remark.0t, 1 Thinir. arc indecd t.king .il Imexp-i 1 liait- %%" full tir excellent rowlutiiti% ni ý Indignation, thât 1 quoted the entirý-- they are overworked. They are promu- fui wanl': brirrienne and eyclone strier ryelonc, and Poter'e. Strive as we mal, are clussissest ýý loi turo. lier ln,]Y-hiv'- I-ridý in ut- lit ; moot charritably 1.ýi-il.ýel Pven ri, Awoee. 1 rtiýýi.ý%%' ta 111,3, heIPIý§ virclin. Site turely old. Tley are basteniiw rapidly -I speak, now lis file harjug of a people then and there in presteni-P of htavI.Ix end î .tort te ber eyt.. 1 1-liffled -;m-"tlvl a toward thoir decease. bave gone Who bave prejudired prisont-r ont] con- Partis and bel], 3pa, ail worlds witne »IlUx. 'l'à urx mur(- of anger thon grief : alla in ex(ýlli-ut huise)r v, ith liý-r.ý(-If ut, 1 1 nd thon, choffling a Thoy "'D' it, lo ý.-ttlf- donu on this bleil erag, bee*WW ,- through Prises in busine" tirait xihatterod demned me fur plending in bis belusif. lie the prier, the bitter priver litre trntimi*lýliiiPnt i I-Ireryont, elite. j box)., without my afflistaisce, turned th il lx si. pleng4tDt tg set violents ansil bobe» -',!! ý' "Il .1iýý,,. ,,hat %lie is,- she ,rien. -Ail i As the train -Irvtv ut) te the IllatrAm 1 aws, oit nervous syutem and pulleil on the je a convies, a parolier, a utýirrq), withmont in- Prier, tht Bwful Price, file glotioux price, -reât noii. Ta misiold the ee'.e" " A. the liait.- wr bave be- a..y ., have! Tom'. bix ferai , .. di.tinctly 'iohlf and ý y. 1 went ni) ta the deKk te etinil birain. 'l'bey bave a shortuess of breatls tlj,,tý mense or relation. ily child with Ilie infinito price, the eternal price, %%44, , - Pa' my r(-J.ý-t.-i . fi," and Je-n. front the chill mountata4o4 ','ý be-en ;te happy il. poueible. alla never hall 1 il, a moment lie liait k,-iýl hi,, b rtily i 1 vOluuse 10 90111P "Do Who and a pain in the teck of the bond and et an affvi-li(iriate suffle dharma my carewurn Pisid that vets us rire. , eue nord, end ille iiimtaiit. the vrry in- l and %vâà helpiiix lier out, for Tom hall did want If, when the heud librarlau night air inonitdix that alors" theni. Why face of ils fruivil whênever 1 cromm my i hi- suggi thitit boiulthst lie tbered &M -_ i . The Religion of Biumad. 1% *tant ne met faut in ibis Iloisse »gain, mile no idest thât il vins indisicircet or valser ý siýke Io nie: are ilo-y drudgwg ai businé,vm; early ami threxho:d. 'l'lie beggar in the street That je vlint l'ail] nicaux. that i, ,vhat lival.üd 111) in silo forni of ru te tentq *1ý là fils- voeux. of oUr (iliarrt 1 1vboýU lote? For full? No. Il vI ould be d;Metilt uord "tjàlx.rmt(.Iem" gives a wrong; issap op , - .1ilig, * ý fi, .ainsi- lx;. %vif, lit public. -I)o yeti knoov Who that wax Obliges aie te give becausi: lie -ay., 'Cod 1 ma,, that 'a mhot al' t1l"'o wb bave -;an. six it couveys te us the idea of a*4W . * Slip!" veli- T-axi, %% Ili) ix fa hly rous linif air huils, laier. m lxv-là >lie m ent info ý yeti vverp g(-rying'.," tri extrart any iiiiiiýen)crit ont of that ex- ljle$.