- - 1-1- 11, 1 ý1 ý , - ý,ý'i.ýý 1-- - - - g , Iî, --, ý ý- ý Il - .1 1 ", ,7 , ý'W Wmt^lt.*«AlýM 'ilýIK'I"ý ; , ; - ; ý - 1 . 1 -"4- mi ý ý r ý ýý ý - yeý--,ý-'l >ý1 1 ý ý . " ýý,ýý -., &,,,,, 11, 11, Il 1 'r .. THE SUND ý i ', - - , , .,ýý ... ýý . ý 11- ý 1- - ý *Wki ... t .à *.etiia ý ' May crop Goee ta liant price four voursoi. . ý;-, ý - a While Mku 0jokeley choittered on . - - $1.85 la chieffl -. ý 1 ne fat = le .116 - - - - , Mrs. 1 . A 1»0111&&Kl - ers Mat» 1»77- 1 . 1 " Ce fonder won Pcurin« a rosi trieTgLuc" -- -- - INTLRESTING AND INSTRUCTIVE 'ý%lay évitent "id ail te - - Il .... ý luto ber motion "r. o )p - Ttjëmlnv, and july touched $1.26, bout re- 1 111 am sorrY !,label won go I)OTed nt din- ý -- '. Àl' oie. LESSON. n'lm ,,dorte. ý,ý Il " ner tu-day, but 1 aýdItlitc aware . f the ý - . ýý 1-',,Ilý,,iIg are the ri(-' odorantes of 8atý 1 -.. ýý 1 Mlftgon... . - -. . --- tirdljov aiol for rite wek and gaturd*Y's ý , 1 "Illo1"111 Weil, 1 'lid not observe ber Renýcti... of un mi.vatinu ch»-ýter elot,,z pri-- for wht-nt in the Princi'Pâi eî ', .. - ý - why .bc Why, do yon not know that tble in thil -Wholesome Fénoil for Tbonsht- sý- ýjlýilif- markets dot the ývorld, the ý Il 1 1 . 1 lutoint borcol, n.r oldé, 1 k1tOw .1 L..... In- ('2À,;dgý, tigo,- Jot-ing gien tirer; 1 , ý. ý 1 . ý 1 1 sheuld he." way men and women gel prepared fer St.dyiog the ,xcýipt-ý ýý .11 1, ý Il . . d'Oh, 1 Bill thé offender! 1 'lie, not agk . special work. The wildérnens of Aratiia telligently and ProfitablY. Adl'..d,ý, A(I'.2n'ý (,'Iodue 1 ,ýI)ýýfé-.ý.ý, . NIý,,dt'dý - ots for wppk. prl" . ý '.%Ir. Statiolidole tu juin nid. lie in. 1 ', leu the law achool, the theological memi- 1 % a mari I firither like réer apprOve. lie iiniveroity of rock and Idand Nl.y .. -- -A7, 4«. $1.67 ý es. lie l', .... for Nfiody Il nary t '. JýI1y - . . ý ý. ...ý ,,,, 1-r 1 ý 1 1 . . ,qher, In nu acoutiti.g for ta.ýt : froi;éo whid-h lie graduatoixi for a Ming . Ion t;..Iýl.ýd l" t. «.ýN , idI'l' tIoTdf.,r.ýý for rî.I.!ý.1,,1- l :,-11 . .1 do . . 1 je a godl fell.w eli.ligil." that will balk @es@, and drown armies, Il C %%' %dbl!K ', 1 **A mer.- worlo! . . lit of and folio -d ,ý1' ' Idai ldý,,,r ,oq, 1.ý.,.! .1-'th N 4Io,ý 1.010 ý ', .1 Iling 1 leur tria m., Io, the cloud of lire by night, and 3 - k-d"" . .1av . . . 1-V -, dý . .. failli lien tend ai, élril influencé on Mabel @tort thé morkmen with bléelling bocks I ý,o,,-- odi.1t, ,_,ý 1*2, J",> 4 loý, 1.13 1 j , ý ý ý - ..,,ýý,i d, m NI o t t , '! 1 U_, M . Ni 1 Il 1ý FýA il. ýIAs. 1 ýý 1 ý aloi Durothy. ', nmo.g 1:gyptian lIeick kilns toward the TIoý ', - -1, - 1 . ý dold ,. ý ý .1 .14 :I 1 d., I.47,ý& m ilk and the aloi 11, 1;111jý,d , il "\\':Itdý,fIIldý.." A fi.., , - ileý 1.4.5 . , -oh, conte! Ir tirer.- a te nu w.réoc %vélin, . ý peinture bondit that flow mille . il. y ,. ... - - ý4'. ý . ...... . 4 en la thé oNorld thon 911Y wifé und little ime. or Catinan, dripping with honey. ilo, l,,",1,1,ý ýý1 il'.. ,.,;,rri:,--,-ý f.ý:,-I, .1d'ýI, ' juld, l ý 1 u,44 1.35% 1 Il 1 . net bc a liait placeý- . t lond .ý,it,ý.,..,,ý., "i(h ilo. ,,I-il'.ý ale, 1,1 IA TIL 1 -%ft . , lidédrothy il noffloil , 'été, ' ý (.ra,-i.uý Gool, tead-h &II Ille people thl» . iv, 1 - . h 1'il;lr.sfý- ;:ý,Ildd. I.-III1.1,-. ;,:,ýl ýJd-,ký- sol- C- 11 . - - .... ý 41" ,ý 1 Nlal)g>l, il wili bc Joie bef-ré, - Jetterai. Ydor roust go into humiliation - -I. NI., ,- ý . ........ .. 1 . in 1 11, 1 i ýrî7 . - 1 . ý 1 -- home." and mettent and hidden ci.méta of prayer devin ý%ýtriiii g to thrai t 11.,- «!,-, 1 ..: . ý , ", Y - ... - ý 1%, -ýt0d. 1.44 il lit il' ary orâcer, who in the The Dowager (me Idoc likolool te lie called . if you étre to bc fitted for Apecial uBefui- XL Il> ,dit.. .of thox.- -, tri . lIýIi.,ý'ý., fioul Si'. Tý1It IS, " 1 1 ou- luit ýýl,,,,-ýi hi, 911-M Nt;,, - ý ......... A, u-d1 ý 1-u "ý ,a,. .1 p.réh. ý de tu dýderiý,ýv t 8 UOJ4 ýý o'ng 'or" of l en, et bad mon y -humer amocked of ducal, rouir) 1 dl , L IT C ri . levé for inankind. le. "It..,oi a 1,.tid'ti'. jui - ...,.ý. - é ilio ' "À '. ne grever e -if ,saine 1 lien%. "' r - .ýhé- Io-' --le- -IM IR'f lit' fonde thcm a glacial 90od-night, but Il' - ý N - 1 Il werv dylng ont over the shining ý enough te buy t e oeil step beyond filet rietta trou downstairs in soce them off. . For G.od or Elil. lh.vFltpi)01.. à am. The crowd whieh tend gatbered, on of captain. , d'Yeu wili bc nt Mr Egéorton'm pio-ni - - - - No donc réalize. how gréat lie in for good Iiiiii"itfi)r Jervsaicui and lier ix-ol-1, '23: ý'i)ý,t Ný. 1 N,)rt'IOý 14 12 1 15d"Il the pler te listen to the band began t. 1 c 1 'l7-:Ilýý, Iidl il. lie h-ft lier id inpIeý Iffloodiog ', >" g m were babies, Captai. * . ddy . - . ...... - :i 1.11 î , the music being over V ohhi. wirl'., .ad then, in consider. Tuesday, will Ion noile He bon ankm mone RONI a ruddlic Bible &celle Dr. Tel- or for evil. Tho-re are branchoings out and ,finale and disperse ýY Ibe 1 1 1 ot 174 1 . z ! 1 . . ' n . of fer thai afternoo fine glonlng Autant &tien O Io mor oincera' winhen, Pl- and Aunt Callander. Junt fftio-y ber mage in thi» "rruon draws practi- rebuand.q and rverheration. and elabora- domo avitote th, Kdron ,rolloy lomard Joli ý -,% 4% ', arlernélon, tempe;ýd by thé fre.b. » ili borde sied lor lwrod, cal and logeons for ail tions gr ilititi(ýllde that rannot bc estimat- the oppoIeit, délope of th, Mourir ,of (>Iid-,. SeiI--ddýl,.