I ____________________________________________________________zoom__ Ton vil yet lie a lackey walkiog basideTH C IA NE the very charger on wheh you expected t U K NT EC A N ride otisers down. Wben Chares I., who________ had destroyed Srafford, w'as about ta0lie tW beeded, hie said, "I baiely ratitied on AMERICAN MULK BLOCKS SAN-. 1y mo ~ sjust seiîtelloe, and thes imiler lnjustice TIAGO HARBOR. suspend 1 u ani ow te undergo la a sensible retriiîu- pîîth t lion for thse punisabînt t1 inflictedlo on utc innocent [in." Lord Jeffreys, afler in- Admirai Samponu RePorta ItavInzSpiL Threae utiud.ofpopecarveratng rany inniocent sud gond pe- eîyr oller Mi noyances. Teeaemlttdso e p ie einiLondon Tower.o-n a isarf intprîs- Ittebie hwl-tl o in thé world ronaîtly harrowed hecause Oued in the saine place. wisere thes aides ltteMithhunlfoti o e tffi they p5e their livea nt In searchi i ut o thone whom lie had ratreatcd seai-i More Securely Crked.tu i tisose iinge which are attractive and de- to huant hlm, an thtia lie kept cryitsg to bis notes îlu servlng, but ln spying outewith ail their attendants, "Keep thein off, gentltetuen, Decd of Dari.g. notes, powers of vision to sec whetiser thc-y au- fer Gods salir, keep them off!" Tbe chick- Ily oie of the t- b f illianî txlits in oten*li net find a Mordecai. ens huit Conte home ta mont. The body of naval ainnlectise cork lias lit-ciidor i to 'rie Go An Emblse..off Worldllns... Bradshaw, thef Eugliahti Cuadan.thhollhadt Agalu, I learo trou the Ile of the maribeen ruthiensa ad cruel ln his deckelos, the liottie 0 uîiiod ub u h ier InuderOur no ticetworidly vanlty and was taken frottaihie splendid lomb ta Bpoîîîslîfiee c djitlemrescle slte @iln are very tuilons te have piety bow bc- Westminster Aisbey, and at Tyhuro hung were the riltrisoce lu that barbor bar-'Il 1 fore lteau. Roman ores a fair embletuof on a gallows from mioring until nlght i sud double locked nudtlise key dmopuîl cresmi ,uie worldlincss a4 Mordecal thé rets- lite presence otf Wring multitudes. H-lt te}1 iesdpheo h eu- ret rsetItive i urdencislng godilsai Suris mna gaiiows camp a littie late, but Il loote. iols etso iess eet wei'e the neages of society lnanacieut came. Opportunities fYin l a straigisi lion Lieut. Richmond 1'. Hobson of the fiai- charge tirnes thet bd thla larnelite howed te the and joint touaisus as tbey ps front eter- shlp Newv York, with s volurteer erew Siminl1 prime minlter Il wold have hentau se- nty t0eoetutybat the wronga we do ef seven men, uder cover of~ the dark- the $2 _________knowiedgmeut of reepec for hi. character ohr l ice uhvrtse_____________________ i 0f rroanc su tie r-and nation. Mordecai svould thetefore circle may wldeu out. they are sure t0ofSe gU doot o rrgnc ndté he ave slnned against i religion had hie corne bock to the point fromn whteh they ort î,î MadQ etOdeltY a"e leson whicis made aay ohelsance or dropped i chia started. Tier, are gnus that kick.oflc %M. Tosaimagehned Roa at ot; Waf an loch hefore Roman. Y'hen there- y*tonnel Vazarien..require lWbreeil.,c0,sudo Hm angafdt fore prend Haaattempted te comPel a Furthermo e te st 5oyot H&Mu wle tie alow tath .d hâoge whlch iranet telt, lhe only dld teach us bout qulckly turustise wheel of Th a lm the avi. tan. le bilpré- what thse worid ever ince.bas trled to do frtne Oe ay . Tise hékig .,,,eîcetlngtoc iniset-med ht Mrdeci."when it wou]d torce ou, ioly religion lu Haman waa thse oighiset man la Périsa, . the ar ea aen orienal courtier, about thse any way te fl 1ta1liadictates. Daniel,butient aalae.Soegop,<ti-r 0easive mon la Hebrew hitors. r i lieu!s been a mo'treii n o- ud no we corne dowu. Yeunseldoni fiad Bn i by amie. H1e plotted for tise de- promises. would neyer have been tlîrowan0'ty mau twenty yeors laisee aime cîreum- wr lu et thé Isaeliltisht nations. and 1into tise den nf lions. He miglit have ac. o ioe ioI r r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ acs Oft ttahlunmnteh tert od orearageetswtinia politiî-alir11e rt-solur Ir »« te t lusinayen h msn rie m rebme rra avent wtala K in D tweuty jean age, were tise mo-t tromi- parine lgftltetis e y ciiamn's ins weeylecud aerti a trient, how tew remain la consîîîcuitY! Po- sgtf Ibtnidtise cofgrrgatiou lic or liets