% yelle al, 1 posol. lify dog carêssex êvvr bill thefir heurt changea menu hy ,1...ia.ti(.Ul building. What Peter momt Pa il> thie flitit-. "Il lx ait doins .,r L ý 1 lier boud.,ir. Jan,, foulai . toit.- il, %fadge'. **N,),«' 1 alibi. *Tin mure 1 ilon't.** haumtiorr. Bii(-âti.ý they are avani-ux? site wirb fondix- if I n ili but ,ornilé on "týin(td." 1 glory in this religion of bloodl . - table. Site liait lu many Camus nie. Becall- their own wam a mort or alit,âer tent, te keep 1-14-r girl' Ail sfo' wants je to lx, ki-d 01-1 hand,,ritinsir IyiLg wi th, -Weli, il iva.. flic author of 1.1tle him, .Nly horse r"ogiilzes me when 1 fil[ 1 nos thrilled as 1 sec the suggestive color ,.Old ý frieioiIý.'%Vv ha- beva anny for monthx, retirer o.xç),.,.tt.li tirer ber voulun -Uld bI, pesominal exiiIýri.- are la,ýixh? No. A bis manger. Ný'hut reward, what grati- in sacramental cri[>, whether if toi of finir- (.lit. 1 Il ' 1ý .lit] site IýlIý.. ni, la the rji,...t -Air 1. rit, ,il file Hall -aitimi ri, r..,.Pi,,ý ho, NN'omen,' Ilirm Louise Alcott." few bundred do:lan iould furet ail . their tude, what rynmpatby end affection cuir 1 nished milver met on cloth itiiinnoulett-ly How the hertveuly Toices with t11lwý 1 , web-onse no tal a ml yon are ail but rude %%'heu salle hamil rend tho lettor the Iivphý 1 fairly gaspf-d. mirant». The simple rues: Le the man sa o U * ,x pect hotte? There the prisoner elle. white or rougir bewn freux muait %et on maj"ty break lis upon the earthly Vollevil. 1 l - won ýlI-1,1,ti-il en lier v, 6, ex While Peter yet opoke the elond bla lo he'. Ni,, fort site -ddle en th.. riýht .%nd 1 have Won allusinir ber lxi- during ail flint fatigue and muperrition Look nt him. Iýk nt the assemblage table il, liq but meeting bouse ut the wil- 1 1 h,,,,.,. I: lx ýou Who malle th.- qtmrvýl' :ý,.1sslezo1'ioU.. rallier forturrate tha, ý vause mise wouidn't loue ber Own bontz and In car and tels r fi, Lori, hi. borne press- aronud yeti. Listen ta their ill Ail)lymgsed derneox. Now 1 am thrilled as 1 sec tire , bree %hining une., and the voler ý. Q ý lit thi- uiinr[iing, valiuer rouumeix *1 hall grille uff fi) bis ruoin lu seo a man on ! front tire library.- permis. There je ait invisible Une retteh. censures and ,xeited front. and frit nie allure (a ancient lairrifice crinirion wifb laimed the goughip of Jeans. ý vait Sbe doex not fer ,,ne montent - , itimiri(,ý. Nladg,-«s ,vislle wax Almost in- ' * 1 -' 1 'ri 1 b ni a ringing, lauscit. ing from tires: attire. from fit book-, from where among my neighbors Ur my fellow the blaod of the slain lamb, and Lovitieus Such supernat 11,1 ' that 'hop, from that .üaffoidii)g, te a - lom 1 sissige. ,ý li,%, C.2it Tom carem for Avoein, or filet I coliervut from indignation. ,r"lII boa ta the front or men. viliere even lis býxx briart 1 cun expert je fi) me not ma souris tire Old Testament ifestations wore Don; te salons. They hâssé ,, ..I;' It.'ii'l'n, litomon" t"e ' naturel enough. .xx,_,,ýr , bas soir 1-1 influence over 'Foin: ý sgrosoly insuitell lier riait morning--had library, 1 saw the lady te whons 1 rail quiet 1'ttle n'enti 8 fi-"' blocks- a ft-w mile- te find a sentiment. a thosight. 