CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 20 May 1898, p. 1

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t gCoc ; OUNT Y .I*N.MPEND,ýE-NT, Vol. VI, No. 32. Wheeling, tShermerviIIe, Glenview, Illinois. Friday, May 20. 1898. 1.50 a V.ear in TuE ELSIN I mT OuMRe.&£ Omesme. mA"»s ThELOIN shirt 0 TIe manufacturera of theme celbratd 'Shirt. have producod a PERFECT GQAR. MENT in ev.ry particuler., that cmn h. sold et the popote. PRICE0or1.00. su là boter la oves>' wey thon UMM Shirts that are »Md et bigher pries. MATERIAIA GUARANTEED WAMBUTTA MUBLINf 'PURE LINEN W. carry &Hl simo, sud Invite you te cali sud exammine thon', an guarantes. perfect f it and satisfaction. Sanborn &- Co., "'radi=n sudHaierdagur.s" Kaiser Block., Dr. Charles Galloway. Office over LovoI'sDrgSttre noua@ Fa0n 17TO3IAND f% Tu sP. M. LibertYville.. -Illinois Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. Office over Trigge Tayior's. itsdnouon ruaîiwsy apponîte Park Libertyville, Illinois. Dr. A. L. TRA VIS. MOUEiS ILL a A. ag. 1I TO aAND W TO P. m. ape"~ attention paid 10 the tretineniof clronic JLeumatism. Rockefeller. -Illinois. Dr. H. 0. B. YOUNG. Physician and Surgeon. EHIUDENCI OPPOUITU LKHIrAM OTIL ELDO. Gurnea.---- - - -- lliInoiS. Dr. E. H. Smith, DENTIST. Office over J. W. butier'B bldg Libertyville. I. Dr. JE. V. HARVEY, DENTIST. -OFFICE Uoults t.lià.M. ît.îeDd7t05P.X. Grayslake - Illnois. W. B. SCHAEFFERIS NURSERY. Ue mile 9outis of Long Grove 1. 0.,.Lake CO.. lu. rmit.iSaaeald ornamnantaiTrý,ee.Gsv vianad SualilFruits. Gai eMy priees on ,1acclnt-1 istoot. O. F. Bqtterfld M. D. C. YUCTXIIINÂBX SUIGEON ANI) DENTIST. PAUL MacOUFFIN, Atlorney and Counseior at Law. NOTARY PUBLIC apecil attenftionE given Collections and Conveyaucing. 0,1PFI1 WITa LAKE COIJNTT BANK, Libertyville, Illinois. LIBERTYVLILE HOTEL w augaut Baiig, isçtcumte,p Mdi esly ispuistaithrmthmou, DI.I*g-room Service Frsi Cl»a». Badquatere for Cylistesud Co.merelld Travteierm. ( W. A. DEAN£. t0P. Cor. Mii,. Ave. andi Ciiurvi Mt., U LIBEAYVILL, - -ILLINOIS. W. H. MILLER, L TONSORlAL AIITIST, When yon vaut a dlean shave or a goed heir out CRIl Ou --Bll." CHOICE ]BRANDON OP <IIOAIS. ~ xt d oor1 W. C. Trigss hoe Store rn is. iiop oeen evry dey Bv nsand ndar mrin ne. 9 ExectoraeN e sabscriber Ix.x,1Uf(,N 'th.,,let %eut ond Llhertyvîlle, III Lora 9. Dymond. 'TIîî' deslb of Mmi. Win. Dymoiud lais Fridey sft4!r but a shîort lunesa vas a à&(] ahxek Loi ber large ielrele of fnieuda atit luitiiediante relative». Intolligence ot lier demaise was evoryvisere receivedl vils siucero regre.t. Il la not ofbeu tiîal une beýari Namaoy expressions cf Bila eseei. ltiéey do peuple se iiiiîver'ally pay suc i1gla tribut@ tu îoe's vWorth. Ny hcr qiet, i.consisitoat gîîolies she ad risnuastelp hy stop oiluchunbail colue lu occapy tise llgisesllplace' la tiseaffection$s ud efteem o! tise pooploif lise colnîmunity lu visicit sheresîded. Deceased vas born lu tise State of New Yoerk, Oct. 12. 