___I r- Trlggfs &Tàylor' s headquarters for Groceries A N DM ea ts. We keep the best of everything and our prices are right. Fresi f ish Wednesday and Friday. Sat fish always on hand. Libe rty ville, 1898 Vhemls Hlave You Seen m Illinois.1 1898 WVheels Them? Everything in Wheels,1 A LL PRICI3S. $25$3 $35 and $50 Special bargaios in Watches. "O0ld Sherm." LIBE RTY VILLE. - - - ILLINOIS.1 The Price of Wheat Is going up in the city market but it is not Sa with Our Price on Pants, Overalis and Jack- ets which is the reverse. Just step in and becanvinced by inspecting aur Gods What makes the Ladies af Libertyville sa gaod natured? .. BECAUSiE THEY USE ~..' SILVER SEAL FLOUR, ....Sald By ... . SMITH & SON, Butler BIdg. Libertyville Ililinais. J3xperience Tells. F a IN TAILORINO.... As well as in ather matters. The tailar who makes anly goad gar- ments at prices withln reach af ail, and guarantees yau satisfactian, is baund.ta succeed. DON'T FORGET TIS. SVeîî y onit iè'vie yîîr measure sîti Criker foi a suit or i ivercîut voiut un' fulhy guaranteeti as te Atl@IUt, style, înaterfiîîl aii wokmauihp. No mîistakes or misit. aretleebd. in baveiiureds o! Amples and al ile latosl sftylon s i ielst frein. And afler ai jon pay' lossyniouvy thau fer love tailleing. CALL O~s C-roker 1T PICKED UP HERE AND THERE. SLocalitems of Interest taLibertyville Readers ' WIIIAU. officoe. Presideît ..................... A. W. Waldoî Tins. Sens. 1. J. Bruit. Trseg.James IMe0regîr, 1. M. Oi.'s..un. L BMrse. . (. Tri«.. ClorAi........................ C. H. Suuth 'Pressurer .................... M. B. olin PoiesMagitrat ............... W. & .Devis Mî . ...................... M. freabiasu LIBBiVILLE LODOE. No. 492 F. & Sauray1r iCfth. Vstlug bretiiero ms. . W. BULZLET. WL AcLIc&adîhtro9u-rmL 'w. f A. lft at Woodmn's Bd over jr5hadwaze store. Vlitlug uelgbbors awys weleome. A. P. 8TAPLs. Cifk. One. flag. on cauft, one. coustry. llCulilc'au COU Y convention NStur.hiy. bis. lient Austin ini entertaiiiiug a frliind, lirs. Wilson, of Chicago. Arthunr Wiliamis eulîist.od An the V'. S. Hopital (Crps at t. Sheridan V.edues- day. Tiiic1. Il. S. C. E. have arrangentffor au eutertaiuiueit aI the Uniou ehureh J u ne' th. N. C. oion, of Colorado, la a guest 0f Henry Wiliamu and family. Dont forget the ItepubicA c ouu st Town Hall iniday to-da*y> st 2 p. liti. Ladies trimmeddîaiWfoîu$1.59, Ai. $5.00 aI lte. A. S. WU 5LlIITTc. 322 Itev. J. M. Wiietou, fonmenly of Lîbertyville, twil i, (uuy ti.' M. E. pulpit Bnuday., e1 --Lew" Hanhy spoun a u,ýw toi buggy shici ne puncaaI oci f G. Il. ëciauck & son liAs woolk. Carence E. Murray and Chas. WiAt- ney, of Wankegau, were luin u Monday "buzzlng" some cf1îuur poîil ticaus. Patlier Mee"han ad Rob. Scott mchuit tinse days lshiug at ltound Lako luis week and brengit ho Y' as ic,'e ,,string." I bave a lot of!h a littie ont of date, te bs-old i 1.1io and$.1. Fomrpris md $3.75 per pair. <laU and se, thi MrN. PROTINE. Surronnding tiwîîs are siready 1lillier for varions cireuses, ail the "ht n thie worid.' As jet se bave lhein siigliled byt lietcrcua frateruity. lttmlleld, conty seat of l'ke Ceulty, is ftate,. a bswn cf almout 3,i<00 people, bas twu saio4îja auts lîcensof 34,1104< eaci. I ite lîîglu hceuse for