VESSlLS AND am td p tmMD1411 CmprA ¶-I- Tt i'unilkey (at there Witti s 01217 a a~Ath(at lu desineaIo > r . '0 MNLO I TNmascot during the war wIll SpaiwhO go riugint tIflUgb hei ageà wi ba wilf gain a popularity as great a. (btat et NelsoW@ "Entland expectu thtatve- va Sbos Soon Reduce enjoyed by "101d Abe," the wnr cagle, ery main Ibis day wifl e ape maya a Chicago paper. No more famoust do bis duty.' ie.'*Re- NtS eakbe-e gpi bird lever ih-ed. Everybody ball beard member the Maine" ieemydgkoîamahaI or hlm. Foems and songs were writ- itwlat W85 bis g j <a heIv ee anara og ta ten ln bis bonor. Oid Abe Iratbought tion (bat fIaataid ln iat-Pe for ea buablet 0fcorn. Aftcrward Bau- lage, ftoin the alt- PIair Visitor--Wbat a iova'Iy parrot! RIEN (PITL ~I1.S _________________________________________________ aura offered $--0,000 for lain; but. cf bead of the Oiym- (To parrol) i'oiiy waiit a <racker? Poi. course, the offer was rafused.Hie Cap- pllba ln MailaBy y(atosy-m u aa,1 o tor was an Indien who fouid him ln on tint fateful moral-slf- -u. O 1861 on the Flambeau River, Deal the -ing of May Z I180. Tbe itule.-Tiie Able Bditur Ornaint Morr Fot Qlcky Laeld T6 Une'betwea'u Asiaiand and PiriecoUDn- To the.landisman iii> is ibi ptrI (',ntrilbator-Didat FotVuikSOi1eedUTtics in Wisconsin. The' birdl'Vas VODIflthe string of bunting I1iegIu adh i he wlth R aitl tilette?? W'*IIIIet fb~its. Iliothn, and the ludion subiditteDaniel couveyl but litlte -iotou Tra .vet-r. (rKOMcCann< o! Eagle Point, for a bushel meaniug. To the Litlie Carence-Pa, wliat la the' dit- o!Di e corn. naval man the smiali fereuce hetween *rmuneaa andl obstin- wowt.The bird's miitary experieuce beganlini fags asa? ir aier- riyamle aFOR(~J B avirw mouilis later. He was giveD ta> showu lu the pic- of sel, mi n O. luck. O DU UIEM a miiiary company wbich bad jlist turc rend f rom, top "George, father ball falied." 'Thats -t been organised by Capt. John E. Pair- to bottelle, as ail Just hleeJhlmn! 1ilî you ail along, ___________ tns for the Eighth Itegimeu. a naval signais are darîlng Iliant lie w'Vs going to do aiilha 1fl uce spItlatb, wlh . agle was sworn ln by patiDEAru read, reprenant. the coutld te il us froin îrarryiuî."-Tit- Lias if dtim it h bis neckt rea, white and bine ribiions. foilowing combina- Bits. Lme u usle.and on bis lrmant a rosette Of the samne or! iters: L. N, Q; lie (tîîeoiricaiiy-ïuaiiaave' refused dozeu of trieitmwera' fir-ad ai the soune rime AID FOR »EWEY. more bostile mort te d lathe fer Enlattndat. JTmesineiofas d e wbis Q. the B, o te un mte! Klaordike.g au ayIm fr- Whl n efntepogan a be s-given tu> tbe engie at Madison lunlionor code book ths con- rit refusai of you wberi you returu?