1828. BOnevas tise dangiter of ISamuel asuit Elizaheib #4hbirmasi . lii833site moved tu Chicoeîviera- setteresid outil ber norraei.t', Wan. Dymoîîd Augnet 13, 144J. 1.llslîleiber nbus leo aves à danglîter vîto reides lun ChIcago and a l'nitierandsolidter "ho resiais lu Iowa. Tise caune of ber deatis vas Funeral fsoryloas vweiv ield lu tise t îiîou iburcb, Lîbertyvîlle, Snnday afternooli, conduet&d by Bey. G. D. Iletîver, upou wvioseservicesaloihail ho,'» a coataut attendantt. lutorment vas un Lakeelde Cemetery. Boyhood'a HaPpy Days. 1 I lie tu be e boyaglu vithout a voe or care, vils freckies scallered on moy faee aud bayseed lia my isair. l'O liSe to rime nt 4 clock and do a baundred chores, sud aaw tise vood and feed the bugesuitd Ioc tbe stahle douars; sud bierd theeLbons sud vateb tise bea sud take tise mules tu drink; and teacis tise tnrkoys ho, tu cvim no tisaItbey votîldn't ai; sud tmlla about a hundred cova and bning tise vood te humn, snd stand outla tise sun ail day sud churu aud chua and chuava; and vearu ny broliser's cloibess aad vali rour miles 10 ecisool.and gelaà llkiîg cvery day for hreaking nome îîld yole, sud tison gel boume again nt îîight and do the chusoehume more, sud miii tise cowa sud feed tise bugs sud curry imules galore, anad tison crawl veriiy uipetaîrs tu hachuk my uitie lad, sud iscar dad sey: 'Tbat vorîbleiai;boy! Ho Iau't vortis bis bread ' d liSe 10 o e a boy sgeiu-a. boy bah se muci font! fis ife la jusl a toîînd of mirth from rie tu sel of Sou. I gnoeIbtere's uotiug Plas- snter tiien cloisiug stable dtours sud berdîog btiessud claiealg bhes sud hduiigeenug chores. Politlan'. Sang. 'fie latent politicai munic e ilte soog o! the ceuidiale, vblcb hoieisumas to lise lune of i.Arnertua,"~ about thla Wise: --My office, 'tIs o! tissu-Boit place neseeyvedi for me, of thee I sîngl Place tisaIt I iongod 10 gei, vankod for na colO und vol-place tisatl'Il bave 'ou bel! 0f tise I elng. 1 love tise dovny bed-so!tlan dtape no red, rau bell1 do! I love tsy fluit control. I ove lby big puy roll. l'an for yau heurt and soul-I'm afl1er yen!' $20.000 To Loan. We bave a fund of 320,000 tu los» on Ccunty rend estate, ait six per oun, vilS prîviloeo 1puy au or bifcre malurity, and cao priviiegas o! partial psyments. Time 10 suit borrower. Wuî a"obave a fund 10 cean on farmenat fîvo pur oent sitrelgisî. No commissIo,' ne expanse for ei- imlinstion of abstract or dravlng mort- gages. W]IITNEv & Ui'Tcg, Waaikegsa, 111. -t! Paurage. I bave paisînrage for bilan 20 hend of rutIle. GVer SuIC, Rocke. 'eller, 111. 29-2t 'Ise Ladies cf tise Dîsmond tci. Jemotery Aisoclalion viniRive a' soclable aI t i. RauyBouaase'&Ths. dIl, evening May 26, tu deoi& tise lme 0the guhit. Coma .vegyon Mm a» i19 y" iM, ' IUA Annuel Convention or C. Ve. Ties evelisAnnuel Convention of tise Lake CounRty Y. P. 5. . 2. vau held et là"e rorm" satudy and lise propei, an publiah"e, vas oo.pletely cerrled ont. The severel nsmeons ver. replie vts lnlerest and spirituel proit. Onconr for the ensning yeau. vers eléelted as follove: Premant, Henry D. White, Lae Forest; Vice Preeldent, 1ev. C. M. Burkholder, Waukegau; Becrtery, Dora Diver, Waukegau; Trosauror, Celle L. Siefford, Wenkegau; Junior Superlutendent, GraceL. Taylor, Lake Forest. Nover lu tise hlstory of the. Endeevor aooliey vere lise delegae s noroyally ireed adgreel credit ln due the Lae Forest Y. il. 8. C. E. Illinois Day. Tuenay June 21s1, bas been llxed an Illinois Day eIt the Trans-àlimaslppi Expoition. The Prairie illeto la the OirsI go select lse -DRY asfil vas emoag tiselirsi 10 appropriais monoy for a building on thse grounds, mand it le prousised tist Omamba viliibe full of Illinoisaus on thse 21.1 of Jane. Govenor John ki. Tanner yull attend thse Exposition vîtis bis staff, and It la beileved tisaitise rovd wviicisilI Pau mbtise <rounds ou tisIday vili st a mark visich viii not ho bealen outil ounch Inter lu thse sesson. Thea leiltes. At their convention lut Tisursday beld la Libertyville, thse demoorala chooso delogates go tise stage liens- tonial and Congressionel Conventions as folo,.: D. A. Grady, BS . F. La, H. J. Caler and James Munrray; eltornetes, P. C. Rogers, L. H. Scbauok, E. A. Wlch and James idlSlIn. 