ÀCLYDE FLAG. ~1INARY CIEF MELQ »Y TIIELENGLISH. là wM Imle nos 24e Rlghbt Ta- Md Oumuria. IBoat IMaisonaa bohbl Triai Tnp. ýtal jîici la 1l'eld. 31iiiine, tb. leader outh, rril- g4au5ll1on ahuci recenîly Ianiecl Cris.tl.,eau o tiingui. vus or- th tcBritiash auritica ti)r a 0i w télénartgeuimii ha n-a n lylut Sfiag. Th iiuiii. thie n nasî b baepedition amuietl, o ld ne le oaipnîiy sil iuîiait, RVtaIobertste pilot Ifthei ~.iade a comlaint ou lie fore- nba.l'h. Anierîcan ronsut aicu bJimiaie, als-gin>'liait the i-- k a. Illegal, ina*nauîi as fie Fa- surs ver. oslteliloil>' for seniee iivVatcra. TIi, Fanita ia arriv- ir We55l, vere ber captuin refus- 801b an>' slateinent reaartin>' lie Oisa Mote Cri,1itaas runlieti haèresst thi.e atsie aasb-urjrid Isq JMines rve i uiieck iui- ad fuli>' ammettd, ro -il lu>' (eu. k4ndtiras- offirers. sinaiarly u-uuip- à"> endereti ries arsianimunitioai Pt &board the long bout at a ue li1ect suboe, anal tieîa cuuuand- fuà allegeti la borerst ak hei,ïtcr thes boat. No sooni' boadt eî &ae s-lait viere Cen, Jiminez out a'I'tded thsn a ruIle>' of nua- »u isard antithreof lu. party phd. Theirat te fuli aras Cen, Trofpl nerccu eenadranring emlbers and the sailora in the, boat vea seizetiwith terrer anti 0 ton the. vharf amid a raie ut Omn Jlmnlez Jumpeti loto the ý1 b"ati, seligan car, jinet ý,tqitfon tii.steamer, vhlih ont. C-Iddh flp Near Nav Yorks Wlah la Uatlafscterîr. àe lres, of exjê*nimmueaif a-I boSbtue boat prior Io a ipn lupand luspccldon et lb. E*'eoYigr-mnt board ot hnapec- dâà" - the.Bai l, Ige >aciit Y tet. The ratl vms solo- e1th rtouiteen fe.t ait thet ~Iodeteamnle thi.e elicleucry of baW ienies. Thi. vessel va. MU noursela the.open ha>, 1. *e andti oe-haIt miuutes s a bigli> satlafactoay latbus are designe ta tepro- msl te six bherit an elgiit. IsLalelbhe mcel yl test I *8 sulmaine teaiaede apparu-i ams ftr lthe feunul leite obdating of lie clubs BasebaIl L.Bgue: ýW. ILW.IL. .. l Chicago..20 21 e'..8 5Plael:pie. 17 20t -.6 5Broosh>n . 16 211 W.- .2 5Lusil 14 29 .. 2 8Washington. i2 27. 51)St.Louis..-.13 2f b t1Iostanding et tic clubs W. L, W 27 IS. l Kaussa Cil>'..21 17a 28 16 Minneapolis. 15 24à Ob -:2 16 Detroit-. ..14 26 28 fiOmaba .10 28 et capper. et haet pur. coppee unv erdanAklss. T. c> 1 iiwu te ,Whie antir A f5v noî8iiaaco ai ohd ý*iat te Robet Duncean, Je., ~u tet the Trestivel imIe ehilovet i sea piaeof.et n leieu It snsent to astion beông BsayesIvas W4 p.er t t r c ar, M 0Ietee antia s aasolon tom lles raisinSt ie u W00gui, ahi. lue reposrthl IlItete Misa Leona Spicercf a élie cifet tuat b>' im îe bflIt Mh if Ie vouhd lihoi.- ' Of etil e nd. it. quir>' Offie hows tatI lias e ithe inaval ai Rule aun Ienrthquaie. ftrstiqnui.cs'eunred tun liortla. . At Pariashpersans ver. ,their bele. At i averlli. om led liaist> seconds and 01009oa. At MiIIrsinrg tie ,P«Bke-it-ickeaa anti nse St wa lioue,. Tic shock waas teIl Byye nt. c &* ont o e dective huaI. WU blo siwieh bore laiie na me à ààa, front onlalde lthe tn tsDetertive Agency t 184r Uël;oe .wlth jevelu->' a icto tic reaeie et Mm. In ealuSandusis>' tYhab 1 etf theteiiml>, antil i~ndai <irer $50 Vin la Oregona. von lu the. reccuit e.b- Pol. Okeag ig ein Stata ticket. I. «»laNet 0.111>'. I-dîl ljintif' ati Mma tst Gu.v.Atiinsoe et West lie charge ot comphicît>' lu ha. iieufou ntetguilty à deesurrer waas enterei te t gaiut'dr. Atiin- I WiuPem otDeuis. a llaery-maa of îlot i à" s hm ite ant i hlm- Ubed vas a roter. Tie>' wShbah., min, viier. vecoa esu 4Cet"**& » e t lu,.u tW hé "M olg 4 Cagé,, Adacent ta philoIplueew 3stier. asad iefore le Îge 0Wof I1o« Tb*ememl e PPOrtunites au'itiU anid steel lu an>' tomru ad tJi.te the. United States lu the coîîtris adja- t the ni.M> of a bilg trust. Th coin- Cent to the, Philippine lslands are 8sbown inatien in heing formed hy tihe lockefe4- h. o ,Ie f tables made publie hi tl ers, Andr.w Carnegie. Pierpont Morgan tIfli'.50of etitistlC* showing thaut the. Pur and the. o-call.d treeicrowd of Phila- chass emade b>' thoge c&uintrica adjaCen t 4elphlu. The, plani Uas coneîved b>' J. te the, Philippines arsi largLly of the cas LoeiiT Welch, who la tihe:i of Drexel of article producei In the UJnited States. & Go., the reîîreoentatives ot J. P. Mor- lncludlng Chine, British mua sud tie gan & Go. lu Philaîdelphie. Through J. East Indien, Japeu, Ceres. Hong Konîg,. ~ Morgan & Co., the, London represeta- .