orm ot religion wthoot maoking lltlcal partie. mart certai n beidotiseir at Wb tid nitam, their fret uildiCI hinsseif an completely Obnuoxions ltise hord ior ansd then. aller using tisen as COU 0S »me he biOîled ot. l" Itston iltsera. rani migit hv etic ieiackse, tom tbem ont on tise commus tO » ( rime minister in tise maIifieLPt favor of bis raie-rasand escraPed martyr- die. Every four yeare there sa s coin- 10 IIIII orPertle. Tboroughlyasplei;i le dom if be issd only beeu willing lu ml plete révolution, and about 5,000 men Whso IL. bonr confei-red, hiee xli 'ta io-a--t-nit hie Christian taili with a tewr errons. Ougit certaialy to be tise neit Frealdent thlrong beot hé pss.ez te be obsequlotus. Bis unbending Christia character wl55 are shamnetully dtappolnled. visile soute n o ig a 00e day aItishe gale 'Ir tise PLI- takenaua an hantait. wbo this doy are obscure and poverty RICHARD P tO55! te mants drop their heade in honor Fagot and rack and boter In &1l ag' stricken will ride apon tise shonîdera nBeei - tebi olirMermc ne àMee, bt a tlebrew noseil Mûr- bave been oniy lise different ways ' is e people and ltake their tInn ai admira- tise îhroa ot tise liartuor, »anutg ber îronîl- ta upon tise pasing diguitai-Y nhich the world ias demanîîed obefisace. ion and tise.Piolia01Office. oh, how anearroa tis e bil-colatieraMerrimo into E« ibadiag iis be-] ad gof unItnai once, away upt on tise top othtie qickly tise wheel turne! Batllt boeta aie and suk lber. le suecerled lu Ibis des- Bo Irai a good mans attl vould flt temple, that salan commasilealtise iOly tise-@teps on whlch men cmine down as prt nepieudrtefrso h h W« nglien o ri * or n o aaehtolne e or m Ut teti asithey go up. 0f thoaewho were batteries ail forts nisicisguard tise en- procW if ta, but lie telt n respect Pither i lae nt uow se mucis on thse top of long allesuceuatful lu tise sccumulatioa of trance witisont suppo)rt from tise lDort. 12»I làa or tise nation frott which hoecisurchesaio down i tiseniole and tise poet o e aeo ewt é n uPwlaoo h e oktre go. i o h uid net lbe hypocrit- peuad tise pulpit tiat salon temptâ tis ers-oet Wh-w ew have-Ohn m tet wlti- a aam l'e n eh olo 0ft ie ne or. lieu CI whUe otiers made oriental as- espousters of tise Christian fait-h te kneel wrev aerse.! Inhll e u ntahoe ws n w teu a ofeam ouocs. e laitclofn r<I0l attb<rienetr doentbefor. thisabefore hlm. Why tous it that tise Plitonlc boni th bonds amd thisbait keys of the beieoeautthe lerrimu ac. t dreraitai rde- ubdor w e lieîtpassed Mrdecil, philosophera of %oerlytimes ai welias To- nation. 0f ail fiekie tiings lu tise wnrld lthepîtikit, nutil doylight diseovert ffrontm ýý, maxednet a imile ofti land,. Spinoza and tBoliagbroke ot inter fruel h otfcl.EeYdY&i W i bt is chlu cItur op. Beeanseedayi were an madly oppoeed to Ori- h antotoezibetise moandfeke-. terydanie______________________ *affrout Hainan gea9- cee from tlaity? Certaîly nt iecause it tavor- changue anuIsît, idne in0 ht h a MM.s th diitirdly king, fr tise e Immoraities or arresteil civilsaton wioapute any onfidece a aisthie me t a&U th bivielltns, sud tiat, of or dwarted tise intellect. Tishe unies-t pomisego pop ose.abt ue ciera w ine WM lcine Mrdecl. onorbtheradmtte or otwonbe-dowa. Oh trut uot a moment your bed"Y and Trugedy. cause tise religion of Christ Petn Te- hert@ affectiona te ths changeful world! 5wb ln t0f7 short, - oent bi Itletulvnlés lutAachnr your seul la <bd. Front Chist*# II, »0« titiallaiteplot ovia reveil- and Boyle sud tise bout ofIinfidele haicis- otpaionsnhip gaber yonr satisfaction. ~b,bibnd, Abisnera. OntsigisI ednt bthé vile veila nf ChsarlesaIl.,TisCo.corne aorrnw or glatrons. tsuccea ior iW. bo iras aMcted wth lamnons- as reptile. crawl ot ni a maras n iime, defeat, riche or poverty, botter or dia- ep«p hiîeasbure calla for bis sec- coulît net kctp tiseir patience bécanes, as grc, elt noracuea.lite or deati, r*»sed hlbaien rerpauage i fPer- ttsey passed &long. tisere aeresting la triy i n erady r Mom, san nvoisle asay tise ulgis. tise gaie of th charci sucis men as Mat- ime Or eeuly ill our. sdy îhOmh raid tist itugiste th king au thew and Marks and Luke and John, Whso Ciriata, aît Christ ilà da àt-wa giron o a conapracy, frotta woulît