5en"ToiAL. Newport, P. H. DeLamuy; Autlocis, J. C. James, Jr.; reng, George Wait; AvoF. D. iitershali; Wrreu, James Farrell; Waakegaa, J. K. Orvis, P. RcDermott, D. A. Grady snd James Malcolm; Sihields, John Murphy; iisertyville.Joisn Austin, Jr.; Fremoul, William l(uebker; Wencouda, B. B. liarrîi; Ela, Henry geip; Vernon, A. G. Mether; West Deerflid, Peler Davson; Lest Deertield, 8. Y. Knox, E. A. Welcb and Thom"s Dooiey. CO0O0MB1En5105AL Gen. George C. Rogers, George F. Lynch, T. J. Grahsam. E. C. Tlloisea, Byron Colbyî. D. Balterabal. J. 0. Forbes and J. B. Dady. Gone Deyond. lu tise deat of lire. iHenry Eger, ol Lihertyvilie, vicis ccured Tuesday evening, May 17, an entine cornmuiy ta saddeued sud tiese ympatby no universUelivideut in more keenly fot evlng tu tise tvalitho one« deprlved of a lovlng motherao caro. Tise apt remarks cfi1ev. Lee, ra. Egoria paton, are penisaps tise moet fil-ting tihate 1tutthe deed. AI tise funeral vliicis as iseld lu tise M. E. cisarcli Tiuraday afternoon, Mr. Lee estO lu part. Mr@, E£Me Eger vas boru at Oricn, Wisconsn, Decemben 1, 1866, sud died lu Lîhertyville, linauis, May 17, 1595 September 11l, 18,aisewv arsrled te Mr. Hienry I. Eger. Imrnailately aler ber convetIon visiCookbe place about i: years ago, se Uied wvus tise Methodit Eplacopal cisurcis of Libertyvllle. I bave bad several refreebing conversations villi 515er Eger luniser home on peseelplety. Bshe acknovledged tihea7atY aud tise rver o! tise religilon of the Lord esus ChriMtand assred melisat aise vished to faltisfully serve iser Saviaur. Tise day a! orthly lite vils tisis dear sistor la over. Our hsate go out In doopasl syrpeiby for lise Iva motiser- los ciildren and tise deeply bereaved buaband. May tisuy b. vonderfully sastalued by tise besod oue. vis al, -I am the way, tise trulli, and %he Ille." May thoe cisldren lu early Illfe ccept tieseiaviora Invitation. "-Corne unto Me." May tise language of Ibeir faliser adris tu tiese ames. Oue ever ho: "Abide vith ue from mena unOIl ove, For vitisout Thoe I cannotsIlîve; Abido vils u wne isa ngist Ionîgli For vitisoat Tisee Idam nfot ie." Tise services visicis vere very îrnpreeslve lndeed vore conducted by tiie paator af lise ohurcis and bise peser o! lise Rockefeller Congregationel cisurcli, 1ey. Cle. Repubilien Caucus. Tise Iepublicau volera of the lovu ô! Libertyville, Ilinuois' yuli mesinl caucus aItishe Town Hall, Lîbertyvîlle, Ili., an Friday May 201h at 2 ocbosik p. m. for lise purpoue o! aelecîlag, tan delegate1 attend tise Coanty Con. ventionk. WàaEBM M. HESTE, Co. CUCUM BER CONTRACTS Con ho mode and oeed obtained et M. B3. Coîby & Co's., F. C. Smith&i Son's or Triggt & Tay- lor's. Ouiy a limited ntimber of ocres wonted. Controc't et once on you may be too loto. R. W. STA7IPOIRD. Thoir Teth. Have Appley attend ta your horSeS' teels. lHe bas a dlue cuntlt" sud un- dertau bihs business. Dcee your 4orse est reedhly? If not lot Apploy ascertain visy. At Conuty Parm, Libertyville. Chals for Cash. Keytato COM PlaatefsKoyatolls bal boWbfg 41.. hanoutel