- ~~Spa isb Per in Porto ]ixe oon the atiJeships were Ont sure whther CuthChrbsts . rdre t I an edilat tsntia'th ne salc Mr by1e o rftWrhsm by a<a iada heamiealves or the Philippines. <ha GoandDinefl te taod <ha h-siaic biaou it tersnul e. Il hm fte o n by u s O ur Bia.e i re Fii. Tai e Ibe w a inries ua r. ha'Spanlards The Navy IiaPartma'ut Ordered ha' quadron volilbgailel mach a woderftd îpread qcicialev u b tre ( e p is o t ti. ~ " r o h os f <a o s? n =Canaoohele. Fde Flmewm, ere po mraen udAmra sp- cruiser Charleston. aI San Francisco. to victory at Manila te Slpain's other plse- wa'nt tethe frontIemuo onaitossoa: ~ qît h mia i, or N;lr 0Wî;ýT.ia CnoudeFllw s on 'was nt long in ,iacovering hi, tat. provcl nt once temaulia withotît watt- sionsainthe Pacifin, the Carolinueand the' Cwerekunowu nasmEatu laire eaila sd mTeber Ii. Myaine" uiy laiehoa's aiwerdy." w ab the Lanad <efederus Lufer He' uova'd the New York <o doser q<alr- ing for <ha' City Of Petin. The (Charle.- 1adroneio hlanils. Nothing wili ha' doue te igthBeientrf ac i S5~T te M aans.a mucî-msthe bllmans az<sti w u&1ote mmt ad Las.of Lit-la- les.ier ight snd six-inchKaons, fired ton< le îoaida'dwitb ammunitioiifor Ait- liaisdirection, bowvee, outilitheal ii-part, 'Vs caiied the a'Egica luhouer Of btl r fnm 3«emn tof the trickea TownadI iothterapiiy fmmd er ialLe ey' quadron. Itral co<sd- tar, force or the United States ball oel Oid Aba'. OlalAbe won with the regi- bat i cr of oin.ailttman ~ ~ssum Fie io Trror rou Bon u piig <bItami aheli loto the for-erid sdvisabie to get <is ammunition to pied Mards ad iett the American 5qU5a mn rm(a iei Vsuutee D ato i lgbpIu d oifioawc iosr< Co s is<e n Te rn ot ifi ction. it i uledly accurlv y snd exe- IDew ey au soon a s possible Ithatlieh a my ron free t o go el saw h're. m e t f o il i e I a n s e n tt of et he n a p V a ibw e asy <lne fei l 'e ia. Dey IM M a t the Open Count ry. coIl n. T ic other cruisers otlow 'd the be prepared for any e nerg eacy The cu i- rt e c m a d ro o g d e e lw lw r ia s r t h exanipla' of the filguihita, rakiaug ha'e re paign in <ha'Philippines la te hae carrla'd ONEHMUNDRED THOUSAND IÇADT.hafet w Da ubyWiIdpnsagodd« apeciat eu walftrai cuil <oend. Themeulieraral rdeilthe an ime wth the cam- on dingtîit ato. th sbe varale-J rlie besus sedi:Zgncreeplueloser and doser tet ha' pusenlaCuba and Porto Rica. Troolua This Nuasbtr of Unaited etmtem Trooupe s he ud n geverJinactionha' aption o!-Jdge fimW Smpaca and <ie flet of Amerval]. The Ponitan lrwi<hiio 80<1yards ara't<o ha'sent to Manila as woOn as tbey Avalable for Aolrtcad upatias. t'ebey Say iuoorsClorathe adoption (haT W*.IsMmis I<bat folosed the cruiser or he esile, and unl <at range er b. eau go on, hord rte City or Pekin. The OnStisurilly tht War Departient re- marine liag signala for suddeily coin- To a orCar omlc( h lý lr k tra mn he a i ans blokade agonsm oinded on e bole after asother u- p rpose as ta %end no g b troupe <te Ma- îur i b t <h r a ee u t re l l t u icati g Intelligence te distant e - or la before m arryi g lmu." '-A nd til<lhe sncie<,<defensa' looked as if il nula teaie possession andl hoid IL.Thias le rictfteUntdSaes7 00jects a t sa. nlsini aebeen Wbat wau la r'ait'"Te I a tR «bnbted .9,eile,, itluler <in<le ________________ oltint-rs, Withb <a'25.000regpir 0 miydrmo arsthirongiim a omî cini'acter eîceiît oune naval bîîlory of the Unitedl woald fati of i<s own weight. Tha' Am-o< ica.Ii ie u vial oc e aempy d rmb yat rmote î~ir . aîdoilestr'-Lî 1hitrite uiit ailar service aitha' cohen "WILL i EVER FOROET r"Y?" thof1000 eldyfor ivsern vie Coaceit Dig nett dy in eturantqareudfo ev~<ierutu<rcll b al e l San Juan de (PortoRieinol«ls galle enda. Thïe lova anal Indiana concentraIraitof s wlli ha madyfo ervie.(h a'nt'- sgas h m oa sa ul.~O~~. iltyu aisw dmt rittrol inruon ha' ensile intiliratsde.fre !15s0igunen sd 6 nlda.Tertes codey m seoaprln ethe ceila'thh .oiuilat's aille oldWi so fumoiurs ocre forced out sud ls gun& si- . rgfo .r ead2500. 'uerhimia nbe<a 7()iM0)h oa l s butti eerlHcnl hydsui omc lliu.-administration te senda mies of occupe- ysmlrtthcoelunabtteGnri oril II go uc At <lues for a perlritdo!frive, and eveni. tes. mnues,iu' aintehant in sucb dense tieun wherever utededaînd ta mainlalu sut- ' g saine limre hy lie British. 'rhere were backlione.-IîOrlemaiLîfe.I louda <at <ha' Spaniarda nould net 1 a' . Sient relerves for cour defensea. Every ~ ~ '~ tweuty-mix fiags. one for each lelter, "Dortor, wbo <sas Oint mau <bait ha' ships. nor coutidl te Americaus née euargy bas been paltarlb by (he a'Wr De- ansd a number of penuinus for sperlilscraecbegi anal yewled Busoioui w-bn tefriiain.The gao<aars an the prlaient to gel ln motioni (hea my o! oc- an~sd deliog systeins. There vmas no youl] weepuiling lbis toloob Ta ships aid not «ced the <vils befoce tb,ir cpto orCb.Hut,.u-,P.r i e acontinue the execution wblcb s'as l n Ibis instance so <at <ha' deparîmient gen eraiina scbcanaayndramdeil won" 'a bigau Scllincef'.do <egun with ha'fitalshot. They liadithe initinext gl in rmdiness the secondl ex- ou ns. up bs onignaa lcomn derAbota1816 luiaura Wb,'n Tibunpe. sa m range of <ha' ill.Thatrmas@anotgh for - pedition for <ha' Philippines. Atter Ilr thatncmieins bu 86 Lar-hn ]o) rooe u tiledtheoir shela, absrapnel snd solid 'iii came the army et occupation for a"d ha neyer iefttIl. Quarterna.1ar a code dIctlonary s'as isiied. niglîl. dial you knoWw-lihaI sw-. comingl @ho wponpoiinatrtbrde-,udl'erreo Rica. Because of the large mumha'r Bliunga made bim a percb iD the siia çe A nes' coda' wasadoptea lniD18441o Lucretia-No; i did'l know papa wum stbot yept oaa' eplosition atter anoergo<la- of Spaiahtroops ind'ortO RIoit Jla eyn o! a heart, patrioticali sud prope y known tht Rogers code. lu Ibis orne mithîn iearing; neltiier ual Bob. POO, sbled atunsan îldealI ainiuitb our cu-probable <bat ati eaalt 15,000 men wiii bie adorntd, sud liera' ha' atoon the'beal squarefSage ana l ive penDants vierl Bol,-Youkera stcattuau.D bled br atios anal i llaias JuIl sment lu (ha' tient division sud evlen a iarger of bis reginent No generai attractil sied. mth a diclIonary witb 13,40G Mrs. Boonse tomr. l.