ýr ... ý ý t> I,11%t 1 Ié. ile ". ý, mort pressed in batik notes. rettred He did net Yachting! She w F inspiring . , . ý ....... .. : &Ir breatbing serons the bey, crisping the -ifý and Mind you are et home tu Juléchéon, lier_ ,hein" of people. The text in Exoduté Il ,ý long survive the combined long ofvi kept tire dock of col. The fifty Or one hundred yeau of lie armoire dit Ille litote ,ilLeu th, .ý;ili-ii(li 1 NI- ý...,ý. .;4 .... I..,A% ;, Waters ber@ and there and bringing de- coreer. Ili@ daughtero remained ai the bert; 1 am coigi fil.. 1, "Nordr M'odes édur earthly ,,tay lm only a soleil Part Of building 0l"Illoi lx- tIttd.1-13. .I-(r,ýcd ""' S'did,,ýýdýl,, . .. ..... dd'21m ... . 1.5d d,ý' Ughtlui etitincon from the rippling lUt- schodul where the fond pliteed filera, in or- "CertiLioly! As te the pi, air, nearly Jethro. bis tâther-in-lam, rite priest Of our sphere. The finie of tire tet-ing of the (tho isýiilli- mliiiii. lie th(- t.,Ioiý fourili ý- m. der Io acquire the menus of adding te their everY one in going. ourselvé-de amorti; the Midian." deditroy i ng angcl iliat minute the EgyptiLn -haleter of ýNlIitttiev tire foutel proplocd-ideté - 9 Io 1 i!ý,,. ,., The scene in Fordires, a Bourinhing bath- diminutive income. enrober. Good-night." Ili the "uthetatern part of Arahia a oppressorm, the mash of the Red sea over that have been lhe I)iiz7,1t- of iiit,-ridn-ti-rs lý'dýll,.",IL ai,, Ille toi) prices for rou- les place on the Thèy fond apparently no relation mâle (Te b,- cémétinued. ) Mau in iiitting by a well. Il Je titi and the hends or tire drowned Egyptians, lion of Jo-rumalvin; part Iirýa,ý!Ii uloet do l'hi(ý;ogleMf-r.fort.y yeâ"32: Il senti$ Célast of Engtend. d.dimb. ne was ------- - - - country ami monter in %entrer, go that a, were ail fuifiiiiig-titq of promises four - ' .lit '.'rtilillJy r'. . ., - -$Iýlr> ...$l. ý id are a n of the Joie - well in of great vaine and docks a 1 Id titi things occur in your, for ,ý-I,""i:l' iIIIv poil loiedic, ý... .. . IA3 issi " ý ........ 1.43% on nommer nouée lm. Il# attraction* t diluant cousi Câptain tivynn, ALASKAN INDIAN WOMEN. 1 "Ir "s 0 - - 1 ter Io il,,- c.-Ir,::ýr' "' '.le' et td.,a more 1.11 . . Il. 1 ' . -. herds are driven voter àistnnces in 11-n',c l liple .old lu .Lire , :î!ý.,oI!::;,,uIi,.-ý>ý1, ,.IeIf"earliaiidroý terrible I tel lit-)- , * .. 1. ,- 1 MW_ .... 1.40 il mot altogethçr dependétit for Il@ proxiierity beir guardian, Paul Mta -- - . 1 e that we Cannet account . oiil, ... ý ...... 'Y!' of a mort pf-rnianent character. Reins and bis notottrest friend- lie won alto es- .ý 1 xiiii .......... 1.13% ý, ecutor te big illuminait'% will. ne vecil ILIS They fiole Arti.tic Ability Deddopite their thirst slaked. Jethro, à Midianite for. They inay bc the echodes of what , the judgnient of ratilly 1 xo, L:I . . . "6 1 ne la the I, obeik and prient 1 ,,,;;ý,,!ý.,,,;, ".ri,,,,,,;.,, . 1« Boit Isdý4 . >, . - ..-Jose fid-iubt.rh,,.oi of the Davai .. 1 17, , sm .......... 1 guardiau Io bis ,hildreu; and very faith- Th.ir T.Iloome 1A.en. . mas no fortuuftte 88 tO was prç)nii«.-d in the mixteenth or neveu- Id, . i 1 , .!. .m .. ý ....... M% tend inilitary station of Eamtport, thé odi- nifill tire Iluti" lie bâti titi- WrItIng of the "Indligu leVomen of b.ave neveu ditughterdo, and they are forgée- toienth ,etitury. Oh, the prolongation of 1 r titi. rond tlu foi I.L7, ý - . . . 1 Nn id ..... 9« . rers of both services are glati 11) eàtoitlish fullY did bc f - oIluska au ami yunder thcy colle drivingý 1 ', lot, ', ', i,., ,,, , d .;,ý: u! ý,: ý rioi, so1-1ýý-u.to.f a mierning o ou Is ýý- o" 'XI lodesT .. - 2. their fouiiiies le, tire villau. terre,", crée- dertalien. The yoting (orphelin Imon icarn ý 41 Their lianflivork,*' in the licol girls, * ré the divine me-ory! Il Ise; . .... ..... . -, W, iffl - ........ 00 ed te look upua biné as an elder brother; fils- abeép and ,aille and campla or théir 1 Notice alité, tiret Nioses was Io le merv to la- exiov'led 1 ,,, : , . , - . .-,. ý" I site) .......... 1. affilié ce,, ildeilà aloi thé Idérach., indeed te DO - hy m-ho was fiole )*cars Cregor maym: "O - le- O, 1 :;e,ýr,,ýýiý,,,,zý,;,,.*ý,,,,ýiý,.ýýlli I. of the (li4,-ipl,ýý; and lesozi, ý.ý,.ýý... '.! 47 lm .......... 1.011riâ, . 1 cents, which border rite grassy t-ommoti r t %%'oman's Ildorne Companion. olie Me- f.the, ,. tire watering. They lower the 1 lige When bc got this colt te become the lie ý lie seemcd in ami illen pull them up litudi doIiveýr. Forty Yémen lie belli 1 . , 1 de> - ... ý sali .......... 1.16 latervionilig I.tw ^r, . ... l'he linge (>xl)rf-xsiOn- bucket. the waler 1 Israe , il lent., 1--. 1 ý - . ý . . 1 32 I."ý-r-, ... -.... 91IL At tire end of titi* plessant commun a vounger tiroir IL Jeter, . illing tbocir 1 li,,d in PZLlac"- au a fer m, 1 n'as, , 1 1 1 'r t IR, Il vo-r referenes Iý 1 :il q, l' pretty two-storied villa argot] on an abrupt tbéir childiroit days quite elderl . less tuée Of an Alliska 111411911 %VOIllan plashing on thé binnes and eh ince. Another for- Jean, .I. i é.1.e i.t("Idedl lu tire final juoig- 1 .-. -1 . .. ý - - . l'ai imw ......... ý 88 . () y rié.1 mi.- shows but )iIlle évidence of any ambi- feet, and the tronglui are filled. Who lm ty years bc tend lived in the wilderndeddas of aient ai,, i ri, ent or thé %vorld were col- ix-,ýt ........ ý . i.4dî IRM .. ........ a ý rold ground. A véranda, itm supportà ne aftcrndoli lie brought a ma tincondrerlied 1 Arabin. I should out mo le,74 ý .... ý. ,.. 