CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 27 May 1898, p. 1

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LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT. Vol. VI. No. 33. ~Libertyville, Lake County. Illinois. Friday, May 27. 1898. 1.50 a Year in Advance, The ELGIN Shirt SThue manufacturera. of the», cei.brated Shirts have produced a PERFECT GAR- MENT On every particIllar, thatcm. be soid nt thue popular PRICE 0F .1.00. and s botter ln every way than Ment Shrts that arc uold ut higluer prices. MATERIALS GUARANTEED WAMSUTTA MUBLIN PURE LINKN We carry &Hl szes, MWd Invité you t. cail and examine them, and guarantee perfect fit and satisfaction. Sanborn & Co., Tamlors and Hatd.ern.s" Kaiser lltork. Dr. Chartes Galloway. Office over Lovol'sDrug tore Bouam VSOn 1ITO sN*Il4rVI.r. M. Libertyville. -Illinois Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. Office over Triggs & Tfaylor'. Lbertyville, Illinois. Libe,tyvllie. 181 VlctiImOf a cyclone l.àIrat'rriyi mnrrrrtig Deptty 'orlitj ià n. k i.. i). iirrt s oY ri aemmisteir- Vrit fn,,ir Augusta, 4I)kiltua, ou- îrrrrnitbst kis br<,ibnr wil!,, lin. A. A. jrrrs ,lia Il eeim kilie,dansd tiirr iorgttr, Humble hall xb4Rs'i, rio. lýii.rItir. ni lut thim'ri-'tiimi ryllie. ..A. Jrel.eo.A was trîîmî ny a rems Il'tt . of ,i clitorWi<i, ilîls CîrIn tId il.-n,,r fr,,înm thin,' Ii b890, to Ain-o rrit orîrT i ailie bna- m;..i ., rt Lakton. lie tjfo y ls 1r-i Jti. r% ri u ..aîtrityoflthm ail Dr. A. L. iii-Ililleed aOUKas TILL MsA. M. 1 TO3 &iCr7 mur,. . lipeulai attmttion l rritr, il.' A W,., Ala, trealmuent o.(In, mr1<Rliet ihe A 1'ie b<' of <rrtlînalh Rockefeller. - 11 fi o i s . m- ir<rr i c«, tri.mtinlmg tie a a1lcor- irre Ir th. Nlli'r S,rtit Anier- Dr. H. O. B. YOU NG. in. rrrrIuiu , oi nrp 21x 14 Physician adS urgeon. 11ti,,lr'.i it 1,-iu isetni'il sonit eau lin sasmsat onueti. , ns'.n,,m <. irîn.. îrtiîr.i tt geut W the CIIC.go, Gurnea- -- -------llinlois. Mlartîiue ý-ý. tui sol lmlev ai &fie di.A,.t fjr lu 1eio 'usChe. 'liese apa - fi - ar ,îhlth'rly ltod, M'Nauiy à Co.. r. E H. Smith, 1ltIre lmniit rtlmnible unii>publieli- lrg lr,îu thUi, cruutry and ran lie DENTIST. nitr m Am ltasi'iatuss Office ovor .J. W. butler<s b!dg n< ' <tr'nllrI ,ed'tretrie -<Are 1 àa< . . Or.dti 1 o1.. ,li A tinr-rk 'îorf ut ericte. 23 Lbertyville, [il. Is a Lake C;ountv Boy<. Atie phoA'ln<.ux Aic.Iirt, ,tel Dr. E. V. H-ARVEY, DEN TOST. t.irlA. M. Il-, à m i7 II Id.M. Grayslake - Illinois. W. B. SCHAEFFERb NUKSEiRY. G.F. Bult(-rfieicd M. D). C. PAUL MtUiFN NU rAk,¶Y PUBLi.. OF FiCE YIIis. .,!' i\rk Lbertyviiie,' LIBERTYVLILE I l5.iïidg. iu.t Sn ao!d eemdy (h. Diaing-rouni Service Fitu Hieaniîrîii, t, r.> i.r tyiiilits imil li, thtAe f.rllowioig mention ut E. M. baonr, .iumn r J. Gi. Lnsmeo, of Prairie \rî a(ý. 'I lfi ',casrrn Ceasthe presieuta. tmonnOf o liesutif <ni silil tirtaîtuoiotany it, 1 .