'mit t- -RY no fil,, New. New 1 sec wby flic destroy- .oeil ,%..n(,(,rf a ,a J b . 1 aw. y, and thero je flic secret of that hein- ut reward or of ocktiowlýlxiiient, or evon lit et a of elimis, ut b" ]-,il -Il,, >- th.t lie je .b.linatP, and that 1 called lier a xilY ..lit a mi,,hi,-f inaker, lxieu readIng a lecture on lier lac, of liens endurance. ing aiigtil I)jimýýitIg river Egypt in the night ,,et me, 1, t ho dove or beard the not ait ý e 1 lhi.I.ý ', lit lx. a ortiule ber. ,en them. i and finally lied forbidden ber the bouse. lie je mimPly the chairs- of t-xxerignition. Gentlemen, yen moy ibink * -pareil ail thune bonnes tiret bâti tansad 1 - appreviation of Dry ehrriteliert book. In pion of a bUxmýInd, for whicli lie winis or titis ovidence what yeti pIrase. bring lis prinkleil ou their dmrsteix. Now 1 A 1 Il* June .a. stil, .fi hir traveling attire; i lxix Imptixiii. ' F Xxi. , > - No tuait, save Jesum ondy:*' grerythi« Il Cil .R . if %,As M-arecly .1ark. .si moment later lose conversation with the propriptor. brossa and wardrobc and eaucation alla what verdict you cour but 1 üxxorvatxý be- lition, ,,lait l«ainli moulin %,lien lie xpeaks a ul (*I,,,ýt.,n, came and ment: therr -- abc man on ber vvay in the rrctory, lent. Bath were lauglilng, and Just as 1 flans. pronperity, and in tracts battlé 10,(» mets frire henven and yeti tirait, tu the beait of (if -6one in red upparel continu iith dyed P ints ta sienne objective reiality fer th* , r, ... ,l ý ton busitir imion Bat certaissly vire nord net «IgIs-ýý - et fin. Hall, 0. 1 tho lessive mofimon ý 1 full. 0 -sa mets whaux I bury al)- knawledge and belief. the prisener et germent@ fiera Bozrah," a a bons the ing word hier ont- of thi- flx)tmt-n vi-Aq te oit, belli lookeil In my (lirectloti,,an, f , v, sus, t lait Nioses and EliJah terre preàM , ,, nx >1.-,It in a fitting manner. Ni, amiral route there in Lait air huur tu see ber ilit- proprietor 1,eckorred te nie fi) orne nille die of overwork for others. 80me the bar duos net at this moment know Almwalyloze means nhen il describes a 1 -v(olýiIiation lied talion place betvýýii i dden diseuse find, lisent with no power ,,.L,. it le thât my shodow folle on you in SII(h meuxe a. thât any man could ha» , Sir 'I'lI-,,.., and Lady Nevil; bills finit borne. te bill). 1 was presented ta libis Al- au - henvenlY chil-fiain Ivhose -vxisture won 'non t Item ail.] tirai tilpy could be meb ý _ forin.1 il tonvenient ta jet the caner tir She round %ladge atone in %vbat uýed ta colt, who took n'Y bantl lu hers auxi of rosissant,, ands.th y are COUP: l'ire stýàd of bis Own.', dipprd in 111110(1," "]'Il ,bat Joli,' flic ut 1. 1 for lire Blood fa 1);,Ood: Substitution! The gallows Cet ira vit-tim, but the pont apostle ine-lus, ýýben hi- spertils of the CI 'l -ý1 ,1,,n,,.