%glatie Rusai& and Oceaniça. the exper~ts Uv. of the sasme bauklug house, English of the. Unted States are siiown t0 havemeelat ivýdinhepooe 1 lara.ed troin $27.421.831 in 1893tM 110'l t etrust Th e fr t O t a tutii popoudi $611,927.678 in 1897, hut alill are ltz thon ow 'th cntrt ouhtampon"o in he 1 6. per cent of the. total importaetftthe deal lhe ein aecf l'ae h.aees le tii1 ruOitfes ln question. thus goigtetetofChart" H. Conter. wio laa minai-1 pes and exporte rill atait the~ produC- bor cf the. firm of 3. P. Morgan & Co., aS ers nd xpoter ofthe United States lua ietrothIlnisSelC PDY 1 thn.e countràeg whc.e doota are now btiîuoolg aiete fti. lîol amethelnompan>'.1 opened tate commerce of the world. Philadephie that Drexel & Co. had se-1 INSURGENT CHIEF *HOT. crru Centralofletii Colmmbla troaorn-Il - Pour>. one of the largeat concernesinte f Paania.'ds Exeent. the Woundedut e- KOuit. Other important Corporation@ eral Gonzelse.DeBite aPldg. tut bc tkeu halo the rdeai are the, Bethwe The Cubonsa t T.ampîa, lia.. haver@»'. hein Iren Company', Ohio stlel Conn>, ceii,! %-rd frein a n'hiable source that Carnegîe lace and Steel Companay, Smrn- Geaeral (Xuszules, thli nsurent leader ile1ton Iron Company,. Lackaw.anna Trou and Santta Clara province, who was aupposed Steel Company', and the.Minnesota 1rou ta have died of hua wounds aler a figiit Compnlury. B>' sectarng the. contral cf tic wltiithe, Satîlards, won in realit sabat lbig irOn aed steel naufacturing Plants atter a trial hy a Spanish druni hcad and wiîii pleuty of cie.,lthe trust eau reg- cýurt-martial. Tie i ltI 5101 received ulute ,prie.. an as te prncically Shut off wan that fi ws un apturu'd afler being a.-ountmitte cotnpetltion. Tiie ore carrrlng vernI> wooaded In a ekîrmish on the. Ileet '.hiu'h John D. Rtockefeller controls Sage, de Chîca Rilver by the troopa of on the lakeaso e b employcd le transport- Cternl lBerna]n, who commnat ld lu intati mg or.cnir le the. plantasIn the. truist aud province. H. vas tlket te Villa Clars. te the exclucion of ail othea'.. G'neral Bernîa], ltheCubane declai', gave the biai.p ut Sauta Clara hiei word of LARGUS? ON RECORD. honor that the. prisoner wotld hocivell- cared for. The, neit day the nacîher aind Corn Bliptunufsorftise Wee R.sh the, tainlly of eerai Conzales vert' it- Unpreodested Fiàgu. formed thai b. was ded and burled. The Bradtreet. conmerclalI rle'. soya: Cabans are lnfurlated over tbua exomple "Tii, generai business sitnatiuîîîtuiitt -,f Spanish taeaeiiery. well tic expressed b>' the sinîgle word cerupo.' Certall>'the ver>' flotering ont- TORNADO KILLS FOUR. look reported lu nearl>' al thc grain-grow- iM . ti..set the country, andl partieu- DoKrlb Cont,, Misueuri, la Viuited larI>' e. regarda the. growing wiieal. bas hi a Destructive inran. heen of a nature , t doanînate the ettire Reporta haVe heen recelved Of gveat trade situation. Wth the. stt'ady andl damnage don. b>' a tornade wkilcJ toim favorable proge.. maklng toward a large seruesa s*etion of DeKaub Cont>', Mis- wheat i-ieldhas COM e in alselinîna- t souri, caning the.logs of four lires. Tiie lion of the May whsat deal and a conaid f deedJ are the vsite and tiiree children ot erable taieing don-n of pecubntiire ferer c Calvin> Smith, living elgit nmiles uortii' sud prit"s. Aiipelg idci.l weet of Maîsrili.. Their bos. WaLS de- Whest ha",'hen yinpathiecdecreseffa atroed Md ievery oue cf its occpants le uars and foeur, but corn lua teami>andiet killed. lu the. rlciuity of Maysville and pe liepaU'hei,.e e ea Union Star the. torado destoedti thePinas te the. co, utleek. but Itageli bouse, Of t lenstt lw'ety fariner@. UPecOt. cwlng le lmproved expert demand. Wheat ed valuabie orchards and damaged grow. exporte for thi e.& reflet a better en- ing croaintThe. pi'perty loeshas heen es. Prlnur adlre himua ue timated atinîul $150000. lasserHeury prgall y n d 11,48,08 riiuiie4s, à s s 4,3 9 sud bis family ef fotur, living near Union 00 uiiel5-Met86eek. 2,4.1-24)0001b(M,- ls Star, wer, aIl painftîlly hurt and man> iu tiIs veek a year &go, 3,209,000 bnsel%, otiers ver, moe or legs serluesh> ifjur.d, laî 1»91, 2.991,000 buhaitisLn 1895 and o hut neon, fatali>'. 