forl.CU tb*@bM» mseL5*5 ave, ton"# WHEELING. Wm. Peirolel la home from tise city on à vacattion. Be in à ful iedged benk clark. John <eh. ad vifs attended tbe golden vedding of bis parents et Milwaukee May l6. Mrs. P. Sigvall bas been very @iek thse peat veek and as abs inegtod ber rsoovery ln doablinl.1 UMssMargaret Dceou@t er oc iMrs. John Dois. dled ut lber home ai Long Prairie, Mina., May 14. Thse Unique PIseurs Club viii give tiseir ailit grand May Party ai Union Hail Satnrday aigit, May 21. Wbeeling muaI bc boonItng. Tbreo aeam visies oeil tise people tu tise soveral factorlea every vuornlng. Trot out the newa. Leave your Items at postoles, depot or botter tili soud direct bc tise )lieu'sZNT. Botter taie l isai sebhool bouse lag and preserve it - a vealiser bt.steu rellin lu emory of tise Cuasu ar. We vant a&l lie neya from enybody end everybody. No favorites. Sigu yoar!k piedge of goodfailli. Mn. B. C. Vendoeeker vllh lier tvo cblîdren from Evanston, la apendiug a moull i vil ber parents, Jscob Weist ad famly. A large aevf"ag 10:10 fI., novwidoute 10 tise breeze froua a tilI liberty polo la front of tise Coumbia Botel. Uneir in a petniol. UmssBertha Miller daims la h ave fighlened burglarsevay from the Union Hotel by tise fne une of a revolver Bunday aigisi. Jesse Tescis bongisl a new bicycle Tueaday of 9. Blgvalt à Co. sud nov bis fatiser myatise roade @hall bo kept lu gccd condition for thie veelmen. Tbe co.mimloners expeot 10 begin graveling the ruade nexl veek. Tisey yull put fourteen incises of frotta gravei on Mlakee Ave. ibrougis Wieeling. Peroil Brus, bave contractes! for an tee machine sud espect 10 bave il lu place ready su atrI p tbe Whoellng Brevory by Jaly lat. Tisey bave team uop Ibis veektotapump vater aud test tise mecilery. Titres train luada of ecîdiers fromn Mînnosota pasad over lise Win. Cent. B. B. golag sentis Tuesdsy. Tise section menn ve.required 10 Patrol tise track and examine tbj ceulverte tise nigist previons go Do AOanisis Plot migisI endanger lise U. 9. troope. Tisefarmers nov creamory sated up Mayl14and everylhbing le runuulg lu "iea pe. Tney recelve from 5,9)00 su 7,000 lbo. of milk daiiy. Meadove sud paturea are fine sud tbe cavs nov furnais enough is uiSto keep lise 1,0 faclortos rannnlng. Il tise Laie Connty Fair vonld offer a premlnm for tbe honi and straigisteat plovlng George Hook, of Wbeellng. vonld aurely capture Oiral. Those visa bave seen bis vork .ey tbal ho drives a temso traigbl tisai a bulles could tges a bee line fro. one end uf bis furrovm 1tise ollier. George Motion MacDonald tise Chicago caplteist vho bouglil lie place forrnery kno as tise Skinner farn of 2W0 acres norlis-veal of tise dépot lent fali le making grosI lrnprovensente on Ibat Place visicliho nov cels "'Pîne Grove Stock Farun." He bas spint 32,000 enlarging and repeiring tise bouse and nov ia build- ing miles of fonce and il ley miles cf tile. We hope ta give Ibis place a mrited vrite op vison ho gels roady. THE GROVE. Mr. C. Kenîcotle very busy aiipplng cul iovers 10 Chicago snd pulting thorn lu cold istorage ready for Decoration Day. Tisre viliiho mansoriel services et Oakwood cemetery on tise l3i0f May. Mr. Thornas Allîmon dled an May 13 aI l o'cloci affer uearly three yesr anfferlug. Tbey lied resbrted tu ail modical skilîl Ibal could lie lid but cf no avait. lHe vas lu the boapilel for severai monîba but dld not Improve. Whon ho vab dlscisarged bis fatiser sud brolisera 'bronglit hlm homoend bave doue ail tisat vas posible 1sulie doue forbirn. Ho iraI burt bis kuse oep and suffered a long lIme sud tison an uleer formed on bis làsip on vlilcb bh %anopratlon bat everytblng «aeI agaluat hlm. Consomption ln lime look bold of hlm, visicis caused bis deatb. Ho vas hurliedlu Oeivood cerneterY on liun- day alternoon ai 2 ocloci. 