Yeu. Rteal ouate As ou tlii- luî,omnil Libertyvlle, var tiri uo van. lnqîiries for resîdonce lots are psrtii'niarly mimerons, and severai sales ciilut.w reportedin a leSdays. Geo. Popue returued frein Arizonla A .se eus onato onilluUhu i tuA sck screho as ecusjîudlg icket for Bopresentaîlve 10 nî'-ceed Lakeside Cemetery Association lîcets dis,) Frîdiiy afteruoun ut 2 î'clock i il Mtrs. W ui. W s j u." Fon millinry, apes, jsck.ts, unider- sean, lioes, Ix., t tic luvent plunes grvtu kMss. l'iOTINE'S. Rtobert Aroctor suri Dr. Chas. Galiusay had their lots lu bakesîde ceîuetery sodded tliis aeek. Mia. Jos. tSp..ckner sud daugliter MUtriel, of Lake Zurich, clledu Lîbetyvilie lrieiîds this sek. M'lu. Hcbwidt Ud F. teîzie, of Chicagto, profesicual zilier phyers will pisy uathL ui ehurcli Juie7t[h. J. A. Gage sarted ou an exteuded gri as traveiling saieusu for a Chics- go lthting tfrin the, irK& cf tAie presieut week. J. J. Il'îuteouis, cf Itockefeller, ha.e neuioved eLbertyville. lir. lorteons ciii engage il, the sîeli digglng b)usiness. 'flie Libertyvîlle bail goani reguiarh> juayed the Guruce nint the score beiug 2 t 2lu laver of the Lberty- ville tesin. lisvlng retnrned fromuuthî~eat 1 amn ready tu rebuuie temekiug vocal sud instrumentai mubie -suri delwante system (f locutiou. Misa LUL Id. i'LNNIMAN. 30-3 ltudiiîlji rusis ueuîcved his bouse- bold elleets and lamuly 1w Cicag'î Tiîîrsday, siere Itîdlîii li"a sired a ipim5l in lua barulesgahsop. lasse licatia clthI'ilspermianentý recceuy îs despainî.d of, is somue ui- pruved. ils lîngeriuig illuesh le prucîug veny seskeulng, busever. i amn selliug mlliiuery goeds1r'besp as yun eau liîy Ihein i tu< iior ebeaper. t2llou me, e4zine gooda UdgeL ince.MinS. l. bileiLBUTT. 32-2 l'lic aIPplliatioii f î.sifiun J. B. Aliîsoit'an eaidînce given is homo s iuach imlunove'îi ppearance,. Mr. Allausî,u ins baccng bis buildinigs p.iinted Whii.. V. 1'. t)yiucuId Ss in luMiclîlgan Tlitirndiy sud Frlday cftliAs week negtiaticg siti parties tiere relative reînovluig their factony te ttis place. Hie hopes to iflake arrangemnets hilci cii îuce tAie company bu la '.liluunig" sih10 remuove lieue iu the near future and prospecta are brigit fur lie sncesiifui culiluatlon of Ibe deai. ROeY Conett sas ini tesu Mouday, iemplendeut An soldions gari, braso buttons and al. Roy bas eullatedlan tAie U. 8. iospllal corps at Pt. Sheridan sud securod s louve of absence Mouiday fii hoemigiteaullou Libertyvillo frienda. 11011e Bock As alec at Pt. Sheridan in tAieasaine capacity as Rtoy. Thie boys are dellghted sisoldier Ile andl auxiona lu Ae callei tuthe front. Pnojecturs cf lie lectnie noad lo tie laies are deairoas thaI Preideut Waldo appoint a comrnlîtee e! cIioens go co-eperate sîth thein. Tbey are nsady 10 --go aiead" now sud ou people slI ha doing littheo eugb tu show theinitic courteonsy of cousider- Ang auj proposition liey desire %0 inake. We buleve if Mr. Waldo wouid appolit a rommultee of tire., liisef eue or thee cenmmttee, t sould facilitale matIons usnd lie ralluaagd people eoold conefr iltiAs coin- miltee sstd nme intelligent propoesa b. maueti Il sA uo lbe Company te nt leasI ousaider their suggestions, especlally sieu lbe mater As of sncb vital importance &0 the future soumis aud gposthio! aur village. It'. tins 0, sel. A coutinuances u!Libertyvilleà put attitude of lehhargymand Iu- differiece sAli nover tend go develope nlevements or encourage enterprise tbt iq Udevoîve te the Interest 0f ber eltlzaîýs. 