net isemîtau lachInlarespect btaiseir Witaltb mn liptorei. -n- W.Eordàecalth Hebrew, bal sived Phislluphies. ai n, tipaoses isiaoryshow. n dgp lie andt for ariciskinduea Stan'. Wil..stansat otacat mpae aanhasud. cii--as beai b.d neyer recelvc1l auy reaard. Sotann bld oni- rsiruparents that tisYe, t nf.ulvgin ake ootndsppy.chier M. vIholid beeu fixing up a ule wouki becorne î.0sdaif tht-y wonid onîyyet fuily veted lu ationar andtie iie » te bang Mordecai on. vaa walk reachs utsanute a ate of tise fruit. sier gt tqiseaPersai ancispad e kffe th door of the king@s leeping Tisey tried il andt toited. but their de- pet l-fréth sidatenucteud ontt s onîe rut mdv. aled l. Tise king fsa-ntaisare not yet aatisfled witls2he laieuilor 0f restetic eclddo waa iîs b c1àut e b.d Cj aita rend ta hlm experiment. WCe have nuw many dtir- tirenojc omno rtisdes hr s~ fainme use viso ad aaved 1ing tabesegode, reaciing .uts atoter yet aet-doy ame achlng sorruwanaden TIIF. COLLIER ME Bs lm's)lie, d e ke w a anther ape een coau fGd rowna of royalty tsan nter bhe rsgged __ saied ama, appoalg tha isa e nrts of a .Hamtan u almI cmplafluence andt gayety la ouiy misery in triuodrigce.b = ,vaa t gettie,.oorand nt ira- tise homuagu of tise good. but lu ths- e e- colora. Many a aotîan sesîrd la the Lieut. ltibsan i, ieii, in iatteaspt- Tbr M& jar a moment that th deliverrir ene o me-a and augels it shah h.iecon-sre Ibr pi tn hpirtsn Slalu îî. i a o-toIrt- f usaie inoaltisil o i, - kliW&a lite tous Mordecai. soya, founded. "God aboisslsîentut- e, thsoutise gi-et tboulers. Tise mouttaltieotf iaod.oialati rit tnîîc-l ii ~auuicat ngh 10mae tr- viited ai vl!" Whta science begin te norldiy honnir are tc>ee tît uperpttu.lbut nîti be i-xecitgi-î lu dite courlise OflMex lter lms st ud pt atcovmonahtim mole ta brilliant discovere. there vert soW Tamerlone conquemil halthbie lime. flit-ir mission,î w-a soceafoi. En- tise1 Uhm oaapiendid borne. ,h step- greot tacts brought b lthi that seemedAb noid, bu touid notsubuse abot hesa. sigPoe-itd stiict tac isde of a nicej fuiboodcd, nt hthaene 1overthrovthe trutlis nitise Bible. Th ha gr t c i ecueNbt is rcidaiisiilseaiîi f tise ti ftu-i sd ten aveone ie rowar nd he ilI ontloeil hlm hie vlneyord. Herud ia Channuet. Lieut. Hotîson Ptaeted lber aiI 1 fpioleelad tise horset trough thé araraoogist vilShlmcobr î ise gn eas ite hl abr h r pitlebt eetd « eyig: ,Bow the kucel litre geogla im isb its ammer and the chem- l ga eas tl bl abra ttvn on s suatce.Ciî *t mua Whsobas avtd thteking'@ jet aith bis botterie ciarged upon tise downa lutBethliehems. Great Felix irons- Cushisiga iio-iii-i.istefeat i l'oning uts of u m ! m alît Abseuteru« ia severe Bible. Moaee' accoua it ftise cration bits because a pour miiter wiil preacis tiseConfede-rite rom Alto-marie ie over- tI, ~. ami: 1kno af abut mmrseeed eniti y tse eryitiiscoreofrlgiteousuensa. euperance and Judgmeal matebed isy Hohgous scb, for Cusiaga izea Nov you go outand mire th e.i-th. Tise astrounomer avieeltî o on. mteL i.s tinte n u wit-I.austis ect uî t idîîigiît and fel upbine = for Mordecait théHebrew, aronnid is teleacopeOutil the ieavenly 1 oi VI.am ier ta oAa npciigts.Hisn10 l Ieabot. Put the bat saodle on bodie.sce-med lu marshal lisesselves tomed chair lu France tuat did net oit sit, over 3K0 feet lon. into tise very fu - lî orpe, aidjo, th prince, blid agin.t tise Bible na thet atere la their mre solly thoan tht gretat tisote on cus ofthtie batiery nitise ict-us! at1tise ýM - WbIle Mordecal gel on aud course fougisi againt Siera. Observae- viicis the Frenchis k-i reigacît? guise-aiid bklsir opi. lti*î-ovîry t lie To = "d Ma hrse thi-ougis th atOtet. tories aid finvrsities reJolced si wiat Were 1 catici tii sketchs aisery In lesendl or hie jourîîey w in ieviiiîle andî TI ~ha.li!"1 îiey coneidercu tise extinction of Chis-- - rtforasit1nould nul gots 10etise dork deatis vinsaliosti-'tain. N islutnie. :Ma apfftacl A come4y andîtra- tian!ttY. Tht, gther'd new corage nt aMyo1iepor111i ieisgaa vterfrcait rtiî u-i-riii iuii #AM aileand the sainieime. There n-bat tht ecnnidti-ed pesitvictory and nisiis îîrsu-iag IBucephsali strike tetiemplenuofeutmeati,- iliis. Lit,- ('iîhtil'a NW Marderai, viso bal been despia- P es on their