CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 27 May 1898, p. 6

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CHAPTER 1V. "At."h contlnued, "even if Standiait luerton's wîrda lotok lut.tIi> s'coru coiîld say>ounhere, becoîîldnt bW the oc9ml>'b>' Surprisec1 hot f - stIlelime alie otîto f lrotection yon cau hi." WMsaah: e luIlini,,4tdy" o duIsuppote il likel>' he wi. re- avec thte oesltuonnîttîg. xsb,'o tht Opet-«i nîsunwblle pie are awa>." remarked ta ber trcs, berr hsl f,'sng .sas painful 1 Mmron know boyetly 0* longe-Il tobt-ar whai %label îhonght 1 cruel you are? IDo yuu know tat rny if1be onderfîtl evetil h, 'Ilît-teli Ms- lfe la bounnît n uMabelaf! lu MaWIl'a Jbt r.. Egerlo)n wottld not mind taI; litve aud trutb. Nothiug rau nas> touches M t55otrryonet. cs ht. soulti ticmute- my failb lu ber-yet-yet-you torment Masse u-ould kues of bis rejectiiii. me. Bhl -ahe als'aya yl hi spoles.- Bà Egerton Was tir ao means auxilslu Inth.e ea u f al min" ib essorI tht fatl Ibat hé bad offened He tprang up and paccd to andl fro rap- bbMef-bn dl nonlt. bis fine esate itlis idt>', with occasionsa] fierce getunes. bmU Imvctmeul-to this >oltug.inignifi- "Iipotleest! mydean 1cnlerrl! 1 oboulil l glrl-"'aniemnt obody"-as the 1)uw- hope sor' rturut.d ina. Cillinder, vitit '. liMra. Calatdrr, as sont te ne- the obtuseneas of a bard, uuai-mpatitetic urnL. soutes. "Do Yout hialnîc maut uylbing 1% did sul îpr.'5t.t hilmttlf as carl>' as beytnad thteesîit> or atteudlng te ap. qUM a et"l'ho EH" the ut-at da>-, but pearaneles? IN-eu a man 111e Mr. illan- quatg Sls.tdish. tohu hall hein trolling dihaba n of fthe, vorld lu the vorat tlbepuer at au hour t.bc,î il as chiefi>' aie-is séeetsmorning. »noun sud igbt, ~hposesaion oîf anent mnra. bh itt)lbaiYoung woman wbom some peuple :nsu bis amui thnougtgb tat oif Slandicit couider bandaome, wy-"ý iilasuai fautiliarit>'. aying. -1, wss "Besaluiï!" bcizxclsimed, harahi>'. turD- m se> stay ta have s liltlalit tith Cal- lugtueface ber. wilb auch wrahl ii i aIbed. Wiii you sit ll uc>"eyew Ibat even the unimaginalive oltI vom- Yn l4if rua 11e; yu.t'Ill 1w ather clever au cus-ered for a moment. "*Underatanil Upn gel bon t t&îL-." me! unlesa >'ou cesse leu moult me b>' tarp. INW approactedth le Knoll. et tbe gale ing on these bideons poaihlilies 1 yl et wbh tht.>'mmt Colottel Callauder, He neyer ae Jour face again! 1 ahonlil baye gatsd Item witb tmtre animation Ibau broken witb >yeu before, bot that 1 dreail- on"cd titbt Mibel abonld 1w outrageil b> lbto t lid tbema of bis proposai te kuowlcdge of te reagan vit>'1 droppedl Ibsetbr sud ber rejection of hlm. Hi aIt intîrcourse oith ni> motiser. Coutl 1910W theIto teagusit hlm i lu lducing Yenu tbtnk that seet, simple soul coud bgtéebsnge ber mmnd. This Colonet crer Iedravu from iter Cbldren-frm mrradil>' conseeld be do, but me? la sucb a posalitî, cuntprcbcnel .8a dh bdid not show su>' griot hie 10 ion?" Titere vas keen Pain as .s ste exet an>' influence on tesWei asuitnrang indignation luabis loue. auff bis tand. "Tte wickedness of thte unregenerate Ofte oui>' pinson 1 teor 1 fiel lcind euiert is unfathornabie." sald hitamother, fte 0lie î mportant a piece of bntli- severel>' "andl 1 grealy> fear Mabel doi« pne%" nid te Colonel flnally, "la 10 my nt know where to look for sîne-ngt. ir'e meoi laàrigitt ahiesitouid knuw, es- impossible tlu as>' vire unguardeil bila Use il la probable ste aboli leave ninga moly ie-d pouror&eaturei, andl Byunder tir cari vitin ve go your vife, tbough aun amiable vornan, là no douitl easil>' lnftuenciil, it short, nl rs>y! Who loiua>r' "crieil vitlyon voutl ail a person of atrong aharpi>, witit a keeu glance like citaracter." " lalenotl, Hov aboulil 1 have gol *4m4 'Isuppose 1 amn going tu do an>'- on vîit a wvan of trong ciaracter?- .~*serat," atil ailîdirwit 1B Ias>, moter-enougb of this. I fiel smy = ofie"Mn .Callander aud t talbeul diasyl If ve ia ubeh.frieAnd-" atroad for a montit or tv,. 1 -'lviii neyer spial 1te>'0l on te suit' '%Nmeitebave a look euthIe bottlieuds onl ect again.