11tg0 ha ippet Ur. Wsld wilA..aouaiblasait .b eakaua ce- wi**ê ed1Mffl -ma umem ik wecA in lhe luterenaso'f bis candidary. Usual service* ai the Presbyterisu cinreh Snuday at 10:30< s. in. and 7:W4 p. M. «"ChuitIsFolowers lu Society" la the theme Au the moruaing. lu the eveuiug -,Th& lnflneucs. e! Jeass on lie PohAUosi Life of Msun." We hear conalderabie talk of a Fourthi cf .uly celobration wlîlch Dlsnuond Lake people contenilaite. Aitieugi a liti.lo aly tbey are agItatiug the matber and plans for s --big patrlutic celebration' are ou foot. S. Bisekier salds ife, of Lake Forest, John Trlggs, sife aud diingbtor Mr$. Clana Pratt, tAie former of Chicago, sud lie latter of Dakota were in atteudauce ut the sedding auniversary of Mur. and Mis. J. E. Trlggsi Moudsy Ticesiiecial election beld Au tAie tosu cf Cuba receutiy for tie purpose of aaceaning siietiier or not the rosd commissîcuenasahonld lorrow money teu gravel roudlis as a close on. lu ail 73 votes w ere cast. :l, for sud 37 aginat. A birh notice lusa Kanisa uowsîîaîer reads as falowlosa "hem to Mr. aui Muse. Wmn. Jolies, s son. Billy, Oije father, il§ doiug as weil ase ouid Lwi1 epected sud viii ho exceeingly fortunale tAflhe donjt Ihnleg up on the tonle pilie. Be liai. brtb markisoun boîtb cyes." a~ ld.Ai, h detcsbusi as -Tic Toxasa Cowboy sud Saddle King", gave an exhibition of rifle siiootiegiA"our village Baturday sud incidenWly "boucbed" ils observera fora acontribution. Bis shootiug sas gooii. sud ho carried away salîoekeb full of @Mali change. ltînâaiy hboys f roui ail parts of the cruntry seno neveu so numenoca as nos. Froin aimoat everY ioculitY thene are reports of yonug fellcs scarcely n thon ttrous siose van lîko ambitions bave led thein asay tO serve thelr country, oaiy to have tiein hopes thsartud and bu taken homoeAy oficers o! lie las. The Itepublîcan Ceunty Convention le be held aI lie 'Town Hall Satnnday for lie eiectlou of delegates promises We be anuiiterenting. elle. Thore are sondenlug just icus thînga are lu Wankegsuud yur country fuiend May observe s thing oun Iso tiat silI help hMnte Jump ai a Cenclusicn. Bruce Duaenherny, suc uecently flnimhed a tso ycar's course Au the commouicai depsutinent o! tiec celege at Valparaii, lud., hansaecured a position A inte ornceof lie tU. S. Express Co., An Chicago. He asaunîed is nes dutien Tiuesay moung. Bruce labennd W s ucceed sud is Llbertyville fnieuda will Aie ploased te leau 01 o!is good fortune. John Swauiabnoogli, of Waukegau, sAli h bo re Monday caltAia string o! borsmte brain on tho fair gronnd's lraek. Arrangements have bei-n made shereby Mn. Sssnshnough sli have full charge o!fItie ti'ack durnig lie anuler and unilithti îne e! holding lie fairthIisle al. Ait. psrhens îll ha iliowed to drive on the tnack, but slI lie expected tu ahane lie expense cf keeplez lie track An gootconidition. -The Lake County Telephione Ceom- pany have thein polos np sud uoady Ion wISirln Libertyvillo. The plos are nkcly painted, ilâch et lie base~ and visita vida