%, o< i jihMn. Lammon la trtltr.At the' urorfiîî m ! piatri- rrtneI, bnd, uî"tCojrtain i Lamwon r iIthne twmnîlothetIi' utý,r, AMr. i...mrg, rii.etver ith,' ilag jr, mnthi'ladim o,,ijrrernm'lil tIr tfim.ttr. flttilig h trti lii 'it tb trotriirtic ii ntinrt irtrnrir i',i tlnnr noblie Ir, it<,<rLl d ilr t hr e Ll-, <tmi it v rnrl( 'm uny hIl srild ...r.... ni, tir, r, varr-, t, m i~et tii t,,1 '.,l l 1111jo.pnr,mrti<.<r bI1m <rnly n r nr. limt irc l<rt i rai' tue q tiI.. band i J,. <r imAi I Iiri'Star 1 r1 J.. d a ,-<1,> rî, tI'.l tr ,rl the - .'r , 1- t,'irtnit utn ,or tu-rî r . rî il il qrita rreiet $20.(-00 ru Loon. Illi nois.' At, <ie1'v.- rarlumrf i$211,0410iitir bomaiîou b ak e hirty rînîl state, autsix pe'r u titmt, C>ithin le <ge to. lay tou or I TE ,I1orC-m ntrity; nind aso pniilege of mp.s l,îrrwer. '<e olso bave a fend tri i.Ugh.ui. auîou arm mnst [ive pen cent traigit. 'ai Cans. NO.cuuiîr 110ru, î expense for ex- aînimastionrfarfnbsrset îr dnîîwlug mort- 1gages. W. A. DEANE. Ps: Vt'rE ' ins aiegn I.t C,n. Mi. r.rrSItIîtir., Mn. JohniuPetutnion, ofr Pitoîîtviîîe, LIB3ERTYVILLE. --ILLINOI. ILà., esos very agreeaiîly surpriieulOui lrrng ago. For elgiteen monthshbe ud lîîen troixlled with dysautery sud lhait W. H. MILLER, trîiedtIee of the boat tloctors lu New 'lIHIILAlTIST, tiriu'sîs,,beides hallsa dozen tir mure Paitenti medielues, but receAved very Wien ion3' itrttao î'eamî iltvi' .rr aO1l1tIn relief. Chanislinls Cole, good bainrImcl ali<t11,ltIIliîîernd îtDiarrhoea Reniedy, having nmnt'EmtANDSOSF ib<evu I<~t reeuimmeuded tu hlm, lie gave t ,iîrrt,,AV.C. t'îggiHi,, a otriaol nuiis.lis great surprise, îiree Iv.C'xt rgfýiresof 0ktbat remedj effecied a e)v tidu-t raiL. irlit r riv nririincimt cure. Mr. Wm. MeNamara, i niciand ioh a elt koien mendiantutofthe semae placeî, luicnil arquainted with Mr. ONDE RTA KE R teeniîîr .î,ssA u rtio t au, ,r w Iri r it- trî'l, -y i c r trolu. tB. L'.vxtt., LîbentyvAlle, J. a. .. t> n .. JltA1IiEir, Coruue, L. H. LTHi'îMiL, BLACK OR WHITE HEARSE le<rlih Wittn Hrrr and tIIî,,.îl , nt'î.For Sale. CAStEETS r'UWrA' H M>0sARANI). hio<il divlîîg mare, fmuud sud As Spuiit Omîîr Frnrhlr,i<rrr,ît Nrtt"'perfect condition. Gond IlIta et ~~~~Fnrilttr50iahI" geutlit sud lAud. Sale lorlady te ~<.. MNTZR, i4EUERSLt, ~ drive. 'Et lt sara oad. Pr.tty attd G. O. P. CONVENTION. Republicana of Line Uiounty Chooae Doeîatea. The sitreeta of Libertyville presettdi mucli the: pparantfe no chanacler- title of 'Pair week" Ifat aturdaj. The Iepublicanit were out lanforce there bmlng a f ul<uota ut delegates ai thir county cnvention. Tbey arriveilerly sud mniature caucuses were everywhere lu evldence un wnx the politîcai "giad baud' nu warui sud enthualatlc ou aucli occn-. aluna. To a casat observer Il wu evîdent that there huid beeu a "iarmion- lzing" oftute Waàukegau fations sud ail were solilofor Fui.: sud Lyou. Supprters of Stearna werr few la riuniber aud everyihlng blinet)as over- Whellmsiiagly nue way Aer: wuasutile if aîîy