- sai bis mothîr, witb un tu- »tefit frontier sud lu 9gOun lto Jurcil snd dignifid air. "I bave dons rn> o f course Dorothy will dut>, my conscience lu crer. I bave But t- left you i ignorance! Nov, us regards tel. di pirsid. tudisb procetiing Dorotb>'" ý,@9lb beach tu a long spit wblcit Callander vas agalu Paclng 10 and fr>-' fur 010 the notera bhis besd beul dovu. lips moviug- oigtti>- iyhlWhle Catiander and Egerton Weil- as if forrnlng unnttered stonis. Titin, 44 ddewy lowurd the btel where te vitit un effort, be epeated as be penaud bal ettsblishtd bîrWef. Hire opposite ber-"Dorotby!-A>" Wc muet ~tnleft hlm Bat farget Doruthy. W'ltlyenou as>' bre ViaColonel Cîtlander a-as ushînreil anti let Egerlun corne 10 sud fru. and sec Smothers stllng zoom uhi found ber undîr rour suapices?" s esual ichi>'suttilelabonstel>' dnito- "abolil bwhappy>'to further an alliance l1~ asnd kittîng a huge coverlet. a-ile calelateil te reflect credit on Yeu and tDee bj, ber companion, reai stunon. 1 turs iHerbert!" à od trarh . . .....rsputi. 1 IMteber son *Ur 'lu the0 a~l chair neti »UVse. My 00 00torreposa! rsbail," 60 eDovoge & MUlle and em W oas ~bfore g querniots >' anî1 ~eeIagne. **1 iatresmed &W *Ïconsîderal "ýU tink os or aux 'AMWM tocanie q1flet Journe au siacemi gplml empitat ~sotr »Ruriy'nextV PM plans are?" *gobjet in Of ;ou t ac oget êc blal and did f. CHAPTER V. ire ail ight afllenr our Colonel Callauder had not led sa veli open air«""i said, au isInce lie relurned frl ludia us the moru- C tsr ber sturk table. ingble slarted for London. He unolr- 1 am as usual. I gel Id t ari ana cummissions for bis isoer-a r nîd in loi alliions ta in-imv, but bis wife sald abc wanted matb-E -said Colonel Callander, ing. bv vrtig1wnadmr ot sl ,Mis% Botbh>,"titan 1 desei," ahcilde, a ahcI sl h ter. "I ilb 10conterai lier huahanil tendîri>' at patlng. d The rneik companion rose Siaiglt ail gant. to dine aud steep etl id dlsPPeared. a country' bonse atsoume distance. Sa btseE iLa >ooif rou bave o">' sistera bail o ver>' tranuil la>',lits oui>'c fiu of goinguap ta tostu dialurtiatce beiutg a visît front the Dow.- Faut to arrange ont. or ta-o eger. orbo came in uusoitled oi humor, ging nortb.", In the ieltniug, s littlital Donthy's dis-R hy, sbire are >on going nma>y, Mise Gakile>' taikedI n, luit beforer ady. dinnen, ta bave a ittie tal, eohe ail, sge-b I lhink oif tsling a trpdontpenied b>' EXerltun and M4ajor St, blanda, or ta Saitzelend. Juon.W-ho sas, Misis Oaley thougbt, hm. 14 à change as rMachba. 1menaîl>' Atruck vith lber, a-binas St, John rai egul>' sureiie bal made a s ith Yuu," o)bertel Mrs. profoud impression on bil aOketeî, mnl ifil Shi, ie. h . Wuiruinconsiilcntion uf lber endowmeut f i oiik ever walernu. ditpuaedtfilencourage- ber attentions. e hi(.tiné.-The ietre toceller itu aim-r go?"~ saiter son, stitis a Pathlcsilence ut that mont stitcbîng t h fitlutbis dr ilur .'.. our, "'the gloanting." eviii bis uothir dared nt Duotb>' bed Of course toîl Maleof trut slle bas nu cause foir .Ihe decioratluu silb whlcb Egertutu bs.d il -Iait eentslaehetartled ber, and a-as Iotocooaît rîuisd let titi itanacea for lir i li t e manier in abicb Mabel haililt.i à lber lus id ber confidence. muta nazet],e '1>' gladtulahear i i,"fill se Murmureil somethiiig about bis beiig tiauia>. t dtu dou ice and lnternsiuig, and a gond match, onthen se l ded. "Are yuu qaite aune that icl la> OIak ws-at roUidîlDot like hlm, dear?" ?ý "Yes, quitle suri," vas Dorotltî'a prompt Oing a-s>'tht-rt-i mi l u ar "r- Il Di el tu ile hlmaevernao mucisr 5~~~~ parlnuurî.I on etter fri I esunot thiul shat putS hn MYou "Malng. 1 do sc l fistîîbis heari t..imagine itraits tbo ;lie Yo reurn1 sal'secoultt nieut."a Il i We houl ont *'l"Idn t iif i laow iaraordinan>,'," pra. syua-ie ' eouinul said Mabil,' and Inoppel the autjico Iher Saion le," retured Wiilt.Mies Oel fi ell for tÏ ban-r re, an dIontvn i 6 r mtitn about a concert eahi weo gettlng 't. d t mif slaring* up anil Majur St. John put in a storil at d il "îîsattc e Iervale, Egertial motel arrlosatbe riln ta beml1 ae' tet tc In vhcri Dorohi ss sBitig, and tuaid iscoursi' biaenea ander. in a loy tfine: ", oîîglit tpertaps a t os'. anaît iideul>'preocecu- treripans apon îou. but I1stant lu ask le di-tatît objectt isible ta pardon for Ny pricipltanc>-. Wili rots for- gel my i luilgea baste andltet me corne bis nolie t'nltesat, looking and go on the ouI terme? 