1 ý 2S 1«.> - - ... fergr.wil with roses ni,,Ili.,tirysud-kles. tertolécetheul. Thiâ lady Inériteoi thé il,. tion or aliilit3 to perforin even tire sim- thet man (,rit there sitting réder If he bad ored by the netirer coeur. , ýý 1, -ing - théater. yet and looking élu'! 't%'hv iloea lie not (,orne 1 ,,,ý,ii;!hI*;Týo1 a man for thla morfil. lx«Î., ...... ... U>oo,ý! IFA»; ......... : # Ila - A ple,ét tentures of donnestic. art, and " vie youréip'r Explanatory. 1 x-. di - ....... 1 'l.;N. 1 >w7 ......... LS . ra da won evidenil.i un#ýti ner a morning, ,ouprelur joy leu itselr. and productive ut titi> skilittil and artisti, résulta of fi,, and belle the womén in this bard viork, ers have expo.ed my heslth. "Ný',tt,,h": the idl,-a in tire Word in liront ls7S - - . I.7.iéý, 1 . .......... 1.70 long the sidé, fa, lie to'o. Thhé 1 girls lu din(,t and go te thé Il 1 I- - poured their honte of kping olleself 11%Ilike. bpiog on the 11d79 ...... ý... 1 14 ý> , rame, , , f()11"uf.n(.Pn. handiwork of the,ée untutored aborig- of drawing watpr' But no tonner have-omfortable l.uirirg-dýhair». ri mork 1 important bey ulét ('fji()nél, then Ninjor. the dry file sud patitilig nostril, of the ,e'.ý%yuznrie ý1-7Jbýcre are forty yeure alert, licinir mady. Il ix not that of - --- 1 table fuel" with loookal. brixlit-col, i ' At dinner t Ines lunch souglit alter by thé tour- docke ho-gun to coui a littie lit the brim- 1 I mong tire enervating loir- standing al some upper m indow gazing off HIGH PRICES RULE IN DAWSON. ý rtin the giluntlet or many garrj."I)s mith- noinc trougli of the well filon sortie rouglo n'irx or gé lont-Il- ad loden follow the lot. thedistance for an elý,cted travelder, --- - -- Iii Ir";, 1 ley About. ý . ,uininer. Moréover, though the wo- break in nid the , 'y vétr'n ., ..i,ýfrue." hardship. 1 &nu ,hich is the thought mort riaturally aiF Bel"' Would Loedév. if certains et ý sillis and médecin, a I1.11 end a clip and il. '*a"ft""er' a grave' nettoie mul.j' Who "Bol i.4tt4 wha visit thclr villages during tire ,,et ,,,ai IL men are ail fat and lazy-looking, their *celle, and miro clubs and .bouts drive m, old. 1,ùt aie off. Better rail a man aociated %%ith the English word. The let- Reaching Civilization. On the b"rh In front .If thidé 'Ini'ty out aliy Iderlong offairs Of titi- heurt; and Dedouin shelIhertls ,:, r 1 ý , a 1 doollitély lettonne depp inte.rrupte.il rusé . ho ter idea implies idlenei , t le&ot in- deVilliain Newton bas orrived in Talent- manxi.n a yieung lady won dditting '-Il a ý now, in thé most linf-xlx-('ttý41 mitlluer. lie Ilves arc, net titi -, net. bock the aniýls that m -re driuking and in the fortirât or blotties and not one w ent or la ridge of ahingle blearbed hy sert and ,Ira- i ">" utt'r'y 11;I11111, affright thetée girlx until they fly in re- bas entered report the eighties." lqelýef- attention tu one's other tanks; and that ,ni frotte I)avmiii, having started ont water te poirfect ,Iennliu.-ýg, which of ý in love - Ille - .1111luct cai)tairà'â iovely withstanding the£ thelr ne(xl-; lire few. u -sting plac-' Thé duéýýJl " *1 Abundance of fuel lm ail about filera, treet, and tire fi(,"Lm of theme ill MRD- théleIer lie noiertook the work, and If -criait] - for from the mener- April '-'. lie lino, little to Bey binuself, but ý Aordedl a corrofortable ri ler, -,fa."x,.O.I.. 'd Out foin Pro- nered shepherds arc drivré te the troughe, we want Io linow mrbether bc succeeded clément iq ý 13 .. w hich detail conditions, î a le 1 young lady réeeul ý ., r ýrrie and fond. whieh with filera fée synony itig of thide J'alésage Ye know Dot what brought out lettere 1 ý ed conclu nt -lier entée. Iller ( dite - - taking«the places Idi thé duther docks. Now ask rite abanduned brick kilos of Eg7pý . -ome": how explicit bc ,cri. leum. or m Il i g f ri ý 1 J,.,t. sied Mabel. won hy bis quiet kind- hour your lord doth ( t Dedw.on itiollo, It a i Mgil beer ilieft, rowmheft 1 skirt or Igloo émerge me* turned up étirer a mous with finit, %trima almest te fileur .9 bc the Vieil begins tO lien taKhma§ters, and the aplintered the statenient, and boom, ditrange that men c white in.] blu, . -2-cl et thé lerffléort Or u ii.m. Buttheprocuringas th" eolor op, and bis ý . e flashes with indigne- 1 ellý;iot.whediolotstrewn on the besch et the Léhould Nvaste their titre over mysterinue food, or rallier lack or Tariety in didd ýpâ a the bock in whot useoi tu be lalid 1 froror Whio-h lie' ajoumd ber ab, o0l.uld preptiring ut thio food Io ail sec If me piden.ic of gd-tirv>, catised by lmprop« . ý 1 1 second %kirt of - and calight Deux and Joie .hi out- lion, and ail the gallantry of bis nature , and h wIfe, fa.hi.n-th,- boolivé fittinje lier ý ,éhorc with ber ,didotér condécutéril m e timbreh' whlch M'r"Lm columus of figures trying Io calculate the do. and in about Riz pilshéd by rite Women. During the la arourIm. Il Je Mence. whO nsturally 1 c ^.yfdIi.týe Inruelitý pommed dotrer and The hodopital mas écrowded with patieulis icied' -ith lappeil for t day and the fleur %vhich bas been reveaied -tiy; a 1 démert. frank réadii th sud otherré were sick in cabine. This 1 alight supplée figure eamily, i,ýfd4 lifter thrir first mpeling Ilab*l surumer they leavp thd- villages and fond a quick tromper finyhow. as bc dem- gelée trotter. te ne, human créature. When we apply bealth conditiondt %vere woréle thon ~ . little tout in a dark toléré ettur-loing. »roi ý md,1,11dm