-I rIrop; noithpr lied the mmall"s, i ho the mettent foutu; file rest of the fauxilY soir] ta me: A* Dissa Light in the Nousse. mortein examination of tire jeter en-attire --prqýiIus f 1titTItiýlA "f acklýwieilglilg te baving 1 wereout. Matisse, bere3e% intlammed milli -!,I), dfiar, that N'as the choleest au.1 blood that clvan-oth troM 111 1 l'lie eaution Of Jeune unis neeemry et . ý ,, I...." ,il the wrong. But, [Ili.. ail liner. ý ,-ryilig, threw lierself oit lier cotimin'w viýi-k , W' At 1 o'elock to-morrow morning. file showèd te &II the murgcomm and te an the sin,- ,,titi ,bat ,Ili. taxi, %%ornoui, 41ýrepit: Peteral reziei)tim. Ir the tissions, disieilsillep 1 ý fil, tell made up and canrelod, il left a nuit begau te etai viulently. June "a. siettst compliment I have hall Pula h.ur .heu slumber je meurt uninterrupted world that tire public %%tire wrong eut] inissiminry l'sol means when, in my lent, told proffle of the wonderful actuel reillessie ., ý I.V littic book. I thank you fuir il." and profound, viaIL amid the dvelling Wallons H. Sentira wax rigilt uni] thât lie ,vies. **%%'ith.lit elielithug or blond la ni) "a atteuipts would ho made te mise blu ,, ton.fliered resentment bobina. .,nri-(-Iy Ire, movvd. ý '*'rit thii.k," ga.l.ý,l .Nla-1g,, -ihai T,- 'l'l'nt wam t'le beglnnlng of the nIOxt balises of thf- ritY. IlPre and there YOI, bard, stony steix of abloquY in the Auburn ,,,i,,i,,i,." B, filet lillý»I yon and 1 will king. Bemide. the chier milMifium» of -ýý Alriies mars perfecily awa" of the Pu- the transfigurationwould net appessir ne- . "; ,; ri ,beri4hed frienaishil, of my wholo lire 1 wili find . dins light. boCeux, if im the etaist. ruent wam the first stop or the grain, ' fil irritigement allie hall eûtamed et tire liail, l Illons 1 wax al%,aym ., fond of, 'huit ho saved-or ro-ver sa't'd lit .111. 111 $Il . U fi" .1tisttg' death. 1 t wumU thiessim - _'ý and Nindire's Iltioging stiocro ami ahirp lm>have sol tu nie: 1 %ti:i u(%#ýr speak fi, - :1 frivndshlp WhIch Ifisted antil tire h.ti.eholi] cuatoril fi, keep .1 subdued liwht of farne tri) villich lie went ta the tel). tir ta the liges (if the ivorlil Glid bas net oure . 1 1 hiiii agniri, never, iiiý%4ýr' Alla oit. .1uny! objex-t of my devot(id affection pax,4ed buruLng. but mal of illui baumes front base withili ont, steP of the top. that lent denied ý,,,, ' lIiriiIK tbose heure of gloussa. serve ta i-ei)rln(-Iiý %%-cri- hy no mearis neressary tri ý te pardoried a sitwliý six (,xx t throtigil il)(- brivir huile fi, .addened hearts - .ho. lier the mischitif .fo, - dlmux. Sto. 1 1 %%-,,iiiiii't mina a bis iil).>ut liut going Io ixiyond fille êarth. top are as dark ax though uniallabitea. trios ttinýtiKli tir(- trenellim of ýJxUù-rics, Iavii)tlr" l'xpifition. 'loti Il., Iniver 11,01 , and heilla -ý th,. Hall if if ,xann't for ý.,i. Itut ,,bat - A merciful sied lins sent forth flic oreh- politie:. Nothing afflil.mer va. ever mot-n 1, . dieux fi, beliee that Joues would la Ë~ r,ý,](>tibl,ýt lier attentions fi) 'l'ijm*s hrir; (iiory lie fi) tIed that the bill lick or .Il.- lier inanner . hall 1 a. witb.ut 3i,,,'!" Ta t- lits biluself ta angel of mlýlI, ait(] he pose bis whigs over in au American court voeux th"" Wallon' miaulera ,as the ,)IlttlvfiI.,(, on 1%.Ili(ýl, ,ay bring light ont of darlussestu ne the Ï Trou %,ai- noir, angfit, .. ,rite wisfi lavvYel. Rail the city. Bat yonder je a Pleur light burn- Il. Seward, Ivithout rxwan]. standing be- Y. hetivenly light lied dimpelled the darluilessist Thau tofore; is'or ami4,tiii-.