1 I n Dot of' ttt'lng a-lt aume surprise, fend again: not, at teait, tl1iilfae>1Imi>' ilb Ilu ltai ?" du su, vitb lt-sachunce uf ettoie. 1Mai @d i t ur ith a itiwiidered never rescb that happyticonvictioîn, but i ýn ittig bis bnoe ier bis let Mi try,"f il: "I lhtg iitur pardon'!'1 avi nu ight io intuerfene -itb ruirË lSae al 1uigi îvihe s euls tir -),a-.întd Ittl h uit1doI o I rat i Yu an> onnu>'- dlOu t eittitît iii îfno ilanrtesd I do t ti ltlI@hall change." tut Egen âi a ltunipro- lîrt' hoth vi'îeait-att-I lu ase the r ber. Ilii t latIll4î , hieh was raher to-. iAnd i, lotî11,l tir3 . %%il>'wiielildin luanuagiitfiiiltmetutfor I)tilIoh'1 T'. fr'li . Ili he tt,,i,, o platice tih Mient Onklleat nutituthe bpotiilti-s of lini.huug i, f- 1itis ndtay #hitue -eIfne- sit mtotullit. lote for dil, a crime lier ount in' mn..i i br,. CilUi n îld nevir fîîcsivc. "SIc tii li et ltit i er "'Ihe i'r' n ta vr>' nitin oitle arrthe nttulth fin aittn i tuigli- 'nllsof lisla itine f tht.long#- a-i bcw 1,11 a duiti, toit- uti-tduEgerhon."I Itîgol Il. bttIf 0f couirat- aie wil t t-t-jr ao i illet rue brnil vi'r thia vt .it Dulitiibas htr î'lireadhila u" 'he îttiod svith is ier vîiîu uslti tdt culitiru a jspakig hbr sisi'r. avreil,0ut. but b aluni-s O!,e l îetau-thankul - Oo~a,"- el turne muraila athin tatarni, witb sa li' pnt'rvouaacati-h Iberi atie baiiî er eyes la bis andlthen site wilt do s abeliLes. ltut drulatIhen 'liitîl>. L itehvc sfar chane. Nav "Oh! lstl- deur! W't id IIiilut >m rieb cau sec ht-r sit i-Ou, came'i" cricîhi>îîonîîîhî>0.- tin asthe baperonage. andl Betriela do.vwasxctil. *I sititl l htve t-jnyetlj als. ata-«othervise----" i a ie quiet tevt-iittg, and altos i.ail I donti milale lu sacrifie myeif 0as "Hua- colîlti1t nfuse?' aedNie, abu'i, ull," said Mn, CahIander. pressIng bler hautlain rpllier. *"Ht hal p. or for the gooti of millers, alksiHerbent sudl'aîul tolt iahlm re a>' 1I ovean>' dut>' t0 jour and trbis '-hance, and liernht rlld te" bel if ktltlanasaccommoda- "'Wbat0 ddltau] agree lt tis?' erieul tar son, I viii rernain until Dorolb>-s ilu of Asir, çr>-"I tituugbt bie knc me bibl" bcre are n reations or "Wclb.deuilat t'iu lnîrioit oare Itl &M jeta seuti Doroth." Oblîgeil tai tuimni uu" 1Araal et tut51" ..1a is "Iam quite sa-are of bha'- asilhi ore- 3~a~g i se bad t>' witb ilacisiln,"butab hje'ctl tlha à t d b d b le Unden lte fl-t Frencht Empire tse adnslni@trallon of theo prison 0etSaints- Pebagle was so loose that I w-as ine ran, for accuail heresns o )Je ttee six intas tt hout know-IngIthe canne of their nanceration. The foilowlng adventiinu, narraled in '"The Dungeaus of 011 Parla3," disclousathe fact Ibat remai mtaties' sitla>'cSidIttons of Ig- norance vas nat Limposible. The doctor bail given to a prieonen who was uiglti>' Il!,an onden for lte batbe. Not know-tng In'wbal Part Of thse prison te bnflmusayw-as situate&i he preseuled bis onder t10 s Ip>'turn- key, vWho opineal the oter bonr of the prison. Montsieur Gultiata. a fêei man wltb- out bet a aare Of It, took the narov streel 10 a seintry's wal, andl -ent a f ew pacea vithout findlng an>' one te direct hlm. Returning to the aentry ai thle doos', bc nqirlnd w-bine w-ire the balth@, "The tsan?' nai tht- sentînel, "Titi prison linthu." "The- prison Iatisa," sali tlie sentînel. "are probabiy Is the prison, but you can'I gel lu lîsere." ",Wiat? I eaW tu't ge the prison! Arn 1 oulatde It, thin?"' "Wby, yea, you're lnutbIseatreet. You ouglt ot know- that, I shouldtbII tLu" "I dial " knov It, I assure Y>'" Raid Monsieur Gulilon, "andl th,& wos't suit me aail." He rang the. prison bel! and w-sa ne- admttid. anti bis nectilof hbisnil- velaure nistoreal 10 obrlet>' thet unu- le>' whe huid gis-su hlm bis freidom. Aunac.ion agiant a hospitai for an autoflpa>earfonmed upoi tise dent! bodt 0-ooflil. vi. wthoulttie consent Oftille f atlsà, vbo vas titi laturai guardiais a man llitodt rIe clI 1ti te spfta for' treabulezt. la bilit, lu