2.742,000 husiels i 1894.Courn exportea, are the. larguât on record. sggregating 20.00,0Ole eId 606.442 husheis, against 0,164,000 bus&, - "Pat" Galvla, wbo arrived at Tacomia, et, baet we.k, 2,396,000 hushels le tuis Wish., fron Dawaon, reports that lîy v'ek a Year age, 1,623,000 besbels lu e tAbl e tith sprlng clean-up is finished, 1896, 1,149,000 hushels lu 1896 and 974,- o amountlng te 320,000l,000. Wheu i holeft, 000 bushels le 1894. llusinese failuces le April M8, lulclug had heen lu progresa for te United States ibis wcek show ib sharp a week, the resuanttiheat Creeks be- falling off, numheriiag oull 178, agfaînut log hetter tiiau expected. Sulpbur. Do 21- atwe,12 e19.23 u19 milnion, Bear aud Heuder,,ou are the biat 231895t e, 1207lu189, 2BusIns18MIt pard uir fe eraddonns. r,, inthedominion uit Canada numiier Wawàtwo hegan 'ugardertroulehtar - , Égainst 18 last wek anad 37 in tha Tavecmie veka eriarthanIast ear TimIera wr.filgurng on r, ugfer w. ,rse Et. IlCbeel wth thelr fresaure hetween CHASKA GOM1 TO JAIL, Mary 28 and Jun. 5. briuglug thein t0 Ta« coma about July 1. William Stanley re- l]US" Reoered After Hi. Attem pt celved letters troums ous et Dawson b>'ayefB.rcla liteth fareure T ii.' s iae iera te be Samuel Campbell, htter kaown as h,,, liiy pater.sialpi ensr ich elhoChaska, the, Indian iiuabaud et Cors Bell. captredhy iraes otwen S~ Mchal Iellown, whe wsa a short tina. age report- aud Tacoma. aud lii., sccoramauli re' ed b>' ling Wster, S. D., diastches queted that thie loveruuaent detailià a vIa havîng mach. a auccesifil st raplt boat le convoi the. ships te Puget noeud.t The îsul>' h>'.havetake ~ suicide, sla il,, sud vellih.s ttempt t The Sanle boyshavetaken$M,00egleng husliteiining pred a fpillre. thlu winter trou ane. aime. A speciai HN' vas cecentl>' senlenced te n.e iar's trou Lske Lindeman, Alaskia, sers: Im-prlsuenet for complcit>' wIi B gang **Lak is. bdcmau and Bennett une prac- mtti.e.Bfr on as.t a ticeslliopen, bot aud slo aeDw of t 10W h cousse ndge ethen ta jlia pasatagdova hotb latts a ient the. abere..ha b.éed an. aved ivirece.r Wlil Tii, Ice bas hecome anasta Orn.thebsud. oHaerme nheadoter Accor wth àaig Pack on bis iisck suddeul>' di a nd to temnasee Aco- appeared througii the.tresciierous f ds-n mogtblî story', the.gang fou»dad srusd> surf ace. Ne cne. ioseov vio h. tassTu maretfor tl.u godaamong the. resl- .Tedents et hoth the. Nebraska anti SouthiDa. prie of provisions le Dawson sud ricin- kola aides cf lth. Missouri rier lentthe fil has dropped materiail>', holng noir30 vcnt'e t prtoa per cent 'of viiat It vas a year ago e. oi _____of___oertins estate la hiviug a tremendous boom, Iota Mats a sementtaual EsCUe.. on the. principal itreets aelling for tranFranks Kline, s priaoner aetihe Comm- $1500 te $2000 a front foot. Tiie long hua, Ohiio, peulitentiar>', accompliied the. row of lente along the. river hanis hae mont .ensalioual escape lu the hWaory ai heen r.inoyed. prop.rty tii.r. retieg for thiInstitution. la nosn. aKlinaetwist. $10 a front foot a moti." ed off tw f et lbmbaofetbisoeil, and, 1 May@topPeLate lsing thoa as a nlevr, prld off the. lien T eaadien eltations F'elg. door. H. tien crawled tiirougb a trend% Tii.Canalan egotatioa reentl' oa-airipe a distance.orf Sf eet gan t ap- lutid ut Washington led te th ii.aleg euîfroin the reliar ln wiilcb i.Caea et a Pretocol wbiiib tormally sgreed te thelucated. The. vali hati te ho sakaed, sud exact %abjects te h. suhinitted te anuim- the Officiaiss ae.eta fous t0 tel hune b, terostional commisaion. whili.the, Pro- accompliiesltuât fe*t. recul makes no preliminary agreement on____ ti. sereral questions, y.t Il lu the, general O<hai, XXisIII6MOn <Ze uuderatanding among officiai&u tuItihe The Traunis.laaippi Exposition, vitb t Behring ses question wil ho adjust-d and aIl exhibita completed, boa eeu ceas- filali>' settled b, tii. complete termination fakir woeiset te the. publie. Preahdent Me. Ot pelagic seallng, This bia een a source Kinle>' et Washiington pressed the. but ut cotrovr#y fur uany yea rs, the Unitedito tabuat- to ahier« States aeekiîig tlu pt an end te pelaglctnfnlsatd h ahDr.o sealing, and Canada, throuiglitiie iniperiai Prnc KOeuU.k luDes&dl governamnet. contesting iigainst titis fer- Prience Kouni. ir.sident oc th. Tsungs miuaion09 n inusty vry pofiabl te Yaeu Chin» tWguoMeie), iladeatio alan>' citiseus etftiie C,înadian Pacifie sud the Emperor ha* Issueu a proclaia- au coast. Durieg the, recent negoiatlona, tien ordering the. Chine.. const te go late however, il developd thnt tuis industyameureug for à staleti Period. th wèe practicall>' extlnct, andtwonoolong.