work done for Mir. Ljon'a Would tic suecesarr. /Alter dinner the: dete- gies sud apectatora repsired tu the lîiw ii asd Sib: convention was on. C'. W. Petitis, of Deerlleld, wnscboseu chairman sud J. Burke, of Autiocli, .oicretary sud the tsrnporaàry orgouiza, tAon wasde îpermanient.Ruila- bmatlemlpeechàes were boule by lion. Chans. Whitney, Ion. G. fi. Lyonuad <'ongressman Fa, lu shicl Iintense intereat was niauilested. The coonity central commtue appoimatsd wn: C- E. Smith, W. . Blnlînel, W. C. UpAun, B J. Dogan, WankegaLn: J. M. Simpson, lieiitot;jTiiuinn llraug, ewpot;E. A. Williamse, Autioclé; Il. W. Tifauy, War- reu; A. W. Wliîtmore Avon; lames DaUIiii, tirant; C. G. Weuban, A. W. Arîk'bmrd,Shields; 'boniau Crleit, Lbertyvllle; b Amn,, reemout, Arthitr Cook, Waucoîmda, A. Fletclier, O. L. 4 Put, Ieerfleld; W. Bl. Wiluott, West Derlleld, J. 8. Cnàdley, Vernon; Fred Kirchner, Cuba; Win. HallA, Ela. Amid lgront aplilause Chas. Whtuej m-ail a long reboluttiu leeming with patriotiani, n winchi lie referred Au lb: criais wiili Spain sud conimended Aie piimy of ibe preniddent. lits resoin- lirnm îouvî'yed tue sentiment fmû muchltu evidence for F,mm and Lyon sud provi- &4 ic, urlustructiloua for ésenatonil, cýiugremiial asuit stteronveutiona. llime delegatea to) the respec- tive tm'mrv-mtit,rmîa Wtrm' îiitaiimuiy FHTAT F.. T ia,Satramrg, L. J. binious, A. W. 'I-Harvey, J. L. Hwajcr, F. W. Cause, Lee Melionougfi, George B. Lyt<ii, fi. J. Douglas, tineo. C. Rive, WiiA Kniiggn, L. fi. Biryant, J1 . %Wlit- frC i. Itce. HECeTOtItAL. F. A. Croinij, C. A. iver A. 'A. White, Wiiry, W. Friteli, Il. W. Cht- tenden, C. E. Smith, C. H. Ituruet Chiates Whiney. L. W. Jeifeny, Henrj Z. liuraîîd, J. T. Aliauson, Franin Tihomaos, H. Miman, M. L. Raney, W. liall, David Spears, James H. Friteli, W. J. tibel, C. A. lngalas. CONO CEssION AL. C. E. 1mowe, Ueo. B. Stevens, W. . Wctlake, David J. Mtinto, tien. Broppe, M. F. eliafer. J. i. Biranchier, E. P. DeWolf, Chas. Phllippai, C.A. Murray, Cbha. Whitey, William Hallowell, Jr., C. 6. Wenban, A. K. tearns, W. H. Sdg'siek, A. B. Cok, Atiguet Wrtz, Atbur Cool, eur-ge J. Hager, H. L. l'rebiîr, J. IN. Foot,', C. B. Eaui, A. %V. Flitelir. Il. liauia, James fAii ta.ble. It lettea5 iaianoiotms conventioni fr«m stant t., inilàansd lepublcans wearr geueraiiy wudt plramied ut the outr'îriir. t <i.i<rig trie coîmveuion tii Cu<r Itîàty ,',rtnlOttel' Mmet fi) ,rrgsUiZa tir i, rni', iltitug iii the ftrlrS Iug -,lecti, i , %'ru %.A -C. iptoîm, -liirmim . A. II.buibret, errtsry; 1). A'-Atiliamîrs, treusttrer. 11wii foiiurettrig were elirterîras execo- tineîiu iitr At'V. t ti%% tkmgani; W. h. Ailiil,', %aike'gaii A. W. FAcilirr, liigiirind l'ont. 1i. A. Wilisuis, An- t il,, un llrrrr. t,înett, Liiîurtyviile, t. G. AtrriiL*aske I- met;A rthiun Corok,,. AAatiraimda. CUCUM BER CONTRACTS Ctut be matde atnd seed obtaitiemi ut M. B. CulIry & cu's., F. C. Sinitti & Sutî's or Tiggs & Tay.