1ev. Mr. Anderson preacised thelounerai sermon and the Presisylerlen miaulser fr0.a Whellng amalaed. A large gatisriug came 10 puy tiseir respect 10 tise long auffrer Who nov la at rosi. Tbere vere So wany people pre4eut Il vas tisougist beut tu bolO lise serivIces outeide the cburch, vhlcb vas doue. APTAKI181V. Flisling le lu order. but alvays near Clybourue Park. MisseflOua West, of Chicugo, called 9H ERMDR VILLE. For aensatlane ver neye go 10 Wbeellug. Loave your ondoya for unuday papers et the depol. Lulu Mascbader vas a Chicago vlsl10r Mouday. Wm. Lorenz solO bis bicyole 10 Franîcis Heaifor $7. A ramer la efloat ibat vo are gaing t0 have s asebal ne. Lang Materaou, of Evoroîl, wva locai vieltor lasI Wedneaday. tir. itoht. Kutelhen, of The Orove, vliated our burg lent Frlday. tire. Fred Kisat sud Josie Walter vere Chicago visitora Frlday. John Flîit bas roiurned bo Bachi Towa and le vorklng for the Almip Brick Co. tir. J. C. Piekens unr former leaclier epeni Saturday sud Sundsy vith frleuds bore. Chas. sud Oto lreml, of Chicago, mpent a few dasetise puti veek at àdaschaideres. John Ilorchardt contemplatea ieiing e trip 10 Omahsa, l4eh., and viii taie lu the exposition vhule tisere. Ovlng la lise ahundance ef grams ln tise psturos lise dealers lu mal hure tind Il very bard to dispose of a car per veek. Tise Almip Brick Co., bave resurned oporatione lu their large plant macS 10 tiese atisfaction of Iis nuerons ,-Pl, ees. D. A. Beaver Io lmproviug his bouse bz4Ie sddition o! a large bay viudov. fI Sisuetiler la dolug tise masoîl work and fi.lHans la tise carpenter. tir. Harmy Wagner the good loakiug Young ma, a studoul of llegrapby vils Kr. Heaer Maya ho la desirone cf formlug lise acquaintance of eome good lookiug young lady bereabouls. Dont mié tisa golden opporluulty girls. Gutise barber eays he made lise rau frorn Deslines 10 Shermoerville a disance oftwIeive miles ou bis bike lu gibree banna aud fourteen minuîte». Be »aYse hoin golng lobe a contestantî lu lise Chicago road race May 30. Thse surprise perty ou Mise Bsnu Shermsan latSi aturdsy evealag vas langel.y etteuded and everybody reports bavlug a mout enjoyable Lime. After tisa playiug cf varions gensa tisey ail partook of a sumtAuam repa aud tison depsrted. One of our citizen& rolarulng from Wheliug a fov deys age alO a ramor vas ont lu Wlieelug vicl vws supposed to bave cerne direct fromt the seat c! yar lbat Sampson ountire 0001 boibeau desroyai. Bo tlrm vas lei luiis belle! Ibat ail ellempts tb argue vils hlm veto lu vain. Wisen he found on&thtie neit day il vss alila hucai;,nmorn ne beerd hlmm ey "li nover go hbore any muore.' NORTH .NORTHFîELD. Mr."Huck voul 10 tise cily lent Balar- dey. Waler Wesshing bas bougisl a nov bicycle. Mir. rank MickinIsnov hcardlng ai Frani ries@. J. itemper's isealit leneaid ta ho qulte poorely Ibise rumored ltâtiMr. Koebellu bas purchassd Mr. Doetes place. Mrs. Os. Guteler sud daugister Colle vlalted Chicago lust Tisnrsday. Ira Bubert lae erpioyed as steacg. rapisor hy a prominent lumber