- ase ilsol a .d er' profitable ltan>' considerable number Saine Plmel a e of Canadiens. runler tii,,, ciangeui - con uei Plimmsil, huev asl the. -Sail. dilions. ti t i iîl.('îaua ibss onl>'a Ctewors' Frieuti," and ocelglatoroetttei.eta. 9 ,ealers t10 uel with. and l alutiieretoocus "Plimscil mark," te prevent the. 0ve.-a In A Position to meelt th, Contention, of Io.dlng etfsiilps. le deui in London. d the. United Sîstes -ihout seriouallinjr- n lng a large estsblii.ed ienstry. It lu un- auIE OOAIOU tieratol that the. protucel speciflll'r.- e cite, that lier. saol ho tire. repreents. Oblcgo-Ottl., Commue.te plain% ta tires froencu, government ou the. Cana- *3.00 te MM.5; hop, sblpplIng grades, Ce dian-American (conmiiaun. * 3.00 te 84.75; shc.p, fairtatechoIee, *250 1 te 14. j5; viieat, Ne. 2 red, $1.124te $L13; g Big 8SIens la miaUsO»t6 cru, Ne. 2, 3&c te 34e; ont&, No. 2, 24e ir] BiaJieru, Mina., vais v;ited b>' s te. te 25c; rYe, No. 2 4&e te 50c; butter, rifle Eturna, aùîcomPtanied b; lny aiencd hall, Chaie cresmoer>', 15e te 17lc; eggs, freali, dolng lbeuws"de ut dollars' wortii etdaim,.9,tae1Uc; potsîoea, commbon te cioce, age ta profW. ily. The winul avepit trough 50e te OU cper boghi. the, resitletce iportioufthle City, vrecklng lndlaeapoita-Caîtbe, abîppl«, $3.00 te butldiugs. aîuroelng shade ta'..., demol- *5.25; ibogn. hoice, ugit, 1118,S ta $4. isiug glass store fronts andl tcartng offsiieep, common te ehie, *8.00 ta *4.50; roofs. The cil>' park lu ruineti, net Oes.- iet. No. 2, 99e te *101; nomn, No. 2 firtflo othte trocs remalnieg tandlig. viite,, 3e te 3U; osuNe. 2 wite, SOC Thirteen treight cars staaing on lbe ta 31c. dump wee picked up andl threve lu a pile St. Louk>-Cattle, *5.0 te $L*5.0baga, tegetiier. ____13.00 te $4.25; .hecp, 83.W0 ta84.751; Many Dsowned ut Se.. wbCt No. 2,OSe te $1.00; ceeu, No. 2 Thc schooner Jane (Gray,',bwiîcii mled îcUow, SIC ta 82c; osto, No. 2 250 to 27c. f rom Seattle for Kotzebuae soanut. wtii iTC, Ne. 2, 44e ta 40e. st'-Oue. People on board, toundr.ul Olnrluutl-Cattle, $11M ta 811,50; o sipunt uluel>' miles west of Cape Flat. *3.00 tu 14.50.. iiep, 02.50 ta *4.s5; VE ORfÀv 50u '. Doux oPm n r tiIiu. TIt5VUVG lON VET DO13 oCrn *75UIRIT G ucetei, but lb, sohllieri harîng been calleti vs>' teafigit the batiez of their ceunIry', bis testur. hadto le b.dropped. ln the. grect auditorium, Dr. Sainels, if St. Luis, amset b>'a nuhor cof et15, promîneut clergymaeu, tielvered the iffical pra>'er. NearI>' ery exhibî vs la place, sud neoitatlf inisbed buildings on seaffoliug ver. 1,ft te nian tic heanti ut tic sarrouudings. More than a thou. @ant mea vcre engoget i ught esud ta, on b.e grounds t'e paut ten tisys ln ntier thsl the expeuiton mighî ho opencti la Ita lkpmpletem. neutsins et ltheflie Bisw. Omnaia'$ exposition la Dot a Cicqgo WVenît', Fair ln magnitude., but Iltls la magohliceuce. The grondsmar pars- dilse etbeaut>' sud tic building. are aaag- nuSient lu appearance. Forer b.geot re- salti aciievedtheticpeopleetftis diyanti Blt. eove mach te lie presideal et lis 'fair, Gurdon W. WatlIes. anti ta bIs able eorpa et assistants, botb men and s-ruen. Ove of tii. pheaaing teatures cf lis iscuna la the besutiful ligeen n t Aviiea the.purilieti vatero et lissounri Stivrtha. hesu turaiet. At the western end ofthe .laigoon is th. Gorernuacut aulhdin& àoaleexampîe o et Ionie styles et arclaitecture. litoverlooka tue tuti'. Iagooa, hitismafin buildings b.lng topped iii a masure tome. sur-iouniteti b> à berole figure cfr "Liberty Eullghtening the WorkL" Il. in buiflt, In Urfe'sction§s anti la 5N4feet in lengti. The torch beit iloft b>' "Librty"~ la 17é8 teet trem lthe garuud. Imineitel' lin treuil eftiis sualhdlng slatic vetîr teirrer iuilt ho tue tro ot a, trutell, hbu grounii edges b.ing ourroiendtbiy an 5tti'ucllve