ý Wiiy. yoo if (beir targels mme in plain sigit.numerm n ecssr < oi bg o mtch attention oun<b.e'ay South as cointltloDfi. Rogers' 'ode wa lunodi- dingraetaul<reatune. yun'reneyer so- - defeaded esnJuntathyutp itis<o< c edît o! istanisdsmb ilah. ______did Oid Aba'. He'occupied a couspics- Oid la 18611tu a system ai aing Imelva lier! Mr. ilooKer No? mus' have been gslcklmt sd e u dogged ristane. eye- HYMPATU]T POU TU£ SPANIARDS. aus place with (the colora, fer Compaysquareflangeansd aime pennatnts. there 'oxl(ed wbs'n iniarrieu yoa. an' Dot - tryok l a eir and out illlh i wentde-C vrasm (ha'coior company. sud tbe colo? beit ten numberedlinage, <res repeal- 'Ponsîble for au-ious'-Pun. blondteir oriabgeawl. a if hern as - Re@OuimlIntroducOd fin session Ofbearer aud tht bearer ot Old Abe Iug permitsal('osuran ix î<us ten'i-lscaa<bg bad e ir courl a mss msil by th e a-n s.e Utaamarcheil sida' by side. pennants as dciiuug siguais. The ie- occura ilu.Norahb.1Imshahitave' to get - em rlghfullYbandcappel hythe i5~ Aresointion ofrtel by Muis I.~ Duruig lie var GilAbe aid galiaul li<nary 'as reducea t0 contalu 99 anothler servaut, NOrab iislab ez »Inr iatirait thrown up et every dis- _____________.____E___ A:I)]UUAL W. T. SA MPSO-4. ~~~~~Goverument el ieha' espensible for order sympa(by ta Queen Christmna sud tbe sonr- .Irw bsnteIoegilina.InSWitâayetwsalwulhr'otmi log orkfr iiMuste or,000ane nuanowiemlîins aerrae na@Sal gratau ly exilalu 0the mralero! turmoil, sud turtier elabomaleal by <ie addition oft wo mv us.- Boutonu"aeun - D~Lw.T Ai5N thaut o! hasfiuanlied lu terofashaccuns analec nMri.I 01 r e rwn ohrt fSancuidgile- b l huJ a vr i lh eiigfai n enlt.A ti.destructive anal deudly fine othe Ioeard h adIndianar.e!The ual enoogh anoîher 12000 milI bhamus.o.Or- circlent ai Friday's session of the Na- t e comle calnwhui a vr i'egtaellgfasaa enns o! ha <os ud ndana Te tregndemi 'Vase ssued by Major Oea. Miles, di- ionsi Congre"s o! Motiers in Washing- aimmylsunouneal the apprncb o! (ha' the'samimdîe the siçnai book w-asIrl- tb-pae uautit iaw eis amcIn - I gen s <Ampalehiprieland coutansufiod th utefugeOesinothtrtcting tiaIt alla! (ha' Inoota fruinthe six ton. The propoition originsled witli entin by a note o! iaansd during modeleal. Tacticai signasena'resetier- tnsrrY. lie-I1o iab »unie o! lieuse brlght UODa>? Apilrie aal on<nY aal ba'vounter lid. Stats vmeit:o! tht Mississippi river, mhicb Mn,. Ieborsh Lelof Phiiladelphie. IlShe bcbattiteoould hover lu ube air, sled from <ha' genemal signal book, and Journaliessm'outdi P i ow 1calne amithi.ecruisers New' Tort. Location o! Sals Jua. iadbeen intendeal fer mobilizstiou 1 ai d Misea Hiidrelb cousultea aven il, sud watchlng the outcoma' o! <ha'conent. the latter dlvided tutu aiphabeliemi. te manry.