about sau el allite grou.d. Tiséir lins extends frein lie Couaty Phrm lu J. Ausin, Jr., seti o!ftu apn alaoseg]Park Ave. fon MuSaab. Ave. wsest o Wm. Boselils plans. More polos are enroule te Libertylvfla a»d on lt rarrivai the lise vi»tmuWialely ha extended 10 1a»**UI veve tili 0 onuiect sui 6is. OMlooTeepisoal o's. lino. W. go rp as o the cou"oo is always--..mm& 1 no doubt lie înteresting sud sarudy coutestod, but oui boys are confidenît of victory. They appreciste the intereat sabown b3, lie îpeople Who attend the ganes sud t la boped that many may find it couvenient to attend ibis ene. The Rucekellior- Lberty ville gaine on tho iatter's grounds tsst* Satunday sas cafled lu le ie 11h lnning un account of nain with a score of 18 to 6 iu laver of the home beaii. The emm bersorf unr beam saro verymucci pieased sibi the mauly gaine pisyed by tie lBockefeler boys. Tho battery sud thid base mani did eiceptioually good work. Rockefeller has tie youngesl playes lun tbe eubgensd thie gaine they play s suupriiugly f rer' fnuuîu errera. Lakte COUnty League. U-ruymiake, sou 2, iîstol; Libler13y ville, soun',leat i1: niî'd, li , leat 1; (Guruce. ccoi 1,I. liit 2; Iockefeiier, wsun <, ist 2. Gaines sebcidnled for Saturîlay. Liluenfyvilie aIt(irayelaki'. leenfleliaI Rtockefeler. LIBEIiTYVILLE li1M uIEFLLIIi at lSaturdayb gaine mvisa î'urly wou by the Lîhertyville lioym. AI Iii.. culit of thietilfth Anluga tbe gamne sas calied on account of ratu. 'Tli festunea of the gaine was tie' holding oîf Boy Herrick sud lRoy Wright for Liberty- ville aud Arthurn Brgin, Joe King, Otto King sud Tbeodire Swasiî, ii Rockefeiley. l<'e iicuruoe-D)eenileltl gainecii thie fair groudsat atutrday was liercoiy fought froinbeginniuz 10oud. The boys laid ont a dismnuud wst of tAie Liberlyvilles riamcud sud playesl liore u tie deep grilasa for hve luninga sud tien aI lth'euoncusion uf the Libertyville gaine inoved over o1n the Liiertyviiie'a diamend. Us're the gaine sas fongil for tws o re i niugH and reauited AlAite creofo!17 10 16 Au favor o! Guruce. t iisd been agueed aI bbe aitarI tueplaiy oly seven innings. D)Urlng thc enire gaine lhe rail, wu@ iîeuring dowu but lhe boys stuck tri Ibeir places sud lsyed good hall. The features cf the gaine were the battery work of tie Gurnees sud tii' pitching nil1T. A)nfy. Wliicuthie Gjunnee boys iîuoved over (un thie Llbertyvilll's diaîîudon ofe!their players retAiod se they were couipelled le play with ouiy eight men fuirith' romainder ofthegame. Tho disputitg of tic umpirea decîsionmansd th-, yeling by lie audience marie Ian lîîteresting gamne lui apiteo f bhe rail, Storm. County Teuchons' Meetjp Thero sAlli h a uut ougher's meeting n waukga ,uilay, NMsy 28. Exerciscmarse tii ginî aI 1:3U p. lu. Tic prograîi ranauged ciii 1unve an Ateesting ou.. snd louetrs sîll ha soul rî'psîd for tteudAug. Repub3licaflCaucus. Ticeitepuliciun canons 10 choose ton ilegates tuc reprement LîhetyvIlli' Township> in tAie Cointy Conveullun Saturday, A iein toiiect ut 2 o'ciock sal anl t thie 'ToîwnHall. ltepnieIcu.u tarou ,uut' Card Of Thanke NVo de8Ane t10 iink lie îuaîuy fieuda whu so kluîiiy aided us durnug tie slckuoss snd deulli cf 0cr sife sut inoîher. MR. St c. DYcuiiS ANI) TO Vole On IL. Au elechAclu ta callildfor bMat22M 1u vote -For on agaiuat a propoiii.ibAu t ild an addition tote ieseiit sciOsul h'rnse.'Poilis une pet froil 8 teup.ln. Patatoos. White Rose sud Ne o'îrkerm. hFie 'taboes fer eatlîg sr plantiez. 