- Ior's. (Juiy a. iiînited iîurber of acres wanted. Cuitraet at once un yo:î niay Le toc Jte. R. W. STAFFORDl. Their T.ath. Have Appley attend Au yonr horse,: taetli. He bas a fluena 'tnlt" sudunu- denitanda liAs bustnas. Dues yonr bornsest rea.Aly? If net iet Appley ascertlin wiy. At Couuty Fanu, Libertyville. Naniad After Hlm. Frornitat weet's MJIeert. Coniy doJnsui w: clip the followig, whlcb la selgned by Geurge Gage. "I noticed AnIn utWOeel JOU'RNAL tnit my ni frend Gideun Thayer of Lakne couaty is deail. I new bin lizty jeans ago, wiieu 1 vas a fariner lu Lakne coutj. lHe wasss pour min then, but lAu&siear jens nierlted a 1large au o! money. liAs death bin~g hLk an iurrecollections Io me. Ny - f- tho. 14-u .1laso! WhoeIina Road Race. The Aaaociated Cyciing Clbs anîl Cook County CyclAsa' Assciation wîiA hold their snnuai rwid race ever tAie Whaellng course D.euration Day. At lin been daclded, on accoont 0of the laek of facide, net Au ereci a large tentat Wlieeling fortheaoconmo.tailoi of tbe rider,nlias bieau doun lilre- vlan. jeans. Aatead permiasion lia' lieau obtalned froan tte rsiiroad colt- pauy for the: ridera te drea In tue bug- gage cars. lu une respect the detail of thc preparation for the race scund lAâte the precantin tallen for a big battie. A corps of iliteon dootors snd humner- onuambulances wlU lie slationed at dlilerent points &loug the conrse- for tihe care cf wounded and diaabled ridera, sud ut the: end of Ahe course there ii Lie a sort of a lxogiUpal toit% ertcd(, stocked willi aupplies of driigs. The City Girl In the Country. Wbeu sheb lias a fcw ]niuites t apare the bnsy huîUsekeeper cornes out toi chat witli jOU.' writea Ruth Ai4hnore cf 'SmnalFaults of! iiner- TAne" mue Joue Ladies' jIe,îîejoii- nal. "lustead of teliîg lier of tiie thinga in wili hah: would bc inter- @fteod,0f sonie 01 the great migus' of the city, jon coplaili teliber how littie uaed jon are tu country lAfe and heur ttreaoni: yen find At. Surédy tiisA. net mach ot an Ancentive n fur as aie la coucrned, toward addAug to yonr pletaure. Overdremaed, disagreeabie lit jour umuera, youi cut,t expeet Au be popular, snd jet you wondcr ai the enjoymàent that jotir friend As flnding ilu heplace whicli jou refer Au as -thla borrîd disagreesable hole.' '.îluniduy contes, and with At an invi- tation Au go to clirucli. Again yn niake tle ienite of oviendresslng. An chureli yon @tare at tiie congregation. sud are by no means polîte te the iclergymian, and psy but uitile atten- tion Au, the aermon. When jon go ont, foilowiug ilie country fnshiou, thi: ueigbors &Il stand for a litile chat, and nomie of the youug menisait tolie fiuiroduScd t,, yin. Tlieu y,,.m make joniacif agrecahe, aîîd biîcng ciîrrmei by the: good minnera thai yoli have the î.olicy Au assume for the tire lbe- ing, tliey ask permiasin Iun yon. lu a ahort time jour collera appear. As Aà ia ettly uvcuiug the 'verauda ini liied iaithlithi otheir people