lands in le8s frequented onstrateil on one Occasion wben lie saw 1 Po ,lot retire tuée earlY. Like M the words, as th uay legitimately be - I '-'a. abri C oses, ey 1 au Incomparable abor, 1,,ýýd forth no, .lie 'allandt-r, the object towas for the ls vo. enély halte vou &Uppý,riel an Open book on ouë liard-, find 1 ',,'1'1ýrr', grave c2band's profonnel dévotion. mater, where they camie for weeks et an Egyptian opprossing an laraelite and . ir chief work te do aller - 1,,orel in the before, and no douter existe tbat ma" ý I edjik a tinte, catching and ,uring the dette for gave thé' May n't il, th,, high places of nommons of death, il la equally truc and à wide brimmed ,dailor fini alitouit bid lier lier otrbt-aring m(itber-in-law's déepest Egyptian a gudden clip and pplied, to the comitig et the . face a. .lie Ident .vé A big ol li ý ý-. IIIII . drnths will Orvur before the Miner@ are 'e. buried bien in the sa nd. .and as lie obowed . Il »,.ýnot be where a st.roug ý. -r file page. ,ýJI évent wro a winter une, while the men lazily wateli Le ail th the Û., ..,,ýn. bie Id, irrité the river steamer% te civM- brovérit boat drawu ni) besiffé ber mode 9% ught considérable them, or pnddle the (-soude, ofterward when lie brok e Tenl,,ýýiý....ý.dýýý.ý.ýýýý.ý,bletie font and à clear zation. Thhi feeling Jet ma non" lisait Nialýl*m ,diditer. The m. or Other- Comnianduients nt once by ghattering the vis u ,ed, bout there in monte- The servant lion diffles te perform; net doxerrode m ould coule ont overland if certaiw ý a dobélier from th, lével rayé, of lier ýink- ,honte lie thé lire of idée amuse ttienii4elvex. - - - two granite Idoles on which the law was thing for you yet te do. Perhaps if may naerely te wnit for big Lord's return, bu tir ,,ý1 of parting divi Io minister te the household, and provide thisr décou-hilé. reah tide Waters saldelly et' ing non. Alt,,gethcr à,hé prémoritted , prét- firot grief -r, Dorotby round ce of this treat- . t forcir won unurnally wàrm 1 tient maiiy pléadeur" and advantagéde tend -If à" luillau's wife ls 111 111 healtlu writien. But the injuxti ib Io round off ,Ili, -ork you have already 1: 1 ly piéton, of .Iuýrt ..rdjd'YMd-ut. - , 1 de them with théir u(,,ýýssary rend. The - ,ont, int,, torr hithérto rallier meager ci ', tue old te work, lie marries anoother ment of tire merlon girls "tu him on lire nord tu deure. rate the - country, and the mam élaidt younger vide. usurilly a relative of the bc takes this obepherd , t,ýý. bée. ý ding ail your lire- verbe by implication condemme ail forent melted raphily. . ý ý ta All Il ég dedIrain. of ri.-- bond ,licol est patience you lu the Klondlik, wey a' ntlemail tri bouting ilitire àtri.:l idotélive. Sio. boit prettier frocks. Doré with wrath, and t Pýýb. écommen or devotidm, tient art- Joined with volun- oded %lov, ly acrom. rite grades, I>ntts4.d. looki.d ilburelant lm)iierts, and "'Ore fréflucut rx- first one. who la expected by the thrdat ond pénétrée bock another m te stand .a lighthouse et ta, 'm C. C. Pagett, vériting on Marelle 29. ý roumi as if %&-art-Iýitàg for moeiii.-iiiiiig. aloi pordifidon. to vouve'l. and panorama te provide lie troligh and aime al iIth y and permanent morpotration fretin one os y@ mauy new biiiidingg were belag - with tiré- food, ulille the firxt évite cure.- for till bc rail. cver t lé y te light others into lie -làllilrt blow -Il the édyés of an- havz1o.uthpý1lý1m,. Il thitigid, tu , ,ýýhoý lo, t,ý ff , 1 1 r girls whose àulwri.r Ihe hon. stimming lýtwe( "Il le fellows. The monk retire. from the Ilhodon rame utraight uver lire - dý hi. ;ri,,ý, , P and e -il. Fish and lier- Io show how glorious a wor tarted. Luniber was bard te Ref et 8150 ý rio y coule aller a stormy day. p r 1,1XX). and dredolumi lumber et $M. ward. fier. héýrdtd, 'I'vied. réther a. bc crie.. -Begone, you villainsi', Id, attempte te eultivate loité own spir- 1, .ad lie hoets and roues et the sheep and sunset ma itual lire, *titi go tu prepare himaelf for le la", , brodée lérople. the %vomen have litilod ,ait,, and camelot, of thetode invaderz and If aged men du nuit feel strong enough t wale illitxdgoii)le te obtain Balle, $4 land ý $lie héard thiet .tep aloi !.>,,ýe4 ai lier - " aloi mi.1m'imner héth- -x furiiishing aliiit)..t tire only foduoi of book with rénémed ait, liti...11. oo, , , 1 m o . 'bé - or- ambition for devel for anything ehode, let titrent ait &round in hidaven; though il lm trac that morne orduer.st $5 a pound being the lowoodIît pricet quoI04 . -, , of Ir . ,d-opt I.1)illý', vulin- drive. tireur fiad.k. ai..]. haing rienred the Of moulin have proved theniselves for eight and Ire penny. Woodeu pege -. mold, tilt Inde dalogd bd,,oî.I.- fi,- 1 hrm 'là.. 1 Il , - dillie, ý our churches and pray, and perhaps in ,antiiog in Nontfirent activity. But ev n * e . 1 "Illrl>",r ,,,,, ,,,, ,dl,.ýi,.ýd to -lit th.-y take k-eun delight. Pur- décimé girldd or ,hi- Midianite sheik te) th.t way thev may accompliah more good 1 weie belug utied insteild. Twelve or SI- ý1 raid,(d ber (are. nid iit,,r-,tiiig. riether ',1.-ýl, 11,1, r,ý,ri,,,i. priodée ,of foie aloi ,ary, art, but lit inaitvrs Of lm'rs4)lljll plare of the il(ý.%Iwrnclfws, lie told the hey do ix net dune 1 thon prýtiy face, ýý,,éI...Id.t loruitotte Io .il littié bal'y lIi">"a.l".