%s inreased bis NI,1,.,Ix-, my destr.- -pbed .1IIi.,. '_ _ ý ' Christ arhievod toir fibort ' en he .Ilmmit of Hermon. 1 11 f hi -If Toni f.rbid., yoi Ili., loIý-r than the evidence. An ing, and ()oreille on a Viitudow cawment a tween flic furitaix lw)lllla(tý and the loisth- ()tir great WatvrIul) wax in PaI-tiiieý admiration and ri-et»eç.-t -,r -r lenfold. per-bly. il .1 ry u - Affer the transfiguration the dl«JVW glace, siffler a mmart ent-ouille, l , o !t'S lits O *il ,-:I.ý,. am an l gloire. or pitcher (-iIiit4tiuing food fora sick some imbeeile. ,ýý4tll,.tittzti(ýt,! -'Y ,bel, ,lit bill rode lit). ' ' J ,vith lie ', ill have tu forts lit, ... il tou. NVu .1 'i 1 stII.o,,,ý lexil, ". There caure il il, aortu xee a bout rixes. flot ýo,, ha,ýV t 1 i Illist rat joli. The evidenve wa.q con- 'hiki 'l'lie fosoi is set in the froids air. The Ilero Ruskin. Id by ýsxpoI1y.n, :i,,ýl lhe iiiplain of , ... r 'vre ininiediately confinutued by a mpqwb-> - - %ladze. site waylaid Toux ai a quiet slwit fi, ]il ine ýet what box hüIqýto-d.- This je the txixt slll%.at;,>,, coutroul ... 1 t!1,111 alone. ,1,11, Ile of humais iitýd-the demouist ber ý à oeil cnnfided ber grief to Itisi). She relit ,-Itim:%e, the law Nas on hie side. a d tlilligiýt short mother bas Ili tire reaini (If the fine nris t1ilre %%.,ý * ' Du t op vx ith fini x fferer. Sise bas te the lis touterkable un iiel4iiire. A brilliatit ridvroli tll(.%Nllilý. 11,rsetif Ille ýil")ýýnlvli., "' Il. lut t bey t ried te boa]. without sissoeinissis, litre of Il mise lind liera accumed site -Weil, Ibis inaruing Aggiv rIIt.,ngIt te %vlien thti attorney nirettre ta iddress 1 ' sa . ' 11, 1 » -a à preýnp- hut ll)pcrvriticiý.,l Pointer, 3txelli %Vil- going ont ngn;nýt fil,- bletti hor- cavalry hvir lak ,if failli and couseque« Issiok ý not joudly ,Ir conviii stenl ilff ,vithroit my exeing ber, but the .. ouglit hi- had the (-ose ,won- ' Ixion. .'.ý' ub"'d th" phyxician' Il or ta(, i ut "ý v, I-pt bertur, him, .1vl- 1 mi.med ber 1 lait ,)ri my fint and jurv lie th ' ri- S' pu giving a drop tee mur lx , Turner, wils met by il ýoI'ev ,if alarme or dath, alla the hattalion., or th, de- o f pomer met vrith stern rebelle fr J ly. bat in a linintly nuit tromposied f..hi "Il .. ...... n"'t ]le briefly revIoWed the evId 1 j'illicites, il nomnent leu @mon tir tee lote. * il. ']'bit. the sublime and the=. met me little Attire l'y the worid; ,ho ruelied off. to IIoý Hall. W livil 1 Ref tu . "Il,',', Six front ail the art ga:Ierîlx of F:tir(,I»,. lits moniar and fil,- [ii3riiiiil(,ris ,if darkiless. s'r %%ùý obsoltitely indifferent fi) the elei - drive 1 saw her aloi Tom talking in a test tire law lu the case, alla % . very auxion.. for .he bas buried Painting., whiAl have .!lIt'e m.'n the al, Front 12 o'clot k ai noeu fi) :; o', lock in si h, of lire were constantly. bressibil W _ ljl(-a>umm which Juste lent] bladg, I- -a; very eurnest nianner and standing stili te cloeic bis argument. lviiein lie native plause, of ail civilizixl Iýlti.".i.. -11se Fifth the afteritioni the gr(-att,,t liattle ,if the ,ýtýllier- lis 1 he inidile of the road. Ju.t before 1 thist aux, of the jury, a stolid old fariner, aloi praý m and weeps, ertch prayer ,sud Ix-Il Plaigne et I;gý-lý." '*Iý'k.,11.