- 1 mlaialois Journal. aui Detroit. Admirai Samp- ilan Juan la 1.000 miles due outheasalChictamsuga national part sud at Wash- sf<er mucb eullllng producel the deaineal He'became as remious «moue <ha' Con- compamrs'ord. geograpaicai anal gen- Criaille -En aw-1(do belleve a ginl bis emii report te <ha' Sec- fta aaa.5M00miles tronCape Maisi, logion, D. C., procaed as soon as possible paluer. Il feu utc s a<bunerboit on thc feaerates as ainug (te lUion ariy. enal clasifications. (lent lu (hls 4wai i esae'llly (ieowy. !avy (bal ana' manî 'VaskilI- the eastern tiptof Cuba. anal only 1,6W<)ta 8ai Francisco. Major Oen. Wesley cco esn udMssHiiebmt'iliTeae mchm aiigcyaal AiefoiIa la inl in'anolnn or<uv us ios î tht New' York «nul seven iiiie., fruontNew' Tork. The uearest port Ma'mitt, comnanding the Dep&arîmeul O! conlinueiiaen,<t-'thia rsin l in laha'suuadrou. No se- in St. 'homa, distant oly six<y-nine <the Eat, goes ta the Philippine Islsade W'en aha' lialitsihed, Mrs Kara W'aller the igrit of the' bird moulu give tiîemt to otlier codes. oua' for use'durng YTua -«ud never hîave bau Ila if jour teogay shiparesilted. miles. 'The ilY O! San Juan la situa<ed in charge of <ha' expedilin isent (oee--Barretti anad ofrteu namendaient. new cýurage for battle. go -cell w-afo.-s anal theinitier ai utgb(. Dûrn<a father liait îuot beet su. ililigaiiiull t mailssud !otiinaious o! onun iiilanal in ha' bay anal la conasctedfonce Admirai Dewey. Ha' il sccampiaf"I ppaeae" tsailse, "tiat (ha' cogrens.Ibis undemaol that ett<he' sioe of Cor- fI he asignais re ronde by menailt o r asirtonal nesnly 440 cith the main ilaanal iy a bridge anal led hy Oeu. OIs. lu (ha'@veut of loue- exîcoal ils sympthies finaltetha' orrcm- intiha'herebei genenai Prîce orderasi tha'steamin 'ltl<'a, the code <onsstlng Jorln. liuta lusly 'ant --Pouce de Lean cnumbleul bc- ________________________ing mortiers wboma'sons periabeal in Ils- bis men to seize or capture the bird. of long andshort blas.sTanlenome- ulmg<r. cyn()ia? alt. iu W nt neya acls Ifuuney oa'meln ou-vain,. Ien le <hea onrowlng indien, o! and be declaneal (bat ha'esvouid nther w-bat atter the' railhof ot<ha'dotis and al o r ilo eil.toit, oDkuulwditoye helsas ! tt> bu ha'ncon - oCub. aal. f "' bse uj ift ser ilcapture Olal Abe <han a w-boie brigade. dashles ilntlie Morse teiegnapbic alpha- îlrtduî' eballi>is,.a i kauamBiti tillie or coundeal by the' 'a -%c au go <o the moîhers in SpiD."' But atiougb wounaled nt <ha' barie o! bel. __________i ew<iugoitlenduuattth sheila !rom ha' thirleen-iucb ' l'il "be Wi Corîntianalettflier dro monoteutieh, '<iiialuuaud looktng Clitanauter-Wot' e maiIons anal batllewhilua 'm5A5 5MSARSI I4. bumg, as wii as ta rote' froin Meai- O#AL8 MOY MIt. lil.l'nh mere sot <bouglibbc s' ." -' ,,u< pus ouHa'iusti' snn'nive< Ibue-ar. Former Editom thetiiPhiladelpahie t<ber <in,, guvuor' Mn. Bliuff (bltting W*ig Cloe ta, dtht on- et *ces il ~~ f v psimul ai.seeatevega0OOlalAbe came home ln 1864 mlh bis Pres eNw Peatmasssr Oestral. hlm over liehesuiiu ot truet À enda is otes eee-<tP. <sihMses conipani on a furiougb. Atter bis e- Tht reslignatiori of Postmasten Cen- oune. ianosloîua Cirue aer!latinterTrie ore-llsiaOIles ~sieo! Maula, the insurgenta hutcherng kuown as (<ica'Couuty, Ir was nasolvea Kinitys cabinet w-as ahonly foilowe eala nite Tit