Borne>' va Citlidr@Ws o pltal <a.,38 L. IL ia. 413, te bhi a«ualaltb.nOtv'ltabtnI-' ,Og the ooateitouitaI loel'i vas Do lgit of property li a s. ld bol>'. Titi iagus itetegrapit oies latiti voniti la in tise te-,taPostoie bulmti tjg, IantiuUý elstes thoumnd ope> atims solasMPWYO& ksspIag uer bï aja !ce<yuld" 1f etten tiugcd blé telk. Heend i lenti weit and blé m cawsëuen tte pa" when ha had ishêtedi l vere alnùding, tite remnnlaences lt îvoked of the vert- ou@ fine ladies.,mitresses of thte art of dreas, luteresllng; h. addressed mort or hie ronversation 10 Mabel, who salid lit- Uce, Iylng bock among iter sofa cushlom- as If wcfry, wblls Dorothy> worked dIlI- gent>' at a hîgfiti, txameutal pluafore, for ber l1111e niece, wbich vae a hleased occupation for ber aez. At length, af- ter o short pause, Egerton exclairnedlal au altereil voice: "I amn aftald 1 am borins you. Mre. Cal- lander. You are looking aivfully 111.11 "It la titat horrld neuralgial" crleil Dor- ott>, loYlus down ber work and golnt te ber ainier. "Site bas bien aufferint ain fiay-would y70 llke lai go la bcd, Ma- ici?" "let me t.'>'metemr' u rged-Eger- ton. "Sitcll bave an awfutly bad ingbt Miss Wyun. l'Il make a fcw passés. rou'll aie bow soon the look of pain wiii ceave ber." "I ilon't huit lîke lt!" said DoraIt>' douittfully. Egerton came and l sooiliealde lte sofa. ais eqes ixed on Mabel, vho dlid not make the alighteat reaistonce. Blovi>' paaalng is bond over her face lunlte fashion miai a vit meemerlocrs, the tlred cyez gradual>' cloacil. the pained. contracteil exprssona pasoid from ber face, and site alept lthe peaceful aleep of an Infant. "'It la vanderful," whlapered DoraIt>', o'ho feit; an iudescribobte impulse of pif>' and tenderneas toward the gentie, loins siater wbo aeenîed go mystcrloualy op- presacd-ltce tears were ln ber eyes, and ber vaice fallereil as site adi!: 1'l wiah you could nive me Ibis power. that 1 mlgbt enable ber lu reat! ahi seema no belpless." **Bbc la," returned Egerton lu a deep ton. full of feeling. "But unlis ou have te power 1 conid not nive il you. 1 did not know 1 possessedi iltitIltat étrange satic Bobeonlan Grain 1 tbld you about wbom I kncw nome jours ago at Prague, assareil me 1Iliad il andl mode me edper- ment ounsome of ber people. 1 arn hait oshameil of IL. 1 voulil neyer une m7 power save lai give physicol relief. ribere la a prejudice againat il, 100, Perhapa il; woulil be as wviinl; 10 inform Mr@. (JJ lamder, for instance, titat 1 wm« able tu give jur @inter nmre repose." 4*», certaly not!" ered Dorott>. "Te lminId lte better, people ame n 01- maetureil. I hope my dear siater wîlI net waont jour aid an>' more. 1 shail ait andl watch ber titI aite wake, aud go I muai aml> good-aight nov." (To te coullnueil.l THREE GREAT SPEAKERS. Clay, Maine and Eoe-Tbe Wamou. titat.s5n Contraste&. Thîrd in the auecesalon of lte pont speakers of te National Houas la rThomas Brackett BReil, vinlaagaln at te itead of te Représentative. Henry CIay', James G. BMaine andi Mr. Ram- tIbeittrai stand out Dits mounaion peu" in tite long Une of lhespekers of lias Houas. Ciay'and BMains vs". each min of farnous peraonal rnag- netlsrn Tales of lte pecullar power Uic>' exerted on men vIlo came within thiter aurora are no muLlOtudinonsa ta te>' secmern loot legendary. Certain- iy a very large part of thelr aupreman>' among mens vas due 10 ibis étranage force. Botit Clay'antd Maine vire dreamrnes. Â certain Orientai Imagina- tion vas a dominant note ln emei. Reed1, ou the other band,. viet 1 many a ver>' attractive personait', Édois not rote min b>' an>' subtiety of pirsonai magnetam. Hi la notabl>' cariless of effet ln manoir. Hi ta rugged as a dUEf. Wille hi la vîithal a man of big klineas of heurt, hi often in niienlies as a serpent lu bis atinglng mancasm. Hi igos b> lte sheer targinesa or bis uncompt'oiaing andl unansveaable manhooti. AiU tirie of te.. speakera have bien toc, Prononed t10 WPreel- dent. To CIa>' and BMaine lte Preal- dcy was te mont darlng ambition. But hotu at critIcai momentsa bit it; Clay' bicausi of itds high prînciple ln wrltlng thie unpopular Texas letter about wviîc he sald. "I hbad ratiter We rlght titan We Preideut;." and Mlaine biecuai of a autdîen concert of tilling atome agait hlm whlcihlUtogelter made an obstacle hi conid Dot cieax. To Ried, itovever, te Prisldency la no aucb magnit. But tbough titi quis- lion of tite Prcaldency seema W inter- est hlm but litle, pirbapa, for ltaI reason, hi la lns nome roarlng conven- lion the more lîkil>' te, hi sîngleil out for il. Americ aren a race who love a man. anud At limes tiIs admiration for aiteer manitood bicomin an Idol- aIr>' vlt them.