stayîîîg iii the bionne, but linst,'ad of irîtrodiieiug the yonng gentlemianutoetthene girls, and fiornîlug a jolly party for the eeu- log, yen Lake theni off An a corner, de- votU yourself to eiitertaluing theni, sud express the wouder andlbly, Why people, wiîen tfey sec Oint other -people wimli toelie alîtue, du oît Aave tbein aiuoe.' The Honernan. The track ai the Libertyville fair groutids la kepi ',worm' iliese day. W. R. Churcli, of Chicago, lin a atring of iwelve horbsanad J. W. Hwaua- broughuf Wankegan, cighinm training at the fair gruuda track. liy way of diversion the general munoteny of thinga i. occasloually An- tersperaed wltli a "Happy Jackn" feature. ln uther word. Mr. Chburcli lia aliorse, Trust by usame, whicA, promises tu lie- corne a -Jouepacer idfnmu mean ability. lHe was recetîtly trirned busKe (in tue trackn and vient the fArit mile An'2 A0, sud alter ktieplnug it np for two snd ione-haif sailes did the latit elglith lin 161 seconds, lie went rrruind the hlli toile track cAne imea befrre beiug istopped. Ou aumther occasion lie mode a mile An 2:13J sud was iito1>peî alter tiîree turne cf the track. Mir. C'iurcli las greut confidence li Trust and l lieves lie wAll do the "Joue punir ocet t., perfer- tion sud ai a fast iii wîitu a litti.' traininmg. Good Speechers. At thne Repuli iai. convenitioni ]ati Haturday CotngreasiiitîFus. dcieered a nlugiîîg iiatrîiotig' sîltrese uaîd witure- eeived iltli eiit1à uiasîrî. Mr. Forns lias ilemoustrated Iby lii. abi)ity sud rii- cesea Utholie An a faititfttipubllic ser. vaut and iste counîty Rliulicatim tire aimnitt <'iiiimtouitiiafor FesS.' lAtn. GA. R. Lyn t ucaknowli'dglug the beurty enrloreme*nt of the couîivteî- tion expressed lu the forinof a resolnix lin, of lis services ini the CeancraI Annamby, suit: 1 thont you rfor thie, rnn ifice't tendors,'. ment you hâve gi ti m. Nuchir t,r.- mo.nt ought t., muis tuty mon hrappyr. and A asusure yen it dots me. A arm hap .irtoieaur Ameri,'attcitizen; 1 amn happry te te a Rei,ubilati; aînd 1 ami toprfor titis eiîiortoiiiltnte thaîti yru for rour heartr suppaort. At soens te me tAhe cuir lear A castreputyen laIote coutAnu. lu tii. future, as lu ttc point.,iarinir to lutghoid tie i gt:asd votiug lli th., aer'seuibly. a<r' rording tu the: <ictai,,. of mr onsclience. 1 ami happry te rceeet the., î'riy tittt ha wnougtt so mchliof tue ustiomi'a trogreus suad of natioual good. anrd 1 wAii prr.nict o greater lirrealmrrltr tton 'ver siter this war t: closed: aud Ih;will nev-r nclose"util viitonm'io 1ours. At â iassu demorrrrat.îritiat Lake cornty ta not a machinsecount. and net lu favon ut machine candidate:. luitire latesosnaturlal nain inlu Srngfteàdtuiiy as lier cent, et Lane counry ntera woenl foer of William. E. Naiisn. How wel t exerted mn efforts for ttc osrylsguiutfrtheir pefferoeacail- .n1ck».. WHEELINO. Fruitlias brînglt a bicycle. Wiîy didu t lie get a tanîdemi sona to give flsi girl a ride? '. fi. Vaientine lias bouglit a n ew buggy and gouip in that lie eontemp.