ilits. attersoumie Thauia murn ~ '-~"Ç~ s amy missla O~%5~~ e \, even lie Spsnlsh iraneu sud chiidren. (bat bhabhotit bc preslenteil tebis Di' by<ha' naiing of Charles Euaory Smith. a M(nelr'aUn <lo te t N ~ ,,"~ 18 L à5Il a It in reporteal that Admirai Montejo, (ha' ive Srute,. sud on Sept. 26 <ha' domn-pant-S lige unbyaag bs m e ilu(a' ouahetai "commander o! the Spnish fieet, mho e- pauy mada' the gitt. To-day <ha' eagla'. on bI--s orelmal ai? ianeît boy albon adOra (ha' stes mil t<ha'thol fcaptai tramn Cavite iy monait sinon (ha' onubiedfs<auds lu<ha' '<'P'reMuteum a agit gla ped<h'uesinbio ahare le Itaulla vil b is Imo sons, mas s wasan ds. lsaanthie<laIdoarui'uquetuin, gs- hae upel oo hen MAP SHOWING PORTO IRICO AND NEl(btlHORItNG WATERS. klW'dashiippuacgton. ienplceebn;oa'd lf tueac. qlietha-a-t,-amae andtbee efoetir elyet tea _____I___inisdded <trirtht Hospital etr 8ai WAITING FOR RELIEF. nt< lle utebrescar muid thsetiair ut ha'e sswy ofattellent aiili<ary construction. catul cculpaion 'if the lakaoda Oen. Roana'. filleulviiil Spraitlhsodiers, w@nt masgtl hebril car tomrd be oal o!<ha Itis ucluse iri hiasy auiloîut onaern ail e ode li ritary go,- accdenalli' set ufu'b hiafou(a -airoferTaas200Mlt :*he ( Ils< ghuilfleo! <bal sn fron iftt 10 une baudnu-ufier hîgb cruor. Botas. and <at Sistera o! Charlty wc-ea' Bng AId tuArlchColon!. Bsakers canes iola fir b tis <-Il'?>u *mhom' cand ag iu ieyl iial_.. taini places. The barbon is one' o! ha' rincet RE.%'ATIONîlîed by s native misahile reioving George Tiltou, Ibîrd officer o! tire ay - aes onuhr i ls, ian lpu'r wit br bggstil rorii- n he haw«orll. It offera 'a sure' anchunage STARVATIOIN- AVANA. <ha'isa-canaed. d-____frer_é_ite_)ilir beOr f ard tu«niion eigc.àemtf alilins.__t t Cba oroteajai w-aien BelIs-dere, traveled 2,001S-rsu!Iii' 5 nun us< naa ht frwrdtnnlsuier, <tecolist<butricheurtRail moist demînuululeo!f nsfo edRival Thunee lhstsOh- SauoimiWmrmofs ant.muiaa oe? ses- nal ce ( btl ni ta a' îuosa'gsiolaemotttosa.easa atheitain <in lsth Klondike. A ceairmfroaitlHoag Kong, buised fnÂutccooi t oipuiuiau atesiie -la.ulisrgu%% ul ilui tuutlo iing for the signal 10 shoot, i<paino s 'i't-Iranseloeu alcna a Aoti loîu.Hi omanoa .Iimaie aiid vaut rnsounees. lis tptuiun- Tlhe iity a!fliavana i10a a SM iîht. an reposolmaade kv oficens e!f a trading <ha' creof !the Ores, a s<nm whaler. aerat-ata slmedin he iarluor one <inla Deaui 800.01%, 90 peur Iof ~tThea u tili a fes' o! (ha'rea'oDçantrs. ve-sel tat cameIa'fritha'Philippines, (he J. B. Fa-ae'man. a steamer. «ui <ha' - -Yoiisrlelli'îuîlluîî."mi gildeal lue woini are necroes anal mulattues. -don aboiut rtue streeta nom, but tau'yatlon 1lells of s tieruce balla' off Iloilo helme tsro ashoead rmfu l r, uoving as isoslaun Theî'< eduction and occuationof o!ror<h as codeul (ha' Dalaa'u7O!famt Of (tai, aa pna ,hana e nietaues er vee schor ,i can fon t ua' on - "-Olieave iite paulic '<tit l incuuwere datermnieul i 0,jultassono lishu-rmbnes have bien <rowmm the' iahotCenril. The Spanish boat mas Mosoe lalanl ria'e oy n r ie sonîa -tone soe ni bares ylu'ds <s au of h."e* «i-ncao >amysvi-tory came fruîutreucies amtei<la'of tha' City. tarvaî. lca b iuw p Dot«.knt mmrtcorsn, dis. <I MoseIlua's. <><e« ica"'thoffloint "ifntue sa-hale i., « a noflyoncl.