-Itlustrateil Ameni- can. CBvîS*n CHARILESTON. who were te o sol follîîw the ('barlîetou to the scene of Admitrai [les ey'm triuimph. l wag ezpected that te trip would oc- cuça>'&bout tweuty days. Tiis sows for a sonewhat lowèr rate of speed thon in nanil>' mode b>' steamer» like the Pekin, Sydny and &nstnallo. thte onthorities rec- ognlaing the uecesiy of ecououiuing the .oi! supplies wben esrrying betty 'car- The Wor l}eprtiucut i.stili negotiat- LUg for other oleatuers to be umed for transport purpuse between Sou lrauca- en mid Manita. The Govei'uzuet et pre%- ent bas the services of tive ahtps. II ln believed. and, lu case Cougres* &all de- cide to give Aneinu register I, v,'sl of thte Norlberu Pacifie iSteoiushlp Cout- pany, the wbole fiet if thot coruay wil be plaet!d ut the disposai of the Guveru- ment on ressouahie terina. TO FORCE SPAIN TO BUBMIT. Powera SaidtoD .le ttcaolved 10 Mnter lte War tloon. A dlsanteh f rom lattrld asays that Seuor CatllloA reanon for uot joinîig the triu- lIr>' la that ilo'oor iSagwsa la determiued lu carry> on a vigitrotis ar. wltile Seuor Catillo ilaowanî' that Spain'* frienda lu Europe, espeerally France, are resoived to mnaint nIan lier sug for Isaco' aI the tirt favorable mnomeut. it la hoped that MÂJ. OgWgflAL Ms<glTnT. Spahsin i 1w bcele tat h. hi pIn. laoua, swhicb rOIl1bcutiliacal lu rnaking politicual cuimbintions ial.r ors. Titi ispatcbh ls titat thi lime la ver>' ocam w-heu Spain vil] b1w usked to lîropofi pourparlers for pence. Frieudi>' efforts viii hi miatde lu the posters to loluce thi Uniiteil Sîata-eii to taatlsfled vititthe in- dipindiuce or auuenntiou ef Cuba, sud ta abandon the scheme of rilaining per- maneuitr or weupintg teniponanl>' tsi Philippine. SPATt'ISHlFLEET, CRUISER CHARLESTON OFF TO JOIN DEWEY. xxpedtlon LeaVes man Fs'anclsco ta Sasoport Àdmiral Deve>'l lte PhIt' ipplue Isinila- 7,QS0 Troces on lths Way-Monltor Montera>' la Dilareti. Go te Dewcy's Aid Tite crumer Charleston lanat-Il ont ber WO>' t0 Motils. Bbc will celai St iono' luin for coal and then îiroceed direct lu lte Pàiilippinea, sud ini les hailt Iirl' dla"aet thse oulside st ut' t talureport, to Admirai Dewey. iThougb lte tonitor Motaterey haba liiorered lu Il5iila, Il wWl ha miterai wet. p~a rubtibi>'.befori eh@ cun get awsy froiutSan Francisco. Ber ezetuive othlter, Lieut. Carlin. @nid te ahlp uaI wait for certainu kinda of anununîllon deoilred b>' Dewey. Fuit>' 7.000 roitîs ellisoon tic starîtl for Maus. Titiie wiho did luit go ini te ltre e ters s'ull go Iter oitte china, Ceuteuttial, ('u1oît sud Zî'alittîtis. Titrei teemera--the i'ekiu. Autsrala anti City of Sydue>' starled tosp't4wr. A fleet of transports ivili tc iiet ii it onlutlut I. the Binningtu oîl nd tetcîiruvîîyîd t10 Maitla. Ever>' team vesurilit inti' herboir blt' au revoir le CapI. Glîetaa aud Iil cris as te Citarleatou t,'auted .ont if tlt. oldett Gale. SNuni or tbe forts in the- hartito salutell thte visaIt, but t' dî'rttootralloît madle by the 46,0004auîisgatîtereil lit lte Preaidio vas lrî'utiio'u. Whu lole visselwasa aigiued tcolliittg tir, the- ,tay lte aoldiers ggttred unItll Iscîtandt, citeer upon cheer raug uont frtintheli tut CAI4DENAS ALMOOT WItICKEIi. Town Mnfferid Caveroli>laIn ecant Aunrtcin Atlsrk. Ernes't Castro, a V-ultuî refogie. alto oa it('andines lin lhe tlay thot the Winiîliow wt iiijured intuir>intt capture ta Sîtatîlh gîttbtat, arri'ti lunRt.>' 'ent, bait lig uteupiek,-d tiltoff'tif trtenaas.Il ta ill l4 rnsut'rhireîl lts t tIti totive for iii attlck sas a lî',ine li caîtître Ibe littrt' gutbatas hicb ltod lx4'o tryiîg foîr 1tvtrtldays lt lart'the Aruteicnliuhipe lîtto the' uint-tictt tttloîf tttrtt'îesbar- 'lar. 