p.nisty'le, Aronuidtic lageca ' losrlet lsfour Id.. te. pilara 15 feet llgi and &bhoutl the sein. distance spart, «ehci su- zienmetetil b>'a stuul et a tioxeoIncan- leseit 'liglals. Ther. are it lesoat a mnudr.d of -tiies pillar,, wlth 1,000 Lalà. lau su. Tic.. adddtaihe b. et tlae bildting, 12 magoîficent srtatue. sormeuintîng the grand entrance. Mont attractive of ail tht' dirplays la icuset lit the elecîrical building, hilci adjoins manufactures. Here Uie latent sud mont ingonieuetftthe Proulucla of American heiveelive mrain are siovai. Tie exhibila are net conuinet to America, but, of course, beetctieseia]enas ntie>'alva>', bar. doue lu chvsiungumas mausnof ieakiîig lite mca-c Wortha the living. Tii. boy.sud girls' building. the lit on the. nerti aide et lic lagoon, isn eal>' tde vornam's building oft h. exposItion. lthl 100 teet square and inl its ceuter a bail lu provideti for lectureiansd cutertaininenta, lnter.sntlug in mottersanad Instructive to tlae little eun«. Ths building ilaniaesl ton the boys endtirs ofethte West because tic>' contributeul lb. moue>' to pa>'for It. coestruictioc. Tue exhibîts Inciudes dis- pIn>'. et fanc>' vrfor toe w omen and plctue.us ed objecta et Intereait for the, Sebou] chîhticen. Anotiier lnteresttng buildinofet i.ex- Position luliai afor lb. ieusing et tic transportatIon exhîlait. Open air spaces are ahotteti for tic dîspl.>' cf sgricuh- torah Impemcuta ia operatlee, fata feuce., Ponmpeansdti vdmihîs. Phent>' of groundspace la sel osaiefor the poulta>' Conps, sud smali buildings are eneetetifotonheiî pliranti dairytilspla>*. Sereral acres are glren orer tu tiie di- piS>' aud cxplaatloa cf metieunsudet.- vries for lie firrIgation etflthe arhd auds ofe isct sud lecture, b>' practical men te thée formers, telihltIe&JM icvte suppie- ment nature wftii tie derbees ted mcth- oe bora of mn'es bmmm anti thonsmeurie grotterresulte treu liee mcli tic> lilti- rata. An lntca'.mllug tenture cf tii. fait yl b. "oh sehtier.'eek." tiesigutedti te bstd turing tiche is tist Preahdent Mc- Kinley' vili attend the, exposition. The ixpwetlon vIll) ew Non. 1. GOVERNIMENT EXPENSE GROWS. Utlent for Max' SisesExpeadi. tue ra tisutireesptan. The comparative statemenI of lb. au- ceptU andti xpenriltures ef the Goveru- ment. showsliait dnrlihg May,. 1), lb. receîpta amounte t te$30,Q74,818 andthte farpediture. te #47,840,909, lesvieg a de- lacit ton thae monti of *17,PM000. Thii, itefitct lu sccouiutel tonrla>'tic, locieuissd expeudtures ou aecsoint oethle n'ai'. 'tice incenare ln thee tv-o iein, s c hapeuld wîi t goy, 189-d, le about *950,0.The recpts. friua isioisduriag aie laxtit mniulaggi'egteul83.i.>r1-,i decr,' au- as coulaîunrsih *t'iiMay, 1h7, taboutl 83,600,0W0.'rhe receipla troua inlers:al ceereieamouated lu $14.4W'.208, rihagain of. nenrl>'*,0000. Fer the els-ven mentis the rei'eipte show on lereae une.' 1891 et over $60,000,0w0. r'amp', Tanp', T'aup'-"lbhe boye are uaublug" te Tampa. tirovsied. Five etiens, ncltading th. cal. tain, dieu] ut exhaustion le the bonI. Ta orurviirors atter beiîag fificen boura lean open boat, vere vabeti abor. anti ne.. cuiet. JoieplaRingI, Wbcelmn w aho won tic Chicago rotA race onaIMemeniai Day. Germans Bsn>'lit. A BeQln Ieîegrsm sa.a-s It Ili seual-Off ciail> diledt laI bere. I. se>'rati lai thé sten>' tnonn Maulla regarding tie Geraus consul threatening Ilean Admirail)Deve> fer net permîtting lic Ianding oft proie. ion. frein Germninn hips. lit vas claimed chaltie rouent sait ie aroul landtihieu nîihtieani et the Germniiac ruiser-s, anti tint Dewrey'lu reîl>'thre-utt'ned ci lire on the. Geeman s-aruiips If lie>- interfereti. Comsmandi Offereti W. J. llnîaia. Gor. Sîephenua ut Missoui'iairet i Wl- lana J. llr>an tcndpiniuni hhîu-coluiueley> ot a regimnt ut volîintees'. T31r. Itryan repled, sta tiiag ChtIaiheli t 'îrî'u'autudthe iionei', but Ihut t liptre- %tas a lurishu:' t tiat hia r.gmeiit anoîîhd hc iuiie eand ie feht that hils Sunt dut>' a~s lu the Ne- brasha boy's. Staear PedmRo ilch Prize.. The, steamer Pediro, vhich vas <apthareut lu> the Nev Tork off IlIa voeuoui April 21 îe*e a&4pa'alad oc 2(10,000la>' lie etvi Tbe "oscar e aut emn tenalole et Cape Flaetery. Tirt-furSo stse M bottitfer Kolsbu. ound veut "ou ~~ e. At tiie tînne o