conquestlottu tise kinig s1ksnts ier hit nlbtve h-delosîîîiiuirf iira~gl ~wstmrt d d obed ln thé tirrupe. dom oet nature until. amisafor lin-a, îisey îory sud parka ut staîkitir dcci. Wretcb - as cocecia-cît ty hii Ntu <o ci-lti t i. sd t le.ehascelior. aicot. hoding tise dieovered ton, soui! tous Word bad edresa tla more bittLer wiseu swalloavod Wha-n liter Admiiiit Siiulsnli ed ouI; I rfl. nlg. cismpiag tailton. onuly ef iyig l inibuaistishati ou 01t fi-oasgermed guisetstitan fi-oas eartisen Comtiodore Sclîey tht- ltter lîod airt-tai g bra eis hocktaclt s, but ilbints tiai-drîtmoment. nitlîa osusblen bouuud, îitchîr r petter rang. If thrrie arc young su-ertaitieal liaitil woîîîd ut- ipoaibe 11 W*doeiset thé degraîted prime min- il migt te-ar inltdeity l Io tu-. p-pt srenh r oiigfr bsps o ieeeeIiicalmi iu rtiiiii i irvelis enath hlm. Huea& for I bae.a ZisnJoobtia ota(ked tle city tion asoitisat cii-tutbait-t- tbitikiîg tisat whîis tfir,-Spuuilal irehi-I alke -ttIleg SAimai for HamuaniBut visat iA.H sictd3000mn-i dCo oty -.lly succettas oIltbing na ce of tht Ttc niboii icbautis e *i-trsiitt-i lt e t. bave tise galba-a. recently bouit, cealtî,:t oroftheino: lisen, nitis a few meincItsas, te- iedcîaincItb iktîa- isiltileaor itiianilt W t,-tue1Y. bt oramed! Il la lilty cubte igh is ma, e asaicîttisetity. nhi-h pouied inot nisit ne gel: it leniot ne tare,. in-cul-iuttiiiu tusu- ftil IqIlI with rare, andHRaaîot ot lisnubens sud Islrnigîb uts iiaiî ii'iStiiitiseSous ia baî,îier thon commodioîîre -h:is-y nîa i i. isi Il tor Mordecai. by wisose stir- Josbuas utIle batnî. AveuodnK iiire î- UIîi Daiiiu n is Ibrotie, and nbuu lite thilîk tht i nee e-nil--str Niiiitii u il. »wov ïkiaeau groom. Sti-anger vious Plan. tisey el bat-k ilu niiing ,,iso îl,ai inuJiicy utfnurldly siirrouîsl tigit b iii-e cte liiî-liu I i-mt ii. E} gnisoneatanling than auj romance, test, but aler al tise ruud inhibtaut. inga oilie ususooie. D hlaeisabiîsd andt shise oildmhie tii g'i.lit i ,gl i',,u mîii e go np th sIeps oi tise scsffoing, ni thisctîy bilaîbeen brougist Ouut rtht i-ca sodilt eatce bebaeen s kug aud is if une vire iiiiîk lu ltie-ciiiiiiet ti-- irI- IR J aida, tiseianguaitan ad Roman, iomes and bud Jolnc-ît iitise pusnaîtîtoft ioni, betaveen tise Noant-ne aud tise i-es ufthie tiiers noulîl ibui-0tîit I «-chanceler. "gu tht-y anged Ha-.,iosisua aiddeniy that brave nsuai-lAttlabtenoboksutndan-astionlimîtLuutlolier iii civsi * tt gllome isa hehadpresr n la. e ilgitsd, ît vth bis seur poitinig national l iîtiany. Tise tnlvolities t lite the acise fsutinksîîg sai: -1î)r;cr, p-MmdtcmL.' toward tise city. 30000tien bouiit-d ifrouaisîî t !vth their gidiiy laigis, echoing thse-barbon eniraîit-t-,undt -sil iitu--ai- tn Lesmne f Wu-nsg. tht thîcketsauaspantuersasprnîg iiitht--m froas heurt to heurt, tnttnety drowtn tise owe-d te exe,-itei i sacf. lit aestdl laibou an many jears have pammeai Prey. ansd th pursuers vert dashe-d 10 voire ut a ts'emetsdon cnsinc n oshce lsu ielaîs îîîîîl ailiotenîusîIgItuite Ml.vardl, Absenueras relgntd andthe piecea. niile thtibot etrJosiua iipreul 5iys:1t1aslusaotai. Tise stars aalif eathithedîla t-ieirane befreitigi aittîn = thaier anered to hi, vieneuPt eth City snd, vils tueur igiiîed dit, bul I sm, immorsl. One vave oftrhs reaci it ae Tu lw.e-ent haldontieI l dphbtHobn ntise eutrnet-foe iattat ovey ril pnabtît. jet fromt thse lie amît torhe. bseovl t 01toscae.nTce il av os but shahim roel. These l al deptse, ot Hdpoeuwitnsaueîtinsîadtsot bis *f » vairnîns and Instrusction. Aid gire temporary vlcloi-yagainet Goîtaî saontc iant-.mî htisaen fe a fnilnrlscs i ase is c ofuent. ïti e tucre,10athe practeialsuggestion thé Bible. aît for aavisie tht churcb actealtl gsc i porrbtI r mmn- At ortherat aptonlansaat tixie wb.slis hert a wrag bun v s-ymaif *lhe nere on asmreta, batt aien lta,. lFroma iltiseistigsand îtdeptisi otpototieu-lsl--lsdaaa sIsi oUatviii îetroy our comtort.a ilth opposers of G(bd trutmth mci y ur i ngs dowaunîtrings uts aît off tseaiuaissliiitronare i e isap-o h.. iieaidbave thougtlia isîa gréa uls uai tacear ttu i-I me otiseud imorol' , gnd o r Sêntrt.Ooraeh vltbit u W mlsister. admirtît andt applanîtddChrist gave tise signal te bis ebunt-i s, tcnccueaa