- hâtes . uatriirruiy. I)id Fredt Seif enjoy the bail Satur- day iiglit? WiilI 1aboutit say bie di oîîrl don t Yeu forgetil Mr. Bloomer, living aoutli of the de- Ilît on T albot farrn, lis draàwiug luxuber for a uew bari. lMr. I-trms, o1 Ariiug- ton liighatm, o. doiug tire work. fines in brcohlug a colt aud ex- pecta bu bave Ilt tloroughuly broken ho lie cati have the rc uneof both erae' tu, bold lits:girl imuon the koiirih. Decoration tioy ailI bc oba erved am timuai aitAthe (rove cemetery andmi w elinreli n.*t Monday. 'fli Concordia BgV Jiere If rytliiw Band lhan been engaged te furuliat ii vrt lourdoe. 'l'liebail ait Uiion lHall Saturday was B ,y tiereIf you Wl iargeiy attended and & ail a a nicait __Tell______ I us wl elegai ie, with Seuoldmnieeu lor we'lget: ani perfect managemnent, the. liglit look twiu fiiuiaatie was emrjoyed util tbh' day- Trimmed Mats Ready toV liglit br,,ke. 'J'lie village council fiilonid ln8trucet We bave entireiy exploded il( ther village marabal te reverse hoi are necesmiary te outicre TantyJ grader and crapfe ail the: dAn off tire AiteLts hps pike to eiher aide, making a wlder AlteLa stS aeI traci, and Lben put on a upiy 0t frekilà ... and St] gravel n tire middle of the roait. It wroiid ntocifeedauj futher repaira for years. IN NEMOBIAL. MNrs. F. Sigwait, whome serions îlAntiosOl ETULO coluir s i peacefuliy passed away. W U E A Tire report utflier deinlse, May 1A9it W U E A 11:30i p. In., went on& and on éatnrday,- ________ Miay 2lat, ut 1 p. ni., a large con. course of relativesanad friands dld bonor to het mamory, racalled witî N ew P i tender regard thie auccemes and ne. versos, the vicisitude, aud varions auferlinli er career,beheid lier Ini - , a o1n vision of the pust as a child tender of fanie, coming with lier parente froni a a forelgn ashore, as a happy biride, liaer- Ar iug wlth lier affectionate huébaud the - joys and ,orrowli of earihly life, for fmirteemi yesra, nau abrolien hearted wldow, mourulug the au.ideu deaili of lier iîeioved huniid air an Irreliair. allie Ioas. As a niother, with a heurt C fuil of intense solicitude for the crdn- eation aui weil îeîng of lier iatherieu» ebidrei; as a ehristiaî, full of failli C aînd gond works, and wthul as a friend 4 tender and aitectlonate of heuran. a beniedîction to ail. We laid ler tendier franie, sauctlied by nincli afferng, te of these stoves over ail rest with fair and atrong hope of a ______ gioriona resurrectlon and lu beantify and Au bleus@lier tact reatîng place.we No trouble to convince yo% eovered It with fiowera. is the best anc NORTH NORTI4FIELD.- The Spainardm bomliarded North '4orthUleld, early tiisweek, the Amen.