et imu er thé. ren- sel Was h>'iug te durhug a gale uader faire- sal. Ten minutes beoe @hsocessai Cap- tala Crociscttwvs awasened b>' thc r HE Trans-Mlaalsslppi sud Interna. llghts andtIlncandescents studding lb. vBteaman, %b, 'iohd ii m einlg va« *tienal Exposition St Omaha bas front. efthe buildings tist linithe vrong. Tbi esel va. ten tie buais T bie.aa tirevai opon and ail the, vorld lugou, and the ratiance shedl fron lb. ng anti naitg vater ne fautit liIt va. tg iciritedta t sec the, great and rareul re' windows of the bulings qt niglit, maite ont, a question et a few moeuit. befors sources et the gret Weat. Thec cbleis- the, court cf honor et Omaha'@ exposition »ihovenul go devu. No Urne was lenstil' lion ef lb. vors et the tpst ,lgiteea foulaur.etfmsgniliceat heout>' snd gan-u-latermlng lthepaseugera, moent ofwiem menthe has heen reach.d andi aIllulanov dent, ver, aseep helow decis. A scene et ter- ready> for Inspection. Sirirîlutheu laigoon on the. southeen aide ruar tiien euauei auli pltci> darne,.. a" It Vaes a second pant econ, Weduiesday, are four ut tic. main buildîings. cf tue ex- od te lb. contusion, viien lth heels lai Machiner>'itaîl comn- tansîttes. on ils northere aide are tirs', meeetitetur. Ir.luînîileinî'> moe aJ ie milie luaiuîlagdevuetito Caplain Crocisett orderethelb. oata boer- Pressent a huttcu lu Washington sud mati. the uae o et icbcuyaand l grls who conte ee nili.cvob>dviiwnlru tii. ceunection v-hlch stnrîed the machin- @e lhe Weat's greai show. Fi'rat un tli 'e"u an sd courage. The flrst best erY lu motion. la an instant lity bande southero side sud odjulinig tue Gavera. lauuncied wss swaanted. Tii. laninci Ken- sent forth swftt minac,lut ocre aimoat:ment building ls the structure iuîel 10noms, helongleg te the. tugraiimpart>', drowued bY he i cheers froua tiouîaande of e'ahiblts of tlie fine arls, twlin structures outfitted iiil'rince LulgirItfl> for lie - aci 90 ii> 130 test, aeporauted b>' a cour; Kutzebue aold fields, v-as succenstll>' hIîchcu'd h>' a perlsl>'Ie. "Fouie," teinabe- luawer.d. Tic Jane Gray uns thon ah- vinzied and tiraped.Inlathe.princ-ipaml es- mont nndr vater, tIi. vas îrucsby a heniuîr adoronent ut titis buildting. lu emch p'est blloal andti tlrovuo% iber beamt ufthtiiwain builldings lter. are six gaiuier- euti,. It vaà sunishbw tu haunsi the ilt'a, ivo large a nd tour amnol,. for tie olier lios. The wawr aas over the lî:îîgiîîg efticheworks of art. Evu'ry savil:- atchesaaditiln'as ucrilothal aIlithuise ablhe laîitauaine on Itie voIla lias hi'eai lulua'devisvem. drowriau,.lJobiJohnson hhttu, 1d t lias leen futîn] iieý-nry and C. J,4.11>'lu-lykpt utîlott lu>ilnging te tuuceiri Ill te iufleringa. wri'ckisgeanad Ivo huaurxa 11r vere piciset Thue îrch tif States. the maie entrone 11Putîy Uic hiiuîieh. 'The aurvivora muffuureti foite expositiona gruutîîîlasl, elasceo erril>' <tring the thir> lieu"u hefere hIe filaaria building and lie structure il dit>fed ttue l 'olut, lynquot I" te tadlaîlaya clasmaheil utadur ht en'%inauatuslndiitd. mle lilei'.'u arta. Sytuboilleal statuary lm ho frelu lie seue ofbt.ew2w.k. Ti.i.t'wa extiritir autornîent oit ibis bitildiîg9:îno ter a i, litunu'i andi tie ouIll'foodi an *Iut-riy, liu tefeilitare. turuips. uetl re n lic nooti aide ut the Tiie Anaîrallon steamer NMoann, wvh' -. hguîîidsthe minies anîd mnîlni tuuildling, arrvu'd lIn Sna lFrancisco, lurougiit the tiret nn i ieiilare shvtatnperintiene uft i h 'eh-detailsof tiie vr.cks outheicsteamer. ies Iliat honcuycoib tfie muuintiutq Co~ l- aithmiiil and] Nlerkovi>rtb off lic New ,radîo, Moons, Ses id, andl hiî, ni&, thiW~ales coai, vlth a lois oft hurt>. c- ffer lStalu', 'The îaru'îaiihu'u'tîre Islo ut theseveaillivi's. A terrifie gale svept the. tIrecis honleorler, th, iilerior lîghtu'uI y>' u'Ait ou tlngit cf May 7. 