'Thet.iretlItI iîtlt1th Ie W'ioatow liii not coic frontîi îa.eL-1boîter>', as sas siotî.bttt fronti a gliîut.oat. Ai' ciirdiiig t t'ulro, te otht-r lîno guuboats ooî'ne ou te ttîht'r sîdi'oftfhe point, wltb I tei gîua t rttitti thrtttgh the Ircis, s'bich concialedti front tht. sigitt of theo apjtroaching Antericatia. 'litsi Io hoslto, ha anis, wert' testroyed b>' the Wilustugtou'a fine. Mont of their crews vire kiJîrd ttr stoindisl. Castro maya tit tbe port or 'ardents. alongtg he n'atir la aimotot lst> srecked. Ail bbe vharvec are titrised, antd te Sîtnoîii asinoa langt' tuildting uneil as tht' liceaquarlers of te iufanr. was alto .k'atro>'ed. The triaipueand itIteus ailflied front tonn. Ttirteiso"deras-eri kifled b>' one. abîll as the>' lied &long the, trict.Tht. aup- punition vas thsst the Aumicans vire ut- less.pting o lanîtlng, ausIaft'r titi stipis ceasc'l fiing the. ondiers retuntaed We stend thesu off. PANIC REIGNED IN CIENFUEIGOS. Dos.bardmecul >' lte Anarican Sip. TerriSedtiti People. Information battett re-otevd at Ke>' W'iatfrutu Oleufaegos gittng agraphvar- count 0f tihe txcietu nthat cit>' vhs, tihe encounter occurned betIseen Spanisit soldiers on shore andthtie cable-cattlng textition wbach restulted Iu titi dents of ts'o anal tht. wo'ttndiug of five Amrenicia. The Oatancil> sus jttase- trîcken, the chureb hello sire ruîtg amtI the. alarme weîri antinde,!Itot alsbies. At the Ilote] Sienvu de Oro, biýre wsaa iotan sd fight biween Spaiiulh îoluttt'ra, sho neftunid tIn manie ounItetrîl dttt for tise defeisse of tht, cit-. artd the SpaLnisb authurities. w1w oevst-n rylug t foriethéri to serve. Wh'eu tite Maa' ls'gttî staotiasg and knocked tle' iicbbtit-e ttî plintera min, wousin ant] c4ultimr-îi ied Il, thc cou"t,, man>' fatilica eittvng tht-mhirtsones open and ahsudntd l ein ttutthanti f their figbt. Sitîce lIeu tian> fanîllies htave movid to Santo Qîinterndutuillanornaait 10w-na nen.- Cienfuegtu. Thte Sîtaiit goverm- ment in unubli lu c,,tttil tht.cours. %hot Dowu Without Merci. lb sppesa frouasinformiiton bronghtl b> hiemFrpnes of Initia that the S'pauiah dîîl o litli boouharting ontitheir ostu ac- cottnt lunttelPhiliptpiun-u abtoutt a frtnixbt hefot'e Admtirai I>esry ailetueed Ibeir flee'b Abott1th' u midle tf April. igay.aa lMntit, report, Spanmsh roopa met noi op- postiion ou laualirtg.the- nebels haviug ah- scoud'd htfore a abî,t sas fineil, takiug with tht-t, it la aaid, $210,WO lu cash. About tirt>'natives to-ri kille Inluthse bombsniuit. bot nuoEttropion casual- lies are reportedi. (ceia, shicI roite Ihird in tht. cules lu tht. l'iipp'îttc, vâta wrricked hItIhe ' tiituirdndrae A mussea- ct' of reheis t>' the Sîaîulsh aise prt.cedid Admirai t' nc- rrivai. glati, iliiei at Cvtscn. Adviies front Cartueina, Spain, nai- tht- explosion nt ('attie Soi u Jiiin ùt toa paitue titht- city-. .Xrmn id legs sire pilcîcdalp et a great distance friras the aeeeof thi' txploionlcî.'rTe (sat' t on- taineil lbirty-eight pto-aes btlingittg 10 the artfillt-ry andl irîfttutrant i 'w tîk- met,nt ont. of titorit caapl utinurtd. Thet dead utumbereil sity-ta-o, iucludig tht- goverimor of tht- tort. Dewey4s Biorkade l1.SEffetive. It in reported, via Ilonu Kong, tisat Dev'cy bas eupturei eatsumiiiir of steamner andtaacerai cosslug ventila et the 'biliWpnis. No viatlbas îcî soe- ceedied ilu runz ingbitbockade. tai-ast'; s., muas 'T'he bttlexhip Oregon la thet. iret star- shlp Ihat evîr ruunded Cape tHortt. T'he Qucen Itegeittou Spain ba saked the Pope tu biens tht. Sîtsuis armes. The barber uf Sait IrauciWotîbahein l.boroughl>' mîneil dnriug the ponrt few oveeki. Titi nilrood menin lu('ltfirnio have starteil a rand tu0 build a batttealtlp for the (ioverxsncnt. A bear>' rainfalI nt RKey West ha. fllhe'î1 the cisterna and ovrcedas ster famine among the troope. lu Hîvana ment la $2 a pound aud cor- fee 25e a cup. Firat-clas reetsurati are guardeal b>'trops. FoWlsa seaeing scarcer ever>' de>'la Havane and the Insurgintà Ibreaten te rul off ttievaler supph>'. Weyter ail the Carlisle andl Iepabli- eau leaders