ýriiI1-ii ,)il ri Lee iinivorxe %vent lot. Fternal destiiiies torero Teachinu Hinstis. . ',A >lie liveil for dilty. i .-allit. ut). .igiIii.,« Ift hini and ,veut toward dia ,lot soeur ta be witil ilim. T 1 ending vvith a kies .If tire pale check. Ily Shore in Squaily NN',:ithvr." -Culaix l'itýi-," being decided. Ail the jirro%%s tir hell TI ira 114 Peur Tom %vas deeffly Draveil. 11, was le le ii.figtirati.n. though, hi~ - , hlý bouse, alla lit. ,aloi. te Ineet t'Il', li)'ik'- other eleven mon liait already des-hil dint of kindiies- site gel. the littie one "The Suit ItiitI4z Through ',Iist" jiiiti pierved loir I'tii4'ftiiiii. alitl the battleaxs D fil,, finit instance mdy te il ex ...ý ý ý', i.tImenselyindignnni. 1,ýýsi.lI-., ai thi, dent. 1 iog very r.ýd and angry. Alla hefore 1 lit,- case lu tiroir owil illinds, bill l'ha through flic Ortical. After il je ail over ..,)idO Btkilliig (,Ilrthllgi..,, %ý.I.Ný tjIU la, ,trock- h;m. ,11ilil lo.o', aloi cheek aloi ' . bistre , ý,ýJ striera cromature hein. Pý-r.I-i-iited foi- vriatt e the mother la salien dov, fi. lirrisin or nerv- . ,vite intended for the comfort and el 1 .a. ber histhextit virtu, and ,I-,.,IitiIIiýIIilýI- I:ýýdI;,i.xe l.,en tu suly *I;..,l nwii 'l'iIg" or former Nva.4 hotli stupid and obstina - eue lever sets in, moi one day site leave gels for crItios fi) stilmt ut. Ili (lé-ftqisi- tir !;ItoIilltýr and hand it fot ,er, incaroa- .tgý>iueiit of ail; nuit in order te the jl ý, lieu in big eyra. lit- felt extreaix-ly ,il : ý, ing, Ire fie, ai Ille. te . m rhie ,)titriig,ýiiigl)- afin.--] aille il >.iIitIg ajo4xi ,ilh ,ý,i-il-9 life. loir lie f-,tight titi .. *1,.Ik here!' lie .ai,], *1 inust have an Titi- lawyer went civer flic eame rigole ' Ille convaleeevrit child with a Mother's author of 2 omplimitulmint of flet purpose. thau &mo', ý climid tu go te lier lad) .hil, and repront Il '4 yeuse. ilist ille Year unir of luitil II, gaNe Il filial stroke viril 8w.iI-il ý . co, trying ail .morte (If arguments, but 1 ;,(oeil muet tell thrir violon. lier in titi mensured terme for lier urdriroi- ,,, 1 te ibis mort ,if thing. l'nt net going ho blessing and gues DI, ta join the thrce de- ,.,,,Ipge, caine forth %, illi ]lie lien and ,,-rý,t,, front Jeholah'x ltI,-kltýr. and the con, If in wonderfut protif of divine platI1111111111111, - ness; hot ci refl(ý:tioti made biol fet-I ý have spiex .et (lit Ine and sales fettlivil farnier prermerved his stupid etare. parted ont-% in titi- kingiloin or heaven. tII,ý-' nl,:est aloi inest faiii-,tLý t-.ýffly (in :tri Inonder in t hier of hell and ail hi- fort,,, ami cmxdexceIIýi-Ix lisait men laepkSiWýIA 1; ý_àe ýo_ ý _ ý alla arried te my ý%ittý!" Then the jittoriiry trIed a iiýw tavk. lie Lire for life! $tilý-titutioti! 