'ru. pas. altirular doute 150 feet in cirruuifuer'îut u. isenger ste.amer Maitaimi, nom0 afler Ienv- OtUtiev W. vATTLIN, Laat on tie aouîiicrn aideo'futhe log-n iii>' Sidney harbor, n'as strîîck b>' huge tiireata. MFlea aved everyhere. As i theaudlitorium ibuilding for lie u lat -4-fsud aal al banda e.fr.dt bo lier. viasa loîlle inte eheeras te gerjOt tIic artt aasenblsgsielorthle exposition, oentourd the cargo ta keep ber tran cima.,Intie dame utflte e "d,'ruJ Buld- lie conicert, b>' the, menatlr ciioruses and fourioieriitg. ilcar> ses& ver, shii.ped ing langd ot thir geetng, nd ee lie Pertuariancea ut tiei, usliiclnuamt'r- anul oon lie Purgine firea vere etinunsii. hng pihongeti ousatoneouet aath Apllo'cdetindigl aanalhe cnol r>'c musical instrumcent on tie amandae<elu'ognatnsscasleAplo d.imdae>-t.:U vslsrus niisagc"Il. notes aod "Counahia" stirre'c Clubi of Cicago. The building lsaltrocl- uuu a rock andl tii. vave.beleste beaek th. Test multitude le ll$ ver) center. Th s Ive lu architectursl design and bias a st. uver hier. Sosaihe parteil aruidshpm, anti uts th. conclusion et the dedicatory es-"!Ina capecît> of 5,000. crew sud alcerage passeaigen', vo vers ercises. Agriculture.bas the p.~ fturwarul vent down anti verc hoat. Tlmes At 9 e'choehIluthe atorolua lu. cirle fSrst place o h oufb (Itnthe b. fter part cf tiie vesseh vers pare" starteul troin lie elty te tue north aiecf lb. la- uv-a, the shoe, hait tihe ses vaiset terrifie maond. Il vas Ove mlles long, sud heu- 9g0auu dJOlning lthe no one coultil ho iave l vtiout a lin.. At- dr.ds cf unîformeal secretsOu'ieîmea frotîm guuvs'rtinent bhulli. - -erlu'o-salursa ll taileltte a Uabne rePrescnted. Tu.ecitire cit>' vas dec- the ' adinistration fl--i' vîliten asu,]chiltirgu ver, pâmed liait arateti vith angeand paîroble stre'smera. building. Man'ifac tIeti-reisUlne. The nezl morting a lifs- and the *tre.ti biroîgh wvieciithe' col- Inrea sl.n t xtOei;uisitbout cr.w got a Une ta thi e veel. îlai araduil ver. like a sen tif th r-t In.bis great scena cf The stenua collier Menissvurtlî vus W ie sud biue. Prealdent Gardon WV. lteasi-ansd acien- wr.cked the, saine nigit ear Newacstle Wdttl" lu a csrrlage lt'd lhe procssion, ces. To lhe top ut I.-noIIvÂT:R. and sine ouI toft'welye imec îurixied. Tii. 'ollov.d iiy lie direnlors anud ulier effIcera lthe cruwnisg groupChi.tf" uiîli'uihhY veseoel funuerea l antdenl>', luoltfilecap. ufth e, xpouition. TiheNMarinae Bandl of ut statuar>' on tfille and Poaî, uia. t'Lin andl crere.caPA na huslfa-boat. 'The Washington led aIl munsic aoi-ielica. A builtding lthe distane ia 85tiret. The ex - ds nos so terrific îhat lie boatl an cap. enlltmr> cispla>' ot 10,0100 t'i'u<tuu sas ex-t- eriur decorationsaor. tllil of the title aizeul tg4Lunaond]agaîn anid tour wvera SOME OMAHIA EXPOSITION~ VIEWS. IVs'due.day« tesionet tlae "onzevau* gîven tteeon. custilon snd passage et a9 bill cahheti up i> M.Jenkins ittep.) cr Wiscousin to remove ahi pollical disahîlI- tit'. Ineuaned hy the tird section uft1h. tourte.nh sieninuent tut fie constiltton. rlahe deiiate gave rise te noita ble apeeclà&ea front M. roureaior (Hep.) ut Ohio anti Mfr. gettie (Dem.) et Kenàtuci>', upon the, ouI iterSîlen ot ail section fe-el ing a nul thle re"lia ltyt t ofa reunibel c(uunry. lu- 'idlunlabicu lte eatical s'v'r i man-ra r.- vlpn'itheiconcluionî,ua iitîîil mniîtr ot Cogreis» couldti t îild siiii ultaiic,ua>' s nallitary sud ivIil oMrie. 'upou if»ilsa- sage te iell lrecelvel a tttiLilil. Voisnîte. Itarseipr.grewis vas înîîd,' 1,>'file seontil tuivsrd tl ia, inl dishlîi tin t thmisr tee uie nieour,. Tiie ceîiiiihi-u'anteut- mi-uIln ni-l>»sly puloîcofutheiil un re, aiasoméî uron. Tlh. itilui'5t tuthi nemalon ci'uteru'd luaîlhéacti.,,i blenu uaoi fiue auaîiýdniieliî t oflr. (irii lt'm.î of Mur)ylandu. lu-t> iig atason u itél j iarnter ot 1iper euf. uitpuiilus' 5, 'surs'i'.ilil s ut ahil cirpturatioa sdoltuaî lisu'a eneul- iîî91 0,.8 a îer.il>' a udirct vte maptnIfuthble a uelui-îuî us asr'-- hit-27 te 34. Tice utruo l a iis'uutl ait si, uiali. ti,',tthuflil lu-tira a htatiiri, uîuurtu'r ,of uone. per etsnt. uoni il er tr. i, -iiic;igu'uI laI li -ers'fiîIuigofuit itua r "r la-t ro:iiiui 555 bIasseu: Y5-.5, :m;: uso,2n. 'l'so ver>iiiuhartIsI wesre lin, l"niaay laIn i&..u Iu '. lliIl, a futhfe siiguiiornge asnulinl i.ffi'ni'el lu>tiheima. JiirilY uf tic Finance Cu,îînlîîî--, e.r 1V'out <HRep., t 'iuo. i pripc al lsusienil- tiuental creeiiugthi- i'bi's'ruhof itthle Treas. uur' lui co.la the silvur bulliain lit lii' treant or>' and tu issue -airr certuiicols-. oaiint it. 