auruinreetnflre eteriml tia rdsnîe r'dloa et Pertans. voulît have.beed n ingm, tisey droît bock their foc@ in thi-ougistise Lord Jeuns Christ are the flEISERYEi Bis REWARD. g>'l anad beraed by anyîiing îriv sisame. T'ocre awsa tounît to bc anan. n un B ectiities. SWbat morecmuid tise gret îignî ta50gs ign etaeen nature and revebsîlua. Thté sl's iaPPIsla tue l~arge erft Liuni. ROwen WiII lDe rooted for or ave wast thnbi c'ios r Isc e1,a-nd ~the ible weancr o e 10 ii uts tise trcsm of wird ytslZiure. Hin srot- , lecî. baelsi cait e tis e vkof thsanie-hanai. trîtaAS asip cretr - y tdrw otmuchs Ont- of tise- iot larinîfnet thie n-ar emiem su placs nd anuetiIf f tiesaime peu. their authoraiip tise mine ater .This ertise lasiile, and Il aili slci-udited iiLt-ut. A. I8. tttu nit rtise 0 niff o circunistances con maltts a o0 burut. Tuila lite inas vision. and I iUi lSttiia-it.Attsliîbekof W eatoteisted mand apli!. aurely Itamai .î.Sfe at in upeuaasy. Tinte! Il le oniy a rip.hUnitedrSta tise gîiye-trueaasautat j1' bave been cotteated unid happuy.fleBfraFul ,pank rae aanttetrnofhwlteteg"nll.l asuxo e gj' Iffleca's muini ra boystases Again, licar tise leaaonbiset prile goclis îlge. nt.Or ahagsiuT ti@se ter e ot uib iiutiiiuatio ist nii <in. Gbo- Mittag trnus the golît and the ricuineas before a tail. Was amn, man ever on0urthai- aiidgn tit. Our d.s for unty be avf ez n tfrisren edr.T e MU lt i"lpe and tise speed front thte p a.nHausen- ho tusb'e-d an far doav! n? asiutle eiito&hi-nus. rBegio! i a i iis Lr ivsrgnteadefrs onnc- ~ta Wih aheat uffd us vthYu. on a osalsler meuie every day thetrtiutnuh or agermbent tasut ei oetetforces Ibiss atis muuthe7 oraban- SI.iatsàn vanty sufd rev-ageIl vonî teesantie thing. AginsttheIbm your ulfe a-lSreligion, end for lie grest- oer o orc nd e bi aain. tiîotigih th bo pbpa.ltion hlm 10an reeb e .Tise very adyiages me-a tripinto desîrucîIon. est trial yona yl l e ready. Every day Svaiahrues. aad. uensgs.twiig tis tg Mordecai at tisegale va. ]entier Wisea Goî semble. prondt men, il lause%- e lling e rant alnd 70 tu a r beoya beini airmoted ,os opy. towavoatiînu tW basynset trumIuets is tie pe-al al, t thse moment ortIheir grestest air-la,- bouqu e n alityutuarylttered 10 undertake tise-jonne-y, Hets- t «L Tu bhl Il alwasys be if tue heart gant-y, ftee eauanlorcom- copyrtgist 19M. g I rigisl. Crcumtae. themet Imon iby gettly puffed up vitis vorldly __________ dW iai viidiaturis lthe spirlt. lueea. yu have bul te stand a 1111e - Short SMrsmone. a*. o atiseégreal clamitieu ni lite tisaIwilie andtjon vIlI seetlubina cornie dov". Man's Béat poaa5ismo.-Yourfillubn lu umis t1 a ue vrrmet-i is- ec--uT> a-nd, thtissI <bd aIm a-atIi, lîece tht Seat off ail jour Dos- --z-- j[1AND NEAR SANTIAUI) le Flinanuial Trouble.Fiaut se- coualuz Alarsalag. oulît cîaae n0urpr-isnle tehem- at un.tt1udtishe Bankl ot Spain hall ded sîsecie PIY[I.beiiio. .tipress dia- te10 LusdmifrîîttsMadrtIid s ietua la tant dnittiogtula usfîîrued Ppler- De. Tise rus.tispulethie BankOl f- istin assistitil atiis lrobioriiiiutient efut-tiimn iouug lities hutiru before hi-i-s ouipniii Maudiid auu lthei uro- il limncis. Tise bock gîti-sOmaili in î-xchlige ton 1,M)10or 5(K) . tutstt .111y t-u-li îgiîîg ton sibaceiicet us irs itse 25, 50 on tut00 l-u-la Dtett. ,ot-trauii-llt lina a iliit rietal stopmOl mn by pi-,ehiillg tbise t-aloiiaiou ,a-nil îîruislng te0uoin uiîlioasut o as îsiiy. n-hIL enitcsîssuldo uont11 mî se, tise mat-binent- Of tisemint. Ev- tail aloi-e, market untlobocco atoall tthe Dotes, snd tise moue! chu iuera ' 5 per cent ullacUtan. The B.ul "f aihas $30.000,tt)0 in ahîver bu meet 200,00000 lan notea In rcli-cttiioi l imaDcai outiook of Spain la danit. inCraîsieut basnietrusteul the Batik uan aviistute negoîmiiini ton a lotis 00,1)000 pesetas aIt 4 per eft, Ilusei. la e raiseul as andt vieis -e-i. Thse bail l ca edeavor te iaie -an at horne sud abromît. & slateluent front MsdTld In visaI ,d lu beammet seml-ofietitoma ni o rantent., ei tise inaunciel atnmngerscy ,andt the plaun intima tion tiaItue kof f4inmuandi conacquently Spelin. un's!ilig tis encdîtoft teir ilancisi arccs.anas rtgarded maitue State lie- si-ut in Washington as oftnmreN'l [itlance tatsa uiuy iOitise tories ot -sý un landî anldsu-A tisha i ae bcets g îven lise cailesfor thse paslt -av s. Isle effe-et uft tiis otice elle).bc att-us the n1ie-atioits aîme ltt elest the pritie slipfiuiu-grp gis a suduletiand il iîclse-tid te-i-i ou of the var. -RUITINO tiOLS ON RAPIDLY. Orders Iasned ]Reamîtinu Fillie Up sf Retleatm. ýe rtcrliititsi of vooutei-s uniler tise ,etastion ut tise Prîeidet calltng fui- ulo muen la malinsgoo-d pi-og-es. anud -ubli-tiit1 flsouliesun der tue 73.