are detlberatil>' planning tu bring u a revoit tn Spain. Ttc Spisb ehdfenaewea almsaiera, Cuba, constaat of ans irosctlad a-ooden otan- t>' andl au anclent cannon. The reeruits for Seetàry llooevel1t's rongb ridera tnclud.' football payera. steepiecbamse lubmen snd policemen. Griot Brilalu bas as man>' s'r veasets lu Aistic votera as FranceIUs"&ianmd German>' cosilneil, aildte>'are fan more mondem and poverfut. Miss Christine Brailley,. dsught'r of tbe tboveroor of Ke'ntucky, ashefti t ' aflowed luo ccomntle thetifret Kentucky' eglineut on a nurse. Tise Minnt'opolix tlge tof s J#*ioh tir- der. lu mentor>'of the t'xputsiun of th,' Jeva from Sîtoin, bus offered a Itounl>of Thte . okeatack. Thîs la hon- theto ntkesack of tht- i- ti- son luokedie tn tat ltîtlt-ned gttitai t retit nteil to RKey &'est îîflnr titi tigli i i RIDDLgO BT 5PAXISFI oItOTe. Carmienne. 'rlti7%vas ilte .'igageuent dulung wieh the M1VîosIoî waa crippled aud Ensîgu Bagley killia. $25 sud nr.'tusOoof iodge luesj to al tuembera wbo euliat fur sur againnt Spaini. TIhe Seeretar>' of the. Nav>' reelved a ,Iilitth f rom Admiirailkit.,sev eseins the s4e that Miliia ioalil tîît httidîout long ogAînl bMa atiacl. bMnuy weslUiy Philippine faoilies are going back tii the fidanda from ,ltuug Konîg andt are taking the oath of aile- gi nce to lte United States. Scytral ilecided uirovetuent.s bave beeu sddt'd te the piano of four new mon- Itors for our navy wblcb sili reuder tbern proietleabi>' iudestructible exeelît b>'tor- pedoea. Ouieo f 1h e United States oMeierasment taoupen commniaiiton wltb the. Cubai insurgents lla sald to have planted the Amnerican aud Cubau color% aide ti> aide ou Cubon soIt. AT CADIZ WICil MAY 00 TO TVIE PIIILIPPINES. CUBA' .98 FAILli» TO AI-PEAU. Otage Train for Arntv of' Invasion. S;îani.h refuig ee neti-it> arrivetlnIr - Arrangumets ore hiing mode b>' thea Jautian uuitbvîî,îans>' tht it tr ptoî- Captain Doret's liapedton Proves te New York quarhermater's departrnent t.t- s'tiretus 0 f att.rtatltttln liavarun, De a Vollur.for asiaege train t10bW shippi-d1tuCuba wile es-e,.t-he t' it itire arc-tretly Thte steamer tlttsalî, vbicit w-no latve sud bo folov ln tbe rake or the invadiug fed. landeil an capedition hn Cube with a large ari>. - The train w-II hbi able tu carry Sta.tgtics nI tht' Sitsîitdtloas ut Maibusia quantît>' of on* anam munitbon, ratura- ii,Ç00pounds of arlillerni sol nubW are 1atdti itîtagor. 'laiae ntelttrtn io uts eti te Ko'>' West vîthout huving accon"- usil for supplies lunlthe bombondment of tsst tuie hu avas grntiîr thoaitut ut plishi te lspurpose. The re.zeltion a'hicb lukterlor towns. _____ atpioad. 'li hetst lttfuniialtiaiista(tott Our min met fromnttie Spanish was ver>' Wilî Talos Merrltt'a Place., 321 vire klllexasl 71(X)a-tautîas. bot andl ou accoent of the Cubant w-ba General 3lerritt'a succeasor as ctrn-, A fiabeiiirutt ultînne.i's linvo»ar s vireb ave met Capla uDorat andl par- niasiler of lt e psrttoenb oettieSautvit ise r'cth e a'aaore nean>' il t dutt. ti' IaliUagtoePunàu ttsir appiurnce At hi Brigadier General Royal T. Fra, IMp> l ien i e fft.ldf rawnithe dhl tlb s.plntedilàe udan tte exPdiW- 1latel>' commanant of the artller>' holanI fl îorl d e Ithe suhrnrbs, vblere tio eeturtted. 1ai 1Fort Monroe. ti r rernliW vira devouratl by'buasse«d. BILENCED MORItO. Scout lit. Louis andi ltae Wispatnck ltgans Forts of Santiago. Thti Ianulao lbombatrdaien t with ot- etnil Wîilttl l May i>'18. la ixplalnt'd s fttlotî,sl'lie St,.Ltts, it'tîtgunder unît-ns ln ta'e e u t lthe coble at Satigo i uitl glitautaritmo. ThteSon- Iitiagt'tîgagtî..'ltt son liv,'l>. The Wani- pira riIt-ittanit he' t. Louis ail lti. calle sas ilk iftît vublurattgt'of ti, a theSpih gurus mi Nionnu, shivhb <,tsll fln,fîtîlît oi iî> tir,, a ud liatgeries sud tîut uîrtîtr lîntt-i'y. 'ITh vmu itatll han- 1ll"ithe 'cable titith- fint-iaile tif the Mt.l Li.,ls utunrtuii' thetlin,- t'tligiutt. Thi Mt1. L.tîula n,.iit.d uo tIih ht tlt rutnalnt tif fourîî mtr nuîdi-nndtu aiitt t' N 'Onua- t i it 3 ,î -pouindtltr fnftll ir lt-iaaI but Iso onr tre,- dans. Ne'iith'r Aîtnlcau îibuttsu.doutugeil acnitisîsi. 