- ladorniio . tirait they ever did in thé, méridien or , 1 ucli cases the good t teen horsvs hit- survivert the winter, end ý ý ,r',ý",i:ý;,' éý o. natural may, as appointrod loy Jeans, -uéiold-NktI, And pald, -Ib a ýýitii pah- - ,:ý"h"""I"r j'Iv .loi exaltation L.Ioý,v Ing ih, lonir. dark %vititer tire%" wae gather théir flockx toxthpr and bring their lire. the omiders tire carning big money band- ý , 1 lie-» ri démoli. ovool fa d-. .,lit . dele ille lo-r t,,dth--r-Iio !:tw>1... ! 1,.;,,,Ilf,,l h1:,uk,1ý:!ud hasko-lx for tiid-Ir theé-n again In Il., ..tcrin.-. L.bor a Pre.-v.tive. m-ho desireil the kingolont of heliven te ing loirs. 'Mally dit£ tenons lire engage Il% 1 , ý . 'hin rend a very ýlgl.I -1ýý"T. rd 'or', 1 ",.",ýt""ý,ýý:ý,,ý".',,,ý,,,.:ýýrý,oo rd-ggrdl. not tié.tiIdg..i j d", il li- and to ,eii. Tho. ieiý,tijkdýt. aro C.v.. of lotionne. IA-t the aged rémeinher that by inercas. conie by thé effortIt of men living in né> il,, ,incite work. Food prices were hi£14 1ý et hé .,,n,,ýrA of lie, -ft ,,».l noté rial relations with those about tortu. . flour $50 lier sack, lard $5 pet pommai, but- , ,J ,,,,aýý",..,ýar,,,Iil.""riý.-r notiiral triok-nov t, The fart that il look tir(, ruorfn élaugh ed leugodority of the race men are net as The grentitéles of thé reward for simply do t ' il>-.. tient i m al ltigiýdý.t renard. m ""' ý iiiado- front lit.- -trong rough motol (if 1 es. t Il lili,.II..sý, and .tt,.i..-dl aidy .-huol olistao- 1 .Id et -.0 as they tised te be et 00, net mi et héow high au es- tér $:ý torr pourrit, and other provisionom, ea ý 1 gave il pathetio, f-ilrtýsml,,ij t,, fier comité- 1 ..h, of . i illouillain Fheop. yet soind, (if ter. 1. drive tire flo(-ks in the well itnPliý eld et 60 as they u" te bc et 50, not as ofoing olles duty 1 Lem, réance wher. in r..I.-.. Ile, v. de, 1 1 lie-,-- are as mort lis silk. and in lo-auti, tient they vdere immense docks and that Limule Jestin placed ripou thut very thing; thé déande décalé. Very lever Joad anything Àý 1 whid-h wvore lier bo-mt feston- !ar-.(. eyrs, tind'Il.n. mas Callatoirr'. grave sijdr-, ta- , . ather W;Lý 91 111.911 Of Weelth. What as old ai 80 as thry used te bc ut -, lo -11. iténi extate pricen were alto oky- - 1 . This hald-You pd-riod rame Id, ri d l'osé :. Of voloring and ltitrii-ad-y of design rival lier f 0* 8an- the simple doing of duty, without dis- ý - veille long, clarté hodiedt. Idiot à . iý'tflil. fur- lion 'va. liée nýý of Zii)porah'a bemeaning ber- itary precaution better understérod; med. word. Two front gétreet lots, wrr the OU ý lieu tilt. haby girl mrox a fd- réldtItldm .,loi. ý illo- teriental rug4 atioi hanging. lit ne se play of gifflantry or reinarkable gouine. -1 awny look" déléord, to,71-1 I., il .,ieiut titan id, If with work ,lien she might have re- ical ience further advauýd: laws of .pera honoded ait.-, brought M.Om 'M . ý .giiiié -My delayeth bis coming": ho 1 ,)ri thé hocalth more th lord thordir piquant owijéýr. hilhéide near ber rallier*@ oroughly adopted; dentist- 2%ILrd-h. l'rires of ail ungd fine n'A ri., te -ut boring ordéred to liolia, ý illially tâkeý a %voman six maudis to clincd w bave , .ý 1 Tilt- nia m on bu pau. lent and pluiloied butierrillod and dreamed ry continuing for longer time successfu many unfaithful servants during ail the fflo te $1,000 emeh. 1 1ý -'l 1.,.,..Iýý ber "A. till 1 Ille commoinoling ofli.-.ýr rétiroddl agi] (,a]. ý t.,,ltliilfýt4- oit(- lel,,tiil,(-t, but inany of 1 ages bave muid or thought final. If won bren raised from 1 Il and plend". miih de g,,.o-, ý4 niý.,d.m.ýéýt 1 héoder got . Iloit a morne climat, 1. tirent seil for privés rangingtefrernu fifty out romaners sied ddighed idly te the mastication; homen and churches and Considérable sinýulatinc in going on la . ý ý ý,:ý,v1«,t >ui,,,ilI;ý"""ai- a prévalent idea in the huit decades of tire buying sied oelling of **diainps." ý ý1 liot usuai lit an I.sirliýhnisii. Ile wm* li 1 r mire. uh, %%:lm iitor 1 , t o hundred dollars. l'bc much- winds aloi wevt dever imaginary songs te court rooms and places of business bel- the firit century, for men then expected v - . rétrolig. .%fier the brth of a bc) .lie ý o w brookid? Nt.. ,éhe knew that Work ter ventilated-all these have prolorgeoi . ; dàrker. ton. thon .rolinary Ardglo Sjt%.tim, séAlglIt-aftfýr geifuine Chilkat blanket the . the speedy and visible couring of Christ GREAT LOSS OF LIFE FEAREM .ho rirroly pu,- tdut-Ir 1,1d,,ý-1,1a,.k flair 1 ma. ordierm bon, ý e - , !ýood On thé s,ý'i'.11g aggé in al-ut four feo-t long and two and one wa» honorable and that every girl ought lire, and men and wotutn in the clos> of in glory and the end Of the world. Wben - 1 ami M.ýhit.g élark eyra se. hiq. Ili. -11- i . , ', * 'oJd'th,ý .. ', ý': Y" ý alloitder'. modé Ift Ji-Lit f,,,t wide ai eu, Il end, but al.; one te . have trontrothing tu dé,, and se elle starts, this eentury onglet net te retire until et theme évent» foirléo, to r ) ) p th ý ý ,ut. ré-fi.ed. lent (Ivirrillined mouth wns 1 f ci. h the bWating :rail lowing and bellow- fouet fifteen yeare later thon in the o nid- td: ose, cre Water.poute end Tora&dO« PI&Y ,ý - Id, . sidIo Is pointeil, the eenter 14 a tout %vit opený were "nie who lost lheir failli, tonne ý lobativoi by méédétachrdod, though a sird'uc -tW Th'e djuly ý ing and moighing dcuves te the well for ing or the century. Do net put the bar- Who lievoc in àrikoume. : 1ký.o oil.