- -slh l it go toranard a. raptdty as pus- Tise Wa'r DePsi-lament iseîtau %uid.iy excepting ser-o1States itise reqtui-.oseuit te fnrnisisquOtas Of 1 DEFENSES IN 11é FIVE THOUSANo TROOPS PRE- SAMPSON SHELLS FOFP#C&"- PARE TO ATTACK. TIONS 0F SANTIAGO- Regutama Plîcaît on Shore et Puntta 's Cabrera, Whiere Thty Moile Juste- lion vilth teInsurgente Coder Oea. (Iaral-Defae lu Be Asaultaît. Warsige Aideul Tiscua A ititeini frisa Kitugaton, Jama"c, ne- lau-tatI5,1(M)0Uuitýi-iStaies uroope bave lande ue-ar Ponta Cabre-ra, a lihîle te a tise n-est uot Sanstiaugo île Colis,avie-e a a juunctlon aas effetebd avilis (eu. Callito tbsrcias iarasy ni 3,1000 iurgent&. it la adilel that tise landig anas effet-ted namîerv coter of s lire troso Admirai Somponusa ple-b. %With lise Ituops e etseva-rl beavj ulu-ge giso. The normal foof itise Siasantadla5 the Ciby ut Santtiaoe de Cuba is 25,000 1 mets. Ot tht-e ucolj 0900Mare regularw.1 tFiv thtutsaid are volunbtera. 111e oui- .Natinals tiard, and tisete-at are the Spalarda 0f theettyiven arma and preased uintem er-vice.E Admirai Cervers fitet brougist ove? 18,0)00 Mauserrifle. 10 arastite" mmv le-vies. Odier Spouish Iruoota are bIîng burried trorn (lissistanamo. tilguh anad .Manzanlouto re-e-utnree LionnLe's anmy. Tht rc-enforceute nili he liarsaeedbj tihe Cubant.%avisoisole buta mart-il n m Oriente sataastht-y (-sus te ursed i il lis. mitas tuuinsîcît thiit ltthe tUnited Statea tboau-rusa-ut. More Viutttd States eoidlere ai-r -i.ie iuiitýbY. Timnlading la pei-tectby proies-lia)lu!tise gunia ot tue Anua-rivan fiee-t. Arnu Garenuisis Cabans are tise 40M mon undu-r (be. Li-rt-t, recti at-uset nIer it tise Floride. There aren oein u.tstu-rn(nusy, but the,tilea good lhorse traitfrronPunta -abn t-s ismugisa sain lise tuuuntaitia t. a valley, by n-hilt at-ct-a mt-bcgain- c d lu i miattSuan PSblo,i-bat ont--Ile »tise ciiti ,Scubiago, sîsîl sthuýr heigis tata cossnionît tise sorbin torts. Tise Cuisans rihave eecoaspll.lsod nonîlers la tise aayof 1 îbuiling s round ion tue A.uscn artil- lent-. tise Santiago ftlavrt ebuilt vitb cet- 1eresce 1t emiatttk aboue, an tis e SolSte bisaIt commuandl tbem tromtsh-e landalide ta-cme let etireby ungsardei. Thi- gai or Morro a.nt Socapa oaly pount out te at-n. Il t-he Amseias tas onij scias tise- h illeansmi plent batterie.sbistre tisa fort a cou Se modie untesable. Wits tue ficel et tise caes.ime poîsndlng avay fi-ena iheam tht-y vii Dot tant any bt'me. (bea. Linert. seat trooue t0 Punta Calb- i-er& tu oppose tl insg of tise Ameni- cana. but tise fiel shellei tise vonde sud the Spaniaida tell boc-k t. mal. tbeir de- (ease out Of the range of sauupeen'e gnoe. ORIDLEY 15 flUAI. ~77" - Coesi.ander ofai Dees FissmiPeKt 10.tt1e of Moulla Pases, Aay. ~~I'lI,, m ~ CaptaÀu ("brle. V. Gidlmy. a-ho coni- ntai..dd aiirsl ite-ny ls gsi, tht t-raise r lympuia. iii tue bistie af Maniba ba.dit4Saitiîiiay5etluise, Japan. A - ui usitît-mti reiîmnig bis eeati anse reend ut the - N;ay fbit-nu-l rotai uamater l'slisis u W (.it of thi-cruiser IRaleigh., ERlII3IAC.,aho ia on hie ut-o rluenU- nited State. 9ERIIMA. Nr. liait-s tdPteiratn gare no dietal ut -Ps t mole n>te-0t)i,,-l'it-adi-ist.1 iatâui lialet-mnsnM ol unictat tise aubteuueuh tuof hetebittle oft Mîuaia tbey , as fer as tise seStastes ane Dekare.liiiuiMuo-sav )rrnm flm h ie N.rth . koat Soth Da tintisai the ui-isurtmon t'a1ud of bis LII- ti, Olmistas.lisa igr-hurt. Nami oe ane uile-n uin iofilelal diapaîcli fi-u exin. kinom. Idim Trriory a d M iral Den-iy, i-teiel ou Mot-27,. ay- tl>Dstrich r uuitt-bia. ,They are ex - igta h ITI!' umne ptou for tihe neasot thi îtht- t- crcjel suh tuun teOitt. u suth munder a pnîsaier reqisirder î iît5tise mallfor- .000 amnen. Thise- mtinlatratto bas de- ut tiItishe ni-dem toi- t-e organiatlon iitsitioal ciupatnes l ianie the pne- ire-giase-iit1ie, tn t Itelglisaubori- id by the Hulh rrallisotton bmw, sisaJI mi pphy ho ca-air r!i-gzuitatlotts. ALOISR AtIKS FOR $ 33,87114359. par a..d pquîp Volamulera Undoir Preideui'a O9.