'The a uicidttiaeob uss$iagi-,e ,Iu,4S4té, 31. sevu-ral ltepuhîicesi. viig furirfI. Mr. Aludrici h eu.H. i.) bt, ilJ'iirus'ulthe asaucnituieel of tic Finuance (uisle Lrovidhtatt, r tii' issue î,f *1ttif et cerliicaucs of insls'hlcdnu'ss andi *3M)- 00(s. of Iuondus, lui be umu4 eariualvcly for the payuient outheic- enlsen outhiii var. Aftur sn s'xbcnded itebaitii-h que.s- bl,în waxi., lnulugiht 10an ii¶î.andilu>'thi, voes e 01 te f45 tluI 1t lnhé. ,Iiil i îîu-îa nu,-n ni aia-uioraurutéIuil, , lt1-h:hla. a subit hantu- f',n Ia'tih'.. i'il té, issu, legol hendîer iiuîtea. Tlhe var r.v4iae melastiru' n'as isîsss'd bu' tue 8-a-tie Sacuulau cvesît it î o'.a1,.k..AL seuiri- t,r leur,' îfahnî eret' niiii, t)oni-rualii,.but iiîî , t lir,, our tuiiinitatau' ui-u'1h' ihl'iau sa Th'é.ii Il ,ii,it rtoiu Iii' ol i tî isl.ih, ais t li'ii ifi'r .l s l iii li' out SItl i roImn«. ilae-ia. i éhu.t Ili i -ut.la n on ulil ui milut-iin r'.l utîî tIh. to.5 tua . An flua lhy eiailitua u hbll usu-!&- v, l> hYeitéof4m u'. 2:. 1fr. AIý h a-n naioru-a huiit the ltniat x.ali eîuî il. aiaatina,'eihanadu Vntlsheiifrslié' Lpiri eétu. The tiiun us:i. azrs-ai hi ai.l 1,-as Ahli.oti. A I-Ir.h an4.IJunes Ini the lu, Mrli. fa<ut'hh.i aiuura ofus l--uîia lt tic' ltéiI- hîl u.îté,pro- hi-uit ~ ~ [u -iiu' urit'.-hiu. ii> "iM ah d ai l, iithe, ,r','l éruithli' lii i .ltaes. Afe fu-n uié' î-nhay if li ui-- 'riteari' -vi'nuc Iî,hh n ii-lu tusceul s ,h'te uirlter. Itflalas rue- i-1uin oti. éuas, lis alo-i4de-I int he Su-i.i,-.i. ha- ' lte -li r if uinriatviii i.-rg-'. Ma', o. I tlsehl. frîuith le 4. '..mmiu ha-' ii.CItalem, tiis-uuai a r-outiîîn iriiuiet 1,>' N Mr. liitagl' luruuiiug firarilii i iititle vola- uiponfgi--aI rien-(-ueeUrnénl ituai sii'alag tfie bihl tii'it'r'i-.Aftir ln ' u-la ebt, aJi. suite vwax tiqkî'îu iîtsn liai-ru',,.1 lion - 3h r. nIl v r>- l ti aluli la, i-o a iaoI is'.. 110I. itusal a ru thTVuuui' 'hýie onuia- lhu»n- 1,41 tuIé>i aui'iiii htr ai tI gfafllii théi- io-u ureî. ,andîlti i itju é-ruiiil Nrn'.l)iuiiri..Y, Plleî -d mi hîîi-Y îaa i iituriea tler S -.q'irO t h,- rilie file bt'iii îill rlulif> iugg it, ugrnr*ém nt fitl<--sthî'hDawes cuasun a.'iii l ieh l'iu'iisite Iilants jures éIil tact. r ilb.' alliAx mtin tof>tfialaIttera land.i%,, als flil. lls'yotîlltii' passauge orfaniii urg-tit i-lieiu- ney bill, înnalu- u.,iaar >h h"' saur tb Spain uthuta, Itu-nleu î'iiî iuîittl h hi'e tlt, l(en, y uinislinré isiluitiiifi for aise var andl uaivy écatolihincuisag- uregatitîg I*17,741<58). 'li enaicon 'luicsily lc tihbill.1 tuai ti" aloulnin la lerîruillî(,fuit irain lad eda tiii lI iilauiiofuti adilin 'i'rritor>', tie iayintt f iats'rc',iliiîaatua lb. t'liukatanv lnuiliîandsuthéI-îrataificationî 'if tie agrecanciat effus'til n il ii tic-n iins b>'ls'Itanthe iumuiaiul m Ie- lion 26, wbli'h pnusidiui fir lie xaI'gu- tîîîn utor -.4'0aeces tuf linîd lurtiaset îîy lie l)elaaaii'f riu liith(-lai'érik"-, 1(10 acreof tlanuI lui le allottlnulfi) esuri regiaterei Delaware. antulhe runainder resu'rved lu lie ile-s'îdaiia of deucascul ri'ugitered rDelawares. aua slrii'keia frein flic bll. Consideratiua nas reauîned uof lb. îaîeaaur, iurovlduîîzfuor tlii akinitoruthi taaelft ceneus. Afler diatiiiîg of lthe urgent var deicIene>'bill, o aeuti, viti aîîaenulments b>'fli-'teale, tie Houa. nonsidereth le conteri'nce repoirt upon the sundr>' civil bill. 'rue reporit. xo far as il emlmuilies sgements axaiaduîileul.anti flic Houa. liu utgaie otiag aevemlîb>-up oun ti'he uiaîe nniendrneots. iiaue wiicii no agremî'nint haull een r.acî'ed lu conter- u-nne. Oft lou' lere are ftY-fve. The, Iutoue consideral elgit of lhtié, acting faniirablly cpou thr.eeulndrejetlit>' the r, inainster. 'rîe lionne aduiuurnacd tueding dispositionu of as itihuiNilu înatIc rulue- teer soldiers tii volt' ut (,u'uLresilnal ebec- tiona turing lb, anr. Itfun i-lvud consti- titional qulestcuns. Tiheuiiîerésolution w-ax paméseiaulhoizhiig lic Presideut te waire lhe oue->',ut supensioîluf ronat promo- tion andi order r"~xanilnatioe in lie ara>' le certain corps turing liheaaxiating var. Tie uandi That In Frence ble'clilsî s e ea-bhistie le- stead of a beli. Diel apieolsanre now aient froin Caltornla tetLondon. TIihenod aqnlrreh la fret t lae reec fnl nut est &M.i cou 14 Ki, wi, loi M' âhu la SI t ti N t ri r tl U ELJ ci si el ti 01 n, lu di tE ti w ti Il] SI c 911 b el 8: el IV SI f(