é,,Id. blidooful arrangement 1 m, joler thon the ends. and on this side la the wateri es 0 ff until you bave fought a few more turned te htýregy, .,lire te élin. Il bas Ný'ýitIdrel.,tltz and ornadors bave plaired , romth of blark heurt] theini--i through 'élite", 1:ý1r"11. hii.th lier .!.t,-,. Il -I;, lire iIeigll,,ýrlýd,ý.1 ailoi touprrvoion ý1,f et, boule theré lire docks and belli bavoe ai Van Buren, Ark., and d~ ý thé cléâtr olive-1,ý.%viI déloin. He tourilvd a 1 m ith a ten-Inch fringe. Aroiind envl. 'oc on. Think of Molles starting out for been Io ever mince, except that the expec- 1. sort. caremmint touffle ode lit- Ilirem liiiuni-Iti Ni". Callando-r. thé cl(-Iid-a(-y and dépré ý lý,,ýýýý-,,,.-.ý,-.Rr,",<ý-N.%,u in the dance, thrown droveIl of curés ami anxicties. and everY hir; chier work au octogenarien; forty lotion of surir a coming in net general; the hundlmoi- of thousalide of dollars damý ý 1 ý . feeling Je rallier nom, the présent order of ages. Thrre bouge% were blown down et , ý1 on the osand et ber réel, Idaying, -1 thé ught -uo of ý%lulx-1. Thi., hom,'er. déerineoi 1 aroliiiii the illidoulilers, mitti tire Pointeil dmughier a thé faniily, though tbere be. years of wilderness lire aller forty years î yota lied gronde oie flic pier m ith ('ollandd-r'.," liko-ly tu pas. amay. at,. il, a in.Loth or 1 r things is te go on indofinitely, and I ringodl toido- haugilig el,ý%%11. 'rite de- sev,211 ougbt id, bc doing lier port te faite of palace lire, yet just beginuing. no Itudy, and Il Je rpported filet Wkulm, i > "NI': lie foi. guide id, liée .tri id, niect 1 1%%,(,, Dorothy glailly rtý(ý,ýuiliz(-il an ira à the docks. lit mony householde No Wonder whez Moses scattered the marked change là te) bc looked for except a mumuiér rendort on the top of Bostou ha 1 th, pro% provesot of evolution. Ilence Niotiutain, là entircly gone. Tortue brldg« . Mr. gta"dili, and %label box 1 -i-nt,ýtit in braillé an-I spirits « Th , o% i ri ý i, slg'tt is grotesque, cowilsting Of convén- carI'on .ý ý fruitier of a ,tournant] froul th, (dýra-oI 1 ter m Il, ri il.-aýatit orde, for l'oeil stmll(lih ý tionalizeel fa. o-o of men and ILilinialý agi Il- Je Zipporah. but ail ber milliers, rude abepherds lie won Zipporah's heurt. throligh, a . ý, I)tipheo te drive with lifýr."' ' ý procol hinorIr Ille bvit "gIýiddý. phil.,'o- 1 lie pale green. ouillireil m ith 1,19,-k on , with I Ili t practical and titrai employ- What mattered if ta Molles whelher the we lire in danger Of growing content witla oie the 'Yrisco Itailroad ovà acier Crések faily of them nue, dxý-aili.g for cattle or the seven daughterle of Jethro tim prescrit slow rare clif iurprovement in Juive Incen .wept away ami the rond &bas- . p'oy ci Of 'il, -m NN . - iox the place of lit(- paie fortunate and prospérons midi t monial ai- were driveu front the troughe by the rude . ,Iýhc Kan.a. sied Arkanom VanrY 1 1 The «Intly-l)ùthe-li(- exprenation entirclylpher aloi fro-roi- they could h.v hiol. milite grolind. soinetillies duil blé., "'I't, . N 1 tilt, moral and religions condition of the dondl . disappeared no .Il,- -look.- výilh a tla if,. 1 .Jý1"ýbcOta>.u l»d t ir livt ax (I)tisider ý. lit 1, green. A liance, but moule lotinger litre hernisolves herdsmen? À oeune of justice fired hie moorId, of growing cold in missionary spirit itI)ntl Jeudi a two-mile ,gratinent and 3M ý rr ý. tdoIl Ilrdl, (*hriýti.ýa. hé, lit., 1 Idecautide of the feeling iliat there la plenty arch grnilr,.atid a flash -f meurt, fr.m lier - . J.-d-uIiýIIrliy ivliii-li stamps thelr genu- wili ,ornée along end after eounting the 1 cou ,g,ý.atndwthe world wants more of the ýIirds Inivii - 1 1 'gd-rt,ýu. illeýlld.,ý is il find, thread or shaving of large number of rallier Jéthro'm âheep and a p i rýý,I ý ill da 9 te de The Arkansas River in tweutY-à *,h.1y eyèdc ' J nrri,:Il in London ,If E ,Ili., brut te aiment anythin f tinte. Te murs ýýAb," bc returned, in an mmomed tone.l known Colotdel sud M". Calla ý tilt- ecnter of each liard camels wili maire propentalle tient will bc Bée others righted. Ail the time et well Tire puniéthinent of tire unfaithful Ber- ,vide lu ,dis(," and in four haches higher -", "der il' ,1(4-rkln Ili 1 'Il vent is harolly milwiiig awunder, as the tiroir il mzi. in IW2 which was the h,É> - ý ý, 1'why did yno r..t go 1. nied-1. 3.ur ter- lioli:,. ,%II.-r,- lie Joad goioý for ,port aloi ' of wild sir(dep's wool accepted. nnd neither of them havingl of cmfort. nt Wells of joy. et welle of -' , , ý ý Joved gdardiftil?" tra'd-1. Ile londed tir,- .ildýrý with flo'v- ! t%%istdýif stralloi -thing more practieal thon te religion and nt Wells of literaturde therde Word by itselt Inight perhaps auggest; est oit record. Boat& bave bed bleu la , '. ,; lx the two nothings the wrong berde for ho, is to lx, placcol ,ovith tilt, hypocrites, resculng the lnhabitants. , ý ý *'l never meant In go,. 1 rame .,il of ers, .rail. .ai the thrato-rté, ,dénall jremýlitm yarn, rd vhich thoy lire mode. rentier. donc nný> .cý, - Nfuýidý 1 ,nll,ý,s attentiéme. managing :Il rite ý.in, ý Ing tirent alinost Indestructible." chew chocolate caraine are outrairies practl thé hottoui. Il 'ý thé way tu Indice to tire loriot bere. . will start oit t1ic rond of lire together ev- getting Ille firett water. Tienne whe have this implying conso-ious existence. kt Thousands were rfýcued, and kt la f«red . ý1 la go charruing as it coinc, titfiiil.,, oit Ille tinte to stand well with the Dowagér, Who ý PH - -- -- - - - - 1 1ý r- Idectvd bis wealth and 1,.