- Mail.The port ut Sait iJoan o-us tie <o«< faces the hpasîiicithiens hem- , sa and î<~~ batteries, brmol «<>l te Yun l tOfl'inî"fthe" iBl(ha'suu'fuilto, un w-on mlybarbon shere a<Sipinislu «iet u'.uaing selseso.lilavana i inaveyard. Te-o- danuage vosa doue la (ha' Concord or lber BarrIow. hi mudtehoru Iot-now . i. thiN s l ada'o! <ha' Atianlie for s figlît <irds o! ibe inhabitats have lied. The ues,,Iri i sulcathal tisane are oniy 100 WbtU (thea hlps' cnews hital een rea-de oa wstlinii" ousulaltoile refulge. il.<aptsîure leusus priies iai Ibosa' o! Klondike'. RIef- 8isnish es-sl omalning in Amimî la'ma-cued fron(ha' ice bat ubed <tu' veaIs'ornl thi nthe tiere>-ofuth<u eien-a iaitîîd lie steak is $1 a pounaol. Chieeuîare $1 en.Onu'isnoel in dry dock et Bong veis; 'ben the' provisionis liat '1h lu-- "O dout worry about sae -. lriocan osuusints. cc. ilii a$4)sbre. Eary- K<unî. uu!ourc linth'pri-filottelabor been tr<nsporteu to thetli petitl the'New- Tork girl. "--Itke0x.. Oly xaeu'ashotu «<'ru (irouifront the (ing lanla-lui confiscaird for Bianco'stel aîlua e [h'croiser Boston sle- nlwee<a îuha oiv;wloirÂt.aansslni li pa paa o'lcm'oIU g<îaîs o!f<le AiiaiuIulu-t larore MoaroarlySleok. "-"il-foui Peraons are daily 1untel o tlueauring for lb. other suilh a n od analh Iehasliuit omte i ha' c l'LdElphiui, 0 IccetliT ngtuli Buet, repliauIl cole otn fort <si sil ii;acrui. lier gtc una < hre-l I'1 l e omatle thidi- 1onaenso i'uiuineor on etrayIl. -srecta huid been iAilt lot a t on<la'pota oston he. lchaicEyi maînalu sa ulitor lall i o -r,'1 mitanliber auiu<uuîr'i killu'ul sor in g <iaw<hlereaboula o! <hoein hildln T cuileA 0<en portanti pocNl Tl o sitio.CalesCou.,Sifth o ie-sixoai aRprlrtbli fliclt. Th' lî', <u'attaci oi<buhu an aiitsrsit-<ro.i.ion.s Ssvenai provisio eSrtnz l esgsîwmnwobi énwkd ionl ',,b'a ornu11 nsfed o ,ffyildty.-4'blcago Na-ws. - tu-rieas hgati suui<btu rtifieuati bo uîîît soe n<a iatretl bavelaauin uit '[- ha' UaitedSt sate's (overoment bas nu- startal for cttl<iitlon. yîmmo h' bi i anl «i a ut, Milglsl ~L the tbovarnmul biluiiluiiî ýai ouI<b'palace eni tto hia<d tosued. ifieul ail the cable cutniasies timl <bey are H. lid e l Bil orne of bis dogua for yerem o. e nab;ny, -b is ha' gradu- -I l rs Iiginq fi, erea asalled.'Tho, iruiiuurs uial uffu'eive itlanco bats paronaly taten commandl lonhiduien <o rastoitumessges ?t raminfood, andal aud te queuclitris thurat by aelto h iaAaeia nstîl1 i-cll>lu love wllhbeioniumband." <lrr eead offi the pus<utlu'eeand o! Maiena bat<ery. ad aniracing <tha' Siuslsofficiais, odmie orcîpher ms-moste'nfg his ilpa «-11h a11(11e s .latrfront'e theelmy dUe ndlt..frili71"'o a l e a ATe gAveJiAr.stialaceIa'uliuun's 1uauIIcmadtbamillalsioshootges'r)corofrono!h«a-esttondebatteriesHeaild avriguamesesa<osun frondtitheter fom'tbeaiesectady Univesity.lDtw-oheguideshatuttonkIooIlanalhbIs trihu'ilsadouitheofciitheu'gnons <s te<sen rn eto!rI< rta<ce<oae<a anduiBratil, andal auopen messages wia cnn vn h'ia-ea in 1861 ha'w-as activetlu organizing vol- rag<ha'battenia'.ofCorregidlor aiuui ot'ir aluiiu<uu'i. 