nirm lu Chicago. Mr. Pollen attended the montbly tescisers' association luî Chicago last Saturday. Mr. sud Mn, Peter Schsmidt lntend 10 leave Mouday for thse uorthli.est ou a poslpoued vuddlug tour. Mrs. G. Plaggo recelved thoe nd novws lt inrdy a! tise destis o! ber cousin, a son of 1ev. Joisn Schneider af Chilcago. Bbc veol ta Chilcago Siuday mornlug. The nov creamery et Wboellag openod 1ils doorn last Saiurdsy tb recelvo milk. This act vas groeti by a nollO delegalion o! patrons fromn NorthbNortleld. A. Klet speuui lest andey nt borne, or et loasI part off i. 'TheotoIso pari vas passed lu adîulrlug tise beaulies of Milvaukee Ave. etc. He Inlonds to reluru sornelime bc-fore Christmas. MOItTt'AiT. We regret tse Ioas cf our young friend and hrotbei Mn. Tisas. Alilson visoso deatis occurred Friday the 13lil slter baviuag suffered villi consumption alimeuts tue lust lhree yoana. Inter- mont looS lplace ou Snuday et lise GrA'e cemnetery, thse funerai holug conducted hy tise Ordor of Fonesters of viiicbhie deceasd vaa a membor. "-Toinmy' Allîsen vas veil kuowu snd frieuds from far sud near geblired 1u pay let respects 10 bis romains. Panerai cereony vag conducted hy 1ev. Mr. Anderson, e! Gleuview and prayor by 1ev. Mr. Munoienie, 0f Wieelug. Farm For Sale. 157J acres lu section 31, lova of Promeunt, kuovu as tise Mar'y Ana Bougbton fa., I mile seatis-«eat o Wauoonda. :Oood iulnpdeep Well aud- two manlng stpri~. -ortue, Lace Curtaips and: Draperies Pretty thlngs for nooks and doorways and windows are .n allght cost today. Long and wide Nottingham Lace curtains, Per pair 60i cents to........................... ..............8s Real Brussls Net sud Irisis Point Carlaîns in botter grades. Plain Cy.rtaln Net, 72 Incisen vide, per yard, 35c, 40e sud..................... ..... Q Silk Drapery, Cheney Bros. make, and Silhlilone Drapery, per yard, 10 couts le .......... ....I .... Tambour-edge Muslin Drapery, Ton nov pioe«, par yd, J5 counta o......00......... Dotted and Figured Swisses, 40 incises vide par yard, fr. 121 cents 10............. .. .........50 The New Grenadine Drapery, 30 lnce wldo, par yard....... ............ ..... ........... 25C Fish Net Draperies, Lawns, Per yard. lie t10......-.-... . 35e Pot yard,8lc ta.............. Wlndow Shades, Ten Colors, 37 Iuches vide, lu stock, complote, 10 cents 10 ................ Auy color. lengili sud vidtis on apeclal order. Carpets-Complete LUne 2-ply Ingrains, Per yard, 26 cena t t ... .. ... ...... ...... .. ... -6 Mo' 140USD £1 WAU KEGAN *LI*SNE NOV.II20 *. New ProceS And i 01StovE Are the Bct A"it Best lis Always tiW Cheapest. Corne in and Exalm ine the.- Superlor of these stoves over ali others. No trouble to convince you that the, new pr--âe is the bestand cheapest. =.23 oLm LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. Good Harness FOR Spring Work. Single Buggy Harness, Nickletrim.....$ Davis Rubber tïrm... H,.duiede Davils Rubber triM.. Now is the time to order your teami and harness for spring work, wuhich If and wili guarantee as to workmanal, and quai ity, to be No. 1. Pure Neats Foot 011, Globe and Hloward 011, Bau m's Stock Food Always On fi1 CHlAS. KAISER, Li BE RTY VI LLE, - - ILPL GLASS BREAK451 And when you get to house cleaningyou wIlI no doubt discover that you wiII need some Loveil keeps glass and oaa your wftnts. LIBERTYVILLE PHAR 1~F . &.40i1

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