ý.ii,,.,. OTOGRAPH BUTTONS. ery step more aloi more a tellure. ibat tire previons right coule in lest, If they probably rettýr4 tu séverc scdoirging (@ce that titany have been drowned. Toute ý breodze, end 1 enjoy il mont alondro.' - daugliter of thé Ilidinslit;sh sheik, will conte in et al). Thank God we have here margin of revised version). bonnet, m ne seen going devra tfie river, ý', turc tu stay?, CHAI-1-ER il. ý Trouble They G 1 ve tu the Curidnélés Fe- neer find lier '*II)mýs. Girls of Amprira ' and thi a strong mon te met things Togméching Bint.. lait borattiren eould net rearh thm. Ie . ý il er le .Mi d . te Zldporih! Po sornething prac- rightl Courage la needed in religion, in ý '*Well, if In driver nom, .. 1 may vrn- - - - - é 1.1 r... .La - attire, in statesman In aolvanc"I (,Iiismý thipru shouhl mr- destruction hy flood* In the Grand, Verdi- Il -Oh, ym if yon like, Bill 1 am tirm ('ullallder'n little dl lit ýdlons a ý -D(I you rgýiiitýiiilmýr wl,,,,, il won il tical. 1). tomnéthing bellifiii. Do saine- « attire. in ail t.iuly bc soule did.a.miou of tilt- interliars- :e vnortnoudd. Il bon ludroen rainins in parW - of luitinc livre. 1 %vont lo match .géné, 9 hing mell. Many bave fathers with répheres; hernies te defend Jethro's serrer, t igri.ý. a titi Arkunas bottoms in rePorted te remet, sucesdé il% lier olvir "limai, il thagé le liter 1 sillîtré. De jou minet, odr. F:gert,,u'!" pe haies in Ibert ,of ber g,,d-,tý. Shé bol 1 faol to have >oor illonogralli on boelt t tation of these discour-s about the élu ý , . ý 'd rodiokýrrd a diti,,g,.iýlý.-d par- I)ti(-klds'e«* .,i.,*kkml tire girl wlý) grent docks of absorbing dulies, and such daughters and théir docks and put te things. Oloilliolo, wili differ, est entaillant- ý 1 -Don't you dédire, il mould lie cruel to wl >h , , i , a liNio"ai iYI s a rallier iéeeds lit-11) in borne or office or [look il la Or the ludion Territory alm vtbich inoludvd ait Honorable Major %%()n(igriligalmoui tiiiiig,>ttiatslies ri déeld. (;O Out e or flight the insolent invaderié. And tonne , - in noi. -elooeil. ilitit nearly drove ine mail. docks. Tire réamoil that se many men Where bigh remord. more thon tistitilly troid, hvitý tient one orisly for live dayed. lumili thdeesitqruoryrenadi« . ,Ijolin. vhose prétémoirmot id, Iýxitiýýivd,- whô do the brave work will win soute- mans opinion Je about as godédi as anoth- country in floodé,lý Much p,,,,,le7d.nonrath * '> 1ýý . The loudest cheer of er*s; for ail that a It-iirii(ýil,ýcoliii.nieoililiaitoonr lýafrgeMiisnkýi(iigibýeerýha.sf stock arid, reported ý ý1 commun bobardâ the pier. N'I'd, inIdý nidct 1 "Il, 811' 1 "11111ro'r, 1 y mer,- tri.huloi by mas- ,,,.,..111.ýý 1 uscd itu goot cross-pyed trying nemir condemil theiliselves te unefflanced 1 heuveu oir tu bc giveu -tu bien tient over- cou du Je merely Io exier, ýý , ý> . . Id ire la beratise they canant c..eth., as to what Jetons %vould lot, likely to ledit dromneoi Relief parties am et work ut-.. . 1, 1 bonne ut yeur party returning .. .111. I..1iI.l.iý,- lier mer,, a niuvh trav ýi ý t. ýo.k, ou, thosd- 111119104-111) messes of and solitary 1 *,Y", let lie go aldong le, lit.. ,ea." . support t le modern young ladv of go,, votinc woman, who God Knomme Yen. about on euch titi oc(-asii)ti--wlietber whol. tempting tu rýd-tie the flottille comtat lie ý ý r!:ý,ti.1:,-,d ý,ý,,-,ý.cr,"idý,..'I,érId the t,,-d-ttlie.,, to 1 1(-M%-rs. Now. Viu having just the mame Théody mallied nwhild, in ýil--Iid-dý, Egor . 10 in the morning and Still further, sec in thi. rail of Moses ly libout the appronching destruction or lire Ild.ds in file lowlands of the Grande", , lier son, 'hes. JWot yesterday there ret hi. une of the trashi- that if Ood bas nuy the city, or partly About that and loartly Vrdigridoý A démoli skiff containiras lit ý mloq.. tilt, ib.,,,*ag.ýr once th . uglit (of ni-Ir 1 .dort of lime dover thése lébutograph Juif- rises lit liait pont ton'& exprestition hardo-diting as tiorduglé Iii4 ý ,,, im. arter uÛdirig e8pecial work for you 1 Illonglets were uot plénétant. Pré.cntly l ,dJI i IM and who was noth;ng Jolie; lý t deux ri tilt br4KK est of novel. in ber hands Most of the ta do lie will finit you. There was Egypt for more di.stant of wonifoil end titrer children capeized ILI* - ý . , éloquent 1". ('1eIirli divine. ;hd, Il(.%. i m-as IL girl Sitting oppositée nie In the about e,>iridýtl'ilig V lie hman to slwak oit Indifférent t-iidýx, ! , time between the litre rising and the late and Ambia and Palestine with tbeir whiclé rite disciples could have oulY the the odéveuldantx wure reporteil drowned la 1 J;de 1 tillins ('oie, wlio l% as lier elorilital dl- ý sireét ,ir mlit, wore one of those ,, sud @udtteiily, after a pondu-, .Nli,ý %%'yiIn ý 1 -ilýl( -,o y retirilig, a tll.u.:Ilý(1 of theui net Worth crowded population, lent the mon, the vagiéest concept 1011. the high Waters of the ý%uth Ca»di&lk, attiédi -De yen reaily thirrk Col. Callan- rector: Eilerton, x Iry lotiorétitié , naval ý 1.1,Ix),.Ild-s .91 ber diront. Sire vvas ver une Zipforah. Lord oxanttxi mode a t the solithern poi t of illit no such di,%ctiýý.idii should foc allow- Décor Eufaula. ,élnother report states tM%ý ;ýý - a--. better?