'Thu' tu n iHavane a la. Lieul. Ceai..i'crmado la list ma>'uoavey Informationa inimical t i<0 - gIl te ii :unteers for (ha' civil war under Gen. pai ih laigcrd ih selst upon Motejo nt 'aiiia. auinom«6ilcue.iî l, ' euîg'la'nuuG anscat bi hallert'n. liluteresîs ifthIe Uuited States durien trio haul 10 hoaheaitogethen te avolullaboa' i eaietltr enbc uny itake%-amislaie be4aves IIl." tena' cleareui fur «tiuîuvrY tattischirlIowau breal %bou.isu; th,!e rosix. i, t hjlaitognew batteries andalthe a'oanwitilSpauin. belug sepsuatea lin tha'blizzards. Tbree Abn xrssi 81 nl ieyasPttabui'g Chroniele-Telegrapi). sioteai sud ese moauinv'<5'i er IDetroit firuu IS(àe. Diiigubu' ahst uiat tru'atteiiiii(tha' fortificatioîns as machlaE x cea preln169den fitt ew ia trweiWba hl ad o!tc uuiihau<uu<<tiu'e uascliiitu.,gu« s Isposible. (ven 31M) uraynia'u are ou- Aeuuy Egners Nqeded. - Tort Stted sFresscin. les Ke-ma' gentleman uadroa Ilue canai??fi. nearaIbe mousiào! thola>Y<î<u terrilulu' uxecui<iiuli. <.eicu'. thn ha liitg o! satialfron the The W'am Dsuan<uant wmli ilisaue a culi da tigt eleRpuicnSaa as been lootin.g saeUaay ai me aimat uaon'a plan f «atti,' eluci iiiuuifuitAlininsdes for <use in the'cou- for 3.50010meulita0 me cfore'tha'engiacer e udlgt eteRpbia t etste thrd.Tii,,- alibnusilogl s IN'MIAN.convention for six auccessive' y.ars, lie- JUIeava'nlng. Misa De ioah-That la alirea 'l . 'lie fî uTne Hidea esn tding temporani anal permanent chairman Mn. Fenomne. TIse>' ay bh ag is euro- Oil fri eod l Tre udrdPesnsneote u1879. lie' waa a deiegale e (otha'Na- igîtea l bhecuotsec tlireo taches o aJui b-uuuiuu t4uulysaaî'riiedyuu ili.le that bis ltkuuuus i KiliIan d a Thoissanai Wouasd. b oa euicncneto uCni-ieyond bis nose.-Cieveaad Leader. wibtrcke ntaI i istiouu- ltlital> 'rtflalueri rout ru' iiaae'iiiiu t n ati lu 187(6 anal dratteal a large' portion -Tou ashait bcquen o!fai>' home,' TheN,ý Y- I o ad i viny rio lào! the' plittomi. Ha' remnoveal te Pili- Otl yoong Mr. Northilde, a'thusiassi- el s. th. Nus;,iTr s t%.u,iuuui. sul i tio 11wth' nuuu sdela' lan 1879 anal (onit charge of Ihe il>',w-ben Misasi'arryevUie lhad given rirailt . a a 1le 'i ut uuu.1th - iutt< u--icu, i ls V i u ir iPhiadelp iea Pre s. H a' bas ince be an u ler pr omris e' t0 m arny bi a. "I'd nather .an h ourIinIlVi-lataitor o! the Frets. Mr'. Smith was ap- b h bnaio fIeaihu!ar uu .<-, uuuruuîî oruu le s r i tu hiufl <luel re lid th p u tI btes he Moain-. h--ii, - oh uaîuu ultlipliil infiista'? 10 Rusilu ln 890 l by Geoe.l aa, aiia i rcîa (lie ais bat uutî 'i.- <lu <rous.. sIi.,<usu lu ti1.ulu'u <u< lieu < ualdeu.-I'îîlrita-burgid nt Hariso . Ha