'rT.eMt. >laînîs' liqptnsst Itackais> a-att ht asto> tundîld1t, 1a'ntîtstck'à pilot boîtai won gliglit>- .pllîît'rt"I. Olt nsetontti-. si. Louis lied a flugyr itroken b>' the fli> ltt fnugntt-itaof aatuîeli t' bshndJing tIi cal,. 1'bu arl oiti the' callt'ail bWi-o itniits'ly flîiati vit'th.. -otra lpîi-teed lîseulnuits o atwsrd lIo (lUaitnano. n- t heireflte awonsixain pickel ni)anti cur. The tatteicmttrp ttç«ltirfie, t.t beiniti nail anti toonti hotd. sire utt- effective. 'l'a-nvriiliotiabots front the St. býuul eur.'d vtîtutralIn.' quitoand bbc cuttifix of the ele s-as titen pest"- fuil>' flnlabel. 'rheoiti-t's anal menusert' Jubilant. _____ EIPINSLS OF THSE AMRUI. Alger-* @Sapptenseutal Flttlsstenfol lt.Support tite Filet Six »Incline. ie,'rt'îanoAiger btnatie, suirîhiemental t'stiat',ftnorit tth uiont tf the 'anuie fuir 1h.' firat *il ut rioa tifIl' . ittii fiti fl u. 'Il,'>'ti.. - i1.s Eusto.s,f tt.cunsiulogs' cýId, - ti xL»-nttiç t-r- il't I'sy if iuiuuicn,, - - .~~,r,,te xt liissl- t itim - titii 51ot - t-r,iy iîi s tu intnts ..futlutiinl t5,5 19.4- ui-tia1-tis,,îf*arl *Ma i'ro i', iunt ~ att ......s .....a....titîlitr> ,ia it l I .t," i li lotithu--titi art îî,i'pir.u. wa .tr ug-r,-gat , ý 5.. Ii8 HtAN TUF l'PANliffI OA>'îTLIIT Uncle SOm WilI Uake (»ungosder frontCeptain Ftl br.opitu, Tht' lBritishtu tt'auîiiiiC(il'tiforTram, C%'aiul-'athu'r, shci .. ii dfrni ica-er t.>. iii,. tIns soit n s us ltan"d I.> Sîtara. a itîta t-arngo oftit'. tons ortua i-u ptuir fo, 1I'rithe Un l S lu i' s anniveti attfil> lu port at Nia-York. Silsîlitr, he- eut1at or ta uai in bc t the t trtieof exploiie, inareiste tirli ir iilt- hi- Sianin ta Iii -tt otialîf mnansd the Tnrn's targo asliale tii .ixure tir oui Sîan.h hcraimer otic lteatt.haveri-e was w-renuIta-ocie a ivùthcr c>e out foîr atniotoos-iookits cnraft andîlnel ont of thse Mt-dktercaitmu u nstuicki> as lbe cil, The unir arnted vexssa -e sightictI asaiau Ameica.ia trtisern tuiii'g îa fsesrchligbt off Sbinatecock, ing itlaut. Fine Buily'of Men. A cornt.sîtondentwrnis front 'l'bmla: "TIhe Arnericun Millier of lu-dot is lu- comparaIti> hetter thon hlis prcile(i'eir. Conrdtions of t'uiiatmcntatcutra tire se- tt'ne. flIe ia ittone gineruuly trIntel. IL& rattlins ireimprovt-d assd lie bas faciiities utl piviiigu's fornutri>' unknow,a-. I' la ' Itcnr.-h iucentivs .to manline«andsti elf- r'elso't. Itua-fan thisp havi heein am t--a-ui Iludicaleui lu'tte sta.(lîstt-t thet ttuuttrtg tiI the. trtsuîuo lit t"i place I havi tit olanrved'of druinkenne tir dinoruier oif an> description."t iCeepe Douai at Homue. By Vie ht tir ofcomrpensallon for the nutuntty tite puratîlt of Spsnaieb ver-. sîuipa is c'aiftintis ctumts'y thb" iabehi iug lt-pt lu the' counutry- b> tii wnr mats> millionst tf dtollar.. lat ordunan>' yes. ttis moune> goes tii Rîrogue and çairchnses oid iliven, chinat itirtinuga, sculptire, spici-- itut-s uuf tht. nobiélit>' asd otir launlren. TItis 3 ian it atays utlut h ielunAnierien anti te elîhuen expeuid.iIor ttveteid here i- caura ista otruers doa ot fiel Ineliied 10 le-o-u tht-eiountry shile titi prisent diff- cuill> in untàettitd.- Asu saa cf Uppîlies Ha-ail a-hi net deulsnc noutrajil>, Preaideut liole couiderlng .ucb a as a brîacb of goud faltb. Ife lin t-- uittiti>' cxpeutitg lte United Sîste. te nuise ialia itag tovi the isnds and use tietînas n base of suupies. Havolla "ruetors Indotita PreIadent Doic's stand, aut] the nntasure uni>' needa ratificatlin b>' readeut tKîly Final of ltae Ne-. Pensions. The first ulîplicallon for a pension on accauint of the- Sioenfisî vr eminaIes frnint Oaiikonh, Ais. Thwe ppleaul la M.r@, William H. Hook, suit u f a pri- ti tIthoîlletIof atunpaib Iroulleat Camp Ilurvt'i. lira. IHock la entitled tabo epin- alua of $12 a mantitunuder -tsi act or Jul>' 14, 18612. Major Ugiler Arrent. %la. Weiter D. CoUida>'ofthlie Fi* lltla in ftttry, nt Cblckaanaugs, yap placed undrer arent pcnadbug xaininaloal of charges tIsaI ha vs Intocabo.d nul abusive -it Ma in w-bile Umi rtgimbll w-asun Use wv a>' l brp Tite. iaa talc chi tuc, lan itilr li a "'l'o 1X~*~aaa tRI

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