-.d Cu1t. Tue 8et--i-iarY ot W ar huIl citit tuut- in"D 1-4i a n,»i- 110 foir i Pt mr<t u- m'litit lui i ,S7t.ITl i, -se m -i- uitiil i5 nil eU-1u- t-n thu- îtlliltul-ni ni inaîuimitinno i îtlt au t,1,11ofuttise at l'r-miint.The-o at-tet-Ol itmran -eus ai tuiuia «y r-.<t..... eaotut- - - - - - $14 ttte.isu niualdten.-e uitthetrni...... .4.477 AuTAIN CiAtlEOa.OittLY egii tuupll!î-at "f II, nsaaii.tru boardi- l ui-iof ttsdiiailj nnulu uuî i ni, ta ... t le-îlO i; -ir ymti im i-i.i-îtî, tise tatur in -iluy t ...il-umy - -... strtuga- i iîluh iieul r-tmit-aintg is tothi-rîbex- iimuii .,i fth.i mu-iui - s iiii-m -,i f iih n-tlîmr ilr ofu t uit;. tl mA- îmiîlte- ie-- ..... 2.ffit Il-tngiutg ua u, u- .i-iiii andî i u - ciaI. sert le mît ilt- uiim; St (iSOt al $emiim-,iiili <Ctlle(iii NMat- 2.4tor San a utsSaOluuuit t .,,gtinr It s i, -ui I - lis tmiu.l;Y tutlie sua- Raya (tomea WiVIIIAd pain. luilus' Itiui iij i. itwhui- tanli,- Ve.iiuui casuisin 4(bet-nul Ltusui mut it-aNladrni(j t uîua-,f thuatx - , utm~th ius îeuîTis tu llaviuuithuut, ilou.u-lufui u la bs.- on mIiiiv gt-uiit.il tluital î,tise sou-rat-tatusth ihu- lrugît c adet-a. Oltyumpiailu-i1t lirt-ati attuthte Mi.- n s (.&an I ut- blie t ua gnowng avus liM tua s ftlir etel.cIColut suniai. TIIE BANK COF SPAIN. h. Americane. sn. Tht son le 18 ye-rofe age, the duliscra besag older. Ali ceaide lu Eris, LAS? CÂBLE SEVIIRES. lus. ___ aentb Forces ln Cubîn Waters Art Nçwi ef t Mir Nots. Cumpetalyl islitt. Tampa. Fia., la nov atcure againal hon- Tele-pbaphlc communication betveen tisttacks. Catptain tenera l Rant-o snd tho thori- Tise bowernment bsaexpendeil $1,000.- tie aI Madrid hall beut tîtircly eut off 000 for anmy mules. by te serertin ofthtie iash caible, thon e- Beef is oid aI $250 a pouid lu Manila îireij isoistini lth slais forces ln Cubasuai tefodlproton froas Spain. lucantucis as tise ebbtiag of mîtai otersr n otio n.e ag caisie. lea a -i-meusaune. Il laenI expected pthsI-mrct-eljanlîlrg tbat aay compicatias nibb aine as a ne- cnagse of provision&iat aISn Juan, Paorto suit of thet nork. Tise tîîcitisaIt int. muat iein. Se cot i anlin lise-i-lrae--mite iail vas Tise tli-pe Sponia i 5Iiies avio ttempteît borne in usind by tise commanderansfuthle t bloav tip Fort Taylor nt Kety IWest t.- expedition. enaped to sesin a amul huai. ependa gO0fO.t500 -unfol pitals. Wtyler la representeil os hing aainus Tise (,ovemanseul lias paiîtnoltîîue ta go ta Cuba, and If seutlibe îeclatvs lbe fort)00t0 te t-tno hîtapitul slips, tiseaili invade tise Unitedt States.. Sotace and teRelief. Tise totl heirpenae A -esUmiau b-u ietits nf pt-ut-uit- g andIequippiuug thet lao ves- cavait-j wiicis viilituvude-Cuba nili Se Fi*i.alil nol lue tur troas$1,230.000. Itlelaprovidedtît -li Oling guei.- qaat-d tisaI If an expiedition IR sent lu Tise (overnmeul is accepîcî tise offer Porint tio miotiser ovîit asi ilnl bc ut a batte-i-jby John Jacobu AsIc nifNe-w etalcî. York. Il t ili he equiplued tfoi-mountalu blaj Hoe Eý ed.service. Tise -Louion Mail gmt-s h la qnite posai- Tise Spiaisi steamer Alerante, avich bic the Sisanias ve-setie escsped front San- eptered Ftort de France, the Frenchs lai- blago on Sunday oigisI, tise attnck by tavo Iand of Martinique. in thse haater ni as Spanias torpedo honte on theb ocaîtog I[ambulance sits.la nove Inoavu eyond aqisadron Sbeing uereiy a blid to-cover 1 lqmtl.nte, Se a coual éilp ludlagulse, an" *a sâïend br" mdInmet at e -e Torent f ISsaul> Projctiles PmUI larde Admit Ftalous Dîmage ad Lose-Lanîtîng oft roopi ttnder Fir. Spmsiah, On Sllectd. Tise nena trous Sanstiago, Tut-ails!n-as it a siirring charmu-ber. Tht- obsaird- me n t t f t h ei- f r til it- a ti o n a i o b t he n O u th of tise isrbîtr. n i -shis-gu n n SourdaLY. as resumed Iliouluy mnrnlng ai 7M3 aît contisued isîutil il ocouk. E-Viultntiy tise sitoîln s ibat -ilddtu covcr tise landt- lI , probably tf ainelt s. froîn tise fleet wisu isi-uIt ta-as lii estabiiasdepot, land suppta ndt ait-gi gos. commua- rate n-ibb bue insurge-nis, and plreînre tise asay for tbisi nîvsaîsi t- - o uît. The t tihe-up l'e-r%-crs.aiu iv oild senît as roi-ate a dus1îat là as ituisibl, re-porteil ta lise Sjiitiis <isiu-rîisu-ut tiat six Arnerlean a-t'smu-hs heu tuuibai-ied lise for- tificatsins ansi Satt bro, but tisai thesi da- age nuis ussîi1iu,tiu it. blhu gis h ei- o - c -ded iut uis i-lt ii- ý r- kiliel oeiln itsu - - tu-en n miu miilu-l i ..i àttiuu Itu-itîs M e-reede i, nis i -s W on1eit i i q.ul t-si t I h a t i i m otan-I tt d a m - site tiax ililià-ii-ii îuouîs iîtha icrisan id tlissI bbi-,-- o fii-a tii-t-i. kiltle d a dtigs- lt- n sl ilia-r . upt si -. 