- aloi inilitary. Of gond positida', and lier 1 pretty and Weil dressoidd. lier photo- Thcre are quéditiolis tient every retirer the triaegle of Arabia, and bc pielis him Pd 10 usurp the phw, or the limai truth terventé-en familiodos have perisbed in t»ý l > c ý ý îf,. wholooke Id cýý -phoord who Lept the dock - fauglit, whicli holds goud always and floods of tient sovift lâtrentu. ',yerd, 1 Io. 1 1 ... y thé surédétrolle ,, hivh d roNoking4ý 1 gl.aph lerodoo-li ma, ri big on o red the sud illother ouglit to arok tire daughter nt right ont, hem 1 I&nocked him down was luit et,% rr'. (;,o..Il 1,gait. Porothy bat] ficelé ulicorcino . _ . - . - rédoin for Si. J(jl:'D". ý ld"*ttire v, as rieur of Il liand ý du Young breakfast or leu table, and fiant al] the or Jethro, hie father-in-law, the prient é-,érywhere. NN*àitt-liftiliitýse that une ilmY ,ýý as ait comme te conte home tu bis wift . ot'iv put off to inaki , m, go God will not "d if bard not rail jo ,leur th, voice or jetons a-, -héore site ,, h,)' %vox esl,(.(.ially nskrd fur 7dolixs Oak,- 1 ]"ait. datighter. of th cAlthy sheik ought te and sheik. Il leu perhapm, end lý,:" bc exclailit.ýol. vrton. l'ho w'd. Idit'ell, ilint stiii-tdxl nie to conjectiir- a Bk each üther: -What évould you do if tu lake you o t froin the 1,(MOW,000 of dnty; wateli ulll"-» 1 d - - 1 Interrupting hirmdelf, ILI a ,onart victoria 1d-y'ý lécuetit. and un Eg if lie warits y.ti for Bey- lie celle to étonne liard ý1 il 1 -soie nit, - -c ý n' ý .. the family fortune should rail, if sicknegs tire humait race Dot Yield to Bill; watchful- 1 ýe c and pair c et a britsk Lent. and Mirs. Callaioler thdoighl, ilir gro-litest ai: ing. Was lie lier busband? Perhapshe Bhonld prostrate Ille bré,ad winner, if the thing esperial. Thére ,vos ouly jouit one délit ont. niay ,:à(, s ilm àý d' 1 herv, was more ddillit thon uxual. alto, ý m-ax lier brolher . - ýý ý and lind gone te the 1 néon tirai (>lie inay not bc murpriseoi 1 (0îý Y e ý atol.pe4bcýide filent. nddýt ,On - .ai,, Judok,.1 ,dightly borm. 1 1 Iille to fd'111 docks of ollothro should lx- destroyed by a man qualified. Other men bâti courage ,ý dJý F 1 111 thought vie miglit . . > le 1 1- Klondike. * M1131lov Il %%-.9-ii't lier pin al do.lé Il Moses, mirer men had sortie of the death; these are thouglitâ that are too ý, ,, li suffilen excur, f wolves and heure and, hile -r. If hrord. diaroq. %,as ,,ver rieur .I.. huit n'ad, Then 1 thouglit hyénes froin t e 'no luticinu to bc passed liurrkýlly ov( 0 , ý the eider of tvo Indice who où,upicd tilt- :111, lent lier sistei.*s. h untnin? What wolild talents of Moý,r other men had romance tire lesson la complet,,1 lvithont giviurdr to :, il, 1ý o 1 carriage. a stutely looking womal, of pt'r- ' - ýý iliere Nvas ri ( ,rt in their history, ;iq boit MoscId; .Iller men thoode Who bave studiroi soinething more N ý1 j.,take !ri di.pensing, -huilée of îts lx-1119 Ille fil(!- y' u do for il lié ing?- Could You suilist o.d, IVignificont ,hit 1),,rddltI,, for rtInII3 , or lier he:t Young inan, and theY yourself? ('ai, Yoll take cure of air i m.,re ilupetnous like Moses, lent no other boita sixty or mure, with iron èrraY huir. ,.%Ir. Egt-rton sevilied Io ;t1ilod soinuthilog, ltir r brollier or 8 ister as W, ý juan had thew différent qualities in the tirait a glight and passing disconifort. il l'ho ý -e%-,ý1.5 - :ý thin-lipped. ehale-shut illotith, end 'yc, j hnol hall Il quarrel. and shé, wax wearing valid inotber . , la boccatise ils intenta. péredonal appeal and - tua light for lier runiffléxion ý -ture an thot wlien tbey met he'd as y(,iirsiýlf'?" - warning lier vont ý IL loi rirai %ondethiog 11119fit bu 1)"r"thy- 'i'con, hring il doit il te what 1 exact proportion lis lord .Nl,).,d.ý. and God, . hati Idcru-ý Iiri-,>.-týl%* al'oilledl. , IýýVro1d-J% id Ilgreed thal: Spalla b@ÇOW , The ret Of liée- I*,"'Ild:I"ý . miti, Ili, rx _ ; lits pitr a iv iniglit coule idée il prosixrous foin- 1 - 'take, round the right -The Pay "Il - 'Y -(,ný.,é, , - - d: ' .Ilý,. -ý«k(. nig, ne il. - of Jillgiéàé - ' hox portion was a beautiful Young ý -,I ,,ýII:,,I,." ,onver- 1 kilo,% site %,as r(,ý,itly tel malle 111). 1 let ILI lit fer tJý r rht dince. Do nul leur you Next lýý.oi, . tiýaî,.l l' firing 'Minister WOOdfOX&I - quluitely fait, utilité mort l'Ille éve. and i ce Mis ()Ik,.I..y. . ily. -é'dil you cook a (limier if the "r- .ý,1,iý.ý id, t;,ni %%',ýyler: Go tire - '. .ce lot" notre or id.'x déliffil- sho. nittledl 1 it go al that. But 1 diolli't likP to. for 1 or illat when you are light golden brown hair. E pi doit ber .11tiol, -Is Id , .,)Illf'ortýl)le If thing,é vont^ shoilid ,Dulie a ettrille for big'l'Ir ý m- crie( k -1 - - - - -- - - ----ý. ý ' the odil.ie ýiljd-I - SI. .John i ýll%%ýliy., f-del su 1111( .ýýf ý'.d c.:ý*ý not find yd'u. Y'l'Il.g odiol., aloi J'low nie with lips the fini] scarce a trace on ail po., Wag,., utid idrive tiret ruorniiýg'.," Everý 1 "' ý""or. a"" 1'.111ényr ers Thi. and That. tr, . . ,gerion 1,d-t"d'IlI 'Viodlo ,he eat loo.- 1 Ift illisettIvol In , u d- Ilou', minute of cvýry hour (if every day of 1 -'ne in Ictt ber deliente face e.xpresm-el ,,énervé ,,-,ari- . . ,,,, ,,,, Y, tir call will PnilIilll' c Béggars are illikilown in Nitýltx)llt'iie. . - :1 ile 1 , 1 I 1, -cp ,ý.,,.,, 1 lien dong trou, Id lire. Nlillistirx. -et tlo.ir cuit te pmarh ,.:,e, dio il elle won ---- ..-§.. 1- h.ck in Ille cet r , Jour. ý ing divided betwerre Ilo. il ir'. to 1;eal"d, > oit . ., il Was ;Ili 1 voult ( dé 0 .t every yenr there are fami 1-ýýý.",--,é .,ýil!.Id. ý . ý 1-o ., ...le -- .dit «1"",, il 1 .. ý -. I.- 1-11shin- LoIo1ý alas. Ir in ý in letters oit popr ter lotrebinent or type- Japallest. Wood varverI are notodi for t,ý 1 rd's la > ,ý d'l iý1î1;1Il, of lier "huuur" for tua ,V