0, 0acs EuLLLY. ELEGANT VESTINO TonIt, ln Black and Colors. The Very Latest Styles. ASt he Methodiat Epiaopal chnrch on1 Bnnday roinDfg itheLove'Fesat wAU begin at 9:391. After the preachi Ing serviceu theo sacramnent of tiie Lords gripper wsAli b. aulmliateyeîl. The mny fri.-uda o!f1the1ev. Jams i Whtmelîu su have Ithe' iîesQYc 'J bearAng hlm i tscii on Surndly. A Pleanant Event. About sixty relatires aud Ammdiat, finonda rospîiudori W nvitati-mii exten.lod by Mr. snd lins. J. E. I rigga sud congregated st their home on Miwaukee Ave. lMonday nîght. t wam the tfttenth weddiîîg aunA versary of Mir. aud lins. Triggsa nd iiieidentslly tAie niulb anniveraary of! uttle Miss Blance, wbo sisanumiier of ber youug fiendasciee consplctiomly iu evideuicO. "ie gathering san une Ihat viii always be romombered by tiiose Iu att'udauce an a mont plomant eveut. Social iuecourse of the "fyse sud eýasy" varily occupied theguestta until 101:304 o'ciock whon aIl repalred to the. 'Town Hall adjacent and whici iad lucexi ecured for the occamsion wiere tables weC no arnanged that ail miglit partake of the sumuptuous feset cn a8en",,afler siiclithey again returned to the Triggs hume wicre thie hours happliy aped until eariy murnnng. ltalph Dsrby and MAss Isabel Clark reudered moe fiue musical selectiona durlug lhe eveuluig welà iadded greutiy to Ibtheujoyuuent of tie gîtesta. Pienî.tH apjîropriate te s crystai wedaing aîîuîvorsary wsoi eftbeh. blnîl lîy the gliestit as mineiit(s. useful as seil as beautiful, of the oîccasli n d if thie igi regard sud csteein enpiyed by tlîrîr îîpitable tntertaîiEýrq. If the verbal expremssiîa of gouu.i vishiemanad fvr Coitlili uc prmrîisrrty but prove truc lMr. sud bira.'i'rggs it ii iL' centurions witb wealtb galore. SCHOOL NOTES. Base ball As the pevsilug lutercat at ecioi. The oicera of tho literary socioty sere electeddisat Frîday., They art! as frulowm Presidelit, Ethel Wisiior; Vice Premideut, Clara fioles; Secrotary, Jennie Vuille; Sesg'taaii. l liandian; Critie, IAt. O. toouls; Itelurrter, Walteu Bonîd. Tt:e Libertyvillot4-aiii slI play at MAKEkS.. For correct styles.in shoes go to Colby'sO We have a few pairs of Ladies shoes flot up to date in style to close out at C .M.Henderson&Cos OXFORDS ARE PERFECT LOOKERS, FITTERS, about haîf price. We are making very prices on carpets, wall clothing, oilcloths, ma dress goods, under groceries, garden seeds, eO M. B. COLBY & Coq-,. DEALIERS UN EVERYTIIING, Libertyville, --[InI SELV HAPPY FAMILY. The honest original prc. ducers of the bides entering into the manufacture of ... Seiz Solid Sho< SEE OUR SAMPLE SIIOES AT L '[HAN WI1OLESALE PRICES. The Pair, Li bertyv i le, - - Illinois. .À....The Prairie City Seeder...ooo,. The Keystane Disc Puiverizer. Steel Frame Lever Harrows.,-, .Keystone Corn Planters. Bradleys ForC Drap Corn Planters. Hummer Sulky Plaws. Bradley's X Rays Sulky Plaws. Bradleys and Deere's Walking Pi BUGGIES -.WAGONS - TRUf3I Lumber ANO ,Coal. ,, SALT, CEMENT and Ti' Rope, Twine, Etc. a. Hf. SiCIINCK *l BR~tL CHIOÂGO,