'The fixer flint tire %ý-t)r:(l t-%,,r saw ortovvr mili se- tell baril: in ,ýv,-rltmtIiK tain, and the Illekit 1*_,, that vuels il miel, would do ten times noire many way. flic higher attaimmente ý barns tban good, alla ivould set the rotory Joue ,va. ahnoxt stultofied by titi. nive- ropicaleIl bis argument until he vame je thnt theve uni ail lincotinteil miniber (of John Itii.kin'. ",Nl.,iltýrt) 1'tiiitem.,, Ior viiory je tiare. And ()ri the Inouliol that x . tha ý mothers Who aliter they bave Davigatril a jaritual eulturr simula ho made lation. A chill pasxed througb hi . . and the Hall hy the cars. Ho lie romfort- 1 -Ir heurt. te il place where flic oppa"Ing lawyer .,,,.Io,ý-ti year. thLx riusthor fotight tho- relobrutes the triuniph itý plaint Ibis dav ,ipients of sublime revelationsi, ý, $Il.. bat] crime borne eu fait ,if pleu.4lut large family of children throtigh ail file baille. of titi- iIIaltni.1,,l arthxt. and errer Ivo figtirtýs, joli il, brunz, tir iron or -rue ' #-il Agace ta the lx-nt of bis ahiIitý. an([ anticipistionti, alla lave was Agnos iiitPrý hall made art egregintis errer. nuit Ibert diserrilles of infaney oui] gris: them fiLiriv . vx riters of thti st-riptt:res were bY ne - 1 H I.-havýl te Joue vvith a shortneus 11ili'-il ' lit poverty and bir-lhen Ioqirtù,1i;cý. il,(. .,e.tlll)tiirtýd morille. but two figure% of Il%-- ect met]. but they we _ 1 imoming tuer(- ýriotisly filait evvr i*ýtwtý(ýn Il' leautid over ta ilie old faritier ami sitarted OP the flowering slope of boyhooa lierf Te eniruo"- mlle nt cure look ilote ut and comrreh(-tid- 1 ter boa died aloi titi- loibLic tried (il itig light, theLion ofiiiiiali*,itrib&ýâtoi the Il . i lier and happiuess. livre výns frA) ,nust, soid: and girllioud have ouly otrtinictli enough pain't loi) flair %vox slain. . divine message or unique 1 s fer ed. -mielti(ý tovard lihil l'y gilrins; 1 a ... : heu uty. We ourselvos have fer ý. fer estrangement betmcen lier nuit Tom. ".%net ilierre, my frlt-n(l. that's; where left Io die. They fade a%% ny. Saine cali il 1 undo thpir ( 'nc.pyrigl.t. ]SUS. ý. .- ' About ilii. filtre Mrs. Fllegmere sent a J f rir Dorer, ilever Nould site talnelY s'In- lie dropped bis ,%%,ateriiielou." consomption, aussi@ Pull if lit, hins a bil; fanerai aud loiriail il% St. Vaul', - __ - ___ - __ .ýf rush and light salon we lire Il b& Ir niost pressing Invitation te ber danghter- ciffliedral bis old tiiiie frit-titi tola; eut tir Short Hormone. J-u. wax divine; nul hi div 11114> iii-leur su mixna il week or ton dayg nt ber 1 mit to thi. contitiot on lit% part: liever The Illil fariner lauglied outriglit, sud tmti.u, saine (,ail il iitprimfýen er ma- 1 a t a =.:, - . - --.i,,T.l .si. illio- lier f.ý.rit.- ertiatin fi, lie ,-ý,-. ,- -,--,ý-. ýI,- .... . . ý. _1 ,ý Inrial indispatition, but 1 cri lit marty r tri box 19.4ffl [lie' ýes of liatter vonfiliftit tg 'l'lie Ilrofeexiiol, of Faltli.-Nt, Publje »ionally ,alerte iliroilich 'hi. b . ii x,.. .l - ... :....- ..., - - "Ili ,-.;.iI.- .."l .hý.ý.,ýýI, - - ... . - ,ý_;Il;....Iý .1s.'i .1 loont tissolis, T"