1 r obil, i niy la h e enugagemunt-iitibit. xiii îurmîîîa. Adlmirai .,,,iii is thlie ,tià.-r isîsuu, luifuîthtie Naîy I iî-Jî5 tI Iilt tit the frts-tanu-c w wmîu lîl n il lih a u- lu - t t h e.i - suit i i- 1 sd tise daniie t - u 1 - -n iiitlrî 111 sli s --il b j theu Sîuai su- iiisuii. il las.videntt tisent tai-ii li)tatiîLtii5 î,lik u it-(ili ory ada- a g e t . lis . Il- -t, lieIs n u l i iha e l e n thier ouiand i us-ii n-tarn tate tia bn i-na- linii-- tua îl-i- u u n use tiuutus!. tisa t ui -i -r-, 1h1 t Mu-reede s titis lidl! i-iflt-t. î îb tuaI tise Moirn, ito-am s d l'us a ;.rîiniis tt wan re aub - ahatît ialiy leînutiAli-ti. Tise liarn vroasght bj lIse fluet lantuti ber îtenoiaslroted by tht aitàe-is ats u l ain tftise arie., v teS appu-utra to havie uen nsii, ai Agnaîores, a litîbi tu.-h usIt .liithecarauce 0f the hay. The frt.e h-mgsileuceîtandt the Spikiislie.-t tIttli-àl up, il avIlibe posai- iR EA f A D MIRi T W. - T . 5 A MU P 5O i. _ île tut isaîl lte tt--i Ii,-h ami-oh-t-d y on tuî,- au. andîbsusuku a e-liu-, aihiel upi aANIARDB IIYATEN AT MAISLA. Imaurgruls Unîler Aguinldo TaIs Aie-t-s e-e-a-ulfron Manila sisu-setisat lis, i-el-la m reiauluitlly surniuttading risc city. Tht--y aulmi-kel tisu Spaniansi. nt Sunan cwmo île Miilitialun Ms> 1, atui tt1wfugistituii lias Is- n con iMoh Uu mutt. Tise - guu a a riatn h Is eu- îtmmaen Ia l wttii us--,rt-!cui-. Il is sat- eltisait-eia-làlulmi vi .liiiti s-eral mia tha r .- iutt-caiiA t - h t-irI utliii la i i. .iul, ,-, liii .bithei-upt55 sa- i i Nuttms it t- blî..lilub-itt-, int imuul uir- - '1ai-l eu -lu ii ii, i, lier (1r ati-le -iau -ultt. . m - tatrs. -i t1> tI mumi ii- i u-i smi lur 1-- ,;.,-l- ui S ii lu- ll ii t 40tis Mu suiUi. _____ Pircî 1,600 Projetllee Tise Slannilo admuîi tisot thteisomaabrd- mnthnt iSanthuegoMitiday troustute Aner- cao itî-u-t wavai t det-ructili-. About tillt koi j-iit a " s a-e saîl to have lie-en lit--il y he As ,iu--iun a-s ipe, an d il e--cuithtthaebsurî.tuuuusile lire trusEtshie Sîiîîiu tue-c utlyxabuluijs aas carceiy tekt uah ssilbutise Auneri-auus. stiiul,tit Ïa iuficiliy O tuîsidthol tise C i iu ui.t a ndl uuî n t tl S ttes avmll puy ail a-olititeer truîu.pa fori-tii-lie betwven tutu- (l ues ut e-tlimtuil- t ans d m aster. T isa mu-uns a couusi-erauile lo.s 10 tise mca. irona Lprectato Go te Cuba. Tie ryanaitýer tuatbaliiin of Nebraska bas la-eu fetusalit- offert th ie War De- part-mont aiiu u tx1-cted tbchmustered lui ansîcenut Sothisthin len day,. Mn. Itrya n wibche tecomnider of tue negi- ment. Noasoff Minner Ioto. T ie tc igo of s-al ufthtie B riltish stea im er Ruia.lrasel. coplureal off Saniago, vas luiraco de-tunseamare salt'1Obe ver tuuiiiabile ahd tise Ipanisis army et 1W0,. (1su0 atrt- atrolui. T I s e F l t t 3 - i r e l o t a - s i - g i n te t b .s b e u n ordureahto ru-port aI unct 10 (bauMett nan alFruincliO. TheiiSinle bas plael a blil provldlug fuir the.- uutpotîttiuiit of tu-o marrons for i-ci-ryt- vutteen t-,ienuulit 10 meitîtandt aouise-lii-.. Su-tatoi liaii las itlted a'bUl to eenitise nîkltîg 1ivilege teo offcers And tiioe- meutn ofthe srmj andt navy dui- lutt.on-ai-. Tue StucuiarelnaS-an Jan, PortoeRELn, i-et-ttb! uitored t-laitht-y viilborp tise city lut-itre ui--endt-niIto te ebaîcît Tue %Var Iieparunieit iIemded temake Cl)it-amiuiiit Pahrk the- redezvoui tor tsa75.000 trui% spa adcfetonby Preaideut, SIe-Kinîs-ismsecond ilu. - k Ilt wa-a nattonîeed nt Jot-kaooville thbst s asuntîer of me-nouthe Se-coud 1tuloi regirnenit bat been îtobuoxed, noue lkal h.- .tinestaiài Mat. 1 1 - 5l 11 si LAND NEAR SANTI-4001 ci v a irxy nirriTu