- cana cnt the cabA: conueciAng t witli Llbertyville and ail communication in anaplended for tire preaent; accordiog- LIMERTYVil Av the reporter coutld not Dew-ev (do Tastefully Trimmed Hats and Bonnets*.. vaxt to Lie correct- txng we have i: ahsolutely new. Fnt tu be enduringly plesed. tilat you want tb pay, and tyotî up an 'teffect" tlîat 'will ce die coat. Wear from 98c to $7.00 Aie notion mthotHigl icnes lowers, Chiffons, Quilles traws.. ýrocess Stoves&..:.ý nd 011 Stoves Are the Best And the. Eest Is Mways the. Cheapest. Come in and Exam- ethe Superior PointiW, 1others. d cheapest. OLLE. ILL. E. C. Aloisou Wos a Chicago vieltor G o a n s Monlday. Thornues Dufy, Hr., leus ruChinago SFOR visltur Monday. p ii o k (Ana Lanîge, of D)Iiiiîm<ud Lat, , as lin t.îwn 'uesday. 'Thomnas MerrArnan, ot Wieautoî, Ili, Single Buggy Harness, Nickle trim ....... 9.< wss a Deerlield viitor 'iueaday. i Davis Rubber trimn....1: l<r,.f. Hart aid Longs are tblîmkiog 6lia d about 0tatingriP a sausage taciory. tandai F aisy u .. 15.(ý George àlernituan, of AHigbland APaknic vos o Deenlteld vimiiur Monday nîigit. M re. Il. P. Tb,,ren sud mss Mary Now is the time to order your team n d fa bld ela er heg iat re. harness for spring work, which Ihai rîtry Lag swrkigfrD» and wili guarantee as to workmanshi flukii>inliglfind 'ak m ouh- and quali y, to e N . 'lic twî<Eds wlio lantu, swt,,,eii go0td lothes better go iiisidc of tie Pure Neats Foot 011, ciureli sud îîet stand outaidle. Theentertaiumcut gîvexa lamt k'nlioy Globe and Hioward 011, îîight Wus qiite a suera:m; thuire was m a...Mahn large attendauce and everybody etn-M cIe( joyc.i the fun. Univ.ersity Scholarship Free. fîîr s Stock Food Always On Hiui An exsminîstlun of opplilcnts8f frcStt choAarsliplu AntheCUAiver- A S R sity ut Illinois ,vAlulibc beAu lu thc CHiAS.KA S R office ufthtei County StiperAtendent of echoobai, 'Wsttlegau, Frlday, J une 3, aîd Lt BE RTY VILLE, - -I LLIN M~ Haturday, Jane 4. Thea: scholsrlilps confer the rîglit tu, receive four jeans uf Isrnction lu auj o uthAeregulur uuder-grsduate courses, et oîîe ut the best State UILASS BRE3AKS! UnivermAties lu Amenîca. Girls as weib as boy: are elîglble, but ail mueA have been neidents uf tlîe couniy for a yeur lîreceding sncli ex And when you get to smluati<.i. Tiey oustaiaso beuta house cleaningyou will leoat sixteen jears of age. no doubt discover that Ls of brauches sud other particu. yo)U Will need sorne locumea ,îtbtaiuedof!M. W. Jiarvin County Bupernndent uf achooba. ...NEW LIO May 2.7. Home Seaker'a Excursion. TeC. M. & t. P. Ry. Cou., viii aei Loveil keeps glass and can on May l7th sud June 7th and lAit, AIffts~ pecial Home Seelers Exeursion tcet&, st a regular ose vaj finit- o rwn, clam fam plus $2.00 for the. round trip, o rw n s final relut n limise twantj.oue daja feno dao f ml, ratura Jouneuejts _ _ _$ commence on Tnesdy or Fridajulih. LIBERTYVILLE PHARMACY Aci bventZ-ono days trosi date o!fsale. e Territwc~ certain- points la Iowa, aise points ona Ôhhe raliwaja; $ ef3orV I, Tu ELSIN SHIT CUTER.& noemay. Usgas ma ,l coffan-lal 1

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